
Defines functions makeTargetingTestDb listObservedMutations listMutations analyzeMutations2NucUri mutationTypeOptimized canMutateTo plotTune plotMutability writeTargetingDistance symmetrize calcTargetingDistance makeAverage1merMut makeAverage1merSub makeDegenerate5merMut makeDegenerate5merSub removeCodonGaps rescaleMutability calculateMutability createTargetingModel createTargetingMatrix extendMutabilityMatrix extendSubstitutionMatrix minNumSeqMutationsTune createMutabilityMatrix minNumMutationsTune createSubstitutionMatrix

Documented in calcTargetingDistance calculateMutability createMutabilityMatrix createSubstitutionMatrix createTargetingMatrix createTargetingModel extendMutabilityMatrix extendSubstitutionMatrix makeAverage1merMut makeAverage1merSub makeDegenerate5merMut makeDegenerate5merSub minNumMutationsTune minNumSeqMutationsTune plotMutability plotTune writeTargetingDistance

# Targeting models

#' @include Shazam.R
#' @include Core.R

#### Data ####

#' Uniform 5-mer null targeting model.
#' A null 5-mer model of somatic hypermutation targeting where all substitution, mutability
#' and targeting rates are uniformly distributed.
#' @format   A \link{TargetingModel} object.
#' @seealso  See \link{HH_S5F} and \link{HKL_S5F} for the human 5-mer targeting models; and 
#'           \link{MK_RS5NF} for the mouse 5-mer targeting model.

#' Human heavy chain, silent, 1-mer, functional substitution model.
#' 1-mer substitution model of somatic hypermutation based on analysis of silent mutations
#' in functional heavy chain Ig sequences from Homo sapiens.
#' @format   A 4x4 matrix of nucleotide substitution rates. The rates are normalized,
#'           therefore each row sums up to 1.
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item  Yaari G, et al. Models of somatic hypermutation targeting and substitution based 
#'            on synonymous mutations from high-throughput immunoglobulin sequencing data. 
#'            Front Immunol. 2013 4(November):358.
#' }
#' @seealso  See \link{HKL_S1F} for the human light chain 1-mer substitution model and 
#'           \link{MK_RS1NF} for the mouse light chain 1-mer substitution model.
#' @note     \code{HH_S1F} replaces \code{HS1FDistance} in versions of SHazaM prior to 0.1.5.

#' Human kappa and lambda chain, silent, 1-mer, functional substitution model.
#' 1-mer substitution model of somatic hypermutation based on analysis of silent mutations
#' in functional kappa and lambda light chain Ig sequences from Homo sapiens.
#' @format   A 4x4 matrix of nucleotide substitution rates. The rates are normalized,
#'           therefore each row sums up to 1. 
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item  Cui A, Di Niro R, Vander Heiden J, Briggs A, Adams K, Gilbert T, O'Connor K,
#'   Vigneault F, Shlomchik M and Kleinstein S (2016). A Model of Somatic Hypermutation 
#'   Targeting in Mice Based on High-Throughput Ig Sequencing Data. The Journal of 
#'   Immunology, 197(9), 3566-3574.
#'  }
#' @seealso  See \link{HH_S1F} for the human heavy chain 1-mer substitution model and 
#'           \link{MK_RS1NF} for the mouse light chain 1-mer substitution model.
#' @note     Reported in Table III in Cui et al, 2016.

#' Mouse kappa chain, replacement and silent, 1-mer, non-functional substitution model.
#' 1-mer substitution model of somatic hypermutation based on analysis of replacement and
#' silent mutations in non-functional kappa light chain Ig sequences from NP-immunized Mus
#' musculus.
#' @format   A 4x4 matrix of nucleotide substitution rates. The rates are normalized,
#'           therefore each row sums up to 1. 
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item  Cui A, Di Niro R, Vander Heiden J, Briggs A, Adams K, Gilbert T, O'Connor K,
#'   Vigneault F, Shlomchik M and Kleinstein S (2016). A Model of Somatic Hypermutation 
#'   Targeting in Mice Based on High-Throughput Ig Sequencing Data. The Journal of 
#'   Immunology, 197(9), 3566-3574.
#'  }
#' @seealso  See \link{HH_S1F} for the human heavy chain 1-mer substitution model and 
#'           \link{HKL_S1F} for the human light chain 1-mer substitution model.
#' @note     \code{MK_RS1NF} replaces \code{M1NDistance} from versions of SHazaM prior to 0.1.5.

#' Human heavy chain, silent, 5-mer, functional targeting model.
#' 5-mer model of somatic hypermutation targeting based on analysis of silent mutations
#' in functional heavy chain Ig sequences from Homo sapiens.
#' @format   A \link{TargetingModel} object.
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item  Yaari G, et al. Models of somatic hypermutation targeting and substitution based 
#'            on synonymous mutations from high-throughput immunoglobulin sequencing data. 
#'            Front Immunol. 2013 4(November):358.
#'  }
#' @seealso  See \link{HH_S1F} for the 1-mer substitution matrix from the same 
#'           publication; \link{HKL_S5F} for the human light chain 5-mer targeting model; 
#'           \link{MK_RS5NF} for the mouse 5-mer targeting model; and \link{U5N} for the 
#'           uniform 5-mer null targeting model.

#' Human kappa and lambda light chain, silent, 5-mer, functional targeting model.
#' 5-mer model of somatic hypermutation targeting based on analysis of silent mutations
#' in functional kappa and lambda light chain Ig sequences from Homo sapiens.
#' @format A \link{TargetingModel} object.
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item  Cui A, Di Niro R, Vander Heiden J, Briggs A, Adams K, Gilbert T, O'Connor K,
#'   Vigneault F, Shlomchik M and Kleinstein S (2016). A Model of Somatic Hypermutation 
#'   Targeting in Mice Based on High-Throughput Ig Sequencing Data. The Journal of 
#'   Immunology, 197(9), 3566-3574.
#'  }
#' @seealso  See \link{HH_S5F} for the human heavy chain 5-mer targeting model; 
#'           \link{MK_RS5NF} for the mouse kappa light chain 5-mer targeting model; 
#'           and \link{U5N} for the uniform 5-mer null targeting model.

#' Mouse kappa light chain, replacement and silent, 5-mer, non-functional targeting model.
#' 5-mer model of somatic hypermutation targeting based on analysis of replacement and
#' silent mutations in non-functional kappa light chain Ig sequences from NP-immunized 
#' Mus musculus.
#' @format \link{TargetingModel} object.
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item  Cui A, Di Niro R, Vander Heiden J, Briggs A, Adams K, Gilbert T, O'Connor K,
#'   Vigneault F, Shlomchik M and Kleinstein S (2016). A Model of Somatic Hypermutation 
#'   Targeting in Mice Based on High-Throughput Ig Sequencing Data. The Journal of 
#'   Immunology, 197(9), 3566-3574.
#'  }
#' @seealso  See \link{MK_RS1NF} for the 1-mer substitution matrix from the same
#'           publication; \link{HH_S5F} for the human heavy chain silent 5-mer 
#'           functional targeting model; \link{HKL_S5F} for the human light chain 
#'           silent 5-mer functional targeting model; and \link{U5N} for the 
#'           uniform 5-mer null targeting model.

#### Classes ####

#' S4 class defining a mutability model
#' \code{MutabilityModel} defines a data structure for the 5-mer motif-based SHM targeting
#' mutability model. 
#' @slot    .Data          numeric vector containing 5-mer mutability estimates
#' @slot    source         character vector annotating whether the mutability was
#'                         inferred or directly measured.
#' @slot    numMutS        a number indicating the number of silent mutations used for 
#'                         estimating mutability
#' @slot    numMutR        a number indicating the number of replacement mutations used 
#'                         for estimating mutability  
#' @name         MutabilityModel-class
#' @rdname       MutabilityModel-class
#' @aliases      MutabilityModel
#' @exportClass  MutabilityModel
MutabilityModel <- setClass("MutabilityModel", 

#' S4 class defining a targeting matrix
#' \code{TargetingMatrix} defines a data structure for just the targeting matrix 
#' (as opposed to the entire \code{TargetingModel})
#' @slot    .Data          matrix.
#' @slot    numMutS        number indicating the number of silent mutations used for 
#'                         estimating mutability.
#' @slot    numMutR        number indicating the number of replacement mutations used 
#'                         for estimating mutability. 
#' @name         TargetingMatrix-class
#' @rdname       TargetingMatrix-class
#' @aliases      TargetingMatrix
#' @exportClass  TargetingMatrix
TargetingMatrix <- setClass("TargetingMatrix",

#' S4 class defining a targeting model
#' \code{TargetingModel} defines a common data structure for mutability, substitution and
#' targeting of immunoglobulin (Ig) sequencing data in a 5-mer microsequence context.
#' @slot     name          Name of the model.
#' @slot     description   Description of the model and its source data.
#' @slot     species       Genus and species of the source sequencing data.
#' @slot     date          Date the model was built.
#' @slot     citation      Publication source.
#' @slot     substitution  Normalized rates of the center nucleotide of a given 5-mer 
#'                         mutating to a different nucleotide. The substitution model 
#'                         is stored as a 5x3125 matrix of rates. Rows define
#'                         the mutated nucleotide at the center of each 5-mer, one of 
#'                         \code{c("A", "C", "G", "T", "N")}, and columns define the 
#'                         complete 5-mer of the unmutated nucleotide sequence.
#' @slot     mutability    Normalized rates of a given 5-mer being mutated. The 
#'                         mutability model is stored as a numeric vector of length 3125 
#'                         with mutability rates for each 5-mer. Note that "normalized" 
#'                         means that the mutability rates for the 1024 5-mers that 
#'                         contain no "N" at any position sums up to 1 (as opposed to 
#'                         the entire vector summing up to 1).
#' @slot     targeting     Rate matrix of a given mutation ocurring, defined as 
#'                         \eqn{mutability * substitution}. The targeting model 
#'                         is stored as a 5x3125 matrix. Rows define
#'                         the mutated nucleotide at the center of each 5-mer, one of 
#'                         \code{c("A", "C", "G", "T", "N")}, and columns define the complete 5-mer 
#'                         of the unmutated nucleotide sequence.
#' @slot    numMutS        number indicating the number of silent mutations used for 
#'                         estimating mutability.
#' @slot    numMutR        number indicating the number of replacement mutations used 
#'                         for estimating mutability.
#' @seealso  See \link{createTargetingModel} building models from sequencing data.
#' @name         TargetingModel-class
#' @rdname       TargetingModel-class
#' @aliases      TargetingModel
#' @exportClass  TargetingModel
                        substitution=matrix(0, 5, 3125),
                        targeting=matrix(0, 5, 3125),

#### Methods ####

#' @param    x    \code{MutabilityModel} object.
#' @rdname   MutabilityModel-class
#' @aliases  MutabilityModel-method
#' @export
setMethod("print", c(x="MutabilityModel"),
          function(x) { vec <- x@.Data; names(vec) <- names(x); print(vec) })

#' @param    x    \code{MutabilityModel} object.
#' @rdname   MutabilityModel-class
#' @aliases  MutabilityModel-method
#' @export
setMethod("as.data.frame", c(x="MutabilityModel"),
          function(x) { data.frame(motif=names(x), mutability=x, source=x@source[names(x)]) })

#' @param    x    \code{TargetingModel} object.
#' @param    y    ignored.
#' @param    ...  arguments to pass to \link{plotMutability}.
#' @rdname   TargetingModel-class
#' @aliases  TargetingModel-method
#' @export
setMethod("plot", c(x="TargetingModel", y="missing"),
          function(x, y, ...) { plotMutability(x, ...) })

#### Model building functions #####

#' Builds a substitution model
#' \code{createSubstitutionMatrix} builds a 5-mer nucleotide substitution model by counting 
#' the number of substitution mutations occuring in the center position for all 5-mer 
#' motifs.
#' @param    db                data.frame containing sequence data.
#' @param    model             type of model to create. The default model, "s", 
#'                             builds a model by counting only silent mutations. \code{model="s"}
#'                             should be used for data that includes functional sequences.
#'                             Setting \code{model="rs"} creates a model by counting both 
#'                             replacement and silent mutations and may be used on fully 
#'                             non-functional sequence data sets.
#' @param    sequenceColumn    name of the column containing IMGT-gapped sample sequences.
#' @param    germlineColumn    name of the column containing IMGT-gapped germline sequences.
#' @param    vCallColumn       name of the column containing the V-segment allele call.
#' @param    multipleMutation  string specifying how to handle multiple mutations occuring 
#'                             within the same 5-mer. If \code{"independent"} then multiple 
#'                             mutations within the same 5-mer are counted indepedently. 
#'                             If \code{"ignore"} then 5-mers with multiple mutations are 
#'                             excluded from the total mutation tally.
#' @param    returnModel       string specifying what type of model to return; one of
#'                             \code{c("5mer", "1mer", "1mer_raw")}. If \code{"5mer"} 
#'                             (the default) then a 5-mer nucleotide context model is 
#'                             returned. If \code{"1mer"} or \code{"1mer_raw"} then a single 
#'                             nucleotide substitution matrix (no context) is returned;
#'                             where \code{"1mer_raw"} is the unnormalized version of the 
#'                             \code{"1mer"} model. Note, neither 1-mer model may be used
#'                             as input to \link{createMutabilityMatrix}.
#' @param    minNumMutations   minimum number of mutations required to compute the 5-mer 
#'                             substitution rates. If the number of mutations for a 5-mer
#'                             is below this threshold, its substitution rates will be 
#'                             estimated from neighboring 5-mers. Default is 50. 
#'                             Not required if \code{numMutationsOnly=TRUE}. 
#' @param    numMutationsOnly  when \code{TRUE}, return counting information on the number
#'                             of mutations for each 5-mer, instead of building a substitution
#'                             matrix. This option can be used for parameter tuning for 
#'                             \code{minNumMutations} during preliminary analysis. 
#'                             Default is \code{FALSE}. Only applies when \code{returnModel} 
#'                             is set to \code{"5mer"}. The \code{data.frame} returned when
#'                             this argument is \code{TRUE} can serve as the input for
#'                             \link{minNumMutationsTune}.                                                       
#' @return   For \code{returnModel = "5mer"}: 
#'           When \code{numMutationsOnly} is \code{FALSE}, a 4x1024 matrix of column 
#'           normalized substitution rates for each 5-mer motif with row names defining 
#'           the center nucleotide, one of \code{c("A", "C", "G", "T")}, and column names 
#'           defining the 5-mer nucleotide sequence. 
#'           When \code{numMutationsOnly} is 
#'           \code{TRUE}, a 1024x4 data frame with each row providing information on 
#'           counting the number of mutations for a 5-mer. Columns are named 
#'           \code{fivemer.total}, \code{fivemer.every}, \code{inner3.total}, and
#'           \code{inner3.every}, corresponding to, respectively,
#'           the total number of mutations when counted as a 5-mer, 
#'           whether there is mutation to every other base when counted as a 5-mer,
#'           the total number of mutations when counted as an inner 3-mer, and
#'           whether there is mutation to every other base when counted as an inner 3-mer.
#'           For \code{returnModel = "1mer"} or \code{"1mer_raw"}:
#'           a 4x4 normalized or un-normalized 1-mer substitution matrix respectively.
#' @details  \strong{Caution: The targeting model functions do NOT support ambiguous 
#'           characters in their inputs. You MUST make sure that your input and germline
#'           sequences do NOT contain ambiguous characters (especially if they are
#'           clonal consensuses returned from \code{collapseClones}).}
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item  Yaari G, et al. Models of somatic hypermutation targeting and substitution based 
#'            on synonymous mutations from high-throughput immunoglobulin sequencing data. 
#'            Front Immunol. 2013 4(November):358.
#'  }
#' @seealso  \link{extendSubstitutionMatrix}, \link{createMutabilityMatrix}, 
#'           \link{createTargetingMatrix}, \link{createTargetingModel},
#'           \link{minNumMutationsTune}.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Subset example data to one isotype and sample as a demo
#' data(ExampleDb, package="alakazam")
#' db <- subset(ExampleDb, c_call == "IGHA" & sample_id == "-1h")[1:25,]
#' # Count the number of mutations per 5-mer
#' subCount <- createSubstitutionMatrix(db, sequenceColumn="sequence_alignment",
#'                                      germlineColumn="germline_alignment_d_mask",
#'                                      vCallColumn="v_call",
#'                                      model="s", multipleMutation="independent",
#'                                      returnModel="5mer", numMutationsOnly=TRUE)
#' # Create model using only silent mutations
#' sub <- createSubstitutionMatrix(db, sequenceColumn="sequence_alignment",
#'                                 germlineColumn="germline_alignment_d_mask",
#'                                 vCallColumn="v_call",
#'                                 model="s", multipleMutation="independent",
#'                                 returnModel="5mer", numMutationsOnly=FALSE,
#'                                 minNumMutations=20)
#' }
#' @export
createSubstitutionMatrix <- function(db, model=c("s", "rs"), 
                                     multipleMutation=c("independent", "ignore"),
                                     returnModel=c("5mer", "1mer", "1mer_raw"),
                                     numMutationsOnly=FALSE)  {
    # Evaluate argument choices
    model <- match.arg(model)
    multipleMutation <- match.arg(multipleMutation)
    returnModel <- match.arg(returnModel)
    # Check for valid columns
    check <- checkColumns(db, c(sequenceColumn, germlineColumn, vCallColumn))
    if (check != TRUE) { stop(check) }
    # Convert sequence columns to uppercase
    db <- toupperColumns(db, c(sequenceColumn, germlineColumn))
    # Check validity of input sequences 
    bool_obsv <- checkAmbiguousExist(db[[sequenceColumn]])
    bool_germ <- checkAmbiguousExist(db[[germlineColumn]])
    if (any(bool_obsv | bool_germ)) {
        stop("Ambiguous characters are not supported in input sequences.")
    # Setup
    nuc_chars <- NUCLEOTIDES[1:4]
    nuc_words <- seqinr::words(4, nuc_chars)
    # Define v_families (heavy or light chain) to only those found in the data
    v_families <- getFamily(db[[vCallColumn]])
    # Define empty return list of lists
    substitutionMatrix <- matrix(0, ncol=4, nrow=4, dimnames=list(nuc_chars, nuc_chars))
    substitutionList <- list()    
    for(v_fam in unique(v_families)) {
        substitutionList[[v_fam]] <- list()
        for(word in nuc_words){
            substitutionList[[v_fam]][[word]] <- substitutionMatrix
    # Remove IMGT gaps in the germline & input sequences
    matInputCollapsed <- removeCodonGaps(db[, c(sequenceColumn, germlineColumn)])
    # TODO: Unnecessary conversion
    db[[sequenceColumn]] <- matInputCollapsed[, 1]
    db[[germlineColumn]] <- matInputCollapsed[, 2]
    # Get mutations
    mutations <- listObservedMutations(db, sequenceColumn=sequenceColumn, 
    if (model == "s") { # Silent model
        for(index in 1:length(mutations)) {
            cSeq <-  s2c(db[[sequenceColumn]][index])
            cGL  <-  s2c(db[[germlineColumn]][index])
            indexMutation <- mutations[[index]]
            v_fam <- v_families[index]
            positions <- as.numeric(names(indexMutation))
            positions <- positions[positions<=VLENGTH]
            positions <- positions[!is.na(positions)]
            for( position in  positions){
                wrd <-  c2s(c(cGL[(position-2):(position-1)],cGL[(position+1):(position+2)]))
                codonNucs <- getCodonPos(position)
                codonGL <- cGL[codonNucs]
                codonSeq <- cSeq[codonNucs]
                muCodonPos <- {position-1}%%3+1
                seqAtMutation <- codonSeq[muCodonPos]
                glAtMutation <- codonGL[muCodonPos]
                if (!any(codonGL=="N") & !any(codonSeq=="N")) {
                    codonPermutate <- matrix(rep(codonGL,3),ncol=3,byrow=T)
                    codonPermutate[,muCodonPos] <- canMutateTo(glAtMutation)[-4]
                    codonPermutate <- apply(codonPermutate,1,paste,collapse="")
                    codonPermutate <- matrix( c( codonPermutate, rep(c2s(codonGL),3) ), ncol=2, byrow=F)
                    # not intended to be used where input sequences have 
                    # ambiguous characters; it assumes that only 1 entry (r/s/stop/na) from
                    # mutationType is non-zero/1
                    muType <- mutationTypeOptimized(codonPermutate)
                    if (!length(grep("N",wrd))) {
                        if (sum(muType=="s") == length(muType) ){
                            substitutionList[[v_fam]][[wrd]][glAtMutation,seqAtMutation] <- (substitutionList[[v_fam]][[wrd]][glAtMutation,seqAtMutation] + 1)
    } else if (model == "rs") { # RS model (All mutations)
        for (index in 1:length(mutations)) {
            cSeq <-  s2c(db[[sequenceColumn]][index])
            cGL  <-  s2c(db[[germlineColumn]][index])
            indexMutation <- mutations[[index]]
            v_fam <- v_families[index]
            positions <- as.numeric(names(indexMutation))
            positions <- positions[positions<=VLENGTH]
            positions <- positions[!is.na(positions)]
            for( position in  positions){
                wrd <-  c2s(c(cGL[(position-2):(position-1)],cGL[(position+1):(position+2)]))
                codonNucs <- getCodonPos(position)
                codonGL <- cGL[codonNucs]
                codonSeq <- cSeq[codonNucs]
                muCodonPos <- {position-1}%%3+1
                seqAtMutation <- codonSeq[muCodonPos]
                glAtMutation <- codonGL[muCodonPos]
                if( !any(codonGL=="N") & !any(codonSeq=="N") ){
                        substitutionList[[v_fam]][[wrd]][glAtMutation,seqAtMutation] <- substitutionList[[v_fam]][[wrd]][glAtMutation, seqAtMutation] + 1
    # Convert substitutionList to listSubstitution to facilitate the aggregation of mutations
    arrNames <- c(outer(unique(v_families), nuc_words, paste, sep = "_"))
    listSubstitution <- array(0, dim=c(length(arrNames), 4, 4), 
                              dimnames=list(arrNames, nuc_chars, nuc_chars))
    for(v_fam in unique(v_families)){
        listSubstitution[paste(v_fam, nuc_words, sep="_"), , ] <- t(sapply(nuc_words, 
                                                                           function(word) { substitutionList[[v_fam]][[word]] }))
    # Aggregate mutations from all V families
    M <- list()
    subMat1mer <- matrix(0, 4, 4) # a single substitution matrix for all fivemers
    listSubNames <- sapply(dimnames(listSubstitution)[[1]], 
                           function(x) { strsplit(x, "_", fixed=TRUE)[[1]] })
    .sumSub <- function(i, n) {
        x <- listSubstitution[listSubNames[2, ] == n, i, ]
        if(is.null(dim(x))) {
            return (x)
        } else {
            return (colSums(x))
    for (nuc_word in nuc_words) {
        # Sums mutations from all families
        M[[nuc_word]] <- t(sapply(1:4, .sumSub, n=nuc_word))
        rownames(M[[nuc_word]]) <- nuc_chars
        subMat1mer <- subMat1mer + M[[nuc_word]]
    # Return 1-mer substitution model; this output cannot be used for createMutabilityMatrix
    if (returnModel == "1mer") {
        subMat1merNorm <- t(apply(subMat1mer, 1, function(x){x/sum(x)}))
        return (subMat1merNorm)
    } else if (returnModel == "1mer_raw") {
        return (subMat1mer)
    ##### for a given 5mer, count number of mutations
    # fivemer=M; FIVEMER="CCATT"
    .simplifivemer <- function(fivemer, FIVEMER, Thresh=50, count=F) {
      # center
      # neighbors
      ### using 5mer
      # aggregate mutations
      FIVE.5 <- fivemer[[Nei]][Nuc,]
      # count total number of mutations for a given 5mer
      fivemer.total <- sum(FIVE.5)
      # are there mutations to every other base?
      fivemer.every <- ( sum(FIVE.5==0)==1 )
      ### using inner 3mer
      # aggregate mutations from 5-mers with the same inner 3-mer
      FIVE.3 <- FIVE.5
      for(i in 1:4){
        for(j in 1:4){
      # count total number of mutations for inner 3mer
      inner3.total <- sum(FIVE.3)
      # are there mutations to every other base?
      inner3.every <- ( sum(FIVE.3==0)==1 )
      ### using 1mer
      FIVE.1 <- FIVE.5
      MutatedNeighbors <- seqinr::words(4, nuc_chars)
      for (MutatedNeighbor in MutatedNeighbors) {
      if (!count) {
        # For a 5mer, if the total number of mutations is greater than Thresh, 
        # and if there are mutations to every other base, compute for the 5mer 
        if ( fivemer.total > Thresh & fivemer.every ){
        } else if ( inner3.total > Thresh & inner3.every ) { 
        # Otherwise aggregate mutations from 5-mers with the same inner 3-mer
        } else {
        # If the total number of mutations is still not enough, 
        # aggregate mutations from all 5-mers (i.e., use 1-mer model)
      return(data.frame(fivemer.total, fivemer.every,
                        inner3.total, inner3.every, 
    # either construct 5mer substition matrix, and normalize (numMutationsOnly = F)
    if (!numMutationsOnly) {
      substitutionModel <- sapply(seqinr::words(5, nuc_chars), 
                                  function(x) { .simplifivemer(M, x, 
                                                               Thresh = minNumMutations,
                                                               count = numMutationsOnly) }, simplify=T)
      # Assign A->A, C->C, G->G, T->T to NA
      center_nuc <- gsub("..([ACGT])..", "\\1", colnames(substitutionModel))
      for (i in 1:length(center_nuc)) {
        substitutionModel[center_nuc[i], i] <- NA
      # Normalize by column
      substitutionModel <- apply(substitutionModel, 2, function(x) { x / sum(x, na.rm=TRUE) })
      substitutionModel[!is.finite(substitutionModel)] <- NA    
    } else {
      # or count number of mutations (numMutationsOnly = T), return data frame
      # need to set simplify to F in sapply() and then use bind_rows; otherwise 
      # every entry in df would be a list
      substitutionModel <- sapply(seqinr::words(5, nuc_chars), 
                                  function(x) { .simplifivemer(M, x, 
                                                               Thresh = minNumMutations,
                                                               count = numMutationsOnly) }, simplify=F)
      substitutionModel <- dplyr::bind_rows(substitutionModel)
      rownames(substitutionModel) <- seqinr::words(5, nuc_chars)

#' Parameter tuning for minNumMutations
#' \code{minNumMutationsTune} helps with picking a threshold value for \code{minNumMutations}
#' in \link{createSubstitutionMatrix} by tabulating the number of 5-mers for which 
#' substitution rates would be computed directly or inferred at various threshold values.
#' @param subCount                 \code{data.frame} returned by \link{createSubstitutionMatrix}
#'                                 with \code{numMutationsOnly=TRUE}.
#' @param minNumMutationsRange     a number or a vector indicating the value or range of values
#'                                 of \code{minNumMutations} to try.
#' @return      A 3xn \code{matrix}, where n is the number of trial values of \code{minNumMutations}
#'              supplied in \code{minNumMutationsRange}. Each column corresponds to a value
#'              in \code{minNumMutationsRange}. The rows correspond to the number of 5-mers
#'              for which substitution rates would be computed directly using the 5-mer itself 
#'              (\code{"5mer"}), using its inner 3-mer (\code{"3mer"}), and using the central 
#'              1-mer (\code{"1mer"}), respectively.
#' @details     At a given threshold value of \code{minNumMutations}, for a given 5-mer,
#'              if the total number of mutations is greater than the threshold and there
#'              are mutations to every other base, substitution rates are computed directly
#'              for the 5-mer using its mutations. Otherwise, mutations from 5-mers with 
#'              the same inner 3-mer as the 5-mer of interest are aggregated. If the number 
#'              of such mutations is greater than the threshold and there are mutations to 
#'              every other base, these mutations are used for inferring the substitution 
#'              rates for the 5-mer of interest; if not, mutations from all 5-mers with the 
#'              same center nucleotide are aggregated and used for inferring the substitution
#'              rates for the 5-mer of interest (i.e. the 1-mer model).
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item  Yaari G, et al. Models of somatic hypermutation targeting and substitution based 
#'            on synonymous mutations from high-throughput immunoglobulin sequencing data. 
#'            Front Immunol. 2013 4(November):358.
#'  }
#' @seealso     See argument \code{numMutationsOnly} in \link{createSubstitutionMatrix} 
#'              for generating the required input \code{data.frame} \code{subCount}. 
#'              See argument \code{minNumMutations} in \link{createSubstitutionMatrix}
#'              for what it does.  
#' @examples
#' # Subset example data to one isotype and sample as a demo
#' data(ExampleDb, package="alakazam")
#' db <- subset(ExampleDb, c_call == "IGHA" & sample_id == "-1h")
#' # Count the number of mutations per 5-mer
#' subCount <- createSubstitutionMatrix(db, sequenceColumn="sequence_alignment",
#'                                      germlineColumn="germline_alignment_d_mask",
#'                                      vCallColumn="v_call",
#'                                      model="s", multipleMutation="independent",
#'                                      returnModel="5mer", numMutationsOnly=TRUE)
#' # Tune minNumMutations
#' minNumMutationsTune(subCount, seq(from=10, to=80, by=10))
#' @export
minNumMutationsTune <- function(subCount, minNumMutationsRange) {
  stopifnot( nrow(subCount)==1024 & ncol(subCount)==4 )

  tuneMtx <- sapply(minNumMutationsRange, 
                     function(thresh) {
                       method.count <- c(# as 5mer
                                        sum( subCount$fivemer.total > thresh & 
                                             subCount$fivemer.every ),
                                        # as inner 3mer
                                        sum( !(subCount$fivemer.total > thresh & 
                                               subCount$fivemer.every) &
                                             (subCount$inner3.total > thresh & 
                                              subCount$inner3.every) ),
                                        # as 1mer
                                        sum( !(subCount$fivemer.total > thresh & 
                                               subCount$fivemer.every) & 
                                             !(subCount$inner3.total > thresh & 
                                               subCount$inner3.every) )
                       names(method.count) <- c("5mer", "3mer", "1mer")
                       stopifnot( sum(method.count)==1024 )
  colnames(tuneMtx) <- minNumMutationsRange

#' Builds a mutability model
#' \code{createMutabilityMatrix} builds a 5-mer nucleotide mutability model by counting 
#' the number of mutations occuring in the center position for all 5-mer motifs.
#' @param    db                  data.frame containing sequence data.
#' @param    substitutionModel   matrix of 5-mer substitution rates built by 
#'                               \link{createSubstitutionMatrix}. Note, this model will
#'                               only impact mutability scores when \code{model="s"}
#'                               (using only silent mutations).
#' @param    model               type of model to create. The default model, "s", 
#'                               builds a model by counting only silent mutations. \code{model="s"}
#'                               should be used for data that includes functional sequences.
#'                               Setting \code{model="rs"} creates a model by counting both 
#'                               replacement and silent mutations and may be used on fully 
#'                               non-functional sequence data sets.
#' @param    sequenceColumn      name of the column containing IMGT-gapped sample sequences.
#' @param    germlineColumn      name of the column containing IMGT-gapped germline sequences.
#' @param    vCallColumn         name of the column containing the V-segment allele call.
#' @param    multipleMutation    string specifying how to handle multiple mutations occuring 
#'                               within the same 5-mer. If \code{"independent"} then multiple 
#'                               mutations within the same 5-mer are counted indepedently. 
#'                               If \code{"ignore"} then 5-mers with multiple mutations are 
#'                               excluded from the total mutation tally.
#' @param    minNumSeqMutations  minimum number of mutations in sequences containing each 5-mer
#'                               to compute the mutability rates. If the number is smaller 
#'                               than this threshold, the mutability for the 5-mer will be 
#'                               inferred. Default is 500. Not required if 
#'                               \code{numSeqMutationsOnly=TRUE}.   
#' @param    numSeqMutationsOnly when \code{TRUE}, return only a vector counting the number of 
#'                               observed mutations in sequences containing each 5-mer. This 
#'                               option can be used for parameter tuning for \code{minNumSeqMutations} 
#'                               during preliminary analysis using \link{minNumSeqMutationsTune}. 
#'                               Default is \code{FALSE}.                              
#' @return   When \code{numSeqMutationsOnly} is \code{FALSE}, a \code{MutabilityModel} containing a
#'           named numeric vector of 1024 normalized mutability rates for each 5-mer motif with names 
#'           defining the 5-mer nucleotide sequence.
#'           When \code{numSeqMutationsOnly} is \code{TRUE}, a named numeric
#'           vector of length 1024 counting the number of observed mutations in sequences containing 
#'           each 5-mer.
#' @details  \strong{Caution: The targeting model functions do NOT support ambiguous 
#'           characters in their inputs. You MUST make sure that your input and germline
#'           sequences do NOT contain ambiguous characters (especially if they are 
#'           clonal consensuses returned from \code{collapseClones}).}
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item  Yaari G, et al. Models of somatic hypermutation targeting and substitution based
#'            on synonymous mutations from high-throughput immunoglobulin sequencing data. 
#'            Front Immunol. 2013 4(November):358.
#'  }
#' @seealso  \link{MutabilityModel}, \link{extendMutabilityMatrix}, \link{createSubstitutionMatrix}, 
#'           \link{createTargetingMatrix}, \link{createTargetingModel},
#'           \link{minNumSeqMutationsTune}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Subset example data to 50 sequences of one isotype and sample as a demo
#' data(ExampleDb, package="alakazam")
#' db <- subset(ExampleDb, c_call == "IGHA" & sample_id == "-1h")[1:50,]
#' # Create model using only silent mutations
#' sub_model <- createSubstitutionMatrix(db, sequenceColumn="sequence_alignment",
#'                                       germlineColumn="germline_alignment_d_mask",
#'                                       vCallColumn="v_call",model="s")
#' mut_model <- createMutabilityMatrix(db, sub_model, model="s", 
#'                                     sequenceColumn="sequence_alignment",
#'                                     germlineColumn="germline_alignment_d_mask",
#'                                     vCallColumn="v_call",
#'                                     minNumSeqMutations=200,
#'                                     numSeqMutationsOnly=FALSE)
#' # View top 5 mutability estimates
#' head(sort(mut_model, decreasing=TRUE), 5)
#' # View the number of S mutations used for estimating mutabilities
#' mut_model@numMutS
#' # Count the number of mutations in sequences containing each 5-mer
#' mut_count <- createMutabilityMatrix(db, sub_model, model="s", 
#'                                     sequenceColumn="sequence_alignment",
#'                                     germlineColumn="germline_alignment_d_mask",
#'                                     vCallColumn="v_call",
#'                                     numSeqMutationsOnly=TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
createMutabilityMatrix <- function(db, substitutionModel, model=c("s", "rs"),
                                   multipleMutation=c("independent", "ignore"),
                                   numSeqMutationsOnly=FALSE) {
    # substitutionModel=sub_model; model="s"; sequenceColumn="sequence_alignment"; germlineColumn="germline_alignment_d_mask"
    # vCallColumn="v_call"; multipleMutation="ignore"; minNumSeqMutations=10
    # Evaluate argument choices
    model <- match.arg(model)
    multipleMutation <- match.arg(multipleMutation)
    # Check for valid columns
    check <- checkColumns(db, c(sequenceColumn, germlineColumn, vCallColumn))
    if (check != TRUE) { stop(check) }
    # Convert sequence columns to uppercase
    db <- toupperColumns(db, c(sequenceColumn, germlineColumn))
    # Check validity of input sequences 
    bool_obsv <- checkAmbiguousExist(db[[sequenceColumn]])
    bool_germ <- checkAmbiguousExist(db[[germlineColumn]])
    if (any(bool_obsv | bool_germ)) {
        stop("Ambiguous characters are not supported in input sequences.")
    # Check that the substitution model is valid
    if (any(dim(substitutionModel) != c(4, 1024))) {
        stop ("Please supply a valid 5-mer substitutionModel.")

    # Set constants for function
    nuc_chars <- NUCLEOTIDES[1:4]
    # Remove IMGT gaps in the germline & input sequences
    matInputCollapsed <- removeCodonGaps(db[, c(sequenceColumn, germlineColumn)])
    # TODO: Unnecessary conversion
    db[[sequenceColumn]] <- matInputCollapsed[, 1]
    db[[germlineColumn]] <- matInputCollapsed[, 2]
    # Count mutations
    # TODO: this could be listMutations() instead, and skip the conversion from matInputCollapsed back to a data.frame
    mutations <- listObservedMutations(db, sequenceColumn=sequenceColumn, 
    # Foreground Count: Count the number of observed mutations for each 5-mer
    template <- rep(0, 1024)
    names(template) <- seqinr::words(5, nuc_chars)
    COUNT <- list()
    for(index in 1:length(mutations)){
        COUNT[[index]] <- template
        indexMutation <- mutations[[index]]
            cSeq <-  s2c(db[[sequenceColumn]][index])
            cGL  <-  s2c(db[[germlineColumn]][index])
            positions <- as.numeric(names(indexMutation))
            positions <- positions[positions <= VLENGTH]
            positions <- positions[!is.na(positions)]
            for (position in  positions){
                wrd5 <- substr(db[[germlineColumn]][index], position - 2, position + 2)
                if(!grepl("[^ACGT]", wrd5) & nchar(wrd5) == 5){
                    codonNucs <- getCodonPos(position)
                    codonGL <- cGL[codonNucs]
                    codonSeq <- cSeq[codonNucs]
                    muCodonPos <- {position - 1} %% 3 + 1
                    #seqAtMutation <- codonSeq[muCodonPos]
                    glAtMutation <- codonGL[muCodonPos]
                    if (!any(codonGL %in% c("N", "-", ".")) & !any(codonSeq %in% c("N", "-", "."))) {
                        if (!length(grep("N", wrd5))) {
                            COUNT[[index]][wrd5]<- COUNT[[index]][wrd5] + 1;

    # Define sum of rates for nucleotide sets from substitution model
    # Two character sets
    wrd2Index <- combn(1:4, 2)
    wrd2Sums <- t(apply(wrd2Index, 2, function(x) colSums(substitutionModel[x, ], na.rm=TRUE)))
    rownames(wrd2Sums) <- apply(wrd2Index, 2, function(x) paste(nuc_chars[x], collapse=""))
    # Three character sets
    wrd3Index <- combn(1:4, 3)
    wrd3Sums <- t(apply(wrd3Index, 2, function(x) colSums(substitutionModel[x, ], na.rm=TRUE)))
    rownames(wrd3Sums) <- apply(wrd3Index, 2, function(x) paste(nuc_chars[x], collapse=""))
    # Merge single character, two character and three character sets
    substitutionSums <- rbind(substitutionModel, wrd2Sums, wrd3Sums)
    # Replace dots with Ns
    sSeqVec <- gsub("\\.", "N", db[[sequenceColumn]])
    sGermVec <- gsub("\\.", "N", db[[germlineColumn]])
    # Define template for 5-mer sums by position
    countTemplate <- matrix(0, VLENGTH, 1024, dimnames=list(1:VLENGTH, names(template)))
    # Background Count: Count the number of occurrences of each 5-mer
    BG_COUNT <- list()
    for (index in 1:length(mutations)) {
        tmpCounts <- countTemplate
        sGL <- sGermVec[index]
        cSeq <-  s2c(sSeqVec[index])
        cGL  <-  s2c(sGL)[1:VLENGTH]
        positions <- 3:(length(cGL) - 2)
        for (pos in  positions) {
            wrd5 <- substr(sGL, pos - 2, pos + 2)
            if (!grepl("[^ACGT]", wrd5) & nchar(wrd5) == 5) {
                codonNucs <- getCodonPos(pos)
                codonGL <- cGL[codonNucs]
                codonSeq <- cSeq[codonNucs]
                muCodonPos <- (pos - 1) %% 3 + 1
                glAtMutation <- codonGL[muCodonPos]
                if (!any(codonGL %in% c("N", "-")) & !any(codonSeq %in% c("N", "-"))) {
                    # Determine mutation types for NUCLEOTIDES[1:4]
                    muType <- CODON_TABLE[1:4 + 4*(muCodonPos - 1), stri_flatten(codonGL)]

                    # Set characters that meet mutation criteria
                    if (model == "s") {
                        muChars <- nuc_chars[1:4][nuc_chars[1:4] != glAtMutation & muType == "s"]
                    } else { 
                        muChars <- nuc_chars[1:4][nuc_chars[1:4] != glAtMutation]

                    # Update counts
                    if (length(muChars) > 0) {
                        #cat(stri_flatten(muChars), substitutionSums[stri_flatten(muChars), wrd5], "\n")
                        tmpCounts[pos, wrd5] <- substitutionSums[stri_flatten(muChars), wrd5]
        BG_COUNT[[index]] <- colSums(tmpCounts)
        BG_COUNT[[index]][BG_COUNT[[index]] == 0] <- NA
    Mutability <- list()
    for(i in 1:length(mutations)) {
        mut_mat <- COUNT[[i]] / BG_COUNT[[i]]
        mut_mat <- mut_mat / sum(mut_mat, na.rm=TRUE)
        mut_mat[!is.finite(mut_mat)] <- NA
        wgt_mat <- length(mutations[[i]])
        Mutability[[i]] <- list(mut_mat, wgt_mat)
    # total counts of mutations
    # each list item is the total S and R mutation counts in a seq
    mutationsTotalLst <- lapply(mutations, function(m){ 
        return( c(S=sum(m=="s", na.rm=T), R=sum(m=="r", na.rm=T)) ) 
    # total S and R mutation counts across seqs
    mutationsTotalRS <- Reduce("+", mutationsTotalLst)
    # Aggregate mutability
    MutabilityMatrix <- sapply(Mutability, function(x) x[[1]])
    MutabilityWeights <- sapply(Mutability, function(x) x[[2]])
    Mutability_Mean <- apply(MutabilityMatrix, 1, weighted.mean, w=MutabilityWeights, na.rm=TRUE)
    Mutability_Mean[!is.finite(Mutability_Mean)] <- NA
    Mutability_Mean[Mutability_Mean == 0] <- NA
    # Filter out 5-mers with low number of observed mutations in the sequences
    NumSeqMutations <- sapply(1:1024,function(i)sum(MutabilityWeights[!is.na(MutabilityMatrix[i,])])) 
    names(NumSeqMutations) <- names(Mutability_Mean)
    if (numSeqMutationsOnly) {return(NumSeqMutations)}
    Mutability_Mean[NumSeqMutations <= minNumSeqMutations] <- NA
    # Infer mutability for missing 5-mers
    .fillHot <-function(FIVEMER,mutability){
        # For A/T, infer mutability using the 3-mer model. 
            for(i in 1:3){
                for(j in 1:3){
        # For G, infer using 5-mers with the same downstream nucleotides 
            for(i in 1:3){
                for(j in 1:3){
        # For C, infer using 5-mers with the same upstream nucleotides 
            for(i in 1:3){
                for(j in 1:3){
    Mutability_Mean_Complete <-sapply(words(5, nuc_chars), .fillHot, mutability = Mutability_Mean)
    for(i in names(which(is.na(Mutability_Mean_Complete)))){
        Mutability_Mean_Complete[i]<- .fillHot(i,mutability=Mutability_Mean_Complete)
    for(i in names(which((Mutability_Mean_Complete)<1e-6))){
        Mutability_Mean_Complete[i]<- .fillHot(i,mutability=Mutability_Mean_Complete)
    # If the neighboring 5-mers still don't have enough mutations, use 0 instead. 
    if (length(is.na(Mutability_Mean_Complete)) > 0) {
        warning("Insufficient number of mutations to infer some 5-mers. Filled with 0. ")
        Mutability_Mean_Complete[is.na(Mutability_Mean_Complete)] <- 0 
    # Normalize
    Mutability_Mean_Complete <- Mutability_Mean_Complete / sum(Mutability_Mean_Complete, na.rm=TRUE)

    # Define whether the 5-mer mutability is measured or inferred
    mut_names <- names(Mutability_Mean_Complete)
    mut_source <- setNames(rep("Measured", length(mut_names)), mut_names)
    mut_source[mut_names %in% names(which(is.na(Mutability_Mean)))] <- "Inferred"
    # Return MutabilityModel
    mut_model <- MutabilityModel(Mutability_Mean_Complete,

#' Parameter tuning for minNumSeqMutations
#' \code{minNumSeqMutationsTune} helps with picking a threshold value for \code{minNumSeqMutations}
#' in \link{createMutabilityMatrix} by tabulating the number of 5-mers for which 
#' mutability would be computed directly or inferred at various threshold values.
#' @param mutCount                  a \code{vector} of length 1024 returned by 
#'                                  \link{createMutabilityMatrix} with \code{numSeqMutationsOnly=TRUE}.
#' @param minNumSeqMutationsRange   a number or a vector indicating the value or the range of values 
#'                                  of \code{minNumSeqMutations} to try.
#' @return      A 2xn \code{matrix}, where n is the number of trial values of \code{minNumSeqMutations}
#'              supplied in \code{minNumSeqMutationsRange}. Each column corresponds to a value
#'              in \code{minNumSeqMutationsRange}. The rows correspond to the number of 5-mers
#'              for which mutability would be computed directly (\code{"measured"}) and inferred
#'              (\code{"inferred"}), respectively.
#' @details     At a given threshold value of \code{minNumSeqMutations}, for a given 5-mer,
#'              if the total number of mutations is greater than the threshold, mutability 
#'              is computed directly. Otherwise, mutability is inferred.
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item  Yaari G, et al. Models of somatic hypermutation targeting and substitution based 
#'            on synonymous mutations from high-throughput immunoglobulin sequencing data. 
#'            Front Immunol. 2013 4(November):358.
#'  }
#' @seealso     See argument \code{numSeqMutationsOnly} in \link{createMutabilityMatrix} 
#'              for generating the required input \code{vector} \code{mutCount}. 
#'              See argument \code{minNumSeqMutations} in \link{createMutabilityMatrix}
#'              for what it does.  
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Subset example data to one isotype and sample as a demo
#' data(ExampleDb, package="alakazam")
#' db <- subset(ExampleDb, c_call == "IGHA" & sample_id == "-1h")
#' set.seed(112)
#' db <- dplyr::slice_sample(db, n=75)
#' # Create model using only silent mutations
#' sub <- createSubstitutionMatrix(db, sequenceColumn="sequence_alignment",
#'                                 germlineColumn="germline_alignment_d_mask",
#'                                 vCallColumn="v_call", 
#'                                 model="s", multipleMutation="independent",
#'                                 returnModel="5mer", numMutationsOnly=FALSE,
#'                                 minNumMutations=20)
#' # Count the number of mutations in sequences containing each 5-mer
#' mutCount <- createMutabilityMatrix(db, substitutionModel = sub,
#'                                    sequenceColumn="sequence_alignment",
#'                                    germlineColumn="germline_alignment_d_mask",
#'                                    vCallColumn="v_call",
#'                                    model="s", multipleMutation="independent",
#'                                    numSeqMutationsOnly=TRUE)
#' # Tune minNumSeqMutations
#' minNumSeqMutationsTune(mutCount, seq(from=100, to=300, by=50))
#' }                                      
#' @export
minNumSeqMutationsTune <- function(mutCount, minNumSeqMutationsRange) {
  stopifnot( length(mutCount) == 1024 )
  tuneMtx <- sapply(minNumSeqMutationsRange, 
                     function(thresh) {
                       method.count <- c( sum(mutCount > thresh),
                                         sum(mutCount <= thresh) )
                       names(method.count) <- c("measured", "inferred")
                       stopifnot( sum(method.count)==1024 )
  colnames(tuneMtx) <- minNumSeqMutationsRange

#' Extends a substitution model to include Ns.
#' \code{extendSubstitutionMatrix} extends a 5-mer nucleotide substitution model 
#' with 5-mers that include Ns by averaging over all corresponding 5-mers without Ns.
#' @param    substitutionModel  matrix of 5-mers substitution counts built by 
#'                              \link{createSubstitutionMatrix}.
#' @return   A 5x3125 matrix of normalized substitution rate for each 5-mer motif with 
#'           rows names defining the center nucleotide, one of \code{c("A", "C", "G", "T", "N")}, 
#'           and column names defining the 5-mer nucleotide sequence.
#' @seealso  \link{createSubstitutionMatrix}, \link{extendMutabilityMatrix}
#' @examples
#' # Subset example data to one isotype and sample as a demo
#' data(ExampleDb, package="alakazam")
#' db <- subset(ExampleDb, c_call == "IGHA" & sample_id == "-1h")
#' # Create model using only silent mutations
#' sub_model <- createSubstitutionMatrix(db, sequenceColumn="sequence_alignment",
#'                                       germlineColumn="germline_alignment_d_mask",
#'                                       vCallColumn="v_call",model="s")
#' ext_model <- extendSubstitutionMatrix(sub_model)
#' @export
extendSubstitutionMatrix <- function(substitutionModel) {
    # TODO: fix order so Ns are at the end? (c(input_names, words not in input_names))
    # Define old and new column/row names
    input_names <- colnames(substitutionModel)
    nuc_chars <- NUCLEOTIDES[1:5]
    nuc_5mers <- seqinr::words(5, alphabet=nuc_chars)
    # Define empty extended matrix with Ns
    extend_mat <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(nuc_chars), ncol=length(nuc_5mers), 
                         dimnames=list(nuc_chars, nuc_5mers))
    # Extend matrix with Ns
    for (mer in nuc_5mers) {
        if (mer %in% input_names) {
            extend_mat[, mer] <- c(substitutionModel[, mer], "N"=NA)
        } else {
            mer_char <- s2c(mer)
            n_index <- grep("N", mer_char)
            if (any(n_index == 3)) {
                extend_mat[, mer] <- NA
            } else {
                mer_char[n_index] <- "."
                mer_str <- c2s(mer_char)
                mer_index <- grep(mer_str, input_names)
                extend_mat[, mer] <- c(apply(substitutionModel[, mer_index], 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE), "N"=NA)
    # Normalize
    #extend_mat <- apply(extend_mat, 2, function(x) { x/sum(x, na.rm=TRUE) })
    extend_mat[!is.finite(extend_mat)] <- NA
    return (extend_mat)

#' Extends a mutability model to include Ns.
#' \code{extendMutabilityMatrix} extends a 5-mer nucleotide mutability model 
#' with 5-mers that include Ns by averaging over all corresponding 5-mers without Ns.
#' @param    mutabilityModel  vector of 5-mer mutability rates built by 
#'                            \link{createMutabilityMatrix}.
#' @return   A \code{MutabilityModel} containing a 3125 vector of normalized 
#'           mutability rates for each 5-mer motif with names defining the 5-mer 
#'           nucleotide sequence. Note that "normalized" means that the mutability 
#'           rates for the 1024 5-mers that contain no "N" at any position sums up 
#'           to 1 (as opposed to the entire vector summing up to 1). 
#'           If the input \code{mutabilityModel} is of class \code{MutabilityModel}, 
#'           then the output \code{MutabilityModel} will carry over the input 
#'           \code{numMutS} and \code{numMutR} slots.
#' @seealso  \link{createMutabilityMatrix}, \link{extendSubstitutionMatrix}, 
#'           \link{MutabilityModel}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Subset example data to one isotype and sample as a demo
#' data(ExampleDb, package="alakazam")
#' db <- subset(ExampleDb, c_call == "IGHA" & sample_id == "-1h")
#' set.seed(112)
#' db <- dplyr::slice_sample(db, n=75)
#' # Create model using only silent mutations and ignore multiple mutations
#' sub_model <- createSubstitutionMatrix(db, model="s", sequenceColumn="sequence_alignment",
#'                                       germlineColumn="germline_alignment_d_mask",
#'                                       vCallColumn="v_call")
#' mut_model <- createMutabilityMatrix(db, sub_model, model="s", 
#'                                     sequenceColumn="sequence_alignment",
#'                                     germlineColumn="germline_alignment_d_mask",
#'                                     vCallColumn="v_call")
#' ext_model <- extendMutabilityMatrix(mut_model)
#' }
#' @export
extendMutabilityMatrix <- function(mutabilityModel) {
    # TODO: fix order so Ns are at the end? (c(input_names, words not in input_names))
    # Define old and new column/row names
    input_names <- names(mutabilityModel)
    nuc_chars <- NUCLEOTIDES[1:5]
    nuc_5mers <- seqinr::words(5, alphabet=nuc_chars)
    # Define empty extended matrix with Ns
    extend_mat <- array(NA, dim=length(nuc_5mers), dimnames=list(nuc_5mers))
    # Extend matrix with Ns
    for(mer in nuc_5mers) {
        if (mer %in% input_names) {
            extend_mat[mer] <- mutabilityModel[mer]
        } else {
            mer_char <- s2c(mer)
            n_index <- grep("N", mer_char)
            if (any(n_index == 3)) {
                extend_mat[mer] <- NA
            } else {
                mer_char[n_index] <- "."
                mer_str <- c2s(mer_char)
                mer_index <- grep(mer_str, input_names)
                extend_mat[mer] <- mean(mutabilityModel[mer_index], na.rm=TRUE)
    # Normalize    
    #extend_mat <- extend_mat / sum(extend_mat, na.rm=TRUE)
    extend_mat[!is.finite(extend_mat)] <- NA
    # Carry over @numMutS and @numMutR, if any
    if (all(c("numMutS", "numMutR") %in% slotNames(mutabilityModel))) {
        mut_s <- mutabilityModel@numMutS
        mut_r <- mutabilityModel@numMutR
    } else {
        mut_s <- as.numeric(NA) 
        mut_r <- as.numeric(NA)
    # Carry over @source
    if ("source" %in% slotNames(mutabilityModel)) {
        mut_names <- names(extend_mat)
        mut_source <- setNames(rep("Extended", length(mut_names)), mut_names)
        mut_source[names(mutabilityModel@source)] <- mutabilityModel@source
    } else {
        mut_source <- as.character(NA)  
    # Return extended MutabilityModel
    extend_model <- MutabilityModel(extend_mat,


#' Calculates a targeting rate matrix
#' \code{createTargetingMatrix} calculates the targeting model matrix as the
#' combined probability of mutability and substitution.
#' @param    substitutionModel  matrix of 5-mers substitution rates built by 
#'                              \link{createSubstitutionMatrix} or 
#'                              \link{extendSubstitutionMatrix}.
#' @param    mutabilityModel    vector of 5-mers mutability rates built by 
#'                              \link{createMutabilityMatrix} or 
#'                              \link{extendMutabilityMatrix}.
#' @return   A \code{TargetingMatrix} with the same dimensions as the input \code{substitutionModel} 
#'           containing normalized targeting probabilities for each 5-mer motif with 
#'           row names defining the center nucleotide and column names defining the 
#'           5-mer nucleotide sequence. 
#'           If the input \code{mutabilityModel} is of class \code{MutabilityModel}, then the output 
#'           \code{TargetingMatrix} will carry over the input \code{numMutS} and \code{numMutR} slots.
#' @details
#' Targeting rates are calculated by multiplying the normalized mutability rate by the 
#' normalized substitution rates for each individual 5-mer.
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item  Yaari G, et al. Models of somatic hypermutation targeting and substitution based
#'            on synonymous mutations from high-throughput immunoglobulin sequencing data.
#'            Front Immunol. 2013 4(November):358.
#'  }
#' @seealso  \link{createSubstitutionMatrix}, \link{extendSubstitutionMatrix}, 
#'           \link{createMutabilityMatrix}, \link{extendMutabilityMatrix}, 
#'           \link{TargetingMatrix}, \link{createTargetingModel}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Subset example data to 50 sequences, of one isotype and sample as a demo
#' data(ExampleDb, package="alakazam")
#' db <- subset(ExampleDb, c_call == "IGHA" & sample_id == "-1h")[1:50,]
#' # Create 4x1024 models using only silent mutations
#' sub_model <- createSubstitutionMatrix(db, model="s", sequenceColumn="sequence_alignment",
#'                                       germlineColumn="germline_alignment_d_mask",
#'                                       vCallColumn="v_call")
#' mut_model <- createMutabilityMatrix(db, sub_model, model="s",
#'                                     sequenceColumn="sequence_alignment",
#'                                     germlineColumn="germline_alignment_d_mask",
#'                                     vCallColumn="v_call")
#' # Extend substitution and mutability to including Ns (5x3125 model)
#' sub_model <- extendSubstitutionMatrix(sub_model)
#' mut_model <- extendMutabilityMatrix(mut_model)
#' # Create targeting model from substitution and mutability
#' tar_model <- createTargetingMatrix(sub_model, mut_model)
#' }
#' @export
createTargetingMatrix <- function(substitutionModel, mutabilityModel) {
    # Calculate targeting
    tar_mat <- sweep(substitutionModel, 2, mutabilityModel, `*`)
    # Normalize
    #tar_mat <- tar_mat / sum(tar_mat, na.rm=TRUE)
    tar_mat[!is.finite(tar_mat)] <- NA
    # carry over @numMutS and @numMutR, if any
    if (all(c("numMutS", "numMutR") %in% slotNames(mutabilityModel))) {
        tar_mat <- TargetingMatrix(tar_mat,
    } else {
        tar_mat <- TargetingMatrix(tar_mat,
                                   # NA is of class logical by default

#' Creates a TargetingModel
#' \code{createTargetingModel} creates a 5-mer \code{TargetingModel}.
#' @param    db                  data.frame containing sequence data.
#' @param    model               type of model to create. The default model, "s", 
#'                               builds a model by counting only silent mutations. \code{model="s"}
#'                               should be used for data that includes functional sequences.
#'                               Setting \code{model="rs"} creates a model by counting both 
#'                               replacement and silent mutations and may be used on fully 
#'                               non-functional sequence data sets.
#' @param    sequenceColumn      name of the column containing IMGT-gapped sample sequences.
#' @param    germlineColumn      name of the column containing IMGT-gapped germline sequences.
#' @param    vCallColumn         name of the column containing the V-segment allele calls.
#' @param    multipleMutation    string specifying how to handle multiple mutations occuring 
#'                               within the same 5-mer. If \code{"independent"} then multiple 
#'                               mutations within the same 5-mer are counted indepedently. 
#'                               If \code{"ignore"} then 5-mers with multiple mutations are 
#'                               excluded from the otal mutation tally.
#' @param    minNumMutations     minimum number of mutations required to compute the 5-mer 
#'                               substitution rates. If the number of mutations for a 5-mer
#'                               is below this threshold, its substitution rates will be 
#'                               estimated from neighboring 5-mers. Default is 50.   
#' @param    minNumSeqMutations  minimum number of mutations in sequences containing each 5-mer
#'                               to compute the mutability rates. If the number is smaller 
#'                               than this threshold, the mutability for the 5-mer will be 
#'                               inferred. Default is 500.   
#' @param    modelName           name of the model.
#' @param    modelDescription    description of the model and its source data.
#' @param    modelSpecies        genus and species of the source sequencing data.
#' @param    modelDate           date the model was built. If \code{NULL} the current date
#'                               will be used.
#' @param    modelCitation       publication source.
#' @return   A \link{TargetingModel} object.
#' @details  \strong{Caution: The targeting model functions do NOT support ambiguous 
#'           characters in their inputs. You MUST make sure that your input and germline
#'           sequences do NOT contain ambiguous characters (especially if they are
#'           clonal consensuses returned from \code{collapseClones}).}
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item  Yaari G, et al. Models of somatic hypermutation targeting and substitution based
#'            on synonymous mutations from high-throughput immunoglobulin sequencing data.
#'            Front Immunol. 2013 4(November):358.
#'  }
#' @seealso  See \link{TargetingModel} for the return object. 
#'           See \link{plotMutability} plotting a mutability model.
#'           See \link{createSubstitutionMatrix}, \link{extendSubstitutionMatrix}, 
#'           \link{createMutabilityMatrix}, \link{extendMutabilityMatrix} and 
#'           \link{createTargetingMatrix} for component steps in building a model.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Subset example data to one isotype and sample as a demo
#' data(ExampleDb, package="alakazam")
#' db <- subset(ExampleDb, c_call == "IGHA" & sample_id == "-1h")[1:80,]
#' # Create model using only silent mutations and ignore multiple mutations
#' model <- createTargetingModel(db, model="s", sequenceColumn="sequence_alignment",
#'                               germlineColumn="germline_alignment_d_mask",
#'                               vCallColumn="v_call", multipleMutation="ignore")
#' # View top 5 mutability estimates
#' head(sort(model@mutability, decreasing=TRUE), 5)
#' # View number of silent mutations used for estimating mutability
#' model@numMutS
#' }
#' @export
createTargetingModel <- function(db, model=c("s", "rs"), sequenceColumn="sequence_alignment",
                                 multipleMutation=c("independent", "ignore"),
                                 minNumMutations=50, minNumSeqMutations=500,
                                 modelName="", modelDescription="", modelSpecies="", 
                                 modelCitation="", modelDate=NULL) {
    # Evaluate argument choices
    model <- match.arg(model)
    multipleMutation <- match.arg(multipleMutation)
    # Check for valid columns
    check <- checkColumns(db, c(sequenceColumn, germlineColumn, vCallColumn))
    if (check != TRUE) { stop(check) }
    # Check validity of input sequences 
    bool_obsv <- checkAmbiguousExist(db[[sequenceColumn]])
    bool_germ <- checkAmbiguousExist(db[[germlineColumn]])
    if (any(bool_obsv | bool_germ)) {
        stop("Ambiguous characters are not supported in input sequences.")
    # Set date
    if (is.null(modelDate)) { modelDate <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d") }

    # Create models
    sub_mat<- createSubstitutionMatrix(db, model=model, 
    mut_mat <- createMutabilityMatrix(db, sub_mat, model=model,

    # Extend 5-mers with Ns
    sub_mat <- extendSubstitutionMatrix(sub_mat)
    mut_mat <- extendMutabilityMatrix(mut_mat)
    # Make targeting matrix
    tar_mat <- createTargetingMatrix(sub_mat, mut_mat) 
    # Define TargetingModel object
    model_obj <- new("TargetingModel",


#' Calculate total mutability
#' \code{calculateMutability} calculates the total (summed) mutability for a set of sequences 
#' based on a 5-mer nucleotide mutability model.
#' @param    sequences           character vector of sequences.
#' @param    model               \link{TargetingModel} object with mutation likelihood information.
#' @param    progress            if \code{TRUE} print a progress bar.
#' @return   Numeric vector with a total mutability score for each sequence.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Subset example data to one isotype and sample as a demo
#' data(ExampleDb, package="alakazam")
#' db <- subset(ExampleDb, c_call == "IGHA" & sample_id == "-1h")
#' # Calculate mutability of germline sequences using \link{HH_S5F} model
#' mutability <- calculateMutability(sequences=db[["germline_alignment_d_mask"]], model=HH_S5F)
#' }
#' @export
calculateMutability <- function(sequences, model=HH_S5F, progress=FALSE) {
    # Initialize variables
    alphb <- seqinr::s2c("ACGTN")
    model_kmer <- names(model@mutability)
    model_rates <- as.vector(model@mutability)
    sequences <- toupper(sequences)
    sequences <- gsub("\\.", "N", sequences)
    # Mutability calculation
    mutability <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length(sequences))
    if (progress) { 
        pb <- progressBar(length(sequences)) 
    for (s in 1:length(sequences)) {
        kmer <- seqinr::count(seqinr::s2c(sequences[s]), wordsize=5, alphabet=alphb)
        seq_kmer <- names(kmer)
        seq_counts <- as.vector(kmer)
        index <- match(seq_kmer, model_kmer)
        mutability[s] <- sum(seq_counts*model_rates[index], na.rm=TRUE)
        if (progress) { pb$tick() }

# Create model and rescale mutabilities
# model <- createTargetingModel(db, model="s", multipleMutation="ignore")
# mut <- rescaleMutability(model)
rescaleMutability <- function(model, mean=1.0) {
    if (is(model, "TargetingModel")) {
        model <- model@mutability
    } else if (!is(model, "vector")) {
        stop("Input must be either a mutability vector or TargetingModel object.")
    # TODO:  perhaps this is not so useful.  or perhaps it should be relative to max(model).
    # Renormalize
    rescaled <- model / sum(model, na.rm=T) * sum(!is.na(model)) * mean
    rescaled[!is.finite(rescaled)] <- NA

# Remove in-frame IMGT gaps
# @param    matInput  Nx2 matrix with input and germline sequences in each column
# @return   A two column matrix with "..." codons removed.
removeCodonGaps <- function(matInput) {
    # Function to return valid codon sets
    # i = position, x = codon list 1, y = codon list 2
    .f1 <- function(i, x, y) {
        xcod <- x[i]
        ycod <- y[i]
        if (xcod != "..." & ycod != "...") {
            c(xcod, ycod)
        } else {
            c("", "")

    # Function to parse sequences
    # z = vector of 2 sequences
    .f2 <- function(z) {
        # Split strings into 3-mers
        cods <- stri_extract_all_regex(c(z[1], z[2]), ".{3}")
        cmat <- sapply(1:length(cods[[1]]), .f1, x=cods[[1]], y=cods[[2]])
        apply(cmat, 1, paste, collapse="")
    matCollapsed <- t(apply(matInput, 1, .f2))

#' Make a degenerate 5-mer substitution model based on a 1-mer substitution model
#' \code{makeDegenerate5merSub} populates substitution rates from a 1-mer substitution model
#' into 5-mers with corresponding central 1-mers.
#' @param    sub1mer             a 4x4 matrix containing (normalized) substitution rates.
#'                               Row names should correspond to nucleotides to mutate from.
#'                               Column names should correspond to nucleotides to mutate into.
#'                               Nucleotides should include "A", "T", "G", and "C" 
#'                               (case-insensitive).
#' @param    extended            whether to return the unextended (\code{extended=FALSE}) or 
#'                               extended (\code{extended=TRUE}) 5-mer substitution model. 
#'                               Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @return   For \code{extended=FALSE}, a 4x1024 matrix. For \code{extended=TRUE}, a 5x3125 
#'           matrix.
#' @details  As a concrete example, consider a 1-mer substitution model in which substitution
#'           rates from "A" to "T", "G", and "C" are, respectively, 0.1, 0.6, and 0.3. In the 
#'           resultant degenerate 5-mer substitution model, all the 5-mers (columns) that have 
#'           an "A" as their central 1-mer would have substitution rates (rows) of 0.1, 0.6, and 
#'           0.3 to "T", "G", and "C" respectively. 
#'           When \code{extended=TRUE}, \code{extendSubstitutionMatrix} is called to extend
#'           the 4x1024 substitution matrix.
#' @seealso  See \link{makeAverage1merSub} for making a 1-mer substitution model by taking
#'           the average of a 5-mer substitution model. See \link{extendSubstitutionMatrix}
#'           for extending the substitution matrix.
#' @examples
#' # Make a degenerate 5-mer model (4x1024) based on HKL_S1F (4x4)
#' # Note: not to be confused with HKL_S5F@substitution, which is non-degenerate
#' degenerate5merSub <- makeDegenerate5merSub(sub1mer = HKL_S1F)
#' # Look at a few 5-mers
#' degenerate5merSub[, c("AAAAT", "AACAT", "AAGAT", "AATAT")]
#' @export
makeDegenerate5merSub <- function(sub1mer, extended=FALSE) {
    # make sure that rownames and colnames of sub1mer are uppercase
    rownames(sub1mer) <- toupper(rownames(sub1mer))
    colnames(sub1mer) <- toupper(colnames(sub1mer))
    # create 5-mer labels using ATGC
    nuc_chars <- NUCLEOTIDES[1:4]
    nuc_words <- seqinr::words(5, nuc_chars)
    # get center positions of 5mers
    nuc_centers <- sapply(nuc_words, function(x){seqinr::s2c(x)[3]})
    # initiate 5-mer substitution matrix (4x1024)
    sub5mer <- matrix(NA, nrow=4, ncol=length(nuc_words),
                     dimnames=list(nuc_chars, nuc_words))
    # assign values from 1-mer model to 5-mer model
    for (from in rownames(sub1mer)) {
        for (to in colnames(sub1mer)) {
            if (from != to) { # if statement keeps diagonals as NA
                colIndex <- which(nuc_centers == from)
                sub5mer[to, colIndex] <- sub1mer[from, to]
    stopifnot(dim(sub5mer) == c(4, 1024))
    # if extended=TRUE, extend
    if (extended) {
        sub5mer <- extendSubstitutionMatrix(sub5mer)
        stopifnot(dim(sub5mer) == c(5, 3125))

#' Make a degenerate 5-mer mutability model based on a 1-mer mutability model
#' \code{makeDegenerate5merMut} populates mutability rates from a 1-mer mutability model
#' into 5-mers with corresponding central 1-mers.
#' @param    mut1mer             a named vector of length 4 containing (normalized) 
#'                               mutability rates. Names should correspond to nucleotides, 
#'                               which should include "A", "T", "G", and "C" 
#'                               (case-insensitive).
#' @param    extended            whether to return the unextended (\code{extended=FALSE}) or 
#'                               extended (\code{extended=TRUE}) 5-mer mutability model. 
#'                               Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @return   For \code{extended=FALSE}, a vector of length 1024. The vector returned is 
#'           normalized. For \code{extended=TRUE}, a vector of length 3125. 
#' @details  As a concrete example, consider a 1-mer mutability model in which mutability
#'           rates of "A", "T", "G", and "C" are, respectively, 0.14, 0.23, 0.31, and 0.32. 
#'           In the resultant degenerate 5-mer mutability model, all the 5-mers that have 
#'           an "A" as their central 1-mer would have mutability rate of 0.14/256, where 256 is
#'           the number of such 5-mers. 
#'           When \code{extended=TRUE}, \code{extendMutabilityMatrix} is called to extend the
#'           mutability vector of length 1024 into a vector of length 3125.
#' @seealso  See \link{makeAverage1merMut} for making a 1-mer mutability model by 
#'           taking the average of a 5-mer mutability model. See 
#'           \link{extendMutabilityMatrix} for extending the mutability vector.
#' @examples
#' # Make a degenerate 5-mer model (length of 1024) based on a 1-mer model
#' example1merMut <- c(A=0.2, T=0.1, C=0.4, G=0.3)
#' degenerate5merMut <- makeDegenerate5merMut(mut1mer = example1merMut)
#' # Look at a few 5-mers
#' degenerate5merMut[c("AAAAT", "AACAT", "AAGAT", "AATAT")]
#' # Normalized
#' sum(degenerate5merMut)
#' @export
makeDegenerate5merMut <- function(mut1mer, extended=FALSE) {
    # make sure that names of mut1mer are uppercase
    names(mut1mer) <- toupper(names(mut1mer))
    # create 5-mer labels using ATGCN
    nuc_chars <- NUCLEOTIDES[1:4]
    nuc_words <- seqinr::words(5, nuc_chars)
    # get center positions of 5mers
    nuc_centers <- sapply(nuc_words, function(x){seqinr::s2c(x)[3]})
    # initiate 5-mer mutability vector (length of 3125)
    mut5mer <- rep(NA, length=length(nuc_words))
    names(mut5mer) <- nuc_words
    # assign values from 1-mer model to 5-mer model
    for (center in names(mut1mer)) {
        index <- which(nuc_centers == center)
        mut5mer[index] <- mut1mer[center]
    stopifnot(length(mut5mer) == 1024)
    # normalize
    mut5mer <- mut5mer / sum(mut5mer, na.rm=T)
    # if extended=TRUE, extend
    if (extended) {
        mut5mer <- extendMutabilityMatrix(mut5mer)
        stopifnot(length(mut5mer) == 3125)

#' Make a 1-mer substitution model by averaging over a 5-mer substitution model
#' \code{makeAverage1merSub} averages substitution rates in a 5-mer substitution model
#' to derive a 1-mer substitution model.
#' @param    sub5mer             a 4x1024 matrix such as that returned by 
#'                               \code{createSubstitutionMatrix} and that returned by
#'                               \code{makeDegenerate5merSub} with \code{extended=FALSE}.
#'                               Column names should correspond to 5-mers containing the 
#'                               central 1-mer to mutate from. Row names should correspond to 
#'                               nucleotides to mutate into. Nucleotides should include 
#'                               "A", "T", "G", and "C" (case-insensitive).
#' @return   A 4x4 matrix with row names representing nucleotides to mutate from and column
#'           names representing nucleotides to mutate into. Rates are normalized by row. 
#' @details  For example, the substitution rate from "A" to "T" in the resultant 1-mer model
#'           is derived by averaging the substitution rates into a "T" of all the 5-mers that 
#'           have an "A" as their central 1-mer. 
#' @seealso  See \link{makeDegenerate5merSub} for making a degenerate 5-mer substitution 
#'           model based on a 1-mer substitution model. 
#' @examples
#' # Make a degenerate 5-mer model (4x1024) based on HKL_S1F (4x4)
#' degenerate5merSub <- makeDegenerate5merSub(sub1mer = HKL_S1F)
#' # Now make a 1-mer model by averaging over the degenerate 5-mer model
#' # Expected to get back HKL_S1F
#' makeAverage1merSub(sub5mer = degenerate5merSub)
#' @export
makeAverage1merSub <- function(sub5mer) {
    stopifnot(dim(sub5mer) == c(4, 1024))
    # make sure that rownames and colnames of sub5mer are uppercase
    rownames(sub5mer) <- toupper(rownames(sub5mer))
    colnames(sub5mer) <- toupper(colnames(sub5mer))
    # get 5-mers and center positions of 5-mers
    nuc_words <- colnames(sub5mer)
    nuc_centers <- sapply(nuc_words, function(x){seqinr::s2c(x)[3]})
    # create 1-mer labels using ATGC
    nuc_chars <- NUCLEOTIDES[1:4]
    # initiate 1-mer substitution matrix (4x4)
    sub1mer <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(nuc_chars), ncol=length(nuc_chars),
                     dimnames=list(nuc_chars, nuc_chars))
    # assign values from 5-mer model to 1-mer model
    for (from in rownames(sub1mer)) {
        for (to in colnames(sub1mer)) {
            if (from != to) { # if statement keeps diagonals as NA
                colIndex <- which(nuc_centers == from)
                sub1mer[from, to] <- mean(sub5mer[to, colIndex], na.rm=T)
    stopifnot(dim(sub1mer) == c(4, 4))
    # normalize
    # tricky: apply transposes result; use t() to transpose back 
    sub1mer <- t(apply(sub1mer, 1, function(x){x/sum(x, na.rm=T)}))

#' Make a 1-mer mutability model by averaging over a 5-mer mutability model
#' \code{makeAverage1merMut} averages mutability rates in a 5-mer mutability model
#' to derive a 1-mer mutability model.
#' @param    mut5mer             a named vector of length 1024 such as that returned by 
#'                               \code{createMutabilityMatrix} and that returned by
#'                               \code{makeDegenerate5merMut} with \code{extended=FALSE}.
#'                               Names should correspond to 5-mers made up of "A", "T", 
#'                               "G", and "C" (case-insensitive). \code{NA} values are 
#'                               allowed.
#' @return   A named vector of length 4 containing normalized mutability rates.
#' @details  For example, the mutability rate of "A" in the resultant 1-mer model
#'           is derived by averaging the mutability rates of all the 5-mers that 
#'           have an "A" as their central 1-mer, followed by normalization.
#' @seealso  See \link{makeDegenerate5merMut} for making a degenerate 5-mer mutability
#'           model based on a 1-mer mutability model. 
#' @examples
#' # Make a degenerate 5-mer model (length of 1024) based on a 1-mer model
#' example1merMut <- c(A=0.2, T=0.1, C=0.4, G=0.3)
#' degenerate5merMut <- makeDegenerate5merMut(mut1mer = example1merMut)
#' # Now make a 1-mer model by averaging over the degenerate 5-mer model
#' # Expected to get back example1merMut
#' makeAverage1merMut(mut5mer = degenerate5merMut)
#' @export
makeAverage1merMut <- function(mut5mer) {
    stopifnot(length(mut5mer) == 1024)
    # make sure that names mut5mer are uppercase
    names(mut5mer) <- toupper(names(mut5mer))
    # get 5-mers and center positions of 5-mers
    nuc_words <- names(mut5mer)
    nuc_centers <- sapply(nuc_words, function(x){seqinr::s2c(x)[3]})
    # create 1-mer labels using ATGC
    nuc_chars <- NUCLEOTIDES[1:4]
    # initiate 1-mer mutability vector (length 4)
    mut1mer <- rep(NA, length=length(nuc_chars))
    names(mut1mer) <- nuc_chars
    # assign values from 5-mer model to 1-mer model
    for (center in names(mut1mer)) {
        index <- which(nuc_centers == center)
        mut1mer[center] <- mean(mut5mer[index], na.rm=T)
    stopifnot(length(mut1mer) == 4)
    # normalize
    mut1mer <- mut1mer / sum(mut1mer, na.rm=T)

#### Distance Functions ####

#' Calculates a 5-mer distance matrix from a TargetingModel object
#' \code{calcTargetingDistance} converts either the targeting rates in a \code{TargetingModel}
#'  model to a matrix of 5-mer to single-nucleotide mutation distances, or the substitution 
#'  rates in a 1-mer substitution model to a symmetric distance matrix.
#' @param    model     \link{TargetingModel} object with mutation likelihood information, or
#'                     a 4x4 1-mer substitution matrix normalized by row with rownames and 
#'                     colnames consisting of "A", "T", "G", and "C".
#' @param    places    decimal places to round distances to.
#' @return   For input of \link{TargetingModel}, a matrix of distances for each 5-mer motif with 
#'           rows names defining the center nucleotide and column names defining the 5-mer 
#'           nucleotide sequence. For input of 1-mer substitution matrix, a 4x4 symmetric distance
#'           matrix. 
#' @details
#' The targeting model is transformed into a distance matrix by:
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item  Converting the likelihood of being mutated \eqn{p=mutability*substitution} to 
#'          distance \eqn{d=-log10(p)}.
#'   \item  Dividing this distance by the mean of the distances.
#'   \item  Converting all infinite, no change (e.g., A->A), and NA distances to 
#'          zero.
#' }
#' The 1-mer substitution matrix is transformed into a distance matrix by:
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item  Symmetrize the 1-mer substitution matrix.
#'   \item  Converting the rates to distance \eqn{d=-log10(p)}.
#'   \item  Dividing this distance by the mean of the distances.
#'   \item  Converting all infinite, no change (e.g., A -> A), and NA distances to 
#'          zero.
#' }
#' @seealso  See \link{TargetingModel} for this class of objects and
#'           \link{createTargetingModel} for building one.
#' @examples
#' # Calculate targeting distance of HH_S5F
#' dist <- calcTargetingDistance(HH_S5F)
#' # Calculate targeting distance of HH_S1F
#' dist <- calcTargetingDistance(HH_S1F)
#' @export
calcTargetingDistance <- function(model, places=2) {
  # if model is TargetingModel object, assume 5-mer targeting model
  # extract targeting matrix
  if (is(model, "TargetingModel")) {
    input <- "5mer"
    model <- model@targeting
  } else if (is(model, "matrix") & all(dim(model) == c(4, 4))) {
    # if model is a matrix, assume 1-mer substitution matrix and symmetrize
    input <- "1mer"
    model <- symmetrize(model)
  } else {
    # anything else: error
    stop("Input must be either a 4x4 targeting matrix or TargetingModel object.")
  # Take negative log10 of all probabilities
  model_dist <- -log10(model)
  # Center distances on 1 (divide by mean)
  model_dist <- model_dist/mean(model_dist, na.rm=T)
  # Set infinite values to NA
  model_dist[!is.finite(model_dist)] <- NA
  # TODO: the indexing of A-->A etc positions can probably be done smarter/faster
  # Assign no-change entries to distance 0
  if (input == "5mer") {
      center_nuc <- gsub("..([ACGTN])..", "\\1", colnames(model_dist))
      for (i in 1:length(center_nuc)) {
          model_dist[center_nuc[i], i] <- 0
      # Assign 0 to N and 5mers with N in center position 
      model_dist[,center_nuc=="N"] <- 0
      model_dist["N",] <- 0
  } else if (input == "1mer") {
      diag(model_dist) <- 0
      model_dist <- rbind(model_dist, matrix(0, 3, 4))
      model_dist <- cbind(model_dist, matrix(0, 7, 3))
      colnames(model_dist)[5:7] <- rownames(model_dist)[5:7] <- c("N", "-", ".")
  # Round
  model_dist <- round(model_dist, places)

# (From G Yaari)
# Symmetrize a non-symmetric, 1-mer substitution matrix
# \code{symmetrize} makes a 1-mer substitution matrix symmetric by minimizing the 
# rss between it and a symmetric matrix.
# @param    sub1mer     a 4x4 matrix normalized by row. Each row sums up to 1 and 
#                       reflects substitution probabilities for each nucleotide. 
#                       Rownames and colnames are "A","C","G", and "T".
# @return   a 4x4 symmetrix matrix with \code{NA}s on the diagonal.
# @details  The input 1-mer substitution matrix is approximated by a symmetric matrix 
#           both with respect to time (e.g. C->T = T->C), and with respect to strand 
#           (e.g. C->T = G->A). The symmetric matrix has three free parameters that 
#           are estimated by minimizing the sum of squares between this matrix and 
#           the input matrix. The fitted matrix was normalized to ensure that each 
#           row sums up to 1.
symmetrize <- function(sub1mer) {
  rownames(sub1mer) <- toupper(rownames(sub1mer))
  colnames(sub1mer) <- toupper(colnames(sub1mer))
  # check that rows sum up to 1
  stopifnot(all.equal(rowSums(sub1mer), rep(1, 4), 
                      check.names=FALSE, tolerance=0.055))
  .minDist <- function(Pars, subMtx) {
    (Pars[1] - subMtx["A", "C"])^2 + (Pars[1] - subMtx["C", "A"])^2 + 
    (Pars[1] - subMtx["G", "T"])^2 + (Pars[1] - subMtx["T", "G"])^2 +
    (Pars[2] - subMtx["A", "G"])^2 + (Pars[2] - subMtx["G", "A"])^2 + 
    (Pars[2] - subMtx["C", "T"])^2 + (Pars[2] - subMtx["T", "C"])^2 +
    (Pars[3] - subMtx["A", "T"])^2 + (Pars[3] - subMtx["T", "A"])^2 + 
    (Pars[3] - subMtx["C", "G"])^2 + (Pars[3] - subMtx["G", "C"])^2
  pars <- optim(par=rep(0, 3), fn=.minDist, subMtx=sub1mer)$par
  pars <- pars/sum(pars)
  symmetric_substitution <- sub1mer
  symmetric_substitution["A", 2:4] <- pars
  symmetric_substitution["C", c(1, 4, 3)] <- pars
  symmetric_substitution["G", c(4, 1, 2)] <- pars
  symmetric_substitution["T", c(3, 2, 1)] <- pars
  # NAs on diagonal instead of 0 so that calcTargetingDistance works with 1-mer model
  diag(symmetric_substitution) <- NA

#' Write targeting model distances to a file
#' \code{writeTargetingDistance} writes a 5-mer targeting distance matrix 
#' to a tab-delimited file.
#' @param    model     \link{TargetingModel} object with 
#'                     mutation likelihood information.
#' @param    file      name of file to write.
#' @return   NULL
#' @details
#' The targeting distance write as a tab-delimited 5x3125 matrix. Rows define the mutated 
#' nucleotide at the center of each 5-mer, one of \code{c("A", "C", "G", "T", "N")}, 
#' and columns define the complete 5-mer of the unmutated nucleotide sequence. 
#' \code{NA} values in the distance matrix are replaced with distance 0.
#' @seealso  Takes as input a \link{TargetingModel} object and calculates  
#'           distances using \link{calcTargetingDistance}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Write HS5F targeting model to working directory as hs5f.tab
#' writeTargetingDistance(HH_S5F, "hh_s5f.tsv") 
#' }
#' @export
writeTargetingDistance <- function(model, file) {
    to_write <- as.data.frame(calcTargetingDistance(model))
    to_write[is.na(to_write)] <- 0
    write.table(to_write, file, quote=FALSE, sep="\t", col.names=NA, row.names=TRUE)

#### Plotting functions ####

#' Plot mutability probabilities
#' \code{plotMutability} plots the mutability rates of a \code{TargetingModel}.
#' @param    model        \link{TargetingModel} object or vector containing normalized 
#'                        mutability rates.
#' @param    nucleotides  vector of center nucleotide characters to plot.
#' @param    mark         vector of 5-mer motifs to highlight in the plot. If \code{NULL}
#'                        only highlight classical hot and cold spot motifs.
#' @param    style        type of plot to draw. One of:
#'                        \itemize{
#'                          \item \code{"hedgehog"}:  circular plot showing higher mutability
#'                                                    scores further from the circle. The 5-mer
#'                                                    is denoted by the values of the inner 
#'                                                    circle. The 5-mer is read from the most interior 
#'                                                    position of the 5-mer (5') to most exterior position 
#'                                                    (3'), with the center nucleotide in the center ring.
#'                                                    Note, the order in which the 5-mers are plotted is
#'                                                    different for nucleotides \code{c("A", "C")} and 
#'                                                    \code{c("G", "T")}.
#'                          \item \code{"bar"}:       bar plot of mutability similar to the 
#'                                                    \code{hedgehog} style with the most 5' positions
#'                                                    of each 5-mer at the base of the plot.
#'                        }
#' @param    size         numeric scaling factor for lines and text in the plot.
#' @param    silent       if \code{TRUE} do not draw the plot and just return the ggplot2 
#'                        objects; if \code{FALSE} draw the plot.
#' @param    ...          additional arguments to pass to ggplot2::theme.
#' @return   A named list of ggplot objects defining the plots, with names defined by the 
#'           center nucleotide for the plot object.
#' @seealso  Takes as input a \link{TargetingModel} object. 
#'           See \link{createTargetingModel} for model building.
#' @examples
#' # Plot one nucleotide in circular style
#' plotMutability(HH_S5F, "C")
#' # Plot two nucleotides in barchart style
#' plotMutability(HH_S5F, c("G", "T"), style="bar")
#' @export
plotMutability <- function(model, nucleotides=c("A", "C", "G", "T"), mark=NULL,
                           style=c("hedgehog", "bar"), size=1, silent=FALSE, 
                           ...) {
    # model=HH_S5F
    # nucleotides=c("C")
    # nucleotides=c("A", "C", "G", "T")
    # style="hedgehog"
    # size=1
    # silent=FALSE
    # Check input
    nucleotides <- toupper(nucleotides)
    style <- match.arg(style)
    if (is(model, "TargetingModel")) {
        model <- model@mutability
    } else if (!is(model, "vector")) {
        stop("Input must be either a mutability vector or TargetingModel object.")
    # Set base plot settings
    base_theme <- theme_bw() +
        theme(panel.spacing=grid::unit(0, "lines"),
              panel.background=element_blank()) +
        theme(axis.text=element_text(margin=grid::unit(0, "lines"))) +
              legend.spacing=grid::unit(0, "lines"),

    # Scaling and layout parameters
    score_offset <- 0
    score_scale <- 15
    text_offset <- -5.6
    # Set guide colors
    motif_colors <- setNames(c("#000000", "#4daf4a", "#e41a1c", "#094d85", "#999999"),
                             c("Marked", "WA/TW", "WRC/GYW", "SYC/GRS", "Neutral"))
    dna_colors <- setNames(c("#7bce77", "#ff9b39", "#f04949", "#5796ca", "#c4c4c4"),
                           c("A", "C", "G", "T", "N"))
    # Build data.frame of mutability scores
    mut_scores <- model[!grepl("N", names(model))]
    mut_scores[!is.finite(mut_scores)] <- 0
    mut_words <- names(mut_scores)
    mut_positions <- as.data.frame(t(sapply(mut_words, seqinr::s2c)))
    colnames(mut_positions) <- paste0("pos", 1:ncol(mut_positions))
    mut_df <- data.frame(word=mut_words, 

    # Add hot and cold-spot motif information
    mut_df$motif <- "Neutral"
    mut_df$motif[grepl("(.[AT]A..)|(..T[AT].)", mut_df$word, perl=TRUE)] <- "WA/TW"
    mut_df$motif[grepl("([AT][GA]C..)|(..G[CT][AT])", mut_df$word, perl=TRUE)] <- "WRC/GYW"
    mut_df$motif[grepl("([CG][CT]C..)|(..G[GA][CG])", mut_df$word, perl=TRUE)] <- "SYC/GRS"
    if (is.null(mark)) {
        mut_df$motif <- factor(mut_df$motif, levels=c("WA/TW", "WRC/GYW", "SYC/GRS", "Neutral"))
    } else {
        mut_df$motif[mut_df$word %in% mark] <- "Marked"
        mut_df$motif <- factor(mut_df$motif, levels=c("Marked", "WA/TW", "WRC/GYW", "SYC/GRS", "Neutral"))
    # Subset to nucleotides of interest
    mut_df <- mut_df[mut_df$pos3 %in% nucleotides, ]

    # Functions to transform and revert score for plotting
    score_max <- max(mut_df$score, na.rm=TRUE)
    .transform_score <- function(x) { x / score_max * score_scale + score_offset }
    .invert_score <- function(x) { (x - score_offset) / score_scale * score_max }
    # Rescale scores for plotting
    mut_df$score <- .transform_score(mut_df$score)
    # Build plots for each center nucleotide
    plot_list <- list()
    for (center_nuc in nucleotides) {
        # center_nuc <- "C"
        # Subset data to center nucleotide
        sub_df <- mut_df[mut_df$pos3 == center_nuc, ]
        # Order 5-mers by positions, with reversed order if center nucleotide is G or T
        if (center_nuc %in% c("A", "C")) {
            sub_df <- dplyr::arrange(sub_df, !!!rlang::syms(c("pos1", "pos2", "pos4", "pos5")))
            sub_df$x <- 1:nrow(sub_df)            
        } else if (center_nuc %in% c("G", "T")) {
            sub_df <- dplyr::arrange(sub_df, !!!rlang::syms(c("pos5", "pos4", "pos2", "pos1")))
            sub_df$x <- 1:nrow(sub_df)
        } else {
            stop("Invalid nucleotide choice")
        # Melt 5-mer position data
        sub_melt <- sub_df %>% 
            tidyr::gather("pos", "char", !!!rlang::syms(colnames(mut_positions))) %>% 
            select("x", "pos", "char")
        #sub_melt$pos <- factor(sub_melt$pos, levels=mut_names)
        #sub_melt$pos <- as.numeric(sub_melt$pos)
        sub_melt$pos <- as.numeric(gsub("pos", "", sub_melt$pos))

        # Define nucleotide text and rectangle position data
        sub_text <- list()
        for (i in 1:5) {
            nuc_rle <- rle(sub_melt$char[sub_melt$pos == i])

            # Set rectangle x limits
            rect_max <- cumsum(nuc_rle$lengths)
            rect_min <- rect_max - diff(c(0, rect_max))
            # Set text position
            if (length(rect_max) > 1) { 
                text_x <- rect_max - diff(c(0, rect_max)) / 2
            } else { 
                text_x <- rect_max / 2 
            tmp_df <- data.frame(text_x=text_x, 
                                 text_label=factor(nuc_rle$values, levels=names(dna_colors)),
            sub_text[[i]] <- tmp_df

        # Define text and rectangle positions for inner circle
        sub_melt$pos <- sub_melt$pos + text_offset
        sub_text <- lapply(sub_text, function(x) { dplyr::mutate(x, text_y=!!rlang::sym("text_y") + !!rlang::sym("text_offset")) })
        sub_rect <- dplyr::bind_rows(sub_text) %>%
            mutate(rect_width=rect_max - rect_min,
                    ymin=!!rlang::sym("text_y") - 0.5,
                    ymax=!!rlang::sym("text_y") + 0.5)
        # Use only colors for motifs present in sub_df
        sub_colors <- motif_colors[names(motif_colors) %in% sub_df$motif]
        # Define base plot object
        p1 <- ggplot(sub_df) + 
            base_theme + 
            #ggtitle(paste0("NN", center_nuc, "NN")) +
            xlab("") +
            ylab("") + 
            scale_color_manual(name="Motif", values=c(sub_colors, dna_colors), 
                               breaks=names(sub_colors)) +
            scale_fill_manual(name="", values=c(sub_colors, dna_colors), guide="none") +
                      size=0.5*size, alpha=1, show.legend=FALSE) +
            #          mapping=aes_string(x="text_x", y="text_y", width="rect_width", fill="text_label"), 
            #          size=0, alpha=0.7, show.legend=FALSE) +
            #geom_tile(data=sub_melt, mapping=aes_string(x="x", y="pos", fill="char"), size=0, alpha=0.7,
            #          show.legend=FALSE) +
                      color="black", hjust=0.5, vjust=0.5, size=3*size, fontface=2)
        # Add 5-mer nucleotide labels
        if (center_nuc %in% c("A", "C")) {
            p1 <- p1 + geom_text(data=sub_text[[1]], 
                                 color="black", hjust=0.5, vjust=0.5, size=2*size) +
                          color="black", hjust=0.5, vjust=0.5, size=2*size)
        } else if (center_nuc %in% c("G", "T")) {
            p1 <- p1 + geom_text(data=sub_text[[4]], 
                                 color="black", hjust=0.5, vjust=0.5, size=2*size) +
                          color="black", hjust=0.5, vjust=0.5, size=2*size)

        # Add style options and mutability scores
        if (style == "hedgehog") {
            y_limits <- c(text_offset - 1, score_scale + score_offset)
            #orient_x <- sub_text[[3]]$text_x[1]
            #orient_y <- text_offset - 1
            p1 <- p1 + theme(plot.margin=grid::unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "lines"),
                             legend.justification=c(0.5, 1),
                             legend.position=c(0.5, 1)) +
                scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0, 0)) +
                scale_y_continuous(limits=y_limits, expand=c(0, 0)) +
                coord_polar(theta="x") +
                             y=score_offset, size=0.75*size, position=position_nudge(x = -0.5)) +
                guides(color=guide_legend(override.aes=list(linetype=1, size=2*size)))
        } else if (style == "bar") {
            y_breaks <- seq(score_offset, score_scale + score_offset, 1)
            y_limits <- c(text_offset + 0.5, score_scale + score_offset)
            p1 <- p1 + theme(plot.margin=grid::unit(c(1, 1, 1, 1), "lines"),
                             legend.position="top") +
                ylab("Mutability") +
                scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0, 1)) +
                scale_y_continuous(limits=y_limits, breaks=y_breaks, expand=c(0, 0.5),
                                   labels=function(x) scales::scientific(.invert_score(x))) +
                         mapping=aes(x=!!rlang::sym("x"), y=!!rlang::sym("score"), 
                         stat="identity", position=position_nudge(x = -0.5), size=0, width=0.7) +
              guides(color=guide_legend(override.aes=list(fill=sub_colors, linetype=0)))

        # Add additional theme elements
        p1 <- p1 + do.call(theme, list(...))
        # Add plot to list
        plot_list[[center_nuc]] <- p1

    # Plot
    if (!silent) { 
        do.call(gridPlot, args=c(plot_list, ncol=length(plot_list))) 

#' Visualize parameter tuning for minNumMutations and minNumSeqMutations
#' Visualize results from \link{minNumMutationsTune} and \link{minNumSeqMutationsTune}
#' @param    tuneMtx             a \code{matrix} or a \code{list} of matrices produced by either 
#'                               \link{minNumMutationsTune} or \link{minNumSeqMutationsTune}.
#'                               In the case of a list, it is assumed that each matrix corresponds
#'                               to a sample and that all matrices in the list were produced using
#'                               the same set of trial values of \code{minNumMutations} or 
#'                               \code{minNumSeqMutations}.
#' @param    thresh              a number or a vector of indicating the value or the range of values
#'                               of \code{minNumMutations} or \code{minNumSeqMutations} to plot. 
#'                               Should correspond to the columns of \code{tuneMtx}.
#' @param    criterion           one of \code{"5mer"}, \code{"3mer"}, \code{"1mer"}, or \code{"3mer+1mer"} 
#'                               (for \code{tuneMtx} produced by \link{minNumMutationsTune}), or either 
#'                               \code{"measured"} or \code{"inferred"} (for \code{tuneMtx} produced by 
#'                               \link{minNumSeqMutationsTune}).                
#' @param    pchs                point types to pass on to \link{plot}.
#' @param    ltys                line types to pass on to \link{plot}.
#' @param    cols                colors to pass on to \link{plot}.                             
#' @param    plotLegend          whether to plot legend. Default is \code{TRUE}. Only applicable 
#'                               if \code{tuneMtx} is a named list with names of the matrices 
#'                               corresponding to the names of the samples.
#' @param    legendPos           position of legend to pass on to \link{legend}. Can be either a
#'                               numeric vector specifying x-y coordinates, or one of 
#'                               \code{"topright"}, \code{"center"}, etc. Default is \code{"topright"}.
#' @param    legendHoriz         whether to make legend horizontal. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param    legendCex           numeric values by which legend should be magnified relative to 1.
#' @details  For \code{tuneMtx} produced by \link{minNumMutationsTune}, for each sample, depending on
#'           \code{criterion}, the numbers of 5-mers for which substitution rates are directly computed
#'           (\code{"5mer"}), inferred based on inner 3-mers (\code{"3mer"}), inferred based on 
#'           central 1-mers (\code{"1mer"}), or inferred based on inner 3-mers and central 1-mers
#'           (\code{"3mer+1mer"}) are plotted on the y-axis against values of \code{minNumMutations} 
#'           on the x-axis.
#'           For \code{tuneMtx} produced by \link{minNumSeqMutationsTune}, for each sample, depending on
#'           \code{criterion}, the numbers of 5-mers for which mutability rates are directly measured
#'           (\code{"measured"}) or inferred (\code{"inferred"}) are plotted on the y-axis against values
#'           of \code{minNumSeqMutations} on the x-axis.
#'           Note that legends will be plotted only if \code{tuneMtx} is a supplied as a named \code{list}
#'           of matrices, ideally with names of each \code{matrix} corresponding to those of the samples 
#'           based on which the matrices were produced, even if \code{plotLegend=TRUE}.
#' @seealso  See \link{minNumMutationsTune} and \link{minNumSeqMutationsTune} for generating 
#'           \code{tuneMtx}. 
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Subset example data to one isotype and 200 sequences
#' data(ExampleDb, package="alakazam")
#' db <- subset(ExampleDb, c_call == "IGHA")
#' set.seed(112)
#' db <- dplyr::slice_sample(db, n=50)
#' tuneMtx = list()
#' for (i in 1:length(unique(db$sample_id))) {
#'     # Get data corresponding to current sample
#'     curDb = db[db[["sample_id"]] == unique(db[["sample_id"]])[i], ]
#'     # Count the number of mutations per 5-mer
#'     subCount = createSubstitutionMatrix(db=curDb, model="s", 
#'                                         sequenceColumn="sequence_alignment",
#'                                         germlineColumn="germline_alignment_d_mask",
#'                                         vCallColumn="v_call",
#'                                         multipleMutation="independent",
#'                                         returnModel="5mer", numMutationsOnly=TRUE)
#'     # Tune over minNumMutations = 5..50
#'     subTune = minNumMutationsTune(subCount, seq(from=5, to=50, by=5))
#'     tuneMtx = c(tuneMtx, list(subTune))
#' }
#' # Name tuneMtx after sample names 
#' names(tuneMtx) = unique(db[["sample_id"]])
#' # plot with legend for both samples for a subset of minNumMutations values
#' plotTune(tuneMtx, thresh=c(5, 15, 25, 40), criterion="3mer",
#'          pchs=16:17, ltys=1:2, cols=2:3, 
#'          plotLegend=TRUE, legendPos=c(25, 30))
#' # plot for only 1 sample for all the minNumMutations values (no legend)
#' plotTune(tuneMtx[[1]], thresh=seq(from=5, to=50, by=5), criterion="3mer")
#' }
#' @export
plotTune <- function(tuneMtx, thresh, 
                    criterion=c("5mer", "3mer", "1mer", "3mer+1mer", 
                                "measured", "inferred"), 
                    pchs = 1, ltys = 2, cols = 1,
                    plotLegend = TRUE, legendPos = "topright", 
                    legendHoriz = FALSE, legendCex = 1) {
  stopifnot(is.matrix(tuneMtx) | is.list(tuneMtx))
  ### extract plot data into plotMtx
  # if tuneMtx is just a matrix
  if (!is.list(tuneMtx)) {
    if (criterion!="3mer+1mer") {
      plotMtx <- matrix(tuneMtx[criterion, as.character(thresh)], nrow=1)
    } else {
      plotMtx <- matrix(colSums(tuneMtx[c("3mer", "1mer"), as.character(thresh)]), nrow=1)
  } else {
  # if tuneMtx is a named list of matrices (e.g. corresponding to multiple samples)  
    if (criterion!="3mer+1mer") {
      plotMtx <- do.call(base::rbind, 
                               function(mtx){mtx[criterion, as.character(thresh)]}))
    } else {
      plotMtx <- do.call(base::rbind, 
                               function(mtx){colSums(mtx[c("3mer", "1mer"), 
    rownames(plotMtx) <- names(tuneMtx)
  # sanity check: there should not be any NA
  ### if number of pchs/ltys/cols provided does not match number of samples expected
  # expand into vector with repeating values (otherwise legend would break)
  if (length(pchs)!=nrow(plotMtx)) {pchs <- rep(pchs, length.out=nrow(plotMtx))}
  if (length(ltys)!=nrow(plotMtx)) {ltys <- rep(ltys, length.out=nrow(plotMtx))}
  if (length(cols)!=nrow(plotMtx)) {cols <- rep(cols, length.out=nrow(plotMtx))}
  ### axis labels
  if (criterion %in% c("5mer", "3mer", "1mer", "3mer+1mer")) {
    xlab.name <- "Minimum # mutations per 5-mer to\ndirectly compute 5-mer substitution rates"
    # cannot use switch because variable names cannot start with number
    ylab.name <- "# 5-mers for which substitution rates are\n"
    if (criterion=="5mer") {
      ylab.name <- paste(ylab.name, "directly computed")
    } else if (criterion=="3mer") {
      ylab.name <- paste(ylab.name, "inferred based on inner 3-mers")
    } else if (criterion=="1mer") {
      ylab.name <- paste(ylab.name, "inferred based on central 1-mers")
    } else if (criterion=="3mer+1mer") {
      ylab.name <- paste(ylab.name, "inferred based on 3- and 1-mers")
  } else if (criterion %in% c("measured", "inferred")) {
    xlab.name <- "Minimum # mutations in sequences containing each 5-mer\nto directly compute mutability"
    ylab.name <- paste("# 5-mers for which mutability is", criterion)
  ### plot
  # bottom, left, top, right
  par(mar=c(6, 6, 4, 2) + 0.1)
  for (i in 1:nrow(plotMtx)) {
    if (i==1) {
      plot(x=thresh, y=plotMtx[i, ], 
           xaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="",
           cex.axis=1.5, type="b", lwd=1.5,
           pch=pchs[i], lty=ltys[i], col=cols[i])
      axis(side=1, at=thresh, cex.axis=1.5)
      mtext(side=1, text=xlab.name, line=4, cex=1.2)
      mtext(side=2, text=ylab.name, line=3, cex=1.2)
    } else {
      points(x=thresh, y=plotMtx[i, ],
             type="b", lwd=1.5,
             pch=pchs[i], lty=ltys[i], col=cols[i])
  ### legend (even if plotLegend=T, only plotted if tuneMtx is a named list)
  if ( !is.null(rownames(plotMtx)) & plotLegend ) {
    # if legendPos specified as xy coordinates
    if (is.numeric(legendPos) & length(legendPos)==2) {
      legend(x=legendPos[1], y=legendPos[2], 
             legend = c("Sample", rownames(plotMtx)),
             horiz = legendHoriz, cex = legendCex,
             pch=c(NA, pchs), lty=c(NA, ltys), col=c(NA, cols))
    } else {
    # if legendPos specified as "center", "topright", etc.  
             legend = c("Sample", rownames(plotMtx)),
             horiz = legendHoriz, cex = legendCex,
             pch=c(NA, pchs), lty=c(NA, ltys), col=c(NA, cols))

#### Original BASELINe functions ####

# Given a nuc, returns the other 3 nucs it can mutate to
canMutateTo <- function(nuc) {
    NUCLEOTIDES[1:4][NUCLEOTIDES[1:4] != nuc]

# Compute the mutations types
# matOfCodons: nx2; n=pairs of codons; 1st col=codonTo, 2nd col=codonFrom
# NOTE: this function is not intended to be used where input sequences have 
#       ambiguous characters; it assumes that only 1 entry (r/s/stop/na) from
#       mutationType is non-zero/1
mutationTypeOptimized <- function(matOfCodons) {
    # mutType: 4xn; rows: r/s/stop/na
    mutType <- apply(matOfCodons, 1, function(x) { mutationType(x[2], x[1]) })
    idx <- apply(mutType, 2, function(y){which(y>0)[1]})
    mutType <- rownames(mutType)[idx]
    mutType[which(mutType=="na")] <- NA

# row 1 = GL
# row 2 = Seq
# in_matrix <- matrix(c(c("A","A","A","C","C","C"), c("A","G","G","C","C","A")), 2 ,6, byrow=T)
# analyzeMutations2NucUri(in_matrix)
analyzeMutations2NucUri <- function(in_matrix) {
    if(ncol(in_matrix) > VLENGTH) {
        paramGL <- in_matrix[2,1:VLENGTH]
        paramSeq <- in_matrix[1,1:VLENGTH]
    } else {
        paramGL <- in_matrix[2,]
        paramSeq <- in_matrix[1,]
    #mutations = apply(rbind(paramGL,paramSeq), 2, function(x){!x[1]==x[2]})
    mutations_val <- paramGL != paramSeq
    if (any(mutations_val)) {
        mutationPos <- {1:length(mutations_val)}[mutations_val]
        #mutationPos = mutationPos[sapply(mutationPos, function(x){!any(paramSeq[getCodonPos(x)]=="N")})]
        length_mutations =length(mutationPos)
        mutationInfo <- rep(NA,length_mutations)
        if (any(mutationPos)) {
            pos<- mutationPos
            pos <- pos[!is.na(pos)]
            pos_array <- array(sapply(pos,getCodonPos))
            codonGL <- paramGL[pos_array]
            codonGL[is.na(codonGL)] <- "N"
            codonSeq <- sapply(pos,function(x){
                seqP <- paramGL[getCodonPos(x)]
                muCodonPos <- {x-1}%%3+1
                seqP[muCodonPos] <- paramSeq[x]
            codonSeq[is.na(codonSeq)] <- "N"
            GLcodons <-  apply(matrix(codonGL,length_mutations,3,byrow=TRUE),1,c2s)
            Seqcodons <-   apply(codonSeq,2,c2s)
            mutationInfo <- apply(rbind(GLcodons , Seqcodons),2,function(x){
                # not intended to be used where input sequences have 
                # ambiguous characters; it assumes that only 1 entry (r/s/stop/na) from
                # mutationType is non-zero/1
                mutType <- mutationType(c2s(x[1]),c2s(x[2]))
                mutType <- names(mutType)[which(mutType>0)]
                if (mutType=="na") {mutType=NA}
            names(mutationInfo) <- mutationPos
        if (any(!is.na(mutationInfo))) {
        } else {
    } else {
        return (NA)

# List mutations
listMutations <- function(seqInput, seqGL, multipleMutation, model) {
    #if( is.na(c(seqInput, seqGL)) ) return(array(NA,4))
    if (is.na(seqInput) | is.na(seqGL)) { return(NA) }
    seqI <- s2c(seqInput)
    seqG <- s2c(seqGL)
    matIGL <- matrix(c(seqI, seqG), ncol=length(seqI), nrow=2, byrow=T)
    mutations <- analyzeMutations2NucUri(matIGL)
    mutations <- mutations[!is.na(mutations)]
    #positions <- as.numeric(names(mutations))
    # mutations <- mutations[positions <= VLENGTH]
    #remove the nucleotide mutations in the codons with multiple mutations
    if (multipleMutation == "ignore") {
       mutationCodons <- getCodonNumb(as.numeric(names(mutations)))
       tableMutationCodons <- table(mutationCodons)
       codonsWithMultipleMutations <- as.numeric(names(tableMutationCodons[tableMutationCodons>1]))
       mutations <- mutations[!(mutationCodons %in% codonsWithMultipleMutations)]
    if (model == "s") {
       mutations <- mutations[mutations == "s"]
    if (length(mutations) > 0) {
    } else {

# List the numbers of observed mutations
# This lists the observed number of mutation.
# @param   db  a data.frame of the DB file.
# @param   sequenceColumn  The name of the sequence column.
# @param   germlineColumn  The name of the germline column.
# @return  list of mutations in each clone
listObservedMutations <- function(db, sequenceColumn="sequence_alignment", 
                                  multipleMutation=c("independent", "ignore"),
                                  model = c("rs", "s"))  {
    # Make sure the columns specified exist 
    if (!(sequenceColumn %in% names(db))) {
        stop("The sequence column", sequenceColumn, "was not found.")
    if (!(germlineColumn %in% names(db))) {
        stop("The germline column", germlineColumn, "was not found.")
    mutations <- mapply(listMutations, db[[sequenceColumn]], db[[germlineColumn]], 
                        multipleMutation, model, USE.NAMES=FALSE, SIMPLIFY = F)

#### Testing functions ####

# Function to make dummy data for testing targetting functions
# @param   nseq  number of sequences
# @param   nmut  number of mutations per sequence
# @param   nmer  number of 5-mers per sequence (sequence length = 5 * nmer)
# @return  a data.frame with columns sequence_id, sequence_alignment, germline_alignment_d_mask, v_call.
# @examples
# db <- makeTargetingTestDb(500)
makeTargetingTestDb <- function(nseq=10, nmut=40, nmers=50) {
    nuc_chars <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")
    .mut <- function(x, n) {
       i <- sample(1:nchar(x), n) 
       y <- seqinr::s2c(x)
       y[i] <- sapply(y[i], function(z) sample(nuc_chars[nuc_chars != z], 1))
    seq <- apply(replicate(nseq, sample(seqinr::words(5, nuc_chars), nmers)), 2, paste, collapse="")
    germ <- sapply(seq, .mut, n=nmut)
    db <- data.frame(sequence_id=paste0("SEQ", 1:nseq),
                     v_call="Homsap IGHV3-66*02 F", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    rownames(db) <- NULL

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