
Defines functions kmeans_haystack_continuous hclust_haystack_continuous prepare_clustering get_D_KL_continuous_highD_SPARSE get_model_cv_bs get_model_cv_ns get_log_p_D_KL_continuous get_D_KL_continuous_highD haystack_continuous_highD

Documented in get_D_KL_continuous_highD get_log_p_D_KL_continuous haystack_continuous_highD

#' The main Haystack function, for higher-dimensional spaces and continuous expression levels.
#' @param x Coordinates of cells in a 2D or higher-dimensional space. Rows represent cells, columns the dimensions of the space.
#' @param expression a matrix with expression data of genes (rows) in cells (columns)
#' @param grid.points An integer specifying the number of centers (grid points) to be used for estimating the density distributions of cells. Default is set to 100.
#' @param weights.advanced.Q (Default: NULL) Optional weights of cells for calculating a weighted distribution of expression.
#' @param dir.randomization If NULL, no output is made about the random sampling step. If not NULL, files related to the randomizations are printed to this directory.
#' @param scale Logical (default=TRUE) indicating whether input coordinates in x should be scaled to mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
#' @param grid.method The method to decide grid points for estimating the density in the high-dimensional space. Should be "centroid" (default) or "seeding".
#' @param randomization.count Number of randomizations to use. Default: 100
#' @param n.genes.to.randomize Number of genes to use in randomizations. Default: 100
#' @param selection.method.genes.to.randomize Method used to select genes for randomization.
#' @param grid.coord matrix of grid coordinates.
#' @param spline.method Method to use for fitting splines "ns" (default): natural splines, "bs": B-splines.
#' @return An object of class "haystack", including the results of the analysis, and the coordinates of the grid points used to estimate densities.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # using the toy example of the singleCellHaystack package
#' # running haystack
#' res <- haystack(dat.tsne, dat.expression)
#' # list top 10 biased genes
#' show_result_haystack(res, n=10)
haystack_continuous_highD = function(x, expression, grid.points = 100, weights.advanced.Q=NULL,
                                     dir.randomization = NULL, scale=TRUE, grid.method="centroid",
                                     randomization.count = 100, n.genes.to.randomize = 100,
                                     selection.method.genes.to.randomize = "heavytails", grid.coord=NULL,

  renderPB <- isFALSE(getOption("rstudio.notebook.executing"))

  message("### calling haystack_continuous_highD()...")

  if (!is.null(grid.coord)) {
    grid.points <- nrow(grid.coord)

    if (ncol(x) != ncol(grid.coord))
      stop("Coordinates and grid points have different number of columns.")

    if (!is.null(colnames(x)) || !is.null(colnames(grid.coord)))
      if (! identical(colnames(x), colnames(grid.coord)))
        stop("Coordinates and grid points have different column names.")

  # Check for sparseMatrixStats package.
  if(requireNamespace("sparseMatrixStats", quietly = TRUE)){
    message("### Using package sparseMatrixStats to speed up statistics in sparse matrices.")
    useSMS <- TRUE
  } else {
    message("### Package sparseMatrixStats not found. Install for speed improvements.")
    useSMS <- FALSE

  message("### Calculating row-wise mean and SD... ")
  if (useSMS) {
    #expr.mean <- sparseMatrixStats::rowMeans2(expression)
    #names(expr.mean) <- rownames(expression)
    expr.mean <- Matrix::rowMeans(expression)
  else {
    #expr.mean <- apply(expression,1,mean)
    expr.mean <- Matrix::rowMeans(expression) # Maybe this is best as default?

  if (min(expr.mean) < 0)
    stop("Some features have an average signal < 0. Expect average signal >= 0.")

  if (useSMS)
    expr.sd <- sparseMatrixStats::rowSds(expression, useNames=FALSE)
    expr.sd <- apply(expression,1,sd)

  sel.bad <- expr.sd == 0
  expression <- expression[!sel.bad, ]
  expr.mean <- expr.mean[!sel.bad]
  expr.sd <- expr.sd[!sel.bad]
  message("### Filtered ", sum(sel.bad)," genes with zero variance...")

  expr.mean <- expr.mean + 1e-300
  expr.sd <- expr.sd + 1e-300

  message("### Using ",randomization.count," randomizations...")
  message("### Using ",n.genes.to.randomize," genes to randomize...")

  # check input
  if(!is.numeric(x) && !all(apply(x, 2, is.numeric)))
    stop("'x' must be a numeric matrix or data.frame")
  if(!is.matrix(x) && !is.data.frame(x))
    stop("'x' must be a numeric matrix or data.frame")
  #if(ncol(x) < 2)
  #  stop("'x' must have at least 2 columns")
  if(!is.matrix(expression) && ! inherits(expression, "dgCMatrix") && ! inherits(expression, "dgRMatrix"))
    stop("'expression' must be a matrix, dgCMatrix, or dgRMatrix")
  if(ncol(expression) != nrow(x))
    stop("The number of columns in 'expression' must be the same as the rows in 'x'")
    stop("The value of 'grid.points' must be a numeric")
  if(grid.points >= ncol(expression))
    stop("The number of grid points appears to be very high (higher than the number of cells). You can set the number of grid points using the 'grid.points' parameter.")
      stop("'weights.advanced.Q' must either be NULL or a numeric vector")
    if(length(weights.advanced.Q) != nrow(x))
      stop("The length of 'weights.advanced.Q' must be the same as the number of rows in 'x'")
  if(spline.method!="ns" & spline.method!="bs")
    stop("'spline.method' should be either 'ns' or 'bs'")

  # if expression is a dgCMatrix, convert it to a dgRMatrix
  if(inherits(expression, "dgCMatrix")){
    message("### converting expression data from dgCMatrix to dgRMatrix")
    expression <- as(expression, "RsparseMatrix")

  count.cells <- ncol(expression)
  count.genes <- nrow(expression)
  if(n.genes.to.randomize > count.genes){
    warning("Number of genes to randomize (",n.genes.to.randomize,") is higher than the number of genes in the data.")
    warning("Setting number of genes to randomize to ",count.genes)
    n.genes.to.randomize <- count.genes

  # warn about unusal input sizes
  if(nrow(x) < 50)
    warning("The number of cells seems very low (",nrow(x),"). Check your input.")
  if(nrow(expression) < 100)
    warning("The number of genes seems very low (",nrow(expression),"). Check your input.")

  # warn about extreme values for 'grid.points'
  if(grid.points < 10)
    warning("The value of 'grid.points' appears to be very low (<10). You can set the number of grid points using the 'grid.points' parameter.")
  if(grid.points > count.cells/10)
    warning("The value of 'grid.points' appears to be very high (> No. of cells / 10). You can set the number of grid points using the 'grid.points' parameter.")

  # scale data if needed
    message("### scaling input data...")
    x <- scale(x)
    # save the mean and stdev of the scaling
    x.scale.center <- attr(x = x, which = "scaled:center")
    x.scale.scale <- attr(x = x, which = "scaled:scale")

  # make dir if needed

  ### get reference probabilities "Q"
  # using all points, set grid.points
  # from those, estimate Q
  # normalize to sum to 1
  if (is.null(grid.coord)) {
    message("### deciding grid points...")
    grid.coord <- get_grid_points(input=x, method=grid.method, grid.points=grid.points)

    # add another warning for the case that the number of grid.points was changed
    if(nrow(grid.coord) != grid.points){
      warning("The number of grid points was changed from ",grid.points," to ",nrow(grid.coord))
      grid.points <- nrow(grid.coord)

  dist.to.grid <- get_dist_two_sets(x,grid.coord)

  # process the distances to a suitable density contribution
  # first, set bandwidth
  # bandwidth <- sqrt(sum((apply(x, 2, default_bandwidth.nrd)) ^ 2))
  # message("### using new bandwidth definition...")
  bandwidth <- median(apply(dist.to.grid,1,min))
  dist.to.grid.norm <- dist.to.grid / bandwidth
  density.contributions <-
    exp(-dist.to.grid.norm * dist.to.grid.norm / 2)

    Q <- colSums(density.contributions)
  } else {
    Q <- colSums(density.contributions*weights.advanced.Q)
  pseudo <- 1e-300 # quantile(Q[Q>0],0.01)
  Q <- Q + pseudo
  Q <- Q / sum(Q) # normalize to sum to 1

  ### get density "P"
  ### now this is based on CONTINUOUS expression values
  ### and no longer on binary expression values (TRUE vs FALSE)

  # get densities (using above grid points, limits, bandwidths)
  # add pseudocount to densities to avoid Inf problems
  # normalize to sum to 1
  # get D_KL (or relative entropy) of this P vs reference Q
  message("### calculating Kullback-Leibler divergences...")
  D_KL.observed <- rep(0,count.genes)
  if (renderPB)
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = count.genes, style = 3, file = stderr()) # progress bar
    for(i in 1:count.genes){
      D_KL.observed[i] <- get_D_KL_continuous_highD(weights=expression[i,], density.contributions = density.contributions, reference.prob = Q, pseudo = pseudo)
      if (renderPB) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i) # progress bar
  } else if(inherits(expression, "dgRMatrix")){
    for(i in 1:count.genes){
      D_KL.observed[i] <- get_D_KL_continuous_highD_SPARSE(weights_list=extract_row_dgRMatrix_as_sparse(expression,i), density.contributions = density.contributions, reference.prob = Q, pseudo = pseudo)
      if (renderPB) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i) # progress bar
  if (renderPB) close(pb) # progress bar

  ### use randomization to estimate expected values
  ### and p values for D_KL
  # for the mean D_KL:  the mean(log(D_KL)) can be modeled in function of log(coeffVar)
  # for the SD of D_KL: the sd(log(D_KL))   can be modeled in function of coeffVar
  # we need the Coefficient of Variation (coeffVar) ---> from the input data (expression)
  # we need the D_KL values of (a small set of) randomized genes ---> do randomizations

  coeffVar  <- expr.sd/expr.mean # coefficient of variation

  message("### performing randomizations...")

  # use all genes if the total number of genes is less than n.genes.to.randomize
  o <- order(coeffVar)
  # Option "uniform"   : evenly spread ("uniform")
  # Option "heavytails": top 10 and bottom 10, otherwise evenly spread
    genes.to.randomize <- o[floor(seq(1,count.genes, length.out = n.genes.to.randomize))]
  } else if(selection.method.genes.to.randomize=="heavytails"){
    genes.to.randomize <- o[c(1:9,
                            as.integer(seq(10,count.genes-9,length.out = n.genes.to.randomize-18)),

  # - do x randomizations and get their D_KL values
  # - get mean and SD of D_KL values,
  # - do fitting in function of coeffVar
  # - use those results to estimate p values of all genes

  # to store randomization results
  all.D_KL.randomized <- matrix(NA,nrow=n.genes.to.randomize, ncol=randomization.count)

  if (renderPB) pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = n.genes.to.randomize, style = 3, file = stderr()) # progress bar

    for(i in 1:n.genes.to.randomize){
      if (renderPB) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i) # progress bar

      D_KL.randomized <- rep(NA,randomization.count)
      vector.to.randomize <- expression[genes.to.randomize[i],]
      for(r in 1:randomization.count){
        # using default sampling
        D_KL.randomized[r] <- get_D_KL_continuous_highD(
          density.contributions = density.contributions, reference.prob = Q, pseudo = pseudo

      all.D_KL.randomized[i,] <- D_KL.randomized
    }# end for all T counts to select
  } else if(inherits(expression, "dgRMatrix")){
    for(i in 1:n.genes.to.randomize){
      if (renderPB) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i) # progress bar

      D_KL.randomized <- rep(NA,randomization.count)
      weights.list.to.randomize <- extract_row_dgRMatrix_as_sparse(expression,genes.to.randomize[i])
      non.zero.n <- length(weights.list.to.randomize$ind)
      for(r in 1:randomization.count){
        # using default sampling
        weights.list.to.randomize$ind <- sample(x = count.cells, size = non.zero.n)
        D_KL.randomized[r] <- get_D_KL_continuous_highD_SPARSE(
          density.contributions = density.contributions, reference.prob = Q, pseudo = pseudo
      all.D_KL.randomized[i,] <- D_KL.randomized
    }# end for all T counts to select
  if (renderPB) close(pb) # progress bar

  message("### estimating p-values...")
  p.vals <- get_log_p_D_KL_continuous(D_KL.observed = D_KL.observed,
                                      D_KL.randomized = all.D_KL.randomized,
                                      all.coeffVar = coeffVar,
                                      train.coeffVar = coeffVar[genes.to.randomize],
                                      output.dir = dir.randomization,
                                      spline.method = spline.method)
  rand_info <- p.vals$info
  rand_info$method <- spline.method
  rand_info$genes_to_randomize <- genes.to.randomize
  rand_info$KLD_rand <- all.D_KL.randomized
  p.vals <- p.vals$fitted

  # bonferroni correction for multiple testing
  p.adjs <- p.vals + log10(length(p.vals))
  p.adjs[p.adjs>0] <- 0 # p values should be at most 1; so log10 should be <= 0

    message("### writing randomized Kullback-Leibler divergences to file...")
    outputfile.randomized.D_KL <- paste0(dir.randomization,"/random.D_KL.csv")

  # prepare grid coordinates to return
  # if input data was scaled, the grid points have to be re-scaled
  # else nothing has to be done
    grid.coord <- grid.coord*rep(x.scale.scale,each=nrow(grid.coord)) + rep(x.scale.center,each=nrow(grid.coord))

  message("### returning result...")
  # prepare the 'haystack' object to return
  res <- list(
    results = data.frame(
      D_KL = D_KL.observed,
      log.p.vals = p.vals,
      log.p.adj = p.adjs,
      row.names = row.names(expression)
    info = list(
      randomization = rand_info,
      grid.coordinates = grid.coord,
      coord_mean = x.scale.center,
      coord_std = x.scale.scale,
      densities = density.contributions,
      cv = coeffVar
    #all.D_KL.randomized = all.D_KL.randomized
  class(res) <- "haystack"

#' Calculates the Kullback-Leibler divergence between distributions for the high-dimensional continuous version of haystack.
#' @param weights A numerical vector with expression values of a gene.
#' @param density.contributions A matrix of density contributions of each cell (rows) to each center point (columns).
#' @param reference.prob A reference distribution to calculate the divergence against.
#' @param pseudo A pseudocount, used to avoid log(0) problems.
#' @return A numerical value, the Kullback-Leibler divergence
get_D_KL_continuous_highD = function(weights, density.contributions, reference.prob, pseudo = 0){

  # the reference distribution Q of cells in the space
  Q <- reference.prob

  # calculating the Kullback-Leibler divergence of the distribution
  # of expression vs reference distribution Q
  P <- colSums(density.contributions*weights)
  P <- P + pseudo
  P <- P / sum(P)
  D_KL <- sum(P * log(P/Q))


#' Estimates the significance of the observed Kullback-Leibler divergence by comparing to randomizations for the continuous version of haystack.
#' @param D_KL.observed A vector of observed Kullback-Leibler divergences.
#' @param D_KL.randomized A matrix of Kullback-Leibler divergences of randomized datasets.
#' @param all.coeffVar Coefficients of variation of all genes. Used for fitting the Kullback-Leibler divergences.
#' @param train.coeffVar Coefficients of variation of genes that will be used for fitting the Kullback-Leibler divergences.
#' @param output.dir Optional parameter. Default is NULL. If not NULL, some files will be written to this directory.
#' @param spline.method Method to use for fitting splines "ns" (default): natural splines, "bs": B-splines.
#' @return A vector of log10 p values, not corrected for multiple testing using the Bonferroni correction.
get_log_p_D_KL_continuous = function(D_KL.observed, D_KL.randomized, all.coeffVar, train.coeffVar, output.dir = NULL, spline.method="ns"){

  # prepare data for fitting
  log.D_KL <- log(D_KL.randomized)
  D_KL.log.mean <- apply(log.D_KL,1,mean)
  D_KL.log.sd   <- apply(log.D_KL,1,sd)

  # ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
  # first, for the mean D_KL
  message("### picking model for mean D_KL...")
  plot.file <- NULL
    plot.file <- paste0(output.dir,"/fit_logCoeffVar_vs_meanLogD_KL.pdf")
    model <- get_model_cv_ns(x = log(train.coeffVar), y = D_KL.log.mean, plot.file = plot.file)
  } else if(spline.method=="bs"){
    model <- get_model_cv_bs(x = log(train.coeffVar), y = D_KL.log.mean, plot.file = plot.file)

  info <- list()
  info$features <- rownames(D_KL.randomized)
  info$mean <- model$info
  model <- model$model

  # fitted values for all cases
  fitted.D_KL_log.mean <- predict(model, data.frame(x=log(all.coeffVar)), type="response")

  # ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
  # second, for the SD of the D_KL
  message("### picking model for stdev D_KL...")
  plot.file <- NULL
    plot.file <- paste0(output.dir,"/fit_logCoeffVar_vs_SdLogD_KL.pdf")
    model <- get_model_cv_ns(x = log(train.coeffVar), y = D_KL.log.sd, plot.file = plot.file)
  } else if(spline.method=="bs"){
    model <- get_model_cv_bs(x = log(train.coeffVar), y = D_KL.log.sd, plot.file = plot.file)
  info$sd <- model$info
  model <- model$model

  # fitted values for all cases
  fitted.D_KL_log.sd <- predict(model, data.frame(x=log(all.coeffVar)), type="response")

  # ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
  # estimate p values
  fitted.log.p.vals <- pnorm(log(D_KL.observed), mean = fitted.D_KL_log.mean, sd = fitted.D_KL_log.sd, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = T)/log(10)

  list(fitted=fitted.log.p.vals, info=info)

get_model_cv_ns = function(x, y, plot.file = NULL){
  message("### using natural splines")
  # prepare cross validation
  n_cv <- 10 # 10 fold
  sets <- sample(rep(1:n_cv, length.out = length(x))) # I am using sample() to really randomize them

  # set boundary knots to be slightly outside range of predictor values
  range.x <- range(x)
  r.x <- range.x[2]-range.x[1]
  boundary.knots <- c(range.x[1] - 0.01*r.x, range.x[2] + 0.01*r.x)

  dfs <- 1:10

  best_rmsd   <- Inf
  best_df     <- NA
  for(df in dfs){

    rmsds <- rep(NA, n_cv)
    for(s in 1:n_cv){
      x.train <- x[sets!=s]
      y.train <- y[sets!=s]
      x.test  <- x[sets==s]
      y.test  <- y[sets==s]

      model <- lm(y.train ~ ns(x.train, df=df,Boundary.knots=boundary.knots))

      y.pred <- predict(model, data.frame(x.train=x.test), type="response")
      rmsds[s] <- sqrt(mean((y.pred - y.test)^2))
    rmsd <- mean(rmsds)

    # message(degree," ",df," ",rmsd)

    # update if better solution
    if(rmsd < best_rmsd){
      best_rmsd <- rmsd
      best_df <- df
  }# for dfs

  message("### best RMSD  : ",round(best_rmsd,3))
  message("### best df    : ",best_df)

  model <- lm(y ~ ns(x, df=best_df,Boundary.knots=boundary.knots))

  x.seq <- seq(range.x[1],range.x[2],length.out=1000)
  fitted.y <- predict(model, data.frame(x=x.seq), type="response")

  info <- list(
    cv.selected=list(df=best_df, rmsd=best_rmsd),
    observed=data.frame(feature=names(x), x=x, y=y),
    fitted=data.frame(feature=names(x), x=x.seq, y=fitted.y),
    spline.method = "ns"

    range.y <- range(range(y), range(fitted.y))
    plot(x, y, ylim = range.y)
    points(x.seq,fitted.y,col="red", type="l")

  list(model=model, info=info)

get_model_cv_bs = function(x, y, plot.file = NULL){
  message("### using B-splines")
  # prepare cross validation
  n_cv <- 10 # 10 fold
  sets <- sample(rep(1:n_cv, length.out = length(x))) # I am using sample() to really randomize them

  # set boundary knots to be slightly outside range of predictor values
  range.x <- range(x)
  r.x <- range.x[2]-range.x[1]
  boundary.knots <- c(range.x[1] - 0.01*r.x, range.x[2] + 0.01*r.x)

  degrees <- 1:5
  dfs <- 1:10

  best_rmsd   <- Inf
  best_degree <- NA
  best_df     <- NA
  for(degree in degrees){
    for(df in dfs){

      # check if df is suitable
      # see: https://github.com/SurajGupta/r-source/blob/master/src/library/splines/R/splines.R
      ord <- 1L + (degree <- as.integer(degree))
      intercept <- FALSE
      nIknots <- df - ord + (1L - intercept)
      if(nIknots < 0L){
        # message("degree: ",degree, " - df: ",df," - df too small; skip")

      rmsds <- rep(NA, n_cv)
      for(s in 1:n_cv){
        x.train <- x[sets!=s]
        y.train <- y[sets!=s]
        x.test  <- x[sets==s]
        y.test  <- y[sets==s]

        model <- lm(y.train ~ bs(x.train, df=df,Boundary.knots=boundary.knots, degree=degree))

        y.pred <- predict(model, data.frame(x.train=x.test), type="response")
        rmsds[s] <- sqrt(mean((y.pred - y.test)^2))
      rmsd <- mean(rmsds)

      # message(degree," ",df," ",rmsd)

      # update if better solution
      if(rmsd < best_rmsd){
        best_rmsd <- rmsd
        best_degree <- degree
        best_df <- df
    }# for dfs
  }# for degrees

  message("### best RMSD  : ",round(best_rmsd,3))
  message("### best degree: ",best_degree)
  message("### best df    : ",best_df)

  model <- lm(y ~ bs(x, df=best_df,Boundary.knots=boundary.knots, degree=best_degree))

  x.seq <- seq(range.x[1],range.x[2],length.out=1000)
  fitted.y <- predict(model, data.frame(x=x.seq), type="response")

  info <- list(
    cv.parameters=list(degrees=degrees, dfs=dfs),
    cv.selected=list(degree=best_degree, df=best_df, rmsd=best_rmsd),
    observed=data.frame(feature=names(x), x=x, y=y),
    fitted=data.frame(feature=1:length(x.seq), x=x.seq, y=fitted.y),
    spline.method = "bs"

    range.y <- range(range(y), range(fitted.y))
    plot(x, y, ylim = range.y)
    points(x.seq,fitted.y,col="red", type="l")

  list(model=model, info=info)

get_D_KL_continuous_highD_SPARSE = function(weights_list, density.contributions, reference.prob, pseudo = 0){

  val = weights_list$val
  ind = weights_list$ind

  # the reference distribution Q of cells in the space
  Q <- reference.prob

  # calculating the Kullback-Leibler divergence of the distribution
  # of expression vs reference distribution Q
  P <- colSums(density.contributions[ind,,drop=FALSE]*val)
  P <- P + pseudo
  P <- P / sum(P)
  D_KL <- sum(P * log(P/Q))


prepare_clustering <- function(x, expression, grid.coordinates, scale=TRUE) {
  ngenes <- nrow(expression)
  # scale data if needed
    x <- scale(x)
    # save the mean and stdev of the scaling
    x.scale.center <- attr(x = x, which = "scaled:center")
    x.scale.scale <- attr(x = x, which = "scaled:scale")
    grid.coordinates <- (grid.coordinates - rep(x.scale.center,each=nrow(grid.coordinates))) / rep(x.scale.scale,each=nrow(grid.coordinates))

  # if expression is a dgCMatrix, convert it to a dgRMatrix
  if(inherits(expression, "dgCMatrix")){
    message("### converting expression data from dgCMatrix to dgRMatrix")
    expression <- as(expression, "RsparseMatrix")

  # get densities
  #expression.rownames <- rownames(expression)
  #row.index.subset <- which(is.element(expression.rownames, genes))

  dist.to.grid <- get_dist_two_sets(x,grid.coordinates)

  # process the distances to a suitable density contribution
  # first, set bandwidth
  # bandwidth <- sqrt(sum((apply(x, 2, default_bandwidth.nrd)) ^ 2))
  bandwidth <- median(apply(dist.to.grid,1,min))
  dist.to.grid.norm <- dist.to.grid / bandwidth
  density.contributions <-
    exp(-dist.to.grid.norm * dist.to.grid.norm / 2)

  #densities <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(row.index.subset), ncol=ncol(density.contributions))
  densities <- matrix(NA, nrow=ngenes, ncol=ncol(density.contributions))
  rownames(densities) <- rownames(expression)
  #row.names(densities) <- expression.rownames[row.index.subset]

  message("### collecting density data...")
  pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = ngenes, style = 3, file = stderr()) # progress bar
    #for(g in 1:length(row.index.subset)){
    for(g in seq_len(ngenes)){
      #gene_index <- row.index.subset[g]
      #densities[g,] <- colSums(density.contributions*expression[gene_index,])
      densities[g,] <- colSums(density.contributions*expression[g,])
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, g) # progress bar
  } else if( inherits(expression, "dgRMatrix") ){
    #for(g in 1:length(row.index.subset)){
    for(g in seq_len(ngenes)){
      #gene_index <- row.index.subset[g]
      #densities[g,] <- colSums(density.contributions*extract_row_dgRMatrix(expression,gene_index))
      densities[g,] <- colSums(density.contributions*extract_row_dgRMatrix(expression,g))
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, g) # progress bar
  } else {
    stop("'expression' must be a matrix or dgRMatrix")
  close(pb) # progress bar

  # rescale to sum to 1. This is to avoid R thinking sd=0 in the case where an entire row has very low values
  densities <- densities / rowSums(densities)

hclust_haystack_continuous = function(x, expression, grid.coordinates, hclust.method="ward.D", cor.method="spearman", scale = TRUE, ...){

  # many checks on input
  # see haystack_continuous_highD and also
  # see the hclust_haystack_highD function

  densities <- prepare_clustering(x, expression, grid.coordinates, scale=scale)

  #heatmap(dist.to.grid.norm, Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, scale="none")
  #heatmap(densities, Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, scale="none")

  dist <- as.dist(1 - cor(t(densities),method=cor.method)) # dist(densities)
  hc <- hclust(dist, method=hclust.method, ...)

kmeans_haystack_continuous = function(x, expression, grid.coordinates, k, scale = TRUE, ...){

  # many checks on input
  # see haystack_continuous_highD and also
  # see the kmeans_haystack_highD function

  densities <- prepare_clustering(x, expression, grid.coordinates, scale=scale)

  #heatmap(dist.to.grid.norm, Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, scale="none")
  #heatmap(densities, Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, scale="none")

  km <- kmeans(x=densities, centers=k, ...)

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singleCellHaystack documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:57 a.m.