
Defines functions cyto_plot_explore.flowFrame cyto_plot_explore.flowSet cyto_plot_explore.GatingHierarchy cyto_plot_explore.GatingSet cyto_plot_explore

Documented in cyto_plot_explore cyto_plot_explore.flowFrame cyto_plot_explore.flowSet cyto_plot_explore.GatingHierarchy cyto_plot_explore.GatingSet

## CYTO_PLOT_EXPLORE -----------------------------------------------------------

#' Explore Cytometry Data in Bivariate Plots
#' \code{cyto_plot_explore} is an extremely useful tool to explore all aspects
#' of your cytometry data. \code{cyto_plot_explore} constructs a faceted plot
#' for each of the supplied \code{channels_x} by plotting them against all the
#' supplied \code{channels_y}. Thus providing a rapid means to explore the data
#' in all available channels.
#' @param x an object of class \code{flowFrame}, \code{flowSet},
#'   \code{GatingHierachy} or \code{GatingSet}. \code{flowSet} and
#'   \code{GatingSet} objects will be coerced to a single \code{flowFrame} prior
#'   to plotting.
#' @param parent name of the parent population to plot when a
#'   \code{GatingHierarchy} or \code{GatingSet} object is supplied, set to the
#'   last gated population by default.
#' @param channels_x vector of channels to explore, set to all fluorescent
#'   channels by default. Each channel in \code{channels_x} will be plotted
#'   against all \code{channels_y}, with each \code{channels_x} on a separate
#'   page.
#' @param channels_y vector of channels to plot each channels_x against, set to
#'   all channels by default.
#' @param axes_trans object of class transformerList passed to \code{cyto_plot}
#'   to appropriately display transformed data in plots.
#' @param layout vector of grid dimensions \code{c(#rows,#columns)} for each
#'   plot.
#' @param popup logical indicating whether plots should be constructed in a
#'   pop-up window.
#' @param title text to include above each plot, set to NA by default to remove
#'   titles.
#' @param header title to use for the plots, set to the name of the sample by
#'   default. Turn off the header by setting this argument to NA.
#' @param header_text_font font to use for header text, set to 2 by default.
#' @param header_text_size text size for header, set to 1 by default.
#' @param header_text_col colour for header text, set to "black" by default.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{cyto_plot}.
#' @importFrom grDevices n2mfrow
#' @importFrom graphics mtext plot.new
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @author Dillon Hammill (Dillon.Hammill@anu.edu.au)
#' @name cyto_plot_explore

#' @noRd
#' @export
cyto_plot_explore <- function(x, ...){

#' @rdname cyto_plot_explore
#' @export
cyto_plot_explore.GatingSet <- function(x,
                                        parent = NULL,
                                        channels_x = NULL,
                                        channels_y = NULL,
                                        axes_trans = NA,
                                        popup = FALSE,
                                        title = NA,
                                        header_text_font = 2,
                                        header_text_size = 1,
                                        header_text_col = "black",
  # Set plot method
  if (is.null(getOption("cyto_plot_method"))) {
    options("cyto_plot_method" = "Explore/GatingSet")
  # Default parent population
    parent <- cyto_nodes(x)[length(cyto_nodes(x))]
  # Extract parent population
  fs <- cyto_extract(x, parent = parent)
  # Convert fs to flowFrame
  fr <- cyto_convert(fs)
  # Combined events header
    header <- "Combined Events"
  # Transformations
  axes_trans <- cyto_transformer_extract(x)
  # Call to flowFrame method
  cyto_plot_explore(x = fr,
                    channels_x = channels_x,
                    channels_y = channels_y,
                    axes_trans = axes_trans,
                    layout = layout,
                    popup = popup,
                    title = title,
                    header = header,
                    header_text_font = header_text_font,
                    header_text_size = header_text_size,
                    header_text_col = header_text_col,
  # Turn off graphics device for saving
  if (getOption("cyto_plot_save")) {
    if (is(x, basename(getOption("cyto_plot_method")))) {
      # Close graphics device
      # Reset cyto_plot_save
      options("cyto_plot_save" = FALSE)
      # Reset cyto_plot_method
      options("cyto_plot_method" = NULL)

#' @rdname cyto_plot_explore
#' @export
cyto_plot_explore.GatingHierarchy <- function(x,
                                              parent = NULL,
                                              channels_x = NULL,
                                              channels_y = NULL,
                                              axes_trans = NA,
                                              popup = FALSE,
                                              title = NA,
                                              header_text_font = 2,
                                              header_text_size = 1,
                                              header_text_col = "black",
  # Set plot method
  if (is.null(getOption("cyto_plot_method"))) {
    options("cyto_plot_method" = "Explore/GatingHierarchy")
  # Default parent population
    parent <- cyto_nodes(x)[length(cyto_nodes(x))]
  # Extract parent population
  fr <- cyto_extract(x, parent = parent)
  # Transformations
  axes_trans <- cyto_transformer_extract(x)
  # Call to flowFrame method
  cyto_plot_explore(x = fr,
                    channels_x = channels_x,
                    channels_y = channels_y,
                    axes_trans = axes_trans,
                    layout = layout,
                    popup = popup,
                    title = title,
                    header = header,
                    header_text_font = header_text_font,
                    header_text_size = header_text_size,
                    header_text_col = header_text_col,
  # Turn off graphics device for saving
  if (getOption("cyto_plot_save")) {
    if (is(x, basename(getOption("cyto_plot_method")))) {
      # Close graphics device
      # Reset cyto_plot_save
      options("cyto_plot_save" = FALSE)
      # Reset cyto_plot_method
      options("cyto_plot_method" = NULL)

#' @rdname cyto_plot_explore
#' @export
cyto_plot_explore.flowSet <- function(x,
                                      channels_x = NULL,
                                      channels_y = NULL,
                                      axes_trans = NA,
                                      popup = FALSE,
                                      title = NA,
                                      header_text_font = 2,
                                      header_text_size = 1,
                                      header_text_col = "black",
  # Set plot method
  if (is.null(getOption("cyto_plot_method"))) {
    options("cyto_plot_method" = "Explore/flowSet")
  # Merge flowSet to flowFrame
  fr <- cyto_convert(x, "flowFrame")
  # Combined events header
    header <- "Combined Events"
  # Call to flowFrame method
  cyto_plot_explore(x = fr,
                    channels_x = channels_x,
                    channels_y = channels_y,
                    axes_trans = axes_trans,
                    layout = layout,
                    popup = popup,
                    title = title,
                    header = header,
                    header_text_font = header_text_font,
                    header_text_size = header_text_size,
                    header_text_col = header_text_col,
  # Turn off graphics device for saving
  if (getOption("cyto_plot_save")) {
    if (is(x, basename(getOption("cyto_plot_method")))) {
      # Close graphics device
      # Reset cyto_plot_save
      options("cyto_plot_save" = FALSE)
      # Reset cyto_plot_method
      options("cyto_plot_method" = NULL)

#' @rdname cyto_plot_explore
#' @export
cyto_plot_explore.flowFrame <- function(x,
                                        channels_x = NULL,
                                        channels_y = NULL,
                                        axes_trans = NA,
                                        popup = FALSE,
                                        title = NA,
                                        header_text_font = 2,
                                        header_text_size = 1,
                                        header_text_col = "black",
  # Set plot method
  if (is.null(getOption("cyto_plot_method"))) {
    options("cyto_plot_method" = "Explore/flowFrame")
  # Graphics parameters
  pars <- par(c("mfrow","oma"))
  # Extract channels
  chans <- colnames(x)
  fluor_chans <- cyto_fluor_channels(x)
  # Use all fluorescent channels as default for channels_x
    channels_x <- fluor_chans
  # Use all channels as default for channels_y
    channels_y <- chans
  # Pop up
  if(popup == TRUE){
  # Layout
    layout <- c(
    par(mfrow = layout)
    if(layout[1] == FALSE){
      # Do nothing
      par(mfrow = layout)
  # Header
    header <- cyto_names(x)
  # Space for header
    par(oma = c(0, 0, 3, 0))
  # channel_y is constant on each page
  lapply(seq_along(channels_y), function(z){
    lapply(seq_along(channels_x), function(w){
      if(channels_x[w] == channels_y[z]){
        # 1D PLOT
                  channels = channels_x[w],
                  axes_trans = axes_trans,
                  title = title,
                  legend = FALSE,
        # 2D PLOT
                  channels = c(channels_x[w], channels_y[z]),
                  axes_trans = axes_trans,
                  title = title,
                  legend = FALSE, ...)
      # Add header and call new plot after all channels_x
      if(w == length(channels_x) | w %% prod(layout) == 0){
        # Add header
                outer = TRUE,
                font = header_text_font,
                cex = header_text_size,
                col = header_text_col)
        # Call new plot if new pages required (i.e. more channels_x/y to come)
        if(w < length(channels_x) | z < length(channels_y)){
          if(popup == TRUE) {
            par(mfrow = layout)
            par(oma = c(0, 0, 3, 0))
          } else {
            par(mfrow = layout)
            par(oma = c(0, 0, 3, 0))
  # Turn off graphics device for saving
  if (getOption("cyto_plot_save")) {
    if (is(x, basename(getOption("cyto_plot_method")))) {
      # Close graphics device
      # Reset cyto_plot_save
      options("cyto_plot_save" = FALSE)
      # Reset cyto_plot_method
      options("cyto_plot_method" = NULL)
DillonHammill/CytoExploreR documentation built on March 2, 2023, 7:34 a.m.