
#' xcms_orbi_GRT
#' This function simplify workflow from peak grouping and retention time correction
#' to PCA analysis. Function will perform group -> retcor -> group -> retcor -> group
#' and return EIC for standards across all samples and extract standards from peaks table,
#' giving also ppm deviation for each std for diagnostic.
#' @param File_list File list to pass to xcmsSet method = 'centWave', ppm=7, peakwidth=c(4,20), snthresh=10, prefilter=c(4,1000), mzdiff=-0.001, fitgauss=F, nSlaves = 4
#' @param Results.dir.name Name of the subfolder to store results
#' @param bw_param Vector for bw settings to use in 1, 2 and 3 iteration : c(1, 2, 3)
#' @param mzwid_param mzwid parameter to use.
#' @param minfrac_param minfrac parameter to use
#' @param profStep_param profStep parameter to use
#' @param Sample.Metadata Dataframe with samples names and metadata
#' @param Grouping.factor Col.number of Sample.Metadata to use for ACP colors (can be a vector)
#' @keywords xcms, orbitrap
#' @usage xcms_orbi_GRT(xcms_set_obj, Results.dir.name="Default", bw_param=c(25, 10, 0.7), mzwid_param=0.005, minfrac_param=0.25, profStep_param=0.8)
#' xcms_orbi_GRT()

xcms_orbi_GRT <- function(File_list,
                          Results.dir.name = "Default",
                          bw_param = c(15, 8, 0.8),
                          mzwid_param = 0.005,
                          minfrac_param = 0.7,
                          profStep_param = 0.5,
                          Grouping.factor = 1){

  ## Package requirement
  ## Create directory and path
  Results.path.root <- paste0("./",Results.dir.name,"/")
  Results.path.rtgraph <- paste0(Results.path.root, "/RetCor_Dev/")
  Results.path.pca <- paste0(Results.path.root, "/PCA/")
  dir.create(Results.path.root, showWarnings = F)
  dir.create(Results.path.rtgraph, showWarnings = F)
  dir.create(Results.path.pca, showWarnings = F)

  xset.default <- xcmsSet(File_list, method = 'centWave', ppm=7, peakwidth=c(4,20), snthresh=10, prefilter=c(4,1000), mzdiff=-0.001, fitgauss=F, nSlaves = 4)
  xset.group <- xcms::group(xset.default, method="density", bw=bw_param[1], mzwid=mzwid_param, minfrac=mzwid_param)
  xset.2 <- xcms::retcor(xset.group, method="obiwarp", profStep=profStep_param, plottype="deviation")
  dev.copy(png, paste0(Results.path.rtgraph, "RetCor_01.png"), h=800, w=1600)
  xset.group2 <- xcms::group(xset.2, method="density", bw=bw_param[2], mzwid=mzwid_param, minfrac=mzwid_param)
  xset.3 <- xcms::retcor(xset.group2, method="obiwarp", profStep=profStep_param, plottype="deviation")
  dev.copy(png, paste0(Results.path.rtgraph, "RetCor_02.png"), h=800, w=1600)
  xset.group.4 <- xcms::group(xset.3, method="density", bw=bw_param[3], mzwid=mzwid_param, minfrac=mzwid_param)
  xset.filled <- xcms::fillPeaks(xset.group.4)
  print(xset.filled) ## Output results

  ## Generate Data.matrix, Samples and Variables metadata
  write.table(peakTable(xset.filled), file=paste0(Results.path.root, "Peak_Table.csv"), sep=";", col.names=NA)
  Sample.Metadata.D <- data.frame(row.names=Sample.Metadata[,1], Sample.Metadata[2:ncol(Sample.Metadata)])
  Data <- list()
  Data[[1]] <- t(peakTable(xset.filled)[(ncol(peakTable(xset.filled))-nrow(xset.filled@phenoData)+1):ncol(peakTable(xset.filled))])
  names(Data[1]) <- "Datamatrix"
  Data[[2]] <- subset(Sample.Metadata.D, rownames(Sample.Metadata.D) %in% rownames(xset.filled@phenoData))
  names(Data[2]) <- "Sample.metadata"
  Data[[3]] <- peakTable(xset.filled)[1:(ncol(peakTable(xset.filled))-nrow(xset.filled@phenoData))]
  names(Data[3]) <- "Variable.metadata"

  print(summary(Data)) ## Debug
  ## internal STD 1 133.1062 rt 60  Leucine-5,5,5,-d3
  ## internal STD 2 206.1014 rt 151 L-tryptophan-2,3,3-d3
  ## internal STD 3 179.0874 rt 375 Indole-2,4,5,6,7-d5-3-acetic acid
  ## internal STD 4 281.3265 rt 566 1,14-tetradecanedioic-d24 acid
  group.id.p <- as.numeric(c(rownames(subset(Data[[3]], Data[[3]][, "mz"] >= min(xcms:::ppmDev(133.1062, 5)) & Data[[3]][, "mz"] <= max(xcms:::ppmDev(133.1062, 5)))),
                             rownames(subset(Data[[3]], Data[[3]][, "mz"] >= min(xcms:::ppmDev(206.1014, 5)) & Data[[3]][, "mz"] <= max(xcms:::ppmDev(206.1014, 5)))),
                             rownames(subset(Data[[3]], Data[[3]][, "mz"] >= min(xcms:::ppmDev(179.0874, 5)) & Data[[3]][, "mz"] <= max(xcms:::ppmDev(179.0874, 5)))),
                             rownames(subset(Data[[3]], Data[[3]][, "mz"] >= min(xcms:::ppmDev(281.3265, 5)) & Data[[3]][, "mz"] <= max(xcms:::ppmDev(281.3265, 5))))))

  temp.eic.r <- getEIC(xset.filled, groupidx=group.id.p, rt="raw")
  temp.eic.c <- getEIC(xset.filled, groupidx=group.id.p, rt="corrected")
  temp.n <- length(group.id.p)
  for (i in 1:length(group.id.p)){
    plot(temp.eic.r, xset.filled, groupidx=i, main="RAW")
    plot(temp.eic.c, xset.filled, groupidx=i, main="Corrected")
  dev.copy(png, paste0(Results.path.root, "EIC.STD.peaks.png"), h=1400, w=1000)

  ## Write table with STDs only and ppm deviation
  STDs.results <- subset(Data[[3]], rownames(Data[[3]]) %in% group.id.p)
  STDs.results$ppm <- (STDs.results$mzmax - STDs.results$mzmin)/(STDs.results$mz/1000000)
  write.table(STDs.results, file=paste0(Results.path.root, "Results_STDs.csv"), sep=";", col.names = NA)

  ## Perform PCA
  ACP.results.list <- list()
  ACP.results.list[["ACP"]] <- opls(Data[[1]], predI=NA, plotL=F)
  for (i in 1:length(ACP.results.list)){
    Data.pca <- ACP.results.list[[i]]
    png(filename=paste0(Results.path.pca, names(ACP.results.list[i]),".png"), width=800, height=1200, units="px", res=150)
    plot(Data.pca, typeVc="overview", parDevNewL=F)
    plot(Data.pca, typeVc="x-loading", parDevNewL=F)
    plot(Data.pca, typeVc="x-score", parDevNewL=F)
    plot(Data.pca, typeVc="outlier", parDevNewL=F)
    plot(Data.pca, typeVc="correlation", parDevNewL=F)
  x <- -4
  y <- -7
  png(filename=paste0(Results.path.pca, "ACP_Ellipses.png"), width=900, height=900, units="px", res=100)
  for (i in Grouping.factor){
    Data.pca <- ACP.results.list[[1]]
    temp.factor <- Data[[2]][,i]
    temp.factor.names <- names(Data[[2]][i])
    plot(Data.pca, typeVc="x-score", parAsColFcVn=addNA(as.factor(temp.factor)), parEllipses=F, parDevNewL=F)
  return(xset.filled) ## Output results

#' xcms_orbi_A
#' This function perform the first steps of metabolomic analysis : xcmsSet and
#' two iteration with group and retcor to end with fillpeaks. The resulting output
#' is a xcms set object. Parameters are saved in a table.
#' @param File_list        File list to pass to xcmsSet method = 'centWave', ppm=7, peakwidth=c(4,20), snthresh=10, prefilter=c(4,1000), mzdiff=0.015, fitgauss=F, nSlaves = 4, phenoData = Sample.Metadata)
#' If phenoData is a dataframe with at lest a 'class' column. Could be any number of columns but in files sample order. If 'injectionorder' and 'batch" columns are
#' presents, those will be use to order en color QCs plot.
#' @param xcmsSet_param    xcmsSet parameters (can be any parameters formated like this : c(method="centWave", "ppm=7)).
#' @param Results.dir.name Name of the subfolder to store results.
#' @param bw_param         Vector for bw settings to use in 1, 2 and 3 iteration : c(1, 2, 3).
#' @param mzwid_param      mzwid parameter to use.
#' @param minfrac_param    minfrac parameter to use.
#' @param profStep_param   profStep parameter to use.
#' @param STDs_data        A dataframe of m/z to plot with at least one "mz" named column.
#' @param STDs_EIC         Should EIC of ions list be plotted.
#' @param QCs_Graph        Logical to determine of QCs graphs needs to be saved.
#' @keywords xcms, orbitrap
#' @usage xcms_orbi_A()
#' xcms_orbi_A()
#' @export

xcms_orbi_A <- function(File_list,
                        xcmsSet_param    = list(method="centWave",
                                                phenoData = Sample.Metadata),
                        Results.dir.name = Results.path,
                        bw_param         = c(15, 8, 0.8),
                        mzwid_param      = 0.015,
                        minfrac_param    = 0.7,
                        profStep_param   = 0.5,
                        STDs_data        = NULL,
                        STDs_EIC         = FALSE,
                        QCs_Graph        = FALSE) {
  ## Package requirement
  ## Create directory and path

  i <- 1
  Results.path.root <- paste0(Results.path, "XCMS_Result_", i, "/")
  while (dir.exists(Results.path.root)==TRUE) {
    i <- i+1
    Results.path.root <- paste0(Results.path, "XCMS_Result_", i, "/")
  dir.create(path = Results.path.root, recursive = T, showWarnings = F)

  xset.default <- do.call(xcmsSet, append(list(File_list), xcmsSet_param))

  xset.group <- xcms::group(xset.default, method="density", bw=bw_param[1], mzwid=mzwid_param, minfrac=minfrac_param)
  xset.2 <- xcms::retcor(xset.group, method="obiwarp", profStep=profStep_param, plottype="deviation")
  dev.copy(png, paste0(Results.path.root, "RetCor_01.png"), h=800, w=1600)
  xset.group2 <- xcms::group(xset.2, method="density", bw=bw_param[2], mzwid=mzwid_param, minfrac=minfrac_param)
  xset.3 <- xcms::retcor(xset.group2, method="obiwarp", profStep=profStep_param, plottype="deviation")
  dev.copy(png, paste0(Results.path.root, "RetCor_02.png"), h=800, w=1600)
  xset.group.4 <- xcms::group(xset.3, method="density", bw=bw_param[3], mzwid=mzwid_param, minfrac=minfrac_param)
  xset.filled <- xcms::fillPeaks(xset.group.4)

  ## Save peaks table
  Peak_Table_func <- peakTable(xset.filled)
  write.table(Peak_Table_func, file = paste0(Results.path.root, "Peak_Table.csv"), sep=";", col.names = NA)

  ## Increment table with parameters and results
  Parameters.Summary.temp <- data.frame(Groups = paste0(unique(xset.filled@phenoData$class), sep="", collapse = ", "),
                                        Sple.Nb = length(xset.filled@filepaths),
                                        Peak.Nb = nrow(xset.filled@peaks),
                                        Peak.Spl = round(nrow(xset.filled@peaks)/length(xset.filled@filepaths), 0),
                                        Pks.Grp.Nb = length(xcms.object@groupidx),
                                        Prof.Meth = xset.filled@profinfo[[1]],
                                        Prof.Step = xset.filled@profinfo[[2]],

  if (file.exists(paste0(Results.path, "Parameters.Summary.csv"))) {
    Parameters.Summary <- read.csv(file = paste0(Results.path, "Parameters.Summary.csv"), sep=";", row.names = 1)
    Parameters.Summary <- rbind(Parameters.Summary, Parameters.Summary.temp)
    write.table(Parameters.Summary, file = paste0(Results.path, "Parameters.Summary.csv"), sep=";", col.names = NA)
  } else {
    Parameters.Summary <- Parameters.Summary.temp
    write.table(Parameters.Summary, file = paste0(Results.path, "Parameters.Summary.csv"), sep=";", col.names = NA)

  if (QCs_Graph == TRUE) {
    png(filename = paste0(Results.path.root, "QCs.png"), h=1680, w=2400)
    if(!is.null(xset.filled@phenoData$injectionOrder) & !is.null(xset.filled@phenoData$batch)) {
    Ordered_data <- xset.filled@phenoData[order(xset.filled@phenoData$injectionOrder),]
    plotQC(xset.filled, what="mzdevhist", sampNames = Ordered_data$injectionOrder, sampColors = Ordered_data$batch, sampOrder = order(xset.filled@phenoData$injectionOrder))
    plotQC(xset.filled, what="rtdevhist",   sampNames = Ordered_data$injectionOrder, sampColors = Ordered_data$batch, sampOrder = order(xset.filled@phenoData$injectionOrder))
    plotQC(xset.filled, what="mzdevmass",   sampNames = Ordered_data$injectionOrder, sampColors = Ordered_data$batch, sampOrder = order(xset.filled@phenoData$injectionOrder))
    plotQC(xset.filled, what="mzdevtime",   sampNames = Ordered_data$injectionOrder, sampColors = Ordered_data$batch, sampOrder = order(xset.filled@phenoData$injectionOrder))
    plotQC(xset.filled, what="mzdevsample", sampNames = Ordered_data$injectionOrder, sampColors = Ordered_data$batch, sampOrder = order(xset.filled@phenoData$injectionOrder))
    plotQC(xset.filled, what="rtdevsample", sampNames = Ordered_data$injectionOrder, sampColors = Ordered_data$batch, sampOrder = order(xset.filled@phenoData$injectionOrder))
    } else {
      Ordered_data <- xcms.object@phenoData[order(xcms.object@phenoData$injectionOrder),]
      plotQC(xset.filled, what="mzdevhist")
      plotQC(xset.filled, what="rtdevhist")
      plotQC(xset.filled, what="mzdevmass")
      plotQC(xset.filled, what="mzdevtime")
      plotQC(xset.filled, what="mzdevsample")
      plotQC(xset.filled, what="rtdevsample")

  if(is.data.frame(STDs_data) & !is.null(STDs_data$mz) & !is.null(STDs_data$ppm)) {

    Mz_ranges <- apply(STDs_data, 1, function(x) range(xcms:::ppmDev(as.numeric(x["mz"]), as.numeric(x["ppm"]))))
    for (i in ncol(Mz_ranges)){
      mz_range <- seq(Mz_ranges[1,i], Mz_ranges[2,i], by = 0.0001)
      temp <- subset(Peak_Table_func, round(mz, 4) %in% mz_range)
      if(exists("STD.subset")) { STD.subset <- rbind(STD.subset, temp) } else { STD.subset <- temp }

    temp.plot <- melt(STD.subset, id.vars = c(1:(7+length(unique(xset.filled@phenoData$class)))))
    temp.plot2 <- merge(temp.plot, xset.filled@phenoData, by = "variable", all.x = T)
    write.table(STD.subset, file = paste0(Results.path.root, "Ions_Subset.csv"), sep=";", col.names = NA)
    write.table(temp.plot2, file = paste0(Results.path.root, "Ions_Subset_Metadata.csv"), sep=";", col.names = NA)

    temp_plot <- ggplot(temp.plot2, aes(x = as.factor(round(mz,2)), y = value, fill = variable, color = batch)) +
      geom_bar(stat="identity", position = "dodge") +
      ylab("") +
      xlab("") +
      ggtitle("") +
      theme_bw() +
      theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
      scale_fill_grey(start = 0, end = 1)

    png(filename = paste0(Results.path.root, "Ions_selection.png"), h=800, w=1600)

    if(STDs_EIC == TRUE) {
      nrow_val <- nrow(STD.subset)
      h <- 300*nrow_val
      png(filename = paste0(Results.path.root, "EIC_Ions_selection.png"), h=h, w=600)
      plot(getEIC(xcms.object, groupidx = as.numeric(rownames(STD.subset)), rt = "corrected"), xcms.object)

  } else { print("Need a dataframe with 'mz' column to analyse specifc ions") }

  return(xset.filled) ## Output results

#' xcms_orbi_A2
#' This function perform the first steps of metabolomic analysis : xcmsSet and
#' two iteration with group and retcor to end with fillpeaks. The resulting output
#' is a xcms set object. Parameters are saved in a table.
#' @param File_list        File list to pass to xcmsSet method = 'centWave', ppm=7, peakwidth=c(4,20), snthresh=10, prefilter=c(4,1000), mzdiff=0.015, fitgauss=F, nSlaves = 4, phenoData = Sample.Metadata)
#' If phenoData is a dataframe with at lest a 'class' column. Could be any number of columns but in files sample order. If 'injectionorder' and 'batch" columns are
#' presents, those will be use to order en color QCs plot.
#' @param xcmsSet_param    xcmsSet parameters (can be any parameters formated like this : c(method="centWave", "ppm=7)).
#' @param Results.dir.name Name of the subfolder to store results.
#' @param bw_param         Vector for bw settings to use in 1, 2 and 3 iteration : c(1, 2, 3).
#' @param mzwid_param      mzwid parameter to use.
#' @param minfrac_param    minfrac parameter to use.
#' @param profStep_param   profStep parameter to use.
#' @param STDs_data        A dataframe of m/z to plot with at least one "mz" named column.
#' @param STDs_EIC         Should EIC of ions list be plotted.
#' @param QCs_Graph        Logical to determine of QCs graphs needs to be saved.
#' @keywords xcms, orbitrap
#' @usage xcms_orbi_A2()
#' xcms_orbi_A2()
#' @export

xcms_orbi_A2 <- function(File_list,
                        xcmsSet_param    = list(method="centWave",
                                                phenoData = Sample.Metadata),
                        group_param      = list(method = "density",
                                                mzwid = 0.015,
                                                minfrac = 0.7),
                        group_bw         = c(15, 8, 0.8),
                        retcor_param     = list(method = "obiwarp",
                                                profStep = 1,
                                                plottype = "none"),
                        Results.dir.name = Results.path,
                        STDs_data        = NULL,
                        STDs_EIC         = FALSE,
                        QCs_Graph        = FALSE) {
  ## Package requirement
  require("xcms") ; require("reshape2") ; require("ggplot2") ; require("grDevices")
  ## Create directory and path
  i <- 1
  Results.path.root <- paste0(Results.path, "XCMS_Result_", i, "/")
  while (dir.exists(Results.path.root)==TRUE) {
    i <- i+1
    Results.path.root <- paste0(Results.path, "XCMS_Result_", i, "/")
  dir.create(path = Results.path.root, recursive = T, showWarnings = F)

  ## Workflow analysis
  xset.1 <- do.call(xcms::xcmsSet, append(list(File_list), xcmsSet_param))
  xset.group.1   <- do.call(xcms::group, append(append(alist(xset.1), group_param), list(bw = group_bw[1])))
  png(filename = paste0(Results.path.root, "RetCor.png"), h=1080, w=1080)
  xset.2       <- do.call(xcms::retcor, append(alist(xset.group.1), retcor_param))
  xset.group.2 <- do.call(xcms::group, append(append(alist(xset.2), group_param), list(bw = group_bw[2])))
  xset.3       <- do.call(xcms::retcor, append(alist(xset.group.2), retcor_param))
  xset.group.3 <- do.call(xcms::group, append(append(alist(xset.3), group_param), list(bw = group_bw[3])))
  xset.filled  <- xcms::fillPeaks(xset.group.3)
  rm(xset.1, xset.group.1, xset.2, xset.group.2, xset.3, xset.group.3)

    ## Save peaks table
  Peak_Table_func <- peakTable(xset.filled)
  write.table(Peak_Table_func, file = paste0(Results.path.root, "Peak_Table.csv"), sep=";", col.names = NA)

  ## Increment table with parameters and results
  Parameters.Summary.temp <- data.frame("Groups" = paste0(unique(xset.filled@phenoData$class), sep="", collapse = ", "),
                                        "Sple.Nb" = length(xset.filled@filepaths),
                                        "Peak.Nb" = nrow(xset.filled@peaks),
                                        "Peak.Spl" = round(nrow(xset.filled@peaks)/length(xset.filled@filepaths), 0),
                                        "Pks.Grp.Nb" = length(xset.filled@groupidx),
                                        "Prof.Meth" = xset.filled@profinfo[[1]],
                                        "Prof.Step" = xset.filled@profinfo[[2]],
                                        "XcmsSet" = paste(unlist(xcmsSet_param), collapse = " "),
                                        "Group" = paste(unlist(group_param), collapse = " "),
                                        "Group_bw" = paste(unlist(group_bw), collapse = " "),
                                        "RetCor" = paste(unlist(retcor_param), collapse = " ")

  ## Save parameters in dataframe
  if (file.exists(paste0(Results.path, "Parameters.Summary.csv"))) {
    Parameters.Summary <- read.csv(file = paste0(Results.path, "Parameters.Summary.csv"), sep=";", row.names = 1)
    Parameters.Summary <- rbind(Parameters.Summary, Parameters.Summary.temp)
    write.table(Parameters.Summary, file = paste0(Results.path, "Parameters.Summary.csv"), sep=";", col.names = NA)
  } else {
    Parameters.Summary <- Parameters.Summary.temp
    write.table(Parameters.Summary, file = paste0(Results.path, "Parameters.Summary.csv"), sep=";", col.names = NA)

  ## Generate QCs graph
  if (QCs_Graph == TRUE) {
    png(filename = paste0(Results.path.root, "QCs.png"), h=1680, w=2400)
    if(!is.null(xset.filled@phenoData$injectionOrder) & !is.null(xset.filled@phenoData$batch)) {
      Ordered_data <- xset.filled@phenoData[order(xset.filled@phenoData$injectionOrder),]
      plotQC(xset.filled, what="mzdevhist", sampNames = Ordered_data$injectionOrder, sampColors = Ordered_data$batch, sampOrder = order(xset.filled@phenoData$injectionOrder))
      plotQC(xset.filled, what="rtdevhist",   sampNames = Ordered_data$injectionOrder, sampColors = Ordered_data$batch, sampOrder = order(xset.filled@phenoData$injectionOrder))
      plotQC(xset.filled, what="mzdevmass",   sampNames = Ordered_data$injectionOrder, sampColors = Ordered_data$batch, sampOrder = order(xset.filled@phenoData$injectionOrder))
      plotQC(xset.filled, what="mzdevtime",   sampNames = Ordered_data$injectionOrder, sampColors = Ordered_data$batch, sampOrder = order(xset.filled@phenoData$injectionOrder))
      plotQC(xset.filled, what="mzdevsample", sampNames = Ordered_data$injectionOrder, sampColors = Ordered_data$batch, sampOrder = order(xset.filled@phenoData$injectionOrder))
      plotQC(xset.filled, what="rtdevsample", sampNames = Ordered_data$injectionOrder, sampColors = Ordered_data$batch, sampOrder = order(xset.filled@phenoData$injectionOrder))
    } else {
      Ordered_data <- xset.filled@phenoData[order(xset.filled@phenoData$injectionOrder),]
      plotQC(xset.filled, what="mzdevhist")
      plotQC(xset.filled, what="rtdevhist")
      plotQC(xset.filled, what="mzdevmass")
      plotQC(xset.filled, what="mzdevtime")
      plotQC(xset.filled, what="mzdevsample")
      plotQC(xset.filled, what="rtdevsample")

  ## Filter data with specific mz
  if(is.data.frame(STDs_data) & is.numeric(STDs_data$mz) & is.numeric(STDs_data$ppm)) {
    Mz_ranges <- apply(STDs_data, 1, function(x) range(xcms:::ppmDev(as.numeric(x["mz"]), as.numeric(x["ppm"]))))
    for (i in 1:ncol(Mz_ranges)){
      temp <- subset(Peak_Table_func, mz > Mz_ranges[1,i] & mz < Mz_ranges[2,i])
      if(exists("STD.subset")) { STD.subset <- rbind(STD.subset, temp) } else { STD.subset <- temp }

    if(nrow(STD.subset) > 0) {
      write.table(STD.subset, file = paste0(Results.path.root, "Ions_Subset.csv"), sep=";", col.names = NA)
      temp.plot <- melt(STD.subset, id.vars = c(1:(7+length(unique(xset.filled@phenoData$class)))))
      temp.plot2 <- merge(temp.plot, xset.filled@phenoData, by = "variable", all.x = T)
      write.table(temp.plot2, file = paste0(Results.path.root, "Ions_Subset_Metadata.csv"), sep=";", col.names = NA)

      temp_plot <- ggplot(temp.plot2, aes(x = as.factor(round(mz,2)), y = value, fill = variable, color = batch)) +
        geom_bar(stat="identity", position = "dodge") +
        ylab("") +
        xlab("") +
        ggtitle("") +
        theme_bw() +
        theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1), legend.position = "none") +
        scale_fill_grey(start = 0, end = 1)

      png(filename = paste0(Results.path.root, "Ions_selection.png"), h=800, w=1600)

      if(STDs_EIC == TRUE) {
        nrow_val <- nrow(STD.subset)
        h_param <- as.numeric(300 * nrow_val)
        png(filename = paste0(Results.path.root, "EIC_Ions_selection.png"), h = h_param, w=600)
        par(mfrow=c(nrow_val, 1))
        plot(getEIC(xset.filled, groupidx = as.numeric(rownames(STD.subset)), rt = "corrected"), xset.filled)
    } else { print("No Specific ions found with given parameters.") }
  } else { print("Need a dataframe with 'mz' and 'ppm' column to analyse specifc ions") }


#' xcms_orbi_Results
#' This function generate peak_table, STDs EIC across samples, PCA (optional)
#' and return a list with [1] datamatrix, [2] sample.metadata and [3] variable.metadata.
#' @param filled_peak_object An xcmsSet object with filled peaks
#' @param STDs_mass Vector of STDs exact mass
#' @param STDs_ppm  Deviation for STDs in ppm (try to increase if your STDs are not found)
#' @param perform_PCA Logical to do PCA analysis or not
#' @param Sample.Metadata Dataframe with samples metadata
#' @param PCA_group vector with samples metadata column to use for groups in ACP
#' @keywords xcms, orbitrap
#' @usage xcms_orbi_GRT(xcms_set_obj, Results.dir.name="Default", bw_param=c(25, 10, 0.7), mzwid_param=0.005, minfrac_param=0.25, profStep_param=0.8)
#' xcms_orbi_GRT()
#' @export

xcms_orbi_Results <- function(filled_peak_object,
                              Results.dir.name = "Default",
                              STD = c(TRUE, FALSE),
                              STDs_mass = c(133.1062, 206.1014, 179.0874, 281.3265),
                              STDs_ppm = 10,
                              perform_PCA = c(TRUE, FALSE),
                              PCA_group = c(1,2,3,4)){
  ## Package requirement
  library("xcms") ; require("grDevices")

  ## Create directory and path
  Results.path.root <- paste0("./", Results.dir.name, "/")
  dir.create(Results.path.root, showWarnings = F, recursive = T)

  ## Get group metadata and sample data
  write.table(peakTable(filled_peak_object), file=paste0(Results.path.root, "Peak_Table.csv"), sep=";", col.names=NA)
  ## Generate files for opls analysis
  Data <- list()
  Peak_Table_func.temp <- peakTable(filled_peak_object)
  Data$Datamatrix <- data.frame(t(Peak_Table_func.temp[(ncol(Peak_Table_func.temp)-nrow(filled_peak_object@phenoData)+1):ncol(Peak_Table_func.temp)]))
  if (is.data.frame(Sample.Metadata)==T){
    Data$Sample.metadata <- subset(Sample.Metadata, rownames(Sample.Metadata) %in% rownames(filled_peak_object@phenoData))
  } else {
    print("Sample.Metadata is not a data.frame, return empty list[[2]]")
    Data$Sample.metadata <- NULL
  Data$Variable.metadata <- Peak_Table_func.temp[1:(ncol(Peak_Table_func.temp)-nrow(filled_peak_object@phenoData))]

  ## Extract Standards infos
  if (STD == TRUE) {
    Results.path.std <- paste0(Results.path.root, "STD/")
    dir.create(Results.path.std, showWarnings = F)
    group.id.p <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(STDs_mass)){
      temp <- rownames(subset(Data[[3]], Data[[3]][, "mz"] >= min(xcms:::ppmDev(STDs_mass[i], STDs_ppm)) & Data[[3]][, "mz"] <= max(xcms:::ppmDev(STDs_mass[i], STDs_ppm))))
      group.id.p <- union(group.id.p, temp)
    group.id.p <- as.numeric(group.id.p)
    temp.eic.r <- getEIC(filled_peak_object, groupidx=group.id.p, rt="raw")
    temp.eic.c <- getEIC(filled_peak_object, groupidx=group.id.p, rt="corrected")
    png(filename=paste0(Results.path.std, "EIC.STD.peaks_", ".png"), width=800, height=1080, units="px", res=100)
    for (i in 1:length(group.id.p)){
      plot(temp.eic.r, filled_peak_object, groupidx=i, main="RAW")
      plot(temp.eic.c, filled_peak_object, groupidx=i, main="Corrected")

    STDs.results <- subset(Data[[3]], rownames(Data[[3]]) %in% group.id.p)
    STDs.results$ppm <- (STDs.results$mzmax - STDs.results$mzmin)/(STDs.results$mz/1000000)
    write.table(STDs.results, file=paste0(Results.path.std, "Results_STDs.csv"), sep=";", col.names = NA)

  ## Perform PCA
  if (perform_PCA == TRUE) {
    Results.path.pca <- paste0(Results.path.root, "PCA/")
    dir.create(Results.path.pca, showWarnings = F)
    ACP.results  <- opls(Data[[1]], predI=NA, plotL=F)
    png(filename=paste0(Results.path.pca,"ACP summary.png"), width=800, height=1200, units="px", res=150)
    plot(ACP.results, typeVc="overview", parDevNewL=F)
    plot(ACP.results, typeVc="x-loading", parDevNewL=F)
    plot(ACP.results, typeVc="x-score", parDevNewL=F)
    plot(ACP.results, typeVc="outlier", parDevNewL=F)
    plot(ACP.results, typeVc="correlation", parDevNewL=F)

    if (!is.null(PCA_group)) {
      if(length(names(Sample.Metadata)) >= length(PCA_group)) {
      sqrt.group <- sqrt(length(PCA_group))
      if (sqrt.group==round(sqrt.group)){
        x <- sqrt.group
        y <- sqrt.group
      } else {
        x <- round(sqrt.group,0)
        y <- ceiling(sqrt.group)

      png(filename=paste0(Results.path.pca, "ACP_Ellipses.png"), width=x*300, height=y*300, units="px", res=100)
      par(mfrow=c(x, y))
      for (i in PCA_group){
        temp.factor <- Data[[2]][, i]
        temp.factor.names <- names(Data[[2]][i])
        plot(ACP.results, typeVc="x-score", parAsColFcVn=addNA(as.factor(temp.factor)), parEllipses=F, parDevNewL=F)
        text(par()$usr[1]/1.2, par()$usr[3]/1.1, temp.factor.names)

#' SD_batch_list
#' This function separate .mzXML file list by batch. Useful when you use directory for your classes
#' and want to do separate xcms analysis by another grouping factor like batch sequences.
#' @param Files.dir Path to your results from workdirectory.
#' @param Batch.list A dataframe with rownames is files names (without extension) and first column is batch number (or other factor).
#' @keywords xcms, orbitrap
#' @export
SD_batch_list <- function(Files.dir="./",
  Files <- list.files(Files.dir, recursive=T, full.names=T)
  result.list <- list()
  for (i in unique(Batch.list[,1])){
    result.list[[i]] <- subset(Files, gsub("*.mzXML","", x=basename(Files)) %in% rownames(subset(Batch.list, Batch.list[1]==i)))

#' SD_batch_set
#' This function separate .mzXML file list by batch. Useful when you use directory for your classes
#' and want to do separate xcms analysis by another grouping factor like batch sequences.
#' @param Batch.files List returned by SD_mass_batch with files for each batch.
#' @param xcmsSet_param xcmsSet parameters (can be any parameters formated like this : c(method="centWave", "ppm=7))
#' @keywords xcms, orbitrap
#' @export
SD_batch_set <- function(Batch.files=Batch.files,
                         xcmsSet_param = list(method="centWave", ppm=7, peakwidth=c(4,20), snthresh=10, prefilter=c(4,10000), mzdiff=-0.001, fitgauss=FALSE, nSlaves=4)
  Batch.xcmset.list <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(Batch.files)){
    a <- paste0("Batch.", i)
    Batch.xcmset.list[[i]] <- SDjoygret::xcms_orbi_A(Batch.files[[i]], Results.dir.name = a, xcmsSet_param = xcmsSet_param)

#' get_sign
#' Get the theoritical significance glm model.
#' This function come from WinVector (Nina Zumel, http://winvector.github.io/VariableSignal/VariableSignal.html).
#' @param a model generated with glm (use of $null.deviance, $deviance, df.null and df.residual)
#' @keywords glm, significance
#' @examples
#' get_sign(model)

get_sign = function(model) {
  delta_deviance = model$null.deviance - model$deviance
  df = model$df.null - model$df.residual
  sig = pchisq(delta_deviance, df, lower.tail=FALSE)

#' Check format of dlist
#' Chech if the list elements are data.table or data.frame, id rownames [[1]] and [[2]] are identical (for
#' data.frame only, use first column as row id with data.table), and if colnames [[1]] are identical to
#' rownames [[3]]. Check also dataframes dimension to check consistency and propose to transform data.frame
#' to data.table.
#' @param dlist Three levels list with [[1]] Datamatrix, [[2]] SamplesMetadata, [[3]] VariableMetadata.
#' @param rownamesL Does data.frame store Rows ID as rownames ?
#' @param tibbleL Logical to convert data.frame and data.table dlist to tibbles.
#' @param debugL Logical to show debugging messsages
#' @return Print result of check as character and return the dlist (or converted dlist) if format is ok
#' @keywords list, check
#' @import tidyverse
#' @export
#' @examples
#' check.list.format()
check.list.format <- function (dlist, rownamesL = F, data.tableL = F, debugL = F) {
  require("tibble") ; require("tidyverse")
  if(!is.list(dlist)){stop("Data should be a list with (1) Datamatrix (2) Sample.Metadata (3) Variable.Metadata")}
  temp.data.str <- dlist.class(dlist)
  if(all(temp.data.str[,"class.d.t"] == F) & all(temp.data.str[,"class.t"] == F) & all(temp.data.str[,"class.d.f"] == F)) {stop("List levels should be data.frame, tibble or data.table") }

  ## transform data to data.table and add a column for rownames if duplicates are found in the first column
  temp.data <- lapply(dlist, function(x) {
    if(any(duplicated(x[,1]))){warning(paste0('First column has duplicates (see below), a new column "rn" contains rownames./n', which(duplicated(x[,1])))) ; return(data.table(x, keep.rownames = T))}
    else { if(debugL) {message('First column has no duplicates and is used as row IDs') ; return(data.table(x, keep.rownames = F))}}
  if(!dim(dlist[[1]])[1] == dim(dlist[[2]])[1]) {stop("Datamatrix and Sample.Metadata must have the same number of rows.")}
  if(!dim(dlist[[1]])[2]-1 == dim(dlist[[3]])[1]) {stop("Variables number should be the same between datamatrix column and VariableMetadata rows.")}
  if(!identical(dlist[[1]][[1]], dlist[[2]][[1]])) {stop("Datamatrix and Sample.Metadata first column must be identical (same names and order)")}
  if(!identical(names(dlist[[1]])[-1], dlist[[3]][[1]])) {stop("Datamatrix column names and Variable.Metadata rows ID must be identical (same names and order)")}
  if(all(temp.data.str[,"class.t"] == T)) {
    if(debugL) {message("Data are stored as tibble. SDjoygret function better with data.table (use data.table::as.data.table to convert).")}
  } else if(all(temp.data.str[,"class.d.t"] == T)) { ## all are data.table
    if(debugL) {message("Data are stored as data.table, well done !")}
  } else if(all(temp.data.str[,"class.d.f"] == T)) { ## all are data.frame
    if(debugL) {message("Data are stored as data.frame. SDjoygret function better with data.table (use data.table::as.data.table to convert).")}
  } else {stop("Data class isn't recognized as data.frame, tibble or data.table.")}

#' Check dlist table format and convert to data.table
#' Check the format of 3 levels list tables print a class summary and convert to
#' data.table if not. User can specify if there is rownames (if data.frame were used in entry) so
#' the function can place them as first variable (since data.table does not use rownames logic).
#' @param dlist Three levels list with [[1]] Datamatrix, [[2]] SamplesMetadata, [[3]] VariableMetadata.
#' @param rownamesL Logical to specify wether the input dlist use data.frame rownames to store rowID.
#' @return The dlist with data converted to dataframe. Also print a check status of class used in the
#' dlist
#' @keywords list, check, data.table
#' @export
#' @import data.table
#' @examples
#' to.data.table()
to.data.table <- function(dlist, rownamesL = F) {
  temp.data.str <- dlist.class(dlist)
  if(!any(temp.data.str[, class.d.t] == F)) { ## all are data.table
    print("Data seems ok")
  } else {
    if(!any(temp.data.str[, class.d.f] == F)) { ## at least one isn't a data.table but all are data.frame
      if(rownamesL == F) {
        Data.2 <- lapply(dlist, function(x) {
        print("Data were converted to data.table")
      } else {
        Data.2 <- lapply(dlist, function(x) {
          data.table("RowID" = rownames(x), x)
        print("Data were converted to data.table and rownames added in RowID")
    } else {
      print("Data were not data.frame or data.table :")

#' Check dlist class
#' Check the class of dlist levels and return a summary table
#' @inheritParams check.list.format
#' @return A table with class summary
#' @keywords list, check, data.table
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dlist.class()
dlist.class <- function(dlist) {
  return(tibble("ListLevel" = 1:length(dlist),
                    "class.m" = sapply(dlist, function(x) {any(class(x) == "matrix")}),
                    "class.d.t" = sapply(dlist, function(x) {any(class(x) == "data.table")}),
                    "class.d.f" = sapply(dlist, function(x) {any(class(x) == "data.frame")}),
                    "class.t" = sapply(dlist, function(x) {any(class(x) == "tbl")}),
                    "rows" = sapply(dlist, function(x) {dim(x)[1]}),
                    "cols" = sapply(dlist, function(x) {dim(x)[2]})))

#' Import Excel file to list
#' Import each sheet of an excel file to a list as tibbles. This function use the readxl package, which seems
#' to handle large files.
#' @param Data.path Path to the excel file to import
#' @return A list of dataframe
#' @keywords list, import, excel
#' @export
#' @examples
#' importWorksheets.xls()
importWorksheets.xls <- function(Data.path) {
  require ("readxl") ; require("dplyr")
  Sheet.names <- excel_sheets(Data.path)
  data.list <- list()
  for (i in Sheet.names) {
    data.list[[i]] <- tbl_df(read_excel(Data.path, sheet = i, col_names = T, na = "NA"))

#' Import Excel's sheets to a list
#' Import each sheet of an excel file to a list as a data.frame. This function use the readxl package, which seems
#' to handle large files.
#' @param Data.path Path to the excel file to import
#' @return A list of dataframe
#' @keywords list, import, excel
#' @export
#' @examples
#' import.xls.2()
import.xls.2 <- function(Data.path) {
  require ("readxl") ; require("dplyr")
  Sheet.names <- excel_sheets(Data.path)
  data.list <- list()
  for (i in Sheet.names) {
    data.list[[i]] <- data.table(read_excel(Data.path, sheet = i, col_names = T, na = "NA"))

#' Subset list
#' Subset a three level list by variables and/or samples.
#' @param dlist list of three dataframes : [[1]] Datamatrix, [[2]] SamplesMetadata [[3]] VariableMetadata.
#' @param Var.sel vector of variable to subset (rownames) from [[3]]
#' @param Sple.sel vector of samples to subset (rownames) from [[2]]
#' @keywords subset, list
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dlist.subset()
dlist.subset <- function (dlist, Var.sel = NULL, Sple.sel = NULL)
  dlist <- lapply(dlist, data.table)
  temp_SpleID <- names(dlist[[2]])[1]
  if (!is.null(Sple.sel)) {
    setkeyv(dlist[[2]], temp_SpleID)
    setkeyv(dlist[[1]], temp_SpleID)
    dlist[[2]] <- dlist[[2]][Sple.sel]
    dlist[[1]] <- dlist[[1]][Sple.sel]
  if (!is.null(Var.sel)) {
    temp.varID <- names(dlist[[3]])[1]
    setkeyv(dlist[[3]], temp.varID)
    dlist[[3]] <- dlist[[3]][Var.sel]
    dlist[[1]] <- dlist[[1]][, c(temp_SpleID, Var.sel), with = F]

#' Split a dataframe
#' Split a dataframe in two.
#' @param dataframe a dataframe to subset.
#' @param p the proportion of data to keep in trainset
#' @param seed the seed number for repetability (same seed will generate same subset for a given dataframe).
#' @keywords dataframe, training, subset
#' @return A list with [1] trainset dataframe, [2] testset dataframe.
#' @usage splitdf(cars, p = 0.5, seed = 95687)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' splitdf()
splitdf <- function(dataframe,
                    p = 0.5,
                    seed = 95687) {
  if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
  index <- 1:nrow(dataframe)
  trainindex <- sample(index, trunc(length(index)*p))
  trainset <- dataframe[trainindex, ]
  testset <- dataframe[-trainindex, ]

#' Write CSV for Excel Fr
#' Write a csv directly sees as a table by excel.
#' @param data Dataframe to save
#' @param file File path and name
#' @keywords dataframe, excel, save
#' @return Write a csv file
#' @usage write.csv3(data, file = "./Results/Table_x.csv")
#' @export
#' @examples
#' write.csv3()
write.csv3 <- function(data,
                       file) {
  write.table(data, file = file,
              sep = ";",
              dec = ".",
              append = F,
              qmethod = "double",
              row.names = FALSE)

#' Save file for GALAXY
#' Write 3 csv files from a three levels list to import in GALAXY.
#' @param Results.path Saving path
#' @param pref Prefix to add
#' @inheritParams dlist.subset
#' @keywords list, galaxy, export
#' @return Write 3 csv file on disk
#' @usage galaxy.save.list(data.list, Results.path = "./", pref = "GALAdlistY-")
#' @export
#' @examples
#' galaxylist.save.list()
galaxylist.save.list <- function(dlist,
                             Results.path = "./",
                             pref = "GALAdlistY-"){
  temp <- t(dlist[[1]])
  write.table(data.frame("Datamatrix" = rownames(temp), temp), file = paste0(Results.path, pref, "Datamatridlist.csv"), sep = "\t", quote = F, row.names = F)
  write.table(data.frame("SampleMetadata" = rownames(dlist[[2]]), dlist[[2]]), file = paste0(Results.path, pref, "SampleMetadata.csv"), sep = "\t", quote = F, row.names = F)
  write.table(data.frame("VariableMetadata" = rownames(dlist[[3]]), dlist[[3]]), file = paste0(Results.path, pref, "VariableMetadata.csv"), sep = "\t", quote = F, row.names = F)

#' Get legend of a ggplot
#' Get the legend of a ggplot to draw it externaly & draw it as grob.
#' @param a.gplot A ggplot
#' @keywords legend, ggplot
#' @return Write 3 csv file on disk
#' @usage galaxy.save.list(data.list)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g_legend()
g_legend <- function(a.gplot){
  tmp <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(a.gplot))
  leg <- which(sapply(tmp$grobs, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")
  legend <- tmp$grobs[[leg]]

#' Find scales for plots
#' Return the limits of two vectors centered on 0 and with a 10 % margin.
#' @param x Values on the x axis
#' @param y Values on the y axis
#' @keywords scales, ggplot
#' @return 4 numerics with max and min value for x and y
#' @usage find.limits(x,y)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' find.limits()
find.limits <- function(x,
                        y) {
  temp.list <- rbind(c(max(abs(x))*-1.1, max(abs(x))*1.1),
                     c(max(abs(y))*-1.1, max(abs(y))*1.1))

#' Semi-automatic ggplot theme
#' Returns the ploting parameters according to input, with working default for missing ones.
#' Used for custom ggplot of multivariate results (pca, pls, opls)
#' @param limits Limits of the axis (returned by find.limits)
#' @param Legend.L Logical to draw legend
#' @param colorL Logical to use color or grey scale
#' @param labels list for titles (title, x, y)
#' @param geom_path Logical for drawing path
#' @param geom_ellipse Logical for drawing groups ellipses
#' @param labelsL Add labels to points
#' @param palpha Points transparency (between 0 and 1)
#' @param psize Points size
#' @keywords scales, ggplot
#' @return ggplot list of aestethic
#' @export
#' @examples
#' plotheme.auto()
plotheme.auto <- function(limits = NULL,
                          Legend.L = T,
                          colorL = F,
                          labels = list(title = "", x = "", y = ""),
                          geom_path = F,
                          geom_ellipse = F,
                          labelsL = F,
                          palpha = 0.8,
                          psize = 0.8) {
  require(ggplot2) ; require(ggrepel)
    if(geom_path){geom_path(alpha = 0.4)},
    if(geom_ellipse) {stat_ellipse(type = "t", linetype = 3, alpha = 0.75)},
    if(!colorL) {scale_colour_grey()},
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = 2, color = "grey"),
    geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = 2, color = "grey"),
    geom_point(alpha = palpha, size = psize),
    if(!is.null(limits)){xlim(limits[1,1], limits[1,2])},
    if(!is.null(limits)){ylim(limits[2,1], limits[2,2])},
    if(!Legend.L){theme(legend.position = 0)} else {theme(legend.position = c(0.005,0.005), legend.justification = c(0,0), legend.direction = "horizontal", legend.title = element_blank())}

#' dlist plot table
#' Generate a long table with sample metadata as id variables for plots
#' @param var2names List of grouping factor, if blank calculation while be done for eache variables.
#' @param plotL Should summary plot be drown (return a grob, use plot or grid::grid.draw to show)
#' @param alpha Set the plot transparency
#' @param size Set the points sizes
#' @param Class Column names for grouping variables
#' @inheritParams dlist.summary
#' @inheritParams dlist.subset
#' @keywords summary
#' @return a data.table in long format (melted) with sample metadata as id variables.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dlist.plot.table()
dlist.plot.table <- function(dlist) {
  temp <- merge(dlist[[2]], dlist[[1]], by.x = names(dlist[[2]])[1], by.y = names(dlist[[1]])[1])
  temp <- as.data.table(melt(temp, id.vars = names(dlist[[2]]), variable.name = names(dlist[[3]])[1]))
  return(merge(temp, dlist[[3]], by.x = names(dlist[[3]])[1], by.y = names(dlist[[3]])[1]))

#' dlist summary
#' Calculate dlist summary data using data.table structure
#' @param var2names List of grouping factor, if blank calculation while be done for eache variables.
#' @param plotL Should summary plot be drown (return a grob, use plot or grid::grid.draw to show)
#' @param alpha Set the plot transparency
#' @param size Set the points sizes
#' @param Class Column names for grouping variables
#' @inheritParams dlist.summary
#' @inheritParams dlist.subset
#' @keywords summary
#' @return a data.table with summary results (length, NA count, Zero count, Perc of zero, mean, median, sum, min, max, SD, CV, IC95 and skewness)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dlist.summary()
dlist.summary <- function(dlist, var2names = NULL, val.name = "value", var.name = "variable", plotL = F, alpha = 0.8, size = 0.4, Class = NULL, debug = F){
  # dlist <- Data ; var2names = c("Feuille", "Age") ; var.name = "variable" ; val.name = "value"
  if(debug) {message("dlist.summary : Loading packages ")}
  require("data.table") ; require("magrittr") ; require("e1071") ; require("gridExtra")
  if(debug) {message("dlist.summary : Checking input format ")}
  if (any(class(dlist) == "list")) {
    temp.data <- data.table(dlist[[2]], dlist[[1]][, -1, with = F]) %>%
      melt(id.vars = names(dlist[[2]]))
  } else if (any(class(dlist) %in% c("data.table", "data.frame"))){
    temp.data <- as.data.table(dlist)
  ## Check that no duplicates is created between new variables and var2names
  if(debug) {message("dlist.summary : Checking input names overlap with function")}
  if(any(var2names %in% c("N", "NA", "Zero", "Perc_Zero", "Avg", "Median", "Sum", "Min", "Max", "SD", "CV", "IC95_min_manual", "IC95_max_manual", "Skew"))) { stop("var2names conflict with calculated variable. Must be different than : N, NA, Zero, Perc_Zero, Avg, Median, Sum, Min, Max, SD, CV, IC95_min_manual, IC95_max_manual, Skew")}
  if(debug) {message("dlist.summary : Compute summary table")}
  temp.summary <- temp.data[, .(
    "N"               = round(length(get(val.name)), 3),
    "NA"              = round(length(which(is.na(get(val.name)))), 3),
    "Zero"            = round(length(which(get(val.name) == 0)), 3),
    "Perc_NA"         = round(length(which(is.na(get(val.name)))) * 100 / length(get(val.name)), 3),
    "Perc_Zero"       = round(length(which(get(val.name) == 0)) * 100 / length(get(val.name)), 3),
    "Avg"             = round(mean(get(val.name), na.rm = T), 3),
    "Median"          = round(median(get(val.name), na.rm = T), 3),
    "Var"             = round(var(get(val.name), na.rm = T), 3),
    "Sum"             = round(sum(get(val.name), na.rm = T), 3),
    "Min"             = round(min(get(val.name), na.rm = T), 3),
    "Max"             = round(max(get(val.name), na.rm = T), 3),
    "SD"              = round(sd(get(val.name), na.rm = T), 3),
    "CV"              = round(sd(get(val.name), na.rm = T)*100/mean(get(val.name), na.rm = T), 3),
    "IC95_min_manual" = round(mean(get(val.name), na.rm = T)-2*(sd(get(val.name), na.rm = T)/length(get(val.name))), 3),
    "IC95_max_manual" = round(mean(get(val.name), na.rm = T)+2*(sd(get(val.name), na.rm = T)/length(get(val.name))), 3),
    "Skew"            = round(e1071::skewness(get(val.name), na.rm = T), 3)
  ), by = c(var.name, var2names)]
  ## Create summarized dlist
  if(debug) {message("dlist.summary : Format resulting dlist")}
  if(is.null(var2names)) {
    temp <- dcast(temp.summary, paste0(".~", paste(var.name)), value.var = "Avg")
    temp.dlist <- list(
      data.table(ID = 1:temp[,.N], temp[,-1]),
      data.table(ID = 1:temp[,.N], temp[,1]),
  } else {
    temp <- dcast(temp.summary, paste0(paste(var2names, collapse = "+"), "~", paste(var.name)), value.var = "Avg")
    temp.dlist <- list(
      data.table(ID = 1:temp[,.N], temp[,-var2names, with=F]),
      data.table(ID = 1:temp[,.N], temp[,var2names, with=F]),

  names(temp.dlist) <- names(dlist)
  ## create summary plot if asked
  if(plotL) {
    if(debug) {message("dlist.summary : Creating Plot")}
    temp.plot <- melt(temp.summary, id.vars = c("variable", var2names), variable.name = "Measure")
    temp.plot <- merge(temp.plot, dlist[[3]], by.x = "variable", by.y = names(dlist[[3]])[1])
    temp.plot[,variable := factor(variable, levels = unique(temp.plot[Measure == "Sum"][order(value), variable]))]
    temp.plot <- temp.plot[Measure %in% c("Avg", "Perc_Zero", "Skew", "CV", "Perc_NA")][, Measure := factor(Measure, levels = c("Avg", "CV", "Skew", "Perc_Zero", "Perc_NA"), labels = c("Average", "Coeff of var (%)", "Skewness", "Zeros (%)", "NAs (%)"))]
    temp.plot$Measure <- droplevels(temp.plot$Measure)
    yline <- rbind(data.frame("Measure" = "Skewness", "yint" = c(-1,1)),
                   data.frame("Measure" = "Zeros (%)", "yint" = c(50, 100)),
                   data.frame("Measure" = "Coeff of var (%)", "yint" = c(10, 25, 50, 100)),
                   data.frame("Measure" = "NAs (%)", "yint" = c(50, 100))
    plot1 <- ggplot(temp.plot, aes(variable, value, ymin = 0, ymax = value)) +
      geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = 1, alpha = 0.5) +
      geom_hline(data = yline, aes(yintercept = yint), color = "black", linetype = 2, alpha = 0.3) +
      geom_pointrange(alpha = alpha, size = size) +
      list(if(!is.null(Class)){facet_grid(Measure~Class, scale = "free", space = "free_x")} else {facet_grid(Measure~., scale = "free_y")}) +
      SDjoygret:::ggplot_SD.theme +
      SDjoygret:::ggplot_SD_lab90 +
      labs(title = "", x = "", y = "")
    if(debug) {message("dlist.summary : [Done]")}
    return(list("Data.summary" = temp.summary, "Plot" = plot1, "dlist" = temp.dlist))
  if(debug) {message("dlist.summary : [Done]")}
  return(list("Data.summary" = temp.summary, "dlist" = temp.dlist))

#' Perform PCA and custom plot
#' Perform a PCA analysis on a 3 levels list and create custom plot.
#' @param Samples.grp Factor name used for grouping samples (affect plot only)
#' @param Variables.grp Factor name used for grouping variables (affect plot only)
#' @param Legend.L Logical for drawing legends
#' @param colorL Logical for using color or greyscale
#' @param Samp.lab.L Logical for drawing Sample labels
#' @param Var.lab.L Logical for drawing Variable labels
#' @param palpha Transparency for loadings points (between 0 and 1)
#' @param psize Loadings points size
#' @inheritParams densplot
#' @inheritParams dlist.subset
#' @keywords pca, ggplot
#' @return A list with [1] pca results, [2] plot as grobs.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dlist.pca.old()
dlist.pca.old <- function (dlist,
                       Samples.grp = NULL,
                       Variables.grp = NULL,
                       Legend.L = F,
                       colorL = F,
                       Samp.lab.L = F,
                       Var.lab.L = T,
                       palpha = 0.8,
                       psize = 0.8,
                       ShowPlot = T) {
  require(ropls) ; require(ggplot2) ; require(gridExtra)
  temp.pca <- opls(dlist[[1]], predI = 2, plotL = F)
  temp.scores <- merge(dlist[[2]], data.frame(temp.pca$scoreMN),
                       by.x = 0, by.y = 0)
  limits1 <- find.limits(temp.scores$p1, temp.scores$p2)
  temp.loadings <- merge(dlist[[3]], data.frame(temp.pca$loadingMN),
                         by.x = 0, by.y = 0)
  limits2 <- find.limits(temp.loadings$p1, temp.loadings$p2)
  labels1 <- list(title = paste0("Scores plot ", temp.pca$descriptionMC[1],
                                 " samples\n(", temp.pca$descriptionMC[4], " missing values)"),
                  x = paste0("p1 (", temp.pca$modelDF$R2X[1] * 100, " %)"),
                  y = paste0("p2 (", temp.pca$modelDF$R2X[2] * 100, " %)"))
  labels2 <- list(title = paste0("Loadings plot\n", temp.pca$descriptionMC[2],
                                 " variables (", temp.pca$descriptionMC[3], " excluded)"),
                  x = paste0("p1 (", temp.pca$modelDF$R2X[1] * 100, " %)"),
                  y = paste0("p2 (", temp.pca$modelDF$R2X[2] * 100, " %)"))
  plot1 <- ggplot(temp.scores, aes(p1, p2, group = get(Samples.grp))) +
    plotheme.auto(limits = limits1, Legend.L, colorL,
                  labels1, geom_path = T, labelsL = Samp.lab.L)
  plot2 <- ggplot(temp.loadings, aes(p1, p2, label = Row.names, group = get(Variables.grp))) +
    plotheme.auto(limits = limits2,
                  Legend.L, colorL, labels1, geom_path = F, labelsL = Var.lab.L, palpha = palpha, psize = psize)
  if(ShowPlot == T) {
    return(list(PCA = temp.pca, Plot = grid.arrange(plot1, plot2, nrow = 1)))
  } else {
    return(list(PCA = temp.pca, Plot = arrangeGrob(plot1, plot2, nrow = 1)))

#' Perform PCA and custom plot
#' Perform a PCA analysis on a 3 levels list and create custom plot.
#' @param group.spl Factor name used for grouping samples (affect plot only)
#' @param group.var Factor name used for grouping variables (affect plot only)
#' @param legendL Logical for drawing legends
#' @param labels String to show labels on scores, loadings or both plots
#' @param pathL Loadings points size
#' @param ellipseL Logical to show ellipse (0.95 type t which assumes a multivariate t-distribution)
#' @param outliersL Logical to show outliers (below 1 percentile or above 99 percentile)
#' @param ShowPlot Logical to draw plot or not
#' @inheritParams dlist.subset
#' @keywords pca, ggplot
#' @return A list with [1] pca results, [2] plot as grobs.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dlist.pca()
dlist.pca <- function (dlist,
                       group.spl = NULL,
                       group.var = NULL,
                       legendL = F,
                       labels = c("scores", "loadings", "both"),
                       pathL = F,
                       ellipseL = F,
                       outliersL = F,
                       ShowPlot = T) {
  require(ropls) ; require(ggplot2) ; require(ggrepel) ; require(gridExtra) ; require(dplyr)
  temp.pca <- ropls::opls(dlist[[1]][,-1, with = F], predI = 2, plotL = F, printL = F)
  temp.scores <- dplyr::bind_cols(dlist[[2]], data.frame(temp.pca@scoreMN))
  temp.scores[, outliers := !p1 %between% quantile(p1, probs = c(0.01,0.99), na.rm = T) & !p2 %between% quantile(p2, probs = c(0.01,0.99), na.rm = T)]
  limits1 <- SDjoygret::find.limits(temp.scores$p1, temp.scores$p2)
  temp.loadings <- dplyr::bind_cols(dlist[[3]], data.table(temp.pca@loadingMN))
  limits2 <- SDjoygret::find.limits(temp.loadings$p1, temp.loadings$p2)
  labels1 <- list(title = paste0("Scores plot ", temp.pca@descriptionMC[1],
                                 " samples\n(", temp.pca@descriptionMC[4], " missing values)"),
                  x = paste0("p1 (", temp.pca@modelDF$R2X[1] * 100, " %)"),
                  y = paste0("p2 (", temp.pca@modelDF$R2X[2] * 100, " %)"))
  labels2 <- list(title = paste0("Loadings plot\n", temp.pca@descriptionMC[2],
                                 " variables (", temp.pca@descriptionMC[3], " excluded)"),
                  x = paste0("p1 (", temp.pca@modelDF$R2X[1] * 100, " %)"),
                  y = paste0("p2 (", temp.pca@modelDF$R2X[2] * 100, " %)"))

  plot1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(temp.scores) +
    aes(p1, p2) +
    geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = 2, alpha = 0.5) +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = 2, alpha = 0.5) +
    geom_point() +
    theme_bw() +
    labs(labels1) +
      if(!is.null(group.spl) | outliersL){
          if (outliersL) {
              aes(color = outliers),
              scale_color_manual(values = c("black", "red"), labels = c("normal", "outlier")),
              labs(color = "Outliers"),
              ggrepel::geom_text_repel(data = temp.scores[outliers == T], aes_string(label = names(temp.scores)[1]), show.legend = F)
          } else {
              aes(color = as.factor(get(group.spl))),
              if(pathL){geom_path(aes(group = get(group.spl)), alpha = 0.6)},
              labs(color = paste(group.spl))
          theme(legend.position = "bottom")
      if(labels %in% c("scores", "both")) {geom_text_repel(aes(label = temp.scores[,1,with = F][[1]]), show.legend = F)} else { NULL },
      if(ellipseL) {stat_ellipse(type = "t", linetype = 3, size = 1, alpha = 0.6, level = 0.95)},
      if(!legendL) {theme(legend.position = 0)}

  plot2 <- ggplot2::ggplot(temp.loadings) +
    aes(p1, p2) +
    geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = 2, alpha = 0.5) +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = 2, alpha = 0.5) +
    geom_point() +
    theme_bw() +
    labs(labels2) +
    list(if(!is.null(group.var)){list(aes(color = as.factor(get(group.var))),
                                      labs(color = ""),
                                      theme(legend.position = "bottom"),
                                      if(isTRUE(pathL)){geom_path(aes(group = get(group.var)))})} else { NULL },
         if(labels %in% c("loadings", "both")) {geom_text_repel(aes(label = temp.loadings[,1,with = F][[1]]), show.legend = F)} else { NULL },
         if(!legendL) {theme(legend.position = 0)})

  if(ShowPlot == T) {grid.arrange(plot1, plot2, nrow = 1)}
    return(list(PCA = temp.pca, Plot = list("Scores" = plot1, "Loadings" = plot2), scores_data = temp.scores, loadings_data = temp.loadings))

#' Transform a datamatrix and replace zero
#' New version available : see d.t.transform. Do any of the two following function : Replace zero by the minimum value divided by 2 and/or tranform data
#' with Trans.fun function (by default log2).
#' @param data a dataframe with value only to transform
#' @param TransL Should transformation be made
#' @param Trans.fun Which transformation to perform (default log2)
#' @param ZeroL Should zero be replaced by minimum value divided by 2
#' @param ... Argument to pass to Trans.fun
#' @keywords transform
#' @return The resulting datamatrix only
#' @examples
#' dataframe.transform()
dataframe.transform <- function(data,
                                ZeroL = T,
                                TransL = F,
                                Trans.fun = log2,
                                ...) {
  temp.data <- data
  if(ZeroL) {temp.data <- data.frame(apply(data, 2, function(x) {x[x == 0] <- min(x[x!=0], na.rm = T)/2 ; x}))}
  if(TransL) {temp.data <- Trans.fun(temp.data, ...)}

#' Transform a datamatrix and replace zero
#' Do any of the two following function : Replace zero by the minimum value divided by 2 and/or tranform data
#' with Trans.fun function (by default log2).
#' @param data a data.table with first column as row IDs
#' @param ZvalL Should Zero val column be deleted ?
#' @param PercZ Prop of zero value above which deletion is made
#' @param RepZeroL Should remaining zero be replaced by half of minimum value ?
#' @param RepNAL Should remaining NA be replaced by half of minimum value ?
#' @param Log2L Should log2 transform be done
#' @keywords transform
#' @return The resulting data.table only
#' @export
#' @examples
#' d.t.transform()
d.t.transform <- function(data, ZvalL = F, PercZ = 1, RepZeroL = T, RepNAL = F, Log2L = T) {
  if(!is.data.table(data)){stop("Function optimized for data.table.")}
    data <- data.table(data[,1,with = F], data[,lapply(.SD, function(x){
      PercZ <- length(x[x==0])/length(x)
      if(PercZ >= ZvalS){return(NULL)} else {x}
    }), .SDcols=-1])
  if(RepZeroL){data <- data.table(data[,1,with = F], data[,lapply(.SD, function(x){x[x == 0] <- min(x[x!=0], na.rm = T)/2 ; x}), .SDcols=-1])}
  if(RepNAL){data <- data.table(data[,1,with = F], data[,lapply(.SD, function(x){x[is.na(x)] <- min(x[x!=0], na.rm = T)/2 ; x}), .SDcols=-1])}
  if(Log2L){data <- data.table(data[,1,with = F], data[,lapply(.SD, log2), .SDcols=-1])}

#' Transform function for dlist
#' Replace zero by the minimum value / 2 and if checked, tranform data with Trans.fun function (by default log2).
#' Same function as dataframe.transform(), but formatted for direct use on dlist.
#' @param ... Argument passed to d.t.transform()
#' @inheritParams dlist.subset
#' @keywords transform, dlist
#' @return The resulting datamatrix only
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dlist.transform()
dlist.transform <- function(dlist,
                            ...) {
  dlist[[1]] <- d.t.transform(dlist[[1]], ...)

#' 2 dimension plot with density
#' Draw a 2 dimensions plot with density graph on each axis
#' @param Data Long format data to plot
#' @param x Column name for x values as string
#' @param y Column name for x values as string
#' @param group Column name for grouping factor as string
#' @param color Point color (default is "black")
#' @param alpha alpha value of point (default is 0.5)
#' @param labels List for labels with (title, x, y)
#' @param ShowPlot Logical to directly draw the plot or return the grobs (faster)
#' @keywords ggplot
#' @return a ggplot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' densplot()
densplot <- function(Data,
                     group = NULL,
                     color = "black",
                     alpha = 0.5,
                     labels = list(title = "", x = "", y = ""),
                     ShowPlot = T) {
  plot1 <- ggplot(Data, aes_string(x = x, fill = group)) +
    geom_density(adjust = 1/5, alpha = 0.25, color = color) +
    labs(list(title = labels[[1]], x = "", y = "density")) +
  plot2 <- ggplot(Data, aes_string(x = y, fill = group)) +
    geom_density(adjust = 1/10, alpha = 0.25, color = color) +
    labs(list(title = "", x = "", y = "density")) +
    theme_bw() +
  plot3 <- ggplot(Data, aes_string(x = x, y = y)) +
    geom_point(size = 0.5, aes_string(fill = group), alpha = alpha) +
    labs(list(title = "", x = labels[[2]], y = labels[[3]])) +
  if(any(!is.null(group) & group %in% names(Data)) == T) {
    plot4 <- g_legend(plot1)
  } else {
    plot4 <- ggplot() + theme(plot.background = element_blank(), panel.background = element_blank()) + theme(legend.position = "none")
  plot <- arrangeGrob(plot1 + theme(legend.position = "none"),
                      plot3 + theme(legend.position = "none"),
                      plot2 + theme(legend.position = "none"),
                      ncol = 2,
                      heights = c(0.7,2),
                      widths = c(2,0.7))
  if(ShowPlot == T) {return(plot(plot))} else {return(plot)}

#' Perform OPLS and custom plots
#' Perform an OPLS analysis using "ropls" package and plot results if asked (scores, loadings, VIPs & summary).
#' @param Opls.y Name of the grouping factor used in OPLS
#' @param ... Arguments to pass to opls function
#' @param VIPxlabels Logical to show VIPs plot x labels
#' @param VIP.thr Threshold for VIPs selestion and coloring
#' @param ShowPlot Logical to draw plots in graphic device
#' @param plotheme.auto.args List of arguments to pass to plotheme.auto
#' @inheritParams densplot
#' @inheritParams dlist.subset
#' @keywords opls, ggplot
#' @return A list with (OPLS, Plot, VIPS)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dlist.opls()
dlist.opls <- function (dlist,
                        Opls.y = NA,
                        VIPxlabels = F,
                        VIP.thr = 1,
                        ShowPlot = T,
                        plotheme.auto.args = list(geom_ellipse=T,Legend.L=T, colorL=T, geom_path=F, labelsL=F, labels=NULL)) {

  require(ropls) ; require(ggplot2) ; require(gridExtra) ; require(data.table)
  # dlist <- dlist ; Opls.y <- "N" ; Samples.grp <- "N" ; Legend.L = T ; colorL = F ; LabelsL = T ; VIP.thr = 1
  plotheme.auto.args2 <- plotheme.auto.args1 <- plotheme.auto.args
  temp.opls <- opls(dlist[[1]][, -1, with = F], dlist[[2]][,get(Opls.y)], orthoI = NA, plotL = F, ...)
  temp.scores <- data.table(dlist[[2]], data.table(temp.opls@scoreMN), data.table(temp.opls@orthoScoreMN))
  plotheme.auto.args1$limits <- SDjoygret::find.limits(temp.scores$p1, temp.scores$o1)
  temp.loadings <- data.table(dlist[[3]], data.table(temp.opls@loadingMN, data.table(temp.opls@orthoLoadingMN), VIP = temp.opls@vipVn))
  plotheme.auto.args2$limits <- SDjoygret::find.limits(temp.loadings$p1, temp.loadings$o1)
  ## var
  if(is.null(plotheme.auto.args1$labels)) {
    plotheme.auto.args1$labels <- list(title = paste0("Scores plot ", temp.opls@descriptionMC[1], " samples\n(", temp.opls@descriptionMC[4], " missing values)"),
                                       x = paste0("pred. comp. 1 of ", Opls.y, " (", temp.opls@modelDF$R2X[1]*100, " %)"),
                                       y = paste0("o1 (", temp.opls@modelDF$R2X[2]*100, " %)"))}
  if(is.null(plotheme.auto.args1$labels)) {
    plotheme.auto.args2$labels <- list(title = paste0("Loadings plot\n", temp.opls@descriptionMC[2], " variables (", temp.opls@descriptionMC[3], " excluded)"),
                                       x = paste0("p1 (", temp.opls@modelDF$R2X[1]*100, " %)"),
                                       y = paste0("o1 (", temp.opls@modelDF$R2X[2]*100, " %)"))}
  ## vips
  temp.VIPs <- SDjoygret::ggplot_opls_vips(temp.opls, VIP.thr = VIP.thr, xlabsL = VIPxlabels, ShowPlot = F)
  ## plots
  plot1 <- ggplot(temp.scores, aes(p1, o1, label = temp.scores[[1]], group = as.factor(get(Opls.y)), color = as.factor(get(Opls.y)))) +
    do.call(plotheme.auto, plotheme.auto.args1)
  plotheme.auto.args2$geom_ellipse <- F
  plot2 <- ggplot(temp.loadings, aes(p1, o1, label = temp.loadings[[1]], color = VIP>VIP.thr)) +
    do.call(plotheme.auto, plotheme.auto.args2)

  ## Result
  if(ShowPlot == T) {
    return(list("OPLS" = temp.opls,
                "Plots" = list("ScoresPlot" = plot1,
                               "LoadingsPlot" = plot2,
                               "VipsPlot" = temp.VIPs$Plot,
                               "SummaryTable" = tableGrob(temp.opls@summaryDF, theme = ttheme_minimal(base_size = 10, padding = unit(c(2,2), "mm")))),
                "DrawPlots" = grid.arrange(plot1,
                                           tableGrob(temp.opls@summaryDF, theme = ttheme_minimal(base_size = 10, padding = unit(c(2,2), "mm"))),
                                           nrow = 2, heights = c(3,1)),
                "VIPs" = temp.VIPs$VIPs))
  } else {
    return(list("OPLS" = temp.opls,
                "Plots" = list("ScoresPlot" = plot1,
                               "LoadingsPlot" = plot2,
                               "VipsPlot" = temp.VIPs$Plot,
                               "SummaryTable" = tableGrob(temp.opls@summaryDF, theme = ttheme_minimal(base_size = 10, padding = unit(c(2,2), "mm")))),
                "DrawPlots" = arrangeGrob(plot1,
                                          tableGrob(temp.opls@summaryDF, theme = ttheme_minimal(base_size = 10, padding = unit(c(2,2), "mm"))),
                                          nrow = 2, heights = c(3,1)),
                "VIPs" = temp.VIPs$VIPs))

#' 3 levels t-test
#' Perform t-test on a 3 levels list between groups
#' @param group The grouping factor
#' @inheritParams dlist.subset
#' @keywords t-test
#' @return A dataframe with p.valus, x and y estimates, delta mean and CV
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data.ttest()
data.ttest <- function(dlist,
                       group) {
  ## Data prep
  temp.data <- melt(as.matrix(dlist), varnames = c("sample", "variable"))
  temp.data <- merge(temp.data, group, by.x = "sample", by.y = 0)
  print("Data OK, performing t-test")
  Statistic.summary <- ddply(temp.data, c("variable"), function(x) {
    test.try <- try(t.test(as.formula(paste("value ~",names(group))), data = x))
    if (class(test.try) != "try-error") {
      w <- t.test(as.formula(paste("value ~", names(group))), data = x)
      with(w, data.frame(statistic,
                         "x.estimate" = estimate[1],
                         "y.estimate" = estimate[2],
                         "mean.delta" = abs(estimate[1] - estimate[2]),
                         "CV.mean.delta" = abs(estimate[1] - estimate[2])/max(c(estimate[1], estimate[2]))))

#' 3 Levels list from xcmsSet Object
#' Create a 3 levels list from the result of xcms integration.
#' @param x xcmsSet Object
#' @keywords 3levels.list, xcmsSet
#' @return A dlist : 3 levels list (Datamatrix, SampleMetadata, VariableMetadata)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' xcmsSet.Result.List()
xcmsSet.Result.List <- function(x) {
  if(class(x) != "xcmsSet"){stop("x must be an xcmsSet object")}
  PkTable <- peakTable(x)
  Datamatrix <- data.frame(t(subset(PkTable, select = rownames(x@phenoData))))
  rownames(PkTable) <- colnames(Datamatrix)
  Variable.Metadata <- data.frame(subset(PkTable, select = !colnames(PkTable) %in% rownames(Datamatrix)))

  list("Datamatrix" = Datamatrix,
       "SampleMetadata" = x@phenoData,
       "VariableMetadata" = Variable.Metadata)

#' Plot OPLS results with VIPs
#' Description of the function
#' @param data Result of ropls with opls method
#' @param VIP.thr VIP threshold for groups (1 by default)
#' @inheritParams densplot
#' @keywords ggplot, opls
#' @return Return a list with Plot and VIPs
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ggplot_opls_vips()
ggplot_opls_vips <- function(data, VIP.thr = 1, xlabsL = T, ShowPlot = T) {
  # Test
  if(class(data) != "opls"){print("Optimized for ropls::opls resulting object") ; stop()}
  if(!data@typeC %in% c("OPLS", "OPLS-DA")){print("Optimized for OPLS-DA results") ; stop()}
  # Data prep
  temp.plot <- data.frame("Vip" = data@vipVn)
  pos.list  <- subset(data.frame(data@loadingMN), p1 > 0)
  neg.list  <- subset(data.frame(data@loadingMN), p1 < 0)
  temp.plot[rownames(temp.plot) %in% rownames(neg.list),] <- temp.plot[rownames(temp.plot) %in% rownames(neg.list),] * -1
  ## Plot var
  plot.data <- temp.plot
  x <- rownames(temp.plot)
  y <- "Vip"
  VIP.subset<- subset(temp.plot, abs(Vip) >= VIP.thr)
  Select.var.VIP <- rownames(VIP.subset)
  labels <- list(title = "", x = paste0("Variables (", data@descriptionMC[2], " of which ", length(Select.var.VIP), " have a VIP > ", VIP.thr, ")"), y = "Score VIP")
  # Plot
  plot1 <- ggplot(plot.data, aes(x = reorder(x, get(y)), y = get(y), ymin = 0, ymax = get(y))) +
    geom_hline(yintercept = c(-1,-2,-VIP.thr, VIP.thr, 2), alpha = 0.4, linetype = 2) +
    geom_pointrange(alpha = 0.6, size = 0.1, aes(color = abs(get(y)) >= VIP.thr)) +
    labs(labels) +
    ggplot_theme_sly +
    ggplot_SD_lab90 +
    theme(legend.position = 0)

  if(!xlabsL) {plot1 <- plot1 + ggplot_SD_nox_lab}
  if(ShowPlot == T) {
    return(list(VIPs = VIP.subset, Plot = grid.arrange(plot1)))
  } else {
    return(list(VIPs = VIP.subset, Plot = arrangeGrob(plot1)))

#' Get size of object or list objects
#' Return the size in Mb of an object or list levels
#' @param data Any variable
#' @keywords x1, x2, x3
#' @return Object size
#' @export
#' @examples
#' size()
size <- function(data) {
  if(is.list(data)){return(lapply(data, function(x) {format(object.size(x), units = "Mb")}))}
  else (return(format(object.size(data), units = "Mb")))

#' Return a list for plotting ropls results
#' Return a list for plotting ropls results
#' @param dlist The dlist used for ropls
#' @param ropls.result Results of ropls package or dlist.opls.min function
#' @keywords ropls
#' @return A list with data for ggplot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dlist.ropls.data()
dlist.ropls.data <- function(dlist, ropls.result) {
  #dlist <- dlist
  ## Get scores
  if (ropls.result[[1]]@typeC %in% c("PCA", "PLS", "PLS-DA")) {
    temp.scores <- data.table(dlist[[2]], ropls.result[[1]]@scoreMN)
    temp.loadings <- merge(dlist[[3]], as.data.table(ropls.result[[1]]@loadingMN, keep.rownames = T), by.x = names(dlist[[3]])[1], by.y = "rn")
    x <- "p1"
    y <- "p2"
  } else if (ropls.result[[1]]@typeC %in% c("OPLS", "OPLS-DA")) {
    temp.scores <- data.table(dlist[[2]], ropls.result[[1]]@scoreMN, ropls.result[[1]]@orthoScoreMN)
    merge.list <- list(
      as.data.table(ropls.result[[1]]@loadingMN, keep.rownames = names(dlist[[3]])[1]),
      as.data.table(ropls.result[[1]]@orthoLoadingMN, keep.rownames = names(dlist[[3]])[1]),
      as.data.table(data.frame(OrthoVIP = ropls.result[[1]]@orthoVipVn), keep.rownames = names(dlist[[3]])[1]),
      as.data.table(data.frame(VIP = ropls.result[[1]]@vipVn), keep.rownames = names(dlist[[3]])[1]))
    temp.loadings <- Reduce(function(x, y) {merge(x, y, by = names(dlist[[3]])[1])}, merge.list)
    #temp.loadings <- data.table(merge(dlist[[3]], as.data.table(ropls.result[[1]]@loadingMN, keep.rownames = T), by.x = names(dlist[[3]])[1], by.y = "rn"), ropls.result[[1]]@orthoLoadingMN, OrthoVIP = ropls.result[[1]]@orthoVipVn, VIP = ropls.result[[1]]@vipVn)
    x <- "p1"
    y <- "o1"
  } else { stop("TypeC not recognized, please use the ropls package or dlist.opls.min to perform the multivariate analysis.
             TypeC must be any of : PCA, PLS, PLS-DA, OPLS or OPLS-DA") }
  opls.y <- ropls.result$opls.y
  return(list("x" = x,
              "y" = y,
              "TypeC" = ropls.result[[1]]@typeC,
              "scores" = temp.scores,
              "loadings" = temp.loadings,
              "labels_scores" = list("title" = paste0(ropls.result[[1]]@typeC, " : Scores plot"),
                                     "subtitle" = paste0(ropls.result[[1]]@descriptionMC[1], " samples (", ropls.result[[1]]@descriptionMC[4], " missing values)"),
                                     "x" = paste0(x, " ", opls.y, " (", ropls.result[[1]]@modelDF$R2X[1]*100, " %)"),
                                     "y" = paste0(y, " (", ropls.result[[1]]@modelDF$R2X[2]*100, " %)")),
              "labels_loadings" = list("title" = paste0(ropls.result[[1]]@typeC, " : Loadings plot"),
                                       "subtitle" = paste0(ropls.result[[1]]@descriptionMC[2], " variables (", ropls.result[[1]]@descriptionMC[3], " excluded)"),
                                       "x" = paste0(x, " (", ropls.result[[1]]@modelDF$R2X[1]*100, " %)"),
                                       "y" = paste0(y, " (", ropls.result[[1]]@modelDF$R2X[2]*100, " %)")),
              "Opls.Y" = opls.y

#' Perform pca, pls(da) or opls(da) with ropls
#' Perform multivariate analysis with ropls package and return a minimal object with results
#' for plots.
#' @param opls.y Name of SampleMetadata column to use as y response (quoted).
#' @param plotL Logical to draw summary plot as in ropls package.
#' @param ... Any argument used by ropls::opls function.
#' @inheritParams check.list.format
#' @keywords 3levels.list, xcmsSet
#' @return The resulting list of opls function (subsetted if min = TRUE).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dlist.ropls.min()
dlist.ropls.min <- function(dlist, opls.y = NULL, plotL = F, ...) {
  require(dtplyr) ; require(data.table) ; require(ropls)
  if(!is.null(opls.y)) {
      opls.yV <- dlist[[2]][,get(opls.y)]} else { opls.yV <- paste0(unlist(dimnames(opls.y)))}
  } else {opls.yV <- NULL}
  temp.result <- ropls::opls(dlist[[1]][,-1,with=F], y = opls.yV, plotL = plotL, ...)
              "opls.y" = opls.y))

#' Formula to return mz +- ppm
#' output a vector with lowest and highest values from an mz and ppm
#' @param mz mz to search
#' @param database database to search into (must have 'mz' column)
#' @param ppm tolerance in ppm
#' @keywords mz, ppm, deviation
#' @return a vector with mz range given a ppm tolerance
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ppm(125.0000, 5)
mz.ppm <- function(mass, ppm) {
  dppm <- ppm * 1e-06
  return(c(mass * (1 - dppm), mass * (1 + dppm)))

#' Search mz values in a database
#' Return all entry of database with mz between mz +- ppm
#' @param mass mz to search
#' @param database database to search into (must have 'mz' column)
#' @param ppm tolerance in ppm
#' @keywords opls, vips, ggplot
#' @return The resulting list of opls function (subsetted if min = TRUE).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mz.database(mz = 188.2500, database = data.table(ID = paste0(ID, 1:100), mz = seq(100.000, 800.000, length.out = 100)), ppm = 100)
mz.database <- function(mass, database, ppm = 5) {
  # mass <- 188.247 ; database <- temp.aracyc.online[,.(Compound_id, mz = Molecular_weight)] ; ppm <- 5
  mass <- as.numeric(mass)
  limits <- SDjoygret::mz.ppm(mass, ppm)
  temp.data <- data.table::as.data.table(database)[mz %between% limits][, massquery := mass][, dppm := round(abs(massquery-mz)*1e+6/massquery, 2)]

#' Plot VIPs from opls object
#' Plot the n top Vips in regard to there correlation (positive or negative) along p1.
#' @param data opls object returned by ropls::opls()
#' @param n number of VIPs from top to show (all if NULL)
#' @keywords opls, vips, ggplot
#' @return The resulting list of opls function (subsetted if min = TRUE).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dlist.ropls.min()
ropls_plot_vips <- function(data, n = NULL) {
  # data <- temp.opls.list[[1]]$opls.result$Results
  require(ggplot2) ; require(data.table)
  if(!class(data) == "opls") {stop('data should be of "opls" class (ropls::opls() ouptut)')}
  if(any(c("loadingMN", "vipVn") %in% slotNames(data) == F)) {stop("loadingMN and/or vipVn slot were/was not found in data. Maybe ropls package has changed it's output, try to update ropls")}
  temp.data <- merge(data.table(data@loadingMN, keep.rownames = "rn")[,.(rn, p1)], data.table(as.matrix(data@vipVn), keep.rownames = "rn")[, .(rn, VIP = V1)], by = "rn")
  temp.data[, VIP_sign := ifelse(p1<0, -VIP, VIP)]
  if(is.null(n)) {temp.plot <- temp.data[order(-VIP)]} else {temp.plot <- temp.data[order(-VIP)][1:n]}
  ggplot2::ggplot(temp.plot, aes(reorder(rn, VIP_sign), VIP_sign, color = p1>0)) +
    ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = 2, alpha = 0.5) +
    ggplot2::geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = 0, ymax = VIP_sign)) +
    ggplot2::coord_flip() +
    ggplot2::labs(title = "Predictive VIPs", x = "", y = "", color = "")

#' Plot ropls results
#' Plot ropls results using ggplot2
#' @param plot.opls.data Result of dlist.opls.data function
#' @param group.spl Scores group name for colors
#' @param group.var Loadings group name for colors
#' @param labels string to show labels on plots
#' @param density should loadings points be replaced by density plot (useful when there are many variables)
#' @param pathL should path between samples group be drawn
#' @keywords ropls, ggplot
#' @return A grob, use grid::grid.draw() to plot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' roplsplot()
roplsplot <- function(plot.opls.data,
                      group.spl = NULL,
                      group.var = NULL,
                      labels = c("none", "scores", "loadings", "both"),
                      density = c(F, T),
                      pathL = c(F,T)) {
  require(gridExtra) ; require(ggplot2) ; require(ggrepel) ; require(data.table) ; require(magrittr)
  plot.data <- plot.opls.data
  x <- plot.data$x
  y <- plot.data$y
  temp.scores <- data.table(plot.data$scores)
  temp.loadings <- data.table(plot.data$loadings)
  labels.scores <- plot.data$labels_scores
  labels.loadings <- plot.data$labels_loadings
  return(list("Scores.plot" = ggplot(temp.scores, aes(get(x), get(y))) +
                geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = 2, alpha = 0.5) +
                geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = 2, alpha = 0.5) +
                geom_point() +
                theme_bw() +
                labs(labels.scores) +
                list(if(!is.null(group.spl)){list(aes(color = as.factor(get(group.spl))),
                                                  labs(color = ""),
                                                  theme(legend.position = "bottom"),
                                                  if(isTRUE(pathL)){geom_path(aes(group = get(group.spl)))})} else { NULL },
                     if(labels %in% c("scores", "both")) {geom_text_repel(aes(label = temp.scores[,1,with = F][[1]]), show.legend = F)} else { NULL })
              "Loadings.plot" = ggplot(temp.loadings, aes(get(x), get(y))) +
                geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = 2, alpha = 0.5) +
                geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = 2, alpha = 0.5) +
                labs(labels.loadings) +
                theme_bw() +
                labs(labels.loadings) +
                list(if(plot.data$TypeC %in% c("OPLS", "OPLS-DA")) { geom_point(data = temp.loadings[order(-VIP)][VIP >= 1][1:1000], color = "red", alpha = 0.5) },
                     if(isTRUE(density)) { geom_density2d(color = "black")} else { geom_point(alpha = 0.8) },
                     if(!is.null(group.var)){list(aes(color = as.factor(get(group.var))),
                                                  labs(color = ""),
                                                  theme(legend.position = "bottom"))} else { NULL },
                     if(labels %in% c("loadings", "both")) {geom_text_repel(aes(label = temp.loadings[,1,with = F][[1]]), show.legend = F)} else { NULL })

#' Statistical test and letters
#' Description of the function
#' @param formula formula y ~ a with y the response value and a the factor (or group of factor) to test (as in ggpubr::compare_means())
#' @param data the input data with a metadata and values
#' @param method on of method accepted by ggpubr::compare_means()
#' @param group.by the grouping variables to use (optional)
#' @keywords significance
#' @return a data.table with the same structure as input data with statisticals results column added and significant levels letters by groups
#' @export
#' @examples
#' compare_means_letters()
compare_means_letters <- function(formula, data, method = "t.test", group.by = NULL) {
  #formula <- value~Feuille ; data <- temp.plot ; method <- "t.test" ; group.by <- c("variable", "Age")
  message("See compare_means_letters_2 for p-values")
  form.fact <- labels(terms(formula))
  data[, (form.fact) := as.factor(get(form.fact))]
  temp.stat <- data.table::as.data.table(ggpubr::compare_means(formula, data = as.data.frame(data), method = method, group.by = group.by))
  temp.letter <- temp.stat[!is.na(p.format),
                           .(Fact = names(multcompView::multcompLetters(setNames(p.format, as.factor(paste0(group1, "-", group2))))[[1]]),
                             Letters = multcompView::multcompLetters(setNames(p.format, as.factor(paste0(group1, "-", group2))))[[1]]),
                           by = eval(group.by)]
  data.table::setnames(temp.letter, 'Fact', form.fact)
  temp.letter[, (form.fact) := as.factor(get(form.fact))]
  return(merge(data, temp.letter, by = c(group.by, form.fact)))

#' Statistical test and letters
#' Description of the function
#' @param formula formula y ~ a with y the response value and a the factor (or group of factor) to test (as in ggpubr::compare_means())
#' @param data the input data with a metadata and values
#' @param method on of method accepted by ggpubr::compare_means()
#' @param group.by the grouping variables to use (optional)
#' @keywords significance
#' @return a data.table with the same structure as input data with statisticals results column added and significant levels letters by groups
#' @export
#' @examples
#' compare_means_letters()
compare_means_letters_2 <- function(formula, data, method = "t.test", group.by = NULL) {
  #formula <- value~Feuille ; data <- temp.plot ; method <- "t.test" ; group.by <- c("variable", "Age")
  form.fact <- labels(terms(formula))
  data[, (form.fact) := as.factor(get(form.fact))]
  temp.stat <- data.table::as.data.table(ggpubr::compare_means(formula, data = as.data.frame(data), method = method, group.by = group.by))
  temp.letter <- temp.stat[!is.na(p.format),
                           .(Fact = names(multcompView::multcompLetters(setNames(p.format, as.factor(paste0(group1, "-", group2))))[[1]]),
                             Letters = multcompView::multcompLetters(setNames(p.format, as.factor(paste0(group1, "-", group2))))[[1]]),
                           by = eval(group.by)]
  data.table::setnames(temp.letter, 'Fact', form.fact)
  temp.letter[, (form.fact) := as.factor(get(form.fact))]

  return(list(LettersTable = merge(data, temp.letter, by = c(group.by, form.fact)),
              StatResult = temp.stat))

#' Extract legend from ggplot2 graph
#' This function extract the legend of a ggplot2 graph. Useful for plotting 2 plots sharing the same legend and showing it once.
#' @param a.gplot a ggplot2 plot
#' @keywords ggplot2, legend
#' @return a grobs containing only the plot legend
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g_legend()
g_legend <- function(a.gplot){
  tmp <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(a.gplot))
  leg <- which(sapply(tmp$grobs, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")
  legend <- tmp$grobs[[leg]]

#' Do pairwise statistical tests on dlist
#' These function take a dlist as entry and perform pairwise statistical test using ggpubr::compare_means for
#' tests and multcompView::multcompLetters to annotate test results. It returns a table
#' @param data A dlist
#' @param group.by Grouping variable for ggpubr::compare_means
#' @param formula The formula to use with ggpubr::compare_means
#' @param ... Parameters to pass to ggpubr::compare_means
#' @param debug Logical to show debugging messages
#' @keywords statistical test, significance letters, dlist
#' @return result of the function
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dlist_stat_table1()
dlist_stat_table1 <- function(data, formula, group.by = NULL, ..., debug = F) {
  # data <- temp.data.sub ; formula <- value~N ; method = "t.test" ; group.by = c('Stade', 'varID')
  warning("Deprecated, use dlist_stat_table")
  if(debug) {message("Loading packages: ", appendLF = F)}
  pacman::p_load(data.table, ggpubr, SDjoygret, multcompView)
  if(debug) {message("OK", appendLF = T)}
  if(debug) {message("Checking input: ", appendLF = F)}
  formula <- as.formula(formula)
  form.fact <- labels(terms(formula))

  if(debug) {message("OK", appendLF = T)}
  if(debug) {message("Melting data: ", appendLF = F)}
  t.data <- SDjoygret::dlist.plot.table(data)

  if(debug) {message(paste(names(t.data), collapse=" | "), appendLF = T)}
  if(debug) {message("Checking replicates: ", appendLF = F)}
  t.data.na <- t.data[!is.na(value)]
  t.data.na <- t.data.na[, group := do.call(paste0, .SD), .SDcols = group.by]
  t.data.comb <- dcast(t.data.na, group~get(form.fact), value.var = 'value', fun.aggregate = length)
  t.data.less2 <- t.data.comb[, .(Log = length(.SD) - length(which(.SD <= 2))<2), .SDcols = -1, by = group][Log == T, group]
  t.data <- t.data.na[!group %in% t.data.less2]
  if(debug) {
    if(length(t.data.less2) >= 1) {
      message("Found combinations with not enough replicate:", appendLF = T)
      message(paste(t.data.less2, collapse=" | "), appendLF = T)
    } else {
      message("Data is sufficient", appendLF = T)
  if(debug) {message("Compare means: ", appendLF = F)}
  t.stat <- data.table::as.data.table(ggpubr::compare_means(formula = as.formula(paste0("value~",form.fact)), data = as.data.frame(t.data), group.by = group.by, ...))

  if(debug) {message("OK", appendLF = T)}
  if(debug) {message("Adding letters: ", appendLF = F)}
  t.letters <- t.stat[!is.na(p), .(
    Factor = names(multcompView::multcompLetters(setNames(as.numeric(p), as.factor(paste0(group1, "-", group2))))[[1]]),
    Letters = multcompView::multcompLetters(setNames(as.numeric(p), as.factor(paste0(group1, "-", group2))))[[1]]
  ), by = group.by]
  setnames(t.letters, "Factor", form.fact)

  if(debug) {message(paste0(names(t.letters), collapse = " | "), appendLF = T)}
  if(debug) {message("Formatting output: ", appendLF = F)}
  t.letters[, (form.fact) := as.factor(get(form.fact))]
  t.data[, (form.fact) := as.factor(get(form.fact))]

  if(debug) {message("OK", appendLF = T)}
  return(list(result_table = merge(as.data.table(t.data), as.data.table(t.letters)[, c(group.by, form.fact, "Letters"), with = F], by = c(group.by, form.fact), all = T),
              excluded_table = t.data.na[group %in% t.data.less2])

#' Do pairwise statistical tests on dlist
#' These function take a dlist as entry and perform pairwise statistical test using ggpubr::compare_means for
#' tests and multcompView::multcompLetters to annotate test results. It returns a table
#' @param data A dlist
#' @param factor Grouping factor to compare
#' @param group.by Grouping variable for ggpubr::compare_means
#' @param ... Parameters to pass to ggpubr::compare_means
#' @param debug Logical to show debugging messages
#' @param Ouptut Output mode, simple for letters list or complete for letters and p-value
#' @keywords statistical test, significance letters, dlist
#' @return result of the function
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dlist_stat_table()
dlist_stat_table <- function(data, factor, group.by = NULL, ..., Output = c("simple", "complete"), debug = F) {
  # data <- temp.data ; factor <- "Feuille" ; method = "t.test" ; group.by = c('Variable', 'Age') ; debug = F
  warning("For old version, use dlist_stat_table1")
  if(debug) {message("Loading packages: ", appendLF = F)}
  pacman::p_load(data.table, ggpubr, SDjoygret, multcompView)
  if(debug) {message("OK", appendLF = T)}
  if(debug) {message("Checking input: ", appendLF = F)}
  form.fact <- factor
  if(debug) {message("OK", appendLF = T)}
  if(debug) {message("Checking - : ", appendLF = F)}
  if(data[[2]][, length(grep("-", get(factor)))] > 0) {stop('character "-" is forbidden in factor levels')}
  if(debug) {message("OK", appendLF = T)}
  if(debug) {message("Melting data: ", appendLF = F)}
  t.data <- SDjoygret::dlist.plot.table(data)
  if(debug) {message("OK", appendLF = T)}
  if(debug) {message("Checking comparison_factor: ", appendLF = F)}
  if(!form.fact %in% names(t.data)) {
    message(paste0("comparison_factor (", form.fact,") doesn't exist, check column names :"), appendLF = T)
    stop(paste(names(t.data), collapse = " | "))
  if(debug) {message("OK", appendLF = T)}
  if(debug) {message(paste(names(t.data), collapse=" | "), appendLF = T)}
  if(debug) {message("Checking replicates: ", appendLF = F)}
  t.data[, temp_group := do.call(paste0, (mget(c(group.by, form.fact))))]
  t.data[, temp_group_2 := do.call(paste0, mget(group.by))]
  t.data.na <-  t.data[!is.na(value)]
  t.data.n <- t.data.na[, .N, by = c(group.by, form.fact, "temp_group")]
  t.data.less2 <- t.data.n[N < 2, temp_group]
  temp.var.less2 <- t.data.n[N >= 2][, .N, by = group.by][N < 2]
  temp.var.less2[, temp_group_2 := do.call(paste0, mget(group.by))]
  t.data.sub <- t.data.na[!temp_group %in% t.data.less2][!temp_group_2 %in% temp.var.less2[, temp_group_2]]
  if(debug) {
    if(length(t.data.less2) >= 1) {
      message("Found combinations with not enough replicate:", appendLF = T)
      message(paste(t.data.less2, collapse=" | "), appendLF = T)
    } else {
      message("Data is sufficient", appendLF = T)
  if(debug) {message("Compare means: ", appendLF = F)}
  t.stat <- data.table::as.data.table(ggpubr::compare_means(formula = as.formula(paste0("value~", form.fact)), data = as.data.frame(t.data.sub[!is.na(value)]), group.by = group.by, ...))

  if(debug) {message("OK", appendLF = T)}
  if(debug) {message("Adding letters: ", appendLF = F)}
  t.letters <- t.stat[!is.na(p), .(
    Factor = names(multcompView::multcompLetters(setNames(as.numeric(p), as.factor(paste0(group1, "-", group2))))[[1]]),
    Letters = multcompView::multcompLetters(setNames(as.numeric(p), as.factor(paste0(group1, "-", group2))))[[1]]
  ), by = group.by]
  setnames(t.letters, "Factor", form.fact)

  if(debug) {message(paste0(names(t.letters), collapse = " | "), appendLF = T)}
  if(debug) {message("Formatting output: ", appendLF = F)}
  t.letters[, (form.fact) := as.factor(get(form.fact))]
  t.data.sub[, (form.fact) := as.factor(get(form.fact))]

  if(debug) {message("OK", appendLF = T)}
  temp.result <- list(result_table = merge(as.data.table(t.data.sub), as.data.table(t.letters)[, c(group.by, form.fact, "Letters"), with = F], by = c(group.by, form.fact), all = T),
                      excluded_table = t.data.na[temp_group %in% t.data.less2])
  if(Output == "simple") {return(data.table::rbindlist(temp.result, fill = T))}
  if(Output == "complete") {return(list(Letters = data.table::rbindlist(temp.result, fill = T),
                                        Stat_result = t.stat))}


#' Summary on table
#' Perform classic statistical indices on a table
#' @param data A dlist
#' @param val.name Column name of value to summarize
#' @param group.by Column(s) name(s) of grouping factors
#' @keywords summary
#' @return Return a data.table with summary
#' @export
#' @examples
#' stat_table()

table_summary <- function(data, val.name, group.by) {
  require(data.table) ; require(e1071)
  if(!is.data.table(data)) {data <- as.data.table(data)}
  temp.summary <- data[, .(
    "N"               = round(length(get(val.name)), 3),
    "NA"              = round(length(which(is.na(get(val.name)))), 3),
    "Zero"            = round(length(which(get(val.name) == 0)), 3),
    "Perc_NA"         = round(length(which(is.na(get(val.name)))) * 100 / length(get(val.name)), 3),
    "Perc_Zero"       = round(length(which(get(val.name) == 0)) * 100 / length(get(val.name)), 3),
    "Avg"             = round(mean(get(val.name), na.rm = T), 3),
    "Median"          = round(median(get(val.name), na.rm = T), 3),
    "Sum"             = round(sum(get(val.name), na.rm = T), 3),
    "Min"             = round(min(get(val.name), na.rm = T), 3),
    "Max"             = round(max(get(val.name), na.rm = T), 3),
    "SD"              = round(sd(get(val.name), na.rm = T), 3),
    "CV"              = round(sd(get(val.name), na.rm = T)*100/mean(get(val.name), na.rm = T), 3),
    "IC95_min_manual" = round(mean(get(val.name), na.rm = T)-2*(sd(get(val.name), na.rm = T)/length(get(val.name))), 3),
    "IC95_max_manual" = round(mean(get(val.name), na.rm = T)+2*(sd(get(val.name), na.rm = T)/length(get(val.name))), 3),
    "Skew"            = round(e1071::skewness(get(val.name), na.rm = T), 3)
  ), by = c(group.by)]

#' Do pairwise statistical tests on dlist
#' These function take a table as entry and perform pairwise statistical test using ggpubr::compare_means for
#' tests and multcompView::multcompLetters to annotate test results. It returns a data.table.
#' @param data A dlist
#' @param factor The column name with comparison
#' @param value The column name with values
#' @param group.by Grouping variable for ggpubr::compare_means
#' @param ... Parameters to pass to ggpubr::compare_means
#' @param Ouptut Output mode, simple for letters list or complete for letters and p-value
#' @keywords statistical test, significance letters, dlist
#' @return result of the function
#' @export
#' @examples
#' stat_table()
stat_table <- function (data, factor, value, group.by = NULL, ..., Output = c("simple", "complete"), debug = F) {
  # data <- dev.data.L[, .(leaf_desc, meas, value)] ; factor = "leaf_desc" ; value = "value" ; group.by = c('meas') ; Output = "complete"

  pacman::p_load(data.table, ggpubr, SDjoygret, multcompView)
  if (!is.data.table(data)) {data <- data.table(data)}
  data.sub <- data[, c(group.by, factor, value), with = F]
  if(data.sub[, length(grep("-", get(factor)))] > 0) {stop('character "-" is forbidden in factor levels')}
  t.data <- melt(data.sub, id.vars = c(group.by, factor))
  t.data.na <- t.data[!is.na(value)]
  t.data.na[, `:=`(group, do.call(paste0, .SD)), .SDcols = group.by]

  t.data.comb <- dcast(t.data.na, group ~ get(factor),
                       value.var = "value", fun.aggregate = length)
  t.data.less2 <- t.data.comb[, .(Log = length(.SD) - length(which(.SD <=
                                                                     2)) < 2), .SDcols = -1, by = group][Log == T, group]
  t.data <- t.data.na[!group %in% t.data.less2]
  t.stat <- data.table::as.data.table(ggpubr::compare_means(formula = as.formula(paste0("value~",factor)),
                                                            data = as.data.frame(t.data), group.by = group.by, ...))
  t.letters <- t.stat[!is.na(p), .(Factor = names(multcompView::multcompLetters(setNames(as.numeric(p),
                                                                                         as.factor(paste0(group1, "-", group2))))[[1]]), Letters = multcompView::multcompLetters(setNames(as.numeric(p),
                                                                                                                                                                                          as.factor(paste0(group1, "-", group2))))[[1]]), by = group.by]
  setnames(t.letters, "Factor", factor)

  t.letters[, `:=`((factor), as.factor(get(factor)))]
  t.data[, `:=`((factor), as.factor(get(factor)))]
  temp.result <- list(result_table = merge(as.data.table(t.data),
                                           as.data.table(t.letters)[, c(group.by, factor, "Letters"),
                                                                    with = F], by = c(group.by, factor), all = T),
                      excluded_table = t.data.na[group %in% t.data.less2])
  if (Output == "simple") {
    return(data.table::rbindlist(temp.result, fill = T))
  if (Output == "complete") {
    return(list(Letters = data.table::rbindlist(temp.result,
                                                fill = T), Stat_result = t.stat))

#' Pareto scaling
#' Apply Pareto scaling on a data.table
#' @param data a dataframe
#' @keywords scaling
#' @return a dataframe of same dimensions as input
#' @export
#' @examples
#' scale_pareto()
scale_pareto <- function(data, centeringL = F) {
  if (centeringL) {data <- scale(data, center = T, scale = F)}
  data <- data.table::as.data.table(data)
  data[,tempID := 1:.N]
  data.L <- melt(data, id.vars = "tempID")
  data.L.merged <- data.L[, .(N = .N, AVG = mean(value, na.rm = T), SD = sd(value, na.rm = T)), by = variable] %>%
    merge(data.L, by = "variable")
  data.L.merged[, value_pareto := (value-AVG)/sqrt(SD)]
  data.result <- dcast(data.L.merged[, .(tempID, variable, value = value_pareto)], tempID~variable)[,-1]

#' glog transformation
#' Apply glog transformation, which behave better than log transformation with zero values
#' @param data a dataframe
#' @param a scaling factor
#' @keywords transform
#' @return a dataframe of same dimensions as input
#' @export
#' @examples
#' transf_glog()
transf_glog <- function(data, a = 1) {
  return(log2((data + sqrt(data^2 + a^2))/2))

#' Read and format MassLynx text file
#' Read summary exported from MassLynx as txt files and format the content to output one table
#' with an ID column.
#' @param file Path to the txt file
#' @keywords Read, Format
#' @return a data.table with
#' @export
#' @examples
#' waters_txt()
waters_txt <- function(file) {
  # Charge les packages
  # Lecture du fichier au format brute
  con <- file(file)
  temp_txt <- readLines(con)
  # Recherche les lignes correspondants aux titres sur la base des charactère du début de ligne "^\t"
  headers <- grep('^\t', temp_txt)
  # Supprime tous les caractères avant les ":" ainsi que les espaces qui suivent
  names <- sub("^ ", "", sub(".*?: ", "", temp_txt[headers-2]))
  col_names <- strsplit(temp_txt[headers[1]], split = '\t')[[1]]
  # Récupère le nombre de ligne de chaque sous-tableau
  table_size <- diff(c(0, which(c(diff(grep("^[[:digit:]]", temp_txt)), 5) != 1)))-1
  # Aggrège tous les sous-tableaux en ajoutant une colonne avec le nom de l'échantillon
  parsed_data <- data.table::rbindlist(mapply(function(x, y, z) {data.table::data.table("ID" = rep(z, y), read.table(file, skip=x, nrows=y, header = F, sep="\t"))}, headers, table_size, names, SIMPLIFY = F))
  # Ajoute les noms de colonnes
  names(parsed_data)[-1] <- col_names
  # Retourne le résultat

#' Description of the function
#' @param x Argument description
#' @keywords x1, x2, x3
#' @return result of the function
#' @export
#' @examples
#' test()
test <- function(x) {

ggplot_SD_lab90 <- ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust = 0.95))
ggplot_labels_strip_0 <-   ggplot2::theme(strip.text.y = element_text(angle=0))
ggplot_SD_nox_lab <- ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank())
ggplot_SD_noy_lab <- ggplot2::theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank())
ggplot_no_labels <- ggplot_SD_nox_lab + ggplot_SD_noy_lab
ggplot_theme_sly <- ggplot2::theme_classic() +  theme(axis.line.x = element_line(), axis.line.y = element_line())
ggplot_SD.theme <- ggplot2::theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                                      panel.grid.major = element_blank())
Mystilivia/SDjoygret documentation built on May 7, 2019, 5:17 p.m.