#' Import top GWAS/QTL summary statistics
#' The resulting topSNPs data.frame can be used to guide
#' the \link[echolocatoR]{finemap_loci} in querying and fine-mapping loci.
#' @param topSS Can be a data.frame with the top summary stats per locus.
#' Alternatively, you can provide a path to the stored top summary stats file.
#' Can be in any tabular format (e.g. excel, .tsv, .csv, etc.).
#' This file should have one lead GWAS/QTL hits per locus.
#' If there is more than one SNP per locus, the one with the
#' smallest p-value (then the largest effect size) is selected as the lead SNP.
#' The lead SNP will be used as the center of the locus when
#' constructing the locus subset files.
#' @param munge Standardise column names.
#' @param Locus Column containing unique locus name.
#' @param remove_variants SNPs to remove from \code{topSS},
#' @param colmap Column mappings object.
#' Uses \link[echodata]{construct_colmap} by default.
#' @param min_POS Column containing minimum genomic position
#' (used instead of an arbitrary window size).
#' @param max_POS Column containing maximum genomic position
#' (used instead of an arbitrary window size).
#' @param show_table Create an interative data table.
#' @param sheet If the \emph{topSS} file is an excel sheet,
#' you can specify which tab to use.
#' You can provide either a number to identify the tab by order,
#' or a string to identify the tab by name.
#' @param grouping_vars The variables that you want to group by
#' such that each grouping_var combination has its own index SNP.
#' For example, if you want one index SNP per QTL eGene -
#' GWAS locus pair, you could supply:
#' \code{grouping_vars=c("Locus","Gene")}.
#' @param verbose Print messages.
#' @inheritParams openxlsx::read.xlsx
#' @returns Munged topSNPs table.
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr rename mutate arrange group_by filter_at
#' @importFrom dplyr vars slice mutate_at select all_of
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @importFrom utils download.file
#' @examples
#' topSNPs <- echodata::import_topSNPs(
#' topSS = echodata::topSNPs_Nalls2019_raw,
#' colmap = construct_colmap(P = "P, all studies",
#' Effect = "Beta, all studies",
#' Locus = "Nearest Gene",
#' Gene = "QTL Nominated Gene (nearest QTL)"
#' ),
#' grouping_vars = "Locus Number")
import_topSNPs <- function(topSS,
# echoverseTemplate:::source_all()
# echoverseTemplate:::args2vars(import_topSNPs)
CHR <- SNP <- P <- Effect <- . <- NULL;
#### Check for MungeSumstats early on ####
if(isTRUE(munge)) requireNamespace("MungeSumstats")
#### Add min/max POS #####
colmap$min_POS <- min_POS
colmap$max_POS <- max_POS
# Reassign colnames bc read.xlsx won't let
##you prevent this in some versions....
#### Download file is necessary ####
tmp <- tempfile(fileext = basename(topSS))
utils::download.file(url = topSS,
destfile = tmp)
topSS <- tmp
if(endsWith(topSS, ".xlsx") | endsWith(topSS, ".xlsm")){
#### Trim whitespace from user-supplied column names ####
for(x in c("Locus","Gene","CHR","POS","SNP","P","Effect")){
if(!is.null(colmap[[x]])) {
colmap[[x]] <- gsub(" ",".",trimws(colmap[[x]]))
#### Import top SNPs ####
topSNPs <- topSNPs_reader(topSS = topSS,
sheet = sheet,
startRow = startRow,
cols = cols)
#### Rename columns (if names supplied) ####
topSNPs <- import_topSNPs_manual_rename(topSNPs=topSNPs,
#### Create locus/gene cols ####
## Must happen AFTER any column renaming
topSNPs <- standardize_gene_locus_cols(topSNPs=topSNPs,
#### Standardise colnames ####
topSNPs <-
sumstats_dt = topSNPs,
return_list = FALSE,
uppercase_unmapped = FALSE
topSNPs <- mungesumstats_to_echolocatoR(dat = topSNPs,
verbose = verbose)
#### Add min/max POS cols ####
if("min_POS" %in% colnames(topSNPs) &
"max_POS" %in% colnames(topSNPs)){
topSNPs <- dplyr::mutate(topSNPs, span_kb=(max_POS-min_POS)/1000)
#### Remove specific variants ####
topSNPs <- subset(topSNPs, !(SNP %in% remove_variants))
#### Get the top representative SNP and Gene per locus ####
# by lowest p-value and effect size
if(!"Effect" %in% colnames(topSNPs)) topSNPs$Effect <- NA
if(!"P" %in% colnames(topSNPs)) topSNPs$P <- NA
if(!"P" %in% colnames(topSNPs)) topSNPs$P <- NA
grouping_vars <- grouping_vars[grouping_vars %in% colnames(topSNPs)]
topSNPs <-
topSNPs |>
dplyr::arrange(P, dplyr::desc(Effect)) |>
dplyr::group_by_at(.vars = grouping_vars) |>
dplyr::slice(1) |>
# replace(.=="NA", NA) |>
dplyr::filter_at(.vars = grouping_vars,
.vars_predicate = function(x){!is.na(x)})
#### Standardise CHR format ####
# Skip? might be the same as the fullSS
if("CHR" %in% colnames(topSNPs)) {
topSNPs <- dplyr::mutate(topSNPs,
#### Make sure cols are numeric ####
topSNPs <- topSNPs |>
dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = c("POS","P","Effect"),
.funs = function(x){as.numeric(gsub(",| ","",x))})
createDT(topSNPs, caption = "Top SNP per locus")
return(data.table::data.table(topSNPs, key = "Locus"))
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