
Defines functions initHMRF_V2 checkAndFixSpatialGenes chooseAvailableSpatialGenes filterSpatialGenes numPts_below_line sampling_sp_genes

Documented in checkAndFixSpatialGenes chooseAvailableSpatialGenes filterSpatialGenes initHMRF_V2 numPts_below_line sampling_sp_genes

#' @title sampling_sp_genes
#' @name sampling_sp_genes
#' @param clust TBD
#' @param sample_rate TBD
#' @param target TBD
#' @param seed TBD
#' @description function to select a set of spatial genes
#' @keywords internal
sampling_sp_genes = function(clust,
                             seed = 10){
  # clust = spat_cor_netw_DT$cor_clusters$spat_netw_clus
  # sample_rate=2
  # target=500
  gene_list = list()

  for(i in seq(1, num_cluster)){
    gene_list[[i]] = colnames(t(clust[which(clust==i)]))
  for(i in seq(1, num_cluster)){
    tot = tot+num_g/(num_g^(1/sample_rate))
  for(i in seq(1, num_cluster)){
    genes[i] = num_g
    num_sample[i] = round(num_g/(num_g^(1/sample_rate)) * factor)
  union_genes = c()
  for(i in seq(1, num_cluster)){
      samples[[i]] = gene_list[[i]]
      samples[[i]] = sample(gene_list[[i]], num_sample[i])
    union_genes = union(union_genes, samples[[i]])
  union_genes = unique(union_genes)

  return(list(union_genes = union_genes, num_sample = num_sample, num_gene=genes, gene_list=gene_list))


#' @title numPts_below_line
#' @param myVector TBD
#' @param slope TBD
#' @param x TBD
#' @keywords internal
numPts_below_line <- function(myVector,
	yPt <- myVector[x]
	b <- yPt-(slope*x)
	xPts <- 1:length(myVector)

#' @title filterSpatialGenes
#' @param gobject TBD
#' @param spatial_genes TBD
#' @param max TBD
#' @param name TBD
#' @param method TBD
#' @export
filterSpatialGenes <- function(gobject, spatial_genes, max=2500, name=c("binSpect", "silhouetteRank", "silhouetteRankTest"), method=c("none", "elbow")){
  name = match.arg(name, unique(c("binSpect", "silhouetteRank", "silhouetteRankTest", name)))
  method = match.arg(method, unique(c("none", "elbow", method)))

  #gg = fDataDT(gobject)
  #gx = gg[gene_ID %in% spatial_genes]

  #first determine how many spatial genes in this dataset
  gx = fDataDT(gobject)

    gx = gx[!is.na(binSpect.pval) & binSpect.pval<1]
    gx_sorted = gx[order(gx$binSpect.pval, decreasing=F),]
  }else if(name=="silhouetteRank"){
    gx = gx[!is.na(silhouetteRank.score) & silhouetteRank.score>0]
    gx_sorted = gx[order(gx$silhouetteRank.score, decreasing=T),]
  }else if(name=="silhouetteRankTest"){
    gx = gx[!is.na(silhouetteRankTest.pval) & silhouetteRankTest.pval<1]
    gx_sorted = gx[order(gx$silhouetteRankTest.pval, decreasing=F),]

      gx_sorted = gx_sorted[binSpect.pval<0.01]
    }else if(name=="silhouetteRankTest"){
      gx_sorted = gx_sorted[silhouetteRankTest.pval<0.01]
    gx_sorted = head(gx_sorted, n=max)

  }else if(method=="elbow"){
    y0 = c()
      y0 = -log10(gx_sorted$binSpect.pval)
    }else if(name=="silhouetteRankTest"){
      y0 = -log10(gx_sorted$silhouetteRankTest.pval)
    }else if(name=="silhouetteRank"){
      y0 = gx_sorted$silhouetteRank.score
    x0 = seq(1, nrow(gx_sorted))

    y0s[y0s<0]<-0 #strictly positive
    #plot(x0, y0)
	slope <- (max(y0s)-min(y0s))/length(y0s) #This is the slope of the line we want to slide. This is the diagonal.
	#cat(paste0("slope is ", slope, ".\n"))
	xPt <- floor(optimize(numPts_below_line,lower=1,upper=length(y0s),myVector=y0s,slope=slope)$minimum)
  #Find the x-axis point where a line passing through that point has the minimum number of points below it. (ie. tangent)
	xPt <- length(y0s) - xPt
	y_cutoff <- y0[xPt] #The y-value at this x point. This is our y_cutoff.
    gx_sorted = head(gx_sorted, n=xPt)
    cat(paste0("\nElbow method chosen to determine number of spatial genes.\n"))
    cat(paste0("\nElbow point determined to be at x=", xPt, " genes", " y=", y_cutoff, "\n"))

  #filter user's gene list (spatial_genes)
  gx_sorted = gx_sorted[gene_ID %in% spatial_genes]

  num_genes_removed = length(spatial_genes) - nrow(gx_sorted)

  return(list(genes=gx_sorted$gene_ID, num_genes_removed=num_genes_removed))

#' @title chooseAvailableSpatialGenes
#' @param gobject TBD
#' @export
chooseAvailableSpatialGenes <- function(gobject){
  eval1 = 'binSpect.pval' %in% names(gobject@gene_metadata)
  eval2 = 'silhouetteRankTest.pval' %in% names(gobject@gene_metadata)
  eval3 = 'silhouetteRank.score' %in% names(gobject@gene_metadata)
  }else if(eval2==TRUE){
  }else if(eval3==TRUE){
    stop(paste0("No available spatial genes. Please run binSpect or silhouetteRank\n"), call.=FALSE)

#' @title checkAndFixSpatialGenes
#' @param gobject TBD
#' @param use_spatial_genes TBD
#' @param use_score TBD
#' @export
checkAndFixSpatialGenes <- function(gobject,
      use_spatial_genes = "silhouetteRank"
      eval1 = 'silhouetteRank.score' %in% names(gobject@gene_metadata)
      eval2 = 'silhouetteRankTest.pval' %in% names(gobject@gene_metadata)
      if(eval1==TRUE && eval2==TRUE){
        #if both evaluate to true, then decide by use_score.
        #silhouetteRank works only with score, silhouetteRankTest works only with pval
          use_spatial_genes = "silhouetteRank"
          use_spatial_genes = "silhouetteRankTest"
      }else if(eval1==TRUE){
        use_spatial_genes = "silhouetteRank"
      }else if(eval2==TRUE){
        use_spatial_genes = "silhouetteRankTest"
        stop(paste0("\n use_spatial_genes is set to silhouetteRank, but it has not been run yet. Run silhouetteRank first.\n"), call.=FALSE)
  else if(use_spatial_genes=="binSpect"){
    eval1 = 'binSpect.pval' %in% names(gobject@gene_metadata)
      stop(paste0("\n use_spatial_genes is set to binSpect, but it has not been run yet. Run binSpect first.\n"), call.=FALSE)
    stop(paste0("\n use_spatial_genes is set to one that is not supported.\n"), call.=FALSE)

#' @name initHMRF_V2
#' @title initHMRF_V2
#' @description Run initialzation for HMRF model
#' @param gobject giotto object
#' @param expression_values expression values to use
#' @param spatial_network_name name of spatial network to use for HMRF
#' @param use_spatial_genes which of Giotto's spatial genes to use
#' @param user_gene_list user-specified genes (optional)
#' @param gene_samples number of spatial gene subset to use for HMRF
#' @param gene_sampling_rate parameter (1-50) controlling proportion of gene samples from different module when sampling, 1 corresponding to equal gene samples between different modules; 50 corresponding to gene samples proportional to module size.
#' @param gene_sampling_seed random number seed to sample spatial genes
#' @param gene_sampling_from_top total spatial genes before sampling
#' @param hmrf_seed random number seed to generate initial mean vector of HMRF model
#' @param filter_method filter genes by top or by elbow method, prior to sampling
#' @param use_score use score as gene selection criterion (applies when use_spatial_genes=silhouetteRank)
#' @param k  number of HMRF domains
#' @param tolerance error tolerance threshold
#' @param nstart number of Kmeans initializations from which to select the best initialization
#' @param factor_step dampened factor step
#' @return A list (see details)
#' @details There are two steps to running HMRF. This is the first step, the initialization.
#' First, user specify which of Giotto's spatial genes to run, through use_spatial_genes.
#' Spatial genes have been stored in the gene metadata table. A first pass of genes will filter genes
#' that are not significantly spatial, as determined by filter_method. If filter_method is none,
#' then top 2500 (gene_sampling_from_top) genes ranked by pvalue are considered spatial.
#' If filter_method is elbow, then the exact cutoff is determined by the elbow in the
#' -log10Pvalue vs. gene rank plot.
#' Second, the filtered gene set is subject to sampling to select 500
#' (controlled by gene_samples) genes for running HMRF.
#' Third, once spatial genes are finalized, we are ready to initialize HMRF.
#' This consists of running a K-means algorithm to determine initial centroids (nstart, hmrf_seed) of HMRF.
#' The initialization is then finished.
#' This function returns a list containing y (expression), nei (neighborhood structure), numnei (number of neighbors), blocks (graph colors), damp (dampened factor), mu (mean), sigma (covariance), k, genes, edgelist. This information is needed for the second step, doHMRF.
#' @export
initHMRF_V2 <- function(gobject,
                     expression_values = c('scaled', 'normalized', 'custom'),
                     spatial_network_name = 'Delaunay_network',
                     use_spatial_genes = c("binSpect", "silhouetteRank"),
                     gene_samples = 500,
                     gene_sampling_rate = 2,
                     gene_sampling_seed = 10,
                     gene_sampling_from_top = 2500,
                     filter_method = c("none", "elbow"),
                     user_gene_list = NULL,
                     use_score = FALSE,
                     #gene_pval = "auto",
                     hmrf_seed = 100,
                     k = 10,
                     tolerance = 1e-5,
                     zscore = c('none','rowcol', 'colrow'),
                     nstart = 1000,
                     factor_step = 1.05) {

  message("\nIf used in published research, please cite:
  Q Zhu, S Shah, R Dries, L Cai, GC Yuan. 'Identification of spatially associated subpopulations by combining
  scRNAseq and sequential fluorescence in situ hybridization data' Nature biotechnology 36 (12), 1183-1190. 2018\n")

  if (!requireNamespace("smfishHmrf", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("\n package ", "smfishHmrf", " is not yet installed \n",
         "To install: \n", "devtools::install_bitbucket(\"qzhudfci/smfishHmrf-r\") \n",
         "see http://spatial.rc.fas.harvard.edu for more information",
         call. = FALSE)

  if (!requireNamespace("tidygraph", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("\n package ", "tidygraph", " is not yet installed \n",
         call. = FALSE)

  if (!requireNamespace("ggraph", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("\n package ", "ggraph", " is not yet installed \n",
         call. = FALSE)

  if (!requireNamespace("graphcoloring", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("\n package ", "graphcoloring", " is not yet installed \n",
         "To install: \n", "devtools::install_bitbucket(\"qzhudfci/graphcoloring\") \n",
         call. = FALSE)



  zscore = match.arg(zscore, unique(c('none','rowcol', 'colrow', zscore)))
  use_spatial_genes = match.arg(use_spatial_genes,
                                unique(c("binSpect", "silhouetteRank", use_spatial_genes)))
  filter_method = match.arg(filter_method, unique(c("none", "elbow", filter_method)))

  spatial_network = select_spatialNetwork(gobject, name = spatial_network_name,
                                          return_network_Obj = FALSE)
  spatial_network = spatial_network[, .(to, from)]

  # 'spatial_genes' use spatial gene list or create spatial gene list
  values = match.arg(expression_values, unique(c("scaled","normalized", "custom", expression_values)))
  expr_values = select_expression_values(gobject = gobject, values = values)

    zscore = match.arg(zscore, c("none", "colrow", "rowcol"))
    expr_values = select_expression_values(gobject = gobject,
                                           values = 'normalized')
    if(zscore=='colrow'){expr_values = t(scale(t(scale(expr_values))))}
    if(zscore=='rowcol'){expr_values = scale(t(scale(t(expr_values))))}

  spatial_genes = c()

  if(! is.null(user_gene_list)){
    cat(paste0("\n User supplied gene list detected.\n"))
    cat(paste0("\n Checking user gene list is spatial...\n"))
    if(!'binSpect.pval' %in% names(gobject@gene_metadata) &&
       !'silhouetteRank.score' %in% names(gobject@gene_metadata) &&
       !'silhouetteRankTest.pval' %in% names(gobject@gene_metadata)){
      stop(paste0("\n Giotto's spatial gene detection has not been run. Cannot check user's gene list. Please run spatial gene detection first: binSpect, silhouetteRank, silhouetteRankTest.\n"), call.=FALSE)

    use_spatial_genes = chooseAvailableSpatialGenes(gobject)

    filtered = filterSpatialGenes(gobject, user_gene_list, max=gene_sampling_from_top, name=use_spatial_genes, method=filter_method)
      cat(paste0("\n Removed ", filtered$num_genes_removed, " from user's input gene list due to being absent or non-spatial genes.\n"))
      cat(paste0("\n Kept ", length(filtered$genes), " spatial genes for the sampling step next\n"))
    spatial_genes = filtered$genes
      stop(paste0("\n No genes are remaining to do HMRF. Please give a larger gene list.\n"), call.=FALSE)

  if(!'binSpect.pval' %in% names(gobject@gene_metadata) &&
     !'silhouetteRank.score' %in% names(gobject@gene_metadata) &&
     !'silhouetteRankTest.pval' %in% names(gobject@gene_metadata)){
    stop(paste0('Giotto spatial gene detection has not been run. Please run spatial gene detection first: binSpect, silhouetteRank.\n'), call.=FALSE)

  # if(!n_spatial_genes_select>0){stop("\n please provide a positive integer n_spatial_genes_select \n")}
    cat(paste0("\n Choosing spatial genes from the results of ", use_spatial_genes, "\n"))

    use_spatial_genes = checkAndFixSpatialGenes(gobject, use_spatial_genes, use_score=use_score)

    all_genes = fDataDT(gobject)$gene_ID
    filtered = filterSpatialGenes(gobject, all_genes, max=gene_sampling_from_top, name=use_spatial_genes, method=filter_method)
    cat(paste0("\n Kept ", length(filtered$genes), " top spatial genes for the sampling step next\n"))
    spatial_genes = filtered$genes

  n = min(gene_samples,500, length(spatial_genes))

    cat(paste0("\n Computing spatial coexpression modules...\n"))

    spat_cor_netw_DT = detectSpatialCorGenes(gobject = gobject ,method = 'network',
                                             spatial_network_name = spatial_network_name,
                                             subset_genes = spatial_genes,
                                             network_smoothing = 0)
    spat_cor_netw_DT = clusterSpatialCorGenes(spat_cor_netw_DT,name = 'spat_netw_clus',k = 20)
    cat(paste0("\n Sampling spatial genes from coexpression modules...\n"))
    sample_genes = sampling_sp_genes(spat_cor_netw_DT$cor_clusters$spat_netw_clus, sample_rate=gene_sampling_rate, target=n, seed=gene_sampling_seed)
    spatial_genes_selected = sample_genes$union_genes
    cat(paste0("\n Sampled ", length(spatial_genes_selected), " genes.\n"))
  }else{spatial_genes_selected = spatial_genes}

  cat(paste0("\n Will use ", length(spatial_genes_selected), " genes for init of HMRF.\n"))

  expr_values = expr_values[spatial_genes_selected,]

  y0 = t(as.matrix(expr_values))

  cell.rm = setdiff(rownames(y0),unique(c(spatial_network$to,spatial_network$from)))
  y = y0
    y = y0[-match(cell.rm,rownames(y0)),]

  ### ncol of nei = max of neighbors
  ncol.nei = max(table(c(spatial_network$to,spatial_network$from)))
  nei = matrix(-1,ncol = ncol.nei,nrow = numcell)
  rownames(nei) = rownames(y)
  for(i in 1:numcell)
    nei.i = c(spatial_network$from[spatial_network$to==rownames(nei)[i]],
    if(length(nei.i)>0)nei[i,1:length(nei.i)] = sort(match(nei.i,rownames(y)))

  #numcell <- dim(nn)[1]
  numedge <- 0
  for(i in 1:numcell){
    numedge<-numedge + length(nn[i,nn[i,]!=-1])
  edgelist <- matrix(0, nrow=numedge, ncol=2)

  edge_ind <- 1
  for(i in 1:numcell){
    neighbors <- nn[i, nn[i,]!=-1]
    for(j in 1:length(neighbors)){
      edgelist[edge_ind,] <- c(i, neighbors[j])

  cat(paste0("\n Parsing neighborhood graph...\n"))

  pp<-tbl_graph(edges=as.data.frame(edgelist), directed=F)
  cl_color <- sort(unique(colors))
  blocks<-lapply(cl_color, function(cl){which(colors==cl)})
  cat(paste0("\n Kmeans initialization...\n"))

  kk = smfishHmrf.generate.centroid(y=y,par_k = k,par_seed=hmrf_seed,nstart=nstart)
  mu<-t(kk$centers) #should be dimension (m,k)
  lclust<-lapply(1:k, function(x) which(kk$cluster == x))
  damp<-array(0, c(k));
  sigma<-array(0, c(m,m,k))
  for(i in 1:k){
    sigma[, , i] <- cov(y[lclust[[i]], ])
    di<-findDampFactor(sigma[,,i], factor=factor_step, d_cutoff=tolerance, startValue=0.0001)
    damp[i]<-ifelse(is.null(di), 0, di)

  cat(paste0("\n Done\n"))

  list(y=y, nei=nei, numnei=numnei, blocks=blocks,
       damp=damp, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, k=k, genes=spatial_genes_selected, edgelist=edgelist)

#' @title doHMRF_V2
#' @name doHMRF_V2
#' @description function to run HMRF model
#' @keywords external
#' @param HMRF_init_obj return list of initHMRF() function
#' @param betas a vector of three values: initial beta, beta increment, and number of betas
#' @return A list (see details)
#' @details This function will run a HMRF model after initialization of HMRF.
#' Of note is the beta parameter, the smoothing parameter. We recommend running a range of betas,
#` hence betas specify what this range is.
#' For example, betas=c(0,10,5) will run for the following betas: 0, 10, 20, 30, 40.
#' betas=c(0,5,2) will run for betas: 0, 5, 10
#' Setting the beta can use the following guideline.
#' If number of genes N is 10<N<50, set betas=c(0, 1, 20)
#' If 50<N<100, set betas=c(0, 2, 25)
#' If 100<N<500, set betas=c(0, 5, 20)
#' Returns a list with class, probability, and model log-likelihood value.
#' @export
doHMRF_V2 = function (HMRF_init_obj, betas = c(0,10,5))
  # y, nei, numnei, blocks, beta_init, beta_increment, beta_num_iter, damp, mu, sigma, k, tolerance)
  message("\nIf used in published research, please cite:
  Q Zhu, S Shah, R Dries, L Cai, GC Yuan. 'Identification of spatially associated subpopulations by combining
  scRNAseq and sequential fluorescence in situ hybridization data' Nature biotechnology 36 (12), 1183-1190. 2018\n")
  cat('\n Please find more explaination and instruction of the HMRF function on \n https://bitbucket.org/qzhudfci/smfishhmrf-r/src/master/TRANSITION.md\n')

  {stop('\n expression matrix \'y\' not in the intialization object \n')}
  {stop('\n neighbor matrix \'nei\' not in the intialization object \n')}
  {stop('\n number of neighbors \'numnei\' not in the intialization object \n')}
  {stop('\n iteration groups \'blocks\' not in the intialization object \n')}
  {stop('\n dampen factors \'damp\' not in the intialization object \n')}
  {stop('\n initial mean vector \'mu\' not in the intialization object \n')}
  {stop('\n initial covariance matrix \'sigma\' not in the intialization object \n')}
  {stop('\n cluster number \'k\' not in the intialization object \n')}

  y = HMRF_init_obj$y
  nei = HMRF_init_obj$nei
  numnei = HMRF_init_obj$numnei
  blocks = HMRF_init_obj$blocks
  damp = HMRF_init_obj$damp
  mu = HMRF_init_obj$mu
  sigma = HMRF_init_obj$sigma
  k = HMRF_init_obj$k

  {stop('\n please provide betas as a vector of 3 non-negative numbers (initial value, nicrement, total iteration number) \n')}
  beta_init = betas[1]
  beta_increment = betas[2]
  beta_num_iter = betas[3]
  # beta_current <- beta_init

  beta_seq = (1:beta_num_iter-1)*beta_increment+beta_init
  # beta_seq = sequence(beta_num_iter,beta_init,beta_increment)
  beta_seq = sort(unique(c(0,beta_seq)))
  res <- c()
  for(beta_current in beta_seq){
    print(sprintf("Doing beta=%.3f", beta_current))
    tc.hmrfem<-smfishHmrf.hmrfem.multi(y=y, neighbors=nei, beta=beta_current, numnei=numnei,
                                       blocks=blocks, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, verbose=T, err=1e-7, maxit=50, dampFactor=damp)
    #smfishHmrf.hmrfem.multi.save(name, outdir, beta_current, tc.hmrfem, k)
    #do_one(name, outdir, k, y, nei, beta_current, numnei, blocks, mu, sigma, damp)

    ### stop the loop if there is a samll maximum probablity (<1/k+0.05v) of any gene
    {cat(paste0('\n HMRF is stopping at large beta >= ',beta_current,', numerical error occurs, results of smaller betas were stored\n'));

    t_key <- sprintf("k=%d b=%.2f", k, beta_current)
    rownames(tc.hmrfem$prob) = rownames(y)
    rownames(tc.hmrfem$unnormprob) = rownames(y)
    names(tc.hmrfem$class) = rownames(y)
    res[[t_key]] <- tc.hmrfem
    # beta_current <- beta_current + beta_increment

  result.hmrf = res
  class(result.hmrf) <- append(class(result.hmrf),"HMRFoutput")

  #result.hmrf = smfishHmrf.hmrfem.multi(y = y, neighbors = nei, numnei = numnei, blocks = blocks, beta=beta,
  #                                     mu=mu, sigma=sigma, err=1e-7, maxit=50, verbose=TRUE, dampFactor=damp,
  #                                    tolerance=tolerance)


#' @title addHMRF_V2
#' @name addHMRF_V2
#' @description function to add HMRF Domain Type to cell meta data
#' @keywords external
#' @export
addHMRF_V2 = function (gobject, HMRFoutput
                     # , k = NULL, betas_to_add = NULL
                     #, hmrf_name = NULL
  if (!"HMRFoutput" %in% class(HMRFoutput)) {
    stop("\n HMRFoutput needs to be output from doHMRF extend \n")
  # feat_type = HMRFoutput$feat_type
  # # get_result_path = system.file("python", "get_result2.py",
  # #                               package = "Giotto")
  # # name = HMRFoutput$name
  # # output_data = HMRFoutput$output_data
  # # python_path = HMRFoutput$python_path
  # # if (is.null(k)) {
  # #   stop("\n you need to select a k that was used with doHMRFextend \n")
  # # }
  # k = HMRFoutput$k
  # b = HMRFoutput$beta

  ordered_cell_IDs = gobject@cell_metadata$cell_ID

  # hmrf_DT = GetDT(HMRFoutput)
  # hmrf_DT = lapply(hmrf_DT,function(x){new.x = x[match(ordered_cell_IDs,names(x))];
  # names(new.x) = ordered_cell_IDs;return(new.x)})

  for(i in 1:length(HMRFoutput))
    # if(names(hmrf_DT)[i]%in%names(gobject@cell_metadata))
    # {cat(paste0("\n cluster of ",names(hmrf_DT)[i]," exists, rewrite in meta data \n"))}
    gobject = addCellMetadata(gobject = gobject,
                              # feat_type = feat_type,
                              column_cell_ID = "cell_ID", new_metadata = HMRFoutput[[i]]$class,
                              vector_name = names(HMRFoutput)[i],
                              by_column = F)

  # possible_betas = seq(betas[1], to = betas[1] + (betas[2] *
  #                                                   (betas[3] - 1)), by = betas[2])
  # betas_to_add_detected = betas_to_add[betas_to_add %in% possible_betas]
  # cell_metadata = pDataDT(gobject, feat_type = feat_type)
  # for (b in betas_to_add_detected) {
  #   result_command = paste0(python_path, " ", get_result_path,
  #                           " -r ", output_data, " -a ", name, " -k ", k, " -b ",
  #                           b)
  #   print(result_command)
  #   output = system(command = result_command, intern = T)
  #   annot_DT = data.table::data.table(temp_name = output)
  #   if (!is.null(hmrf_name)) {
  #     annot_name = paste0(hmrf_name, "_k", k, "_b.", b)
  #     setnames(annot_DT, old = "temp_name", new = annot_name)
  #   }
  #   else {
  #     annot_name = paste0("hmrf_k.", k, "_b.", b)
  #     data.table::setnames(annot_DT, old = "temp_name",
  #                          new = annot_name)
  #   }
  # gobject = addCellMetadata(gobject = gobject, feat_type = feat_type,
  #                           column_cell_ID = "cell_ID", new_metadata = annot_DT,
  #                           by_column = F)
  # }

#' @title viewHMRFresults_V2
#' @name viewHMRFresults_V2
#' @description function to plot spatial location with HMRF cluster of k and betas
#' @param gobject TBD
#' @param HMRFoutput TBD
#' @param k TBD
#' @param betas TBD
#' @param third_dim TBD
#' @param ...
#' @keywords external
#' @export
viewHMRFresults_V2 = function (gobject,
                               third_dim = FALSE,
  if (!"HMRFoutput" %in% class(HMRFoutput)) {
    stop("\n HMRFoutput needs to be output from doHMRFextend \n")
  beta_init = betas[1]
  beta_increment = betas[2]
  beta_num_iter = betas[3]
  # beta_current <- beta_init
  beta_seq = (1:beta_num_iter-1)*beta_increment+beta_init
  # beta_seq = sequence(beta_num_iter,beta_init,beta_increment)
  # beta_seq = sort(unique(c(0,beta_seq)))

  t_key0 = sprintf("k=%d b=%.2f", k, 0)
  {stop(paste0('\n model of k = ',k,' was not calculated \n'))}

  dt_0 = HMRFoutput[[t_key0]]$class
  cat(paste0('\n plotting ',t_key0,' \n'))
  spatPlot2D(gobject = gobject, cell_color = dt_0, show_plot = T,
             title = t_key0,...)
  if (third_dim == TRUE) {
    spatPlot3D(gobject = gobject, cell_color = dt_0,
               show_plot = T, title = kk,...)

  t_key = sprintf("k=%d b=%.2f", k, beta_seq)
  {stop(paste0('\n model of k = ',k,' and betas = ',paste(beta_seq,collapse = ','),' was not calculated, only result of beta = 0 plotted \n'))}

  cat(paste0('\n plotting ',t_key[t_key%in%names(HMRFoutput)],' \n'))
  for(kk in intersect(t_key,names(HMRFoutput)))
    dt_kk = HMRFoutput[[kk]]$class
    spatPlot2D(gobject = gobject, cell_color = dt_kk, show_plot = T,
               title = kk,...)
    if (third_dim == TRUE) {
      spatPlot3D(gobject = gobject, cell_color = dt_kk,
                 show_plot = T, title = kk,...)


#' @title doHMRF
#' @name doHMRF
#' @description Run HMRF
#' @param gobject giotto object
#' @param expression_values expression values to use
#' @param spatial_network_name name of spatial network to use for HMRF
#' @param spatial_genes spatial genes to use for HMRF
#' @param spatial_dimensions select spatial dimensions to use, default is all possible dimensions
#' @param dim_reduction_to_use use another dimension reduction set as input
#' @param dim_reduction_name name of dimension reduction set to use
#' @param dimensions_to_use number of dimensions to use as input
#' @param name name of HMRF run
#' @param k  number of HMRF domains
#' @param seed seed to fix random number generator (for creating initialization of HMRF) (-1 if no fixing)
#' @param betas betas to test for. three numbers: start_beta, beta_increment, num_betas e.g. c(0, 2.0, 50)
#' @param tolerance tolerance
#' @param zscore zscore
#' @param numinit number of initializations
#' @param python_path python path to use
#' @param output_folder output folder to save results
#' @param overwrite_output overwrite output folder
#' @return Creates a directory with results that can be viewed with viewHMRFresults
#' @details Description of HMRF parameters ...
#' @export
doHMRF <- function(gobject,
                   expression_values = c('normalized', 'scaled', 'custom'),
                   spatial_network_name = 'Delaunay_network',
                   spatial_genes = NULL,
                   spatial_dimensions = c('sdimx', 'sdimy', 'sdimz'),
                   dim_reduction_to_use = NULL,
                   dim_reduction_name = 'pca',
                   dimensions_to_use = 1:10,
                   seed = 100,
                   name = 'test',
                   k = 10,
                   betas = c(0, 2, 50),
                   tolerance = 1e-10,
                   zscore = c('none','rowcol', 'colrow'),
                   numinit = 100,
                   python_path = NULL,
                   output_folder = NULL,
                   overwrite_output = TRUE) {

  if(!requireNamespace('smfishHmrf', quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("\n package ", 'smfishHmrf' ," is not yet installed \n",
         "To install: \n",
         "remotes::install_bitbucket(repo = 'qzhudfci/smfishhmrf-r', ref='master')",
         "see http://spatial.rc.fas.harvard.edu/install.html for more information",
         call. = FALSE)

  # data.table set global variable
  to = from = NULL

  ## check or make paths
  # python path
  if(is.null(python_path)) {
    python_path = readGiottoInstructions(gobject, param = "python_path")
    #python_path = system('which python')

  ## reader.py and get_result.py paths
  reader_path = system.file("python", "reader2.py", package = 'Giotto')

  ## output folder
  # no folder path specified
  if(is.null(output_folder)) {
    output_folder = paste0(getwd(),'/','HMRF_output')
    if(!file.exists(output_folder)) {
      dir.create(path = paste0(getwd(),'/','HMRF_output'), recursive = T)
  # folder path specified
  else if(!is.null(output_folder)) {
    output_folder = path.expand(output_folder)
    if(!file.exists(output_folder)) {
      dir.create(path = output_folder, recursive = T)

  ## first write necessary txt files to output folder ##
  # cell location / spatial network / expression data and selected spatial genes

  ## 1. expression values
  if(!is.null(dim_reduction_to_use)) {
    expr_values = gobject@dimension_reduction[['cells']][[dim_reduction_to_use]][[dim_reduction_name]][['coordinates']][, dimensions_to_use]
    expr_values = t_giotto(expr_values)
  } else {
    values = match.arg(expression_values, c('normalized', 'scaled', 'custom'))
    expr_values = select_expression_values(gobject = gobject, values = values)
  expression_file = paste0(output_folder,'/', 'expression_matrix.txt')

  # overwrite if exists
  if(file.exists(expression_file) & overwrite_output == TRUE) {
    cat('\n expression_matrix.txt already exists at this location, will be overwritten \n')
    data.table::fwrite(data.table::as.data.table(expr_values, keep.rownames="gene"), file=expression_file, quot=F, col.names=T, row.names=F, sep=" ")

    #write.table(expr_values, file = expression_file, quote = F, col.names = NA, row.names = T)
  } else if(file.exists(expression_file) & overwrite_output == FALSE) {
    cat('\n expression_matrix.txt already exists at this location, will be used again \n')
  } else {
    data.table::fwrite(data.table::as.data.table(expr_values, keep.rownames="gene"), file=expression_file, quot=F, col.names=T, row.names=F, sep=" ")
    #            file = expression_file,
    #            quote = F, col.names = NA, row.names = T)

  ## 2. spatial genes
  if(!is.null(dim_reduction_to_use)) {
    dimred_rownames = rownames(expr_values)
    spatial_genes_detected = dimred_rownames[dimensions_to_use]
    spatial_genes_detected = spatial_genes_detected[!is.na(spatial_genes_detected)]
  } else {
    if(is.null(spatial_genes)) {
      stop('\n you need to provide a vector of spatial genes (~500) \n')
    spatial_genes_detected = spatial_genes[spatial_genes %in% rownames(expr_values)]
  spatial_genes_file = paste0(output_folder,'/', 'spatial_genes.txt')

  # overwrite if exists
  if(file.exists(spatial_genes_file) & overwrite_output == TRUE) {
    cat('\n spatial_genes.txt already exists at this location, will be overwritten \n')
                file = spatial_genes_file,
                quote = F, col.names = F, row.names = F)
  } else if(file.exists(spatial_genes_file) & overwrite_output == FALSE) {
    cat('\n spatial_genes.txt already exists at this location, will be used again \n')
  } else {
                file = spatial_genes_file,
                quote = F, col.names = F, row.names = F)

  ## 3. spatial network
  spatial_network = select_spatialNetwork(gobject,name = spatial_network_name,return_network_Obj = FALSE)
  spatial_network = spatial_network[,.(to,from)]
  spatial_network_file = paste0(output_folder,'/', 'spatial_network.txt')

  if(file.exists(spatial_network_file) & overwrite_output == TRUE) {
    cat('\n spatial_network.txt already exists at this location, will be overwritten \n')
                file = spatial_network_file,
                row.names = F, col.names = F, quote = F, sep = '\t')
  } else if(file.exists(spatial_network_file) & overwrite_output == FALSE) {
    cat('\n spatial_network.txt already exists at this location, will be used again \n')
  } else {
                file = spatial_network_file,
                row.names = F, col.names = F, quote = F, sep = '\t')

  ## 4. cell location
  spatial_location = gobject@spatial_locs

  # select spatial dimensions that are available #
  spatial_dimensions = spatial_dimensions[spatial_dimensions %in% colnames(spatial_location)]
  spatial_location = spatial_location[, c(spatial_dimensions,'cell_ID'), with = F]
  spatial_location_file = paste0(output_folder,'/', 'spatial_cell_locations.txt')

  if(file.exists(spatial_location_file) & overwrite_output == TRUE) {
    cat('\n spatial_cell_locations.txt already exists at this location, will be overwritten \n')
                file = spatial_location_file,
                row.names = F, col.names = F, quote = F, sep = '\t')
  } else if(file.exists(spatial_location_file)) {
    cat('\n spatial_cell_locations.txt already exists at this location, will be used again \n')
  } else {
                file = spatial_location_file,
                row.names = F, col.names = F, quote = F, sep = '\t')

  # prepare input paths
  cell_location = paste0(output_folder,'/','spatial_cell_locations.txt')
  spatial_genes = paste0(output_folder,'/','spatial_genes.txt')
  spatial_network = paste0(output_folder,'/','spatial_network.txt')
  expression_data = paste0(output_folder,'/', 'expression_matrix.txt')

  # create output subfolder for HMRF
  output_data = paste0(output_folder,'/', 'result.spatial.zscore')
  if(!file.exists(output_data)) dir.create(output_data)

  # encapsulate to avoid path problems
  # python code also needs to be updated internally
  cell_location =  paste0('"', cell_location, '"')
  spatial_genes =  paste0('"', spatial_genes, '"')
  spatial_network =  paste0('"', spatial_network, '"')
  expression_data =  paste0('"', expression_data, '"')
  output_data =  paste0('"', output_data, '"')

  # process other params
  zscore = match.arg(zscore, c('none','rowcol', 'colrow'))
  betas_param = c('-b', betas)
  betas_final = paste(betas_param, collapse = ' ')

  ## reader part ##
  reader_command = paste0(python_path, ' ', reader_path,
                          ' -l ', cell_location,
                          ' -g ', spatial_genes,
                          ' -n ', spatial_network,
                          ' -e ', expression_data,
                          ' -o ', output_data,
                          ' -a ', name,
                          ' -k ', k,
                          ' ', betas_final,
                          ' -t ', tolerance,
                          ' -z ', zscore,
                          ' -s ', seed,
                          ' -i ', numinit)

  system(command = reader_command)

  # store parameter results in HMRF S3 object
  HMRFObj = list(name = name,
                 output_data = output_data,
                 k = k,
                 betas = betas,
                 python_path = python_path)

  class(HMRFObj) <- append(class(HMRFObj), 'HMRFoutput')



#' @title loadHMRF
#' @name loadHMRF
#' @description load previous HMRF
#' @param name_used name of HMRF that was run
#' @param k_used  number of HMRF domains that was tested
#' @param betas_used betas that were tested
#' @param python_path_used python path that was used
#' @param output_folder_used output folder that was used
#' @return reloads a previous ran HMRF from doHRMF
#' @details Description of HMRF parameters ...
#' @export
loadHMRF = function(name_used = 'test',
                    k_used = 10,
                    python_path_used) {

  output_data = paste0(output_folder_used,'/', 'result.spatial.zscore')
  if(!file.exists(output_data)) {
    stop('\n doHMRF was not run in this output directory \n')

  # check if it indeed exists

  HMRFObj = list(name = name_used,
                 output_data = output_data,
                 k = k_used,
                 betas = betas_used,
                 python_path = python_path_used)

  class(HMRFObj) <- append(class(HMRFObj), 'HMRFoutput')



#' @title viewHMRFresults
#' @name viewHMRFresults
#' @description View results from doHMRF.
#' @param gobject giotto object
#' @param HMRFoutput HMRF output from doHMRF
#' @param k number of HMRF domains
#' @param betas_to_view results from different betas that you want to view
#' @param third_dim 3D data (boolean)
#' @param \dots additional paramters (see details)
#' @return spatial plots with HMRF domains
#' @seealso \code{\link{spatPlot2D}} and \code{\link{spatPlot3D}}
#' @export
viewHMRFresults <- function(gobject,
                            k = NULL,
                            betas_to_view = NULL,
                            third_dim = FALSE,
                            ...) {

  if(!'HMRFoutput' %in% class(HMRFoutput)) {
    stop('\n HMRFoutput needs to be output from doHMRFextend \n')

  ## reader.py and get_result.py paths
  # TODO: part of the package
  get_result_path = system.file("python", "get_result2.py", package = 'Giotto')

  # paths and name
  name = HMRFoutput$name
  output_data = HMRFoutput$output_data
  python_path = HMRFoutput$python_path

  # k-values
  if(is.null(k)) {
    stop('\n you need to select a k that was used with doHMRFextend \n')
  k = HMRFoutput$k

  # betas
  betas = HMRFoutput$betas
  possible_betas = seq(betas[1], to = betas[1]+(betas[2]*(betas[3]-1)), by = betas[2])

  betas_to_view_detected = betas_to_view[betas_to_view %in% possible_betas]

  # plot betas
  for(b in betas_to_view_detected) {

    ## get results part ##
    result_command = paste0(python_path, ' ', get_result_path,
                            ' -r ', output_data,
                            ' -a ', name,
                            ' -k ', k,
                            ' -b ', b)


    output = system(command = result_command, intern = T)

    title_name = paste0('k = ', k, ' b = ',b)

    spatPlot2D(gobject = gobject, cell_color = output, show_plot = T, title = title_name, ...)

    if(third_dim == TRUE) {
      spatPlot3D(gobject = gobject, cell_color = output, show_plot = T, ...)
    #visPlot(gobject = gobject, sdimz = third_dim, cell_color = output, show_plot = T, title = title_name,...)

#' @title writeHMRFresults
#' @name writeHMRFresults
#' @description write results from doHMRF to a data.table.
#' @param gobject giotto object
#' @param HMRFoutput HMRF output from doHMRF
#' @param k k to write results for
#' @param betas_to_view results from different betas that you want to view
#' @param print_command see the python command
#' @return data.table with HMRF results for each b and the selected k
#' @export
writeHMRFresults <- function(gobject,
                             k = NULL,
                             betas_to_view = NULL,
                             print_command = F) {

  if(!'HMRFoutput' %in% class(HMRFoutput)) {
    stop('\n HMRFoutput needs to be output from doHMRFextend \n')

  ## reader.py and get_result.py paths
  # TODO: part of the package
  get_result_path = system.file("python", "get_result2.py", package = 'Giotto')

  # paths and name
  name = HMRFoutput$name
  output_data = HMRFoutput$output_data
  python_path = HMRFoutput$python_path

  # k-values
  if(is.null(k)) {
    stop('\n you need to select a k that was used with doHMRFextend \n')
  k = HMRFoutput$k

  # betas
  betas = HMRFoutput$betas
  possible_betas = seq(betas[1], to = betas[1]+(betas[2]*(betas[3]-1)), by = betas[2])

  betas_to_view_detected = betas_to_view[betas_to_view %in% possible_betas]

  result_list = list()

  # plot betas
  for(i in 1:length(betas_to_view_detected)) {

    b = betas_to_view_detected[i]

    ## get results part ##
    result_command = paste0(python_path, ' ', get_result_path,
                            ' -r ', output_data,
                            ' -a ', name,
                            ' -k ', k,
                            ' -b ', b)

    if(print_command == TRUE) {

    output = system(command = result_command, intern = T)
    title_name = paste0('k.', k, '.b.',b)
    result_list[[title_name]] = output


  result_DT = data.table::as.data.table(do.call('cbind', result_list))
  result_DT = cbind(data.table::data.table('cell_ID' = gobject@cell_ID), result_DT)


#' @title addHMRF
#' @name addHMRF
#' @description Add selected results from doHMRF to the giotto object
#' @param gobject giotto object
#' @param HMRFoutput HMRF output from doHMRF()
#' @param k number of domains
#' @param betas_to_add results from different betas that you want to add
#' @param hmrf_name specify a custom name
#' @return giotto object
#' @export
addHMRF <- function(gobject,
                    k = NULL,
                    betas_to_add = NULL,
                    hmrf_name = NULL) {

  if(!'HMRFoutput' %in% class(HMRFoutput)) {
    stop('\n HMRFoutput needs to be output from doHMRFextend \n')

  ## reader.py and get_result.py paths
  # TODO: part of the package
  get_result_path = system.file("python", "get_result2.py", package = 'Giotto')

  # paths and name
  name = HMRFoutput$name
  output_data = HMRFoutput$output_data
  python_path = HMRFoutput$python_path

  # k-values
  if(is.null(k)) {
    stop('\n you need to select a k that was used with doHMRFextend \n')
  k = HMRFoutput$k

  # betas
  betas = HMRFoutput$betas
  possible_betas = seq(betas[1], to = betas[1]+(betas[2]*(betas[3]-1)), by = betas[2])

  betas_to_add_detected = betas_to_add[betas_to_add %in% possible_betas]

  # get cell metadata for object
  cell_metadata = pDataDT(gobject)

  # plot betas
  for(b in betas_to_add_detected) {

    ## get results part ##
    result_command = paste0(python_path, ' ', get_result_path,
                            ' -r ', output_data,
                            ' -a ', name,
                            ' -k ', k,
                            ' -b ', b)
    output = system(command = result_command, intern = T)

    # create unique name
    annot_DT = data.table::data.table(temp_name = output)

    if(!is.null(hmrf_name)) {
      annot_name = paste0(hmrf_name,'_k', k, '_b.',b)
      setnames(annot_DT, old = 'temp_name', new = annot_name)
    } else {
      annot_name = paste0('hmrf_k.', k, '_b.',b)
      data.table::setnames(annot_DT, old = 'temp_name', new = annot_name)

    gobject = addCellMetadata(gobject = gobject, column_cell_ID = 'cell_ID',
                              new_metadata = annot_DT,
                              by_column = F)




#' @title viewHMRFresults2D
#' @name viewHMRFresults2D
#' @description View results from doHMRF.
#' @param gobject giotto object
#' @param HMRFoutput HMRF output from doHMRF
#' @param k number of HMRF domains
#' @param betas_to_view results from different betas that you want to view
#' @param \dots additional parameters to spatPlot2D()
#' @return spatial plots with HMRF domains
#' @seealso \code{\link{spatPlot2D}}
#' @export
viewHMRFresults2D <- function(gobject,
                            k = NULL,
                            betas_to_view = NULL,
                            ...) {

  if(!'HMRFoutput' %in% class(HMRFoutput)) {
    stop('\n HMRFoutput needs to be output from doHMRFextend \n')

  ## reader.py and get_result.py paths
  # TODO: part of the package
  get_result_path = system.file("python", "get_result2.py", package = 'Giotto')

  # paths and name
  name = HMRFoutput$name
  output_data = HMRFoutput$output_data
  python_path = HMRFoutput$python_path

  # k-values
  if(is.null(k)) {
    stop('\n you need to select a k that was used with doHMRFextend \n')
  k = HMRFoutput$k

  # betas
  betas = HMRFoutput$betas
  possible_betas = seq(betas[1], to = betas[1]+(betas[2]*(betas[3]-1)), by = betas[2])

  betas_to_view_detected = betas_to_view[betas_to_view %in% possible_betas]

  # plot betas
  for(b in betas_to_view_detected) {

    ## get results part ##
    result_command = paste0(python_path, ' ', get_result_path,
                            ' -r ', output_data,
                            ' -a ', name,
                            ' -k ', k,
                            ' -b ', b)


    output = system(command = result_command, intern = T)

    title_name = paste0('k = ', k, ' b = ',b)

    spatPlot2D(gobject = gobject, cell_color = as.factor(output), show_plot = T, save_plot = F, title = title_name, ...)

#' @title viewHMRFresults3D
#' @name viewHMRFresults3D
#' @description View results from doHMRF.
#' @param gobject giotto object
#' @param HMRFoutput HMRF output from doHMRF
#' @param k number of HMRF domains
#' @param betas_to_view results from different betas that you want to view
#' @param \dots additional parameters to spatPlot3D()
#' @return spatial plots with HMRF domains
#' @seealso \code{\link{spatPlot3D}}
#' @export
viewHMRFresults3D <- function(gobject,
                              k = NULL,
                              betas_to_view = NULL,
                              ...) {

  if(!'HMRFoutput' %in% class(HMRFoutput)) {
    stop('\n HMRFoutput needs to be output from doHMRFextend \n')

  ## reader.py and get_result.py paths
  # TODO: part of the package
  get_result_path = system.file("python", "get_result2.py", package = 'Giotto')

  # paths and name
  name = HMRFoutput$name
  output_data = HMRFoutput$output_data
  python_path = HMRFoutput$python_path

  # k-values
  if(is.null(k)) {
    stop('\n you need to select a k that was used with doHMRFextend \n')
  k = HMRFoutput$k

  # betas
  betas = HMRFoutput$betas
  possible_betas = seq(betas[1], to = betas[1]+(betas[2]*(betas[3]-1)), by = betas[2])

  betas_to_view_detected = betas_to_view[betas_to_view %in% possible_betas]

  # plot betas
  for(b in betas_to_view_detected) {

    ## get results part ##
    result_command = paste0(python_path, ' ', get_result_path,
                            ' -r ', output_data,
                            ' -a ', name,
                            ' -k ', k,
                            ' -b ', b)


    output = system(command = result_command, intern = T)

    title_name = paste0('k = ', k, ' b = ',b)

    spatPlot3D(gobject = gobject, cell_color = output, show_plot = T, save_plot = F, title = title_name, ...)
RubD/Giotto documentation built on April 29, 2023, 5:52 p.m.