#' @title runSCENIC_4_aucell_binarize
#' @description Step 4: Binarize the AUC (and, optional: re-cluster)
#' @param scenicOptions Fields used: TODO
#' @param skipBoxplot Whether to plot the boxplots
#' @param skipHeatmaps Whether to plot the Binary heatmaps
#' @param skipTsne Whether to calculate the binary t-SNE (and optionally, generate a HTML preview)
#' @param exprMat If !skipTsne, the expression matrix can be provided to plot the TF expression on the t-SNE (plotTsne_AUCellHtml)
#' @return The output is written in the folders 'int' and 'ouput'
#' @details See the detailed vignette explaining the internal steps.
#' @examples
#' runSCENIC_4_aucell_binarize(scenicOptions)
#' @export
runSCENIC_4_aucell_binarize <- function(scenicOptions,
skipBoxplot=FALSE, skipHeatmaps=FALSE, skipTsne=FALSE, exprMat=NULL)
nCores <- getSettings(scenicOptions, "nCores")
regulonAUC <- tryCatch(loadInt(scenicOptions, "aucell_regulonAUC"),
error = function(e) {
if(getStatus(scenicOptions, asID=TRUE) < 3)
e$message <- paste0("It seems the regulons have not been scored on the cells yet. Please, run runSCENIC_3_scoreCells() first.\n",
thresholds <- loadInt(scenicOptions, "aucell_thresholds")
thresholds <- getThresholdSelected(thresholds)
# Assign cells
regulonsCells <- setNames(lapply(names(thresholds),
function(x) {
trh <- thresholds[x]
### Convert to matrix (regulons with zero assigned cells are lost)
regulonActivity <- reshape2::melt(regulonsCells)
binaryRegulonActivity <- t(table(regulonActivity[,1], regulonActivity[,2]))
class(binaryRegulonActivity) <- "matrix"
saveRDS(binaryRegulonActivity, file=getIntName(scenicOptions, "aucell_binary_full"))
if(nrow(binaryRegulonActivity)==0) stop("No cells passed the binarization.")
# Keep only non-duplicated thresholds
# (e.g. only "extended" regulons if there is not a regulon based on direct annotation)
binaryRegulonActivity_nonDupl <- binaryRegulonActivity[which(rownames(binaryRegulonActivity) %in% onlyNonDuplicatedExtended(rownames(binaryRegulonActivity))),]
saveRDS(binaryRegulonActivity_nonDupl, file=getIntName(scenicOptions, "aucell_binary_nonDupl"))
minCells <- ncol(binaryRegulonActivity) * .01
msg <- paste0("Binary regulon activity: ",
nrow(binaryRegulonActivity_nonDupl), " TF regulons x ",
ncol(binaryRegulonActivity), " cells.\n(",
nrow(binaryRegulonActivity), " regulons including 'extended' versions)\n",
" regulons are active in more than 1% (", minCells, ") cells.")
if(getSettings(scenicOptions, "verbose")) message(msg)
.openDev(fileName=getOutName(scenicOptions, "s4_boxplotBinaryActivity"),
devType=getSettings(scenicOptions, "devType"))
boxplot(rowSums(binaryRegulonActivity_nonDupl), main="nCells per regulon",
sub='number of cells \nthat have the regulon active',
col="darkolivegreen1", border="#001100", lwd=2, frame=FALSE)
boxplot(colSums(binaryRegulonActivity_nonDupl), main="nRegulons per Cell",
sub='number of regulons \nactive per cell',
col="darkolivegreen1", border="#001100", lwd=2, frame=FALSE)
# Binary activity heatmap
regulonSelection <- loadInt(scenicOptions, "aucell_regulonSelection", ifNotExists="null", verbose=FALSE)
regulonSelection <- regulonSelections(binaryRegulonActivity, binaryRegulonActivity_nonDupl, minCells)
cellInfo <- loadFile(scenicOptions, getDatasetInfo(scenicOptions, "cellInfo"), ifNotExists="null")
cellInfo <- data.frame(cellInfo)
colVars <- loadFile(scenicOptions, getDatasetInfo(scenicOptions, "colVars"), ifNotExists="null")
### Plot heatmap:
for(selRegs in names(regulonSelection$labels))
regulonSelection[[selRegs]] <- regulonSelection[[selRegs]][which(regulonSelection[[selRegs]] %in% rownames(binaryRegulonActivity))]
binaryMat <- binaryRegulonActivity[regulonSelection[[selRegs]],,drop=FALSE]
fileName <- paste0(getOutName(scenicOptions, "s4_binaryActivityHeatmap"),selRegs)
fileName <- .openDevHeatmap(fileName=fileName, devType=getSettings(scenicOptions, "devType"))
rowv <- ifelse(nrow(binaryMat) >= 2, T, NA)
colv <- ifelse(ncol(binaryMat) >= 2, T, NA)
NMF::aheatmap(binaryMat, scale="none", revC=TRUE, main=selRegs,
annCol=cellInfo[colnames(binaryMat),, drop=FALSE],
color = c("white", "black"),
if(getSettings(scenicOptions, "devType")!="pdf") dev.off()
if(getSettings(scenicOptions, "verbose")) message(paste0("No regulons to plot for regulon selection '", selRegs, "'. Skipping."))
# Tsne - on binary activity
tSNE_fileName <- tsneAUC(scenicOptions, aucType="Binary", filePrefix=getIntName(scenicOptions, "tsne_prefix"), onlyHighConf=FALSE) # default: nPcs, perpl, seed
tSNE <- readRDS(tSNE_fileName)
# AUCell (activity) as html:
fileName <- getOutName(scenicOptions, "s4_binarytSNE_colAct")
plotTsne_AUCellHtml(scenicOptions, exprMat, fileName, tSNE) #open the resulting html locally
# Plot cell properties:
sub <- ""; if("type" %in% names(tSNE)) sub <- paste0("t-SNE on ", tSNE$type)
cellInfo <- loadFile(scenicOptions, getDatasetInfo(scenicOptions, "cellInfo"), ifNotExists="null")
colVars <- loadFile(scenicOptions, getDatasetInfo(scenicOptions, "colVars"), ifNotExists="null")
pdf(paste0(getOutName(scenicOptions, "s4_binarytSNE_colProps"),".pdf"))
plotTsne_cellProps(tSNE$Y, cellInfo=cellInfo, colVars=colVars, cex=1, sub=sub)
# Finished. Update status.
scenicOptions@status$current <- 4
# Regulon orders/selection for plots
#' @export
regulonSelections <- function(binaryRegulonActivity, binaryRegulonActivity_nonDupl, minCells)
#binaryRegulonActivity <- loadInt(scenicOptions, "aucell_binary_full")
#binaryRegulonActivity_nonDupl <- loadInt(scenicOptions, "aucell_binary_nonDupl")
### Select regulons:
regulonSelection <- list(labels=c(all="All regulons \n (including duplicated regulons)",
corr="Regulons with any other regulon correlated\n with abs(cor)>0.30 \n(and active in at least 1% of cells)",
onePercent="Regulons active in more than 1% of cells",
notCorr="Regulons with no other regulons correlated\n abs(cor)>0.30 \n or active in fewer than 1% of cells"))
# All regulons.
regulonSelection[["all"]] <- rownames(binaryRegulonActivity)
# Active in > 1% cells
regMinCells <- names(which(rowSums(binaryRegulonActivity_nonDupl) > minCells))
regulonSelection[["onePercent"]] <- regMinCells
# Correlation across regulons (based on binary cell activity)
reguCor <- cor(t(binaryRegulonActivity_nonDupl[regMinCells,]))
reguCor[which(is.na(reguCor))] <- 0
diag(reguCor) <- 0
# Regulons that co-ocurr in similar cells. If a regulon is relevant by itself it will not be shown, also check the regulons ignored.
corrRegs <- names(which(rowSums(abs(reguCor) > 0.30) > 0))
regulonSelection[["corr"]] <- corrRegs
missingRegs <- rownames(binaryRegulonActivity_nonDupl)[which(!rownames(binaryRegulonActivity_nonDupl) %in% corrRegs)]
regulonSelection[["notCorr"]] <- missingRegs
saveRDS(regulonSelection, file=getIntName(scenicOptions, "aucell_regulonSelection"))
## Set regulon order (only plotting most correlated regulons)
reguCor_dist <- as.dist(1-reguCor[corrRegs,corrRegs])
if(length(reguCor_dist) >= 2)
binaryRegulonOrder <- hclust(reguCor_dist)
binaryRegulonOrder <- binaryRegulonOrder$labels[binaryRegulonOrder$order]
} else
binaryRegulonOrder <- labels(reguCor_dist)
saveRDS(binaryRegulonOrder, file=getIntName(scenicOptions, "aucell_binaryRegulonOrder"))
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