
Defines functions CellVarColor .heatmapAnnColor .mergeAnnotationDF plotSCEHeatmap

Documented in plotSCEHeatmap

#' Plot heatmap of using data stored in SingleCellExperiment Object
#' @rdname plotSCEHeatmap
#' @param inSCE \linkS4class{SingleCellExperiment} inherited object.
#' @param useAssay character. A string indicating the assay name that
#' provides the expression level to plot. Only for \code{plotSCEHeatmap}.
#' @param useReducedDim character. A string indicating the reducedDim name that
#' provides the expression level to plot. Only for \code{plotSCEDimReduceHeatmap}.
#' @param doLog Logical scalar. Whether to do \code{log(assay + 1)}
#' transformation on the assay indicated by \code{useAssay}. Default
#' \code{FALSE}.
#' @param featureIndex A vector that can subset the input SCE object by rows
#' (features). Alternatively, it can be a vector identifying features in
#' another feature list indicated by \code{featureIndexBy}. Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param cellIndex A vector that can subset the input SCE object by columns
#' (cells). Alternatively, it can be a vector identifying cells in another
#' cell list indicated by \code{featureIndexBy}. Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param scale Whether to perform z-score scaling on each row. Default
#' \code{TRUE}.
#' @param trim A 2-element numeric vector. Values outside of this range will be
#' trimmed to their nearst bound. Default \code{c(-2, 2)}
#' @param featureIndexBy A single character specifying a column name of
#' \code{rowData(inSCE)}, or a vector of the same length as \code{nrow(inSCE)},
#' where we search for the non-rowname feature indices. Not applicable for
#' \code{plotSCEDimReduceHeatmap}. Default \code{"rownames"}.
#' @param cellIndexBy A single character specifying a column name of
#' \code{colData(inSCE)}, or a vector of the same length as \code{ncol(inSCE)},
#' where we search for the non-rowname cell indices. Default \code{"rownames"}.
#' @param rowDataName character. The column name(s) in \code{rowData} that need
#' to be added to the annotation. Not applicable for
#' \code{plotSCEDimReduceHeatmap}. Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param colDataName character. The column name(s) in \code{colData} that need
#' to be added to the annotation. Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param aggregateRow Feature variable for aggregating the heatmap by row. Can
#' be a vector or a \code{rowData} column name for feature variable. Multiple
#' variables are allowed. Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param aggregateCol Cell variable for aggregating the heatmap by column. Can
#' be a vector or a \code{colData} column name for cell variable. Multiple
#' variables are allowed. Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param featureAnnotations \code{data.frame}, with \code{rownames} containing
#' all the features going to be plotted. Character columns should be factors.
#' Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param cellAnnotations \code{data.frame}, with \code{rownames} containing
#' all the cells going to be plotted. Character columns should be factors.
#' Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param featureAnnotationColor A named list. Customized color settings for
#' feature labeling. Should match the entries in the \code{featureAnnotations}
#' or \code{rowDataName}. For each entry, there should be a list/vector of
#' colors named with categories. Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param cellAnnotationColor A named list. Customized color settings for
#' cell labeling. Should match the entries in the \code{cellAnnotations} or
#' \code{colDataName}. For each entry, there should be a list/vector of colors
#' named with categories. Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param palette Choose from \code{"ggplot"}, \code{"celda"} or \code{"random"}
#' to generate unique category colors.
#' @param rowSplitBy character. Do semi-heatmap based on the grouping of
#' this(these) annotation(s). Should exist in either \code{rowDataName} or
#' \code{names(featureAnnotations)}. Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param colSplitBy character. Do semi-heatmap based on the grouping of
#' this(these) annotation(s). Should exist in either \code{colDataName} or
#' \code{names(cellAnnotations)}. Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param rowLabel Use a logical for whether to display all the feature names,
#' a single character to display a column of \code{rowData(inSCE)} annotation,
#' a vector of the same length as full/subset \code{nrow(inSCE)} to display
#' customized info. Default \code{FALSE}.
#' @param colLabel Use a logical for whether to display all the cell names, a
#' single character to display a column of \code{colData(inSCE)} annotation,
#' a vector of the same length as full/subset \code{ncol(inSCE)} to display
#' customized info. Default \code{FALSE}.
#' @param rowLabelSize A number for the font size of feature names. Default
#' \code{8}
#' @param colLabelSize A number for the font size of cell names. Default
#' \code{8}
#' @param rowDend Whether to display row dendrogram. Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @param colDend Whether to display column dendrogram. Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @param title The main title of the whole plot. Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param rowTitle The subtitle for the rows. Default \code{"Genes"}.
#' @param colTitle The subtitle for the columns. Default \code{"Cells"}.
#' @param rowGap A numeric value or a \code{\link[grid]{unit}} object. For the
#' gap size between rows of the splitted heatmap. Default
#' \code{grid::unit(0, 'mm')}.
#' @param colGap A numeric value or a \code{\link[grid]{unit}} object. For the
#' gap size between columns of the splitted heatmap. Default
#' \code{grid::unit(0, 'mm')}.
#' @param border A logical scalar. Whether to show the border of the heatmap or
#' splitted heatmaps. Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @param colorScheme function. A function that generates color code by giving
#' a value. Can be generated by \code{\link[circlize]{colorRamp2}}.
#' Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \code{\link[ComplexHeatmap]{Heatmap}}.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' plotSCEHeatmap(sce[1:3,1:3], useAssay = "counts")
#' @return A \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}} object.
#' @export
#' @author Yichen Wang
#' @importFrom scuttle aggregateAcrossCells aggregateAcrossFeatures
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData assayNames<-
plotSCEHeatmap <- function(inSCE, useAssay = 'logcounts', useReducedDim = NULL,
                           doLog = FALSE, featureIndex = NULL, cellIndex = NULL,
                           scale = TRUE, trim = c(-2, 2),
                           featureIndexBy = 'rownames',
                           cellIndexBy = 'rownames',
                           rowDataName = NULL, colDataName = NULL,
                           aggregateRow = NULL, aggregateCol = NULL,
                           featureAnnotations = NULL, cellAnnotations = NULL,
                           featureAnnotationColor = NULL,
                           cellAnnotationColor = NULL,
                           palette = c("ggplot", "celda", "random"),
                           rowSplitBy = NULL, colSplitBy = NULL,
                           rowLabel = FALSE, colLabel = FALSE,
                           rowLabelSize = 6, colLabelSize = 6,
                           rowDend = TRUE, colDend = TRUE,
                           title = NULL, rowTitle = 'Features',
                           colTitle = 'Cells',
                           rowGap = grid::unit(0, 'mm'),
                           colGap = grid::unit(0, 'mm'),
                           border = FALSE, colorScheme = NULL, ...){
    palette <- match.arg(palette)
    # STAGE 1: Create clean SCE object with only needed information ####
    ## .selectSCEMatrix, .manageCellVar and .manageFeatureVar perform checks
    useMat <- .selectSCEMatrix(inSCE, useAssay = useAssay,
                               useReducedDim = useReducedDim,
                               returnMatrix = TRUE, cellAsCol = TRUE)
    useAssay <- useMat$names$useAssay
    useReducedDim <- useMat$names$useReducedDim
    useData <- ifelse(!is.null(useAssay), useAssay, useReducedDim)
    ### cell annotation
    colDataName <- unique(c(colDataName, aggregateCol))
    colDataAnns <- lapply(colDataName, function(x) .manageCellVar(inSCE, x))
    if (length(colDataName) > 0)
        colDataAnns <- data.frame(colDataAnns, row.names = colnames(inSCE))
        colDataAnns <- data.frame(row.names = colnames(inSCE))
    colnames(colDataAnns) <- colDataName
    cellAnnotations <- .mergeAnnotationDF(colDataAnns, cellAnnotations)
    if (!is.null(colSplitBy) &&
        any(!colSplitBy %in% colnames(cellAnnotations)))
        stop('Specified `colSplitBy` variables not found.')
    if (isTRUE(colLabel)) {
        colLabelName <- colnames(inSCE)
    } else if (isFALSE(colLabel)) {
        colLabelName <- NULL
    } else {
        colLabelName <- .manageCellVar(inSCE, colLabel)
        colLabel <- TRUE
    ### feature annotation
    rowDataAnns <- data.frame(row.names = rownames(useMat$mat))
    if (!is.null(useAssay)) {
        # When using reducedDim, no rowData can be applied
        rowDataName <- unique(c(rowDataName, aggregateRow))
        rowDataAnns <- lapply(rowDataName, function(x) .manageFeatureVar(inSCE, x))
        if (length(rowDataName) > 0)
            rowDataAnns <- data.frame(rowDataAnns, row.names = rownames(inSCE))
            rowDataAnns <- data.frame(row.names = rownames(inSCE))
        colnames(rowDataAnns) <- rowDataName
    # But customized featureAnnotations should work
    featureAnnotations <- .mergeAnnotationDF(rowDataAnns, featureAnnotations)
    if (!is.null(rowSplitBy) &&
        any(!rowSplitBy %in% colnames(featureAnnotations)))
        stop('Specified `rowSplitBy` variables not found.')
    if (isTRUE(rowLabel)) {
        rowLabelName <- rownames(useMat$mat)
    } else if (isFALSE(rowLabel)) {
        rowLabelName <- NULL
    } else {
        if (!is.null(useAssay)) {
            rowLabelName <- .manageFeatureVar(inSCE, rowLabel)
            rowLabel <- TRUE
        } else {
            # Using customized rowLabel for reducedDim
            if (length(rowLabel) != nrow(useMat$mat))
                stop("Length of `rowLabel` does not match nrow of specified ",
            rowLabelName <- rowLabel
            rowLabel <- TRUE
    ### create SCE object
    SCE <- SingleCellExperiment(assay = list(useMat$mat),
                                colData = cellAnnotations,
                                rowData = featureAnnotations)
    assayNames(SCE) <- useData
    # STAGE 2: Subset SCE object as needed ####
    # Manage cell subsetting
        cellIndex <- seq(ncol(SCE))
    } else if (is.character(cellIndex)) {
        # cellIndexBy not necessarily included in new "SCE"
        cellIndex <- retrieveSCEIndex(inSCE, cellIndex, axis = "col",
                                      by = cellIndexBy)
    } else if (is.logical(cellIndex)) {
        if (length(cellIndex) != ncol(inSCE)) {
            stop("Logical index length does not match ncol(inSCE)")
        cellIndex <- which(cellIndex)
    # Manage feature subsetting
        featureIndex <- seq(nrow(SCE))
    } else if (is.character(featureIndex)) {
        if (!is.null(useAssay))
            featureIndex <- retrieveSCEIndex(inSCE, featureIndex, axis = "row",
                                             by = featureIndexBy)
            # When using reducedDim, can only go with "PC" names
            # or customized "by"
            featureIndex <- retrieveSCEIndex(SCE, featureIndex, axis = "row",
                                             by = featureIndexBy)
    } else if (is.logical(featureIndex)) {
        if (length(featureIndex) != nrow(SCE)) {
            stop("Logical index length does not match nrow(inSCE)")
        featureIndex <- which(featureIndex)
    colnames(SCE) <- colLabelName
    rownames(SCE) <- rowLabelName
    SCE <- SCE[featureIndex, cellIndex]
    ### Scaling should be done before aggregating
    if (isTRUE(doLog)) assay(SCE) <- log1p(assay(SCE))
    if (isTRUE(scale)) assay(SCE) <- as.matrix(computeZScore(assay(SCE)))
    if (!is.null(trim)) assay(SCE) <- trimCounts(assay(SCE), trim)
    # STAGE 3: Aggregate As needed ####
    if (!is.null(aggregateCol)) {
        # TODO: whether to also aggregate numeric variable that users want
        # Might need to use "coldata.merge" in aggregate function
        colIDS <- colData(SCE)[, aggregateCol]
        origRowData <- rowData(SCE)
        SCE <- aggregateAcrossCells(SCE, ids = colIDS,
                                    use.assay.type = useData,
                                    store.number = NULL, statistics = "mean")
        # TODO: `aggregateAcrossCells` produce duplicated variables in colData
        # and unwanted "ncell" variable even if I set `store.number = NULL`.
        colData(SCE) <- colData(SCE)[,aggregateCol,drop=FALSE]
        newColnames <- do.call(paste, c(colData(SCE), list(sep = "_")))
        colnames(SCE) <- newColnames
        rowData(SCE) <- origRowData
    if (!is.null(aggregateRow)) {
        # `aggregateAcrossFeatures` doesn't work by with multi-var
        # Remake one single variable vector
        rowIDS <- rowData(SCE)[, aggregateRow, drop = FALSE]
        rowIDS <- do.call(paste, c(rowIDS, list(sep = "_")))
        origColData <- colData(SCE)
        SCE <- aggregateAcrossFeatures(SCE, ids = rowIDS, average = TRUE,
                                       use.assay.type = useData)
        colData(SCE) <- origColData
    # STAGE 4: Other minor preparation for plotting ####
    mat <- assay(SCE)
    if (is.null(colorScheme)) {
        if (!is.null(trim))
            colorScheme <- circlize::colorRamp2(c(trim[1], 0, trim[2]),
                                                c('blue', 'white', 'red'))
            colorScheme <- circlize::colorRamp2(c(min(mat),
                                                  (max(mat) + min(mat))/2,
                                                c('blue', 'white', 'red'))
    } else {
        if (!is.function(colorScheme))
            stop('`colorScheme` must be a function generated by ',
        breaks <- attr(colorScheme, 'breaks')
        if (breaks[1] != min(trim) || breaks[length(breaks)] != max(trim))
            stop('Breaks of `colorScheme` do not match with `trim`.')
    ### Generate HeatmapAnnotation object
    ca <- NULL
    cellAnnotationColor <- .heatmapAnnColor(SCE, slot = "colData",
                                            custom = cellAnnotationColor,
                                            palette = palette)
    if(dim(cellAnnotations)[2] > 0)
        ca <- ComplexHeatmap::HeatmapAnnotation(df = colData(SCE),
                                                col = cellAnnotationColor)
    ra <- NULL
    featureAnnotationColor <- .heatmapAnnColor(SCE, slot = "rowData",
                                               custom = featureAnnotationColor,
                                               palette = palette)
    if(ncol(rowData(SCE)) > 0)
        ra <- ComplexHeatmap::rowAnnotation(df = rowData(SCE),
                                            col = featureAnnotationColor)
    ### Set split variable
    cs <- NULL
    if (!is.null(colSplitBy)) cs <- colData(SCE)[colSplitBy]
    rs <- NULL
    if (!is.null(rowSplitBy)) rs <- rowData(SCE)[rowSplitBy]
    if (!is.null(colGap)) {
        if (!inherits(colGap, "unit"))
            stop("`colGap` has to be 'unit' object. Try `grid::unit(", colGap,
                 ", 'mm')`.")
    else colGap <- grid::unit(0, 'mm')
    if (!is.null(rowGap)) {
        if (!inherits(rowGap, "unit"))
            stop("`rowGap` has to be 'unit' object. Try `grid::unit(", rowGap,
                 ", 'mm')`.")
    else rowGap <- grid::unit(0, 'mm')

    if (!is.null(useAssay)) name <- useAssay
    else name <- useReducedDim
    hm <- ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap(mat, name = name, left_annotation = ra,
                                  top_annotation = ca, col = colorScheme,
                                  row_split = rs, column_split = cs,
                                  row_title = rowTitle, column_title = colTitle,
                                  show_row_names = rowLabel,
                                  row_names_gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = rowLabelSize),
                                  show_row_dend = rowDend,
                                  show_column_names = colLabel,
                                  column_names_gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = colLabelSize),
                                  show_column_dend = colDend,
                                  row_gap = rowGap, column_gap = colGap,
                                  border = border,

.mergeAnnotationDF <- function(origin, external) {
    if (!is.null(external)) {
        external <- external[match(rownames(origin), rownames(external)), ,drop = FALSE]
        origin <- cbind(origin, external)

.heatmapAnnColor <- function(inSCE, slot = c("colData", "rowData"),
                          custom = NULL, palette = palette) {
    slot <- match.arg(slot)
    if (!is.null(custom) && !is.list(custom))
        stop("'cellAnnotationColor' or 'featureAnnotationColor' must be a list.")
    if (is.null(custom)) custom <- list()
    if (slot == "colData") data <- SummarizedExperiment::colData(inSCE)
    if (slot == "rowData") data <- SummarizedExperiment::rowData(inSCE)
    todoNames <- colnames(data)
    todoNames <- todoNames[!todoNames %in% names(custom)]
    newColor <- lapply(todoNames, function(n) {
        var <- data[[n]]
        if (is.factor(var)) categories <- levels(var)
        else categories <- unique(var)
        colors <- discreteColorPalette(length(categories), palette = palette)
        names(colors) <- categories
    names(newColor) <- todoNames
    custom <- c(custom, newColor)
# Test
#logcounts(sceBatches) <- log1p(counts(sceBatches))
#plotSCEHeatmap2(sceBatches, "logcounts",
#                featureIndex = c("GCG1", "COX11", "INS1", "ND41"),
#                featureIndexBy = rowData(sceBatches)$feature_name,
#                cellIndex = c("reads.16087_", "Sample_1073_",
#                              "reads.29330_", "Sample_801_"),
#                cellIndexBy = paste0(colnames(sceBatches), "_"),
#                rowLabel = "feature_name", rowDend = FALSE,
#                cluster_rows = FALSE, colLabel = TRUE, cluster_columns = FALSE,
#                colDataName = c("batch", "cell_type"), aggregateCol = c("cell_type", "batch"))
#sce <-plotSCEHeatmap2(sceBatches, aggregateCol = "batch")
#plotSCEHeatmap2(sceBatches, aggregateCol = c("cell_type", "batch"))
#plotFindMarkerHeatmap(sce, log2fcThreshold = 0, minClustExprPerc = 0.4,
#                      maxCtrlExprPerc = 0.5)
#plotFindMarkerHeatmap(sce, log2fcThreshold = 0, minClustExprPerc = 0.4,
#                      maxCtrlExprPerc = 0.5,
#                      aggregateRow = "marker")
#plotSCEDimReduceColData(sce, "cluster", "UMAP")
CellVarColor <- function(inSCE, var,
                            palette = c("ggplot", "random", "celda"),
                            seed = 12345, ...) {
    var <- .manageCellVar(inSCE, var = var)
    palette <- match.arg(palette)
    if (is.factor(var)) uniqVar <- levels(var)
    else uniqVar <- unique(var)
    colors <- discreteColorPalette(length(uniqVar), palette = palette, seed = seed, ...)
    names(colors) <- uniqVar
compbiomed/singleCellTK documentation built on May 8, 2024, 6:58 p.m.