
Defines functions get_standard_errors normalize_ev exvar.point.density exvar.celltocell.interactions check_converged_vec get_spline_matrix fdr_sig_genes choose_cell_types get_cell_type_ind get_param_names count_cell_types aggregate_cell_types get_gene_list_type_wrapper get_con_regions get_gene_list_type get_l_chi get_p_chi filter_barcodes_cell_types set_cell_types_assigned get_doublet_weights get_beta_multi get_beta_doublet filter_genes

Documented in aggregate_cell_types count_cell_types exvar.celltocell.interactions exvar.point.density get_doublet_weights get_standard_errors set_cell_types_assigned

filter_genes <- function(puck, threshold = 5e-5, batch_size = 1000) {
  message(c('filter_genes: filtering genes based on threshold = ', threshold))
  gene_means <- numeric(length(rownames(puck@counts))); names(gene_means) <- rownames(puck@counts)
  n_batches <- ceiling(length(gene_means) / batch_size)
  for(j in 1:n_batches) {
    if(j < n_batches)
      index_range <- (1:batch_size) + (j-1)*batch_size
      index_range <- (1 + (n_batches-1)*batch_size):length(gene_means)
    norm_counts <- sweep(as.matrix(puck@counts[index_range,]),2,puck@nUMI,'/')
    gene_means[index_range] <- rowMeans(norm_counts)
  gene_list_tot <- names(which(gene_means > threshold))
  if(length(grep("mt-",gene_list_tot)) > 0)
    gene_list_tot <- gene_list_tot[-grep("mt-",gene_list_tot)]

get_beta_doublet <- function(barcodes, cell_type_names, results_df, weights_doublet) {
  my_beta <- matrix(0, nrow = length(barcodes), ncol = length(cell_type_names))
  rownames(my_beta) <- barcodes
  colnames(my_beta) <- cell_type_names
  for(barcode in barcodes) {
    if(results_df[barcode, 'spot_class'] %in% c('singlet', 'doublet_certain')) {
      my_beta[barcode, results_df[barcode,'first_type']] <- weights_doublet[barcode,1]
      if(results_df[barcode, 'spot_class'] == "doublet_certain")
        my_beta[barcode, results_df[barcode,'second_type']] <- weights_doublet[barcode,2]
        my_beta[barcode, results_df[barcode,'first_type']] <- 1

get_beta_multi <- function(barcodes, cell_type_names, results, coords) {
  if(length(results) != dim(coords)[1])
    stop('CSIDE get_beta_multi: results and spatialRNA@coords must be the same length to run CSIDE in multi-mode.')
  my_beta <- matrix(0, nrow = length(results), ncol = length(cell_type_names))
  rownames(my_beta) <- rownames(coords)
  colnames(my_beta) <- cell_type_names
  for(i in 1:length(results)) {
    my_beta[i, results[[i]]$cell_type_list] <- results[[i]]$sub_weights

#' Converts RCTD doublet mode results to a weight matrix (across all cell types)
#' RCTD must have been run in doublet mode
#' @param RCTD an \code{\linkS4class{RCTD}} object with annotated cell types from the \code{\link{run.RCTD}} function.
#' @return a weights matrix of cell type proportions for each pixel and each cell type.
#' @export
get_doublet_weights <- function(myRCTD) {
  barcodes <- rownames(myRCTD@results$results_df)
  cell_type_names <- myRCTD@cell_type_info$info[[2]]
  get_beta_doublet(barcodes, cell_type_names, myRCTD@results$results_df, myRCTD@results$weights_doublet)

#' If cell types have been assigned to the RCTD object, running this function will
#' toggle the cell_types_assigned variable, which enables CSIDE to be run.
#' @param myRCTD an \code{\linkS4class{RCTD}} object with annotated cell types from the \code{\link{run.RCTD}} function.
#' @return the `myRCTD` object with cell_types_assigned set to TRUE
#' @export
set_cell_types_assigned <- function(myRCTD) {
  myRCTD@internal_vars$cell_types_assigned <- TRUE

filter_barcodes_cell_types <- function(barcodes, cell_types, my_beta, thresh = 0.9999) {
  barcodes <- barcodes[(rowSums(my_beta[barcodes, cell_types, drop = FALSE]) >= thresh)]
  my_beta <- my_beta[barcodes,cell_types, drop = FALSE]
  return (list(barcodes = barcodes, my_beta = my_beta))

get_p_chi <- function(x2, d, S_inv, points_list, delta = 0 ) {
  lambda <- get_l_chi(x2, d, S_inv, points_list, delta = delta)
  return(1 - pchisq(x2, d, ncp = lambda))

get_l_chi <- function(x2, d, S_inv, points_list, delta = 0 ) {
  lambda <- 0
  if(delta < 1e-6)
    lambda <- 0
  else {
    max_found <- 0
    for(ind in 1:(2^d - 1)) {
      new_val <- t(points_list[,ind]) %*% (S_inv %*% points_list[,ind])
      if(new_val > max_found)
        max_found <- new_val
    lambda <- (max_found * (delta ^ 2))

get_gene_list_type <- function(my_beta, barcodes, cell_type, nUMI, gene_list_type, cti_renorm,
                               cell_types_present, gene_fits, test_mode = 'individual') {
  C = 15
  N_cells <- colSums(my_beta[barcodes,, drop = FALSE])[cell_type]
  UMI_list <- nUMI[names(which(my_beta[barcodes,cell_type, drop=FALSE] >= .99))]
  if(length(UMI_list) < 10)
    UMI_list <- nUMI[names(which(my_beta[barcodes,cell_type, drop=FALSE] >= .80))]
  if(length(UMI_list) < 10)
    UMI_list <- nUMI[names(which(my_beta[barcodes,cell_type, drop=FALSE] >= .5))]
  if(length(UMI_list) < 10)
    UMI_list <- nUMI[names(which(my_beta[barcodes,cell_type, drop=FALSE] >= .01))]
  UMI_m <- median(UMI_list)
  expr_thresh <-  C / (N_cells * UMI_m)
  gene_list_type <- setdiff(gene_list_type,gene_list_type[which(cti_renorm[gene_list_type,cell_type] < expr_thresh)])
  cell_type_means <- cti_renorm[gene_list_type,cell_types_present]
  if(dim(my_beta)[2] > 1) {
    cell_prop <- sweep(cell_type_means,1,apply(cell_type_means,1,max),'/')
    gene_list_type <- gene_list_type[which(cell_prop[gene_list_type,cell_type] > 0.5)]
  if(test_mode == 'categorical') {
    n_cell_types <- dim(my_beta)[2]
    n_regions <- dim(gene_fits$con_all)[2] / n_cell_types
    cell_type_ind <- which(colnames(my_beta) == cell_type)
    my_filter <- unlist(lapply(gene_list_type, function(gene)
      (sum(get_con_regions(gene_fits, gene, n_regions, cell_type_ind, n_cell_types)) >= 2)))
    gene_list_type <- gene_list_type[my_filter]
  } else
    gene_list_type <- intersect(gene_list_type, names(which(gene_fits$con_mat[,cell_type]))) #only take converged genes

get_con_regions <- function(gene_fits, gene, n_regions, cell_type_ind, n_cell_types) {
  matrix(gene_fits$con_all[gene,], nrow = n_regions, ncol = n_cell_types)[,cell_type_ind]

get_gene_list_type_wrapper <- function(myRCTD, cell_type, cell_types_present) {
  gene_list <- rownames(myRCTD@de_results$gene_fits$mean_val)
  cti_renorm <- get_norm_ref(myRCTD@originalSpatialRNA, myRCTD@cell_type_info$info[[1]],
                             gene_list, myRCTD@internal_vars$proportions)
  return(get_gene_list_type(myRCTD@internal_vars_de$my_beta, myRCTD@internal_vars_de$barcodes, cell_type,
                   myRCTD@spatialRNA@nUMI, gene_list, cti_renorm, cell_types_present,

#' Aggregates the pixel occurrences for each cell type in the \code{\linkS4class{RCTD}} object
#' The difference with \code{\link{count_cell_types}} is that this function does not filter out pixels
#' based on total cell type weight, as occurs in the CSIDE algorithm.
#' @param RCTD an \code{\linkS4class{RCTD}} object with annotated cell types e.g. from the \code{\link{run.RCTD}} function.
#' @param barcodes the barcodes, or pixel names, of the \code{\linkS4class{SpatialRNA}} object to be used when counting cell types.
#' @param doublet_mode (default TRUE) if TRUE, uses RCTD doublet mode weights. Otherwise, uses RCTD full mode weights
#' @return a named vector of number of pixel occurrences for each cell type
#' @export
aggregate_cell_types <- function(myRCTD, barcodes, doublet_mode = T) {
  if(doublet_mode) {
    if(doublet_mode && myRCTD@config$RCTDmode != 'doublet')
      stop('aggregate_cell_types: attempted to run in doublet mode, but RCTD was not run in doublet mode. Please run in full mode (doublet_mode = F) or first run RCTD in doublet mode.')
    return(table(myRCTD@results$results_df[barcodes,]$first_type[myRCTD@results$results_df[barcodes,]$spot_class %in% c('singlet','doublet_certain')]) +
             +     table(myRCTD@results$results_df[barcodes,]$second_type[myRCTD@results$results_df[barcodes,]$spot_class %in% c('doublet_certain')]))
  } else if(myRCTD@config$RCTDmode == 'multi') {
    weights <- get_beta_multi(barcodes, myRCTD@cell_type_info$info[[2]], myRCTD@results, myRCTD@spatialRNA@coords)
  } else {

#' Counts number of pixel occurrences for each cell type to be used in the CSIDE model
#' The difference with \code{\link{aggregate_cell_types}} is that this function does filter out pixels
#' based on total cell type weight, as occurs in the CSIDE algorithm.
#' @param RCTD an \code{\linkS4class{RCTD}} object with annotated cell types e.g. from the \code{\link{run.RCTD}} function.
#' @param barcodes the barcodes, or pixel names, of the \code{\linkS4class{SpatialRNA}} object to be used when counting cell typel\.
#' @param cell_types the cell types used for CSIDE. If null, cell types will be chosen with aggregate occurences of
#' at least `cell_type_threshold`, as aggregated by \code{\link{aggregate_cell_types}}
#' @param cell_type_threshold (default 125) min occurence of number of cells for each cell type to be used, as aggregated by \code{\link{aggregate_cell_types}}
#' @param doublet_mode (default TRUE) if TRUE, uses RCTD doublet mode weights. Otherwise, uses RCTD full mode weights
#' @param weight_threshold (default NULL) the threshold of total normalized weights across all cell types
#' in \code{cell_types} per pixel to be included in the model. Default 0.99 for doublet_mode or 0.95 for full_mode.
#' @return a named vector of number of pixel occurrences for each cell type
#' @export
count_cell_types <- function(myRCTD, barcodes, cell_types, cell_type_threshold = 125,
                             doublet_mode = T, weight_threshold = NULL) {
  cell_types <- choose_cell_types(myRCTD, barcodes, doublet_mode, cell_type_threshold, cell_types)
  if(doublet_mode && myRCTD@config$RCTDmode != 'doublet')
    stop('run.CSIDE.general: attempted to run CSIDE in doublet mode, but RCTD was not run in doublet mode. Please run CSIDE in full mode (doublet_mode = F) or run RCTD in doublet mode.')
  cell_type_info <- myRCTD@cell_type_info$info
  if(doublet_mode) {
    my_beta <- get_beta_doublet(barcodes, cell_type_info[[2]], myRCTD@results$results_df, myRCTD@results$weights_doublet)
    thresh = 0.999
  } else {
    my_beta <- as.matrix(sweep(myRCTD@results$weights, 1, rowSums(myRCTD@results$weights), '/'))
    thresh = 0.95
    thresh = weight_threshold
  res <- filter_barcodes_cell_types(barcodes, cell_types, my_beta, thresh = thresh)
  my_beta <- res$my_beta

get_param_names <- function(X1,X2, cell_types) {
  cnames <- c()
  if(dim(X1)[2] > 0)
    cnames <- unlist(lapply(1:dim(X1)[2], function(x) paste0('1_',x)))
  for(k in 1:length(cell_types))
    cnames <- c(cnames, unlist(lapply(1:dim(X2)[2], function(x) paste0('2_',x,'_',cell_types[k]))))

get_cell_type_ind <- function(X1,X2, n_cell_types) {
  cnames <- c()
  if(dim(X1)[2] > 0)
    cnames <- rep(0, dim(X1)[2])
  cnames <- c(cnames, unlist(lapply(1:n_cell_types, function(x) rep(x,dim(X2)[2]))))

choose_cell_types <- function(myRCTD, barcodes, doublet_mode, cell_type_threshold, cell_types,
                              my_beta, thresh, cell_type_filter) {
  cell_type_count <- aggregate_cell_types(myRCTD, barcodes, doublet_mode = doublet_mode)
  cell_types_default <- names(which(cell_type_count >= cell_type_threshold))
  passed_cell_types = !is.null(cell_types)
  if(passed_cell_types) {
    diff_types <- setdiff(cell_types, cell_types_default)
    if(length(diff_types) > 0)
      stop(paste0('choose_cell_types: cell types: ',paste(diff_types,collapse = ', '),
                  ' detected using aggregate_cell_types to have less than the minimum cell_type_threshold of ',
                  '. To fix this issue, please remove these cell types or reduce the cell_type_threshold'))
    diff_types <- setdiff(cell_types, myRCTD@cell_type_info$info[[2]])
    if(length(diff_types) > 0)
      stop(paste0('choose_cell_types: cell types: ',paste(diff_types,collapse = ', '),
                  ' are not valid cell types in this RCTD object (myRCTD@cell_type_info$info[[2]]). Please check that cell_types only has valid cell types.'))

  } else {
    message(paste0("choose_cell_types: detected the following cell types occuring at least cell_type_threshold times: ",
    cell_types <- cell_types_default
  if(!is.null(cell_type_filter)) {
    ct_remove <- setdiff(cell_types, names(which(cell_type_filter)))
    if(length(ct_remove) > 0)
      message(paste0('Warning: run.CSIDE.general: removing the following cell types due to insufficient counts per region. Consider lowering cell_type_threshold or proceeding with removed cell types. Cell types: ',
                     paste(paste0(ct_remove, ', ', collapse = ""))))
    cell_types <- intersect(cell_types, names(which(cell_type_filter)))
  if(length(cell_types) == 0) {
      stop('choose_cell_types: length(cell_types) is 0. Please pass in at least one cell type in the list cell_types')
      stop(paste0('choose_cell_types: length(cell_types) is 0. According to the aggregate_cell_types fn, no cell types occured greater than cell_type_threshold of ',
                  cell_type_threshold, '. Please check that all data is present and consider reducing cell_type_threshold.'))
  while(TRUE) {
    if(length(cell_types) == 0) {
        stop('choose_cell_types: length(cell_types) is 0. Please pass in at least one cell type in the list cell_types')
        stop(paste0('choose_cell_types: length(cell_types) is 0. According to the aggregate_cell_types fn, no cell types occured greater than cell_type_threshold of ',
                    cell_type_threshold, '. Please check that all data is present and consider reducing cell_type_threshold.'))
    res <- filter_barcodes_cell_types(barcodes, cell_types, my_beta[barcodes,], thresh = thresh)
    cell_types_remain <- names(which(colSums(res$my_beta) >= cell_type_threshold))
    diff_types <- setdiff(cell_types, cell_types_remain)
    if(length(diff_types) == 0)
      stop(paste0('choose_cell_types: cannot include cell types: ', diff_types,
                     ' because these cell types did not contain sufficient pixels passing total cell type weight of weight_threshold = ', thresh,
                     '. Consider removing this cell type or lowering weight_threshold'))
      warning(paste0('choose_cell_types: removing cell types: ', diff_types,
                     ' because these cell types did not contain sufficient pixels passing total cell type weight of weight_threshold = ', thresh,
                     '. Consider removing this cell type or lowering weight_threshold'))
    cell_types <- cell_types_remain

# method = 'BH' or 'locfdr'
fdr_sig_genes <- function(gene_list_type, p_val, fdr, Z = NULL, method = 'BH') {
  if(method == 'BH') {
    N_genes_type <- length(gene_list_type)
    thresh <- (1:N_genes_type)/N_genes_type * fdr
    if(any(p_val[order(p_val)] < thresh)) {
      N_sig <- max(which(p_val[order(p_val)] < thresh))
      gene_list_sig <- gene_list_type[order(p_val)[1:N_sig]]
    } else {
      gene_list_sig <- c()
  } else {
    lfdr <- locfdr(Z, nulltype = 1)
    gene_list_sig <- (gene_list_type[lfdr$fdr < fdr])

get_spline_matrix <- function(puck, df = 15) {
  center_coords <- puck@coords
  center_coords <- sweep(center_coords, 2, apply(center_coords,2, mean), '-')
  center_coords <- center_coords / sd(as.matrix(center_coords))
  sm <- mgcv::smoothCon(mgcv::s(x,y,k=df,fx=T,bs='tp'),data=center_coords)[[1]]
  mm <- as.matrix(data.frame(sm$X))
  X2 <- cbind(mm[,(df - 2):df], mm[,1:(df-3)]) #swap intercept, x, and y
  X2[,2:df] <- sweep(X2[,2:df], 2, apply(X2[,2:df],2, mean), '-')
  X2[,2:df] <- sweep(X2[,2:df], 2, apply(X2[,2:df],2, sd), '/') #standardize
  rownames(X2) <- names(puck@nUMI)

check_converged_vec <- function(X1,X2,my_beta, itera, n.iter, error_vec, precision, PRECISION.THRESHOLD) {
  cell_type_ind <- get_cell_type_ind(X1,X2, dim(my_beta)[2])
  converged_vec <- (1:dim(my_beta)[2]) == 0
  #if(itera < n.iter) {
  converged_vec <- !converged_vec
  converged_vec[unique(cell_type_ind[precision > PRECISION.THRESHOLD])] <- FALSE
  converged_vec <- converged_vec & (!error_vec)
  names(converged_vec) <- colnames(my_beta)

#' Constructs an explanatory variable representing density of a cell type
#' This explanatory variable can be used with CSIDE to detect cell-to-cell interactions. Density
#' is computing using an exponentially-decaying filter. Currently only works for doublet mode RCTD.
#' @param myRCTD an \code{\linkS4class{RCTD}} object with annotated cell types e.g. from the \code{\link{run.RCTD}} function.
#' @param cell_type the cell type (character) for which to compute density.
#' @param barcodes the barcodes, or pixel names, of the \code{\linkS4class{SpatialRNA}} for which to evaluate the explanatory variable. These would be the pixels used in the C-SIDE model.
#' @param radius (default 50) the radius of the exponential filter. Approximately, the distance considered to be a
#' relevant interaction.
#' @return explanatory.variable a named numeric vector representing the explanatory variable used for explaining differential expression in CSIDE. Names of the variable
#' are the \code{\linkS4class{SpatialRNA}} pixel names, and values  are standardized between 0 and 1. This variable represents density of the selected cell type.
#' @export
exvar.celltocell.interactions <- function(myRCTD, barcodes, cell_type, radius = 50) {
  doublet_df <- myRCTD@results$results_df
  weights_doublet <- myRCTD@results$weights_doublet
  puck <- myRCTD@spatialRNA
  # Get a list of barcodes for cells of cell_type
  # Filter so we have cells in the cropped puck, that are "singlets" or "certain doublets" with first or second type being the target type
  target_df = dplyr::filter(doublet_df, (rownames(doublet_df) %in% barcodes) &
                              ((first_type == cell_type  & (spot_class != 'reject')) |
                                 ((second_type == cell_type) & (spot_class == 'doublet_certain'))
  target_barcodes = rownames(target_df)

  # Names are the barcodes, value is a score computed using euclidean distance from the cells of cell_type
  all_barcodes = barcodes # The cropped puck subset, use rownames(doublet_df) for all barcodes
  explanatory.variable = c(rep(0,length(all_barcodes)))
  names(explanatory.variable) = all_barcodes

  # Calculate proximity score by summing the scores across all cells of target type for each cell in puck
  # Individual scores between a cell and any target cell is calculated as n_i*exp(-d_i/c)
  # n_i is the weighted nUMI of the target cell; weighted by the proportion that the pixel is the target cell type. singlets are weighted as 1.0
  # d_i is the distance between the current cell and target cell

  # Create a distance table between all pairs of cells. rdist is so fast there's no need to save this.
  # fields::rdist treats rows as coordinates and computes all distances between placing them in a distance matrix.
  dist_matrix = fields::rdist(as.matrix(puck@coords))
  rownames(dist_matrix) = rownames(puck@coords)
  colnames(dist_matrix) = rownames(puck@coords)
  # Precompute the exponent component of the proximity score for all pairs of cells
  exponent_mat = exp(-dist_matrix/radius)

  # Precompute the weighted nUMI values for all target cells
  weighted_nUMIs = c(rep(0,length(target_barcodes)))
  names(weighted_nUMIs) = target_barcodes
  for(i in 1:length(weighted_nUMIs)) {
    barcode = target_barcodes[i]
    nUMI = puck@nUMI[barcode]

    spot_class = doublet_df[barcode,"spot_class"]
    first_type = doublet_df[barcode,"first_type"]
    second_type = doublet_df[barcode,"second_type"]

    weight = 0.0;
    if(spot_class == "singlet") {
      weight = if (first_type == cell_type) 1.0 else 0.0;
    } else {
      weight = if (first_type == cell_type) weights_doublet[barcode,1] else weights_doublet[barcode,2];
    weighted_nUMI = nUMI * weight
    weighted_nUMIs[i] = weighted_nUMI

  # Use the precomputed components above to compute explanatory.variable
  for(i in 1:length(all_barcodes)) {
    barcode = all_barcodes[i]

    exp_dists = exponent_mat[barcode,target_barcodes]
    proximity_score = weighted_nUMIs %*% exp_dists
  explanatory.variable = normalize_ev(explanatory.variable)

#' Constructs an explanatory variable representing density of a set of points
#' This explanatory variable can be used with CSIDE to detect DE in the proximity of these points. Density
#' is computing using an exponentially-decaying filter.
#' @param myRCTD an \code{\linkS4class{RCTD}} object with annotated cell types e.g. from the \code{\link{run.RCTD}} function.
#' @param points a N by 2 matrix containing the locations of the points to be used for computing density. The first column should be the x
#' coordinates while the second column should be the y coordinate.
#' @param barcodes the barcodes, or pixel names, of the \code{\linkS4class{SpatialRNA}} for which to evaluate the explanatory variable. These would be the pixels used in the C-SIDE model.
#' @param radius (default 50) the radius of the exponential filter. Approximately, the distance considered to be a
#' relevant interaction.
#' @return explanatory.variable a named numeric vector representing the explanatory variable used for explaining differential expression in CSIDE. Names of the variable
#' are the \code{\linkS4class{SpatialRNA}} pixel names, and values  are standardized between 0 and 1. This variable represents density of the given point set.
#' @export
exvar.point.density <- function(myRCTD, barcodes, points, radius = 50) {
  puck <- myRCTD@spatialRNA
  explanatory.variable = c(rep(0,length(barcodes)))
  names(explanatory.variable) = barcodes
  # fields::rdist treats rows as coordinates and computes all distances between placing them in a distance matrix.
  dist_matrix = fields::rdist(as.matrix(puck@coords), as.matrix(points))
  rownames(dist_matrix) = rownames(puck@coords)
  # Precompute the exponent component of the proximity score for all pairs of cells
  exponent_mat = exp(-dist_matrix/radius)
  explanatory.variable <- rowSums(exponent_mat)
  explanatory.variable = normalize_ev(explanatory.variable)

# Normalize explanatory.variable so the values span from 0 to 1.
normalize_ev = function(explanatory.variable) {
  # Threshold values over the specific 85% percentile to be 1.
  explanatory.variable = explanatory.variable - min(explanatory.variable)
  percentile = quantile(explanatory.variable,.85)
  explanatory.variable = explanatory.variable / percentile
  explanatory.variable[explanatory.variable>1] = 1

#' On an RCTD object after running CSIDE, returns an array of standard errors of CSIDE coefficients
#' The dimensions of the standard error array is N_genes x N_coefficients x N_cell_types
#' The N_coefficients are the number of explanatory variables in the CSIDE model
#' @param myRCTD an \code{\linkS4class{RCTD}} object with fitted CSIDE e.g. from the \code{\link{run.CSIDE}} function.
#' @return a three-dimensional array representing CSIDE standard errors for each gene,
#' each coefficient, and each cell type.
#' @export
get_standard_errors <- function(myRCTD) {
  s_new <- myRCTD@de_results$gene_fits$s_mat
  dim3 <- length(myRCTD@internal_vars_de$cell_types)
  dim2 <- dim(myRCTD@de_results$gene_fits$s_mat)[2] / dim3
  dim(s_new) <- c(dim(myRCTD@de_results$gene_fits$s_mat)[1],2,dim3)
  dimnames(s_new)[[1]] <- rownames(myRCTD@de_results$gene_fits$s_mat)
  dimnames(s_new)[[3]] <- myRCTD@internal_vars_de$cell_types
dmcable/RCTD documentation built on Feb. 24, 2024, 11:03 p.m.