
Defines functions subset_rctd get_class_df prepareBulkData UMI_cutoff get_de_genes remap_celltypes

Documented in get_de_genes

remap_celltypes <- function(cell_dict_file, cell_ident) {
  cell_type_dict <- read.csv(file=cell_dict_file, header=TRUE, sep=",")
  cell_type_dict$Name <- factor(cell_type_dict$Name)
  rownames(cell_type_dict) = cell_type_dict[,'Cluster']
  true_type_names = lapply(cell_ident, function(x) cell_type_dict[as.character(x),"Name"])
  true_type_names = unlist(true_type_names)

#finds DE genes
#Genes must be observed a minimum of MIN_OBS times to mitigate sampling noise in the
#Platform effect estimation

#' Returns a list of differentially expressed genes
#' For each cell type, chooses genes that have a minimum average normalized expression in that cell
#' type, and whose expression is larger in that cell type than the average of all cell types.
#' Filters out mitochondrial genes.
#' @param puck an object of type \linkS4class{SpatialRNA}
#' @param cell_type_info cell type information and profiles of each cell, calculated from the scRNA-seq
#' reference (see \code{\link{get_cell_type_info}})
#' @param MIN_OBS the minimum number of occurances of each gene in the SpatialRNA object.
#' @param fc_thresh minimum \code{log_e} fold change required for a gene.
#' @param expr_thresh minimum expression threshold, as normalized expression (proportion out of 1, or counts per 1).
#' @return a list of differntially expressed gene names
#' @export
get_de_genes <- function(cell_type_info, puck, fc_thresh = 1.25, expr_thresh = .00015, MIN_OBS = 3) {
  total_gene_list = c()
  epsilon = 1e-9
  bulk_vec = rowSums(puck@counts)
  gene_list = rownames(cell_type_info[[1]])
  prev_num_genes <- min(length(gene_list), length(names(bulk_vec)))
  if(length(grep("mt-",gene_list)) > 0)
    gene_list = gene_list[-grep("mt-",gene_list)]
  gene_list = intersect(gene_list,names(bulk_vec))
  if(length(gene_list) == 0)
    stop("get_de_genes: Error: 0 common genes between SpatialRNA and Reference objects. Please check for gene list nonempty intersection.")
  gene_list = gene_list[bulk_vec[gene_list] >= MIN_OBS]
  if(length(gene_list) < 0.1 * prev_num_genes)
    stop("get_de_genes: At least 90% of genes do not match between the SpatialRNA and Reference objects. Please examine this. If this is intended, please remove the missing genes from the Reference object.")
  for(cell_type in cell_type_info[[2]]) {
    if(cell_type_info[[3]] > 2)
      other_mean = rowMeans(cell_type_info[[1]][gene_list,cell_type_info[[2]] != cell_type])
    else {
      other_mean <- cell_type_info[[1]][gene_list,cell_type_info[[2]] != cell_type]
      names(other_mean) <- gene_list
    logFC = log(cell_type_info[[1]][gene_list,cell_type] + epsilon) - log(other_mean + epsilon)
    type_gene_list = which((logFC > fc_thresh) & (cell_type_info[[1]][gene_list,cell_type] > expr_thresh)) #| puck_means[gene_list] > expr_thresh)
    message(paste0("get_de_genes: ", cell_type, " found DE genes: ",length(type_gene_list)))
    total_gene_list = union(total_gene_list, type_gene_list)
  total_gene_list = gene_list[total_gene_list]
  message(paste0("get_de_genes: total DE genes: ",length(total_gene_list)))

#min weight to be considered a singlet as a function of nUMI
UMI_cutoff <- function(nUMI) {
  return (pmax(0.25, 2 - log(nUMI,2) / 5))

prepareBulkData <- function(cell_type_means, puck, gene_list, MIN_OBS = 10) {
  bulk_vec = rowSums(puck@counts)
  gene_list <- intersect(names(which(bulk_vec >= MIN_OBS)),gene_list)
  nUMI = sum(puck@nUMI)
  X = as.matrix(cell_type_means[gene_list,] * nUMI)
  b = bulk_vec[gene_list]
  return(list(X=X, b=b))

get_class_df <- function(cell_type_names, use_classes = F) {
  class_df = data.frame(cell_type_names, row.names = cell_type_names)
  colnames(class_df)[1] = "class"
  if(use_classes) {
    class_df["Bergmann","class"] = "Astrocytes"
    class_df["Fibroblast","class"] = "Endothelial"
    class_df["MLI2","class"] = "MLI1"
    class_df["Macrophages","class"] = "Microglia"
    class_df["Polydendrocytes","class"] = "Oligodendrocytes"

#' Subset spatial object to selected barcodes
#' Subsets an rctd object based on the input spatial barcode. 
#' The function subset_rctd subsets the @spatialRNA, @originalSpatialRNA, and @results$weights slots of an RCTD/spacexr object.
#' @param rctd_obj An RCTD/spacexr object
#' @param st_spot_id A vector of scalar character strings that are spatial barcode to keep after subsetting. 
#' These barcodes should match the spot names in the original spatial object slot of the RCTD/spacexr object used to generate the rctd_obj.
#' @return An updated rctd object with rows corresponding only to the barcodes in st_spot_id
#' @export
subset_rctd = function(rctd_obj, st_spot_id){
    # 1. Report current number of spots.
    spot_ids_rctd = rownames(rctd_obj@results$weights)
    message(paste0('Current spatial spot count before subset: ', length(spot_ids_rctd)))
    # 2. Subset input st_spot_id to only those that are in rctd_obj
    st_spot_id = intersect(st_spot_id, spot_ids_rctd)
    # Throw an error if the subset of spot ids is empty.
    if(length(st_spot_id) == 0){
        stop('No spot to keep. Please check input st_spot_id. This should be same as the spot barcodes in spatial object used to generate the RCTD/spacexr object.')

    # A. subset @spatialRNA slot
    rctd_obj@spatialRNA@coords = rctd_obj@spatialRNA@coords[st_spot_id, ]
    rctd_obj@spatialRNA@counts = rctd_obj@spatialRNA@counts[, st_spot_id]
    rctd_obj@spatialRNA@nUMI   = rctd_obj@spatialRNA@nUMI[st_spot_id]

    # B. subset @originalSpatial slot
    rctd_obj@originalSpatialRNA@coords = rctd_obj@originalSpatialRNA@coords[st_spot_id, ]
    rctd_obj@originalSpatialRNA@counts = rctd_obj@originalSpatialRNA@counts[, st_spot_id]
    rctd_obj@originalSpatialRNA@nUMI   = rctd_obj@originalSpatialRNA@nUMI[st_spot_id]

    # C. Subset @results$weights
    rctd_obj@results$weights = rctd_obj@results$weights[st_spot_id, ]
    # 3. Report new number of spots after the subset has been done.
    spot_ids_rctd_new = rownames(rctd_obj@results$weights)
    message(paste0('New spatial spot count size after subset: ', length(spot_ids_rctd_new)))

    # Return the resulting subset of the object.
dmcable/RCTD documentation built on Feb. 24, 2024, 11:03 p.m.