
Defines functions map_kegg_dbs load_kegg_annotations kegg_vector_to_df make_kegg_df

Documented in kegg_vector_to_df load_kegg_annotations make_kegg_df map_kegg_dbs

## annotation_kegg.r: Some functions to simplify working with KEGG.  I am not a
## fan of KEGG, partially because of its weirdly semi-closed nature, partially
## because is more sparse than I would like, and mostly because the IDs map
## nonsensically.

#' Use pathfindR to get a dataframe of KEGG IDs.
#' The various KEGG conversion methods from KEGGREST appear to only work
#' for a small subset of species now.  This uses a different query format to get
#' a less flexible version of the same information. But at least it works.
#' @param org_code Organism code from KEGG.
#' @return Dataframe of gene IDs to KEGG IDs.
make_kegg_df <- function(org_code) {
  pathl <- pathfindR::get_gene_sets_list(source = "KEGG", org_code = org_code)
  genes <- pathl[["gene_sets"]]
  annot <- pathl[["descriptions"]]
  pathdf <- data.frame()
  for (p in seq_along(genes)) {
    path <- genes[p]
    tmpdf <- as.data.frame(path)
    tmpdf[["path"]] <- colnames(tmpdf)[1]
    annotdf <- as.data.frame(annot[p])
    colnames(annotdf) <- c("annotation")
    tmpdf <- merge(tmpdf, annotdf, by.x = "path", by.y="row.names")
    colnames(tmpdf) <- c("path", "ID", "annotation")
    pathdf <- rbind(pathdf, tmpdf)
  pathdf <- pathdf[, c("ID", "path", "annotation")]

#' Convert a potentially non-unique vector from kegg into a normalized data
#' frame.
#' This function seeks to reformat data from KEGGREST into something which is
#' rather easier to use.
#' This could probably benefit from a tidyr-ish revisitation.
#' @param vector Information from KEGGREST
#' @param final_colname Column name for the new information
#' @param flatten Flatten nested data?
#' @return A normalized data frame of gene IDs to whatever.
#' @seealso [KEGGREST] [load_kegg_annotations()]
kegg_vector_to_df <- function(vector, final_colname = "first", flatten = TRUE) {
  final_df <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  if (isTRUE(flatten)) {
    sorted <- order(names(vector))
    sorted_vector <- vector[sorted]
    sorted_names <- names(sorted_vector)
    duplicated_names <- duplicated(sorted_names)
    unique_vector <- sorted_vector[!duplicated_names]
    unique_df <- as.data.frame(unique_vector, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    colnames(unique_df) <- final_colname
    ## Next line should not be needed with stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    ##unique_df[[final_colname]] <- as.character(unique_df[[final_colname]])
    duplicated_vector <- sorted_vector[duplicated_names]
    ## Now append the duplicated entries to the existing data frame.
    if (length(duplicated_vector) > 0) {
      for (c in seq_along(duplicated_vector)) {
        append_name <- names(duplicated_vector)[c]
        append_entry <- as.character(duplicated_vector[c])
        unique_df[append_name, final_colname] <- glue(
            "{unique_df[append_name, final_colname]}, {append_entry}")
    final_df <- unique_df
    final_df[["GID"]] <- rownames(final_df)
    colnames(final_df) <- c(final_colname, "GID")
  } else {
    final_df <- as.data.frame(vector, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    final_df[["GID"]] <- names(vector)
    colnames(final_df) <- c(final_colname, "GID")
    na_set <- is.na(final_df)
    final_df[na_set] <- ""
  final_df[["GID"]] <- gsub(pattern = "^.*:", replacement = "", x = final_df[["GID"]], perl = TRUE)

#' Create a data frame of pathways to gene IDs from KEGGREST
#' This seeks to take the peculiar format from KEGGREST for pathway<->genes and
#' make it easier to deal with.  Sadly, this only works for a subset of species now.
#' @param species String to use to query KEGG abbreviation.
#' @param abbreviation If you already know the abbreviation, use it.
#' @param flatten Flatten nested tables?
#' @return dataframe with rows of KEGG gene IDs and columns of NCBI gene IDs
#'  and KEGG paths.
#' @seealso [KEGGREST]
#' @examples
#'  sc_kegg_annot <- load_kegg_annotations(species = "cerevisiae")
#'  head(sc_kegg_annot)
#' @export
load_kegg_annotations <- function(species = "coli", abbreviation = NULL, flatten = TRUE) {
  chosen <- NULL
  if (!is.null(abbreviation)) {
    species <- NULL
  if (is.null(abbreviation) & is.null(species)) {
    stop("This requires either a species or 3 letter kegg id.")
  } else if (!is.null(abbreviation)) {
    chosen <- abbreviation
  } else {
    ## Then the species was provided.
    abbreviation <- get_kegg_orgn(species)
    if (length(abbreviation) == 0) {
      stop("Unable to find a matching abbreviation for the search: ", species, ".")
    message("The possible abbreviations for ", species, " are: ", toString(abbreviation), ".")
    message("Choosing the first one: ", abbreviation[[1]])
    chosen <- abbreviation[[1]]

  ## Getting a list of genes is easy, as they are unique.
  genes_vector <- try(KEGGREST::keggConv("ncbi-geneid", chosen))
  if (class(genes_vector) == "try-error") {
    if (grepl(pattern = "HTTP 400", x = genes_vector)) {
      warning("KEGGREST returned bad request.")
  genes_df <- kegg_vector_to_df(genes_vector, final_colname = "ncbi_geneid", flatten = flatten)

  prot_vector <- KEGGREST::keggConv("ncbi-proteinid", chosen)
  prot_df <- kegg_vector_to_df(prot_vector, final_colname = "ncbi_proteinid", flatten = flatten)

  uniprot_vector <- KEGGREST::keggConv("uniprot", chosen)
  uniprot_df <- kegg_vector_to_df(uniprot_vector, final_colname = "uniprotid", flatten = flatten)

  path_vector <- KEGGREST::keggLink("pathway", chosen)
  path_df <- kegg_vector_to_df(path_vector, final_colname = "pathways", flatten = flatten)

  if (isTRUE(flatten)) {
    result <- merge(genes_df, prot_df, by = "GID", all = TRUE)
    rownames(result) <- result[["ID"]]
    result <- merge(result, uniprot_df, by = "GID", all = TRUE)
    rownames(result) <- result[["ID"]]
    result <- merge(result, path_df, by = "GID", all = TRUE)
    rownames(result) <- result[["ID"]]
  } else {
    result <- merge(genes_df, prot_df, by = "GID", all = TRUE)
    result <- merge(result, uniprot_df, by = "GID", all = TRUE)
    result <- merge(result, path_df, by = "GID", all = TRUE)

  result[["ncbi_geneid"]] <- gsub(
      pattern = "ncbi-geneid:", replacement = "", x = result[["ncbi_geneid"]])
  result[["ncbi_proteinid"]] <- gsub(
      pattern = "ncbi-proteinid:", replacement = "", x = result[["ncbi_proteinid"]])
  result[["uniprotid"]] <- gsub(pattern = "up:", replacement = "", x = result[["uniprotid"]])
  result[["pathways"]] <- gsub(pattern = "path:", replacement = "", x = result[["pathways"]])
  result[["kegg_geneid"]] <- glue("{chosen}:{result[['GID']]}")
  ## Now we have a data frame of all genes <-> ncbi-ids, pathways
  result_nas <- is.na(result)
  result[result_nas] <- ""
  rownames(result) <- make.names(result[["GID"]], unique = TRUE)

#' Maps KEGG identifiers to ENSEMBL gene ids.
#' Takes a list of KEGG gene identifiers and returns a list of ENSEMBL
#' ids corresponding to those genes.
#' @param kegg_ids List of KEGG identifiers to be mapped.
#' @return Ensembl IDs as a character list.
#' @seealso [KEGGREST::keggGet()]
#' @examples
#'  kegg_df <- load_kegg_annotations(species = "coli")
#'  kegg_ids <- head(kegg_df[["kegg_geneid"]])
#'  mapped <- map_kegg_dbs(kegg_ids)
#'  mapped
#' @export
map_kegg_dbs <- function(kegg_ids) {
  ## query gene ids 10 at a time (max allowed)
  result <- data.frame()
  split_kegg <- split(kegg_ids, ceiling(seq_along(kegg_ids) / 3))
  count <- 0
  for (x in split_kegg) {
    x <- as.character(unlist(x))
    query <- KEGGREST::keggGet(x)
    for (d in seq_along(query)) {
      count <- count + 1
      item <- query[d]
      dblinks <- item[[1]][["DBLINKS"]]
      row_names <- gsub(pattern = "^(.*): (.*)$", replacement = "\\1", x = dblinks)
      row_values <- gsub(pattern = "^(.*): (.*)$", replacement = "\\2", x = dblinks)
      column <- as.data.frame(row_values)
      rownames(column) <- row_names
      colnames(column) <- kegg_ids[count]
      if (count == 1) {
        result <- column
      } else {
        result <- merge(result, column, by = "row.names", all = TRUE)
        rownames(result) <- result[["Row.names"]]
        result <- result[, -1]
  result <- t(result)

## EOF
elsayed-lab/hpgltools documentation built on May 9, 2024, 5:02 a.m.