
Defines functions orgdb_from_ah guess_orgdb_keytype map_orgdb_ids load_orgdb_go load_orgdb_annotations

Documented in guess_orgdb_keytype load_orgdb_annotations load_orgdb_go map_orgdb_ids orgdb_from_ah

## annotation_orgdb.r: Extract annotation from orgdb packages.  OrgDB is the
## standard SQLite based method for packaging annotation data in R.  These
## functions seek to make extracting information of interest from them easier.

#' Load organism annotation data from an orgdb sqlite package.
#' Creates a dataframe gene and transcript information for a given set of gene
#' ids using the AnnotationDbi interface.
#' Tested in test_45ann_organdb.R
#' This defaults to a few fields which I have found most useful, but the brave
#' or pathological can pass it 'all'.
#' @param orgdb OrganismDb instance.
#' @param gene_ids Search for a specific set of genes?
#' @param include_go Ask the Dbi for gene ontology information?
#' @param keytype mmm the key type used?
#' @param strand_column There are a few fields I want to gather by default:
#'  start, end, strand, chromosome, type, and name; but these do not
#'  necessarily have consistent names, use this column for the chromosome
#'  strand.
#' @param start_column Use this column for the gene start.
#' @param end_column Use this column for the gene end.
#' @param chromosome_column Use this column to identify the chromosome.
#' @param type_column Use this column to identify the gene type.
#' @param name_column Use this column to identify the gene name.
#' @param fields Columns included in the output.
#' @param sum_exon_widths Perform a sum of the exons in the data set?
#' @return Table of geneids, chromosomes, descriptions, strands, types, and lengths.
#' @seealso [AnnotationDbi] [AnnotationDbi::select()] [GenomicFeatures]
#' @examples
#'  hs_orgdb_annot <- load_orgdb_annotations()
#'  summary(hs_orgdb_annot$genes)
#' @export
load_orgdb_annotations <- function(orgdb = NULL, gene_ids = NULL, include_go = FALSE,
                                   keytype = "ensembl", strand_column = "cdsstrand",
                                   start_column = "cdsstart", end_column = "cdsend",
                                   chromosome_column = "cdschrom",
                                   type_column = "gene_type", name_column = "cdsname",
                                   fields = NULL, sum_exon_widths = FALSE) {
  if (is.null(orgdb)) {
    message("Assuming Homo.sapiens.")
    org_pkgstring <- "library(Homo.sapiens); orgdb <- Homo.sapiens"
    eval(parse(text = org_pkgstring))
  } else if (class(orgdb) == "character") {
    org_pkgstring <- glue("library({orgdb}); orgdb <- {orgdb}")
    eval(parse(text = org_pkgstring))
  keytype <- toupper(keytype)
  strand_column <- toupper(strand_column)
  start_column <- toupper(start_column)
  end_column <- toupper(end_column)
  chromosome_column <- toupper(chromosome_column)
  type_column <- toupper(type_column)
  name_column <- toupper(name_column)
  ## Caveat: if fields was NULL, now it is character(0)
  fields <- toupper(fields)
  all_fields <- AnnotationDbi::columns(orgdb)
  chosen_fields <- c()

  if (! name_column %in% all_fields) {
    a_name <- grepl(pattern = "NAME", x = all_fields)
    new_name_column <- all_fields[a_name][1]
    message("Unable to find ", name_column, ", setting it to ", new_name_column, ".")
    name_column <- new_name_column
  if (! type_column %in% all_fields) {
    message("Unable to find ", type_column, " in the db, removing it.")
    type_column <- NULL
  if (! chromosome_column %in% all_fields) {
    message("Unable to find ", chromosome_column, " in the db, removing it.")
    chromosome_column <- NULL
  if (! strand_column %in% all_fields) {
    message("Unable to find ", strand_column, " in the db, removing it.")
    strand_column <- NULL
  if (! start_column %in% all_fields) {
    message("Unable to find ", start_column, " in the db, removing it.")
    start_column <- NULL
  if (! end_column %in% all_fields) {
    message("Unable to find ", end_column, " in the db, removing it.")
    end_column <- NULL

  if (length(fields) == 0) {
    chosen_fields <- c(name_column, type_column, chromosome_column, strand_column,
                       start_column, end_column)
  } else {
    chosen_fields <- c(name_column, type_column, chromosome_column, strand_column,
                       start_column, end_column, fields)

  if ("ALL" %in% chosen_fields) {
    message("Selecting the following fields, this might be too many: \n",
    chosen_fields <- all_fields
  } else {
    if (sum(chosen_fields %in% all_fields) != length(chosen_fields)) {
      missing_idx <- ! chosen_fields %in% all_fields
      missing_fields <- chosen_fields[missing_idx]
      found_fields <- chosen_fields %in% all_fields
      chosen_fields <- chosen_fields[found_fields]
      message("Some requested columns are not available: ", toString(missing_fields), ".")
      message("The following are available: ", toString(all_fields))

  ## Gene IDs
  if (is.null(gene_ids)) {
    gene_ids <- try(AnnotationDbi::keys(orgdb, keytype = keytype))
    if (class(gene_ids) == "try-error") {
      if (grepl(x = gene_ids[[1]], pattern = "Invalid keytype")) {
        valid_keytypes <- AnnotationDbi::keytypes(orgdb)
        stop("Try using valid keytypes: ", toString(valid_keytypes))
      } else {
        stop("There was an error getting the gene ids.")
    } else {
      message("Extracted all gene ids.")
  ## Note querying by "GENEID" will exclude noncoding RNAs
  message("Attempting to select: ", toString(chosen_fields))
  gene_info <- try(AnnotationDbi::select(
                                      x = orgdb,
                                      keys = gene_ids,
                                      keytype = keytype,
                                      columns = chosen_fields))
  if (class(gene_info) == "try-error") {
    message("Select statement failed, this is commonly because there is no join",
            " between the transcript table and others.")
    message("Thus it says some stupid crap about 'please add gtc to the interpolator'",
            " which I think references select-method.R in GenomicFeatures.")
    message("So, try replacing columns with stuff like 'tx*' with 'cds*'?")

  ## Compute total transcript lengths (for all exons)
  ## https://www.biostars.org/p/83901/
  gene_exons <- try(GenomicFeatures::exonsBy(orgdb, by = "gene"), silent = TRUE)
  if (class(gene_exons) == "try-error") {
    gene_exons <- NULL
  transcripts <- try(GenomicFeatures::transcripts(orgdb), silent = TRUE)
  if (class(transcripts) == "try-error") {
    transcripts <- NULL
  fivep_utr <- try(GenomicFeatures::fiveUTRsByTranscript(orgdb, use.names = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
  if (class(fivep_utr) == "try-error") {
    fivep_utr <- NULL
  threep_utr <- try(GenomicFeatures::threeUTRsByTranscript(orgdb, use.names = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
  if (class(threep_utr) == "try-error") {
    threep_utr <- NULL
  colnames(gene_info) <- tolower(colnames(gene_info))
  if (isTRUE(sum_exon_widths)) {
    message("Summing exon lengths, this takes a while.")
    lengths <- lapply(gene_exons, function(x) {
    message("Adding exon lengths to the gene_exons.")
    lengths <- as.data.frame(unlist(lengths), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    colnames(lengths) <- "transcript_length"
    gene_info <- merge(gene_info, lengths, by.x = keytype, by.y = "row.names")
  rownames(gene_info) <- make.names(gene_info[[1]], unique = TRUE)

  retlist <- list(
      "genes" = gene_info,
      "gene_exons" = gene_exons,
      "transcripts" = transcripts,
      "fivep_utr" = fivep_utr,
      "threep_utr" = threep_utr)

#' Retrieve GO terms associated with a set of genes.
#' AnnotationDbi provides a reasonably complete set of GO mappings between gene
#' ID and ontologies.  This will extract that table for a given set of gene
#' IDs.
#' Tested in test_45ann_organdb.R
#' This is a nice way to extract GO data primarily because the Orgdb data sets
#' are extremely fast and flexible, thus by changing the keytype argument, one
#' may use a lot of different ID types and still score some useful ontology data.
#' @param orgdb OrganismDb instance.
#' @param gene_ids Identifiers of the genes to retrieve annotations.
#' @param keytype The mysterious keytype returns yet again to haunt my dreams.
#' @param columns The set of columns to request.
#' @return Data frame of gene IDs, go terms, and names.
#' @seealso [AnnotationDbi] [GO.db]
#' @examples
#'  drosophila_orgdb_go <- load_orgdb_go(orgdb = "org.Dm.eg.db")
#'  head(drosophila_orgdb_go)
#' @author I think Keith provided the initial implementation of this, but atb
#'  messed with it pretty extensively.
#' @export
load_orgdb_go <- function(orgdb = NULL, gene_ids = NULL, keytype = "ensembl",
                          columns = c("go", "goall", "goid")) {
  if (is.null(orgdb)) {
    message("Assuming Homo.sapiens.")
    org_pkgstring <- "library(Homo.sapiens); orgdb <- Homo.sapiens"
    eval(parse(text = org_pkgstring))
  } else if ("character" %in% class(orgdb)) {
    org_pkgstring <- glue("library({orgdb}); orgdb <- {orgdb}")
    eval(parse(text = org_pkgstring))
  tt <- sm(requireNamespace("GO.db"))
  keytype <- toupper(keytype)
  columns <- toupper(columns)
  if (is.null(gene_ids)) {
    gene_ids <- try(AnnotationDbi::keys(orgdb, keytype = keytype), silent = TRUE)
    if (class(gene_ids) == "try-error") {
      avail_types <- AnnotationDbi::keytypes(orgdb)
      if ("GID" %in% avail_types) {
        message("The chosen keytype was not available.  Using 'GID'.")
        keytype <- "GID"
        gene_ids <- AnnotationDbi::keys(orgdb, keytype = keytype)
      } else {
        keytype <- avail_types[[1]]
        message("Neither the chosen keytype, nor 'GID' was available.
The available keytypes are: ", toString(avail_types), "choosing ", keytype, ".")
        gene_ids <- AnnotationDbi::keys(orgdb, keytype = keytype)
  if (class(orgdb)[[1]] == "OrganismDb") {
    message("This is an organismdbi, that should be ok.")
  } else if (class(orgdb)[[1]] == "OrgDb" | class(orgdb)[[1]] == "orgdb") {
    message("This is an orgdb, good.")
  } else {
    stop("This requires either an organismdbi or orgdb instance, not ", class(orgdb)[[1]])
  available_columns <- AnnotationDbi::columns(orgdb)
  chosen_columns <- c()
  for (col in columns) {
    if (col %in% available_columns) {
      chosen_columns <- c(chosen_columns, col)
  if (is.null(chosen_columns)) {
    stop("Did not find any of: ", toString(columns),
         " in the set of available columns: ", toString(available_columns))
  go_terms <- try(sm(AnnotationDbi::select(x = orgdb,
                                           keys = gene_ids,
                                           keytype = keytype,
                                           columns = chosen_columns)))
  if (class(go_terms) == "try-error") {
    if (grep(pattern = "Invalid keytype", x = go_terms[[1]])) {
      message("Here are the possible keytypes:")
  ## Deduplicate
  go_terms <- go_terms[!duplicated(go_terms), ]
  if ("GO" %in% chosen_columns) {
    go_terms <- go_terms[!is.na(go_terms[["GO"]]), ]
    go_term_names <- sm(AnnotationDbi::select(x = GO.db::GO.db,
                                              keys = unique(go_terms[["GO"]]),
                                              columns = c("TERM", "GOID", "ONTOLOGY")))
    go_terms <- merge(go_terms, go_term_names, by.x = "GO", by.y = "GOID")

  ## Remove redundant annotations which differ only in source/evidence
  ## and rename ONTOLOGYALL column
  go_terms <- unique(tibble::as_tibble(go_terms) %>% na.omit())

#' Map AnnotationDbi keys from one column to another.
#' Given a couple of keytypes, this provides a quick mapping across them.  I
#' might have an alternate version of this hiding in the gsva code, which
#' requires ENTREZIDs.  In the mean time, this creates a dataframe of the mapped
#' columns for a given set of gene ids using the in a sqlite instance.
#' @param orgdb OrganismDb instance.
#' @param gene_ids Gene identifiers for retrieving annotations.
#' @param mapto Key to map the IDs against.
#' @param keytype Choose a keytype, this will yell if it doesn't like your choice.
#' @return a table of gene information
#' @seealso [AnnotationDbi]
#' @examples
#'  dm_unigene_to_ensembl <- map_orgdb_ids("org.Dm.eg.db", mapto = "ensembl", keytype = "unigene")
#'  head(dm_unigene_to_ensembl)
#' @author Keith Hughitt with changes by atb.
#' @export
map_orgdb_ids <- function(orgdb, gene_ids = NULL, mapto = "ensembl", keytype = "geneid") {
  if (is.null(orgdb)) {
    message("Assuming Homo.sapiens.")
    org_pkgstring <- "library(Homo.sapiens); orgdb <- Homo.sapiens"
    eval(parse(text = org_pkgstring))
  } else if ("character" %in% class(orgdb)) {
    org_pkgstring <- glue("library({orgdb}); orgdb <- {orgdb}")
    eval(parse(text = org_pkgstring))
  mapto <- toupper(mapto)
  keytype <- toupper(keytype)
  avail_keytypes <- AnnotationDbi::keytypes(orgdb)
  found_keys <- sum(mapto %in% avail_keytypes)
  if (found_keys < length(mapto)) {
    warning("The chosen keytype ", mapto, " is not in this orgdb.")
    warning("Try some of the following instead: ", toString(avail_keytypes), ".")
    warning("Going to pull all the availble keytypes, which is probably not what you want.")
    mapto <- avail_keytypes

  test_masterkey <- sum(keytype %in% avail_keytypes)
  if (test_masterkey != 1) {
    warning("The chosen master key ", keytype, " is not in this orgdb.")
    warning("Try some of the following instead: ", toString(avail_keytypes), ".")
    warning("I am going to choose one arbitrarily, which is probably not what you want.")
    if ("ENTREZID" %in% avail_keytypes) {
      keytype <- "ENTREZID"
      message("Using entrezid as the master key.")
    } else if ("ENSEMBLID" %in% avail_keytypes) {
      keytype <- "ENSEMBLID"
      message("Using ensemblid as the master key.")
    } else
      stop("Could not think of a usable master key.")

  ## If no gene ids were chosen, grab them all.
  if (is.null(gene_ids)) {
    gene_ids <- AnnotationDbi::keys(orgdb, keytype = keytype)
  ## Gene info
  ## Note querying by "GENEID" will exclude noncoding RNAs
  gene_info <- AnnotationDbi::select(x = orgdb, keytype = keytype, keys = gene_ids, columns = mapto)
  colnames(gene_info) <- tolower(colnames(gene_info))

#' Iterate over keytypes looking for matches against a set of IDs.
#' Sometimes, one does not know what the correct keytype is for a given set of
#' IDs.  This will hopefully find them.
#' @param ids Set of gene IDs to seek.
#' @param orgdb Orgdb instance to iterate through.
#' @param verbose talky talk
#' @return Likely keytype which provides the desired IDs.
#' @seealso [org.Dm.eg.db]
#' @examples
#'  ids <- c("Dm.9", "Dm.2294", "Dm.4971")
#'  dm_orgdb <- "org.Dm.eg.db"
#'  keytype_guess <- guess_orgdb_keytype(ids, dm_orgdb)
#'  keytype_guess
#' @export
guess_orgdb_keytype <- function(ids, orgdb = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {
  if (is.null(orgdb)) {
    message("Assuming Homo.sapiens.")
    lib <- do.call(what = "library", args = list("package" = "Homo.sapiens", "character.only" = TRUE))
    orgdb <- get0("Homo.sapiens")
  } else if ("character" %in% class(orgdb)) {
    lib <- do.call(what = "library", args = list("package" = orgdb, "character.only" = TRUE))
    orgdb <- get0(orgdb)
  found_ids <- 0
  current_type <- NULL
  possible_keytypes <- AnnotationDbi::keytypes(orgdb)
  for (k in seq_along(possible_keytypes)) {
    type <- possible_keytypes[k]
    possible_keys <- try(AnnotationDbi::keys(x = orgdb, keytype = type), silent = TRUE)
    if (class(possible_keys)[1] == "try-error") {
      possible_keys <- ""
    this_type_found <- sum(ids %in% possible_keys)
    if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
      message("Keytype: ", type, " has ", this_type_found, " keys.")
    if (this_type_found == length(ids)) {
    } else if (this_type_found > found_ids) {
      current_type <- type
      found_ids <- this_type_found
  if (found_ids == 0) {
    message("Did not find your IDs using any keytype in the orgdb.")
  } else {
    message("The best choice was ", current_type, " which has ", found_ids,
            " out of ", length(ids), " ids.")

#' Get an orgdb from an AnnotationHub taxonID.
#' Ideally, annotationhub will one day provide a one-stop shopping source for a
#' tremendous wealth of curated annotation databases, sort of like a
#' non-obnoxious biomart.  But for the moment, this function is more
#' fragile than I would like.
#' @param ahid TaxonID from AnnotationHub
#' @param title Title for the annotation hub instance
#' @param species Species to download
#' @param type Datatype to download
#' @return An Orgdb instance
#' @seealso [AnnotationHub] [S4Vectors]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  org <- mytaxIdToOrgDb(species = "Leishmania", type = "TxDb")
#' }
#' @export
orgdb_from_ah <- function(ahid = NULL, title = NULL, species = NULL, type = "OrgDb") {
  ## Other available types:
  tt <- sm(loadNamespace("AnnotationHub"))
  ah <- sm(AnnotationHub::AnnotationHub())
  message("Available types: \n", toString(levels(as.factor(ah$rdataclass))))

  if (!is.null(type)) {
    ah <- AnnotationHub::query(x = ah, pattern = type)
  if (is.null(title) & is.null(species) & is.null(ahid)) {
    message("Going to attempt to find a human database.  I hope this is what you want!")
    hits <- grepl(pattern = "Hs\\.eg\\.db", x = ah$title)
    ahid <- names(ah)[hits]
  } else if (!is.null(species)) {
    ## Then we got a species
    possible <- ah$species
    titles <- ah$title
    hits_idx <- grepl(pattern = species, x = possible)
    first_true <- which.max(hits_idx)
    first_true_name <- titles[first_true]
    hits <- names(ah)[hits_idx]
    message("The possible hits are: \n",
            toString(hits), "\nchoosing: ", hits[1],
            "\nwhich is ", first_true_name)
    ahid <- hits[1]
  } else if (!is.null(title)) {
    ## We got a title
    possible <- ah$title
    hits_idx <- grepl(pattern = title, x = possible)
    first_true <- which.max(hits_idx)
    first_true_name <- possible[first_true]
    hits <- names(ah)[hits_idx]
    message("The possible hits are: \n",
            toString(hits), "\nchoosing: ", hits[1],
            "\nwhich is ", first_true_name)
    ahid <- hits[1]

  ah_names <- names(ah)
  ah_titles <- ah$title
  hit_idx <- ah_names == ahid
  hit_num <- which.max(hit_idx)
  hit_title <- ah_titles[hit_num]
  message("Chose ", ahid, " which is ", hit_title, ".")
  res <- ah[[ahid]]

## EOF
elsayed-lab/hpgltools documentation built on May 9, 2024, 5:02 a.m.