
Defines functions validatePhysicalMapUnit validateMapUnit.default validateMapUnit.character validateMapUnit validateMapframe.mapframe validateMapframe.data.frame validateMapframe validateMap.map validateMap.list validateMap validateGeneticMapUnit subsetMap setupDefaultMapkeys setPosColNameMapUnit.data.frame setPosColNameMapUnit.character setPosColNameMapUnit setPosColDataMapUnit.numeric setPosColDataMapUnit.data.frame setPosColDataMapUnit.character setPosColDataMapUnit setMapUnit.mapframe setMapUnit.map setMapUnit.list setMapUnit.data.frame setMapUnit pushMap.geno pushMap pushLocusSeq.map pushLocusSeq.list pushLocusSeq.data.frame pushLocusSeq pushLocusPos.map pushLocusPos.list pushLocusPos.data.frame pushLocusPos pushLocusIDs.map pushLocusIDs.list pushLocusIDs.data.frame pushLocusIDs pushLoci pullMap.geno pullMap.cross pullMap pullLocusSeq.map pullLocusSeq.list pullLocusSeq.data.frame pullLocusSeq pullLocusPos.mapframe pullLocusPos.map pullLocusPos.list pullLocusPos.data.frame pullLocusPos pullLocusIDs.map pullLocusIDs.list pullLocusIDs.data.frame pullLocusIDs pullLoci orderMap.map orderMap.data.frame orderMap matchSeqRowIndices matchLocusRowIndices matchLoci mapsEqual mapkeyOpt mapkey mapframe makePlaceholderMap makeMapFromPseudomarkerIDs makeMapFromLocusIDs makeMapFromDefaultQTLNames makeMapFromDefaultMarkerIDs isValidMapUnit isPhysicalMapUnit isPhysicalMapframe isPhysicalMap isGeneticMapUnit isGeneticMapframe isGeneticMap intersectLoci inMapOrder.map inMapOrder.data.frame inMapOrder inferMapStep gmapframe getPosColNameMapUnit.data.frame getPosColNameMapUnit.character getPosColNameMapUnit getPosColIndex getPosColDataMapUnit.numeric getPosColDataMapUnit.data.frame getPosColDataMapUnit.character getPosColDataMapUnit getMapUnitSuffix getMapUnit.scanone getMapUnit.mapframe getMapUnit.map getMapUnit.default getMapUnit.data.frame getMapUnit getMapSteps.scanone getMapSteps.map getMapSteps.mapframe getMapSteps getDatColIndices getSeqColIndex findMarkers findLocusRowIndices findLoci findFlankingRowIndices findFlanking.scanone findFlanking.mapframe findFlanking.map findFlanking extractPseudomarkers extractMarkers convertMapUnit as.mapframe.scanone as.mapframe.mapframe as.mapframe.map as.mapframe.list as.mapframe.data.frame as.mapframe as.map.scanone as.map.mapframe as.map.map as.map.list as.map.data.frame as.map as.data.frame.mapframe as.data.frame.map

Documented in as.data.frame.map as.data.frame.mapframe as.map as.map.data.frame as.mapframe as.mapframe.data.frame as.mapframe.list as.mapframe.map as.mapframe.mapframe as.mapframe.scanone as.map.list as.map.map as.map.mapframe as.map.scanone convertMapUnit extractMarkers extractPseudomarkers findFlanking findFlanking.map findFlanking.mapframe findFlankingRowIndices findFlanking.scanone findLoci findLocusRowIndices findMarkers getDatColIndices getMapSteps getMapSteps.map getMapSteps.mapframe getMapSteps.scanone getMapUnit getMapUnit.data.frame getMapUnit.default getMapUnit.map getMapUnit.mapframe getMapUnit.scanone getMapUnitSuffix getPosColDataMapUnit getPosColDataMapUnit.character getPosColDataMapUnit.data.frame getPosColDataMapUnit.numeric getPosColIndex getPosColNameMapUnit getPosColNameMapUnit.character getPosColNameMapUnit.data.frame getSeqColIndex gmapframe inferMapStep inMapOrder inMapOrder.data.frame inMapOrder.map intersectLoci isGeneticMap isGeneticMapframe isGeneticMapUnit isPhysicalMap isPhysicalMapframe isPhysicalMapUnit isValidMapUnit makeMapFromDefaultMarkerIDs makeMapFromDefaultQTLNames makeMapFromLocusIDs makeMapFromPseudomarkerIDs makePlaceholderMap mapframe mapkey mapkeyOpt mapsEqual matchLoci matchLocusRowIndices matchSeqRowIndices orderMap orderMap.data.frame orderMap.map pullLoci pullLocusIDs pullLocusIDs.data.frame pullLocusIDs.list pullLocusIDs.map pullLocusPos pullLocusPos.data.frame pullLocusPos.list pullLocusPos.map pullLocusPos.mapframe pullLocusSeq pullLocusSeq.data.frame pullLocusSeq.list pullLocusSeq.map pullMap pullMap.cross pullMap.geno pushLoci pushLocusIDs pushLocusIDs.data.frame pushLocusIDs.list pushLocusIDs.map pushLocusPos pushLocusPos.data.frame pushLocusPos.list pushLocusPos.map pushLocusSeq pushLocusSeq.data.frame pushLocusSeq.list pushLocusSeq.map pushMap pushMap.geno setMapUnit setMapUnit.data.frame setMapUnit.list setMapUnit.map setMapUnit.mapframe setPosColDataMapUnit setPosColDataMapUnit.character setPosColDataMapUnit.data.frame setPosColDataMapUnit.numeric setPosColNameMapUnit setPosColNameMapUnit.character setPosColNameMapUnit.data.frame setupDefaultMapkeys subsetMap validateGeneticMapUnit validateMap validateMapframe validateMapframe.data.frame validateMapframe.mapframe validateMap.list validateMap.map validateMapUnit validateMapUnit.character validateMapUnit.default validatePhysicalMapUnit

# Start of map.R ###############################################################

# as.data.frame.map ------------------------------------------------------------
#' Convert \code{map} to \code{data.frame}.
#' @param x An \pkg{R/qtl} \code{map} object.
#' @param ... Unused arguments.
#' @param map.unit Explicitly sets \code{'map.unit'} attribute.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} corresponding to the input \code{map} object.
#' @export
#' @family map utility functions
#' @method as.data.frame map
#' @rdname as.data.frame.map
as.data.frame.map <- function(x, ..., map.unit=NULL) {

    # If map unit specified, update that of object..
    if ( ! is.null(map.unit) ) {
        x <- setMapUnit(x, map.unit)
    } else { # ..otherwise get map unit from object.
        map.unit <- getMapUnit(x)
    # Get sequences corresponding to individual map loci.
    x.seqs <- pullLocusSeq(x)
    # Get individual locus positions.
    x.pos <- pullLocusPos(x)
    # Get individual locus IDs.
    x.ids <- pullLocusIDs(x)
    to <- data.frame(chr=x.seqs, pos=x.pos, row.names=x.ids)
    to <- orderMap(to)
    if ( ! is.na(map.unit) ) {
        to <- setMapUnit(to, map.unit)

# as.data.frame.mapframe -------------------------------------------------------
#' Convert \code{mapframe} to \code{data.frame}.
#' @param x A \code{mapframe} object.
#' @param ... Unused arguments.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} corresponding to the input \code{mapframe} object.
#' @export
#' @family map utility functions
#' @method as.data.frame mapframe
#' @rdname as.data.frame.mapframe
as.data.frame.mapframe <- function(x, ...) {
    class(x) <- 'data.frame'

# as.map -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Convert object to \code{map}.
#' @param from Object containing map data.
#' @param map.unit Explicitly sets \code{'map.unit'} attribute. This must be
#' specified if an object does not have an existing \code{'map.unit'} attribute.
#' @return An \pkg{R/qtl} \code{map} corresponding to the input object.
#' @template section-map
#' @export
#' @family map utility functions
#' @rdname as.map
as.map <- function(from, map.unit=NULL) {
    UseMethod('as.map', from)

# as.map.data.frame ------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method as.map data.frame
#' @rdname as.map
as.map.data.frame <- function(from, map.unit=NULL) {

    if ( nrow(from) == 0 ) {
        stop("cannot create map from empty data frame")
    # If map unit specified, update that of object..
    if ( ! is.null(map.unit) ) {
        from <- setMapUnit(from, map.unit)
    } else { # ..otherwise get map unit from object.
        map.unit <- getMapUnit(from)
    # Get normalised sequences corresponding to individual map loci.
    norm.from.seqs <- normSeq( pullLocusSeq(from) )
    # Get individual locus positions.
    from.pos <- pullLocusPos(from) # NB: strips any map-unit suffixes.
    # Get individual locus IDs.
    from.ids <- pullLocusIDs(from)
    if ( is.null(from.ids) ) {
        stop("cannot create map from data frame - no locus IDs found")
    # Get normalised map sequences.
    norm.map.seqs <- sortSeq( unique(norm.from.seqs) )
    if ( length(norm.map.seqs) < const$min.spm  ) {
        stop("cannot create map from data frame - too few sequences (min=",
            const$min.spm, ")")
    to <- list()
    # Set map data for each sequence.
    for ( norm.map.seq in norm.map.seqs ) {
        # Get row indices of data frame for this sequence.
        indices <- which( norm.from.seqs == norm.map.seq )
        # Get map positions for this sequence.
        seq.pos <- from.pos[indices]
        if ( length(seq.pos) < const$min.lps ) {
            stop("cannot create map from data frame - sequence has too few loci - '", seq, "'")
        # Set map position names from locus IDs.
        names(seq.pos) <- from.ids[indices]
        # Sort map positions in numeric order.
        seq.pos <- sort.int(seq.pos)
        # Set class of map position vector.
        class(seq.pos) <- 'A' # NB: assumes no 'X' chromosomes.
        # Set map positions for sequence.
        to[[norm.map.seq]] <- seq.pos
    to <- setMapUnit(to, map.unit)
    class(to) <- 'map'

# as.map.list ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method as.map list
#' @rdname as.map
as.map.list <- function(from, map.unit=NULL) {

    # If map unit specified, update that of object..
    if ( ! is.null(map.unit) ) {
        from <- setMapUnit(from, map.unit)
    } else { # ..otherwise get map unit from object.
        map.unit <- getMapUnit(from)
    # Get map sequences.
    map.seqs <- names(from)
    # Get normalised map sequences.
    norm.map.seqs <- normSeq(map.seqs)
    # Get vector mapping normalised sequence labels to their original form.
    res2map <- structure(map.seqs, names=norm.map.seqs)
    to <- list()
    # Set map data for each sequence.
    for ( norm.map.seq in sortSeq(norm.map.seqs) ) {
        # Get map positions for this sequence.
        seq.pos <- from[[ res2map[norm.map.seq] ]]
        # Sort map positions in numeric order.
        seq.pos <- sort.int(seq.pos)
        # Set class of map position vector.
        class(seq.pos) <- 'A' # NB: assumes no 'X' chromosomes.
        # Set map positions for sequence.
        to[[norm.map.seq]] <- seq.pos
    to <- setMapUnit(to, map.unit)
    class(to) <- 'map'

# as.map.map -------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method as.map map
#' @rdname as.map
as.map.map <- function(from, map.unit=NULL) {
    if ( ! is.null(map.unit) ) {
        from <- setMapUnit(from, map.unit)

# as.map.mapframe --------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method as.map mapframe
#' @rdname as.map
as.map.mapframe <- function(from, map.unit=NULL) {
    return( as.map.data.frame(from, map.unit=map.unit) )

# as.map.scanone ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method as.map scanone
#' @rdname as.map
as.map.scanone <- function(from, map.unit=NULL) {
    stopifnot( map.unit == 'cM' )
    return( as.map.data.frame(from, map.unit='cM') )

# as.mapframe ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Convert object to \code{mapframe}.
#' @param from Object containing map data.
#' @param map.unit Explicitly sets \code{'map.unit'} attribute. This must be
#' specified if an object does not have an existing \code{'map.unit'} attribute.
#' @return A \code{mapframe} corresponding to the input object.
#' @template section-mapframe
#' @export
#' @family map utility functions
#' @rdname as.mapframe
as.mapframe <- function(from, map.unit=NULL) {
    UseMethod('as.mapframe', from)

# as.mapframe.data.frame -------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method as.mapframe data.frame
#' @rdname as.mapframe
as.mapframe.data.frame <- function(from, map.unit=NULL) {
    # If map unit specified, update that of object..
    if ( ! is.null(map.unit) ) {
        from <- setMapUnit(from, map.unit)
    } else { # ..otherwise get map unit from object.
        map.unit <- getMapUnit(from)
    seqcol.index <- getSeqColIndex(from)
    poscol.index <- getPosColIndex(from)
    # Ensure data frame rows are valid, if present.
    if ( nrow(from) > 0 ) {
        # Get normalised sequences corresponding to individual map loci.
        norm.from.seqs <- normSeq( pullLocusSeq(from) )
        # Get individual locus positions.
        from.pos <- pullLocusPos(from) # NB: strips any map-unit suffixes.

        from[[seqcol.index]] <- norm.from.seqs
        from[[poscol.index]] <- from.pos
        # Order data frame by sequence, then map position.
        from <- from[ order(rankSeq(norm.from.seqs), from.pos), ]
    # Ensure column headings are as expected for a mapframe.
    colnames(from)[ c(seqcol.index, poscol.index) ] <- c('chr', 'pos')
    # Ensure sequence and positions columns are leftmost.
    if ( seqcol.index != 1 || poscol.index != 2 ) {
        column.indices <- getColIndices(from)
        other.indices <- column.indices[ -c(seqcol.index, poscol.index) ]
        from[, column.indices] <- from[, c( seqcol.index, poscol.index, other.indices)]
    from <- setMapUnit(from, map.unit)
    class(from) <- c('mapframe', 'data.frame')

# as.mapframe.list -------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method as.mapframe list
#' @rdname as.mapframe
as.mapframe.list <- function(from, map.unit=NULL) {
    return( as.mapframe( as.map(from, map.unit=map.unit) ) )

# as.mapframe.map --------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method as.mapframe map
#' @rdname as.mapframe
as.mapframe.map <- function(from, map.unit=NULL) {
    return( as.mapframe( as.data.frame(from), map.unit=map.unit ) )

# as.mapframe.mapframe ---------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method as.mapframe mapframe
#' @rdname as.mapframe
as.mapframe.mapframe <- function(from, map.unit=NULL) {
    if ( ! is.null(map.unit) ) {
        from <- setMapUnit(from, map.unit)

# as.mapframe.scanone ----------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method as.mapframe scanone
#' @rdname as.mapframe
as.mapframe.scanone <- function(from, map.unit=NULL) {
    stopifnot( map.unit == 'cM' )
    return( as.mapframe.data.frame(from, map.unit='cM') )

# convertMapUnit ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' Convert map unit and rescale map positions.
#' @param x Object containing map data.
#' @param map.unit New map unit.
#' @return Input object with converted map unit and rescaled map positions.
#' @template section-mapunits
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname convertMapUnit
convertMapUnit <- function(x, map.unit) {
    # If object is a data-frame, check that map units have
    # been removed from position column names and data.
    if ( is.data.frame(x) ) {
        if ( ! is.na( getPosColNameMapUnit(x) ) ) {
            stop("function 'convertMapUnit' cannot take object with map unit ",
                "in column name - consider calling 'setMapUnit' instead")
        if ( ! is.na( getPosColDataMapUnit(x) ) ) {
            stop("function 'convertMapUnit' cannot take object with map unit ",
                "in map positions - consider calling 'setMapUnit' instead")
    # Get current mapkey.
    map.key <- mapkeyOpt()
    # Pull locus mapframe from object.
    loc <- pullLoci(x)
    # Apply mapkey to loci.
    loc <- map.key(loc, map.unit)
    # Set map unit directly.
    # NB: map unit of object must match the locus mapframe, but we
    # cannot set this through setMapUnit as it calls this function.
    attr(x, 'map.unit') <- map.unit
    # Replace loci of object.
    x <- pushLoci(x, loc)

# extractMarkers ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' Extract marker loci.
#' @param x Object containing map data.
#' @return Input object with pseudomarkers removed.
#' @export
#' @family map utility functions
#' @rdname extractMarkers
extractMarkers <- function(x) {
    return( subsetByLocusID(x, isMarkerID) )

# extractPseudomarkers ---------------------------------------------------------
#' Extract pseudomarker loci.
#' @param x Object containing map data.
#' @return Input object with only pseudomarkers remaining.
#' @export
#' @family map utility functions
#' @rdname extractPseudomarkers
extractPseudomarkers <- function(x) {
    return( subsetByLocusID(x, isPseudomarkerID) )

# findFlanking -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Find map loci flanking map positions.
#' @param x Object containing map data.
#' @param loc Locus \code{mapframe} specifying map positions.
#' @param expandtomarkers Expand the flanking interval to the nearest flanking
#' markers, or to the respective terminal loci.
#' @return A \code{mapframe} containing two loci marking respectively the
#' lower and upper limit of the flanking interval.
#' @export
#' @family map utility functions
#' @rdname findFlanking
findFlanking <- function(x, loc, expandtomarkers=FALSE) {
    UseMethod('findFlanking', x)

# findFlanking.map -------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname findFlanking
findFlanking.map <- function(x, loc, expandtomarkers=FALSE) {
    stopifnot( 'mapframe' %in% class(loc) )
    stopifnot( isBOOL(expandtomarkers) )
    # Get map unit.
    map.unit <- getMapUnit(x)
    if ( is.na(map.unit) ) {
        stop("map unit not found")
    if ( getMapUnit(loc) != map.unit ) {
        stop("map unit mismatch")
    # Get locus mapframe sequence.
    loc.seq <- pull.chr(loc)
    # Check that locus mapframe refers to one sequence.
    # NB: implicitly checks that loc has one or more rows.
    stopifnot( length(loc.seq) == 1 )
    # Get map sequences.
    map.seqs <- names(x)
    # Get normalised map sequences.
    norm.map.seqs <- normSeq(map.seqs)
    stopifnot( loc.seq %in% norm.map.seqs )
    # Get vector mapping normalised sequence labels to their original form.
    res2map <- structure(map.seqs, names=norm.map.seqs)

    # Get all map positions for this sequence.
    seq.pos <- x[[ res2map[loc.seq] ]]
    exrange <- loc$pos[ ! sapply( loc$pos, inRange, range(seq.pos) ) ]
    if ( length(exrange) > 0 ) {
        stop("locus positions out of range - ", toString(exrange), "'")

    if (expandtomarkers) {
        # If expanding to markers, create mask in which
        # markers and sequence endpoints are TRUE..
        loc.mask <- isMarkerID( names(seq.pos) ) |
            seq_along(seq.pos) %in% c(1, length(seq.pos))
    } else {
        # ..otherwise create mask with all TRUE.
        loc.mask <- rep_len( TRUE, length(seq.pos) )
    # Init flanking locus info.
    flank.seq <- rep_len(loc.seq, 2)
    flank.pos <- loc$pos[ c(1, nrow(loc)) ]
    flank.ids <- character(2)
    # Get lower flanking locus info.
    lower.flanking <- seq.pos[ loc.mask & flank.pos[1] >= seq.pos ]
    lower.diff <- flank.pos[1] - lower.flanking
    lower.indices <- which( lower.diff == min(lower.diff) )
    L <- lower.indices[ length(lower.indices) ]
    flank.pos[1] <- lower.flanking[L]
    flank.ids[1] <- names(lower.flanking)[L]
    # Get upper flanking locus info.
    upper.flanking <- seq.pos[ loc.mask & seq.pos >= flank.pos[2] ]
    upper.diff <- upper.flanking - flank.pos[2]
    upper.indices <- which( upper.diff == min(upper.diff) )
    U <- upper.indices[1]
    flank.pos[2] <- upper.flanking[U]
    flank.ids[2] <- names(upper.flanking)[U]
    return( mapframe(chr=flank.seq, pos=flank.pos,
        row.names=flank.ids, map.unit=map.unit) )

# findFlanking.mapframe --------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname findFlanking
findFlanking.mapframe <- function(x, loc, expandtomarkers=FALSE) {
    row.indices <- findFlankingRowIndices(x, loc, expandtomarkers=expandtomarkers)
    return( mapframe(chr=as.character(x$chr[row.indices]), pos=x$pos[row.indices],
        row.names=rownames(x)[row.indices], map.unit=getMapUnit(x)) )

# findFlanking.scanone ---------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname findFlanking
findFlanking.scanone <- function(x, loc, expandtomarkers=FALSE) {
    return( findFlanking.mapframe(x, loc, expandtomarkers=expandtomarkers) )

# findFlankingRowIndices -------------------------------------------------------
#' Find row index of flanking \code{mapframe} loci.
#' @param x A \code{mapframe} or \code{scanone} object.
#' @param loc Locus \code{mapframe} specifying map positions.
#' @param expandtomarkers Expand the flanking interval to the nearest flanking
#' markers, or to the respective terminal loci.
#' @return Vector containing the row indices of flanking loci.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname findFlankingRowIndices
findFlankingRowIndices <- function(x, loc, expandtomarkers=FALSE) {
    stopifnot( 'mapframe' %in% class(x) || 'scanone' %in% class(x) )
    stopifnot( 'mapframe' %in% class(loc) )
    stopifnot( isBOOL(expandtomarkers) )
    # Get map unit.
    map.unit <- getMapUnit(x)
    if ( is.na(map.unit) ) {
        stop("map unit not found")
    if ( getMapUnit(loc) != map.unit ) {
        stop("map unit mismatch")
    if ( nrow(x) == 0 ) {
        stop("cannot find flanking row indices in mapframe with zero rows")
    # Get normalised sequences corresponding to individual map loci.
    x.seqs <- normSeq( pullLocusSeq(x) )
    # Get locus mapframe sequence.
    loc.seq <- pull.chr(loc)
    # Check that loc mapframe refers to one sequence.
    # NB: implicitly checks that loc has one or more rows.
    stopifnot( length(loc.seq) == 1 )
    # Get row indices of sequence loci.
    indices <- which( x.seqs == loc.seq )
    stopifnot( length(indices) > 0 )
    # Get map positions for this sequence.
    seq.pos <- x$pos[indices]

    exrange <- loc$pos[ ! sapply( loc$pos, inRange, range(seq.pos) ) ]
    if ( length(exrange) > 0 ) {
        stop("locus positions out of range - ", toString(exrange), "'")
    if ( expandtomarkers && hasRownames(x) ) {
        # If expanding to markers and mapframe has locus IDs, create
        # a mask in which markers and sequence endpoints are TRUE..
        loc.mask <- isMarkerID(rownames(x)[indices]) |
            seq_along(seq.pos) %in% c( 1, length(seq.pos) )
    } else {
        # ..otherwise create mask with all TRUE.
        loc.mask <- rep_len( TRUE, length(seq.pos) )
    # Get lower flanking locus index.
    lower.pos <- loc$pos[1]
    lower.flanking <- seq.pos[ loc.mask & lower.pos >= seq.pos ]
    lower.diff <- lower.pos - lower.flanking
    lower.indices <- which( lower.diff == min(lower.diff) )
    lower.index <- lower.indices[ length(lower.indices) ] + min(indices) - 1
    # Get upper flanking locus index.
    upper.pos <- loc$pos[ nrow(loc) ]
    upper.flanking <- seq.pos[ loc.mask & seq.pos >= upper.pos ]
    upper.diff <- upper.flanking - upper.pos
    upper.indices <- which( upper.diff == min(upper.diff) )
    upper.index <- upper.indices[1] + min(indices) - 1 + length(indices) - length(upper.flanking)
    return( c(lower.index, upper.index) )

# findLoci ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Find closest map loci.
#' @param x Object containing map data.
#' @param loc Locus \code{mapframe} specifying map positions.
#' @return A \code{mapframe} whose rows each contain the closest locus to the
#' map position specified in the corresponding row of the locus \code{mapframe}.
#' @export
#' @family map utility functions
#' @rdname findLoci
findLoci <- function(x, loc) {
    stopifnot( 'mapframe' %in% class(loc) )
    prox.loci <- data.frame( matrix( ncol=2, nrow=nrow(loc),
        dimnames=list(NULL, c('chr', 'pos')) ) )
    # Find closest locus to each map position.
    for ( i in getRowIndices(loc) ) {
        # Get loci flanking this map position.
        flanking <- findFlanking(x, loc[i, ])
        # Get closest locus, taking the first in case of ties.
        prox.loci[i, ] <- flanking[ which.min( abs(loc$pos[i] - flanking$pos) ), ]
    return( as.mapframe(prox.loci, getMapUnit(loc)) )

# findLocusRowIndices ----------------------------------------------------------
#' Find row index of closest \code{mapframe} locus.
#' @param x A \code{mapframe} object.
#' @param loc Locus \code{mapframe} specifying map positions.
#' @return Vector of row indices, each element of which indicates the row of the
#' target \code{mapframe} object containing the closest locus to the map position
#' specified in the corresponding row of the locus \code{mapframe}.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname findLocusRowIndices
findLocusRowIndices <- function(x, loc) {
    stopifnot( 'mapframe' %in% class(loc) )
    prox.indices <- integer( nrow(loc) )
    # Find row indices of closest locus to each specified map position.
    for ( i in getRowIndices(loc) ) {
        # Get row indices of flanking loci.
        row.indices <- findFlankingRowIndices(x, loc[i, ])
        # Get row index of closest locus, taking the first in case of ties.
        prox.indices[i] <- row.indices[ which.min( abs(loc$pos[i] - x$pos[row.indices]) ) ]

# findMarkers ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Find closest markers.
#' @param x Object containing map data.
#' @param loc Locus \code{mapframe} specifying map positions.
#' @return A \code{mapframe} whose rows each contain the closest marker to the
#' map position specified in the corresponding row of the locus \code{mapframe}.
#' @export
#' @family map utility functions
#' @rdname findMarkers
findMarkers <- function(x, loc) {
    findLoci(extractMarkers(x), loc)

# getSeqColIndex ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' Get sequence column index.
#' Get sequence column index for a \code{mapframe} or equivalent
#' \code{data.frame}. The sequence column is taken to be the column
#' whose heading is \code{'chr'}. An error is raised if there is not
#' exactly one sequence column.
#' @param x A \code{mapframe} or equivalent \code{data.frame}.
#' @return Sequence column index.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getSeqColIndex
getSeqColIndex <- function(x) {
    stopifnot( is.data.frame(x) )
    stopif( anyDuplicated( colnames(x) ) )
    seqcol.indices <- which( colnames(x) == 'chr' )
    if ( length(seqcol.indices) == 1 ) {
        seqcol.index <- seqcol.indices[1]
    } else if ( length(seqcol.indices) == 0 ) {
        stop("no sequence columns found")
    } else {
        stop("multiple sequence columns found")

# getDatColIndices -------------------------------------------------------------
#' Get data column indices.
#' Get data column indices for a \code{mapframe} or equivalent \code{data.frame}.
#' Data columns are taken to be any columns that aren't a sequence or position
#' column.
#' @param x A \code{mapframe} or equivalent \code{data.frame}.
#' @param datcolumns Optional parameter indicating which data columns to
#' consider. This must be a character vector of data column names, a logical
#' vector with length equal to the number of data columns, or a numeric vector
#' of indices \emph{with respect to the set of data columns}. If no data columns
#' are specified, all are considered.
#' @param strict Option indicating that the specified data columns must
#' be in the same order as they are in the \code{mapframe} object.
#' @return Vector of data column indices.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getDatColIndices
getDatColIndices <- function(x, datcolumns=NULL, strict=FALSE) {
    stopifnot( is.data.frame(x) )
    column.indices <- getColIndices(x)
    seqcol.mask <- column.indices == getSeqColIndex(x)
    poscol.mask <- column.indices == getPosColIndex(x)
    available <- column.indices[ ! ( seqcol.mask | poscol.mask ) ]
    names(available) <- colnames(x)[available]
    resolved <- getIndices(available, requested=datcolumns, strict=strict)
    indices <- unname(available[resolved])

# getMapSteps ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Get steps between loci.
#' @param x Object containing map data.
#' @return List of vectors, each element named for a given reference sequence,
#' and containing a vector of the step sizes between markers on that sequence.
#' @export
#' @family map utility functions
#' @rdname getMapSteps
getMapSteps <- function(x) {
    UseMethod('getMapSteps', x)

# getMapSteps.mapframe ---------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname getMapSteps
getMapSteps.mapframe <- function(x) {
    # Get sequences corresponding to individual map loci.
    x.seqs <- pullLocusSeq(x)
    # Get individual locus positions.
    x.pos <- pullLocusPos(x)
    # Get map sequences.
    map.seqs <- unique(x.seqs)
    # Get map steps.
    map.steps <- lapply(map.seqs, function(map.seq)
        diff(x.pos[ x.seqs == map.seq ]) )
    names(map.steps) <- map.seqs

# getMapSteps.map --------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname getMapSteps
getMapSteps.map <- function(x) {
    return( lapply(x, function(seq.pos) diff( as.numeric(seq.pos) ) ) )

# getMapSteps.scanone ----------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname getMapSteps
getMapSteps.scanone <- function(x) {
    return( getMapSteps.mapframe(x) )

# getMapUnit -------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Get map unit.
#' Get the map unit of the object. In most cases, this is taken from the
#' \code{'map.unit'} attribute of the object. For a \code{data.frame}, the
#' position column is also checked for map unit information; an error is
#' raised if \code{data.frame} map unit information is inconsistent.
#' @param x Object containing map data.
#' @return Map unit. Returns \code{NA} if map unit information not found.
#' @template section-mapunits
#' @export
#' @family map utility functions
#' @rdname getMapUnit
getMapUnit <- function(x) {
    UseMethod('getMapUnit', x)

# getMapUnit.data.frame --------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname getMapUnit
getMapUnit.data.frame <- function(x) {
    map.unit <- NA_character_
    existing.mapunit <- getMapUnit.default(x)
    heading.mapunit <- getPosColNameMapUnit(x)
    positions.mapunit <- getPosColDataMapUnit(x)
    for ( cue in list(existing.mapunit, heading.mapunit, positions.mapunit) ) {
        if ( ! is.null(cue) && ! is.na(cue) ) {
            if ( is.na(map.unit) ) {
                map.unit <- cue
            } else if ( cue != map.unit ) {
                stop("data frame has inconsistent map unit information")

# getMapUnit.default -----------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname getMapUnit
getMapUnit.default <- function(x) {
    map.unit <- attr(x, 'map.unit')
    if ( is.null(map.unit) ) {
        map.unit <- NA_character_

# getMapUnit.map ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname getMapUnit
getMapUnit.map <- function(x) {
    map.unit <- getMapUnit.default(x)
    if ( is.na(map.unit) ) {
        map.unit <- 'cM'

# getMapUnit.mapframe ----------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname getMapUnit
getMapUnit.mapframe <- function(x) {
    return( getMapUnit.default(x) )

# getMapUnit.scanone -----------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname getMapUnit
getMapUnit.scanone <- function(x) {
    map.unit <- getMapUnit.default(x)
    if ( ! is.na(map.unit) && map.unit != 'cM' ) {
        stop("scanone result has unexpected map unit - '", map.unit, "'")

# getMapUnitSuffix -------------------------------------------------------------
#' Get map unit suffix from a vector of map positions.
#' @param x A character vector of map positions.
#' @return Map unit indicated by the map positions. Returns \code{NA}
#' if the map position vector does not contain map unit suffixes.
#' @template section-mapunits
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getMapUnitSuffix
getMapUnitSuffix <- function(x) {
    stopifnot( is.character(x) )
    map.unit <- NA_character_
    map.type <- NULL
    if ( length(x) > 0 ) {
        positions <- stripWhite( unname(x) )
        # Create genetic pos matrix, in which rows correspond to
        # loci and columns correspond to genetic map patterns.
        pos.matrix <- vapply( const$pattern$gmap, function(p)
            sapply(positions, grepl, pattern=p, ignore.case=TRUE),
            logical( length(positions) ) )
        # If genetic pos matrix was simplified to a vector (as
        # for a single map position), restore to a matrix.
        if ( ! is.matrix(pos.matrix) ) {
            pos.matrix <- matrix(pos.matrix, nrow=length(positions),
                dimnames=list(positions, const$pattern$gmap) )
        # For each locus, get column indices of
        # first matching genetic map pattern.
        unit.indices <- unique( sapply(seq_along(positions), function(i)
            match(TRUE, pos.matrix[i, ]) ) )
        if ( length(unit.indices) == 1 ) {
            if ( ! is.na(unit.indices) ) {
                map.type <- 'gmap'
        } else {
            stop("map positions have inconsistent/incomplete map unit information")
        if ( is.null(map.type) ) {
            # Create physical pos matrix, in which rows correspond to
            # loci and columns correspond to physical map patterns.
            pos.matrix <- vapply( const$pattern$pmap, function(p)
                sapply(positions, grepl, pattern=p, ignore.case=TRUE),
                logical( length(positions) ) )
            # If physical pos matrix was simplified to a vector
            # (as for a single map position), restore to a matrix.
            if ( ! is.matrix(pos.matrix) ) {
                pos.matrix <- matrix(pos.matrix, nrow=length(positions),
                    dimnames=list(positions, const$pattern$pmap) )
            # For each locus, get column indices of first matching genetic
            # map pattern. NB: must check in order (Mb > kb > bp).
            unit.indices <- unique( sapply(seq_along(positions), function(i)
                match(TRUE, pos.matrix[i, ])) )
            if ( length(unit.indices) == 1 ) {
                if ( ! is.na(unit.indices) ) {
                    map.type <- 'pmap'
            } else {
                stop("map positions have inconsistent/incomplete map unit information")
        # Update map unit, if identified.
        if ( ! is.null(map.type) ) {
            map.unit <- rownames(const$map.info[[map.type]])[ unit.indices[1] ]

# getPosColDataMapUnit ---------------------------------------------------------
#' Get map unit from position column values.
#' @param x A \code{mapframe} or equivalent \code{data.frame},
#' or a vector of map positions.
#' @return Map unit indicated by the position column data. Returns
#' \code{NA} if map unit information not found in position column data.
#' @template section-mapunits
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getPosColDataMapUnit
getPosColDataMapUnit <- function(x) {
    UseMethod('getPosColDataMapUnit', x)

# getPosColDataMapUnit.character -----------------------------------------------
#' @rdname getPosColDataMapUnit
getPosColDataMapUnit.character <- function(x) {
    return( getMapUnitSuffix(x) )

# getPosColDataMapUnit.data.frame ----------------------------------------------
#' @rdname getPosColDataMapUnit
getPosColDataMapUnit.data.frame <- function(x) {
    return( getMapUnitSuffix( as.character(x[, getPosColIndex(x)]) ) )

# getPosColDataMapUnit.numeric -------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname getPosColDataMapUnit
getPosColDataMapUnit.numeric <- function(x) {

# getPosColIndex ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' Get \code{mapframe} position column index.
#' Get position column index for a \code{mapframe} or equivalent \code{data.frame}.
#' The position column is taken to be the leftmost matching column, where a
#' matching column has a heading containing the word \code{'pos'}. This can
#' also be in uppercase (i.e. \code{'POS'}), but can't be part of a larger
#' word, such as \code{'position'}. An error is raised if a position column
#' cannot be found.
#' @param x A \code{mapframe} or equivalent \code{data.frame}.
#' @param nmax Maximum number of matching position columns. If specified, an
#' error is raised if the number of matching position columns is greater than
#' this maximum.
#' @return Position column index.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getPosColIndex
getPosColIndex <- function(x, nmax=NULL) {
    stopifnot( is.data.frame(x) )
    stopif( anyDuplicated( colnames(x) ) )
    poscol.indices <- which( grepl(const$pattern$poscol, colnames(x),
        ignore.case=TRUE) )
    if ( length(poscol.indices) == 0 ) {
        stop("pos column not found")
    if ( ! is.null(nmax) ) {
        stopifnot( isSinglePositiveWholeNumber(nmax) )
        if ( length(poscol.indices) > nmax ) {
            stop("number of matching pos columns (", length(poscol.indices),
                ") exceeds maximum (", nmax, ")")

# getPosColNameMapUnit ---------------------------------------------------------
#' Get map unit from position column heading.
#' @param x A \code{mapframe} or equivalent \code{data.frame},
#' or a position column heading.
#' @return Map unit indicated by the position column heading. Returns
#' \code{NA} if map unit information not found in position column heading.
#' @template section-mapunits
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getPosColNameMapUnit
getPosColNameMapUnit <- function(x) {
    UseMethod('getPosColNameMapUnit', x)

# getPosColNameMapUnit.character -----------------------------------------------
#' @rdname getPosColNameMapUnit
getPosColNameMapUnit.character <- function(x) {
    stopifnot( length(x) == 1 )
    stopifnot( grepl(const$pattern$poscol, x, ignore.case=TRUE) )
    map.unit <- NA_character_
    poscol.words <- unlist( strsplit(x, '[^[:alpha:]]+') )
    mapunit.mask <- const$known.map.units %in% poscol.words
    matching.map.units <- const$known.map.units[mapunit.mask]
    if ( length(matching.map.units) == 1 ) {
        map.unit <- matching.map.units[1]
    } else if ( length(matching.map.units) > 1 ) {
        stop("pos column heading contains multiple map units - '", x, "'")

# getPosColNameMapUnit.data.frame ----------------------------------------------
#' @rdname getPosColNameMapUnit
getPosColNameMapUnit.data.frame <- function(x) {
    return( getPosColNameMapUnit(colnames(x)[ getPosColIndex(x) ]) )

# gmapframe --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Create a new genetic \code{mapframe}.
#' @param ... Further arguments. These are passed to the \code{data.frame}
#' constructor. All arguments should be passed as keyword arguments.
#' @return A new \code{mapframe} with genetic map positions.
#' @template section-mapframe
#' @export
#' @family map utility functions
#' @rdname gmapframe
gmapframe <- function(...) {
    return( mapframe(map.unit='cM', ...) )

# inferMapStep -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Infer map step size.
#' @param x Object containing map data.
#' @param tol Tolerance for step equality.
#' @return Inferred map step. Returns \code{NULL}
#' if the map step could not be inferred.
#' @export
#' @family map utility functions
#' @rdname inferMapStep
inferMapStep <- function(x, tol=1e-5) {
    map.steps <- unlist( getMapSteps(x) )
    map.step <- inferStepSize(map.steps)

# inMapOrder -------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if object is in map order.
#' @param x Object containing map data.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if map data of object is ordered by
#' sequence, then map position; \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @export
#' @family map utility functions
#' @rdname inMapOrder
inMapOrder <- function(x) {
    UseMethod('inMapOrder', x)

# inMapOrder.data.frame --------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname inMapOrder
inMapOrder.data.frame <- function(x) {
    if ( nrow(x) > 0 ) {
        x.seqs <- pullLocusSeq(x)
        x.pos <- pullLocusPos(x)
        if ( is.unsorted( orderSeq(x.seqs) ) ) {
        map.seqs <- unique(x.seqs)
        for ( map.seq in map.seqs ) {
            if ( is.unsorted(x.pos[ x.seqs == map.seq ]) ) {

# inMapOrder.map ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname inMapOrder
inMapOrder.map <- function(x) {
    if ( is.unsorted( orderSeq( names(x) ) ) ) {
    if ( any( sapply(x, is.unsorted) ) ) {

# intersectLoci ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Find intersection set of loci.
#' @param ... One or more objects containing map data.
#' @return Locus \code{mapframe} with loci common to all input objects.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname intersectLoci
intersectLoci <- function(...) {
    loc.list <- list(...)
    stopifnot( length(loc.list) > 0 )
    intersection <- pullLoci(loc.list[[1]])
    if ( length(loc.list) > 1 ) {
        for ( i in 2:length(loc.list) ) {
            intersection <- matchLoci(intersection, loc.list[[i]])

# isGeneticMap -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if object is a genetic \code{map}.
#' @param x Test object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if object is a genetic \code{map} object;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isGeneticMap
isGeneticMap <- function(x) {
    if ( 'map' %in% class(x) ) {
        map.unit <- getMapUnit(x)
        if ( ! is.na(map.unit) && const$known.map.types[map.unit] == 'gmap' ) {

# isGeneticMapframe ------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if object is a genetic \code{mapframe}.
#' @param x Test object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if object is a \code{mapframe} whose pos column contains
#' genetic map positions; \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isGeneticMapframe
isGeneticMapframe <- function(x) {
    if ( 'mapframe' %in% class(x) ) {
        map.unit <- getMapUnit(x)
        if ( ! is.na(map.unit) && const$known.map.types[map.unit] == 'gmap' ) {

# isGeneticMapUnit -------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if object is a known genetic map unit.
#' @param x Test object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if object is a known genetic map unit;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isGeneticMapUnit
isGeneticMapUnit <- function(x) {
    status <- tryCatch({
        result <- validateMapUnit(x, map.type='gmap')
    }, error=function(e) {
        result <- FALSE

# isPhysicalMap ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if object is a physical \code{map}.
#' @param x Test object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if object is a physical \code{map};
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isPhysicalMap
isPhysicalMap <- function(x) {
    if ( 'map' %in% class(x) ) {
        map.unit <- getMapUnit(x)
        if ( ! is.na(map.unit) && const$known.map.types[map.unit] == 'pmap' ) {

# isPhysicalMapframe -----------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if object is a physical \code{mapframe}.
#' @param x Test object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if object is a \code{mapframe} whose pos column contains
#' physical map positions; \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isPhysicalMapframe
isPhysicalMapframe <- function(x) {
    if ( 'mapframe' %in% class(x) ) {
        map.unit <- getMapUnit(x)
        if ( ! is.na(map.unit) && const$known.map.types[map.unit] == 'pmap' ) {

# isPhysicalMapUnit ------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if object is a known physical map unit.
#' @param x Test object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if object is a known physical map unit;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isPhysicalMapUnit
isPhysicalMapUnit <- function(x) {
    status <- tryCatch({
        status <- validateMapUnit(x, map.type='pmap')
    }, error=function(e) {
        result <- FALSE

# isValidMapUnit ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if object is a known map unit.
#' @param x Test object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if object is a known genetic or physical map unit;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isValidMapUnit
isValidMapUnit <- function(x) {
    status <- tryCatch({
        result <- validateMapUnit(x)
    }, error=function(e) {
        result <- FALSE

# makeMapFromDefaultMarkerIDs --------------------------------------------------
#' Make map from default marker IDs.
#' @param marker.ids Vector of default marker IDs.
#' @return An \pkg{R/qtl} \code{map} object.
#' @template section-map
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname makeMapFromDefaultMarkerIDs
makeMapFromDefaultMarkerIDs <- function(marker.ids) {
    return( as.map( parseDefaultMarkerIDs(marker.ids) ) )

# makeMapFromDefaultQTLNames ---------------------------------------------------
#' Make map from default QTL names.
#' @param qtl.names Vector of default QTL names.
#' @return An \pkg{R/qtl} \code{map} object.
#' @template section-map
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname makeMapFromDefaultQTLNames
makeMapFromDefaultQTLNames <- function(qtl.names) {
    return( as.map( parseDefaultQTLNames(qtl.names) ) )

# makeMapFromLocusIDs ----------------------------------------------------------
#' Make map from locus IDs.
#' @param ids Vector of default marker IDs,
#' default QTL names, or pseudomarker IDs.
#' @return An \pkg{R/qtl} \code{map} object. The returned object is a genetic
#' map if the input \code{ids} are default QTL names or pseudomarkers. A
#' physical map is returned if the input \code{ids} are default marker IDs.
#' @template section-map
#' @export
#' @rdname makeMapFromLocusIDs
makeMapFromLocusIDs <- function(ids) {
    if ( all( isDefaultMarkerID(ids) ) ) {
        m <- makeMapFromDefaultMarkerIDs(ids)
    } else if ( all( isDefaultQTLName(ids) ) ) {
        m <- makeMapFromDefaultQTLNames(ids)
    } else if ( all( isPseudomarkerID(ids) ) ) {
        m <- makeMapFromPseudomarkerIDs(ids)
    } else {
        stop("cannot make map from IDs of unknown type")

# makeMapFromPseudomarkerIDs ---------------------------------------------------
#' Make map from pseudomarker IDs.
#' @template section-map
#' @param loc.ids Vector of pseudomarker IDs.
#' @return An \pkg{R/qtl} \code{map} object.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname makeMapFromPseudomarkerIDs
makeMapFromPseudomarkerIDs <- function(loc.ids) {
    return( as.map( parsePseudomarkerIDs(loc.ids) ) )

# makePlaceholderMap -----------------------------------------------------------
#' Make a placeholder map.
#' Make a placeholder map from the given combination of locus sequences, map
#' unit, and map step size. If locus IDs are specified, the locus IDs of the
#' placeholder map will be set from these. Otherwise, locus IDs are set to
#' pseudomarker IDs or default marker IDs, according to whether map units
#' are for a genetic or physical map, respectively.
#' Locus sequences and locus IDs are assumed to be ordered. As in \pkg{R/qtl},
#' any sequence with too few loci is extended, to ensure that all sequences
#' have enough loci.
#' @param locus.seqs Sequences corresponding to individual loci.
#' @param locus.ids Individual locus IDs.
#' @param map.unit Map unit.
#' @param step Map step size.
#' @template section-map
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname makePlaceholderMap
makePlaceholderMap <- function(locus.seqs, locus.ids=NULL, map.unit='cM',
    step=5) {
    stopifnot( is.character(locus.seqs) )
    stopifnot( length(locus.seqs) > 0 )
    stopifnot( isValidMapUnit(map.unit) )
    stopifnot( isSinglePositiveNumber(step) )
    # Get normalised locus sequences.
    norm.locus.seqs <- normSeq(locus.seqs)
    # Test if map unit is for a genetic map.
    is.gmap <- isGeneticMapUnit(map.unit)
    # Get run-length encoding of normalised locus sequences.
    runs <- rle(norm.locus.seqs)
    # Check for any sequence label that is
    # not grouped together in a single run.
    if ( anyDuplicated(runs$values) ) {
        stop("map sequences are not ordered")
    # Get placeholder-map sequences.
    map.seqs <- runs$values
    # Get index list for locus sequences.
    # NB: groups indices by sequence.
    index.list <- getRunIndexList(norm.locus.seqs)
    # Generate placeholder locus positions.
    locus.pos <- unlist( lapply( unname(index.list), function(indices)
        seq(0, length=length(indices), by=step)) )
    # Create placeholder mapframe.
    placeholder <- mapframe(chr=norm.locus.seqs, pos=locus.pos,
    # If locus IDs specified, set from those..
    if ( ! is.null(locus.ids) ) {
        stopifnot( is.character(locus.ids) )
        stopifnot( length(locus.ids) == length(locus.seqs) )
        rownames(placeholder) <- locus.ids
    } else { # ..otherwise generate default locus IDs.
        if (is.gmap) {
            rownames(placeholder) <- makePseudomarkerIDs(placeholder)
        } else {
            rownames(placeholder) <- makeDefaultMarkerIDs(placeholder)
    # Check placeholder mapframe for short sequences.
    short.seqs <- map.seqs[ sapply(getRunIndices(runs),
        function(i) runs$lengths[i] < const$min.lps) ]
    # If placeholder mapframe contains short sequences,
    # extend these until they have enough loci.
    if ( length(short.seqs) > 0 ) {
        short.flank.seqs <- character()
        short.flank.pos <- character()
        # Get flanking locus sequences and
        # positions for each short sequence.
        for ( short.seq in short.seqs ) {
            # Get loci in this sequence.
            loc <- placeholder[ placeholder$chr == short.seq, ]
            # Calculate shortfall in number of loci.
            shortfall <- const$min.lps - nrow(loc)
            # Get number of flanking steps needed to get enough loci.
            num.steps <- (shortfall + 1) %/% 2
            # Generate sequence of flanking positions in each direction.
            lower.flank.pos <- seq(from=loc$pos[1] - step, by=-step,
            upper.flank.pos <- seq(from=loc$pos[ nrow(loc) ] + step,
                by=step, length.out=num.steps)
            # Set flanking locus info for this sequence.
            flank.pos <- c(lower.flank.pos, upper.flank.pos)
            flank.seqs <- rep(loc$chr[1], length(flank.pos))
            # Append to flanking locus info for all short sequences.
            short.flank.seqs <- c(short.flank.seqs, flank.seqs)
            short.flank.pos <- c(short.flank.pos, flank.pos)
        # Create mapframe of flanking loci.
        flanking <- mapframe(chr=short.flank.seqs, pos=short.flank.pos,
        # Generate default locus IDs.
        if (is.gmap) {
            rownames(flanking) <- makePseudomarkerIDs(flanking)
        } else {
            rownames(flanking) <- makeDefaultMarkerIDs(flanking)
        placeholder <- rbind(placeholder, flanking)
        placeholder <- orderMap(placeholder)
    return( as.map(placeholder) )

# mapframe ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Create a new \code{mapframe}.
#' @param map.unit Map unit for the new \code{mapframe}.
#' @param ... Further arguments. These are passed to the \code{data.frame}
#' constructor. All arguments should be passed as keyword arguments.
#' @return A new \code{mapframe}.
#' @template section-mapframe
#' @export
#' @family map utility functions
#' @rdname mapframe
mapframe <- function(map.unit=NULL, ...) {
    stopifnot( allKwargs(...) )
    args <- list(...)
    mapframe.colnames <- names(args)[ ! names(args) %in% const$dataframe.keywords ]
    prev.state <- getOption('stringsAsFactors')
    if ( length(mapframe.colnames) == 0 ) {
        x <- data.frame(chr=character(), pos=numeric(), ...)
    } else {
        x <- data.frame(...)
    return( as.mapframe(x, map.unit=map.unit) )

# mapkey -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Make new \code{mapkey} rescaling function.
#' This function takes as input one or more maps - one of each supported
#' map type - and returns a function that can be used to rescale a locus
#' \code{mapframe} of map positions. The input maps must be comparable,
#' having the same set of markers on the same chromosomes, although the
#' marker names may be different. As in \pkg{R/qtl}, map positions are
#' interpolated if they are within the bounds of the component maps, and
#' extrapolated otherwise.
#' @param ... One or more component maps, all with comparable marker loci.
#' @return A \code{mapkey} function similar to the \pkg{R/qtl} function
#' \code{interpPositions}, taking a locus \code{mapframe} and map unit
#' parameter, and returning a \code{mapframe} that has been rescaled in
#' terms of the given map unit.
#' @template ref-broman-2003
#' @export
#' @family mapkey functions
#' @rdname mapkey
mapkey <- function(...) {
    stopif( anyKwargs(...) )
    maps <- list(...)
    # If component maps specified, generate mapkey object..
    if ( length(maps) > 0 ) {
        # Ensure all maps are valid map objects,
        # converting to a map object if necessary.
        maps <- lapply(maps, as.map)
        # Ensure all maps have normalised sequence labels.
        maps <- lapply(maps, normSeq)
        # Get map units.
        map.units <- unname( sapply(maps, getMapUnit) )
        if ( anyNA(map.units) ) {
            stop("mapkey component maps must have valid map units")
        # TODO: relax limitation of maps to basic map units.
        if ( ! all(map.units %in% const$basic.map.unit) ) {
            stop("mapkey component maps must be in basic map units")
        # Get map types from map unit information.
        map.types <- unname( sapply(map.units, function(map.unit)
            const$known.map.types[[map.unit]]) )
        # Check that each map type is represented only once.
        stopif( anyDuplicated(map.types) )
        # Set mapkey names from map units.
        names(maps) <- map.units # NB: assumes all maps use different units
        # Check that all maps contain the same sequences in the same order.
        if ( ! all( sapply(maps[-1], function(m)
            identical(names(m), names(maps[[1]])) ) ) ) {
            stop("sequence mismatch between mapkey component maps")
        # Check that all maps have a consistent number of markers in each sequence.
        if ( ! all( sapply(maps[-1], function(m)
            identical(lengths(m), lengths(maps[[1]])) ) ) ) {
            stop("marker count mismatch between mapkey component maps")
        map.key <- function(loc, map.unit) {
            stopifnot( 'mapframe' %in% class(loc) )
            # Get locus info.
            locus.seqs <- pullLocusSeq(loc)
            locus.pos <- pullLocusPos(loc)
            # Get old and new map units.
            old.map.unit <- getMapUnit(loc)
            new.map.unit <- map.unit
            # Get old and new map types.
            old.map.type <- const$known.map.types[old.map.unit]
            new.map.type <- const$known.map.types[new.map.unit]
            # Get basic units of old and new map types.
            old.basic.unit <- const$basic.map.unit[old.map.type]
            new.basic.unit <- const$basic.map.unit[new.map.type]
            stopifnot( old.basic.unit %in% names(maps) )
            stopifnot( new.basic.unit %in% names(maps) )
            # Get old and new maps.
            oldmap <- maps[[old.basic.unit]]
            newmap <- maps[[new.basic.unit]]
            # Check that all sequences are in mapkey.
            loc.seqs <- unique(locus.seqs)
            missing.seqs <- loc.seqs[ ! loc.seqs %in% names(oldmap) ]
            if ( length(missing.seqs) > 0 ) {
                stop("sequences not found in mapkey - '", toString(missing.seqs), "'")
            # Convert each locus position.
            for ( i in getRowIndices(loc) ) {
                # Get this locus position.
                x <- locus.pos[i]
                # Convert locus position to basic units, if needed.
                if ( old.map.unit != old.basic.unit ) {
                    x <- x * const$map.info[[old.map.type]][old.map.unit, 'factor']
                # Convert locus position from one map type to another, if needed.
                if ( old.basic.unit != new.basic.unit ) {
                    locus.seq <- locus.seqs[i]
                    old.pos <- oldmap[[locus.seq]]
                    new.pos <- newmap[[locus.seq]]
                    # If locus is within the range of the old map,
                    # interpolate its position on the new map..
                    if ( inRange(x, range(old.pos)) ) {
                        # Get index of lower flanking locus.
                        xld <- x - old.pos
                        lower.indices <- which( xld == min( xld[ xld >= 0 ] ) )
                        lower.index <- lower.indices[ length(lower.indices) ]
                        # Get index of upper flanking locus.
                        xud <- old.pos - x
                        upper.indices <- which( xud == min( xud[ xud >= 0 ] ) )
                        upper.index <- upper.indices[1]
                        # Get flanking loci in old and new maps.
                        x1 <- old.pos[lower.index]
                        x2 <- old.pos[upper.index]
                        y1 <- new.pos[lower.index]
                        y2 <- new.pos[upper.index]
                        # If flanking loci effectively coincide,
                        # simply take the lower flanking value..
                        if ( abs(x2 - x1) < .Machine$double.eps^0.5 ) {
                            x <- y1
                        } else { # ..otherwise interpolate flanking loci.
                            x <- y1 + (x - x1) * (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
                    } else { # ..otherwise extrapolate its position from map endpoints.
                        # Get terminal loci in old and new maps.
                        x1 <- old.pos[1]
                        x2 <- old.pos[ length(old.pos) ]
                        y1 <- new.pos[1]
                        y2 <- new.pos[ length(new.pos) ]
                        # Extrapolate from map endpoints.
                        if ( x < x1 ) {
                            x <- y1 - (x1 - x) * (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
                        } else { # x > x2
                            x <- y2 + (x - x2) * (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
                # Convert locus position from basic units, if needed.
                if ( new.map.unit != new.basic.unit ) {
                    x <- x / const$map.info[[new.map.type]][new.map.unit, 'factor']
                locus.pos[i] <- unname(x)
            loc <- pushLocusPos(loc, locus.pos)
            attr(loc, 'map.unit') <- map.unit
        class(map.key) <- c('mapkey', 'function')

    } else { # ..otherwise return default mapkey object.
        # Get name of current genome.
        genome <- genomeOpt()
        # Get default mapkey of current genome.
        map.key <- const$default$mapkeys[[genome]]

# mapkeyOpt --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Set/get \pkg{shmootl} \code{mapkey} option.
#' This function returns the current \pkg{shmootl} \code{mapkey}. If a new
#' \code{mapkey} is specified, the \pkg{shmootl} \code{mapkey} option is
#' updated with the given \code{mapkey} function.
#' @param value New \code{mapkey} function.
#' @return Current \code{mapkey} function.
#' @export
#' @family mapkey functions
#' @family package option functions
#' @rdname mapkeyOpt
mapkeyOpt <- function(value) {
    result <- getOption('shmootl.mapkey', default=mapkey())
    stopifnot( 'mapkey' %in% class(result) )
    if ( ! missing(value) && ! is.null(value) ) {
        stopifnot( 'mapkey' %in% class(value) )

# mapsEqual -------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if two \pkg{R/qtl} \code{map} objects are essentially equal.
#' This is based on the \pkg{R/qtl} function \code{comparecrosses},
#' and checks that two input \code{map} objects are essentially equal, having
#' identical reference sequences, marker names, map unit, and map positions
#' (within the given numeric tolerance).
#' @param map1 An \pkg{R/qtl} \code{map} object.
#' @param map2 An \pkg{R/qtl} \code{map} object.
#' @param tol Numeric tolerance for comparing map positions.
#' @return Returns \code{TRUE} if the two input \code{map} objects are identical
#' within the given tolerance. Otherwise, this function returns a character
#' vector listing observed differences between the two \code{map} objects.
#' @template seealso-rqtl-manual
#' @export
#' @family map utility functions
#' @rdname mapsEqual
mapsEqual <- function(map1, map2, tol=1e-5) {
    stopifnot( 'map' %in% class(map1) )
    stopifnot( 'map' %in% class(map2) )
    stopifnot( isSingleNonNegativeNumber(tol) )
    diffs <- character()
    if ( length(map1) == length(map2) ) {
        map1.names <- names(map1)
        map2.names <- names(map2)
        diff.names <- union( setdiff(map1.names, map2.names),
            setdiff(map2.names, map1.names) )
        if ( length(diff.names) > 0 ) {
            diffs <- c(diffs, paste0("map sequence name mismatch - '",
                toString(diff.names), "'"))
        if ( all( lengths(map1) == lengths(map2) ) ) {
            map1.ids <- pullLocusIDs(map1)
            map2.ids <- pullLocusIDs(map2)
            diff.ids <- union( setdiff(map1.ids, map2.ids),
                setdiff(map2.ids, map1.ids) )
            if ( length(diff.ids) > 0 ) {
                diffs <- c(diffs, paste0("map sequence marker name mismatch - '",
                    toString(diff.ids), "'"))
            map1.pos <- pullLocusPos(map1)
            map2.pos <- pullLocusPos(map2)
            if ( ! isTRUE( all.equal(map1.pos, map2.pos, tolerance=tol) ) ) {
                diffs <- c(diffs, "map sequence marker position mismatch")
        } else {
            diffs <- c(diffs, "map sequence marker count mismatch")
    } else {
        diffs <- c(diffs, "map sequence count mismatch")
    map1.unit <- getMapUnit(map1)
    map2.unit <- getMapUnit(map2)
    if ( ! identical(map1.unit, map2.unit) ) {
        diffs <- c(diffs, "map unit mismatch")
    return( if ( length(diffs) == 0 ) {TRUE} else {diffs} )

# matchLoci --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Get object loci matching those specified.
#' @param x Object containing map data.
#' @param loc Locus \code{mapframe} specifying map positions.
#' @return Locus mapframe of those loci specified
#' that were found in the target object.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname matchLoci
matchLoci <- function(x, loc) {
    x.loci <- pullLoci(x)
    indices <- matchLocusRowIndices(x.loci, loc)
    return(x.loci[indices, ])

# matchLocusRowIndices ---------------------------------------------------------
#' Find matching locus row indices.
#' @param x A \code{mapframe} or \code{scanone} object.
#' @param loc Locus \code{mapframe} specifying map positions.
#' @return Vector of row indices with respect to the target \code{mapframe},
#' for which a matching locus exists in the locus mapframe.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname matchLocusRowIndices
matchLocusRowIndices <- function(x, loc) {
    stopifnot( 'mapframe' %in% class(x) || 'scanone' %in% class(x) )
    stopifnot( 'mapframe' %in% class(loc) )
    map.unit <- getMapUnit(x)
    if ( is.na(map.unit) ) {
        stop("map unit not found")
    if ( getMapUnit(loc) != map.unit ) {
        stop("map unit mismatch")
    if ( nrow(x) == 0 ) {
        stop("cannot match locus row indices in empty mapframe")
    if ( nrow(loc) == 0 ) {
        stop("locus mapframe must have at least one row")
    # Get normalised sequences and positions of individual map loci.
    x.seqs <- normSeq( pullLocusSeq(x) )
    x.pos <- pullLocusPos(x)
    # Get sequences and positions of specified loci.
    loc.seqs <- pullLocusSeq(loc)
    loc.pos <- pullLocusPos(loc)
    indices <- rep.int(NA_integer_, nrow(x))
    # Traverse both mapframes in sync, setting indices of matching loci.
    # NB: we can assume mapframe loci will match in order, if at all.
    i <- j <- 1
    while ( i <= nrow(x) ) {
        while ( ( loc.seqs[j] < x.seqs[i] || ( loc.seqs[j] == x.seqs[i] &&
            loc.pos[j] < x.pos[i] ) ) && j < nrow(loc) ) {
            j <- j + 1
        while ( ( x.seqs[i] < loc.seqs[j] || ( x.seqs[i] == loc.seqs[j] &&
            x.pos[i] < loc.pos[j] ) ) && i < nrow(x) ) {
            i <- i + 1
        # If closest locus is within numeric tolerance, set row index.
        if ( x.seqs[i] == loc.seqs[j] &&
            abs(x.pos[i] - loc.pos[j]) <= .Machine$double.eps^0.5 ) {
            indices[i] <- i
        i <- i + 1
    return(indices[ ! is.na(indices) ])

# matchSeqRowIndices -----------------------------------------------------------
#' Find row indices of matching sequences.
#' @param x A \code{mapframe} object.
#' @param sequences Sequences for which row indices should be returned.
#' @param simplify Simplify list return value to a vector.
#' @return Vector of row indices corresponding to the specified sequences. An
#' empty vector is returned if no sequences match the input \code{mapframe}.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname matchSeqRowIndices
matchSeqRowIndices <- function(x, sequences, simplify=FALSE) {
    stopifnot( is.data.frame(x) )
    if ( nrow(x) > 0 ) {
        norm.seqs <- normSeq(sequences)
        x.seqs <- normSeq( pullLocusSeq(x) )
        index.list <- vector('list', length(sequences))
        for ( i in seq_along(sequences) ) {
            index.list[[i]] <- which( x.seqs == norm.seqs[i] )
        if (simplify) {
            indices <- sort( unlist(index.list) )
        } else {
            indices <- index.list
    } else {
        indices <- integer()

# orderMap ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Put object in map order.
#' @param x Object containing map data.
#' @return Input object ordered by the normalised form of
#' the reference sequence, then numerically by map position.
#' @export
#' @family map utility functions
#' @rdname orderMap
orderMap <- function(x) {
    UseMethod('orderMap', x)

# orderMap.data.frame ----------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname orderMap
orderMap.data.frame <- function(x) {
    if ( nrow(x) > 0 ) {
        x.seqs <- pullLocusSeq(x)
        x.pos <- pullLocusPos(x)
        x <- x[ order(rankSeq(x.seqs), x.pos), ]

# orderMap.map -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname orderMap
orderMap.map <- function(x) {
    # Sort map sequences.
    x <- subsetMap( x, sortSeq( names(x) ) )
    # Sort map positions.
    for ( i in seq_along(x) ) {
        x[[i]] <- sort.int(x[[i]])

# pullLoci ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Pull loci from object.
#' @param x Object containing map data.
#' @return Locus mapframe of individual loci.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname pullLoci
pullLoci <- function(x) {
    x.seqs <- normSeq( pullLocusSeq(x) )
    x.pos <- pullLocusPos(x)
    loc <- data.frame(chr=x.seqs, pos=x.pos)
    class(loc) <- c('mapframe', 'data.frame')
    attr(loc, 'map.unit') <- getMapUnit(x)

# pullLocusIDs -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Pull individual locus IDs.
#' @param x Object containing map data.
#' @return Character vector of individual locus IDs.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname pullLocusIDs
pullLocusIDs <- function(x) {
    UseMethod('pullLocusIDs', x)

# pullLocusIDs.data.frame ------------------------------------------------------
#' @method pullLocusIDs data.frame
#' @rdname pullLocusIDs
pullLocusIDs.data.frame <- function(x) {
    return( if ( nrow(x) > 0 && hasRownames(x) ) { rownames(x) } else { NULL } )

# pullLocusIDs.list ------------------------------------------------------------
#' @method pullLocusIDs list
#' @rdname pullLocusIDs
pullLocusIDs.list <- function(x) {
    return( pullLocusIDs.map(x) )
# pullLocusIDs.map -------------------------------------------------------------
#' @method pullLocusIDs map
#' @rdname pullLocusIDs
pullLocusIDs.map <- function(x) {
    return( unlist( lapply(x, function(loci) names(loci)), use.names=FALSE ) )

# pullLocusPos -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Pull individual locus positions.
#' @param x Object containing map data.
#' @return Numeric vector of individual locus positions.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname pullLocusPos
pullLocusPos <- function(x) {
    UseMethod('pullLocusPos', x)

# pullLocusPos.data.frame ------------------------------------------------------
#' @method pullLocusPos data.frame
#' @rdname pullLocusPos
pullLocusPos.data.frame <- function(x) {
    poscol.index <- getPosColIndex(x)
    if ( is.numeric(x[, poscol.index]) ) {
        locus.pos <- x[, poscol.index]
    } else {
        locus.pos <- setPosColDataMapUnit(x[, poscol.index], NULL)

# pullLocusPos.list ------------------------------------------------------------
#' @method pullLocusPos list
#' @rdname pullLocusPos
pullLocusPos.list <- function(x) {
    return( pullLocusPos.map(x) )

# pullLocusPos.map -------------------------------------------------------------
#' @method pullLocusPos map
#' @rdname pullLocusPos
pullLocusPos.map <- function(x) {
    return( unlist( lapply(x, function(loci) unname(loci) ) ) )

# pullLocusPos.mapframe --------------------------------------------------------
#' @method pullLocusPos mapframe
#' @rdname pullLocusPos
pullLocusPos.mapframe <- function(x) {
    return( x[, getPosColIndex(x)] )

# pullLocusSeq -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Pull sequence labels for individual loci.
#' @param x Object containing map data.
#' @return Character vector of sequence labels associated with individual loci.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname pullLocusSeq
pullLocusSeq <- function(x) {
    UseMethod('pullLocusSeq', x)

# pullLocusSeq.data.frame ------------------------------------------------------
#' @method pullLocusSeq data.frame
#' @rdname pullLocusSeq
pullLocusSeq.data.frame <- function(x) {
    return( as.character(x[, getSeqColIndex(x)]) )

# pullLocusSeq.list ------------------------------------------------------------
#' @method pullLocusSeq list
#' @rdname pullLocusSeq
pullLocusSeq.list <- function(x) {
    return( pullLocusSeq.map(x) )

# pullLocusSeq.map -------------------------------------------------------------
#' @method pullLocusSeq map
#' @rdname pullLocusSeq
pullLocusSeq.map <- function(x) {
    return( unlist( lapply( seq_along(x), function(i)
        rep_len(names(x)[i], length(x[[i]])) ) ) )

# pullMap ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Pull map from object.
#' @param x Object containing map data.
#' @return An \pkg{R/qtl} \code{map} extracted from the input object.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname pullMap
pullMap <- function(x) {
    UseMethod('pullMap', x)

# pullMap.cross ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' @method pullMap cross
#' @rdname pullMap
pullMap.cross <- function(x) {
    return( qtl::pull.map(x) )

# pullMap.geno -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' @method pullMap geno
#' @rdname pullMap
pullMap.geno <- function(x) {
    return( as.map( lapply(x, function(obj)
        obj$map), map.unit='cM' ) )

# pushLoci ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Replace loci of object.
#' @param x Object containing map data.
#' @return loc Locus mapframe of individual loci.
#' @return Input object with individual loci replaced.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname pushLoci
pushLoci <- function(x, loc) {
    stopifnot( 'mapframe' %in% class(loc) )
    stopifnot( ncol(loc) == 2 )
    object.mapunit <- getMapUnit(x)
    loc.mapunit <- getMapUnit(loc)
    if ( ! is.na(object.mapunit) && loc.mapunit != object.mapunit ) {
        stop("map unit mismatch")
    x <- pushLocusSeq(x, pullLocusSeq(loc))
    x <- pushLocusPos(x, pullLocusPos(loc))
    if ( is.na(object.mapunit) ) {
        attr(x, 'map.unit') <- loc.mapunit

# pushLocusIDs -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Replace individual locus IDs.
#' @param x Object containing map data.
#' @param value Character vector of individual locus IDs.
#' @return Input object with individual locus IDs replaced.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname pushLocusIDs
pushLocusIDs <- function(x, value) {
    stopifnot( all( isValidID(value) ) )
    stopif( anyDuplicated(value) )
    UseMethod('pushLocusIDs', x)

# pushLocusIDs.data.frame ------------------------------------------------------
#' @method pushLocusIDs data.frame
#' @rdname pushLocusIDs
pushLocusIDs.data.frame <- function(x, value) {
    # Get total number of markers in object.
    x.totmar <- nrow(x)

    # Get total number of markers in value.
    value.totmar <- length(value)
    if ( value.totmar != x.totmar ) {
        stop("cannot push ", value.totmar, " locus IDs into ", x.totmar, " loci")
    rownames(x) <- value

# pushLocusIDs.list ------------------------------------------------------------
#' @method pushLocusIDs list
#' @rdname pushLocusIDs
pushLocusIDs.list <- function(x, value) {
    return( pushLocusIDs.map(x, value) )

# pushLocusIDs.map -------------------------------------------------------------
#' @method pushLocusIDs map
#' @rdname pushLocusIDs
pushLocusIDs.map <- function(x, value) {
    # Get total number of markers in object.
    x.totmar <- sum( lengths(x) )
    # Get total number of markers in value.
    value.totmar <- length(value)
    if ( value.totmar != x.totmar ) {
        stop("cannot push ", value.totmar, " locus IDs into ", x.totmar, " loci")
    map.seqs <- names(x)
    seq.index.list <- getRunIndexList( unlist( lapply( seq_along(x), function(i)
        rep_len(map.seqs[i], length(x[[i]])) ) ) )
    for ( map.seq in map.seqs ) {
        names(x[[map.seq]]) <- value[ seq.index.list[[map.seq]] ]

# pushLocusPos -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Replace individual locus positions.
#' @param x Object containing map data.
#' @param value Numeric vector of individual locus positions.
#' @return Input object with individual locus positions replaced.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname pushLocusPos
pushLocusPos <- function(x, value) {
    UseMethod('pushLocusPos', x)

# pushLocusPos.data.frame ------------------------------------------------------
#' @method pushLocusPos data.frame
#' @rdname pushLocusPos
pushLocusPos.data.frame <- function(x, value) {
    object.mapunit <- getMapUnit(x)
    value.mapunit <- getPosColDataMapUnit(value)
    if ( ! is.na(object.mapunit) && ! is.na(value.mapunit) &&
        value.mapunit != object.mapunit ) {
        stop("map unit mismatch")
    value <- setPosColDataMapUnit(value, NULL)
    stopifnot( is.numeric(value) )
    # Get total number of markers in object.
    x.totmar <- nrow(x)
    # Get total number of markers in value.
    value.totmar <- length(value)
    if ( value.totmar != x.totmar ) {
        stop("cannot push ", value.totmar, " locus positions into ", x.totmar, " loci")
    poscol.index <- getPosColIndex(x)
    x[, poscol.index] <- value
    stopifnot( inMapOrder(x) )
    if ( is.na(object.mapunit) ) {
        attr(x, 'map.unit') <- value.mapunit

# pushLocusPos.list ------------------------------------------------------------
#' @method pushLocusPos list
#' @rdname pushLocusPos
pushLocusPos.list <- function(x, value) {
    return( pushLocusPos.map(x, value) )

# pushLocusPos.map -------------------------------------------------------------
#' @method pushLocusPos map
#' @rdname pushLocusPos
pushLocusPos.map <- function(x, value) {
    object.mapunit <- getMapUnit(x)
    value.mapunit <- getPosColDataMapUnit(value)
    if ( ! is.na(object.mapunit) && ! is.na(value.mapunit) &&
        value.mapunit != object.mapunit ) {
        stop("map unit mismatch")
    value <- setPosColDataMapUnit(value, NULL)
    stopifnot( is.numeric(value) )
    # Get total number of markers in object.
    x.totmar <- sum( lengths(x) )
    # Get total number of markers in value.
    value.totmar <- length(value)
    if ( value.totmar != x.totmar ) {
        stop("cannot push ", value.totmar, " locus positions into ", x.totmar, " loci")
    map.seqs <- names(x)
    seq.index.list <- getRunIndexList( unlist( lapply( seq_along(x), function(i)
        rep_len(map.seqs[i], length(x[[i]])) ) ) )
    for ( map.seq in map.seqs ) {
        seq.pos <- value[ seq.index.list[[map.seq]] ]
        attributes(seq.pos) <- attributes(x[[map.seq]])
        x[[map.seq]] <- seq.pos
    stopifnot( inMapOrder(x) )
    if ( is.na(object.mapunit) ) {
        attr(x, 'map.unit') <- value.mapunit

# pushLocusSeq -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Replace sequence labels of individual loci.
#' @param x Object containing map data.
#' @param value Character vector of sequence labels for individual loci.
#' @return Input object with individual locus sequence labels replaced.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname pushLocusSeq
pushLocusSeq <- function(x, value) {
    stopifnot( all( isValidID(value) ) )
    UseMethod('pushLocusSeq', x)

# pushLocusSeq.data.frame ------------------------------------------------------
#' @method pushLocusSeq data.frame
#' @rdname pushLocusSeq
pushLocusSeq.data.frame <- function(x, value) {
    seqcol.index <- getSeqColIndex(x)
    # Get key info about object.
    x.runs <- rle( as.character(x[, seqcol.index]) ) # run-length encoding
    x.nmar <- x.runs$lengths         # number of markers by sequence
    x.totmar <- nrow(x)              # total number of markers
    # Get key info about value.
    value.runs <- rle(value)         # run-length encoding
    value.nmar <- value.runs$lengths # number of markers by sequence
    value.totmar <- length(value)    # total number of markers
    if ( value.totmar != x.totmar ) {
        stop("cannot push ", value.totmar, " locus sequences into ", x.totmar, " loci")
    if ( ! identical(value.nmar, x.nmar) ) { # NB: checks equal number of sequences
        stop("cannot push locus sequences - sequence boundaries not preserved")
    x[, seqcol.index] <- value

# pushLocusSeq.list ------------------------------------------------------------
#' @method pushLocusSeq list
#' @rdname pushLocusSeq
pushLocusSeq.list <- function(x, value) {
    return( pushLocusSeq.map(x, value) )

# pushLocusSeq.map -------------------------------------------------------------
#' @method pushLocusSeq map
#' @rdname pushLocusSeq
pushLocusSeq.map <- function(x, value) {
    # Get key info about object.
    x.nmar <- unname( lengths(x) )   # number of markers by sequence
    x.totmar <- sum(x.nmar)          # total number of markers
    # Get key info about value.
    value.runs <- rle(value)         # run-length encoding
    value.nmar <- value.runs$lengths # number of markers by sequence
    value.totmar <- length(value)    # total number of markers
    if ( value.totmar != x.totmar ) {
        stop("cannot push ", value.totmar, " locus sequences into ", x.totmar, " loci")
    if ( ! identical(value.nmar, x.nmar) ) { # NB: checks equal number of sequences
        stop("cannot push locus sequences - sequence boundaries not preserved")
    names(x) <- value.runs$values

# pushMap ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Push map into object.
#' @param x Object that can contain map data.
#' @param map An \pkg{R/qtl} \code{map} object.
#' @return Input object incorporating the given map data.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname pushMap
pushMap <- function(x, map) {
    UseMethod('pushMap', x)

# pushMap.geno -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' @method pushMap geno
#' @rdname pushMap
pushMap.geno <- function(x, map) {
    stopifnot( 'map' %in% class(map) )
    map.unit <- 'cM'
    if ( getMapUnit(map) != map.unit ) {
        stop("cross map positions must be in centiMorgans (e.g. '47 cM')")
    norm.map.seqs <- normSeq( names(map) )
    geno.map <- as.map( lapply(x, function(obj) obj$map), map.unit=map.unit )
    geno.map.seqs <- names(geno.map)
    if ( length(norm.map.seqs) != length(geno.map.seqs) ||
         any( norm.map.seqs != geno.map.seqs ) ) {
        stop("map sequence mismatch")
    for ( map.seq in norm.map.seqs ) {
        geno.seq.ids <- names(geno.map[[map.seq]])
        map.seq.ids <- names(map[[map.seq]])
        if ( length(map.seq.ids) != length(geno.seq.ids) ||
             any( map.seq.ids != geno.seq.ids ) ) {
            stop("marker mismatch")
        seq.map <- map[[map.seq]]
        class(seq.map) <- 'numeric'
        x[[map.seq]]$map <- seq.map

# setMapUnit -------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Set map unit.
#' Set the map unit of the object. If the object already has a map unit, map
#' positions are rescaled from the original map unit to the new map unit. If
#' a \code{data.frame} contains map unit information in headings or map
#' positions, these are updated to reflect the new map unit.
#' @param x Object containing map data.
#' @param map.unit Map unit.
#' @return Input object with the specified map unit.
#' @template section-mapunits
#' @export
#' @family map utility functions
#' @rdname setMapUnit
setMapUnit <- function(x, map.unit) {
    UseMethod('setMapUnit', x)

# setMapUnit.data.frame --------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname setMapUnit
setMapUnit.data.frame <- function(x, map.unit) {
    existing.mapunit <- getMapUnit(x)
    heading.mapunit <- getPosColNameMapUnit(x)
    positions.mapunit <- getPosColDataMapUnit(x)
    if ( ! is.na(heading.mapunit) ) {
        x <- setPosColNameMapUnit(x, NULL)
    if ( ! is.na(positions.mapunit) ) {
        x <- setPosColDataMapUnit(x, NULL)
    # Ensure that existing map unit is explicit attribute.
    if ( ! 'map.unit' %in% names( attributes(x) ) ) {
        attr(x, 'map.unit') <- map.unit
    if ( ! is.na(existing.mapunit) ) {
        x <- convertMapUnit(x, map.unit)
    } else {
        attr(x, 'map.unit') <- map.unit
    if ( ! is.na(heading.mapunit) ) {
        x <- setPosColNameMapUnit(x, map.unit)
    if ( ! is.na(positions.mapunit) ) {
        x <- setPosColDataMapUnit(x, map.unit)

# setMapUnit.list --------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname setMapUnit
setMapUnit.list <- function(x, map.unit) {
    attr(x, 'map.unit') <- map.unit

# setMapUnit.map ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname setMapUnit
setMapUnit.map <- function(x, map.unit) {
    existing.mapunit <- getMapUnit(x)
    if ( ! is.na(existing.mapunit) ) {
        x <- convertMapUnit(x, map.unit)
    } else {
        attr(x, 'map.unit') <- map.unit

# setMapUnit.mapframe ----------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname setMapUnit
setMapUnit.mapframe <- function(x, map.unit) {
    existing.mapunit <- getMapUnit(x)
    if ( ! is.na(existing.mapunit) ) {
        x <- convertMapUnit(x, map.unit)
    } else {
        attr(x, 'map.unit') <- map.unit

# setPosColDataMapUnit ---------------------------------------------------------
#' Set map unit of position column data.
#' @param x A \code{mapframe} or equivalent \code{data.frame},
#' or a vector of map positions.
#' @param map.unit Map unit. Set to \code{NULL} to remove
#' map unit information from position column data.
#' @return Input object with the specified map
#' unit appended to position column data.
#' @template section-mapunits
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname setPosColDataMapUnit
setPosColDataMapUnit <- function(x, map.unit) {
    # TODO: optimise this function.
    if ( ! is.null(map.unit) ) {
    UseMethod('setPosColDataMapUnit', x)

# setPosColDataMapUnit.character -----------------------------------------------
#' @rdname setPosColDataMapUnit
setPosColDataMapUnit.character <- function(x, map.unit) {
    # Remove any existing map unit suffixes.
    existing.mapunit <- getPosColDataMapUnit(x)
    if ( ! is.na(existing.mapunit) ) {
        map.type <- const$known.map.types[existing.mapunit]
        u <- which( rownames(const$map.info[[map.type]]) == existing.mapunit )
        mapunit.pattern <- const$map.info[[map.type]]$pattern[u]
        res <- suppressWarnings( as.numeric(
            sub(mapunit.pattern, '', x, ignore.case=TRUE) ) )
    } else {
        res <- suppressWarnings( as.numeric(x) )
    invalid <- unique(x[ is.na(res) ])
    if ( length(invalid) > 0 ) {
        stop("invalid map positions - '", toString(invalid), "'")
    # Append map unit suffixes.
    if ( length(res) > 0 && ! is.null(map.unit) ) {
        res <- paste(as.character(res), map.unit)

# setPosColDataMapUnit.data.frame ----------------------------------------------
#' @rdname setPosColDataMapUnit
setPosColDataMapUnit.data.frame <- function(x, map.unit) {
    existing.mapunit <- getMapUnit(x)
    if ( ! is.null(map.unit) && ! is.na(existing.mapunit) &&
        map.unit != existing.mapunit ) {
        stop("pos column data map-unit mismatch")
    poscol.index <- getPosColIndex(x)
    x[, poscol.index] <- setPosColDataMapUnit(x[, poscol.index], map.unit)

# setPosColDataMapUnit.numeric -------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname setPosColDataMapUnit
setPosColDataMapUnit.numeric <- function(x, map.unit) {
    return( setPosColDataMapUnit( as.character(x), map.unit) )

# setPosColNameMapUnit ---------------------------------------------------------
#' Set map unit of position column heading.
#' @param x A \code{mapframe} or equivalent \code{data.frame},
#' or a position column heading.
#' @param map.unit Map unit. Set to \code{NULL} to remove
#' map unit information from position column heading.
#' @return Input object with the specified map
#' unit added to position column heading.
#' @template section-mapunits
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname setPosColNameMapUnit
setPosColNameMapUnit <- function(x, map.unit) {
    if ( ! is.null(map.unit) ) {
    UseMethod('setPosColNameMapUnit', x)

# setPosColNameMapUnit.character -----------------------------------------------
#' @rdname setPosColNameMapUnit
setPosColNameMapUnit.character <- function(x, map.unit) {
    stopifnot( length(x) == 1 )
    existing.mapunit <- getPosColNameMapUnit(x)
    if ( ! is.null(map.unit) ) {
        # If pos column has an existing map unit, replace it..
        if ( ! is.na(existing.mapunit) ) {
            x <- sub(existing.mapunit, map.unit, x)
        } else { # ..otherwise insert map unit in parentheses.
            x <- paste0(x, ' (', map.unit, ')')
    } else if ( ! is.na(existing.mapunit) ) {
        # Compose pattern allowing for text before and after map
        # unit, all possible enclosing brackets, and any whitespace.
        pattern <- paste0('^(.*?)[[:space:]]*[[({<]?[[:space:]]*',
            existing.mapunit, '[[:space:]]*[])}>]?[[:space:]]*(.*?)$')
        # Match pattern, get any flanking text.
        m <- regexec(pattern, x)
        flank.text <- (regmatches(x, m))[[1]][2:3]
        flank.text <- flank.text[ flank.text != '' ]
        # If no flanking text, reset pos column heading.
        if ( length(flank.text) == 0 ) {
            parts <- 'pos'
        # Merge parts of pos column heading.
        x <- paste(flank.text, collapse=' ')

# setPosColNameMapUnit.data.frame ----------------------------------------------
#' @rdname setPosColNameMapUnit
setPosColNameMapUnit.data.frame <- function(x, map.unit) {
    existing.mapunit <- getMapUnit(x)
    if ( ! is.null(map.unit) && ! is.na(existing.mapunit) &&
        map.unit != existing.mapunit ) {
        stop("pos column heading map unit mismatch")
    poscol.index <- getPosColIndex(x)
    colnames(x)[poscol.index] <- setPosColNameMapUnit(
        colnames(x)[poscol.index], map.unit)

# setupDefaultMapkeys ----------------------------------------------------------
#' Setup default \code{mapkey} objects.
#' Default \code{mapkey} objects are generated from genome sequence info. Simple
#' component maps are created from reference sequence length info: a genetic map
#' from the \code{'maplengths'} column, and a physical map from the
#' \code{'seqlengths'} column. These are used to create a basic
#' \code{mapkey} object for each genome.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname setupDefaultMapkeys
setupDefaultMapkeys <- function() {
    stopifnot( exists('const') )
    stopif( environmentIsLocked(const) )
    known.map.types <- unique(const$known.map.types)
    default.mapkeys <- list()
    # Create default mapkey for each genome.
    for ( genome in names(const$seqtab) ) {
        seqtab <- const$seqtab[[genome]]
        map.seqs <- seqtab$seqids
        cmaps <- vector('list', length(known.map.types))
        # Create component map for each known map type.
        for ( i in seq_along(known.map.types) ) {
            map.type <- known.map.types[i]
            # Get basic map unit for this map type.
            map.unit <- const$basic.map.unit[map.type]
            # Get key map info.
            if ( map.type == 'gmap' ) {
                makeLocusIDs <- makePseudomarkerIDs
                map.starts <- rep_len(0, length(map.seqs))
                map.ends <- seqtab$maplengths
            } else if ( map.type == 'pmap' ) {
                makeLocusIDs <- makeDefaultMarkerIDs
                map.starts <- rep_len(1, length(map.seqs))
                map.ends <- seqtab$seqlengths
            } else {
                stop("unknown map type - '", map.type, "'")
            # Create map data-frame from sequence start- and end-points.
            map.table <- data.frame( chr=c(map.seqs, map.seqs),
                pos=c(map.starts, map.ends) )
            map.table <- map.table[ order(rankSeq(map.table$chr), map.table$pos), ]
            rownames(map.table) <- makeLocusIDs(map.table)
            # Get locus info.
            locus.seqs <- pullLocusSeq(map.table)
            locus.pos <- pullLocusPos(map.table)
            locus.ids <- pullLocusIDs(map.table)
            cmap <- list()
            # Set map data for each sequence.
            for ( map.seq in map.seqs ) {
                # Get indices for this sequence.
                indices <- which( locus.seqs == map.seq )
                # Get map positions for this sequence.
                seq.pos <- locus.pos[indices]
                # Set map position names from locus IDs.
                names(seq.pos) <- locus.ids[indices]
                # Set class of map position vector.
                class(seq.pos) <- 'A' # NB: assumes no 'X' chromosomes.
                # Set map positions for sequence.
                cmap[[map.seq]] <- seq.pos
            # Set map unit of component map.
            attr(cmap, 'map.unit') <- map.unit
            # Set class of component map.
            class(cmap) <- 'map'
            cmaps[[i]] <- cmap
        # Create default mapkey from component maps.
        default.mapkeys[[genome]] <- do.call(mapkey, cmaps)
    const$default[['mapkeys']] <- default.mapkeys
    return( invisible() )

# subsetMap --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Subset \pkg{shmootl} \code{map} object.
#' The \pkg{R/qtl} package implements a \code{subset.map} method, but that
#' method strips some attributes from the \code{map} object. This function
#' transfers any stripped attributes to the subsetted \code{map} object.
#' @param x A \code{map} object.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to \code{subset}.
#' @return Subsetted \code{map} object.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname subsetMap
subsetMap <- function(x, ...) {
    stopifnot( 'map' %in% class(x) )
    others <- otherattributes(x)
    x <- subset(x, ...)
    otherattributes(x) <- others

# validateGeneticMapUnit -------------------------------------------------------
#' Validate genetic map unit.
#' @param x Map unit, or object with a \code{'map.unit'} attribute.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if map unit is a valid genetic map unit;
#' otherwise, returns error.
#' @template section-mapunits
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname validateGeneticMapUnit
validateGeneticMapUnit <- function(x) {
    return( validateMapUnit(x, map.type='gmap') )

# validateMap ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Validate \code{map} object.
#' @param x A \code{map} or equivalent \code{list}.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if object is a valid \code{map} or equivalent
#' \code{list}; otherwise, returns first error.
#' @template section-map
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname validateMap
validateMap <- function(x, ...) {
    UseMethod('validateMap', x)

# validateMap.list -------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname validateMap
validateMap.list <- function(x) {
    if ( length(x) < const$min.spm ) {
        stop("map-like object has too few sequences (min=", const$min.spm, ")")
    map.seqs <- names(x)
    if ( is.null(map.seqs) ) {
        stop("map-like object has no sequence labels")
        norm.map.seqs <- normSeq(map.seqs) # NB: validates sequence labels.
    }, error=function(e) {
        stop("map-like object has invalid sequence labels")
    if ( anyDuplicated(map.seqs) ) {
        stop("map-like object has duplicate sequence labels")
    if ( anyDuplicated(norm.map.seqs) ) {
        stop("map-like object has inconsistent sequence labels")
    empty.seqs <- map.seqs[ is.na(x) ]
    if ( length(empty.seqs) > 0 ) {
        stop("map-like object has empty sequences - '",
            toString(empty.seqs), "'")
    nonnum.seqs <- map.seqs[ ! sapply(x, is.numeric) ]
    if ( length(nonnum.seqs) > 0 ) {
        stop("map-like object has non-numeric sequence vectors - '",
            toString(nonnum.seqs), "'")
    short.seqs <- map.seqs[ lengths(x) < const$min.lps ]
    if ( length(short.seqs) > 0 ) {
        stop("map-like object has too few loci in sequences - '",
            toString(short.seqs), "'")
    absent.ids <- map.seqs[ ! sapply(x, hasNames) ]
    if ( length(absent.ids) > 0 ) {
        stop("locus IDs not found for sequences - '",
            toString(absent.ids), "'")
    x.ids <- pullLocusIDs(x)
    if ( ! all( isValidID(x.ids) ) ) {
        stop("map-like object has invalid locus IDs")
    if ( anyDuplicated(x.ids) ) {
        stop("map-like object has duplicate locus IDs")
        x.pos <- pullLocusPos(x) # NB: validates map positions.
    }, error=function(e) {
        stop("map-like object has invalid map positions")
    if ( isPhysicalMap(x) ) {
        subzero <- unique( x.pos[ x.pos < 0 ] )
        if ( length(subzero) > 0 ) {
            stop("map-like object has invalid physical map positions - '",
                toString(subzero), "'")

# validateMap.map --------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname validateMap
validateMap.map <- function(x, package=c('qtl', 'shmootl')) {
    package <- match.arg(package)
    if ( length(x) < const$min.spm ) {
        stop("map has too few sequences (min=", const$min.spm, ")")
    map.seqs <- names(x)
    if ( is.null(map.seqs) ) {
        stop("map has no sequence labels")
    if ( package == 'qtl' ) {
            norm.map.seqs <- normSeq(map.seqs) # NB: validates sequence labels.
        }, error=function(e) {
            stop("qtl map has invalid sequence labels")
    } else {
        invalid <- map.seqs[ ! isNormSeq(map.seqs) ]
        if ( length(invalid) > 0 ) {
            stop("shmootl map has invalid sequence labels - '", toString(invalid), "'")
    dup.seqs <- map.seqs[ duplicated(map.seqs) ]
    if ( length(dup.seqs) > 0 ) {
        stop("map has duplicate sequence labels - '", toString(dup.seqs), "'")
    empty.seqs <- map.seqs[ is.na(x) ]
    if ( length(empty.seqs) > 0 ) {
        stop("map has empty sequences - '", toString(empty.seqs), "'")
    nonnum.seqs <- map.seqs[ ! sapply(x, is.numeric) ]
    if ( length(nonnum.seqs) > 0 ) {
        stop("map has non-numeric sequence vectors - '", toString(nonnum.seqs), "'")
    short.seqs <- map.seqs[ lengths(x) < const$min.lps ]
    if ( length(short.seqs) > 0 ) {
        stop("map has too few loci in sequences - '", toString(short.seqs), "'")
    absent.ids <- map.seqs[ ! sapply(x, hasNames) ]
    if ( length(absent.ids) > 0 ) {
        stop("locus IDs not found for sequences - '", toString(absent.ids), "'")
    x.ids <- pullLocusIDs(x)
    if ( ! all( isValidID(x.ids) ) ) {
        stop("map has invalid locus IDs")
    if ( anyDuplicated(x.ids) ) {
        stop("map has duplicate locus IDs")
    x.pos <- pullLocusPos(x)
    if ( anyNA(x.pos) ) {
        stop("map has invalid map positions")
    if ( isPhysicalMap(x) ) {
        subzero <- unique( x.pos[ x.pos < 0 ] )
        if ( length(subzero) > 0 ) {
            stop("map has invalid physical map positions - '",
                 toString(subzero), "'")
    if ( ! inMapOrder(x) ) {
        stop("map must be ordered by sequence and map position")
    if ( package == 'qtl' ) {
        if ( ! all( sapply(x, class) %in% c('A', 'X') ) ) {
            stop("map sequences must be of class 'A' or 'X'")
    } else {
        if ( ! all( sapply(x, class) == 'A' ) ) { # NB: assumes no 'X' chromosomes.
            stop("shmootl map sequences must be of class 'A'")
        if ( is.na( getMapUnit(x) ) ) {
            stop("shmootl map must have map unit info")

# validateMapframe -------------------------------------------------------------
#' Validate \code{mapframe} object.
#' @param x A \code{mapframe} or equivalent \code{data.frame}.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if object is a valid \code{mapframe} or equivalent
#' \code{data.frame}; otherwise, returns first error.
#' @template section-mapframe
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname validateMapframe
validateMapframe <- function(x, ...) {
    UseMethod('validateMapframe', x)

# validateMapframe.data.frame --------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname validateMapframe
validateMapframe.data.frame <- function(x) {
    seqcol.index <- getSeqColIndex(x) # NB: confirms object has sequence column.
    poscol.index <- getPosColIndex(x) # NB: confirms object has position column.

    if ( nrow(x) > 0 ) {
        x.ids <- pullLocusIDs(x)

        if ( ! is.null(x.ids) ) {
            if ( ! all( isValidID(x.ids) ) ) {
                stop("mapframe-like object has invalid locus IDs")

            if ( anyDuplicated(x.ids) ) {
                stop("mapframe-like object has duplicate locus IDs")

            norm.map.seqs <- normSeq( pull.chr(x) ) # NB: validates sequence labels.
        }, error=function(e) {
            stop("mapframe-like object has invalid sequence labels")

        if ( anyDuplicated(norm.map.seqs) ) {
            stop("mapframe-like object has inconsistent sequence labels")

            x.pos <- pullLocusPos(x) # NB: validates map positions.
        }, error=function(e) {
            stop("mapframe-like object has invalid map positions")


        if ( isPhysicalMapframe(x) ) {
            subzero <- unique( x.pos[ x.pos < 0 ] )
            if ( length(subzero) > 0 ) {
                stop("mapframe-like object has invalid physical map positions - '",
                     toString(subzero), "'")

# validateMapframe.mapframe ----------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname validateMapframe
validateMapframe.mapframe <- function(x) {
    mapframe.colnames <- colnames(x)
    if ( mapframe.colnames[1] != 'chr' ) {
        stop("name of first mapframe column must be 'chr', not '",
            mapframe.colnames[1], "'")
    if ( mapframe.colnames[2] != 'pos' ) {
        stop("name of second mapframe column must be 'pos', not '",
             mapframe.colnames[2], "'")
    if ( nrow(x) > 0 ) {
        x.ids <- pullLocusIDs(x)
        if ( ! is.null(x.ids) ) {
            if ( ! all( isValidID(x.ids) ) ) {
                stop("mapframe has invalid locus IDs")
            if ( anyDuplicated(x.ids) ) {
                stop("mapframe has duplicate locus IDs")
        map.seqs <- pull.chr(x)
        invalid <- map.seqs[ ! isNormSeq(map.seqs) ]
        if ( length(invalid) > 0 ) {
            stop("mapframe has invalid sequence labels - '",
                toString(invalid), "'")
        x.pos <- pullLocusPos(x)
        if ( ! is.numeric(x.pos) ) {
            stop("mapframe has non-numeric map positions")
        if ( anyNA(x.pos) ) {
            stop("mapframe has invalid map positions")
        if ( isPhysicalMapframe(x) ) {
            subzero <- unique( x.pos[ x.pos < 0 ] )
            if ( length(subzero) > 0 ) {
                stop("mapframe has invalid physical map positions - '",
                     toString(subzero), "'")
        if ( ! inMapOrder(x) ) {
            stop("mapframe must be ordered by sequence and position")
    if ( is.na( getMapUnit(x) ) ) {
        stop("mapframe must have map unit info")

# validateMapUnit --------------------------------------------------------------
#' Validate map unit.
#' @param x Map unit, or object with a \code{'map.unit'} attribute.
#' @param map.type Map type for which map unit should be validated. If not
#' specified, map unit is validated for all map types.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the specified map unit is a valid map unit
#' for the given map type(s); otherwise, returns error.
#' @template section-mapunits
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname validateMapUnit
validateMapUnit <- function(x, map.type=NULL) {
    UseMethod('validateMapUnit', x)

# validateMapUnit.character ----------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname validateMapUnit
validateMapUnit.character <- function(x, map.type=NULL) {
    if ( ! is.null(map.type) ) {
        if ( ! map.type %in% names(const$map.info) ) {
            stop("unknown map type - '", map.type, "'")
        known.map.units <- rownames(const$map.info[[map.type]])
    } else {
        known.map.units <- const$known.map.units

    if ( length(x) != 1 || is.na(x) || ! x %in% known.map.units ) {
        stop("invalid map unit - '", toString(x), "'")

# validateMapUnit.default ------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname validateMapUnit
validateMapUnit.default <- function(x, map.type=NULL) {
    map.unit <- getMapUnit(x)
    if ( length(map.unit) == 1 && is.na(map.unit) ) {
        stop("no map unit found")
    validateMapUnit(map.unit, map.type=map.type)

# validatePhysicalMapUnit ------------------------------------------------------
#' Validate physical map unit.
#' @param x Map unit, or object with a \code{'map.unit'} attribute.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if map unit is a valid physical map unit;
#' otherwise, returns error.
#' @template section-mapunits
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname validatePhysicalMapUnit
validatePhysicalMapUnit <- function(x) {
    return( validateMapUnit(x, map.type='pmap') )

# End of map.R #################################################################
gact/shmootl documentation built on Nov. 11, 2021, 6:23 p.m.