
Defines functions cellArgs2.summary cargar.out_all read_tsv.con.pos cell.load.alt parameters.write parameters.default arguments cellArgs2 cluster_test cell2 cellid

Documented in arguments cargar.out_all cell2 cellArgs2 cellArgs2.summary cellid cell.load.alt cluster_test parameters.default parameters.write read_tsv.con.pos

#' Correr Cell-ID desde R usando .C()
#' @param args el comando de cellid entero, tal como se ejecutaria en bash "cell -p ..."
#' @param debug_flag Set to 0 to disable CellID printf messages.
# @useDynLib rcell2 CellID
#' @export
#' @return Exit code from CellID
cellid <- function(args, debug_flag=0){

  # args <- "~/Software/cellID-linux/cell -p /home/nicomic/Projects/Colman/HD/scripts/cellMagick/data/images/parameters.txt -b /tmp/Rtmp7fjlFo/file2b401093d715 -f /tmp/Rtmp7fjlFo/file2b402742f6ef -o /home/nicomic/Projects/Colman/HD/uscope/20200130_Nico_screen_act1_yfp/1/Position001/out"
  argv <- strsplit(args, " ")[[1]]
  argc <- length(argv)
  if(debug_flag != 0) print("Printing argv and argc before .C() call to CellID.")
  if(debug_flag != 0) print(argv)
  if(debug_flag != 0) print(argc)

  exit_code <- 0
  if(exit_code != 1) stop(paste("CellID is not bundled in this branch, see master_cellid", exit_code))

#' Function to run CellID
#' @param arguments An argument data.frame, as built by rcell2::cellArgs2.
#' @param cell.command Path to the binary executable (get if from https://github.com/darksideoftheshmoo/cellID-linux). Or "cellBUILTIN" for the builtin binary.
#' @param no_cores Position-wise parallelization,internally capped to number of positions in cell.args.
#' @param dry Do everything without actually running CellID, print the commands that would have been issued.
#' @param debug_flag Set to 0 to disable CellID printf messages (builtin CellID only).
#' @param encode_cellID_in_pixels Set to TRUE to write cell interior and boundary pixels with intensity-encoded CellIDs and blank the rest of the image (CellID option '-s').
#' @param fill_interior_pixels Set to TRUE to fill each cell interior area in the output image file with intensity-labeled pixels (CellID option '-i').
#' @param label_cells_in_bf Set to TRUE to enable labeling of cells with their CellID in the BF output image (CellID option '-l', default FALSE).
#' @param output_coords_to_tsv Set to TRUE to write cell interior and boundary pixels data to a .tsv file in the output directory (CellID option '-m').
#' @param ignore.stdout Set to FALSE to see CellID output from a system call.
#' @param intern Set to TRUE to save CellID output from a system call to a file in the "out" directories (one per position) and the commands to a file at the first "path" in the arguments data.frame.
#' @return A dataframe with one column indicating the issued commands. Use rcell2::load_cell_data to get the results from the CellID output, typically located at the images path.
# @examples
# cell(cell.args, path = path)
#' @import purrr dplyr stringr tidyr doParallel readr parallel
#' @rawNamespace import(foreach, except = c("when", "accumulate"))
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @export
cell2 <- function(arguments,
                  cell.command = NULL,
                  # cell.command = "cellBUILTIN",
                  # cell.command = "~/Software/cellID-linux/cell",
                  # cell.command = "~/Projects/Rdevel/rcell2/bin/cell",
                  no_cores = NULL, 
                  dry = F,
                  encode_cellID_in_pixels = F,
                  fill_interior_pixels = F,
                  label_cells_in_bf = F,
                  output_coords_to_tsv = F,
                  ignore.stdout = T, intern = T){
    no_cores = 2
    dry = F
    label_cells_in_bf = F
    fill_interior_pixels = F
    output_coords_to_tsv = F
    encode_cellID_in_pixels = F
    ignore.stdout = T
    intern = F
  positions <- arguments$pos %>% unique()
  n_positions <- positions %>% length()
  n_times <- arguments$t.frame %>% unique() %>% length()
  # Create output directories
  for(d in unique(arguments$output)) dir.create(d, showWarnings = F)
  # Run CellID
  if(is.null(no_cores)) no_cores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1  # Problema rarísimo: se repiten rows cada "no_cores" posiciones
  cl <- parallel::makeCluster(
    outfile = tempfile(pattern = "dopar", tmpdir = "/tmp", fileext = ".log"),
    setup_strategy = "sequential"  #https://github.com/rstudio/rstudio/issues/6692
    # outfile = NULL
  parallel::clusterExport(cl, "arguments")
  sent_commands <- foreach::foreach(pos=positions) %dopar% {
  # sent_commands <- list()
  # for(pos in positions){
    arguments_pos <- arguments[arguments$pos == pos,]
    bf_rcell2 <- tempfile(tmpdir = arguments_pos$output[1],
                          fileext = ".txt",
                          pattern = "bf_rcell2.")
    fl_rcell2 <- tempfile(tmpdir = arguments_pos$output[1],
                          fileext = ".txt",
                          pattern = "fl_rcell2")
    base::write(x = paste0(arguments_pos$path, "/", arguments_pos$bf), file = bf_rcell2)
    base::write(x = paste0(arguments_pos$path, "/", arguments_pos$image), file = fl_rcell2)

    # if(is.null(cell.command)) cell.command <- system.file("cell", package = "rcell2", mustWork = T)
    if(is.null(cell.command)) stop("\nError: cell.command must point to an existing CellID binary on your system.")
    command <- paste0(normalizePath(cell.command),
                      " -b ", bf_rcell2,
                      " -f ", fl_rcell2,
                      " -o ", paste0(normalizePath(arguments_pos$output[1]), "/out"),
                      " -p ", arguments_pos$parameters[1],
                      {if(label_cells_in_bf) " -l" else ""},
                      {if(output_coords_to_tsv) " -t" else ""},
                      {if(encode_cellID_in_pixels) " -m" else ""},
                      {if(fill_interior_pixels) {if(encode_cellID_in_pixels) " -i" else " -m -i"} else ""}
    # Write command to log file
    cellid.log <- tempfile(tmpdir = arguments_pos$output[1],
                           fileext = ".txt",
                           pattern = "cellid_log.")
    write(c("\n Cell-ID command:\n\n", command, "\n\n"),

    if(!dry & ignore.stdout) warning("Running CellID through a system call ignoring standard output messages (ignore.stdout = T). This is discouraged!")
    if(!dry) {
      command.output <- system(command = command,
                               wait = T,
                               ignore.stdout = ignore.stdout & !intern,
                               intern = intern)
      if(intern) {
              append = T)
    print("---- Done with this position.")
      list(command = command, cellid.log = cellid.log)
  cat("\nDone, please examine logs above if anything seems strange :)")

#' Cluster test
cluster_test <- function(){
  cl <- parallel::makeCluster(2)
  # Prueba con base
  parallel::parLapply(cl, list(1,2), function(x) print(x))
  # Prueba con foreach
  foreach(x=list(1,2)) %dopar% print(x)

#' Obtener argumentos para CellID
#' rcell2::arguments wrapper, for backwards compatibility.
#' @inheritParams arguments
#' @export
cellArgs2 <- function(...){

#' Obtener argumentos para CellID
#' @details 
#' All 4 regex groups are mandatory, `t.frame` may be left as empty parenthesis, while also preserving group order defined by `file.pattern.groups.order`.
#' The "channel" and "pos" regex groups _must always_ match pos and channel identifiers in the file name.
#' Example `file.pattern` regex, when `file.pattern.groups.order = c("ch", "pos", "t.frame")`:
#' With Z planes time: \code{file.pattern = "^(BF|[TYR]FP|[TYR]\\d{2})_Position(\\d+)_time(\\d+).tif$"}
#' No Z planes, with time (note the empty parentheses): \code{file.pattern = "^(BF|[A-Z]FP)_Position(\\d+)_time(\\d+).tif$"}
#' No Z planes, no time: \code{file.pattern = "^(BF|[TYR]FP)_Position(\\d+)().tif$"}
# @param out.dir name for output directories paths "out"
#' @param path directory where images are stored, full path.
#' @param parameters path to the parameters file or a data.frame with "pos" (position number) and "parameter" (path) columns. Defaults to \code{parameters.write()}.
#' @param BF.pattern regex pattern to detect BF images only. Defaults to: \code{"^BF"}
#' @param file.pattern regex pattern for all tif files, with one group for each of \code{c("ch", "pos", "t.frame")} in \code{file.pattern.groups.order}. Uses \code{"^(BF|[A-Z]FP)_Position(\\d+)_time(\\d+).tif$"} by default. To omit time, use an empty group for the t.frame in the regex, for example: \code{"^(BF|[A-Z]FP)_Position(\\d+)().tif$"}.
#' @param file.pattern.groups.order a character vector of components \code{c("ch", "z", "pos", "t.frame")} with order corresponding to the order of groups in \code{file.pattern}.
#' @param tiff.ext regex pattern for the tif file extension
#' @return a data.frame with all the information needed to run CellID
#' @import dplyr tidyr
# @examples
# cell.args <- cellArgs(path = path)
#' @export
arguments <- function(path,
                      BF.pattern = "^BF",
                      # file.pattern = "^(BF|[A-Z]FP)()_Position(\\d+)_time(\\d+).tif$",
                      # file.pattern.groups.order = c("ch", "z", "pos", "t.frame"),
                      file.pattern = "^(BF|[A-Z]FP)_Position(\\d+)_time(\\d+).tif$",
                      file.pattern.groups.order = c("ch", "pos", "t.frame"),
                      # out.dir = "out",
                      tiff.ext = "tif$"){
                sort(c("ch", "pos", "t.frame")))) 
    stop('arguments error: file.pattern.groups.order must contain c("ch", "pos", "t.frame") in a correct order.')
  path <- normalizePath(path)
  pic_files <- dir(path, pattern = file.pattern)
  if(length(pic_files) == 0) stop(paste("arguments error: no image files retrieved using file pattern:", file.pattern))
  pics_df <- data.frame(image = pic_files,
                        path = path) %>% 
    tidyr::extract(col = image, 
                   into = file.pattern.groups.order,
                   regex = file.pattern, 
                   remove = F)
  # All non-BFs are fluor images
  fluor_pics <- pics_df %>% 
    filter(str_detect(string = image,
                               pattern = BF.pattern, 
                               negate = T))
  if(nrow(fluor_pics) == 0) stop("arguments error: Fluorescence images missing, Check your directories and file.pattern.")
  # All BFs are BFs
  brihtfield_pics <- pics_df %>% 
    dplyr::filter(str_detect(string = image,
                             pattern = BF.pattern)) %>% 
    dplyr::rename(bf = image) %>% 
    dplyr::select(pos, t.frame, bf)
  if(nrow(brihtfield_pics) == 0) stop("Brightfield images missing, Check your directories and file.pattern.")
  # Bind df's
  arguments.df <- dplyr::left_join(
    by = c("pos", "t.frame")
  # Check for missing BFs
    filter(arguments.df.pt, is.na(bf)) %>% print()
    stop("arguments error: there are missing brightfield images")
  # Add output column and arrange by position and t.frame
  arguments.df.out <- arguments.df %>% 
    mutate(output = paste0(path, "/Position", pos)) %>% 
    mutate(pos = as.integer(pos),
           t.frame = as.integer(t.frame)) %>% 
    arrange(pos, t.frame)
  # Recycle parameters if lenght is 1
  if(length(parameters) == 1){
    arguments.df.out$parameters <- parameters
  } else {
  # Else bind to the passed parameters data.frame
    arguments.df.out <- left_join(arguments.df.out,
                                  dplyr::select(parameters, pos, parameters),
                                  by = "parameters")
  # Normalize parameters' paths
  arguments.df.out <- arguments.df.out %>% mutate(parameters = normalizePath(parameters))
    warning("arguments warning: No t.frame data extracted, replacing all NAs with '1'. Check your directories and file.pattern if this is unexpected.")
    arguments.df.out$t.frame <- 1
  if(any(is.na(arguments.df.out)) | any(arguments.df.out == "")){
    stop("arguments error: at least one of the values in the arguments.df dataframe is missing or blank, check your directories and file.pattern")

#' Default parameters list for Cell-ID
#' Returns a list of key-value pairs, for the default Cell-ID parameters.
#' @details 
#' Documentation for each parameter can be found at: https://github.com/darksideoftheshmoo/cellID-linux#parameters
#' Boolean values are for "flag" type parameters
#' which enable a feature when present (eg. "align_fl_to_bf"),
#' or, if absent, indicate default behavior.
#' Other parameters have values
#' which must end up separated from names by a space " "
#' in the parameters.txt file format that Cell-ID uses:
#' \preformatted{
#' max_split_over_minor 0.5
#' max_dist_over_waist 8
#' max_pixels_per_cell 2000
#' min_pixels_per_cell 75
#' background_reject_factor 0.75
#' tracking_comparison 0.2
#' align_fl_to_bf
#' image_type brightfield
#' bf_fl_mapping list
#' }
#' @param max_split_over_minor To-do: document or link to explanation.
#' @param max_dist_over_waist To-do: document or link to explanation.
#' @param max_pixels_per_cell To-do: document or link to explanation.
#' @param min_pixels_per_cell To-do: document or link to explanation.
#' @param background_reject_factor To-do: document or link to explanation.
#' @param tracking_comparison To-do: document or link to explanation.
#' @param align_individual_cells To-do: document or link to explanation.
#' @param align_fl_to_bf To-do: document or link to explanation.
#' @param image_type To-do: document or link to explanation.
#' @param bf_fl_mapping To-do: document or link to explanation.
#' @return A nice list of parameters.
#' @export
#' @seealso \link[rcell2]{parameters.write}, \link[rcell2]{arguments}
parameters.default <- function(
  max_split_over_minor = 0.50,
  max_dist_over_waist = 8.00,
  max_pixels_per_cell = 2000,
  min_pixels_per_cell = 75,
  background_reject_factor = 0.75,
  tracking_comparison = 0.20,
  align_individual_cells = F,
  align_fl_to_bf = T,
  image_type = "brightfield",
  bf_fl_mapping = "list"){
    max_split_over_minor = max_split_over_minor,
    max_dist_over_waist = max_dist_over_waist,
    max_pixels_per_cell = max_pixels_per_cell,
    min_pixels_per_cell = min_pixels_per_cell,
    background_reject_factor = background_reject_factor,
    tracking_comparison = tracking_comparison,
    align_individual_cells = align_individual_cells,
    align_fl_to_bf = align_fl_to_bf,
    image_type = image_type,
    bf_fl_mapping = bf_fl_mapping

#' Write parameters to a [temporary] file
#' Parses a \code{parameters.list} list object, and saves its contents in a Cell-ID friendly text file.
#' @param parameters.list a parameters list for Cell-ID (like one from parameters.default)
#' @param param.dir directory where parameter files will be written.
#' @param param.file a file name for the parameters file.
#' @return A path to the text file where parameters where written.
#' @export
#' @seealso \link[rcell2]{parameters.list}, \link[rcell2]{arguments}
parameters.write <- function(parameters.list = rcell2::parameters.default(), 
                             param.dir = base::tempdir(),
                             param.file = NULL){
  # Check if directory exists
  param.dir <- normalizePath(param.dir, mustWork = T)
    param.file <- tempfile(tmpdir = param.dir, pattern = "parameters_", fileext = ".txt")
    param.file <- paste(param.dir, param.file, sep = "/")
  # Process the list into a valid parameter list
  # converting values to character type
  param_array <- 
    sapply(seq_along(parameters.list), function(i) {
      # For each parameter, get its name and value
      item_val <- parameters.list[[i]]
      item_name <- names(parameters.list)[i]
      # Boolean values are for "flag" type parameters
      # Which enable a feature when present (eg. "align_fl_to_bf")
        r <- item_name
      # And, if absent, indicate default behavior:
      else if(isFALSE(item_val))
        r <- NA
      # Other parameters have values
      # which must be separated from names by a space " "
        r <- paste0(item_name, " ", item_val)
      # return "r" to sapply
  # Filter any NAs (which come from FALSE flag-type parameters)
  param_array <- param_array[!is.na(param_array)]
  # Write to the parameter file
  write(x = param_array, file = param.file)

#' Cargar el output de cell-id
#' @param path Path to images directory
#' @param pdata Path to metadata CSV file
#' @param position.pattern Regex describing what the position string looks like (default ".*Position(\\d+).*") including a capturing group for the position ID number (coerced to integer).
#' @param fluorescence.pattern Regex describing what the fluorescence/channel ID string looks like (default "^([GCYRT]FP|[GCYRT]\\d{2})_Position\\d+_time\\d+.tif$")
#' @param ucid.zero.pad Amount of decimal digits for the cellID (defaults 4, corresponding to a maximum of 9.999 cellIDs and 9999 positions).
#' @param append.posfix String appended to the channel ID extracted by `fluorescence.pattern` (`NULL` by default, but "FP" is usual).
#' @param ... Arguments passed on to \code{cargar.out_all}. Patterns for "out" files, fluorescence channel, and other options may be changed here.
#' @return A list of dataframes: data (CellID data), images (images metadata and paths), image_maping (extra mapping metadata from CellID: BF to FL correspondence, channel flag, bf_as_fl flag, and one-letter channel encoding).
# @examples
# cell.data <- cell.load(path = path, pdata = pdata)
#' @import dplyr stringr tidyr readr
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @export
cell.load.alt <- function(path,
                          pdata = NULL,
                          position.pattern = ".*Position(\\d+).*",
                          fluorescence.pattern = "^([GCYRT]FP|[GCYRT]\\d{2})_Position\\d+_time\\d+.tif$",
                          ucid.zero.pad = 4,
                          append.posfix = NULL,
  path <- normalizePath(path, mustWork = T)

  # Cargar datos out_all y juntar en un solo dataframe usando metadata de "out_bf_fl_mapping"
  cat("\n\nLoading CellID output files...\n")
  d.list <- cargar.out_all(path = path,
                           position.pattern = position.pattern,
                           fluorescence.pattern = fluorescence.pattern,
                           ...)  # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40794780/r-functions-passing-arguments-with-ellipsis/40794874
  # Check uniqueness of ucid-t.frame combinations
  if(nrow(unique(d.list$d[,c("cellID", "pos", "t.frame")])) < nrow(d.list$d)) 
    stop("\nERROR: There are repeated cellID's in the out_all file!")
  # Create ucid column
  cat("\rCreating ucid column...                            ")
  d.list$d <- d.list$d %>%
    # By padding to an invariant number of digits, cells from positions as 90 and 9 _could_ have the same UCID.
    # The next lines fix that bug, which would cells to not be filtered correctly, and be plotted anyways, or other problems.
    # Also, the padding should not be very large, or it will "overflow" R's integer class.
    # To-do: replace the following code with str_pad
    mutate(cellid.pad = ucid.zero.pad - nchar(as.character(cellID))) %>%
      ucid = as.integer(
               sapply(cellid.pad, FUN = function(pad) paste0(rep(x="0", 
                                                                 times=max(0, pad)), 
                                                             collapse = "")),
               cellID))) %>% 
    select(ucid, tidyselect::everything())
  if(any(d.list$d$cellid.pad < 0))
    stop("cellID too large to pad, increase ucid.zero.pad (and check for integer overflow).")

  # Delethe the cellid.pad column
  d.list$d$cellid.pad <- NULL
  # ellipse.perim = perimeter of theoretical ellipse, calculated using each
  # cell's axis values.
  # el.p = ratio of ellipse perim over the perimeter measured by cellID.
  # If this number is small ( < ~0.7) it's probably not a cell.
  cat("\rCreating el.p column...                            ")
  d.list$d <- dplyr::mutate(d.list$d,
                            ellipse.perim = pi *
                              (3 * (maj.axis / 2 + min.axis / 2) -
                                 sqrt((3 * maj.axis / 2 + min.axis / 2) *
                                        (maj.axis / 2 + 3 * min.axis / 2))),

                            el.p = ellipse.perim / perim)

  # Mergear con pdata
  # if(exists("pdata", inherits = F)){
  cat("\rJoining pdata if specified...")
    pdata <- read_csv(pdata) %>% mutate(pos = pos %>% as.numeric)
    d.list$d <- d.list$d %>% left_join(pdata, by = "pos")
    cat(" and it was :)                            ")
  } else cat(" but it was not :(                            ")

  # Create paths dataframe and add three-letter code for channel
  cat("\rCreating image paths dataframe...                            ")
  paths <- d.list$d.map
    paths <- mutate(paths, channel = paste0(toupper(channel), append.posfix))

  # Bind paths dataframe it with itself, to get entries for BF as well.
  paths <- bind_rows(
    paths %>%  # Get FL image paths
      select(pos, t.frame, channel, fluor) %>%
      rename(file = fluor),
    paths %>%  # Get BF image paths
      select(pos, t.frame, channel, bright) %>%
      rename(file = bright) %>%
      mutate(channel = "BF") %>% 
      unique()  # There may be BF path duplicates in the "bright" column, so keep the unique set
  ) %>%
    mutate(path = dirname(file),  # Add the directory path
           is.out = FALSE)        # Add the is.out column

  paths <- bind_rows(paths,
                     paths %>%  # bind it with part of itself, out files are named exactly the same, but with an extra ".out.tif"
                       mutate(file = paste0(file, ".out.tif"),
                              channel = paste0(channel, ".out"),
                              is.out = TRUE)) %>%
    mutate(image = basename(file))

  d.list$d.paths <- paths
  # Make output list
  cell.data <- list(data = d.list$d,
                    images = d.list$d.paths,
                    mapping = d.list$d.map,
                    channels = unique(d.list$flag.channel.mapping))
  cat("\rDone loading CellID data!                            \n")

#' Una función que lea un .csv y les agregue una columna con un id del archivo (pos)
read_tsv.con.pos <- function(.nombre.archivo, .carpeta, position.pattern, col_types = "c"){
  cat(paste0("\rReading: ", .nombre.archivo), "\033[K")
  .archivo <- normalizePath(paste0(.carpeta, "/", .nombre.archivo))
  .pos <- str_replace(.nombre.archivo, position.pattern, "\\1") %>% as.numeric()
  d <-  read_tsv(.archivo, col_types = col_types, trim_ws = T) %>%
    # "pos", "t.frame" y "flag" estan bf_fl_mapping y en out_all
    mutate(pos = as.integer(.pos),  # La columna de ID es "pos"
           t.frame = as.integer(t.frame),
           flag = as.integer(flag))
    # el resto de las columnas que no se comparten y deberian ser enteras
    # se convierten en cargar.out_all()
  if("con.vol_1" %in% names(d)) {
    cat(paste0("\nRemoving 'con.vol_1' column from position: ", 
               ". Use CellID version > 1.4.6 to stop seeing this message.\n"))
    d <- dplyr::select(d, -con.vol_1)

#' Una función para leer y combinar todos los archivos "out".
#' @param .nombre.archivos paths de los "out_all"
#' @param .nombre.archivos.map paths de los "bf_fl_mapping"
#' @param path path a la carpeta donde están os output de CellID
#' @param position.pattern Regex describing what the position string looks like (default 'Position\\d+')
#' @param fluorescence.pattern Regex describing what the fluorescence string looks like (default ".*([GCYRT])FP_Position.*")
#' @import dplyr tidyr readr
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @return A list of two dataframes: `d` contains the actual output, and `out.map` contains image paths and metadata.
cargar.out_all <- function(#.nombre.archivos, .nombre.archivos.map,
                           position.pattern = ".*Position(\\d+).*",
                           out_file_pattern = "^out_all$",
                           out_mapping_pattern = "^out_bf_fl_mapping$",
                           fluorescence.pattern = ".*([A-Z])FP_Position.*"){
  # Migrated from cell.load()
  .nombre.archivos <- list.files(path = path, pattern = out_file_pattern, recursive = T, include.dirs = T)
  .nombre.archivos.map <- list.files(path = path, pattern = out_mapping_pattern, recursive = T, include.dirs = T)
  # A bit of error handling
  if(length(.nombre.archivos) == 0) 
    stop("Error in cargar.out_all: no CellID output files found, check your path, options and files.")
  if(length(.nombre.archivos.map) == 0) 
    stop("Error in cargar.out_all: no CellID mapping files found, check your path, options and files.")
  if(length(.nombre.archivos) != length(.nombre.archivos.map)) 
    stop("Error in cargar.out_all: different amount of mapping and cellid output files.")
  # Cargo y junto los "out_all"
  cat("\rLoading datasets...\033[K")
  d.out <- purrr::map(.x = .nombre.archivos,
                      .f = read_tsv.con.pos, 
                      .carpeta = path,
                      # col_types = "iiiiiddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd", # types: 5 int columns, 51 double columns
                      col_types = readr::cols(.default = "d"), # types: all double, convert later
                      position.pattern = position.pattern) %>%
    bind_rows() %>% 
    mutate(cellID = as.integer(cellID))
  cat("\n Done loading 'out_all' files!\n")

  # # Cargo y junto los "out_bf_fl_mapping"
  cat("\rLoading mapping...              ")
  d.map <- purrr::map(.x = .nombre.archivos.map,
                      .f = read_tsv.con.pos,  # Una función para leer los archivos "out" y agregarles "pos" segun la carpeta que los contiene
                      .carpeta = path,
                      col_types = "ciicl",  # types: 2 char columns, 2 int columns, 1 logical column
                      position.pattern = position.pattern) %>%
    bind_rows() %>%
    mutate(channel = str_replace(string = basename(fluor),
                                 pattern = fluorescence.pattern,
                                 replacement = "\\1")) %>%
    mutate(channel = tolower(channel))
  cat("\n Done loading 'bf_fl_mapping' files!\n")
  # keep flag-channel mapping
  flag.channel.mapping <- unique(dplyr::select(d.map, flag, channel))

  # Return join (discard flag variable)
  cat("\rJoining data and mapping...\033[K")
  d.out.map <- left_join(d.out,
                         unique(select(d.map, flag, t.frame , pos, channel)),
                         by = c("flag", "t.frame", "pos")) %>% 
  if(nrow(d.out.map) > nrow(d.out)) 
    stop("Error at cargar.out_all: while joining output and mapping, at least one output row matche multiple mappings.")
  # Add f.tot columns to data
  d.out.map <- mutate(d.out.map,
                      f = f.tot - (a.tot * f.bg),
                      cf = f / a.tot)

  # Right now the out_all is in a "long" format for the channel variable
  # Spread it to match expectations:
  cat("\rSpreading data from channels...\033[K")
  cdata <- d.out.map %>%
      # Names for fluorescence columns come from the "channel" variable
      names_from = channel, names_sep = ".",
      # Variables that should not change across fluroescence channels are used as IDs
      id_cols = c(cellID,
                  # flag,  # dropped above
                  # con.vol_1,  # duplicated, removed by read_tsv.con.pos and in recent CellID versions

      values_from = c(f.tot,
  cdata <- mutate(cdata, 
                  cellID = as.integer(cellID),
                  t.frame = as.integer(t.frame))

    "d" = cdata,
    "d.map" = d.map,
    "flag.channel.mapping" = flag.channel.mapping

#' cellArgs2 Summaries
#' A function to print some summaries, to check cellArgs2 output.
cellArgs2.summary <- function(arguments){
  arguments %>% group_by(ch) %>% summarise(n_count = n(), .groups = "drop") %>% print()
  arguments %>% select(bf) %>% summarise(unique_BF = "", n_count = length(unique(bf)), .groups = "drop") %>% print()
  arguments %>% group_by(t.frame) %>% summarise(n_count = n(), .groups = "drop") %>% print()
  arguments %>% group_by(pos) %>% summarise(n_count = n(), .groups = "drop") %>% print()

#' Pipe
#' Put description here
#' @importFrom purrr %>%
#' @name %>%
#' @rdname pipe
#' @export
#' @param lhs,rhs specify what lhs and rhs are
#' @examples
#' # some examples if you want to highlight the usage in the package
gerbeldo/tidycell documentation built on Aug. 15, 2022, 2:35 p.m.