
Defines functions load_gff_list

Documented in load_gff_list

#' Load GFF3 file list
#' This function load and process a list of GFF3 files. The function extract CDS in nucleotide and
#' in aminoacids. It creates four folder with the GFF anotation, the FNA whole-genome sequence,
#' the FFN for fasta features nucleotide and the FAA with the proteome function.
#' Load GFF3 files is slower than load multiple-fasta files (nucleotide or aminoacids) so for large
#' datasets we recommend to load fasta files instead of GFF3.
#' @param file
#' @return
#' The function returns a \code{gff_list} object the can be used as input for other functions (mmseqs, mash)
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
#' @import tidyr
#' @import tibble
#' @import dtplyr
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @import openssl
#' @import microseq
#' @import foreach
#' @import doParallel
load_gff_list <- function(input_files, n_cores)
    stop("This function needs perl to work. Please check that Perl is installed and in the PATH")

  gff_split = system.file("gff_split.pl", package = "pato")


    n_cores = detectCores()-1

  cl <- makeCluster(n_cores)

  #on.exit(file.remove(list.files(pattern = "gffTMP")))
  on.exit(stopCluster(cl), add = T)

  input_files <- input_files %>% as.data.frame() %>% rename(File = 1)

  folderName <- paste(getwd(),"/",md5(paste(input_files$File, sep = "",collapse = "")),"_gffList",sep = "",collapse = "")

  if(file.exists(paste(folderName,"/gffObject.Rdata", sep = "", collapse = "")))
    return(readRDS(paste(folderName,"/gffObject.Rdata", sep = "", collapse = "")))

    dir.create(paste(folderName,"/gff",sep = "",collapse = ""))
    dir.create(paste(folderName,"/fna",sep = "",collapse = ""))
    dir.create(paste(folderName,"/faa",sep = "",collapse = ""))
    dir.create(paste(folderName,"/ffn",sep = "",collapse = ""))

  foreach (i = 1:nrow(input_files)) %dopar%

    tempFile = tempfile(pattern = "gffTMP")

    #system(paste("csplit ",as.character(input_files$File[i])," -f ",tempFile," /#FASTA/"),ignore.stdout = T)

    paste("perl ",gff_split," ",tempFile," ",as.character(input_files$File[i]),sep = "",collapse = "") %>% system()

    pathName<- gsub(".gff","",basename(as.character(input_files$File[i])))

    gff <- readGFF(paste(tempFile,".gff",sep = "",collapse = ""))
    writeGFF(gff,paste(folderName,"/gff/",pathName,".gff",sep = "",collapse = "") )                         ##Write the gff file

    fasta <- readFasta(paste(tempFile,".fasta",sep = "",collapse = ""))
    writeFasta(fasta,paste(folderName,"/fna/",pathName,".fna",sep = "",collapse = ""))                      ## Write the fna file

    ffn_faa <- gff2fasta(gff %>% filter(Type == "CDS"),fasta)

    gff <- gff %>%
      filter(Type == "CDS") %>%
      separate_rows(Attributes, sep = ";") %>%
      separate(Attributes, c("variable","value"), sep = "=") %>%
      pivot_wider(names_from = variable, values_from = value, values_fill = "") %>%
      unite(col=Annot,Seqid,Start,End,Strand,sep = "|",remove = F)
    if("gene" %in% colnames(gff))
      gff <- gff %>% unite(col=Annot,Annot,gene, sep = " ")
    if("product" %in% colnames(gff))
      gff <- gff %>% unite(col=Annot,Annot,product,sep = " ")
    gff <- gff %>% unite(Header,Seqid,Start,End,Strand,sep = "|")

    ffn_faa <- ffn_faa %>%
      mutate(Header = gsub(";","|",Header)) %>%
      mutate(Header = gsub("Seqid=","",Header)) %>%
      mutate(Header = gsub("Start=","",Header)) %>%
      mutate(Header = gsub("End=","",Header)) %>%
      mutate(Header = gsub("Strand=","",Header))

    ffn_faa <- inner_join(ffn_faa,gff) %>% select(Annot,Sequence) %>% rename(Header = Annot)

    writeFasta(ffn_faa, paste(folderName,"/ffn/",pathName,".ffn",sep = "",collapse = "")) ## Write the ffn file
    ffn_faa <- ffn_faa %>% mutate(Sequence = microseq::translate(Sequence))
    writeFasta(ffn_faa , paste(folderName,"/faa/",pathName,".faa",sep = "",collapse = "")) ## Write the faa file
  results <-  list(path = folderName, files = input_files)
  class(results) <- append(class(results),"gff_list")
  saveRDS(results,file = paste(folderName,"/gffObject.Rdata",sep = "",collapse = ""))

irycisBioinfo/PATO documentation built on Oct. 19, 2023, 3:07 p.m.