#' Squeeze 2 or 3 column feature data into the unit cube and converts into RGB space
#' @param data data.frame containing feature values and coordinates
#' @param channels.use Select channels to use for blending. Default is red, green and blue but the order can be shuffled.
#' For 2 features, the default is red and green. (options: "red", "green" and "blue")
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb
ColorBlender <- function (
channels.use = NULL
) {
rgb.order <- setNames(1:3, c("red", "green", "blue"))
if (!length(channels.use) == ncol(data)) {
stop(paste0("channels.use must be same length as number of features or dimensions"))
} else if (!all(channels.use %in% names(rgb.order))) {
stop("Invalid color names in channels.use. Valid options are: 'red', 'green' and 'blue'")
} else if (sum(duplicated(channels.use))){
stop("Duplicate color names are not allowed in channels.use")
col.order <- rgb.order[channels.use]
if (ncol(data) == 2) {
first_vec <- data[, 1]
second_vec <- data[, 2]
data <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = nrow(data), ncol = 3)
data[, col.order[1]] <- first_vec; data[, col.order[2]] <- second_vec
} else if (ncol(data) == 3) {
data <- data[, col.order]
color.codes <- rgb(data)
#' Find the quantile of a data
#' Converts a quantile in character form to a number regarding some data
#' String form for a quantile is represented as a number prefixed with 'q'
#' For example, 10th quantile is 'q10' while 2nd quantile is 'q2'
#' Will only take a quantile of non-zero data values
#' @param cutoff The cutoff to turn into a quantile
#' @param data The data to find the quantile of
#' @references \url{https://github.com/satijalab/seurat/blob/master/R/visualization.R}
#' @return The numerical representation of the quantile
#' @importFrom stats quantile
SetQuantile <- function (
) {
if (grepl(pattern = '^q[0-9]{1,2}$', x = as.character(x = cutoff), perl = TRUE)) {
this.quantile <- as.numeric(x = sub(
pattern = 'q',
replacement = '',
x = as.character(x = cutoff)
)) / 100
data <- unlist(x = data)
data <- data[data > 0]
cutoff <- quantile(x = data, probs = this.quantile)
return(as.numeric(x = cutoff))
#' Function used to scale numerical features
#' @param data data.frame containing x, y coordinates and columns with numerical features
#' @param features feature names
#' @param min.cutoff,max.cutoff Vector of minimum and maximum cutoff values for each feature,
#' may specify quantile in the form of 'q##' where '##' is the quantile (eg, 'q1', 'q10')
feature.scaler <- function (
) {
min.cutoff <- setNames(mapply(
FUN = function(cutoff, feature) {
test = is.na(x = cutoff),
yes = min(data[, feature]),
no = cutoff
cutoff = min.cutoff,
feature = features
), nm = features)
max.cutoff <- setNames(mapply(
FUN = function(cutoff, feature) {
test = is.na(x = cutoff),
yes = max(data[, feature]),
no = cutoff
cutoff = max.cutoff,
feature = features
), nm = features)
check.lengths <- unique(x = vapply(
X = list(features, min.cutoff, max.cutoff),
FUN = length,
FUN.VALUE = numeric(length = 1)
if (length(x = check.lengths) != 1) {
stop("There must be the same number of minimum and maximum cuttoffs as there are features")
data[, features] <- sapply(X = features,
FUN = function(index) {
data.feature <- as.vector(x = data[, index])
min.use <- SetQuantile(cutoff = min.cutoff[index], data.feature)
max.use <- SetQuantile(cutoff = max.cutoff[index], data.feature)
data.feature[data.feature < min.use] <- min.use
data.feature[data.feature > max.use] <- max.use
}) %>% as.data.frame()
#' Generates a dark theme for STPlot
#' @importFrom ggplot2 element_rect element_text theme
dark_theme <- function() {
theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = "black", color = "black"),
panel.background = element_rect(fill = "black", color = "black"),
plot.title = element_text(colour = "white"),
strip.text = element_text(colour = 'white'),
legend.title = element_text(colour = "white"),
legend.text = element_text(colour = "white"))
#' Store rgb values after ST.Dimplot
#' OBS! could be merged with ST.Dimplot?
#' @param plotObj A ST.DimPlot output object
#' @importFrom plotly ggplotly
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot_build
#' @export
ST.rgbDimPlot <- function(
ggBuild <- ggplot_build(gg)
rgbTransform <- as.data.frame(t(col2rgb(ggBuild$data[[1]]$colour)))
plotObj$layers[[1]]$mapping$rgbs <- paste("R:", round(rgbTransform$red/2.55),
"% G:", round(rgbTransform$green/2.55),
"% B:", round(rgbTransform$blue/2.55), "%",
plot <- ggplotly(gg , tooltip="rgbs")
#' Select spots by rgb values after ST.DimPlot
#' @param object A Seurat object
#' @param dimPlot A 'ggplot' object created with \code{ST.DimPlot}
#' @param label1,label2 Optional names of the 1st and 2nd groups of capture-spots
#' @param red1 Red 1 limits
#' @param green1 Green 1 limits
#' @param blue1 Blue 1 limits
#' @param red2 Red 2 limits
#' @param green2 Green 2 limits
#' @param blue2 Blue 2 limits
#' @importFrom Seurat Idents<-
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb
#' @export
labelRGB <- function (
label1 = "label1",
label2 = NULL,
red1 = c(0, 255),
green1 = c(0, 255),
blue1 = c(0, 255),
red2 = c(0, 255),
green2 = c(0, 255),
blue2 = c(0, 255)
# --------------------- Add this part to parameter in ST.Dimplot
ggBuild <- ggplot_build(dimPlot)
rgbTransform <- as.data.frame(t(col2rgb(ggBuild$data[[1]]$colour)))
ggBuild$layers[[1]]$mapping$rgbs <- paste("R:", round(rgbTransform$red/2.55),
"% G:", round(rgbTransform$green/2.55),
"% B:", round(rgbTransform$blue/2.55), "%",
object$rgb.red <- round(rgbTransform$red/2.55)
object$rgb.green <- round(rgbTransform$green/2.55)
object$rgb.blue <- round(rgbTransform$blue/2.55)
# -------------------------------------------------------------
object$rgbInfo <- 0
object$rgbInfo[which(object$rgb.red > red1[1] & object$rgb.red < red1[2]
& object$rgb.green > green1[1] & object$rgb.green < green1[2]
& object$rgb.blue > blue1[1] & object$rgb.blue < blue1[2])] <- label1
object$rgbInfo[which(object$rgb.red > red2[1] & object$rgb.red < red2[2]
& object$rgb.green > green2[1] & object$rgb.green < green2[2]
& object$rgb.blue > blue2[1] & object$rgb.blue < blue2[2])] <- label2
object$rgbInfo <- as.factor(object$rgbInfo)
#seuratobject <- AddMetaData(object, metadata=object$rgbInfo)
Idents(object = object) <- object$rgbInfo #skriver over?
#' Create legend
#' Creates a colorscale legend for a dataset in grob format
#' @param data data.frame with values that should be mapped onto colorscale
#' @param data.type input data type, e.g. "factor", "numeric", "character", ...
#' @param variable character string specifying tha name of the column (variable) containing values
#' @param center.zero Specifies whether or not the colorscale should be centered at zero
#' @param cols Character vector with color ids to be used in colorscale
#' @param val.limits Specifies the limits for values in colorscale
#' @param dark.theme Should a dark theme be used?
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_point aes_string scale_fill_gradient2 labs scale_fill_gradientn element_rect element_text ggplot_gtable ggplot_build theme
g_legend <- function (
data.type = "numeric",
dark.theme = TRUE
) {
lg <- ggplot() + geom_point(data = data, aes_string("x", "y", fill = paste0("`", variable, "`")), shape = 21, alpha = 1, size = 8)
if (center.zero & !any(data.type %in% c("character", "factor"))) {
lg <- lg +
scale_fill_gradient2(low = cols[1], mid = cols[median(seq_along(cols))], high = cols[length(cols)], midpoint = 0, na.value = ifelse(dark.theme, "#000000", "#FFFFFF"), limits = val.limits)
} else if (any(data.type %in% c("character", "factor"))) {
lg <- lg +
labs(fill = variable) +
scale_fill_manual(values = cols)
} else {
lg <- lg +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = cols, na.value = ifelse(dark.theme, "#000000", "#FFFFFF"), limits = val.limits)
lg <- lg + theme(legend.background = element_rect(fill = ifelse(dark.theme, "#000000", "#FFFFFF")),
legend.key = element_rect(fill = ifelse(dark.theme, "#000000", "#FFFFFF"), colour = ifelse(dark.theme, "#000000", "#FFFFFF")),
legend.text = element_text(color = ifelse(dark.theme, "#FFFFFF", "#000000")),
legend.title = element_text(colour = ifelse(dark.theme, "#FFFFFF", "#000000")))
tmp <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(lg))
leg <- which(sapply(tmp$grobs, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")
legend <- tmp$grobs[[leg]]
#' Obtain array coordinates
#' @param st.object A Staffli object
#' @param data Data.frame with array coordinates
#' @param image.type One of "raw", "masked" or "processed"
#' @param spots Spots to subset data on
obtain.array.coords <- function (
) {
if (all(c("warped_x", "warped_y") %in% colnames(st.object[[]]))) {
data <- cbind(data, setNames(st.object[[spots, c("warped_x", "warped_y")]], nm = c("x", "y")))
image.type <- "processed"
} else if ("raw" %in% names(st.object@rasterlists)) {
data <- cbind(data, setNames(st.object[[spots, c("pixel_x", "pixel_y")]], nm = c("x", "y")))
image.type <- "raw"
} else if (all(c("adj_x", "adj_y") %in% colnames(st.object[[]]))) {
data <- cbind(data, setNames(st.object[[spots, c("adj_x", "adj_y")]], nm = c("x", "y")))
} else if (all(c("x", "y") %in% colnames(st.object[[]]))) {
data <- cbind(data, st.object[[spots, c("x", "y")]])
return(list(data, image.type))
#' Draws a scalebar for ST plots
#' Takes a ggplot object as input together with some additional parameters
#' specifying the position and widht of a scalebar representing the actual
#' width of corresponding 500um in the plot. The actual width of the scale
#' bar is determined by the x, xend parameters and has to be calulated
#' separately. To do this, you can use the pixels.per.um slot of the
#' `Staffli` object.
#' @param p An object of class 'ggplot'
#' @param x,xend The start and positions of the scalebar along the x axis.
#' @param y The position of the scalebar along the y axis.
#' @param pxum A data.frame object with columns for 'x', 'xend', 'y' and 'sample'
#' used for facetted plots.
#' @param sb.size Size of scalebar
#' @param dark.theme Switches color of scalebar to 'white'
#' @return An object of class 'ggplot' with a scalebar drawn on top of it
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_segment annotate aes geom_text
draw_scalebar <- function (
x = NULL,
xend = NULL,
y = NULL,
pxum = NULL,
sb.size = 2.5,
dark.theme = FALSE
) {
if (sb.size == 0) {
end.width <- sb.size/25
mid.width <- sb.size/50
sb.color = ifelse(dark.theme, "white", "black")
if (!is.null(pxum)) {
p <- p + geom_segment(data = pxum, aes(x = x, xend = xend, y = y, yend = y, group = sample), color = sb.color) +
geom_segment(data = pxum, aes(x = x, xend = x, y = y - (xend - x)*end.width, yend = y + (xend - x)*end.width, group = sample), color = sb.color) +
geom_segment(data = pxum, aes(x = x + (xend - x)/5, xend = x + (xend - x)/5, y = y - (xend - x)*mid.width, yend = y + (xend - x)*mid.width, group = sample), color = sb.color) +
geom_segment(data = pxum, aes(x = x + (2*(xend - x))/5, xend = x + (2*(xend - x))/5, y = y - (xend - x)*mid.width, yend = y + (xend - x)*mid.width, group = sample), color = sb.color) +
geom_segment(data = pxum, aes(x = x + (3*(xend - x))/5, xend = x + (3*(xend - x))/5, y = y - (xend - x)*mid.width, yend = y + (xend - x)*mid.width, group = sample), color = sb.color) +
geom_segment(data = pxum, aes(x = x + (4*(xend - x))/5, xend = x + (4*(xend - x))/5, y = y - (xend - x)*mid.width, yend = y + (xend - x)*mid.width, group = sample), color = sb.color) +
geom_segment(data = pxum, aes(x = xend, xend = xend, y = y - (xend - x)*end.width, yend = y + (xend - x)*end.width, group = sample), color = sb.color) +
geom_text(data = pxum, aes(x = x + (xend - x)/2, y = y + (xend - x)/3, label = paste0("500 ", "\u03bcm"), group = sample), size = sb.size, color = sb.color)
} else {
p <- p + geom_segment(aes(x = x, xend = xend, y = y, yend = y), color = sb.color) +
geom_segment(aes(x = x, xend = x, y = y - (xend - x)*end.width, yend = y + (xend - x)*end.width), color = sb.color) +
geom_segment(aes(x = x + (xend - x)/5, xend = x + (xend - x)/5, y = y - (xend - x)*mid.width, yend = y + (xend - x)*mid.width), color = sb.color) +
geom_segment(aes(x = x + 2*(xend - x)/5, xend = x + 2*(xend - x)/5, y = y - (xend - x)*mid.width, yend = y + (xend - x)*mid.width), color = sb.color) +
geom_segment(aes(x = x + 3*(xend - x)/5, xend = x + 3*(xend - x)/5, y = y - (xend - x)*mid.width, yend = y + (xend - x)*mid.width), color = sb.color) +
geom_segment(aes(x = x + 4*(xend - x)/5, xend = x + 4*(xend - x)/5, y = y - (xend - x)*mid.width, yend = y + (xend - x)*mid.width), color = sb.color) +
geom_segment(aes(x = xend, xend = xend, y = y - (xend - x)*end.width, yend = y + (xend - x)*end.width), color = sb.color) +
annotate(geom = "text", x = x + (xend - x)/2, y = y + (xend - x)/3, label = paste0("500 ", "\u03bcm"), size = sb.size, color = sb.color)
#' Prep scalebar
#' @param st.object An object of class 'Staffli'
#' @param data data.frame for plotting
#' @param data.type String specifying the class of the variable used for splitting
#' @param indices Integer vector specifying sample indices to include in the plot
#' @param split.labels Split plots
#' @param features Features included in data
#' @param dims List of image dimensions
#' @param show.sb Return NULL if FALSE
#' @return A data.frame containing positions of a scale bar used for plotting
prep.sb <- function (
) {
if (show.sb) {
if (length(x = st.object@pixels.per.um) > 0) {
pixels.per.um <- st.object@pixels.per.um[indices]
if (split.labels) {
if (length(x = features) > 1) stop(paste0("Only one feature allowed when splitting labels ..."), call. = FALSE)
if (!data.type %in% c("character", "factor")) stop(paste0("Only categorical variables can be used for splitting ..."), call = FALSE)
pxum <- data.frame(pixels.per.um = rep(pixels.per.um, length(unique(data[, features]))), sample = unique(data[, features]))
hewidths <- rep(dims[[1]][1], length(unique(data[, features])))
heheights <- rep(dims[[1]][2], length(unique(data[, features])))
} else {
pxum <- data.frame(pixels.per.um, sample = factor(paste0(indices), levels = unique(paste0(indices))))
hewidths <- lapply(dims, function(x) x[1]) %>% unlist()
heheights <- lapply(dims, function(x) x[2]) %>% unlist()
pxum$sb500 <- pxum$pixels.per.um*500
pxum$hewidth <- hewidths
pxum$x <- 7*pxum$hewidth/9
pxum$xend <- 7*pxum$hewidth/9 + pxum$sb500
pxum$y <- heheights - heheights/8
# Check that the scale bar is inside plot
dx <- pxum$hewidth - pxum$xend
pxum$x <- ifelse(dx < 0, pxum$x + dx*2, pxum$x)
pxum$xend <- ifelse(dx < 0, pxum$xend + dx*2, pxum$xend)
} else {
pxum <- NULL
} else {
pxum <- NULL
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