
Defines functions .get_unique_names .get_file_attribs quantileGRangesWidth prepare_fetch_GRanges_width prepare_fetch_GRanges shift_anchor viewGRangesWinSample_dt prepare_fetch_GRanges_names ssvFetchSignal

Documented in prepare_fetch_GRanges prepare_fetch_GRanges_names prepare_fetch_GRanges_width quantileGRangesWidth shift_anchor ssvFetchSignal viewGRangesWinSample_dt

# functions useful for fetching signal data regardless of source:
# bam, bigwig, etc.

#' signal loading framework
#' Does nothing unless load_signal is overridden to carry out reading data from
#' file_paths (likely via the appropriate ssvFetch* function, ie.
#' \code{\link{ssvFetchBigwig}} or \code{\link{ssvFetchBam}}
#' @param file_paths character vector of file_paths to load from. Alternatively,
#'   file_paths can be a data.frame or data.table whose first column is a
#'   character vector of paths and additial columns will be used as metadata.
#' @param qgr GRanges of intervals to return from each file
#' @param unique_names unique file ids for each file in file_paths.  Default is
#'   names of file_paths vector
#' @param names_variable character, variable name for column containing
#'   unique_names entries.  Default is "sample"
#' @param file_attribs optional data.frame/data.table with one row per item in
#' file paths.  Each column will be a variable added to final tidy output.
#' @param win_size numeric/integer window size resolution to load signal at.
#'   Default is 50.
#' @param win_method character.  one of c("sample", "summary").  Determines if
#'   \code{\link{viewGRangesWinSample_dt}} or
#'   \code{\link{viewGRangesWinSummary_dt}} is used to represent each region in
#'   qgr.
#' @param return_data.table logical. If TRUE data.table is returned instead of
#'   GRanges, the default.
#' @param load_signal function taking f, nam, and qgr arguments.  f is from
#'   file_paths, nam is from unique_names, and qgr is qgr. See details.
#' @param n_cores integer number of cores to use. Uses mc.cores option if not
#'   supplied.
#' @param n_region_splits integer number of splits to apply to qgr. The query
#'   GRanges will be split into this many roughly equal parts for increased
#'   parallelization. Default is 1, no split.
#' @param force_skip_centerFix boolean, if TRUE all query ranges will be used
#'   "as is".  This is already the case by default if win_method == "summary"
#'   but may have applications where win_method == "sample".
#' @details load_signal is passed f, nam, and qgr and is executed in the
#'   environment where load_signal is defined. See \code{\link{ssvFetchBigwig}}
#'   and \code{\link{ssvFetchBam}} for examples.
#' @return A GRanges with values read from file_paths at intervals of win_size.
#'   Originating file is coded by unique_names and assigned to column of name
#'   names_variable.  Output is data.table is return_data.table is TRUE.
#' @export
#' @import pbmcapply
#' @examples
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' data(CTCF_in_10a_overlaps_gr)
#' bam_f = system.file("extdata/test.bam",
#'     package = "seqsetvis", mustWork = TRUE)
#' bam_files = c("a" = bam_f, "b" = bam_f)
#' qgr = CTCF_in_10a_overlaps_gr[1:2]
#' qgr = resize(qgr, 500, "center")
#' load_bam = function(f, nam, qgr) {
#'     message("loading ", f, " ...")
#'     dt = seqsetvis:::ssvFetchBam.single(bam_f = f,
#'                       qgr = qgr,
#'                       win_size = 50,
#'                       fragLen = NULL,
#'                       target_strand = "*",
#'                       return_data.table = TRUE)
#'     data.table::set(dt, j = "sample", value = nam)
#'     message("finished loading ", nam, ".")
#'     dt
#' }
#' ssvFetchSignal(bam_files, qgr, load_signal = load_bam)
ssvFetchSignal = function(file_paths,
                          unique_names = NULL,
                          names_variable = "sample",
                          file_attribs = NULL,
                          win_size = 50,
                          win_method = c("sample", "summary")[1],
                          return_data.table = FALSE,
                          load_signal = function(f, nam, qgr) {
                              warning("nothing happened, ",
                                      "supply a function to",
                                      "load_signal parameter.")
                          n_cores = getOption("mc.cores", 1),
                          n_region_splits = 1,
                          force_skip_centerFix = FALSE) {

    tmp = .get_file_attribs(file_paths, file_attribs)
    file_paths = tmp$file_paths
    file_attribs = tmp$file_attribs
    unique_names = .get_unique_names(unique_names, file_paths, file_attribs, names_variable)
    file_attribs[[names_variable]] = unique_names
    if (is.null(file_attribs[[names_variable]])) {
        file_attribs[[names_variable]] = unique_names
    if (is.null(names(file_paths))) {
        names(file_paths) = unique_names
    stopifnot(is(qgr, "GRanges"))
    if (any(duplicated(unique_names))) {
        stop("some unique_names are duplicated:\n",
             paste(collapse = "\n",
                   unique(unique_names[duplicated(unique_names)])), "\n",
             "If you haven't manually supplied uninque_names, this is derived from",
             " file paths supplied.  \nTry supplying unique_names manually if you ",
             "intended to load duplicate files.")
    qgr = prepare_fetch_GRanges_width(qgr = qgr,
                                      win_size = win_size,
                                      target_size = NULL,
                                      skip_centerFix = win_method != "sample" | force_skip_centerFix)
    qgr = prepare_fetch_GRanges_names(qgr, include_id = TRUE)
    if(n_region_splits > length(qgr)){
        n_region_splits = length(qgr)
    n_region_splits = round(n_region_splits)
    stopifnot(n_region_splits >= 1)
    if (win_method == "summary") {
        if(any(win_size > width(qgr))){
            warning("Some query regions (", sum(win_size > width(qgr)), " of ", length(qgr), ") are smaller than the number of windows specified.\n",
                    "Consider reducing the number of windows or increasing the width of query regions.\n",
                    "In affected regions, the same base position will be represented at multiple values of x.")

    if(n_region_splits == 1){
        nam_load_signal = function(nam) {
            f = file_paths[nam]
            load_signal(f, nam, qgr)
        if(n_cores == 1 | length(unique_names) == 1){
            bw_list = lapply(unique_names,
            bw_list = ssv_mclapply(unique_names,
                                   mc.cores = n_cores)

        split_qgr = split(qgr, ceiling(seq_along(qgr)/length(qgr)*n_region_splits))
        file_attribs = file_attribs[rep(seq_len(nrow(file_attribs)), each = n_region_splits),, drop = FALSE]

        task_df = expand.grid(seq_along(split_qgr), unique_names)
        colnames(task_df) = c("region_var", "file_var")
        rownames(task_df) = paste(task_df$file_var, task_df$region_var)
        nam_load_signal = function(nam) {
            f = file_paths[task_df[nam,]$file_var]
            sub_qgr = split_qgr[[task_df[nam,]$region_var]]
            load_signal(f, task_df[nam,]$file_var, sub_qgr)
        if(n_cores == 1){
            bw_list = lapply(rownames(task_df),
            bw_list = ssv_mclapply(rownames(task_df),
                                   mc.cores = n_cores)
    for (i in seq_along(bw_list)) {
        if(truelength(bw_list[[i]]) < 200){#data.table specific check
            bw_list[[i]] = setalloccol(bw_list[[i]])
        for (attrib in colnames(file_attribs)) {
            if(nrow(bw_list[[i]]) == 0){
                data.table::set(bw_list[[i]], j = attrib, value = file_attribs[[attrib]][0])
                data.table::set(bw_list[[i]], j = attrib, value = file_attribs[[attrib]][i])
    out = data.table::rbindlist(bw_list)
    data.table::set(out, j = names_variable, value = factor(out[[names_variable]], levels = unique_names))
    if (!return_data.table) {
        out = GRanges(out)

#' Creates a named version of input GRanges using the same method seqsetvis uses internally to ensure consistency.
#' If $id is set, that value is used as name and duplicates are checked for.
#' @param qgr input GRanges object the set/check names on
#' @param include_id if TRUE, $id is retained. Default is FALSE.
#' @return and named GRanges based on input qgr.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(CTCF_in_10a_overlaps_gr)
#' qgr = CTCF_in_10a_overlaps_gr
#' names(qgr) = NULL
#' #default is to paste "region_" and iteration along length of qgr
#' prepare_fetch_GRanges_names(qgr)
#' #id gets used is already set
#' qgr$id = paste0("peak_", rev(seq_along(qgr)), "_of_", length(qgr))
#' prepare_fetch_GRanges_names(qgr)
prepare_fetch_GRanges_names = function(qgr, include_id = FALSE){
    if(length(qgr) < 1) stop("length of query GRanges was 0!")
    if(is.null(qgr$id)){#need id
        if (!is.null(qgr$name)) {
            qgr$id = qgr$name
        }else if (!is.null(names(qgr))) {
            qgr$id = names(qgr)
            qgr$id = paste0("region_", seq_along(qgr))
    if(any(duplicated(qgr$id))) stop("qgr$id must be unique. qgr$id is either directly supplied or taken from qgr$name or names(qgr).")
    names(qgr) = qgr$id
        qgr$id = NULL

#' get a windowed sampling of score_gr
#' This method is appropriate when all GRanges in qgr are identical width and
#' when it is practical to use a window_size smaller than features in genomic
#' signal.  For instance, when retrieving signal around peaks or promoters this
#' method maintains a fixed genomic scale across regions.  This allows meaingful
#' comparison of peak widths can be made.
#' Summarizes score_gr by grabbing value of "score" every window_size bp.
#' Columns in output data.table are: standard GRanges columns: seqnames, start,
#' end, width, strand id - matched to names(score_gr). if names(score_gr) is
#' missing, added as 1:length(score_gr). y - value of score from score_gr. x -
#' relative bp position.
#' @param score_gr GRanges with a "score" metadata column.
#' @param qgr regions to view by window.
#' @param window_size qgr will be represented by value from score_gr every
#'   window_size bp.
#' @param attrib_var character name of attribute to pull data from. Default is
#'   "score", compatible with with bigWigs or bam coverage.
#' @param fill_value numeric or character value to use where queried regions are
#'   empty.  Default is 0 and appropriate for both calculated coverage and
#'   bedgraph/bigwig like files.  Will automatically switch to "MISSING" if data
#'   is guessed to be qualitative.
#' @param anchor character. controls how x value is derived from position for
#'   each region in qgr.  0 may be the left side or center.  If not unstranded,
#'   x coordinates are flipped for (-) strand. One of c("center",
#'   "center_unstranded", "left", "left_unstranded"). Default is "center".
#' @return data.table that is GRanges compatible
#' @export
#' @import GenomeInfoDb
#' @examples
#' data(CTCF_in_10a_overlaps_gr)
#' bam_file = system.file("extdata/test.bam",
#'     package = "seqsetvis")
#' qgr = CTCF_in_10a_overlaps_gr[seq_len(5)]
#' qgr = GenomicRanges::resize(qgr, width = 500, fix = "center")
#' bam_gr = seqsetvis:::fetchBam(bam_file, qgr)
#' bam_dt = viewGRangesWinSample_dt(bam_gr, qgr, 50)
#' if(Sys.info()['sysname'] != "Windows"){
#'     bw_file = system.file("extdata/MCF10A_CTCF_FE_random100.bw",
#'         package = "seqsetvis")
#'     bw_gr = rtracklayer::import.bw(bw_file, which = qgr)
#'     bw_dt = viewGRangesWinSample_dt(bw_gr, qgr, 50)
#' }
viewGRangesWinSample_dt = function(score_gr,
                                   attrib_var = "score",
                                   fill_value = 0,
                                   anchor = c("center", "center_unstranded",
                                              "left", "left_unstranded")[1]) {
    #reserve bindings for data.table
    x = id = NULL
    stopifnot(is(score_gr, "GRanges"))
    stopifnot(is(qgr, "GRanges"))
    if(is.null(qgr$id)) qgr = prepare_fetch_GRanges_names(qgr, include_id = TRUE)
    stopifnot(window_size >= 1)
    stopifnot(window_size %% 1 == 0)
    stopifnot(anchor %in% c("center", "center_unstranded",
                            "left", "left_unstranded"))
    windows = slidingWindows(qgr, width = window_size, step = window_size)

    # names(windows) = qgr$id
    # windows's handling of names seems to have changed and now every nest
    # GRanges has parent's name
    names(windows) = NULL
    windows = unlist(windows)
    windows$id = names(windows)
    windows = resize(windows, width = 1, fix = "center")
    olaps = suppressWarnings(data.table::as.data.table(
            query = windows,
            subject = score_gr,
            ignore.strand = TRUE
    # patch up missing/out of bound data with 0
    missing_idx = setdiff(seq_along(windows), olaps$queryHits)
    if (length(missing_idx) > 0) {
        olaps = rbind(
                queryHits = missing_idx,
                subjectHits = length(score_gr) + 1
            patch_gr = GRanges(GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(score_gr)[1],
                               IRanges::IRanges(1, 1))
            mcols(patch_gr)[[attrib_var]] = fill_value
            GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(patch_gr) = GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(score_gr)
            score_gr = c(score_gr,
    # set y and output windows = windows[olaps$queryHits]
    windows$y = fill_value
    windows[olaps$queryHits]$y = mcols(score_gr[olaps$subjectHits])[[attrib_var]]
    score_dt = data.table::as.data.table(windows)

    return(shift_anchor(score_dt, window_size, anchor))

#' Summarizes signal in bins.  The same number of bins per region in qgr is used
#' and widths can vary in qgr, in contrast to
#' \code{\link{viewGRangesWinSample_dt}} where width must be constant across
#' regions.
#' This function is most appropriate where features are expected to vary greatly
#' in size and feature boundaries are important, ie. gene bodies, enhancers or
#' TADs.
#' Columns in output data.table are: standard GRanges columns: seqnames, start,
#' end, width, strand id - matched to names(score_gr). if names(score_gr) is
#' missing, added as seq_along(score_gr). y - value of score from score_gr x -
#' relative bp position
#' @param score_gr GRanges with a "score" metadata column.
#' @param qgr regions to view by window.
#' @param n_tiles numeric >= 1, the number of tiles to use for every region in
#'   qgr.
#' @param attrib_var character name of attribute to pull data from. Default is
#'   "score", compatible with with bigWigs or bam coverage.
#' @param attrib_type one of NULL, qualitative or quantitative.  If NULL will
#'   attempt to guess by casting attrib_var attribute to character or factor.
#'   Default is NULL.
#' @param fill_value numeric or character value to use where queried regions are
#'   empty.  Default is 0 and appropriate for both calculated coverage and
#'   bedgraph/bigwig like files.  Will automatically switch to "MISSING" if data
#'   is guessed to be qualitative.
#' @param anchor character. controls how x value is derived from position for
#'   each region in qgr.  0 may be the left side or center.  If not unstranded,
#'   x coordinates are flipped for (-) strand. One of c("center",
#'   "center_unstranded", "left", "left_unstranded"). Default is "center".
#' @param summary_FUN function. used to aggregate score by tile.  must accept
#'   x=score and w=width numeric vectors as only arguments. default is
#'   weighted.mean.  limma::weighted.median is a good alternative.
#' @return data.table that is GRanges compatible
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlevels
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats weighted.mean
#' @examples
#' data(CTCF_in_10a_overlaps_gr)
#' bam_file = system.file("extdata/test.bam",
#'     package = "seqsetvis")
#' qgr = CTCF_in_10a_overlaps_gr[1:5]
#' # unlike viewGRangesWinSample_dt, width is not fixed
#' # qgr = GenomicRanges::resize(qgr, width = 500, fix = "center")
#' bam_gr = seqsetvis:::fetchBam(bam_file, qgr)
#' bam_dt = viewGRangesWinSummary_dt(bam_gr, qgr, 50)
#' if(Sys.info()['sysname'] != "Windows"){
#'     bw_file = system.file("extdata/MCF10A_CTCF_FE_random100.bw",
#'         package = "seqsetvis")
#'     bw_gr = rtracklayer::import.bw(bw_file, which = qgr)
#'     bw_dt = viewGRangesWinSummary_dt(bw_gr, qgr, 50)
#' }
viewGRangesWinSummary_dt = function (score_gr,
                                     n_tiles = 100,
                                     attrib_var = "score",
                                     attrib_type = NULL,
                                     fill_value = 0,
                                     anchor = c("center", "center_unstranded",
                                                "left", "left_unstranded")[1],
                                     summary_FUN = stats::weighted.mean) {
    #reserve bindings for data.table
    x = id = tile_start = tile_end = tile_id =
        tile_width = scored_width = tile_density = score_width = NULL
    stopifnot(is(score_gr, "GRanges"))
    stopifnot(is(qgr, "GRanges"))
    if(is.null(qgr$id)) qgr = prepare_fetch_GRanges_names(qgr, include_id = TRUE)
    stopifnot(n_tiles >= 1)
    stopifnot(n_tiles %% 1 == 0)
    stopifnot(anchor %in% c("center", "center_unstranded", "left",
    if(any(n_tiles > width(qgr))){
        qgr.sp = split(qgr, ifelse(n_tiles > width(qgr), "too_small", "ok"))
        tiles.ok = tile(qgr.sp$ok, n_tiles)
        tiles.too_small = tile(qgr.sp$too_small, width(qgr.sp$too_small))
        for(i in seq_along(tiles.too_small)){
            gr_i = tiles.too_small[[i]]
            idx = ceiling(seq_len(n_tiles)/n_tiles*length(gr_i))
            tiles.too_small[[i]] = gr_i[idx]
        tiles = c(tiles.too_small, tiles.ok)
        tiles = tile(qgr, n_tiles)

    names(tiles) = NULL
    tiles = unlist(tiles)
    tiles$id = names(tiles)
    tiles$tile_id = seq_along(tiles)

    olaps = suppressWarnings(data.table::as.data.table(
            query = tiles,
            subject = score_gr,
            ignore.strand = TRUE
    #fill in gaps with zeroes
    missing_idx = setdiff(seq_along(tiles), olaps$queryHits)
    if (length(missing_idx) > 0) {
        olaps = rbind(
                queryHits = missing_idx,
                subjectHits = length(score_gr) + 1
            patch_gr = GRanges(GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(score_gr)[1],
                               IRanges::IRanges(1, 1))
            mcols(patch_gr)[[attrib_var]] = NA
            GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(patch_gr) = GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(score_gr)
            score_gr = c(score_gr,
    mcols(score_gr) = mcols(score_gr)[attrib_var]
    cov_dt = cbind(as.data.table(score_gr[olaps$subjectHits])[, -c(1, 4:5)],
                   as.data.table(tiles[olaps$queryHits])[, -c(1, 4:5)])
    colnames(cov_dt)[4:5] = c("tile_start", "tile_end")

    cov_dt[start == 1 &
               end == 1, c("start", "end") := list(tile_start, tile_end)]
    #trim score regions to fit in tiles so score weighting is accurate

    cov_dt[start < tile_start, start := tile_start]
    cov_dt[end > tile_end, end := tile_end]
    cov_dt[, score_width := end - start + 1]
    cov_dt[, tile_width := tile_end - tile_start + 1]

        cov_dt[[attrib_var]] = fill_value
    data.table::set(cov_dt, i = which(is.na(cov_dt[[attrib_var]])), j = attrib_var, value = fill_value)

        if(any(class(cov_dt[[attrib_var]]) %in% c("character", "factor"))){
            attrib_type = "qualitative"
            if(fill_value == 0){
                fill_value = "MISSING"
            attrib_type = "quantitative"

    # check for incompletely retrieved regions (zeroes omitted for instance)
    check_dt = cov_dt[, list(scored_width = sum(score_width)), by = list(tile_id, id, tile_width)]
    # check_dt$tile_width = width(tiles)
    #add a dummy interval of score zero to correct width
    repair_dt = check_dt[tile_width != scored_width, list(
        start = -1,
        end = -1,
        score = fill_value,
        tile_start = -1,
        tile_end = -1,
        id = id,
        tile_id = tile_id,
        score_width = tile_width - scored_width,
    setnames(repair_dt, "score", attrib_var)
    cov_dt = rbind(cov_dt, repair_dt)

    if(attrib_type == "qualitative"){
        density_dt = cov_dt[, list(tile_density = summary_FUN(score_width / tile_width, rep(1, length(width)))),
                            by = c("tile_id", "id", attrib_var)]
    }else if(attrib_type == "quantitative"){
        density_dt = cov_dt[, list(tile_density = summary_FUN(get(attrib_var), score_width)),
                            by = list(tile_id, id)]
        stop("attrib_type must be one of qualitative or quantitative")

    tiles = as.data.table(tiles)
    tiles[, x := (seq_len(n_tiles) - .5) / n_tiles, by = id]

    # density_dt[, x := (seq_len(n_tiles) - .5) / n_tiles, by = id]
    if (!all(tiles$id %in% density_dt$id))
        stop("something bad happened when merging density ",
             "data.table back to tiles GRanges.")

    if(attrib_type == "qualitative"){
        score_dt = merge(tiles, density_dt[, list(y = tile_density, id, tile_id, ATTRIB_VAR = get(attrib_var))], by = c("tile_id", "id"))
        setnames(score_dt, "ATTRIB_VAR", attrib_var)
        #score_dt[is.na(quality), quality := fill_value]
        score_dt = merge(tiles, density_dt[, list(y = tile_density, id, tile_id)], by = c("tile_id", "id"))
        #score_dt[is.na(y), y := fill_value]
    score_dt$tile_id = NULL
    #slightly different than summary,
    #x is already set and regions are already contiguous.
    #just need to flip x or center as needed.
        center = {
            center_val = mean((seq_len(n_tiles) - .5) / n_tiles)
            score_dt[, x := x - center_val, by = id]
            score_dt[strand == "-", x := (-1 * x)]
        center_unstranded = {
            center_val = mean((seq_len(n_tiles) - .5) / n_tiles)
            score_dt[, x := x - center_val, by = id]
        left = {
            score_dt[strand == "-", x := (1 - 1 * x), by = id]
        left_unstranded = {
            #do nothing

    #ensure x is rounded and easily flippable
    score_dt$x = round(score_dt$x, 9)


#' orients the relative position of x's zero value and
#' extends ranges to be contiguous
#' @param score_dt data.table, GRanges() sufficient
#' @param window_size numeric, window size used to generate score_dt
#' @param anchor character, one of c("center", "center_unstranded",
#' "left", "left_unstranded")
#' @return score_dt with x values shifted appropriately and start and end
#' extended to make ranges contiguous
shift_anchor = function(score_dt, window_size, anchor) {
    x = id = NULL
    shift = round(window_size / 2)
    fudge = 1
    if(window_size == 1) fudge = 0
        center = {
            # score_dt[, x := start - min(start) + shift, by = id]
            # score_dt[, x := x - round(mean(x)), by = id]
            # if(window_size %% 2 == 0){
            #     score_dt[strand == "-", x := -1 * x]
            # }else{
            #     score_dt[strand == "-", x := -1 * x - fudge]
            # }
            score_dt[, x := -1]
            score_dt[strand != "-", x := start - min(start) + shift,
                     by = id]
            #flip negative

            score_dt[strand == "-", x := -1 * (end - max(end) - shift),
                     by = id]
            score_dt[, x := x - round(mean(x)), by = id]

        center_unstranded = {
            score_dt[, x := start - min(start) + shift, by = id]
            score_dt[, x := x - round(mean(x)), by = id]
        left = {
            score_dt[, x := -1]
            score_dt[strand != "-", x := start - min(start) + shift,
                     by = id]
            #flip negative

            score_dt[strand == "-", x := -1 * (end - max(end) - shift),
                     by = id]

        left_unstranded = {
            score_dt[, x := start - min(start) + shift, by = id]

    score_dt[, start := start - shift]
    score_dt[, end := end + window_size - shift - 1]

#' prepares GRanges for windowed fetching.
#' Deprecated and renamed as prepare_fetch_GRanges_width
#' output GRanges parallels input with consistent width evenly divisible by
#' win_size.  Has warning if GRanges needed resizing, otherwise no warning
#' and input GRanges is returned unchanged.
#' @param qgr GRanges to prepare
#' @param win_size numeric window size for fetch
#' @param min_quantile numeric value from 0 to 1. Lowest possible quantile value.  Only
#' relevant if target_size is not specified.
#' @param target_size numeric final width of qgr if known. Default of NULL
#' leads to quantile based determination of target_size.
#' @param skip_centerFix boolean, if FALSE (default) all regions will be resized
#' GenomicRanges::resize(x, w, fix = "center") to a uniform size based on
#' min_quantile to a width divisible by win_size.
#' @return GRanges, either identical to qgr or with suitable consistent width
#' applied.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(CTCF_in_10a_overlaps_gr)
#' #use prepare_fetch_GRanges_width instead:
#' qgr = prepare_fetch_GRanges_width(CTCF_in_10a_overlaps_gr, win_size = 50)
#' #no warning if qgr is already valid for windowed fetching
#' prepare_fetch_GRanges_width(qgr, win_size = 50)
prepare_fetch_GRanges = function(qgr,
                                 min_quantile = .75,
                                 target_size = NULL,
                                 skip_centerFix = FALSE) {
    prepare_fetch_GRanges_width(qgr, win_size, min_quantile, target_size, skip_centerFix)

#' prepares GRanges for windowed fetching.
#' output GRanges parallels input with consistent width evenly divisible by
#' win_size.  Has warning if GRanges needed resizing, otherwise no warning
#' and input GRanges is returned unchanged.
#' @param qgr GRanges to prepare
#' @param win_size numeric window size for fetch
#' @param min_quantile numeric value from 0 to 1. Lowest possible quantile value.  Only
#' relevant if target_size is not specified.
#' @param target_size numeric final width of qgr if known. Default of NULL
#' leads to quantile based determination of target_size.
#' @param skip_centerFix boolean, if FALSE (default) all regions will be resized
#' GenomicRanges::resize(x, w, fix = "center") to a uniform size based on
#' min_quantile to a width divisible by win_size.
#' @return GRanges, either identical to qgr or with suitable consistent width
#' applied.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(CTCF_in_10a_overlaps_gr)
#' qgr = prepare_fetch_GRanges_width(CTCF_in_10a_overlaps_gr, win_size = 50)
#' #no warning if qgr is already valid for windowed fetching
#' prepare_fetch_GRanges_width(qgr, win_size = 50)
prepare_fetch_GRanges_width = function(qgr,
                                       min_quantile = .75,
                                       target_size = NULL,
                                       skip_centerFix = FALSE) {
    if(length(qgr) < 1) stop("length of query GRanges was 0!")
    if (!skip_centerFix &&
        (length(unique(width(qgr))) > 1 || width(qgr)[1] %% win_size != 0)) {
        if (is.null(target_size)) {
            target_size = quantileGRangesWidth(
                qgr = qgr,
                min_quantile = min_quantile,
                win_size = win_size
        if (target_size %% win_size != 0) {
                "target_size: ",
                " not evenly divisible by win_size: ",

        qgr = centerFixedSizeGRanges(qgr, fixed_size = target_size)
            "widths of qgr were not ",
            "identical and evenly divisible by win_size.",
            "\nA fixed width of ",
            " was applied based on the data provided."
    if (any(start(qgr) < 1)) {
        warning("Some out of bounds GRanges had to be shifted back to start >= 1.")
        fix_shift = 1 - start(qgr)
        fix_shift = vapply(fix_shift, function(x)
            max(x, 0), FUN.VALUE = 1)
        qgr = IRanges::shift(qgr, fix_shift)

#' Quantile width determination strategy
#' Returns the lowest multiple of win_size greater than
#' min_quantile quantile of width(qgr)
#' @param qgr GRanges to calculate quantile width for
#' @param min_quantile numeric value from 0 to 1. The minimum quantile of width in qgr
#' @param win_size numeric/integer >=1, returned value will be a multiple of
#' this
#' @return numeric that is >= min_quantile and evenly divisible by win_size
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(CTCF_in_10a_overlaps_gr)
#' gr = CTCF_in_10a_overlaps_gr
#' quantileGRangesWidth(gr)
#' quantileGRangesWidth(gr, min_quantile = .5, win_size = 100)
quantileGRangesWidth = function(qgr,
                                min_quantile = .75,
                                win_size = 1) {
    stopifnot(is(qgr, "GRanges"))
    stopifnot(is.numeric(min_quantile), is.numeric(win_size))
    stopifnot(min_quantile >= 0 && min_quantile <= 1)
    stopifnot(length(min_quantile) == 1 && length(win_size) == 1)
    stopifnot(win_size %% 1 == 0)
    stopifnot(win_size >= 1)
    qwidth = quantile(width(qgr), min_quantile)
    fwidth = ceiling(qwidth / win_size) * win_size

.get_file_attribs = function(file_paths, file_attribs){
        file_paths = as.data.frame(file_paths)
        file_attribs = as.data.frame(file_attribs)
        if (is.data.frame(file_paths)) {
            if (ncol(file_paths) == 1) {
                file_attribs = data.frame(matrix(
                    0, nrow = nrow(file_paths), ncol = 0
            } else{
                k = which(grepl("file", colnames(file_paths)))[1]
                if(is.na(k)) k = 1
                file_attribs = file_paths[,-k, drop = FALSE]

        } else{
            #file_paths is assumed to be a character vector
            file_attribs = data.frame(data.frame(matrix(
                0, nrow = length(file_paths), ncol = 0
    if (is.data.frame(file_paths)) {
        if(any(grepl("file", colnames(file_paths)))){
            k = which(grepl("file", colnames(file_paths)))[1]
            file_paths = file_paths[[k]]
            file_paths = file_paths[[1]]

    if (is.list(file_paths)) {
        file_paths = unlist(file_paths)
    if (is.factor(file_paths)){
        file_paths = as.character(file_paths)
    return(list(file_paths = file_paths, file_attribs = file_attribs))

.get_unique_names = function(unique_names, file_paths, file_attribs, names_variable){
            unique_names = file_attribs[[names_variable]]
        }else if (is.data.frame(file_paths) || is.data.table(file_paths)) {
                unique_names = file_paths[[1]]
                if(any(grepl("file", colnames(file_paths)))){
                    k = which(grepl("file", colnames(file_paths)))[1]
                    unique_names = file_paths[[k]]
                    unique_names = file_paths[[1]]
                unique_names = file_paths
                unique_names = names(file_paths)

    if (is.factor(unique_names)){
        unique_names = levels(droplevels(unique_names))
        stop("some unique_names are duplicated:\n",
             paste(collapse = "\n",
                   unique(unique_names[duplicated(unique_names)])), "\n",
             "If you haven't manually supplied uninque_names, this is derived from",
             " file paths supplied.  \nTry supplying unique_names manually if you ",
             "intended to load duplicate files.")
jrboyd/seqsetvis documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 1:11 a.m.