
Defines functions cluster.solution grid.search.alpha optimize.alpha grid.search.alpha.simple optimize.alpha.simple compute.absCN run.absCNSeq plot.absCN

Documented in compute.absCN plot.absCN run.absCNSeq

cluster.solution <- function(x, alpha.cut, tau.cut) {

	cur.alpha <- x[1,"alpha"]
	cur.tau <- x[1,"tau.def"]
	cur.cnt <- x[1,"count"]
	cur.mse.r <- 1.0/x[1,"mse"]
	clust <- data.frame(numeric(), numeric(), numeric(), numeric(), integer()) 
	for(i in 2:nrow(x)) {
		next.alpha <- x[i,"alpha"]
		next.tau <- x[i,"tau.def"]
		next.cnt <- x[i,"count"]
		next.mse.r <- 1.0/x[i,"mse"]
		if(abs(next.alpha-cur.alpha)<alpha.cut & abs(next.tau-cur.tau)<tau.cut) {  # same cluster
			# update: weighted average
			cur.wt <- cur.cnt/(cur.cnt+next.cnt)
			next.wt <- next.cnt/(cur.cnt+next.cnt)
			cur.alpha <- (cur.alpha*cur.wt*cur.mse.r + next.alpha*next.wt*next.mse.r) /(cur.wt*cur.mse.r + next.wt*next.mse.r) 
			cur.tau <- (cur.tau*cur.wt*cur.mse.r + next.tau*next.wt*next.mse.r) /(cur.wt*cur.mse.r + next.wt*next.mse.r)
			cur.mse.r <- cur.mse.r*cur.wt + next.mse.r*next.wt
			cur.cnt <- cur.cnt + next.cnt
		} else {
			# save the current cluster
			clust <- rbind(clust, data.frame(cur.alpha, cur.tau, cur.tau, cur.mse.r, cur.cnt))
			cur.alpha <- next.alpha
			cur.tau <- next.tau
			cur.cnt <- next.cnt
			cur.mse.r <- next.mse.r
	clust <- rbind(clust, data.frame(cur.alpha, cur.tau, cur.tau, cur.mse.r, cur.cnt))
	colnames(clust) <- c("alpha", "tau", "tau.def", "mse", "count")
	clust[,1:3] <- round(clust[,1:3], 2)
	clust$mse <- 1.0/clust$mse

grid.search.alpha <- function(seg.data, snv.data, alpha.min=0.2, alpha.max=1.0, tau.min=1.5, tau.max=5.0, min.sol.freq=0, min.seg.len=200, qmax=7, lamda=0.5, verbose=FALSE) {

	if(verbose) {
		cat("lamda=",lamda,"\n")			# 1.0: CN only
	orig.seg.dat <- seg.data
	# filtering 
	seg.data <- na.omit(seg.data)
	n.seg.1 <- nrow(seg.data)
	seg.data <- seg.data[seg.data[,"eff.seg.len"]>=min.seg.len,]
	n.seg.2 <- nrow(seg.data)
		cat("retained and all segments",c(n.seg.2, n.seg.1),"\n")

	gf <- seg.data[,"loc.end"]-seg.data[,"loc.start"]+1 
	gf <- gf/sum(gf)
	eta <- 1.0
	r <- seg.data[,"normalized.ratio"] 

	max.r.cutoff <- 3.0
	min.r.cutoff <- 1.0/3.0
	outlier.frac.1 <- length(which(r>max.r.cutoff))/length(r)
	outlier.gf.1 <- sum(gf[r>max.r.cutoff])
		cat(length(which(r>max.r.cutoff))/length(r),"segments with r>3.0 before rescaling\n")

	outlier2.frac.1 <- length(which(r<min.r.cutoff))/length(r)
	outlier2.gf.1 <- sum(gf[r<min.r.cutoff])
		cat(length(which(r<min.r.cutoff))/length(r),"segments with r<0.33 before rescaling\n")
	# assign SNP to each segment after filtering
	snp2seg <- NULL
	fb <- NULL
	het.ind <- NULL 
	for(i in 1:nrow(snv.data)) {
		ind <- which(seg.data[,"chrom"]==snv.data[i,"chrom"] & seg.data[,"loc.start"]<=snv.data[i,"position"] & seg.data[,"loc.end"]>=snv.data[i,"position"])
		if(length(ind)==1) {
			if(r[ind] <= max.r.cutoff & r[ind] >= min.r.cutoff) {
				snp2seg <- c(snp2seg, ind)
				fb <- c(fb, snv.data[i,"tumor_var_freq"])
				het.ind <- c(het.ind,i)
	n.snv <- length(het.ind)
		cat("# of SNVs used:",length(het.ind),"\n")

	snv.type <- "somatic"
	# weights
	wts <- rep(1, length(r))
	wts[r>max.r.cutoff] <- 0.0
	wts[r<min.r.cutoff] <- 0.0
	wts.cn <- wts/sum(wts)*lamda
	wts.het <- 1.0/length(snp2seg)*(1.0-lamda)

	alpha.grid <- seq(from=alpha.min,to=alpha.max,by=0.05) 
	tau.grid <- seq(from=tau.min,to=tau.max,by=0.05)
	search.grid <- expand.grid(alpha.grid=alpha.grid, tau.grid=tau.grid)
	n.grid <- nrow(search.grid)

	search.res <- data.frame(alpha=numeric(), tau=numeric(), tau.def=numeric(), mse=numeric(), alpha0=numeric(), tau0=numeric())
	for(k in 1:n.grid) {
		if(verbose) {
		alpha0 <- search.grid[k,1]
		tau0 <- search.grid[k,2]
		a.res <- optimize.alpha(alpha0, alpha.min, alpha.max, tau0, wts.cn, r, gf, eta, wts.het, snp2seg, fb, qmax, snv.type)
		if(!is.null(a.res)) {
			search.res <- rbind(search.res, a.res)
	if(verbose) {
	colnames(search.res) <- c("alpha", "tau", "tau.def", "mse", "alpha0", "tau0")
	search.res[,c("alpha", "tau", "tau.def")] <- round(search.res[,c("alpha", "tau", "tau.def")],2)
	tmp <- aggregate(search.res[,c("tau.def","mse")], search.res[,c("alpha", "tau")], mean)
	tmp2 <- aggregate(search.res[,1], search.res[,c("alpha", "tau")], length)
	search.res <- data.frame(tmp, count=tmp2[,3])
		cat(nrow(search.res), "unique results\n")
	oo <- order(search.res$mse)
	search.res <- search.res[oo,]
	rownames(search.res) <- NULL

	if(1) {  # do clustering
	search.res <- cluster.solution(search.res, alpha.cut=0.10, tau.cut=0.15)
	# filtering out impossible solutions
		min.sol.freq <- 0.05*sum(search.res[,"count"])
	proper.ind <- which(search.res[,"alpha"]>=alpha.min & search.res[,"alpha"]<=alpha.max & search.res[,"tau.def"]>=tau.min & search.res[,"tau.def"]<=tau.max & search.res[,"count"]>=min.sol.freq) 
	if(length(proper.ind)>0) {
		search.res <- search.res[proper.ind,,drop=FALSE]
	if(1) {  # output the best result
	min.ind <- which(search.res$mse==search.res$mse[1])
	#cat("# of optimal parameters:",length(min.ind),"\n")
	alpha.opt <- search.res[1,"alpha"]
	tau.opt <- search.res[1,"tau.def"]
	tmp <- (r*(alpha.opt*tau.opt + (1.0-alpha.opt)*2) - (1.0-alpha.opt)*2)/alpha.opt
	qs <- round(tmp)
	qs[qs<0] <- 0
	qs[qs>qmax] <- qmax
	rhat <- (alpha.opt*qs + (1.0-alpha.opt)*2)/(alpha.opt*tau.opt + (1.0-alpha.opt)*2)
	abs.cn <- data.frame(seg.data[,1:4], r=r, rhat=rhat, CN=qs)
	q.het <- qs[snp2seg]
	if(snv.type=="somatic") {
		tmp <- ((alpha.opt*q.het+(1.0-alpha.opt)*2)*fb)/alpha.opt
	} else if(snv.type=="germline") {
		tmp <- ((alpha.opt*q.het+(1.0-alpha.opt)*2)*fb - (1.0-alpha.opt))/alpha.opt
	mg <- round(tmp)
	mg[mg<0] <- 0
	tmp.ind <- which(mg>q.het)
	if(length(tmp.ind)>0) {
		mg[tmp.ind] <- q.het[tmp.ind]
	abs.mg <- data.frame(snv.data[het.ind,],multiplicity=mg)

	res.list <- list(searchRes=search.res, absCN=abs.cn, absSNV=abs.mg, orig.seg.dat=orig.seg.dat, seg.dat=seg.data, orig.snv.dat=snv.data, snv.dat=snv.data[het.ind,])

optimize.alpha <- function(alpha0, alpha.min=0.2, alpha.max=1.0, tau0, wts.cn, r, w, eta, wts.het, snp2seg, fb, qmax, snv.type) {	

	# intialization
	alpha <- alpha0
	tau <- tau0
	tmp <- (r*(alpha*tau + (1.0-alpha)*2) - (1.0-alpha)*2)/alpha
	qs <- round(tmp)
	qs[qs<0] <- 0
	qs[qs>qmax] <- qmax
	#tau <- sum(qs*w*eta)/sum(w*eta)
	tau <- sum(qs*w)/sum(w)
	qs.last <- qs

	q.het <- qs[snp2seg]
	if(snv.type=="somatic") {
		tmp <- ((alpha*q.het+(1.0-alpha)*2)*fb)/alpha
	} else if(snv.type=="germline") {
		tmp <- ((alpha*q.het+(1.0-alpha)*2)*fb - (1.0-alpha))/alpha
	mg <- round(tmp)
	mg[mg<0] <- 0
	tmp.ind <- which(mg>q.het)
	if(length(tmp.ind)>0) {
		mg[tmp.ind] <- q.het[tmp.ind]
	cn.df <- data.frame(x=qs, y=r, wt=wts.cn, lqs=2.0, ix=1)
	het.df <- data.frame(x=mg, y=fb, wt=wts.het, lqs=qs[snp2seg], ix=0)
	reg.df <- rbind(cn.df, het.df)	
	# iteration
	optim.fail <- 'converged'
	opt.cycle <- 0
	fitEst <- NULL
	alphaEst <- NULL
	tauEst <- NULL
	mdq <- NULL
	repeat {

		opt.cycle <- opt.cycle+1 
		if(opt.cycle>100) {
			res <- NULL
		reg.df[,"x"] <- c(qs, mg)
		reg.df[,"lqs"] <- c(rep(2.0,length(qs)),qs[snp2seg])
		if(snv.type=="somatic") {
			try.tmp <- try(nls.res <- nls(y ~ ix*(alpha*x+(1.0-alpha)*2)/(alpha*tau+(1.0-alpha)*2) + (1.0-ix)*(alpha*x)/(alpha*lqs+(1.0-alpha)*2) , data=reg.df, start=list(alpha=alpha), weights=wt, lower=alpha.min, upper=alpha.max, algorithm="port"), silent=TRUE) 

		} else if(snv.type=="germline") {
			try.tmp <- try(nls.res <- nls(y ~ ix*(alpha*x+(1.0-alpha)*2)/(alpha*tau+(1.0-alpha)*2) + (1.0-ix)*(alpha*x+(1.0-alpha))/(alpha*lqs+(1.0-alpha)*2) , data=reg.df, start = list(alpha=alpha), weights=wt, lower=alpha.min, upper=alpha.max, algorithm="port"), silent=TRUE)
		if(class(try.tmp)=="try-error") {
			optim.fail <- 'not_converged'
			res <- NULL

		if(nls.res$convInfo$isConv) {  # proceed
			alpha <- coef(nls.res)[1]
			alpha <- unname(alpha)
			alphaEst <- c(alphaEst, alpha)
			fitEst <- c(fitEst, summary(nls.res)$sigma)

			# update qs
			tmp <- (r*(alpha*tau + (1.0-alpha)*2) - (1.0-alpha)*2)/alpha
			qs <- round(tmp)
			qs[qs<0] <- 0
			qs[qs>qmax] <- qmax
			# update tau
			#tau <- sum(qs*w*eta)/sum(w*eta)
			tau <- sum(qs*w)/sum(w)
			tauEst <- c(tauEst, tau)

			# update mg
			q.het <- qs[snp2seg]
			if(snv.type=="somatic") {
				tmp <- ((alpha*q.het+(1.0-alpha)*2)*fb)/alpha
			} else if(snv.type=="germline") {
				tmp <- ((alpha*q.het+(1.0-alpha)*2)*fb - (1.0-alpha))/alpha
			mg <- round(tmp)
			mg[mg<0] <- 0
			tmp.ind <- which(mg>q.het)
			if(length(tmp.ind)>0) {
				mg[tmp.ind] <- q.het[tmp.ind]

			# compute mean q changes
			mdq <- c(mdq, mean(abs(qs-qs.last)))
			qs.last <- qs
			nL <- length(fitEst)
			if(nL<=1) {
			} else if(abs(fitEst[nL]-fitEst[(nL-1)])/abs(fitEst[(nL-1)])<1e-4) { # converged
				tau.def <- sum(qs*w)/sum(w)
				res <- c(alpha=alpha, tau=tau, tau.def=tau.def, mse=fitEst[nL], alpha0=alpha0, tau0=tau0)			
		} else {
			optim.fail <- 'not_converged'
			res <- NULL

grid.search.alpha.simple <- function(seg.data, alpha.min=0.2, alpha.max=1.0, tau.min=1.5, tau.max=5.0, min.sol.freq=0, min.seg.len=200, qmax=7, verbose=FALSE) {

	if(verbose) {
	orig.seg.dat <- seg.data
	# filtering 
	seg.data <- na.omit(seg.data)
	n.seg.1 <- nrow(seg.data)
	seg.data <- seg.data[seg.data[,"eff.seg.len"]>=min.seg.len,]
	n.seg.2 <- nrow(seg.data)
		cat("retained and all segments",c(n.seg.2, n.seg.1),"\n")	

	gf <- seg.data[,"loc.end"]-seg.data[,"loc.start"]+1  # vector of genome fraction: spaced length
	gf <- gf/sum(gf)
	eta <- 1.0
	r <- seg.data[,"normalized.ratio"]
	max.r.cutoff <- 3.0
	min.r.cutoff <- 1.0/3.0

	outlier.frac.1 <- length(which(r>max.r.cutoff))/length(r)
	outlier.gf.1 <- sum(gf[r>max.r.cutoff])
		cat(length(which(r>max.r.cutoff))/length(r),"segments with r>3.0 before rescaling\n")

	outlier2.frac.1 <- length(which(r<min.r.cutoff))/length(r)
	outlier2.gf.1 <- sum(gf[r<min.r.cutoff])
		cat(length(which(r<min.r.cutoff))/length(r),"segments with r<0.33 before rescaling\n")
	# weights
	wts <- rep(1, length(r))
	wts[r>max.r.cutoff] <- 0.0
	wts[r<min.r.cutoff] <- 0.0
	wts.cn <- wts/sum(wts)

	alpha.grid <- seq(from=alpha.min,to=alpha.max,by=0.05)
	tau.grid <- seq(from=tau.min,to=tau.max,by=0.05)
	search.grid <- expand.grid(alpha.grid=alpha.grid, tau.grid=tau.grid)
	n.grid <- nrow(search.grid)

	search.res <- data.frame(alpha=numeric(), tau=numeric(), tau.def=numeric(), mse=numeric(), alpha0=numeric(), tau0=numeric())
	for(k in 1:n.grid) {
		if(verbose) {
		alpha0 <- search.grid[k,1]
		tau0 <- search.grid[k,2]
		a.res <- optimize.alpha.simple(alpha0, alpha.min, alpha.max, tau0, wts.cn, r, gf, eta, qmax)
		if(!is.null(a.res)) {
			search.res <- rbind(search.res, a.res)
	if(verbose) {
	colnames(search.res) <- c("alpha", "tau", "tau.def", "mse", "alpha0", "tau0")
	search.res[,c("alpha", "tau", "tau.def")] <- round(search.res[,c("alpha", "tau", "tau.def")],2)
	tmp <- aggregate(search.res[,c("tau.def","mse")], search.res[,c("alpha", "tau")], mean)
	tmp2 <- aggregate(search.res[,1], search.res[,c("alpha", "tau")], length)
	search.res <- data.frame(tmp, count=tmp2[,3])
		cat(nrow(search.res), "unique results\n")
	oo <- order(search.res$mse)
	search.res <- search.res[oo,]
	rownames(search.res) <- NULL
	if(1) {  # do clustering
	search.res <- cluster.solution(search.res, alpha.cut=0.10, tau.cut=0.15)
	# filtering out impossible solutions
		min.sol.freq <- 0.05*sum(search.res[,"count"])
	proper.ind <- which(search.res[,"alpha"]>=alpha.min & search.res[,"alpha"]<=alpha.max & search.res[,"tau.def"]>=tau.min & search.res[,"tau.def"]<=tau.max & search.res[,"count"]>=min.sol.freq) 
	if(length(proper.ind)>0) {
		search.res <- search.res[proper.ind,,drop=FALSE]
	if(1) {  # output the best result
	min.ind <- which(search.res$mse==search.res$mse[1])
	#cat("# of optimal parameters:",length(min.ind),"\n")
	alpha.opt <- search.res[1,"alpha"]
	tau.opt <- search.res[1,"tau.def"]
	tmp <- (r*(alpha.opt*tau.opt + (1.0-alpha.opt)*2) - (1.0-alpha.opt)*2)/alpha.opt
	qs <- round(tmp)
	qs[qs<0] <- 0
	qs[qs>qmax] <- qmax
	rhat <- (alpha.opt*qs + (1.0-alpha.opt)*2)/(alpha.opt*tau.opt + (1.0-alpha.opt)*2)
	abs.cn <- data.frame(seg.data[,1:4], r=r, rhat=rhat, CN=qs)

	res.list <- list(searchRes=search.res, absCN=abs.cn, orig.seg.dat=orig.seg.dat, seg.dat=seg.data)

optimize.alpha.simple <- function(alpha0, alpha.min=0.2, alpha.max=1.0, tau0, wts.cn, r, w, eta, qmax) {	

	# intialization
	alpha <- alpha0
	tau <- tau0
	tmp <- (r*(alpha*tau + (1.0-alpha)*2) - (1.0-alpha)*2)/alpha
	qs <- round(tmp)
	qs[qs<0] <- 0
	qs[qs>qmax] <- qmax
	#tau <- sum(qs*w*eta)/sum(w*eta)
	tau <- sum(qs*w)/sum(w)
	qs.last <- qs
	reg.df <- data.frame(x=qs, y=r, wt=wts.cn)
	# iteration
	optim.fail <- 'converged'
	opt.cycle <- 0
	fitEst <- NULL
	alphaEst <- NULL
	tauEst <- NULL
	mdq <- NULL
	repeat {

		opt.cycle <- opt.cycle+1 
		if(opt.cycle>100) {
			res <- NULL
		reg.df[,"x"] <- qs
		try.tmp <- try(nls.res <- nls(y ~ (alpha*x+(1.0-alpha)*2)/(alpha*tau+(1.0-alpha)*2), data=reg.df, start=list(alpha=alpha), weights=wt, lower=alpha.min, upper=alpha.max, algorithm="port"), silent=TRUE)
		if(class(try.tmp)=="try-error") {
			optim.fail <- 'not_converged'
			res <- NULL

		if(nls.res$convInfo$isConv) {  # proceed
			alpha <- coef(nls.res)[1]
			alpha <- unname(alpha)
			alphaEst <- c(alphaEst, alpha)
			fitEst <- c(fitEst, summary(nls.res)$sigma)

			# update qs
			tmp <- (r*(alpha*tau + (1.0-alpha)*2) - (1.0-alpha)*2)/alpha
			qs <- round(tmp)
			qs[qs<0] <- 0
			qs[qs>qmax] <- qmax
			# update tau
			#tau <- sum(qs*w*eta)/sum(w*eta)
			tau <- sum(qs*w)/sum(w)
			tauEst <- c(tauEst, tau)

			# compute mean q changes
			mdq <- c(mdq, mean(abs(qs-qs.last)))
			qs.last <- qs
			nL <- length(fitEst)
			if(nL<=1) {
			} else if(abs(fitEst[nL]-fitEst[(nL-1)])/abs(fitEst[(nL-1)])<1e-4) { # converged
				tau.def <- sum(qs*w)/sum(w)
				res <- c(alpha=alpha, tau=tau, tau.def=tau.def, mse=fitEst[nL], alpha0=alpha0, tau0=tau0)			
		} else {
			optim.fail <- 'not_converged'
			res <- NULL

compute.absCN <- function(seg.data, alpha.opt, tau.opt, qmax=7) {
	r <- seg.data[,"normalized.ratio"]
	tmp <- (r*(alpha.opt*tau.opt + (1.0-alpha.opt)*2) - (1.0-alpha.opt)*2)/alpha.opt
	qs <- round(tmp)
	qs[qs<0] <- 0
	qs[qs>qmax] <- qmax
	rhat <- (alpha.opt*qs + (1.0-alpha.opt)*2)/(alpha.opt*tau.opt + (1.0-alpha.opt)*2)
	abs.cn <- data.frame(seg.data[,1:4], r=r, rhat=rhat, CN=qs)

run.absCNSeq <- function(seg.data, snv.data=NULL, res.dir, smp.name, seq.type=c("WES","WGS"), alpha.min=0.2, alpha.max=1.0, tau.min=1.5, tau.max=5.0, min.sol.freq=0, min.seg.len=0, qmax=7, lamda=0.5, verbose=FALSE) {

	dir.create(res.dir, showWarnings = FALSE)
	#if(!is.null(seg.fn) & file.exists(seg.fn)) {
	#	seg.data <- read.table(seg.fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	#} else {
	#	stop("ERROR: The input segmentation file is not provided or does not exist.")
	seq.type <- match.arg(seq.type, c("WES","WGS"))
	if(seq.type=="WES") {
			min.seg.len <- 200
	} else if(seq.type=="WGS") {
			min.seg.len <- 3000
	} else {
		stop("ERROR: you must specify the sequencing platform: WES or WGS.")
	# check the format of segmentation file
	seg.in.col <- colnames(seg.data)
	seg.req.col <- c("chrom", "loc.start", "loc.end", "eff.seg.len", "normalized.ratio")
	tmp <- setdiff(seg.req.col, seg.in.col)
	if(length(tmp)>0) {
		stop("ERROR: The input segmentation file must include all the named columns in order: chrom, loc.start, loc.end, eff.seg.len, normalized.ratio.")
	if(is.null(snv.data)) {
		res.list <- grid.search.alpha.simple(seg.data, alpha.min, alpha.max, tau.min, tau.max, min.sol.freq, min.seg.len, qmax, verbose)
	} else {
	#	if(file.exists(snv.fn)) {
	#		snv.data <- read.table(snv.fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	#	} else {
	#		stop("ERROR: The input SNV file does not exist.")
	#	}
		# check the format of SNV file
		snv.in.col <- colnames(snv.data)
		snv.req.col <- c("chrom",  "position", "tumor_var_freq")
		tmp <- setdiff(snv.req.col, snv.in.col)
		if(length(tmp)>0) {
			stop("ERROR: The input SNV file must include all the named columns in order: chrom, position, tumor_var_freq.")
		res.list <- grid.search.alpha(seg.data, snv.data, alpha.min, alpha.max, tau.min, tau.max, min.sol.freq, min.seg.len, qmax, lamda, verbose)
	res.file <- file.path(res.dir, paste(smp.name, ".RData",sep=""))
	save(res.list, file=res.file)

plot.absCN <- function(seg.data, chromnum=1, rawdata=NULL, chromvar='chrom', loc.start='chr_start', loc.end='chr_stop', normalized.ratio='log2_ratio'){

	# check the format of input data
	seg.in.col <- colnames(seg.data)
	seg.req.col <- c("chrom", "loc.start", "loc.end", "r", "CN")
	tmp <- setdiff(seg.req.col, seg.in.col)
	if(length(tmp)>0) {
		stop("ERROR: The input dataset must include all the named columns in order: chrom, loc.start, loc.end, r, CN.")

	if(!(chromnum %in% 1:22)) {
		stop("ERROR: chromosome number must be from 1 to 22.")

	segs=subset(seg.data, chrom==chromnum)
	legtxt=c('2Xraw copy ratio','estimated integer CN')
	if (!is.null(rawdata)){
		raw=subset(rawdata, chrom==chromnum)
		plot(raw[,'chr_start'], 2*2^(raw$log2_ratio),  xlab='Position', sub=paste('chr',chromnum,sep=''), ylab='Copy Ratio/Number',col='green', cex=.1, axes=F, 
			xlim=c(min(raw[,'chr_start'],na.rm=T),max(raw[,'chr_stop'],na.rm=T)), ylim=ylim) 
	}  else {

		plot(segs[,"loc.start"], 2*segs[,"r"],  xlab='Position', sub=paste('chr',chromnum,sep=''), ylab='Copy Ratio/Number',col='green', cex=.1, axes=F, 
			xlim=c(min(segs[,"loc.start"],na.rm=T),max(segs[,"loc.end"],na.rm=T)), ylim=ylim) 
	segments(segs[,"loc.start"], 2*segs[,"r"],segs[,"loc.end"], 2*segs[,"r"],col=col[1],lwd=lwd[1],lty=lty[1])
	segments(segs[,"loc.start"], segs[,"CN"],segs[,"loc.end"], segs[,"CN"],col=col[2],lwd=lwd[2],lty=lty[2])

	legend(min(segs[,"loc.start"],na.rm=T),10, legtxt, lty=lty, col=col,lwd=lwd, bty='n',ncol=2,xjust=0)
lixiangchun/lxctk documentation built on May 21, 2019, 6:44 a.m.