
Defines functions delete.edges add.edges delete.genes rename.genes add.genes directed.edges undirected.edges score.graph fit.coefficients ortholog.graph drugs.plot delete.isolated make.edgelist random.graph graph.communities average.graph drop.all.zeros feature.colnames valid.vertex valid.feature feature.degree gene.degree balanced.accuracy accuracy fo.rate fall.out np.value selectivity fd.rate miss.rate f1.score recall precision compare.graphs third.axis feature.plot graph.plot from.bnlearn as.bnlearn as.igraph as.graph as.edges as.adjacency adjacency.or.edges detect.format convert.format

Documented in add.edges add.genes as.adjacency as.bnlearn as.edges as.graph as.igraph average.graph compare.graphs convert.format delete.edges delete.genes delete.isolated detect.format directed.edges drop.all.zeros drugs.plot feature.degree feature.plot fit.coefficients gene.degree graph.communities graph.plot make.edgelist ortholog.graph random.graph rename.genes score.graph undirected.edges

#' Graph Format Conversion
#' This function allows you to convert graph between different formats: adjacency matrix, list of edges, igraph and bnlearn (bnlearn).
#' @param g Graph object.
#' @param to Output format (optional): 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'igraph'
#' @param from Input format (optional): 'auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'auto'
#' @keywords graph adjacency edges format
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- convert.format(g, to='igraph')

convert.format <- function(g, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'),
                           from=c('auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', 'bnlearn')) {
    to <- match.arg(to)
    from <- match.arg(from)
    if (from=='auto') {
        from <- detect.format(g)
    g <- switch(to,
        adjacency = {
            g <- as.adjacency(g, from=from)
        edges = {
            g <- as.edges(g, from=from)
        graph = {
            g <- as.graph(g, from=from)
        igraph = {
            g <- as.igraph(g, from=from)
        bnlearn = {
            g <- as.bnlearn(g, from=from)

#' Graph Format Detection
#' This function allows you to detect graph format.
#' @param g Graph object.
#' @keywords graph format
#' @export
#' @examples
#' detect.format(g)

detect.format <- function(g) {
    fmt <- class(g)[1]
    fmt <- switch(fmt,
        matrix = { adjacency.or.edges(g) },
        data.frame = { adjacency.or.edges(g) },
        graphNEL = { 'graph' },
        graphAM = { 'graph' },
        bn = { 'bnlearn' },
        bn.fit = { 'bnlearn' },

adjacency.or.edges <- function(g) {
    dims = dim(g)
    if (dims[1] == dims[2]) {
    } else {

#' Convert Graph To Adjacency Matrix
#' This function allows you to convert your graph to adjacency matrix format.
#' @param g Graph object.
#' @param from Input format (optional): 'auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'auto'
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- as.adjacency(g)

as.adjacency <- function(g, from=c('auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', 'bnlearn')) {
    from <- match.arg(from)
    if (from=='auto') {
        from <- detect.format(g)
    g <- switch(from,
        adjacency = {
            g <- as.matrix(g)
        edges = {
            g <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(as.data.frame(g))
            attr <- NULL
            if ('weight' %in% igraph::list.edge.attributes(g)) {
                attr <- 'weight'
            g <- as.matrix(igraph::as_adjacency_matrix(g, type='both', attr=attr))
        graph = {
            g <- as(g, 'matrix')
        igraph = {
            attr <- NULL
            if ('weight' %in% igraph::list.edge.attributes(g)) {
                attr <- 'weight'
            g <- as.matrix(igraph::as_adjacency_matrix(g, type='both', attr=attr))
        bnlearn = {
            g <- from.bnlearn(g)

#' Convert Graph To Edge List
#' This function allows you to convert your graph to edge list format.
#' @param g Graph object.
#' @param from Input format (optional): 'auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'auto'
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- as.edges(g)

as.edges <- function(g, from=c('auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', 'bnlearn')) {
    from <- match.arg(from)
    if (from=='auto') {
        from <- detect.format(g)
    g <- switch(from,
        adjacency = {
            g <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(as.matrix(g), mode='directed', weighted=TRUE, diag=TRUE)
            g <- igraph::as_data_frame(g, what='edges')
        edges = {
            g <- as.data.frame(g)
        graph = {
            g <- as(g, 'matrix')
            g <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(as.matrix(g), mode='directed', weighted=TRUE, diag=TRUE)
            g <- igraph::as_data_frame(g, what='edges')
        igraph = {
            g <- igraph::as_data_frame(g, what='edges')
        bnlearn = {
            g <- from.bnlearn(g)
            g <- as.edges(g, from='adjacency')

#' Convert Graph To graph Format
#' This function allows you to convert your graph to graph format.
#' @param g Graph object.
#' @param from Input format (optional): 'auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'auto'
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- as.graph(g)

as.graph <- function(g, from=c('auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', 'bnlearn')) {
    from <- match.arg(from)
    if (from=='auto') {
        from <- detect.format(g)
    g <- switch(from,
        adjacency = {
            g <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(as.matrix(g), mode='directed', weighted=TRUE, diag=TRUE)
            V <- names(igraph::V(g))
            W <- NULL
            if ('weight' %in% igraph::list.edge.attributes(g)) {
                W <- g$weight
            g <- igraph::as_data_frame(g, what='edges')
            g <- as.matrix(subset(g, select=c('from', 'to')))
            g <- graph::ftM2graphNEL(g, W=W, V=V, edgemode='directed')
        edges = {
            g <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(as.data.frame(g))
            V <- names(igraph::V(g))
            W <- NULL
            if ('weight' %in% igraph::list.edge.attributes(g)) {
                W <- g$weight
            g <- igraph::as_data_frame(g, what='edges')
            g <- as.matrix(subset(g, select=c('from', 'to')))
            g <- graph::ftM2graphNEL(g, W=W, V=V, edgemode='directed')
        graph = {
            g <- g
        igraph = {
            g <- igraph::as_graphnel(g)
        bnlearn = {
            g <- from.bnlearn(g)
            g <- as.graph(g, from='adjacency')

#' Convert Graph To igraph Format
#' This function allows you to convert your graph to igraph format.
#' @param g Graph object.
#' @param from Input format (optional): 'auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'auto'
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- as.igraph(g)

as.igraph <- function(g, from=c('auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', 'bnlearn')) {
    from <- match.arg(from)
    if (from=='auto') {
        from <- detect.format(g)
    g <- switch(from,
        adjacency = {
            g <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(as.matrix(g), mode='directed', weighted=TRUE, diag=TRUE)
        edges = {
            g <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(as.data.frame(g))
        graph = {
            g <- as(g, 'matrix')
            g <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(as.matrix(g), mode='directed', weighted=TRUE, diag=TRUE)
        igraph = {
            g <- g
        bnlearn = {
            g <- from.bnlearn(g)
            g <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(as.matrix(g), mode='directed', weighted=TRUE, diag=TRUE)

#' Convert Graph To bnlearn Format
#' This function allows you to convert your graph to bnlearn format.
#' @param g Graph object.
#' @param from Input format (optional): 'auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'auto'
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- as.bnlearn(g)

as.bnlearn <- function(g, from=c('auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', 'bnlearn')) {
    from <- match.arg(from)
    if (from=='auto') {
        from <- detect.format(g)
    g <- switch(from,
        adjacency = {
            g <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(as.matrix(g), mode='directed', weighted=TRUE, diag=TRUE)
            V <- names(igraph::V(g))
            W <- NULL
            if ('weight' %in% igraph::list.edge.attributes(g)) {
                W <- g$weight
            g <- igraph::as_data_frame(g, what='edges')
            g <- as.matrix(subset(g, select=c('from', 'to')))
            g <- graph::ftM2graphNEL(g, W=W, V=V, edgemode='directed')
            g <- bnlearn::as.bn(g)
        edges = {
            g <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(as.data.frame(g))
            V <- names(igraph::V(g))
            W <- NULL
            if ('weight' %in% igraph::list.edge.attributes(g)) {
                W <- g$weight
            g <- igraph::as_data_frame(g, what='edges')
            g <- as.matrix(subset(g, select=c('from', 'to')))
            g <- graph::ftM2graphNEL(g, W=W, V=V, edgemode='directed')
            g <- bnlearn::as.bn(g)
        graph = {
            g <- bnlearn::as.bn(g)
        igraph = {
            g <- igraph::as_graphnel(g)
            g <- bnlearn::as.bn(g, check.cycles=FALSE)
        bnlearn = {
            g <- g

from.bnlearn <- function(g) {
    fmt <- class(g)[1]
    if (fmt=='bn') {
    } else if (fmt=='bn.fit') {
        g <- bnlearn::amat(g)
        for (node in g.fit) {
            gene <- node$node
            coeff <- as.list(node$coefficients)
            coeff['(Intercept)'] <- NULL
            for (parent in names(coeff)) {
                w <- as.numeric(coeff[parent])
                g[gene, parent] <- w

#' Graph Plotting
#' This function allows you to plot a graph.
#' @param x Graph object.
#' @param from Input format (optional).
#' @param layout igraph plot layout (optional): 'grid', 'star', 'circle', 'sphere', or 'nicely'. Default: 'circle'
#' @param interactive Interactive plot (optional). Default: FALSE
#' @param isolated.genes Whether or not to include isolated nodes in the plot (optional). Default: FALSE
#' @keywords graph plot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' graph.plot(obj)
#' graph.plot(obj, isolated.genes=TRUE)
#' graph.plot(obj, interactive=TRUE)

graph.plot <- function(x, from=c('auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', 'bnlearn'),
                       interactive=FALSE, isolated.genes=FALSE) {
    from <- match.arg(from)
    layout <- match.arg(layout)

    if (from=='auto') {

    if (igraph::gsize(as.igraph(x, from=from)) == 0) {
        isolated.genes <- TRUE

    if (isolated.genes) {
        g <- as.igraph(x, from=from)
    } else {
        g <- delete.isolated(as.adjacency(x, from=from), from='adjacency', to='igraph')

    igraph::V(g)$color <- rgb(0.0,0.5,0.5,0.1)
    if ('weight' %in% igraph::list.edge.attributes(g)) {
        igraph::E(g)$color <- ifelse(igraph::E(g)$weight > 0, rgb(0.0,0.7,0.0,0.9), rgb(0.7,0.0,0.0,0.9))
        igraph::E(g)$width <- sapply(igraph::E(g)$weight, function(x) ceiling(abs(x))+1)
        t <- as.igraph(as.adjacency(g))
        igraph::E(t)$weight <- abs(igraph::E(t)$weight)
    } else {
        igraph::E(g)$color <- rgb(0.3,0.3,0.3,0.9)
        igraph::E(g)$width <- 2
        t <- as.igraph(as.adjacency(g))

    layout <- switch(layout,
        grid = igraph::layout_on_grid(t),
        star = igraph::layout_as_star(t),
        circle = igraph::layout_in_circle(t),
        sphere = igraph::layout_on_sphere(t),
        nicely = igraph::layout_nicely(t)

    if (interactive) {
        layout <- third.axis(layout)
    } else {

#' Feature Graph Plotting
#' This function allows you to plot the graph of a feature (e.g. transcription factors or tumor suppressors).
#' @param x Graph object.
#' @param genes Geneset with features.
#' @param features Feature whose graph you want to plot.
#' @param from Input format (optional).
#' @param layout igraph plot layout (optional): 'grid', 'star', 'circle', 'sphere', or 'nicely'. Default: 'circle'
#' @param interactive Interactive plot (optional). Default: FALSE
#' @keywords graph feature plot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' feature.plot(obj, genes, 'tf', interactive=FALSE)
#' feature.plot(obj, genes, 'tumor.suppressor', interactive=TRUE)

feature.plot <- function(x, genes, feature, from=c('auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', 'bnlearn'),
                         layout=c('circle','star','grid','sphere','nicely'), interactive=FALSE) {
    from <- match.arg(from)
    layout <- match.arg(layout)

    if (from=='auto') {

    if (igraph::gsize(as.igraph(x, from=from)) == 0) {
        isolated.genes <- TRUE

    x <- as.edges(x, from=from)
    f_genes <- genes[genes[feature]==TRUE,]$name
    x <- x[x[,1] %in% f_genes | x[,2] %in% f_genes, ]
    g <- as.igraph(x, from='edges')
    igraph::V(g)$color <- ifelse(names(igraph::V(g)) %in% f_genes, rgb(0.5,0.0,0.5,0.1), rgb(0.0,0.5,0.5,0.1))
    igraph::V(g)$label.color <- ifelse(names(igraph::V(g)) %in% f_genes, rgb(0.3,0.0,0.3), rgb(0.0,0.3,0.3))
    igraph::V(g)$frame.color <- ifelse(names(igraph::V(g)) %in% f_genes, rgb(0.3,0.0,0.3), rgb(0.0,0.3,0.3))
    if ('weight' %in% igraph::list.edge.attributes(g)) {
        igraph::E(g)$color <- ifelse(igraph::E(g)$weight > 0, rgb(0.0,0.7,0.0,0.9), rgb(0.7,0.0,0.0,0.9))
        igraph::E(g)$width <- sapply(igraph::E(g)$weight, function(x) ceiling(abs(x))+1)
        t <- as.igraph(as.adjacency(g))
        igraph::E(t)$weight <- abs(igraph::E(t)$weight)
    } else {
        igraph::E(g)$color <- rgb(0.3,0.3,0.3,0.9)
        igraph::E(g)$width <- 2
        t <- as.igraph(as.adjacency(g))

    layout <- switch(layout,
        grid = igraph::layout_on_grid(t),
        star = igraph::layout_as_star(t),
        circle = igraph::layout_in_circle(t),
        sphere = igraph::layout_on_sphere(t),
        nicely = igraph::layout_nicely(t)

    if (interactive) {
        layout <- third.axis(layout)
    } else {

third.axis <- function(layout) {
    if (dim(layout)[2] == 2) {
        layout <- as.data.frame(layout)
        layout[,3] <- 0
        colnames(layout) <- NULL
        layout <- as.matrix(layout)

#' Graph Comparison
#' This function allows you to compare two graphs.
#' @param learned Learned graph or graph 1 (obj$average).
#' @param true Ground truth graph or graph 2 (reference).
#' @param learned.replicates List of learned replicates (obj$replicates) (optional). If provided, PR AUC will be calculated.
#' @param skeleton Whether to compare graph skeletons instead of the graphs themself. Default: FALSE
#' @param arcs Whether or not to list the arcs. Default: FALSE.
#' @param plot Whether or not to plot the differences between the two graphs. Default: TRUE
#' @param vertical.plot Whether to draw the comparison plots horizontally. Otherwise, they will be drawn horizontally. Default: TRUE
#' @param split.plot Whether to split comparison plots. Otherwise, they will be drawn together. Default: TRUE
#' @keywords graph comparison
#' @export
#' @examples
#' comparison <- compare.graphs(obj1, obj2, plot=TRUE)
#' comparison <- compare.graphs(obj1, obj2, plot=FALSE)

compare.graphs <- function(learned, true, learned.replicates=NULL, skeleton=FALSE,
                           arcs=FALSE, plot=TRUE, vertical.plot=TRUE, split.plot=TRUE) {
    learned <- as.igraph(learned)
    true <- as.igraph(true)

    if (skeleton) {
        learned <- igraph::as.undirected(learned, mode='collapse', edge.attr.comb=igraph::igraph_opt('edge.attr.comb'))
        true <- igraph::as.undirected(true, mode='collapse', edge.attr.comb=igraph::igraph_opt('edge.attr.comb'))

    learned <- igraph::simplify(learned, remove.multiple=TRUE, remove.loops=TRUE)
    true <- igraph::simplify(true, remove.multiple=TRUE, remove.loops=TRUE)

    v1 <- names(igraph::V(learned))
    v2 <- names(igraph::V(true))
    r1 <- v1[!(v1 %in% v2)]
    r2 <- v2[!(v2 %in% v1)]
    learned <- igraph::delete_vertices(learned, r1)
    true <- igraph::delete_vertices(true, r2)

    u <- igraph::union(learned, true)
    tp <- igraph::intersection(learned, true)
    fp <- igraph::difference(u, true)
    fn <- igraph::difference(u, learned)
    p <- precision(igraph::ecount(tp), igraph::ecount(fp))
    r <- recall(igraph::ecount(tp), igraph::ecount(fn))
    f1 <- f1.score(igraph::ecount(tp), igraph::ecount(fp), igraph::ecount(fn))
    miss <- miss.rate(igraph::ecount(fn), igraph::ecount(tp))
    fdr <- fd.rate(igraph::ecount(fp), igraph::ecount(tp))
    jaccard <- igraph::ecount(tp)/igraph::ecount(u)
    sorensen.dice <- 2*jaccard/(1+jaccard)

    if (plot) {
        learned.x <- igraph::difference(learned, tp)
        true.x <- igraph::difference(true, tp)
        igraph::V(tp)$color <- rgb(0.0,0.5,0.5,0.1)
        igraph::V(learned.x)$color <- rgb(0.0,0.5,0.5,0.1)
        igraph::V(true.x)$color <- rgb(0.0,0.5,0.5,0.1)

        igraph::E(tp)$color <- rgb(0.3,0.3,0.3,0.9)
        igraph::E(learned.x)$color <- rgb(0.3,0.3,0.3,0.9)
        igraph::E(true.x)$color <- rgb(0.3,0.3,0.3,0.9)

        if (vertical.plot & !split.plot) {
            par(mfrow = c(3,1), mar = c(2,2,2,2))
        } else if (!split.plot) {
            par(mfrow = c(1,3), mar = c(2,2,2,2))

            main='True Positive Arches',

            main='False Positive Arches',

            main='False Negative Arches',

    bnlearn_learned <- as.bnlearn(learned)
    bnlearn_true <- as.bnlearn(true)
    shd <- bnlearn::shd(bnlearn_learned, bnlearn_true)
    hamming <- bnlearn::hamming(bnlearn_learned, bnlearn_true)

    if (arcs) {
        tp <- igraph::ecount(tp)
        fp <- igraph::ecount(fp)
        fn <- igraph::ecount(fn)
        tp.out <- igraph::as_edgelist(tp)
        fp.out <- igraph::as_edgelist(fp)
        fn.out <- igraph::as_edgelist(fn)
    } else {
        tp.out <- tp <- igraph::ecount(tp)
        fp.out <- fp <- igraph::ecount(fp)
        fn.out <- fn <- igraph::ecount(fn)

    N <- igraph::gorder(u)
    tn <- ifelse(skeleton, N*(N-1)/2, N*(N-1))
    s <- selectivity(tn, fp)
    npv <- np.value(tn, fn)
    f <- fall.out(fp, tn)
    fo.r <- fo.rate(fn, tn)
    acc <- accuracy(tp, tn, fp, fn)
    b.acc <- balanced.accuracy(tp, tn, fp, fn)

    if (!is.null(learned.replicates)) {
        step <- 1/length(learned.replicates)
        precision.dist <- c()
        recall.dist <- c()
        fall.out.dist <- c()
        for (threshold in seq(from=0, to=1, by=step)) {
            learned <- g <- average.graph(learned.replicates, threshold=threshold, to='igraph')
            stats <- compare.graphs(learned, true, learned.replicates=NULL, skeleton=skeleton,
                                    arcs=FALSE, plot=FALSE, vertical.plot=FALSE, split.plot=FALSE)
            precision.dist <- c(precision.dist, stats$Precision)
            recall.dist <- c(recall.dist, stats$Recall)
            fall.out.dist <- c(fall.out.dist, stats$Fall.Out)


        data <- data.frame(precision.dist, recall.dist)
        data <- data %>%
          group_by(recall.dist) %>%
        precision.dist <- as.numeric(data$precision.dist)
        recall.dist <- as.numeric(data$recall.dist)
        pr.auc <- DescTools::AUC(recall.dist, precision.dist)

        if (plot) {
            plot(recall.dist, precision.dist, type='l', col='blue', lwd=3,
                 main=paste(c('Precision-Recall Curve\n(AUC = ', pr.auc, ')'), collapse=''), xlab='Recall', ylab='Precision')

        data <- data.frame(fall.out.dist, recall.dist)
        data <- data %>%
          group_by(recall.dist) %>%
        fall.out.dist <- as.numeric(data$fall.out.dist)
        recall.dist <- as.numeric(data$recall.dist)
        roc.auc <- DescTools::AUC(fall.out.dist, recall.dist)

        if (plot) {
            plot(fall.out.dist, recall.dist, type='l', col='blue', lwd=3,
                 main=paste(c('Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve\n(AUC = ', pr.auc, ')'), collapse=''), xlab='Fall-Out', ylab='Recall')

            TP = tp.out,
            FP = fp.out,
            FN = fn.out,
            TN = tn,
            Precision = p,
            Recall = r,
            F1.Score = f1,
            PR.AUC = pr.auc,
            Miss.Rate = miss,
            FDR = fdr,
            Selectivity = s,
            NPV = npv,
            Fall.Out = f,
            ROC.AUC = roc.auc,
            FOR = fo.r,
            Accuracy = acc,
            Balanced.Accuracy = b.acc,
            SHD = shd,
            Hamming = hamming,
            Jaccard = jaccard,
            Sorensen.Dice = sorensen.dice
    } else {
            TP = tp.out,
            FP = fp.out,
            FN = fn.out,
            TN = tn,
            Precision = p,
            Recall = r,
            F1.Score = f1,
            Miss.Rate = miss,
            FDR = fdr,
            Selectivity = s,
            NPV = npv,
            Fall.Out = f,
            FOR = fo.r,
            Accuracy = acc,
            Balanced.Accuracy = b.acc,
            SHD = shd,
            Hamming = hamming,
            Jaccard = jaccard,
            Sorensen.Dice = sorensen.dice

precision <- function(tp, fp) {

recall <- function(tp, fn) {

f1.score <- function(tp, fp, fn) {
    p <- precision(tp, fp)
    r <- recall(tp, fn)

miss.rate <- function(fn, tp) {

fd.rate <- function(fp, tp) {

selectivity <- function(tn, fp) {

np.value <- function(tn, fn) {

fall.out <- function(fp, tn) {

fo.rate <- function(fn, tn) {

accuracy <- function(tp, tn, fp, fn) {

balanced.accuracy <- function(tp, tn, fp, fn) {
    r <- recall(tp, fn)
    s <- selectivity(tn, fp)

#' Degree Per Gene
#' This function allows you to calculate the in-degree and out-degree of each (selected) gene.
#' @param x Graph object.
#' @param vertices Vertices you want to analyze. Default: all vertices.
#' @param in.degree Whether or not to analyze in-degree (optional). Default: TRUE.
#' @param out.degree Whether or not to analyze out-degree (optional). Default: TRUE.
#' @param loops Whether or not to consider loops (optional). Default: FALSE.
#' @param normalized Whether or not to normalize degrees (optional). Default: FALSE.
#' @keywords graph vertex degree
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mtx <- gene.degree(x)

gene.degree <- function(x, vertices=NULL, in.degree=TRUE, out.degree=TRUE, loops=FALSE, normalized=FALSE) {
    x <- as.adjacency(x)
    if (!loops) {
        diag(x) <- 0
    k <- sum(c(in.degree, out.degree))
    if (k==0) {
        in.degree <- TRUE
        out.degree <- TRUE
        k <- 2
    if (!is.null(vertices)) {
        vertices <- vertices[as.logical(lapply(vertices, valid.vertex, x=x))]
        n.vertices <- length(vertices)
        if (n.vertices==0) {
            vertices <- colnames(x)
            n.vertices <- length(vertices)
    } else {
        vertices <- colnames(x)
        n.vertices <- length(vertices)
    mtx = matrix(0, n.vertices, k)
    rownames(mtx) <- vertices
    if (in.degree & out.degree) {
        colnames(mtx) <- c('in.degree', 'out.degree')
    } else if (in.degree) {
        colnames(mtx) <- c('in.degree')
    } else if (out.degree) {
        colnames(mtx) <- c('out.degree')
    for (v in vertices) {
        if (in.degree) {
            mtx[v, 'in.degree'] <- igraph::degree(as.igraph(x), v, mode='in', normalized=normalized)
        if (out.degree) {
            mtx[v, 'out.degree'] <- igraph::degree(as.igraph(x), v, mode='out', normalized=normalized)

#' Feature Degree Per Gene
#' This function allows you to calculate the in-degree and out-degree of genes that have a certain feature (e.g. transcription factors or tumor suppressor genes).
#' @param x Graph object.
#' @param genes Geneset with features.
#' @param features Features you want to analyze. Default: all boolean features.
#' @param vertices Vertices you want to analyze. Default: all vertices.
#' @param in.degree Whether or not to analyze in-degree (optional). Default: TRUE.
#' @param out.degree Whether or not to analyze out-degree (optional). Default: TRUE.
#' @param loops Whether or not to consider loops (optional). Default: FALSE.
#' @param normalized Whether or not to normalize degrees (optional). Default: FALSE.
#' @keywords graph feature vertex degree
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mtx <- feature.degree(x, genes)
#' mtx <- feature.degree(x, genes, features=c('tf', 'target', 'tumor.suppressor'))
#' mtx <- feature.degree(x, genes, features='tumor.suppressor', in.degree=TRUE, out.degree=FALSE)
#' mtx <- feature.degree(x, genes, features='essential', vertices=c('ADRB1', 'HSF2'), normalized=TRUE)

feature.degree <- function(x, genes, features=NULL, vertices=NULL, in.degree=TRUE, out.degree=TRUE, loops=FALSE, normalized=FALSE) {
    x <- as.adjacency(x)
    if (!loops) {
        diag(x) <- 0
    k <- sum(c(in.degree, out.degree))
    if (k==0) {
        in.degree <- TRUE
        out.degree <- TRUE
        k <- 2
    if (!is.null(features)) {
        features <- features[as.logical(lapply(features, valid.feature, genes=genes))]
        n.features <- length(features)
        if (n.features==0) {
            features <- colnames(genes)
            features <- features[as.logical(lapply(features, valid.feature, genes=genes))]
            n.features <- length(features)
    } else {
        features <- colnames(genes)
        features <- features[as.logical(lapply(features, valid.feature, genes=genes))]
        n.features <- length(features)
    if (!is.null(vertices)) {
        vertices <- vertices[as.logical(lapply(vertices, valid.vertex, x=x))]
        n.vertices <- length(vertices)
        if (n.vertices==0) {
            vertices <- colnames(x)
            n.vertices <- length(vertices)
    } else {
        vertices <- colnames(x)
        n.vertices <- length(vertices)
    mtx = matrix(0, n.vertices, k+n.features*k)
    rownames(mtx) <- vertices
    colnames(mtx) <- feature.colnames(features, in.degree, out.degree)
    for (v in vertices) {
        if (in.degree) {
            mtx[v, 'in.degree'] <- igraph::degree(as.igraph(x), v, mode='in', normalized=normalized)
        if (out.degree) {
            mtx[v, 'out.degree'] <- igraph::degree(as.igraph(x), v, mode='out', normalized=normalized)
        for (f in features) {
            f_genes <- intersect(colnames(x), genes[genes[f]==TRUE,]$name)
            if (!v %in% f_genes) {
                f_genes <- c(v, f_genes)
                j = 2
            } else {
                j = 1
            f_x <- subset(x, select=f_genes)
            f_x <- f_x[f_genes, ]
            if (!is.null(dim(f_x))) {
                if (loops) {
                    s <- f_x[v, v]
                } else {
                    s <- 0
                diag(f_x) <- 0
                f_x[v, v] <- s
                if (in.degree) {
                    f_col <- paste(f, 'in.degree', sep='|')
                    mtx[v, f_col] <- igraph::degree(as.igraph(f_x, from='adjacency'), v, mode='in')
                    if (normalized) {
                        mtx[v, f_col] <- mtx[v, f_col]/(length(f_genes)-j)
                if (out.degree) {
                    f_col <- paste(f, 'out.degree', sep='|')
                    mtx[v, f_col] <- igraph::degree(as.igraph(f_x, from='adjacency'), v, mode='out')
                    if (normalized) {
                        mtx[v, f_col] <- mtx[v, f_col]/(length(f_genes)-j)

valid.feature <- function(genes, feature) {
    col.classes <- lapply(genes, class)
    if (feature %in% colnames(genes)) {
        if (col.classes[feature]=='logical') {
        } else {
    } else{

valid.vertex <- function(x, vertex) {
    x <- as.adjacency(x)
    return(vertex %in% colnames(x))

feature.colnames <- function(features, in.degree, out.degree) {
    cols <- c('in.degree', 'out.degree')[c(in.degree, out.degree)]
    for (feature in features) {
        if (in.degree) {
            cols <- c(cols, paste(feature, 'in.degree', sep='|'))
        if (out.degree) {
            cols <- c(cols, paste(feature, 'out.degree', sep='|'))

#' Drop rows and/or columns with all zeros
#' This function allows you to drop rows and/or columns with all zeros.
#' @param mtx Matrix or dataframe.
#' @param rows Drop rows with all zeros.
#' @param columns Drop columns with all zeros.
#' @param square.matrix Special mode for square matrices ('any' or 'all'). any: if the column or row is full of zeros, delete both; all: if the column or row is not full of zeros, keep both
#' @keywords matrix dataframe zeros
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mtx <- drop.all.zeros(mtx)
#' mtx <- drop.all.zeros(mtx, square.matrix='any')
#' mtx <- drop.all.zeros(mtx, square.matrix='all')

drop.all.zeros <- function(mtx, rows=TRUE, columns=TRUE, square.matrix='none') {
    nz.rows <- apply(mtx, 1, function(x) !all(x==0))
    nz.cols <- apply(mtx, 2, function(x) !all(x==0))
    mtx <- switch(square.matrix,
        any = mtx[nz.rows & nz.cols, nz.rows & nz.cols],
        all = mtx[nz.rows | nz.cols, nz.rows | nz.cols],
            if (rows) {
                mtx <- mtx[nz.rows,]
            if (columns) {
                mtx <- mtx[,nz.cols]

#' Calculate The Average Graph
#' This function allows you to calculate the average graph from a list of graphs.
#' @param graphs List of graphs.
#' @param threshold Minimum strength required for a coefficient to be included in the average graph (optional). Default: 0.5
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn') (optional).
#' @keywords average graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' graph <- average.graph(graphs)

average.graph <- function(graphs, threshold=0.5, to='igraph') {

    R <- length(graphs)
    all.cols <- c()
    for (i in 1:R) {
        g <- as.data.frame(as.adjacency(graphs[[i]]))
        rownames(g) <- colnames(g)
        g <- g[sort(rownames(g)), sort(colnames(g))]
        cols <- colnames(g)
        all.cols <- c(all.cols, cols)

    all.cols <- sort(unique( all.cols))
    all.occurr <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, nrow=length(all.cols), ncol=length(all.cols)))
    rownames(all.occurr) <- colnames(all.occurr) <- all.cols
    all.coeff <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, nrow=length(all.cols), ncol=length(all.cols)))
    rownames(all.coeff) <- colnames(all.coeff) <- all.cols
    all.adj <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, nrow=length(all.cols), ncol=length(all.cols)))
    rownames(all.adj) <- colnames(all.adj) <- all.cols

    for (i in 1:R) {
        coeff <- graphs[[i]]
        adj <- sign(abs(coeff))
        cols <- colnames(coeff)
        occurr <- as.data.frame(matrix(1, nrow=length(cols), ncol=length(cols)))
        rownames(occurr) <- colnames(occurr) <- cols
        all.occurr[cols, cols] <- all.occurr[cols, cols] + occurr
        all.coeff[cols, cols] <- all.coeff[cols, cols] + coeff
        all.adj[cols, cols] <- all.adj[cols, cols] + adj

    all.occurr[all.occurr == 0] <- 1
    all.coeff <- all.coeff / all.occurr
    all.adj <- all.adj / all.occurr
    all.coeff[all.adj < threshold] <- 0

    g <- convert.format(all.coeff, to=to)


#' Graph Communities
#' This function allows you to detect how many communities are in the graph and to which community each node and edge belongs.
#' @param x Graph object.
#' @param algorithm Algorithm for finding communities: 'louvain', 'edge.betweenness', 'fast.greedy', 'label.prop', 'leading.eigen', 'optimal', 'spinglass', or 'walktrap'. Default: 'louvain'
#' @param network Whether or not to plot the network. Default: TRUE
#' @param network.layout igraph network layout (optional): 'grid', 'star', 'circle', 'sphere', or 'nicely'. Default: 'circle'
#' @param interactive.network Interactive network (optional). Default: FALSE
#' @param network.isolated Whether or not to include isolated nodes in the plot (optional). Default: TRUE
#' @param dendrogram Whether or not to plot a dendrogram (when possible). Default: FALSE
#' @param dendrogram.type Type of phylogeny to be drawn: 'fan', 'phylogram', 'cladogram', 'unrooted', or 'radial'. Default: 'fan'
#' @param from Input format (optional).
#' @keywords graph community plot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' communities <- graph.communities(g)
#' communities <- graph.communities(g, algorithm='louvain', network=TRUE, network.isolated=FALSE, dendrogram=FALSE)
#' communities <- graph.communities(g, algorithm='walktrap', network=FALSE, dendrogram=TRUE, dendrogram.type='cladogram')

graph.communities <- function(x, algorithm=c('louvain','edge.betweenness','fast.greedy','label.prop','leading.eigen','optimal','spinglass','walktrap'),
                              network=TRUE, network.layout=c('circle','star','grid','sphere','nicely'), interactive.network=FALSE, network.isolated=TRUE,
                              dendrogram=FALSE, dendrogram.type=c('fan','phylogram','cladogram','unrooted','radial'),
                              from=c('auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', 'bnlearn')) {
    algorithm <- match.arg(algorithm)
    network.layout <- match.arg(network.layout)
    dendrogram.type <- match.arg(dendrogram.type)
    from <- match.arg(from)

    if (algorithm %in% c('louvain','label.prop','optimal','spinglass')) {
        dendrogram <- FALSE

    algorithm <- switch(algorithm,
        louvain = igraph::cluster_louvain,
        edge.betweenness = igraph::cluster_edge_betweenness,
        fast.greedy = igraph::cluster_fast_greedy,
        label.prop = igraph::cluster_label_prop,
        leading.eigen = igraph::cluster_leading_eigen,
        optimal = igraph::cluster_optimal,
        spinglass = igraph::cluster_spinglass,
        walktrap = igraph::cluster_walktrap

    if (from=='auto') {

    if (igraph::gsize(as.igraph(x, from=from)) == 0) {
        network.isolated <- TRUE


    if (network.isolated) {
        g <- as.igraph(x, from=from)
    } else {
        g <- delete.isolated(as.adjacency(x, from=from), from='adjacency', to='igraph')

    g <- as.igraph(x, from=from)
    if ('weight' %in% igraph::list.edge.attributes(g)) {
        igraph::E(g)$color <- ifelse(igraph::E(g)$weight > 0, rgb(0.0,0.7,0.0,0.9), rgb(0.7,0.0,0.0,0.9))
        igraph::E(g)$width <- sapply(igraph::E(g)$weight, function(x) ceiling(abs(x))+1)
        t <- as.igraph(as.adjacency(g))
        igraph::E(t)$weight <- abs(igraph::E(t)$weight)
    } else {
        igraph::E(g)$color <- rgb(0.3,0.3,0.3,0.9)
        igraph::E(g)$width <- 2
        t <- as.igraph(as.adjacency(g))
    c <- algorithm(igraph::as.undirected(t))
    igraph::V(g)$community <- igraph::membership(c)

    palette <- rainbow(length(unique(igraph::V(g)$community)))

    node.community <- igraph::get.data.frame(g, what='vertices')

    edge.community <- igraph::get.data.frame(g, what='edges') %>%
        inner_join(node.community %>% select(name, community), by=c('from'='name')) %>%
        inner_join(node.community %>% select(name, community), by=c('to'='name')) %>%
        mutate(community = ifelse(community.x == community.y, community.x, NA) %>% factor())
    colnames(edge.community) <- c('from', 'to', 'weight', 'from.community', 'to.community', 'community')

    if (network & interactive.network) {

        layout <- third.axis(layout)
            vertex.color = palette[as.numeric(as.factor(igraph::vertex_attr(g, 'community')))],

    } else if (network & !interactive.network) {

        network.layout <- switch(network.layout,
            grid = igraph::layout_on_grid(t),
            star = igraph::layout_as_star(t),
            circle = igraph::layout_in_circle(t),
            sphere = igraph::layout_on_sphere(t),
            nicely = igraph::layout_nicely(t)

            vertex.color = palette[as.numeric(as.factor(igraph::vertex_attr(g, 'community')))],


    if (dendrogram) {
        igraph::plot_dendrogram(c, mode='phylo', palette=palette, type=dendrogram.type,
                                font=2, cex=1.5, edge.color='black', edge.width=3)

        communities = unique(igraph::V(g)$community),
        node.community = node.community,
        edge.community = edge.community

#' Generate A Random Graph/DAG
#' This function allows you to generate a random graph/DAG.
#' @param nodes Number of nodes or vector of node names.
#' @param exp.degree Number of expected degree per node.
#' @param dag Whether the graph should be a DAG or not. Default: TRUE
#' @param plot Whether or not to plot the graph. Default: TRUE
#' @param algorithm Algorithm to be used to generate the graph: 'regular', 'watts', 'er', 'power', 'bipartite', 'barabasi', or 'geometric'. Default: 'regular'
#' @param to Output format ('adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn').
#' @keywords generate random graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' graph <- random.graph(LETTERS[1:15], 3, dag=TRUE)
#' graph <- random.graph(LETTERS[1:15], 3, dag=FALSE)
#' graph <- random.graph(15, 3, dag=TRUE)
#' graph <- random.graph(15, 3, dag=FALSE)

random.graph <- function(nodes, exp.degree, dag=TRUE, plot=TRUE,
                       algorithm=c('regular','watts','er','power','bipartite','barabasi','geometric'), to='igraph', ...) {
    algorithm <- match.arg(algorithm)

    n <- ifelse(length(nodes) == 1, nodes, length(nodes))

    if (dag) {
        g <- pcalg::randDAG(n, exp.degree, method=algorithm, DAG=TRUE, ...)
        g <- as.data.frame(as(g, 'matrix'))
        if (length(nodes) > 1) {
            rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- nodes
    } else {
        g <- switch(algorithm,
            regular = { igraph::sample_k_regular(n, exp.degree, directed=TRUE, multiple=FALSE) },
            watts = { igraph::sample_smallworld(1, n, 1, exp.degree/(n-1), loops=FALSE, multiple=FALSE) },
            er = { igraph::erdos.renyi.game(n, exp.degree*n, type='gnm', directed=TRUE, loops=FALSE, ...) },
            power = { igraph::sample_fitness_pl(n, exp.degree*n, 2, exponent.in=2, loops=FALSE, multiple=FALSE, finite.size.correction=TRUE) },
            bipartite = { igraph::make_full_bipartite_graph(round(n/2), n-round(n/2), directed=TRUE, mode='all', ...) },
            barabasi = { igraph::sample_pa(n, 1, exp.degree, directed=TRUE, ...) },
            geometric = { igraph::sample_grg(n, exp.degree/(n-1), ...) }
        g <- as.data.frame(as.matrix(igraph::as_adjacency_matrix(g, type='both')))
        if (length(nodes) > 1) {
            rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- nodes
    if (plot) {
        graph.plot(g, isolated.genes=FALSE)
    g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)

#' Make an edgelist from some genes to anothers.
#' This function allows you to make an edgelist from some genes to anothers.
#' @param genes Geneset with features.
#' @param from.genes User-selected 'from' genes.
#' @param to.genes User-selected 'to' genes.
#' @param from.features The edges will go from genes with some of these features.
#' @param to.features The edges will go to genes with some of these features.
#' @keywords whitelist blacklist genes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' blacklist <- make.edgelist(genes, from.features='target', to.features='tf')

make.edgelist <- function(genes, from.genes=NULL, to.genes=NULL, from.features=NULL, to.features=NULL) {
    if (is.null(from.genes)) {
        from.genes <- genes$name
    if (is.null(to.genes)) {
        to.genes <- genes$name
    from <- c()
    to <- c()
    if (!is.null(from.features)) {
      for (i in 1:length(from.features)) {
          feature <- from.features[i]
          from <- c(from, genes[genes[genes$name %in% from.genes,feature],]$name)
    } else {
      from <- c(from, genes[genes[genes$name %in% from.genes,],]$name)
    if (!is.null(to.features)) {
      for (i in 1:length(to.features)) {
          feature <- to.features[i]
          to <- c(to, genes[genes[genes$name %in% to.genes,feature],]$name)
    } else {
      to <- c(to, genes[genes[genes$name %in% to.genes,],]$name)
    from <- unique(from)
    to <- unique(to)
    edge.list <- expand.grid(from, to)
    colnames(edge.list) <- c('from', 'to')
    edge.list$from <- as.character(edge.list$from)
    edge.list$to <- as.character(edge.list$to)
    edge.list <- edge.list[edge.list$from != edge.list$to,]
    rownames(edge.list) <- NULL

#' Delete Isolated Nodes
#' This function allows you to delete isolated genes (nodes) in a graph.
#' @param g Graph object.
#' @param to Output format (optional): 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'igraph'
#' @param from Input format (optional): 'auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'auto'
#' @keywords graph isolated genes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- delete.isolated(g, to='igraph')

delete.isolated <- function(g, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'),
                            from=c('auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', 'bnlearn')) {
    to <- match.arg(to)
    from <- match.arg(from)
    if (from=='auto') {
        from <- detect.format(g)
    g <- convert.format(g, from=from, to='adjacency')
    g <- drop.all.zeros(g, square.matrix='all')
    g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)

#' Drug-Gene Interactions Plotting
#' This function allows you to visualize the interaction of a selected gene with drugs and other genes.
#' @param x Graph object.
#' @param drugs Geneset with drug-gene interactions.
#' @param gene Gene whose drug interactions you want to explore.
#' @param neighbors Whether or not to draw neighboring genes. Default: TRUE
#' @param from Input format (optional).
#' @param interactive Interactive plot (optional). Default: FALSE
#' @keywords genes drugs graph plot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' drugs.plot(g, 3, 'Bax')

drugs.plot <- function(x, drugs, gene, neighbors=TRUE, from=c('auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', 'bnlearn'), interactive=FALSE) {
    from <- match.arg(from)

    if (class(drugs)=='numeric') {
        genesets <- list.genesets()
        type <- genesets[genesets$download.code==drugs,]$dataset
        if (grepl('Drug-Gene Interactions', type, ignore.case=TRUE)) {
            drugs <- download.geneset(drugs)
        } else {
            message(paste('Wrong type of geneset?', '->', type))
            drugs <- download.geneset(drugs)
    } else {
        fmt <- detect.format(drugs)
        drugs <- as.edges(drugs, from=fmt)
    if (from=='auto') {

    drugs$from <- gsub(' ', '\n', drugs$from)
    drugs.df <- drugs[drugs$to==gene,]
    drugs <- as.adjacency(drugs.df, from='edges')

    if (sum(drugs)==0) {

        if (neighbors) {
            genes <- as.edges(x, from=from)
            genes <- as.adjacency(genes[genes$from == gene | genes$to == gene,], from='edges')
        } else {
            genes <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, nrow=1, ncol=1))
            rownames(genes) <- colnames(genes) <- c(gene)

        g <- as.igraph(genes, from='adjacency')
        igraph::V(g)$color <- rgb(0.0,0.5,0.5,0.1)
        igraph::V(g)$shape <- 'circle'
        igraph::V(g)$frame.color <- rgb(0.0,0.3,0.3)
        igraph::V(g)$label.color <- rgb(0.0,0.3,0.3)
        igraph::V(g)$label.cex <- 1

    } else {

        if (neighbors) {
            genes <- as.edges(x, from=from)
            genes <- as.adjacency(genes[genes$from == gene | genes$to == gene,], from='edges')
            genes <- genes[sort(rownames(genes)), sort(colnames(genes))]
        } else {
            genes <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, nrow=1, ncol=1))
            rownames(genes) <- colnames(genes) <- c(gene)

        g <- as.adjacency(g)
        g <- average.graph(list(drugs, genes), threshold=0)
        positive <- c('activator', 'agonist', 'cofactor', 'inducer', 'partial_agonist', 'positive_allosteric_modulator', 'stimulator')
        negative <- c('channel_blocker', 'antagonist', 'antibody', 'antisense', 'antisense_oligonucleotide', 'blocker', 'gating_inhibitor', 'inhibitor', 'inhibitory_allosteric_modulator', 'inverse_agonist', 'negative_modulator', 'vaccine')
        undefined <- c('allosteric_modulator', 'binder', 'modulator')
        for (i in 1:nrow(drugs.df)) {
            drug <- drugs.df[i,]$from
            if ('type' %in% colnames(drugs.df)) {
                drug.type <- drugs.df[i,]$type
                p <- sum(grepl(drug.type, positive, ignore.case=TRUE))
                n <- sum(grepl(drug.type, negative, ignore.case=TRUE))
                u <- sum(grepl(drug.type, undefined, ignore.case=TRUE))
                if (p & !n) {
                    g[drug, gene] <- 1
                } else if (n & !p) {
                    g[drug, gene] <- -1
                } else {
                    g[drug, gene] <- 1e-100
            } else {
                g[drug, gene] <- 1e-100

        g <- as.igraph(g)
        drugs <- as.igraph(drugs)
        drugs <- igraph::delete_vertices(drugs, gene)
        igraph::V(g)$color <- ifelse(names(igraph::V(g)) %in% names(igraph::V(drugs)), rgb(0.5,0.0,0.5,0.1), rgb(0.0,0.5,0.5,0.1))
        igraph::V(g)$shape <- ifelse(names(igraph::V(g)) %in% names(igraph::V(drugs)), 'square', 'circle')
        igraph::V(g)$frame.color <- ifelse(names(igraph::V(g)) %in% names(igraph::V(drugs)), rgb(0.3,0.0,0.3), rgb(0.0,0.3,0.3))
        igraph::V(g)$label.color <- ifelse(names(igraph::V(g)) %in% names(igraph::V(drugs)), rgb(0.3,0.0,0.3), rgb(0.0,0.3,0.3))
        igraph::V(g)$label.cex <- ifelse(names(igraph::V(g)) %in% names(igraph::V(drugs)), 0.75, 1)


    if ('weight' %in% igraph::list.edge.attributes(g)) {
        igraph::E(g)$color <- ifelse(igraph::E(g)$weight == 1e-100, rgb(0.0,0.0,0.7,0.9),
                                     ifelse(igraph::E(g)$weight > 0, rgb(0.0,0.7,0.0,0.9), rgb(0.7,0.0,0.0,0.9)))
        igraph::E(g)$width <- sapply(igraph::E(g)$weight, function(x) ceiling(abs(x))+1)
        t <- as.igraph(as.adjacency(g))
        igraph::E(t)$weight <- abs(igraph::E(t)$weight)
    } else {
        igraph::E(g)$color <- rgb(0.3,0.3,0.3,0.9)
        igraph::E(g)$width <- 2
        t <- as.igraph(as.adjacency(g))

    layout <- igraph::layout_as_star(g, center = gene)

    if (interactive) {
        layout <- third.axis(layout)
    } else {

#' Ortholog Genes Graph
#' This function allows you to convert graph between different formats: adjacency matrix, list of edges, igraph and bnlearn (bnlearn).
#' @param g Graph object.
#' @param genes Geneset with features.
#' @param column Name of column with ortholog genes.
#' @param to Output format (optional): 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'igraph'
#' @param from Input format (optional): 'auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'auto'
#' @keywords graph ortholog genes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- ortholog.graph(g, genes, column='human.ortholog')

ortholog.graph <- function(g, genes, column, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'),
                           from=c('auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', 'bnlearn')) {
    to <- match.arg(to)
    from <- match.arg(from)

    if (from=='auto') {
        from <- detect.format(g)

    g <- as.igraph(g, from=from)

    nodes <- names(igraph::V(g))
    ortholog.genes <- sapply(nodes, function(name) {
        new.name <- genes[genes$name==name, ]
        new.name <- new.name[1, column]
        if (length(new.name)==0 | is.null(new.name)) {
            new.name <- paste(c('NA', name), colapse=':')
    igraph::V(g)$name <- ortholog.genes
    igraph::V(g)$label <- ortholog.genes

    g <- convert.format(g, from='igraph', to=to)

#' Estimate The Coefficients Of An Adjacency Matrix
#' This function allows you to estimate the coefficients of the adjacency matrix of a previously learned graph.
#' @param g Graph object.
#' @param df Dataset.
#' @param to Output format (optional): 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'igraph'
#' @param from Input format (optional): 'auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'auto'
#' @param cluster A cluster object from package parallel or the number of cores to be used (optional). Default: parallel::detectCores()
#' @keywords graph fit coefficients
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- fit.coefficients(g, df)

fit.coefficients <- function(g, df, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'),
                             from=c('auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', 'bnlearn'), cluster=parallel::detectCores()) {
    to <- match.arg(to)
    from <- match.arg(from)
    if (from=='auto') {
        from <- detect.format(g)

    df <- subset(df, select=colnames(as.adjacency(g, from=from)))
    g <- as.bnlearn(g, from=from)
    if (bnlearn::directed(g) & bnlearn::acyclic(g)) {
        cluster = makeCluster(cluster)
        g.fit <- bnlearn::bn.fit(g, df, method='mle', keep.fitted=TRUE, cluster=cluster)
        g <- bnlearn::amat(g)
        for (node in g.fit) {
            gene <- node$node
            coeff <- as.list(node$coefficients)
            coeff['(Intercept)'] <- NULL
            for (parent in names(coeff)) {
                w <- as.numeric(coeff[parent])
                g[gene, parent] <- w
        g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)
    } else {
        message('The graph contains undirected edges, cycles or loops.')

#' Compute The Score Of A Graph
#' This function allows you to compute the score of a previously learned graph.
#' @param g Graph object.
#' @param test.df Test dataset.
#' @param from Input format (optional): 'auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'auto'
#' @keywords graph score
#' @export
#' @examples
#' score.graph(g, test.df)

score.graph <- function(g, test.df, from=c('auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', 'bnlearn')) {
    from <- match.arg(from)
    if (from=='auto') {
        from <- detect.format(g)
    test.df <- subset(test.df, select=colnames(as.adjacency(g, from=from)))
    g <- as.bnlearn(g, from=from)
    if (bnlearn::directed(g) & bnlearn::acyclic(g)) {
        scores <- list()
        scores$loglik <- bnlearn::score(g, test.df, type='loglik-g')
        scores$aic <- bnlearn::score(g, test.df, type='aic-g')
        scores$bic <- bnlearn::score(g, test.df, type='bic-g')
        scores$bge <- bnlearn::score(g, test.df, type='bge')
    } else {
        message('The graph contains undirected edges, cycles or loops.')

#' Return Undirected Edges
#' This function returns all undirected edges in a graph.
#' @param g Graph object.
#' @param to Output format (optional): 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'igraph'
#' @param from Input format (optional): 'auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'auto'
#' @keywords graph undirected edges
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- undirected.edges(g)

undirected.edges <- function(g, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'),
                             from=c('auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', 'bnlearn')) {
    to <- match.arg(to)
    from <- match.arg(from)

    if (from=='auto') {
        from <- detect.format(g)

    g <- as.bnlearn(g, from=from)
    g <- bnlearn::undirected.arcs(g)
    g <- convert.format(g, from='edges', to=to)

#' Return Directed Edges
#' This function returns all directed edges in a graph.
#' @param g Graph object.
#' @param to Output format (optional): 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'igraph'
#' @param from Input format (optional): 'auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'auto'
#' @keywords graph directed edges
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- directed.edges(g)

directed.edges <- function(g, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'),
                           from=c('auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', 'bnlearn')) {
    to <- match.arg(to)
    from <- match.arg(from)

    if (from=='auto') {
        from <- detect.format(g)

    g <- as.bnlearn(g, from=from)
    g <- bnlearn::directed.arcs(g)
    g <- convert.format(g, from='edges', to=to)

#' Add Genes To A Graph
#' This function adds genes to a previously learned graph.
#' @param g Graph object.
#' @param new.genes New genes to be added (vector).
#' @param to Output format (optional): 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'igraph'
#' @param from Input format (optional): 'auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'auto'
#' @keywords graph genes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- add.genes(g, c('Cd74', 'Ldhc', 'Tlx3'))

add.genes <- function(g, new.genes, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'),
                      from=c('auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', 'bnlearn')) {
    to <- match.arg(to)
    from <- match.arg(from)

    if (from=='auto') {
        from <- detect.format(g)

    g <- as.igraph(g, from=from)
    new.genes <- new.genes[!new.genes %in% names(igraph::V(g))]
    if (length(new.genes) > 0) {
        g <- igraph::add_vertices(g, length(new.genes), attr=list(name=new.genes))
    g <- convert.format(g, from='igraph', to=to)

#' Rename Genes To A Graph
#' This function renames genes of a previously learned graph.
#' @param g Graph object.
#' @param genes Genes to be renamed (vector).
#' @param new.names New names (vector, in the same order).
#' @param to Output format (optional): 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'igraph'
#' @param from Input format (optional): 'auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'auto'
#' @keywords graph genes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- rename.genes(g, c('A', 'B', 'C'), c('Cd74', 'Ldhc', 'Tlx3'))

rename.genes <- function(g, genes, new.names, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'),
                         from=c('auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', 'bnlearn')) {
    to <- match.arg(to)
    from <- match.arg(from)

    if (from=='auto') {
        from <- detect.format(g)

    g <- as.igraph(g, from=from)
    genes <- genes[genes %in% names(igraph::V(g))]
    if (length(genes) > 0) {
        g <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(g, 'name', index=genes, new.names)
    g <- convert.format(g, from='igraph', to=to)

#' Delete Genes From A Graph
#' This function deletes genes from a previously learned graph.
#' @param g Graph object.
#' @param rm.genes Genes to be deleted (vector).
#' @param to Output format (optional): 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'igraph'
#' @param from Input format (optional): 'auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'auto'
#' @keywords graph genes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- delete.genes(g, c('Cd74', 'Ldhc', 'Tlx3'))

delete.genes <- function(g, rm.genes, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'),
                         from=c('auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', 'bnlearn')) {
    to <- match.arg(to)
    from <- match.arg(from)

    if (from=='auto') {
        from <- detect.format(g)

    g <- as.igraph(g, from=from)
    rm.genes <- rm.genes[rm.genes %in% names(igraph::V(g))]
    if (length(rm.genes) > 0) {
        g <- igraph::delete_vertices(g, rm.genes)
    g <- convert.format(g, from='igraph', to=to)

#' Add Edges To A Graph
#' This function adds edges to a previously learned graph.
#' @param g Graph object.
#' @param new.edges New edges to be added (dataframe with at least two columns: 'from' and 'to').
#' @param new.genes New genes (nodes) will also be included. Otherwise, only edges of nodes already present in the network will be taken into account. Default: TRUE
#' @param to Output format (optional): 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'igraph'
#' @param from Input format (optional): 'auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'auto'
#' @keywords graph genes edges
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- add.edges(g, new.edges)

add.edges <- function(g, new.edges, new.genes=TRUE, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'),
                      from=c('auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', 'bnlearn')) {
    to <- match.arg(to)
    from <- match.arg(from)

    if (from=='auto') {
        from <- detect.format(g)

    g <- as.adjacency(g, from=from)
    new.edges <- as.adjacency(new.edges, from='edges')

    if (new.genes) {
        g <- add.genes(g, colnames(new.edges), from='adjacency', to='adjacency')

    g <- g[sort(colnames(g)), sort(colnames(g))]
    cols.g <- colnames(g)
    new.edges <- new.edges[sort(colnames(new.edges)), sort(colnames(new.edges))]
    cols.new <- colnames(new.edges)
    cols.new <- intersect(cols.g, cols.new)
    new.edges <- as.edges(new.edges[cols.new, cols.new], from='adjacency')
    for (i in 1:nrow(new.edges)) {
        e.from <- new.edges[i,]$from
        e.to <- new.edges[i,]$to
        e.weight <- new.edges[i,]$weight
        g[e.from, e.to] <- e.weight

    g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)

#' Delete Edges To A Graph
#' This function deletes edges to a previously learned graph.
#' @param g Graph object.
#' @param rm.edges New edges to be deleted (dataframe with at least two columns: 'from' and 'to').
#' @param to Output format (optional): 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'igraph'
#' @param from Input format (optional): 'auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', or 'bnlearn'. Default: 'auto'
#' @keywords graph genes edges
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- delete.edges(g, new.edges)

delete.edges <- function(g, rm.edges, to=c('igraph', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'bnlearn'),
                         from=c('auto', 'adjacency', 'edges', 'graph', 'igraph', 'bnlearn')) {
    to <- match.arg(to)
    from <- match.arg(from)

    if (from=='auto') {
        from <- detect.format(g)

    g <- as.adjacency(g, from=from)
    new.edges <- as.adjacency(new.edges, from='edges')
    g <- g[sort(colnames(g)), sort(colnames(g))]
    cols.g <- colnames(g)
    new.edges <- new.edges[sort(colnames(new.edges)), sort(colnames(new.edges))]
    cols.new <- colnames(new.edges)
    cols.new <- intersect(cols.g, cols.new)
    new.edges <- as.edges(new.edges[cols.new, cols.new], from='adjacency')
    for (i in 1:nrow(new.edges)) {
        e.from <- new.edges[i,]$from
        e.to <- new.edges[i,]$to
        e.weight <- 0
        g[e.from, e.to] <- e.weight

    g <- convert.format(g, from='adjacency', to=to)
rlebron-bioinfo/gnlearn documentation built on July 25, 2020, 12:38 p.m.