
Defines functions .remap_layer_aes .resolve_colour .update_manual_scale .build_triangle_edge .slice_layer .clip_edge .clip_poly .transform_xy_coords .set_facet_factorlevel ggplot_add.genomescore_discovery as_track.virtual4C_discovery as_track.domainogram_discovery as_track.DI_discovery as_track.IS_discovery as_track.CS_discovery genomescore_as_layer ggplot_add.track_layer add_ctcf_sites add_bed_graph add_bed_track as_track.LayerInstance as_track ggplot_add.mark_layer add_loops add_tads facet_pyramid .core_pyramid pyramid_difference pyramid.matrix pyramid.contacts_matrix pyramid.contacts pyramid.default pyramid

Documented in add_bed_graph add_bed_track add_ctcf_sites add_loops add_tads as_track as_track.CS_discovery as_track.DI_discovery as_track.domainogram_discovery as_track.IS_discovery as_track.LayerInstance as_track.virtual4C_discovery ggplot_add.genomescore_discovery ggplot_add.mark_layer ggplot_add.track_layer pyramid pyramid_difference

# User function -----------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname pyramid
#' @title Plot a region as a pyramid
#' @description Plots a region of the Hi-C map with a 45 degree rotation. The
#'   rotation makes it such that the diagonal coincides with the x-axis and the
#'   y-axis indicates distance. \code{pyramid_difference()} does the same, but
#'   first subtracts one sample from the other.
#' @param exp,exp1,exp2 A GENOVA \code{contacts} or \code{contacts_matrix} 
#'   object.
#' @param chrom One of the following: \itemize{
#'     \item{A \code{character} of length one indicating a chromosome name.}
#'     \item{A 3-column, 1-row \code{data.frame} in BED-format.}
#'     \item{A single \code{character} describing a locus in UCSC notation, e.g. 
#'     \code{"chr1:30,000,000-40,000,000"}.}
#'   } The latter two options automatically provide the \code{start} and 
#'   \code{end} arguments too.
#' @param start,end A \code{numeric} of length one for the start and end positions in
#'   basepairs.
#' @param crop_x,crop_y A \code{numeric} of length two indicating positions in
#'   basepairs of where to crop the x- and y-axis respectively. For the y-axis, this
#'   means the distance from the diagonal in basepairs. Cropping the
#'   x-axis typically results in a house-shaped pentagon. Cropping the y-axis 
#'   typically results in a trapezoid.
#' @param colour One of the following: \itemize{
#'   \item {A \code{numeric} of length two giving the limits of the colour 
#'   scale.}
#'   \item {
#'     A continuous ggplot2 
#'     \link[ggplot2:scale_colour_continuous]{scale} with a colour palette.
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{NULL} for default scales, which is 
#'   \code{\link[GENOVA]{scale_fill_GENOVA}()} for single 
#'   experiments or \code{\link[GENOVA]{scale_fill_GENOVA_div}()} for 
#'   \code{pyramid_difference()} or z-score normalised experiments.
#'   }
#' }  
#' @param display_yaxis A \code{logical} of length 1: should the y-axis be
#'   displayed?
#' @param edge Draw an edge around the pyramid data region. One of the 
#' following: \itemize{
#'   \item{A \code{character} of length 1 with a colour(name).}
#'   \item{A \code{\link[grid]{gpar}}} object describing graphical parameters
#'   for a line.
#'   \item{\code{NULL} to not draw an edge.}
#' }
#' @param raw A \code{logical} of length 1: should a bare bones plot be
#'   returned? When \code{TRUE}, no position- or colour-scales or theme elements
#'   are added.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to downstream functions.
#' @details Some \code{colour_scale} settings are adjusted. If no \code{limits}
#'   were set, new limits are set as \code{c(0, quantile(x, 0.975))}, wherein
#'   \code{x} are the Hi-C values. Also, the \code{oob} parameter is replaced by
#'   \code{scales::squish()}, the name is set by default to
#'   \code{"Contacts"} and the \code{aesthetics} are ignored.
#' @note To combine multiples of pyramid plots, we recommend to use the 
#'   \strong{patchwork} package available on CRAN.
#' @return A \code{ggplot} object
#' @export
#' @family matrix plots
#' @section Annotations: For annotations along the linear genome, see
#'   \code{\link[GENOVA]{pyramidtracks}}. For annotations in the Hi-C map, see
#'   \code{\link[GENOVA]{add_tads}} and \code{\link[GENOVA]{add_loops}}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pyramid(exp, "chr2", 25e6, 30e6)
#' }
pyramid <- function(exp, chrom, start, end, colour, crop_x, crop_y, 
                     display_yaxis, edge = "black", raw, ...) {
  UseMethod("pyramid", exp)

#' @method pyramid default
#' @export
pyramid.default <- function(exp, ...) {
  stop("Don't know how to make a pyramid plot out of this data.")

#' @method pyramid contacts
#' @export
pyramid.contacts <- function(exp, chrom = "chr1", start = 0, end = 25e6, 
                             colour = NULL, ...) {
  loc <- standardise_location(chrom, start, end)
  y <- select_subset(exp, loc$chrom, loc$start, loc$end)
  if (attr(exp, "znorm")) {
    colour_scale <- .resolve_colour(colour, scale_fill_GENOVA_div,
                                    name = "Z-score", midpoint = 0)
    pyramid(y, colour = colour_scale, ...)
  } else {
    pyramid(y, colour = colour, ...)

#' @method pyramid contacts_matrix
#' @export
pyramid.contacts_matrix <- function(
) {
  rowcoord <- exp$x
  colcoord <- exp$y
  res <- attr(exp, "resolution")
  location <- range(rowcoord) + c(-0.5, 0.5) * res
  location <- list(attr(exp, "chrom"), location[1], location[2])
    x = rowcoord[as.vector(row(exp$z))],
    y = colcoord[as.vector(col(exp$z))],
    z = as.vector(exp$z),
    location = location,
    resolution = res,

#' @method pyramid matrix
#' @export
pyramid.matrix <- function(exp, ...) {
    x = as.vector(row(exp)),
    y = as.vector(col(exp)),
    z = as.vector(exp),
    location = list(NULL, 0.5, dim(exp)[1] + 0.5),
    resolution = 1,

# Core function -----------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
#' @rdname pyramid
pyramid_difference <- function(exp1, exp2, chrom, 
                               start, end, colour = NULL, ...) {
  loc <- standardise_location(chrom, start, end, singular = TRUE)
  a <- select_subset(exp1, loc$chrom, loc$start, loc$end)
  b <- select_subset(exp2, loc$chrom, loc$start, loc$end)
  a$z <- a$z - b$z
  colour_scale <- .resolve_colour(colour, scale_fill_GENOVA_div,
                                  name = "Difference", midpoint =  0,
                                  limits = quantile(a$z, c(0.05, 0.95)))
  pyramid(a, colour = colour_scale, ...)

.core_pyramid <- function(x, y, z, 
                         crop_x = c(-Inf, Inf), 
                         crop_y = c(-Inf, Inf), 
                         colour = NULL,
                         edge = "black",
                         display_yaxis = FALSE,
                         raw = FALSE) {
  # Build data
  df <- data.table(
    x = x, y = y, contacts = z
  # Polygonise rectangles
  xres <- c(-1, -1, 1, 1) * resolution * 0.5
  yres <- c(-1, 1, 1, -1) * resolution * 0.5
  df <- df[, list(x = x + xres, 
                  y = y + yres, 
                  contacts = rep(contacts, 4)),
           by = list(id = seq_len(NROW(df)))]
  # Do 45 degree rotation
  df[, c("x", "y") := .transform_xy_coords(x, y)]
  # Trim sawtooth
  df <- df[y > -1]
  # Build edge
  edge <- .build_triangle_edge(edge, location, crop_x, crop_y)
  # Apply cropping in x-direction
  if (!is.null(crop_x) && length(crop_x) == 2L) {
    crop_x <- sort(crop_x)
    location[[2]] <- max(crop_x[[1]], location[[2]])
    location[[3]] <- min(crop_x[[2]], location[[3]])
    df <- df[x >= crop_x[1] & x <= crop_x[2]]
  # Apply cropping in y-direction
  if (!is.null(crop_y) && length(crop_y) == 2L) {
    crop_y <- sort(crop_y)
    df <- df[y >= crop_y[1] & y <= crop_y[2]]
    crop_y <- ifelse(is.finite(crop_y), crop_y, range(df$y))
  } else {
    crop_y <- range(df$y)
  df$facet <- factor(".pyramid", levels = ".pyramid")
  asp_ratio <- diff(range(df$x)) / diff(range(df$y))
  # Make layer
    triangle <- ggplot2::geom_polygon(
      data = as.data.frame(df),
      ggplot2::aes(x, y, group = id, altfill = contacts)
  triangle <- .remap_layer_aes(triangle, "fill", "altfill")

  # Setup main plot
  template <- ggplot2::ggplot()
  p <- structure(
      data = ggplot2::waiver(),
      layers = list(triangle),
      scales = template$scales,
      mapping = ggplot2::aes(),
      theme = list(),
      coordinates = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(default = TRUE, clip = "off"),
      facet = facet_pyramid(ggplot2::vars(facet), col_size = 2 * asp_ratio),
      plot_env = parent.frame(),
      location = location,
      labels = list(x = location[[1]], y = "distance", fill = "contacts")
    ), class = c("ggpyramid", "gg", "ggplot")
  missing <- names(template)[!names(template) %in% names(p)]
  if (length(missing) > 0) {
    p[missing] <- template[missing]

  p <- p + edge
  # Tweak plot
  if (!raw) {
    colour_scale <- .resolve_colour(
      colour, scale_fill_GENOVA, 
      limits = c(0, quantile(df$contacts, 0.975)),
      name = if (!is.null(location[[1]])) "Contacts" else "Value"
    # Add y-scale
    if (display_yaxis) {
      yscale <- ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(
        name = "Distance", expand = c(0, 0),
        labels = scales::label_number(scale = 1e-6, suffix = " Mb"),
        limits = crop_y
    } else {
      yscale <- ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(
        guide = ggplot2::guide_none(),
        name = "", expand = c(0, 0),
        limits = crop_y
    p$facet$add_scale(yscale, ".pyramid")
    p <- p + GENOVA_THEME() +
      ggplot2::theme(panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank(),
                     axis.line.x = ggplot2::element_line(),
                     strip.placement = "outside",
                     strip.text.y.left = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 0))
    if (!is.null(location[[1]])) {
      p <- p + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(
        expand = c(0, 0),
        limits = c(location[[2]], location[[3]]),
        breaks = scales::breaks_extended(5, Q = c(1,5,2,4,3)),
        labels = scales::label_number(scale = 1e-6, suffix = " Mb")
    } else {
      p <- p + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(
        expand = c(0,0),
        limits = c(location[[2]], location[[3]]),
        breaks = scales::breaks_extended(5, Q = c(1,5,2,4,3))
    p <- p + colour_scale

# Facets ---------------------------------------------------------------

# In order to flexibly add new annotation layers, we need a facet system that
# allows this.

# This is an unwieldy facet function that protests against anything you would
# ideally like to do. I don't recommend using it interactively.
facet_pyramid <- 
  function(rows = NULL, scales = "free_y", space = "free_y",
           shrink = TRUE, labeller = ggplot2::label_value, as.table = TRUE, 
           switch = "y", drop = TRUE, margins = FALSE,
           col_size = 2, row_size = 1
  ) {
    scales <- match.arg(scales, c("fixed", "free_x", "free_y", "free"))
    space  <- match.arg(scales, c("fixed", "free_x", "free_y", "free"))
    free <- list(x = any(scales %in% c("free_x", "free")),
                 y = any(scales %in% c("free_y", "free")))
    space <- list(x = any(space %in% c("free_x", "free")),
                  y = any(space %in% c("free_x", "free")))
    if (!is.null(switch)) {
      switch <- match.arg(switch, c("x", "y", "both"))
    # Don't print the pyramid facet label
    # labfun <- function(x){ifelse(x == ".pyramid", "", as.character(x))}
    labfun <- function(x) {gsub(".pyramid|.domaino|.v4C", "", x)}
    labfun <- ggplot2::as_labeller(labfun)
    names(rows) <- "facets"

      NULL, FacetPyramid, shrink = shrink, 
      ratios = list(rows = row_size, cols = col_size),
      params = list(rows = rows, cols = ggplot2::vars(),
                    margins = margins, free = free, space_free = space,
                    labeller = labfun, as.table = as.table, switch = switch,
                    drop = drop)

# Basically this is a combination of ggh4x::facetted_pos_scales() and 
# ggh4x::force_panelsizes() with a few extras. These extra's are:
#  * Adding scales dynamically instead of statically.
#  * A clone function to deal with the fact that ggproto's are based on
#    environments, so we create a child that inherits from the parent 
#    environment. Necessary if plots are forked.
# Should work fine except I don't know how to allow transformative position 
# scales (e.g. scale_(x/y)_log10()) to transform data prior to 
# calculating stats. Hence, we should pre-transform stat layers at the data or 
# aes() level.
FacetPyramid <- ggplot2::ggproto(
  "FacetPyramid", ggplot2::FacetGrid,
  add_scale = function(scale, facet_name, self) {
    if (is.null(scale)) {
    current <- self$y_scales
    if (facet_name %in% names(current)) {
      current[[facet_name]] <- scale
    } else {
      len <- length(current)
      current <- c(current, scale)
      names(current)[len + 1] <- facet_name
    self$y_scales <- current
  y_scales = list(),
  ratios = list(rows = 1, cols = 2),
  init_scales = function(layout, x_scale = NULL, y_scale = NULL, params, self) {
    # As in ggh4x::facetted_pos_scales()
    # We initialise a new y-scale for every facet
    scales <- list()
    # Initialise x-scales as per usual
    if (!is.null(x_scale)) {
      scales$x <- lapply(seq_len(max(layout$SCALE_X)), 
                         function(i) x_scale$clone())
    if (!is.null(y_scale)) {
      new_y <- self$y_scales
      yidx <- seq_len(max(layout$SCALE_Y))
      # Check if there are any additional y-scales
      if (length(new_y) == 0) {
        scales$y <- lapply(yidx, function(i) {
      } else {
        scales$y <- lapply(yidx, function(i) {
          if (length(new_y) >= i) {
            if (!is.null(new_y[[i]])) {
              new <- new_y[[i]]$clone()
              new$oob <- function(x, ...) x
  train_scales = function(x_scales, y_scales, layout, data, params, self) {
    # As in ggh4x::facetted_pos_scales()
    # Scale limits are trained on transformed data
    data <- lapply(data, function(layer_data) {
      self$finish_data(layer_data, layout,
                       x_scales, y_scales, params)
    ggplot2::ggproto_parent(ggplot2::Facet, self)$train_scales(
      x_scales, y_scales, layout, data, params
  finish_data = function(data, layout, x_scales, y_scales, params) {
    # As in ggh4x::facetted_pos_scales()
    # Performs the data transformation. Note that this step occurs after (!)
    # stat calculation, so stat layers need to be pre-transformed.
    panels <- split(data, data$PANEL, drop = FALSE)
    panels <- lapply(names(panels), function(i) {
      dat <- panels[[i]]
      panel_id <- match(as.numeric(i), layout$PANEL)
      xidx <- layout[panel_id, "SCALE_X"]
      yidx <- layout[panel_id, "SCALE_Y"]
      y_vars <- intersect(y_scales[[yidx]]$aesthetics, names(dat))
      x_vars <- intersect(x_scales[[xidx]]$aesthetics, names(dat))
      for (j in y_vars) {
        dat[, j] <- y_scales[[yidx]]$transform(dat[, j])
      for(j in x_vars) {
        dat[, j] <- x_scales[[xidx]]$transform(dat[, j])
    data <- unsplit(panels, data$PANEL)
  draw_panels = function(panels, layout, x_scales, y_scales, ranges, coord,
                          data, theme, params, self) {
    # As in ggh4x::force_panelsizes()
    # Basically, execute FacetGrid drawing, then force sizes
    gt <- ggplot2::ggproto_parent(ggplot2::FacetGrid, self)$draw_panels(
      panels, layout, x_scales, y_scales, ranges, coord, data, theme, params
    prows <- ggplot2::panel_rows(gt)
    pcols <- ggplot2::panel_cols(gt)
    ratios <- self$ratios
    xsize <- ratios$cols
    ysize <- ratios$rows
    if (length(ysize) > 0) {
      rowheights <- rep(ysize, length.out = nrow(prows))
      gt$heights[prows$t] <- ggplot2::unit(rowheights, "null")
    if (length(xsize) > 0) {
      colwidths <- rep(xsize, length.out = nrow(pcols))
      gt$widths[pcols$l] <- ggplot2::unit(colwidths, "null")
    gt$respect <- TRUE
  clone = function(self) {
    # Whenever we add a new facet layer we should clone the Facet ggproto
    # such that forked plot construction still works.
    ggplot2::ggproto(NULL, self)

# Adding marks ------------------------------------------------------------

# Main difference with tracks is that info would need to be rotated

#' @name pyramidannotations
#' @aliases add_tads add_loops
#' @title Rotated pyramid annotations
#' @description Add annotations to a pyramid plot that also require the 45
#'   degree rotation.
#' @param bed A BED-formatted \code{data.frame} with the following 3 columns:
#'   \enumerate{ \item A \code{character} giving the chromosome names. \item An
#'   \code{integer} with start positions. \item An \code{integer} with end
#'   positions. }
#' @param bedpe A BEDPE-formatted \code{data.frame} with the following 6
#'   columns: \enumerate{ \item A \code{character} giving the chromosome names
#'   of the first coordinate. \item An \code{integer} giving the start positions
#'   of the first coordinate. \item An \code{integer} giving the end positions
#'   of the first coordinate. \item A \code{character} giving the chromosome
#'   names of the second coordinate. \item An \code{integer} giving the start
#'   positions of the second coordinate. \item An \code{integer} giving the end
#'   positions of the second coordinate. }
#' @param colour,shape,... Additional parameters to pass to
#'   \code{ggplot2::layer()}.
#' @return A \code{mark_layer} object.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' p <- pyramid(exp, "chr2", 25e6, 30e6)
#' p + add_tads(tads)
#' p + add_loops(loops)
#' }

#' @export
#' @rdname pyramidannotations
add_tads <- function(bed, colour = "#1faee3", ...) {
  df <- as.data.frame(bed[, 1:3])
  df$id <- seq_len(NROW(df))
  names(df)[1:3] <- c("chrom", "x", "y")
  layer <- ggplot2::geom_path(data = df,
                              ggplot2::aes(x=  x, y = y, group = id),
                               colour = colour, ...)
  structure(list(layer = layer), class = "mark_layer")

#' @export
#' @rdname pyramidannotations
add_loops <- function(bedpe, colour = "#1faee3", shape = 1, ...) {
  bedpe <- bedpe[bedpe[[1]] == bedpe[[4]],] # drop trans
  x = (bedpe[[2]] + bedpe[[3]]) / 2
  y = (bedpe[[5]] + bedpe[[6]]) / 2
  df <- data.frame(
    chrom = bedpe[[1]],
    x = pmin(x, y),
    y = pmax(x, y)
  layer <- ggplot2::geom_point(data = df,
                               ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y),
                               colour = colour, shape = shape, ...)
  structure(list(layer = layer), class = "mark_layer")

#' @export
#' @rdname pyramidannotations
#' @usage NULL
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot_add
ggplot_add.mark_layer <- function(object, plot, object_name) {
  lay <- object$layer
  if (inherits(plot, "ggpyramid")) {
    data <- lay$data
    loca <- plot[["location"]]
    data <- subset(data, chrom == loca[[1]])
    if (inherits(lay$geom, "GeomPoint")) { # Loops
      validpos <- data$x >= loca[[2]] & data$x <= loca[[3]] &
        data$y >= loca[[2]] & data$y <= loca[[3]]
      data <- data[validpos, ]
    } else { # TADs
      validpos <- with(data, (x <= loca[[3]] & y >= loca[[2]]))
      data <- data[validpos, ]
      data <- data[, .SD[, list(chrom = chrom,
                                x = c(x, x, y),
                                y = c(x, y, y))], 
                   by = id]
      validpos <- with(data, (x <= loca[[3]] & y >= loca[[2]]))
      data <- data[validpos, ]

      data <- .list_as_df(c(.clip_poly(data$x, data$y,
                                       xrange = c(loca[[2]], loca[[3]]),
                                       yrange = c(loca[[2]], loca[[3]])),
                            list(id = data$id)))
    data$facet <- plot$layers[[1]]$data$facet[1]
    data[c("x", "y")] <- .transform_xy_coords(data$x, data$y)
    lay$data <- data
  plot <- ggplot2::ggplot_add(lay, plot = plot, 
                              object_name = object_name)

# Adding tracks -----------------------------------------------------------

# Merging tracks with the main plot happens in the `+` operation.

#' @name pyramidtracks
#' @title Adding tracks to a pyramid plot.
#' @description These functions add new facets to a pyramid plot with additional
#'   annotations. You can add annotations to the pyramid plot with BED regions,
#'   bedgraphs, CTCF sites, discoveries that run along the genome and ggplot 
#'   layers.
#' @param x A ggplot layer instance
#' @param height A \code{numeric} of length one noting the relative size to the
#'   main facet panel.
#' @param name A \code{character} of length one title to display as facet strip
#'   label.
#' @param scale_y A ggplot position scale with the y-aesthetic to control
#'   parameters of the track's y-scale.
#' @param strand [\code{add_ctcf_sites()} only] A \code{character} vector of the
#' same length as \code{bed} with either \code{"+"} or \code{"-"} values that
#' determine the orientation of triangles.
#' @param geom [discovery only] A \code{character} of length one. One of the 
#' following: \itemize{
#'   \item{\code{"area"} for a filled polygon plot.}
#'   \item{\code{"line"} for a line plot.}
#'   \item{\code{"point"} for a point plot.}
#' } Does not apply to \code{domainogram_discovery} class discoveries.
#' @details Currently, \code{as_track()} only accepts layers wherein the
#'   \code{data} argument is explicitly defined before evaluation. For example,
#'   \code{geom_point(aes(x = 1, y = 1))} is not an appropriate track, while
#'   \code{geom_point(aes(x + 1, y = y), data = data.frame(x = 1, y = 1))} is an
#'   appropriate track.
#'   An attempt is made to subset the input based on the x-coordinates of the
#'   main \code{pyramid()} plot, but this requires the layer-data to have 
#'   column-names that match x-position names, e.g. \code{"x"}, \code{"xend"}, 
#'   \code{"xmax"} etc. Likewise, when the layer-data contains a 
#'   \code{"chrom"}-column, this is also subsetted to match the location of the
#'   main \code{pyramid()} plot.
#' @return A \code{track_layer} object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Initialising a pyramid
#' p <- pyramid(exp, "chr2", 25e6, 30e6)
#' # Adding a bed annotation
#' p + add_bed_track(bed, fill = "blue", name = "bed")
#' # Adding a bedgraph annotation
#' p <- p + add_bed_graph(bedgraph, linetype = 2, name = "Some statistic")
#' p
#' # Adding custom annotation
#' # Use the name to display in the same panel as previous annotation
#' p + as_track(ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = 27.5e6),
#'              name = "Some statistic")
#' # Adding discovery annotation
#' insula <- insulation_score(exp)
#' p + insula
#' # Using `as_track()` gives more control over the appearance of discoveries
#' p + as_track(insula, geom = "line", linetype = 2)
#' # When a discovery contains multiple samples, all are added
#' compart <- compartment_score(list(exp1, exp2), bed = H3K4me1_peaks)
#' p + compart
#' # To seperate discoveries as individual tracks, they have to be unbundled and
#' # named differently
#' compart <- unbundle(compart)
#'p + as_track(compart[[1]], name = "exp1") + 
#'  as_track(compart[[2]], name = "exp2")
#' }
as_track <- function(x, height = 0.1, name, scale_y, ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname pyramidtracks
as_track.LayerInstance <- 
           height = 0.1, 
           scale_y = NULL, ...) {
    if (is.null(x$data$facet)) {
      x$data$facet <- factor(name)
    name <- force(name)
    if (is.null(scale_y)) {
      scale_y <- ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(n.breaks = 3)
        layer = x,
        scale = scale_y,
        size = height
      class = "track_layer"

#' @export
#' @rdname pyramidtracks
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to \code{ggplot2::layer()}.
#' @inheritParams pyramidannotations
add_bed_track <- function(bed, height = 0.1, name, ...) {
  name <- force(name)
  df <- as.data.frame(bed[,1:3])
  names(df)[1:3] <- c("chrom", "xmin", "xmax")
  df$facet <- factor(name)
  rct <- ggplot2::geom_rect(ggplot2::aes(xmin = xmin, ymin = 0,
                                         xmax = xmax, ymax = 1),
                            data = df, ...)
  scale <- ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(breaks = NULL)
  as_track(rct, height = height, name = name, scale_y = scale)

#' @export
#' @rdname pyramidtracks
#' @param bedgraph A \code{data.frame} with four columns wherein the first three
#' columns are as in the \code{bed} argument and the fourth a score for the 
#' region.
add_bed_graph <- function(bedgraph, height = 0.1, name, ...) {
  name <- force(name)
  df <- data.table(bedgraph[,1:4])
  setnames(df, 1:4, c("chrom", "start", "end", "y"))
  df <- df[, list(chrom, x = (start + end)/2, y)]
  df$facet <- factor(name)
  pth <- ggplot2::geom_path(ggplot2::aes(x, y), data = df, ...)
  as_track(pth, height = height, name = name)

#' @export
#' @rdname pyramidtracks
add_ctcf_sites <- function(bed, strand, height = 0.05, name = "CTCF", 
                           scale_y = NULL, ...) {
  bed <- as.data.frame(bed)
  strand <- as.vector(strand)
  df <- .list_as_df(list(
    chrom = bed[[1]],
    x = (bed[[2]] + bed[[3]]) /2,
    colour = strand
  plus <- ggplot2::geom_text(
    ggplot2::aes(x, 1), colour = "#E41A1C", label = "\u25B6",
    data = df[df$colour == "+",], ...)
  minus <- ggplot2::geom_text(
    ggplot2::aes(x, 0), colour = "#377EB8", label = "\u25C0",
    data = df[df$colour == "-",], ...)
  if (is.null(scale_y)) {
    scale_y <- ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(breaks = NULL, 
                                           limits = c(-1, 2))
    as_track(plus, height = height, name = name, scale_y = scale_y),
    as_track(minus, height = NULL, name = name, scale_y = scale_y)

#' @export
#' @rdname pyramidtracks
#' @usage NULL
#' @keywords internal
ggplot_add.track_layer <- function(object, plot, object_name) {
  lay <- object$layer
  plot <- .update_manual_scale(plot, attr(object, "colourscale"))
  if (inherits(plot, "ggpyramid")) {
    lay <- .slice_layer(lay, plot$location)
  plot <- ggplot2::ggplot_add(lay, plot = plot, 
                              object_name = object_name)
  if (inherits(plot$facet, 'FacetPyramid')) {
    plot$facet <- plot$facet$clone()
    plot$facet$add_scale(object$scale, object$layer$data$facet[[1]])
    plot$facet$ratios$rows <- c(plot$facet$ratios$rows, object$size)
    plot <- .set_facet_factorlevel(plot)

# Adding discoveries ------------------------------------------------------

# Variant of adding tracks

genomescore_as_layer <- function(x, geom = "area", name, ...) {
  geom <- match.arg(geom, c("area", "line", "point"))
  exp_aes <- if (geom == "area") "fill" else "colour"
  geom <- switch(
    area = ggplot2::geom_area,
    line = ggplot2::geom_line,
    point = ggplot2::geom_point,
    stop("Could not find geom.", call. = FALSE)
  df <- copy(x[[1]])
  expnames <- expnames(x)
  df <- melt.data.table(df, measure.vars = expnames)
  df <- .list_as_df(list(
    chrom = df$chrom,
    x = (df$start + df$end) / 2,
    y = df$value,
    exp = df$variable,
    facet = factor(name)
  ), nrow = nrow(df))
  if (!("alpha" %in% names(list(...)))) {
    if (length(expnames) > 1) {
      alpha <- 0.5
    } else {
      alpha <- 1
  } else {
    alpha <- list(...)$alpha

  suppressWarnings( # ggplot doesn't like custom aesthetics
    layer <- geom(
      ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y, exp = exp),
      data = df, alpha = alpha,
      position = "identity",
  .remap_layer_aes(layer, old_aes = exp_aes, new_aes = "exp")

#' @export
#' @rdname pyramidtracks
as_track.CS_discovery <- function(x, height = 0.1, 
                                  name = "Compartment\nScore", 
                                  scale_y = NULL, 
                                  ..., geom = "area") {
  if (is.null(scale_y)) {
    scale_y <- ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(n.breaks = 3, 
                                           limits = centered_limits())
  cscale <- ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(
    aesthetics = "exp",
    name = "Sample",
    values = setNames(attr(x, "colours"), expnames(x)),
    guide = ggplot2::guide_legend()
  layer <- genomescore_as_layer(x, geom, name = name, ...)
  out <- as_track(layer, name = name, scale_y = scale_y, height = height)
  attr(out, "colourscale") <- cscale

#' @export
#' @rdname pyramidtracks
as_track.IS_discovery <- function(x, height = 0.1, 
                                  name = "Insulation\nScore", 
                                  scale_y = NULL, 
                                  ..., geom = "area") {
  if (is.null(scale_y)) {
    scale_y <- ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(n.breaks = 3, 
                                           limits = centered_limits())
  cscale <- ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(
    aesthetics = "exp",
    name = "Sample",
    values = setNames(attr(x, "colours"), expnames(x)),
    guide = ggplot2::guide_legend()
  layer <- genomescore_as_layer(x, geom, name = name, ...)
  out <- as_track(layer, name = name, scale_y = scale_y, height = height)
  attr(out, "colourscale") <- cscale

#' @export
#' @rdname pyramidtracks
as_track.DI_discovery <- function(x, height = 0.1, 
                                  name = "Directionality\nIndex", 
                                  scale_y = NULL, 
                                  ..., geom = "area") {
  if (is.null(scale_y)) {
    scale_y <- ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(n.breaks = 3, 
                                           limits = centered_limits())
  cscale <- ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(
    aesthetics = "exp",
    name = "Sample",
    values = setNames(attr(x, "colours"), expnames(x)),
    guide = ggplot2::guide_legend()
  layer <- genomescore_as_layer(x, geom, name = name, ...)
  out <- as_track(layer, name = name, scale_y = scale_y, height = height)
  attr(out, "colourscale") <- cscale

#' @export
#' @rdname pyramidtracks
as_track.domainogram_discovery <- function(x, height = 0.1, 
                                           name = NULL, 
                                           scale_y = NULL, 
                                           ...) {
  df <- copy(x$scores)
  expnames <- expnames(x)
  if (is.null(name)) {
    if (length(expnames) == 1L) {
      name <- "Domainogram"
    } else {
      name <- ""
  df <- melt.data.table(df, measure.vars = expnames)
  df <- .list_as_df(list(
    chrom = attr(x, "chrom"),
    x = df$position,
    y = df$window,
    exp = factor(df$variable),
    fill = df$value
  ), nrow = nrow(df))
  if (is.null(scale_y)) {
    scale_y <- ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(n.breaks = 3, expand = c(0,0))
  cscale <- scale_fill_GENOVA_div(midpoint = 0, name = "Insulation\nScore")
  layer <- ggplot2::geom_raster(
    ggplot2::aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", fill = "fill"),
    data = df, na.rm = TRUE, # Midpoint parametrisation, some values can go oob.
  if (length(expnames) > 1) {
    if (is.null(name)) {
      name <- ""
    } else {
      name <- paste0(name, " ")
    lapply(expnames, function(i) {
      sublayer <- ggplot2::ggproto(NULL, layer)
      sublayer$data <- sublayer$data[sublayer$data$exp == i, ]
      out <- as_track(sublayer, height = height, 
                      name = paste0(name, i, ".domaino"), 
                      scale_y = scale_y)
      attr(out, "colourscale") <- cscale
  } else {
    if (is.null(name)) {
      name <- "Domainogram"
    out <- as_track(layer, height = height, name = name, scale_y = scale_y)
    attr(out, "colourscale") <- cscale

#' @export
#' @rdname pyramidtracks
as_track.virtual4C_discovery <- function(x,
                                         height = 0.1, 
                                         name = NULL, 
                                         scale_y = NULL, 
                                         ..., geom = "area") {
  geom <- match.arg(geom, c("area", "line", "point"))
  geom <- switch(
    area = ggplot2::geom_area,
    line = ggplot2::geom_line,
    point = ggplot2::geom_point,
    stop("Could not find geom.", call. = FALSE)
  df <- copy(x$data)
  expnames <- expnames(x)
  if (is.null(name)) {
    if (length(expnames) == 1L) {
      name <- "Virtual 4C"
    } else {
      name <- ""
  df <- melt.data.table(df, measure.vars = expnames)
  df <- .list_as_df(list(
    chrom = df$chromosome,
    x = df$mid,
    y = df$value,
    exp = df$variable
  ), nrow = nrow(df))
  if (is.null(scale_y)) {
    vp <- attr(x, "viewpoint")
    limit <- max(df$y[df$x < vp$start[1] | df$x > vp$end[1] & is.finite(df$y)], 
                 na.rm = TRUE)
    scale_y <- ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(
      n.breaks = 3, expand = c(0,0), limits = c(0, limit)
  # Pre-squeeze data
  limits <- scale_y$limits
  if (!is.null(limits) && is.finite(limits[2])) {
    if (!inherits(scale_y$expand, "waiver")) {
      limits <- scale_y$dimension(expand = scale_y$expand, limits = limits)
    df$y <- pmin(df$y, limits[2])
  layer <- geom(
    ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y),
    data = df, na.rm = TRUE, # Midpoint parametrisation, some values can go oob.
    position = "identity",
  if (length(expnames) > 1) {
    lapply(expnames, function(i) {
      if (!nzchar(name)) {
        name <- paste0(name, " ")
      name <- paste0(name, i, ".v4C")
      sublayer <- ggplot2::ggproto(NULL, layer)
      sublayer$data <- sublayer$data[sublayer$data$exp == i, ]
      as_track(sublayer, height = height, name = name, scale_y = scale_y)
  } else {
    as_track(layer, height = height, name = name, scale_y = scale_y)

#' @export
#' @rdname pyramidtracks
#' @usage NULL
ggplot_add.genomescore_discovery <- function(object, plot, object_name) {

  if (inherits(plot, "ggpyramid")) {
    plot <- plot + as_track(object)
    # plot <- .update_manual_scale(plot, cscale)
  } else {

# Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------

.set_facet_factorlevel <- function(plot) {
  all_levels <- lapply(plot$layers, function(layer) {
  all_levels <- Reduce(union, all_levels)
  plot$layers <- lapply(plot$layers, function(layer) {
    layer$data$facet <- factor(as.character(layer$data$facet), all_levels)

# Angle is counterclockwise and in degrees
# Scale/share is for x- and y-direction respectively
# Order of operations is scale, shear, rotate
.transform_xy_coords <- function(x, y, 
                                 scale = sqrt(2) * c(0.5, 1),
                                 shear = c(0, 0),
                                 angle = 45) {
  # Quick shortcut for pyramid case
  if (angle == 45 && all(scale == sqrt(2) * c(0.5, 1)) && 
      all(shear == 0)) {
    rotmat <- matrix(c(0.5, -1, 0.5, 1), ncol = 2)
  } else {
    rotmat <- diag(2)
    # Apply scale
    rotmat <- rotmat * scale
    # Apply shear
    rotmat <- rotmat %*% matrix(c(1, shear, 1), ncol = 2)
    # Apply rotation
    angle <- -angle * pi / 180
    angle <- matrix(
      c(cos(angle),  sin(angle),
        -sin(angle), cos(angle)),
      ncol = 2
    rotmat <- rotmat %*% angle
  coords <- matrix(c(x, y), ncol = 2)
  # Transform
  coords <- t(rotmat %*% t(coords))
  .list_as_df(list(x = coords[, 1], y = coords[, 2]))

# From R4.0.0, cheapo data.frame constructor that doesn't care about rownames,
# column classes coersion or any of that stuff
.list_as_df <- function (x = list(), nrow = NULL) 
  stopifnot(is.list(x), is.null(nrow) || nrow >= 0L)
  if (n <- length(x)) {
    if (is.null(nrow)) 
      nrow <- max(lengths(x), 0L)
    x <- lapply(x, rep_len, nrow)
  else {
    if (is.null(nrow)) 
      nrow <- 0L
  if (is.null(names(x))) 
    names(x) <- character(n)
  class(x) <- "data.frame"
  attr(x, "row.names") <- .set_row_names(nrow)

# Wrapper for .clip_edge for clipping polygons/tads
.clip_poly <- function(x, y, id = 1, 
                       xrange = c(-Inf, Inf), yrange = c(-Inf, Inf)) {
  if (is.null(x) | is.null(y)) {
    return(list(x = NULL, y = NULL))
  # Clip right
  xy <- .clip_edge(x, y, xrange[2])
  # Clip left, flip x as edge is clipped on the right
  xy <- .clip_edge(-xy$x, xy$y, -xrange[1])
  # Clip top, switch x/y
  xy <- .clip_edge(xy$y, xy$x, yrange[2])
  # Clip bottom, flip x, which is the old y
  xy <- .clip_edge(-xy$x, xy$y, -yrange[1])
  # Switch and flip back x/y
  return(list(x = -xy$y, y = -xy$x))

# Only clips right edges, transform data prior to calling .clip_edge to make
# it seem like you've clipped a different edge
.clip_edge <- function(x, y, clip) {
  # Reparameterise as stretches of out of boundnessas  9  
  rle <- rle(x > clip)
  # If nothing is out of bounds, skip clipping
  if (any(rle$values) & is.finite(clip)) {
    # Get runlength parameters
    starts <- {ends <-  cumsum(rle$lengths)} - rle$lengths + 1
    is_outside <- which(rle$values)
    # Match inside/outside points
    inside  <- rbind(starts - 1, ends + 1)[, is_outside, drop = FALSE]
    outside <- rbind(starts, ends)[, is_outside, drop = FALSE]
    # Drop global polygon starts and ends
    keep <- !(inside > sum(rle$lengths) | inside < 1)
    inside  <- inside[keep]
    outside <- outside[keep]
    # Track IDs
    vrtx_idx <- split(cumsum(keep)[keep], col(keep)[keep])
    # Calculate weights for y
    weight <- x[inside]
    weight <- (clip - weight) / (x[outside] - weight)

    # Weight y
    weighted <- y[inside]
    weighted <- weighted + weight * (y[outside] - weighted)

    # Setup new vectors
    rle$lengths[is_outside] <- lengths(vrtx_idx)
    new_x <- new_y <- numeric(sum(rle$lengths))
    new_starts <- {new_ends <- cumsum(rle$lengths)} - rle$lengths + 1
    new_vrtx <- {idx <- seq_along(new_ends)} %in% is_outside
    # Fill in new coordinates
    j <- 1
    for (i in idx) {
      new_i <- new_starts[i]:new_ends[i]
      if (new_vrtx[i]) {
        # Place new vertices
        new_x[new_i] <- clip
        new_y[new_i] <- weighted[vrtx_idx[[j]]]
        j <- j + 1
      } else {
        # Keep old vertices
        old_i <- starts[i]:ends[i]
        new_x[new_i] <- x[old_i]
        new_y[new_i] <- y[old_i]
    x <- new_x
    y <- new_y
  return(list(x = x, y = y))

.slice_layer <- function(layer, location) {
  layerdata <- layer$data
  # Subset chromosome
  if ("chrom" %in% names(layerdata)) {
    layerdata <- layerdata[layerdata$chrom == location[[1]],]
  # Set valid x-positions
  # variable names from ggplot2:::ggplot_global$x_aes
  xvar <- intersect(names(layerdata), 
                    c("x", "xmin", "xmax", "xend", "xintercept",
                      "xmin_final", "xmax_final", "xlower", "xmiddle",
                      "xupper", "x0"))
  validpos <- lapply(layerdata[xvar], function(x) {
    x >= location[[2]] & x <= location[[3]]
  # At least 1 x position should be valid
  validpos <- rowSums(do.call(cbind, validpos)) >= 1
  layer$data <- layerdata[validpos,]
  if (NROW(layer$data) == 0) {
    warning("No appropriate data was found for this position.", call. = FALSE)

.build_triangle_edge <- function(edge, location, crop_x, crop_y) {
  if (is.null(edge)) {
  # Setup edge
  if (is.character(edge) && length(edge) == 1) {
    # Use grid::gpar to check for valid colour
    gp <- unclass(grid::gpar(col = edge))
  } else if (inherits(edge, "gpar")) {
    gp <- unclass(edge)
  } else {
  names(gp) <- ggplot2::standardise_aes_names(names(gp))
  edge <- .transform_xy_coords(
    x = c(location[[2]], location[[2]], location[[3]]),
    y = c(location[[2]], location[[3]], location[[3]])
  # Apply cropping in x-direction
  if (!is.null(crop_x) && length(crop_x) == 2L) {
    crop_x <- sort(crop_x)
    edge <- .clip_poly(edge$x, edge$y, xrange = crop_x)
    # Replace lost vertices
    if (head(edge$y, 1) != 0) {
      edge$x <- c(edge$x[1], edge$x)
      edge$y <- c(0, edge$y)
    if (tail(edge$y, 1) != 0) {
      edge$x <- c(edge$x, tail(edge$x, 1))
      edge$y <- c(edge$y, 0)
  # Apply cropping in y-direction
  if (!is.null(crop_y) && length(crop_y) == 2L) {
    crop_y <- sort(crop_y)
    edge <- .clip_poly(edge$x, edge$y, yrange = crop_y)
    # Note: the y cropping shouldn't lose important vertices
  edge[["facet"]] <- ".pyramid"
  args <- c(list(data = .list_as_df(edge), mapping = ggplot2::aes(x, y)), gp)
  do.call(ggplot2::geom_path, args)

.update_manual_scale <- function(plot, new_scale) {
  if (is.null(new_scale)) {
  aes <- new_scale$aesthetics
  match <- vapply(plot$scales$scales, function(scale) {
    aes %in% scale$aesthetics
  }, logical(1))
  if (any(match)) {
    # Get scale
    i <- which(match)[[1]]
    old_scale <- plot$scales$scales[[i]]
    pal_fun <- environment(old_scale$palette)$f
    new_pal <- environment(environment(new_scale$palette)$f)$values
    old_pal <- environment(pal_fun)$values
    both <- c(old_pal, new_pal)
    j <- match(unique(names(both)), names(both))
    pal <- both[j]
    environment(pal_fun)$values <- pal

    plot$scales$scales[[i]] <- ggplot2::ggproto(NULL, old_scale, 
                                                palette = pal_fun)
  } else {
    plot <- plot + new_scale

.resolve_colour <- function(obj, fun = scale_fill_GENOVA, ...) {
  if (inherits(obj, "ScaleContinuous")) {
    scale <- obj
  } else if (is.null(obj)) {
    scale <- fun(...)
  } else if (is.numeric(obj)) {
    if (length(obj) == 2L) {
      args <- list(...)
      args$limits <- obj
      scale <- do.call(fun, args)
    } else {
      stop("Please give colour limits as a length 2 numeric vector.", 
           call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    stop("Invalid colour specification.",
         call. = FALSE)
  # Resolve aesthetics
  scale$aesthetics <- "altfill"
  # Always replace `oob`
  scale$oob <- scales::squish
  # Resolve guide
  guide <- scale$guide
  if (is.character(guide)) {
    guide <- paste0("guide_", guide)
    # Search parent frame first
    if (exists(guide, envir = parent.frame(), mode = "function")) {
      guide <- get(guide, envir = parent.frame(), mode = "function")()
    } else {
      # If that fails, search ggplot2 namespace
      ns <- asNamespace("ggplot2")
      if (exists(guide, envir = ns, mode = "function")) {
        guide <- get(guide, envir = ns, mode = "function")()
      } else {
        guide <- ggplot2::guide_colourbar()
  guide$available_aes <- c("altfill", "fill")
  scale$guide <- guide

# Dirty hack based on ggh4x scale_listed()
.remap_layer_aes <- function(layer, old_aes, new_aes) {
  if (!any(names(layer$mapping) == new_aes)) {
  new_pattern <- paste0("^", new_aes, "$")
  old_pattern <- paste0("^", old_aes, "$")
  old_geom <- layer$geom
  # Replace NA handler
  old_nahandle <- old_geom$handle_na
  new_nahandle <- function(self, data, params) {
    colnames(data) <- eval(gsub(new_pattern, old_aes, colnames(data)))
    old_nahandle(data, params)
  # Replace key drawer
  old_drawkey <- old_geom$draw_key
  new_drawkey <- function(data, params, size) {
    colnames(data) <- eval(gsub(new_pattern, old_aes, colnames(data)))
    old_drawkey(data, params, size)
  new_geom <- ggplot2::ggproto(
    handle_na = new_nahandle,
    draw_key = new_drawkey,
    default_aes = setNames(
      gsub(old_pattern, new_aes, names(old_geom$default_aes))
    non_missing_aes = gsub(old_pattern, new_aes, old_geom$non_missing_aes),
    optional_aes = gsub(old_pattern, new_aes, old_geom$optional_aes),
    required_aes = gsub(old_pattern, new_aes, old_geom$required_aes)
  layer$geom <- new_geom
robinweide/GENOVA documentation built on March 14, 2024, 11:16 p.m.