
Defines functions omnipath_url

#!/usr/bin/env Rscript

#  This file is part of the `OmnipathR` R package
#  Copyright
#  2018-2024
#  Saez Lab, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Heidelberg University
#  File author(s): Alberto Valdeolivas
#                  Dénes Türei (turei.denes@gmail.com)
#                  Attila Gábor
#  Distributed under the MIT (Expat) License.
#  See accompanying file `LICENSE` or find a copy at
#      https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Expat
#  Website: https://r.omnipathdb.org/
#  Git repo: https://github.com/saezlab/OmnipathR

#' Prepend the current OmniPath server domain to an URL
#' @param path_qs Character: part of the URL after the domain: the path and
#'     the query string.
#' @param notls Logical: use http instead of https (do not use TLS).
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% or
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace
#' @noRd
omnipath_url <- function(path_qs, notls = FALSE){

    'omnipath.notls_force' %>%
    getOption %>%
    or(notls) %>%
    `if`('notls_', '') %>%
    sprintf('omnipath.%surl', .) %>%
    getOption %>%
    str_replace('/+$', '') %>%
    c(str_replace(path_qs, '^/+', '')) %>%
    paste(collapse = '/')


#' Retrieves an URL from the package's URL register
#' @param key Character: name of the option containing the URL
#' @param key_param List: variables to insert into the `key`.
#' @importFrom rlang exec !!!
#' @noRd
get_url <- function(key, param = list()){

    key %>%
    exec(.fn = sprintf, !!!param) %>%
    `[[`(omnipath.env$urls, .)


#' Retrieves an URL and inserts variable parameters
#' @param url_key Character: name of the option containing the URL
#' @param url_key_param List: variables to insert into the `url_key`.
#' @param url_param List: variables to insert into the URL string (which is
#' returned from the options).
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom utils URLencode
#' @noRd
url_parser <- function(
    url_key_param = list(),
    url_param = list()

    url_key %>%
    get_url(url_key_param) %>%
    c(url_param) %>%
    do.call(what = sprintf) %>%


#' Downloads an URL
#' This function is convenient for appropriate resource retrieval. Following
#' http://bioconductor.org/developers/how-to/web-query/
#' It tries to retrieve the resource one or several times before failing.
#' @param url Character: the URL to download.
#' @param fun The downloader function. Should be able to accept \code{url}
#'     as its first argument. Alternatively, it can be `NULL` or a function
#'     for reading the data, in the latter case `path` must be provided, or
#'     one of the `use_httr` or the `ignore_contents` parameters should be
#'     `TRUE`. In all these cases, `httr::GET` or `httr::POST` will be used
#'     to download the file.
#' @param post List with HTTP POST data. If \code{NULL}, the function
#'     \code{fun} will execute the download and potentially the reading from
#'     the retrieved data. If \code{post} is a list, \code{httr::POST} will
#'     be used to download the data and the contents will be channeled to
#'     \code{fun} to read it.
#' @param http_param List: further parameters for \code{httr::GET} or
#'     \code{httr::POST}. Used only if \code{path} is not \code{NULL} or
#'     if \code{post} is not \code{NULL}.
#' @param content_param List: further parameters for \code{httr::content}.
#'     Used only if \code{path} is \code{NULL} and \code{post} is not
#'     \code{NULL}.
#' @param path Character: if not `NULL` the file will be downloaded
#'     to this path and the path will be returned.
#' @param req_headers List: a list of HTTP headers. Passed to
#'     `httr::add_headers`, used only if the downloader function is set up
#'     here (see details at param `fun`).
#' @param init_url Character: retrieve first this URL, to obtain cookies
#'     or start a session.
#' @param init_headers List: HTTP headers for the initial request to
#'     `init_url`.
#' @param return_response Logical: return the response object from `httr`
#'     without any further processing. Used only if the downloader function
#'     is set up here (see details at param `fun`).
#' @param keep_headers Logical: add the response headers to the returned
#'     object as an attribute. If `ignore_contents` is `TRUE`, the returned
#'     object will be `FALSE`, but still might carry the headers in its
#'     `headers` attribute. Used only if the downloader method is set up here
#'     (see details at param `fun`).
#' @param ignore_contents Logical: do not extract the contents from the
#'     response object. The contents still might be saved to the disk if
#'     `path` is provided. The returned object will be the response object
#'     if `return_response` is `TRUE`, otherwise `FALSE` will be returned.
#' @param extract_headers Callable: a custom function which accepts the
#'     response object retrieved from `init_url` and returns a list of
#'     HTTP headers which can be used in the main request. Must be provided
#'     if `init_url` is not `NULL`.
#' @param use_httr Logical: use `httr::GET` to download the data even if no
#'     other argument or condition implies this.
#' @param ... Passed to \code{fun}.
#' @return The output of the downloader function \code{fun}.
#' @importFrom logger log_level log_error log_warn log_trace
#' @importFrom httr POST GET content write_disk
#' @importFrom httr add_headers status_code headers
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %<>%
#' @importFrom rlang !!! exec %||%
#' @importFrom curl new_handle
#' @noRd
download_base <- function(
    fun = NULL,
    post = NULL,
    http_param = list(),
    content_param = list(),
    path = NULL,
    req_headers = list(),
    init_url = NULL,
    init_headers = NULL,
    return_response = FALSE,
    keep_headers = FALSE,
    ignore_contents = FALSE,
    extract_headers = NULL,
    use_httr = FALSE,



        init_response <- download_base(
            url = init_url,
            req_headers = init_headers,
            return_response = TRUE


            req_headers <-
                init_response %>%
                extract_headers %>%
                {merge_lists(req_headers, .)}



    op <- options(timeout = 600)

    url_loglevel <- `if`(

    retries <- getOption('omnipath.retry_downloads')

    log_level(level = url_loglevel, 'Retrieving URL: `%s`', url)

        !is.null(post) ||
        !is.null(path) ||
        ignore_contents ||
        is.null(fun) ||

        reader <- fun %||% identity

        fun <- function(url, post = NULL, ...){

            # NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
            httr <- handle_name <- NULL

            http_param %<>% ensure_list_2
            content_param %<>% ensure_list_2
            http_method <- `if`(is.null(post), GET, POST)
            http_param$body <- post
            req_headers %<>% list_null

            http_param %<>% c(list(
                add_headers(.headers = unlist(req_headers)),
                # we create new handle in each call just to be able to set
                # a custom connect timeout; the benefit of this is
                # questionnable, maybe we should just remove this;
                # then we can simply do:
                # http_param %<>% c(list(add_headers(.headers = req_headers)))
                handle = structure(
                        handle = new_handle(
                            CONNECTTIMEOUT =
                        url = (httr%:::%handle_name)(url)
                    class = 'handle'


                http_param %<>% c(list(write_disk(path, overwrite = TRUE)))


            response <- exec(
                url = url,
            http_status <- status_code(response)
            msg <- sprintf('HTTP %i', http_status)

            if(http_status != 200L){




            result <- FALSE


                result <- response


                if(is.null(path) && !ignore_contents){

                    result <- exec(content, response, !!!content_param) %>%




                attr(result, 'headers') <- headers(response)





    args <- list(...)
    args$post <- post

    for(attempt in seq(retries)){

        log_trace('Attempt %d/%d: `%s`', attempt, retries, url)

        the_url <- `if`(
            isNamespace(environment(fun)) &&
            getNamespaceName(environment(fun)) == 'readr' &&
            !endsWith(url, 'gz'),

        result <- tryCatch(
            exec(fun, the_url, !!!args),
            error = identity

        if(inherits(result, 'error')){

            msg <-
                    'Failed to download `%s` (attempt %d/%d); error: %s',

            if(attempt == retries){



                # to avoid too fast retries








#' Converts URL to curl connection and sets curl options on it
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom curl curl new_handle
#' @noRd
curl_wrap_url <- function(url){

    url %>%
        handle = new_handle(
            CONNECTTIMEOUT = getOption('omnipath.connect_timeout')


#' Downloads a file to the cache directory
#' Retrieves a file by HTTP GET or POST and returns the path to the cache
#' file.
#' @param url_key Character: name of the option containing the URL
#' @param url_key_param List: variables to insert into the `url_key`.
#' @param url_param List: variables to insert into the URL string (which is
#' returned from the options).
#' @param http_param List: further parameters for \code{httr::GET} or
#'     \code{httr::POST}.
#' @param ext Character: the file extension. If `NULL` a guess from the URL
#'     will be attempted.
#' @param post List with HTTP POST data. If \code{NULL}, \code{httr::GET}
#'     will be used to download the data, otherwise \code{httr::POST}.
#' @param req_headers List: a list of HTTP headers. Passed to
#'     `httr::add_headers`, used only if the downloader function is set up
#'     here (see details at param `fun`).
#' @noRd
download_to_cache <- function(
    url_key_param = list(),
    url_param = list(),
    http_param = list(),
    ext = NULL,
    post = NULL,
    req_headers = NULL

    url <- url_parser(
        url_key = url_key,
        url_key_param = url_key_param,
        url_param = url_param

    version <- omnipath_cache_latest_or_new(url = url, post =post, ext = ext)

    from_cache <- version$status == CACHE_STATUS$READY


            url = url,
            fun = NULL,
            path = version$path,
            http_param = http_param,
            post = post,
            req_headers = req_headers


    version$path %>%
    origin_cache(from_cache) %>%
    source_attrs(NULL, url)


#' Generic method to download a table
#' Downloads a table which can be read by a function from the \code{readr}
#' package or other package.
#' @param url_key Character: name of the option containing the URL
#' @param reader Function: the function to download and read the data.
#' @param url_key_param List: variables to insert into the `url_key`.
#' @param url_param List: variables to insert into the URL string (which is
#'     returned from the options).
#' @param reader_param List: options for the reader function.
#' @param resource Character: name of the resource.
#' @param post List with HTTP POST parameters.
#' @param use_httr Logical: force to use \code{httr::GET} instead of
#'     allowing \code{reader} to download the file.
#' @param ... Passed to \code{\link{download_base}}.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %<>%
#' @importFrom readr read_tsv cols
#' @importFrom rlang exec !!!
#' @importFrom logger log_trace
#' @noRd
generic_downloader <- function(
    reader = read_tsv,
    url_key_param = list(),
    url_param = list(),
    reader_param = list(),
    resource = NULL,
    post = NULL,
    use_httr = FALSE,

    reader_param %<>% add_defaults(
            col_types = cols(),
            show_col_types = FALSE,
            progress = FALSE

    url <- url_parser(
        url_key = url_key,
        url_key_param = url_key_param,
        url_param = url_param

    log_trace('Looking up in cache: `%s`.', url)

    result <- omnipath_cache_load(url = url, post = post)


        log_trace('Could not find in cache, initiating download: `%s`.', url)

        result <-
                use_httr = use_httr,
            ) %>%
            omnipath_cache_save(url = url, post = post)


    result %>%
    source_attrs(resource, url)


#' Generic method to download an excel worksheet
#' Downloads an xls or xlsx file and extracts a worksheet as a data frame.
#' @param url_key Character: name of the option containing the URL
#' @param sheet Character or integer, passed to \code{read_excel}.
#' @param url_key_param List: variables to insert into the `url_key`.
#' @param url_param List: variables to insert into the URL string (which is
#' returned from the options).
#' @param ext Character: the file extension, either xls or xlsx.
#' @param http_param List: further parameters for \code{httr::GET} or
#'     \code{httr::POST}.
#' @param post List with HTTP POST data. If \code{NULL}, \code{httr::GET}
#'     will be used to download the data, otherwise \code{httr::POST}.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom readxl read_excel
#' @importFrom logger log_info
#' @noRd
xls_downloader <- function(
    sheet = NULL,
    url_key_param = list(),
    url_param = list(),
    ext = 'xlsx',
    resource = NULL,
    http_param = list(),
    post = NULL

    path <- download_to_cache(
        url_key = url_key,
        url_key_param = url_key_param,
        url_param = url_param,
        ext = ext,
        http_param = http_param,
        post = post

    log_info('Reading XLS from `%s`', path)

    read_excel(path, sheet = sheet) %>%
    copy_source_attrs(path, resource = resource)


#' Generic method to download a zip archive
#' Downloads a zip file or retrieves it from the cache. Returns the path
#' to the zip file and the list of paths in the archive.
#' @param url_key Character: name of the option containing the URL
#' @param url_key_param List: variables to insert into the `url_key`.
#' @param url_param List: variables to insert into the URL string (which is
#'     returned from the options).
#' @param post List: passed to \code{curl::handle_setform}.
#' @param http_headers Named list with HTTP header keys and values.
#' @param cache_by_url Character: at the cache handling consider this URL
#'     and ignore the POST parameters or the data payload. This is useful if
#'     the download requires an access token which varies at each download
#'     but at reading from the cache no need for token.
#' @param ... Additional options for cURL. Passed to
#'     \code{\link{download_base}}.
#' @importFrom utils unzip untar
#' @importFrom logger log_info log_warn log_trace
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang exec !!!
#' @noRd
archive_downloader <- function(
    url_key_param = list(),
    url_param = list(),
    post = NULL,
    http_headers = list(),
    cache_by_url = NULL,

    url <- url_parser(
        url_key = url_key,
        url_key_param = url_key_param,
        url_param = url_param

    cache_url <- `if`(is.null(cache_by_url), url, cache_by_url)
    cache_post <- `if`(is.null(cache_by_url), post, NULL)

    version <- omnipath_cache_latest_or_new(
        url = cache_url,
        post = cache_post

    from_cache <- version$status == CACHE_STATUS$READY


        logger::log_info('Downloading `%s`', url)

        success <- download_base(
            url = url,
            path = version$path,
            post = post,
            req_headers = http_headers,
        key <- omnipath_cache_key_from_version(version)
        ext <- archive_type(version$path, url)
            log_warn('Could not state archive type: `%s`.', url)
            log_trace('Archive type `%s`: `%s`', ext, url)
            omnipath_cache_set_ext(key, ext)
        version <- omnipath_cache_latest_or_new(url = url)


    key <- omnipath_cache_key_from_version(version)
    record <- omnipath_cache_get(key)
    extractor <- `if`(record$ext == 'zip', unzip, untar)

        path = version$path,
        url = cache_url,
        files = extractor(version$path, list = TRUE),
        ext = record$ext,
        from_cache = from_cache


#' Generic method to download an archive and extract one file
#' @param url_key Character: name of the option containing the URL
#' @param path Character: path to the file within the archive. If NULL, the
#'     first file will be extracted (not recommended).
#' @param url_key_param List: variables to insert into the `url_key`.
#' @param url_param List: variables to insert into the URL string (which is
#'     returned from the options).
#' @param post List: POST parameters. If NULL, a GET query is performed.
#' @param reader Optional, a function to read the connection.
#' @param reader_param List: arguments for the reader function.
#' @param cache_by_url Character: at the cache handling use this URL instead
#'     of the one provided in `url` and ignore the POST parameters or the
#'     data payload. This is useful if the download requires an access token
#'     which varies at each download but at reading from the cache no need
#'     for token.
#' @param resource Character: name of the resource.
#' @param extract_xls Logical: read worksheet from xls(x) file automatically.
#' @param to_tempdir Logical: if TRUE, the archive is extracted to a temporary
#'      directory from the zip file. Ignored for other archive types.
#' @param ... Passed to \code{\link{archive_downloader}}.
#' @return A connection to the extracted file or a the contents read from
#'     the path inside the archive.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %T>%
#' @importFrom logger log_fatal log_trace
#' @importFrom rlang %||% !!! exec
#' @importFrom readxl read_excel
#' @importFrom utils unzip
#' @seealso \code{\link{archive_downloader}}
#' @noRd
archive_extractor <- function(
    path = NULL,
    url_key_param = list(),
    url_param = list(),
    post = NULL,
    reader = NULL,
    reader_param = list(),
    cache_by_url = NULL,
    resource = NULL,
    extract_xls = TRUE,
    to_tempdir = FALSE,

    archive_data <- archive_downloader(
        url_key = url_key,
        url_key_param = url_key_param,
        url_param = url_param,
        post = post,
        cache_by_url = cache_by_url,

    # fallback to the first file
    path <- `if`(is.null(path), paths_in_archive(archive_data)[1], path)

    if(!path %in% paths_in_archive(archive_data)){

            'First 8 bytes of `%s`: %s',
            archive_data$path %>%
                readBin('raw', n = 8) %>%
                paste(collapse = ' ')
            'Archive type stated: `%s`; size: %d bytes.',
            archive_type(archive_data$path, archive_data$url),

        msg <- sprintf(
            'Path `%s` not found in archive `%s` (local file at `%s`)',


    xls <- path %>% endsWith(c('xls', 'xlsx')) %>% any && extract_xls

    if(archive_data$ext == 'zip'){

        if(xls || to_tempdir){

            con <-
                archive_data$path %>%
                unzip(files = path, exdir = tempdir()) %>%

            if(xls) {
                reader <- read_excel


            con <-
                archive_data$path %>%
                unz(path, open = 'rb')



        archive_data$path %>% untar(files = path, exdir = tempdir())
        ext_path <- tempdir() %>% file.path(path)


            con <- ext_path
            reader <- read_excel


            con <- ext_path %>% file(open = 'rb')






        reader %>%
        exec(con, !!!reader_param) %>%
        origin_cache(archive_data$from_cache) %>%
        source_attrs(resource, archive_data$url) %T>%
        {if('connection' %in% class(con)) base::close(con)}



#' Workaround for the different APIs of `unzip` and `untar`
#' @return Character vector of paths in the archive.
#' @param archive_data List: as returned by the
#' \code{\link{archive_downloader}} function.
#' @seealso \code{\link{archive_downloader}}
#' @noRd
paths_in_archive <- function(archive_data){

        'Name' %in% names(archive_data$files),


#' Assigns attributes to a data frame about its sources
#' @param data A data frame (or other object).
#' @param resource Character: the name of the resource.
#' @param url Character: the download URL.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang %||%
#' @importFrom httr parse_url
#' @noRd
source_attrs <- function(data, resource, url){

    # NSE vs. R CMD check Workaround
    hostname <- NULL

    domain <-
        url %||% 'unknown domain' %>%
        parse_url %>%
        `$`(hostname) %||% 'unknown domain'

    source <- `if`(
        sprintf('%s (%s)', resource, domain)

    data %>%
    `attr<-`('resource', resource) %>%
    `attr<-`('url', url) %>%
    `attr<-`('source', source)


#' Copies attributes about its sources from one object to another
#' @param to The object to copy attributes to.
#' @param from The object to copy attributes from.
#' @param ... Passed to \code{\link{update_source_attrs}}.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @noRd
copy_source_attrs <- function(to, from, ...){

    to %>%
    copy_attrs(from, c('source', 'resource', 'url', 'origin')) %>%


#' Updates the source attributes of an object
#' @importFrom rlang %||%
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @noRd
update_source_attrs <- function(obj, ...){

    attrs <- list(...)
    origin <- attrs$origin %||% attr(obj, 'origin')
    from_cache <- (
        !is.null(origin) && origin == 'cache' ||
        attrs$from_cache %||% FALSE
    resource <- attrs$resource %||% attr(obj, 'resource')
    url <- attrs$url %||% attr(obj, 'url')

    obj %>%
    origin_cache(from_cache) %>%
    source_attrs(resource, url)


#' Load the built-in magic byte database
#' Called only in the package loading process.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom tidyr unnest_longer unnest_wider
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @noRd
.load_magic_bytes <- function(pkgname){

    # NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
    magic <- NULL

    omnipath.env$mb <-
            package = pkgname,
            mustWork = TRUE
        ) %>%
        safe_json(simplifyDataFrame = FALSE) %>%
        tibble(magic = .) %>%
        mutate(ext = names(magic)) %>%
        unnest_longer(magic) %>%
        unnest_wider(magic) %>%
            magic = map(magic, as.raw)


#' Tells the type of an archive
#' @param path Character: path to the archive.
#' @param url Character, optional: the URL the archive has been downloaded
#'     from.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom purrr pmap detect
#' @noRd
archive_type <- function(path, url = NULL){

    # NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
    ext <- NULL

    max_offset <- omnipath.env$mb %>% {length(.$magic) + .$offset} %>% max

    header <- readBin(path, 'raw', n = max_offset)

    omnipath.env$mb %>%
    pmap(list) %>%
                row$magic ==
                header[row$offset:(row$offset + length(row$magic))]
    ) %>%
    `$`(ext) %>%
        !is.null(.) && . %in% c('gz', 'bz', 'bz2', 'xz', 'zst'),
            any(grepl(sprintf('\\.tar\\.|\\.t%s', .), c(path, url))),
            sprintf('tar.%s', .),


#' Custom user-agent header from options
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr first
#' @noRd
user_agent <- function() {

    # NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
    'omnipath.user_agent' %>%
    options %>%
    first %>%
    list('User-Agent' = .)

saezlab/OmnipathR documentation built on July 13, 2024, 6:18 p.m.