
Defines functions getTPM extract_gtf_anno MetaGene plotTPM .getGenotype .genotypeDosage .noZero jointPeakCount .getPeakBins .peakExons reportJointPeak .Bino_test callPeakBinomial .fisher_exact_test callPeakFisher

Documented in .Bino_test callPeakBinomial callPeakFisher jointPeakCount MetaGene plotTPM reportJointPeak

#' @title callPeakFisher
#' @param MeRIP The MeRIP object from countReads function.
#' @param min_counts The minimal number of reads present in a bin to be called a peak.
#' @param peak_cutoff_fdr The cutoff of fdr of fisher's exact test to call peak.
#' @param peak_cutoff_oddRatio The minimal oddRatio of fisher's exact test to call peak.
#' @param threads The number of threads to use. Default uses 1 threads.
#' @export
callPeakFisher <- function(MeRIP, min_counts = 15, peak_cutoff_fdr = 0.05 , peak_cutoff_oddRatio = 1, threads = 1){
  if(! is(MeRIP, "MeRIP") ){
    stop("The input MeRIP must be a MeRIP dataset!")
  }else if( is(MeRIP, "MeRIP.Peak") ){
    cat(paste0("Input is an object of MeRIP.Peak, will override the peakCallResult by current call of fisher exact test!\n"))
    cat("Performing fisher exact test on MeRIP dataset...\n")
  input <- as.matrix(MeRIP@reads[,1:length(MeRIP@samplenames)])
  ip <- as.matrix(MeRIP@reads[,(1+length(MeRIP@samplenames)):(2*length(MeRIP@samplenames))])
  colnames(input) <- colnames(ip) <- MeRIP@samplenames
  ## check if geneBins already exist
  geneBins <- geneBins(MeRIP)

  ## number of genes to call peaks
  batch_id_list <- unique(geneBins$gene)
  num_batch_ids <- length(batch_id_list)
  cat("Calling peaks for ",num_batch_ids, "genes... \n")
  registerDoParallel( cores = threads)
  start_time <- Sys.time()
  cat(paste("Hyper-thread registered:",getDoParRegistered(),"\n"))
  cat(paste("Using",getDoParWorkers(),"thread(s) to call peaks in continuous bins...\n"))
  peak_call_batches <- foreach( i = 1:num_batch_ids, .combine = rbind)%dopar%{

    idx_batch <- which(geneBins$gene == batch_id_list[i])
    batch_input <- input[idx_batch,]
    batch_ip <- ip[idx_batch,]
    overall_input <- round( apply(batch_input, 2, median, na.rm = TRUE)  )
    overall_ip <- round( apply(batch_ip, 2, median, na.rm = TRUE)  )

    ## loop through all sample
    fisher_exact_test_p <- NULL
    fisher_exact_test_oddRatio <- NULL
    for(j in 1:length(overall_input) ){
      fisher_result <- t( mapply(.fisher_exact_test, batch_ip[,j], batch_input[,j], overall_ip[j], overall_input[j]) )
      fisher_exact_test_p <- cbind(fisher_exact_test_p,fisher_result[,1])
      fisher_exact_test_oddRatio <- cbind(fisher_exact_test_oddRatio,fisher_result[,2] )

    above_thresh_counts <- ( (batch_input + batch_ip) >= min_counts )

    fisher_exact_test_fdr <- matrix(1,nrow = nrow(fisher_exact_test_p),ncol = ncol(fisher_exact_test_p))
    if(sum(rowSums(above_thresh_counts)> (length(overall_input)/2))>1){
      fisher_exact_test_fdr[rowSums(above_thresh_counts)> (length(overall_input)/2) ,] <- apply(fisher_exact_test_p[which(rowSums(above_thresh_counts)> (length(overall_input)/2)) ,] , 2, p.adjust, method = 'fdr')

    fisher_exact_test_peak <- (fisher_exact_test_fdr < peak_cutoff_fdr &
                                 fisher_exact_test_oddRatio > peak_cutoff_oddRatio &

  rm(list=ls(name=foreach:::.foreachGlobals), pos=foreach:::.foreachGlobals)
  end_time <- Sys.time()
  cat(paste("Time used to call peaks:",difftime(end_time, start_time, units = "mins"),"mins... \n"))
  colnames(peak_call_batches) <- MeRIP@samplenames

  ## output data
  data.out <- as(MeRIP,"MeRIP.Peak")
  data.out@geneBins <- geneBins
  data.out@peakCallResult <- peak_call_batches
  data.out@peakCalling <- "fisher's exact test"


# helper function 
.fisher_exact_test <- function(IP, input, IP_overall, input_overall, pseudo_count=1){

  test.m <- matrix(c(IP, input, IP_overall, input_overall), nrow = 2, byrow = FALSE,
                   dimnames = list(c("IP", "input"), c("bin", "overall")))

  # add a pseudo_count (1) to avoid zeros in denominators when calculating the odds ratio
  test.m <- test.m + pseudo_count

  fisher_test <- fisher.test(test.m, alternative="greater")

  fisher_result <- data.frame(pvalue = NA, odds_ratio = NA)

  fisher_result$pvalue <- fisher_test$p.value
  # fisher_result$odds_ratio <- fisher_test$estimate

  # use sample odds ratio (unconditional MLE) rather than the conditional Maximum Likelihood Estimate from Fisher's exact test
  a <- test.m[1,1] # IP in bin
  b <- test.m[1,2] # IP overall
  c <- test.m[2,1] # input in bin
  d <- test.m[2,2] # input overall

  # fisher_result$odds_bin <- a/c

  fisher_result$odds_ratio <- (a*d)/(b*c)


#' @title callPeakBinomial
#' @param MeRIP The MeRIP object.
#' @param min_counts The minimal number of reads (input + IP) required in a bin to be called a peak. 
#' @param peak_cutoff_fdr The cutoff of fdr to call a bin peak.
#' @param peak_cutoff_oddRatio The minimal oddRatio (IP/input) threshold to call a peak.
#' @param threads The number of threads to use. Default uses 1 threads.
#' @export
callPeakBinomial <- function(MeRIP, min_counts = 15, peak_cutoff_fdr = 0.05 , peak_cutoff_oddRatio = 1, threads = 1){
  if(! is(MeRIP, "MeRIP") ){
    stop("The input MeRIP must be a MeRIP dataset!")
  }else if( is(MeRIP, "MeRIP.Peak") ){
    cat(paste0("Input is an object of MeRIP.Peak, will override the peakCallResult by current call of binomial test!\n"))
    cat("Performing Binomial test on MeRIP dataset to call peak...\n")
  input <- as.matrix(MeRIP@reads[,1:length(MeRIP@samplenames)])
  ip <- as.matrix(MeRIP@reads[,(1+length(MeRIP@samplenames)):(2*length(MeRIP@samplenames))])
  colnames(input) <- colnames(ip) <- MeRIP@samplenames
  T0 <- colSums(input)
  T1 <- colSums(ip)
  registerDoParallel( min( length( MeRIP@samplenames ) ,threads) )
  bino_pvalue <- foreach(j = 1:length( MeRIP@samplenames ), .combine = cbind )%dopar%{
    .Bino_test( ip[,j], input[,j], T1[j], T0[j])
  oddRatio <-  t(t(ip)/T1) / t(t(input)/T0)
  ## total read count threshold
  above_thresh_counts <- ( (input + ip ) >= min_counts )
  fdr <- foreach(j = 1:length( MeRIP@samplenames ), .combine = cbind )%dopar%{
    tmpFDR <- p.adjust( bino_pvalue[,j] , method = "fdr")
    ID <- which(above_thresh_counts[,j])
    tmpFDR[ ID ] <-  p.adjust( bino_pvalue[ID,j] , method = "fdr")
  rm(list=ls(name=foreach:::.foreachGlobals), pos=foreach:::.foreachGlobals)
  test_peak <- (fdr < peak_cutoff_fdr & oddRatio > peak_cutoff_oddRatio &  above_thresh_counts )
  colnames(test_peak) <- MeRIP@samplenames
  rownames(test_peak) <- rownames(input)
  data.out <- as(MeRIP,"MeRIP.Peak")
  data.out@geneBins <- geneBins(MeRIP)
  data.out@peakCallResult <- test_peak
  data.out@peakCalling <- "Binomial test"

#' @title Binomial test
#' @return data frame with p-values and odds ratio
.Bino_test <- function(IP, input, IP_overall, input_overall, pseudo_count=1){
  IP <- pmax(IP,pseudo_count)
  input <- pmax(input,pseudo_count)
  p <- IP_overall/(IP_overall+input_overall)
  pvalue <-  pbinom(IP-1, size = (IP+input), p, lower.tail = FALSE )

#' @export
#' @title IP.files
#' @description Extract path to IP BAM files.
#' @param object The MeRIP object
#' @rdname IP.files
setMethod("IP.files", signature("MeRIP"), function(object){

#' @export
#' @title Input.files
#' @param object The MeRIP object
#' @description Extract path to INPUT BAM files. 
#' @rdname Input.files
setMethod("Input.files", signature("MeRIP"), function(object){

#' @export
#' @rdname counts
#' @title counts
#' @description Extract all (Input + IP) read count of the MeRIP object.
#' @param object The MeRIP object
setMethod("counts", signature("MeRIP.Peak"), function(object){


#' @title reportJointPeak
#' @param MeRIPdata The MeRIP.Peak object containing peak calling result
#' @param joint_threshold Define the number of sample required to have consistent peak in a locus to call this bin a joint peak.
#' @param threads The number of threads to use.
#' @return MeRIP.Peak object with jointPeaks data
#' @export
reportJointPeak <- function(MeRIPdata, joint_threshold = 2,threads = 1){
  ## check parameter
  if(joint_threshold > length(MeRIPdata@samplenames)){ 
    stop("joint_threshold cannot be larger than the total number of samples!")
  ## check data format
  if(! is( MeRIPdata,"MeRIP.Peak") ){
    if( is(MeRIPdata, "MeRIP") ){
      cat("No peak calling has performed on input MeRIP object, perform default fisher's exact test to call peak with default parameters...\n")
      MeRIPdata <- callPeakFisher(MeRIPdata, threads = threads )
          stop("The input needs to be an MeRIP class object!")
  }else if(  MeRIPdata@jointPeak_threshold > 0  &  MeRIPdata@jointPeak_threshold == joint_threshold ){ # if the MeRIP object has already reported a version of jointPeaks and trying to report at the same threshold
    cat(paste0("Reporting joint peak at joint threshold "), MeRIPdata@jointPeak_threshold,"\n")
    geneBins <- geneBins(MeRIPdata)
    peak_id_pairs <- MeRIPdata@jointPeak_id_pairs   # use already exist jointpeak ID pairs.

    num_peaks <- nrow(peak_id_pairs)
    geneGRList <- MeRIPdata@geneModel
    peakGenes <- as.character(geneBins[peak_id_pairs[,1],"gene"])

    if (num_peaks == 0){return(data.frame())
    }else {  
      start_time <- Sys.time()
      registerDoParallel(cores = threads)
      cat(paste("Hyper-thread registered:",getDoParRegistered(),"\n"))
      cat(paste("Using",getDoParWorkers(),"thread(s) to report merged report...\n"))
      merged.report<- foreach( p = 1:num_peaks, .combine = rbind)%dopar%{
        peak_row_id <- peak_id_pairs[p,]
        geneExons <- reduce ( geneGRList[peakGenes[p]][[1]] )

        peak <- .getPeakBins(geneGRList,peakGenes[p],c(geneBins$bin[peak_row_id[1]],geneBins$bin[peak_row_id[2]]),MeRIPdata@binSize )

        peakE <- .peakExons(peak,as.data.frame(geneExons))
                   start = peak$start,
                   end = peak$end,
                   name = peakGenes[p],
                   score = 0,
                   strand = as.character(strand(geneExons))[1],
                   thickStart = peak$start,
                   thickEnd = peak$end,
                   blockCount = nrow(peakE),
                   blockSizes = paste(peakE$width,collapse=","),
                   blockStarts = paste(peakE$start - replicate(nrow(peakE),peakE$start[1]),collapse=",")
      rm(list=ls(name=foreach:::.foreachGlobals), pos=foreach:::.foreachGlobals)
      end_time <- Sys.time()
      cat(paste("Time used to report peaks:",difftime(end_time, start_time, units = "mins"),"mins... \n"))
    data.out <- MeRIPdata
    data.out@jointPeaks <- merged.report
    data.out@jointPeak_id_pairs <- peak_id_pairs
    ##Filter out duplicated peaks due to duplicated gene names
    data.out <- filter(data.out, !duplicated( paste(data.out@jointPeaks$chr, data.out@jointPeaks$start, data.out@jointPeaks$end,data.out@jointPeaks$strand, sep = ":") ) )
    return( data.out )
  }else if( MeRIPdata@jointPeak_threshold == 0  |  MeRIPdata@jointPeak_threshold != joint_threshold ){ # When jointpeak has not been reported before
    cat(paste0("Reporting joint peak at joint threshold "), joint_threshold ,"\n")
    ## Get joint peak
    geneBins <- geneBins(MeRIPdata)
    ## set logic vector for joint peak
    ID <- (rowSums(MeRIPdata@peakCallResult) >= joint_threshold)
    num_lines <- length(ID)

    # start ids of checkpoints
    ## find peak-starting checkpoints (either from nonpeak to peak, or peak in a different batch)
    start_id <- which((ID[2:num_lines]-ID[1:num_lines-1]==1) |
                        ((geneBins$gene[2:num_lines]!=geneBins$gene[1:num_lines-1]) & (ID[2:num_lines] == TRUE)) )
    start_id <- start_id + 1 # add 1 since ID was counted from 2 to num_lines
    if ( ID[1]==TRUE ) { start_id <- c(1,start_id) } # if the first checkpoint bin is peak

    # end ids of checkpoints
    ## find peak-ending checkpoints (either from peak to nonpeak, or peak in a different batch)
    end_id <- which((ID[1:num_lines-1]-ID[2:num_lines]==1) |
                      ((geneBins$gene[1:num_lines-1]!=geneBins$gene[2:num_lines]) & (ID[1:num_lines-1] == TRUE)) )
    if (ID[num_lines]==TRUE) {end_id <- c(end_id,num_lines)} # if the last checkpoint bin is peak

    peak_id_pairs <- cbind(start_id, end_id)
    num_peaks <- nrow(peak_id_pairs)
    geneGRList <- MeRIPdata@geneModel
    peakGenes <- as.character(geneBins[peak_id_pairs[,1],"gene"])

    if (num_peaks == 0){return(data.frame())
      start_time <- Sys.time()
      registerDoParallel(cores = threads)
      cat(paste("Hyper-thread registered:",getDoParRegistered(),"\n"))
      cat(paste("Using",getDoParWorkers(),"thread(s) to report merged report...\n"))
      merged.report<- foreach( p = 1:num_peaks, .combine = rbind)%dopar%{
        peak_row_id <- peak_id_pairs[p,]
        geneExons <- reduce ( geneGRList[peakGenes[p]][[1]] )

        peak <- .getPeakBins(geneGRList,peakGenes[p],c(geneBins$bin[peak_row_id[1]],geneBins$bin[peak_row_id[2]]),MeRIPdata@binSize )

        peakE <- .peakExons(peak,as.data.frame(geneExons))
                   start = peak$start,
                   end = peak$end,
                   name = peakGenes[p],
                   score = 0,
                   strand = as.character(strand(geneExons))[1],
                   thickStart = peak$start,
                   thickEnd = peak$end,
                   blockCount = nrow(peakE),
                   blockSizes = paste(peakE$width,collapse=","),
                   blockStarts = paste(peakE$start - replicate(nrow(peakE),peakE$start[1]),collapse=",")
      rm(list=ls(name=foreach:::.foreachGlobals), pos=foreach:::.foreachGlobals)
      end_time <- Sys.time()
      cat(paste("Time used to report peaks:",difftime(end_time, start_time, units = "mins"),"mins... \n"))

    data.out <- MeRIPdata
    data.out@jointPeaks <- merged.report
    data.out@jointPeak_id_pairs <- peak_id_pairs
    data.out@jointPeak_threshold <- joint_threshold
    ## reset the data associated with jointPeaks because new joint peaks has been changed.
    if(MeRIPdata@jointPeak_threshold != joint_threshold & MeRIPdata@jointPeak_threshold >0){
      cat(paste0("joint threshold was previous set at ",MeRIPdata@jointPeak_threshold,".\nWill remove joint-peak read count,test statistics etc. to avoid inconsistency with new joint peaks. Please re-fetch joint peak counts!\n"))
      data.out@jointPeak_ip <-  new("matrix")
      data.out@jointPeak_input <-  new("matrix")
      data.out@norm.jointPeak_ip <-  new("matrix")
      data.out@jointPeak_adjExpr <-  new("matrix")
      data.out@test.est <-  new("matrix")
      data.out@test.method <-  "none"
    ##Filter out duplicated peaks due to duplicated gene names
    data.out <- filter(data.out, !duplicated( paste(data.out@jointPeaks$chr, data.out@jointPeaks$start, data.out@jointPeaks$end,data.out@jointPeaks$strand, sep = ":") ) )
    return( data.out )


.peakExons <- function(peak,y){
  exonID <- peak$start <= y$end & peak$end >= y$start
  if(sum(exonID) == 1){
    return(data.frame(start = peak$start, end = peak$end, width = peak$end - peak$start + 1))
  }else if(sum(exonID) > 1){
    peakexon <- y[exonID,]
    peakexon[1,"start"] <- peak$start
    peakexon[sum(exonID),"end"] <- peak$end
    return(data.frame(start = peakexon$start, end = peakexon$end, width = peakexon$end - peakexon$start + 1))

.getPeakBins <- function(geneGRList,geneName,slidingStarts,binSize){
  geneModel =reduce( geneGRList[geneName][[1]] )## merge overlapping exons
  # DNA location to gene location conversion
  df.geneModel= as.data.frame(geneModel) ##data frame of gene model
  dna.range = as.data.frame(range(geneModel) )
  df.geneModel$end = df.geneModel$end - dna.range$start + 1
  df.geneModel$start = df.geneModel$start - dna.range$start + 1
  DNA2RNA = rep(0,dna.range$end - dna.range$start +1)
  no.exon = dim(df.geneModel)[1]
  for (j in 1:no.exon){DNA2RNA[df.geneModel$start[j]:df.geneModel$end[j]]=1}
  exon.length = sum(DNA2RNA)
  #creat a corresponding map from RNA to DNA
  RNA2DNA = 1:exon.length
  pointer = 1
  for (j in 1:no.exon){
    RNA2DNA[pointer:(pointer+df.geneModel$width[j]-1) ]= RNA2DNA[pointer:(pointer+df.geneModel$width[j]-1)] + df.geneModel$start[j] -pointer
    pointer = pointer + df.geneModel$width[j]
  RNA2DNA = RNA2DNA + dna.range$start -1 #back to chromosome coordinates
  #create center points of continuous window
  if(exon.length <= binSize | (dna.range$strand == "+" & slidingStarts[2] == ( exon.length - binSize - exon.length %% binSize + 1) ) ){ # for genes that is shorter than bin size || if it is the rightmost bin (buffer bin) to be retrieved (positive strand only)
    mapping = data.frame(start = RNA2DNA[ slidingStarts[1] ], end = RNA2DNA[exon.length]  )
  }else if( dna.range$strand == "-" & slidingStarts[2] == 1 ){ # when retrieve the leftmost (buffer) bin on reverse strand
    mapping = data.frame(start = RNA2DNA[ slidingStarts[1] ], end = RNA2DNA[slidingStarts[2] + binSize + exon.length %% binSize - 1 ]  )
  }else{ # retrieve regular bins
    mapping = data.frame(start = RNA2DNA[ slidingStarts[1] ], end = RNA2DNA[slidingStarts[2] + binSize - 1 ] )
  mapping$chr = as.character(dna.range$seqnames)


#' @title jointPeakCount
#' @description Extract read count of joint peaks for each sample and store the read counts in the MeRIP.Peak object. 
#' @param MeRIPdata The data list as output of callPeakFisher()
#' @return Returns the MeRIP object with joint peak read count for Input and IP stored.
#' @export
jointPeakCount <- function(MeRIPdata ){
  if( is( MeRIPdata,"MeRIP.Peak") ){
    if( nrow(MeRIPdata@jointPeak_id_pairs) >0 & MeRIPdata@jointPeak_threshold> 0){}else{stop("Please report JointPeak first!")}
    stop("The MeRIPdata needs to be a MeRIP.Peak object!")
  geneBins <- geneBins(MeRIPdata)

  peak_id_pairs <- MeRIPdata@jointPeak_id_pairs

  ip <- MeRIPdata@reads[,(1+length(MeRIPdata@samplenames)):(2*length(MeRIPdata@samplenames))]
  input <- MeRIPdata@reads[,1:length(MeRIPdata@samplenames)]
  joint_peak_ip <- t( apply(peak_id_pairs,1,function(x,y){
  },y = ip) )
  joint_peak_input <- t( apply(peak_id_pairs,1,function(x,y){
  },y = input) )
  data.out <- MeRIPdata
  data.out@jointPeak_ip <- joint_peak_ip
  data.out@jointPeak_input <- joint_peak_input

#' @export
#' @title geneBins
#' @description Extract the data.frame that maps the consecutive bins to genes. 
#' @param object The MeRIP object
#' @return data.frame 
setMethod("geneBins", signature("MeRIP"), function(object){
  if( nrow(object@geneBins) > 0 ){
    ## split gene and bin names
    aa <- strsplit(rownames(object@reads), ",")
    gene.name <- unlist(lapply(aa, function(x){
    bin.name <- unlist(lapply(aa, function(x){
    geneBins <- data.frame(gene=gene.name,bin=as.integer(bin.name))
    rownames(geneBins) <- rownames(object@reads)
#' @export
setMethod("geneBins", signature("MeRIP.Peak"), function(object){


#' @title normalizeLibrary
#' @description Normalized the input as RNA-seq data and normalize IP by enrichment. Specifically, we normalize ip libraries sizes so that the geometry mean of enrichment are the same.
#' @param object MeRIP.Peak object.
#' @import DESeq2
#' @export
setMethod("normalizeLibrary", signature("MeRIP.Peak"), function(object){
  ## load data from input
  jointPeak_ip <- object@jointPeak_ip
  jointPeak_input <- object@jointPeak_input
  input <- object@reads[,1:length(object@samplenames)]
  colnames(input) <- object@samplenames
  geneBins <- geneBins(object)
  ## Get input geneSum (gene level quantification)
  geneSum <- NULL
  for(i in 1:ncol(input) ){
    y <- input[,i]
    gene.sum <- tapply(y,geneBins$gene,sum)
    geneSum <- cbind(geneSum,gene.sum)
  colnames(geneSum) <- object@samplenames
  size.input <- DESeq2::estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix(geneSum)
  norm.jointPeak_input <-t( t(jointPeak_input) / size.input )
  geneSum.norm <- t ( t(geneSum)/size.input)
  ## Get the gene level input count for corresponding peaks
  geneCounts.peak <- geneSum.norm[geneBins[rownames(norm.jointPeak_input),"gene"],]
  enrich <- as.data.frame(jointPeak_ip/geneCounts.peak)
  enrich <- enrich[!apply(enrich,1, function(x){any(is.na(x)) | any(is.infinite(x))}),]
  size.enrich.deseq2 <- DESeq2::estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix(enrich[,1:length(object@samplenames)])
  norm.jointPeak_ip <-t( t(jointPeak_ip)/size.enrich.deseq2 )
  sizeFactor <- data.frame(input=size.input,ip=size.enrich.deseq2)
  object@geneSum <- geneSum.norm
  object@norm.jointPeak_ip <- norm.jointPeak_ip
  object@sizeFactor <- sizeFactor


## a helper function to remove 0 from vector
.noZero <- function(x){sapply(x,max,1)}

#' @title adjustExprLevel
#' @param object The MeRIP.Peak object that has been normalized for library size.
#' @param adjustBy By default, adjust post-IP count by INPUT geneSum. Can also choose "pos" to use current position count to adjust for expression level.
#' @return  object The MeRIP.Peak object now with IP-count adjusted for expression level.
#' @export
setMethod("adjustExprLevel", signature("MeRIP.Peak"), function(object, adjustBy = "geneSum" ){
  if( nrow(object@norm.jointPeak_ip)<0 ){
    stop("Please normalize library size before running expression level adjustment!")
  }else if(adjustBy == "geneSum"){
    geneSum <- geneExpression(object)
    geneSum <- t(apply(geneSum,1,.noZero))
    gene.size <- t( apply(geneSum,1,function(x){x/mean(x)}) )
    gene.size.factor <- gene.size[ as.character( jointPeak(object)$name ) , ]
    ip_norm_geneSum <- object@norm.jointPeak_ip/gene.size.factor
    ip_norm_geneSum <- round(ip_norm_geneSum)
    object@jointPeak_adjExpr <- ip_norm_geneSum
  }else if(adjustBy == "pos"){
    norm.jointPeak_input <-t( t(object@jointPeak_input) / object@sizeFactor$input )
    norm.jointPeak_input <- t( apply( norm.jointPeak_input, 1, .noZero ) )
    pos.size <-  t( apply(norm.jointPeak_input,1 , function(x){x/mean(x)} ) )
    ip_norm_pos <- object@norm.jointPeak_ip/pos.size
    ip_norm_pos <- round( ip_norm_pos )
    object@jointPeak_adjExpr <- ip_norm_pos
    stop("Must specify adjustBy = \"geneSum\" or by \"pos\"...")

#' @title consistentPeak
#' @param object The MeRIP.Peak object contain peak calling result.
#' @param samplenames The samplenames to be reported for consistent peaks.
#' @param joint_threshold Define the number of sample required to have consistent peak in a locus to call consistent peak in a group.
#' @param threads The number of threads to use. 
#' @return Peak consistent across specified samples at specified joint_threshod. If joint_threshold not specified, report consistent peaks across all samples specified. If no sample specified, report consistent peak across all samples.
#' @export
setMethod("consistentPeak", signature("MeRIP.Peak"), function(object, samplenames = NULL, joint_threshold = NA, threads = 1){
  if(!is.null(samplenames) & ! all(samplenames %in% object@samplenames ) ){
    stop("Not all samples specified are in the input dataset!")
  }else if( !is.null(samplenames) ){
    ## define samples to be reported
    sample_report_id <- match(samplenames, object@samplenames )
      joint_threshold <- length(samplenames)
      cat("Reporting peak concsistent in all samples for\n",paste(samplenames,collapse = " "),"\n")
    }else if(joint_threshold > length(samplenames) ){
      joint_threshold <- length(samplenames)
      cat("Reporting peak concsistent in all samples for\n",paste(samplenames,collapse = " "),"\n")
      cat("Reporting joint peak consistant in at least ",joint_threshold," samples among \n",paste(samplenames,collapse = " "),"\n")
    sample_report_id <- 1:length( object@samplenames )
    joint_threshold <- ifelse(is.na(joint_threshold),length( object@samplenames ), joint_threshold )
  if( nrow(object@peakCallResult)>0 & object@peakCalling != "none" ){
    ## Get joint peak
    geneBins <- geneBins(object)
    ## set logic vector for joint peak
    if(length(sample_report_id) >1 ){
      ID <- (rowSums(object@peakCallResult[,sample_report_id]) >= joint_threshold)
    }else if(length(sample_report_id) == 1){
      ID <- object@peakCallResult[,sample_report_id]
    num_lines <- length(ID)
    # start ids of checkpoints
    ## find peak-starting checkpoints (either from nonpeak to peak, or peak in a different batch)
    start_id <- which((ID[2:num_lines]-ID[1:num_lines-1]==1) |
                        ((geneBins$gene[2:num_lines]!=geneBins$gene[1:num_lines-1]) & (ID[2:num_lines] == TRUE)) )
    start_id <- start_id + 1 # add 1 since ID was counted from 2 to num_lines
    if ( ID[1]==TRUE ) { start_id <- c(1,start_id) } # if the first checkpoint bin is peak
    # end ids of checkpoints
    ## find peak-ending checkpoints (either from peak to nonpeak, or peak in a different batch)
    end_id <- which((ID[1:num_lines-1]-ID[2:num_lines]==1) |
                      ((geneBins$gene[1:num_lines-1]!=geneBins$gene[2:num_lines]) & (ID[1:num_lines-1] == TRUE)) )
    if (ID[num_lines]==TRUE) {end_id <- c(end_id,num_lines)} # if the last checkpoint bin is peak
    ## get peak id-pairs that defines the bins to be merged as one peak
    peak_id_pairs <- cbind(start_id, end_id)
    num_peaks <- nrow(peak_id_pairs)
    geneGRList <- object@geneModel
    peakGenes <- as.character(geneBins[peak_id_pairs[,1],"gene"])
    ## Get raw readcount for peaks.
    ip <- object@reads[,(length(object@samplenames)+sample_report_id)]
    input <- object@reads[,sample_report_id]
    ## standardize library size
    all.size <- colSums( cbind(input,ip) )/mean( colSums( cbind(input,ip) ) )
    if(length(sample_report_id) >1 ){
      ## get Summed read count
      ip_sum <- round( rowSums( t( t(ip)/all.size[ length(sample_report_id)+1:length(sample_report_id) ] ) ) )
      input_sum <- round(rowSums( t( t(input)/all.size[ 1:length(sample_report_id) ] ) ) )
    }else if(length(sample_report_id) == 1){
      ## No need to sum for single sample
      ip_sum <- round( ip/all.size[2] )
      input_sum <- round( input/all.size[1] )
    ## Get peak ip count
    joint_peak_ip <- apply(peak_id_pairs,1,function(x,y){
    },y = ip_sum)
    ## Get peak input count
    joint_peak_input <- apply(peak_id_pairs,1,function(x,y){
    },y = input_sum)
    ## Get peak gene ip median
    joint_peak_ip_median <-  round( tapply(ip_sum,geneBins$gene,median)[peakGenes]  )
    ## Get peak gene input median
    joint_peak_input_median <- round( tapply(input_sum,geneBins$gene,median)[peakGenes]  )
    ## Compute fisher's test for each peak
    peak_test <- do.call( rbind.data.frame, apply(cbind(joint_peak_ip,joint_peak_input,joint_peak_ip_median,joint_peak_input_median), 1, function(x){.fisher_exact_test(x[1],x[2],x[3],x[4])}) )
    if (num_peaks == 0){return(data.frame())
    }else {
      start_time <- Sys.time()
      registerDoParallel(cores = threads)
      cat(paste("Hyper-thread registered:",getDoParRegistered(),"\n"))
      cat(paste("Using",getDoParWorkers(),"thread(s) to report merged report...\n"))
      merged.report<- foreach( p = 1:num_peaks, .combine = rbind)%dopar%{
        peak_row_id <- peak_id_pairs[p,]
        geneExons <- reduce ( geneGRList[peakGenes[p]][[1]] )
        peak <- .getPeakBins(geneGRList,peakGenes[p],c(geneBins$bin[peak_row_id[1]],geneBins$bin[peak_row_id[2]]),object@binSize )
        peakE <- .peakExons(peak,as.data.frame(geneExons))
                   start = peak$start,
                   end = peak$end,
                   name = peakGenes[p],
                   score = peak_test$pvalue[p],
                   strand = as.character(strand(geneExons))[1],
                   thickStart = peak$start,
                   thickEnd = peak$end,
                   blockCount = nrow(peakE),
                   blockSizes = paste(peakE$width,collapse=","),
                   blockStarts = paste(peakE$start - replicate(nrow(peakE),peakE$start[1]),collapse=","),
                   enrichmentScore = peak_test$odds_ratio[p]
      rm(list=ls(name=foreach:::.foreachGlobals), pos=foreach:::.foreachGlobals)
      end_time <- Sys.time()
      cat(paste("Time used to report peaks:",difftime(end_time, start_time, units = "mins"),"mins... \n"))
    return( merged.report )
  } else{
    stop("Please run callPeakFisher() before reporting peaks...")


#' @title plot distribution of peaks on gene annotation
#' @name peakDistribution
#' @description plot distribution of peaks on gene annotation
#' @param object The MeRIP.Peak object
#' @param saveName the file name to save ditribution plot
#' @export
setMethod("peakDistribution", signature("MeRIP.Peak"), function(object){
  ## collapes the peak to the center
  x <- jointPeak(object)
  for(i in 1:nrow(x)){
    start = x[i,2]
    end = x[i,3]
    blocks = x[i,10]
    blockStart = as.numeric( unlist(strsplit(as.character(x[i,12]),",")) )
    blockSize = as.numeric( unlist(strsplit(as.character(x[i,11]),",")) )
    if(blocks <2){
      x[i,2] =  x[i,3] = round(start + sum(blockSize)/2 )
    } else{
      pointer = 2
      while(sum(blockSize[1:pointer]) < sum(blockSize)/2 ){pointer = pointer+1}
      x[i,2] =  x[i,3] = round(start + blockStart[pointer] + sum(blockSize)/2 - sum(blockSize[1:(pointer-1)]) )
    x[i,10] = 1
  gr.peak <- reduce( makeGRangesFromDataFrame(x) )
  txdb <- makeTxDbFromGFF(file = object@gtf,format = "gtf")
  cds <-  cdsBy(txdb,by = "tx")
  n.cds <- length( which(countOverlaps(gr.peak,cds)>0) )
  fiveUTR <- fiveUTRsByTranscript(txdb)
  n.fiveUTR <- length( which(countOverlaps(gr.peak,fiveUTR)>0) )
  threeUTR <- threeUTRsByTranscript(txdb)
  n.threeUTR <-  length( which(countOverlaps(gr.peak,threeUTR)>0) )
  exon <- exonsBy(txdb,by = "tx")
  all_mRNA <- unique(c(names(fiveUTR),names(threeUTR),names(cds)))
  name_ncRNA <- setdiff(names(exon),all_mRNA)
  ncRNA <- exon[name_ncRNA]
  n.ncRNA <-  length( which(countOverlaps(gr.peak,ncRNA)>0) )
  slices <- c(n.fiveUTR,n.cds,n.threeUTR,n.ncRNA)
  pct <- round(slices/sum(slices)*100)
  lbls <- c("5'UTR","CDS","3'UTR", "ncRNA")
  lbls <- paste(lbls, pct,sep = "\n") # add percents to labels
  lbls <- paste(lbls,"%",sep="") # ad % to labels
  distr <- data.frame(Annotation = factor(c("5'UTR","CDS","3'UTR", "ncRNA"),levels = c("5'UTR","CDS","3'UTR", "ncRNA")),
             fraction = pct)
  ggplot(distr,aes( x = factor(1), y = fraction, fill = Annotation)) + geom_bar(width = 1,stat = "identity") +coord_polar( theta = "y")+theme_minimal()+
    theme(axis.title = element_blank(), axis.text = element_blank(),axis.title.y = element_blank(),panel.grid=element_blank(), legend.title = element_text(face = "bold"),legend.text = element_text(face = "bold")) + 
    geom_text(aes(y = rev( fraction/2 + c(0, cumsum(fraction)[-length(fraction)])),label = lbls), size=4)

#' @export
#' @title Prepare coverage plot
#' @description import GTF into the MeRIP object for plot
#' @param object The MeRIP object
#' @param gtf optional gtf file if the stored path to gtf file has changed.
setMethod("PrepCoveragePlot", signature("MeRIP.Peak"), function(object , gtf = NULL){
  ## check gtf slot
  if( file.exists(object@gtf) ){
    object@GTF <- rtracklayer::import(object@gtf, format = "gtf")
  }else if(! is.null(gtf) ){
    object@GTF <- rtracklayer::import( gtf, format = "gtf")
    object@gtf <- gtf
    cat(paste0("assigning new path to gtf file: ",gtf," \n"))
    stop("The gtf file doesn't exist! Please suply path to gtf file in by PrepCoveragePlot(MeRIP, gtf = \"path/to/gtf\" )")

#' @export
setMethod("extractIP", signature("MeRIP.Peak"), function(object, normalized = FALSE, adjusted = FALSE ){
    if( adjusted ){
        return( object@jointPeak_adjExpr )
      }else{stop("IP read count has not yet been adjusted for expression variation. Call adjustExprLevel() first!")}
    }else if(normalized ){
        return( object@norm.jointPeak_ip )
      }else{stop("IP read count has not yet been normalzied. Call normalizedPeak() first!")}
    stop("JointPeaks counts not reported, please call jointPeakCount() to extract JointPeak count first.\n")

#' @export
setMethod("extractInput", signature("MeRIP.Peak"), function(object){
    stop("JointPeaks counts not reported, please call jointPeakCount() to extract JointPeak count first.\n")

#' @title plotGeneCov
#' @param object The data list from countReads and other analysis.
#' @param geneName The gene symbol to be ploted.
#' @param GTF The GRanges object containing gtf annotation. Can obtain by rtracklayer::import("file.gtf", format= "gtf").
#' @param libraryType Specify whether the library is the same or opposite strand of the original RNA molecule. Default is "opposite".
#' @param center Specify the method to calculate average coverage of each group. Could be mean or median.
#' @param ZoomIn c(start,end) The coordinate to zoom in at the gene to be ploted.
#' @param adjustExprLevel logical parameter. Specify whether normalize the two group so that they have similar expression level.
#' @param split Logical option. Whether to split plots for each individual (TRUE), or plot each group by group mean/median coverage (FALSE, default).
#' @param adjustExpr_peak_range The nucleotide range in which we quantify gene expression (from Input) and normalize coverages of all samples by gene expression so that IP coverage can be easily compared across conditions.
#' @export
setMethod("plotGeneCov", signature("MeRIP.Peak"), function(object, geneName, libraryType = "opposite", center = mean,ZoomIn = NULL, adjustExprLevel = FALSE , split = FALSE, adjustExpr_peak_range = NULL){
  if( nrow(variable(object))>0 ){
  X <- factor(variable(object)[,1], levels = unique( variable(object)[,1]) )
    plotGeneCoverageSplit(IP_BAMs = IP.files(object),
                          INPUT_BAMs =Input.files(object),
                          size.IP = object@sizeFactor$ip,
                          size.INPUT = object@sizeFactor$input,
                          X, geneName,
                          geneModel = object@geneModel,
                          libraryType, center  ,object@GTF, ZoomIn, adjustExprLevel,adjustExpr_peak_range = adjustExpr_peak_range ,plotSNP = NULL , Names = samplenames(object) )+
      theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5,size = 15,face = "bold"),legend.title =  element_text(hjust = 0.5,size = 13,face = "bold"),legend.text =  element_text(size = 12,face = "bold"))
    plotGeneCoverage(IP_BAMs = IP.files(object),
                   INPUT_BAMs =Input.files(object),
                   size.IP = object@sizeFactor$ip,
                   size.INPUT = object@sizeFactor$input,
                   X, geneName,
                   geneModel = object@geneModel,
                   libraryType, center  ,object@GTF, ZoomIn, adjustExprLevel,adjustExpr_peak_range = adjustExpr_peak_range ,plotSNP = NULL  )+
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5,size = 15,face = "bold"),legend.title =  element_text(hjust = 0.5,size = 13,face = "bold"),legend.text =  element_text(size = 12,face = "bold"))
    plotGeneCoverageSplit(IP_BAMs = IP.files(object), 
                          INPUT_BAMs = Input.files(object),
                          size.IP = object@sizeFactor$ip,
                          size.INPUT = object@sizeFactor$input,
                          rep("All samples",length(object@samplenames)), geneName,
                          geneModel = object$geneModel,
                          libraryType, center, object@GTF ,ZoomIn, adjustExprLevel,adjustExpr_peak_range = NULL ,plotSNP = NULL , Names = samplenames(object) ) +
      theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5,size = 15,face = "bold"),legend.position="none" )
    plotGeneCoverage(IP_BAMs = IP.files(object),
                   INPUT_BAMs = Input.files(object),
                   size.IP = object@sizeFactor$ip,
                   size.INPUT = object@sizeFactor$input,
                   rep("All samples",length(object@samplenames)), geneName,
                   geneModel = object$geneModel,
                   libraryType, center, object@GTF ,ZoomIn, adjustExprLevel,adjustExpr_peak_range = NULL ,plotSNP = NULL  )+
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5,size = 15,face = "bold"),legend.position="none" )

.genotypeDosage <- function(x){
  split <- sapply(x,strsplit,"[|]")
  return( suppressWarnings( unlist(lapply(split,function(x){sum(as.integer(x),na.rm = T)})) ) )

.getGenotype <- function(vcf.gz, SNPID){
  tmp <- system2(command = "zcat", args = paste0(vcf.gz," |grep -w '",SNPID,"' |cat"),stdout = T)
  if(length(tmp)>1){cat("Please note there are more than one locus associated with this SNPID in the vcf file! The first one was used!\n")}
  geno <- strsplit(tmp,split = "\t")[[1]]

#' @name plotSNPpeakPairs
#' @param genotypeFile The path to gzipped vcf file where genotype is available.
#' @param SNPID rsID of the SNP to be ploted
#' @param geneName The name (as defined in gtf file) of the gene you want to plot
#' @param libraryType "opposite" for mRNA stranded library, "same" for samll RNA library
#' @param center The function to center the coverage of replicates. Can be mean or median. Default is mean.
#' @param ZoommIn The range to plet the coverage plot. Needs to be within the gene to be ploted.
#' @param adjustExprLevel Logic parameter determining whether adjust coverage so that input are at "same" expression level.
#' @param adjustExpr_peak_range c(start,end) A vector of two interger indicating the peak range, the input coverage in which will be used to adjust the expression level. 
#' @export
setMethod("plotSNPpeakPairs", signature("MeRIP.Peak"), function(object, genotypeFile,SNPID, geneName ,libraryType = "opposite", center = mean ,ZoomIn=NULL, adjustExprLevel = TRUE, adjustExpr_peak_range = NULL){
  if( length(object@GTF) == 0 ){ stop("Please run PrepCoveragePlot(object) first.") }
  geno <- .getGenotype(genotypeFile,SNPID)
  dosage_geno <- .genotypeDosage(geno[-c(1:9)])
  snp_chr <- geno[1]
  snp_loc <- geno[2]
  snp_ref <- geno[4]
  snp_alt <- geno[5]
  X <- gsub("0",paste0(snp_ref,snp_ref),as.character(dosage_geno))
  X <- gsub("1",paste0(snp_ref,snp_alt),as.character(X))
  X <- gsub("2",paste0(snp_alt,snp_alt),as.character(X))
  X <- factor(X,levels=c(paste0(snp_ref,snp_ref),paste0(snp_ref,snp_alt),paste0(snp_alt,snp_alt))[c(paste0(snp_ref,snp_ref),paste0(snp_ref,snp_alt),paste0(snp_alt,snp_alt))%in%X])
  suppressMessages(plotGeneCoverage(IP_BAMs = IP.files(object), 
                                    INPUT_BAMs = Input.files(object), 
                                    size.IP =  object@sizeFactor$ip ,
                                    size.INPUT = object@sizeFactor$input ,
                                    X = X, geneName = geneName, 
                                    geneModel = object@geneModel, 
                                    libraryType = libraryType, 
                                    center = center ,
                                    GTF = object@GTF,
                                    ZoomIn = ZoomIn, adjustExprLevel = adjustExprLevel,
                                    adjustExpr_peak_range = adjustExpr_peak_range,
                                    plotSNP = data.frame(loc = as.numeric(snp_loc), anno = paste0(snp_ref,"/",snp_alt) )  )+
                     ggtitle(paste0("SNPID: ",SNPID,"    m6A peak on: ",geneName))+theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5,size = 15,face = "bold"),legend.title =  element_text(hjust = 0.5,size = 13,face = "bold"),legend.text =  element_text(size = 12,face = "bold"))+
                     scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0.02,0,-0.01,0) )


#' @title getTPM from geneSum
#' @name geneExpressionTMP
#' @param object The MeRIP.Peak object
#' @param meanFragmentLength The mean length of RNA fragment (insert of RNA library). Default is 150bp.
#' @param normalize Logical indicating whether normalized TPM or raw TPM should be returned.
#' @export
setMethod("geneExpressionTMP", signature("MeRIP.Peak") , function(object, meanFragmentLength = 150, normalize = T){
  input <- object@reads[,1:length(object@samplenames)]
  gene.name <- geneBins(object)$gene
  geneSum <- geneExpression(object)
  colnames(geneSum) <- object@samplenames
  genes <- rownames(geneSum)
  cat("calculating gene length...\n")
  geneLength <- sapply(genes,function(yy){
    sum( as.data.frame( object@geneModel[[yy]] )$width )
  effLength <- geneLength - meanFragmentLength
  effLength <- sapply(effLength,max,1) ## remove effective length smaller than 0.
  cat(paste0("computing TPM from read counts using mean fragment length = ",meanFragmentLength,".\n"))
  rate <- apply(geneSum,2,function(aa){aa/effLength})
  totalCounts <-colSums(rate)
  tpm <- t( t(rate)/totalCounts ) *1e6
  size.tpm <- DESeq2::estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix(tpm)
  tpm_norm <- t(t(tpm)/ size.tpm)


#' @title plotTPM
#' @param TPM Dataframe of gene TPM
#' @param geneName The name of genes to be ploted.
#' @param group Categorical info for each sample.
#' @param logCount where to plot count at log scale
#' @export
plotTPM <- function(TPM,geneName,group,logCount = FALSE, facet_grid = FALSE){
  if(length(geneName) ==1){
    temp <- as.data.frame(t(TPM[geneName,] ) )
    temp <- as.data.frame(TPM[geneName,] )
    temp <- log(temp)
    colnames(temp) <- paste0(group,1:length(group))
    temp$name <- factor(geneName,levels = geneName)
    temp_melt <- reshape2::melt(temp,id.vars = "name")
    temp_melt$Group <- unique(group)[1]
    for(i in 2:length(group)){
      temp_melt$Group[grep(unique(group)[i],temp_melt$variable)] <- unique(group)[i]
    axis.font <- element_text(face = "bold", color = "black")
      ggplot(temp_melt, aes(x= Group,y=value,fill=Group))+geom_boxplot()+labs(x="Gene Symbol",y="Log TPM")+facet_grid(.~ name)+
        theme(axis.title =axis.font, axis.text = axis.font)+
        theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                           panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                           axis.line = element_line(colour = "black",size = 1),
                           axis.title.y=element_text(size=20, face="bold", vjust=0.5, angle=90,family = "arial"),
                           legend.title=element_text(size = 15,face = "bold"),legend.text = element_text(size = 18, face = "bold",family = "arial"),
                           axis.text.x =element_blank() ,axis.text.y = element_text(size = 15,face = "bold",family = "arial"),
                           plot.title = element_text(size=22, face="bold", hjust=0.5,vjust=0.5,family = "arial"),
                           axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
                           strip.text.x = element_text(size = 15,face = "bold") )+
        ggtitle("Gene expression level")
      ggplot(temp_melt, aes(x=name,y=value,fill=Group))+geom_boxplot()+labs(x="Gene Symbol",y="Log TPM")+
        theme(axis.title =axis.font, axis.text = axis.font)+
        theme_bw() + theme(panel.border = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                           panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                           axis.line = element_line(colour = "black",size = 1),
                           axis.title.x=element_text(size=20, face="bold", hjust=0.5,family = "arial"),
                           axis.title.y=element_text(size=20, face="bold", vjust=0.5, angle=90,family = "arial"),
                           legend.title=element_text(size = 15,face = "bold"),legend.text = element_text(size = 18, face = "bold",family = "arial"),
                           axis.text.x = element_text(size = 15,face = "bold",family = "arial",colour = "black") ,axis.text.y = element_text(size = 15,face = "bold",family = "arial"),
                           plot.title = element_text(size=22, face="bold", hjust=0.5,vjust=0.5,family = "arial"))+
        ggtitle("Gene expression level")
    colnames(temp) <- paste0(group,1:length(group))
    temp$name <- factor(geneName,levels = geneName)
    temp_melt <- reshape2::melt(temp,id.vars = "name")
    temp_melt$Group <- unique(group)[1]
    for(i in 2:length(group)){
      temp_melt$Group[grep(unique(group)[i],temp_melt$variable)] <- unique(group)[i]
    axis.font <- element_text(face = "bold", color = "black")
      ggplot(temp_melt, aes(x=name,y=value,fill=Group))+geom_boxplot()+labs(x="Gene Symbol",y="TPM")+facet_grid(.~ name)+
        theme(axis.title =axis.font, axis.text = axis.font)+
        theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                           panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                           axis.line = element_line(colour = "black",size = 1),
                           axis.title.y=element_text(size=20, face="bold", vjust=0.5, angle=90,family = "arial"),
                           legend.title=element_text(size = 15,face = "bold"),legend.text = element_text(size = 18, face = "bold",family = "arial"),
                           axis.text.x = element_blank() ,axis.text.y = element_text(size = 15,face = "bold",family = "arial"),
                           plot.title = element_text(size=22, face="bold", hjust=0.5,vjust=0.4,family = "arial"),
                           axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
                           strip.text.x = element_text(size = 15,face = "bold") )+
        ggtitle("Gene expression level")
      ggplot(temp_melt, aes(x=name,y=value,fill=Group))+geom_boxplot()+labs(x="Gene Symbol",y="TPM")+
        theme(axis.title =axis.font, axis.text = axis.font)+
        theme_bw() + theme(panel.border = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                           panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                           axis.line = element_line(colour = "black",size = 1),
                           axis.title.x=element_text(size=20, face="bold", hjust=0.5,family = "arial"),
                           axis.title.y=element_text(size=20, face="bold", vjust=0.5, angle=90,family = "arial"),
                           legend.title=element_text(size = 15,face = "bold"),legend.text = element_text(size = 18, face = "bold",family = "arial"),
                           axis.text.x = element_text(size = 15,face = "bold",family = "arial",colour = "black") ,axis.text.y = element_text(size = 15,face = "bold",family = "arial"),
                           plot.title = element_text(size=22, face="bold", hjust=0.5,vjust=0.4,family = "arial"))+
        ggtitle("Gene expression level")

#' @title Wraper function to use QNB package to test for differential peaks.
#' @description 
#' @name QNBtest
#' @param object The MeRIP.Peak object
#' @import QNB
#' @export
setMethod("QNBtest", signature("MeRIP.Peak"), function(object){
  if( nrow(object@variate) != length(object@samplenames)  ){
    stop(" Predictor variable lengthen needs to match the sample size! If you haven't set the predictor variable, please set it by variable(object) <- data.frmae(group = c(...)) ")
  }else if(length(unique(variable(object)[,1])) > 2 ){
    stop("The levels of predictor variable needs to be two!")
  Ctl_id <- which( object@variate[,1] %in%  unique(object@variate[,1])[1] )
  Treat_id <-which( object@variate[,1] %in%  unique(object@variate[,1])[2] )
  QNB.res <- QNB::qnbtest(control_ip = extractIP(object)[,Ctl_id],
                          treated_ip = extractIP(object)[,Treat_id],
                          control_input = extractInput(object)[,Ctl_id],
                          treated_input = extractInput(object)[,Treat_id],plot.dispersion = FALSE)
  colnames(QNB.res) <- c("p.treated","p.control", "log2.RR" ,"beta",  "p_value", "q","padj" )
  object@test.est <- as.matrix(QNB.res)
  object@test.method <- "QNB test"
  cat("The test was performed by R package QNB, please cite the QNB paper:\nLian Liu (2017). QNB: Differential RNA Methylation Analysis for Count-Based Small-Sample Sequencing Data with a Quad-Negative Binomial
  Model\nif you used this result in you publication!")


#' @title  RADARtest
#' @description Perform inferential test using Poisson Random effect model in RADAR package
#' @name RADARtest
#' @param object The MeRIP.Peak object
#' @param exclude A vector to specify sample names to be excluded in the test.
#' @param maxPsi The max random effect parameter Psi
#' @export
setMethod("RADARtest", signature("MeRIP.Peak"), function(object, exclude = NULL, maxPsi = 100){
  if( nrow(object@variate) != length(object@samplenames)  ){
    stop(" Predictor variable lengthen needs to match the sample size! If you haven't set the predictor variable, please set it by variable(object) <- data.frmae(group = c(...)) ")
  }else if(length(unique(variable(object)[,1])) > 2 & !is.numeric(variable(object)[,1]) ){
    stop("The levels of predictor variable needs to be two!")
  if(!is.null(exclude) & all( exclude %in% samplenames(object)) ){
    object <- select(object, setdiff(samplenames(object), exclude ))
  allY <- object@jointPeak_adjExpr
  psi <- 10 # start point
  ## convert predictor variable if it is not numeric
  if( is.numeric(variable(object)[,1]) ){
    X <- variable(object)[,1]
    tmp <- rafalib::as.fumeric(as.character(variable(object)[,1])) - 1
    names(tmp) <- as.character(variable(object)[,1])
    cat("The predictor variable has been converted:\n")
    X <- rafalib::as.fumeric(as.character(variable(object)[,1])) - 1 # convert categorical variable into numerical variable.
  if( ncol(variable(object)) == 1 ){
    cat("running PoissonGamma test at single beta mode\n")
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = nrow(allY), style = 3) ##creat a progress bar to track loop progress
    all.est <- NULL
    all.id <- NULL
    for(kk in 1:nrow(allY)){
      Y <- unlist(allY[kk, ])
      model1 <- glm(Y ~ X, family = poisson(link = 'log'))
      coef <- model1$coefficients
      mu2 <- coef[1]
      beta <- coef[2]
      est <- try(unlist(PoissionGamma(Y, X, beta, psi, mu2, gamma = 0.75, steps = 50, down = 0.1,psi_cutoff = maxPsi)))
      if(class(est) != "try-error"){
        all.est <- rbind(all.est, est)
        all.id <- c(all.id, kk)
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, kk) # update progress bar
    rownames(all.est) <- rownames(allY)[all.id]
  }else if(ncol(variable(object)) > 1){
    if(! any(sapply(2:ncol(variable(object)),function(x) is.numeric(variable(object)[,x])) ) ){stop("Please convert all covariates into numerical variables. Discrete variable should be converted to binary variable.")}
    X.all <- as.matrix( cbind(X,variable(object)[,2:ncol(variable(object))])  )
    colnames(X.all) <- colnames(variable(object))
    design.multiBeta <- formula( paste( "log(Y+1) ~ ",paste(colnames(X.all), sep = "",collapse = " + ")) )
    cat("running PoissonGamma test at multi-beta mode...\n")
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = nrow(allY), style = 3) ##creat a progress bar to track loop progress
    all.est <- NULL
    all.id <- NULL
    for(kk in 1:nrow(allY)){
      tmpData <- data.frame( cbind( "Y"=unlist(allY[kk, ] ), X.all ) )
      aa <- unlist(summary( lm( design.multiBeta,data = tmpData ) )$coefficients[, 1])
      mu2 <- aa[1]
      beta <- aa[2:(ncol(X.all)+1 )]
      est <- try(unlist(PoissionGamma_multiple_beta(tmpData$Y, X.all, beta, psi, mu2, gamma = 0.25, steps = 10, down = 0.1,psi_cutoff = maxPsi)))
      if(class(est) != "try-error"){
        all.est <- rbind(all.est, est)
        all.id <- c(all.id, kk)
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, kk) # update progress bar
    rownames(all.est) <- rownames(allY)[all.id] ## assign window names to test statistics
    colnames(all.est) <- gsub("3","",colnames(all.est))
  #fdr <- p.adjust(all.est[,"p_value"],method = "fdr" )
  fdr <- qvalue::qvalue(all.est[,"p_value"])$qvalue
  object@test.est <- cbind(all.est,fdr)
  object@test.method <- "PoissonGamma test"

#' @title  BetaBinTest
#' @description Perform inferential test using beta-binomial regression model.
#' @name BetaBinTest
#' @param object The MeRIP.Peak object
#' @param AdjIPeffi Logic option determining whether to adjust overall IP efficiency, default is TRUE.
#' @param AdjustGC Logic option determining whether to adjust GC bias in each bins, default is FALSE.
#' @param BSgenome The BSgenome object that will used for calculating GC content for each bin if AdjustGC = TRUE.
#' @export
#' @import gamlss
#' @import gamlss.dist
#' @import broom
#' @import stringr
#' @import BSgenome
setMethod("BetaBinTest", signature("MeRIP.Peak"), function(object, AdjIPeffi = TRUE ,  AdjustGC = FALSE, BSgenome = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38, thread = 1 ){
  if( nrow(object@variate) != length(object@samplenames)  ){
    stop(" Predictor variable lengthen needs to match the sample size! If you haven't set the predictor variable, please set it by variable(object) <- data.frmae(group = c(...)) ")
  }else if(length(unique(variable(object)[,1])) > 2 & !is.numeric(variable(object)[,1]) ){
    stop("The levels of predictor variable needs to be two!")
  if( AdjustGC & is(BSgenome,"BSgenome") ){
    cat(paste0("Will adjust GC bias, GC content is estimated using the input genome: ", unique(genome(BSgenome)),"\nPlease make sure this is the correct genome assembly!\n" ) )
  }else if(AdjustGC & !is(BSgenome,"BSgenome")){
    stop("If adjusting GC, a BSgenome object of corresponding genome assembly must be provided to extract the GC fraction!")
  ### Preprocess
  ##fitler out peaks with zero count
  object <- filter(object, !apply(extractInput(object), 1, function(x) any(x == 0 )) )
  cat("Beta-binomial test requires non-zero read counts. Peaks with zero read count in input data have been removed.\n")
  T0 <- colSums(counts(object)[,1:length(object@samplenames)] )
  T1 <- colSums(counts(object)[,(length(object@samplenames)+1) : (2*length(object@samplenames)) ] )
  ##filter out peaks with OR < 1
  enrichFlag <- apply( t( t(extractIP(object))/T1 )/ t( t( extractInput(object) )/T0 ),1,function(x){sum(x>1)> object@jointPeak_threshold})
  MeRIPdata <-  filter(object, enrichFlag )
  ## estimate IP efficiency
  OR <- t( apply(extractIP(MeRIPdata),1,.noZero)/T1 )/ t( t( extractInput(MeRIPdata) )/T0 )
  colnames(OR) <- MeRIPdata@samplenames
  OR.id <- which( rowMeans(OR) < quantile( rowMeans(OR), 0.95 ) & rowMeans(OR) > quantile( rowMeans(OR), 0.1) )# remove two tails
  K_IPe <- log( apply(OR[OR.id,], 2, function(x){coef(lm(x~rowMeans(OR)[OR.id]) )[2]}) ) # fit linear moedel to obtain the IP efficiency offset
    cat("Computing GC content for peaks\n")
    ## GC content correction
    peak.gr <- .peakToGRangesList( jointPeak(MeRIPdata))
    registerDoParallel( thread )
    peakSeq <- foreach( i = 1:length(peak.gr), .combine = c )%dopar%{
      paste( getSeq( BSgenome , peak.gr[[i]] ,as.character =T ) , collapse = "")
    peakGC <- sapply( peakSeq, function(x){ sum( str_count(x, c("G","g","C","c"))  )/nchar(x) } )
    peakGC_l <- round(peakGC,digits = 2)
    peakGC_l[which(peakGC_l<0.2)] <-median(peakGC_l[which(peakGC_l<0.2)] ) # combine some bins at low GC due to low number of peaks
    peakGC_l[which(peakGC_l>0.84)] <-median(peakGC_l[which(peakGC_l>0.84)] ) # combine some bins at high GC due to low number of peaks
    l <- sort(unique(peakGC_l))
    if(AdjIPeffi){y <- (log( OR ) - K_IPe)}else{y <-  log(OR) }
    colnames(y) <- MeRIPdata@samplenames
    b.l <- tapply(rowMeans( y ), peakGC_l ,  median) 
    bil <- apply( y, 2, tapply, peakGC_l, median )
    bi. <- apply(  y , 2, median )
    b.. <- median(  y )
    Fil <- as.data.frame( as.matrix(bil) - as.vector(b.l) ) - ( bi. - b.. )
    Fij <- foreach( ii = 1:length(MeRIPdata@samplenames), .combine = cbind)%dopar%{
      GC_fit <- lm(Fil[,ii] ~ poly(l,4) )
      predict(GC_fit, newdata = data.frame(l = peakGC) )
    colnames(Fij) <- MeRIPdata@samplenames
  Y1 <- extractIP(object)
  Y0 <- extractInput(object)
  ## convert predictor variable if it is not numeric
  if( is.numeric(variable(object)[,1]) ){
    X <- variable(object)
    tmp <- rafalib::as.fumeric(as.character(variable(object)[,1])) - 1
    names(tmp) <- as.character(variable(object)[,1])
    cat("The predictor variable has been converted:\n")
    X <-  variable(object)
    X[,1] <-rafalib::as.fumeric(as.character(variable(object)[,1])) - 1 # convert categorical variable into numerical variable.
  ## ditermine study design according to parameters
  variables <-  "offset(log(T1/T0))"
  if( AdjIPeffi ){ variables <- paste(variables, "offset(K_IPe)", sep  = " +") }
  if( AdjustGC ){ variables <- paste(variables, "offset(Fj)", sep = " +") } 
  variables <-  paste(variables, paste(colnames(X),collapse = " + "), sep = "+")
  design <- formula( paste0("cbind(Y1i , Y0i) ~" , variables) )
  cat(paste0("Start beta-binomial regression for ",nrow(Y1)," peaks...\n"))
  ## test each peak
  startTime <- Sys.time()
  testResult <- foreach( i = 1:nrow(Y1), .combine = rbind  )%dopar% {
    ## prepare data for fitting
      Fj <- Fij[i,]
      fit_data <- data.frame(Y0i = Y0[i,], Y1i = Y1[i,], T1, T0, K_IPe, Fj )
      fit_data <- data.frame(Y0i = Y0[i,], Y1i = Y1[i,], T1, T0, K_IPe )
    fit_data <- cbind(fit_data, as.data.frame(X) )
    ## fit the data
    fit <- try( gamlss( design ,data = fit_data , family = BB(mu.link = "logit")) )
    ## collect regression result
    if(class(fit)[1]!= "try-error"){
      est <- tidy(fit)
      tmp_est <- data.frame(beta =  est[est$term == "G","estimate"],
                                 std.err = est[est$term == "G","std.error"],
                                 pvalue = est[est$term == "G","p.value"], 
                                 theta = 1/exp(est[est$parameter == "sigma","estimate"]),
                                 p.theta = est[est$parameter == "sigma","p.value"] ) 
      tmp_est <- data.frame(beta = NA, std.err = NA,  pvalue =NA,theta = NA, p.theta = NA ) 
    ## report summary statistics
  rm(list=ls(name=foreach:::.foreachGlobals), pos=foreach:::.foreachGlobals)
  endTime <- Sys.time()
  cat(paste("Time used to test association: ",round(difftime(endTime, startTime, units = "mins"),digits = 1)," mins. \n"))
  fdr <- qvalue::qvalue(testResult$pvalue)$qvalue
  object@test.est <- cbind(testResult,fdr)
  object@test.method <- "Beta-binomial test"

#' @export
setMethod("samplenames", signature("MeRIP.Peak"), function(object ){
#' @export
setMethod("samplenames", signature("MeRIP"), function(object ){
#' @export
setMethod("samplenames<-", signature("MeRIP.Peak"), function(object ,value){
  object@samplenames <- value
#' @export
setMethod("samplenames<-", signature("MeRIP"), function(object ,value){
  object@samplenames <- value

#' @export
setMethod("variable", signature("MeRIP.Peak"), function(object ){
#' @export
setMethod("variable<-", signature("MeRIP.Peak"), function(object ,value){
  object@variate <- value


#' @title geneExpression
#' @description Extract gene level expression (RNAseq) data in normalized read counts
#' @param object The MeRIP object
#' @import DESeq2
#' @export
setMethod("geneExpression", signature("MeRIP"), function(object ){
  if(nrow(object@geneSum)> 1 ){
    input <- counts(object)[,1:length(object@samplenames)]
    colnames(input) <- samplenames(object)
    geneBins <- geneBins(object)
    ## Get input geneSum (gene level quantification)
    geneSum <- NULL
    for(i in 1:ncol(input) ){
      y <- input[,i]
      gene.sum <- tapply(y,geneBins$gene,sum)
      geneSum <- cbind(geneSum,gene.sum)
    colnames(geneSum) <- object@samplenames
    size.input <- DESeq2::estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix(geneSum)
    geneSum.norm <- t ( t(geneSum)/size.input)

#' @export
setMethod("geneExpression", signature("MeRIP.Peak"), function(object){

#' @export
setMethod("jointPeak", signature("MeRIP.Peak"), function(object){
    stop("JointPeaks not reported, please call reportJointPeak() to reportJointPeak first.\n")

#' @export
setMethod("filter", signature("MeRIP.Peak"), function(object, i){
  if( object@jointPeak_threshold == 0 ){
    stop("joint peak not reported yet, cannot filter peaks!")
  }else if( nrow(object@jointPeaks) != nrow(object@jointPeak_id_pairs) ){
    stop("jointPeaks number doesn't match jointPeak_id_pairs!")
  if( is.logical(i) & length(i) == nrow(object@jointPeaks) ){
    id <- which(i)
    if(nrow(object@jointPeak_ip)>0 ){
      if(nrow(object@jointPeak_ip) == nrow(object@jointPeak_input) & nrow(object@jointPeak_ip) ==  nrow(object@jointPeaks) ){
        object@jointPeak_ip <- object@jointPeak_ip[id,]
        object@jointPeak_input <- object@jointPeak_input[id,]
      }else{ stop("JointPeaks number doesn't match the joint peak input/ip read count dimension!")}
    if(nrow(object@norm.jointPeak_ip)>0 ){
      if( nrow(object@norm.jointPeak_ip) == nrow(object@jointPeaks) ){
        object@norm.jointPeak_ip <- object@norm.jointPeak_ip[id,]
      }else{stop("Normalized jointPeak ip counts doesn't match the dimension of jointPeaks!")}
    if(nrow(object@jointPeak_adjExpr)>0 ){
      if( nrow(object@jointPeak_adjExpr) == nrow(object@jointPeaks) ){
        object@jointPeak_adjExpr <- object@jointPeak_adjExpr[id,]
      }else{stop("Normalized jointPeak ip counts doesn't match the dimension of jointPeaks!")}
    object@jointPeaks <-object@jointPeaks[id,]
    object@jointPeak_id_pairs <- object@jointPeak_id_pairs[id,]
    stop("The filtering criteria needs to be the same length as number of peaks")


#' @export
#' @title subset MeRIPdata
#' @name select
#' @description subset dataset by samples.
#' @param object The MeRIP object
#' @param samples The samplenames to be subset or the index number of samples to be subset.
#' @return an MeRIP object of selected samples.
setMethod("select", signature("MeRIP"),function(object , samples ){
  id <- if( is.integer(samples) & all(samples > 0) & all(samples < length(samplenames(object))) ){
  }else if( all(samples %in% samplenames(object)) ){
    match(samples , samplenames(object))
  newOb <- new(Class = "MeRIP",
               reads = counts(object)[,c(id,id + length(samplenames(object)))],
               binSize = object@binSize,
               geneModel = object@geneModel,
               gtf = object@gtf,
               bamPath.input = Input.files(object)[id],
               bamPath.ip = IP.files(object)[id],
               samplenames = samplenames(object)[id],
               geneBins = geneBins(object),
               GTF = object@GTF)
  newOb@geneSum <- if( nrow(object@geneSum) > 1 ){object@geneSum[,id]}else{object@geneSum}

#' @export
#' @name select
#' @description subset dataset by samples.
#' @param object The MeRIP.Peak object
#' @param samples The samplenames to be subset or the index number of samples to be subset.
#' @return an MeRIP.Peak object of selected samples.
setMethod("select", signature("MeRIP.Peak"),function(object , samples, keepData=TRUE ){
  id <- if( is.integer(samples) & all(samples > 0) & all(samples < length(samplenames(object))) ){
  }else if( all(samples %in% samplenames(object)) ){
    match(samples , samplenames(object))
    stop("Please specify valide samplenames or index to subset the dataset.")

    newOb <- new(Class = "MeRIP.Peak",
                 reads = counts(object)[,c(id,id + length(samplenames(object)))],
                 binSize = object@binSize,
                 geneModel = object@geneModel,
                 gtf = object@gtf,
                 bamPath.input = Input.files(object)[id],
                 bamPath.ip = IP.files(object)[id],
                 samplenames = samplenames(object)[id],
                 geneBins = geneBins(object),
                 GTF = object@GTF,
                 peakCalling = object@peakCalling,
                 jointPeak_threshold = object@jointPeak_threshold,
                 test.method = object@test.method ,
                 jointPeak_id_pairs = object@jointPeak_id_pairs,
                 jointPeaks = object@jointPeaks
    newOb@geneSum <- if( nrow(object@geneSum) > 1 ){object@geneSum[,id]}else{object@geneSum}
    newOb@peakCallResult <- if(nrow(object@peakCallResult) > 1){object@peakCallResult[,id]}else{object@peakCallResult}
    newOb@jointPeak_ip <- if(nrow(object@jointPeak_ip) > 1 ){object@jointPeak_ip[,id]}else{object@jointPeak_ip}
    newOb@jointPeak_input <- if(nrow(object@jointPeak_input) > 1 ){object@jointPeak_input[,id]}else{object@jointPeak_input}
    newOb@norm.jointPeak_ip <- if(nrow(object@norm.jointPeak_ip) > 1 ){object@norm.jointPeak_ip[,id]}else{object@norm.jointPeak_ip}
    newOb@sizeFactor <- if(nrow(object@sizeFactor) > 1 ){object@sizeFactor[id,]}else{object@sizeFactor}
    newOb@variate <- if(nrow(object@variate) > 1 ){ if(ncol(object@variate)>1){
      newVar <- data.frame(object@variate[id,])
      colnames(newVar) <- colnames(object@variate)
    } }else{
    newOb@jointPeak_adjExpr <- if(nrow(object@jointPeak_adjExpr) > 1 ){object@jointPeak_adjExpr[,id]}else{object@jointPeak_adjExpr}
    newOb <- new(Class = "MeRIP.Peak",
                 reads = counts(object)[,c(id,id + length(samplenames(object)))],
                 binSize = object@binSize,
                 geneModel = object@geneModel,
                 gtf = object@gtf,
                 bamPath.input = Input.files(object)[id],
                 bamPath.ip = IP.files(object)[id],
                 samplenames = samplenames(object)[id],
                 geneBins = geneBins(object),
                 GTF = object@GTF,
                 peakCalling = object@peakCalling,
                 test.method = object@test.method 
    newOb@geneSum <- if( nrow(object@geneSum) > 1 ){object@geneSum[,id]}else{object@geneSum}
    newOb@peakCallResult <- if(nrow(object@peakCallResult) > 1){object@peakCallResult[,id]}else{object@peakCallResult}
    newOb@variate <- if(nrow(object@variate) > 1 ){ if(ncol(object@variate)>1){
      newVar <- data.frame(object@variate[id,])
      colnames(newVar) <- colnames(object@variate)
    } }else{
    if(nrow(object@test.est) > 1 ){cat("Inferential test is not inherited because test result changes when samples are altered!\nPlease re-do test.\n")}


#' @export
#' @name results
#' @title export results
#' @description The extractor for final test result.
#' @param object The MeRIP.Peak object.
#' @return joint peaks (with test result) in a data.frame.
setMethod("results", signature("MeRIP.Peak"), function(object){
  if(object@test.method != "none"){
  }else if(nrow(object@jointPeaks)> 1){
    cat("No inferential test has been performed. Returning jointPeaks!\n")
    return( jointPeak(object) )
    stop("There is no result to be returned.")


#' @title MetaGene
#' @param MeRIP.Peak The MeRIP.Peak object
#' @import Guitar
#' @export
MetaGene <- function(MeRIP.Peak){
  if(! is(MeRIP.Peak, "MeRIP.Peak") ){
    stop(paste0("Input is not an object of MeRIP.Peak!\n"))
    cat("Using functions from R package Guitar to plot peak distribution on meta gene...\n")
  plotMetaGene(jointPeak(MeRIP.Peak)[,1:12], MeRIP.Peak@gtf )


## helper function
extract_gtf_anno <- function(txdb){
  ## extract mRNAs
  exons <- exonsBy(txdb, "tx",use.names=T)
  cds <- cdsBy(txdb, by = "tx",use.names=TRUE)
  utr5 <- fiveUTRsByTranscript(txdb, use.names=TRUE)
  utr3 <- threeUTRsByTranscript(txdb, use.names=TRUE)
  name_utr5 <- names(utr5)
  name_utr3 <- names(utr3)
  name_cds <- names(cds)
  name_mRNA <- intersect(intersect(name_utr5,name_utr3),name_cds)
  ## extract ncRNAs
  name_ncRNA <- setdiff(names(exons),name_mRNA)
  ncRNA.gr <- unlist( exons[name_ncRNA] )
  ncRNA.gr <- granges(ncRNA.gr,use.mcols = FALSE)
  ncRNA.gr$anno_class <-"ncRNA"
  ## CDS
  cds.gr <- granges(unlist(cds), use.mcols = FALSE)
  cds.gr$anno_class <- "coding"
  ## 5' UTRs
  fiveUTRs.gr <- granges(unlist(utr5), use.mcols = FALSE)
  fiveUTRs.gr$anno_class <- "fiveUTR"
  ## 3' UTRs
  threeUTRs.gr <- granges(unlist(utr3), use.mcols = FALSE)
  threeUTRs.gr$anno_class <- "threeUTR"
  anno.gr <- c(cds.gr, fiveUTRs.gr, threeUTRs.gr)
  ## introns
  introns.gr <- unlist(intronsByTranscript(txdb))
  introns.gr <- granges(introns.gr, use.mcols = FALSE)
  introns.gr$anno_class <- "intron"
  exons.gr <- exonsBy(txdb, "gene")
  ## intergenic regions
  intergenic.gr <- gaps(unlist(range(exons.gr)))
  intergenic.gr$anno_class <- "intergenic"
  anno.gr <- c(cds.gr, fiveUTRs.gr, threeUTRs.gr, introns.gr, intergenic.gr,ncRNA.gr)

#' @title annotatePeak
#' @param MeRIP.Peak The MeRIP.Peak object
#' @export
setMethod("annotatePeak", signature("MeRIP.Peak"), function(object, threads){
  if( nrow(object@jointPeak)>0 ){
    stop("Jointpeak has not been reported yet, run object <- reportJointPeak(object, joint_threshold = ) first to report jointPeaks!")
  }else if(nrow(object@jointPeaks)> 1){
    peak_results <- jointPeak(object)[,1:12]
    txdb <- makeTxDbFromGFF(file = object@gtf,format = "gtf")
    peak_results.gr <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(peak_results, ignore.strand = F,
                                                seqnames.field = "chr", start.field = "chromStart", end.field = "chromStart",
                                                keep.extra.columns = F)
    anno.gr <- extract_gtf_anno(txdb)
    start_time <- Sys.time()
    ## register cluster for hyperthread computing
    doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores=threads )
    cat(paste("Hyper-thread registered:",getDoParRegistered(),"\n"))
    cat(paste("Using",getDoParWorkers(),"thread(s) to annotate the peaks...\n"))
    peak_anno_all <- foreach(i = 1:length(peak_results.gr) , .combine = rbind ) %dopar% {
      anno_class <- anno.gr[subjectHits(findOverlaps(query = peak_results.gr[i], subject = anno.gr, ignore.strand = F))]$anno_class
      peak_anno <- unique(as.character(anno_class))
      if(length(peak_anno) == 0){
        peak_anno_report <- NA
        if("coding" %in% peak_anno){
          peak_anno_report <- "CDS"
        }else if("fiveUTR" %in% peak_anno && "threeUTR" %in% peak_anno){
          peak_anno_report <- "fiveUTR&threeUTR"
        }else if("fiveUTR" %in% peak_anno){
          peak_anno_report <- "fiveUTR"
        }else if("threeUTR" %in% peak_anno){
          peak_anno_report <- "threeUTR"
        }else if("intron" %in% peak_anno){
          peak_anno_report <- "intron"
        }else if("intergenic" %in% peak_anno){
          peak_anno_report <- "intergenic"
          peak_anno_report <- paste(peak_anno, collapse = ",")
    rm(list=ls(name=foreach:::.foreachGlobals), pos=foreach:::.foreachGlobals)
    end_time <- Sys.time()
    cat(paste("time used to annotate peaks:",difftime(end_time, start_time, units = "mins"),"mins...\n"))
    peak_results$peak_anno <- factor(peak_anno_all, levels = c("CDS", "fiveUTR", "threeUTR", "intron", "intergenic","ncRNA"))
  object@jointPeak <- peak_results

#' @title getTPM
#' @param object The MeRIP object
#' @param meanFragmentLength The mean length of RNA fragment (insert of RNA library). Default is 150bp.
#' @param  normalize Logical indicating whether normalized TPM or raw TPM should be returned.
#' @export
getTPM <- function(object, meanFragmentLength = 150, normalize = T){
  input <- object@reads[,1:length(object@samplenames)]
  gene.name <- object@geneBins$gene
  geneSum <- apply(input,2,function(y){
  colnames(geneSum) <- object@samplenames
  genes <- rownames(object@geneSum)
  cat("calculating gene length...\n")
  geneLength <- sapply(genes,function(yy){
    sum( as.data.frame( object@geneModel[[yy]] )$width )
  effLength <- geneLength - meanFragmentLength
  effLength <- sapply(effLength,max,1) ## remove effective length smaller than 0.
  cat("computing TPM from read counts...\n")
  rate <- apply(geneSum,2,function(aa){aa/effLength})
  totalCounts <-colSums(rate)
  tpm <- t( t(rate)/totalCounts ) *1e6
  size.tpm <- DESeq2::estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix(tpm)
  tpm_norm <- t(t(tpm)/ size.tpm)
scottzijiezhang/MeRIPtools documentation built on March 27, 2021, 3:04 a.m.