addMeta | Add the cell information into meta slot |
aggregateNet | Calculate the aggregated network by counting the number of... |
alpha_centrality | compute alpha centrality |
AnyMatrix-class | The CellChat Class |
barPlot | Bar plot for average gene expression |
barplot_internal | Bar plot for dataframe |
buildSNN | Build SNN matrix |
CellChat-class | The key slots used in the CellChat object are described... |
CellChatDB.human | Ligand-receptor interactions in CellChat database for human |
CellChatDB.mouse | Ligand-receptor interactions in CellChat database for mouse |
CellChatDB.zebrafish | Ligand-receptor interactions in CellChat database for... |
CellChat_theme_opts | ggplot theme in CellChat |
checkGeneSymbol | check the official Gene Symbol |
colorRamp3 | Color interpolation |
compareInteractions | Comparing the number of inferred communication links between... |
computeAveExpr | Compute averaged expression values for each cell group |
computeCentralityLocal | Compute Centrality measures for a signaling network |
computeCommunProb | Compute the communication probability/strength between any... |
computeCommunProbPathway | Compute the communication probability on signaling pathway... |
computeEigengap | Compute the eigengap of a given matrix for inferring the... |
computeEnrichmentScore | Compute and visualize the enrichment score of ligand-receptor... |
computeExpr_agonist | Modeling the effect of agonist on the ligand-receptor... |
computeExpr_antagonist | Modeling the effect of antagonist on the ligand-receptor... |
computeExpr_complex | Compute the expression of complex in individual cells using... |
computeExpr_coreceptor | Modeling the effect of coreceptor on the ligand-receptor... |
computeExprGroup_agonist | Modeling the effect of agonist on the ligand-receptor... |
computeExprGroup_antagonist | Modeling the effect of antagonist on the ligand-receptor... |
computeExpr_LR | Compute the expression of ligands or receptors using... |
computeLaplacian | Compute eigenvalues of associated Laplacian matrix of a given... |
computeNetD_structure | Compute the structural distance between two signaling... |
computeNetSimilarity | Compute signaling network similarity for any pair of... |
computeNetSimilarityPairwise | Compute signaling network similarity for any pair of datasets |
computeRegionDistance | Compute the region distance based on the spatial locations of... |
createCellChat | Create a new CellChat object from a data matrix, Seurat or... |
dotPlot | Dot plot |
entropia | compute the Shannon entropy |
extractEnrichedLR | Identify all the significant interactions (L-R pairs) and... |
extractEnrichedLR_internal | Identify all the significant interactions (L-R pairs) and... |
extractGene | Extract the genes involved in CellChatDB |
extractGeneSubset | Extract the gene name |
extractGeneSubsetFromPair | Extract the signaling gene names from ligand-receptor pairs |
extract_max | extract the max value of the y axis |
filterCommunication | Filter cell-cell communication if there are only few number... |
geometricMean | Compute the geometric mean |
getMaxWeight | Compute the maximum value of certain measures in the inferred... |
ggPalette | Generate ggplot2 colors |
identifyCommunicationPatterns | Identification of major signals for specific cell groups and... |
identifyEnrichedInteractions | Identify all the significant interactions (L-R pairs) from... |
identifyOverExpressedGenes | Identify over-expressed signaling genes associated with each... |
identifyOverExpressedInteractions | Identify over-expressed ligand-receptor interactions (pairs)... |
identifyOverExpressedLigandReceptor | Identify over-expressed ligands and (complex) receptors... |
l1NormalizeColumns | Column-normalize a sparse, symmetric matrix (using the l1... |
l1NormalizeRows | Row-normalize a sparse, symmetric matrix (using the l1 norm)... |
liftCellChat | Update a CellChat object by lifting up the cell groups to the... |
mergeCellChat | Merge CellChat objects |
mergeInteractions | Compute the number of interactions/interaction strength... |
modify_vlnplot | modified vlnplot |
mycircle | generate circle symbol |
netAnalysis_computeCentrality | Compute the network centrality scores allowing identification... |
netAnalysis_contribution | Compute and visualize the contribution of each... |
netAnalysis_diff_signalingRole_scatter | 2D visualization of differential signaling roles (dominant... |
netAnalysis_dot | Dot plots showing the associations of latent patterns with... |
netAnalysis_river | River plot showing the associations of latent patterns with... |
netAnalysis_signalingChanges_scatter | 2D visualization of differential outgoing and incoming... |
netAnalysis_signalingRole_heatmap | Heatmap showing the contribution of signals (signaling... |
netAnalysis_signalingRole_network | Heatmap showing the centrality scores/importance of cell... |
netAnalysis_signalingRole_scatter | 2D visualization of dominant senders (sources) and receivers... |
netClustering | Classification learning of the signaling networks |
netEmbedding | Manifold learning of the signaling networks based on their... |
netMappingDEG | Mapping the differential expressed genes (DEG) information... |
netVisual | Visualize the inferred cell-cell communication network |
netVisual_aggregate | Visualize the inferred signaling network of signaling... |
netVisual_barplot | Visualization of (differential) number of interactions |
netVisual_bubble | Show all the significant interactions (L-R pairs) from some... |
netVisual_chord_cell | Chord diagram for visualizing cell-cell communication for a... |
netVisual_chord_cell_internal | Chord diagram for visualizing cell-cell communication from a... |
netVisual_chord_gene | Chord diagram for visualizing cell-cell communication for a... |
netVisual_circle | Circle plot of cell-cell communication network |
netVisual_diffInteraction | Circle plot showing differential cell-cell communication... |
netVisual_embedding | 2D visualization of the learned manifold of signaling... |
netVisual_embeddingPairwise | 2D visualization of the joint manifold learning of signaling... |
netVisual_embeddingPairwiseZoomIn | Zoom into the 2D visualization of the joint manifold learning... |
netVisual_embeddingZoomIn | Zoom into the 2D visualization of the learned manifold... |
netVisual_heatmap | Visualization of network using heatmap |
netVisual_hierarchy1 | Hierarchy plot of cell-cell communications sending to cell... |
netVisual_hierarchy2 | Hierarchy plot of cell-cell communication sending to cell... |
netVisual_individual | Visualize the inferred signaling network of individual L-R... |
netVisual_spatial | Spatial plot of cell-cell communication network |
nnd | compute nnd |
node_distance | compute the node distance matrix |
normalizeData | Normalize data using a scaling factor |
pieChart | Plot pie chart |
plotGeneExpression | A Seurat wrapper function for plotting gene expression using... |
PPI.human | Human Protein-Protein interactions |
PPI.mouse | Mouse Protein-Protein interactions |
projectAndRecombine | Perform network projecting on network when the network genes... |
projectData | Project gene expression data onto a protein-protein... |
projectFromNetworkRecombine | Combine gene expression from projected space (that of the... |
projectOnNetwork | Project the gene expression matrix onto a lower space of the... |
randomWalkBySolve | project data on graph by solving the linear equation (I -... |
rankNet | Rank signaling networks based on the information flow or the... |
rankNetPairwise | Rank ligand-receptor interactions for any pair of two cell... |
rankSimilarity | Rank the similarity of the shared signaling pathways based on... |
runPCA | Dimension reduction using PCA |
runUMAP | Run UMAP |
scaleData | Scale the data |
scaleMat | Scale a data matrix |
scPalette | Generate colors from a customed color palette |
searchPair | Subset the ligand-receptor interactions for given specific... |
selectK | Select the number of the patterns for running... |
setIdent | Set the default identity of cells |
show-CellChat-method | show method for CellChat |
showDatabaseCategory | Show the description of CellChatDB databse |
sketchData | Downsampling single cell data using geometric sketching... |
spatialDimPlot | Visualize spatial cell groups |
spatialFeaturePlot | A spatial feature plots |
StackedVlnPlot | Stacked Violin plot |
subsetCellChat | Subset CellChat object using a portion of cells |
subsetCommunication | Subset the inferred cell-cell communications of interest |
subsetCommunication_internal | Subset the inferred cell-cell communications of interest |
subsetData | Subset the expression data of signaling genes for saving... |
subsetDB | Subset CellChatDB databse by only including interactions of... |
thresholdedMean | Compute the average expression per cell group when the... |
triMean | Compute the Tukey's trimean |
updateCellChat | Update a single CellChat object |
updateClusterLabels | Update and re-order the cell group names after running... |
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