Man pages for sqjin/CellChat
Inference and analysis of cell-cell communication from single-cell and spatial transcriptomics data

addMetaAdd the cell information into meta slot
aggregateNetCalculate the aggregated network by counting the number of...
alpha_centralitycompute alpha centrality
AnyMatrix-classThe CellChat Class
barPlotBar plot for average gene expression
barplot_internalBar plot for dataframe
buildSNNBuild SNN matrix
CellChat-classThe key slots used in the CellChat object are described...
CellChatDB.humanLigand-receptor interactions in CellChat database for human
CellChatDB.mouseLigand-receptor interactions in CellChat database for mouse
CellChatDB.zebrafishLigand-receptor interactions in CellChat database for...
CellChat_theme_optsggplot theme in CellChat
checkGeneSymbolcheck the official Gene Symbol
colorRamp3Color interpolation
compareInteractionsComparing the number of inferred communication links between...
computeAveExprCompute averaged expression values for each cell group
computeCentralityLocalCompute Centrality measures for a signaling network
computeCommunProbCompute the communication probability/strength between any...
computeCommunProbPathwayCompute the communication probability on signaling pathway...
computeEigengapCompute the eigengap of a given matrix for inferring the...
computeEnrichmentScoreCompute and visualize the enrichment score of ligand-receptor...
computeExpr_agonistModeling the effect of agonist on the ligand-receptor...
computeExpr_antagonistModeling the effect of antagonist on the ligand-receptor...
computeExpr_complexCompute the expression of complex in individual cells using...
computeExpr_coreceptorModeling the effect of coreceptor on the ligand-receptor...
computeExprGroup_agonistModeling the effect of agonist on the ligand-receptor...
computeExprGroup_antagonistModeling the effect of antagonist on the ligand-receptor...
computeExpr_LRCompute the expression of ligands or receptors using...
computeLaplacianCompute eigenvalues of associated Laplacian matrix of a given...
computeNetD_structureCompute the structural distance between two signaling...
computeNetSimilarityCompute signaling network similarity for any pair of...
computeNetSimilarityPairwiseCompute signaling network similarity for any pair of datasets
computeRegionDistanceCompute the region distance based on the spatial locations of...
createCellChatCreate a new CellChat object from a data matrix, Seurat or...
dotPlotDot plot
entropiacompute the Shannon entropy
extractEnrichedLRIdentify all the significant interactions (L-R pairs) and...
extractEnrichedLR_internalIdentify all the significant interactions (L-R pairs) and...
extractGeneExtract the genes involved in CellChatDB
extractGeneSubsetExtract the gene name
extractGeneSubsetFromPairExtract the signaling gene names from ligand-receptor pairs
extract_maxextract the max value of the y axis
filterCommunicationFilter cell-cell communication if there are only few number...
geometricMeanCompute the geometric mean
getMaxWeightCompute the maximum value of certain measures in the inferred...
ggPaletteGenerate ggplot2 colors
identifyCommunicationPatternsIdentification of major signals for specific cell groups and...
identifyEnrichedInteractionsIdentify all the significant interactions (L-R pairs) from...
identifyOverExpressedGenesIdentify over-expressed signaling genes associated with each...
identifyOverExpressedInteractionsIdentify over-expressed ligand-receptor interactions (pairs)...
identifyOverExpressedLigandReceptorIdentify over-expressed ligands and (complex) receptors...
l1NormalizeColumnsColumn-normalize a sparse, symmetric matrix (using the l1...
l1NormalizeRowsRow-normalize a sparse, symmetric matrix (using the l1 norm)...
liftCellChatUpdate a CellChat object by lifting up the cell groups to the...
mergeCellChatMerge CellChat objects
mergeInteractionsCompute the number of interactions/interaction strength...
modify_vlnplotmodified vlnplot
mycirclegenerate circle symbol
netAnalysis_computeCentralityCompute the network centrality scores allowing identification...
netAnalysis_contributionCompute and visualize the contribution of each...
netAnalysis_diff_signalingRole_scatter2D visualization of differential signaling roles (dominant...
netAnalysis_dotDot plots showing the associations of latent patterns with...
netAnalysis_riverRiver plot showing the associations of latent patterns with...
netAnalysis_signalingChanges_scatter2D visualization of differential outgoing and incoming...
netAnalysis_signalingRole_heatmapHeatmap showing the contribution of signals (signaling...
netAnalysis_signalingRole_networkHeatmap showing the centrality scores/importance of cell...
netAnalysis_signalingRole_scatter2D visualization of dominant senders (sources) and receivers...
netClusteringClassification learning of the signaling networks
netEmbeddingManifold learning of the signaling networks based on their...
netMappingDEGMapping the differential expressed genes (DEG) information...
netVisualVisualize the inferred cell-cell communication network
netVisual_aggregateVisualize the inferred signaling network of signaling...
netVisual_barplotVisualization of (differential) number of interactions
netVisual_bubbleShow all the significant interactions (L-R pairs) from some...
netVisual_chord_cellChord diagram for visualizing cell-cell communication for a...
netVisual_chord_cell_internalChord diagram for visualizing cell-cell communication from a...
netVisual_chord_geneChord diagram for visualizing cell-cell communication for a...
netVisual_circleCircle plot of cell-cell communication network
netVisual_diffInteractionCircle plot showing differential cell-cell communication...
netVisual_embedding2D visualization of the learned manifold of signaling...
netVisual_embeddingPairwise2D visualization of the joint manifold learning of signaling...
netVisual_embeddingPairwiseZoomInZoom into the 2D visualization of the joint manifold learning...
netVisual_embeddingZoomInZoom into the 2D visualization of the learned manifold...
netVisual_heatmapVisualization of network using heatmap
netVisual_hierarchy1Hierarchy plot of cell-cell communications sending to cell...
netVisual_hierarchy2Hierarchy plot of cell-cell communication sending to cell...
netVisual_individualVisualize the inferred signaling network of individual L-R...
netVisual_spatialSpatial plot of cell-cell communication network
nndcompute nnd
node_distancecompute the node distance matrix
normalizeDataNormalize data using a scaling factor
pieChartPlot pie chart
plotGeneExpressionA Seurat wrapper function for plotting gene expression using...
PPI.humanHuman Protein-Protein interactions
PPI.mouseMouse Protein-Protein interactions
projectAndRecombinePerform network projecting on network when the network genes...
projectDataProject gene expression data onto a protein-protein...
projectFromNetworkRecombineCombine gene expression from projected space (that of the...
projectOnNetworkProject the gene expression matrix onto a lower space of the...
randomWalkBySolveproject data on graph by solving the linear equation (I -...
rankNetRank signaling networks based on the information flow or the...
rankNetPairwiseRank ligand-receptor interactions for any pair of two cell...
rankSimilarityRank the similarity of the shared signaling pathways based on...
runPCADimension reduction using PCA
scaleDataScale the data
scaleMatScale a data matrix
scPaletteGenerate colors from a customed color palette
searchPairSubset the ligand-receptor interactions for given specific...
selectKSelect the number of the patterns for running...
setIdentSet the default identity of cells
show-CellChat-methodshow method for CellChat
showDatabaseCategoryShow the description of CellChatDB databse
sketchDataDownsampling single cell data using geometric sketching...
spatialDimPlotVisualize spatial cell groups
spatialFeaturePlotA spatial feature plots
StackedVlnPlotStacked Violin plot
subsetCellChatSubset CellChat object using a portion of cells
subsetCommunicationSubset the inferred cell-cell communications of interest
subsetCommunication_internalSubset the inferred cell-cell communications of interest
subsetDataSubset the expression data of signaling genes for saving...
subsetDBSubset CellChatDB databse by only including interactions of...
thresholdedMeanCompute the average expression per cell group when the...
triMeanCompute the Tukey's trimean
updateCellChatUpdate a single CellChat object
updateClusterLabelsUpdate and re-order the cell group names after running...
sqjin/CellChat documentation built on Nov. 10, 2023, 4:29 a.m.