
Defines functions gset_get_feat_mat gset_new_restrict_gset gset_new_restrict_nms gset_get_genes gset_write_table gset_import_table gset_add_genes gset_new_gset

Documented in gset_add_genes gset_get_feat_mat gset_get_genes gset_import_table gset_new_gset gset_new_restrict_gset gset_new_restrict_nms gset_write_table

#' Gene sets interface
#' Gene sets are simply container for multiple sets of genes IDs. This is in use when extracting features for meta-cell analysis, when deriving modules of correlated genes, or when importing annotated genes or transferring them between analyses (e.g. cell cycle).
#' @slot description textual description of the gene set collection
#' @slot set_names possible annotations of gene sets
#' @slot gene_set set per gene
#' @export tgGeneSets
#' @exportClass tgGeneSets
tgGeneSets <- setClass(
	slots = c(
	  description = "character",
	  set_names = "vector",
	  gene_set = "vector")

#' tgGeneSets public constructor
#' This constructs a tgGene sets object, nothing fancy
#' @param sets a named vector assigning set id to genes
#' @param desc an optional string describing the gene set
#' @export

  signature = "tgGeneSets",
  definition =
    function(.Object, sets, desc=NULL) {
      .Object@description= ifelse(is.null(desc), "NS", desc)
		set_names = unique(sets)
		.Object@set_names = set_names
		.Object@gene_set = sets

#' Generating a new gset
#' @param sets a vector where names are genes and values are set ids
#' @param desc tetual description of the gset
#' @export
gset_new_gset = function(sets, desc)
	return(tgGeneSets(sets, desc))

#' Add specific genes to the set
#' @param gset gene set object
#' @param genes genes to add
#' @param subset_id subset id to which the new genes will be assigned
#' @export
gset_add_genes = function(gset, genes, subset_id)
	gset@gene_set[genes] = subset_id

#' Import gene set for a text table
#' @param fn file name to read from
#' @param desc tetual description of the gset, if null the desc will be the file name
#' @export
gset_import_table = function(fn, desc=NULL)
	sets = read.table(fn, h=T, sep="\t")
	if(is.null(desc)) {
		desc = fn
	if("gene" %in% colnames(sets) & "set" %in% colnames(sets)) {
		gs = sets$set
		names(gs) = sets$gene
		return(tgGeneSets(gs, desc))
	} else {
		stop("cannot initialize gset from ", fn, " file must be a tab delim table with a header including the fields gene and set\n")

#' Exprt gene set to a table
#' @param gset gene set
#' @param fn file name to save to
#' @export
gset_write_table = function(gset, fn)
	write.table(data.frame(gene = names(gset@gene_set), set = gset@gene_set), fn, quote=F, sep="\t")

#' Get genes of one set
#' @param gset a gene set object
#' @param id the set id
#' @export
gset_get_genes = function(gset, id)
	return(names(gset@gene_set)[gset@gene_set == id])

#' Generate a new gene set from an existing one, filtered by a list of genes
#' @param gset a gene set object
#' @param genes names of genes to filter by
#' @param inverse if true, omit the genes in the genes parameter
#' @param desc description of the new gene set
#' @export
gset_new_restrict_nms = function(gset, genes, inverse=F, desc)
	sets = gset@gene_set
	if(inverse) {
		rsets = sets[setdiff(names(sets),genes)]
	} else {
		rsets = sets[intersect(names(sets),genes)]

	return(tgGeneSets(rsets, desc))

#' Generate a new gene set from an existing one, filtered by a list of genes
#' @param gset a gene set object
#' @param filt_gset gset of genes to filter by
#' @param inverse if true, omit the genes in the genes parameter
#' @param desc description of the new gene set
#' @export
gset_new_restrict_gset = function(gset, filt_gset, inverse=F, desc)
	sets = gset@gene_set
	genes = names(filt_gset@gene_set)
	if(inverse) {
		rsets = sets[setdiff(names(sets),genes)]
	} else {
		rsets = sets[intersect(names(sets),genes)]

	return(tgGeneSets(rsets, desc))

#' extract umi matrix for the genes in the set, possibly donwsampling
#' @param gset_id gene set in scdb
#' @param mat_id mat in scdb
#' @param downsamp if this is true the returned matrix is downsampled
#' @param add_non+dsamp should cells with fewer umis than the downsampling threshold be added to hte matrix with their raw data
#' @param downsample_n number of umis for downsampling (if this is NA, the system will pick up the default heuristic)
#' @param gene_names_src_targ string pair, defining how to convert gene nmaes from the original matrix to the  naming scheme of the returned matrix (NA by default, in which case no conversion will be done)
#' @export
gset_get_feat_mat = function(gset_id, mat_id, downsamp = F, 
								add_non_dsamp=F, downsample_n = NA, 
								gene_names_src_targ = NULL)
	gset = scdb_gset(gset_id)
	if(is.null(gset)) {
		stop("MC-ERR non existing gset in gset_get_feat_mat, id ", gset_id)
	mat = scdb_mat(mat_id)
	if(is.null(mat)) {
		stop("MC-ERR non existing mat in gset_get_geat_mat, id ", mat_id)

	if(!is.null(gene_names_src_targ)) {
		gnames_df = scdb_gene_names_xref()
		if(length(intersect(gene_names_src_targ, colnames(gnames_df)))!=2) {
			stop("Gene names conversion src/targ ", 
							paste(gene_names_src_targ, collapse="/"), 
									" are not in the scdb translation table")

	if(downsamp) {
		if(is.na(downsample_n)) {
			downsample_n = scm_which_downsamp_n(mat)
		message("will downsample the matrix, N= ", downsample_n)
		umis = scm_downsamp(mat@mat, downsample_n)
		if(add_non_dsamp) {
			csz = colSums(mat@mat)
			if(sum(csz < downsample_n) > 0) {
				umis = cbind(umis, mat@mat[,csz < downsample_n])
				umis = umis[,colnames(mat@mat)]
				if(ncol(umis) != ncol(mat@mat)) {
					stop("size mismatch after dsamp umis on gset")
	} else {
		umis = mat@mat
	nms = names(gset@gene_set)
	nms = intersect(nms, rownames(umis))
	if(length(nms) == 0) {
		stop("get feature matrix with zero overlap of gene names with gset_id ", gset_id, " mat ", mat_id)
	feat_ds = umis[nms,]
	if(!is.null(gene_names_src_targ)) {
		gnames_df = scdb_gene_names_xref()
		key_s = gene_names_src_targ[1]
		key_t = gene_names_src_targ[2]
		f = !is.na(gnames_df[,key_t]) & !duplicated(gnames_df[,key_t])
		new_gnames = gnames_df[f,key_t]
		names(new_gnames) = gnames_df[f, key_s]
		nms_targ = intersect(rownames(feat_ds),names(new_gnames))
		if(length(nms_targ) < 1) {
			stop("get feature matrix with zero overlap of gene names that can be translated given keys ", key_s, " to ", key_t)
		feat_ds = feat_ds[nms_targ,]
		rownames(feat_ds) = new_gnames[rownames(feat_ds)]
tanaylab/metacell documentation built on Oct. 19, 2023, 1:01 p.m.