
Defines functions .plot_start plot_color_bar scfigs_dir scfigs_fn scfigs_init

Documented in plot_color_bar scfigs_dir scfigs_fn scfigs_init

#' scgfig_set_base - set base directory for metacell figures, creates it if it doesn't exist.
#' @export

scfigs_init = function(base)
	dir.create(base, recursive = T, showWarnings = F)
	.scfigs_base <<- base

#' Generate a standard figure name igven and object and figure type
#' @param id - is of the object the figure relates to (E.g. mat_id)
#' @param type - a string defining the figure type
#' @param dir - output dir. If null, using figs base dir. Creates it if it doesn't exist.
#' @param ext - file extension (default: png)
#' @export
scfigs_fn = function(id, type, dir = NULL, ext="png")
  if (is.null(dir)) {
    dir = .scfigs_base

	if(!file.exists(dir)) {
		dir.create(dir, recursive = T, showWarnings = F)

	return(sprintf("%s/%s.%s.%s", dir, id, type, ext))

#' Generate a standard figure dir name igven and object and figure type
#' @param id - is of the object the figure relates to (E.g. mat_id)
#' @param type - a string defining the figure type
#' @export
scfigs_dir = function(id, type)
	if(is.null(.scfigs_base) | !file.exists(.scfigs_base)) {
		stop("figs directory at ", .scfigs_base, " is missing")
	dir_nm = sprintf("%s/%s.%s", .scfigs_base, id, type)
	if(!dir.exists(dir_nm)) {

#' Plot a color bar with values
#' @param vals to plot
#' @param cols colors of the values (same length as vals)
#' @param fig_fn if null - plot inline
#' @param title of legend
#' @param show_vals_ind logical vector - which values to show
plot_color_bar = function(vals, cols, fig_fn=NULL, title="", show_vals_ind=NULL)
  if (!is.null(fig_fn)) {
    .plot_start(fig_fn, 400, 400)
  plot.window(xlim=c(0,100), ylim=c(0, length(cols) + 3))
  rect(7, 1:length(cols), 17, 1:length(cols) + 1, border=NA, col=cols)
  rect(7, 1, 17, length(cols)+1, col=NA, border = 'black')

  if (is.null(show_vals_ind)) {
    show_vals_ind = rep(T, length(cols))
  text(19, (1:length(cols))[show_vals_ind] + 0.5, labels=vals[show_vals_ind], pos=4)
  text(2, length(cols)/2 + 1, labels=title, srt=90, cex=1.5)

  if (!is.null(fig_fn)) {

# wrap for opening a plot (png, ps or pdf)
.plot_start = function(fn, w, h)

  device = get_param("mc_plot_device")
  res = get_param("mc_plot_ppi")
	pointsize = get_param("mc_plot_pointsize")
	if (device == "png") {
		png(filename=sub("ps$", "png", fn), width=w, height=h, res=res, pointsize = pointsize)
	else if (device == "ps") {
		postscript(file=sub("png$", "ps", fn), width=w/res, height=h/res)
	else if (device == "pdf") {
		pdf(file=sub("png$", "pdf", fn), width=w/res, height=h/res)
  else if (device == "svg") {
  	svglite::svglite(filename =sub("png$", "svg", fn), width=w/res, height=h/res)
	else {
		stop(sprintf("unknown output device type: %s", device))
tanaylab/metacell documentation built on Oct. 19, 2023, 1:01 p.m.