Man pages for xiayh17/RNAseqStat2
A Pipeline to Process RNAseq Data

ac_add group info for heatmap
box_checkBoxplot of expression matrix
cleanSYMBOLConvert a data to SYMBOL named
compareEnrichCirclePlot circos of common ID
cor500_checkCorrelation of all samples and top 500 genes
corall_checkCorrelation of all samples and all genes
Create_dataInfocreate 'dataInfo'
Create_DEGContainerCreate 'DEGContainer'
Create_gseParamCreate param for gse analysis
Create_hyperParamCreate param for hyper analysis
Create_MSigDBCreate 'MSigDB'
Create_msigdbGSEAparamCreate 'msigdbGSEAparam'
Create_msigdbHyperParamCreate 'msigdbHyperParam'
Create_msigdbParamCreate 'MSigDB'
Create_treatInfoFunction for treatInfo
cutFC_VerifyVerify the rationality of the FC threshold
cutMuchGroup result of DEG analysis results
dataDEGget deg data of DEGContainer
dataInfoClass 'dataInfo'
DEGContainerClass 'DEGContainer'
degGroupGroup degResults
deg_hereTest for exists of DEG results
degResolverun DEG minimal
degResolveArrayrun DEG minimal
degResultsa S4 class contains degResults from deg analysis
degSummarySummary results of DEG analysis
DEGtopHeatmapHeatmap for DEG data frame
DEGvennPlot venn for a set of gene
density_checkDensity of expression matrix
DESeq2_resolveBasic produce of DESeq2
edgeR_resolveBasic produce of edgeR
eggnogG2TConvert EGGnog to GENE2TERM
enrichBarenrich bar plot
enrichGO2GO Enrichment Analysis of a gene set.
exprBoxBoxplot of all samples
exprCorHeatmapCorrelation Heatmap between samples
exprHKGheatmapHuman housekeeping genes Heatmap
exprPCAPCA plot for Grouped Samples
exprRidgesRidges plot of all samples
exprTopHeatmapExpression Heatmap
FC_IdentifyIdentify the column where the FC is located
geom_volcano_pointA preset geom of 'geom_point'
geom_volcano_textA preset geom of 'geom_text_repel'
get_breaksValues break parameters 'scale_colour_identity'
groupCirGroup circlize matrix
GSEAbargseKEGG bar plot
GSEAplotplot gseKEGG plot
gseMSigDBGSE analysis of MSigDB data sets
gseResolveGSEA analysis
gseSummarySummary GSE results
gsvaResolveGSVA analysis
heatCirheatmap values for annotation circlize
heatLegendLegend for heatmap
highlightGroupGroup highlight
HKG_checkHuman housekeeping genes expression
hyperBarhyper barplot
hyper_GSGet a significant difference gene list
hyperMSigDBHyper analysis of DEGContainer
hyperMSigDB_ResolveHyper analysis for MSigDB
hyperResolveResolve Hyper
hyperSummarySummary Hyper results
idLegendLegend for ID
limma_resolveBasic produce of limma
limma_resolveArrayBasic produce of limma
linkCirCreate matrix for circlize chordDiagram
modelEnrichGet circlize data from obj after hyper analysis
MSigDBClass 'MSigDB'
msigdbGetDownload MSigDB data for DEGContainer
MSigDBSummarySummary MSigDB modules results
newDEGContainerInitialize an object of class 'DEGContainer'
paletteCirCreate a palette of ID across different group
pca_checkPCA QC check
pipePipe operator
PointVolcanoShowing gene labels and highlighting gene points in a volcano...
pvalue_IdentifyIdentify the column where the pvalue is located
rectCirPlot rect in continuous value
rectCirDiscreteplot rect in discrete value
runALLrun all workflow
runCheckCheck you data by PCA and Heatmaps
runDEGrun DEG analysis
runGSEArunGSEA Module
runMSigDBrun MSigDB module
textBarDatashape data of enrichResult
top1000_checkHeatmap of all samples and Top1000 genes
topGeneChoose top genes from DEG data frame of limma DESeq2 edgeR
toSYMBOLConvert a ENSEMBL named data to SYMBOL named
volcano_nudge_x_downnudge gene labels in x direction in down side
volcano_nudge_x_upnudge gene labels in x direction in up side
xiayh17/RNAseqStat2 documentation built on May 27, 2023, 12:13 p.m.