# Package Name: HIBAG
# Description:
# HIBAG -- HLA Genotype Imputation with Attribute Bagging
# HIBAG R package, HLA Genotype Imputation with Attribute Bagging
# Copyright (C) 2011-2024 Xiuwen Zheng (zhengx@u.washington.edu)
# All rights reserved.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Internal functions
.plural <- function(num)
if (num > 1L) "s" else ""
.strbp <- function(bp)
if (is.na(bp) | !is.finite(bp))
paste0(bp, "bp")
# get the name of HLA gene
.hla_gene_name_string <- function(geno.name)
i <- grep(paste0("\\b(", paste(c(
# HLA Classic I genes
"A", "B", "C", "E", "F", "G",
# HLA Classic II genes
"DMA", "DMB", "DOA", "DOB",
"DRA", "DRB\\d", "DQA\\d", "DQB\\d", "DPA\\d", "DPB\\d",
# HLA Classic III genes
"LTA", "TNF", "LTB", "HSPA1L", "HSPA1A", "HSPA1B",
"C2", "BF", "C4A", "C4B"), collapse="|"), ")\\b"), geno.name)
if (length(i))
geno.name[i] <- paste0("HLA-", geno.name[i])
# get the name of HLA gene
.hla_assembly <- function(assembly =
c("auto", "auto-silent", "hg18", "hg19", "hg38", "unknown"))
assembly <- match.arg(assembly)
if (assembly %in% c("auto", "auto-silent"))
if (assembly == "auto")
message("using the default genome assembly (assembly=\"hg19\")")
assembly <- "hg19"
# check, load and save R objects
.fn_obj_check <- function(fn)
if (grepl("\\.(rda|RData)$", fn, ignore.case=TRUE))
else if (grepl("\\.(rds)$", fn, ignore.case=TRUE))
.fn_obj_load <- function(fn)
if (grepl("\\.(rda|RData)$", fn, ignore.case=TRUE))
else if (grepl("\\.(rds)$", fn, ignore.case=TRUE))
stop("Unknown file ", sQuote(fn))
.fn_obj_save <- function(fn, .obj)
if (grepl("\\.(rda|RData)$", fn, ignore.case=TRUE))
save(.obj, file=fn)
else if (grepl("\\.(rds)$", fn, ignore.case=TRUE))
saveRDS(.obj, fn)
stop("Invalid file ", sQuote(fn))
# call function in parallel
.DynamicClusterCall <- function(cl, fun, combine.fun, msg.fn, n,
stop.cluster, ...)
postNode <- function(con, type, value = NULL, tag = NULL)
sendCall <- function(con, fun, args, return = TRUE, tag = NULL)
postNode(con, "EXEC",
list(fun = fun, args = args, return = return, tag = tag))
recvOneResult <- function(cl)
v <- eval(.RecvOneData)
list(value = v$value$value, node = v$node, tag = v$value$tag)
# check
stopifnot(is.null(cl) | inherits(cl, "cluster"))
.SendData <- parse(text=
"parallel:::sendData(con, list(type=type,data=value,tag=tag))")
.RecvOneData <- parse(text="parallel:::recvOneData(cl)")
val <- NULL
if (!is.null(cl))
p <- length(cl)
if (n > 0L && p)
## **** this closure is sending to all nodes
argfun <- function(i) c(i, list(...))
submit <- function(node, job)
sendCall(cl[[node]], fun, argfun(job), tag = job)
for (i in 1L:min(n, p)) submit(i, i)
for (i in 1L:n)
d <- recvOneResult(cl)
j <- i + min(n, p)
stopflag <- FALSE
if (j <= n)
submit(d$node, j)
} else {
if (stop.cluster)
cl <- cl[-d$node]
stopflag <- TRUE
dv <- d$value
if (inherits(dv, "try-error"))
if (stop.cluster)
stop("One node produced an error: ", as.character(dv))
msg.fn(d$node, dv)
if (stopflag)
message(sprintf("Stop \"job %d\".", d$node))
val <- combine.fun(val, dv)
} else {
for (i in 1L:n)
dv <- fun(i, ...)
msg.fn(i, dv)
val <- combine.fun(val, dv)
# clear GPU pointer
.hlaClearGPU <- function()
# Functions for SNP genotypes
# hlaSNPGenoClass is a class of SNP genotypes
# list:
# genotype -- a genotype matrix, ``# of SNPs'' X ``# of samples''
# sample.id -- sample id
# snp.id -- snp id
# snp.position -- snp positions in basepair
# snp.allele -- snp alleles, ``A allele/B allele''
# assembly -- the human genome reference, such like "hg19"
# Create a "hlaSNPGenoClass" object (SNP genotype object)
hlaMakeSNPGeno <- function(genotype, sample.id, snp.id, snp.position,
A.allele, B.allele, assembly="auto")
# check
stopifnot(length(snp.id) == nrow(genotype))
stopifnot(length(sample.id) == ncol(genotype))
stopifnot(length(snp.id) == length(snp.position))
stopifnot(length(snp.id) == length(A.allele))
stopifnot(length(snp.id) == length(B.allele))
assembly <- .hla_assembly(assembly)
if (!is.integer(genotype))
storage.mode(genotype) <- "integer"
if (!all(is.element(genotype, c(NA, 0L, 1L, 2L))))
stop("Only NA, 0, 1 and 2 are allowed in 'genotype'.")
rv <- list(genotype = genotype, sample.id = sample.id, snp.id = snp.id,
snp.position = snp.position,
snp.allele = paste(A.allele, B.allele, sep="/"),
assembly = assembly)
class(rv) <- "hlaSNPGenoClass"
# valid snp.id
flag <- is.na(rv$snp.id)
if (any(flag))
warning("There is/are ", sum(flag),
" SNP(s) with missing SNP id, and they have been removed.")
rv <- hlaGenoSubset(rv, snp.sel=!flag)
# valid snp.position
flag <- is.na(rv$snp.position)
if (any(flag))
warning("There is/are ", sum(flag),
" SNP(s) with missing SNP positions, and they have been removed.")
rv <- hlaGenoSubset(rv, snp.sel=!flag)
# Select a subset of SNP genotypes
hlaGenoSubset <- function(genoobj, samp.sel=NULL, snp.sel=NULL, snp.id=NULL)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(genoobj, "hlaSNPGenoClass"))
stopifnot(is.null(samp.sel) | is.logical(samp.sel) | is.numeric(samp.sel))
if (is.logical(samp.sel))
stopifnot(length(samp.sel) == length(genoobj$sample.id))
stopifnot(is.null(snp.sel) | is.logical(snp.sel) | is.numeric(snp.sel))
if (!is.null(snp.sel))
if (!is.null(snp.id))
stop("'snp.id' should be NULL if 'snp.sel' is not NULL.")
if (is.logical(snp.sel))
if (length(snp.sel) != length(genoobj$snp.id))
stop("'snp.sel' should have the same length as the SNP dataset.")
} else {
if (!is.null(snp.id))
snp.sel <- genoobj$snp.id %in% snp.id
if (is.numeric(samp.sel))
stopifnot(length(unique(samp.sel)) == length(samp.sel))
if (is.numeric(snp.sel))
stopifnot(length(unique(snp.sel)) == length(snp.sel))
# subset
if (is.null(samp.sel))
samp.sel <- rep(TRUE, length(genoobj$sample.id))
if (is.null(snp.sel))
snp.sel <- rep(TRUE, length(genoobj$snp.id))
rv <- list(genotype = genoobj$genotype[snp.sel, samp.sel, drop=FALSE],
sample.id = genoobj$sample.id[samp.sel],
snp.id = genoobj$snp.id[snp.sel],
snp.position = genoobj$snp.position[snp.sel],
snp.allele = genoobj$snp.allele[snp.sel],
assembly = genoobj$assembly
class(rv) <- "hlaSNPGenoClass"
# Select a subset of SNP genotypes within the flanking region
hlaGenoSubsetFlank <- function(genoobj, locus="any", flank.bp=500000L,
assembly="auto", pos.mid=NA_integer_)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(genoobj, "hlaSNPGenoClass"))
stopifnot(is.character(locus), length(locus)==1L, !is.na(locus))
stopifnot(is.numeric(flank.bp), length(flank.bp)==1L, is.finite(flank.bp))
stopifnot(is.character(assembly), length(assembly)==1L, !is.na(assembly))
stopifnot(is.numeric(pos.mid), length(pos.mid)==1L)
# initialize
if (locus != "any")
assembly <- .hla_assembly(assembly)
HLAInfo <- hlaLociInfo(assembly)
ID <- rownames(HLAInfo)
if (!(locus %in% ID))
stop(paste("'locus' should be one of", paste(ID, collapse=", ")))
pos.start <- HLAInfo[locus, "start"] - flank.bp
pos.end <- HLAInfo[locus, "end"] + flank.bp
if (!is.na(pos.mid))
warning("'pos.mid' is ignored when 'locus' is specified.", immediate.=TRUE)
if (!is.null(HLAInfo$suggest.pos))
i <- HLAInfo[locus, "suggest.pos"]
if (!is.na(i) && i<0L)
warning("The position of '", locus,
"' may not be appropriate for building the model.", immediate.=TRUE)
} else {
if (!is.finite(pos.mid))
stop("'pos.mid' should be specified.")
pos.start <- pos.mid - flank.bp
pos.end <- pos.mid + flank.bp
if (is.finite(pos.start) & is.finite(pos.end))
flag <- (pos.start <= genoobj$snp.position) & (genoobj$snp.position <= pos.end)
flag[is.na(flag)] <- FALSE
rv <- hlaGenoSubset(genoobj, snp.sel=flag)
} else
stop("No position information for ", locus, " on ", assembly)
# Get the overlapping SNPs between target and template with
# corrected strand or A/B allele order.
hlaGenoSwitchStrand <- function(target, template,
match.type=c("Position", "Pos+Allele", "RefSNP+Position", "RefSNP"),
same.strand=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(target, "hlaSNPGenoClass"))
stopifnot(inherits(template, "hlaSNPGenoClass") |
inherits(template, "hlaAttrBagClass") | inherits(template, "hlaAttrBagObj"))
stopifnot(is.logical(same.strand), length(same.strand)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)
match.type <- match.arg(match.type)
# initialize
s1 <- hlaSNPID(template, match.type)
s2 <- hlaSNPID(target, match.type)
flag <- TRUE
if (length(s1) == length(s2))
if (all(s1 == s2, na.rm=TRUE))
s <- s1
I1 <- I2 <- seq_along(s1)
flag <- FALSE
if (flag)
s <- unique(intersect(s1, s2))
if (length(s) <= 0L) stop("There is no common SNP.")
I1 <- match(s, s1); I2 <- match(s, s2)
if (match.type != "Pos+Allele")
# compute allele frequencies
target.afreq <- rowMeans(target$genotype, na.rm=TRUE) * 0.5
template.afreq <- template$snp.allele.freq
if (is.null(template.afreq))
template.afreq <- rowMeans(template$genotype, na.rm=TRUE) * 0.5
# call
gz <- .Call(HIBAG_AlleleStrand, template$snp.allele, template.afreq, I1,
target$snp.allele, target.afreq, I2, same.strand, length(s))
names(gz) <- c("flag", "n.amb", "n.mismatch", "n.swapstrand")
} else {
if (verbose)
cat("No allele is flipped since match.type='Pos+Allele'.\n")
verbose <- FALSE
gz <- list(flag=FALSE)
if (verbose)
# switched allele pairs
x <- sum(gz$flag)
if (x > 0L)
cat("# of SNP loci with flipped alleles: ", x, "\n", sep="")
cat("No allelic strand or A/B allele is flipped.\n")
# the number of swapped strands
if (gz$n.swapstrand > 0L)
cat("# of SNP loci with swapped strands: ", gz$n.swapstrand, "\n", sep="")
# the number of ambiguity
if (gz$n.amb > 0L)
cat("# of SNP loci with strand ambiguity (e.g., C/G): ", gz$n.amb,
" (comparing allele frequencies)\n", sep="")
# the number of mismatching
if (gz$n.mismatch > 0L)
cat("# of SNP loci with mismatched alleles: ", gz$n.mismatch,
" (comparing allele frequencies)\n", sep="")
# output
geno <- target$genotype[I2, , drop=FALSE]
for (i in which(gz$flag)) geno[i,] <- 2L - geno[i,]
rv <- list(genotype = geno,
sample.id = target$sample.id,
snp.id = target$snp.id[I2],
snp.position = target$snp.position[I2],
snp.allele = template$snp.allele[I1],
assembly = template$assembly)
class(rv) <- "hlaSNPGenoClass"
# Get the information of SNP ID and position
hlaSNPID <- function(obj, type=c("Position", "Pos+Allele", "RefSNP+Position", "RefSNP"))
stopifnot( inherits(obj, "hlaSNPGenoClass") |
inherits(obj, "hlaAttrBagClass") | inherits(obj, "hlaAttrBagObj") )
type <- match.arg(type)
"Position" = obj$snp.position,
"Pos+Allele" = paste(obj$snp.position, obj$snp.allele, sep="-"),
"RefSNP+Position" = paste(obj$snp.id, obj$snp.position, sep="-"),
"RefSNP" = obj$snp.id,
# Combine two SNP genotype dataset
hlaGenoCombine <- function(geno1, geno2,
match.type=c("Position", "Pos+Allele", "RefSNP+Position", "RefSNP"),
allele.check=TRUE, same.strand=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(geno1, "hlaSNPGenoClass"))
stopifnot(inherits(geno2, "hlaSNPGenoClass"))
match.type <- match.arg(match.type)
if (allele.check)
tmp2 <- hlaGenoSwitchStrand(geno2, geno1, match.type,
same.strand, verbose)
tmp1 <- hlaGenoSubset(geno1, snp.sel=
match(hlaSNPID(tmp2, match.type), hlaSNPID(geno1, match.type)))
} else {
s1 <- hlaSNPID(geno1, match.type)
s2 <- hlaSNPID(geno2, match.type)
set <- unique(intersect(s1, s2))
tmp1 <- hlaGenoSubset(geno1, snp.sel=match(set, s1))
tmp2 <- hlaGenoSubset(geno2, snp.sel=match(set, s2))
rv <- list(genotype = cbind(tmp1$genotype, tmp2$genotype),
sample.id = c(tmp1$sample.id, tmp2$sample.id),
snp.id = tmp1$snp.id, snp.position = tmp1$snp.position,
snp.allele = tmp1$snp.allele,
assembly = tmp1$assembly)
colnames(rv$genotype) <- rownames(rv$genotype) <- NULL
class(rv) <- "hlaSNPGenoClass"
# Convert to PLINK PED format
hlaGeno2PED <- function(geno, out.fn)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(geno, "hlaSNPGenoClass"))
# MAP file
rv <- data.frame(chr=rep(6, length(geno$snp.id)), rs=geno$snp.id,
morgan=rep(0, length(geno$snp.id)), bp=geno$snp.position,
write.table(rv, file=paste0(out.fn, ".map"),
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
# PED file
n <- length(geno$sample.id)
m <- matrix("", nrow=n, ncol=2L*length(geno$snp.id))
for (i in 1L:length(geno$snp.id))
allele <- unlist(strsplit(geno$snp.allele[i], "/"))
g <- geno$genotype[i, ] + 1L
m[, 2L*(i-1L) + 1L] <- allele[c(2L, 1L, 1L)[g]]
m[, 2L*(i-1L) + 2L] <- allele[c(2L, 2L, 1L)[g]]
rv <- cbind(Family=geno$sample.id, Ind=geno$sample.id,
Paternal=rep(0L, n), Maternal=rep(0L, n),
Sex=rep(0L, n), Pheno=rep(-9L, n), m)
write.table(rv, file=paste0(out.fn, ".ped"),
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
# return
# Convert from PLINK BED format
.clean_geno <- function(v, verbose)
# check duplicated SNP ID
flag <- duplicated(v$snp.id)
if (any(flag))
if (verbose)
cat(sprintf("%d SNP%s with duplicated ID have been removed.\n",
sum(flag), .plural(sum(flag))))
v <- hlaGenoSubset(v, snp.sel=!flag)
# check invalid alleles
snp.allele <- v$snp.allele
snp.allele[is.na(snp.allele)] <- "?/?"
flag <- vapply(strsplit(snp.allele, "/"), FUN=function(x)
if (length(x) == 2L)
all(x %in% c("A", "G", "C", "T"))
}, TRUE)
if (any(!flag) & verbose)
"%d SNP%s with invalid alleles have been removed.\n",
sum(!flag), .plural(sum(!flag))))
# get a subset
if (any(!flag)) v <- hlaGenoSubset(v, snp.sel=flag)
.snp_selection <- function(assembly, import.chr, chr, snp.pos, verbose)
if (length(import.chr) == 1L)
if (import.chr == "xMHC")
info <- hlaLociInfo(assembly)
info <- info[info$chrom == 6L, ]
st <- info$start[1L] - 1000000L # MHC region
ed <- info$end[1L] + 1000000L # MHC region
v <- (st <= info$start) & (info$end <= ed)
inmhc <- which(v)
outmhc <- which(!v)
st <- min(info$start[inmhc]) - 1000000L
ed <- max(info$end[inmhc]) + 1000000L
snp.flag <- (chr==6L) & (st<=snp.pos) & (snp.pos<=ed)
for (i in outmhc)
st <- info$start[i] - 1000000L
ed <- info$end[i] + 1000000L
snp.flag <- snp.flag |
((chr==6L) & (st<=snp.pos) & (snp.pos<=ed))
n.snp <- as.integer(sum(snp.flag))
if (verbose)
"Import %d SNP%s within the xMHC region on chromosome 6\n",
n.snp, .plural(n.snp)))
import.chr <- NULL
} else if (import.chr == "")
n.snp <- length(snp.pos)
snp.flag <- rep(TRUE, n.snp)
if (verbose)
cat(sprintf("Import %d SNP%s\n", n.snp, .plural(n.snp)))
import.chr <- NULL
if (!is.null(import.chr))
snp.flag <- (chr %in% import.chr) & (snp.pos>0L)
n.snp <- sum(snp.flag)
if (verbose)
cat(sprintf("Import %d SNP%s from chromosome %s\n", n.snp,
.plural(n.snp), paste(import.chr, collapse=",")))
if (n.snp <= 0L)
stop("There is no SNP imported.")
hlaBED2Geno <- function(bed.fn, fam.fn, bim.fn, rm.invalid.allele=FALSE,
import.chr="xMHC", assembly="auto", verbose=TRUE)
# check
stopifnot(is.character(bed.fn), length(bed.fn)==1L)
stopifnot(is.character(fam.fn), length(fam.fn)==1L)
stopifnot(is.character(bim.fn), length(bim.fn)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(rm.invalid.allele), length(rm.invalid.allele)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)
assembly <- .hla_assembly(assembly)
# detect bed.fn
bed.flag <- .Call(HIBAG_BEDFlag, bed.fn)
if (verbose)
cat("Open", sQuote(bed.fn))
if (bed.flag == 0L)
cat(" (the individual-major mode)\n")
cat(" (the SNP-major mode)\n")
# read fam.fn
famD <- read.table(fam.fn, header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
names(famD) <- c("FamilyID", "InvID", "PatID", "MatID", "Sex", "Pheno")
if (!anyDuplicated(famD$InvID))
sample.id <- famD$InvID
} else {
sample.id <- paste(famD$FamilyID, famD$InvID, sep="-")
if (anyDuplicated(sample.id))
stop("IDs in PLINK bed are not unique!")
if (verbose)
cat("Open ", sQuote(fam.fn), "\n", sep="")
# read bim.fn
bimD <- read.table(bim.fn, header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
names(bimD) <- c("chr", "snp.id", "map", "pos", "allele1", "allele2")
# chromosome
chr <- bimD$chr; chr[is.na(chr)] <- ""
# position
snp.pos <- bimD$pos
snp.pos[!is.finite(snp.pos)] <- 0L
# snp.id
snp.id <- bimD$snp.id
if (length(snp.id) != length(unique(snp.id)))
stop("The SNP IDs in the PLINK binary file should be unique!")
# snp allele
snp.allele <- paste(bimD$allele1, bimD$allele2, sep="/")
if (verbose)
cat("Open ", sQuote(bim.fn), "\n", sep="")
# SNP selection
snp.flag <- .snp_selection(assembly, import.chr, chr, snp.pos, verbose)
n.snp <- sum(snp.flag)
# call the C function
g <- .Call(HIBAG_ConvBED, bed.fn, length(sample.id), length(snp.id),
n.snp, snp.flag)
# result
geno <- list(genotype = g, sample.id = sample.id,
snp.id = snp.id[snp.flag], snp.position = snp.pos[snp.flag],
snp.allele = snp.allele[snp.flag], assembly = assembly)
class(geno) <- "hlaSNPGenoClass"
# remove invalid snps
if (rm.invalid.allele) geno <- .clean_geno(geno, verbose)
if (anyDuplicated(geno$snp.id))
warning("'snp.id' is not unique.", immediate.=TRUE)
# Convert from SNP GDS format (SNPRelate)
hlaGDS2Geno <- function(gds.fn, rm.invalid.allele=FALSE, import.chr="xMHC",
assembly="auto", verbose=TRUE)
# check library
if (!requireNamespace("gdsfmt", quietly=TRUE))
stop("The gdsfmt package should be installed.")
# check
stopifnot(is.character(gds.fn), length(gds.fn)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(rm.invalid.allele), length(rm.invalid.allele)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)
assembly <- .hla_assembly(assembly)
# detect file format
f <- gdsfmt::openfn.gds(gds.fn, readonly=TRUE)
at <- gdsfmt::get.attr.gdsn(f$root)
if (identical(at$FileFormat, "SNP_ARRAY"))
snp_fmt <- TRUE
else if (identical(at$FileFormat, "SEQ_ARRAY"))
snp_fmt <- FALSE
stop("The input GDS file should be a SNPRelate or SeqArray GDS file.")
if (snp_fmt)
# load SNPRelate
if (!requireNamespace("SNPRelate", quietly=TRUE))
stop("The SNPRelate package should be installed.")
# SNPRelate GDS file
if (verbose)
cat("Open ", sQuote(gds.fn), "\n", sep="")
f <- SNPRelate::snpgdsOpen(gds.fn)
# snp.id
snp.id <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(f, "snp.id"))
v <- gdsfmt::index.gdsn(f, "snp.rs.id", silent=TRUE)
if (!is.null(v))
snp.rsid <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(v)
snp.rsid <- snp.id
# chromosome
chr <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(f, "snp.chromosome"))
# position
snp.pos <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(f, "snp.position"))
snp.pos[!is.finite(snp.pos)] <- 0L
# SNP selection
snp.flag <- .snp_selection(assembly, import.chr, chr, snp.pos, verbose)
# output
geno <- list(
genotype = SNPRelate::snpgdsGetGeno(f,
snp.id=snp.id[snp.flag], snpfirstdim=TRUE, verbose=FALSE),
sample.id = gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(f, "sample.id")),
snp.id = snp.rsid[snp.flag],
snp.position = snp.pos[snp.flag],
snp.allele = gdsfmt::readex.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(f, "snp.allele"),
assembly = assembly)
} else {
# load SeqArray
if (!requireNamespace("SeqArray", quietly=TRUE))
stop("The SeqArray package should be installed.")
# SeqArray GDS file
if (verbose)
cat("Open ", sQuote(gds.fn), "\n", sep="")
f <- SeqArray::seqOpen(gds.fn)
# chromosome
chr <- SeqArray::seqGetData(f, "chromosome")
# position
snp.pos <- SeqArray::seqGetData(f, "position")
snp.pos[!is.finite(snp.pos)] <- 0L
# SNP selection
snp.flag <- .snp_selection(assembly, import.chr, chr, snp.pos, verbose)
n.snp <- sum(snp.flag)
SeqArray::seqSetFilter(f, variant.sel=snp.flag, verbose=FALSE)
# snp.id
snp.id <- SeqArray::seqGetData(f, "variant.id")
rs.id <- SeqArray::seqGetData(f, "annotation/id")
m <- sum(is.na(rs.id) | rs.id=="")
if (m < n.snp) snp.id <- rs.id
# allele, alt / ref allele
ss <- strsplit(SeqArray::seqGetData(f, "allele"), ",", fixed=TRUE)
a1 <- vapply(ss, `[`, "", i=1L)
a2 <- vapply(ss, `[`, "", i=2L)
a1[is.na(a1)] <- "0"
a2[is.na(a2)] <- "0"
allele <- paste(a2, a1, sep="/")
# genotype, only use the first alternative allele
g <- SeqArray::seqApply(f, "genotype", function(x) (x[1L,]==1L) + (x[2L,]==1L),
as.is="list", .progress=verbose)
g <- matrix(unlist(g), ncol=n.snp)
g <- t(g)
# output
geno <- list(
genotype = g,
sample.id = SeqArray::seqGetData(f, "sample.id"),
snp.id = snp.id,
snp.position = SeqArray::seqGetData(f, "position"),
snp.allele = allele,
assembly = assembly)
# result
class(geno) <- "hlaSNPGenoClass"
# remove invalid snps
if (rm.invalid.allele) geno <- .clean_geno(geno, verbose)
if (anyDuplicated(geno$snp.id))
warning("'snp.id' is not unique.", immediate.=TRUE)
# Summarize a "hlaSNPGenoClass" object
summary.hlaSNPGenoClass <- function(object, show=TRUE, ...)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(object, "hlaSNPGenoClass"))
geno <- object
fn <- function(x)
sprintf("min: %g, max: %g, mean: %g, median: %g, sd: %g",
min(x, na.rm=TRUE), max(x, na.rm=TRUE),
mean(x, na.rm=TRUE), median(x, na.rm=TRUE), sd(x, na.rm=TRUE))
rv <- list(mr.snp = hlaGenoMRate(geno), mr.samp = hlaGenoMRate_Samp(geno),
maf = hlaGenoMFreq(geno),
allele = table(geno$snp.allele))
if (show)
cat("SNP genotypes: \n")
cat(sprintf(" %d samples X %d SNPs\n",
length(geno$sample.id), length(geno$snp.id)))
cat(sprintf(" SNPs range from %dbp to %dbp",
min(geno$snp.position, na.rm=TRUE),
max(geno$snp.position, na.rm=TRUE)))
if (!is.null(geno$assembly))
cat(" on ", geno$assembly, "\n", sep="")
# missing rate for SNP
cat(sprintf("Missing rate per SNP:\n %s\n", fn(rv$mr.snp)))
# missing rate for sample
cat(sprintf("Missing rate per sample:\n %s\n", fn(rv$mr.samp)))
# minor allele frequency
cat(sprintf("Minor allele frequency:\n %s\n", fn(rv$maf)))
# allele information
cat("Allelic information:")
b <- rv$allele
b <- b[order(b, decreasing=TRUE)]
if (length(b) >= 32L)
b <- c(b[1L:31L], "..."=sum(b[32L:length(b)]))
# return
print.hlaSNPGenoClass <- function(x, ...)
# Function list for genotypes
# Calculate the allele frequencies from genotypes
hlaGenoAFreq <- function(obj)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(obj, "hlaSNPGenoClass"))
rowMeans(obj$genotype, na.rm=TRUE) * 0.5
# Calculate the minor allele frequencies from genotypes
hlaGenoMFreq <- function(obj)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(obj, "hlaSNPGenoClass"))
aF <- rowMeans(obj$genotype, na.rm=TRUE) * 0.5
pmin(aF, 1 - aF)
# Calculate the missing rates from genotypes per SNP
hlaGenoMRate <- function(obj)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(obj, "hlaSNPGenoClass"))
# Calculate the missing rates from genotypes per sample
hlaGenoMRate_Samp <- function(obj)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(obj, "hlaSNPGenoClass"))
# Function list for HLA types
# Get the starting and ending positions in basepair for HLA loci
hlaLociInfo <- function(assembly =
c("auto", "auto-silent", "hg18", "hg19", "hg38", "unknown"))
# check
assembly <- .hla_assembly(assembly)
# file
fn <- system.file("doc", sprintf("GeneInfo_%s.txt", assembly),
if (file.exists(fn))
v <- read.table(fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
rownames(v) <- v$name
v[, -1L]
} else {
if (assembly != "unknown")
stop("Unknown human genome reference in 'assembly'!")
# Limit the resolution of HLA alleles
hlaAlleleDigit <- function(obj, max.resolution=NA_character_, rm.suffix=FALSE)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(obj, "hlaAlleleClass") | is.character(obj))
stopifnot(is.logical(rm.suffix), length(rm.suffix)==1L)
if (is.character(obj))
stopifnot(is.character(max.resolution), length(max.resolution)==1L)
reslist <- c("2-digit", "1-field", "4-digit", "2-field", "6-digit",
"3-field", "8-digit", "4-field", "allele", "protein",
"full", "none", "")
if (!isTRUE(max.resolution %in% reslist))
stop("'max.resolution' should be one of ",
paste(sQuote(reslist), collapse=", "), ".")
if (!(max.resolution %in% c("full", "none", "")))
if (is.character(obj))
len <- c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 4L, 4L, 1L, 2L)
names(len) <- c("2-digit", "1-field", "4-digit", "2-field",
"6-digit", "3-field", "8-digit", "4-field", "allele", "protein")
maxlen <- len[[as.character(max.resolution)]]
ii <- seq_len(maxlen)
obj <- sapply(strsplit(obj, ":"), FUN = function(s)
if (!anyNA(s))
if (length(s) > length(ii)) s <- s[ii]
if (isTRUE(rm.suffix))
s[length(s)] <- gsub("\\D+$", "", s[length(s)])
paste(s, collapse=":")
} else {
} else {
rv <- list(locus = obj$locus,
pos.start = obj$pos.start, pos.end = obj$pos.end,
value = data.frame(sample.id = obj$value$sample.id,
allele1 = hlaAlleleDigit(obj$value$allele1, max.resolution),
allele2 = hlaAlleleDigit(obj$value$allele2, max.resolution),
assembly = obj$assembly
class(rv) <- "hlaAlleleClass"
obj <- rv
# Get unique HLA alleles
hlaUniqueAllele <- function(hla, all=NA)
# check
stopifnot(is.character(hla) | inherits(hla, "hlaAlleleClass") |
inherits(hla, "hlaAttrBagClass") | inherits(hla, "hlaAttrBagObj"))
if (is.character(hla))
hla <- hla[!is.na(hla)]
hla <- unique(hla)
.Call(HIBAG_SortAlleleStr, hla)
} else if (inherits(hla, "hlaAttrBagClass") ||
inherits(hla, "hlaAttrBagObj"))
} else {
s <- c(hla$value$allele1, hla$value$allele2)
if (isTRUE(all))
if (!is.null(hla$dosage))
s <- rownames(hla$dosage)
} else if (!is.null(hla$postprob))
s <- strsplit(rownames(hla$postprob), "/", fixed=TRUE)
s <- unique(unlist(s))
# Create an object of HLA alleles
hlaAllele <- function(sample.id, H1, H2, max.resolution="", locus="any",
assembly="auto", locus.pos.start=NA_integer_, locus.pos.end=NA_integer_,
prob=NULL, na.rm=TRUE)
# check
stopifnot(is.vector(H1) & is.character(H1))
stopifnot(is.vector(H2) & is.character(H2))
stopifnot(length(sample.id) == length(H1))
stopifnot(length(sample.id) == length(H2))
stopifnot(is.character(max.resolution), length(max.resolution)==1L)
reslist <- c("2-digit", "1-field", "4-digit", "2-field", "6-digit",
"3-field", "8-digit", "4-field", "allele", "protein",
"full", "none", "")
if (!isTRUE(max.resolution %in% reslist))
stop("'max.resolution' should be one of ",
paste(sQuote(reslist), collapse=", "), ".")
assembly <- .hla_assembly(assembly)
HLAinfo <- hlaLociInfo(assembly)
if (!is.null(prob))
stopifnot(length(sample.id) == length(prob))
# build
H1[H1 == ""] <- NA_character_
H1 <- hlaAlleleDigit(H1, max.resolution)
H2[H2 == ""] <- NA_character_
H2 <- hlaAlleleDigit(H2, max.resolution)
if (locus %in% rownames(HLAinfo))
if (!is.finite(locus.pos.start))
locus.pos.start <- HLAinfo[locus, "start"]
if (!is.finite(locus.pos.end))
locus.pos.end <- HLAinfo[locus, "end"]
if (!is.finite(locus.pos.start) || !is.finite(locus.pos.end))
warning("The position information for '", locus, "' is not available!",
} else {
locus.pos.start <- as.integer(locus.pos.start)
locus.pos.end <- as.integer(locus.pos.end)
# remove missing values
if (na.rm)
flag <- (!is.na(H1)) & (!is.na(H2))
flag <- rep(TRUE, length(sample.id))
# result
rv <- list(locus = locus,
pos.start = locus.pos.start, pos.end = locus.pos.end,
value = data.frame(sample.id = sample.id[flag],
allele1 = H1[flag], allele2 = H2[flag],
assembly = assembly
if (!is.null(prob))
rv$value$prob <- prob[flag]
class(rv) <- "hlaAlleleClass"
# Create a subset of HLA alleles
hlaAlleleSubset <- function(hla, samp.sel=NULL)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(hla, "hlaAlleleClass") | inherits(hla, "hlaAASeqClass"))
stopifnot(is.null(samp.sel) | is.logical(samp.sel) | is.numeric(samp.sel))
if (is.logical(samp.sel))
stopifnot(length(samp.sel) == dim(hla$value)[1L])
if (is.numeric(samp.sel))
stopifnot(length(unique(samp.sel)) == length(samp.sel))
# result
if (is.null(samp.sel))
samp.sel <- rep(TRUE, dim(hla$value)[1L])
rv <- list(locus = hla$locus,
pos.start = hla$pos.start, pos.end = hla$pos.end,
value = hla$value[samp.sel, ],
assembly = hla$assembly
if (!is.null(hla$start.position))
rv$start.position <- hla$start.position
if (!is.null(hla$reference))
rv$reference <- hla$reference
if (!is.null(hla$dosage))
rv$dosage <- hla$dosage[, samp.sel, drop=FALSE]
if (!is.null(hla$postprob))
rv$postprob <- hla$postprob[, samp.sel, drop=FALSE]
class(rv) <- class(hla)
# Combine two objects of HLA alleles
hlaCombineAllele <- function(H1, H2)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(H1, "hlaAlleleClass"))
stopifnot(inherits(H2, "hlaAlleleClass"))
stopifnot(length(intersect(H1$sample.id, H2$sample.id)) == 0L)
stopifnot(H1$locus == H2$locus)
if (is.finite(H1$pos.start) & is.finite(H2$pos.start))
stopifnot(H1$pos.start == H2$pos.start)
if (is.finite(H1$pos.end) & is.finite(H2$pos.end))
stopifnot(H1$pos.end == H2$pos.end)
id <- c("sample.id", "allele1", "allele2")
# result
rv <- list(locus = H1$locus,
pos.start = H1$pos.start, pos.end = H1$pos.end,
value = rbind(H1$value[, id], H2$value[, id]),
assembly = H1$assembly
rownames(rv$value) <- NULL
if (!is.null(H1$value$prob) & !is.null(H2$value$prob))
rv$value$prob <- c(H1$value$prob, H2$value$prob)
if (!is.null(H1$value$matching) & !is.null(H2$value$matching))
rv$value$matching <- c(H1$value$matching, H2$value$matching)
if (!is.null(H1$dosage) & !is.null(H2$dosage))
rv$dosage <- cbind(H1$dosage, H2$dosage)
if (!is.null(H1$postprob) & !is.null(H2$postprob))
rv$postprob <- cbind(H1$postprob, H2$postprob)
class(rv) <- "hlaAlleleClass"
# Compare two objects of HLA alleles
hlaCompareAllele <- function(TrueHLA, PredHLA, allele.limit=NULL,
call.threshold=NaN, match.threshold=NaN, max.resolution="",
output.individual=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(TrueHLA, "hlaAlleleClass"))
stopifnot(inherits(PredHLA, "hlaAlleleClass"))
stopifnot(is.null(allele.limit) |
(is.vector(allele.limit) & is.character(allele.limit)) |
inherits(allele.limit, "hlaAttrBagClass") |
inherits(allele.limit, "hlaAttrBagObj"))
stopifnot(max.resolution %in% c("2-digit", "4-digit", "6-digit",
"8-digit", "allele", "protein", "2", "4", "6", "8", "full", ""))
stopifnot(is.numeric(call.threshold), length(call.threshold)==1L)
stopifnot(is.numeric(match.threshold), length(match.threshold)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(output.individual), length(output.individual)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)
# get the common samples
samp <- intersect(TrueHLA$value$sample.id, PredHLA$value$sample.id)
if ((length(samp) != length(TrueHLA$value$sample.id)) |
(length(samp) != length(PredHLA$value$sample.id)))
if (verbose)
message("Calling 'hlaCompareAllele': there are ", length(samp),
" individuals in common.\n")
# True HLA
flag <- match(samp, TrueHLA$value$sample.id)
if (length(samp) != length(TrueHLA$value$sample.id))
TrueHLA <- hlaAlleleSubset(TrueHLA, flag)
} else {
if (!all(flag == 1L:length(TrueHLA$value$sample.id)))
TrueHLA <- hlaAlleleSubset(TrueHLA, flag)
# Predicted HLA
flag <- match(samp, PredHLA$value$sample.id)
if (length(samp) != length(PredHLA$value$sample.id))
PredHLA <- hlaAlleleSubset(PredHLA, flag)
} else {
if (!all(flag == 1L:length(PredHLA$value$sample.id)))
PredHLA <- hlaAlleleSubset(PredHLA, flag)
# init
flag <- !is.na(TrueHLA$value$allele1) & !is.na(TrueHLA$value$allele2) &
!is.na(PredHLA$value$allele1) & !is.na(PredHLA$value$allele2)
ts1 <- TrueHLA$value$allele1[flag]; ts2 <- TrueHLA$value$allele2[flag]
ps1 <- PredHLA$value$allele1[flag]; ps2 <- PredHLA$value$allele2[flag]
samp.id <- TrueHLA$value$sample.id[flag]
# call threshold
if (is.finite(call.threshold))
prob <- PredHLA$value$prob
if (is.null(prob))
warning("No probabilities in predicted HLA genotypes.",
call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
} else
prob <- prob[flag]
} else {
prob <- NULL
# match.threshold
if (is.finite(match.threshold))
matching <- PredHLA$value$matching
if (is.null(matching))
warning("No matching proportion in predicted HLA genotypes.",
call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
} else
matching <- matching[flag]
} else {
matching <- NULL
# allele limitation
if (!is.null(allele.limit))
if (inherits(allele.limit, "hlaAttrBagClass") |
inherits(allele.limit, "hlaAttrBagObj"))
allele <- hlaUniqueAllele(allele.limit$hla.allele)
TrainFreq <- allele.limit$hla.freq
TrainNum <- allele.limit$n.samp
} else {
allele <- hlaUniqueAllele(as.character(allele.limit))
TrainFreq <- NULL
TrainNum <- NaN
} else {
allele <- hlaUniqueAllele(c(ts1, ts2))
TrainFreq <- NULL
TrainNum <- NaN
# max resolution
if (!(max.resolution %in% c("full", "")))
ts1 <- hlaAlleleDigit(ts1, max.resolution)
ts2 <- hlaAlleleDigit(ts2, max.resolution)
ps1 <- hlaAlleleDigit(ps1, max.resolution)
ps2 <- hlaAlleleDigit(ps2, max.resolution)
tmp <- hlaAlleleDigit(allele, max.resolution)
allele <- hlaUniqueAllele(tmp)
if ((length(tmp) != length(allele)) & !is.null(TrainFreq))
x <- rep(0, length(allele))
for (i in 1L:length(allele))
x[i] <- sum(TrainFreq[tmp == allele[i]])
TrainFreq <- x
# allele filter
flag <- (ts1 %in% allele) & (ts2 %in% allele)
ts1 <- ts1[flag]; ts2 <- ts2[flag]
ps1 <- ps1[flag]; ps2 <- ps2[flag]
samp.id <- samp.id[flag]
if (!is.null(prob)) prob <- prob[flag]
if (!is.null(matching)) matching <- matching[flag]
# init ...
cnt.ind <- 0L; cnt.haplo <- 0L; cnt.call <- 0L
n <- length(ts1)
m <- length(allele)
TrueNum <- rep(0, m); names(TrueNum) <- allele
TrueNumAll <- rep(0, m); names(TrueNumAll) <- allele
PredNum <- rep(0, m+1); names(PredNum) <- c(allele, "...")
confusion <- matrix(0.0, nrow = m+1, ncol = m,
dimnames = list(Predict=names(PredNum), True=names(TrueNum)))
WrongTab <- NULL
# for PredNum
fn <- function(x, LT) { if (x %in% LT) x else "..." }
acc.array <- rep(NaN, n)
ind.truehla <- character(n)
ind.predhla <- character(n)
if (n > 0L)
for (i in 1L:n)
# increase
TrueNumAll[[ ts1[i] ]] <- TrueNumAll[[ ts1[i] ]] + 1L
TrueNumAll[[ ts2[i] ]] <- TrueNumAll[[ ts2[i] ]] + 1L
# probability cut-off
if (is.null(prob))
flag <- TRUE
flag <- prob[i] >= call.threshold
# matching proportion cut-off
if (is.null(matching))
flag1 <- TRUE
flag1 <- matching[i] >= match.threshold
if (flag & flag1)
# update TrueNum and PredNum
TrueNum[[ ts1[i] ]] <- TrueNum[[ ts1[i] ]] + 1L
TrueNum[[ ts2[i] ]] <- TrueNum[[ ts2[i] ]] + 1L
PredNum[[ fn(ps1[i], allele) ]] <-
PredNum[[ fn(ps1[i], allele) ]] + 1L
PredNum[[ fn(ps2[i], allele) ]] <-
PredNum[[ fn(ps2[i], allele) ]] + 1L
# correct count of individuals
if ( ((ts1[i]==ps1[i]) & (ts2[i]==ps2[i])) |
((ts2[i]==ps1[i]) & (ts1[i]==ps2[i])) )
cnt.ind <- cnt.ind + 1
# count of correct haplotypes
s <- c(ts1[i], ts2[i]); p <- c(ps1[i], ps2[i])
ind.truehla[i] <- paste(s[order(s)], collapse="/")
ind.predhla[i] <- paste(p[order(p)], collapse="/")
hnum <- 0L
if ((s[1L]==p[1L]) | (s[1L]==p[2L]))
if (s[1L]==p[1L]) { p[1L] <- "" } else { p[2L] <- "" }
confusion[s[1L], s[1L]] <- confusion[s[1L], s[1L]] + 1L
cnt.haplo <- cnt.haplo + 1L
hnum <- hnum + 1L
if ((s[2L]==p[1L]) | (s[2L]==p[2L]))
confusion[s[2L], s[2L]] <- confusion[s[2L], s[2L]] + 1L
cnt.haplo <- cnt.haplo + 1L
hnum <- hnum + 1L
acc.array[i] <- 0.5*hnum
# for confusion matrix
s <- c(ts1[i], ts2[i]); p <- c(ps1[i], ps2[i])
if (hnum == 1L)
if ((s[1L]==p[1L]) | (s[1L]==p[2L]))
if (s[1L]==p[1L])
confusion[fn(p[2L], allele), s[2L]] <-
confusion[fn(p[2L], allele), s[2L]] + 1L
} else {
confusion[fn(p[1L], allele), s[2L]] <-
confusion[fn(p[1L], allele), s[2L]] + 1L
} else {
if (s[2L]==p[1L])
confusion[fn(p[2L], allele), s[1L]] <-
confusion[fn(p[2L], allele), s[1L]] + 1L
} else {
confusion[fn(p[1L], allele), s[1L]] <-
confusion[fn(p[1L], allele), s[1L]] + 1L
} else if (hnum == 0L)
WrongTab <- cbind(WrongTab,
c(s, fn(p[1L], allele), fn(p[2L], allele)))
# the number of calling
cnt.call <- cnt.call + 1L
# overall
overall <- data.frame(total.num.ind = n,
crt.num.ind = cnt.ind, crt.num.haplo = cnt.haplo,
acc.ind = cnt.ind/cnt.call, acc.haplo = 0.5*cnt.haplo/cnt.call,
call.threshold = call.threshold)
if (is.finite(call.threshold))
overall$n.call <- cnt.call
overall$call.rate <- cnt.call / n
} else {
overall$n.call <- n
overall$call.rate <- 1.0
overall$call.threshold <- 0L
# confusion matrix
nw <- ifelse(is.null(WrongTab), 0L, ncol(WrongTab))
v <- .Call(HIBAG_Confusion, m, confusion, nw,
match(WrongTab, names(PredNum)) - 1L)
dimnames(v) <- list(Predict=names(PredNum), True=names(TrueNum))
confusion <- round(v, 2L)
# detail -- sensitivity and specificity
detail <- data.frame(allele = allele, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
if (!is.null(TrainFreq))
detail$train.num <- 2 * TrainFreq * TrainNum
detail$train.freq <- TrainFreq
detail$valid.num <- TrueNumAll
detail$valid.freq <- TrueNumAll / sum(TrueNumAll)
detail$call.rate <- TrueNum / TrueNumAll
sens <- diag(confusion) / TrueNum
spec <- 1 - (PredNum[1L:m] - diag(confusion)) / (2*cnt.call - TrueNum)
detail$accuracy <- (sens*TrueNum + spec*(2*cnt.call - TrueNum)) /
detail$sensitivity <- sens
detail$specificity <- spec
detail$ppv <- diag(confusion) / rowSums(confusion)[1L:m]
detail$npv <- 1 - (TrueNum - diag(confusion)) /
(2*n - rowSums(confusion)[1L:m])
detail$call.rate[!is.finite(detail$call.rate)] <- 0
c("sensitivity", "specificity", "ppv", "npv", "accuracy")] <- NaN
# get miscall
rv <- confusion; diag(rv) <- 0
m.max <- apply(rv, 2L, max); m.idx <- apply(rv, 2L, which.max)
s <- names(PredNum)[m.idx]; s[m.max<=0] <- NA
p <- m.max / apply(rv, 2L, sum)
detail <- cbind(detail, miscall=s, miscall.prop=p, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
rownames(detail) <- NULL
# output
rv <- list(overall=overall, confusion=confusion, detail=detail)
if (output.individual)
rv$individual <- data.frame(sample.id=samp.id,
true.hla=ind.truehla, pred.hla=ind.predhla,
accuracy=acc.array, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# Return a sample list satisfying the filter conditions
hlaSampleAllele <- function(TrueHLA, allele.limit=NULL, max.resolution="")
# check
stopifnot(inherits(TrueHLA, "hlaAlleleClass"))
stopifnot(is.null(allele.limit) | is.vector(allele.limit) |
inherits(allele.limit, "hlaAttrBagClass") |
inherits(allele.limit, "hlaAttrBagObj"))
stopifnot(max.resolution %in% c("2-digit", "4-digit", "6-digit",
"8-digit", "allele", "protein", "2", "4", "6", "8", "full", ""))
# init
flag <- !is.na(TrueHLA$value$allele1) & !is.na(TrueHLA$value$allele2)
ts1 <- TrueHLA$value$allele1[flag]
ts2 <- TrueHLA$value$allele2[flag]
# max resolution
if (!(max.resolution %in% c("full", "")))
ts1 <- hlaAlleleDigit(ts1, max.resolution)
ts2 <- hlaAlleleDigit(ts2, max.resolution)
# allele limitation
if (!is.null(allele.limit))
if (inherits(allele.limit, "hlaAttrBagClass") |
inherits(allele.limit, "hlaAttrBagObj"))
allele <- levels(factor(allele.limit$hla.allele))
} else {
allele <- levels(factor(allele.limit))
if (!(max.resolution %in% c("full", "")))
allele <- hlaAlleleDigit(allele, max.resolution)
flag[flag] <- (ts1 %in% allele) & (ts2 %in% allele)
# return
# Divide the list of HLA types to the training and validation sets
hlaSplitAllele <- function(HLA, train.prop=0.5)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(HLA, "hlaAlleleClass"))
train.set <- NULL
H <- HLA
while (dim(H$value)[1L] > 0L)
v <- summary(H, verbose=FALSE)
if (dim(v)[1L] > 1L)
v <- v[order(v[, "count"]), ]
allele <- rownames(v)[1L]
samp.id <- H$value$sample.id[ H$value$allele1==allele |
H$value$allele2==allele ]
samp.id <- as.character(samp.id)
n.train <- ceiling(length(samp.id) * train.prop)
train.sampid <- sample(samp.id, n.train)
train.set <- c(train.set, train.sampid)
H <- hlaAlleleSubset(H, samp.sel=
match(setdiff(H$value$sample.id, samp.id), H$value$sample.id))
train.set <- train.set[order(train.set)]
training = hlaAlleleSubset(HLA,
samp.sel = match(train.set, HLA$value$sample.id)),
validation = hlaAlleleSubset(HLA,
samp.sel = match(setdiff(HLA$value$sample.id, train.set),
# Select SNPs in the flanking region of a specified HLA locus
hlaFlankingSNP <- function(snp.id, position, locus, flank.bp=500000L,
assembly="auto", pos.mid=NA_integer_)
# check
stopifnot(length(snp.id) == length(position))
stopifnot(is.character(locus), length(locus)==1L, !is.na(locus))
stopifnot(is.numeric(flank.bp), length(flank.bp)==1L, is.finite(flank.bp))
stopifnot(is.character(assembly), length(assembly)==1L, !is.na(assembly))
stopifnot(is.numeric(pos.mid), length(pos.mid)==1L)
# initialize
if (locus != "any")
assembly <- .hla_assembly(assembly)
HLAInfo <- hlaLociInfo(assembly)
ID <- rownames(HLAInfo)
if (!(locus %in% ID))
stop(paste("'locus' should be one of", paste(ID, collapse=", ")))
pos.start <- HLAInfo[locus, "start"] - flank.bp
pos.end <- HLAInfo[locus, "end"] + flank.bp
if (!is.na(pos.mid))
warning("'pos.mid' is ignored when 'locus' is specified.", immediate.=TRUE)
if (!is.null(HLAInfo$suggest.pos))
i <- HLAInfo[locus, "suggest.pos"]
if (!is.na(i) && i<0L)
warning("The position of '", locus,
"' may not be appropriate for building the model.", immediate.=TRUE)
} else {
if (!is.finite(pos.mid))
stop("'pos.mid' should be specified.")
pos.start <- pos.mid - flank.bp
pos.end <- pos.mid + flank.bp
if (is.finite(pos.start) & is.finite(pos.end))
flag <- (pos.start <= position) & (position <= pos.end)
} else
stop("The position information for '", locus, "' is not available!")
# Summarize a "hlaAlleleClass" object
summary.hlaAlleleClass <- function(object, verbose=TRUE, ...)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(object, "hlaAlleleClass"))
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)
hla <- object
HUA <- hlaUniqueAllele(c(hla$value$allele1, hla$value$allele2))
HLA <- factor(match(c(hla$value$allele1, hla$value$allele2), HUA))
levels(HLA) <- HUA
count <- table(HLA)
freq <- prop.table(count)
rv <- cbind(count=count, freq=freq)
# get the number of unique genotypes
m <- data.frame(a1 = hla$value$allele1,
a2 = hla$value$allele2, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
lst <- apply(m, 1L, FUN=function(x) {
if (!is.na(x[1L]) & !is.na(x[2L]))
if (x[1L] <= x[2L])
paste(x[1L], x[2L], sep="/")
paste(x[2L], x[1L], sep="/")
} else
unique.n.geno <- nlevels(factor(lst))
if (verbose)
cat("Gene: ", .hla_gene_name_string(hla$locus), "\n", sep="")
cat(sprintf("Range: [%s, %s]",
.strbp(hla$pos.start), .strbp(hla$pos.end)))
if (!is.null(hla$assembly))
cat(" on ", hla$assembly, "\n", sep="")
cat(sprintf("# of samples: %d\n", dim(hla$value)[1L]))
cat(sprintf("# of unique HLA alleles: %d\n", length(count)))
cat(sprintf("# of unique HLA genotypes: %d\n", unique.n.geno))
p <- hla$value$prob
if (!is.null(p))
z <- table(cut(p, breaks=c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1),
right=FALSE, include.lowest=TRUE))
z[] <- sprintf("%d (%0.1f%%)", z, prop.table(z)*100)
names(attr(z, "dimnames")) <- "Posterior probability:"
p <- hla$value$matching
if (!is.null(p))
cat("Matching proportion of SNP haplotype:\n")
if (!is.null(hla$dosage))
cat("Dosages:\n$dosage -")
if (!is.null(hla$postprob))
cat("Probabilities:\n$postprob -")
# return
print.hlaAlleleClass <- function(x, ...)
# Check alleles
hlaCheckAllele <- function(allele1, allele2)
.Call(HIBAG_AlleleStrand2, allele1, allele2)
# Check missing SNP predictors
hlaCheckSNPs <- function(model, object,
match.type=c("Position", "Pos+Allele", "RefSNP+Position", "RefSNP"), verbose=TRUE)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(model, "hlaAttrBagClass") |
inherits(model, "hlaAttrBagObj"))
stopifnot((is.vector(object) & is.character(object)) |
inherits(object, "hlaSNPGenoClass"))
match.type <- match.arg(match.type)
# initialize
if (inherits(model, "hlaAttrBagClass"))
model <- hlaModelToObj(model)
# show information
if (verbose)
cat("The HIBAG model:\n")
cat(sprintf("\tThere are %d SNP predictors in total.\n",
cat(sprintf("\tThere are %d individual classifiers.\n",
if (is.vector(object))
target.snp <- as.character(object)
src.snp <- hlaSNPID(model, match.type)
} else {
target.snp <- hlaSNPID(object, match.type)
src.snp <- hlaSNPID(model, match.type)
NumOfSNP <- integer(length(model$classifiers))
NumOfValidSNP <- integer(length(model$classifiers))
# enumerate each classifier
for (i in 1L:length(model$classifiers))
v <- model$classifiers[[i]]
flag <- src.snp[v$snpidx] %in% target.snp
NumOfSNP[i] <- length(v$snpidx)
NumOfValidSNP[i] <- sum(flag)
rv <- data.frame(NumOfValidSNP = NumOfValidSNP, NumOfSNP = NumOfSNP,
fraction = NumOfValidSNP/NumOfSNP)
if (verbose)
"the missing fractions of SNP predictors per classifier:\n")
print(summary(1 - rv$fraction))
# output
# Finalize the HIBAG model for public release
hlaPublish <- function(mobj, platform=NULL, information=NULL, warning=NULL,
rm.unused.snp=TRUE, anonymize=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(mobj, "hlaAttrBagObj") |
inherits(mobj, "hlaAttrBagClass"))
stopifnot(is.null(platform) | is.character(platform))
stopifnot(is.null(information) | is.character(information))
stopifnot(is.null(warning) | is.character(warning))
stopifnot(is.logical(rm.unused.snp) & (length(rm.unused.snp)==1L))
if (inherits(mobj, "hlaAttrBagClass"))
mobj <- hlaModelToObj(mobj)
# additional information
if (is.null(platform))
platform <- mobj$appendix$platform
if (is.null(information))
information <- mobj$appendix$information
if (is.null(warning))
warning <- mobj$appendix$warning
mobj$appendix <- list(
platform=platform, information=information, warning=warning)
# remove unused SNPs
if (rm.unused.snp)
# get frequency of use for SNPs
snp.hist <- rep(0L, length(mobj$snp.id))
for (i in 1L:length(mobj$classifiers))
idx <- mobj$classifiers[[i]]$snpidx
snp.hist[idx] <- snp.hist[idx] + 1L
flag <- (snp.hist > 0L)
if (sum(flag) < mobj$n.snp)
if (verbose)
cnt <- mobj$n.snp - sum(flag)
cat(sprintf("Remove %d unused SNP%s.\n",
cnt, if (cnt>1L) "s" else ""))
mobj$n.snp <- sum(flag)
mobj$snp.id <- mobj$snp.id[flag]
mobj$snp.position <- mobj$snp.position[flag]
mobj$snp.allele <- mobj$snp.allele[flag]
mobj$snp.allele.freq <- mobj$snp.allele.freq[flag]
idx.list <- rep(0L, length(flag))
idx.list[flag] <- 1L:mobj$n.snp
for (i in 1L:length(mobj$classifiers))
mobj$classifiers[[i]]$snpidx <-
idx.list[ mobj$classifiers[[i]]$snpidx ]
# anonymize
if (anonymize)
mobj$sample.id <- NULL
for (i in 1L:length(mobj$classifiers))
mobj$classifiers[[i]]$samp.num <- NULL
# output
# Get a model object of attribute bagging from a list of files
hlaModelFiles <- function(fn.list, action.missingfile=c("ignore", "stop"),
# check
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)
action.missingfile <- match.arg(action.missingfile)
# for-loop
rv <- NULL
for (fn in fn.list)
if (file.exists(fn) && !is.na(.fn_obj_check(fn)))
tmp <- .fn_obj_load(fn)
if (is.null(rv))
rv <- tmp
} else {
rv <- hlaCombineModelObj(rv, tmp)
} else {
s <- sprintf("No or invalid file '%s'.", fn)
if (action.missingfile == "stop")
} else {
if (verbose) message(s)
# Out-of-bag estimation of overall accuracy, per-allele sensitivity, etc
hlaOutOfBag <- function(model, hla, snp, call.threshold=NaN, verbose=TRUE)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(model, "hlaAttrBagObj") |
inherits(model, "hlaAttrBagClass"))
stopifnot(inherits(hla, "hlaAlleleClass"))
stopifnot(inherits(snp, "hlaSNPGenoClass"))
stopifnot(is.numeric(call.threshold), length(call.threshold)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)
# initialize ...
if (inherits(model, "hlaAttrBagClass"))
model <- hlaModelToObj(model)
if (verbose) print(model)
# map samples
if (is.null(model$sample.id))
stop("There is no sample ID in the model.")
samp.idx <- match(model$sample.id, snp$sample.id)
if (any(is.na(samp.idx)))
stop("Some of sample.id in the model do not exist in SNP genotypes.")
hla.samp.idx <- match(model$sample.id, hla$value$sample.id)
if (any(is.na(hla.samp.idx)))
stop("Some of sample.id in the model do not exist in HLA types.")
# map SNPs
snp.idx <- match(model$snp.id, snp$snp.id)
if (any(is.na(snp.idx)))
stop("Some of snp.id in the model do not exist in SNP genotypes.")
# genotypes and the number of classifiers
geno <- snp$genotype[snp.idx, samp.idx]
nclass <- length(model$classifiers)
# the returned value
ans <- NULL
# the column names of details
nm1 <- c("allele", "train.num", "train.freq")
nm2 <- c("call.rate", "accuracy", "sensitivity", "specificity",
"ppv", "npv")
# for-loop
for (i in 1L:nclass)
mx <- model
mx$classifiers <- mx$classifiers[i]
s <- mx$classifiers[[1L]]$samp.num
if (is.null(s))
stop("There is no bootstrap sample index.")
tmp.model <- hlaModelFromObj(mx)
tmp.geno <- geno[, s == 0L]
v <- predict(tmp.model, tmp.geno, verbose=FALSE)
v$value$sample.id <- mx$sample.id[s == 0L]
pam <- hlaCompareAllele(hla, v, allele.limit=mx,
call.threshold=call.threshold, verbose=FALSE)
if (!is.null(ans))
# overall
ans$overall <- ans$overall + pam$overall
# confusion matrix
ans$confusion <- ans$confusion + pam$confusion
# details
pam$detail <- pam$detail[, nm2]
ans$n.detail <- ans$n.detail + !is.na(pam$detail)
pam$detail[is.na(pam$detail)] <- 0
ans$detail <- ans$detail + pam$detail
} else {
ans <- pam
ans$detailhead <- ans$detail[, nm1]
colnames(ans$detailhead) <- c("allele", "valid.num", "valid.freq")
ans$detail <- ans$detail[, nm2]
ans$n.detail <- !is.na(ans$detail)
ans$detail[is.na(ans$detail)] <- 0
if (verbose)
cat(date(), sprintf(", passing the %d/%d classifiers.\n",
i, nclass), sep="")
# average
ans$overall <- ans$overall / nclass
ans$confusion <- ans$confusion / nclass
ans$detail <- ans$detail / ans$n.detail
# get miscall
rv <- ans$confusion; diag(rv) <- 0
m.max <- apply(rv, 2L, max); m.idx <- apply(rv, 2L, which.max)
s <- rownames(ans$confusion)[m.idx]; s[m.max<=0] <- NA
p <- m.max / apply(rv, 2L, sum)
# output
ans$detail <- cbind(ans$detailhead, ans$detail,
miscall=s, miscall.prop=p, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
ans$detailhead <- NULL
ans$n.detail <- NULL
# Create a report for evaluating accuracies
hlaReport <- function(object, export.fn="",
type=c("txt", "tex", "html", "markdown"), header=TRUE)
# check
stopifnot(is.character(export.fn), length(export.fn)==1L)
type <- match.arg(type)
stopifnot(is.logical(header), length(header)==1L)
# create an output file
if (export.fn != "")
f <- file(export.fn, "wt")
} else {
f <- ""
# text format
d <- data.frame(Allele=object$detail$allele, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
if (!is.null(object$detail$train.num))
d$NumTrain <- object$detail$train.num
if (!is.null(object$detail$train.freq))
d$FreqTrain <- sprintf("%0.4f", object$detail$train.freq)
d$FreqTrain[d$NumTrain <= 0L] <- "0"
L1 <- c("Allele", "Num.", "Freq.", "Num.", "Freq.",
"CR", "ACC", "SEN", "SPE", "PPV", "NPV", "Miscall")
L2 <- c("", "Train", "Train", "Valid.", "Valid.",
"(%)", "(%)", "(%)", "(%)", "(%)", "(%)", "(%)")
L2a <- c("", "Train", "Train", "Valid.", "Valid.",
"(\\%)", "(\\%)", "(\\%)", "(\\%)", "(\\%)", "(\\%)", "(\\%)")
} else {
L1 <- c("Allele", "Num.", "Freq.",
"CR", "ACC", "SEN", "SPE", "PPV", "NPV", "Miscall")
L2 <- c("", "Valid.", "Valid.",
"(%)", "(%)", "(%)", "(%)", "(%)", "(%)", "(%)")
L2a <- c("", "Valid.", "Valid.",
"(\\%)", "(\\%)", "(\\%)", "(\\%)", "(\\%)", "(\\%)", "(\\%)")
d$NumValid <- object$detail$valid.num
d$FreqValid <- sprintf("%0.4f", object$detail$valid.freq)
d$FreqValid[d$NumValid <= 0L] <- "0"
d$CR <- sprintf("%0.1f", object$detail$call.rate*100)
d$CR[object$detail$call.rate < 0.0005] <- "--"
d$ACC <- sprintf("%0.1f", object$detail$accuracy*100)
d$ACC[!is.finite(object$detail$accuracy)] <- "--"
d$SEN <- sprintf("%0.1f", object$detail$sensitivity*100)
d$SEN[!is.finite(object$detail$sensitivity)] <- "--"
d$SPE <- sprintf("%0.1f", object$detail$specificity*100)
d$SPE[!is.finite(object$detail$specificity)] <- "--"
d$PPV <- sprintf("%0.1f", object$detail$ppv*100)
d$PPV[!is.finite(object$detail$ppv)] <- "--"
d$NPV <- sprintf("%0.1f", object$detail$npv*100)
d$NPV[!is.finite(object$detail$npv)] <- "--"
d$Miscall <- sprintf("%s (%0.0f)",
object$detail$miscall, object$detail$miscall.prop*100)
d$Miscall[is.na(object$detail$miscall) |
!is.finite(object$detail$miscall.prop)] <- "--"
if (type == "txt")
cat(L1, file=f, sep="\t", append=TRUE)
cat("\n", file=f, append=TRUE)
cat(L2, file=f, sep="\t", append=TRUE)
cat("\n", file=f, append=TRUE)
cat("----\n", file=f, append=TRUE)
cat(sprintf("Overall accuracy: %0.1f%%, Call rate: %0.1f%%\n",
object$overall$acc.haplo*100, object$overall$call.rate*100),
file=f, append=TRUE)
write.table(d, file=f, append=TRUE, quote=FALSE, sep=" ",
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
} else if (type == "tex")
if (header)
cat("\\title{Imputation Evaluation}", "",
"\\documentclass[12pt]{article}", "",
"\\usepackage{longtable}", "",
"\\begin{document}", "",
"\\maketitle", "",
"\\setlength{\\LTcapwidth}{6.5in}", "",
file=f, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
cat("% -------- BEGIN TABLE --------\n", file=f, append=TRUE)
if (!is.null(object$detail$train.freq))
cat("\\begin{longtable}{rrrrr | rrrrrrl}\n", file=f, append=TRUE)
} else {
cat("\\begin{longtable}{rrr | rrrrrrl}\n", file=f, append=TRUE)
cat(c("\\caption{The sensitivity (SEN), specificity (SPE),",
"positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value",
"(NPV) and call rate (CR).}\n"), file=f, append=TRUE, sep=" ")
cat("\\label{tab:accuracy} \\\\\n", file=f, append=TRUE)
cat(L1, file=f, sep=" & ", append=TRUE)
cat(" \\\\\n", file=f, append=TRUE)
cat(L2a, file=f, sep=" & ", append=TRUE)
cat(" \\\\\n", file=f, append=TRUE)
cat("\\hline\\hline\n\\endfirsthead\n", file=f, append=TRUE)
if (!is.null(object$detail$train.freq))
cat("\\multicolumn{12}{c}{{\\normalsize \\tablename\\",
"\\thetable{} -- Continued from previous page}} \\\\\n",
file=f, append=TRUE)
} else {
cat("\\multicolumn{10}{c}{{\\normalsize \\tablename\\",
"\\thetable{} -- Continued from previous page}} \\\\\n",
file=f, append=TRUE)
cat(L1, file=f, sep=" & ", append=TRUE)
cat(" \\\\\n", file=f, append=TRUE)
cat(L2a, file=f, sep=" & ", append=TRUE)
cat(" \\\\\n", file=f, append=TRUE)
cat("\\hline\\hline\n\\endhead\n\\hline\n", file=f, append=TRUE)
if (!is.null(object$detail$train.freq))
cat("\\multicolumn{12}{r}{Continued on next page ...} \\\\\n",
file=f, append=TRUE)
} else {
cat("\\multicolumn{10}{r}{Continued on next page ...} \\\\\n",
file=f, append=TRUE)
file=f, append=TRUE)
if (!is.null(object$detail$train.freq))
cat("\\multicolumn{12}{l}{\\it Overall accuracy:",
sprintf("%0.1f\\%%, Call rate: %0.1f\\%%} \\\\\n",
object$overall$acc.haplo*100, object$overall$call.rate*100),
file=f, append=TRUE)
} else {
cat("\\multicolumn{10}{l}{\\it Overall accuracy:",
sprintf("%0.1f\\%%, Call rate: %0.1f\\%%} \\\\\n",
object$overall$acc.haplo*100, object$overall$call.rate*100),
file=f, append=TRUE)
write.table(d, file=f, append=TRUE, quote=FALSE, sep=" & ",
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, eol=" \\\\\n")
cat("\\end{longtable}\n% -------- END TABLE --------\n",
file=f, append=TRUE)
if (header)
cat("\n\\end{document}\n", file=f, append=TRUE)
} else if (type == "html")
if (header)
cat("<!DOCTYPE html>",
" <title>Imputation Evaluation</title>",
file=f, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
cat("<h1>Imputation Evaluation</h1>",
"<h3><b>Table 1L:</b> The sensitivity (SEN), specificity (SPE),",
"positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV)",
"and call rate (CR).</h3>",
file=f, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
"<table id=\"TB-Acc\" class=\"tabular\" border=\"1\" CELLSPACING=\"1\">",
paste(paste0("<th>", L1, " ", L2, "</th>"), collapse=" "),
paste0("<td colspan=\"", length(L1), "\">"),
sprintf("<i> Overall accuracy: %0.1f%%, Call rate: %0.1f%% </i>",
object$overall$acc.haplo*100, object$overall$call.rate*100),
file=f, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
for (i in 1L:nrow(d))
paste(paste0("<td>", d[i, ], "</td>"), collapse=" "),
file=f, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
cat("</table>\n", file=f, append=TRUE)
if (header)
cat("\n</body>\n</html>\n", file=f, append=TRUE)
} else if (type == "markdown")
L1[L1 == "Num."] <- "#"
cat(sprintf("**Overall accuracy: %0.1f%%, Call rate: %0.1f%%**\n\n",
object$overall$acc.haplo*100, object$overall$call.rate*100),
file=f, append=TRUE)
cat("| ", file=f, append=TRUE)
cat(paste(L1, L2), file=f, sep=" | ", append=TRUE)
cat(" |\n|:--", file=f, append=TRUE)
cat(rep("|--:", length(L1)-2), file=f, sep="", append=TRUE)
cat("|:--|\n", file=f, append=TRUE)
d <- as.matrix(d)
dm <- paste0(" ", d, " ")
dim(dm) <- dim(d)
dm <- cbind(rep("", dim(dm)[1L]), dm)
write.table(dm, file=f, append=TRUE, quote=FALSE, sep="|",
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, eol="|\n")
# Create a report for evaluating accuracies
hlaReportPlot <- function(PredHLA=NULL, TrueHLA=NULL, model=NULL,
fig=c("matching", "call.rate", "call.threshold"), match.threshold=NaN,
# check
stopifnot(is.null(PredHLA) | inherits(PredHLA, "hlaAlleleClass"))
stopifnot(is.null(TrueHLA) | inherits(TrueHLA, "hlaAlleleClass"))
stopifnot(is.null(model) | inherits(model, "hlaAttrBagClass"))
fig <- match.arg(fig)
stopifnot(is.logical(log_scale), length(log_scale)==1L)
# library
if (!requireNamespace("ggplot2"))
stop("The ggplot2 package should be installed.")
dataset <- matching <- NULL
if (fig == "matching")
test.qu <- NaN
if (!is.null(PredHLA))
if (is.null(PredHLA$value$matching))
stop("No matching proportion in prediction.")
if (!is.null(TrueHLA))
stop("'TrueHLA' should be NULL.")
if (!is.null(model) & !inherits(model, "hlaAttrBagClass"))
stop("'model' should be NULL or a hlaAttrBagClass object.")
m <- PredHLA$value$matching
d <- rep("test", length(PredHLA$value$matching))
test.qu <- quantile(PredHLA$value$matching, 0.01, na.rm=TRUE)
} else {
if (!inherits(model, "hlaAttrBagClass"))
stop("'model' should be a hlaAttrBagClass object when 'PredHLA=NULL'.")
m <- d <- NULL
if (inherits(model, "hlaAttrBagClass"))
m <- c(m, model$matching)
d <- c(d, rep("training", length(model$matching)))
if (log_scale)
m[m <= 0] <- 1e-128
m <- log10(m)
dat <- data.frame(matching=m, dataset=d)
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(dat, ggplot2::aes(dataset, matching)) +
ggplot2::geom_violin() +
ggplot2::geom_jitter(size=0.5, position=ggplot2::position_jitter(0.2)) +
"distribution of log10(matching proportion)",
"distribution of matching proportion"))
if (inherits(model, "hlaAttrBagClass") & !is.null(model$matching))
ct <- cutoff <- quantile(model$matching, 0.01, na.rm=TRUE)
if (log_scale)
ct <- log10(ct)
test.qu <- log10(test.qu)
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept=ct, color="red") +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept=test.qu, color="orange") +
ggplot2::annotate("label", x=2.4, y=ct, size=3, colour="red",
label="1% Qu. of\nmatching\nproportion\nin training",
vjust="inward") +
ggplot2::annotate("label", x=0.6, y=test.qu, size=3, colour="orange",
label="1% Qu. of\nmatching\nproportion\nin test data",
m <- sum(PredHLA$value$matching < cutoff, na.rm=TRUE)
n <- length(PredHLA$value$matching)
p <- p + ggplot2::xlab(sprintf(
"%d test individual%s (%.1f%%), under matching threshold of training set",
m, ifelse(m>1L, "s", ""), m/n*100))
} else if (fig == "call.rate")
stopifnot(inherits(PredHLA, "hlaAlleleClass"))
stopifnot(inherits(TrueHLA, "hlaAlleleClass"))
if (!identical(PredHLA$value$sample.id, TrueHLA$value$sample.id))
if (nrow(PredHLA$value) != nrow(TrueHLA$value))
stop("PredHLA and TrueHLA should have the same number of samples.")
PredHLA <- hlaAlleleSubset(PredHLA, match(TrueHLA$value$sample.id,
pr <- PredHLA$value$prob
if (is.null(pr))
stop("No probability information in prediction.")
if (anyNA(pr))
stop("PredHLA$value$prob should have no missing value.")
pr <- unique(c(0, pr))
cr <- acc <- NULL
for (i in order(pr))
ov <- hlaCompareAllele(TrueHLA, PredHLA, call.threshold=pr[i],
match.threshold=match.threshold, verbose=FALSE)$overall
cr <- c(cr, ov$call.rate)
acc <- c(acc, ov$acc.haplo)
dat <- data.frame(cr=cr*100, acc=acc*100)
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(dat, ggplot2::aes(x=cr, y=acc)) +
ggplot2::xlab("call rate (%)") + ggplot2::ylab("accuracy (%)") +
ggplot2::geom_line(color="gray") + ggplot2::geom_point(size=0.9)
} else if (fig == "call.threshold")
stopifnot(inherits(PredHLA, "hlaAlleleClass"))
stopifnot(inherits(TrueHLA, "hlaAlleleClass"))
if (!identical(PredHLA$value$sample.id, TrueHLA$value$sample.id))
if (nrow(PredHLA$value) != nrow(TrueHLA$value))
stop("PredHLA and TrueHLA should have the same number of samples.")
PredHLA <- hlaAlleleSubset(PredHLA, match(TrueHLA$value$sample.id,
pr <- PredHLA$value$prob
if (is.null(pr))
stop("No probability information in prediction.")
if (anyNA(pr))
stop("PredHLA$value$prob should have no missing value.")
pr <- unique(c(0, pr))
ct <- acc <- NULL
for (i in order(pr))
ov <- hlaCompareAllele(TrueHLA, PredHLA, call.threshold=pr[i],
match.threshold=match.threshold, verbose=FALSE)$overall
ct <- c(ct, pr[i])
acc <- c(acc, ov$acc.haplo)
dat <- data.frame(ct=ct, acc=acc*100)
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(dat, ggplot2::aes(x=ct, y=acc)) +
ggplot2::xlab("call threshold") + ggplot2::ylab("accuracy (%)") +
ggplot2::geom_line(color="gray") + ggplot2::geom_point(size=0.9)
# Convert HLA alleles to a VCF file for dosages
hlaAlleleToVCF <- function(hla, outfn, DS=TRUE, allele.list=FALSE,
prob.cutoff=NaN, verbose=TRUE)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(hla, "hlaAlleleClass") || class(hla)[1L]=="list")
if (class(hla)[1L] == "list")
v <- vapply(hla, function(h) inherits(h, "hlaAlleleClass"), TRUE)
if (length(v)==0L || !all(v))
stop("'hla' should be a hlaAlleleClass object or a list of hlaAlleleClass objects.")
hla_lst <- hla
hla <- hla_lst[[1L]]
s <- hla$value$sample.id
for (i in seq_along(hla_lst))
if (!identical(s, hla_lst[[i]]$value$sample.id))
stop("'hla[[", i, "]]' has different sample IDs.")
} else {
hla_lst <- list(hla)
if (!inherits(outfn, "connection"))
stopifnot(is.character(outfn), length(outfn)==1L, !is.na(outfn))
stopifnot(is.logical(DS), length(DS)==1L, !is.na(DS))
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L, !is.na(verbose))
stopifnot(is.logical(allele.list) || is.character(allele.list))
if (isTRUE(prob.cutoff)) prob.cutoff <- 0.5
stopifnot(is.numeric(prob.cutoff), length(prob.cutoff)==1L)
if (verbose)
cat("Convert to dosage VCF format:\n")
cat(" # of samples: ", NROW(hla$value), "\n", sep="")
if (inherits(outfn, "connection"))
cat(" output: <connection>\n")
cat(" output: ", shQuote(outfn), "\n", sep="")
# create a file if needed
if (is.character(outfn))
if (grepl("\\.gz$", outfn, ignore.case=TRUE))
if (.Platform$OS.type!="windows" &&
requireNamespace("Rsamtools", quietly=TRUE))
outfn <- .Call(HIBAG_bgzip_create, outfn)
if (verbose)
cat(" [BGZF-format gzip file]\n")
} else {
outfn <- gzfile(outfn, "wt")
if (verbose)
cat(" [general gzip file]\n")
} else if (grepl("\\.xz$", outfn, ignore.case=TRUE))
outfn <- xzfile(outfn, "wt")
} else {
outfn <- file(outfn, "wt")
# write to VCF header
hasDS <- any(vapply(hla_lst, function(h) !is.null(h$dosage), TRUE))
ss <- c(
paste0("##fileDate=", format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d")),
paste0('##source=HIBAG_v', packageVersion("HIBAG")),
paste0('##reference=', hla$assembly),
if (identical(hla$assembly, "hg38"))
'##FILTER=<ID=PASS,Description="All filters passed">',
if (hasDS)
'##FORMAT=<ID=DS,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Dosage of HLA allele">'
paste(c("#CHROM", "POS", "ID", "REF", "ALT", "QUAL", "FILTER", "INFO", "FORMAT",
hla$value$sample.id), collapse="\t")
writeLines(ss, outfn)
# for-loop each hlaAlleleClass
for (hla_i in seq_along(hla_lst))
hla <- hla_lst[[hla_i]]
# allele information
hs <- hlaUniqueAllele(hla)
if (isTRUE(allele.list))
if (is.matrix(hla$dosage))
hs <- hlaUniqueAllele(rownames(hla$dosage))
} else if (is.character(allele.list)) {
if (anyNA(allele.list))
stop("'allele.list' should not contain NA.")
hs <- unique(allele.list)
if (any(hs=="")) hs <- hs[hs!=""]
if (verbose)
if (length(hla_lst) > 1L)
cat("Input object ", hla_i, ":\n", sep="")
cat(" # of unique HLA-", hla$locus, " alleles: ", length(hs),
"\n", sep="")
cat(" [", paste(hs, collapse=","), "]\n")
# sample selection
na_sel <- FALSE
if (is.finite(prob.cutoff) && !is.null(hla$value$prob))
na_sel <- hla$value$prob < prob.cutoff
na_sel[is.na(na_sel)] <- FALSE
if (verbose)
cat(" # of samples (set to be missing): ",
sum(na_sel), "\n", sep="")
# write to VCF for each allele
pos <- round(mean(c(hla$pos.start, hla$pos.end), na.rm=TRUE))
if (!is.finite(pos)) pos <- "0" # unknown position
pos <- as.character(pos)
hasDS <- DS && !is.null(hla$dosage)
if (hasDS)
ii <- match(hla$value$sample.id, colnames(hla$dosage))
for (h in hs)
ss <- c("6", pos, paste0(.hla_gene_name_string(hla$locus), "*", h),
"A", paste0("P_", gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "", h)), ".", "PASS",
".", ifelse(hasDS, "GT:DS", "GT"))
h1 <- as.integer(hla$value["allele1"]==h)
if (anyNA(h1)) h1[is.na(h1)] <- "."
h2 <- as.integer(hla$value["allele2"]==h)
if (anyNA(h2)) h2[is.na(h2)] <- "."
s <- paste(h1, h2, sep="/")
s[na_sel] <- "./."
if (hasDS && !is.null(hla$dosage))
i <- match(h, rownames(hla$dosage))[1L] # use the first
if (!is.na(i))
ds <- as.vector(hla$dosage[i, ii])
ds[na_sel] <- NaN
x <- is.na(ds)
ds <- format(ds, digits=5)
if (any(x)) ds[x] <- "."
} else {
ds <- rep(".", length(ii))
s <- paste(s, ds, sep=":")
ss <- c(ss, s)
writeLines(paste(ss, collapse="\t"), outfn)
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