
Defines functions readRNASeqEnds safe.file.rename safe.yield getAnalyzedBamFile findVariantFile getObjectFilename safeUnlink detectQualityInFASTQFile getNumericVectorDataFromFile getTabDataFromFile safeGetObject setUpDirs createTmpDir makeDir saveWithID FastQStreamer.release FastQStreamer.getReads FastQStreamer.init getNumberOfReadsInFASTQFile readInputFiles

Documented in createTmpDir detectQualityInFASTQFile FastQStreamer.getReads FastQStreamer.init FastQStreamer.release findVariantFile getNumberOfReadsInFASTQFile getNumericVectorDataFromFile getObjectFilename getTabDataFromFile makeDir readInputFiles readRNASeqEnds safeGetObject safeUnlink safe.yield saveWithID setUpDirs

##' Read FastQ input files
##' Uses the global config to find input files
##' @return Reads as list of ShortRead objects
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
readInputFiles <- function() {
  loginfo("io.R/readInputFiles: reading FASTQ file(s)...")

  ## get config parameters
  paired_ends <- getConfig.logical("paired_ends")
  filename1 <- getConfig("input_file")
  if (paired_ends) filename2 <- getConfig("input_file2")

  ## check file existence
  if (!file.exists(filename1)) stop("cannot open file indicated by config parameter input_file=", filename1)
  if (paired_ends) if (!file.exists(filename2)) stop("cannot open file indicated by config parameter input_file2=", filename2)

  ## read files
  lreads <- list(readFastq(filename1))
  loginfo(paste("io.R/readInputFiles: read", length(lreads[[1]]), "reads from input_file=", filename1))
  if (paired_ends) {
    lreads <- c(lreads, list(readFastq(filename2)))
    loginfo(paste("io.R/readInputFiles: read", length(lreads[[2]]), "reads from input_file2=", filename2))
  loginfo("io.R/readInputFiles: done")

##' Write reads to file
##' @param lreads List of reads as ShortRead objects
##' @param dir Save directory
##' @param filename1 Name of file 1
##' @param filename2 Name of file 2
##' @return Named list of filepaths
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
##' @importMethodsFrom ShortRead writeFastq
writeFastQFiles <- function (lreads, dir, filename1, filename2) {
  ## get config parameters
  paired_ends <- getConfig.logical("paired_ends")

  ## write forward reads
  filepaths <- list()
  filepaths$fastq_for_aligner_1 <- file.path(dir, filename1)
  loginfo(paste("io.R/writeFastQFiles: writing filename=", filepaths$fastq_for_aligner_1))
  if (length(lreads[[1]])>0) writeFastq(lreads[[1]], file=filepaths$fastq_for_aligner_1, lane="", compress=FALSE)
  else cat("", file=filepaths$fastq_for_aligner_1) ## empty FASTQ file 

  ## write reverse reads
  if (paired_ends) {
    filepaths$fastq_for_aligner_2 <- file.path(dir, filename2)
    loginfo(paste("io.R/writeFastQFiles: writing filename=", filepaths$fastq_for_aligner_2))
    if (length(lreads[[2]])>0) writeFastq(lreads[[2]], file=filepaths$fastq_for_aligner_2, lane="", compress=FALSE)
    else cat("", file=filepaths$fastq_for_aligner_2) ## empty FASTQ file 


##' Count reads in Fastq file
##' @title Count reads in Fastq file
##' @param filename Name of FastQ file
##' @return Number of reads
##' @author Gregoire Pau
##' @export
##' @importMethodsFrom ShortRead FastqStreamer
##' @keywords internal
getNumberOfReadsInFASTQFile <- function(filename) {
  if (length(grep("\\.gz$", filename))>0) con <- gzfile(filename)
  else con <- file(filename)
  fqs <- FastqStreamer(con, n=1e6)
  n <- 0
  repeat {
    nreads <- length(safe.yield(fqs))
    if (nreads==0) break
    else n <- n + nreads

##' Open a streaming connection to a FastQ file
##' Only one FastQStreamer object can be open at any time.
##' @title Open a streaming connection to a FastQ file
##' @param input_file Path to a FastQ file
##' @param input_file2 Optional path to a FastQ file. Default is NULL.
##' @param chunk_size Number of reads per chunk 
##' @param subsample_nbreads Optional number of reads to subsample (deterministic) from the input files. Default is NULL.
##' @param max_nbchunks Optional maximal number of chunks to read
##' @seealso FastQStreamer.getReads
##' @return Nothing. 
##' @author Gregoire Pau
##' @importFrom stats runif
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
FastQStreamer.init <- function(input_file, input_file2=NULL, chunk_size, subsample_nbreads=NULL, max_nbchunks=NULL) {
  ## check file existences
  if (!file.exists(input_file)) stop("cannot open file indicated by parameter input_file=", input_file)
  if (!is.null(input_file2)) {
    if (!file.exists(input_file2)) stop("cannot open file indicated by parameter input_file2=", input_file2)
  ## build subsampling_filter if subsample_nbreads is not NULL
  subsampling_filter <- NULL
  if (!is.null(subsample_nbreads)) {    
    loginfo(paste("io.R/FastQStreamer.init: counting number of reads in file=", input_file))
    totnbreads <- getNumberOfReadsInFASTQFile(input_file)
    if (subsample_nbreads<totnbreads) {
      ## save and set fixed random seed, to allow reproducible behaviors
      runif(1) ; originalseed <- .Random.seed ; set.seed(1)

      ## build subsampling filter
      subsampling_filter <- rep(FALSE, totnbreads)
      subsampling_filter[sample(seq_len(totnbreads), subsample_nbreads)] <- TRUE
      ## restore seed
      loginfo(paste("io.R/FastQStreamer.init: subsampling_filter set (subsampled reads=", subsample_nbreads,
                    ", totnbreads=", totnbreads, ")"))
    } else {
      loginfo(paste("io.R/FastQStreamer.init: the requested number of subsampled reads=", subsample_nbreads,
                    "is higher than the total number of reads=", totnbreads, ": I won't subsample"))
  ## initialise streamers
  filenames <- list(input_file)
  if (!is.null(input_file2)) filenames <- c(filenames, input_file2)
  lfqs <- lapply(filenames, function (filename) {
    if (length(grep("\\.gz$", filename))>0) con1 <- gzfile(filename)
    else con1 <- file(filename)
    fqs <- FastqStreamer(con1, n=chunk_size)
    loginfo(paste("io.R/FastQStreamer.init: initialised FastQ streamer for filename=", filename))
  FastQStreamer.lfqs <<- lfqs
  FastQStreamer.chunkid <<- 0
  FastQStreamer.subsampling_filter <<- subsampling_filter
  if (is.null(max_nbchunks)) FastQStreamer.max_nbchunks <<- Inf
  else FastQStreamer.max_nbchunks <<- as.integer(max_nbchunks)

##' Get FastQ reads from the FastQ streamer
##' @title Get FastQ reads from the FastQ streamer
##' @return A list of ShortRead object containing reads. NULL if there are no more reads to read.
##' @author Gregoire Pau
##' @seealso FastQStreamer.init
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
FastQStreamer.getReads <- function() {
  ## check
  if (!exists("FastQStreamer.lfqs")) {
    FastQStreamer.lfqs <- NULL ## to avoid the 'no visible binding' R CMD check warning
    FastQStreamer.chunkid <- NULL ## to avoid the 'no visible binding' R CMD check warning
    FastQStreamer.max_nbchunks <- NULL ## to avoid the 'no visible binding' R CMD check warning
    FastQStreamer.subsampling_filter <- NULL ## to avoid the 'no visible binding' R CMD check warning
    stop("io.R/FastQStreamer.getReads: FastQStreamer.init() has not been called")
  ## get reads
  lfqs <- FastQStreamer.lfqs
  paired_ends <- length(lfqs)==2
  lreads <- list(safe.yield(lfqs[[1]]))
  if (paired_ends) {
    lreads <- c(lreads, list(safe.yield(lfqs[[2]])))
    if (length(lreads[[1]])!=length(lreads[[2]]))
      stop("io.R/FastQStreamer.getReads: input files must have the same number of reads")

  ## increment chunkid
  FastQStreamer.chunkid <<- FastQStreamer.chunkid + 1
  if (length(lreads[[1]])==0 || FastQStreamer.chunkid>FastQStreamer.max_nbchunks) lreads <- NULL
  else {
    ## subsample, if required
    if (!is.null(FastQStreamer.subsampling_filter)) {
      len <- length(lreads[[1]])
      if (len>0) {
        z <- FastQStreamer.subsampling_filter[1:len]
        ## if (sum(z)>0) {
          lreads <- lapply(lreads, function(reads) reads[z])
          FastQStreamer.subsampling_filter <<- FastQStreamer.subsampling_filter[-(1:len)]
        ## } else {
       ##   stop("io.R/FastQStreamer.getReads: (known bug) the chunk is empty after subsampling. I won't process an empty chunk! Please disable or increase 'subsample_nbreads', or 'increase chunk_size'")

##' Close the FastQStreamer 
##' @title Close the FastQStreamer 
##' @return Nothing
##' @seealso FastQStreamer.init
##' @author Gregoire Pau
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
FastQStreamer.release <- function() {
  ## check
  if (!exists("FastQStreamer.lfqs")) {
    FastQStreamer.lfqs <- NULL ## to avoid the 'no visible binding' R CMD check warning
    stop("io.R/FastQStreamer.release: FastQStreamer.init() has not been called")
  invisible(lapply(FastQStreamer.lfqs, close))

##' Save an R object
##' Exists so objects can be serialized and reloaded with the a unique
##' identifier in the symbol. Stores the data object with a new nane
## 'created by appending 'orig_name' and 'id'
##' @param data The data to store
##' @param orig_name The original name of the data
##' @param id A meaningful id the is prepended to the stored objects name
##' @param save_dir The directory where the data should be saved in
##' @param compress Save the data compressed or not
##' @param format Choice of 'RData' or 'tab'(ular)
##' @return Name of the stored file
##' @importFrom utils write.table
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
saveWithID <- function(data, orig_name, id, save_dir, compress=TRUE, format="RData") {
  new_name <- paste(id, orig_name, sep=".")
  if (format=="RData") {
    ## RData format
    assign(new_name, data)
    filename <- paste(new_name, ".RData", sep="")
    filename <- file.path(save_dir, filename)
    loginfo(paste("io.R/saveWithID: saving file=", filename))
    save(list=new_name, file=filename, compress=compress)
  } else if (format=="tab"){
    ## tab-separated format
    filename <- paste(new_name, ".tab", sep="")
    filename <- file.path(save_dir, filename)
    loginfo(paste("io.R/saveWithID: saving file=", filename))
    write.table(data, filename, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t", quote=FALSE)
    stop("saveWithID: unknown format: ", format)

##' Make a directory after performing an existence check
##' Throws an exception if file or directory with same name exist
##' and overwrite is TRUE.
##' @param dir Name of directory to create
##' @param overwrite A character string: never (default), erase, overwrite
##' @return Path to created directory
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
makeDir <- function(dir, overwrite="never"){
  if (file.exists(dir)) {
    if (overwrite=="never") stop("io.R/makeDir: I won't overwrite data present in dir=", dir)
    if (overwrite=="erase") safeUnlink(dir)
  dir.create(dir, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE)

##' Create a random directory with prefix in R temp dir
##' Especially for testing code it is very helpful to have
##' a temp directory with a defined prefix, so one knows which test
##' produced which directory.
##' @param prefix A string that will preceed the directory name
##' @param dir Directory where the random dir will be created under.
##'            Defaults to tempdir()
##' @return Name of temporary directory
##' @keywords internal
createTmpDir <- function(prefix=NULL, dir=tempdir()) {
  tmpname <- NULL
    tmpname <- try(
                     tmp <- file.path(dir, paste(c(prefix, sample(letters,8)), collapse=""))
                     makeDir(tmp, overwrite="never")
                   }, silent=TRUE)
     if (class(tmpname)=="try-error") {
       tmpname <- NULL ## restarts while

##' Creates a directory with all needed subdirectories for pipeline
##' outputs
##' @title Create output directory and subdirectories for sequencing pipeline analysis outputs
##' @param save_dir path to the directory that will contain all
##' needed subdirectories
##' @param overwrite A character string: never (default), erase, overwrite
##' @return Nothing. Called for its side effects
##' @author Cory Barr, Jens Reeder
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
setUpDirs <- function(save_dir, overwrite="never") {
  makeDir(save_dir, overwrite=overwrite)
  dirs <- c("bams", "logs", "results", "reports", "reports/images")
  dirs <- file.path(save_dir, dirs)
  invisible(sapply(dirs, makeDir, overwrite=overwrite))

##' Safely load a R data file
##' Attempts to load a file given by object_name.
##' Bails out if none or more than one files match the object name.
##' @param dir_path Save dir of a pipeline run
##' @param object_name object name, can be a regexp
##' @return loaded object
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
safeGetObject <- function(dir_path, object_name){
  filename <- getObjectFilename(file.path(dir_path,"results"), object_name)
  obj <- try({
  }, silent=TRUE)

  if (class(obj)=="try-error") {
    stop("error: cannot load ", object_name, "in", dir_path, "\n", sep="")

##' Load tabular data from the NGS pipeline result directory
##' @param save_dir A character string containing an NGS pipeline output directory.
##' @param object_name A character string ontaining the regular expression matching a filename in dir_path
##' @return A data frame.
##' @export
getTabDataFromFile <- function(save_dir, object_name) {
  filename <- getObjectFilename(file.path(save_dir, "results"), paste(".", object_name, "\\.tab$", sep=""))
  read.table(filename, sep="\t", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

##' Load data as numerical values
##' @param dir_path Save dir of a pipeline run
##' @param object_name Object name
##' @return loaded data as table of numbers
##' @author Jens Reeder
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
getNumericVectorDataFromFile <- function(dir_path, object_name) {
  df <- getTabDataFromFile(dir_path, object_name)
  v <- as.numeric(df$value)
  names(v) <- df$name

##' Detect quality protocol from a FASTQ file
##' @param filename Path to a FASTQ or gzipped-FASTQ file
##' @param nreads Number of reads to test quality on. Default is 5000.
##' @return A character vector containing the compatible qualities. NULL if none.
##' @author Jens Reeder
##' @export
##' @importMethodsFrom IRanges as.vector
##' @keywords internal
detectQualityInFASTQFile <- function(filename, nreads=5000) {
  cquals <- try({
    if (length(grep("\\.gz$", filename))>0) con <- gzfile(filename)
    else con <- file(filename)
    ## read qualities
    fqs <- FastqStreamer(con, n=nreads)
    reads <- safe.yield(fqs)
    z <- paste(as.vector(quality(quality(reads))), collapse="")
    quals <- as.numeric(charToRaw(z))
    ## check
    if (length(quals)==0) stop()
    ## build a dictionary of known qualities
    ## "illumina1.5" upper bound is now 105 instead of 104, to accomodate Phred-qualities of 41 (instead of 40)
    ## some bam files from the TCGA project come with rescaled phred qualities from 1-50
    ## to accomodate for them we invent a new quality range "GATK-rescaled"
    knownquals <- data.frame(qual=c("solexa", "illumina1.3", "illumina1.5", "illumina1.8", "GATK-rescaled", "sanger"),
                             min=c(59,  64,   66, 33, 33, 33), 
                             max=c(104, 104, 105, 74, 83, 73), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    ## check compatible qualities
    rquals <- range(quals)
    unlist(lapply(1:nrow(knownquals), function(i) {
      if (rquals[1]>=knownquals$min[i] && rquals[2]<=knownquals$max[i]) knownquals$qual[i]
      else NULL
  }, silent=TRUE)
  if (class(cquals)=="try-error") stop("io.R/detectQualityInFASTQFile: cannot read FASTQ reads in filename=", filename, cquals)
  else cquals

##' Symlink-safe file/directory delete function
##' Unlike unlink(), safeUnlink() does not follow symlink directories for deletion.
##' @title safeUnlink
##' @param path A character string indicating which file/directory to delete.
##' @return Nothing
##' @author Gregoire Pau
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
safeUnlink <- function(path) {
  cmd <- paste("rm -rf", path, "2>&1")
  z <- suppressWarnings(system(cmd, intern=TRUE))
  if (length(z)>0) stop("io.R/safeUnlink: cannot delete file=", path, "; ", z)

##' Get a filename given a directory and the object name
##' @title Get a filename given a directory and the object name
##' @param dir_path A character string containing a dir path
##' @param object_name A character string containing the regular expression matching a filename in dir_path
##' @return A character vector containing an existing filename, stops if 0 or more than 1
##' @author Gregoire Pau
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
getObjectFilename <- function(dir_path, object_name) {
  files <- dir(dir_path, full.names=TRUE)
  filename <- grep(paste(object_name, sep=""), files, value=TRUE)
  if (length(filename)!=1) {
    stop("io.R/getObjectFilename: found non-unique (0 or multiple) filename matching '", object_name,
         "' in directory ", dir_path)

##' Get the filename of the variant file
##' Depending on the variant caller used and the version of
##' VariantAnotation used to create the file a file might have the
##' ending vcf.gz, vcf.bgz. To function hides all this mess.
##' @title Get a vcf filename given a HTSeqGenie directory
##' @param dir_path A character string containing a dir path
##' @return A character vector containing an existing filename, stops if 0 or more than 1
##' @author Jens Reeder
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
findVariantFile <- function(save_dir){
  vcf <- getObjectFilename(file.path(save_dir, "results"),

## this path is ciontructed over and over again, so we factor it out here
## similar functions for other files will follow
getAnalyzedBamFile <- function(){
   file <- file.path(getConfig('save_dir'), 'bams',
                           'analyzed.bam', sep="."))

##' Overloaded yield(...) method catching truncated exceptions for FastqStreamer
##' @title Overloaded yield(...) method catching truncated exceptions for FastqStreamer
##' @param fqs An instance from the FastqSampler or FastqStreamer class.
##' @return Same as FastqStreamer::yield
##' @author Gregoire Pau
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
##' @importMethodsFrom ShortRead yield
safe.yield <- function(fqs) {
  tryCatch(yield(fqs), IncompleteFinalRecord=function(x) stop("io.R/safe.yield: input gzipped file is corrupted/truncated. Aborting.\n"))

## file.rename only warns, but we like it to fail instead
safe.file.rename <- function(from, to){
  success <- file.rename(from, to)
    stop(paste("Renaming file", from, "to", to, "failed"))

##' Read single/paired end BAM files with requested columns from the BAM
##' @title Read single/paired End Bam Files
##' @param filename Path to a bam file
##' @param paired_ends A logical indicating whether the reads are paired
##' @param remove.strandness A logical indicating whether read strands should be set to "*".
##' @return GRangesList
##' @author Cory Barr
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
##' @importMethodsFrom Rsamtools ScanBamParam 
##' @importFrom Rsamtools scanBamFlag
##' @importMethodsFrom GenomicAlignments readGAlignments grglist
##' @importFrom Rsamtools BamFile
readRNASeqEnds <- function(filename, paired_ends, remove.strandness=TRUE) {
  ## bam file
  scf <- scanBamFlag(isNotPassingQualityControls=FALSE, isDuplicate=FALSE)
  sbp <- ScanBamParam(flag=scf, what="groupid")
  if (paired_ends) bamfile <- BamFile(filename, asMates=TRUE)
  else bamfile <- BamFile(filename)

  ## read bam
  reads <- readGAlignments(bamfile, param=sbp, use.names=FALSE, with.which_label=FALSE)
  if (remove.strandness) strand(reads) <- "*"
  groupid <- values(reads)$groupid
  reads <- grglist(reads) ## use cigar information to split gapped reads into granges
  ## pair reads
  if (paired_ends) {
    z <- rep(groupid, elementNROWS(reads))
    reads <- unlist(reads)
    reads <- split(reads, z)

  ## return reads

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HTSeqGenie documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:12 p.m.