
Defines functions dotboxplot .reportFailedRuns .plotJunctionReads .plotGenesDetected .plot.perc.reads.bad .plot.reads.bad .plot.perc.reads.good .plot.reads.good .plot.quartile.target.length .plot.in.out.min.max.readlength .finalCallFromIndividualQACalls .createQAReport create.result.link.table writeSummary .plotReadMappingsPerChr .plotCountGFbyFeatureSummary .plotCountGFSummary .plotVariantsSummary .plotBamStatsSummary .plotAlignmentSummary .plotPreprocessSummary .getEffectiveReadLengths .getAllSummaries parseSummaries

Documented in parseSummaries writeSummary

##' Parse a summary from a list of save_dirs
##' This function allows to parse a given summary from
##' a list of pipeline results save dirs
##' @title parse summary files from save dirs
##' @param save.dirs list of result dirs
##' @param summary.name name of summary file e.g. summary_counts
##' @return data frame with summaries
##' @author Jens Reeder
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
parseSummaries <- function(save.dirs, summary.name) {
  if (length(save.dirs) > 1) {
    res <- lapply(save.dirs, parseSummaries, summary.name)
    do.call(rbind, res)
  } else {
    save.dir <- save.dirs
    z <- try(getNumericVectorDataFromFile(save.dir, summary.name), silent=TRUE)
    if (class(z)=="try-error") {

.getAllSummaries <-function(dirs){

  ## get all summary stats into a list of data frames
  summary.types <- c("summary_preprocess", "summary_alignment",
                     "summary_variants", "summary_counts",

  dat.summary <- list()
  for (type in summary.types) {
    summaries <- parseSummaries(dirs, type)
    if(length(summaries) > 0 ){
      dat.summary[[type]] <- summaries
  ## check wether all dirs have the same summaries
  if (length(unique(sapply(dat.summary, nrow))) != 1 )
    stop("inconsistent number of lanes from different summary files")


.getEffectiveReadLengths <- function(save_dirs) {  

  ## Could use processed_min_read_length processed_max_read_length now
  summary <- parseSummaries(save_dirs, "summary_preprocess")
  lengths <- subset(summary, select = c('read_length') )
  config_files <- file.path(save_dirs, "logs", "config.txt")
  configs <- lapply(config_files, parseDCF)
  .getEffectiveReadLength <- function (length, config){
    if( config$trimReads.do){
      return( min(length, as.integer(config$trimReads.length)) )
    else return(length)
  lengths <- mapply(.getEffectiveReadLength, lengths, configs)
.plotPreprocessSummary <- function(save_dirs, image_dir) {  
  summary <- parseSummaries(save_dirs, "summary_preprocess")

  filename <- file.path(image_dir, "summary_preprocess")  
  z <- summary[, grep(colnames(summary), pattern="read_length", value=TRUE, invert=TRUE)]
  return(.heatmap(z, basename(save_dirs), filename))

.plotAlignmentSummary <- function(save_dirs, image_dir) {

  summary <- parseSummaries(save_dirs, "summary_alignment")  
  filename <- file.path(image_dir, "summary_alignment")

  ## Maybe normalize to number of used reads per sample here?
##  z <- summary/summary[,1]
  z <- summary
  return(.heatmap(z, basename(save_dirs), filename))

.plotBamStatsSummary <- function(save_dirs, image_dir) {  
  summary <- parseSummaries(save_dirs, "summary_analyzed_bamstats")

  filename <- file.path(image_dir, "summary_analyzed_bamstats")
  keep <- c("mapq.bin.40", "nm.bin.0", "nm.bin.1", "nm.bin.2",
            "cigar.withS.nbrecords", "cigar.withN.nbrecords", "cigar.withID.nbrecords")

  z <- round(100*summary[, colnames(summary) %in% keep]/summary[,'mapped.nbrecords'],2)
  dotboxplot(as.data.frame(z), filename=filename, ylab="Percentage of records")

.plotVariantsSummary <- function(save_dirs, image_dir) {

  summary <- parseSummaries(save_dirs, "summary_variants")
  if(is.null(summary)) return()
  filename <- file.path(image_dir, "summary_variants")
  keep <- c('nb.snvs', 'nb.indels',
            'nb.snvs.C>A', 'nb.snvs.G>A',
            'nb.snvs.T>A', 'nb.snvs.A>C',
            'nb.snvs.G>C', 'nb.snvs.T>C',
            'nb.snvs.A>G', 'nb.snvs.C>G',
            'nb.snvs.T>G', 'nb.snvs.A>T',
            'nb.snvs.C>T', 'nb.snvs.G>T')

  image.name <- .heatmap(summary[,keep], basename(save_dirs), filename)

.plotCountGFSummary <- function(save_dirs, image_dir) {
  summary <- parseSummaries(save_dirs, "summary_counts")
  if(is.null(summary)) return()

  nb_reads <- parseSummaries(save_dirs, "summary_preprocess")[,'processed_reads']

  filename <- file.path(image_dir, "summary_counts")
  z <-  summary[,grep ("_nbreads", colnames(summary))]/nb_reads
  return(.heatmap(z, basename(save_dirs), filename))

.plotCountGFbyFeatureSummary <- function(save_dirs, image_dir) {
  summary <- parseSummaries(save_dirs, "summary_counts")
  if(is.null(summary)) return()
  filename <- file.path(image_dir, "summary_counts_by_feat")
  z <-  summary[,grep ("_nbfeatures", colnames(summary))]
  return(.heatmap(z, basename(save_dirs), filename))

##' @importFrom stats heatmap
.heatmap <- function (data, labels, filename){

  ## hack to get the labels fit into the plot:
  label.size <- 5 + max(unlist(lapply(labels,nchar)))/2
  .plot <- function(){    
    col <- colorRampPalette(c("white", "blue"))(255)
    ## Manually choose margin values that worked for my test example.
    ## Ideally this is done by R. Needs fix.
    heatmap(data, Colv=NA, scale='none', col=col,labRow=labels,
            cexCol=1, cexRow=1, margins = c(10,label.size))
  png(filename=paste(filename,"png", sep="."), width=900, height=750)


.plotReadMappingsPerChr <- function(dirs, image_dir){
  ## read summaries of analyzed bamstats
  summary_analyzed_bamstats <- lapply(dirs, function(dir) {
    res <- getNumericVectorDataFromFile(dir, object_name="summary_analyzed_bamstats")
    res <- res[grepl("^chromosome.bin", names(res))]
    names(res) <- gsub("^chromosome.bin\\.", "", names(res))

  data <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, summary_analyzed_bamstats))
  ## leave genomes without unwanted contigs alone (i.e. bacteria)
  if(sum(grep("GL|KI|NT|JH", colnames(data))) > 1){ 
    data <- data[,grep("GL", colnames(data), invert=TRUE)] ## get rid of human contigs not assembled into chr
    data <- data[,grep("KI", colnames(data), invert=TRUE)] ##
    data <- data[,grep("NT", colnames(data), invert=TRUE)] ## and the same for mouse
    data <- data[,grep("JH", colnames(data), invert=TRUE)] ## 
  data <- data/1e6
  filename <- file.path(image_dir,"chr_mappings")
  dotboxplot(data, filename = filename,
             ylab="Number of mapped reads [million]")

##' Write html Summary for list of runs
##' @title Write HTML summary
##' @param dirs List of pipeline result dirs 
##' @param cutoffs list, cutoffs for each plotting/QA function
##' @param outdir Path to output directory. Does not create dir.
##' @return Nothing, but writes file
##' @author Jens Reeder
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
##' @importFrom hwriter openPage hwrite hwriteImage
##' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette dev.control dev.copy2pdf dev.off pdf png
##' @importFrom graphics abline barplot hist lines par stripchart text
##' @importFrom utils write.csv
writeSummary <- function(dirs, cutoffs, outdir="./")  {

  ## This really only seems to work if outdir is the current dir.
  ## Needs either major refactoring or just drop outdir as argument.
  if(!file.exists(outdir)) stop("Output dir does not exist", outdir)
  image_dir <- file.path('images')
  makeDir(image_dir, overwrite='overwrite')
  ## create plots
  prep.sum          <- .plotPreprocessSummary(dirs, image_dir)
  align.sum         <- .plotAlignmentSummary(dirs, image_dir)
  bamstats.sum      <- .plotBamStatsSummary(dirs, image_dir)
  map.per.chr       <- .plotReadMappingsPerChr(dirs, image_dir)
  variants.sum      <- .plotVariantsSummary(dirs, image_dir)
  countGF.sum       <- .plotCountGFSummary(dirs, image_dir)
  countGFbyFeat.sum <- .plotCountGFbyFeatureSummary(dirs, image_dir)
  qa                <- .createQAReport(dirs, cutoffs, image_dir)

  write.csv(file=file.path(outdir, "qa.calls.csv"), qa$calls)
  write.csv(file=file.path(outdir, "qa.data.csv"), qa$qc.data)

  ## create html page
  outfile <- file.path(outdir,"summary.html")
  p <- openPage(outfile)

  ## shortcut to write pdf/png images onto page
  ##closure on p
  .hwriteImage <- function(basename){
    hwriteImage(paste(basename, 'png', sep="."), p, br=TRUE,
                link=paste( basename, 'pdf', sep="."))
  .hwrite <- function(x, ...){
    hwrite(x, p, br=TRUE, ...)

  hwrite("Summary of NGS pipeline run summaries", p, heading=1)
  .hwrite("This page summarizes all per-run statistics for a project and should be used as a first overview before analyzing the results. In particular, look for outliers in any of the plots and decide whether theser outliers could affect your analysis.")
  .hwrite("This page is structured into three sections:")
  .hwrite("QA", link="#qa")
  .hwrite("Results", link="#results")
  .hwrite("Heatmaps of raw summaries", link="#heatmaps")
  hwrite('', p, name='qa')
  hwrite('Quality control', p, heading=3)
    hwrite('Runs flagged for QA issues', p, heading=4)
    .hwrite("These runs fail one or more of our QA criteria. Please inspect before using.")
    hwrite(qa$fails, row.names=FALSE, p)

  hwrite('Read lengths', p, heading=4)
  .hwrite("Ideally all runs share the same read length. If not, it is up to the analyst to make sure the data can be combined for downstream analysis.")

  hwrite('QA plots', p, heading=4)
  Map(.hwriteImage, qa$files)
  hwrite('Reads mapped per chromosome', p, heading=4)
  .hwrite('This plot shows the number of reads mapped to each chromosome. Note that forward and reverse reads are counted independently and some mappings span two chromosomes.')

  hwrite("Summary of analyzed.bam statistics",p, heading=4)
  .hwrite("This plot shows a selected subset of the analyzed.bam summary statistics.")

  hwrite(hwrite('Individual pipeline run results', heading=3), p, name="results")
  hwrite(create.result.link.table(dirs), p)

  hwrite(hwrite("Heatmap of raw summaries", heading=3), p, name="heatmaps")
  hwrite("Summary of preprocessing and read filtering", p, heading=4)
  .hwrite("This heatmap shows the raw number of reads without any normalization or scaling.")

  hwrite("Summary of Gsnap alignments", p, heading=4)
  .hwrite("This heatmap shows the number of mapped reads that fall into each gsnap category.")
    hwrite("Summary of feature countings", p, heading=4)
    .hwrite("This heatmap shows the number of mapped reads per genomic feature category.")
    .hwrite("Each row/sample is normalized by the number of analyzed reads of that particular sample.")
    .hwrite("This heatmap shows the number of genomic features hit by at least one read per feature category.")
    hwrite("Summary of variant calling", p, heading=4)
    .hwrite("This heatmap shows some statistics about the called variants.") 

create.result.link.table <- function(dirs) {
  df <- data.frame("pipeline result dir"=basename(dirs),
                   "Feature.counting.reports"="Feature counting"
  ## html sits in Summary/, but paths are relative to ./
  linksAln <- file.path(dirs, "reports/reportAlignment.html")
  linksFC  <- file.path(dirs, "reports/reportFeatureCounts.html")

  links <- list("Alignment.reports"=linksAln,

  return(hwrite(df, col.link=links))

.createQAReport <- function(dirs, cutoffs, image_dir) {

  dat.summary <- .getAllSummaries(dirs)
  plot.names <- c("good_reads","perc_good_reads","bad_reads","perc_bad_reads",
  if(! is.null(dat.summary$summary_target_length)){
    plot.names <- c(plot.names, "target_quartiles_pct")
  file_list <- file.path(image_dir, plot.names)

  ## DF to hold result of each QA test
  qc.data = data.frame(Technology=rep(cutoffs$seqType,length(dirs)), row.names=basename(dirs))

  ## get all reads count related numbers into one matrix
  dat.reads <-

  ## combine by mapping category
  dat.reads <-
          mult_mapping=rowSums(dat.reads[ , grepl("_mult",colnames(dat.reads)), drop=FALSE]),
          unpaired_mapping=rowSums(dat.reads[ , grepl("unpaired_",colnames(dat.reads)), drop=FALSE]),
          half_mapping=rowSums(dat.reads[ , grepl("halfmapping_",colnames(dat.reads)), drop=FALSE ]))

  ## Provide normalization by total, processed and analyzed number of reads
  perc.total <- dat.reads / dat.reads[,"total_reads"] * 100
  colnames(perc.total) <- paste(colnames(perc.total),"/total",sep="")

  perc.processed <- dat.reads / dat.reads[,"processed_reads"] * 100
  colnames(perc.processed) <- paste(colnames(perc.processed),"/processed",sep="")
  perc.analyzed <- dat.reads / dat.reads[,"analyzed"] * 100
  colnames(perc.analyzed) <- paste(colnames(perc.analyzed),"/analyzed",sep="")

  target.length.bin.cols <- grep("^target_length.bin",colnames(dat.summary$summary_analyzed_bamstats), value=TRUE)
  target.length.bin.591 <- dat.summary$summary_analyzed_bamstats[,"target_length.bin.591"] / rowSums( dat.summary$summary_analyzed_bamstats[ , target.length.bin.cols ]) * 100

  column.nm <- grep("^nm.bin", colnames(dat.summary$summary_analyzed_bamstats), value=TRUE)
  total.nm  <- rowSums(dat.summary$summary_analyzed_bamstats[,column.nm])
  ok.nm     <- rowSums(dat.summary$summary_analyzed_bamstats[,c("nm.bin.0", "nm.bin.1")])
  nm2plus = ((total.nm - ok.nm) / total.nm) * 100

  perc.reads <- cbind(perc.total, perc.processed, perc.analyzed,target.length.bin.591, nm2plus, check.names=FALSE)

  ## doing the plots
  ## number/perc of good reads
  qc.data <- cbind(qc.data,.plot.reads.good(dat.reads, image_dir))
  qc.data <- cbind(qc.data,.plot.perc.reads.good(perc.reads, image_dir, cutoffs))

  ## number/perc of bad reads
  qc.data <- cbind(qc.data,.plot.reads.bad(dat.reads, image_dir))
  qc.data <- cbind(qc.data,.plot.perc.reads.bad(perc.reads, image_dir))
  if(! is.null(dat.summary$summary_counts)){
    qc.data$genesDetected <- .plotGenesDetected(dat.summary$summary_counts, image_dir)
  qc.data[,"junctionReads"] <- .plotJunctionReads(dat.summary$summary_analyzed_bamstats, image_dir)

  qc.data[,"inOutLenEqual"]  <- .plot.in.out.min.max.readlength(dat.summary$summary_preprocess, image_dir)

  if(! is.null(dat.summary$summary_target_length)){
    qc.data <- cbind(qc.data, .plot.quartile.target.length(dat.summary$summary_target_lengths, image_dir))
  total.mapped <- dat.summary$summary_analyzed_bamstats[,"mapped.nbrecords"]
  qc.data[,"withS_pct"] = round(100 * dat.summary$summary_analyzed_bamstats[, "cigar.withS.nbrecords"] / total.mapped, 2)
  if("chromosome.bin.MT" %in% colnames(dat.summary$summary_analyzed_bamstats)){
    qc.data[,"MT_pct"]  = round(100 * dat.summary$summary_analyzed_bamstats[, "chromosome.bin.MT"] / total.mapped, 2)
  fails <- .reportFailedRuns(dirs, qc.data, cutoffs)
  qa    <- list(files=file_list,
                calls=.finalCallFromIndividualQACalls(fails, cutoffs))

# Given calls from .createQAReport, decide which samples are OK
.finalCallFromIndividualQACalls <- function(calls,cutoffs) {

  # Eventually be smart by weighting certain QA tests higher
  if ( cutoffs$seqType %in% "RNASeq" ) {
    fail.cols = c("inOutLenEqual","analyzed","geneReadsPerc","junctionReads")
  } else {
    fail.cols = c("inOutLenEqual","analyzed","geneReadsPerc","junctionReads","cigarWithS","mtReads","targetBin591")

  warn.cols = setdiff(colnames(calls),c("Technology",fail.cols))
  fail.calls = calls[, fail.cols]
  warn.calls = calls[, warn.cols]
  failed.tests = apply( fail.calls, 1, function(x) { paste(colnames(fail.calls)[ x ], collapse=",") } )
  warning.tests = apply( warn.calls, 1, function(x) { paste(colnames(warn.calls)[ x ], collapse=",") } )
  calls$Final = rowSums(fail.calls) > 0
  calls$WarningTests = warning.tests
  calls$FailedTests = failed.tests
  calls$ManualFailedTests = failed.tests

.plot.in.out.min.max.readlength <- function(preprocess, image_dir) {
  filename <- file.path(image_dir,"in_out_min_max_readlen")
  plotInOut <- function(preprocess) {
    barplot(prop.table(table(preprocess[,"input_min_read_length"]))*100,main="Input Min Read Length",ylab="Percentage with Length")
    barplot(prop.table(table(preprocess[,"input_max_read_length"]))*100,main="Input Max Read Length",ylab="Percentage with Length")
    barplot(prop.table(table(preprocess[,"processed_min_read_length"]))*100,main="Output Min Read Length",ylab="Percentage with Length")
    barplot(prop.table(table(preprocess[,"processed_max_read_length"]))*100,main="Output Max Read Length",ylab="Percentage with Length")
  max.len.mode = median(preprocess[,"processed_max_read_length"])
  min.len.mode = median(preprocess[,"processed_min_read_length"])
  qc = (preprocess[,"processed_min_read_length"] == preprocess[,"processed_max_read_length"]) & (preprocess[,"processed_min_read_length"] == min.len.mode)

.plot.quartile.target.length <- function(dat.reads, image_dir) {
  filename <- file.path(image_dir,"target_quartiles_pct")
  qc = as.data.frame(dat.reads[,c(2,3,5)])
  colnames(qc) = c("TargetLength25thPercentile","TargetLengthMedian","TargetLength75thPercentile")
  dotboxplot(qc,filename=filename,ylab="Target Length")

.plot.reads.good <- function(dat.reads, image_dir){
  filename <- file.path(image_dir,"good_reads")
  ## For paired ends we take the concordant_uniq
  ## if that is not available, we fall back to the unpaired_uniq
  uniq <- c("concordant_uniq", "unpaired_uniq")
  uniq <- uniq[uniq %in% colnames(dat.reads)][1]

  column.reads.good <- c("total_reads","processed_reads","analyzed",

  qc = data.frame( dat.reads[,colnames(dat.reads) %in% column.reads.good], check.names=FALSE )
             filename=filename, cutoff=10,
             ylab="Number of reads [million]"

.plot.perc.reads.good <- function(perc.reads, image_dir, cutoffs){
  filename <- file.path(image_dir,"perc_good_reads")

  uniq <- c("concordant_uniq/processed", "unpaired_uniq/processed")
  uniq <- uniq[uniq %in%  colnames(perc.reads)][1]

  column.preads.good <- c("processed_reads/total","highqual_reads/total","analyzed/total",
  qc = data.frame(perc.reads[,colnames(perc.reads) %in% column.preads.good],check.names=FALSE)
  dotboxplot(qc, filename=filename, cutoff=cutoffs[["geneReadsPerc"]],
                  ylab="Percentage of reads", ylim=c(0,100))

.plot.reads.bad <- function(dat.reads, image_dir){
  filename <- file.path(image_dir,"bad_reads")
  column.reads.bad <- c("adapter_contam","rRNA_contam_reads",
  qc = data.frame(dat.reads[,column.reads.bad],check.names=FALSE)
             filename=filename, ylab="Number of reads [million]")

.plot.perc.reads.bad <- function(perc.reads, image_dir){
  filename <- file.path(image_dir,"perc_bad_reads")
  column.preads.bad <- c("adapter_contam/total", "rRNA_contam_reads/total",
                         "nomapping/processed", "mult_mapping/processed",
                         "unpaired_mapping/processed", "half_mapping/processed",
                         "target.length.bin.591", "nm2plus", "nomapping/total")
  qc = data.frame(perc.reads[,column.preads.bad],check.names=FALSE)
             filename=filename, ylab="Percentage of reads",ylim=c(0,100))
.plotGenesDetected <- function(summary_counts, image_dir){
   filename <- file.path(image_dir,"detected_genes")
   counts = summary_counts[,"counts_gene_nbfeatures"]/1000
             filename=filename, ylab="Number of detected genes [thousand]")

.plotJunctionReads <- function(summary_bamstats, image_dir){
  filename <- file.path(image_dir,"junction_reads")
  data <- summary_bamstats[,"cigar.withN.nbrecords"]
  totals <- summary_bamstats[,"mapped.nbrecords"]
  x <- 100 *data.frame(data/totals)
  dotboxplot(x,filename=filename, ylab="Percent of mapped records that are Junction Reads",ylim=c(0,100))
  counts = x[,1,drop=FALSE]

## output the list of failed lanes and their failure mode
.reportFailedRuns <- function(dirs, qc.data, cutoffs) {

  calls = data.frame(Technology=rep(cutoffs$seqType,length(dirs)),row.names = basename(dirs))

  calls[,"goodReads"] = qc.data [,"total_reads"] < cutoffs$totalReads
  calls[,"analyzed"] = qc.data[,"analyzed"] < cutoffs$processedReadsAnalyzed
  calls[,"concordantUniq"] = qc.data[ colnames(qc.data) %in% c('concordant_uniq', 'unpaired_uniq')][1] < cutoffs$concordantUniq
  calls[,"analyzedPerc"] = qc.data[,"analyzed/total"] < cutoffs$analyzedPerc
  calls[,"concordantUniqPerc"] = qc.data[colnames(qc.data) %in% c('concordant_uniq/processed', 'unpaired_uniq/processed')][1] < cutoffs$concordantUniqPerc
  if("gene_nbreads" %in% colnames(qc.data)){
    calls[,"geneReadsPerc"] = qc.data[,"gene_nbreads/analyzed"] < cutoffs$geneReadsPerc
    calls[,"geneExonicReadsPerc"] = qc.data[,"gene_exonic_nbreads/analyzed"] < cutoffs$exonicPerc
  if (cutoffs$seqType %in% "RNASeq") {
    calls[,"junctionReads"]= qc.data[,"junctionReads"] < cutoffs$junctionReads
  } else {
    calls[,"junctionReads"]= qc.data[,"junctionReads"] > cutoffs$junctionReads
    calls[,"targetBin591"]= qc.data[,"target.length.bin.591"] > cutoffs$targetBin591
  calls[,"inOutLenEqual"] = ! qc.data[,"inOutLenEqual"]
  calls[,"cigarWithS"] = qc.data[,"withS_pct"] > cutoffs$cigarWithS
  if("MT_pct" %in% colnames(qc.data)){
    calls[,"mtReads"] = qc.data[,"MT_pct"] > cutoffs$mtReads
  calls[,"nonMappingPct"] = qc.data[,"nomapping/processed"] > cutoffs$nonMappingPct
  calls[,"highQualPct"] = qc.data[,"highqual_reads/total"] < cutoffs$highQualPct

dotboxplot <- function(dat, filename, cutoff=NULL, ylim=NULL, dot.col="firebrick",
                       dot.pch=19, las=2, cex=0.4, ...) {

  if ( is.null(ylim) ) {
    if ( class(dat) == "formula" ) {
      ylim <- range(eval(dat[[2]]))
    } else {
      ylim <- range(unlist(dat))

  .plot <- function(){
    ## Add a big margin at below x for long labels
    boxplot(dat,outline=FALSE ,ylim=ylim,
            par=par(mar=c(15, 4, 4, 2) +  0.1), las=las, cex=cex, ...)
    stripchart(dat,vertical=TRUE,method="jitter",pch=dot.pch,add=TRUE, col=dot.col, ...)
    for (i in seq(0,100,10)) {
    if(! is.null(cutoff)){
  pdf(file=paste(filename, "pdf", sep="."))
  png(filename=paste(filename, "png", sep="."),width=600, height=800)

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HTSeqGenie documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:12 p.m.