
Defines functions getBams get.random.chunk.dir.name setChunkDir getChunkDirs listIterator.next listIterator.init safeExecute getTraceback tryKeepTraceback traceMem sclapply processChunks getMemoryUsage getPackageFile resource

Documented in getBams getChunkDirs getMemoryUsage getPackageFile getTraceback listIterator.init listIterator.next processChunks resource safeExecute sclapply setChunkDir traceMem tryKeepTraceback

##' Reload package source code
##' When developing code this function can be used to quickly
##' reload all of the packages code, without installing it.
##' @param dirname  Directore with files to source
##' @return Nothing
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
resource <- function(dirname=".") {
  dirname <- file.path(dirname, "R")
  rfiles <- dir(dirname, pattern="*.R$", full.names=TRUE)
  z = sapply(rfiles, source)
  if (length(rfiles)==0) cat("did not source anything in dirname=", dirname, "\n")
  else cat("sourced:", paste(rfiles, sep=", "), "\n")

##' Get a package file
##' Magically get package files from the inst directory,
##' which will be in different location, depending on whether
##' we run in:
##'  - local mode: if interactive() is TRUE
##'  - package mode: if interactive() is FALSE
##' @param filename Name of package file
##' @param package Name of the package the file is coming from
##' @param mustWork Boolean, will stop the code if set tot TRUE and file not found
##' otherwise returns Nothing.
##' @return relative path to requested file
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
getPackageFile <- function(filename, package="HTSeqGenie", mustWork=TRUE) {
  fp <- file.path("inst", filename)
  if (interactive() && file.exists(fp)) return(fp)
  else system.file(filename, package=package, mustWork=mustWork)

##' Returns memory usage in bytes
##' For debugging.
##' @return Memory usage in bytes
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
getMemoryUsage <- function() {
  mem <- try(system("free", intern=TRUE, ignore.stderr=TRUE), silent=TRUE)
  if (class(mem)=="try-error") res <- c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)
  else {
    ## parse "free" command output
    mem <- strsplit(mem[2], " ")[[1]]
    mem <- mem[mem!=""]
    res <- as.numeric(mem[2:7])*1024
  names(res) <- c("total", "used", "free", "shared", "buffers", "cached")

##' Process chunk in the pipeline framework
##' High-level pipeline-specific version of sclapply, with chunk loggers and safeExecute
##' @title Process chunk in the pipeline framework
##' @param inext A function (without argument) returning an object to process; NULL if none left; this function is run in the main thread
##' @param fun Function to process the object returned by inext; this function is run in children threadfunction to apply to a chunk
##' @param nb.parallel.jobs number of parallel jobs
##' @return Nothing
##' @author Gregoire Pau
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
processChunks <- function(inext, fun, nb.parallel.jobs) {
  logdebug("tools.R/processChunks: starting...")
  ## get config parameters
  if (missing(nb.parallel.jobs)) nb.parallel.jobs <- getConfig.integer("num_cores")
  chunk.dir <- getConfig('chunk_dir')
  ## tracer
  tracefun.starttime <- list()
  tracefun <- function(type, ...) {
    with(list(...), {
      if (type=="timer") {
        logdebug(paste("tools.R/processChunks: waiting for chunkid=[",
                       paste(which(sjobs=="running"), collapse=", "), "] ..."))
      else {
        logfile <- file.path(chunk.dir, sprintf("chunk_%06d", chunkid),
                             "logs", "progress.log")
        if (type=="start") {
          logdebug(paste("tools.R/processChunks: starting chunkid=", chunkid,
                         "; see logfile=", logfile))
          tracefun.starttime[[chunkid]] <<- proc.time()["elapsed"]
        if (type=="done") {
          endtime <- proc.time()["elapsed"]
          elapsed.time <- (endtime - tracefun.starttime[[chunkid]])/60
          logdebug(paste("tools.R/processChunks: done with chunkid=", chunkid, "; elapsed.time=",
                         round(elapsed.time, 3), "minutes"))
        if (type=="error") {
          logerror(paste("tools.R/processChunks: error while processing chunkid=", chunkid,
                         "; see logfile=", logfile))
  ## decorate fun to set up logger and catch exception with traceback
  funlog <- function(..., chunkid) {
    save_dir <- file.path(chunk.dir, sprintf("chunk_%06d", chunkid))
    setUpDirs(save_dir, overwrite="overwrite")
    writeConfig(file.path(save_dir, "logs", "config.txt"))
    initLog(save_dir, getConfig("debug.level"))
    safeExecute(fun(..., save_dir=save_dir), memtracer=FALSE, newthread=FALSE)
  ## clean up memory before firing new threads, this should decrease a lot of memory usage
  ## process chunks
  res <- sclapply(inext=inext, fun=funlog, max.parallel.jobs=nb.parallel.jobs, stop.onfail=TRUE,
                  tracefun=tracefun, tracefun.period=60)
  ## all jobs failed? => stop
  if (all(sapply(res, class)=="try-error")) {
    stop("tools.R/processChunks: all jobs failed")
  logdebug("tools.R/processChunks: done")

##' Scheduled parallel processing
##' @param inext A function (without argument) returning an object to process; NULL if none left; this function is run in the main thread
##' @param fun Function to process the object returned by inext; this function is run in children thread
##' @param max.parallel.jobs Number of jobs to start in parallel 
##' @param ... Further arguments passed to fun
##' @param stop.onfail Throw error if one 
##' @param tracefun Callback function that will be executed in a separate thread 
##' @param tracefun.period Time intervall between calls to tracefun
##' @return Return value of applied function
##' @importFrom parallel mccollect
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
sclapply <- function(inext, fun, max.parallel.jobs, ..., stop.onfail=TRUE, tracefun=NULL, tracefun.period=60) {
  ## initialise scheduler
  sjobs <- character(0) ## jobs (state)
  rjobs <- list() ## jobs (result)
  pnodes <- vector(mode="list", max.parallel.jobs) ## nodes (process)
  jnodes <- rep(NA, max.parallel.jobs) ## nodes (job id)

  ## cleanup procedure, based on mclapply
  cleanup <- function() {
    z <- pnodes[!sapply(pnodes, is.null)]
    if (length(z)>0) mccollect(z, wait=FALSE, timeout=4)
    z <- pnodes[!sapply(pnodes, is.null)]
    if (length(z)>0) mccollect(z, wait=FALSE, timeout=4)
    z <- pnodes[!sapply(pnodes, is.null)]
    if (length(z)>0) try(parallel:::mckill(z, tools::SIGTERM), silent=TRUE)
    z <- pnodes[!sapply(pnodes, is.null)]
    if (length(z)>0) mccollect(z, wait=FALSE, timeout=4)
    z <- pnodes[!sapply(pnodes, is.null)]
    if (length(z)>0) mccollect(z, wait=FALSE, timeout=4)

  ## start scheduler
  collect.timeout <- 2 ## 2 seconds wait between each iteration
  inextdata <- NULL
  i <- 0
  repeat {
    ## is there a new job to process?
    if (is.null(inextdata)) inextdata <- inext()
    ## are all the jobs done?
    if (is.null(inextdata)) {
      if (length(sjobs)==0) break ## no jobs have been run
      if (all(sjobs=="done")) break
    ## fire fun(inextdata) on node i
    repeat {
      ## periodic trace
      if (!is.null(tracefun)) {
        current <- proc.time()["elapsed"]
        if (!exists("last.tracefun") || (current-last.tracefun)>tracefun.period) {
          tracefun(type="timer", sjobs=sjobs, jnodes=jnodes)
          last.tracefun <- current
      i <- (i %% length(pnodes))+1
      process <- pnodes[[i]]
      if (!is.null(process)) {
        status <- mccollect(process, wait=FALSE, timeout=collect.timeout) ## wait collect.timeout seconds        
        if (is.null(status)) {
          ## node busy
          fire <- FALSE
        else {
          ## node done: save results and fire a new job
          mccollect(process) ## kill job
          ## did an error occur?
          if (class(status[[1]])=="try-error") { 
            if (!is.null(tracefun)) {
              tracefun("error", sjobs=sjobs, jnodes=jnodes, chunkid=jnodes[i], error=status[[1]])
            if (stop.onfail) {
              stop(paste("tools.R/sclapply: error in chunkid=", jnodes[i], ": ", status[[1]], sep=""))
          if (!is.null(tracefun)) tracefun("done", chunkid=jnodes[i])
          rjobs[jnodes[i]] <- status
          sjobs[jnodes[i]] <- "done"
          fire <- TRUE
      } else {
        ## virgin node
        fire <- TRUE
      ## fire a new job
      if (fire && !is.null(inextdata)) {
        jnodes[i] <- length(sjobs)+1
        sjobs[jnodes[i]] <- "running"
        if (!is.null(tracefun)) tracefun("start", chunkid=jnodes[i])
        pnodes[[i]] <- mcparallel(fun(inextdata, chunkid=jnodes[i], ...), mc.set.seed=TRUE)
        inextdata <- NULL

      ## no more job
      if (is.null(inextdata)) break

##' Show memory usage
##' For debugging purposes only.
##' Show memory usage if config variable
##' @return Nothing
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
traceMem <- function() {
  wmem <- getMemoryUsage()
  wmem <- (wmem["used"] - wmem["cached"])/1e9
  msg <- sprintf("tools.R/traceMem: wired.mem=%f GiB", wmem)

##' Wrapper around try-catch
##' @param expr Expression to evaluate
##' @return Result of expression or error if thrown
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
tryKeepTraceback <- function(expr) {
                                   error=function(e) {
                                     error <- e
                                     calls <- sys.calls()
                                     invokeRestart("myAbort", e, calls)
               myAbort=function(e, calls){
                 err <- list(error=e, calls=calls)
                 class(err) <- c("try-error")

##' Get traceback from tryKeepTraceback()
##' @param mto An object of the try-error class
##' @return Traceback as a string
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
getTraceback <- function(mto) {
  ## get trace
  trace <- lapply(mto$calls, function(call) {
    z = format(call)[1]
    attr(z, "srcref") <- attr(call, "srcref")
  ## reverse trace
  trace <- trace[length(trace):1]

  ## skip error handler calls
  skipFunctions <- c("withRestarts", "withCallingHandlers", "invokeRestart", "withOneRestart",
                     "tryKeepTraceback", "doWithOneRestart", ".handleSimpleError", "simpleError",
                     "doTryCatch", "tryCatchOne", "tryCatchList", "tryCatch", "sendMaster")
  utrace <- unlist(trace)
  z <- unique(unlist(sapply(1:length(skipFunctions), function(i) grep(skipFunctions[i], utrace))))
  trace <- trace[-z]

  ## build trace using traceback()

##' Execute function in try catch with trace function
##' Requires the logger to be set
##' @param expr Expression to safely execute 
##' @param memtracer A boolean, to enable/disable a periodic memory tracer. Default is TRUE.
##' @param newthread A boolean, indicating if a new thread should be used (to save memory from the main thread)
##' @return Nothing
##' @author Gregoire Pau
##' @export
##' @importFrom parallel mcparallel
##' @keywords internal
##' @importFrom tools SIGTERM
safeExecute <- function(expr, memtracer=TRUE, newthread=TRUE) {
  ## start memory tracer
  if (memtracer) pmemtracer <- mcparallel(repeat {Sys.sleep(60) ; traceMem()})
  ## execute expr in a new thread (to save memory from the main thread)?
  if (newthread) {
    z <- mccollect(mcparallel(tryKeepTraceback(expr)))
    if (length(z)>0) z <- z[[1]]
    else z <- NULL
  } else {
    z <- tryKeepTraceback(expr)
  ## kill memory tracer
  if (memtracer) parallel:::mckill(pmemtracer, SIGTERM)
  if (class(z)=="try-error") {
    logerror("tools.R/safeExecute: caught exception:")
    logerror("tools.R/safeExecute: traceback:")
    sapply(getTraceback(z), logerror)
  } else invisible(z)

##' Create a iterator on a list
##' Only one listIterator object can be open at any time.
##' @title Create a iterator on a list
##' @param x A list.
##' @return Nothing
##' @author Gregoire Pau
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
listIterator.init <- function(x) {
  listIterator.n <<- 0
  listIterator.x <<- as.list(x)

##' Get reads from the listIterator
##' @title Get reads from the listIterator
##' @return An object. NULL if there are no more objects in the listIterator.
##' @author Gregoire Pau
##' @seealso listIterator.init
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
listIterator.next <- function() {
  if (!exists("listIterator.n")) {
    listIterator.n <- NULL ## to avoid the 'no visible binding' R CMD check warning
    listIterator.x <- NULL ## to avoid the 'no visible binding' R CMD check warning
    stop("tools.R/listIterator.next: listIterator.init() has not been called")
  listIterator.n <<- listIterator.n + 1
  if (listIterator.n<=length(listIterator.x)) return(listIterator.x[[listIterator.n]])
  else return(NULL)

##' Get the list of chunk directories
##' @title Get the list of chunk directories
##' @return List of chunk directories
##' @author Gregoire Pau
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
getChunkDirs <- function() {
  chunkdirs <- dir(getConfig('chunk_dir'), full.names=TRUE)
  sort(chunkdirs[grep("chunk_", chunkdirs)])

##' Set the base directory for the chunks
##' @title Set the base directory for the chunks
##' @return path to chunk dir
##' @author Jens Reeder
##' @keywords internal
setChunkDir <- function() {

  tmp.dir <- getConfig("tmp_dir")
    chunk.dir <- file.path(getConfig("save_dir"), "chunks")
  else {
    chunk.dir <- get.random.chunk.dir.name(tmp.dir)

# Recursively try out new random chunk dirs until we find a non-existing one.
# This should happen rarely (we have |letters|^8 combinations, but with many parallel runs
# at the same time we have seen it happen a few times.
get.random.chunk.dir.name <- function(tmp.dir){
  chunk.dir <- file.path(tmp.dir, paste(c("chunks_", sample(letters,8)), collapse=""))
    chunk.dir <- get.random.chunk.dir.name(tmp.dir)

##' Get bam files of a pipeline run
##' @title Get bam files of a pipeline run
##' @param save_dir Save directory of a pipeline run
##' @return named list of bam files
##' @author Gregoire Pau
##' @export
##' @keywords internal
getBams <- function(save_dir) {
  bfiles <- dir(file.path(save_dir, "bams"), full.names=TRUE)
  bfiles <- bfiles[grep(".bam$", bfiles)] ## keep only files ending by .bam
  btypes <- strsplit(bfiles, "\\.") ## split on dots
  btypes <- sapply(btypes, function(z) z[length(z)-1]) ## keep the next to last
  bfiles <- as.list(bfiles)
  names(bfiles) <- btypes

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HTSeqGenie documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:12 p.m.