
Defines functions .calculateDiversityEstimates .generateAllSpectratypes .plotDiversityCurves .diversityAnalysis .calculateDInd .reportLBE .aminoAcidBar .aminoAcidPlot .regionAnalysis .plotRecapture .plotRarefaction .plotDuplication

Documented in .aminoAcidBar .aminoAcidPlot .calculateDInd .calculateDiversityEstimates .diversityAnalysis .generateAllSpectratypes .plotDiversityCurves .plotDuplication .plotRarefaction .plotRecapture .regionAnalysis .reportLBE

#' Duplication level plot
#' @description bins singletons, doubletons, and higher order clonotypes
#' into a line plot
#' @import ggplot2
#' @include util.R
#' @param files list type. List of strings to _cdr_v_duplication.csv pathname
#' @param sampleNames vector type. Vector of strings each representing
#' sample names
#' @param regions vector type.
#'  Which regions to include in the plot. Default = c("CDR3", "V")
#' @return ggplot2 object
.plotDuplication <-
    function(files, sampleNames, regions = c("CDR3", "V")) {
        nsamples <- length(files)

        if (nsamples != length(sampleNames)) {
            stop("Expected equal number of sample names and dataframes, got ",
                 " samples and ",
                 nsamples, " dataframes.")

        message("Creating duplication plot for samples ",
                paste(sampleNames, collapse = ", "))

        # read xticks and xlimits from first 2 row
        trimwsNoQuotes <- function(x) {
            gsub("'", "", trimws(x))

        # trimwsNoQuotes strips whitespaces AND single quotes
        fp <- file(files[[1]], "r")
        xticks <-
                readLines(fp, n = 1), ","
        xlabels <-
            unlist(lapply(strsplit(readLines(fp, n = 1), ",")[[1]],

        # read files into dataframes
        dataframes <- lapply(files, read.csv, skip = 2)

        # pre-processing & cleanup
        for (i in seq_len(nsamples)) {
            df <- dataframes[[i]]
            df$sample  <- sampleNames[[i]]
            dataframes[[i]] <- df[df$region %in% regions,]

        # combine!
        df.union <- do.call("rbind", dataframes)

        g <- ggplot(df.union, aes(x = x, y = y))

        if (nsamples == 1) {
            g <- g + geom_line(aes(linetype = region),
                               color = BLUEHEX,
                               size = 0.65) +
                guides(color = FALSE)
        } else {
            g <- g + geom_line(aes(linetype = region, color = sample),
                               size = 0.65)

        g <- g +
            scale_linetype_manual(values = .getLineTypes(regions)) +
            scale_x_continuous(breaks = xticks, labels = xlabels) +
                title = paste(
                    "Sequence duplication levels of",
                    paste(regions, collapse = ", "),
                    paste(sampleNames, collapse = ", ")
                x = "Duplication level",
                y = "Proportion of duplicated sequences"
            ) +
            theme_bw() +
            theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))

#' Rarefaction plot
#' @description Plots the number of unique clonotypes (on the y-axis)
#' drawn from a sample size on the x axis. The number of unique clonotypes
#' is averaged over 5 repeated rounds.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @include util.R
#' @param files list type. A list of files consisting of path to samples
#' @param sampleNames vector type. A vector of strings,
#'  each being the name of samples in files
#' @param regions vector type. A vector of strings,
#' regions to be included. Defaults to c("CDR3", "V")
#' @return ggplot2 object
.plotRarefaction <-
    function(files, sampleNames, regions = c("CDR3", "V")) {
        nsamples <- length(files)
        # sanity check
        if (length(sampleNames) != nsamples) {
            stop("Expected equal number of sample names and dataframes, got ",
                 " samples and ",
                 nsamples, " dataframes.")

        message("Creating rarefaction plot for samples ",
                paste(sampleNames, collapse = ", "))

        # find the minimum xtick value from all the samples to plot as the
        # max xtick value on the actual graph (i.e. the graph is truncated to the
        # smallest maximum xtick value from the pool of samples)
        fp <- file(files[[1]], "r")
        xticks <-
                readLines(fp, n = 1), ","

        # if there are more
        if (nsamples > 1) {
            for (i in 2:nsamples) {
                fp <- file(files[[i]], "r")
                candidate <- strtoi(unlist(lapply(
                    strsplit(readLines(fp, n = 1), ",")[[1]], trimws
                if (tail(candidate, n = 1) < tail(xticks, n = 1)) {
                    xticks <- candidate

        # read files
        dataframes <- lapply(files, read.csv, skip = 1)

        # pre-processing & cleaning
        for (i in seq_len(nsamples)) {
            df <- dataframes[[i]]
            df$sample <- sampleNames[[i]]
            df <- df[df$region %in% regions,]
            dataframes[[i]] <- .summarySE(df,
                                          measurevar = 'y',
                                          groupvars = c('x', 'region', 'sample'))

        # merge
        df.union <- do.call("rbind", dataframes)

        # make compound column of region . sample for geom_ribbon
        df.union$compound <- paste(df.union$sample, df.union$region)

        g <- ggplot(df.union, aes(x = x, y = y))

        if (nsamples == 1) {
            g <- g + geom_line(aes(linetype = region),
                               color = BLUEHEX,
                               size = 0.65) +
                guides(color = FALSE)
        } else {
            g <- g +
                geom_line(aes(linetype = region, color = sample), size = 0.65)

        g <- g +
            scale_linetype_manual(values = .getLineTypes(regions)) +
            scale_x_continuous(breaks = xticks,
                                    limits = c(head(xticks, n = 1),
                                               tail(xticks, n = 1))) +
                    ymin = y - ci,
                    ymax = y + ci,
                    fill = compound
                alpha = 0.1,
                show.legend = FALSE
            ) +
                title = paste(
                    "Rarefaction of",
                    paste(regions, collapse = ", "),
                    paste(sampleNames, collapse = ", ")
                subtitle = "Mean number of deduplicated sequences with 95% confidence interval",
                x = 'Sample size',
                y = "Number of deduplicated sequences"
            ) +
            theme_bw() +
            theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))

#' Plots capture-recapture
#' @description Plots the percent of recapture clonotypes (on the y-axis)
#' drawn from a repeated (with replacement) sample size on the x axis. The
#' percentage of recaptured clonotypes is averaged over 5 recapture rounds.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @include util.R
#' @param files list type. List of _cdr_v_recapture.csv.gz files.
#' @param sampleNames vector type. A vector of strings each
#' representing the name of samples in files.
#' @param regions vector type. A vector of strings,
#' regions to be included in the plot. defaults to c("CDR3", "V")
#' @return ggplot2 object
.plotRecapture <-
    function(files, sampleNames, regions = c("CDR3", "V")) {
        nsamples <- length(files)
        # sanity check
        if (nsamples != length(sampleNames)) {
            stop("Expected equal number of sample names and dataframes, got ",
                 " samples and ",
                 nsamples, " dataframes.")

        message("Creating recapture plot for samples ",
                paste(sampleNames, collapse = ", "))

        # find the minimum xtick value from all the samples to plot as the
        # max xtick value on the actual graph (i.e. the graph is truncated to the
        # smallest maximum xtick value from the pool of samples)
        fp <- file(files[[1]], "r")
        xticks <-
                readLines(fp, n = 1), ","

        # if there are more
        if (nsamples > 1) {
            for (i in 2:nsamples) {
                fp <- file(files[[i]], "r")
                candidate <- strtoi(unlist(lapply(
                    strsplit(readLines(fp, n = 1), ",")[[1]], trimws
                if (tail(candidate, n = 1) < tail(xticks, n = 1)) {
                    xticks <- candidate

        # read dataframes
        dataframes <- lapply(files, read.csv, skip = 1)

        # cleanup & pre-processing
        for (i in seq_len(nsamples)) {
            df <- dataframes[[i]]
            # append sample name to a new column named sample
            df$sample <- sampleNames[[i]]
            # only want selected regions - ignore others
            df <- df[df$region %in% regions, ]
            # get mean, sd, se, and ci
            dataframes[[i]] <- .summarySE(df,
                                          measurevar = 'y',
                                          groupvars = c("x", "region", "sample"))

        df.union <- do.call("rbind", dataframes)

        # make compound column for geom_ribbon (region . sample)
        df.union$compound <- paste(df.union$region, df.union$sample)

        # plot!
        p <- ggplot(df.union, aes(x = x, y = y))

        if (nsamples == 1) {
            p <- p + geom_line(aes(linetype = region),
                               color = BLUEHEX,
                               size = 0.65) +
                guides(color = FALSE)
        } else {
            p <- p +
                geom_line(aes(linetype = region, color = sample), size = 0.65)

        p <- p +
            scale_linetype_manual(values = .getLineTypes(regions)) +
            scale_x_continuous(breaks = xticks) +
                    ymin = y - ci,
                    ymax = y + ci,
                    fill = compound
                alpha = 0.1,
                show.legend = FALSE
            ) +
                title = paste(
                    "Percent recapture of",
                    paste(regions, collapse = ", "),
                    paste(sampleNames, collapse = ", ")
                subtitle = "Mean number of recaptured sequences with 95% confidence interval",
                x = "Sample size",
                y = "Percent Recapture"
            ) + theme_bw() +
            theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))


#' Title Shows varying regions for a given clonotype defined by its CDR3
#' @import reshape2
#' @import ggplot2
#' @param path string type. Path to diversity folder
#' where <sampleName>_clonotype_diversity_region_analysis.csv.gz is located
#' @param sampleName string type
#' @param top int type. Top N number of clones to analyze
#' @return ggplot2 object
.regionAnalysis <- function(path, sampleName, top = 15) {
    message("Starting clonotype region analysis for ", sampleName)

    df <- read.csv(
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    headers <- c("fr1", "cdr1", "fr2", "cdr2", "fr3", "fr4")
    # sort the df with decreasing counts of CDR3 occurance
    df <- df[with(df, order(-count)),]

    # add new column to sum the "unique" regions
    df$sumcounts = rowSums(df[, headers])

    # grab only those whos V-domain will differ.
    #  This means sumcounts != 6 (> 6) where 6 = length(headers)
    df <- df[df$sumcounts > 6,]

    # grab top N
    df <- head(df, top)

    # add new row as reference of "unique regions"
    de <- data.frame("REFERENCE", Inf, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6)
    names(de) <- names(df)
    df <- rbind(df, de)

    # reshape to multi-row
    df.mel <- melt(df, measure.vars = headers)
    df.mel[, "value"] = df.mel[, "value"] / df.mel[, "sumcounts"]

    # plot!
    g <- ggplot(df.mel,
                    x = cdr3,
                    y = value,
                    fill = variable,
                    label = sprintf("%0.2f%%",
                                    round(value * 100, digits = 2))
                )) +
        geom_bar(stat = 'identity') +
        theme(text = element_text(size = 10),
              axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 65, hjust = 1)) +
        #geom_text(position = position_stack(vjust = 0.5)) +
        #stat_summary(fun.y = sum, aes(label = sumcounts, group=cdr3),
        #             geom='text', vjust=-.2) +
            title = paste(
                "varying levels of FRs and CDRs of top",
                "CDR3 clonotype"
            subtitle = "Counts of unique regions for a given CDR3",
            x = "CDR3",
            y = "Proportion"
        ) +
        guides(fill = guide_legend(title = "Region")) +
        scale_x_discrete(limits = c("REFERENCE", head(df, -1)$cdr3))

#' Composition logo plot
#' @description Plots 2 kinds: scaled and unscaled composition logos
#' @param compositionDirectory string type.
#' @param outdir string type.
#' @param sampleName string type.
#' @param regions logical type. vector of FR/CDR regions to plot
#' @param .save logical type. save ggplot object
#' @import stringr
#' @return none
.aminoAcidPlot <- function(compositionDirectory,
                           regions = c("FR1", "CDR1", "FR2", "CDR2", "FR3", "CDR3", "FR4"),
                           .save = TRUE) {
    for (region in regions) {
        dirName <- file.path(compositionDirectory, region)
        outputPath <- file.path(outdir, region)
        if (!dir.exists(outputPath)) {

        summaryPlot <-
            file.path(dirName, paste0(sampleName, "_cumulative_logo.csv"))
        df <- read.csv(summaryPlot)
        g1 <- .aminoAcidBar(df, scale = FALSE, region)
        g2 <- .aminoAcidBar(df, scale = TRUE, region)
        fname <-
                      paste0(sampleName, "_cumulative_logo.png"))
        fnameScaled <-
                      paste0(sampleName, "_cumulative_logo_scaled.png"))
        ggsave(fname, plot = g1, width = V_WIDTH, height = V_HEIGHT)
        ggsave(fnameScaled, plot = g2, width = V_WIDTH, height = V_HEIGHT)
        .saveAs(.save, fname, g1)
        .saveAs(.save, fnameScaled, g2)

        germlineSpecific <-
                path = dirName,
                pattern = paste0(sampleName,
                full.names = TRUE

        lapply(germlineSpecific, function(gLogoFile) {
            germName <- sub(
                stringr::str_extract(gLogoFile, "IG[HKL][VDJ].*")
            df <- read.csv(gLogoFile)
            g1 <-
                .aminoAcidBar(df, scale = FALSE, region, germ = germName)
            g2 <-
                .aminoAcidBar(df, scale = TRUE, region, germ = germName)
            fname <-
                          paste0(sampleName, "_", germName, "_cumulative_logo.png"))
            fnameScaled <-
            ggsave(fname, plot = g1, width = V_WIDTH, height = V_HEIGHT)
            ggsave( fnameScaled, plot = g2, width = V_WIDTH, height = V_HEIGHT)
            .saveAs(.save, fname, g1)
            .saveAs(.save, fnameScaled, g2)

#' Plots amino acid composition logo
#' @import ggplot2 stats
#' @param df dataframe
#' @param scale logical. scale to proportion?
#' @param region string. which region is this
#' @param germ string. V germline family
#' @return ggplot2 object
.aminoAcidBar <- function(df, scale, region, germ = "") {
    # oranges(G - T), greens(C - W), purples (N - H), reds (D, E), blues (K, R)
    group.colors <-
            G = "#e65c00",
            A = "#ff751a",
            S = "#ff8533",
            T = "#ff944d",
            C = "#003300",
            V = "#145214",
            I = "#006622",
            L = "#1f7a1f",
            P = "#009933",
            F = "#29a329",
            Y = "#00b33c",
            M = "#2eb82e",
            W = "#33cc33",
            N = "#330066",
            Q = "#4d0099",
            H = "#6600cc",
            D = "#990000",
            E = "#b30000",
            K = "#000099",
            R = "#0000cc"
    df.agg <- aggregate(count ~ position, df, sum)

    # get the max counts for each position - then xlabel will contain
    # the amino acid character for that position - break ties on first occurance
    df.max <- merge(aggregate(count ~ position, df, max), df)
    df.max <- df.max[!duplicated(df.max[c(1, 2)]),]
    xlabels <-
        lapply(df.max[with(df.max, order(position)),]$aa, as.character)

    total <- max(df.agg$count)
    if (scale) {
        df$proportion <- df$count / total
        subs <- "Scaled to proportion"
    } else {
        df.tmp <- merge(df, df.agg, by = "position")
        df.tmp <- df.tmp[with(df.tmp, order(position)),]
        # if not scaled, divide within its own position rather than
        # overall (i.e. the max)
        df$proportion <- df.tmp$count.x / df.tmp$count.y
        subs <- ""

    df$aa <-
            levels = c(
    g <- ggplot(df, aes(x = position, y = proportion)) +
        geom_bar(stat = "identity", aes(fill = aa)) +
            title = paste0(germ, " ", region, " (", total, ")"),
            subtitle = subs,
            x = "amino acid",
            y = "proportion"
        ) +
        scale_x_continuous(breaks = df.agg$position, labels = xlabels) +
        scale_fill_manual(values = group.colors, drop = FALSE) +
        theme(legend.title = element_blank(),
              legend.text = element_text(size = 5))

##  dataframe is something like:
##  +--------------------------+
##  | Clonotype | Count | prop |
##  +--------------------------+
##  |           |       |      |
##  |           |       |      |
##  |           |       |      |
##  |  .......  |  ...  | .... |
##  +--------------------------+
#' Reports abundance-based (Lower bound) diversity estimates using the Vegan package
#' @import vegan
#' @param df clonotype dataframe. Vegan format:
#' +---------------------------+
#' | S.1| S.2| S.3 | S.4 | ... |   (each species should have its own column)
#' +---------------------------+
#' | v1 |v2  | v3  | ....      |   (each species' count values are placed in the corresponding column)
#' +---------------------------+
#' @return dataframe with the format:
#' +----------------------------------------------------------------+
#' | S.obs | S.chao1 | se.chao1 | S.ACE | se.ACE | s.jack1 | s.jack2|
#' +----------------------------------------------------------------+
#' | v1    |  v2 ....                                               |
#' +----------------------------------------------------------------+
.reportLBE <- function(df) {
    f1.f2 <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(2), function(i) {
        sum(df[1,] == i)

    lbe <- estimateR(df)
    s.obs <- lbe[1]
    s.jack1 <- s.obs + f1.f2[1]
    s.jack2 <- s.obs + 2 * f1.f2[1] - f1.f2[2]

    lbe <-
              S.jack1 = s.jack1,
              S.jack2 = s.jack2)

    df.out <- as.data.frame(t(lbe[, 1]))
    names(df.out) <- rownames(lbe)

#' Calculates the "standard" diversity indices
#' @import vegan
#' @param df clonotype dataframe. Vegan format:
#' +---------------------------+
#' | S.1| S.2| S.3 | S.4 | ... |   (each species should have its own column)
#' +---------------------------+
#' | v1 |v2  | v3  | ....      |   (each species' count values are placed in the corresponding column)
#' +---------------------------+
#' @return dataframe with the column headers:
#' shannon , simpson.con , simpson.inv , simpson.gini , renyi.0 ,
#' renyi.1 , renyi.2 , renyi.Inf , hill.0 , hill.1 , hill.2 , hill.Inf
#' renyi.0 => species richness
#' renyi.1 => shannon entropy
#' renyi.2 => inv.gini
#' renyi.Inf => min.entropy
#' finally:
#'    hill_a = exp(renyi_a)
.calculateDInd <- function(df) {
    renyi.scales = c(0, 1, 2, Inf)
    renyi <- renyi(df, scales = renyi.scales)
    hill <- exp(renyi)
    shannon <- vegan::diversity(df, index = "shannon")
    simpson <- vegan::diversity(df, index = "simpson")
    n.species <- ncol(df)

            shannon = shannon,
            shannon.norm = shannon / log(n.species),
            simpson.gini = simpson,
            simpson.inv = vegan::diversity(df, index = "invsimpson"),
            simpson.con = 1 - simpson,
            renyi.0 = renyi['0'],
            renyi.1 = renyi['1'],
            renyi.2 = renyi['2'],
            renyi.Inf = renyi['Inf'],
            hill.0 = hill['0'],
            hill.1 = hill['1'],
            hill.2 = hill['2'],
            hill.Inf = hill['Inf']

#' Title Diversity analysis
#' @import ggplot2
#' @include util.R
#' @include distributions.R
#' @param diversityDirectories list type. List of directories to diversity dir
#' @param diversityOut string type. Output directory
#' @param sampleNames vector type. 1-1 with diversityDirectories
#' @param mashedNames string type. Prefix for output files using "mashed-up"
#' sample names
#' @param .save logical type. Save ggplot object?
#' @return None
.diversityAnalysis <- function(diversityDirectories,
                               .save = TRUE) {
    message("Starting diversity analysis on samples ",
            paste(sampleNames, collapse = ", "))

    # fr/cdr plots --------------------------------------------------------
    # plot duplication, rarefaction, recapture
    lapply(c("cdr", "cdr_v", "fr"), function(region) {
        .plotDiversityCurves(region, diversityDirectories,
                             sampleNames, mashedNames,
                             diversityOut, .save = .save)

    # generate FR1-4, CDR1-3, CDR3 no outliers, and V spectratypes -------
                             .save = .save)

    # generate composition logos -----------------------------------------
    # not applicable to multi-sample scenario
    if (length(sampleNames) == 1) {
        compDir <- file.path(diversityDirectories[[1]], "composition_logos")
        compOut <- file.path(diversityOut, "composition_logos")
        if (!file.exists(compOut)) {
        message("Plotting composition logos on samples ",
                paste(sampleNames, collapse = ", "))
        .aminoAcidPlot(compDir, compOut, sampleNames[1])

    # we can plot region analysis if there's only one sample
    # this feature is disabled until the backend has been optimized
    #if (length(sampleNames) == 1) {
    #  # default = top 15
    #  g <- .regionAnalysis(diversityOut, sampleNames[1])
    #  ggsave(paste0(diversityOut, mashedNames, "_region_analysis.png"),
    #         plot = g, width = V_WIDTH, height = V_HEIGHT)

    # Calculate Lower Bound Estimate and diversity indices --------------------

#' Plots rarefaction, recapture, and de-dup plots for specified \code{region}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @include util.R
#' @include distributions.R
#' @param region string type. One of: "cdr", "cdr_v", and "fr". "cdr" means
#' CDR1-3, "cdr_v" means CDR3 and V only, and finally "fr" means FR1-4.
#' @param diversityDirectories list type. List of directories to diversity dir
#' @param sampleNames vector type. 1-1 with diversityDirectories
#' @param mashedNames string type. Prefix for output files using "mashed-up"
#' @param diversityOut string type. Output directory sample names
#' @param .save logical type. Save ggplot object?
#' @return Nothing
.plotDiversityCurves <- function(region,
                                 .save = TRUE) {
    if (region == "cdr") {
        includedRegions <- c("CDR1", "CDR2", "CDR3")
    } else if (region == "cdr_v") {
        includedRegions <- c("CDR3", "V")
    } else {
        includedRegions <- c("FR1", "FR2", "FR3")

    plotTypes <- c("duplication" = .plotDuplication,
                   "rarefaction" = .plotRarefaction,
                   "recapture" = .plotRecapture)

    lapply(seq_along(plotTypes), function(i) {
        functor <- plotTypes[[i]]
        ptype <- names(plotTypes)[[i]]

        searchFiles <-
            .listFilesInOrder(path = diversityDirectories,
                              pattern =  paste0(".*_", region,
                                                "_", ptype, "\\.csv(\\.gz)?$"))
        if (length(searchFiles) > 0) {
            g <- functor(searchFiles, sampleNames, includedRegions)
            saveName <-
                          paste0(mashedNames, "_", region, "_", ptype, ".png"))
                   plot = g,
                   width = V_WIDTH,
                   height = V_HEIGHT)
            .saveAs(.save, saveName, g)
        } else {
            warning("Could not find ", ptype, " files in ",
                    paste(diversityDirectories, collapse = ", "))

#' Generates all FR/CDR spectratypes
#' @import ggplot2
#' @include util.R
#' @include distributions.R
#' @param diversityDirectories list type. List of directories to diversity dir
#' @param diversityOut string type. Output directory
#' @param sampleNames vector type. 1-1 with diversityDirectories
#' @param mashedNames string type. Prefix for output files using "mashed-up"
#' sample names
#' @param .save logical type. Save ggplot object?
#' @return Nothing
.generateAllSpectratypes <- function(diversityDirectories,
                                     .save = TRUE) {
    specOut <- file.path(diversityOut, "spectratypes")
    if (!file.exists(specOut)) {
    message("Plotting spectratypes on samples ",
            paste(sampleNames, collapse = ", "))

    regionTypes <- list("cdr" = seq_len(3), "fr" = seq_len(4))
    lapply(seq_along(regionTypes), function(i) {
        # grab the region (CDR/FR)
        region <- names(regionTypes)[[i]]
        # for CDR, 1-3, else 1-4
        lapply(regionTypes[[i]], function(j) {
            specFiles <-
                .listFilesInOrder(path = diversityDirectories,
                                  pattern = paste0(".*_",
            if (length(specFiles) > 0) {
                g <- .plotSpectratype(lapply(specFiles, read.csv,
                                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
                                      paste0(toupper(region), j))
                saveName <- file.path(specOut,
                ggsave(saveName,plot = g, width = V_WIDTH, height = V_HEIGHT)
                .saveAs(.save, saveName, g)
            } else {
                warning("Could not find ",
                        region, j, " spectratype files in ",
                        paste(diversityDirectories, collapse = ", "))

    # special case, no outliers plot for CDR3 only
    specFiles <-
        .listFilesInOrder(path = diversityDirectories,
                          pattern = ".*_cdr3_spectratype_no_outliers\\.csv(\\.gz)?$")

    if (length(specFiles) > 0) {
        g <-
            .plotSpectratype(lapply(specFiles, read.csv, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
        saveName <-
                      paste0(mashedNames, "_cdr3_spectratype_no_outliers.png"))
        ggsave(saveName, plot = g, width = V_WIDTH, height = V_HEIGHT)
        .saveAs(.save, saveName, g)
    } else {
        warning("Could not find CDR3 spectratype (no outlier) files in ",
                paste(diversityDirectories, collapse = ", "))

    # entire V-domain
    specFiles <- .listFilesInOrder(path = diversityDirectories,
                                   pattern = ".*_v_spectratype\\.csv(\\.gz)?$")
    if (length(specFiles) > 0) {
        g <-
                lapply(specFiles, read.csv, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
                "V domain")
        saveName <-
            file.path(specOut, paste0(mashedNames, "_v_spectratype.png"))
        ggsave(saveName, plot = g, width = V_WIDTH, height = V_HEIGHT)
        .saveAs(.save, saveName, g)
    } else {
        warning("Cound not find V spectratype files in ",
                paste(diversityDirectories, collapse = ", "))

#' Calculates Lower Bound Estimates for unseen species and Common Diversity
#' Indices from clonotype tables
#' @description Employ common techniques to calculate LBE for unseen species
#' and commonly used diversity indices
#' @import tools
#' @include util.R
#' @include distributions.R
#' @param diversityDirectories list type. List of directories to diversity dir
#' @param diversityOut string type. Output directory
#' @param sampleNames vector type. 1-1 with diversityDirectories sample names
#' @return None
.calculateDiversityEstimates <- function(diversityDirectories,
                                         sampleNames) {
    cdr3ClonesFile <- .listFilesInOrder(path = diversityDirectories,
                                        pattern = ".*_cdr3_clonotypes_.*_over\\.csv(\\.gz)?$")

    if (length(cdr3ClonesFile) != length(sampleNames)) {
        warning(paste(sampleNames, collapse = ", "),
                " is missing CDR3 clonotype counts file, ",
                "skipping LBE and IND analysis.")

    # dataframes is in vegan input format, the clonotypes are
    # now column headers instead of column values
    dataframes <- lapply(cdr3ClonesFile, function(fname) {
        df <- read.csv(fname, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        d.trans <- as.data.frame(t(df[, "Count"]))

    lb.fname <- "lower_bound_estimate.tsv"
    ind.fname <- "diversity_indices.tsv"

    estimateTypes <- list(.reportLBE, .calculateDInd)
    names(estimateTypes) <- c(lb.fname, ind.fname)
    outputFiles <- c(file.path(diversityOut, lb.fname),
                     file.path(diversityOut, ind.fname))

    lapply(seq_along(estimateTypes), function(i) {
        if (!file.exists(outputFiles[[i]])) {
            fileName <- names(estimateTypes)[[i]]
            fileNameSansExt <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(fileName)
            functor <- estimateTypes[[i]]

            files <-
                .listFilesInOrder(path = diversityDirectories,
                                  pattern = paste0(fileNameSansExt,

            if (length(files) != length(sampleNames)) {
                # if even one of the tsv file doesn't exist
                # (which means we haven't generated it, or if it was deleted,
                # we re-generate them)
                message("Calculating ",
                        sub("_", " ", fileNameSansExt, fixed = TRUE),
                        " for ",
                        paste(sampleNames, collapse = ", "))
                df.ests <- lapply(dataframes, functor)
            } else {
                # the rare occasion when all individual samples have already been
                # analyzed and the TSVs are all available, we only need to reload
                # them rather than re-computing the values
                message("Loading precomputed ",
                        sub("_", " ", fileNameSansExt, fixed = TRUE),
                        " from ",
                        paste(sampleNames, collapse = ", "))
                df.ests <- lapply(files, read.table, header = TRUE)
            stopifnot(length(diversityDirectories) == length(sampleNames) &&
                          length(df.ests) == length(sampleNames))

            dfs <- do.call("rbind", Map(cbind, df.ests, sample = sampleNames))
            write.table(dfs, file = outputFiles[[i]],
                        sep = "\t", quote = FALSE,
                        row.names = FALSE)

        } else {
            message("Found ", names(estimateTypes)[[i]], ", skipping ...")

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abseqR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:28 p.m.