
Defines functions getBioNetNodeLinkLine linkBioNetNodes getBezierCurve linkBioNetSamples drawBioNetNodeBackground labelBioNetNodeNames plotBioNetLines plotBioNetPoints plotBioNetHeatmap plotBioNetBars plotBioNetPolygons bioNetCircosPlot getBioNetPlotLocations getBioNetSamplePlotPosition eraseBioNetNode setBioNetPlotAreaBackground showBioNetNodesLayout getBioNetNodeParameters getBioNetNodePlotAreaBoundary getBioNetGraph getBioNetBasePositions getBioNetPlotAreaWidth getBioNetNodePaddingScale getBioNetNodeRadius getBioNetPlotSampleWidth getBioNetPlotTotalSample resetBioNetNodePlotAreaBoundary setBioNetNodeLayout setBioNetPlotParameters setBioNetCircosBasePlotPositions initializeBioNetCircos

Documented in bioNetCircosPlot drawBioNetNodeBackground eraseBioNetNode getBezierCurve getBioNetNodeLinkLine getBioNetPlotLocations getBioNetSamplePlotPosition initializeBioNetCircos labelBioNetNodeNames linkBioNetNodes linkBioNetSamples plotBioNetBars plotBioNetHeatmap plotBioNetLines plotBioNetPoints plotBioNetPolygons resetBioNetNodePlotAreaBoundary setBioNetCircosBasePlotPositions setBioNetNodeLayout setBioNetPlotAreaBackground setBioNetPlotParameters showBioNetNodesLayout

#    bioNetCircos layout plot 
#    Data types to  be visualized included:
#    Clinical data (tissue type, diagnosis, metastasis, ...
#    Gene expression (up- and down-regulations from microarray or NGS)
#    Copy number variations (deletions, insertions, and amplifications)
#    Mutations
#    Date created: June 17, 2014
#    Revised on May 18, 2015 in compliance with Bioconductor coding style
#    Hongen Zhang, Ph.D. (hzhang@mail.nih.gov)
#    Genetics Branch
#    Center for Cancer Research 
#    National Cancer Institute
#    National Institutes of Health
#    Bethesda, Maryland 20892

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Initialize the plot parameters, default coordinates of a circular line,  
#    and node layout for BioNetCircos plot.  
#    Arguments:
#        bioNet:        An igraph object representing a biological network or
#                       a customized igraph object
#        totalSamples:  non-negative integer, total number of samples, must
#                       defined by user
#        sampleWidth:   non-negative integer, Points per sample along the node
#                       circumference, default 100
#        nodeRadius:    non-negative numeric, Radius of the node, default 1
#        nodePadding:   non-negative numeric, minimum space between plot area
#                       of two nodes, relative to node radius, default 1
#        plotAreaWidth: non-negative numeric, outside boundary of plot area of
#                       a node, relative to node radius, default 1
#        layout:        layout of igraph object
#    Returned value:    None. Key parameters are stored in CA_OMICS_ENV space
#    Example:   initializeBioNetCircos(bioNet)
#             initializeBioNetCircos(bioNet, totalSamples=100, 
#                        sampleWidth=100)
#    Last revisited on August 12, 2014

initializeBioNetCircos <- function(bioNet, totalSamples=100, sampleWidth=100,
            nodeRadius=1, nodePadding=1, plotAreaWidth=1, 
            layout=layout.fruchterman.reingold(bioNet)) {

    if (!is.igraph(bioNet)) 
        stop("The first argument must be an igraph object!")

    if(totalSamples<0 || sampleWidth<0 || nodeRadius<0 ||
            nodePadding<0 || plotAreaWidth<0 ) {
        stop("Negative value is not allowed for argument(s)") 

    if((sampleWidth %% 2) == 1)  sampleWidth<-sampleWidth + 1

    setBioNetPlotParameters(totalSamples, sampleWidth, 
            nodeRadius, nodePadding, plotAreaWidth)

    setBioNetCircosBasePlotPositions(totalSamples, sampleWidth)
    setBioNetNodeLayout(bioNet, layout)

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Get x and y coordinates for points on a circular line. These coordinates
#    are relative to the point (0, 0) and will be transformed for different 
#    nodes. The default radius of the circle is 1.
#    Arguments:
#        totalSamples: non-negative integer, total number of samples
#        sampleWidth:  non-negative integer, points of a sample on the
#                      circumference of a node 
#    Returned value: None
#    Example:        setBioNetCircosBasePlotPositions(155, 100)
#   Last revisited on June 24, 2014

setBioNetCircosBasePlotPositions <- function(totalSamples=100, sampleWidth=100)
    if(totalSamples<0 || sampleWidth<0) 
            stop("Arguments must be non-negative integer.\n")

    totalPoints <- totalSamples * sampleWidth
    if(totalPoints<10000) {  
        sampleWidth <- ceiling(10000/totalSamples)
        if((sampleWidth %% 2) == 1) sampleWidth<-sampleWidth + 1 
        totalPoints <- totalSamples * sampleWidth

    interval <- 2*pi/totalPoints
    baseVal <- seq(0, 2*pi, interval)

    corX <- sin(baseVal)
    corY <- cos(baseVal)

    degree <- rep(0, length(baseVal))
    mid <- round((length(baseVal)-1)/2, digits=0) + 1

    totalPoints <- length(baseVal)
    degree[1:mid] <- 90 - (baseVal[1:mid]*180/pi)
    degree[(mid+1):totalPoints] <- 270 - (baseVal[(mid+1):totalPoints]*180/pi)

    basePostions <- data.frame(corX, corY, degree)

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())
    caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_Base_Location"]] <- basePostions

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Set up plot parameters for caOmicsV bioNetCircos layout.
#    Arguments:
#        totalSamples:  non-negative integer, total number of samples
#        sampleWidth:   non-negative integer, points of a sample on the
#                       circumference of a node 
#        nodeRadius:    non-negative numeric, radius of node on igraph
#        nodePadding:   non-negative numeric, empty area between two nodes
#        plotAreaWidth: non-negative numeric, outside boundary of plot area
#    Returned value:    none
#    Example:   setBioNetPlotParameters(totalSamples=100, sampleWidth=100, 
#                    nodeRadius=1, nodePadding=0.2, plotAreaWidth=10)
#    Last revisited on July 17, 2014

setBioNetPlotParameters <- function(totalSamples, sampleWidth, 
            nodeRadius, nodePadding, plotAreaWidth)
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())

    caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_Total_Sample"]]   <- totalSamples
    caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_Sample_Width"]]   <- sampleWidth
    caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_Node_Radius"]]    <- nodeRadius
    caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_Node_Padding"]]   <- nodePadding
    caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_PlotArea_Width"]] <- plotAreaWidth
    caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_PlotArea_Inner"]] <- nodeRadius
    caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_PlotArea_Outer"]] <- nodeRadius


#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Set up layout of nodes on the biological network. The layout is taken 
#    from a igraph layout and make necessary scaling to alocate circos plot 
#    area for each node
#    Prerequisite:  igraph package muse be loaded first
#    Arguments:
#            bioNet:    an igraph object representing a biological network
#            layout:    a two dimensional matrix of x and y coordinates for 
#                       node centers
#    Returned value:    None. 
#    Example:   layout <- layout.fruchterman.reingold.grid(bioNet)
#               setBioNetNodeLayout(bionet, layout)
#    Last revisited on July 29, 2014

setBioNetNodeLayout <- function(bioNet, layout=layout.auto(bioNet)) {

    if (!is.igraph(bioNet)) 
        stop("An igraph object is required for layout setting.") 

    nodeRadius  <- getBioNetNodeRadius()
    nodePadding <- getBioNetNodePaddingScale()
    plotAreaWid <- getBioNetPlotAreaWidth()

    layout   <- layout.norm(layout, -1, 1, -1, 1)
    minDist  <- min(dist(layout))
    minSpace <- nodeRadius*(2 + plotAreaWid*2 + nodePadding)
    layout   <- layout*(minSpace/minDist) 

    bioNet <- set.graph.attribute(bioNet, "layout", layout)

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())
    caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_Graph"]] <- bioNet

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Record the plotted area boundary for all nodes on the igraph. These 
#    boundary may be needed for drawn customized arrows and label node names.
#    Argument:
#        inner: non-negative numeric, the inner boundary of area that has been 
#               plotted
#        outer: non-negative numeric, the outer boundary of area that has been 
#               plotted
#    Return value:  None.
#    Example:   resetBioNetNodePlotAreaBoundary(1, 1.5)
#    Last revised on August 19, 2014

resetBioNetNodePlotAreaBoundary <- function(inner=getBioNetNodeRadius(), outer)
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())

    lastInner <- caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_PlotArea_Inner"]]
        caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_PlotArea_Inner"]] <- inner

    lastOuter <- caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_PlotArea_Outer"]]
        caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_PlotArea_Outer"]] <- outer 

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Get methods to retrieving caOmicsV objects stored in caOmicsV environment
#    Argument:     None
#    Return value: one of objects stored in caOmicsV environment.
#    Example:   plotPositions <- getBasePositions()
#    Last revised on AUgust 12, 2014

getBioNetPlotTotalSample <-function() {

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())

    return (caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_Total_Sample"]])

getBioNetPlotSampleWidth<-function() {

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())

    return (caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_Sample_Width"]])

getBioNetNodeRadius <-function() {

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())

    return (caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_Node_Radius"]])

getBioNetNodePaddingScale <-function() {

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())

    return (caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_Node_Padding"]])

getBioNetPlotAreaWidth <-function() {

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())

    return (caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_PlotArea_Width"]])

getBioNetBasePositions<-function() {

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())

    return (caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_Base_Location"]])

getBioNetGraph<-function() {

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())

    return (caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_Graph"]])

getBioNetNodePlotAreaBoundary <- function() {

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())

    inner <- caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_PlotArea_Inner"]]
    outer <- caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_PlotArea_Outer"]]

    return (c(inner=inner, outer=outer))

getBioNetNodeParameters <- function() {

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())

    totalSamples  <- caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_Total_Sample"]]
    sampleWidth   <- caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_Sample_Width"]]
    nodeRadius    <- caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_Node_Radius"]]
    nodePadding   <- caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_Node_Padding"]]
    plotAreaWidth <- caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_PlotArea_Width"]]

    inner <- caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_PlotArea_Inner"]]
    outer <- caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioNet_PlotArea_Outer"]]

    return (bioNetParams=list(totalSamples, sampleWidth, nodeRadius, 
            nodePadding, plotAreaWidth, inner, outer))

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Display biological network before plot omics data on each node. 
#    Vertex will be plotted as colored polygons
#    Vertex size is controlled by node radius 
#    Prerequisite:  the igraph object must have a layout attached
#    Arguments:    character vector for color or a R color specification
#    Return value: None
#    Example:        showBioNetNodesLayout(bgColor=grey(0.75, alpha=0.5))
#    Last revisited on July 23, 2014

showBioNetNodesLayout <- function(bgColor=grey(0.75, alpha=0.5)) {

    bioNetGraph <- getBioNetGraph()
    nodeRadius  <- getBioNetNodeRadius()
    plotPositions <- getBioNetBasePositions()

    if(is.null(bioNetGraph$layout) == TRUE)
        stop("Node layout has not been initialized.\n") 

    RangeX <- range(bioNetGraph$layout[,1])
    RangeY <- range(bioNetGraph$layout[,2])

    RangeX[2] <- RangeX[2]*1.5

    plot(bioNetGraph, rescale=FALSE, vertex.label=NA, xlim=RangeX, ylim=RangeY)

    text(bioNetGraph$layout[,1], bioNetGraph$layout[,2], V(bioNetGraph))


#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Change the plot area background of igraph node. Use white color to erase 
#    background and and grey to show the plot area boundary. This will not 
#    change the node layout
#    Argument:     character vector for R color or a R color specification
#    Return value: None
#    Example:   setBioNetPlotAreaBackground(bgColor=red(0.75, alpha=0.5))
#    Last updated on August 19, 2014

setBioNetPlotAreaBackground <- function(bgColor=grey(0.75, alpha=0.5)) {

    bioNetGraph <- getBioNetGraph()
    if(is.null(bioNetGraph$layout) == TRUE)
        stop("Node layout has not been initialized.\n") 

    nodeRadius  <- getBioNetNodeRadius()
    plotAreaWid <- getBioNetPlotAreaWidth()
    plotRadius  <- nodeRadius*(1 + plotAreaWid)

    plotPositions <- getBioNetBasePositions()
    inPositions   <- plotPositions[,1:2]*nodeRadius
    outPositions  <- plotPositions[,1:2]*plotRadius

    end <- nrow(inPositions)
    polygonX <- c(outPositions[1:end,1], inPositions[end:1,1])
    polygonY <- c(outPositions[1:end,2], inPositions[end:1,2])

    rgb.val <- as.vector(col2rgb(bgColor))/255
    bgColor <- rgb(red=rgb.val[1], green=rgb.val[2], 
                    blue=rgb.val[3], alpha=0.5)

    for(nodeIndex in seq_len(nrow(bioNetGraph$layout)))  {

        nodeCenter <- bioNetGraph$layout[nodeIndex,]
        areaX <- polygonX + nodeCenter[1]
        areaY <- polygonY + nodeCenter[2]

        polygon(areaX, areaY, col=bgColor, border=NA)

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Erase the node background for all nodes, usually after node names are 
#    plotted and before plotting data tracks. The area to be erased has same
#    radius as the node
#    Arguments:     None
#    Return value:  None
#    Example:   eraseBioNetNode()
#    Last revisited on July 23, 2014

eraseBioNetNode <- function() {

    bioNetGraph <- getBioNetGraph()
    nodeRadius  <- getBioNetNodeRadius()
    plotAreaWid <- getBioNetPlotAreaWidth()
    plotRadius  <- nodeRadius*(1 + plotAreaWid)

    plotPositions <- getBioNetBasePositions()
    nodeArea <- plotPositions[,1:2]*plotRadius

    for(nodeIndex in seq_len(nrow(bioNetGraph$layout)))  {

        nodeCenter <- bioNetGraph$layout[nodeIndex,]
        nodeX <- nodeArea[,1] + nodeCenter[1]
        nodeY <- nodeArea[,2] + nodeCenter[2]

        polygon(nodeX, nodeY, col="white", border="white")

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Calculate x and y coordinates for sample plot positions on default node.  
#    The output will be a three column matrix representing the left, center, 
#    and right position for each sample on circumference of default node. The 
#    center positions are for points plot and others are for polygon plot. 
#    This function is for internal use.
#    Arguments:    totalSamples, non-negative integer, total number of samples
#    Return value: matrix with index of x and y coordinates for each sample. 
#    Example:   pointIndex <- getPlotCoordinates(totalSamples=100)
#    Last revisited on July 7, 2014

getBioNetSamplePlotPosition <- function(totalSamples) {

    if(is.numeric(totalSamples) == FALSE || totalSamples<0 )
            stop("Incorrect total samples defined!\n") 

    basePositions <- getBioNetBasePositions()
    totalPoints   <- nrow(basePositions) - 1

    interval <- totalPoints/totalSamples
    shiftBy  <- interval/2

    right    <- interval*c(1:totalSamples)+1
    center   <- right - shiftBy
    left     <- center - shiftBy
    sampleLocation <- cbind(left, center, right)

    return (sampleLocation)

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Calculate plot positions including node center, outer boundary, inner 
#    boundary, and index of point coordinates.
#    Arguments:
#    nodeCenter: x and y coordinates of the node center
#    outer:      non-negative numeric, outer limit of plot track and relative
#                node center (0,0)
#    inner:      non-negative numeric, inner limit of plot track and relative
#                to node center (0,0)
#    All arguments should be validated in advance.
#    Returned value: a list that contains node centers, outer boundary, inner 
#                    boundary, and index of point coordinates for polygons.
#    Example: locations <- getBioNetPlotLocations(nodeCenter=5,  
#                                    outer=1.9, inner=1.5)
#   Last revised on:    February 2, 2015

getBioNetPlotLocations <- function(nodeCenter, outer, inner) {

    theCenter <- as.numeric(nodeCenter)
    theRadius <- getBioNetNodeRadius()

    basePositions <- getBioNetBasePositions()
    outLocations  <- basePositions[,1:2]*theRadius*outer
    inLocations   <- basePositions[,1:2]*theRadius*inner 

    totalSamples <- getBioNetPlotTotalSample()
    theIndex <- getBioNetSamplePlotPosition(totalSamples)

    return (list(nodeCenter=theCenter, outPositions=outLocations, 
            inPositions=inLocations, positionIndex=theIndex))

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    The main plot function for caOmicsV bioNetCircos layout. It plots one  
#    type data on all nodes of the network.
#    Arguments:
#    dataValues:    nemeric matrix, the data used for generatrion of  
#                    biological network
#    plotType:      character vector, must be one of "group", "bar",  
#                    "scatters", "heatmap", "line"
#    outer:         non-negative numeric, the boundary of plot area far 
#                    from node center
#    inner:         non-negative numeric, the boundary of plot area close 
#                    to node center
#    plotColors:    character vector or vectors fo R color specification, 
#                    colors for each sample
#    maxValue:       numeric, the biggest value of plot data
#    minValue:       numeric, the smallest  value of plot data
#    Return value:  None
#    Example:      plotColors <- c(rep("red", 20), rep("blue", 30))
#                bioNetCircosPlot(dataValues=p53, plotType="polygon", 
#                        outer=0.9, inner=0.7, plotColors=plotColors)
#    Last revisited on August 14, 2014

bioNetCircosPlot <- function(dataValues=NULL, plotType="polygon", outer,  
            inner, plotColors=NULL, maxValue=NULL, minValue=NULL) {

    supportedType <- getCaOmicsVPlotTypes();
    plotType <- tolower(plotType);

    if(!plotType %in% supportedType)  stop("Unsupported plot type!\n")  
    if(is.null(dataValues))  stop("Plot data is missing.")  

    if(is.vector(plotColors) == FALSE || is.character(plotColors) == FALSE)
            stop("Plot colors must be held with vector!\n") 
    if(is.null(dataValues))  stop("Plot data is missing.")  

    if(is.numeric(outer) == FALSE || is.numeric(inner) == FALSE) 
        stop("Plot area boundary must be numeric!\n")  
    if(outer<0 || inner<0) stop("Plot area boundary cannot be negative.\n")  

    if(outer == inner) stop("Plot area is too small.\n") 
    if(outer<inner) { temp <- outer; outer <- inner; inner <- temp }

    bioNetGraph <- getBioNetGraph()
        stop("Node layout has not been initialized.\n") 

    #   plot data as polygons, no color definition need
    #   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    if(plotType == supportedType[1]) {
        plotBioNetPolygons(dataValues, outer, inner) 

    #   plot data as bars
    #   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    } else if(plotType == supportedType[2]) {
        plotBioNetBars(dataValues, outer, inner, plotColors)

    #   plot data as points
    #   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    } else if(plotType == supportedType[3]) {
        plotBioNetPoints(dataValues, outer=outer, inner=inner)

    #   plot data as heatmap
    #   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    } else if(plotType == supportedType[4]) {
        plotBioNetHeatmap(dataValues, maxValue, minValue, 
                    outer, inner, plotColors)

    #   plot data as lines between two neighbor data points
    #   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    } else if(plotType == supportedType[5]) {
        plotBioNetLines(dataValues, maxValue, minValue, 
                    outer, inner, plotColors)

    #   plot category data as colored polygons
    #   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    } else if(plotType == supportedType[6] || plotType == supportedType[7]) {
        plotBioNetPolygons(dataValues, outer, inner)  

    #   error report
    #   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    } else { stop("Nothing could be done!\n") }

    resetBioNetNodePlotAreaBoundary(inner, outer)

#    ________________________________________________________________________
#    ************************************************************************
#    Plot group data such as clinical Features on each node. By passing a  
#    matrix with more than one row, this function could be used to plot 
#    category/binary data.
#    Arguments:
#        dataValues:    matrix of character or numeric for category data
#        outer:         non-negative numeric, the outer boundary of plot area
#        inner:         non-negative numeric, the inner boundary of plot area
#    Return value:  None
#    Example:   plotColors <- c(rep("red", 20), rep("blue", 30))
#               plotBioNetGroupData(dataValues, outer=0.9, inner=0.7)
#    Last revisited on August 14, 2014

plotBioNetPolygons <- function(dataValues, outer, inner) {

    bioNetGraph <-  getBioNetGraph()

    groupNames <- unique(as.vector(dataValues));
    numOfGroup <- length(groupNames);

    colorSet <- getCaOmicsVColors()
    if(numOfGroup<=length(colorSet)) {
        groupColors <- colorSet[1:numOfGroup] 
    } else { 
        groupColors <- rainbow(numOfGroup)  

    for(nodeIndex in seq_len(nrow(bioNetGraph$layout)))  {

        nodeCenter <- as.numeric(bioNetGraph$layout[nodeIndex,])
        plotLocations <- getBioNetPlotLocations(nodeCenter, outer, inner)

        if(nrow(dataValues) == 1)  { 
            rowIndex <- 1
        } else { rowIndex <- nodeIndex }

        plotData <- dataValues[rowIndex,]
        plotColors <- rep(groupColors[1], length(plotData));

        for(aGroup in 1:numOfGroup) {  
            items <- which(plotData == groupNames[aGroup])
            plotColors[items] <-  groupColors[aGroup] 

        totalSamples <- getBioNetPlotTotalSample()
        for(a.sample in seq_len(totalSamples)) {
            start <- plotLocations$positionIndex[a.sample, 1]
            end   <- plotLocations$positionIndex[a.sample, 3]
            theColor <- plotColors[a.sample]

            polygonX <- c(plotLocations$outPositions[start:end,1], 
            polygonY <- c(plotLocations$outPositions[start:end,2], 

            polygonX <- polygonX + nodeCenter[1]
            polygonY <- polygonY + nodeCenter[2]

            polygon(polygonX, polygonY, col=theColor, border=NA)

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Bar plot for each sample, mostly used for displaying percentages such as 
#    coverage from NGS data or ratios of expressed genes of a pathway ... 
#    Arguments:
#    dataValues: numeric matrix with range of 0 ~ 1 for bar height. total 
#                rows of the matrix must be same as the number of nodes 
#                and row names must be same as the vertex names in bioNetGraph
#    outer:      non-negative numeric, the outer boundary of plot area 
#    inner:      non-negative numeric, the inner boundary of plot area
#    plotColors: colors for each sample
#    Return value:  None
#    Example:   plotBioNetFrequency(dataValues, nodeIndex, outer, inner, 
#                                  plotColors)
#    Last revisited on August 14, 2014

plotBioNetBars <- function(dataValues, outer, inner, plotColors) {

    if(ncol(dataValues) !=length(plotColors)) { 

        cat("length of data values and colors are different.\n")
        cat("First color will be used for all samples.\n")

        plotColors <- rep(plotColors[1], length(dataValues))  

    barData <- as.vector(dataValues);
    if(is.numeric(barData) == FALSE) 
        stop("Bar plot data must be numeric between 0 and 1.")

    if(max(barData)>1 || min(barData)<0) {

        maxValue <- max(barData);
        minValue <- min(barData);
        dataRange <- maxValue - minValue;
        for(aRow in seq_len(nrow(dataValues)))
            dataValues[aRow,] <- (dataValues[aRow,]- minValue)/dataRange

    bioNetGraph <-  getBioNetGraph()
    trackHeight <- outer-inner

    vertexNames  <- V(bioNetGraph)$name
    dataRowNames <- rownames(dataValues)

    for(nodeIndex in seq_len(nrow(bioNetGraph$layout))) {

        if(length(dataRowNames) == 1) dataIndex <- 1
        else {
            dataIndex <- grep(vertexNames[nodeIndex], dataRowNames)
            if(length(dataIndex) == 0) next

        plotData   <- as.numeric(dataValues[dataIndex,])
        nodeCenter <- as.numeric(bioNetGraph$layout[nodeIndex,])
        plotLocations <- getBioNetPlotLocations(nodeCenter, outer, inner)

        for(a.sample in seq_len(length(plotData))) {

            if(plotData[a.sample] == 0) next 

            barHeight <- (trackHeight*plotData[a.sample])/inner
            theColor <- plotColors[a.sample]

            start <- plotLocations$positionIndex[a.sample, 1]
            end   <- plotLocations$positionIndex[a.sample, 3]

            polygonX <- c(plotLocations$inPositions[start:end,1]*(1+barHeight),
            polygonY <- c(plotLocations$inPositions[start:end,2]*(1+barHeight),

            polygonX <- polygonX + nodeCenter[1]
            polygonY <- polygonY + nodeCenter[2]

            polygon(polygonX, polygonY, col=theColor, border=NA)

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Heatmap plot for all nodes of an igraph. 
#    Arguments:
#        dataValues:    numeric matrix of log2 values. total rows of the matrix
#                       must be same as the number of nodes and row names must
#                       be same as the vertex names in bioNetGraph
#        maxValue:      numeric, maximum value for highest color in heatmap, 
#                       set to NULL to use the maximum value in expression 
#                       dataset
#        minValue:      numeric, minimum value for lowest color in heatmap, set
#                       to NULL to use the minimum value in expression dataset
#        outer:         non-negative numeric, the outrt boundary of plot area
#        inner:         non-negative numeric, the innner boundary of plot area
#        plotColors:    color map, one of "BlueWhiteRed", "GreenWhiteRed",  
#                       "GreenYellowRed", "GreenBlackRed", "YellowToRed", 
#                       "BlackOnly".
#    Return value:  None
#    Example: plotBioNetHeatmap(dataValues=p53, nodeIndex=3, outer=1.4, 
#                            inner=1.2, plotColors="BlueWhiteRed")
#    Last revised on August 14, 2014

plotBioNetHeatmap <- function(dataValues, maxValue=NULL, minValue=NULL,  
            outer, inner, plotColors) {

    errMSG <- "Heatmap colors should be one from:


        Please redefine the plotColors."

    if(length(plotColors)>1)  stop(errMSG)

    if(is.null(minValue) == FALSE && is.null(maxValue) == FALSE)  
        dataRange <- c(minValue, maxValue)  
        dataRange <- c(min(dataValues), max(dataValues))

    colorRamp <- getHeatmapColorScales(plotColors)
    colorLevel <- seq(dataRange[1], dataRange[2], length=length(colorRamp))

    bioNetGraph <-  getBioNetGraph()
    vertexNames  <- V(bioNetGraph)$name
    dataRowNames <- rownames(dataValues)

    for(nodeIndex in seq_len(nrow(bioNetGraph$layout))) {

        if(length(dataRowNames) == 1) dataIndex <- 1
        else {
            dataIndex <- grep(vertexNames[nodeIndex], dataRowNames)
            if(length(dataIndex) == 0) next

        plotData  <- as.numeric(dataValues[dataIndex,])
        nodeCenter <- as.numeric(bioNetGraph$layout[nodeIndex,])
        plotLocations <- getBioNetPlotLocations(nodeCenter, outer, inner)

        sampleColors <- rep(colorRamp[1], length(plotData))
        for(a.sample in seq_len(length(plotData))) {

            if(is.na(plotData[a.sample])) {
                sampleColors[a.sample] <- "gray"; next 

            the.level <- which(colorLevel>=plotData[a.sample])
            sampleColors[a.sample] <- colorRamp[min(the.level)]

        for(a.sample in seq_len(length(plotData)))  {

            start <- plotLocations$positionIndex[a.sample, 1]
            end   <- plotLocations$positionIndex[a.sample, 3]
            theColor <- sampleColors[a.sample]

            polygonX <- c(plotLocations$outPositions[start:end,1], 
            polygonY <- c(plotLocations$outPositions[start:end,2], 

            polygonX <- polygonX + nodeCenter[1]
            polygonY <- polygonY + nodeCenter[2]

            polygon(polygonX, polygonY, col=theColor, border=NA)

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Point plot for all nodes of a igraph. Character type and size could be   
#    set from the console since points() function is used.
#    Arguments:
#        dataValues: numeric matrix of plot data
#        maxValue:   numeric, the biggest value of plot data
#        minValue:   numeric, the smallest  value of plot data
#        outer:      non-negative numeric, the outer boundary of plot area
#        inner:      non-negative numeric, the inner boundary of plot area
#        plotColors: character vector or R color specification for each sample
#        sizeByValue: logic, use data value for point size (cex)
#        pch: same as pch parameter in par()
#    Return value:  None
#    Example:   plotBioNetPoints(dataValues, 1.5, 2)
#    Last revised on AUgust 14, 2014

plotBioNetPoints <- function(dataValues, maxValue=NULL, minValue=NULL, 
        outer, inner, plotColors=rep("black", ncol(dataValues)), 
        sizeByValue=FALSE, pch=".")  {

    if(ncol(dataValues) != length(plotColors))
        stop("Length of data values and colors must be same.\n") 

    dataLow <- min(as.vector(dataValues))
    dataTop <- max(as.vector(dataValues)) 
    if(is.null(minValue) == FALSE) dataLow <- min(dataLow, minValue) 
    if(is.null(maxValue) == FALSE) dataTop <- max(dataTop, maxValue)

    plotHeight <- outer - inner
    dataHeight <- dataTop - dataLow
    pointHeights <-(dataValues-dataLow)/dataHeight*plotHeight/inner

    bioNetGraph <-  getBioNetGraph()
    vertexNames  <- V(bioNetGraph)$name
    dataRowNames <- rownames(dataValues)

    totalSamples  <- length(dataValues[1,])
    for(nodeIndex in seq_len(nrow(bioNetGraph$layout))) {

        if(length(dataRowNames) == 1) 
            dataIndex <- 1
            dataIndex <- nodeIndex

        nodeCenter <- as.numeric(bioNetGraph$layout[nodeIndex,])
        plotLocations <- getBioNetPlotLocations(nodeCenter, outer, inner)

        pointIndex     <- plotLocations$positionIndex[,2]
        pointLocations <- plotLocations$inPositions[pointIndex,] 
        pointLocations <- pointLocations * (1+pointHeights[nodeIndex,])

        if(sizeByValue == TRUE) 
            pcex <-  pointHeights
            pcex <- rep(0.5, totalSamples)

        for(aSample in seq_len(totalSamples)) {

            theColor <- plotColors[aSample]

            pointX <- pointLocations[aSample, 1] + nodeCenter[1]
            pointY <- pointLocations[aSample, 2] + nodeCenter[2]
            points(pointX, pointY, col=theColor, pch=pch, cex=pcex[aSample])

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Plot lines between two samples
#    Arguments:
#        dataValues:    numeric matrix of plot data
#        outer:      non-negative numeric, the outer boundary of plot area
#        inner:      non-negative numeric, the inner boundary of plot area  
#        maxValue:   numeric, the biggest value of plot data
#        minValue:   numeric, the smallest  value of plot data  
#        plotColors: character vector or R color specification for each sample
#    Return value:  None
#    Example:   plotLines(bioNetGraph, dataValues, maxValue, minValue, 
#                       outer, inner, plotColors)
#    Last revised on July25, 2014

plotBioNetLines <- function(dataValues, outer, inner, maxValue=NULL, 
            minValue=NULL, plotColors=rep("black", ncol(dataValues))) {

    if(ncol(dataValues) !=length(plotColors))
        stop("Length of data values and colors must be same.\n")

    totalSamples <- ncol(dataValues)

    dataLow <- min(dataValues)
    dataTop <- max(dataValues) 
    if(is.null(minValue) == FALSE) dataLow <- min(dataLow, minValue)  
    if(is.null(maxValue) == FALSE) dataTop <- max(dataTop, maxValue) 

    plotHeight <- outer - inner
    dataHeight <- dataTop - dataLow
    pointHeights <-(dataValues-dataLow)/dataHeight*plotHeight/inner

    bioNetGraph <-  getBioNetGraph()
    vertexNames  <- V(bioNetGraph)$name
    dataRowNames <- rownames(dataValues)

    for(nodeIndex in 1:nrow(bioNetGraph$layout)) {

        if(length(dataRowNames) == 1)  { 
                dataIndex <- 1
        } else {
            dataIndex <- grep(vertexNames[nodeIndex], dataRowNames)
            if(length(dataIndex) == 0) next

        plotData  <- as.numeric(dataValues[dataIndex,])
        nodeCenter <- as.numeric(bioNetGraph$layout[nodeIndex,])

        plotLocations <- getBioNetPlotLocations(nodeCenter, outer, inner)

        pointIndex     <- plotLocations$positionIndex[,2]
        pointLocations <- plotLocations$inPositions[pointIndex,] 
        pointLocations <- pointLocations* (1+pointHeights[nodeIndex,]) 

        for(a.sample in seq_len(totalSamples-1)) {

            theColor <- plotColors[a.sample]

            startX <- pointLocations[a.sample,1] + nodeCenter[1]
            endX <- pointLocations[a.sample+1,1] + nodeCenter[1]

            startY <- pointLocations[a.sample,2] + nodeCenter[2]
            endY <- pointLocations[a.sample+1,2] + nodeCenter[2]

            lines(c(startX, endX), c(startY, endY), col=theColor)

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Label node (vertex) names for customized locations. 
#    Argument:
#        nodeList:      no-negative numeric vector, which node(s) will be  
#                       labelled. Set NULL to label all nodes.
#        labelColor:    character vector or R color specification, colors for 
#                       node name(s)
#        lableLocation: character vector, location relative to node center,
#                       either "bottom", "left", "top", or "right"
#        labelOffset: non-negative numeric, distance from node outside boundary
#    Return value: None
#    Example:    labelBioNetNodeNames(1, "red", "bottom")
#                labelBioNetNodeNames(c(2:5), "blue", "right")
#    Last updated on August 20, 2014

labelBioNetNodeNames <- function(nodeList=NULL, labelColor="black",
    labelLocation=c("bottom", "left", "top", "right"), labelOffset=0.5) {

    nodeRadius  <- getBioNetNodeRadius()
    plotAreaWid <- getBioNetPlotAreaWidth()
    plotRadius  <- nodeRadius*plotAreaWid

    basePositions <- getBioNetBasePositions()
    outPositions  <- basePositions[,1:2]*plotRadius

    indexLength <- nrow(outPositions)
    labelLocation <- tolower(labelLocation)

    if(labelLocation == "bottom") {
        positionIndex <- round(indexLength/2, digits=0)
        nameLocation <- outPositions[positionIndex,]
        textPos <- 1
    } else if(labelLocation == "left") {
        positionIndex <- round(indexLength/4*3, digits=0)
        nameLocation <- outPositions[positionIndex,]
        textPos <- 2
    } else if (labelLocation == "top") {
        nameLocation <- outPositions[1,]
        textPos <- 3
    } else {
        positionIndex <- round(indexLength/4, digits=0)
        nameLocation <- outPositions[positionIndex,]
        textPos <- 4

    bioNetGraph <- getBioNetGraph()
    nodeNames <- V(bioNetGraph)$name

    if(is.null(nodeList)) nodeList <- 1:nrow(bioNetGraph$layout) 

    for(nodeIndex in seq_len(length(nodeList))) {
        theNode <- nodeList[nodeIndex]
        nodeCenter <- bioNetGraph$layout[theNode,]

        nameX <- nameLocation[1] + nodeCenter[1]
        nameY <- nameLocation[2] + nodeCenter[2]
        text(nameX, nameY, nodeNames[theNode], pos=textPos, 
                offset=labelOffset, col=labelColor)

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Draw background with grey or customized color for a plot track
#    Arguments:
#        trackLocations: an object returned from getBioNetPlotLocations(...)
#        bgColor: vector of any of the three kinds of R color specifications, 
#                 i.e., either a color name (as listed by colors()), or a 
#                 hexadecimal string of the form "#rrggbb" or "#rrggbbaa" 
#                 (see rgb), or a positive integer i meaning palette()[i].
#    Returned value:    None
#    Example:   drawBioNetNodeBackground(plotLocations)
#    Last revised on July 15, 2014

drawBioNetNodeBackground <- function(trackLocations, 
                        bgColor=gray(0.9, alpha=0.5)) {

    rgb.val <- as.vector(col2rgb(bgColor))/255
    bgColorColor <- rgb(red=rgb.val[1], green=rgb.val[2], 
                            blue=rgb.val[3], alpha=0.5)

    end <- nrow(trackLocations$inPositions)

    polygonX <- c(trackLocations$outPositions[1:end,1], 
    polygonY <- c(trackLocations$outPositions[1:end,2], 

    polygonX <- polygonX + trackLocations$nodeCenter[1]
    polygonY <- polygonY + trackLocations$nodeCenter[2]

    polygon(polygonX, polygonY, col=bgColor, border=NA)

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Draw quadratic Bezier curve between two samples inside a node. This is  
#    always in most inside of the node. 
#    Arguments:
#        nodeIndex: non negative integer, the node on which link line is drawn
#        fromSample: non negative integer, the first sample to be linked
#        toSample:   non negative integer, the second sample to be linked
#        outer:      non negative numeric, the start and end of link line  
#                    relative to node center
#        plotColors: character vector of R color specification
#    Return value:  None
#    Example:   linkBioNetSamples(nodeCenter,  fromSample=5,  toSample=90,
#                        outer, plotColors=red(1.0, alpha=0.5))
#    Last revised on July 15, 2014

linkBioNetSamples <- function(nodeIndex, fromSample, toSample, outer, 
                                    plotColors) {

    if(is.numeric(nodeIndex)  ==  FALSE || is.numeric(fromSample)  ==  FALSE ||
            fromSample<0 || is.numeric(toSample) == FALSE || toSample<0 || 
            is.numeric(outer) == FALSE || outer<0 || nodeIndex<0)
                stop("First four arguments must be non-negative integer.\n") 

    totalSample <- getBioNetPlotTotalSample()
    if(fromSample>totalSample || toSample>totalSample || 
                fromSample == toSample)
            stop("Incorrect sample index.\n")

    bioNetGraph <- getBioNetGraph()
    nodeRadius <- getBioNetNodeRadius()
    nodeCenter <- bioNetGraph$layout[nodeIndex, ]

    basePosition <- getBioNetBasePositions()
    sampleLocation <- getBioNetSamplePlotPosition(totalSample)
    pointLocations <- basePosition[sampleLocation[,2], 1:2]*outer*nodeRadius

    from <- as.numeric(pointLocations[fromSample, ])
    to <- as.numeric(pointLocations[toSample, ])
    linkLine <- getBezierCurve(from, to, 1000)

    lines(linkLine$posX+nodeCenter[1], linkLine$posY+nodeCenter[2], 

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Calculate x and y coordinated for a quadratic Bezier curve between two  
#    points with the equation:  
#        B(t) = (1-t) ((1-t)P0 + tP1) + t((1-t)P1 + tP2)
#    where P0 is the start point, P2 is the end point, and P1 is the control  
#    point. P1 will be adjusted based on the distance of two points.
#    Arguments:
#        lineStart: The point where Bezier line starts
#        lineEnd:   The point where Bezier line ends
#        totalPoints:   total number of points that form a circle line
#    Return value: a list contianing x and y coordinates for a quadratic 
#                  Bezier curve
#    Example:   internal use only
#    Last revised on July 15, 2014

getBezierCurve <- function(lineStart, lineEnd, totalPoints) {

    P0 <- as.numeric(lineStart)
    P2 <- as.numeric(lineEnd)

    t <- seq(0, 1, 1/totalPoints)
    linkX <- (1-t)^2*P0[1] + t^2*P2[1]
    linkY <- (1-t)^2*P0[2] + t^2*P2[2]

    return (list(posX=linkX, posY=linkY))

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Draw customized arrow between two nodes. 
#    Arguments:
#        fromNode:  non negative integer, the start node to be linked
#        toNode:    non negative integer, the end node to be linked
#        lineColor: character vector, color of the link line
#        arrowSize: non-negative numeric, scaling factor for arrow size, 
#                   default 1
#    Return value:  None
#    Example: linkBioNetNodes(from=5, to=10, lineColor="red", arrowSize=0.5)
#    Last revised on July 23, 2014

linkBioNetNodes <- function(fromNode, toNode, lineColor="black", arrowSize=1) {

    if(is.numeric(fromNode) == FALSE || is.numeric(toNode) == FALSE || 
            fromNode<0 || toNode<0 || fromNode == toNode)
        stop("Incorrect node number(s) defined.\n") 

    bioNetGraph <- getBioNetGraph()
    nodeLayout <- bioNetGraph$layout

    if(fromNode>nrow(nodeLayout) || toNode>nrow(nodeLayout))  
        stop("Incorrect node number(s) defined.\n") 

    fromCenter <- as.numeric(nodeLayout[fromNode, ])
    toCenter   <- as.numeric(nodeLayout[toNode, ])
    center2center <- sqrt((fromCenter[1]-toCenter[1])^2 + 

    basePositions <- getBioNetBasePositions()
    totalPoints <- ceiling((center2center/2/pi)*nrow(basePositions))

    lineX <- seq(fromCenter[1], toCenter[1], length=totalPoints)
    lineY <- seq(fromCenter[2], toCenter[2], length=totalPoints)

    nodeRadius <- getBioNetNodeRadius()
    plotAreaWid <- getBioNetPlotAreaWidth()
    plotRadius  <- nodeRadius*(1.5 + plotAreaWid)

    lineAdjust <- ceiling(plotRadius/center2center*totalPoints)
    lineX <- lineX[(lineAdjust+1):(totalPoints-lineAdjust)]
    lineY <- lineY[(lineAdjust+1):(totalPoints-lineAdjust)]

    last <- length(lineX)
    lineLength <- sqrt((lineX[1]-lineX[last])^2 + (lineY[2]-lineY[last])^2)

        stop("No enough space for an arraow. Please reduce arrow size.\n") 

    nodeLinkLine <- getBioNetNodeLinkLine(lineX, lineY, arrowSize, lineLength)

    rgb.val <- as.vector(col2rgb(lineColor))/255
    lineColor <- rgb(red=rgb.val[1], green=rgb.val[2], blue=rgb.val[3])

    polygon(nodeLinkLine$arrowX, nodeLinkLine$arrowY, 
                    col=lineColor, border="black")

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Generate x and y coordinates for arrow head and tail with defined length. 
#    By default, the arrow is in inside of a circle (radius 1) without tail  
#    and it points to radian 0. The tail, if any, will be added to the left.
#    Arguments:
#        lineX:      numeric vector, x coordinates of the link line
#        lineY:      numeric vector, y coordinates of the link line
#        arrowSize:  non-negative numeric, scaling factor for arrow size, 
#                    default 1
#        lineLength: non negative integer, the length of link line
#    Return value:   x and y coordinates for link line with arrow
#    Example: line.corr <- getBioNetNodeLinkLine(lineX, lineY, arrowSize=1, 
#                               lineLength)
#    Last revised on July 23, 2014

getBioNetNodeLinkLine <- function(lineX, lineY, arrowSize=1, lineLength) {

    nodeRadius <- getBioNetNodeRadius()

    polygonX <- c(1,-0.7,-0.4,-1,  -1,  -0.4,-0.7,1)*nodeRadius
    polygonY <- c(0, 0.7, 0.2, 0.2,-0.2,-0.2,-0.7,0)*nodeRadius

    polygonX <- polygonX*arrowSize
    polygonY <- polygonY*arrowSize

    headLength <- max(polygonX)-min(polygonX)
    if(lineLength>headLength) {
        tailLength <- lineLength - headLength

        polygonX[4] <- polygonX[4] - tailLength
        polygonX[5] <- polygonX[5] - tailLength
        polygonX <- polygonX + (tailLength/2)

    } else {
        scaleFactor <- lineLength/headLength
        polygonX <- polygonX*scaleFactor
        polygonY <- polygonY*scaleFactor

    mid <- ceiling(length(lineX)/2)
    lineCenter <- c(lineX[mid], lineY[mid])

    last <- length(lineX)
    angle <- atan2(lineY[last]-lineCenter[2], lineX[last]-lineCenter[1])

    newX <- polygonX
    newY <- polygonY

    for(a.point in seq_len(length(newX))) {
        newX[a.point] <- polygonX[a.point]*cos(angle) -  
        newY[a.point] <- polygonX[a.point]*sin(angle) +  

    newX <- newX + lineCenter[1]
    newY <- newY + lineCenter[2]

    return (list(arrowX=newX, arrowY=newY))

#    Last revised on May 18, 2015
#    ________________________________________________________________________

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