VB <- function(Linf, K, t0, age) Linf * (1-exp(-K*(age-t0)))
myrunif <- function(n, val1, val2) {
min <- min(c(val1, val2))
max <- max(c(val1, val2))
if ( stop("First argument is NA")
# if ( stop('Second argument is NA')
# if ( stop('Third argument is NA')
if (all(, max)))) return(rep(NA,n))
if (all(min == max)) {
tt <- runif(n)
return(rep(min, n))
} else {
return(runif(n, min, max))
#' Internal function for checking that the `OM@cpars` is formatted correctly
#' @param cpars a list of model parameters to be sampled (single parameters are
#' a vector `nsim` long, first dimension of matrices and arrays must be `nsim`)
#' @return either an error and the length of the first dimension of the various
#' cpars list items or passes and returns the number of simulations in `cpars`
#' @author T. Carruthers
if (length(cpars)<1) return(length(cpars))
if (inherits(x, 'numeric') | inherits(x, 'integer')) return(length(x))
else return(dim(x)[1])
dims <- sapply(cpars,dim1check)
# drop invalid names
dims <- dims[!unlist(lapply(dims, is.null))]
# Check Stock names - must be vectors
slts <- slotNames("Stock")
ind <- which(names(cpars) %in% slts)
if (length(ind)>0) {
chkdim <- !unlist(lapply(lapply(cpars[ind], dim), is.null))
if (any(chkdim)) {
err <- names(chkdim[chkdim])
stop("Incorrect dimensions in Stock parameter slots in OM@cpars:", paste(err, collapse=", "))
# check if EffYears etc are in cpars
effNames <- c("EffYears", "EffLower", "EffUpper")
temp <- effNames %in% names(dims)
# all 3?
if (any(temp) & !all(temp)) stop(paste(effNames[!temp], collapse=", "), " missing")
# can't have Find as well
if (any(temp & 'Find' %in% names(dims))) stop("Can't provide both Find and EffYears etc in cpars")
# same length
if (all(temp)) {
if (!all(dims[effNames]==dims[effNames][1])) stop(paste(effNames, collapse=", "), " are not equal length")
if (length(dims) > 0) {
stop("The custom parameters in your operating model @cpars have varying
number of simulations. For each simulation each parameter / variable
should correspond with one another")
#' Sample custom pars
#' @param cpars A named list containing custom parameters for the OM
#' @param nsim number of simulations
#' @param silent logical - print the names of the cpars? Turn off when using the function in a loop
#' @return A named list of sampled custom parameters
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
SampleCpars <- function(cpars, nsim=48, silent=FALSE) {
sampCpars <- list()
# ---- Non-stochastic parameters ----
Names <- c('CAL_bins', 'CAL_binsmid', 'binWidth', 'nCALbins',
'maxage', 'n_age', 'CurrentYr',
'plusgroup', 'control', 'AddIUnits', 'Data', 'MPA',
'nareas', 'Wa', 'Wb', 'maxF', 'Sample_Area', 'Asize',
'Real.Data.Map', 'SRR', 'Ind_Yrs',
cpars2 <- cpars
cpars2[Names] <- NULL
# --- Check custom parameters dimensions ----
ncparsim <- cparscheck(cpars2)
# --- Check for Invalid Cpars ----
# CparsInfo <- MSEtool:::cpars_info # get internal data from sysdata
CparsInfo <- cpars_info # get internal data from sysdata - above for debugging
CparsInfo$ValidCpars[$ValidCpars)] <- TRUE
CparsInfo <- CparsInfo[CparsInfo$ValidCpars==TRUE,]
CNames <- names(cpars)
ValNames <- CparsInfo$Var
invalid <- CNames[!CNames %in% ValNames]
if (length(invalid)>0) {
invdf <- data.frame(not_used_cpars=invalid, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if(!silent) {
message_oops("Invalid names found in custom parameters:")
# base::message(paste0(capture.output(invdf), collapse = "\n"))
# # report found names
valid <- which(CNames %in% ValNames)
cpars <- cpars[valid]
if (length(valid) == 0) {
message_info("No valid names found in custompars. Ignoring `OM@cpars`")
CNames <- names(cpars)
outNames <- paste(CNames, "")
if(!silent) message_info("Valid custom parameters found: \n", paste0(outNames, collapse="\n"))
# ---- Sample custom pars ----
if (!is.null(ncparsim) && ncparsim>0) {
if (ncparsim < nsim) {
ind <- sample(1:ncparsim, nsim, replace=TRUE) # index for cpars
} else {
if (ncparsim == nsim) {
ind <- 1:nsim
} else {
ind <- sample(1:ncparsim, nsim, replace=FALSE)
if (length(cpars2)>0) {
for (i in 1:length(cpars2)) {
samps <- cpars2[[i]]
name <- names(cpars2)[i]
# sample vectors
if ("numeric" %in% class(samps) | "integer" %in% class(samps))
sampCpars[[name]] <- samps[ind]
# sample matrices
if (inherits(samps, "matrix") | inherits(samps, 'array')) {
if (length(dim(samps)) == 2) {
sampCpars[[name]] <- samps[ind,, drop=FALSE] # sample matrix
} else {
# sample arrays
dims <- dim(samps)
tout <- array(NA, dim=c(nsim, dims[2:length(dims)]))
tlist <- c(list(ind), lapply(dims[2:length(dims)], seq))
tlist2 <- c(list(1:nsim), lapply(dims[2:length(dims)], seq))
varind <- expand.grid(tlist) %>% as.matrix()
varind2 <- expand.grid(tlist2) %>% as.matrix()
tout[varind2] <- samps[varind]
sampCpars[[name]] <- tout
if (inherits(samps, 'data.frame')) {
sampCpars[[name]] <- samps
sampCpars <- sampCpars[lengths(sampCpars) != 0] # remove NULL
# --- Add non-stochastic parameters ----
sampCpars[Names] <- cpars[Names]
ind <- which(unlist(lapply(sampCpars, length)) ==0)
sampCpars[ind] <- NULL
sample_unif <- function(par, cpars, Obj, nsim, altpar=NULL, req=TRUE) {
if (!is.null(cpars[[par]])) {
tt <- myrunif(nsim, 0,1) # call to runif to increment RNG
if ((!is.null(altpar))) {
if (!is.null(cpars[[altpar]])) {
tt <- myrunif(nsim, 0,1) # call to runif to increment RNG
if (!is.null(altpar)) par <- altpar
vals <- slot(Obj, par)
if (req)
if (length(vals)<1) stop('slot ', par, ' in object class ', class(Obj), ' is missing values')
myrunif(nsim, vals[1], vals[2])
vB <- function(pars, ages) {
pars[1] * (1-exp(-pars[2]*(ages-pars[3])))
fitVB <- function(pars, LatAge, ages) {
pars[1] <- exp(pars[1])
pars[2] <- exp(pars[2])
sum((vB(pars, ages) - LatAge)^2)
#' Sample Stock parameters
#' @param Stock An object of class 'Stock' or class 'OM'
#' @param nsim Number of simulations. Ignored if 'Stock' is class 'OM'
#' @param nyears Number of historical years. Ignored if 'Stock' is class 'OM'
#' @param proyears Number of projection years. Ignored if 'Stock' is class 'OM'
#' @param cpars Optional named list of custom parameters. Ignored if 'Stock' is class 'OM'
#' @param msg logical. Warning message for M values?
#' @return A named list of sampled Stock parameters
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
SampleStockPars <- function(Stock, nsim=48, nyears=80, proyears=50, cpars=NULL, msg=TRUE) {
if (!methods::is(Stock, "Stock") & !methods::is(Stock, "OM"))
stop("First argument must be class 'Stock' or 'OM'")
if (methods::is(Stock,"OM")) {
nsim <- Stock@nsim
nyears <- Stock@nyears
proyears <- Stock@proyears
# Get custom pars if they exist
if (methods::is(Stock, "OM") && length(Stock@cpars) > 0 && is.null(cpars))
cpars <- SampleCpars(Stock@cpars, nsim, silent=!msg) # custom parameters exist in Stock/OM object
# ---- Maximum age ----
if(!is.null(cpars$maxage)) {
maxage <- cpars$maxage
} else {
maxage <- Stock@maxage
maxage <- maxage[1] # check if maxage has been passed in custompars
# ---- Virgin Recruitment ----
if(!is.null(cpars$R0)) {
R0 <- cpars$R0 # Initial recruitment
} else {
R0 <- Stock@R0 # Initial recruitment
R0 <- rep(R0, nsim)[1:nsim] # allow for different R0 per sim
# ---- Natural Mortality ----
n_age <- maxage + 1 # number of age classes (including age-0)
M <- sample_unif('M', cpars, Stock, nsim)
Msd <- sample_unif('Msd', cpars, Stock, nsim)
# ---- Stock-Recruitment Relationship ----
# type of Stock-recruit relationship. 1=Beverton; 2=Ricker
if (!is.null(cpars$SRrel)) {
SRrel <- cpars$SRrel
} else {
SRrel <- rep(Stock@SRrel, nsim)
hs <- sample_unif('hs', cpars, Stock, nsim, 'h')
if (all(SRrel == 2)) { # Ricker steepness between 0.2-Inf
if (any(hs < 0.2)) stop("Steepness (OM@h) must be greater than 0.2", call.=FALSE)
} else if (any(hs > 1 | hs < 0.2)) {
stop("Steepness (OM@h) must be between 0.2 and 1", call.=FALSE)
# ---- Depletion ----
D <- sample_unif('D', cpars, Stock, nsim)
# ---- Recruitment Deviations ----
# have rec devs been passed in cpars?
if (is.null(cpars$Perr_y)) { # no - sample recruitment deviations
if (!is.null(cpars[['Perr']])) cpars$procsd <- cpars[['Perr']]
procsd <- sample_unif('procsd', cpars, Stock, nsim, 'Perr')
AC <- sample_unif('AC', cpars, Stock, nsim)
# adjusted log normal mean
procmu <- -0.5 * procsd^2 * (1 - AC)/sqrt(1 - AC^2)
procsd[procsd==0] <- tiny # for reproducibility in rnorm
Perr_y <- array(rnorm((nyears + proyears+maxage) * nsim,
rep(procmu, nyears + proyears+maxage),
rep(procsd, nyears + proyears+maxage)),
c(nsim, nyears + proyears+maxage))
# add auto-correlation
for (y in 2:(nyears + proyears+maxage))
Perr_y[, y] <- AC * Perr_y[, y - 1] + Perr_y[, y] * (1 - AC * AC)^0.5
Perr_y <- exp(Perr_y) # normal space (mean 1 on average)
} else { # Perr_y passed in cpars
Perr_y <- cpars$Perr_y # normal space
log_Perr_y <- log(Perr_y)
if (!is.null(cpars$procsd)) {
procsd <- cpars$procsd
} else {
procsd <- apply(log_Perr_y, 1, sd)
if (!is.null(cpars$AC)) {
AC <- cpars$AC
} else {
AC <- apply(log_Perr_y,1,function(x)acf(x, plot=FALSE)$acf[2,1,1])
if (!is.null(cpars$procmu)) {
procmu <- cpars$procmu
} else {
procmu <- -0.5 * procsd^2 * (1 - AC)/sqrt(1 - AC^2)
# ---- Growth Parameters ----
Linf <- sample_unif('Linf', cpars, Stock, nsim, req=FALSE)
Linfsd <- sample_unif('Linfsd', cpars, Stock, nsim)
K <- sample_unif('K', cpars, Stock, nsim, req=FALSE)
Ksd <- sample_unif('Ksd', cpars, Stock, nsim)
t0 <- sample_unif('t0', cpars, Stock, nsim, req=FALSE)
# Generate random numbers for random walk
if (!is.null(cpars$Mrand)) {
Mrand <- cpars$Mrand
} else {
Mrand <- matrix(exp(rnorm(nsim*(proyears+nyears), -0.5 * Msd^2, Msd)),
nrow=nsim, ncol=proyears+nyears)
if (!is.null(cpars$Linfrand)) {
Linfrand <- cpars$Linfrand
} else {
Linfrand <- matrix(exp(rnorm(nsim*(proyears+nyears), -0.5 * Linfsd^2, Linfsd)),
nrow=nsim, ncol=proyears+nyears)
if (!is.null(cpars$Krand)) {
Krand <- cpars$Krand
} else {
Krand <- matrix(exp(rnorm(nsim*(proyears+nyears), -0.5 * Ksd^2, Ksd)),
nrow=nsim, ncol=proyears+nyears)
if (!is.null(cpars$Linfarray)) {
Linfarray <- cpars$Linfarray
} else {
Linfarray <- GenerateRandomWalk(Linf, Linfsd, nyears + proyears,
nsim, Linfrand)
if (!is.null(cpars$Karray)) {
Karray <- cpars$Karray
} else {
Karray <- GenerateRandomWalk(K, Ksd, nyears + proyears,
nsim, Krand)
if (!is.null(cpars$Agearray)) {
Agearray <- cpars$Agearray
} else {
Agearray <- array(rep(0:maxage, each = nsim), dim = c(nsim, n_age))
# Check dimensions of Linfarray and Karray
if (all(dim(Linfarray) != c(nsim, nyears+proyears)))
stop("Linfarray must be dimensions: nsim, proyears+nyears (",
nsim, ", ", proyears+nyears, ")")
if (all(dim(Karray) != c(nsim, nyears+proyears)))
stop("Karray must be dimensions: nsim, proyears+nyears (",
nsim, ", ", proyears+nyears, ")")
if (!is.null(cpars$t0array)) {
t0array <- cpars$t0array
} else {
t0array <- matrix(t0, nrow=nsim, ncol=proyears+nyears)
LenCV <- sample_unif('LenCV', cpars, Stock, nsim)
if (msg && any(LenCV < 0.05))
warning('Stock@LenCV is very low for at least some simulations (<0.05).\nLength composition data may not be generated successfully and MPs using length data may crash or be unreliable. \nLenCV is the variation in length-at-age. Very low values implies all individuals exactly follow the average growth curve')
# --- Mean Length-at-Age array ----
if (is.null(cpars$Len_age)) { # Len_age not in cpars - generate it
Len_age <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, n_age, nyears + proyears)) # Length at age array
ind <- as.matrix(expand.grid(1:nsim, 1:n_age, 1:(nyears + proyears)))
Len_age[ind] <- Linfarray[ind[, c(1, 3)]] * (1 - exp(-Karray[ind[, c(1, 3)]] *
(Agearray[ind[, 1:2]] -
t0[ind[, 1]])))
} else { # Len_age passed in cpars
Len_age <- cpars$Len_age
# check dimensions
if (any(dim(Len_age) != c(nsim, n_age, nyears + proyears)))
stop("'Len_age' must be array with dimensions: nsim, maxage+1, nyears + proyears. \nShould be: ",
paste0(c(nsim, n_age, nyears + proyears), collapse=","),
'; Currently is: ', paste0(dim(Len_age), collapse = ','))
# Estimate vB parameters for each year and each sim if growth parameters are not in cpars
if (!all(c("Linf", "K", "t0") %in% names(cpars))) {
if (msg) {
message_info('Mean length-at-age array are in cpars, but von Bert. growth parameters are not.',
'Estimating von Bert. growth parameters for each simulation and year from ',
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nsim, style = 3, width = min(getOption("width"), 40))
# loop over simulations
for (ss in 1:nsim) {
if(msg) { # print status update
setTxtProgressBar(pb, ss)
estpars <- sapply(1:(nyears + proyears), function(X) {
starts <- c(log(max(Len_age[ss,,X])), log(0.2), 0)
optim(starts, fitVB, LatAge=Len_age[ss,,X], ages=0:maxage)$par
pars <- estpars
Linfarray[ss,] <- round(exp(pars[1,]),3)
Karray[ss,] <- round(exp(pars[2,]),3)
t0[ss] <- mean(pars[3,])
t0array <- matrix(t0, nrow=nsim, ncol=proyears+nyears)
} # end loop over sims for vB estimation
if(msg) {
message_info('Range (across years and sims) of von Bert. parameters estimated from `OM@cpars$Len_age`:')
message_info('Linf:', paste0(range(Linfarray), collapse=" - "))
message_info('K:', paste0(range(Karray), collapse=" - "))
message_info('t0:', paste0(range(t0array), collapse=" - "))
# Add Linf, K, t0 to StockPars (current yr)
Linf <- Linfarray[,nyears]
K <- Karray[,nyears]
t0 <- t0array[,nyears]
} # end estimate vB conditional
} # end generate Len_age array
Len_age[Len_age<0] <- tiny
maxlen <- apply(Linfarray, 1, mean) # reference length for Vmaxlen
# ---- Generate Catch-at-Length Classes ----
if (!is.null(cpars$LatASD)) {
LatASD <- cpars$LatASD
} else {
LatASD <- Len_age * array(LenCV, dim=dim(Len_age)) # SD of length-at-age
if (any(dim(LatASD) != dim(Len_age)))
stop("Dimensions of 'LatASD' must match dimensions of 'Len_age'", .call=FALSE)
if (!is.null(cpars[["CAL_bins"]])) {
CAL_bins <- cpars[['CAL_bins']]
binWidth <- CAL_bins[2:length(CAL_bins)] - CAL_bins[2:length(CAL_bins) - 1]
if (!is.null(cpars[['CAL_binsmid']])) {
binWidth <- cpars$CAL_binsmid[2] - cpars$CAL_binsmid[1]
CAL_binsmid <- cpars$CAL_binsmid
MaxBin <- ceiling(max(Linfarray) + 2 * max(Linfarray) * max(LenCV))
if (!exists("CAL_bins", inherits=FALSE) & !exists('CAL_binsmid', inherits = FALSE)) {
binWidth <- ceiling(0.03 * MaxBin)
CAL_bins <- seq(from = 0, to = MaxBin + binWidth, by = binWidth)
binWidth <- rep(binWidth, length(CAL_bins) - 1)
} else {
if (exists("CAL_binsmid", inherits=FALSE)) {
CAL_bins <- seq(CAL_binsmid[1]-0.5*binWidth, by=binWidth, length.out=length(CAL_binsmid)+1)
CAL_binsmid <- CAL_bins[2:length(CAL_bins)] - 0.5 * binWidth
if (length(CAL_bins) != length(CAL_binsmid)+1)
stop("Length of 'CAL_bins' must be length(CAL_binsmid)+1", .call=FALSE)
#binWidth <- CAL_binsmid[2] - CAL_binsmid[1] # should be unchanged if passed in cpars anyway
# Check bin width - in case both CAL_bins or CAL_binsmid AND binWidth have been passed in with cpars
#if (!all(diff(CAL_bins) == binWidth))
# stop("width of CAL_bins != binWidth", call.=FALSE)
#if (!all(diff(CAL_binsmid) == binWidth))
# stop("width of CAL_binsmid != binWidth", call.=FALSE)
nCALbins <- length(CAL_binsmid)
if (max(Linfarray) > max(CAL_bins))
stop("`max(CAL_bins)` must be larger than `max(Linfarray)`")
# ---- Weight-at-Age array ----
if (is.null(cpars$Wt_age)) { # Wt_age not passed in cpars
Wt_age <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, n_age, nyears + proyears)) # Weight at age array
ind <- as.matrix(expand.grid(1:nsim, 1:n_age, 1:(nyears + proyears))) # an index for calculating Weight at age
Wt_age[ind] <- Stock@a * Len_age[ind]^Stock@b # Calculation of weight array
Wa <- Stock@a
Wb <- Stock@b
} else { # Wt_age in cpars
Wt_age <- cpars$Wt_age
if (any(dim(Wt_age) != c(nsim, n_age, nyears + proyears)))
stop("'Wt_age' must be array with dimensions: nsim, maxage+1, nyears + proyears: ",
paste0(c(nsim, maxage+1, nyears + proyears), collapse=","), "; but has dimensions: ",
paste0(dim(Wt_age), collapse=","))
# check if length-weight pars in cpars
if (all(c('Wa', 'Wb') %in% names(cpars))) {
Wa <- cpars$Wa
Wb <- cpars$Wb
} else {
# Estimate length-weight parameters from the Wt_age data
logL <- log(as.numeric(Len_age)+tiny)
logW <- log(as.numeric(Wt_age)+tiny)
mod <- lm(logW ~ logL)
EstVar <- summary(mod)$sigma^2
Wa <- as.numeric(exp(coef(mod)[1]) * exp((EstVar)/2))
Wb <- as.numeric(coef(mod)[2])
} # end Wt_age calculation
# ---- Sample Maturity Parameters ----
if (is.null(cpars$Mat_age)) { # Maturity-at-age not passed in cpars
if (!is.null(cpars$L50)) {
L50 <- cpars$L50
} else {
sL50 <- array(myrunif(nsim * 50, Stock@L50[1], Stock@L50[2]), c(nsim, 50)) # length at 50% maturity
sL50[sL50/Linf > 0.95] <- NA
L50 <- apply(sL50, 1, function(x) x[!][1])
L50[] <- 0.95 * Linf[]
if (!is.null(cpars$L50_95)) {
L50_95 <- cpars$L50_95
} else {
L50_95 <- array(myrunif(nsim * 50, Stock@L50_95[1], Stock@L50_95[2]), c(nsim, 50)) # length at 95% maturity
if (!exists("sL50", inherits=FALSE)) sL50 <- matrix(L50, nsim, 50)
L50_95[((sL50+L50_95)/matrix(Linf, nsim, 50)) > 0.99] <- NA
L50_95 <- apply(L50_95, 1, function(x) x[!][1])
L50_95[] <- 2
L95 <- cpars$L95
if (is.null(L95)) L95 <- L50 + L50_95
if (any(L95> Linf)) {
if (msg) message("Note: Some samples of L95 are above Linf. Defaulting to 0.99*Linf")
L95[L95> Linf] <- 0.99* Linf[L95> Linf]
L50_95 <- L95 - L50
# Generate L50 & L95 for each year
relL50 <- matrix(L50/Linf, nrow=nsim, ncol=nyears + proyears, byrow=FALSE) # assume L50/Linf stays constant
L50array <- relL50 * Linfarray
delLm <- L95 - L50
L95array <- L50array + matrix(delLm, nrow=nsim, ncol=nyears + proyears, byrow=FALSE)
L95array[L95array>Linfarray] <- 0.99 * Linfarray[L95array>Linfarray]
} else { # Maturity-at-age in cpars
Mat_age <- cpars$Mat_age
if (any(dim(Mat_age) != c(nsim, n_age, nyears+proyears)))
stop("'cpars$Mat_age' must be array with dimensions: nsim, maxage+1, nyears+proyears")
# Calculate L50, L95, ageM and age95array
if (all(c('L50array', 'L95array', 'ageMarray', 'age95array') %in% names(cpars))) { # no need to calculate
L50array <- cpars$L50array
L50 <- apply(L50array, 1, mean)
L95array <- cpars$L95array
L95 <- apply(L95array, 1, mean)
ageMarray <- cpars$ageMarray
age95array <- cpars$age95array
} else { # calculate maturity-at-length and -age parameters from cpars$Mat_age
ageMarray <- age95array <- L50array <- L95array <- matrix(NA, nsim, nyears+proyears)
for (yr in 1:(nyears+proyears)) { # loop over years
# check that Mat_age < 0.5 values exist
if (nsim == 1) {
oksims <- which(min(Mat_age[1,,yr]) < 0.5 & max(Mat_age[1,,yr]) > 0)
} else {
oksims <- which(apply(Mat_age[,,yr], 1, min) < 0.5 & apply(Mat_age[,,yr], 1, max) > 0)
if (length(oksims)<1) {
ageMarray[,yr] <- 1 # set to 1 if < 1
L50array[,yr] <- 1 # set to 1 if < 1
} else {
noksims <- (1:nsim)[-oksims]
ageMarray[oksims,yr] <- unlist(sapply(oksims, function(x)
LinInterp(Mat_age[x,, yr], y=0:(n_age-1), 0.5)))
ageMarray[noksims,yr] <- 1 # set to 1
L50array[oksims,yr] <- unlist(sapply(oksims, function(x)
LinInterp(Mat_age[x,,yr], y=Len_age[x, , nyears], 0.5)))
L50array[noksims,yr] <- 1 # set to 1
if (nsim == 1) {
oksims <- which(max(Mat_age[1,,yr]) >0.95)
} else {
oksims <- which(apply(Mat_age[,,yr], 1, max) > 0.95)
if (nsim == 1) {
oksims2 <- which(max(Mat_age[1,,yr]) <0.95)
} else {
oksims2 <- which(apply(Mat_age[,,yr], 1, max) < 0.95)
if (length(oksims)<1 | length(oksims2)<1) {
if (length(oksims)<1) {
# no maturity-at-age >= 0.95
age95array[,yr] <- maxage #
if (length(oksims2)<1) {
# no maturity-at-age <= 0.95
age95array[,yr] <- 1.5 # set to 1.5 if < 1
} else {
age95array[,yr] <- unlist(sapply(1:nsim, function(x)
LinInterp(Mat_age[x,, yr], y=0:(n_age-1), 0.95)))
L95array[,yr]<- unlist(sapply(1:nsim, function(x)
LinInterp(Mat_age[x,,yr], y=Len_age[x, , nyears], 0.95)))
} # end loop over years
L50array[!is.finite(L50array)] <- 0.8*Linfarray[!is.finite(L50array)]
L95array[!is.finite(L95array)] <- 0.99*Linfarray[!is.finite(L95array)]
L95array[L50array >= L95array] <- L50array[L50array >= L95array] * 1.01
L50 <- L50array[,nyears]
L95 <- L95array[,nyears]
L50[!is.finite(L50)] <- 0.8*Linf[!is.finite(L50)]
L95[!is.finite(L95)] <- 0.99*Linf[!is.finite(L95)]
} # end calculate Maturity parameters
} # end generate Mat_age
if (any(L50>= Linf)) {
if (msg) message("Note: Some samples of L50 are above Linf. Defaulting to 0.8*Linf")
L50[L50>=Linf] <- 0.8* Linf[L50>=Linf]
if (any(L95> Linf)) {
if (msg) message("Note: Some samples of L95 are above Linf. Defaulting to 0.99*Linf")
L95[L95> Linf] <- 0.99* Linf[L95> Linf]
L50_95 <- L95 - L50
# --- Calculate Age-at-Maturity ----
if (exists('ageMarray', inherits=FALSE)) { # check dimensions
if (!all(dim(ageMarray) == c(nsim, proyears+nyears))) stop('"ageMarray" must be dimensions: nsim, nyears+proyers')
if (exists('age95array', inherits=FALSE)) { # check dimensions
if (!all(dim(age95array) == c(nsim, proyears+nyears))) stop('"age95array" must be dimensions: nsim, nyears+proyers')
if (!exists("ageMarray", inherits=FALSE))
ageMarray <- -((log(1 - L50array/Linfarray))/Karray) + t0array
ageMarray[ageMarray < 0] <- 0 # age at maturity must be at least 0
if (!exists("age95array", inherits=FALSE))
age95array <- -((log(1 - L95array/Linfarray))/Karray) + t0array
age95array[age95array < 1] <- 1 # must be greater than 0 and ageMarray
if (any(ageMarray >= maxage-1)) {
if (msg) message("Note: Some samples of age of maturity are above 'maxage'-1. Defaulting to maxage-1")
ageMarray[ageMarray >= (maxage-1)] <- maxage - 1
if (any(age95array >= maxage)) {
if (msg) message("Note: Some samples of age of 95 per cent maturity are above 'maxage'. Defaulting to maxage")
age95array[age95array >= maxage] <- maxage
# ---- Generate Maturity-at-Age array ----
if (!exists("Mat_age", inherits=FALSE)) {
Mat_age <- array(NA, dim=c(nsim, n_age, nyears+proyears))
for (yr in 1:(nyears+proyears)) {
# Maturity at age array by year
Mat_age[,,yr] <- 1/(1 + exp(-log(19) * ((Agearray - ageMarray[,yr])/(age95array[,yr] - ageMarray[,yr]))))
# ---- Add Fecundity-at-Age - used for female SSB ----
if (!is.null(cpars$Fec_age)) {
Fec_Age <- cpars$Fec_age
} else {
Fec_Age <- Wt_age * Mat_age
# ---- M-at-age in cpars -----
if (!is.null(cpars$M_ageArray)) {
M_ageArray <- cpars$M_ageArray
if (!all(dim(M_ageArray) == c(nsim, n_age, proyears+nyears)))
stop("'M_ageArray' must be array with dimensions: nsim, maxage+1, nyears + proyears but has dimensions: ",
paste(dim(M_ageArray), collapse=" "))
if(msg & is.null(cpars$M)) message_info("M_ageArray has been provided in OM@cpars. Ignoring OM@M and OM@Msd")
Msd <- rep(0, nsim)
# set M to mean M for mature age-classes in year=nyears
ageatMaturity <- ceiling(ageMarray[,nyears] + 1 )
if (nsim>1) {
M <- apply(M_ageArray[,ageatMaturity,nyears], 1, mean)
} else {
M <- mean(M_ageArray[1,ageatMaturity,nyears])
# ---- Mean Natural mortality by simulation and year ----
if (is.null(cpars$Marray) & !is.null(cpars$M_ageArray)) {
# Mean M-at-age needs to be calculated
Marray <- apply(M_ageArray * Mat_age, c(1,3), sum)/apply(Mat_age,c(1,3),sum)
# for (yr in 1:(nyears+proyears)) {
# for (sim in 1:nsim) {
# Marray[sim, yr] <- mean(M_ageArray[sim, (ageMarray[sim,yr]+1):n_age,yr])
# }
# }
} else {
Marray <- cpars$Marray
if (is.null(Marray)) {
# M by sim and year according to gradient and inter annual variability
Marray <- GenerateRandomWalk(M, Msd, nyears + proyears, nsim, Mrand)
# ---- Natural mortality by simulation, age and year ----
if (!exists("M_ageArray", inherits=FALSE)) { # only calculate M_ageArray if it hasn't been specified in cpars
M_ageArray <- array(NA, dim=c(nsim, n_age, nyears + proyears))
ind <- as.matrix(expand.grid(1:nsim, 1:n_age, 1:(nyears+proyears)))
M_ageArray[ind] <- Marray[ind[,c(1,3)]]
# ---- Sample Discard Mortality ----
Fdisc <- sample_unif('Fdisc', cpars, Stock, nsim)
# Check if M-at-age is constant that Maxage makes sense
if (all(M_ageArray[1,,1] == mean(M_ageArray[1,,1])) & all(M !=0)) { # constant M at age
calcMax <- ceiling(-log(0.01)/(min(M))) # Age at which 1% of cohort survives
if (maxage < 0.95*calcMax && msg) {
message("Note: Maximum age", paste0("(",
")"), "is lower than assuming 1% of cohort survives to maximum age",
# ---- Sample Spatial Parameters ----
Frac_area_1 <- sample_unif('Frac_area_1', cpars, Stock, nsim)
Prob_staying <- sample_unif('Prob_staying', cpars, Stock, nsim)
Size_area_1 <- sample_unif('Size_area_1', cpars, Stock, nsim)
if (is.null(cpars$mov)) {
# Check spatial 1 isn't zero, unless movement matrix passed in cpars
if (max(Size_area_1) == 0) stop("Size_area_1 must be > 0", call. = FALSE)
if (max(Frac_area_1) == 0) stop("Frac_area_1 must be > 0", call. = FALSE)
if (max(Prob_staying) == 0) stop("Prob_staying must be > 0", call. = FALSE)
if (max(Size_area_1) >= 1) stop("Size_area_1 must be < 1", call. = FALSE)
if (max(Frac_area_1) >= 1) stop("Frac_area_1 must be < 1", call. = FALSE)
if (max(Prob_staying) >= 1) stop("Prob_staying must be < 1", call. = FALSE)
} else {
if (!all(c('Frac_area_1', 'Size_area_1', 'Prob_staying') %in% names(cpars)))
Size_area_1 <- Frac_area_1 <- Prob_staying <- rep(0,nsim)
# --- Calculate movement ----
initdist <- Pinitdist <- NULL
if (is.null(cpars$mov)) { # movement matrix has not been passed in cpars
if(msg) message("Optimizing for user-specified movement")
nareas <- 2 # default is a 2 area model
if(snowfall::sfIsRunning()) {
mov1 <- array(t(snowfall::sfSapply(1:nsim, getmov2, Frac_area_1 = Frac_area_1,
Prob_staying = Prob_staying)), dim = c(nsim, nareas, nareas))
} else {
mov1 <- array(t(sapply(1:nsim, getmov2, Frac_area_1 = Frac_area_1,
Prob_staying = Prob_staying)), dim = c(nsim, nareas, nareas))
mov <- array(NA,c(nsim,n_age,nareas,nareas))
mind <- as.matrix(expand.grid(1:nsim,1:n_age,1:nareas,1:nareas))
mov[mind] <- mov1[mind[,c(1,3,4)]]
initdist <- array(0,c(nsim,n_age,nareas))
initdist[,,1]<- Frac_area_1
initdist[,,2]<- 1- Frac_area_1 # spatial distribution of age classes in initial year
Asize <- cbind(Size_area_1, 1 - Size_area_1)
} else {
mov <- cpars$mov
nareas <- dim(mov)[3]
if (!is.null(cpars$initdist)) {
initdist <- cpars$initdist
} else {
# if mov is specified need to calculate age-based spatial distribution (Pinitdist to initdist)
if(msg) message("Custom movement matrix detected in cpars: simulating movement among ", nareas," areas")
if([5])) {
# movement constant across years
mind <- as.matrix(expand.grid(1:nsim,1,1:nareas,1:nareas))
} else {
# variable movement across years
mind<-as.matrix(expand.grid(1:nsim,1,1:nareas,1:nareas, 1)) # movement for 1st year
Pinitdist<-array(1/nareas,c(nsim,nareas)) # population distribution by area
for(i in 1:100){ # convergence in initial distribution is assumed to occur in 100 iterations (generally overkill)
# distribution in from areas multiplied by movement array
Pinitdist<-apply(movedarray,c(1,3),sum) # add over to areas
if(!is.null(cpars$Asize)) {
Asize <- cpars$Asize
if (is.null(dim(Asize))) {
Asize <- t(replicate(nsim, Asize) )
} else {
if(msg) message('cpars$Asize is not specified, assuming all areas equal size')
Asize <- matrix(1/nareas, nrow=nsim, ncol=nareas)
if (dim(Asize)[2]!=nareas) {
if(msg) message('Asize is not length "nareas", assuming all areas equal size')
Asize <- matrix(1/nareas, nrow=nsim, ncol=nareas)
colnames(Asize) <- NULL
if([5])) { # movement matrix only specified for one year
mov <- array(mov, dim=c(dim(mov), nyears+proyears))
# check dimensions
if (any(dim(mov) != c(nsim,n_age,nareas,nareas, nyears+proyears)))
stop('cpars$mov must be array with dimensions: \nc(nsim, maxage+1, nareas, nareas) \nOR \nc(nsim, maxage+1, nareas, nareas, nyears+proyears)', call.=FALSE)
# Timing of Spawning (fraction of year)
if (!is.null(cpars$spawn_time_frac)) {
spawn_time_frac <- cpars$spawn_time_frac
} else {
spawn_time_frac <- rep(0, nsim) # default: beginning of year
StockOut <- list()
StockOut$maxage <- maxage
StockOut$R0 <- R0
StockOut$M <- M
StockOut$Msd <- Msd
StockOut$SRrel <- SRrel
StockOut$procsd <- procsd
StockOut$AC <- AC
StockOut$procmu <- procmu
StockOut$Perr_y <- Perr_y
StockOut$hs <- hs
StockOut$D <- D
StockOut$Mrand <- Mrand
StockOut$Linfrand <- Linfrand
StockOut$Krand <- Krand
StockOut$Linf <- Linf
StockOut$Linfsd <- Linfsd
StockOut$K <- K
StockOut$Ksd <- Ksd
StockOut$Len_age <- Len_age
StockOut$maxlen <- maxlen
StockOut$t0 <- t0
StockOut$Linfarray <- Linfarray
StockOut$Karray <- Karray
StockOut$Agearray <- Agearray
StockOut$Frac_area_1 <- Frac_area_1
StockOut$Prob_staying <- Prob_staying
StockOut$Size_area_1 <- Size_area_1
StockOut$Fdisc <- Fdisc
StockOut$ageMarray <- ageMarray
StockOut$age95array <- age95array
StockOut$Marray <- Marray
StockOut$M_ageArray <- M_ageArray
StockOut$t0array <- t0array
StockOut$Len_age <- Len_age
StockOut$a <- Wa
StockOut$b <- Wb
StockOut$Wt_age <- Wt_age
StockOut$L50 <- L50
StockOut$L50array <- L50array
StockOut$L95 <- L95
StockOut$L50_95 <- L50_95
StockOut$L95array <- L95array
Mat_age[,1,] <- 0 # age-0 must not be mature
StockOut$Mat_age <- Mat_age
StockOut$LenCV <- LenCV
StockOut$LatASD <- LatASD
StockOut$CAL_binsmid <- CAL_binsmid
StockOut$CAL_bins <- CAL_bins
StockOut$binWidth <- binWidth
StockOut$nCALbins <- nCALbins
StockOut$initdist <- initdist
StockOut$mov <- mov
StockOut$Pinitdist <- Pinitdist
StockOut$Asize <- Asize
StockOut$nareas <- nareas
StockOut$Fec_Age <- Fec_Age
StockOut$spawn_time_frac <- spawn_time_frac
#' Sample Fleet Parameters
#' @param Fleet An object of class 'Fleet' or class 'OM'
#' @param Stock An object of class 'Stock' or a list of sampled Stock parameters.
#' Ignored if 'Fleet' is class 'OM'
#' @param nsim Number of simulations. Ignored if 'Fleet' is class 'OM'
#' @param nyears Number of historical years. Ignored if 'Fleet' is class 'OM'
#' @param proyears Number of projection years. Ignored if 'Fleet' is class 'OM'
#' @param cpars Optional named list of custom parameters. Ignored if 'Fleet' is class 'OM'
#' @param msg Logical. Print messages?
#' @keywords internal
#' @return A named list of sampled Fleet parameters
#' @export
SampleFleetPars <- function(Fleet, Stock=NULL, nsim=NULL, nyears=NULL,
proyears=NULL, cpars=NULL, msg=TRUE) {
if (!methods::is(Fleet, "Fleet") & !methods::is(Fleet,"OM"))
stop("First argument must be class 'Fleet' or 'OM'")
if (!methods::is(Fleet, "OM") & !methods::is(Stock, "Stock") & !methods::is(Stock, "list"))
stop("Must provide 'Stock' object", call.=FALSE)
# Get custom pars if they exist
if (methods::is(Fleet,"OM") && length(Fleet@cpars) > 0 && is.null(cpars))
cpars <- SampleCpars(Fleet@cpars, Fleet@nsim, silent=!msg) # custom parameters exist in Stock/OM object
if (methods::is(Fleet, "OM")) {
nsim <- Fleet@nsim
nyears <- Fleet@nyears
proyears <- Fleet@proyears
if (!methods::is(Stock,'list'))
StockPars <- SampleStockPars(Fleet, nsim, nyears, proyears, cpars, msg=msg)
if (methods::is(Stock,"Stock")) {
# Sample Stock Pars - need some to calculate selectivity at age and length
StockPars <- SampleStockPars(Stock, nsim, nyears, proyears, cpars, msg=msg)
if (methods::is(Stock,'list')) StockPars <- Stock
maxage <- StockPars$maxage
Fleetout <- list()
n_age <- maxage + 1
# --- Sample Historical Fishing Effort ----
Esd <- sample_unif('Esd', cpars, Fleet, nsim)
EffLower <- Fleet@EffLower
EffUpper <- Fleet@EffUpper
EffYears <- Fleet@EffYears
Find <- cpars$Find
if (is.null(Find)) { # not in cpars
Deriv <- getEffhist(Esd, nyears,
EffYears = EffYears,
EffLower = EffLower,
EffUpper = EffUpper) # Historical fishing effort
Find <- Deriv[[1]] # Calculate fishing effort rate
} else { # Find in cpars
EffLower <- EffUpper <- EffYears <- 0
dFfinal <- cpars$dFfinal
if (is.null(dFfinal)) {
if (exists("Deriv", inherits = FALSE)) {
dFfinal <- Deriv[[2]] # Final gradient in fishing effort yr-1
} else {
dFfinal <- rep(NA, nsim)
if (any(dim(Find) != c(nsim, nyears)))
stop("Find must be matrix with dimensions: nsim (", nsim, "), nyears (", nyears, ") but is: ", paste(dim(Find), ""))
Fleetout$Esd <- Esd
Fleetout$Find <- Find
Fleetout$dFfinal <- dFfinal
# ---- Spatial Targetting ----
# spatial targeting Ba^targeting param
Spat_targ <- sample_unif('Spat_targ', cpars, Fleet, nsim)
Fleetout$Spat_targ <- Spat_targ
# ---- Sample fishing efficiency parameters ----
# interannual variability in catchability
qinc <- sample_unif('qinc', cpars, Fleet, nsim)
qcv <- sample_unif('qcv', cpars, Fleet, nsim)
# ---- Simulate future variability in fishing efficiency ----
qmu <- -0.5 * qcv^2 # Mean
# Variations in interannual variation for future projections
qvar <- cpars$qvar
if (is.null(qvar))
qvar <- array(exp(rnorm(proyears * nsim, rep(qmu, proyears), rep(qcv, proyears))), c(nsim, proyears))
FinF <- Find[, nyears] # Effort in final historical year
Fleetout$qinc <- qinc
Fleetout$qcv <- qcv
Fleetout$qvar <- qvar
Fleetout$FinF <- FinF
# ---- Selectivity Curve ----
if (any(c('V', 'V2', 'SLarray', 'retA', 'retL')%in% names(cpars)))
Fleet@isRel <- FALSE
# are selectivity parameters relative to size at maturity?
chk <- class(Fleet@isRel)
if (length(Fleet@isRel) < 1) Fleet@isRel <- "true"
if (chk == "character") {
chkRel <- substr(tolower(Fleet@isRel), 1,1)
if (chkRel == "t" | Fleet@isRel == "1") multi <- StockPars$L50
if (chkRel == "f" | Fleet@isRel == "0") multi <- 1
if (chk == "numeric") {
if (Fleet@isRel == 1) multi <- StockPars$L50
if (Fleet@isRel == 0) multi <- 1
if (chk == "logical") {
if (Fleet@isRel) multi <- StockPars$L50
if (!Fleet@isRel) multi <- 1
if (!any(is.null(c(cpars[['L5']],
cpars[['Rmaxlen']]))) & all(multi!=1))
stop("Selectivity parameters provided in cpars must be absolute values. Is Fleet@isRel == 'FALSE'?")
L5 <- sample_unif('L5', cpars, Fleet, nsim) * multi
LFS <- sample_unif('LFS', cpars, Fleet, nsim) * multi
Vmaxlen <- sample_unif('Vmaxlen', cpars, Fleet, nsim)
L5_y <- cpars$L5_y
LFS_y <- cpars$LFS_y
Vmaxlen_y <- cpars$Vmaxlen_y
if (is.null(L5_y)) L5_y <- matrix(L5, nrow =nsim , ncol = nyears + proyears, byrow = FALSE)
if (is.null(LFS_y)) LFS_y <- matrix(LFS, nrow = nsim, ncol = nyears + proyears, byrow = FALSE)
if (is.null(Vmaxlen_y)) Vmaxlen_y <- matrix(Vmaxlen, nrow = nsim, ncol = nyears + proyears, byrow = FALSE)
if (!is.null(cpars$SLarray) & !is.null(cpars[['V']])) {# both selectivity-at-length and -at-age in cpars
SLarray <- cpars$SLarray
V <- cpars[['V']]
if (!all(c('L5_y', 'LFS_y', 'Vmaxlen_y') %in% names(cpars))) {
# need to calculate these
for (yr in 1:(nyears+proyears)) {
b_ind <- rep(NA, nsim)
for (i in 1:nsim) {
temp <- min(which(SLarray[i,,yr]>=0.05))
if (length(temp)<1) temp <- 1
if ( temp <- 1
b_ind[i] <- temp
L5_y[,yr] <- StockPars$CAL_binsmid[b_ind]
b_ind <- apply(SLarray[,,yr], 1, which.max)
LFS_y[,yr] <- StockPars$CAL_binsmid[b_ind]
temp <- abs(replicate(nsim, StockPars$CAL_binsmid) - StockPars$Linf)
b_ind <- apply(temp, 2, which.min)
Vmaxlen_y[,yr] <- SLarray[,b_ind,yr][1,]
} # end calculate L5_y etc
if (!is.null(cpars$SLarray) & is.null(cpars[['V']])) { # SLarray in cpars
# Calculate selectivity parameters
SLarray <- cpars$SLarray
nbins <- length(StockPars$CAL_binsmid)
if (any(dim(SLarray) != c(nsim, nbins, nyears+proyears)))
stop("SLarray must be dimensions c(nsim, length(CAL_binsmid), nyears+proyears)")
if (!all(c('L5_y', 'LFS_y', 'Vmaxlen_y') %in% names(cpars))) {
# need to calculate these
for (yr in 1:(nyears+proyears)) {
b_ind <- rep(NA, nsim)
for (i in 1:nsim) {
temp <- min(which(SLarray[i,,yr]>=0.05))
if (length(temp)<1) temp <- 1
if ( temp <- 1
b_ind[i] <- temp
L5_y[,yr] <- StockPars$CAL_binsmid[b_ind]
b_ind <- apply(SLarray[,,yr], 1, which.max)
LFS_y[,yr] <- StockPars$CAL_binsmid[b_ind]
temp <- abs(replicate(nsim, StockPars$CAL_binsmid) - StockPars$Linf)
b_ind <- apply(temp, 2, which.min)
Vmaxlen_y[,yr] <- SLarray[,b_ind,yr][1,]
} # end calculate L5_y etc
} else if (is.null(cpars$SLarray) & !is.null(cpars[['V']])) {
# update selectivity parameters
V <- cpars[['V']]
if (dim(V)[3] == nyears) {
Dims <- dim(V)
v2 <- array(V[,,nyears], dim=c(Dims[1], Dims[2], proyears))
V <- abind::abind(V, v2, along=3)
if(any(dim(V)!= c(nsim, n_age, nyears + proyears)))
stop('V must be dimensions: nsim, n_age, nyears + proyears')
if (!all(c('L5_y', 'LFS_y', 'Vmaxlen_y') %in% names(cpars))) {
# need to calculate these from V
for (yr in 1:(nyears+proyears)) {
for (s in 1:nsim) {
xout <- seq(1, n_age, by=0.1)
tt <- approx(V[s,,yr], xout=xout)
if (all(tt$y<0.05)) {
age5 <- 0
L5_y[s,yr] <- tiny
} else {
age5 <- tt$x[min(which(tt$y >=0.05))]-1
L5_y[s,yr] <- VB(StockPars$Linfarray[s,yr],
StockPars$t0array[s,yr], age5)
ageFS <- tt$x[which.max(tt$y)]-1
if (ageFS == age5) ageFS <- age5 + 1
LFS_y[s, yr] <- VB(StockPars$Linfarray[s,yr],
StockPars$t0array[s,yr], ageFS)
Vmaxlen_y[s, yr] <- V[s, n_age, yr]
if (!exists("SLarray", inherits = FALSE)) { # selectivity-at-length hasn't been defined yet
# calculate SLarray
nCALbins <- length(StockPars$CAL_binsmid)
CAL_binsmidMat <- matrix(StockPars$CAL_binsmid, nrow=nsim, ncol=length(StockPars$CAL_binsmid), byrow=TRUE)
SLarray <- array(NA, dim=c(nsim, nCALbins, nyears+proyears)) # Selectivity-at-length
Vmaxlen_y[Vmaxlen_y<=0] <- tiny
for (yr in 1:(nyears+proyears)) {
srs <- (StockPars$Linf - LFS_y[,yr]) / ((-log(Vmaxlen_y[,yr],2))^0.5)
srs[!is.finite(srs)] <- Inf
sls <- (LFS_y[,yr] - L5_y[, yr]) /((-log(0.05,2))^0.5)
SLarray[,, yr] <- t(sapply(1:nsim, getsel, lens=CAL_binsmidMat, lfs=LFS_y[,yr], sls=sls, srs=srs))
# Check LFS is greater than L5
chk <- sum(apply(L5_y > LFS_y, 2, prod) != 0)
if (chk > 0) stop("L5 is greater than LFS in ", chk, ' simulations')
if (!exists("V", inherits = FALSE)) {
# calculate selectivity-at-age from selectivity-at-length
if (snowfall::sfIsRunning()) {
VList <- snowfall::sfLapply(1:nsim, calcV, Len_age=StockPars$Len_age,
LatASD=StockPars$LatASD, SLarray=SLarray,
n_age=n_age, nyears=nyears, proyears=proyears,
} else {
VList <- lapply(1:nsim, calcV, Len_age=StockPars$Len_age,
LatASD=StockPars$LatASD, SLarray=SLarray,
n_age=n_age, nyears=nyears, proyears=proyears,
V <- aperm(array(as.numeric(unlist(VList, use.names=FALSE)), dim=c(n_age, nyears+proyears, nsim)), c(3,1,2))
# ---- Retention Curve ----
LR5 <- sample_unif('LR5', cpars, Fleet, nsim) * multi
LFR <- sample_unif('LFR', cpars, Fleet, nsim) * multi
Rmaxlen <- sample_unif('Rmaxlen', cpars, Fleet, nsim)
DR <- sample_unif('DR', cpars, Fleet, nsim)
if (all( DR <- rep(0, nsim)
LR5_y <- matrix(LR5, nrow = nsim, ncol = nyears + proyears, byrow = FALSE)
LFR_y <- matrix(LFR, nrow = nsim, ncol = nyears + proyears, byrow = FALSE)
Rmaxlen_y <- matrix(Rmaxlen, nrow = nsim, ncol = nyears + proyears, byrow = FALSE)
DR_y <- cpars$DR_y
if (is.null(DR_y))
DR_y <- matrix(DR, nrow = nsim, ncol = nyears + proyears, byrow = FALSE)
if (!is.null(cpars$retL) & !is.null(cpars$retA)) {# both retention-at-length and -at-age in cpars
retL <- cpars$retL
retA <- cpars$retA
if (!all(c('LR5_y', 'LFR_y', 'Rmaxlen_y') %in% names(cpars))) {
# need to calculate these
for (yr in 1:(nyears+proyears)) {
b_ind <- rep(NA, nsim)
for (i in 1:nsim) {
temp <- min(which(retL[i,,yr]>=0.05))
if (length(temp)<1) temp <- 1
if ( temp <- 1
b_ind[i] <- temp
LR5_y[,yr] <- StockPars$CAL_binsmid[b_ind]
b_ind <- apply(retL[,,yr], 1, which.max)
LFR_y[,yr] <- StockPars$CAL_binsmid[b_ind]
temp <- abs(replicate(nsim, StockPars$CAL_binsmid) - StockPars$Linf)
b_ind <- apply(temp, 2, which.min)
Rmaxlen_y[,yr] <- retL[,b_ind,yr][1,]
LFR_y[LFR_y<=LR5_y] <- LR5_y[LFR_y<=LR5_y] +1
} # end calculate LR5_y etc
if (!is.null(cpars$retL) & is.null(cpars$retA)) { # retL in cpars
# Calculate retention parameters
retL <- cpars$retL
nbins <- length(StockPars$CAL_binsmid)
if (any(dim(retL) != c(nsim, nbins, nyears+proyears)))
stop("retL must be dimensions c(nsim, length(CAL_binsmid), nyears+proyears)")
if (!all(c('LR5_y', 'LFR_y', 'Rmaxlen_y') %in% names(cpars))) {
# need to calculate these
for (yr in 1:(nyears+proyears)) {
b_ind <- rep(NA, nsim)
for (i in 1:nsim) {
temp <- min(which(retL[i,,yr]>=0.05))
if (length(temp)<1) temp <- 1
if ( temp <- 1
b_ind[i] <- temp
LR5_y[,yr] <- StockPars$CAL_binsmid[b_ind]
dd <- dim(retL)
if (dd[1]==1) {
# only 1 sim
b_ind <- which.max(retL[1,,yr])
} else {
b_ind <- apply(retL[,,yr], 1, which.max)
LFR_y[,yr] <- StockPars$CAL_binsmid[b_ind]
temp <- abs(replicate(nsim, StockPars$CAL_binsmid) - StockPars$Linf)
b_ind <- apply(temp, 2, which.min)
if (dd[1]==1) {
Rmaxlen_y[,yr] <- retL[,b_ind,yr]
} else {
Rmaxlen_y[,yr] <- retL[,b_ind,yr][1,]
LFR_y[LFR_y<=LR5_y] <- LR5_y[LFR_y<=LR5_y] +1
} # end calculate LR5_y etc
} else if (is.null(cpars$retL) & !is.null(cpars$retA)) {
# update retention parameters
retA <- cpars$retA
if (dim(retA)[3] == nyears) {
Dims <- dim(V)
retA2 <- array(retA[,,nyears], dim=c(Dims[1], Dims[2], proyears))
retA <- abind::abind(retA, retA2, along=3)
if(any(dim(retA)!= c(nsim, n_age, nyears + proyears)))
stop('retA must be dimensions: nsim, n_age, nyears + proyears')
if (!all(c('LR5_y', 'LFR_y', 'Rmaxlen_y') %in% names(cpars))) {
if (all(retA==0)) {
LR5_y[] <- LFR_y[] <- Rmaxlen_y[] <- 0
} else {
# need to calculate these from retA
VB <- function(Linf, K, t0, age) Linf * (1-exp(-K*(age-t0)))
for (yr in 1:(nyears+proyears)) {
for (s in 1:nsim) {
xout <- seq(1, n_age, by=0.1)
tt <- approx(retA[s,,yr], xout=xout)
if (all(tt$y<0.05)) {
age5 <- 0
LR5_y[s,yr] <- tiny
} else {
age5 <- tt$x[min(which(tt$y >=0.05))]-1
LR5_y[s,yr] <- VB(StockPars$Linfarray[s,yr],
StockPars$t0array[s,yr], age5)
ageFS <- tt$x[which.max(tt$y)]-1
if (ageFS == age5) ageFS <- age5 + 1
LFR_y[s, yr] <- VB(StockPars$Linfarray[s,yr],
StockPars$t0array[s,yr], ageFS)
Rmaxlen_y[s, yr] <- retA[s, n_age, yr]
if(!is.null(cpars$Rmaxlen_y)) Rmaxlen_y <- cpars$Rmaxlen_y
if (!exists("retL", inherits = FALSE)) { # retention-at-length hasn't been defined yet
# calculate retL
nCALbins <- length(StockPars$CAL_binsmid)
CAL_binsmidMat <- matrix(StockPars$CAL_binsmid, nrow=nsim, ncol=length(StockPars$CAL_binsmid), byrow=TRUE)
retL <- array(NA, dim=c(nsim, nCALbins, nyears+proyears)) # Selectivity-at-length
Rmaxlen_y[Rmaxlen_y<=0] <- tiny
for (yr in 1:(nyears+proyears)) {
srs <- (StockPars$Linf - LFR_y[,yr]) / ((-log(Rmaxlen_y[,yr],2))^0.5)
srs[!is.finite(srs)] <- Inf
sls <- (LFR_y[,yr] - LR5_y[, yr]) /((-log(0.05,2))^0.5)
retL[,, yr] <- t(sapply(1:nsim, getsel, lens=CAL_binsmidMat, lfs=LFR_y[,yr], sls=sls, srs=srs))
# Check LFR is greater than LR5
chk <- sum(apply(LR5_y > LFR_y, 2, prod) != 0)
if (chk > 0) stop("LR5 is greater than LFR in ", chk, ' simulations')
if (!exists("retA", inherits = FALSE)) {
# calculate retention-at-age from retention-at-length
if (snowfall::sfIsRunning()) {
VList <- snowfall::sfLapply(1:nsim, calcV, Len_age=StockPars$Len_age,
LatASD=StockPars$LatASD, SLarray=retL,
n_age=n_age, nyears=nyears, proyears=proyears,
} else {
VList <- lapply(1:nsim, calcV, Len_age=StockPars$Len_age,
LatASD=StockPars$LatASD, SLarray=retL,
n_age=n_age, nyears=nyears, proyears=proyears,
retA <- aperm(array(as.numeric(unlist(VList, use.names=FALSE)), dim=c(n_age, nyears+proyears, nsim)), c(3,1,2))
if (all(retA==0)) {
retL[] <- 0
# Apply general discard rate
# if (is.null(cpars$retA)) {
# dr <- aperm(abind::abind(rep(list(DR_y), n_age), along=3), c(1,3,2))
# retA <- (1-dr) * retA
# }
# if (is.null(cpars$retL)) {
# dr <- aperm(abind::abind(rep(list(DR_y), StockPars$nCALbins), along=3), c(1,3,2))
# retL <- (1-dr) * retL
# }
dr <- aperm(abind::abind(rep(list(DR_y), n_age), along=3), c(1,3,2))
retA <- (1-dr) * retA
dr <- aperm(abind::abind(rep(list(DR_y), StockPars$nCALbins), along=3), c(1,3,2))
retL <- (1-dr) * retL
Fdisc <- StockPars$Fdisc
if (!all(is.finite(Fdisc))) Fdisc <- 0
Fdisc_array1 <- cpars$Fdisc_array1
if (is.null(Fdisc_array1)) Fdisc_array1 <- array(Fdisc, dim=c(nsim, n_age, nyears+proyears))
Fdisc_array2 <- cpars$Fdisc_array2
if (is.null(Fdisc_array2)) Fdisc_array2 <- array(Fdisc, dim=c(nsim, StockPars$nCALbins, nyears+proyears))
# realized vulnerability schedule - accounting for discard mortality on discards
Fleetout$retA_real <- cpars$retA_real
if (is.null(Fleetout$retA_real))
Fleetout$retA_real <- V * retA # realized retention curve (prob of retention x prob of selection)
Fleetout$V_real <- cpars$V_real
if (is.null(Fleetout$V_real))
Fleetout$V_real <- Fleetout$retA_real + ((V-Fleetout$retA_real) * Fdisc_array1)
# Realized selectivity curve max at 1
Fleetout$V_real_2 <- Fleetout$V_real/aperm(replicate(n_age,apply(Fleetout$V_real, c(1,3), max)), c(1,3,2))
Fleetout$retA_real_2 <- Fleetout$retA_real/aperm(replicate(n_age,apply(Fleetout$retA_real, c(1,3), max)), c(1,3,2))
Fleetout$retL_real <- cpars$retL_real
if (is.null(Fleetout$retL_real))
Fleetout$retL_real <- SLarray * retL # realized retention-at-length curve (prob of retention x prob of selection)
Fleetout$SLarray_real <- cpars$SLarray_real
if (is.null(Fleetout$SLarray_real))
Fleetout$SLarray_real <- Fleetout$retL_real + ((SLarray-Fleetout$retL_real) * Fdisc_array2)
# ---- Existing MPA ----
if (inherits(Fleet@MPA, 'matrix')) {
warning('This OM is from a previous version. OM@MPA is now a logical instead of matrix. Assuming no existing MPA')
} else {
if (length(Fleet@MPA)<1) Fleet@MPA <- FALSE
MPA <- as.logical(Fleet@MPA)
# ---- Empirical weight-at-age ----- (optional)
if (!is.null(cpars$Wt_age_C)) {
Fleetout$Wt_age_C <- cpars$Wt_age_C
} else {
Fleetout$Wt_age_C <- Stock$Wt_age
Fleetout$Fdisc <- Fdisc
Fleetout$Fdisc_array1 <- Fdisc_array1
Fleetout$Fdisc_array2 <- Fdisc_array2
Fleetout$LR5_y <- LR5_y
Fleetout$LFR_y <- LFR_y
Fleetout$Rmaxlen_y <- Rmaxlen_y
Fleetout$DR_y <- DR_y
Fleetout$retA <- retA # retention-at-age array - nsim, maxage, nyears+proyears
Fleetout$retL <- retL # retention-at-length array - nsim, nCALbins, nyears+proyears
Fleetout$L5_y <- L5_y
Fleetout$LFS_y <- LFS_y
Fleetout$Vmaxlen_y <- Vmaxlen_y
Fleetout$V <- V # vulnerability-at-age
Fleetout$SLarray <- SLarray # vulnerability-at-length
Fleetout$MPA <- MPA
# check V
if (sum(apply(V, c(1,3), max) <0.01)) {
maxV <- apply(V, c(1,3), max)
fails <- which(maxV < 0.01, arr.ind = TRUE)
sims <- unique(fails[,1])
yrs <- unique(fails[,2])
if (msg)
message_info("Vulnerability (V) is <0.01 for all ages in years:", paste0(yrs, collapse=','), 'in some simulations')
sample_lnorm <- function(par, cpars, Obj, nsim, altpar=NULL) {
if (!is.null(cpars[[par]])) return(cpars[[par]])
if (!is.null(altpar)) par <- altpar
val <- slot(Obj, par)[1]
rlnorm(nsim, mconv(1, val), sdconv(1, val))
sample_norm <- function(par, cpars, Obj, nsim, altpar=NULL) {
if (!is.null(cpars[[par]])) return(cpars[[par]])
if (!is.null(altpar)) par <- altpar
val <- slot(Obj, par)[1]
rnorm(nsim, 0, val)
#' Sample Observation Parameters
#' @param Obs An object of class 'Obs' or class 'OM'
#' @param nsim Number of simulations. Ignored if 'Obs' is class 'OM'
#' @param cpars Optional named list of custom parameters. Ignored if 'OM' is class 'OM'
#' @param Stock An object of class 'Stock' or a list of sampled Stock parameters. Not essential.
#' @param nyears Number of historical years.
#' @param proyears Number of projection years. Not essential.
#' @keywords internal
#' @return A named list of sampled Observation parameters
#' @export
SampleObsPars <- function(Obs, nsim=NULL, cpars=NULL, Stock=NULL,
nyears=NULL, proyears=NULL){
if (!methods::is(Obs, "Obs") & !methods::is(Obs, "OM"))
stop("First argument must be class 'Obs' or 'OM'")
if (methods::is(Obs,"OM")) {
nsim <- Obs@nsim
nyears <- Obs@nyears
proyears <- Obs@proyears
# Get custom pars if they exist
if (methods::is(Obs, "OM") && length(Obs@cpars) > 0 && is.null(cpars))
cpars <- SampleCpars(Obs@cpars, Obs@nsim) # custom parameters exist in OM object
if (methods::is(Stock, "Stock")) {
# Sample Stock Pars - need some to calculate selectivity at age and length
StockPars <- SampleStockPars(Stock, nsim, nyears, proyears, cpars, msg=FALSE)
} else if (is.null(Stock)) StockPars <- NULL
if (methods::is(Stock, 'list')) StockPars <- Stock
ObsOut <- list()
# ---- Catch Error ----
# Sampled catch observation error (lognormal sd)
Csd <- sample_unif('Csd', cpars, Obs, nsim, 'Cobs')
ObsOut$Csd <- Csd
# Sampled catch bias (log normal sd)
Cbias <- sample_lnorm('Cbias', cpars, Obs, nsim, 'Cbiascv')
ObsOut$Cbias <- Cbias
# Generate catch obs error by year
Cerr_y <- cpars$Cerr_y
if (is.null(Cerr_y)) {
Cerr_y <- array(rlnorm((nyears + proyears) * nsim,
mconv(1, rep(ObsOut$Csd, (nyears + proyears))),
sdconv(1, rep(ObsOut$Csd, nyears + proyears))),
c(nsim, nyears + proyears))
ObsOut$Cerr_y <- Cerr_y
Cobs_y <- cpars$Cobs_y
if (is.null(Cobs_y)) {
Cobs_y <- ObsOut$Cbias * ObsOut$Cerr_y
ObsOut$Cobs_y <- Cobs_y
# ---- Catch-at-Age Observations ----
CAA_nsamp <- sample_unif('CAA_nsamp', cpars, Obs, nsim)
CAA_ESS <- sample_unif('CAA_ESS', cpars, Obs, nsim)
ObsOut$CAA_nsamp <- CAA_nsamp
# ---- Catch-at-Length Observations ----
CAL_nsamp <- sample_unif('CAL_nsamp', cpars, Obs, nsim)
CAL_ESS <- sample_unif('CAL_ESS', cpars, Obs, nsim)
ObsOut$CAL_nsamp <- CAL_nsamp
# ---- Index Observation Error -----
betas <- cpars$betas
if (is.null(betas)) betas <- cpars$beta
if (is.null(betas))
betas <- exp(myrunif(nsim, log(Obs@beta[1]), log(Obs@beta[2]))) # the sampled hyperstability /
if (!is.null(cpars$I_beta)) {
ObsOut$I_beta <- cpars$I_beta
} else {
ObsOut$I_beta <- betas
if (!is.null(cpars$SpI_beta)) {
ObsOut$SpI_beta <- cpars$SpI_beta
} else {
ObsOut$SpI_beta <- betas
if (!is.null(cpars$VI_beta)) {
ObsOut$VI_beta <- cpars$VI_beta
} else {
ObsOut$VI_beta <- betas
# Sampled index observation error (lognormal sd)
Isd <- sample_unif('Isd', cpars, Obs, nsim, 'Iobs')
ObsOut$Isd <- Isd
Ierr_y <- cpars$Ierr_y
if (is.null(Ierr_y)) {
Ierr_y <- array(rlnorm((nyears + proyears) * nsim,
mconv(1, rep(ObsOut$Isd, nyears + proyears)),
sdconv(1, rep(ObsOut$Isd, nyears + proyears))),
c(nsim, nyears + proyears))
SpIerr_y <- cpars$SpIerr_y
if (is.null(SpIerr_y)) {
SpIerr_y <- array(rlnorm((nyears + proyears) * nsim,
mconv(1, rep(ObsOut$Isd, nyears + proyears)),
sdconv(1, rep(ObsOut$Isd, nyears + proyears))),
c(nsim, nyears + proyears))
VIerr_y <- cpars$VIerr_y
if (is.null(VIerr_y)) {
VIerr_y <- array(rlnorm((nyears + proyears) * nsim,
mconv(1, rep(ObsOut$Isd, nyears + proyears)),
sdconv(1, rep(ObsOut$Isd, nyears + proyears))),
c(nsim, nyears + proyears))
ObsOut$Ierr_y <- Ierr_y # total index
ObsOut$SpIerr_y <- SpIerr_y # spawning biomass index
ObsOut$VIerr_y <- VIerr_y # vulnerable index
# ----- Depletion Observation ----
# Depletion obs error
Derr <- sample_unif('Derr', cpars, Obs, nsim, 'Dobs')
ObsOut$Derr <- Derr
# Depletion bias
Dbias <- sample_lnorm('Dbias', cpars, Obs, nsim, 'Dbiascv')
ObsOut$Dbias <- Dbias
Derr_y <- cpars$Derr_y
if (is.null(Derr_y)) {
Derr_y <- array(rlnorm((nyears + proyears) * nsim,
mconv(1, rep(ObsOut$Derr, nyears + proyears)),
sdconv(1, rep(ObsOut$Derr, nyears + proyears))),
c(nsim, nyears + proyears)) * Dbias
ObsOut$Derr_y <- Derr_y
# ---- M bias ----
Mbias <- sample_lnorm('Mbias', cpars, Obs, nsim, 'Mbiascv')
ObsOut$Mbias <- Mbias
# ---- FMSY_Mbias ----
FMSY_Mbias <- sample_lnorm('FMSY_Mbias', cpars, Obs, nsim, 'FMSY_Mbiascv')
ObsOut$FMSY_Mbias <- FMSY_Mbias
# ---- BMSY_B0bias ----
BMSY_B0bias <- cpars$BMSY_B0bias
if (is.null(BMSY_B0bias)) {
ntest <- 20
BMSY_B0bias <- array(rlnorm(nsim * ntest,
mconv(1, Obs@BMSY_B0biascv), sdconv(1, Obs@BMSY_B0biascv)),
dim = c(nsim, ntest)) # trial samples of BMSY relative to unfished
ObsOut$BMSY_B0bias <- BMSY_B0bias
# --- Length-at-maturity bias ----
lenMbias <- sample_lnorm('lenMbias', cpars, Obs, nsim, 'LenMbiascv')
ObsOut$lenMbias <- lenMbias
# ---- Length-at-capture bias ----
LFCbias <- sample_lnorm('LFCbias', cpars, Obs, nsim, 'LFCbiascv')
ObsOut$LFCbias <- LFCbias
LFSbias <- sample_lnorm('LFSbias', cpars, Obs, nsim, 'LFSbiascv')
ObsOut$LFSbias <- LFSbias
# ---- Abundance Error ----
# Obs error
Aerr <- sample_unif('Aerr', cpars, Obs, nsim, 'Btobs')
ObsOut$Aerr <- Aerr
# Abundance bias
Abias <- cpars$Abias
if (is.null(Abias))
Abias <- sample_lnorm('Btbiascv', cpars, Obs, nsim, 'Btbiascv')
# exp(myrunif(nsim, log(Obs@Btbiascv[1]), log(Obs@Btbiascv[2])))
ObsOut$Abias <- Abias
Aerr_y <- cpars$Aerr_y
if (is.null(Aerr_y))
Aerr_y <- ObsOut$Abias * array(rlnorm((nyears + proyears) * nsim,
mconv(1, rep(ObsOut$Aerr, nyears + proyears)),
sdconv(1, rep(ObsOut$Aerr, nyears + proyears))),
c(nsim, nyears + proyears))
ObsOut$Aerr_y <- Aerr_y
# --- Growth parameters obs error ----
Kbias <- sample_lnorm('Kbias', cpars, Obs, nsim, 'Kbiascv')
ObsOut$Kbias <- Kbias
t0bias <- sample_norm('t0bias', cpars, Obs, nsim, 't0biascv')
ObsOut$t0bias <- t0bias
Linfbias <- sample_lnorm('Linfbias', cpars, Obs, nsim, 'Linfbiascv')
ObsOut$Linfbias <- Linfbias
# --- Reference Point Bias ----
Irefbias <- sample_lnorm('Irefbias', cpars, Obs, nsim, 'Irefbiascv')
ObsOut$Irefbias <- Irefbias
Crefbias <- sample_lnorm('Crefbias', cpars, Obs, nsim, 'Crefbiascv')
ObsOut$Crefbias <- Crefbias
Brefbias <- sample_lnorm('Brefbias', cpars, Obs, nsim, 'Brefbiascv')
ObsOut$Brefbias <- Brefbias
# ---- Recruitment Obs error ----
Recsd <- sample_lnorm('Recsd', cpars, Obs, nsim, 'Recbiascv')
ObsOut$Recsd <- Recsd
# Simulate error in observed recruitment index
Recerr_y <- cpars$Recerr_y
if (is.null(Recerr_y)) {
Recerr_y <- array(rlnorm((nyears + proyears) * nsim,
mconv(1, rep(ObsOut$Recsd, (nyears + proyears))),
sdconv(1, rep(ObsOut$Recsd, nyears + proyears))),
c(nsim, nyears + proyears))
ObsOut$Recerr_y <- Recerr_y
ObsOut$sigmaRbias <- sample_lnorm('sigmaRbias', cpars, Obs, nsim, 'sigmaRbiascv')
# ---- Steepness obs bias ----
hsim <- cpars$hsim
if (is.null(hsim)) {
hsim <- rep(NA, nsim)
cond <- StockPars$hs > 0.6
if (all(StockPars$SRrel == 2)) { # Support of Ricker steepness is [0.2, Inf]
hsim <- rlnorm(nsim, log(StockPars$hs - 0.2), sdconv(1, Obs@hbiascv[1])) + 0.2 -
0.5 * sdconv(1, Obs@hbiascv[1])^2
} else {
hsim[cond] <- 0.2 + rbeta(sum(StockPars$hs > 0.6),
alphaconv((StockPars$hs[cond] - 0.2)/0.8,
(1 - (StockPars$hs[cond] - 0.2)/0.8) * Obs@hbiascv[1]),
betaconv((StockPars$hs[cond] - 0.2)/0.8,
(1 - (StockPars$hs[cond] - 0.2)/0.8) * Obs@hbiascv[1])) * 0.8
hsim[!cond] <- 0.2 + rbeta(sum(StockPars$hs <= 0.6),
alphaconv((StockPars$hs[!cond] - 0.2)/0.8,
(StockPars$hs[!cond] - 0.2)/0.8 * Obs@hbiascv[1]),
betaconv((StockPars$hs[!cond] - 0.2)/0.8,
(StockPars$hs[!cond] - 0.2)/0.8 * Obs@hbiascv[1])) * 0.8
hbias <- hsim/StockPars$hs # back calculate the simulated bias
} else {
hbias <- hsim/StockPars$hs # back calculate the simulated bias
ObsOut$hbias <- hbias
# ---- Effort Obs Error -----
# Sampled effort observation error (lognormal sd)
if (length(Obs@Eobs)<2 | all( && is.null(cpars$Eerr_y)) {
message_info('OM@Eobs not specified. Assuming no observation error on Effort')
Obs@Eobs <- rep(0,2)
Obs@Ebiascv <- 0
Evar <- sample_unif('Eobs', cpars, Obs, nsim)
ObsOut$Evar <- Evar
# Sampled effort bias (log normal sd)
Ebias <- sample_lnorm('Ebias', cpars, Obs, nsim, 'Ebiascv')
ObsOut$Ebias <- Ebias
# Generate effort obs error by year
Eerr_y <- cpars$Eerr_y
if (is.null(Eerr_y)) {
Eerr_y <- array(rlnorm((nyears + proyears) * nsim,
mconv(1, rep(ObsOut$Evar, (nyears + proyears))),
sdconv(1, rep(ObsOut$Evar, nyears + proyears))),
c(nsim, nyears + proyears))
ObsOut$Eerr_y <- Eerr_y
Eobs_y <- cpars$Eobs_y
if (is.null(Eobs_y)) {
Eobs_y <- ObsOut$Ebias * ObsOut$Eerr_y
ObsOut$Eobs_y <- Eobs_y
#' Sample Implementation Error Parameters
#' @param Imp An object of class 'Imp' or class 'OM'
#' @param nsim Number of simulations. Ignored if 'Imp' is class 'OM'
#' @param cpars Optional named list of custom parameters. Ignored if 'OM' is class 'OM'
#' @param nyears Number of historical years.
#' @param proyears Number of projection years. Not essential.
#' @return A named list of sampled Implementation Error parameters
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
SampleImpPars <- function(Imp, nsim=NULL, cpars=NULL, nyears=NULL, proyears=NULL) {
if (!methods::is(Imp, "Imp") & !methods::is(Imp, "OM"))
stop("First argument must be class 'Imp' or 'OM'")
if (methods::is(Imp,"OM")) {
nsim <- Imp@nsim
proyears <- Imp@proyears
nyears <- Imp@nyears
# Get custom pars if they exist
if (methods::is(Imp, "OM") && length(Imp@cpars) > 0 && is.null(cpars))
cpars <- SampleCpars(Imp@cpars, Imp@nsim) # custom parameters exist in OM object
if (length(cpars) > 0) { # custom pars exist - assign to function environment
Names <- names(cpars)
for (X in 1:length(Names)) assign(names(cpars)[X], cpars[[X]])
ImpOut <- list()
# ---- TAC Implementation Error -----
TACSD <- sample_unif('TACSD', cpars, Imp, nsim)
TACFrac <- sample_unif('TACFrac', cpars, Imp, nsim)
ImpOut$TACFrac <- TACFrac
TAC_y <- cpars$TAC_y
if (is.null(TAC_y)) {
TAC_y <- array(rlnorm(proyears * nsim,
mconv(ImpOut$TACFrac, ImpOut$TACSD),
sdconv(ImpOut$TACFrac, ImpOut$TACSD)),
c(nsim, proyears)) # composite of TAC fraction and error
ImpOut$TAC_y <- TAC_y
# ---- TAE Implementation Error ----
TAESD <- sample_unif('TAESD', cpars, Imp, nsim)
TAEFrac <- sample_unif('TAEFrac', cpars, Imp, nsim)
ImpOut$TAEFrac <- TAEFrac
E_y <- cpars$E_y
if (is.null(E_y)) {
E_y <- array(rlnorm(proyears * nsim,
mconv(ImpOut$TAEFrac, ImpOut$TAESD),
sdconv(ImpOut$TAEFrac, ImpOut$TAESD)),
c(nsim, proyears))
ImpOut$E_y <- E_y
# ---- Size Limit Implementation Error ----
SizeLimSD <- sample_unif('SizeLimSD', cpars, Imp, nsim)
ImpOut$SizeLimSD <- SizeLimSD
SizeLimFrac <- sample_unif('SizeLimFrac', cpars, Imp, nsim)
ImpOut$SizeLimFrac <- SizeLimFrac
SizeLim_y <- cpars$SizeLim_y
if (is.null(SizeLim_y)) {
SizeLim_y <- array(rlnorm(proyears * nsim,
mconv(ImpOut$SizeLimFrac, ImpOut$SizeLimSD),
sdconv(ImpOut$SizeLimFrac, ImpOut$SizeLimSD)),
c(nsim, proyears))
ImpOut$SizeLim_y <- SizeLim_y
#' Valid custom parameters (cpars)
#' @param type What cpars to show? 'all', 'Stock', 'Fleet', 'Obs', 'Imp', or 'internal'
#' @param valid Logical. Show valid cpars?
#' @param show Logical. Display the table in the Viewer?
#' @return a HTML datatable with variable name, description and type of valid cpars
#' @export
#' @section Control list:
#' A named list for `control`, for example, `OM@cpars$control <- list(TAC = "removals", CAL = "removals")`, can be
#' specified to override default settings in the MSE simulation. Possible names in the `control` list are:
#' - `TAC` Character, set to `"removals"` so that the TAC is applied to the sum of retained + discarded catch. Default only applies the TAC to the retained catch.
#' - `CAL` Character, set to `"removals"` to sample the catch-at-length from retained + discarded catch. Default only samples from retained catch.
#' - `D` Character, set to `"VB"` so that historical depletion `OM@D` corresponds to vulnerable biomass depletion (only used when `OM@cpars$qs = NULL`).
#' - `optVB` Logical, set to `TRUE` so that historical depletion `OM@D` corresponds to vulnerable biomass depletion. Default sets depletion according to spawning biomasss when `OM@cpars$qs = NULL`.
#' - `optSBMSY` Logical, set to `TRUE` such that `OM@D` corresponds to the ratio of spawning biomass to MSY. Default uses according to spawning biomass depletion (biomass relative to unfished levels).
#' - `Depletion` Character, set to `"end"` such that historical depletion `OM@D` corresponds to the biomass at the end of the last projection year. Default corresponds to the value at the beginning of the last projection year.
#' - `ntrials` Integer, set the number of iterations to sample the operating model to match the depletion to `OM@D`. Default is 50.
#' - `fracD` Numeric, the maximum allowable proportion of simulations allowed to hit the bounds of the depletion parameter (simulation returns an error if exceeded). Default is 0.05.
#' - `checks` Logical. If `TRUE`, plots depletion and SB/SBMSY figures and prints values to the R console to diagnose issues with operating model configuration with regards to depletion.
#' - `unfished` Logical. If `TRUE`, returns historical simulations with F = 0.
#' - `progress` Logical. If `TRUE`, updates progress bar through `shiny::incProgress`. Used in conjunction with Shiny apps.
#' - `maxiterF` Integer, the number of iterations to solve for F in the projections from the specified TAC. Default is 300.
#' - `tolF` Numeric, the tolerance for the catch relative to the TAC when solving for F in the projections. Default is 1e-4.
#' - `HZN` Integer, the number of generations to solve for B_low. Default is 2. See [getBlow()].
#' - `Bfrac` Numeric, proportion of SBMSY to solve for B_low. Default is 0.5. See [getBlow()].
#' - `skipdata` Logical. If `TRUE`, skips conditioning on data in `MOM@cpars[[p]][[f]]$Data`. Only used in [multiMSE()].
#' - `HermEq` Logical, whether the equilibrium population age structures in the multi-OM is generated from the hermaphroditism vector (intended for use in salmonMSE). Default is TRUE. Only used in [multiMSE()].
#' - `HistRel` Logical, whether to perform the historical reconstruction with inter-stock relationships in `MOM@Rel`. Default is TRUE. Only used in [multiMSE()].
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' validcpars() # all valid cpars
#' validcpars("Obs", FALSE) # invalid Obs cpars
#' }
validcpars <- function(type=c("all", "Stock", "Fleet", "Obs", "Imp", "internal"),
valid=TRUE, show=TRUE) {
Var <- Desc <- NULL # checks
type <- match.arg(type, choices=c("all", "Stock", "Fleet", "Obs", "Imp", "internal"),
several.ok = TRUE )
if ('all' %in% type) type <- c("Stock", "Fleet", "Obs", "Imp", "internal")
Valid <- Slot <- Dim <- Description <- NULL
# cpars_info <- MSEtool:::cpars_info
# cpars_info <- cpars_info[!duplicated(cpars_info$Slot),] # remove duplicated 'Name'
cpars_info$ValidCpars[$ValidCpars)] <- TRUE
cpars_info <- cpars_info[cpars_info$ValidCpars!=FALSE,]
cpars_info$type <- NA
stock_ind <- match(slotNames("Stock"), cpars_info$Var)
fleet_ind <- match(slotNames("Fleet"), cpars_info$Var)
obs_ind <- match(slotNames("Obs"), cpars_info$Var)
imp_ind <- match(slotNames("Imp"), cpars_info$Var)
int_ind <- (1:nrow(cpars_info))[!1:nrow(cpars_info) %in%
c(stock_ind, fleet_ind, obs_ind, imp_ind)]
cpars_info$type[stock_ind] <- "Stock"
cpars_info$type[fleet_ind] <- "Fleet"
cpars_info$type[obs_ind] <- "Obs"
cpars_info$type[imp_ind] <- "Imp"
cpars_info$type[int_ind] <- "internal"
dflist <- list(); count <- 0
for (ss in type) {
count <- count + 1
df <- cpars_info %>% dplyr::filter(cpars_info$type %in% ss) %>%
dplyr::select(Var, Dim, Desc, type)
names(df) <- c("Var.", "Dim.", "Desc.", "Type")
if (nrow(df)> 0) {
if (nrow(df)>1) {
dflist[[count]] <- df[,as.logical(apply(!apply(df, 2,, 2, prod))]
} else {
dflist[[count]] <- df[,!]
dfout <-"rbind", dflist)
if (is.null(dfout)) {
if (valid) message_info("No valid parameters")
if (!valid) message_info("No invalid parameters")
dfout$Type <- as.factor(dfout$Type)
dfout$Var. <- as.factor(dfout$Var.)
if (show) {
if (requireNamespace("DT", quietly = TRUE)) {
filter = 'top',
options = list(
pageLength = 25, autoWidth = TRUE))
} else {
message_info("Install package `DT` to display dataframe as HTML table")
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