
Defines functions load_CARDinfo update_CARDinfo load_GOinfo update_GOinfo load_GOlist update_GOlist load_org_pathway update_org_pathway pre_compound_in_pathway pre_gene_in_pathway brite_file2df brite2df2 brite2df load_Compound_htable load_Module_htable load_Pathway_htable load_KO_htable load_KO_desc load_CPDlist load_KOlist load_something load_htable update_htable update_KO_file update_KEGG

Documented in load_CARDinfo load_Compound_htable load_CPDlist load_GOinfo load_GOlist load_htable load_KO_desc load_KO_htable load_KOlist load_Module_htable load_org_pathway load_Pathway_htable update_CARDinfo update_GOinfo update_GOlist update_htable update_KEGG update_KO_file update_org_pathway

#' Update files from 'KEGG'
#' @export
#' @return No value
#' @param download_dir where to save the .keg file?
update_KEGG <- function(download_dir) {
  update_KO_file(download_dir = download_dir)
  update_htable(type = "ko", download_dir = download_dir)
  update_htable(type = "pathway", download_dir = download_dir)
  update_htable(type = "module", download_dir = download_dir)
  update_htable(type = "compound", download_dir = download_dir)

#' Update the KO2Pathway and CPD2Pathway files from 'KEGG'
#' @param download_dir the user dir location of 'ReporterScore', detect automatically by `tools::R_user_dir("ReporterScore")`.
#' @param RDSfile saved KO_files.RDS file
#' @export
#' @description
#' Download links:
#' \code{https://rest.kegg.jp/list/pathway}
#' \code{https://rest.kegg.jp/link/pathway/ko}
#' \code{https://rest.kegg.jp/link/pathway/compound}
#' \code{https://rest.kegg.jp/list/module}
#' \code{https://rest.kegg.jp/link/module/ko}
#' \code{https://rest.kegg.jp/link/module/compound}
#' @rdname update_KEGG
update_KO_file <- function(download_dir, RDSfile = NULL) {
  pack_dir <- tools::R_user_dir("ReporterScore")
  if (!dir.exists(pack_dir)) dir.create(pack_dir, recursive = TRUE)

  dd <- download_dir
  if (!dir.exists(dd)) dir.create(dd, recursive = TRUE)

  if (is.null(RDSfile)) {
    pcutils::dabiao("Trying to download files from https://rest.kegg.jp/ .")

    pathway_desc <- KEGGREST::keggList("pathway")
    pathway_desc <- data.frame(id = names(pathway_desc), pathway = pathway_desc)
    module_desc <- KEGGREST::keggList("module")
    module_desc <- data.frame(id = names(module_desc), pathway = module_desc)

    path2ko <- KEGGREST::keggLink("pathway", "ko")
    path2ko <- data.frame(pathway = (path2ko), ko = names(path2ko), row.names = NULL)
    module2ko <- KEGGREST::keggLink("module", "ko")
    module2ko <- data.frame(pathway = (module2ko), ko = names(module2ko), row.names = NULL)
    path2compound <- KEGGREST::keggLink("pathway", "compound")
    path2compound <- data.frame(pathway = (path2compound), ko = names(path2compound), row.names = NULL)
    module2compound <- KEGGREST::keggLink("module", "compound")
    module2compound <- data.frame(pathway = (module2compound), ko = names(module2compound), row.names = NULL)

    KO_files <- list(
      pathway_desc = pathway_desc, module_desc = module_desc,
      path2ko = path2ko, module2ko = module2ko, path2compound = path2compound, module2compound = module2compound
    saveRDS(KO_files, file = file.path(dd, paste0("KO_files", Sys.time(), ".RDS")))
  } else {
    KO_files <- readRDS(RDSfile)

  pathway <- ko <- NULL
  KOlist <- list()
  KOlist$pathway <- KO_files$path2ko %>%
    dplyr::mutate(pathway = gsub("path:", "", pathway), ko = gsub("ko:", "", ko)) %>%
    dplyr::filter(grepl("map", pathway)) %>%
    custom_modulelist(., KO_files$pathway_desc)
  KOlist$module <- KO_files$module2ko %>%
    dplyr::mutate(pathway = gsub("md:", "", pathway), ko = gsub("ko:", "", ko)) %>%
    custom_modulelist(., KO_files$module_desc)
  CPDlist <- list()
  CPDlist$pathway <- KO_files$path2compound %>%
    dplyr::mutate(pathway = gsub("path:", "", pathway), ko = gsub("cpd:", "", ko)) %>%
    dplyr::filter(grepl("map", pathway)) %>%
    custom_modulelist(., KO_files$pathway_desc)
  CPDlist$module <- KO_files$module2ko %>%
    dplyr::mutate(pathway = gsub("md:", "", pathway), ko = gsub("cpd:", "", ko)) %>%
    custom_modulelist(., KO_files$module_desc)
  attributes(CPDlist)$download_time <- attributes(KOlist)$download_time <- Sys.time()

  save(KOlist, file = paste0(pack_dir, "/new_KOlist.rda"))
  save(CPDlist, file = paste0(pack_dir, "/new_CPDlist.rda"))
  pcutils::dabiao(paste0("Update done at ", Sys.time()))

#' Update some htable from 'KEGG'
#' @param type "ko", "module", "pathway", "compound" ...
#' @param keg_file path of a .keg file, such as ko00001.keg from https://www.genome.jp/kegg-bin/download_htext?htext=ko00001&format=htext.
#' @param download save the .keg file?
#' @param download_dir where to save the .keg file?
#' @export
#' @rdname update_KEGG
update_htable <- function(type, keg_file = NULL, download = FALSE, download_dir = NULL) {
  type <- match.arg(type, c("ko", "module", "pathway", "compound"))

  pack_dir <- tools::R_user_dir("ReporterScore")
  if (!dir.exists(pack_dir)) dir.create(pack_dir, recursive = TRUE)

  pcutils::lib_ps("KEGGREST", library = FALSE)
  if (download) {
    if (is.null(download_dir)) {
      stop("Please set the download_dir when `download=TRUE`.")
    dd <- download_dir
    if (!dir.exists(dd)) dir.create(dd, recursive = TRUE)

  if (type == "ko") {
    br_id <- "ko00001"
    if (!is.null(keg_file)) {
      if (!grepl(br_id, keg_file)) stop("keg_file should be path of ", br_id, ".keg.")
      lines <- readLines(keg_file, warn = FALSE)
    } else {
      KEGGREST::keggGet(paste0("br:", br_id)) -> a
      if (download) {
        writeLines(a, con = file.path(dd, paste0(br_id, "_", Sys.time(), ".keg")), sep = "")
        pcutils::dabiao("Download done")
      lines <- strsplit(a, "\n")[[1]]
    df_res <- brite2df(lines)

    Cdf <- sub(" ", "\t", df_res[["C"]]) %>% pcutils::strsplit2(., "\t", colnames = c("path_id", "path_name"))
    KO_htable <- data.frame(
      sub("\\d* ", "", df_res$A),
      sub("\\d* ", "", df_res$B),
      df_res[, c("id", "name")]

    colnames(KO_htable) <- c(
      "level1_name", "level2_name",
      "level3_id", "level3_name", "KO_id", "KO_name"

    KO_htable$level3_id <- ifelse(KO_htable$level1_name %in% c("Brite Hierarchies", "Not Included in Pathway or Brite"),
      KO_htable$level3_id, paste0("map", KO_htable$level3_id)

    KO_htable$level3_name <- sub(" \\[.*:ko.*\\]", "", KO_htable$level3_name)
    attributes(KO_htable)$download_time <- attributes(KO_htable)$build_time <- Sys.time()
    save(KO_htable, file = paste0(pack_dir, "/new_KO_htable.rda"))
  if (type == "module") {
    br_id <- "ko00002"
    if (!is.null(keg_file)) {
      if (!grepl(br_id, keg_file)) stop("keg_file should be path of ", br_id, ".keg.")
      lines <- readLines(keg_file, warn = FALSE)
    } else {
      KEGGREST::keggGet(paste0("br:", br_id)) -> a
      if (download) {
        writeLines(a, con = file.path(dd, paste0(br_id, "_", Sys.time(), ".keg")), sep = "")
        pcutils::dabiao("Download done")
      lines <- strsplit(a, "\n")[[1]]
    df_res <- brite2df(lines)

    df_res$A <- gsub("</?b>", "", df_res$A)
    df_res$B <- gsub("</?b>", "", df_res$B)
    Module_htable <- df_res
    colnames(Module_htable) <- c(
      "module1_name", "module2_name",
      "module3_name", "Module_id", "Module_name"

    attributes(Module_htable)$download_time <- attributes(Module_htable)$build_time <- Sys.time()
    save(Module_htable, file = paste0(pack_dir, "/new_Module_htable.rda"))
  if (type == "pathway") {
    br_id <- "br08901"
    if (!is.null(keg_file)) {
      if (!grepl(br_id, keg_file)) stop("keg_file should be path of ", br_id, ".keg.")
      lines <- readLines(keg_file, warn = FALSE)
    } else {
      KEGGREST::keggGet(paste0("br:", br_id)) -> a
      if (download) {
        writeLines(a, con = file.path(dd, paste0(br_id, "_", Sys.time(), ".keg")), sep = "")
        pcutils::dabiao("Download done")
      lines <- strsplit(a, "\n")[[1]]
    df_res <- brite2df(lines)
    Pathway_htable <- df_res
    colnames(Pathway_htable) <- c("level1_name", "level2_name", "Pathway_id", "Pathway_name")
    Pathway_htable$Pathway_id <- paste0("map", Pathway_htable$Pathway_id)
    attributes(Pathway_htable)$download_time <- attributes(Pathway_htable)$build_time <- Sys.time()
    save(Pathway_htable, file = paste0(pack_dir, "/new_Pathway_htable.rda"))
  if (type == "compound") {
    B <- NULL
    compounds_brites <- brite_file2df(br_id = "br08902") %>% dplyr::filter(B == "Compounds")
    keg_files <- ""
    if (!is.null(keg_file)) {
      if (!dir.exists(keg_file)) {
          "when `type='compound'`, keg_file should be path of a directory contains: ",
          paste0(compounds_brites$id, ".keg", collapse = ", "),
          " , as there are more than one .keg file needed."
      keg_files <- list.files(keg_file,
        full.names = TRUE,
        pattern = paste0(compounds_brites$id, collapse = "|")
      ) %>%
        grep("*.keg", x = ., value = TRUE)

    compounds_list <- list()
    for (i in compounds_brites$id) {
      if (!is.null(keg_file) & any(grepl(i, keg_files))) {
        keg_file_tmp <- keg_files[grepl(i, keg_files)][1]
        message("use", keg_file_tmp, "\n")
        lines <- readLines(keg_file_tmp, warn = FALSE)
      } else {
        KEGGREST::keggGet(paste0("br:", i)) -> a
        if (download) {
          writeLines(a, con = file.path(dd, paste0(i, "_", Sys.time(), ".keg")), sep = "")
          pcutils::dabiao(i, ": download done")
        lines <- strsplit(a, "\n")[[1]]
      compounds_list[[i]] <- brite2df2(lines)
    df_res <- lapply(seq_along(compounds_list), \(i)compounds_list[[i]] <- cbind("Class" = compounds_brites$name[i], compounds_list[[i]]))
    df_res <- do.call(plyr::rbind.fill, df_res)

    Compound_htable <- df_res[, c("Class", "A", "B", "C", "D", "id", "name")]
    Compound_htable <- dplyr::mutate_all(Compound_htable, \(i)gsub(" \\[Fig\\]", "", i))

    colnames(Compound_htable) <- c(
      "Class", "compound1_name", "compound2_name",
      "compound3_name", "compound4_name", "Compound_id", "Compound_name"

    attributes(Compound_htable)$download_time <- attributes(Compound_htable)$build_time <- Sys.time()
    save(Compound_htable, file = paste0(pack_dir, "/new_Compound_htable.rda"))
  pcutils::dabiao(paste0("Update done at ", Sys.time()))

#' Load the specific table (from 'KEGG')
#' @param type "ko", "module", "pathway", "compound" ...
#' @param verbose logical
#' @export
#' @return KO_htable
#' @examples
#' Pathway_htable <- load_htable("pathway")
#' head(Pathway_htable)
load_htable <- function(type, verbose = TRUE) {
  envir <- environment()
  type <- match.arg(type, c("ko", "module", "pathway", "compound"))
    "ko" = {
      prefix <- "KO_htable"
    "module" = {
      prefix <- "Module_htable"
    "pathway" = {
      prefix <- "Pathway_htable"
    "compound" = {
      prefix <- "Compound_htable"

  KO_htable_file <- file.path(tools::R_user_dir("ReporterScore"), paste0("new_", prefix, ".rda"))

  if (file.exists(KO_htable_file)) {
    load(KO_htable_file, envir = envir)
  } else {
    data(list = prefix, package = "ReporterScore", envir = envir)

  res <- get(prefix, envir = envir)

  if (verbose) {
    pcutils::dabiao("load ", prefix)
    if (!is.null(attributes(res)$"download_time")) {
      pcutils::dabiao(paste0(prefix, " download time: ", attributes(res)$"download_time"))
      message("If you want to update ", prefix, ", use `update_htable(type='", type, "')`")

load_something <- function(prefix, verbose = TRUE) {
  new_file <- file.path(tools::R_user_dir("ReporterScore"), paste0("new_", prefix, ".rda"))
  envir <- environment()

  if (file.exists(new_file)) {
    load(new_file, envir = envir)
  } else {
    message("Not find ", prefix, ", please run `update_", prefix, "()` first!")
  res <- get(prefix, envir = envir)
  if (verbose) {
    pcutils::dabiao("load ", prefix)
    if (!is.null(attributes(res)$"download_time")) {
      pcutils::dabiao(paste0(prefix, " download time: ", attributes(res)$"download_time"))
      message("If you want to update ", prefix, ", use `update_GOlist()`")

#' Load the KOlist (from 'KEGG')
#' @rdname load_htable
#' @export
#' @return KOlist
load_KOlist <- function(verbose = TRUE) {
  envir <- environment()
  KOlist_file <- file.path(tools::R_user_dir("ReporterScore"), "new_KOlist.rda")
  if (file.exists(KOlist_file)) {
    load(KOlist_file, envir = envir)
  } else {
    data("KOlist", package = "ReporterScore", envir = envir)
  KOlist <- get("KOlist", envir = envir)

  if (verbose) {
    pcutils::dabiao("load KOlist")
    if (!is.null(attributes(KOlist)$"download_time")) {
      pcutils::dabiao(paste0("KOlist download time: ", attributes(KOlist)$"download_time"))
      message("If you want to update KOlist, use `update_KO_file()`")

#' Load the CPDlist (from 'KEGG')
#' @rdname load_htable
#' @export
#' @return CPDlist
load_CPDlist <- function(verbose = TRUE) {
  envir <- environment()
  CPDlist_file <- file.path(tools::R_user_dir("ReporterScore"), "new_CPDlist.rda")
  if (file.exists(CPDlist_file)) {
    load(CPDlist_file, envir = envir)
  } else {
    data("CPDlist", package = "ReporterScore", envir = envir)
  CPDlist <- get("CPDlist", envir = envir)
  if (verbose) {
    pcutils::dabiao("load CPDlist")
    if (!is.null(attributes(CPDlist)$"download_time")) {
      pcutils::dabiao(paste0("CPDlist download time: ", attributes(CPDlist)$"download_time"))
      message("If you want to update CPDlist, use `update_KO_file()`")

#' Load the KO description (from 'KEGG')
#' @rdname load_htable
#' @export
#' @return KO description
load_KO_desc <- function(verbose = TRUE) {
  KO_id <- NULL
  KO_htable <- load_KO_htable(verbose = verbose)
  ko_desc <- dplyr::distinct_all(KO_htable[, c("KO_id", "KO_name")]) %>% dplyr::arrange(KO_id)

#' Load the KO_htable (from 'KEGG')
#' @rdname load_htable
#' @export
#' @return KO_htable
load_KO_htable <- function(verbose = TRUE) {
  load_htable(type = "ko", verbose = verbose)

#' Load the Pathway_htable (from 'KEGG')
#' @rdname load_htable
#' @export
#' @return Pathway_htable
load_Pathway_htable <- function(verbose = TRUE) {
  load_htable(type = "pathway", verbose = verbose)

#' Load the Module_htable (from 'KEGG')
#' @rdname load_htable
#' @export
#' @return Module_htable
load_Module_htable <- function(verbose = TRUE) {
  load_htable(type = "module", verbose = verbose)

#' Load the Compound_htable (from 'KEGG')
#' @rdname load_htable
#' @export
#' @return Compound_htable
load_Compound_htable <- function(verbose = TRUE) {
  load_htable(type = "compound", verbose = verbose)

brite2df <- function(lines) {
  # 当确定查询的tip都在同一等级时(比如D)用这个
  lines <- lines[!grepl("^#", lines)]

  if (any(lines == "!")) {
    contents <- lines[(which(lines == "!")[1] + 1):(which(lines == "!")[2] - 1)]
  } else {
    contents <- lines

  all_levels <- substr(contents, 1, 1)
  levels <- unique(all_levels)
  tip <- levels[length(levels)]

  edges <- as.list(levels)
  names(edges) <- levels
  node <- names(edges)[-length(levels)]

  df <- vector("list", sum(all_levels == tip))
  tip_n <- 1
  # Process the input file
  for (line in contents) {
    for (i in node) {
      if (grepl(paste0("^", i), line)) edges[[i]] <- line
    if (grepl(paste0("^", tip), line)) {
      edges[[tip]] <- line
      df[[tip_n]] <- edges
      tip_n <- tip_n + 1
  df_res <- do.call(rbind, lapply(df, as.data.frame))
  # 遇到一个很坑的情况,一个文件中不止一个tip,有的tip同时分布在B,C,D...
  # 应该先按照A分割处理后合并

  for (i in levels) {
    df_res[[i]] <- gsub(paste0("^", i, "\\s*"), "", df_res[[i]])
  tipdf <- sub("  ", "\t", df_res[[tip]]) %>% pcutils::strsplit2(., "\t", colnames = c("id", "name"))
  cbind(df_res[, node], tipdf)
brite2df2 <- function(lines, id_pattern = "\\s+[CG]\\d{5}  ") {
  # 当确定查询的tip的pattern时用这个
  lines <- lines[!grepl("^#", lines)]
  if (any(lines == "!")) {
    contents <- lines[(which(lines == "!")[1] + 1):(which(lines == "!")[2] - 1)]
  } else {
    contents <- lines

  all_levels <- substr(contents, 1, 1)
  levels <- unique(all_levels)

  edges <- as.list(levels)
  names(edges) <- levels

  df <- vector("list", sum(grepl(id_pattern, contents)))
  tip_n <- 1
  # Process the input file
  for (line in contents) {
    perfix <- substr(line, 1, 1)
    edges[[perfix]] <- line
    if (grepl(id_pattern, line)) {
      df[[tip_n]] <- edges[seq_len(which(levels == perfix))]
      tip_n <- tip_n + 1
  df <- lapply(df, as.data.frame)

  ncols <- vapply(df, ncol, numeric(1))
  df_res <- list()
  for (col in unique(ncols)) {
    tmp <- df[ncols == col]
    tmp <- do.call(rbind, tmp)
    for (i in levels[seq_len(col)]) {
      tmp[[i]] <- gsub(paste0("^", i, "\\s*"), "", tmp[[i]])
    tipdf <- sub("  ", "\t", tmp[[levels[col]]]) %>% pcutils::strsplit2(., "\t", colnames = c("id", "name"))
    df_res[[i]] <- cbind(tmp[, seq_len(col - 1)], tipdf)

  # 遇到一个很坑的情况,一个文件中不止一个tip,有的tip同时分布在B,C,D...
  # 应该先按照A分割处理后合并
  df_res1 <- do.call(plyr::rbind.fill, df_res)
  df_res1[, c(levels[-length(levels)], "id", "name")]
brite_file2df <- function(keg_file = NULL, br_id = NULL, id_pattern = NULL) {
  some_pattern <- c(
    "br08001" = "\\s+[CG]\\d{5}"
  if (!is.null(keg_file)) {
    lines <- readLines(keg_file, warn = FALSE)
  } else if (!is.null(br_id)) {
    pcutils::lib_ps("KEGGREST", library = FALSE)
    KEGGREST::keggGet(paste0("br:", br_id)) -> a
    lines <- strsplit(a, "\n")[[1]]
  } else {
    stop("Please set one of keg_file and br_id.")
  if (is.null(id_pattern)) {
  } else {
    return(brite2df2(lines, id_pattern = id_pattern))
# brite_file2df(br_id = "br08902")

pre_gene_in_pathway <- function(pathway) {
  genes <- pathway[["GENE"]]
  if (is.null(genes)) {
  kegg_gene_id <- genes[seq(1, length(genes), 2)]
  input_strings <- genes[seq(2, length(genes), 2)]

  data <- data.frame(
    gene_symbol = sub(";.*", "", input_strings),
    gene_desc = sub(".*;\\s*(.*?)\\s+\\[.*", "\\1", input_strings),
    KO_id = sub(".*\\[KO:(.*?)\\].*", "\\1", input_strings)
    # EC = sub(".*\\[EC:(.*?)\\].*", "\\1", input_strings)
  data <- data.frame(pathway_id = pathway$ENTRY, kegg_gene_id = kegg_gene_id, data, row.names = NULL)
pre_compound_in_pathway <- function(pathway) {
  compound <- pathway[["COMPOUND"]]
  if (is.null(compound)) {

  data <- data.frame(pathway_id = pathway$ENTRY, kegg_compound_id = names(compound), kegg_compound_name = compound, row.names = NULL)

#' Get pathway information for an organism from kegg
#' @param org kegg organism, listed in https://www.genome.jp/kegg/catalog/org_list.html, default, "hsa"
#' @param RDS_file path of a org.RDS file if you saved before.
#' @param download save the .keg file?
#' @param download_dir where to save the .keg file?
#' @aliases download_org_pathway
#' @aliases get_org_pathway
#' @export
#' @rdname update_KEGG
update_org_pathway <- function(org = "hsa", RDS_file = NULL, download = TRUE, download_dir = NULL) {
  lib_ps("KEGGREST", library = FALSE)
  pcutils::dabiao("get pathway of '", org, "' from 'KEGG'.")

  if (download) {
    if (is.null(download_dir)) {
      stop("Please set the download_dir when `download=TRUE`.")
    dd <- download_dir
    if (!dir.exists(dd)) dir.create(dd, recursive = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(RDS_file)) {
    if (!grepl(org, RDS_file)) stop("keg_file should be path of ", org, "_*.RDS.")
    hsa_genels <- readRDS(RDS_file)
    org_pathway <- hsa_genels$org_pathway
    hsa_gene <- hsa_genels$hsa_gene
  } else {
    org_pathway <- KEGGREST::keggList("pathway", org) # 获取'KEGG'数据库中所有人类通路
    # 暂时获取不了module,只有pathway
    hsa_path <- data.frame(org_pathway) # 转成数据框,方便后续分析
    hsa_path$pathID <- rownames(hsa_path) # 提取pathway ID
    org_pathway <- hsa_path
    message("total ", nrow(hsa_path), " pathways")
    pcutils::dabiao("get each pathway information from 'KEGG'.")
    hsa_gene <- list()
    hsa_gene <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(hsa_path)), \(i) {
      if (i %% 50 == 0) message(i, " pathways done.")
      hsa_info <- KEGGREST::keggGet(hsa_path[i, "pathID"])
    names(hsa_gene) <- hsa_path$pathID
    if (download) saveRDS(list(org_pathway = org_pathway, hsa_gene = hsa_gene), file = file.path(dd, paste0(org, "_", Sys.time(), ".RDS")))

  all_hsa_gene <- lapply(hsa_gene, pre_gene_in_pathway)
  all_hsa_compound <- lapply(hsa_gene, pre_compound_in_pathway)

  all_org_gene <- do.call(rbind, all_hsa_gene)
  rownames(all_org_gene) <- NULL
  all_org_compound <- do.call(rbind, all_hsa_compound)
  rownames(all_org_compound) <- NULL

  pack_dir <- tools::R_user_dir("ReporterScore")
  if (!dir.exists(pack_dir)) dir.create(pack_dir, recursive = TRUE)

  a <- list(org_pathway = org_pathway, all_org_gene = all_org_gene, all_org_compound = all_org_compound)
  attr(a, "download_time") <- Sys.time()
  assign(paste0(org, "_kegg_pathway"), a, envir = environment())
  pcutils::dabiao(paste0("Update done at ", Sys.time()))
  save(list = paste0(org, "_kegg_pathway"), file = file.path(pack_dir, paste0(org, "_kegg_pathway.rda")))

#' Load the pathway information for an organism (from 'KEGG')
#' @param org kegg organism, listed in https://www.genome.jp/kegg/catalog/org_list.html, default, "hsa"
#' @export
#' @return KOlist
#' @rdname load_htable
load_org_pathway <- function(org = "hsa", verbose = TRUE) {
  pack_dir <- tools::R_user_dir("ReporterScore")
  path_file <- file.path(pack_dir, paste0(org, "_kegg_pathway.rda"))
  envir <- environment()
  if (file.exists(path_file)) {
    load(path_file, envir = envir)
  } else if (org %in% c("hsa", "mmu")) {
    data(list = paste0(org, "_kegg_pathway"), package = "ReporterScore", envir = envir)
  } else {
    message("No pathway information for organism '", org, "', download?\n")
    flag <- readline("yes/no(y/n)?")
    if (tolower(flag) %in% c("yes", "y")) {
      update_org_pathway(org = org)
      load(path_file, envir = envir)
    } else {
      message("No pathway information for organism '", org, "', please use `update_org_pathway('", org, "')` to download.")
  a <- get(paste0(org, "_kegg_pathway"), envir = envir)
  if (verbose) {
    pcutils::dabiao("load ", org, " pathway")
    if (!is.null(attributes(a)$"download_time")) {
      pcutils::dabiao(paste0(org, " pathway download time: ", attributes(a)$"download_time"))
      message("If you want to update ", org, " pathway,", " use `update_org_pathway('", org, "')`")

#' Update the GO2gene files (from 'GO' database)
#' @param download_dir download_dir
#' @param GO_file GO_file
#' @export
#' @return No value
#' @description
#' Download links:
#' \code{http://geneontology.org/docs/download-ontology/}
#' \code{https://asa12138.github.io/FileList/GOlist.rda}
update_GOlist <- function(download_dir = NULL, GO_file = NULL) {
  GOlist <- NULL
  pack_dir <- tools::R_user_dir("ReporterScore")
  if (!dir.exists(pack_dir)) dir.create(pack_dir, recursive = TRUE)

  if (is.null(GO_file)) {
    if (is.null(download_dir)) stop("Please set download_dir when GO_file is NULL.")
    if (!dir.exists(download_dir)) dir.create(download_dir, recursive = TRUE)

    pcutils::dabiao("Trying to download files from https://asa12138.github.io/FileList/GOlist.rda")
    ori_time <- getOption("timeout")
    on.exit(options(timeout = ori_time))

    options(timeout = 300)
    tryCatch(expr = {
      download.file("https://asa12138.github.io/FileList/GOlist.rda", destfile = file.path(download_dir, "GOlist.rda"))
    }, error = function(e) {
      stop("Try download yourself from https://asa12138.github.io/FileList/GOlist.rda")
    GO_file <- file.path(download_dir, "GOlist.rda")
  } else {
    if (!(file.exists(GO_file) & grepl("GOlist.rda", GO_file))) stop("Wrong file: ", GO_file)
  if (file.exists(paste0(pack_dir, "/new_GOlist.rda"))) {
    load(paste0(pack_dir, "/new_GOlist.rda"), envir = environment())
    old_time <- attributes(GOlist)$download_time
    load(GO_file, envir = environment())
    new_time <- attributes(GOlist)$download_time
    if (!(new_time > old_time)) {
      message("There are no changes of GO_file, do not need to update.")
  file.copy(GO_file, paste0(pack_dir, "/new_GOlist.rda"), overwrite = TRUE)
  pcutils::dabiao(paste0("Update done at ", Sys.time()))

#' Load the GOlist (from 'GO' database)
#' @param verbose logical
#' @export
#' @return GOlist
load_GOlist <- function(verbose = TRUE) {
  return(load_something("GOlist", verbose = verbose))

#' update_GOinfo
#' @param download_dir download_dir
#' @param obo_file obo_file from http://current.geneontology.org/ontology/go.obo
#' @export
#' @rdname update_GOlist
update_GOinfo <- function(download_dir = NULL, obo_file = NULL) {
  pack_dir <- tools::R_user_dir("ReporterScore")
  if (!dir.exists(pack_dir)) dir.create(pack_dir, recursive = TRUE)

  if (is.null(obo_file)) {
    if (is.null(download_dir)) stop("Please set download_dir when obo_file is NULL.")
    if (!dir.exists(download_dir)) dir.create(download_dir, recursive = TRUE)
    pcutils::dabiao("Trying to download files from http://current.geneontology.org/ontology/go.obo")
    ori_time <- getOption("timeout")
    on.exit(options(timeout = ori_time))

    options(timeout = 300)
    tryCatch(expr = {
      download.file("http://current.geneontology.org/ontology/go.obo", destfile = file.path(download_dir, "go.obo"))
    }, error = function(e) {
      stop("Try download yourself from http://current.geneontology.org/ontology/go.obo")
    obo_file <- file.path(download_dir, "go.obo")
  } else {
    if (!(file.exists(obo_file) & grepl("go.obo", obo_file))) stop("Wrong file: ", obo_file)

  # 读取文本文件
  data_text <- readLines(obo_file)

  # 初始化一个空数据框
  df <- data.frame(
    id = character(0), name = character(0), namespace = character(0),
    def = character(0), synonym = character(0), alt_id = character(0),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  # 初始化变量以存储当前条目的信息
  cnt <- 0

  # 遍历每一行文本
  for (line in data_text) {
    # 如果行为空白,表示当前条目结束,将其添加到数据框中
    if (grepl("\\[Term\\]", line)) {
      if (cnt > 0) df <- rbind(df, current_entry)
      cnt <- cnt + 1
      if (cnt %% 1000 == 0) pcutils::dabiao(cnt, "done, please wait")
      # 重置current_entry
      current_entry <- list(id = NA, name = NA, namespace = NA, def = NA, synonym = NA, alt_id = NA)
    } else {
      # 使用正则表达式提取信息
      if (grepl("^id:", line)) {
        current_entry$id <- gsub("^id: ", "", line)
      } else if (grepl("^name:", line)) {
        current_entry$name <- gsub("^name: ", "", line)
      } else if (grepl("^namespace:", line)) {
        current_entry$namespace <- gsub("^namespace: ", "", line)
      } else if (grepl("^def:", line)) {
        current_entry$def <- gsub("^def: \"(.+)\" .+$", "\\1", line)
      } else if (grepl("^synonym:", line)) {
        if (is.na(current_entry$synonym)) {
          current_entry$synonym <- gsub("^synonym: \"(.+)\" .+$", "\\1", line)
        } else {
          current_entry$synonym <- paste0(current_entry$synonym, ";", gsub("^synonym: \"(.+)\" .+$", "\\1", line))
      } else if (grepl("^alt_id:", line)) {
        if (is.na(current_entry$alt_id)) {
          current_entry$alt_id <- gsub("^alt_id: ", "", line)
        } else {
          current_entry$alt_id <- paste0(current_entry$alt_id, ";", gsub("^alt_id: ", "", line))
  colnames(df)[3] <- "ONT"

  GOinfo <- df
  attributes(GOinfo)$download_time <- Sys.time()
  save(GOinfo, file = paste0(pack_dir, "/new_GOinfo.rda"))
  pcutils::dabiao(paste0("Update done at ", Sys.time()))

#' Load the GOinfo (from GO)
#' @rdname load_GOlist
#' @export
#' @return GOinfo
load_GOinfo <- function(verbose = TRUE) {
  return(load_something("GOinfo", verbose = verbose))

# metacyc数据库

# CARD数据库

#' update CARDinfo from (from 'CARD' database)
#' @param download_dir download_dir
#' @param card_data card_data from https://card.mcmaster.ca/download/0/broadstreet-v3.2.8.tar.bz2
#' @export
#' @return No value
update_CARDinfo <- function(download_dir = NULL, card_data = NULL) {
  pack_dir <- tools::R_user_dir("ReporterScore")
  if (!dir.exists(pack_dir)) dir.create(pack_dir, recursive = TRUE)

  if (is.null(card_data)) {
    if (is.null(download_dir)) stop("Please set download_dir when card_data is NULL.")
    if (!dir.exists(download_dir)) dir.create(download_dir, recursive = TRUE)
    pcutils::dabiao("Trying to download files from https://card.mcmaster.ca/download/0/broadstreet-v3.2.8.tar.bz2 ")
    ori_time <- getOption("timeout")
    on.exit(options(timeout = ori_time))

    options(timeout = 300)
    tryCatch(expr = {
      download.file("https://card.mcmaster.ca/download/0/broadstreet-v3.2.8.tar.bz2", destfile = file.path(download_dir, "card-data.tar.bz2"))
    }, error = function(e) {
      stop("Try download yourself from https://card.mcmaster.ca/download/0/broadstreet-v3.2.8.tar.bz2 ")
    card_data <- file.path(download_dir, "card-data.tar.bz2")
  } else {
    if (!(file.exists(card_data) & grepl("card-data.tar.bz2", card_data))) stop("Wrong file: ", card_data)
  lib_ps("R.utils", library = FALSE)
  R.utils::bunzip2(card_data, destname = file.path(download_dir, "card-data.tar"), remove = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
  utils::untar(tarfile = file.path(download_dir, "card-data.tar"), exdir = file.path(download_dir, "card-data"))

    ARO_index <- readr::read_delim(file.path(download_dir, "card-data", "aro_index.tsv"), delim = "\t", progress = FALSE) %>% as.data.frame()
  } %>% suppressMessages()
    antibiotics <- readr::read_delim(file.path(download_dir, "card-data", "shortname_antibiotics.tsv"), delim = "\t") %>% as.data.frame()
  } %>% suppressMessages()

  `ARO Accession` <- NULL
  ARO_index <- dplyr::distinct(ARO_index, `ARO Accession`, .keep_all = TRUE)
  rownames(ARO_index) <- gsub("ARO:", "", (ARO_index$`ARO Accession`))
  CARDinfo <- list(ARO_index = ARO_index, antibiotics = antibiotics)
  attributes(CARDinfo)$download_time <- Sys.time()
  save(CARDinfo, file = paste0(pack_dir, "/new_CARDinfo.rda"))
  pcutils::dabiao(paste0("Update done at ", Sys.time()))

#' Load the CARDinfo (from CARD database)
#' @param verbose logical
#' @export
#' @return CARDinfo
load_CARDinfo <- function(verbose = TRUE) {
  return(load_something("CARDinfo", verbose = verbose))

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ReporterScore documentation built on June 25, 2024, 9:06 a.m.