
Defines functions pre_reporter_res plot_report

Documented in plot_report

reporter_color <- c("#e31a1c", "#1f78b4", "#b15928", "#810f7c", "#FFF021", "#b2df8a")
reporter_theme <- {
  ggplot2::theme_classic(base_size = 13) +
      axis.text = element_text(color = "black"),
      plot.margin = grid::unit(rep(0.5, 4), "lines"),
      strip.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = NA)

#' Plot the reporter_res
#' @param reporter_res result of `get_reporter_score` or `reporter_score`
#' @param rs_threshold plot threshold vector, default:1.64
#' @param y_text_size y_text_size
#' @param str_width str_width to wrap
#' @param mode 1~2 plot style.
#' @param show_ID show pathway id
#' @param Pathway_description show KO description rather than KO id.
#' @param facet_level facet plot if the type is "pathway" or "module"
#' @param facet_str_width str width for facet label
#' @param facet_anno annotation table for facet, two columns, first is level summary, second is pathway id.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @return ggplot
#' @export
#' @aliases plot_report_bar
#' @examples
#' data("reporter_score_res")
#' plot_report(reporter_score_res, rs_threshold = c(2.5, -2.5), y_text_size = 10, str_width = 40)
plot_report <- function(reporter_res, rs_threshold = 1.64, mode = 1, y_text_size = 13, str_width = 100, show_ID = FALSE,
                        Pathway_description = TRUE, facet_level = FALSE, facet_anno = NULL, facet_str_width = 15) {
  Group <- Description <- ReporterScore <- Exist_K_num <- NULL
  reporter_res2 <- cols1 <- title <- breaks <- NULL

  reporter_res <- pre_reporter_res(reporter_res, rs_threshold)
  flag <- attributes(reporter_res)$flag
  filter_report(reporter_res, rs_threshold)

  if (flag) {
    reporter_res2$Group <- reporter_res2$Cluster
    cols1 <- setNames(

  if (facet_level) {
    tmpdf <- get_facet_anno(reporter_res, facet_anno)
    if (!is.null(tmpdf)) {
      reporter_res2 <- dplyr::left_join(reporter_res2, tmpdf, by = c("ID"), suffix = c(".x", ""))

  reporter_res2 <- reporter_res2[stats::complete.cases(reporter_res2), ]
  # rownames(reporter_res2)=reporter_res2$ID

  if (show_ID) reporter_res2$Description <- paste0(reporter_res2$ID, ": ", reporter_res2$Description)
  if (!Pathway_description) reporter_res2$Description <- reporter_res2$ID

  if (mode == 1) {
    if (flag) {
      reporter_res2$Description <- factor(reporter_res2$Description,
        levels = dplyr::arrange(reporter_res2, Group, ReporterScore) %>%
          dplyr::pull(Description) %>% unique()
      p <- ggplot(reporter_res2, aes(ReporterScore, Description, fill = Group))
    } else {
      reporter_res2$Description <- factor(reporter_res2$Description,
        levels = dplyr::arrange(reporter_res2, ReporterScore) %>%
          dplyr::pull(Description) %>% unique()
      p <- ggplot(reporter_res2, aes(ReporterScore, Description, fill = Group))
    p <- p + geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
      scale_fill_manual(values = cols1) +
  if (mode == 2) {
    if (flag) {
      reporter_res2$Description <- factor(reporter_res2$Description,
        levels = dplyr::arrange(reporter_res2, Group, ReporterScore) %>%
          dplyr::pull(Description) %>% unique()
      p <- ggplot(reporter_res2, aes(ReporterScore, Description, size = Exist_K_num, fill = Exist_K_num))
    } else {
      reporter_res2$Description <- factor(reporter_res2$Description,
        levels = dplyr::arrange(reporter_res2, ReporterScore) %>%
          dplyr::pull(Description) %>% unique()
      p <- ggplot(reporter_res2, Description, size = Exist_K_num, fill = Exist_K_num)
    p <- p +
      geom_point(shape = 21, position = "dodge") +
      scale_fill_gradient(low = "#FF000033", high = "red", guide = "legend") + theme_light()

  p <- p + labs(y = "") +
    scale_y_discrete(labels = label_wrap_gen(width = str_width)) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = breaks) +
      axis.text.x = element_text(colour = "black", size = 13),
      axis.text.y = element_text(colour = "black", size = y_text_size)
  if (facet_level) {
    p <- p + facet_grid(facet_level ~ ., scales = "free_y", space = "free", labeller = label_wrap_gen(facet_str_width)) +
        strip.text.y = element_text(angle = 0),
        strip.background = element_rect(fill = "grey90"),
        strip.text = element_text(face = "bold", color = "black")
  if (attributes(reporter_res)$mode == "directed" & is.null(attributes(reporter_res)$pattern)) {
    if (any(reporter_res2$ReporterScore > rs_threshold[2])) p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept = rs_threshold[2], linetype = 2)
    if (any(reporter_res2$ReporterScore < rs_threshold[1])) p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept = rs_threshold[1], linetype = 2)
  } else {
    p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept = rs_threshold[2], linetype = 2)
  # if(length(attributes(reporter_res)$vs_group)==2)p=p+labs(title = paste(attributes(reporter_res)$vs_group,collapse = " vs "))
  p <- p + labs(title = title)

pre_reporter_res <- function(reporter_res, rs_threshold) {
  reporter_res2 <- cols1 <- title <- breaks <- NULL
  if (inherits(reporter_res, "reporter_score")) {
    reporter_res <- reporter_res$reporter_s
  if (is.data.frame(reporter_res)) {}
  attributes(reporter_res)$flag <- FALSE
  if (inherits(reporter_res, "rs_by_cm")) {
    rsa_cm_res <- reporter_res
    ncluster <- sum(grepl("Cluster", names(rsa_cm_res)))
    clusters_name <- grep("Cluster", names(rsa_cm_res), value = TRUE)
    reporter_res <- lapply(
        data.frame(rsa_cm_res[[i]]$reporter_s, Cluster = i, row.names = NULL)
    ) %>%
      do.call(rbind, .)
    attributes(reporter_res) <- pcutils::update_param(attributes(rsa_cm_res[["Cluster1"]]$reporter_s), attributes(reporter_res))
    attributes(reporter_res)$flag <- TRUE
  } else if (all(vapply(reporter_res, \(i){
    inherits(i, "reporter_score")
  }, logical(1)))) {
    multi_reporter_res <- reporter_res
    if (is.null(names(multi_reporter_res))) names(multi_reporter_res) <- paste0("Res", seq_along(multi_reporter_res))
    ncluster <- length(multi_reporter_res)
    clusters_name <- names(multi_reporter_res)

    reporter_res <- lapply(
        filter_report(multi_reporter_res[[i]]$reporter_s, rs_threshold)
        data.frame(reporter_res2, Cluster = i, row.names = NULL)
    ) %>%
      do.call(rbind, .)
    attributes(reporter_res) <- pcutils::update_param(attributes(multi_reporter_res[[clusters_name[1]]]$reporter_s), attributes(reporter_res))

    attributes(reporter_res)$flag <- TRUE

filter_report <- function(reporter_res, rs_threshold) {
  reporter_res <- na.omit(reporter_res)
  if (length(rs_threshold) == 1) rs_threshold <- c(rs_threshold, -rs_threshold)

  vs_group <- attributes(reporter_res)$vs_group

  rs_threshold <- sort(rs_threshold)

  if ((attributes(reporter_res)$mode == "directed") & is.null(attributes(reporter_res)$pattern)) {
    reporter_res2 <- reporter_res[(reporter_res$ReporterScore >= rs_threshold[2]) | (reporter_res$ReporterScore <= rs_threshold[1]), ]
    if (nrow(reporter_res2) < 1) stop("No pathway left.")
    if (length(vs_group) == 2) {
      reporter_res2$Group <- ifelse(reporter_res2$ReporterScore > 0,
        paste0("Enriched in ", vs_group[2]),
        paste0("Enriched in ", vs_group[1])
      cols1 <- setNames(c("P" = "orange", "N" = "seagreen"), paste0("Enriched in ", vs_group[2:1]))
    } else {
      reporter_res2$Group <- ifelse(reporter_res2$ReporterScore > 0, "Increase", "Decrease")
      cols1 <- setNames(c("P" = "orange", "N" = "seagreen"), c("Increase", "Decrease"))
    title <- paste0(vs_group, collapse = "/ ")
    breaks <- c(scales::breaks_extended(3)(range(c(0, reporter_res2$ReporterScore))), rs_threshold)
  } else {
    reporter_res2 <- reporter_res[reporter_res$ReporterScore >= rs_threshold[2], ]
    if (nrow(reporter_res2) < 1) stop("No pathway left.")
    reporter_res2$Group <- "Significant"
    cols1 <- c("Significant" = "red2")
    title <- paste0(vs_group, collapse = "/")
    breaks <- c(scales::breaks_extended(3)(range(c(0, reporter_res2$ReporterScore))), rs_threshold[2])

  envir <- parent.frame()
  assign("reporter_res2", reporter_res2, envir)
  assign("cols1", cols1, envir)
  assign("title", title, envir)
  assign("breaks", breaks, envir)
  assign("rs_threshold", rs_threshold, envir)
  # return(list(reporter_res2=reporter_res2,cols1=cols1,title=title,breaks=breaks))

get_facet_anno <- function(reporter_res, facet_anno, mode = c("bar", "circle")[1]) {
  if (mode == "bar") {
    if (!is.null(facet_anno)) {
      tmpdf <- facet_anno
    } else {
      if (is.null(attributes(reporter_res)$type)) {
        warning("No attributes(reporter_res)$type found.")
        envir <- parent.frame()
        assign("facet_level", FALSE, envir)
      } else if (attributes(reporter_res)$type == "pathway") {
        Pathway_htable <- load_Pathway_htable()
        tmpdf <- Pathway_htable[, c("level1_name", "Pathway_id")]
      } else if (attributes(reporter_res)$type == "module") {
        Module_htable <- load_Module_htable()
        tmpdf <- Module_htable[c("module2_name", "Module_id")]
      } else if (attributes(reporter_res)$type == "ALL") {
        tmpdf <- reporter_res[c("ONT", "ID")]
      } else {
        # other organisms
        Pathway_htable <- load_Pathway_htable()
        tmpdf <- Pathway_htable[, c("level1_name", "Pathway_id")]
        tmpdf$Pathway_id <- gsub("map", attributes(reporter_res)$type, tmpdf$Pathway_id)
    colnames(tmpdf) <- c("facet_level", "ID")
  } else if (mode == "circle") {
    if (!is.null(facet_anno)) {
      tmpdf <- facet_anno
      tmpdf$add_col <- "add"
      node_name <- colnames(facet_anno)[ncol(facet_anno)]
    } else {
      if (is.null(attributes(reporter_res)$type)) {
        stop("No attributes(reporter_res)$type found.")
      } else if (attributes(reporter_res)$type == "pathway") {
        Pathway_htable <- load_Pathway_htable()
        tmpdf <- Pathway_htable
        node_name <- "Pathway"
      } else if (attributes(reporter_res)$type == "module") {
        Module_htable <- load_Module_htable()
        tmpdf <- Module_htable
        node_name <- "Module"
      } else if (attributes(reporter_res)$type == "ALL") {
        tmpdf <- reporter_res[c("ONT", "ID", "Description")]
        node_name <- "GO term"
      } else {
        Pathway_htable <- load_Pathway_htable()
        tmpdf <- Pathway_htable
        tmpdf$Pathway_id <- gsub("map", attributes(reporter_res)$type, tmpdf$Pathway_id)
        node_name <- "Pathway"
    attributes(tmpdf)$node_name <- node_name

#' Plot the reporter_res as circle_packing
#' @param reporter_res result of `get_reporter_score`
#' @param rs_threshold plot threshold vector, default:1.64
#' @param str_width str_width to wrap
#' @param mode 1~2 plot style.
#' @param Pathway_description show KO description rather than KO id.
#' @param facet_anno annotation table for facet, more two columns, last is pathway name, last second is pathway id.
#' @param show_ID show pathway id
#' @param show_level_name show the level name?
#' @param show_tip_label show the tip label?
#' @import ggplot2
#' @return ggplot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data("reporter_score_res")
#' if (requireNamespace("igraph") && requireNamespace("ggraph")) {
#'   plot_report_circle_packing(reporter_score_res, rs_threshold = c(2, -2), str_width = 40)
#' }
#' }
plot_report_circle_packing <- function(reporter_res, rs_threshold = 1.64, mode = 2, facet_anno = NULL,
                                       show_ID = FALSE, Pathway_description = TRUE,
                                       str_width = 10, show_level_name = "all", show_tip_label = TRUE) {
  reporter_res2 <- cols1 <- title <- breaks <- ID <- NULL
  reporter_res <- pre_reporter_res(reporter_res, rs_threshold)
  flag <- attributes(reporter_res)$flag
  filter_report(reporter_res, rs_threshold)

  if (flag) {
    if (mode == 1) message("mode can just set to 2 when reporter_res is a `rs_by_cm` object")
    mode <- 2
    reporter_res2$Group <- reporter_res2$Cluster
    cols1 <- setNames(

  tmpdf <- get_facet_anno(reporter_res, facet_anno, mode = "circle")
  node_name <- attributes(tmpdf)$node_name
  reporter_res2 <- reporter_res2[stats::complete.cases(reporter_res2), ]

  reporter_res2 <- dplyr::distinct(reporter_res2, ID, .keep_all = TRUE)
  rownames(reporter_res2) <- reporter_res2$ID
  # prepare the hierarchy table
  f_tax <- data.frame(tmpdf[-ncol(tmpdf)], row.names = tmpdf[, ncol(tmpdf) - 1, drop = TRUE], check.names = FALSE)
  colnames(f_tax)[ncol(f_tax)] <- node_name

  tmp_weight <- reporter_res2[, c("ID", "ReporterScore")]
  tmp_weight$weight <- abs(tmp_weight$ReporterScore)

  f_tax2 <- dplyr::right_join(f_tax, tmp_weight[, c("ID", "weight")], by = setNames("ID", node_name))

  # prepare the anno table
  anno <- reporter_res2[, c("ID", "Description", "ReporterScore", "Group")]
  if (show_ID) anno$Description <- paste0(anno$ID, ": ", anno$Description)
  if (Pathway_description) {
    anno$Description <- anno$Description

  p <- pcutils::my_circle_packing(f_tax2, anno,
    mode = mode, Group = "Group", Score = "ReporterScore", label = "Description",
    show_level_name = show_level_name, show_tip_label = show_tip_label, str_width = str_width

  if (mode == 1) {
    if (length(cols1) == 2) {
      p <- p + scale_fill_gradient2(low = "seagreen", high = "orange", na.value = NA, name = "ReporterScore")
    } else {
      p <- p + scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "red2", na.value = NA, name = "ReporterScore", limits = c(0, max(tmp_weight$weight)))
  if (mode == 2) {
    p <- p + scale_fill_manual(values = pcutils::add_alpha(cols1, 0.8), na.translate = FALSE)
  p + scale_color_manual(values = get_cols(ncol(f_tax2), reporter_color)) + coord_fixed()

#' Plot the significance of pathway
#' @param reporter_res result of `get_reporter_score` or `reporter_score`
#' @param map_id the pathway or module id
#' @return ggplot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data("reporter_score_res")
#' plot_significance(reporter_score_res, map_id = c("map05230", "map03010"))
#' }
plot_significance <- function(reporter_res, map_id) {
  value <- ID <- Z_score <- y <- ReporterScore <- p.value <- NULL
  if (inherits(reporter_res, "reporter_score")) reporter_res <- reporter_res$reporter_s

  if (!is.null(attributes(reporter_res)$perm)) {
    perm <- attributes(reporter_res)$perm
  } else {
    perm <- 1000
  reporter_res2 <- na.omit(dplyr::filter(reporter_res, ID %in% map_id))
  if (nrow(reporter_res2) < 1) {
  reporter_res2 <- reporter_res2[, c("ID", "BG_Mean", "BG_Sd", "Z_score", "p.value", "ReporterScore")]
  # 生成正态分布数据
  # set.seed(123)  # 设置随机种子以确保结果可重复
  df <- apply(reporter_res2, 1, \(i)rnorm(perm, mean = as.numeric(i[2]), sd = as.numeric(i[3])))
  df2 <- reshape2::melt(as.data.frame(df), measure.vars = colnames(df), variable.name = "ID")

  # 绘制直方图
  p <- ggplot(df2, aes(x = value)) +
    geom_histogram(bins = 30, fill = "lightblue", color = "black") +
    labs(title = paste0("Background distribution of Pathway Z-score; Permutation: ", perm), x = "Pathway Z-score", y = "") +

  # 找到最高柱子的高度
  # max_height <- max(ggplot_build(p)$data[[1]]$count)
  reddf <- data.frame(reporter_res2, y = perm / 30)

  # 添加红色小棒子
  p <- p +
    geom_segment(data = reddf, aes(x = Z_score, xend = Z_score, y = 0, yend = y), color = "red", size = 1) +
    geom_point(data = reddf, aes(x = Z_score, y = y), color = "red", size = 4) +
      data = reddf,
      aes(x = Z_score, y = y * 1.4, label = paste0("ReporterScore: ", round(ReporterScore, 2), "\np-value: ", p.value)),
      color = "red", size = 3

#' plot the Z-score of features distribution
#' @param reporter_res result of `reporter_score`
#' @param map_id the pathway or module id
#' @param text_size text_size=4
#' @param rug_length rug_length=0.04
#' @param text_position text_position, e.g. c(x=3,y=0.4)
#' @return ggplot
#' @export
#' @aliases plot_KOs_distribution
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data("reporter_score_res")
#' plot_features_distribution(reporter_score_res, map_id = c("map05230", "map03010"))
#' }
plot_features_distribution <- function(reporter_res, map_id, text_size = 4, text_position = NULL, rug_length = 0.04) {
  ID <- value <- Z_score <- Significantly <- ReporterScore <- p.value <- NULL
  stopifnot(inherits(reporter_res, "reporter_score"))

  ko_stat <- reporter_res$ko_stat

  A <- lapply(map_id, \(i)data.frame(ID = i, get_KOs(map_id = i, ko_stat = ko_stat, modulelist = reporter_res$modulelist))) %>% do.call(rbind, .)
  A$ID <- factor(A$ID, levels = map_id)
  if (nrow(A) < 1) {

  df <- data.frame(value = ko_stat$Z_score)
  reddf <- reporter_res$reporter_s %>% dplyr::filter(ID %in% map_id)
  reddf$ID <- factor(reddf$ID, levels = map_id)

  if (is.null(text_position)) text_position <- c(x = max(df$value), y = 0.4)

  p <- ggplot() +
    geom_density(data = df, aes(x = value), fill = "lightblue", color = "black") +
    geom_vline(xintercept = median(df$value), linetype = 2) +
    geom_segment(data = A, aes(x = Z_score, xend = Z_score, y = 0, yend = -rug_length, color = Significantly)) +
    facet_grid(~ID) +
    labs(title = paste0("Z-score distribution of all features"), x = "Feature Z-score", y = "Density") +
      data = reddf,
      aes(x = text_position[1], y = text_position[2], label = paste0(
        "ReporterScore: ",
        round(ReporterScore, 2),
        "\np-value: ", signif(p.value, 4),
        "\np.adjust: ", signif(p.adjust, 4)
      color = "black", size = text_size
    ) +
    theme_classic() +
    scale_color_manual(name = "", values = c("Depleted" = "seagreen", "Enriched" = "orange", "None" = "grey", "Significant" = "red2"))

#' Plot features trend in one pathway or module
#' @param ko_stat ko_stat result from \code{\link{pvalue2zs}} or result of `get_reporter_score`
#' @param map_id the pathway or module id
#' @param select_ko select which ko
#' @param modulelist NULL or customized modulelist dataframe, must contain "id","K_num","KOs","Description" columns. Take the `KOlist` as example, use \code{\link{custom_modulelist}}.
#' @param box_color box and point color, default: c("#e31a1c","#1f78b4")
#' @param line_color line color, default: c("Depleted"="seagreen","Enriched"="orange","None"="grey")
#' @param show_number show the numbers.
#' @param scale scale the data by row.
#' @param feature_type show in the title ,default: KOs
#' @return ggplot
#' @export
#' @aliases plot_KOs_in_pathway
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data("reporter_score_res")
#' plot_features_in_pathway(ko_stat = reporter_score_res, map_id = "map00860")
#' }
plot_features_in_pathway <- function(ko_stat, map_id = "map00780",
                                     modulelist = NULL, select_ko = NULL,
                                     box_color = reporter_color, show_number = TRUE, scale = FALSE, feature_type = "KOs",
                                     line_color = c("Depleted" = "seagreen", "Enriched" = "orange", "None" = "grey", "Significant" = "red2")) {
  Group <- value <- KO_id <- Group2 <- value2 <- Group1 <- value1 <- type <- Significantly <- KOlist <- p.adjust <- n <- NULL
  if (is.null(names(line_color))) names(line_color) <- c("Depleted", "Enriched", "None", "Significant")[seq_along(line_color)]
  flag <- FALSE
  if (inherits(ko_stat, "reporter_score")) {
    reporter_res <- ko_stat
    kodf <- reporter_res$kodf
    ko_stat <- reporter_res$ko_stat
    group <- reporter_res$group
    metadata <- reporter_res$metadata
    modulelist <- reporter_res$modulelist
    if (is.character(modulelist)) {
      GOlist <- load_GOlist()
      modulelist <- eval(parse(text = modulelist))
    flag <- TRUE
    RS <- reporter_res$reporter_s[reporter_res$reporter_s$ID == map_id, "ReporterScore"]

  if (is.null(modulelist)) stop("please input a modulelist dataframe")

  if (is.null(select_ko)) {
    A <- get_KOs(map_id = map_id, ko_stat = ko_stat, modulelist = modulelist)
  } else {
    A <- ko_stat[ko_stat$KO_id %in% select_ko, ]

  if (nrow(A) < 1) {

  if (!all(c("id", "K_num", "KOs", "Description") %in% colnames(modulelist))) stop("check your modulelist format!")
  Description <- modulelist[modulelist$id == map_id, "Description"]

  vs_group <- attributes(ko_stat)$vs_group
  if (identical(vs_group, "Numeric variable")) {
    if (!flag) stop("please input a reporter_score object when vs_group is a numeric variable")
    kodf_A <- kodf[rownames(A), ]
    if (scale) kodf_A <- pcutils::trans(kodf_A, method = "standardize", margin = 1)
    kodf_A$KO_id <- rownames(kodf_A)
    line_df <- reshape2::melt(kodf_A, id.vars = "KO_id", variable.name = "Sample_id")
    line_df <- dplyr::left_join(line_df,
        Sample_id = rownames(metadata),
        metadata[group], check.names = FALSE
      by = "Sample_id"
    line_df <- dplyr::left_join(line_df, A[, c("KO_id", "Significantly")], by = "KO_id")
    if (show_number) {
      num <- dplyr::count(A, Significantly) %>% dplyr::mutate(label = paste0(Significantly, ": ", n))
      line_df$Significantly <- setNames(num$label, num$Significantly)[line_df$Significantly]
      # line_color=c("Depleted"="seagreen","Enriched"="orange","None"="grey","Significant"="red2")
      names(line_color) <- setNames(num$label, num$Significantly)[names(line_color)]
    p <- ggplot(data = line_df, aes(x = get(group), y = value, color = Significantly)) +
      geom_point(show.legend = FALSE, alpha = 0.5) +
      # geom_line(aes(group=KO_id))+
      geom_smooth(aes(group = KO_id), se = FALSE) +
        title = ifelse(is.null(select_ko),
          ifelse(map_id == Description,
            paste0(feature_type, " in ", map_id),
            paste0(feature_type, " in ", map_id, " (", Description, ")")
          ), "Selected KOs"
        x = group, y = "Abundance"
      ) +
      scale_color_manual(values = line_color) +
      theme_classic(base_size = 13) +
      theme(axis.text = element_text(color = "black"))
    if (flag) p <- p + labs(subtitle = paste0("ReporterScore: ", round(RS, 3)))

  colnames(A)[colnames(A) %in% paste0("average_", vs_group)] <- vs_group
  if (scale) A[, c(vs_group)] <- pcutils::trans(A[, c(vs_group)], method = "standardize", margin = 1)

  box_df <- reshape2::melt(A[, c("KO_id", vs_group)], id.vars = "KO_id", variable.name = "Group")
  box_df$Group <- factor(box_df$Group, levels = (vs_group))
  line_df <- data.frame()

  for (i in seq_len(length(vs_group) - 1)) {
    tmp <- A[, c("KO_id", vs_group[i:(i + 1)], "Significantly")]
    colnames(tmp) <- c("KO_id", "value1", "value2", "Significantly")
    tmp$Group1 <- vs_group[i]
    tmp$Group2 <- vs_group[i + 1]
    line_df <- rbind(line_df, tmp)
  if (show_number) {
    num <- dplyr::count(A, Significantly) %>% dplyr::mutate(label = paste0(Significantly, ": ", n))
    line_df$Significantly <- setNames(num$label, num$Significantly)[line_df$Significantly]
    # line_color=c("Depleted"="seagreen","Enriched"="orange","None"="grey","Significant"="red2")
    names(line_color) <- setNames(num$label, num$Significantly)[names(line_color)]

  p <- ggplot() +
    geom_boxplot(data = box_df, aes(x = Group, y = value, color = Group), show.legend = FALSE) +
    geom_point(data = box_df, aes(x = Group, y = value, color = Group), show.legend = FALSE) +
    scale_color_manual(values = pcutils::get_cols(nlevels(box_df$Group), box_color)) +
      title = ifelse(is.null(select_ko),
        ifelse(map_id == Description,
          paste0(feature_type, " in ", map_id),
          paste0(feature_type, " in ", map_id, " (", Description, ")")
        ), "Selected KOs"
      x = "", y = "Abundance"
    ) +
    ggnewscale::new_scale_color() +
      data = line_df,
      aes(x = Group2, y = value2, xend = Group1, yend = value1, color = Significantly)
    ) +
    scale_color_manual(values = line_color) +
    theme_classic(base_size = 13) +
    theme(axis.text = element_text(color = "black"))
  if (flag) p <- p + labs(subtitle = paste0("ReporterScore: ", round(RS, 3)))

#' Plot features boxplot
#' @param kodf KO_abundance table, rowname is ko id (e.g. K00001),colnames is samples. or result of `get_reporter_score`
#' @param group The compare group (two category) in your data, one column name of metadata when metadata exist or a vector whose length equal to columns number of kodf.
#' @param metadata metadata
#' @param map_id the pathway or module id
#' @param select_ko select which ko
#' @param box_param parameters pass to \code{\link[pcutils]{group_box}}
#' @param modulelist NULL or customized modulelist dataframe, must contain "id","K_num","KOs","Description" columns. Take the `KOlist` as example, use \code{\link{custom_modulelist}}.
#' @param KO_description show KO description rather than KO id.
#' @param str_width str_width to wrap
#' @param only_sig only show the significant features
#' @aliases plot_KOs_box
#' @export
#' @return ggplot
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data("reporter_score_res")
#' plot_features_box(reporter_score_res,
#'   select_ko = c("K00059", "K00208", "K00647", "K00652", "K00833", "K01012"),
#'   box_param = list(p_value1 = FALSE, trend_line = TRUE)
#' )
#' plot_features_box(reporter_score_res,
#'   select_ko = "K00059", KO_description = TRUE,
#'   box_param = list(p_value1 = FALSE, trend_line = TRUE)
#' )
#' }
plot_features_box <- function(kodf, group = NULL, metadata = NULL,
                              map_id = "map00780", select_ko = NULL, only_sig = FALSE,
                              box_param = NULL,
                              modulelist = NULL,
                              KO_description = FALSE, str_width = 50) {
  Significantly <- NULL
  flag <- FALSE
  if (inherits(kodf, "reporter_score")) {
    reporter_res <- kodf
    kodf <- reporter_res$kodf
    group <- reporter_res$group
    metadata <- reporter_res$metadata
    modulelist <- reporter_res$modulelist
    if (is.character(modulelist)) {
      GOlist <- load_GOlist()
      modulelist <- eval(parse(text = modulelist))
    flag <- TRUE

  if (is.null(modulelist)) stop("please input a modulelist dataframe")
  if (is.null(select_ko)) select_ko <- get_KOs(map_id = map_id, modulelist = modulelist)
  if (only_sig & flag) {
    sig_names <- reporter_res$ko_stat %>%
      dplyr::filter(Significantly != "None") %>%
    select_ko <- intersect(select_ko, sig_names)
  tkodf <- kodf %>%
    t() %>%
  cols <- which(colnames(tkodf) %in% select_ko)

  if (length(cols) == 0) stop("No select KOs! check map_id or select_ko")
  if (length(cols) > 36) {
    message(("Too many KOs, do you still want to plot?"))
    flag <- readline("yes/no(y/n)?")
    if (!tolower(flag) %in% c("yes", "y")) {

  plotdat <- tkodf[, cols, drop = FALSE]

  if (KO_description) {
    ko_desc <- load_KO_desc()
    if (grepl("C\\d{5}", colnames(plotdat)[1])) {
      Compound_htable <- load_Compound_htable()
      ko_desc <- Compound_htable[, c("Compound_id", "Compound_name")]
      colnames(ko_desc) <- c("KO_id", "KO_name")
    newname <- ko_desc[match(colnames(plotdat), ko_desc$KO_id), "KO_name", drop = TRUE]
    if (all(is.na(newname))) warning("No description for KO found, are you sure rownames of kodf are KOs?")
    colnames(plotdat) <- ifelse(is.na(newname), colnames(plotdat), newname) %>% stringr::str_wrap(., width = str_width)

  if (is.numeric(metadata[, group])) {
    p <- do.call(
      append(list(tab = plotdat, var = group, metadata = metadata), box_param)
    ) +
      theme_classic(base_size = 13) + theme(axis.text = element_text(color = "black")) +
      scale_fill_manual(values = pcutils::get_cols(nlevels(metadata[, group]), reporter_color)) +
      scale_color_manual(values = pcutils::get_cols(nlevels(metadata[, group]), reporter_color))

  metadata[, group] <- factor(metadata[, group], levels = levels(factor(metadata[, group])))
      list(tab = plotdat, group = group, metadata = metadata),
      pcutils::update_param(list(p_value1 = TRUE, trend_line = TRUE), box_param)
  ) +
    theme_classic(base_size = 13) + theme(axis.text = element_text(color = "black")) +
    scale_fill_manual(values = pcutils::get_cols(nlevels(metadata[, group]), reporter_color)) +
    scale_color_manual(values = pcutils::get_cols(nlevels(metadata[, group]), reporter_color))

#' Plot features heatmap
#' @param kodf KO_abundance table, rowname is ko id (e.g. K00001),colnames is samples. or result of `get_reporter_score`
#' @param group The compare group (two category) in your data, one column name of metadata when metadata exist or a vector whose length equal to columns number of kodf.
#' @param metadata metadata
#' @param map_id the pathway or module id
#' @param select_ko select which ko
#' @param heatmap_param parameters pass to \code{\link[pheatmap]{pheatmap}}
#' @param KO_description show KO description rather than KO id.
#' @param str_width str_width to wrap
#' @param modulelist NULL or customized modulelist dataframe, must contain "id","K_num","KOs","Description" columns. Take the `KOlist` as example, use \code{\link{custom_modulelist}}.
#' @param only_sig only show the significant KOs
#' @param columns change columns
#' @aliases plot_KOs_heatmap
#' @return ggplot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (requireNamespace("pheatmap")) {
#'   data("reporter_score_res")
#'   plot_features_heatmap(reporter_score_res, map_id = "map00780")
#' }
#' }
plot_features_heatmap <- function(kodf, group = NULL, metadata = NULL,
                                  map_id = "map00780", select_ko = NULL,
                                  only_sig = FALSE, columns = NULL,
                                  modulelist = NULL,
                                  KO_description = FALSE, str_width = 50,
                                  heatmap_param = list()) {
  Significantly <- NULL
  pcutils::lib_ps("pheatmap", library = FALSE)
  flag <- FALSE
  if (inherits(kodf, "reporter_score")) {
    reporter_res <- kodf
    kodf <- reporter_res$kodf
    group <- reporter_res$group
    metadata <- reporter_res$metadata
    modulelist <- reporter_res$modulelist
    if (is.character(modulelist)) {
      GOlist <- load_GOlist()
      modulelist <- eval(parse(text = modulelist))
    flag <- TRUE

  if (is.null(modulelist)) stop("please input a modulelist dataframe")
  if (is.null(select_ko)) select_ko <- get_KOs(map_id = map_id, modulelist = modulelist)

  if (only_sig & flag) {
    sig_names <- reporter_res$ko_stat %>%
      dplyr::filter(Significantly != "None") %>%
    select_ko <- intersect(select_ko, sig_names)

  cols <- which(rownames(kodf) %in% select_ko)

  if (length(cols) == 0) stop("No select KOs! check map_id or select_ko")
  plotdat <- kodf[cols, , drop = FALSE]
  if (!is.null(columns)) plotdat <- plotdat[, columns]

  if (KO_description) {
    ko_desc <- load_KO_desc()
    if (grepl("C\\d{5}", rownames(plotdat)[1])) {
      Compound_htable <- load_Compound_htable()
      ko_desc <- Compound_htable[, c("Compound_id", "Compound_name")]
      colnames(ko_desc) <- c("KO_id", "KO_name")
    newname <- ko_desc[match(rownames(plotdat), ko_desc$KO_id), "KO_name", drop = TRUE]
    if (all(is.na(newname))) warning("No description for KO found, are you sure rownames of kodf are KOs?")
    rownames(plotdat) <- ifelse(is.na(newname), rownames(plotdat), newname) %>% stringr::str_wrap(., width = str_width)

  if (is.numeric(metadata[, group])) {
    annotation_colors <- NULL
  } else {
    metadata[, group] <- factor(metadata[, group], levels = levels(factor(metadata[, group])))
    annotation_colors <- list(pcutils::get_cols(nlevels(factor(metadata[, group])), reporter_color))
    names(annotation_colors) <- group
    names(annotation_colors[[group]]) <- levels(factor(metadata[, group]))

        mat = plotdat, cluster_cols = FALSE,
        color = pcutils::get_cols(n = 100, pal = "bluered"),
        annotation_colors = annotation_colors,
        annotation_col = metadata[group], scale = "row"

#' Plot c_means result
#' @param rsa_cm_res a cm_res object
#' @param ... additional
#' @param filter_membership filter membership 0~1.
#' @param mode 1~2
#' @param show.clust.cent show cluster center?
#' @param show_num show number of each cluster?
#' @rdname RSA_by_cm
#' @export
#' @return ggplot
plot_c_means <- function(rsa_cm_res, filter_membership, mode = 1, show.clust.cent = TRUE, show_num = TRUE, ...) {
  stopifnot(inherits(rsa_cm_res, "rs_by_cm"))
  plot(rsa_cm_res$cm_res, filter_membership = filter_membership, show.clust.cent = show.clust.cent, mode = mode, show_num = show_num, ...)

#' Plot c_means result
#' @param x a cm_res object
#' @param ... additional
#' @param filter_membership filter membership
#' @param mode 1~2
#' @param show.clust.cent show cluster center?
#' @param show_num show number of each cluster?
#' @return ggplot
#' @exportS3Method
#' @method plot cm_res
plot.cm_res <- function(x, filter_membership, mode = 1, show.clust.cent = TRUE, show_num = TRUE, ...) {
  Group <- value <- Name <- Cluster <- Membership <- NULL
  lib_ps("factoextra", library = FALSE)

  cm_data <- x$cm_data
  pcutils::dabiao("filter clusters, Membership >= ", filter_membership)
  cm_group <- cm_data[cm_data$Membership >= filter_membership, ] # 筛选部分显著被聚类的项
  if (show_num) {
    tmp <- cm_group %>%
      count(Cluster) %>%
      mutate(new_cluster = paste0(Cluster, ": ", n))
    cm_group$Cluster <- setNames(tmp$new_cluster, tmp$Cluster)[cm_group$Cluster]
  data_scaled <- x$data_scaled

  if (mode == 2) {
    # show the cluster
    p <- factoextra::fviz_cluster(list(data = data_scaled[rownames(cm_group), ], cluster = cm_group$Cluster),
      geom = c("point"),
      ellipse = TRUE,
      ellipse.alpha = 0.3, # used to be 0.6 if only points are plotted.
      ellipse.type = "norm",
      ellipse.level = 0.68,
      repel = TRUE, show.clust.cent = show.clust.cent
    ) + reporter_theme
  if (mode == 1) {
    cm_group.melt <- reshape2::melt(cm_group, id.vars = c("Cluster", "Membership", "Name", "Weight"), variable.name = "Group")
    cm_group.melt$Cluster <- factor(cm_group.melt$Cluster)

    p <- ggplot() +
        data = cm_group.melt,
        aes(x = Group, y = value, group = Name, color = Cluster, alpha = Membership),
        linewidth = 0.8
      ) +
      reporter_theme +
      scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0, 0)) +
      theme(plot.margin = unit(c(1, 2, 1, 1), "lines"))
    if (show.clust.cent) {
      centers <- x$centers %>% as.data.frame()

      if (show_num) {
        centers$Cluster <- tmp$new_cluster
      } else {
        centers$Cluster <- rownames(centers)

      centers_dat <- reshape2::melt(centers, id.vars = "Cluster", variable.name = "Group")

      p <- p +
        scale_alpha_continuous(range = c(0.2, 0.5)) +
        geom_line(data = centers_dat, aes(x = Group, y = value, group = Cluster, color = Cluster), linewidth = 3)
  cols1 <- pcutils::get_cols(length(unique(cm_group$Cluster)))
  return(p + scale_color_manual(values = cols1) + scale_fill_manual(values = cols1))

#' Plot htable levels
#' @param select select ids
#' @param type "ko", "module", "pathway", "compound"
#' @param htable custom a htable
#' @return ggplot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data("KO_abundance_test")
#' plot_htable(select = rownames(KO_abundance))
#' }
plot_htable <- function(type = "ko", select = NULL, htable = NULL) {
  KO_id <- n <- level2_name <- level1_name <- module2_name <- module3_name <- Module_id <- Pathway_id <- Class <- NULL
  compound1_name <- compound2_name <- Compound_id <- NULL

  title <- ""
  if (is.null(htable)) {
    type <- match.arg(type, c("ko", "module", "pathway", "compound"))
      "ko" = {
        prefix <- "KO_htable"
        title <- "KEGG KO annotation"
      "module" = {
        prefix <- "Module_htable"
        title <- "KEGG module annotation"
      "pathway" = {
        prefix <- "Pathway_htable"
        title <- "KEGG pathway annotation"
      "compound" = {
        prefix <- "Compound_htable"
        title <- "Compounds with biological roles"
    htable <- load_htable(type)
      "ko" = {
        htable <- htable %>% select(level1_name, level2_name, KO_id)
      "module" = {
        htable <- htable %>% select(module2_name, module3_name, Module_id)
      "pathway" = {
        htable <- htable %>% select(level1_name, level2_name, Pathway_id)
      "compound" = {
        htable <- htable %>%
          filter(Class == "Compounds with biological roles") %>%
          select(compound1_name, compound2_name, Compound_id)
  if (ncol(htable) != 3) stop("htable should be a three-columns table.")
  colnames(htable) <- c("level1_name", "level2_name", "KO_id")

  if (!is.null(select)) htable <- dplyr::filter(htable, KO_id %in% select)

  if (nrow(htable) < 1) {

  dplyr::count(htable, level1_name, level2_name) -> a
  a$level2_name <- factor(a$level2_name, levels = a$level2_name)
  patt <- setNames(pcutils::get_cols(length(unique(a$level1_name))), unique(a$level1_name))

  ggplot(a) +
    geom_col(aes(x = n, y = level2_name, fill = level1_name)) +
    scale_fill_manual(values = patt) +
    geom_text(aes(x = n, y = level2_name, label = n),
      nudge_x = max(a$n) * 1 / 200, hjust = 0
    ) +
    labs(y = NULL, x = "Items number", title = title) +
    theme_classic() +
    theme(axis.text.y = element_text(color = patt[a$level1_name])) +
    scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(0, max(a$n) * 1.1))

#' plot_KEGG_map
#' @param ko_stat ko_stat result from \code{\link{pvalue2zs}} or result of `get_reporter_score`
#' @param map_id the pathway or module id
#' @param modulelist NULL or customized modulelist dataframe, must contain "id","K_num","KOs","Description" columns. Take the `KOlist` as example, use \code{\link{custom_modulelist}}.
#' @param feature one of "ko", "gene", "compound"
#' @param type "pathway" or "module" for default KOlist for microbiome, "CC", "MF", "BP", "ALL" for default GOlist for homo sapiens. And org in listed in 'https://www.genome.jp/kegg/catalog/org_list.html' such as "hsa" (if your kodf is come from a specific organism, you should specify type here).
#' @param color_var use which variable to color
#' @param save_dir where to save the png files
#' @param color color
#' @references https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/357687076
#' @return png files
#' @export
#' @examples
#' message("The following example will download some files, run yourself:")
#' \donttest{
#' if (requireNamespace("pathview")) {
#'   output_dir <- tempdir()
#'   data("reporter_score_res")
#'   plot_KEGG_map(reporter_score_res$ko_stat,
#'     map_id = "map00780", type = "pathway",
#'     feature = "ko", color_var = "Z_score", save_dir = output_dir
#'   )
#' }
#' }
plot_KEGG_map <- function(ko_stat, map_id = "map00780", modulelist = NULL, type = "pathway", feature = "ko",
                          color_var = "Z_score", save_dir, color = c("seagreen", "grey", "orange")) {
  if (inherits(ko_stat, "reporter_score")) {
    reporter_res <- ko_stat
    ko_stat <- reporter_res$ko_stat
    modulelist <- reporter_res$modulelist
    if (is.character(modulelist)) {
      GOlist <- load_GOlist()
      modulelist <- eval(parse(text = modulelist))
    flag <- TRUE
    RS <- reporter_res$reporter_s[reporter_res$reporter_s$ID == map_id, "ReporterScore"]
  if (is.null(modulelist)) modulelist <- get_modulelist(type = type, feature = feature, verbose = FALSE)

  A <- get_KOs(map_id = map_id, ko_stat = ko_stat, modulelist = modulelist)
  if (nrow(A) < 1) A <- ko_stat

  if (type == "pathway") type <- "ko"
  if (type == "module") stop("need pathway")
  pathway.id <- gsub("[^0-9]", "", map_id)

  dir.create(save_dir, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
  filename <- paste0(type, pathway.id, ".", color_var, ".png")

  if (is.numeric(A[, color_var, drop = TRUE])) {
    discrete <- FALSE
    limit <- max(abs(A[, color_var, drop = TRUE]))
    both.dirs <- TRUE
  } else {
    stop("need numeric")
  params <- list(
    pathway.id = pathway.id, species = type, kegg.dir = save_dir, out.suffix = color_var, res = 500,
    discrete = discrete, limit = limit, both.dirs = both.dirs, low = color[1], mid = color[2], high = color[3]

  if (feature %in% c("ko")) {
    do.call(pathview::pathview, pcutils::update_param(list(gene.data = A[color_var], gene.idtype = "KEGG"), params))
  if (feature %in% "gene") {
    message('please make sure the rownames of your input is entrezid\ndo a transfer like\n`a=clusterProfiler::bitr(rownames(ko_stat),"SYMBOL","ENTREZID",OrgDb = org.Hs.eg.db::org.Hs.eg.db)\nrownames(ko_stat)=a$ENTREZID`')

    do.call(pathview::pathview, pcutils::update_param(list(gene.data = A[color_var], gene.idtype = "entrez"), params))
  if (feature == "compound") {
    do.call(pathview::pathview, pcutils::update_param(list(cpd.data = A[color_var], cpd.idtype = "kegg"), params))
  file.copy(filename, file.path(save_dir, filename), overwrite = TRUE)
  message("result have been saved in ", file.path(save_dir, filename))
  # pcutils::read.file(file.path(save_dir, filename))

#' Plot features network
#' @param ko_stat ko_stat result from \code{\link{pvalue2zs}} or result of `get_reporter_score`
#' @param map_id the pathway or module id
#' @param kos_color default, c("Depleted"="seagreen","Enriched"="orange","None"="grey","Significant"="red2")
#' @param near_pathway show the near_pathway if any features exist.
#' @param modulelist NULL or customized modulelist dataframe, must contain "id","K_num","KOs","Description" columns. Take the `KOlist` as example, use \code{\link{custom_modulelist}}.
#' @param ... additional arguments for \code{\link[MetaNet]{c_net_plot}}
#' @param pathway_label show pathway_label?
#' @param kos_label show kos_label?
#' @param mark_module mark the modules?
#' @param mark_color mark colors, default, c("Depleted"="seagreen","Enriched"="orange","None"="grey","Significant"="red2")
#' @param return_net return the network
#' @aliases plot_KOs_network
#' @export
#' @return network plot
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("MetaNet")) {
#'   data("reporter_score_res")
#'   plot_features_network(reporter_score_res, map_id = "map05230")
#'   plot_features_network(reporter_score_res, map_id = "map00780", near_pathway = TRUE)
#' }
plot_features_network <- function(ko_stat, map_id = "map00780",
                                  near_pathway = FALSE,
                                  modulelist = NULL,
                                  kos_color = c("Depleted" = "seagreen", "Enriched" = "orange", "None" = "grey", "Significant" = "red2", "Pathway" = "#80b1d3"),
                                  pathway_label = TRUE, kos_label = TRUE,
                                  mark_module = FALSE, mark_color = NULL,
                                  return_net = FALSE,
                                  ...) {
  id <- KOs <- module <- ReporterScore <- NULL
  pcutils::lib_ps("MetaNet", library = FALSE)

  if (inherits(ko_stat, "reporter_score")) {
    reporter_res <- ko_stat
    ko_stat <- reporter_res$ko_stat[, c("KO_id", "Significantly")]
    modulelist <- reporter_res$modulelist
    if (is.character(modulelist)) {
      GOlist <- load_GOlist()
      modulelist <- eval(parse(text = modulelist))
    reporter_s <- reporter_res$reporter_s
  } else {
    stop("Need reporter_score object")

  if (is.null(modulelist)) {
    KOlist <- load_KOlist()
    if (grepl("map", map_id)) modulelist <- KOlist$pathway
    if (grepl("M", map_id)) modulelist <- KOlist$module
    if (grepl("GO:", map_id[1])) {
      GOlist <- load_GOlist()
      modulelist <- lapply(names(GOlist), function(i) cbind(GOlist[[i]], ONT = i)) %>% do.call(rbind, .)

  id2ko <- modulelist %>%
    dplyr::select(id, KOs) %>%

  select_ko <- get_KOs(map_id = map_id, modulelist = modulelist)

  select_ko <- intersect(select_ko, ko_stat$KO_id)
  if (length(select_ko) == 0) stop("No select KOs! check map_id or select_ko")

  if (!near_pathway) {
    id2ko <- dplyr::filter(id2ko, id %in% map_id)

  id2ko <- dplyr::filter(id2ko, KOs %in% select_ko)
  colnames(id2ko) <- c("Pathway", "KOs")

  ko_net <- MetaNet::twocol_edgelist(id2ko)
  ko_net <- MetaNet::c_net_set(ko_net, ko_stat, vertex_class = "Significantly")
  igraph::graph.attributes(ko_net)$n_type <- "ko_net"
  igraph::vertex.attributes(ko_net)[["color"]] <- pcutils::tidai(igraph::vertex.attributes(ko_net)[["v_class"]], kos_color)
  tmp_v <- MetaNet::get_v(ko_net)
  if (!pathway_label) tmp_v$label <- ifelse(tmp_v$v_group == "Pathway", NA, tmp_v$label)
  if (!kos_label) tmp_v$label <- ifelse(tmp_v$v_group == "KOs", NA, tmp_v$label)
  if (mark_module) {
    ko_net_m <- MetaNet::module_detect(ko_net, method = "cluster_walktrap")
    if (return_net) {
    tmp_v2 <- MetaNet::get_v(ko_net_m)

    tmp_v2 <- dplyr::left_join(tmp_v2, reporter_s, by = c("name" = "ID"))
    modules <- dplyr::group_by(tmp_v2, module) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(RS = mean(ReporterScore, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
    if (is.null(mark_color)) mark_color <- kos_color
    if (attributes(reporter_res$ko_stat)$mode == "directed") {
      modules$color <- ifelse(modules$RS > 1.64, kos_color["Enriched"],
        ifelse(modules$RS < (-1.64), kos_color["Depleted"], kos_color["None"])
    } else {
      modules$color <- ifelse(modules$RS > 1.64, kos_color["Significant"], kos_color["None"])
    modules_col <- setNames(modules$color, modules$module)
    plot(ko_net_m, vertex.color = kos_color, vertex.label = tmp_v$label, mark_module = TRUE, mark_color = modules_col, ...)
  } else {
    if (return_net) {
    plot(ko_net, vertex.color = kos_color, vertex.label = tmp_v$label, ...)

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ReporterScore documentation built on June 25, 2024, 9:06 a.m.