# These functions are
# Copyright (C) 1998-2024 T.W. Yee, University of Auckland.
# All rights reserved.
dgaitdzeta <-
function(x, shape.p,
a.mix = NULL,
a.mlm = NULL,
i.mix = NULL,
i.mlm = NULL,
d.mix = NULL,
d.mlm = NULL,
truncate = NULL, = Inf,
pobs.mix = 0, # vector
pobs.mlm = 0, # matrix
pstr.mix = 0, # vector
pstr.mlm = 0, # matrix
pdip.mix = 0, # vector
pdip.mlm = 0, # matrix
byrow.aid = FALSE, # Applies to 'pobs.mlm' & 'pstr.mlm'
shape.a = shape.p, shape.i = shape.p, shape.d = shape.p,
log = FALSE) {
log.arg <- log; rm(log)
lowsup <- 1
gaitd.errorcheck(a.mix, a.mlm, i.mix, i.mlm,
d.mix, d.mlm, truncate,
la.mix <- length(a.mix <- sort(a.mix))
li.mix <- length(i.mix <- sort(i.mix))
ld.mix <- length(d.mix <- sort(d.mix))
la.mlm <- length(a.mlm)
li.mlm <- length(i.mlm)
ld.mlm <- length(d.mlm)
ltrunc <- length(truncate)
if (la.mix + la.mlm + li.mix + li.mlm + ld.mix + ld.mlm +
ltrunc == 0 &&
return(dzeta(x, shape.p, log = log.arg))
if (la.mix == 0) pobs.mix <- 0
if (la.mlm == 0) pobs.mlm <- 0
if (li.mix == 0) pstr.mix <- 0
if (li.mlm == 0) pstr.mlm <- 0
if (ld.mix == 0) pdip.mix <- 0
if (ld.mlm == 0) pdip.mlm <- 0
if (any(pobs.mix < 0 | 1 <= pobs.mix, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pobs.mix'")
if (any(pobs.mlm < 0 | 1 <= pobs.mlm, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pobs.mlm'")
if (any(pstr.mix < 0 | 1 <= pstr.mix, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pstr.mix'")
if (any(pstr.mlm < 0 | 1 <= pstr.mlm, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pstr.mlm'")
if (any(pdip.mix < 0 | 1 <= pdip.mix, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pdip.mix'")
if (any(pdip.mlm < 0 | 1 <= pdip.mlm, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pdip.mlm'")
LLL <- max(length(x),
length(pobs.mix), length(pstr.mix), length(pdip.mix),
length(shape.p), length(shape.a),
length(shape.i), length(shape.d))
if (length(x) < LLL) x <- rep_len(x, LLL)
if (length(shape.p) < LLL) shape.p <- rep_len(shape.p, LLL)
if (length(shape.a) < LLL) shape.a <- rep_len(shape.a, LLL)
if (length(shape.i) < LLL) shape.i <- rep_len(shape.i, LLL)
if (length(shape.d) < LLL) shape.d <- rep_len(shape.d, LLL)
if (length(pobs.mix) < LLL) pobs.mix <- rep_len(pobs.mix, LLL)
if (length(pstr.mix) < LLL) pstr.mix <- rep_len(pstr.mix, LLL)
if (length(pdip.mix) < LLL) pdip.mix <- rep_len(pdip.mix, LLL)
sumt <- 0 # Initialization to 0 important
if (ltrunc)
for (tval in truncate)
sumt <- sumt + dzeta(tval, shape.p) # Need tval <=
vecTF.t <- is.finite(x) & ((x %in% truncate) | ( < x))
cdf.max.s <- pzeta(, shape.p) # Usually 1
denom.t <- cdf.max.s - sumt # No sumt on RHS
pmf0 <- ifelse(vecTF.t, 0, dzeta(x, shape.p) / denom.t) # dgtlog
sum.a <- suma <- 0 # numeric(LLL)
vecTF.a <- rep_len(FALSE, LLL)
if (la.mlm) {
pobs.mlm <- matrix(pobs.mlm, LLL, la.mlm, byrow = byrow.aid)
sum.a <- .rowSums(pobs.mlm, LLL, la.mlm)
if (any(1 < sum.a, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pobs.mlm'") # zz
for (aval in a.mlm)
suma <- suma + dzeta(aval, shape.p) # Part i
for (jay in seq(la.mlm)) {
aval <- a.mlm[jay]
if (any(vecTF <- is.finite(x) & aval == x)) {
pmf0[vecTF] <- pobs.mlm[vecTF, jay]
vecTF.a <- vecTF.a | vecTF # Cumulative
} # jay
} # la.mlm
pmf2.a <- pmf2.i <- pmf2.d <- 0
if (la.mix) {
allx.a <- lowsup:max(a.mix)
pmf2.a <- dgaitdzeta(x, shape.a, # Outer distribution---mlm type
truncate = setdiff(allx.a, a.mix), = max(a.mix))
for (aval in a.mix) {
suma <- suma + dzeta(aval, shape.p) # Part ii added; cumulative
vecTF <- is.finite(x) & aval == x
pmf0[vecTF] <- 0 # added; the true values are assigned below
vecTF.a <- vecTF.a | vecTF # Cumulative; added
if (li.mix) {
allx.i <- if (length(i.mix)) lowsup:max(i.mix) else NULL
pmf2.i <- dgaitdzeta(x, shape.i, # Outer distribution---mlm type
truncate = setdiff(allx.i, i.mix), = max(i.mix))
sum.d <- 0 # numeric(LLL)
if (ld.mlm) {
pdip.mlm <- matrix(pdip.mlm, LLL, ld.mlm, byrow = byrow.aid)
sum.d <- .rowSums(pdip.mlm, LLL, ld.mlm)
if (any(1 < sum.d, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pdip.mlm'")
} # ld.mlm
if (ld.mix) {
allx.d <- lowsup:max(d.mix)
pmf2.d <- dgaitdzeta(x, shape.d, # Outer distn---mlm type
truncate = setdiff(allx.d, d.mix), = max(d.mix))
} # ld.mix
sum.i <- 0
if (li.mlm) {
pstr.mlm <- matrix(pstr.mlm, LLL, li.mlm, byrow = byrow.aid)
sum.i <- .rowSums(pstr.mlm, LLL, li.mlm)
if (any(1 < sum.i, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pstr.mlm'")
skip <- vecTF.t | vecTF.a # Leave these values alone
tmp6 <- 1 - sum.a - sum.i - pobs.mix -
pstr.mix + sum.d + pdip.mix
if (any(tmp6[!skip] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
warning("the vector of normalizing constants contains ",
"some negative values. Replacing them with NAs")
tmp6[!skip & tmp6 < 0] <- NA
denom1 <- cdf.max.s - sumt - suma
pmf0[!skip] <-
(tmp6 * dzeta(x, shape.p) / denom1)[!skip]
if (li.mlm) {
for (jay in seq(li.mlm)) {
ival <- i.mlm[jay]
if (any(vecTF <- is.finite(x) & ival == x)) {
pmf0[vecTF] <- pmf0[vecTF] + pstr.mlm[vecTF, jay]
} # jay
} # li.mlm
if (ld.mlm) {
for (jay in seq(ld.mlm)) {
dval <- d.mlm[jay]
if (any(vecTF <- is.finite(x) & dval == x)) {
pmf0[vecTF] <- pmf0[vecTF] - pdip.mlm[vecTF, jay]
} # jay
} # ld.mlm
if (any(vecTF <- ! & tmp6 <= 0)) {
pmf0[vecTF] <- NaN
pobs.mix[vecTF] <- NaN
pstr.mix[vecTF] <- NaN
pdip.mix[vecTF] <- NaN
if (any(vecTF <- ! & denom1 <= 0)) {
pmf0[vecTF] <- NaN
pobs.mix[vecTF] <- NaN
pstr.mix[vecTF] <- NaN
pdip.mix[vecTF] <- NaN
pmf0 <- pmf0 + pobs.mix * pmf2.a + pstr.mix * pmf2.i -
pdip.mix * pmf2.d
if (any(vecTF <- ! & pmf0 < 0))
pmf0[vecTF] <- NaN
if (any(vecTF <- ! & pmf0 > 1))
pmf0[vecTF] <- NaN
if (log.arg) log(pmf0) else pmf0
} # dgaitdzeta
pgaitdzeta <-
function(q, shape.p,
a.mix = NULL,
a.mlm = NULL,
i.mix = NULL,
i.mlm = NULL,
d.mix = NULL,
d.mlm = NULL,
truncate = NULL, = Inf,
pobs.mix = 0,
pobs.mlm = 0,
pstr.mix = 0,
pstr.mlm = 0,
pdip.mix = 0,
pdip.mlm = 0,
byrow.aid = FALSE,
shape.a = shape.p, shape.i = shape.p, shape.d = shape.p,
lower.tail = TRUE) {
lowsup <- 1
gaitd.errorcheck(a.mix, a.mlm, i.mix, i.mlm,
d.mix, d.mlm, truncate,
la.mix <- length(a.mix <- sort(a.mix))
li.mix <- length(i.mix <- sort(i.mix))
ld.mix <- length(d.mix <- sort(d.mix))
la.mlm <- length(a.mlm)
li.mlm <- length(i.mlm)
ld.mlm <- length(d.mlm)
ltrunc <- length(truncate)
if (la.mix + la.mlm + li.mix + li.mlm + ld.mix + ld.mlm +
ltrunc == 0 &&
return(pzeta(q, shape.p, lower.tail = lower.tail)) # log.p
if (la.mix == 0) pobs.mix <- 0
if (la.mlm == 0) pobs.mlm <- 0
if (li.mix == 0) pstr.mix <- 0
if (li.mlm == 0) pstr.mlm <- 0
if (ld.mix == 0) pdip.mix <- 0
if (ld.mlm == 0) pdip.mlm <- 0
if (any(pobs.mix < 0 | 1 <= pobs.mix, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pobs.mix'")
if (any(pobs.mlm < 0 | 1 <= pobs.mlm, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pobs.mlm'")
if (any(pstr.mix < 0 | 1 <= pstr.mix, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pstr.mix'")
if (any(pstr.mlm < 0 | 1 <= pstr.mlm, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pstr.mlm'")
if (any(pdip.mix < 0 | 1 <= pdip.mix, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pdip.mix'")
if (any(pdip.mlm < 0 | 1 <= pdip.mlm, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pdip.mlm'")
LLL <- max(length(q),
length(pobs.mix), length(pstr.mix), length(pdip.mix),
length(shape.p), length(shape.a),
length(shape.i), length(shape.d))
offset.a <- offset.i <- offset.d <-
Offset.a <- Offset.i <- Offset.d <- numeric(LLL)
if (length(q) < LLL) q <- rep_len(q, LLL)
if (length(shape.p) < LLL) shape.p <- rep_len(shape.p, LLL)
if (length(shape.a) < LLL) shape.a <- rep_len(shape.a, LLL)
if (length(shape.i) < LLL) shape.i <- rep_len(shape.i, LLL)
if (length(shape.d) < LLL) shape.d <- rep_len(shape.d, LLL)
if (length(pobs.mix) < LLL) pobs.mix <- rep_len(pobs.mix, LLL)
if (length(pstr.mix) < LLL) pstr.mix <- rep_len(pstr.mix, LLL)
if (length(pdip.mix) < LLL) pdip.mix <- rep_len(pdip.mix, LLL)
sumt <- 0
fudge.t <- numeric(LLL)
cdf.max.s <- pzeta(, shape.p) # Usually 1
if (ltrunc) {
for (tval in truncate) {
pmf.p <- dzeta(tval, shape.p)
sumt <- sumt + pmf.p
if (any(vecTF <- is.finite(q) & tval <= q))
fudge.t[vecTF] <- fudge.t[vecTF] + pmf.p[vecTF]
} # ltrunc
sum.a <- suma <- 0 # numeric(LLL)
fudge.a <- numeric(LLL)
if (la.mlm) {
pobs.mlm <- matrix(pobs.mlm, LLL, la.mlm, byrow = byrow.aid)
sum.a <- .rowSums(pobs.mlm, LLL, la.mlm)
if (any(1 < sum.a, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pobs.mlm'")
for (jay in seq(la.mlm)) {
aval <- a.mlm[jay]
pmf.p <- dzeta(aval, shape.p)
suma <- suma + pmf.p # cumulative; part i
if (any(vecTF <- (is.finite(q) & aval <= q))) {
offset.a[vecTF] <- offset.a[vecTF] + pobs.mlm[vecTF, jay]
fudge.a[vecTF] <- fudge.a[vecTF] + pmf.p[vecTF] # cumulative
} # jay
} # la.mlm
sum.i <- 0
if (li.mlm) {
pstr.mlm <- matrix(pstr.mlm, LLL, li.mlm, byrow = byrow.aid)
sum.i <- .rowSums(pstr.mlm, LLL, li.mlm)
if (any(1 < sum.i, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pstr.mlm'")
for (jay in seq(li.mlm)) {
ival <- i.mlm[jay]
if (any(vecTF <- (is.finite(q) & ival <= q))) {
offset.i[vecTF] <- offset.i[vecTF] + pstr.mlm[vecTF, jay]
} # jay
} # li.mlm
use.pobs.mix <- 0
if (la.mix) {
use.pobs.mix <- matrix(0, LLL, la.mix)
for (jay in seq(la.mix)) {
aval <- a.mix[jay]
pmf.a <- dzeta(aval, shape.a)
pmf.p <- dzeta(aval, shape.p)
use.pobs.mix[, jay] <- pmf.a
suma <- suma + pmf.p # cumulative; part ii
use.pobs.mix <- pobs.mix *
use.pobs.mix / rowSums(use.pobs.mix)
for (jay in seq(la.mix)) {
aval <- a.mix[jay]
pmf.p <- dzeta(aval, shape.p)
if (any(vecTF <- (is.finite(q) & aval <= q))) {
Offset.a[vecTF] <- Offset.a[vecTF] + use.pobs.mix[vecTF, jay]
fudge.a[vecTF] <- fudge.a[vecTF] + pmf.p[vecTF] # cumulative
} # jay
} # la.mix
use.pstr.mix <- 0
if (li.mix) {
use.pstr.mix <- matrix(0, LLL, li.mix)
for (jay in seq(li.mix)) {
ival <- i.mix[jay]
use.pstr.mix[, jay] <- dzeta(ival, shape.i)
use.pstr.mix <- pstr.mix *
use.pstr.mix / rowSums(use.pstr.mix)
for (jay in seq(li.mix)) {
ival <- i.mix[jay]
pmf.p <- dzeta(ival, shape.p)
if (any(vecTF <- (is.finite(q) & ival <= q))) {
Offset.i[vecTF] <- Offset.i[vecTF] + use.pstr.mix[vecTF, jay]
} # jay
} # li.mix
sum.d <- 0
if (ld.mlm) {
pdip.mlm <- matrix(pdip.mlm, LLL, ld.mlm, byrow = byrow.aid)
sum.d <- .rowSums(pdip.mlm, LLL, ld.mlm)
if (any(1 < sum.d, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pdip.mlm'")
for (jay in seq(ld.mlm)) {
dval <- d.mlm[jay]
if (any(vecTF <- (is.finite(q) & dval <= q))) {
offset.d[vecTF] <- offset.d[vecTF] + pdip.mlm[vecTF, jay]
} # jay
} # ld.mlm
use.pdip.mix <- 0
if (ld.mix) {
use.pdip.mix <- matrix(0, LLL, ld.mix)
for (jay in seq(ld.mix)) {
dval <- d.mix[jay]
use.pdip.mix[, jay] <- dzeta(dval, shape.d)
use.pdip.mix <- pdip.mix *
use.pdip.mix / rowSums(use.pdip.mix)
for (jay in seq(ld.mix)) {
dval <- d.mix[jay]
pmf.p <- dzeta(dval, shape.p)
if (any(vecTF <- (is.finite(q) & dval <= q))) {
Offset.d[vecTF] <- Offset.d[vecTF] + use.pdip.mix[vecTF, jay]
} # jay
} # ld.mix
numer1 <- 1 - sum.i - sum.a - pstr.mix - pobs.mix + sum.d + pdip.mix
denom1 <- cdf.max.s - sumt - suma
ans <- numer1 * (pzeta(q, shape.p) - fudge.t - fudge.a) / denom1 +
offset.a + offset.i - offset.d +
Offset.a + Offset.i - Offset.d
ans[ <= q] <- 1
ans[ans < 0] <- 0 # Occasional roundoff error
if (lower.tail) ans else 1 - ans
} # pgaitdzeta
qgaitdzeta <-
function(p, shape.p,
a.mix = NULL,
a.mlm = NULL,
i.mix = NULL,
i.mlm = NULL,
d.mix = NULL,
d.mlm = NULL,
truncate = NULL, = Inf,
pobs.mix = 0,
pobs.mlm = 0,
pstr.mix = 0,
pstr.mlm = 0,
pdip.mix = 0,
pdip.mlm = 0,
byrow.aid = FALSE,
shape.a = shape.p, shape.i = shape.p,
shape.d = shape.p) {
lowsup <- 1
gaitd.errorcheck(a.mix, a.mlm, i.mix, i.mlm,
d.mix, d.mlm, truncate,
la.mix <- length(a.mix <- sort(a.mix))
li.mix <- length(i.mix <- sort(i.mix))
ld.mix <- length(d.mix <- sort(d.mix))
la.mlm <- length(a.mlm)
li.mlm <- length(i.mlm)
ld.mlm <- length(d.mlm)
ltrunc <- length(truncate)
if (la.mix + la.mlm + li.mix + li.mlm + ld.mix + ld.mlm +
ltrunc == 0 &&
return(qzeta(p, shape.p)) # lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE
if (la.mix == 0) pobs.mix <- 0
if (la.mlm == 0) pobs.mlm <- 0
if (li.mix == 0) pstr.mix <- 0
if (li.mlm == 0) pstr.mlm <- 0
if (ld.mix == 0) pdip.mix <- 0
if (ld.mlm == 0) pdip.mlm <- 0
if (any(pobs.mix < 0 | 1 <= pobs.mix, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pobs.mix'")
if (any(pobs.mlm < 0 | 1 <= pobs.mlm, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pobs.mlm'")
if (any(pstr.mix < 0 | 1 <= pstr.mix, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pstr.mix'")
if (any(pstr.mlm < 0 | 1 <= pstr.mlm, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pstr.mlm'")
if (any(pdip.mix < 0 | 1 <= pdip.mix, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pdip.mix'")
if (any(pdip.mlm < 0 | 1 <= pdip.mlm, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pdip.mlm'")
LLL <- max(length(p),
length(pobs.mix), length(pstr.mix), length(pdip.mix),
length(shape.p), length(shape.a),
length(shape.i), length(shape.d))
if (length(p) < LLL) p <- rep_len(p, LLL)
if (length(shape.p) < LLL) shape.p <- rep_len(shape.p, LLL)
if (length(shape.a) < LLL) shape.a <- rep_len(shape.a, LLL)
if (length(shape.i) < LLL) shape.i <- rep_len(shape.i, LLL)
if (length(shape.d) < LLL) shape.d <- rep_len(shape.d, LLL)
if (length(pobs.mix) < LLL) pobs.mix <- rep_len(pobs.mix, LLL)
if (length(pstr.mix) < LLL) pstr.mix <- rep_len(pstr.mix, LLL)
if (length(pdip.mix) < LLL) pdip.mix <- rep_len(pdip.mix, LLL)
pobs.mlm <- matrix(pobs.mlm, LLL, max(la.mlm, 1),
byrow = byrow.aid)
pstr.mlm <- matrix(pstr.mlm, LLL, max(li.mlm, 1),
byrow = byrow.aid)
pdip.mlm <- matrix(pdip.mlm, LLL, max(ld.mlm, 1),
byrow = byrow.aid) <- lowsup # Usual case; same as lowsup <- if (ltrunc)
min(setdiff(, truncate)) else
ans <- p + shape.p
bad0 <- !is.finite(shape.p) | shape.p <= 0 |
!is.finite(shape.a) | shape.a <= 0 |
!is.finite(shape.i) | shape.i <= 0 |
!is.finite(shape.d) | shape.d <= 0
bad <- bad0 | !is.finite(p) | p <= 0 | 1 <= p
use.base <- 2 # bbbb
Lo <- rep_len( - 0.5, LLL)
approx.ans <- Lo # True at lhs
Hi <- if (is.finite(
rep( + 0.5, LLL) else use.base * Lo + 10.5
dont.iterate <- bad
done <- dont.iterate |
p <= pgaitdzeta(Hi, shape.p,
a.mix = a.mix, a.mlm = a.mlm,
i.mix = i.mix, i.mlm = i.mlm,
d.mix = d.mix, d.mlm = d.mlm,
truncate = truncate, =,
pstr.mix = pstr.mix, pobs.mix = pobs.mix,
pdip.mix = pdip.mix,
pstr.mlm = pstr.mlm, pobs.mlm = pobs.mlm,
pdip.mlm = pdip.mlm,
shape.a = shape.a, shape.i = shape.i,
shape.d = shape.d,
byrow.aid = FALSE)
iter <- 0
max.iter <- round(log(.Machine$double.xmax, base = use.base)) - 3
while (!all(done) && iter < max.iter) {
Lo[!done] <- Hi[!done]
Hi[!done] <- use.base * Hi[!done] + 10.5 # Bug fixed bbbb
Hi <- pmin( + 0.5, Hi) # 20190924
done[!done] <-
(p[!done] <= pgaitdzeta(Hi[!done], shape.p[!done],
a.mix = a.mix, a.mlm = a.mlm,
i.mix = i.mix, i.mlm = i.mlm,
d.mix = d.mix, d.mlm = d.mlm,
truncate = truncate, =,
pobs.mix = pobs.mix[!done],
pstr.mix = pstr.mix[!done],
pdip.mix = pdip.mix[!done],
pobs.mlm = pobs.mlm[!done, , drop = FALSE],
pstr.mlm = pstr.mlm[!done, , drop = FALSE],
pdip.mlm = pdip.mlm[!done, , drop = FALSE],
shape.a = shape.a[!done],
shape.i = shape.i[!done],
shape.d = shape.d[!done],
byrow.aid = FALSE))
iter <- iter + 1
} # while
foo <- function(q, shape.p,
a.mix = NULL, a.mlm = NULL,
i.mix = NULL, i.mlm = NULL,
d.mix = NULL, d.mlm = NULL,
truncate = NULL, = Inf,
pobs.mix = 0, pstr.mix = 0, pdip.mix = 0,
pobs.mlm = 0, pstr.mlm = 0, pdip.mlm = 0,
shape.a = shape.p, shape.i = shape.p,
shape.d = shape.p,
byrow.aid = FALSE, p)
pgaitdzeta(q, shape.p = shape.p,
a.mix = a.mix, a.mlm = a.mlm,
i.mix = i.mix, i.mlm = i.mlm,
d.mix = d.mix, d.mlm = d.mlm,
truncate = truncate, =,
pobs.mix = pobs.mix,
pstr.mix = pstr.mix,
pdip.mix = pdip.mix,
pobs.mlm = pobs.mlm,
pstr.mlm = pstr.mlm,
pdip.mlm = pdip.mlm,
shape.a = shape.a, shape.i = shape.i,
shape.d = shape.p,
byrow.aid = FALSE) - p
lhs <- dont.iterate |
p <= dgaitdzeta(, shape.p = shape.p,
a.mix = a.mix, a.mlm = a.mlm,
i.mix = i.mix, i.mlm = i.mlm,
d.mix = d.mix, d.mlm = d.mlm,
truncate = truncate, =,
pobs.mix = pobs.mix,
pstr.mix = pstr.mix,
pdip.mix = pdip.mix,
pobs.mlm = pobs.mlm,
pstr.mlm = pstr.mlm,
pdip.mlm = pdip.mlm,
shape.a = shape.a, shape.i = shape.i,
shape.d = shape.d,
byrow.aid = FALSE)
if (any(!lhs)) {
approx.ans[!lhs] <-
bisection.basic(foo, Lo[!lhs], Hi[!lhs], tol = 1/16,
shape.p = shape.p[!lhs],
a.mix = a.mix, a.mlm = a.mlm,
i.mix = i.mix, i.mlm = i.mlm,
d.mix = d.mix, d.mlm = d.mlm,
truncate = truncate, =,
pstr.mix = pstr.mix[!lhs],
pstr.mlm = pstr.mlm[!lhs, , drop = FALSE],
pobs.mix = pobs.mix[!lhs],
pobs.mlm = pobs.mlm[!lhs, , drop = FALSE],
pdip.mix = pdip.mix[!lhs],
pdip.mlm = pdip.mlm[!lhs, , drop = FALSE],
shape.a = shape.a[!lhs],
shape.i = shape.i[!lhs],
shape.d = shape.d[!lhs],
byrow.aid = FALSE,
p = p[!lhs])
faa <- floor(approx.ans[!lhs])
tmp <-
ifelse(pgaitdzeta(faa, shape.p[!lhs],
a.mix = a.mix, a.mlm = a.mlm,
i.mix = i.mix, i.mlm = i.mlm,
d.mix = d.mix, d.mlm = d.mlm,
truncate = truncate, =,
pstr.mix = pstr.mix[!lhs],
pstr.mlm = pstr.mlm[!lhs, , drop = FALSE],
pobs.mix = pobs.mix[!lhs],
pobs.mlm = pobs.mlm[!lhs, , drop = FALSE],
pdip.mix = pdip.mix[!lhs],
pdip.mlm = pdip.mlm[!lhs, , drop = FALSE],
shape.a = shape.a[!lhs],
shape.i = shape.i[!lhs],
shape.d = shape.d[!lhs],
byrow.aid = FALSE) < p[!lhs] &
p[!lhs] <= pgaitdzeta(faa + 1, shape.p[!lhs],
a.mix = a.mix, a.mlm = a.mlm,
i.mix = i.mix, i.mlm = i.mlm,
d.mix = d.mix, d.mlm = d.mlm,
truncate = truncate, =,
pstr.mix = pstr.mix[!lhs],
pstr.mlm = pstr.mlm[!lhs, , drop = FALSE],
pobs.mix = pobs.mix[!lhs],
pobs.mlm = pobs.mlm[!lhs, , drop = FALSE],
pdip.mix = pdip.mix[!lhs],
pdip.mlm = pdip.mlm[!lhs, , drop = FALSE],
shape.a = shape.a[!lhs],
shape.i = shape.i[!lhs],
shape.d = shape.d[!lhs],
byrow.aid = FALSE),
faa + 1, faa)
ans[!lhs] <- tmp
} # any(!lhs)
if (ltrunc)
while (any(vecTF <- !bad & ans %in% truncate))
ans[vecTF] <- 1 + ans[vecTF]
vecTF <- !bad0 & ! &
p <= dgaitdzeta(, shape.p,
a.mix = a.mix, a.mlm = a.mlm,
i.mix = i.mix, i.mlm = i.mlm,
d.mix = d.mix, d.mlm = d.mlm,
truncate = truncate, =,
pobs.mix = pobs.mix,
pstr.mix = pstr.mix,
pdip.mix = pdip.mix,
pobs.mlm = pobs.mlm,
pstr.mlm = pstr.mlm,
pdip.mlm = pdip.mlm,
shape.a = shape.a, shape.i = shape.i,
shape.d = shape.d,
byrow.aid = FALSE)
ans[vecTF] <-
ans[!bad0 & ! & p == 0] <-
ans[!bad0 & ! & p == 1] <- # Inf
ans[!bad0 & ! & p < 0] <- NaN
ans[!bad0 & ! & p > 1] <- NaN
ans[ bad0] <- NaN
} # qgaitdzeta
rgaitdzeta <-
function(n, shape.p,
a.mix = NULL,
a.mlm = NULL,
i.mix = NULL,
i.mlm = NULL,
d.mix = NULL,
d.mlm = NULL,
truncate = NULL, = Inf,
pobs.mix = 0, # vector
pobs.mlm = 0, # matrix
pstr.mix = 0, # vector
pstr.mlm = 0, # matrix
pdip.mix = 0, # vector
pdip.mlm = 0, # matrix
byrow.aid = FALSE,
shape.a = shape.p, shape.i = shape.p,
shape.d = shape.p) {
qgaitdzeta(runif(n), shape.p,
a.mix = a.mix,
a.mlm = a.mlm,
i.mix = i.mix,
i.mlm = i.mlm,
d.mix = d.mix,
d.mlm = d.mlm,
truncate = truncate, =,
pobs.mix = pobs.mix, pobs.mlm = pobs.mlm,
pstr.mix = pstr.mix, pstr.mlm = pstr.mlm,
pdip.mix = pdip.mix, pdip.mlm = pdip.mlm,
shape.a = shape.a, shape.i = shape.i,
shape.d = shape.d,
byrow.aid = byrow.aid)
} # rgaitdzeta
dgaitdlog <-
function(x, shape.p,
a.mix = NULL,
a.mlm = NULL,
i.mix = NULL,
i.mlm = NULL,
d.mix = NULL,
d.mlm = NULL,
truncate = NULL, = Inf,
pobs.mix = 0, # vector
pobs.mlm = 0, # matrix
pstr.mix = 0, # vector
pstr.mlm = 0, # matrix
pdip.mix = 0, # vector
pdip.mlm = 0, # matrix
byrow.aid = FALSE, # Applies to 'pobs.mlm' & 'pstr.mlm'
shape.a = shape.p, shape.i = shape.p, shape.d = shape.p,
log = FALSE) {
log.arg <- log; rm(log)
lowsup <- 1
gaitd.errorcheck(a.mix, a.mlm, i.mix, i.mlm,
d.mix, d.mlm, truncate,
la.mix <- length(a.mix <- sort(a.mix))
li.mix <- length(i.mix <- sort(i.mix))
ld.mix <- length(d.mix <- sort(d.mix))
la.mlm <- length(a.mlm)
li.mlm <- length(i.mlm)
ld.mlm <- length(d.mlm)
ltrunc <- length(truncate)
if (la.mix + la.mlm + li.mix + li.mlm + ld.mix + ld.mlm +
ltrunc == 0 &&
return(dlog(x, shape.p, log = log.arg))
if (la.mix == 0) pobs.mix <- 0
if (la.mlm == 0) pobs.mlm <- 0
if (li.mix == 0) pstr.mix <- 0
if (li.mlm == 0) pstr.mlm <- 0
if (ld.mix == 0) pdip.mix <- 0
if (ld.mlm == 0) pdip.mlm <- 0
if (any(pobs.mix < 0 | 1 <= pobs.mix, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pobs.mix'")
if (any(pobs.mlm < 0 | 1 <= pobs.mlm, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pobs.mlm'")
if (any(pstr.mix < 0 | 1 <= pstr.mix, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pstr.mix'")
if (any(pstr.mlm < 0 | 1 <= pstr.mlm, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pstr.mlm'")
if (any(pdip.mix < 0 | 1 <= pdip.mix, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pdip.mix'")
if (any(pdip.mlm < 0 | 1 <= pdip.mlm, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pdip.mlm'")
LLL <- max(length(x),
length(pobs.mix), length(pstr.mix), length(pdip.mix),
length(shape.p), length(shape.a),
length(shape.i), length(shape.d))
if (length(x) < LLL) x <- rep_len(x, LLL)
if (length(shape.p) < LLL) shape.p <- rep_len(shape.p, LLL)
if (length(shape.a) < LLL) shape.a <- rep_len(shape.a, LLL)
if (length(shape.i) < LLL) shape.i <- rep_len(shape.i, LLL)
if (length(shape.d) < LLL) shape.d <- rep_len(shape.d, LLL)
if (length(pobs.mix) < LLL) pobs.mix <- rep_len(pobs.mix, LLL)
if (length(pstr.mix) < LLL) pstr.mix <- rep_len(pstr.mix, LLL)
if (length(pdip.mix) < LLL) pdip.mix <- rep_len(pdip.mix, LLL)
sumt <- 0 # Initialization to 0 important
if (ltrunc)
for (tval in truncate)
sumt <- sumt + dlog(tval, shape.p) # Need tval <=
vecTF.t <- is.finite(x) & ((x %in% truncate) | ( < x))
cdf.max.s <- plog(, shape.p) # Usually 1
denom.t <- cdf.max.s - sumt # No sumt on RHS
pmf0 <- ifelse(vecTF.t, 0, dlog(x, shape.p) / denom.t) # dgtlog
sum.a <- suma <- 0 # numeric(LLL)
vecTF.a <- rep_len(FALSE, LLL)
if (la.mlm) {
pobs.mlm <- matrix(pobs.mlm, LLL, la.mlm, byrow = byrow.aid)
sum.a <- .rowSums(pobs.mlm, LLL, la.mlm)
if (any(1 < sum.a, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pobs.mlm'") # zz
for (aval in a.mlm)
suma <- suma + dlog(aval, shape.p) # Part i
for (jay in seq(la.mlm)) {
aval <- a.mlm[jay]
if (any(vecTF <- is.finite(x) & aval == x)) {
pmf0[vecTF] <- pobs.mlm[vecTF, jay]
vecTF.a <- vecTF.a | vecTF # Cumulative
} # jay
} # la.mlm
pmf2.a <- pmf2.i <- pmf2.d <- 0
if (la.mix) {
allx.a <- lowsup:max(a.mix)
pmf2.a <- dgaitdlog(x, shape.a, # Outer distribution---mlm type
truncate = setdiff(allx.a, a.mix), = max(a.mix))
for (aval in a.mix) {
suma <- suma + dlog(aval, shape.p) # Part ii added; cumulative
vecTF <- is.finite(x) & aval == x
pmf0[vecTF] <- 0 # added; the true values are assigned below
vecTF.a <- vecTF.a | vecTF # Cumulative; added
if (li.mix) {
allx.i <- if (length(i.mix)) lowsup:max(i.mix) else NULL
pmf2.i <- dgaitdlog(x, shape.i, # Outer distribution---mlm type
truncate = setdiff(allx.i, i.mix), = max(i.mix))
sum.d <- 0 # numeric(LLL)
if (ld.mlm) {
pdip.mlm <- matrix(pdip.mlm, LLL, ld.mlm, byrow = byrow.aid)
sum.d <- .rowSums(pdip.mlm, LLL, ld.mlm)
if (any(1 < sum.d, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pdip.mlm'")
} # ld.mlm
if (ld.mix) {
allx.d <- lowsup:max(d.mix)
pmf2.d <- dgaitdlog(x, shape.d, # Outer distn---mlm type
truncate = setdiff(allx.d, d.mix), = max(d.mix))
} # ld.mix
sum.i <- 0
if (li.mlm) {
pstr.mlm <- matrix(pstr.mlm, LLL, li.mlm, byrow = byrow.aid)
sum.i <- .rowSums(pstr.mlm, LLL, li.mlm)
if (any(1 < sum.i, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pstr.mlm'")
skip <- vecTF.t | vecTF.a # Leave these values alone
tmp6 <- 1 - sum.a - sum.i - pobs.mix -
pstr.mix + sum.d + pdip.mix
if (any(tmp6[!skip] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
warning("the vector of normalizing constants contains ",
"some negative values. Replacing them with NAs")
tmp6[!skip & tmp6 < 0] <- NA
denom1 <- cdf.max.s - sumt - suma
pmf0[!skip] <- (tmp6 *
dlog(x, shape.p) / denom1)[!skip]
if (li.mlm) {
for (jay in seq(li.mlm)) {
ival <- i.mlm[jay]
if (any(vecTF <- is.finite(x) & ival == x)) {
pmf0[vecTF] <- pmf0[vecTF] + pstr.mlm[vecTF, jay]
} # jay
} # li.mlm
if (ld.mlm) {
for (jay in seq(ld.mlm)) {
dval <- d.mlm[jay]
if (any(vecTF <- is.finite(x) & dval == x)) {
pmf0[vecTF] <- pmf0[vecTF] - pdip.mlm[vecTF, jay]
} # jay
} # ld.mlm
if (any(vecTF <- ! & tmp6 <= 0)) {
pmf0[vecTF] <- NaN
pobs.mix[vecTF] <- NaN
pstr.mix[vecTF] <- NaN
pdip.mix[vecTF] <- NaN
if (any(vecTF <- ! & denom1 <= 0)) {
pmf0[vecTF] <- NaN
pobs.mix[vecTF] <- NaN
pstr.mix[vecTF] <- NaN
pdip.mix[vecTF] <- NaN
pmf0 <- pmf0 + pobs.mix * pmf2.a + pstr.mix * pmf2.i -
pdip.mix * pmf2.d
if (any(vecTF <- ! & pmf0 < 0))
pmf0[vecTF] <- NaN
if (any(vecTF <- ! & pmf0 > 1))
pmf0[vecTF] <- NaN
if (log.arg) log(pmf0) else pmf0
} # dgaitdlog
pgaitdlog <-
function(q, shape.p,
a.mix = NULL,
a.mlm = NULL,
i.mix = NULL,
i.mlm = NULL,
d.mix = NULL,
d.mlm = NULL,
truncate = NULL, = Inf,
pobs.mix = 0,
pobs.mlm = 0,
pstr.mix = 0,
pstr.mlm = 0,
pdip.mix = 0,
pdip.mlm = 0,
byrow.aid = FALSE,
shape.a = shape.p, shape.i = shape.p, shape.d = shape.p,
lower.tail = TRUE) {
lowsup <- 1
gaitd.errorcheck(a.mix, a.mlm, i.mix, i.mlm,
d.mix, d.mlm, truncate,
la.mix <- length(a.mix <- sort(a.mix))
li.mix <- length(i.mix <- sort(i.mix))
ld.mix <- length(d.mix <- sort(d.mix))
la.mlm <- length(a.mlm)
li.mlm <- length(i.mlm)
ld.mlm <- length(d.mlm)
ltrunc <- length(truncate)
if (la.mix + la.mlm + li.mix + li.mlm + ld.mix + ld.mlm +
ltrunc == 0 &&
return(plog(q, shape.p, lower.tail = lower.tail)) # log.p
if (la.mix == 0) pobs.mix <- 0
if (la.mlm == 0) pobs.mlm <- 0
if (li.mix == 0) pstr.mix <- 0
if (li.mlm == 0) pstr.mlm <- 0
if (ld.mix == 0) pdip.mix <- 0
if (ld.mlm == 0) pdip.mlm <- 0
if (any(pobs.mix < 0 | 1 <= pobs.mix, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pobs.mix'")
if (any(pobs.mlm < 0 | 1 <= pobs.mlm, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pobs.mlm'")
if (any(pstr.mix < 0 | 1 <= pstr.mix, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pstr.mix'")
if (any(pstr.mlm < 0 | 1 <= pstr.mlm, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pstr.mlm'")
if (any(pdip.mix < 0 | 1 <= pdip.mix, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pdip.mix'")
if (any(pdip.mlm < 0 | 1 <= pdip.mlm, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pdip.mlm'")
LLL <- max(length(q),
length(pobs.mix),length(pstr.mix), length(pdip.mix),
length(shape.p), length(shape.a),
length(shape.i), length(shape.d))
offset.a <- offset.i <- offset.d <-
Offset.a <- Offset.i <- Offset.d <- numeric(LLL)
if (length(q) < LLL) q <- rep_len(q, LLL)
if (length(shape.p) < LLL) shape.p <- rep_len(shape.p, LLL)
if (length(shape.a) < LLL) shape.a <- rep_len(shape.a, LLL)
if (length(shape.i) < LLL) shape.i <- rep_len(shape.i, LLL)
if (length(shape.d) < LLL) shape.d <- rep_len(shape.d, LLL)
if (length(pobs.mix) < LLL) pobs.mix <- rep_len(pobs.mix, LLL)
if (length(pstr.mix) < LLL) pstr.mix <- rep_len(pstr.mix, LLL)
if (length(pdip.mix) < LLL) pdip.mix <- rep_len(pdip.mix, LLL)
sumt <- 0
fudge.t <- numeric(LLL)
cdf.max.s <- plog(, shape.p) # Usually 1
if (ltrunc) {
for (tval in truncate) {
pmf.p <- dlog(tval, shape.p)
sumt <- sumt + pmf.p
if (any(vecTF <- is.finite(q) & tval <= q))
fudge.t[vecTF] <- fudge.t[vecTF] + pmf.p[vecTF]
} # ltrunc
sum.a <- suma <- 0 # numeric(LLL)
fudge.a <- numeric(LLL)
if (la.mlm) {
pobs.mlm <- matrix(pobs.mlm, LLL, la.mlm, byrow = byrow.aid)
sum.a <- .rowSums(pobs.mlm, LLL, la.mlm)
if (any(1 < sum.a, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pobs.mlm'")
for (jay in seq(la.mlm)) {
aval <- a.mlm[jay]
pmf.p <- dlog(aval, shape.p)
suma <- suma + pmf.p # cumulative; part i
if (any(vecTF <- (is.finite(q) & aval <= q))) {
offset.a[vecTF] <- offset.a[vecTF] + pobs.mlm[vecTF, jay]
fudge.a[vecTF] <- fudge.a[vecTF] + pmf.p[vecTF] # cumulative
} # jay
} # la.mlm
sum.i <- 0
if (li.mlm) {
pstr.mlm <- matrix(pstr.mlm, LLL, li.mlm, byrow = byrow.aid)
sum.i <- .rowSums(pstr.mlm, LLL, li.mlm)
if (any(1 < sum.i, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pstr.mlm'")
for (jay in seq(li.mlm)) {
ival <- i.mlm[jay]
if (any(vecTF <- (is.finite(q) & ival <= q))) {
offset.i[vecTF] <- offset.i[vecTF] + pstr.mlm[vecTF, jay]
} # jay
} # li.mlm
use.pobs.mix <- 0
if (la.mix) {
use.pobs.mix <- matrix(0, LLL, la.mix)
for (jay in seq(la.mix)) {
aval <- a.mix[jay]
pmf.a <- dlog(aval, shape.a)
pmf.p <- dlog(aval, shape.p)
use.pobs.mix[, jay] <- pmf.a
suma <- suma + pmf.p # cumulative; part ii
use.pobs.mix <- pobs.mix *
use.pobs.mix / rowSums(use.pobs.mix)
for (jay in seq(la.mix)) {
aval <- a.mix[jay]
pmf.p <- dlog(aval, shape.p)
if (any(vecTF <- (is.finite(q) & aval <= q))) {
Offset.a[vecTF] <- Offset.a[vecTF] + use.pobs.mix[vecTF, jay]
fudge.a[vecTF] <- fudge.a[vecTF] + pmf.p[vecTF] # cumulative
} # jay
} # la.mix
use.pstr.mix <- 0
if (li.mix) {
use.pstr.mix <- matrix(0, LLL, li.mix)
for (jay in seq(li.mix)) {
ival <- i.mix[jay]
use.pstr.mix[, jay] <- dlog(ival, shape.i)
use.pstr.mix <- pstr.mix *
use.pstr.mix / rowSums(use.pstr.mix)
for (jay in seq(li.mix)) {
ival <- i.mix[jay]
pmf.p <- dlog(ival, shape.p)
if (any(vecTF <- (is.finite(q) & ival <= q))) {
Offset.i[vecTF] <- Offset.i[vecTF] + use.pstr.mix[vecTF, jay]
} # jay
} # li.mix
sum.d <- 0
if (ld.mlm) {
pdip.mlm <- matrix(pdip.mlm, LLL, ld.mlm, byrow = byrow.aid)
sum.d <- .rowSums(pdip.mlm, LLL, ld.mlm)
if (any(1 < sum.d, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pdip.mlm'")
for (jay in seq(ld.mlm)) {
dval <- d.mlm[jay]
if (any(vecTF <- (is.finite(q) & dval <= q))) {
offset.d[vecTF] <- offset.d[vecTF] + pdip.mlm[vecTF, jay]
} # jay
} # ld.mlm
use.pdip.mix <- 0
if (ld.mix) {
use.pdip.mix <- matrix(0, LLL, ld.mix)
for (jay in seq(ld.mix)) {
dval <- d.mix[jay]
use.pdip.mix[, jay] <- dlog(dval, shape.d)
use.pdip.mix <- pdip.mix *
use.pdip.mix / rowSums(use.pdip.mix)
for (jay in seq(ld.mix)) {
dval <- d.mix[jay]
pmf.p <- dlog(dval, shape.p)
if (any(vecTF <- (is.finite(q) & dval <= q))) {
Offset.d[vecTF] <- Offset.d[vecTF] + use.pdip.mix[vecTF, jay]
} # jay
} # ld.mix
numer1 <- 1 - sum.i - sum.a - pstr.mix - pobs.mix + sum.d + pdip.mix
denom1 <- cdf.max.s - sumt - suma
ans <- numer1 * (plog(q, shape.p) - fudge.t - fudge.a) / denom1 +
offset.a + offset.i - offset.d +
Offset.a + Offset.i - Offset.d
ans[ <= q] <- 1
ans[ans < 0] <- 0 # Occasional roundoff error
if (lower.tail) ans else 1 - ans
} # pgaitdlog
qgaitdlog <-
function(p, shape.p,
a.mix = NULL,
a.mlm = NULL,
i.mix = NULL,
i.mlm = NULL,
d.mix = NULL,
d.mlm = NULL,
truncate = NULL, = Inf,
pobs.mix = 0,
pobs.mlm = 0,
pstr.mix = 0,
pstr.mlm = 0,
pdip.mix = 0,
pdip.mlm = 0,
byrow.aid = FALSE,
shape.a = shape.p, shape.i = shape.p,
shape.d = shape.p) {
lowsup <- 1
gaitd.errorcheck(a.mix, a.mlm, i.mix, i.mlm,
d.mix, d.mlm, truncate,
la.mix <- length(a.mix <- sort(a.mix))
li.mix <- length(i.mix <- sort(i.mix))
ld.mix <- length(d.mix <- sort(d.mix))
la.mlm <- length(a.mlm)
li.mlm <- length(i.mlm)
ld.mlm <- length(d.mlm)
ltrunc <- length(truncate)
if (la.mix + la.mlm + li.mix + li.mlm + ld.mix + ld.mlm +
ltrunc == 0 &&
return(qlog(p, shape.p)) # lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE
if (la.mix == 0) pobs.mix <- 0
if (la.mlm == 0) pobs.mlm <- 0
if (li.mix == 0) pstr.mix <- 0
if (li.mlm == 0) pstr.mlm <- 0
if (ld.mix == 0) pdip.mix <- 0
if (ld.mlm == 0) pdip.mlm <- 0
if (any(pobs.mix < 0 | 1 <= pobs.mix, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pobs.mix'")
if (any(pobs.mlm < 0 | 1 <= pobs.mlm, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pobs.mlm'")
if (any(pstr.mix < 0 | 1 <= pstr.mix, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pstr.mix'")
if (any(pstr.mlm < 0 | 1 <= pstr.mlm, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pstr.mlm'")
if (any(pdip.mix < 0 | 1 <= pdip.mix, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pdip.mix'")
if (any(pdip.mlm < 0 | 1 <= pdip.mlm, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'pdip.mlm'")
LLL <- max(length(p),
length(pobs.mix), length(pstr.mix), length(pdip.mix),
length(shape.p), length(shape.a),
length(shape.i), length(shape.d))
if (length(p) < LLL) p <- rep_len(p, LLL)
if (length(shape.p) < LLL) shape.p <- rep_len(shape.p, LLL)
if (length(shape.a) < LLL) shape.a <- rep_len(shape.a, LLL)
if (length(shape.i) < LLL) shape.i <- rep_len(shape.i, LLL)
if (length(shape.d) < LLL) shape.d <- rep_len(shape.d, LLL)
if (length(pobs.mix) < LLL) pobs.mix <- rep_len(pobs.mix, LLL)
if (length(pstr.mix) < LLL) pstr.mix <- rep_len(pstr.mix, LLL)
if (length(pdip.mix) < LLL) pdip.mix <- rep_len(pdip.mix, LLL)
pobs.mlm <- matrix(pobs.mlm, LLL, max(la.mlm, 1), byrow = byrow.aid)
pstr.mlm <- matrix(pstr.mlm, LLL, max(li.mlm, 1), byrow = byrow.aid)
pdip.mlm <- matrix(pdip.mlm, LLL, max(ld.mlm, 1), byrow = byrow.aid) <- lowsup # Usual case; same as lowsup <- if (ltrunc)
min(setdiff(, truncate)) else
ans <- p + shape.p
bad0 <- !is.finite(shape.p) | shape.p <= 0 |
!is.finite(shape.a) | shape.a <= 0 |
!is.finite(shape.i) | shape.i <= 0 |
!is.finite(shape.d) | shape.d <= 0
bad <- bad0 | !is.finite(p) | p <= 0 | 1 <= p
Lo <- rep_len( - 0.5, LLL)
approx.ans <- Lo # True at lhs
Hi <- if (is.finite(
rep( + 0.5, LLL) else 2 * Lo + 10.5
dont.iterate <- bad
done <- dont.iterate |
p <= pgaitdlog(Hi, shape.p,
a.mix = a.mix, a.mlm = a.mlm,
i.mix = i.mix, i.mlm = i.mlm,
d.mix = d.mix, d.mlm = d.mlm,
truncate = truncate, =,
pstr.mix = pstr.mix, pobs.mix = pobs.mix,
pdip.mix = pdip.mix,
pstr.mlm = pstr.mlm, pobs.mlm = pobs.mlm,
pdip.mlm = pdip.mlm,
shape.a = shape.a, shape.i = shape.i,
shape.d = shape.d,
byrow.aid = FALSE)
iter <- 0
max.iter <- round(log2(.Machine$double.xmax)) - 3
while (!all(done) && iter < max.iter) {
Lo[!done] <- Hi[!done]
Hi[!done] <- 2 * Hi[!done] + 10.5 # Bug fixed
Hi <- pmin( + 0.5, Hi) # 20190924
done[!done] <-
(p[!done] <= pgaitdlog(Hi[!done], shape.p[!done],
a.mix = a.mix, a.mlm = a.mlm,
i.mix = i.mix, i.mlm = i.mlm,
d.mix = d.mix, d.mlm = d.mlm,
truncate = truncate, =,
pobs.mix = pobs.mix[!done],
pstr.mix = pstr.mix[!done],
pdip.mix = pdip.mix[!done],
pobs.mlm = pobs.mlm[!done, , drop = FALSE],
pstr.mlm = pstr.mlm[!done, , drop = FALSE],
pdip.mlm = pdip.mlm[!done, , drop = FALSE],
shape.a = shape.a[!done],
shape.i = shape.i[!done],
shape.d = shape.d[!done],
byrow.aid = FALSE))
iter <- iter + 1
foo <- function(q, shape.p,
a.mix = NULL, a.mlm = NULL,
i.mix = NULL, i.mlm = NULL,
d.mix = NULL, d.mlm = NULL,
truncate = NULL, = Inf,
pobs.mix = 0, pstr.mix = 0, pdip.mix = 0,
pobs.mlm = 0, pstr.mlm = 0, pdip.mlm = 0,
shape.a = shape.p, shape.i = shape.p,
shape.d = shape.p,
byrow.aid = FALSE, p)
pgaitdlog(q, shape.p = shape.p,
a.mix = a.mix, a.mlm = a.mlm,
i.mix = i.mix, i.mlm = i.mlm,
d.mix = d.mix, d.mlm = d.mlm,
truncate = truncate, =,
pobs.mix = pobs.mix,
pstr.mix = pstr.mix,
pdip.mix = pdip.mix,
pobs.mlm = pobs.mlm,
pstr.mlm = pstr.mlm,
pdip.mlm = pdip.mlm,
shape.a = shape.a, shape.i = shape.i,
shape.d = shape.d,
byrow.aid = FALSE) - p
lhs <- dont.iterate |
p <= dgaitdlog(, shape.p = shape.p,
a.mix = a.mix, a.mlm = a.mlm,
i.mix = i.mix, i.mlm = i.mlm,
d.mix = d.mix, d.mlm = d.mlm,
truncate = truncate, =,
pobs.mix = pobs.mix,
pstr.mix = pstr.mix,
pdip.mix = pdip.mix,
pobs.mlm = pobs.mlm,
pstr.mlm = pstr.mlm,
pdip.mlm = pdip.mlm,
shape.a = shape.a, shape.i = shape.i,
shape.d = shape.d,
byrow.aid = FALSE)
if (any(!lhs)) {
approx.ans[!lhs] <-
bisection.basic(foo, Lo[!lhs], Hi[!lhs], tol = 1/16,
shape.p = shape.p[!lhs],
a.mix = a.mix, a.mlm = a.mlm,
i.mix = i.mix, i.mlm = i.mlm,
d.mix = d.mix, d.mlm = d.mlm,
truncate = truncate, =,
pstr.mix = pstr.mix[!lhs],
pstr.mlm = pstr.mlm[!lhs, , drop = FALSE],
pobs.mix = pobs.mix[!lhs],
pobs.mlm = pobs.mlm[!lhs, , drop = FALSE],
pdip.mix = pdip.mix[!lhs],
pdip.mlm = pdip.mlm[!lhs, , drop = FALSE],
shape.a = shape.a[!lhs],
shape.i = shape.i[!lhs],
shape.d = shape.d[!lhs],
byrow.aid = FALSE,
p = p[!lhs])
faa <- floor(approx.ans[!lhs])
tmp <-
ifelse(pgaitdlog(faa, shape.p[!lhs],
a.mix = a.mix, a.mlm = a.mlm,
i.mix = i.mix, i.mlm = i.mlm,
d.mix = d.mix, d.mlm = d.mlm,
truncate = truncate, =,
pstr.mix = pstr.mix[!lhs],
pstr.mlm = pstr.mlm[!lhs, , drop = FALSE],
pobs.mix = pobs.mix[!lhs],
pobs.mlm = pobs.mlm[!lhs, , drop = FALSE],
pdip.mix = pdip.mix[!lhs],
pdip.mlm = pdip.mlm[!lhs, , drop = FALSE],
shape.a = shape.a[!lhs],
shape.i = shape.i[!lhs],
shape.d = shape.d[!lhs],
byrow.aid = FALSE) < p[!lhs] &
p[!lhs] <= pgaitdlog(faa + 1, shape.p[!lhs],
a.mix = a.mix, a.mlm = a.mlm,
i.mix = i.mix, i.mlm = i.mlm,
d.mix = d.mix, d.mlm = d.mlm,
truncate = truncate, =,
pstr.mix = pstr.mix[!lhs],
pstr.mlm = pstr.mlm[!lhs, , drop = FALSE],
pobs.mix = pobs.mix[!lhs],
pobs.mlm = pobs.mlm[!lhs, , drop = FALSE],
pdip.mix = pdip.mix[!lhs],
pdip.mlm = pdip.mlm[!lhs, , drop = FALSE],
shape.a = shape.a[!lhs],
shape.i = shape.i[!lhs],
shape.d = shape.d[!lhs],
byrow.aid = FALSE),
faa + 1, faa)
ans[!lhs] <- tmp
} # any(!lhs)
if (ltrunc)
while (any(vecTF <- !bad & ans %in% truncate))
ans[vecTF] <- 1 + ans[vecTF]
vecTF <- !bad0 & ! &
p <= dgaitdlog(, shape.p,
a.mix = a.mix, a.mlm = a.mlm,
i.mix = i.mix, i.mlm = i.mlm,
d.mix = d.mix, d.mlm = d.mlm,
truncate = truncate, =,
pobs.mix = pobs.mix,
pstr.mix = pstr.mix,
pdip.mix = pdip.mix,
pobs.mlm = pobs.mlm,
pstr.mlm = pstr.mlm,
pdip.mlm = pdip.mlm,
shape.a = shape.a, shape.i = shape.i,
shape.d = shape.d,
byrow.aid = FALSE)
ans[vecTF] <-
ans[!bad0 & ! & p == 0] <-
ans[!bad0 & ! & p == 1] <- # Inf
ans[!bad0 & ! & p < 0] <- NaN
ans[!bad0 & ! & p > 1] <- NaN
ans[ bad0] <- NaN
} # qgaitdlog
rgaitdlog <-
function(n, shape.p,
a.mix = NULL,
a.mlm = NULL,
i.mix = NULL,
i.mlm = NULL,
d.mix = NULL,
d.mlm = NULL,
truncate = NULL, = Inf,
pobs.mix = 0, # vector
pobs.mlm = 0, # matrix
pstr.mix = 0, # vector
pstr.mlm = 0, # matrix
pdip.mix = 0, # vector
pdip.mlm = 0, # matrix
byrow.aid = FALSE,
shape.a = shape.p, shape.i = shape.p,
shape.d = shape.p) {
qgaitdlog(runif(n), shape.p,
a.mix = a.mix,
a.mlm = a.mlm,
i.mix = i.mix,
i.mlm = i.mlm,
d.mix = d.mix,
d.mlm = d.mlm,
truncate = truncate, =,
pobs.mix = pobs.mix,
pobs.mlm = pobs.mlm,
pstr.mix = pstr.mix,
pstr.mlm = pstr.mlm,
pdip.mix = pdip.mix,
pdip.mlm = pdip.mlm,
shape.a = shape.a, shape.i = shape.i,
shape.d = shape.d,
byrow.aid = byrow.aid)
} # rgaitdlog
dlog <- function(x, shape, log = FALSE) {
if (!is.logical(log.arg <- log) || length(log) != 1)
stop("bad input for argument 'log'")
N <- max(length(x), length(shape))
if (length(x) != N) x <- rep_len(x, N)
if (length(shape) != N) shape <- rep_len(shape, N)
ox <- !is.finite(x)
zero <- ox | round(x) != x | x < 1
ans <- rep_len(0.0, length(x))
if (log.arg) {
ans[ zero] <- log(0.0)
ans[!zero] <- x[!zero] * log(shape[!zero]) - log(x[!zero]) -
ans[ox] <- log(0) # 20141212 KaiH
} else {
ans[!zero] <- -(shape[!zero]^(x[!zero])) / (x[!zero] *
ans[ox] <- 0.0 # 20141212 KaiH
ans[shape < 0 | 1 < shape] <- NaN
plog <- function(q, shape, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
if (any( stop("NAs not allowed for argument 'q'")
if (any(
stop("NAs not allowed for argument 'shape'")
N <- max(length(q), length(shape))
if (length(q) != N) q <- rep_len(q, N)
if (length(shape) != N) shape <- rep_len(shape, N)
bigno <- 10
owen1965 <- (q * (1 - shape) > bigno)
if (specialCase <- any(owen1965)) {
qqq <- q[owen1965]
ppp <- shape[owen1965]
pqp <- qqq * (1 - ppp)
bigans <- (ppp^(1+qqq) / (1-ppp)) * (1/qqq -
1 / ( pqp * (qqq-1)) +
2 / ((1-ppp) * pqp * (qqq-1) * (qqq-2)) -
6 / ((1-ppp)^2 * pqp * (qqq-1) * (qqq-2) * (qqq-3)) +
24 / ((1-ppp)^3 * pqp * (qqq-1) * (qqq-2) * (qqq-3) * (qqq-4)))
bigans <- 1 + bigans / log1p(-ppp)
floorq <- pmax(1, floor(q)) # Ensures at least 1 element per q value
floorq[owen1965] <- 1
seqq <- sequence(floorq)
seqp <- rep(shape, floorq)
onevector <- (seqp^seqq / seqq) / (-log1p(-seqp))
rlist <- .C("tyee_C_cum8sum",
as.double(onevector), answer = double(N),
as.integer(N), as.double(seqq),
as.integer(length(onevector)), notok = integer(1))
if (rlist$notok != 0)
stop("error in C function 'cum8sum'")
ans <- if (log.p) log(rlist$answer) else rlist$answer
if (specialCase)
ans[owen1965] <- if (log.p) log(bigans) else bigans
ans[q < 1] <- if (log.p) log(0.0) else 0.0
ans[shape < 0 | 1 < shape] <- NaN
if (lower.tail) ans else 1 - ans
qlog <- function(p, shape) {
LLL <- max(length(p), length(shape))
if (length(p) < LLL) p <- rep_len(p, LLL)
if (length(shape) < LLL) shape <- rep_len(shape, LLL)
ans <- rep_len(0, LLL)
lowsup <- 1
lo <- rep_len(lowsup - 0.5, LLL)
approx.ans <- lo # True at lhs
hi <- 2 * lo + 10.5
dont.iterate <- p == 1 | shape <= 0 | 1 < shape
done <- p <= plog(hi, shape) | dont.iterate
while (!all(done)) { # 20200307; bug fixed
lo[!done] <- hi[!done]
hi[!done] <- 2 * hi[!done] + 10.5
done[!done] <- (p[!done] <= plog(hi[!done], shape[!done]))
foo <- function(q, shape, p)
plog(q, shape) - p
lhs <- (p <= dlog(1, shape)) | dont.iterate
approx.ans[!lhs] <-
bisection.basic(foo, lo[!lhs], hi[!lhs], tol = 1/16,
shape = shape[!lhs], p = p[!lhs])
faa <- floor(approx.ans)
ans <- ifelse(plog(faa, shape) < p & p <= plog(faa+1, shape),
faa+1, faa)
ans[p == 1] <- Inf
ans[shape <= 0] <- NaN
ans[1 < shape] <- NaN
} # qlog
rlog <- function(n, shape) {
qlog(runif(n), shape)
logff <-
function(lshape = "logitlink",
gshape = -expm1(-7 * ppoints(4)),
zero = NULL) {
lshape <- as.list(substitute(lshape))
eshape <- link2list(lshape)
lshape <- attr(eshape, "")
blurb = c("Logarithmic distribution f(y) = a * shape^y / y, ",
"y = 1, 2, 3,...,\n",
" 0 < shape < 1, a = -1 / log(1-shape) \n\n",
"Link: ", namesof("shape", lshape, earg = eshape),
"\n", "\n",
"Mean: a * shape / (1 - shape)", "\n"),
constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
dotzero <- .zero
M1 <- 1
}), list( .zero = zero ))),
infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
list(M1 = 1,
Q1 = 1,
expected = TRUE,
dpqrfun = "log", # dlog, qlog, etc.
link2name = "logff", # logffMlink, logffMdlink, logffQlink,
multipleResponses = TRUE,
parameters.names = "shape",
zero = .zero )
}, list( .zero = zero ))),
initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
temp5 <-
w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
Is.positive.y = TRUE,
Is.integer.y = TRUE,
ncol.w.max = Inf,
ncol.y.max = Inf,
out.wy = TRUE,
colsyperw = 1,
maximize = TRUE)
w <- temp5$w
y <- temp5$y
ncoly <- ncol(y)
M1 <- 1
extra$ncoly <- ncoly
M <- M1 * ncoly
mynames1 <- param.names("shape", ncoly, skip1 = TRUE)
predictors.names <- namesof(mynames1, .lshape , earg = .eshape ,
tag = FALSE)
if (!length(etastart)) {
logff.Loglikfun <- function(shapeval, y, x, w, extraargs) {
sum(c(w) * dlog(x = y, shape = shapeval, log = TRUE))
Init.shape <- matrix(0, n, M)
shape.grid <- .gshape
for (ilocal in 1:ncoly) {
Init.shape[, ilocal] <-,
objfun = logff.Loglikfun,
y = y[, ilocal], # x = x,
w = w[, ilocal])
} # for
etastart <- theta2eta(Init.shape, .lshape , earg = .eshape )
}), list( .lshape = lshape, .eshape = eshape, .gshape = gshape ))),
linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
shape <- eta2theta(eta, .lshape , earg = .eshape )
A8 <- -1 / log1p(-shape)
A8 * shape / (1 - shape)
}, list( .lshape = lshape, .eshape = eshape ))),
last = eval(substitute(expression({
misc$link <- c(rep_len( .lshape , ncoly))
names(misc$link) <- mynames1
misc$earg <- vector("list", M)
names(misc$earg) <- mynames1
for (ii in 1:ncoly) {
misc$earg[[ii]] <- .eshape
}), list( .lshape = lshape, .eshape = eshape ))),
loglikelihood = eval(substitute(
function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta,
extra = NULL,
summation = TRUE) {
shape <- eta2theta(eta, .lshape , earg = .eshape )
if (residuals) {
stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
} else {
ll.elts <- c(w) * dlog(x = y, shape = shape, log = TRUE)
if (summation) {
} else {
}, list( .lshape = lshape, .eshape = eshape ))),
vfamily = c("logff"),
validparams = eval(substitute(function(eta, y, extra = NULL) {
okay0 <- if ( .lshape == "logfflink") all(0 < eta) else TRUE
okay1 <- if (okay0) {
shape <- eta2theta(eta, .lshape , earg = .eshape )
all(is.finite(shape)) && all(0 < shape & shape < 1)
} else {
okay0 && okay1
}, list( .lshape = lshape, .eshape = eshape ))),
simslot = eval(substitute(
function(object, nsim) {
pwts <- if (length(pwts <- object@prior.weights) > 0)
pwts else weights(object, type = "prior")
if (any(pwts != 1))
warning("ignoring prior weights")
eta <- predict(object)
shape <- eta2theta(eta, .lshape , earg = .eshape )
rlog(nsim * length(shape), shape = shape)
}, list( .lshape = lshape, .eshape = eshape ))),
deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
M1 <- 1
shape <- eta2theta(eta, .lshape , earg = .eshape )
A8 <- -1 / log1p(-shape)
dl.dshape <- -A8 / (1 - shape) + y / shape
dshape.deta <- dtheta.deta(shape, .lshape , earg = .eshape )
c(w) * dl.dshape * dshape.deta
}), list( .lshape = lshape, .eshape = eshape ))),
weight = eval(substitute(expression({
ned2l.dshape2 <- A8 * (1 - A8 * shape) / (shape * (1-shape)^2)
wz <- c(w) * ned2l.dshape2 * dshape.deta^2
}), list( .lshape = lshape, .eshape = eshape ))))
} # logff
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