# These functions are
# Copyright (C) 1998-2024 T.W. Yee, University of Auckland.
# All rights reserved. <- function(percentiles = c(25, 50, 75),
eta = NULL, yoffset = 0) {
lp <- length(percentiles)
answer <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow(eta), lp,
dimnames = list(dimnames(eta)[[1]],
paste(as.character(percentiles), "%", sep = "")))
for (ii in 1:lp) {
answer[, ii] <- = percentiles[ii]/100,
lambda = eta[, 1],
mu = eta[, 2],
sigma = eta[, 3])
} <- function(percentiles = c(25,50,75),
eta = NULL, yoffset = 0) {
cc <- percentiles
lp <- length(percentiles)
answer <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow(eta), lp,
dimnames = list(dimnames(eta)[[1]],
paste(as.character(percentiles), "%", sep = "")))
lambda <- eta[, 1]
sigma <- eta[, 3]
shape <- 1 / (lambda * sigma)^2
for (ii in 1:lp) {
ccc <- rep_len(cc[ii]/100, nrow(eta))
ccc <- ifelse(lambda > 0, ccc, 1-ccc)
answer[, ii] <- eta[, 2] *
(qgamma(ccc, shape = shape)/shape)^(1/lambda)
qtplot.lms.yjn2 <-
qtplot.lms.yjn <- function(percentiles = c(25,50,75),
eta = NULL, yoffset = 0) {
cc <- percentiles
lp <- length(percentiles)
answer <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow(eta), lp,
dimnames = list(dimnames(eta)[[1]],
paste(as.character(percentiles), "%", sep = "")))
lambda <- eta[, 1]
mu <- eta[, 2]
sigma <- eta[, 3] # Link function already taken care of above
for (ii in 1:lp) {
ccc <- mu + sigma * qnorm(cc[ii]/100)
answer[, ii] <- yeo.johnson(ccc, lambda, inverse= TRUE) - yoffset
qtplot.default <- function(object, ...) {
warning("no methods function. Returning the object")
"qtplot.vglm" <- function(object, Attach= TRUE, ...) {
LL <- length(object@family@vfamily)
newcall <- paste("qtplot.", object@family@vfamily[LL],
"(object, ...)", sep = "")
newcall <- parse(text = newcall)[[1]]
if (Attach) {
object@post$qtplot <- eval(newcall)
} else
qtplot.lmscreg <- function(object,
newdata = NULL,
percentiles = object@misc$percentiles,
show.plot = TRUE, ...) {
same <- length(percentiles) == length(object@misc$percentiles) &&
all(percentiles == object@misc$percentiles)
lp <- length(percentiles)
if (same) {
fitted.values <- if (!length(newdata))
object@fitted.values else {
predict(object, newdata = newdata, type = "response")
fitted.values <- as.matrix(fitted.values)
} else {
if (!is.numeric(percentiles))
stop("'percentiles' must be specified")
eta <- if (length(newdata))
predict(object, newdata = newdata, type = "link") else
if (!length(double.check.earg <- object@misc$earg))
double.check.earg <- list(theta = NULL)
eta <- eta2theta(eta, link = object@misc$link,
earg = double.check.earg) # lambda, mu, sigma
if (!is.logical(expectiles <- object@misc$expectiles)) {
expectiles <- FALSE
newcall <- paste(if (expectiles) "explot." else "qtplot.",
"(percentiles = percentiles",
", eta = eta, yoffset=object@misc$yoffset)",
sep = "")
newcall <- parse(text = newcall)[[1]]
fitted.values <- as.matrix( eval(newcall) )
dimnames(fitted.values) <-
paste(as.character(percentiles), "%", sep = ""))
if (show.plot) {
plotqtplot.lmscreg(fitted.values = fitted.values,
object = object,
newdata = newdata,
lp = lp,
percentiles = percentiles, ...)
list(fitted.values = fitted.values, percentiles = percentiles)
plotqtplot.lmscreg <-
function(fitted.values, object,
newdata = NULL,
percentiles = object@misc$percentiles,
lp = NULL,
add.arg = FALSE,
y = if (length(newdata)) FALSE else TRUE, = FALSE,
label = TRUE,
size.label = 0.06,
xlab = NULL, ylab = "",
pch = par()$pch, pcex = par()$cex,
pcol.arg = par()$col,
xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
llty.arg = par()$lty,
lcol.arg = par()$col, llwd.arg = par()$lwd,
tcol.arg = par()$col,
tadj = 1, ...) {
if (!length(newdata)) {
X <- model.matrixvlm(object, type = "lm")
if (is.matrix(X) && length(object@y) && ncol(X)==2 &&
dimnames(X)[[2]][1] == "(Intercept)") {
xx <- X[, 2]
if (is.null(xlab)) {
xlab <- if (object@misc$nonparametric)
as.vector(slot(object, "s.xargument")) else
if (!add.arg) {
if (!is.numeric(xlim))
xlim <- if (label)
c(min(xx), max(xx) + size.label*diff(range(xx))) else
c(min(xx), max(xx))
fred <- cbind(object@y, fitted.values)
if (!is.numeric(ylim))
ylim <- c(min(fred), max(fred))
matplot(x = xx, y = fred,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, type = "n",
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ...)
if (y && length(object@y))
matpoints(x = xx, y = object@y, pch = pch, cex = pcex,
col = pcol.arg)
} else {
warning("there is not a single covariate. ",
"Returning the object.")
} else {
firstterm <- attr(terms(object), "term.labels")[1]
if (object@misc$nonparametric &&
firstterm <- object@s.xargument[firstterm]
xx <- newdata[[firstterm]]
if (!is.numeric(xx))
stop("couldn't extract the 'primary' variable from newdata")
if (!add.arg) {
if (is.null(xlab))
xlab <- firstterm
if (!is.numeric(xlim))
xlim <- if (label)
c(min(xx), max(xx)+size.label*diff(range(xx))) else
c(min(xx), max(xx))
if (!is.numeric(ylim))
ylim <- c(min(fitted.values), max(fitted.values))
matplot(x = xx, y = fitted.values,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, type = "n",
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, col = pcol.arg)
if (y && length(object@y))
matpoints(x = xx, y = object@y, pch = pch, cex = pcex,
col = pcol.arg)
tcol.arg <- rep_len(tcol.arg, lp)
lcol.arg <- rep_len(lcol.arg, lp)
llwd.arg <- rep_len(llwd.arg, lp)
llty.arg <- rep_len(llty.arg, lp)
for (ii in 1:lp) {
temp <- cbind(xx, fitted.values[, ii])
temp <- temp[sort.list(temp[, 1]), ]
index <- !duplicated(temp[, 1])
if ( {
lines(spline(temp[index, 1], temp[index, 2]),
lty = llty.arg[ii], col = lcol.arg[ii], err = -1,
lwd = llwd.arg[ii])
} else {
lines(temp[index, 1], temp[index, 2],
lty = llty.arg[ii], col = lcol.arg[ii], err = -1,
lwd = llwd.arg[ii])
if (label)
text(par()$usr[2], temp[nrow(temp), 2],
paste( percentiles[ii], "%", sep = ""),
adj = tadj, col = tcol.arg[ii], err = -1)
if (TRUE) {
if (!isGeneric("qtplot"))
setGeneric("qtplot", function(object, ...)
setMethod("qtplot", signature(object = "vglm"),
function(object, ...)
invisible(qtplot.vglm(object, ...)))
setMethod("qtplot", signature(object = "vgam"),
function(object, ...)
invisible(qtplot.vglm(object, ...)))
"qtplot.vextremes" <- function(object, ...) {
newcall <- paste("qtplot.", object@family@vfamily[1],
"(object = object, ... )", sep = "")
newcall <- parse(text = newcall)[[1]]
qtplot.gumbelff <-
qtplot.gumbel <-
function(object, show.plot = TRUE, y.arg = TRUE, = FALSE, label = TRUE,
R = object@misc$R,
percentiles = object@misc$percentiles,
add.arg = FALSE,
mpv = object@misc$mpv,
xlab = NULL, ylab = "", main = "",
pch = par()$pch, pcol.arg = par()$col,
llty.arg = par()$lty, lcol.arg = par()$col,
llwd.arg = par()$lwd,
tcol.arg = par()$col, tadj = 1, ...) {
if (!is.logical(mpv) || length(mpv) != 1)
stop("bad input for 'mpv'")
if (!length(percentiles) ||
(!is.Numeric(percentiles, positive = TRUE) ||
max(percentiles) >= 100))
stop("bad input for 'percentiles'")
eta <- predict(object)
if (is.Numeric(R))
R <- rep_len(R, nrow(eta))
if (!is.Numeric(percentiles))
stop("the 'percentiles' argument needs to be assigned a value")
extra <- object@extra
extra$mpv <- mpv # Overwrite if necessary
extra$R <- R
extra$percentiles <- percentiles
fitted.values <- object@family@linkinv(eta = eta, extra = extra)
answer <- list(fitted.values = fitted.values,
percentiles = percentiles)
if (!show.plot)
lp <- length(percentiles) # Does not include mpv
tcol.arg <- rep_len(tcol.arg, lp+mpv)
lcol.arg <- rep_len(lcol.arg, lp+mpv)
llwd.arg <- rep_len(llwd.arg, lp+mpv)
llty.arg <- rep_len(llty.arg, lp+mpv)
X <- model.matrixvlm(object, type = "lm")
if (is.matrix(X) && length(object@y) && ncol(X)==2 &&
dimnames(X)[[2]][1] == "(Intercept)") {
xx <- X[, 2]
if (!length(xlab))
xlab <- if (object@misc$nonparametric &&
object@s.xargument else names(object@assign)[2]
if (!add.arg)
matplot(x = xx, y = cbind(object@y, fitted.values), main = main,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, type = "n", ...)
if (y.arg) {
matpoints(x = xx, y = object@y, pch = pch, col = pcol.arg)
} else {
warning("there is not a single covariate.")
for (ii in 1:(lp+mpv)) {
temp <- cbind(xx, fitted.values[, ii])
temp <- temp[sort.list(temp[, 1]), ]
index <- !duplicated(temp[, 1])
if ( {
lines(spline(temp[index, 1], temp[index, 2]),
lty = llty.arg[ii], col = lcol.arg[ii], lwd = llwd.arg[ii])
} else {
lines(temp[index, 1], temp[index, 2],
lty = llty.arg[ii], col = lcol.arg[ii], lwd = llwd.arg[ii])
if (label) {
mylabel <- (dimnames(answer$fitted)[[2]])[ii]
text(par()$usr[2], temp[nrow(temp), 2],
mylabel, adj = tadj, col = tcol.arg[ii], err = -1,
cex = par()$cex.axis, xpd = par()$xpd)
} <- function(object,
eta0) {
if (!any(object@family@vfamily == ""))
warning("I think you've called the wrong function")
Zvec <- ((y.arg/eta0[, 2])^(eta0[, 1]) -1) / (eta0[, 1] * eta0[, 3])
dZ.dy <- ((y.arg/eta0[, 2])^(eta0[, 1]-1)) / (eta0[, 2] * eta0[, 3])
yvec <- dnorm(Zvec) * abs(dZ.dy)
list(newdata = newdata, y = y.arg, density = yvec)
} <- function(object,
eta0) {
if (!any(object@family@vfamily == ""))
warning("I think you've called the wrong function")
Zvec <- (y.arg/eta0[, 2])^(eta0[, 1]) # different from
dZ.dy <- ((y.arg/eta0[, 2])^(eta0[, 1]-1)) * eta0[, 1] / eta0[, 2]
lambda <- eta0[, 1]
sigma <- eta0[, 3]
shape <- 1 / (lambda * sigma)^2
yvec <- dgamma(Zvec, shape = shape, rate = shape) * abs(dZ.dy)
list(newdata = newdata, y = y.arg, density = yvec)
deplot.lms.yjn2 <-
deplot.lms.yjn <- function(object,
eta0) {
if (!length(intersect(object@family@vfamily, c("lms.yjn","lms.yjn2"))))
warning("I think you've called the wrong function")
lambda <- eta0[, 1]
Zvec <- (yeo.johnson(y.arg+object@misc$yoffset, lambda = eta0[, 1]) -
eta0[, 2]) / eta0[, 3]
dZ.dy <- dyj.dy.yeojohnson(y.arg+object@misc$yoffset,
lambda = eta0[, 1]) / eta0[, 3]
yvec <- dnorm(Zvec) * abs(dZ.dy)
list(newdata = newdata, y = y.arg, density = yvec)
deplot.default <- function(object, ...) {
warning("no methods function. Returning the object")
"deplot.vglm" <- function(object, Attach= TRUE, ...) {
LL <- length(object@family@vfamily)
newcall <- paste("deplot.", object@family@vfamily[LL],
"(object, ...)", sep = "")
newcall <- parse(text = newcall)[[1]]
if (Attach) {
object@post$deplot <- eval(newcall)
} else {
"deplot.lmscreg" <- function(object,
newdata = NULL,
y.arg, show.plot = TRUE, ...) {
if (!length(newdata)) {
newdata <- data.frame(x0=x0)
var1name <- attr(terms(object), "term.labels")[1]
names(newdata) <- var1name
ii <- if (object@misc$nonparametric)
slot(object, "s.xargument") else NULL
if (length(ii) && any(logic.vec <-
names(slot(object, "s.xargument")) == var1name))
names(newdata) <- ii[logic.vec] # should be the first one
eta0 <- if (length(newdata)) predict(object, newdata) else
if (!length(double.check.earg <- object@misc$earg))
double.check.earg <- list(theta = NULL)
eta0 <- eta2theta(eta0, link = object@misc$link,
earg = double.check.earg) # lambda, mu, sigma
newcall <- paste("deplot.", object@family@vfamily[1],
"(object, newdata, y.arg = y.arg, eta0 = eta0)",
sep = "")
newcall <- parse(text = newcall)[[1]]
answer <- eval(newcall)
if (show.plot)
plotdeplot.lmscreg(answer, y.arg=y.arg, ...)
plotdeplot.lmscreg <- function(answer,
add.arg= FALSE,
xlab = "", ylab = "density",
xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
llty.arg = par()$lty, col.arg = par()$col,
llwd.arg = par()$lwd, ...) {
yvec <- answer$density
xx <- y.arg
if (!add.arg) {
if (!is.numeric(xlim))
xlim <- c(min(xx), max(xx))
if (!is.numeric(ylim))
ylim <- c(min(yvec), max(yvec))
matplot(x = xx, y = yvec,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, type = "n",
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ...)
temp <- cbind(xx, yvec)
temp <- temp[sort.list(temp[, 1]), ]
index <- !duplicated(temp[, 1])
lines(temp[index, 1], temp[index, 2],
lty = llty.arg, col = col.arg, err = -1, lwd = llwd.arg)
if (TRUE) {
if (!isGeneric("deplot"))
setGeneric("deplot", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("deplot"))
setMethod("deplot", signature(object = "vglm"),
function(object, ...)
invisible(deplot.vglm(object, ...)))
setMethod("deplot", signature(object = "vgam"),
function(object, ...)
invisible(deplot.vglm(object, ...)))
if (TRUE) {
if (!isGeneric("cdf"))
setGeneric("cdf", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("cdf"))
setMethod("cdf", signature(object = "vglm"),
function(object, ...)
cdf.vglm(object, ...))
setMethod("cdf", signature(object = "vgam"),
function(object, ...)
cdf.vglm(object, ...))
"cdf.vglm" <- function(object, newdata = NULL, Attach = FALSE, ...) {
LL <- length(object@family@vfamily)
newcall <- paste("cdf.", object@family@vfamily[LL],
"(object, newdata, ...)", sep = "")
newcall <- parse(text = newcall)[[1]]
if (Attach) {
object@post$cdf <- eval(newcall)
} else {
"cdf.lmscreg" <- function(object,
newdata = NULL, ...) {
if (!length(newdata))
eta0 <- if (length(newdata)) predict(object, newdata) else
if (!length(double.check.earg <- object@misc$earg))
double.check.earg <- list(theta = NULL)
eta0 <- eta2theta(eta0, link = object@misc$link,
earg = double.check.earg) # lambda, mu, sigma
y <- vgety(object, newdata) # Includes yoffset
newcall <- paste("cdf.", object@family@vfamily[1],
"(y, eta0, ... )", sep = "")
newcall <- parse(text = newcall)[[1]]
} <- function(y, eta0) {
Zvec <- ((y/eta0[, 2])^(eta0[, 1]) -1) / (eta0[, 1] * eta0[, 3])
Zvec[abs(eta0[, 3]) < 1e-5] <- log(y/eta0[, 2]) / eta0[, 3]
ans <- c(pnorm(Zvec))
names(ans) <- dimnames(eta0)[[1]]
} <- function(y, eta0) {
shape <- 1 / (eta0[, 1] * eta0[, 3])^2
Gvec <- shape * (y/eta0[, 2])^(eta0[, 1])
ans <- c(pgamma(Gvec, shape = shape))
ans[eta0[, 1] < 0] <- 1-ans
names(ans) <- dimnames(eta0)[[1]]
cdf.lms.yjn <- function(y, eta0) {
Zvec <- (yeo.johnson(y, eta0[, 1]) - eta0[, 2])/eta0[, 3]
ans <- c(pnorm(Zvec))
names(ans) <- dimnames(eta0)[[1]]
vgety <- function(object, newdata = NULL) {
y <- if (length(newdata)) {
yname <- dimnames(attr(terms(object@terms),"factors"))[[1]][1]
} else {
if (length(object@misc$yoffset))
y <- y + object@misc$yoffset
"rlplot.vglm" <- function(object, Attach = TRUE, ...) {
LL <- length(object@family@vfamily)
newcall <- paste("rlplot.", object@family@vfamily[LL],
"(object, ...)", sep = "")
newcall <- parse(text = newcall)[[1]]
if (Attach) {
object@post$rlplot <- eval(newcall)
} else {
"rlplot.vextremes" <- function(object, ...) {
newcall <- paste("rlplot.", object@family@vfamily[1],
"(object = object, ... )", sep = "")
newcall <- parse(text = newcall)[[1]]
rlplot.gevff <-
rlplot.gev <-
function(object, show.plot = TRUE,
probability = c((1:9)/100, (1:9)/10, 0.95, 0.99, 0.995, 0.999),
add.arg = FALSE,
xlab = if(log.arg) "Return Period (log-scale)" else
"Return Period",
ylab = "Return Level",
main = "Return Level Plot",
pch = par()$pch, pcol.arg = par()$col, pcex = par()$cex,
llty.arg = par()$lty, lcol.arg = par()$col, llwd.arg = par()$lwd,
slty.arg = par()$lty, scol.arg = par()$col, slwd.arg = par()$lwd,
ylim = NULL,
log.arg = TRUE,
epsilon = 1.0e-05,
...) {
if (!is.Numeric(epsilon, length.arg = 1) ||
abs(epsilon) > 0.10)
stop("bad input for 'epsilon'")
if (!is.Numeric(probability, positive = TRUE) ||
max(probability) >= 1 ||
length(probability) < 5)
stop("bad input for 'probability'")
if (!is.logical(log.arg) || length(log.arg) != 1)
stop("bad input for argument 'log'")
if (!is.logical(CI) || length(CI) != 1)
stop("bad input for argument 'CI'")
if (!object@misc$intercept.only)
stop("object must be an intercept-only fit, ",
"i.e., y ~ 1 is the response")
extra2 <- object@extra
extra2$percentiles <- 100 * probability # Overwrite
zp <- object@family@linkinv(eta = predict(object)[1:2, ],
extra = extra2)[1, ]
yp <- -log(probability)
ydata <- sort(object@y[, 1])
n <- object@misc$n
if (log.arg) {
if (!add.arg)
plot(log(1/yp), zp, log = "", type = "n",
ylim = if (length(ylim)) ylim else
c(min(c(ydata, zp)), max(c(ydata, zp))),
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main,
cex.axis = par()$cex.axis,
cex.main = par()$cex.main,
cex.lab = par()$cex.lab,
points(log(-1/log((1:n)/(n+1))), ydata, col = pcol.arg,
pch = pch, cex = pcex)
lines(log(1/yp), zp,
lwd = llwd.arg, col = lcol.arg, lty = llty.arg)
} else {
if (!add.arg)
plot(1/yp, zp, log = "x", type = "n",
ylim = if (length(ylim)) ylim else
c(min(c(ydata, zp)),
max(c(ydata, zp))),
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main,
cex.axis = par()$cex.axis,
cex.main = par()$cex.main,
cex.lab = par()$cex.lab,
points(-1/log((1:n)/(n+1)), ydata, col = pcol.arg,
pch = pch, cex = pcex)
lines(1/yp, zp, lwd = llwd.arg, col = lcol.arg, lty = llty.arg)
if (CI) {
zpp <- cbind(zp, zp, zp) # lp x 3
eta <- predict(object)
Links <- object@misc$link
earg <- object@misc$earg
M <- object@misc$M
for (ii in 1:M) {
TTheta <- eta[, ii]
use.earg <- earg[[ii]]
newcall <- paste(Links[ii],
"(theta = TTheta, ",
" inverse = TRUE)",
sep = "")
newcall <- parse(text = newcall)[[1]]
uteta <- eval(newcall) # Theta, the untransformed parameter
uteta <- uteta + epsilon # Perturb it
newcall <- paste(Links[ii],
"(theta = uteta",
sep = "")
newcall <- parse(text = newcall)[[1]]
teta <- eval(newcall) # The transformed parameter
peta <- eta
peta[, ii] <- teta
zpp[, ii] <- object@family@linkinv(eta = peta,
extra = extra2)[1, ]
zpp[, ii] <- (zpp[, ii] - zp) / epsilon # On the transformed scale
VCOV <- vcov(object, untransform = TRUE)
vv <- numeric(nrow(zpp))
for (ii in 1:nrow(zpp))
vv[ii] <- t(as.matrix(zpp[ii, ])) %*% VCOV %*% as.matrix(zpp[ii, ])
if (log.arg) {
lines(log(1/yp), zp - 1.96 * sqrt(vv),
lwd = slwd.arg, col = scol.arg, lty = slty.arg)
lines(log(1/yp), zp + 1.96 * sqrt(vv),
lwd = slwd.arg, col = scol.arg, lty = slty.arg)
} else {
lines(1/yp, zp - 1.96 * sqrt(vv),
lwd = slwd.arg, col = scol.arg, lty = slty.arg)
lines(1/yp, zp + 1.96 * sqrt(vv),
lwd = slwd.arg, col = scol.arg, lty = slty.arg)
answer <- list(yp = yp,
zp = zp)
if (CI) {
answer$lower <- zp - 1.96 * sqrt(vv)
answer$upper <- zp + 1.96 * sqrt(vv)
if (!isGeneric("rlplot"))
function(object, ...) standardGeneric("rlplot"))
setMethod("rlplot", "vglm", function(object, ...)
rlplot.vglm(object, ...)) <- function(percentiles = c(25, 50, 75),
eta = NULL, yoffset = 0) {
lp <- length(percentiles)
answer <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow(eta), lp,
dimnames = list(dimnames(eta)[[1]],
paste(as.character(percentiles), "%", sep = "")))
for (ii in 1:lp) {
answer[, ii] <- eta[, 2] * (1 + eta[, 1] * eta[, 3] *
qenorm(percentiles[ii]/100))^(1/eta[, 1])
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