# These functions are
# Copyright (C) 1998-2024 T.W. Yee, University of Auckland.
# All rights reserved. <-
function(x, y, w = rep_len(1, nrow(x)),
mf, # No X.vlm.arg, but mf happens to be in its position
Xm2 = NULL, Ym2 = NULL, # Added 20130730
etastart = NULL, mustart = NULL, coefstart = NULL,
offset = 0, family,
control = vgam.control(),
qr.arg = FALSE,
constraints = NULL, extra = NULL,
nonparametric, smooth.labels, = "vgam",
sm.osps.list = NULL, # mf,
...) {
if (length(slot(family, "start1")))
eval(slot(family, "start1"))
mgcvvgam <- length(sm.osps.list) > 0
if (is.null(criterion <- control$criterion))
criterion <- "coefficients"
eff.n <- nrow(x) # + sum(abs(w[1:nrow(x)]))
specialCM <- NULL
post <- list()
check.rank <- control$Check.rank
epsilon <- control$epsilon
maxit <- control$maxit
save.weights <- control$save.weights
trace <- control$trace
bf.maxit <- control$bf.maxit
bf.epsilon <- control$bf.epsilon <- control$
minimize.criterion <- control$min.criterion
fv <- NULL
n <- nrow(x)
old.coeffs <- coefstart
intercept.only <- ncol(x) == 1 && colnames(x) == "(Intercept)"
y.names <- predictors.names <- NULL # May be overwritten <- n
if (length(slot(family, "initialize")))
eval(slot(family, "initialize")) # Initialize mu & M (& maybe w)
if (length(etastart)) {
eta <- etastart
mu <- if (length(mustart)) mustart else
slot(family, "linkinv")(eta, extra = extra)
if (length(mustart)) {
mu <- mustart
if (length(body(slot(family, "linkfun")))) {
eta <- slot(family, "linkfun")(mu, extra = extra)
} else {
warning("argument 'mustart' assigned a value ",
"but there is no 'linkfun' slot to use it")
validparams <- validfitted <- TRUE
if (length(body(slot(family, "validparams"))))
validparams <- slot(family, "validparams")(eta, y = y, extra = extra)
if (length(body(slot(family, "validfitted"))))
validfitted <- slot(family, "validfitted")(mu, y = y, extra = extra)
if (!(validparams && validfitted))
stop("could not obtain valid initial values. ",
"Try using 'etastart', 'coefstart' or 'mustart', else ",
"family-specific arguments such as 'imethod'.")
M <- NCOL(eta)
if (length(family@constraints))
eval(slot(family, "constraints"))
Hlist <- process.constraints(constraints, x = x, M = M,
specialCM = specialCM, = control$
ncolHlist <- unlist(lapply(Hlist, ncol))
if (nonparametric) {
smooth.frame <- mf
assignx <- attr(x, "assign")
which <- assignx[smooth.labels]
bf <- "s.vam" <- parse(text = paste(
"s.vam(x, z, wz, tfit$smomat, which, tfit$smooth.frame,",
"bf.maxit, bf.epsilon, trace, se =,, ",
"Hlist, ncolHlist, M = M, qbig = qbig, Umat = U, ",
"all.knots = control$all.knots, nk = control$nk)",
sep = ""))[[1]]
qbig <- sum(ncolHlist[smooth.labels]) # Number of component funs
smomat <- matrix(0, n, qbig)
dy <- if (is.matrix(y)) dimnames(y)[[1]] else names(y)
d2 <- if (is.null(predictors.names))
paste("(Additive predictor ",1:M,")", sep = "") else
dimnames(smomat) <- list(dy, vlabel(smooth.labels,
ncolHlist[smooth.labels], M))
tfit <- list(smomat = smomat, smooth.frame = smooth.frame)
} else { <-
expression(vlm.wfit(xmat =, z, Hlist = NULL, U = U,
matrix.out = FALSE, is.vlmX = TRUE,
qr = qr.arg, xij = NULL))
bf <- "vlm.wfit"
} <- lm2vlm.model.matrix(x, Hlist, xij = control$xij,
Xm2 = Xm2) # 20160420
if (mgcvvgam) {
Xvlm.aug <- get.X.VLM.aug(constraints = constraints,
sm.osps.list = sm.osps.list) <- TRUE # Useless actually
if (length(coefstart)) {
eta <- if (ncol( > 1) {
matrix( %*% coefstart, n, M, byrow = TRUE) + offset
} else {
matrix( * coefstart, n, M, byrow = TRUE) + offset
if (M == 1)
eta <- c(eta)
mu <- slot(family, "linkinv")(eta, extra = extra)
if (criterion != "coefficients") {
tfun <- slot(family, criterion) # Needed 4 R so have to follow suit
iter <- 1
new.crit <- switch(criterion,
coefficients = 1,
tfun(mu = mu, y = y, w = w, res = FALSE,
eta = eta, extra = extra))
old.crit <- ifelse(minimize.criterion, 10 * new.crit + 10,
-10 * new.crit - 10) <- eval(slot(family, "deriv"))
wz <- eval(slot(family, "weight"))
if (control$checkwz)
wz <- checkwz(wz, M = M, trace = trace,
wzepsilon = control$wzepsilon)
U <- vchol(wz, M = M, n = n, silent = !trace)
tvfor <- vforsub(U, as.matrix(, M = M, n = n)
z <- eta + vbacksub(U, tvfor, M = M, n = n) - offset
nrow.X.vlm <- nrow(
ncol.X.vlm <- ncol(
if (!nonparametric && nrow.X.vlm < ncol.X.vlm)
stop("There are ", ncol.X.vlm, " parameters but only ",
nrow.X.vlm, " observations")
if (mgcvvgam) { <- expression(vlm.wfit(xmat =, z,
Hlist = Hlist, U = U, matrix.out = FALSE, is.vlmX = TRUE,
qr = qr.arg, xij = NULL,
Xvlm.aug = Xvlm.aug,
sm.osps.list = sm.osps.list, constraints = constraints, =,
control = control, # 20160813
trace = trace))
bf <- "vlm.wfit"
fully.cvged <- FALSE
for (iter.outer in 1:control$Maxit.outer) {
if (fully.cvged)
if (trace && mgcvvgam) {
cat("VGAM outer iteration ", iter.outer,
" =============================================\n")
iter <- 1 # This is a reset for iter.outer > 1.
one.more <- TRUE
sm.osps.list$fixspar <- sm.osps.list$orig.fixspar
while (one.more) {
tfit <- eval( # fit$smooth.frame is new
if (mgcvvgam) { <- tfit$
Xvlm.aug <- tfit$Xvlm.aug
sm.osps.list <- tfit$sm.osps.list
if (control$Maxit.outer > 1)
sm.osps.list$fixspar <-
rep_len(TRUE, length(sm.osps.list$fixspar))
magicfit <- tfit$magicfit
fv <- tfit$fitted.values # c.list$fit
if (mgcvvgam) {
fv <- head(fv, n * M)
new.coeffs <- tfit$coefficients # c.list$coeff
if (length(slot(family, "middle1")))
eval(slot(family, "middle1"))
eta <- fv + offset
mu <- slot(family, "linkinv")(eta, extra = extra)
if (length(family@middle2))
old.crit <- new.crit
new.crit <- switch(criterion,
coefficients = new.coeffs,
tfun(mu = mu, y = y, w = w,
res = FALSE, eta = eta, extra = extra))
if (trace) {
cat("VGAM ", bf, " loop ", iter, ": ", criterion, "= ")
UUUU <- switch(criterion,
coefficients =
dig = round(1 - log10(epsilon))),
dig = max(4,
round(-0 - log10(epsilon) +
coefficients = {if (length(new.crit) > 2) cat("\n");
cat(UUUU, fill = TRUE, sep = ", ")},
cat(UUUU, fill = TRUE, sep = ", "))
one.more <- eval(control$convergence)
if (!is.logical(one.more))
one.more <- FALSE
if (one.more) {
iter <- iter + 1 <- eval(slot(family, "deriv"))
wz <- eval(slot(family, "weight"))
if (control$checkwz)
wz <- checkwz(wz, M = M, trace = trace,
wzepsilon = control$wzepsilon)
U <- vchol(wz, M = M, n = n, silent = !trace)
tvfor <- vforsub(U, as.matrix(, M = M, n = n)
z <- eta + vbacksub(U, tvfor, M = M, n = n) - offset
} else {
fully.cvged <- if (mgcvvgam) (iter <= 2) else TRUE
old.coeffs <- new.coeffs
} # End of while()
} # End of for()
if (maxit > 1 && iter >= maxit && !control$noWarning)
warning("convergence not obtained in ", maxit, " IRLS iterations")
if (control$Maxit.outer > 1 && iter.outer >= control$Maxit.outer &&
warning("convergence not obtained in ", control$Maxit.outer,
" outer iterations")
dnrow.X.vlm <- labels(
xnrow.X.vlm <- dnrow.X.vlm[[2]]
ynrow.X.vlm <- dnrow.X.vlm[[1]]
if (length(slot(family, "fini1")))
eval(slot(family, "fini1"))
if (M > 1)
fv <- matrix(fv, n, M)
final.coefs <- new.coeffs # Was tfit$coefficients prior to 20160317
asgn <- attr(, "assign")
names(final.coefs) <- xnrow.X.vlm
if (!is.null(tfit$rank)) {
rank <- tfit$rank
} else {
rank <- NCOL(x)
cnames <- xnrow.X.vlm
if (!nonparametric && # The first condition needed for vgam()
check.rank && rank < ncol.X.vlm)
stop("vgam() only handles full-rank models (currently)")
R <- tfit$qr$qr[1:ncol.X.vlm, 1:ncol.X.vlm, drop = FALSE]
R[lower.tri(R)] <- 0
attributes(R) <- list(dim = c(ncol.X.vlm, ncol.X.vlm),
dimnames = list(cnames, cnames), rank = rank)
dim(fv) <- c(n, M)
dn <- labels(x)
yn <- dn[[1]]
xn <- dn[[2]]
wresiduals <- z - fv # Replaced by fv 20160408
if (M == 1) {
fv <- as.vector(fv)
wresiduals <- as.vector(wresiduals)
names(wresiduals) <- names(fv) <- yn
} else {
dimnames(wresiduals) <-
dimnames(fv) <- list(yn, predictors.names)
if (is.matrix(mu)) {
if (length(dimnames(y)[[2]])) {
y.names <- dimnames(y)[[2]]
if (length(dimnames(mu)[[2]])) {
y.names <- dimnames(mu)[[2]]
dimnames(mu) <- list(yn, y.names)
} else {
names(mu) <- names(fv)
tfit$fitted.values <- NULL # Have to kill it off 20011203
fit <- structure(c(tfit,
list(assign = asgn,
constraints = Hlist,
control = control,
fitted.values = mu,
formula = as.vector(attr(Terms, "formula")),
iter = iter,
offset = offset,
rank = rank,
R = R,
terms = Terms)))
if (qr.arg) {
fit$qr <- tfit$qr
dimnames(fit$qr$qr) <- dnrow.X.vlm
if (!mgcvvgam && ! {
fit$varmat <- NULL
if (M == 1) {
wz <- as.vector(wz) # Convert wz into a vector
} # else
fit$weights <- if (save.weights) wz else NULL
NewHlist <- process.constraints(constraints, x, M,
specialCM = specialCM,
by.col = FALSE)
misc <- list(
colnames.x = xn,
colnames.X.vlm = xnrow.X.vlm,
criterion = criterion, =,
intercept.only = intercept.only,
predictors.names = predictors.names,
M = M,
n = n,
new.assign = new.assign(x, NewHlist),
nonparametric = nonparametric,
nrow.X.vlm = nrow.X.vlm,
orig.assign = attr(x, "assign"),
p = ncol(x),
ncol.X.vlm = ncol.X.vlm,
ynames = colnames(y))
if (!mgcvvgam && && length(fit$s.xargument)) {
misc$varassign <- varassign(Hlist, names(fit$s.xargument))
if (nonparametric) {
misc$smooth.labels <- smooth.labels
if (mgcvvgam) {
misc$Xvlm.aug <- Xvlm.aug
misc$sm.osps.list <- sm.osps.list
misc$magicfit <- magicfit
misc$iter.outer <- iter.outer
crit.list <- list()
if (criterion != "coefficients")
crit.list[[criterion]] <- fit[[criterion]] <- new.crit
for (ii in names(.min.criterion.VGAM)) {
if (ii != criterion &&
any(slotNames(family) == ii) &&
length(body(slot(family, ii)))) {
fit[[ii]] <-
crit.list[[ii]] <-
(slot(family, ii))(mu = mu, y = y, w = w, res = FALSE,
eta = eta, extra = extra)
if (w[1] != 1 || any(w != w[1]))
fit$prior.weights <- w
if (length(slot(family, "last")))
eval(slot(family, "last"))
if (!is.null(fit$smomat)) {
fit$nl.chisq <- vgam.nlchisq(fit$qr, fit$resid, wz = wz,
smomat = fit$smomat,
deriv =, U = U,
smooth.labels, attr(x, "assign"),
M = M, n = n, constraints = Hlist)
if (!qr.arg) {
fit$qr <- NULL
fit$misc <- NULL
list(predictors = fv, # tfit$predictors,
contrasts = attr(x, "contrasts"),
control = control,
crit.list = crit.list,
extra = extra,
family = family,
iter = iter,
misc = misc,
post = post,
x = x,
y = y)),
vclass = slot(family, "vfamily"))
} #
new.assign <- function(X, Hlist) {
M <- nrow(Hlist[[1]])
dn <- labels(X)
xn <- dn[[2]]
asgn <- attr(X, "assign")
nasgn <- names(asgn)
lasgn <- unlist(lapply(asgn, length))
ncolHlist <- unlist(lapply(Hlist, ncol))
names(ncolHlist) <- NULL # This is necessary for below to work
temp2 <- vlabel(nasgn, ncolHlist, M)
L <- length(temp2)
newasgn <- vector("list", L)
kk <- 0
low <- 1
for (ii in seq_along(asgn)) {
len <- low:(low + ncolHlist[ii] * lasgn[ii] -1)
temp <- matrix(len, ncolHlist[ii], lasgn[ii])
for (mm in 1:ncolHlist[ii])
newasgn[[kk + mm]] <- temp[mm, ]
low <- low + ncolHlist[ii] * lasgn[ii]
kk <- kk + ncolHlist[ii]
names(newasgn) <- temp2
} # new.assign
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