
Defines functions fix.sunshine exampleFiles dd2m db2dat datsubset dahstat dahgrid sef2climatol climatol2rclimdex rclimdex2climatol daily2climatol csv2climatol xls2csv cerrar

Documented in cerrar climatol2rclimdex csv2climatol dahgrid dahstat daily2climatol datsubset db2dat dd2m exampleFiles fix.sunshine rclimdex2climatol sef2climatol xls2csv

#clihomog.R.- Homogenization functions for the Climatol package.
#Author: Jose A. Guijarro. Licence: GPL >= 3.0

climatol.version <- '4.0.0'
#- cerrar.- Close output files.
cerrar <- function(graphics=TRUE) {
  if(graphics) graphics.off()
  while (sink.number()>0) sink() #close logfile(s)

#- xls2csv.- Dump data from all *.xls* files into a csv file.
xls2csv <- function(tmpdir, archdir, var, datcols=1:4, codesep='-', dec='.',
sep=',') {
#tmpdir: temporal directory containing the files to read
#archdir: directory where to archive files after processing
#var: destination name of the variable
#datcols: data columns to be written to the output file
#codesep: character string separating the code from the rest of the file name ('-' by default)
# dec='.': character to use as decimal point in the output file
# sep=',': character separating data in the output file
  if(tmpdir==archdir) stop('Please, set archdir different from tmpdir')
  if(!requireNamespace("readxl", quietly=TRUE))
    stop('Please, install the package "readxl" and run this function again')    
  fdat <- sprintf('xls_%s_data.csv',var) #name of the data output file
  fsta <- sprintf('xls_%s_stations.csv',var) #name of the stations output file
  Fs <- file(fdat,'a') #open data output file
  Ft <- file(fsta,'a') #open stations output file
  fich <- dir(tmpdir,'*\\.xls*') #files in tmpdir
  nf <- 0 #counter of processed files
  for(f in fich) { #for every file
    if(grepl(codesep,f)) {
      z <- strsplit(f,codesep)
      code <- z[[1]][1] #station code
      name <- z[[1]][2] #(likely) station name
    } else code <- name <- strsplit(f,'\\.')[[1]][1]
    z <- try(d <- as.data.frame(readxl::read_excel(sprintf('%s/%s',tmpdir,f)))[,datcols])
    if(inherits(z,"try-error")) next
    nalines <- apply(is.na(d),1,sum)>0 #lines with one or more missing data
    d <- d[!nalines,]
    d <- sapply (d,as.numeric)
    d <- data.frame(code,d)
    nf <- nf+1 #update no. of processed files
  close(Fs); close(Ft)
  if(nf>0) {
    cat(sprintf('Data from %d %s/*.xls* files have been saved into %s\n',nf,tmpdir,fdat))
    cat(sprintf('Station codes and names have been written to %s\n',fsta))
    cat('   Coordinates and elevations should be added to this file\n')
    cat('   before running csv2climatol().\n')
    cat(sprintf('(Original files have been moved to the %s directory.)\n\n',archdir))
  } else cat(sprintf('No %s/*.xls* files found!\n\n',tmpdir))

#- csv2climatol.- Convert data in a single CSV file to Climatol input format.
#Station codes, names and coordinates can go in a separate CSV file.
csv2climatol <- function(csvfile, datacol=6:8, stnfile=csvfile, stncol=1:5,
varcli, anyi=NA, anyf=NA, mindat=NA, sep=',', dec='.', na.strings='NA',
dateformat='%Y-%m-%d', cf=1, ndec=1, header=TRUE) {
  #csvfile: name of the CSV file containing the data
  #datacol: column(s) holding station codes, dates and data. If 4 (5) values
  #  are provided, dates are expected to appear as year, month (and days) in
  #  separate columns. Otherwise, dates will be provided as character strings
  #  (see parameter dateformat below)
  #stnfile: name of the CSV file containing station codes, names and
  #  coordinates (if these data are not in the csvfile)
  #stncol: columns holding longitudes, latitudes, elevations and station
  #  codes and names. At least coordinates and station codes must be present
  #  in either csvfile or stnfile. Put a zero for any inexistent columns.
  #  Example when stnfile contains only, in this order, latitudes, longitudes
  #  and station names:   stncol=c(2,1,0,3,0)
  #varcli: (short) name of the climatic variable under study
  #anyi: first year to study
  #anyf: last year to study
  #mindat: minimum required number of data per station (by default, 60 monthly
  #  values or 365 daily values)
  #sep: data separator (',' by default: Comma Separated Values)
  #dec: decimal point ('.' by default)
  #na.strings: strings coding missing data ('NA' by default)
  #dateformat: format of dates (if not in separate columns. Default '%Y-%m-%d')
  #cf: conversion factor to apply if data units need to be changed
  #ndec: no. of decimals to round to
  #header: TRUE by default, set to FALSE if csvfile has no header
  #NOTE that if a stnfile is provided, then sep, dec, na.strings and header
  #  defined for csvfile will also be applied to stnfile.
  #----------------- Operation: -----------------------------------
  #read input table:
  d <- read.csv(csvfile,sep=sep,dec=dec,header=header,na.strings=na.strings,as.is=TRUE)
  #find out no. of stations and dates range:
  if(stnfile!=csvfile) stn <- read.csv(stnfile,sep=sep,dec=dec,header=header,
  else stn <- unique(d[,stncol])
  ne <- nrow(stn) #no. of stations
  #if elevations are missing, set them to 99:
  if(stncol[3]==0) stn <- cbind(stn[,1:2],99,stn[,3])
  #if station names are missing, duplicate station codes:
  if(ncol(stn)==4) stn <- cbind(stn,stn[,4])
  stid <- as.character(stn[,4]) #station codes
  dupl <- duplicated(stid)
  if(sum(dupl)>0) { #remove duplicated codes:
    zz <- unique(stn[dupl,4])
    cat('Codes with different names or coordinates:\n')
    cat('Only one version of names and coordinates will be kept!\n')
    moda <- function(x) names(which.max(table(x))) #mode function
    for(qz in zz) {
      kz <- which(stn[,4]==qz)
      for(j in 1:5) stn[kz,j] <- moda(stn[kz,j])
    stn <- unique(stn); stid <- stn[,4] #updated station list and codes
  ne <- length(stid) #no. of stations
  ldc <- length(datacol); jd <- datacol[ldc] #data column
  if(ldc==3) {
    if(!inherits(d[,datacol[2]],'character')) d[,datacol[2]] <- 
    if(grepl('M',dateformat)) fech <- as.POSIXct(d[,datacol[2]],'utc',
    else if(grepl('H',dateformat)) fech <- as.POSIXct(d[,datacol[2]],
    else fech <- as.Date(d[,datacol[2]],dateformat)
  } else if(length(datacol)==4) fech <- as.Date(sprintf('%d-%02d-01',
  else  fech <- as.Date(sprintf('%d-%02d-%02d',d[,datacol[2]],d[,datacol[3]],
  xstep <- min(diff(sort(unique(fech)))) #minimum time interval
  if(xstep==1) { nm <- 0; if(is.na(mindat)) mindat <- 365 } #daily values
  else { nm <- 12; if(is.na(mindat)) mindat <- 60 } #monthly values
  nas <- which(is.na(fech))
  z <- as.integer(strftime(range(fech,na.rm=TRUE),'%Y'))
  if(is.na(anyi)) anyi <- z[1] #initial year of data
  if(is.na(anyf)) anyf <- z[2] #final year of data
  #target dates vector:
  if(nm==0) {
    if(units(xstep)=='days') x <- seq(as.Date(sprintf('%d-01-01',anyi)),
    else x <- seq(as.POSIXct(sprintf('%d-01-01 00:00:00',anyi),'utc'),
      as.POSIXct(sprintf('%d-12-31 23:50:50',anyf),'utc'),
      by=sprintf('%d %s',xstep,units(xstep)))
  } else x <- seq(as.Date(sprintf('%d-01-01',anyi)),
    as.Date(sprintf('%d-12-01',anyf)),'1 month')
  nd <- length(x) #number of dates (=data per station)
  #initialize data matrix:
  dat <- matrix(NA,nd,ne)
  #populate data matrix:
  cat(sprintf('Creating %s input files for Climatol from %s ...\n',
  for(i in 1:ne) { #for every station
    cat(sprintf(' %s',stid[i]))
    sel <- d[,datacol[1]]==stid[i] #select lines of current station
    ds <- d[sel,jd] #data 
    fe <- fech[sel] #dates
    kd <- match(fe,x) #match data dates with the dates vector
    #avoid "NAs are not allowed in subscripted assignments" error:
    z <- is.na(kd); if(sum(z>0)) { ds <- ds[!z]; kd <- kd[!z] }
    dat[kd,i] <- round(ds*cf,ndec)
  #remove stations without mindat data:
  ndat <- apply(!is.na(dat),2,sum)
  sel <- ndat < mindat
  if(sum(sel)==ne) stop('Not enough data in any station. No files created!')
  if(sum(sel)>0) { dat <- dat[,!sel]; stn <- stn[!sel,] }
  #write data file:
  fich <- sprintf('%s_%s-%s.dat',varcli,anyi,anyf)
  cat('\nData saved to file',fich,':\n')
  #write stations file:
  fich <- sprintf('%s_%s-%s.est',varcli,anyi,anyf)
  stn[,1:3] <- sapply(stn[,1:3],as.numeric) #avoid coordinates as characters
  if(length(stncol==5)) {
    cat('\nStation coordinates and names saved to file',fich,':\n')
    names(stn) <- c('X (lon)','Y (lat)','Z (elev)','Code','Name')
  } else {
    cat('\nStation data saved to file',fich,'\n')
    cat('It should have columns: X (lon), Y (lat), Z (elev), Code, Name\n')
    cat('Please, edit the file to add the missing items in that order.\n\n')
  if(length(nas)>0) {
    cat('Skipped data lines because of wrong dates:\n')
    print(d[nas,]); cat('\n')

#- daily2climatol.- Convert daily data files to Climatol input format.
daily2climatol <- function(stfile, stcol=1:6, datcol=1:4, varcli='VRB',
anyi=NA, anyf=NA, mindat=365, sep=',', dec='.', na.strings='NA', header=TRUE) {
#stfile: file with file names and station coordinates, codes and names
#stcol: columns in stfile holding file names, longitudes, latitudes,
#  elevations and station codes and names. (Defaults to 1:6. Use 0 for codes
#  and/or names columns if they are missing, and numeric values will be
#  assigned.)
#datcol: columns in data files holding year,month,day,value (default to 1:4) 
#varcli: short name of the climatic variable under study
#anyi: first year to study (defaults to the first year available in data)
#anyf: last year to study (defaults to the last year available in data)
#mindat: minimum required number of data per station
#sep: Field separator in all files, whether data or stations. (',' by default.)
#dec: decimal point ('.' by default)
#na.strings: strings coding missing data ('NA' by default)
#header: TRUE by default, set to FALSE if files do not have a header
  #read stations file:
  st <- read.table(stfile,as.is=TRUE,sep=sep,dec=dec,header=header)
  ne <- nrow(st) #no. of stations
  if(is.na(anyi) | is.na(anyf)) { #check the time period of the data:
    cat('\nChecking the period covered by the data...\n')
    inidate <- as.Date('3000-12-31'); enddate <- as.Date('0001-01-01')
    for(i in 1:ne) { #for every station
      d <- read.table(st[i,stcol[1]],sep=sep,dec=dec,header=header,na.strings=na.strings)
      dates <- as.Date(sprintf('%d-%02d-%02d',d[,datcol[1]],d[,datcol[2]],d[,datcol[3]]))
      rdates <- range(dates,na.rm=TRUE) #range of dates in the file
      nadates <- is.na(dates)
      if(sum(nadates)>0) {
        cat('Abnormal dates found in file',st[i,stcol[1]],':\n')
      dates[is.na(d[,datcol[4]])] <- NA #remove dates without data
      rdates <- range(dates,na.rm=TRUE) #range of dates with data
      if(rdates[1]<inidate) inidate <- rdates[1]
      if(rdates[2]>enddate) enddate <- rdates[2]
  } else {
    if(anyf<anyi) stop('Set initial year (anyi) lower or equal than final year (anyf)')
    inidate <- as.Date(sprintf('%d-01-01',anyi))
    enddate <- as.Date(sprintf('%d-12-31',anyf))
  dates <- seq(inidate,enddate,by='1 day') #vector of dates
  nd <- length(dates) #number of dates (=data per station)
  cat(sprintf('%d days between %s and %s\n',nd,inidate,enddate))
  dat <- matrix(NA,nd,ne)
  #populate data matrix:
  cat('\nCreating',varcli,'input files for Climatol from daily files...:\n')
  for(i in 1:ne) { #for every station
    cat(sprintf('%3d %s\n',i,st[i,stcol[1]]))
    d <- read.table(st[i,stcol[1]],sep=sep,dec=dec,header=header,na.strings=na.strings)
    ddates <- as.Date(sprintf('%d-%02d-%02d',d[,datcol[1]],d[,datcol[2]],d[,datcol[3]]))
    kd <- match(ddates,dates) #match data dates with the dates vector
    #avoid "NAs are not allowed in subscripted assignments" error:
    if(sum(is.na(kd))>0) { d <- d[!is.na(kd),]; kd <- kd[!is.na(kd)] }
    ddat <- d[,datcol[4]]
    dat[kd,i] <- ddat
# dat[dat==mis] <- NA #use R missing data code
  #remove stations without mindat data:
  ndat <- apply(!is.na(dat),2,sum)
  sel <- ndat < mindat
  if(sum(sel)>0) { 
    cat('\nStations with less than',mindat,'data: ',which(sel),'\n')
    if(sum(sel)==ne) stop('No station has enough data!')
    dat <- dat[,!sel]; st <- st[!sel,]; ne <- nrow(st) }
  #write data file:
  anyi <- format(inidate,'%Y'); anyf <- format(enddate,'%Y')
  fich <- sprintf('%s_%s-%s.dat',varcli,anyi,anyf)
  cat('\nData saved to file',fich,':\n')
  #write stations file:
  nc <- ncol(st)
  #assign numeric codes and names if not provided:
  if(stcol[5]==0)  cod <- as.character(1:ne) else cod <- st[,stcol[5]]
  if(stcol[6]==0)  nam <- as.character(1:ne) else nam <- st[,stcol[6]]
  st <- cbind(st[,stcol[2:4]],cod,nam)
  fich <- sprintf('%s_%s-%s.est',varcli,anyi,anyf)
  cat('\nStation coordinates and names saved to file',fich,':\n')
  names(st) <- c('X (lon)','Y (lat)','Z (elev)','Code','Name')

#- rclimdex2climatol.- Convert RClimDex daily data files to Climatol format.
rclimdex2climatol <- function(stfile, kvar, chrcod=c(6,10), varcli='',
sep='\t', anyi=NA, anyf=NA, mis=-99.9, mindat=365, header=TRUE) {
#stfile: file with the data file names and station coordinates (HOMER format:
#   'dataFile latDeg latMin latSec lonDeg lonMin lonSec elev stationName')
#sep: column separator (tab by default)
#kvar: RClimDex variable to extract: 1(RR), 2(TX), 3(TN)
#chrcod: initial and final characters of data file names to use as codes
#anyi: initial year to study (defaults to the first year available in data)
#anyf: final year to study (defaults to the last year available in data)
#mindat: minimum number of data per station
  if(varcli=='') varcli=c('RR','TX','TN')[kvar] #(short) name of the variable
  cat('\nCreating',varcli,'Climatol input files from RClimDex files...:\n\n')
  st <- read.table(stfile,sep=sep,as.is=TRUE,header=header) #stations
  ne <- nrow(st)
  if(is.na(anyi) | is.na(anyf)) { #check the time period of the data:
    inidate <- as.Date('3000-12-31'); enddate <- as.Date('0001-01-01')
    for(i in 1:ne) { #for every station
      d <- read.table(st[i,1],header=header)
      dates <- as.Date(sprintf('%d-%02d-%02d',d[,1],d[,2],d[,3]))
      rdates <- range(dates,na.rm=TRUE) #range of dates with data
      nadates <- is.na(dates)
      if(sum(nadates)>0) {
        cat('Abnormal dates found in file',st[i,1],':\n')
      if(rdates[1]<inidate) inidate <- rdates[1]
      if(rdates[2]>enddate) enddate <- rdates[2]
  }else {
    if(anyf<anyi) stop('Set initial year (anyi) lower or equal than final year (anyf)')
    inidate <- as.Date(sprintf('%d-01-01',anyi))
    enddate <- as.Date(sprintf('%d-12-31',anyf))
  dates <- seq(inidate,enddate,by='1 day') #vector of dates
  nd <- length(dates) #number of dates (=data per station)
  dat <- matrix(NA,nd,ne)
  #populate data matrix:
  for(i in 1:ne) { #for every station
    d <- read.table(st[i,1],header=header) #data
    ddates <- as.Date(sprintf('%d-%02d-%02d',d[,1],d[,2],d[,3]))
    kd <- match(ddates,dates) #match data dates with the dates vector
    #avoid "NAs are not allowed in subscripted assignments" error:
    if(sum(is.na(kd))>0) { d <- d[!is.na(kd),]; kd <- kd[!is.na(kd)] }
    ddat <- d[,kvar+3]
    dat[kd,i] <- ddat
  dat[dat==mis] <- NA #use R missing data code
  #remove stations without mindat data:
  ndat <- apply(!is.na(dat),2,sum)
  sel <- ndat < mindat
  if(sum(sel)>0) { dat <- dat[,!sel]; st <- st[!sel,] }
  #write data file:
  anyi <- format(inidate,'%Y'); anyf <- format(enddate,'%Y')
  fich <- sprintf('%s_%s-%s.dat',varcli,anyi,anyf)
  cat('\nData from',format(inidate),'to',format(enddate),'saved to file',fich,'\n')
  #find longest period without concurrent missing data in all stations:
  if(sum(!avd)>0) {
    cat('The longest period without concurrent missing data in all stations\n')
    cat('  goes from',format(dates[ki]),'to',format(dates[kf]),'\n')
  #write stations file:
  neg <- st[,5]<0; st[neg,5] <- -st[neg,5]
  X <- round(st[,5]+st[,6]/60.+st[,7]/3600.,6)
  X[neg] <- -X[neg]
  neg <- st[,2]<0; st[neg,2] <- -st[neg,2]
  Y <- round(st[,2]+st[,3]/60.+st[,4]/3600.,6)
  Y[neg] <- -Y[neg]
  cod <- substr(st[,1],chrcod[1],chrcod[2])
  if(ncol(st)>8) df <- data.frame(X,Y,st[,8],cod,st[,9])
  else df <- data.frame(X,Y,st[,8],cod,cod)
  fich <- sprintf('%s_%s-%s.est',varcli,anyi,anyf)
  cat('Station coordinates and names saved to file',fich,'\n\n')

#- climatol2rclimdex.- Convert DAILY data from Climatol to RClimDex.
climatol2rclimdex <- function(varRR, varTX, varTN, yiRR, yfRR, yiTX=yiRR,
yfTX=yfRR, yiTN=yiRR, yfTN=yfRR, header=TRUE, prefix='hoclm', dir=NA,
na='-99.9') {
#varRR, varTX, varTN: Name of the variables in the climatol files. If some
#  variable is not available, name it as ''.
#yiRR, yfRR: Initial and final years of the homogenized RR series.
#yiTX, yfTX, yiTN, yfTN: Initial and final years of the TX and TN series.
#  The same as yiRR and yfRR by default.
#header: include a header in the files? (TRUE by default)
#prefix: prefix to prepend to station codes to name the output RClimDex files.
#dir: Destination directory of the output RClimDex files.
#na: Missing data code to use in the output RClimDex files.
  nm <- x <- dah <- nei <- est.c <- NULL #(avoid invisible bidings)
  anyi <- max(c(yiRR,yiTX,yiTN)) #initial year of the output
  anyf <- min(c(yfRR,yfTX,yfTN)) #final year of the output
  if(!is.na(dir)) if(!dir.exists(dir)) dir.create(dir) #output directory
  fech <- seq(as.Date(sprintf('%s-01-01',anyi)),as.Date(sprintf('%s-12-31',anyf)),by='1 day')
  ndd <- length(fech) #no. of daily data per station
  avl <- rep(FALSE,3) #availability flags
  cod <- NULL
  #-------- read results for the three daily variables (if available):
  if(varRR != '') {
    if(nm>0) stop(sprintf('Data in %s_%d-%d.rda does not seem to be DAILY!',
    self <- match(fech,x) #selected days
    dRR <- dah[self,1:nei] #selected data (from last homogeneous fragments)
    sRR <- est.c[1:nei,4] #selected stations
    if(length(sRR)>0) { avl[1] <- TRUE; cod <- sRR }
  #maximum temperatures:
  if(varTX != '') {
    if(nm>0) stop(sprintf('Data in %s_%d-%d.rda does not seem to be DAILY!',
    self <- match(fech,x) #selected days
    dTX <- dah[self,1:nei] #selected data (from last homogeneous fragments)
    sTX <- est.c[1:nei,4] #selected stations
    if(length(sTX)>0) { 
      avl[2] <- TRUE
      if(is.null(cod)) cod <- sTX else cod <- intersect(cod,sTX)
  #minimum temperatures:
  if(varTN != '') {
    if(nm>0) stop(sprintf('Data in %s_%d-%d.rda does not seem to be DAILY!',
    self <- match(fech,x) #selected days
    dTN <- dah[self,1:nei] #selected data (from last homogeneous fragments)
    sTN <- unsufix(est.c[1:nei,4]) #selected stations
    if(length(sTN)>0) { 
      avl[3] <- TRUE
      if(is.null(cod)) cod <- sTN else cod <- intersect(cod,sTN)
  #-------- sort common station codes for the available variables:
  cod <- sort(cod)
  #-------- write RClimDex files (one per station):
  ne <- length(cod) #no. of stations
  cat(sprintf('\nCreating %d RClimDex files from Climatol homogenizations for %d-%d ...:\n\n',ne,anyi,anyf))
  for(i in 1:ne) { #for every station
    if(is.na(dir)) stfile <- sprintf('%s%s.txt',prefix,cod[i])
    else stfile <- sprintf('%s/%s%s.txt',dir,prefix,cod[i])
    cat(' ',stfile)
    dat <- matrix(NA,ndd,3)
    if(avl[1]) dat[,1] <- dRR[,which(sRR==cod[i])]
    if(avl[2]) dat[,2] <- dTX[,which(sTX==cod[i])]
    if(avl[3]) dat[,3] <- dTN[,which(sTN==cod[i])]
    #exchange TX with TN when TX<TN:
    k <- which(dat[,2]<dat[,3])
    if(length(k)>0) {
      z <- dat[k,2]; dat[k,2] <- dat[k,3]; dat[k,3] <- z
      cat(sprintf('      %d days with TX < TN fixed\n',length(k)))
    } else cat('\n')
    #write the RClimDex file:
    df <- data.frame(format(fech,'%Y'),format(fech,'%m'),format(fech,'%d'),dat)
    names(df) <- c('Year','Month','Day','RR','TX','TN')
  df <- data.frame(est.c[kest,c(4,5,2,1,3)],'XX')
  cat('Stations file "hoclm_stations.txt" has been saved.\n')

#- sef2climatol.- Convert SEF data files to CLIMATOL input files.
#SEF stands for Station Exchange Format. Visit:
#       https://datarescue.climate.copernicus.eu/node/80
#Missing elevations will be assigned the value 99
sef2climatol <- function(dr, Vbl, varcli=Vbl, ndec=1, na.strings="NA",
mindat=NA) {
  #dr: directory containing the SEF files
  #Vbl: name of the variable in the SEF files
  #varcli: name of the variable in the Climatol destination files
  #ndec: number of decimals to save
  #na.strings: missing data codes (specified as quoted strings)
  #mindat: minimum required number of data per station
  Fs <- file('SEFdata.csv','w') #open auxiliary file
  for(fich in dir(dr)) { #for every file in directory dr
    Fe <- file(sprintf('%s/%s',dr,fich),'r') #open for reading
    li <- readLines(Fe,1)
    if(substr(li,1,3)!='SEF') { cat(':  Not a SEF file'); next }
    li <- readLines(Fe,1)
    cod <- unlist(strsplit(li,'\t'))[2] #station code
    li <- readLines(Fe,1)
    nom <- unlist(strsplit(li,'\t'))[2] #station name
    li <- readLines(Fe,1)
    Y <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(li,'\t'))[2]) #Y (longitude)
    li <- readLines(Fe,1)
    X <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(li,'\t'))[2]) #X (latitude)
    li <- readLines(Fe,1)
    Z <- unlist(strsplit(li,'\t'))[2]
    if(is.na(Z)|Z==na.strings) Z <- 99 else  Z <- as.numeric(Z) #Z (elevation)
    li <- readLines(Fe,3)
    vrb <- unlist(strsplit(li[3],'\t'))[2] #Vbl
    if(vrb!=Vbl) { cat(':  Not variable',Vbl); next }
    li <- readLines(Fe,3)
    #read data table: (Some files may contain metadata like |DSFLAG="|, which
    #causes not reading the end of line until a pairing quoting is found in
    #the next line, hence skipping half of the data. Parameter quote='\\' 
    #has been set as a workaround.)
    d <- read.table(Fe,sep='\t',na.strings=na.strings,quote='\\',header=TRUE)
    nas <- is.na(d[,3])
    if(sum(nas)>0) d[nas,3] <- '01' #monthly values

#- dahgrid.- Obtain grids of homogenized data.
dahgrid <- function(varcli, anyi, anyf, anyip=anyi, anyfp=anyf, grid, idp=2.0,
obsonly=TRUE, nmax=Inf) {
#anyip: first reference year for anomalies calculation.
#anyfp: final reference year for anomalies calculation.
#grid: base grid for interpolation, of class SpatialPoints.
#idp: Power of the inverse distance weights (2 by default).
#obsonly: Do not interpolate missing data estimated by homogen().
#nmax: Maximum number of nearest stations to use (all by default).
  nei <- nd <- nm <- std <- est.c <- dat <- NULL #(avoid invisible bidings)
  if(!requireNamespace("sp", quietly=TRUE)
   | !requireNamespace("gstat", quietly=TRUE)
   | !requireNamespace("raster", quietly=TRUE)
   | !requireNamespace("ncdf4", quietly=TRUE)
  ) stop('This function requires packages sp, gstat, raster and ncdf4.\nPlease, install the lacking packages and re-run the function')
  if(anyip<anyi) stop("Asked initial reference year before first year of data!")
  if(anyfp>anyf) stop("Asked final reference year beyond last year of data!")
  #- read original and homogenized data
  fbas <- sprintf('%s_%d-%d',varcli,anyi,anyf) #base file name
  #- select series from the last fragments
  dah <- dah[,1:nei]
  #- calculate their means and standard deviations in the chosen period
  if(anyip==anyi & anyfp==anyf) { ki <- 1; kf <- nd } #initial and final pos.
  else if(nm==0) { #daily data
    ki <- which(x==as.Date(sprintf('%d-01-01',anyip)))
    kf <- which(x==as.Date(sprintf('%d-12-31',anyfp)))
  } else { ki <- (anyip-anyi)*nm+1; kf <- ki+(anyfp-anyip+1)*nm-1 }
  m <- apply(dah[ki:kf,],2,mean)
  if(std>2) s <- apply(dah[ki:kf,],2,sd)
  #- save the statistics with coordinates to allow their use with a GIS
  if(std<3) {
    df <- data.frame(est.c[1:nei,1:4],m)
    names(df) <- c('X','Y','Z','Code','Mean')
  } else {
    df <- data.frame(est.c[1:nei,1:4],m,s)
    names(df) <- c('X','Y','Z','Code','Mean','Std.Dev.')
  fmeans <- sprintf('%s_msd.csv',fbas)
  #- normalize the series
    daz <- scale(dah,center=m,scale=FALSE), #std=1
    daz <- scale(dah,center=FALSE,scale=m),
    daz <- scale(dah,center=m,scale=s) #std=3 (default)
  #- if(obsonly), blank data missing in the original series
  if(obsonly) daz[is.na(dat)] <- NA
  rg <- range(daz,na.rm=TRUE)
  #- interpolate means (and std. dev.), and save them in NetCDF
  df <- data.frame(est.c[1:nei,1:2],m)
  names(df) <- c('x','y','z')
  sp::coordinates(df) <- ~ x+y
  m <- gstat::idw(z~1,df,grid,nmax=nmax,idp=idp,debug.level=0) #means
  dimLon <- ncdf4::ncdim_def(name='lon', units='degrees_east', vals=unique(grid@coords[,1]))
  dimLat <- ncdf4::ncdim_def(name='lat', units='degrees_north', vals=rev(unique(grid@coords[,2])))
  varCli.m <- ncdf4::ncvar_def(name=sprintf('%s.m',varcli), units='', dim=list(dimLon,
    dimLat), missval=NA, longname=sprintf('%s %d-%d means',varcli,anyip,anyfp))
  listvar <- list(varCli.m)
  nc <- ncdf4::nc_create(sprintf('%s_m.nc',fbas), listvar) #open netCDF file
  zz <- raster::rasterFromXYZ(m)
  if(std>2) {
    df <- data.frame(est.c[1:nei,1:2],s)
    names(df) <- c('x','y','z')
    sp::coordinates(df) <- ~x+y
    s <- gstat::idw(z~1,df,grid,nmax=nmax,idp=idp,debug.level=0) #std interp.
    varCli.s <- ncdf4::ncvar_def(name=sprintf('%s.s',varcli), units='',
      dim=list(dimLon, dimLat), missval=NA,
      longname=sprintf('%s %d-%d std. deviations',varcli,anyip,anyfp))
    listvar <- list(varCli.s)
    nc <- ncdf4::nc_create(sprintf('%s_s.nc',fbas), listvar) #open netCDF file
  #- === create a netCDF with grids interpolated at every time step
  if(is.na(ini)) ini <- sprintf('%d-01-01',anyi) #default initial date
  if(nm>0) x <- seq(as.Date(ini),length.out=nd,by=sprintf('%d months',12/nm))
  else x <- seq(as.Date(ini),length.out=nd,by='1 day')
  dimTime <- ncdf4::ncdim_def(name='Date', units='days since 1970-01-01',
    vals=as.numeric(x), calendar='standard')
  varCli <- ncdf4::ncvar_def(name=varcli, units='', dim=list(dimLon, dimLat,
    dimTime), missval=NA)
  listvar <- list(varCli)
  nc <- ncdf4::nc_create(sprintf('%s.nc',fbas), listvar) #open netCDF file
  #- for every time step:
  cat(sprintf('Interpolating %d grids...:      ',nd))
  kz <- max(10,round(nd/100))
  for(k in 1:nd) {
    if(!k%%kz) cat('\b\b\b\b\b',sprintf('%2s %%',round(k*100/nd)))
    #- interpolate (IDW) the normalized variable estandarizada at grid points
    df <- data.frame(est.c[1:nei,1:2],daz[k,])
    if(obsonly) df <- df[!is.na(df[,3]),]
    names(df) <- c('x','y','z')
    sp::coordinates(df) <- ~x+y
    z <- gstat::idw(z~1,df,grid,nmax=nmax,idp=idp,debug.level=0) #std interp.
    #from SpatialPointsDataFrame to RasterLayer:
    #- save values in the netCDF
  cat(' (done)\n\n')
  #- close the netCDF file and finish
  cat(sprintf('Normalized grids (%f to %f) saved to file %s.nc',rg[1],rg[2],fbas),'\n')
  if(std>2) cat(' and standard deviations')
  cat(' (of the whole series) saved to files\n')
  if(std>2) cat(',',sprintf('%s_s.nc',fbas))
  cat(' and',fmeans,'\n\n')

#- dahstat.- Extract series or statistics of the homogenized data.
dahstat <- function(varcli, anyi, anyf, anyip=anyi, anyfp=anyf, stat="me",
ndc=NA, vala=2, valm=vala, cod=NULL, prob=.5, all=FALSE, long=FALSE,
relref=FALSE, pernyr=10, estcol=c(1,2,4), sep=',', dec='.') {
# varcli: (Short) name of the homogenized climatic variable
# anyi: First year of the homogenized series
# anyf: Last year of the homogenized series
# anyip: First year for the statistical calculation
# anyfp: Last year for the statistical calculation
# stat: Statistic to calculate (one of "me"(means), "mdn"(medians), "max"(maxima), "min"(minima), "std"(standard deviations), "q"(quantiles), "tnd"(OLS trends and their p-values), "series"(none, just save homogenized series into a CSV file, plus another file with flags)
# ndc: No. of decimals (defaults to that used in the homogenization)
# vala: Annual value: 0(none), 1(sum), 2(mean), 3(maximum), 4(minimum)
# valm: Monthly value: 1(sum), 2(mean), 3(maximum), 4(minimum)
# cod: vector of requested station codes (all by default)
# prob: Probability to calculate quantiles (0.5 by default)
# all: If TRUE, all reconstructed series will be used. The default is FALSE, hence using only the series reconstructed from the last homogeneuos subperiod
# long: If TRUE (the default is FALSE), only series reconstructed from the longest homogeneuos subperiod will be used
# relref: Set to TRUE to use also any added reliable reference series
# pernyr: No. of years on which to express trend units (10 by default)
# estcol: Columns of est.c to include in the output tables (defaults to c(1,2,4): coordinates and station codes)
# sep: Field separator (',' by default)
# dec: Decimal point ('.' by default)
  #- inicializaciones
  if(valm==0) valm <- 2 #valm is needed for monthly aggregates
  na <- anyf-anyi+1 #no. of years
  if(anyi>anyf) stop ('First year of data greater than the last year!')
  if(anyip<anyi) stop("Asked initial year before first year of data!")
  if(anyfp>anyf) stop("Asked final year beyond last year of data!")
  #chosen function to calculate monthly aggregates:
  fun <- c("mean","median","max","min","sd","quantile")[which(c("me","mdn",
  lmcoef <- function(y,x) coef(summary(lm(y~x)))[2,c(1,4)] #regression coef.
  #- unrecognized stat option? finish
  if(!length(fun) & stat!='series') {
    cat('stat should be one of "mean","median","max","min","sd","quantile"\n')
    stop(sprintf("Option stat='%s' not recognized!",stat))
  if(stat=='q') {
    if(length(prob)>1) stop('Please, provide a unique probability to calculate quantiles')
    if(prob<0 | prob>1) stop('prob must be a value between 0 and 1')
  mes3 <- c("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct",
  #- read input data
if(!is.na(ndc)) ndec <- ndc
  codo <- unsufix(est.c$Code) #original station codes of all series
  estvar <- names(est.c)
  if(nm==1 | stat=='series') vala <- 0 #annual value not needed
  else {
    if(nm==0) {
      z <- seq(as.Date(sprintf('%s-01-01',anyi)),as.Date(sprintf('%s-12-31',anyf)),1)
      if(length(z)!=nd) stop('Statistics need complete years to be calculated')
    if(vala<1 | vala>4) vala <- 2 #if vala out of range, set it to mean
    funa <- c("sum","mean","max","min")[vala] #function for the annual value
  #- locate data of the requested period:
  if(anyip!=anyi | anyfp!=anyf) {
    yy <- as.integer(strftime(x,'%Y'))
    xk <- min(which(yy==anyip)):max(which(yy==anyfp))
  } else xk <- 1:nd
  #- select requested stations:
  esel <- rep(TRUE,ne)
  if(!is.null(cod)) {
    ksel <- which(codo %in% cod) #requested stations
    esel[-ksel] <- FALSE
  } else cod <- est.c[1:nei,4]
  if(!all & ne>nei) esel[(nei+1):ne] <- FALSE #last fragments only
  else if(long) {
    lsel <- rep(TRUE,length(esel)) #initialize vector
    for(ko in 1:nei) { #for every original station
      kest <- which(codo==est.c$Code[ko]) #series of the same station ko
      if(length(kest)>1) { #if more than one fragment...
        ksel <- which.max(est.c$pod[kest]) #highest % of data
        lsel[kest[-ksel]] <- FALSE #chosen selection
    esel <- esel & lsel
  #delete trusted reference series:
  if(!relref) esel <- esel & substr(est.c$Code,1,1)!='*'
  if(sum(esel)==0) stop("No station selected! (No output)")
  codo <- codo[esel] #original station codes
  est.c <- est.c[esel,] #selected stations
  #- select data from chosen period and estations
  dah <- dah[xk,esel]; dat <- dat[xk,esel[1:nei]] #selected data
  #update parameters:
  x <- x[xk]; ne <- sum(esel); nei <- length(cod); nd <- length(x)
  na <- anyfp-anyip+1 #no. of years
  iest <- match(codo,cod) #index of original stations
  #- if(stat=="series"), list series and flags in CSV format
  if(stat=='series') { #series, in two files (data and flags):
    #compare homogenized and original data (avoid '=='!):
    df <- abs(dah-dat[,iest]) < 1e-9
    df <- as.numeric(df) #TRUE=1, FALSE=0
    df[df==0] <- 2 #data different to the originals
    df[df==1] <- 0 #data equal to the originals
    df[is.na(df)] <- 1 #filled data (originally missing)
    dim(df) <- dim(dah)
    #name of output files:
    ard <- sprintf('%s_%d-%d_series.csv',varcli,anyi,anyf)
    arf <- sprintf('%s_%d-%d_flags.csv',varcli,anyi,anyf)
    dah <- data.frame(cbind(format(x),dah[,order(iest)]))
    df  <- data.frame(cbind(format(x),df[,order(iest)]))
    colnames(dah) <- colnames(df) <- c('Date',est.c[order(iest),4])
    cat(sprintf('Homogenized values written to %s,\nwith flags in %s:\n',ard,arf))
    cat('  0: Observed data\n')
    cat('  1: Missing data (filled in)\n')
    cat('  2: Corrected data\n')
  #- if(nm==0) calculate monthly aggregates:
  if(nm==0) {
    cat('Computing monthly aggregates... ')
    me <- strftime(x,"%m"); anyo <- strftime(x,"%Y")
    dm <- matrix(NA,na*12,ne) #monthly data
    funm <- c("sum","mean","max","min")[valm] #function for the monthly values
    for(ie in 1:ne) {
      z <- aggregate(dah[,ie],list(me,anyo),funm)
      dm[,ie] <- round(z[,3],ndec)
    nm=12; dah <- dm
  dim(dah) <- c(nm,na,ne)
  #- if(vala), calculate annual values
  if(nm>1) { #calculate annual values
    aval <- as.vector(apply(dah,2:3,funa))
    dim(dah) <- c(nm,na*ne)
    dah <- rbind(dah,aval)
    nc <- nm+1 #no. of columns in the table
    dim(dah) <- c(nc,na,ne)
  } else nc <- 1
  #initialize matrix:
  val <- matrix(NA,ne,nc)
  #- if(stat=="tnd"), calculate trends
  if(stat=="tnd") {
    ndec <- ndec+1 #add a decimal place for trends
    pval <- val #matrix to allocate p-values
    if(ne==1) {
      z <- apply(dah,1,lmcoef,x=anyip:anyfp)
      val <- t(as.data.frame(round(z[1,]*pernyr,ndec)))
      pval <- t(as.data.frame(round(z[2,],3)))
    } else {
      z <- apply(dah,c(3,1),lmcoef,x=anyip:anyfp)
      val <- round(z[1,,]*pernyr,ndec)
      pval <- round(z[2,,],3)
  #- else, apply the requested function
  else {
    for(i in 1:ne) {
      if(nc==1) {
        if(stat=="q") val[i,] <- round(eval(call(fun,dah,prob)),ndec)
        else val[i,] <- round(eval(call(fun,dah[,,i])),ndec)
      else { #monthly, bimonthly, quarterly or semester data:
        if(stat=="q") val[i,] <- round(apply(dah[,,i],1,fun,prob),ndec)
        else val[i,] <- round(apply(dah[,,i],1,fun),ndec)
  #- issue message on the output files
  if(stat=="me") cat("Mean")
  else if(stat=="mdn") cat("Median")
  else if(stat=="max") cat("Maximum")
  else if(stat=="min") cat("Minimum")
  else if(stat=="std") cat("Standard deviation")
  else if(stat=="q") cat(prob,"prob. quantile")
  else if(stat=="tnd") cat("Trend")
  cat(" values of ",varcli," (",anyip,"-",anyfp,")",sep="")
  if(stat=="tnd") cat(", expressed in units per ",pernyr," years,",sep="")
  dahs <- data.frame(cbind(est.c[,estcol],val))
  if(nm==12) ndf <- c(estvar[estcol],mes3,"Annual")
  else if(nm==6) ndf <- c(estvar[estcol],sprintf('Bim%d',1:6),"Annual")
  else if(nm==4) ndf <- c(estvar[estcol],sprintf('Qrt%d',1:4),"Annual")
  else if(nm==3) ndf <- c(estvar[estcol],sprintf('4mn%d',1:3),"Annual")
  else if(nm==2) ndf <- c(estvar[estcol],sprintf('Sem%d',1:2),"Annual")
  else if(nm==1) ndf <- c(estvar[estcol],"Annual")
  else stop('Number of data per year is none of 1,2,3,4,6,12')
  names(dahs) <- ndf
  #- save values in output files
  #output file:
  if(stat=="q") ars <- sprintf('%s_%d-%d_%s%d.csv',varcli,anyip,anyfp,stat,round(100*prob))
  else ars <- sprintf('%s_%d-%d_%s.csv',varcli,anyip,anyfp,stat)
  cat("\n  written to",ars,"\n")
  if(stat=="tnd") { #save p-values
    dahs2 <- data.frame(cbind(est.c[estcol],pval))
    names(dahs2) <- ndf
    ars <- sprintf('%s_%d-%d_pval.csv',varcli,anyip,anyfp)
    cat("P-values written to",ars,"\n")

#- datsubset.- Subset data by subperiod, code list or no. of years with data.
datsubset <- function(varcli, anyi, anyf, anyis=anyi, anyfs=anyf, minny=NA, 
codes=NULL, na.strings=NA,  ini=NA) {
#varcli: (short) name of the climatic variable
#anyi, anyf: first and last year of the input data file
#anyis, anyfs: first and last year for data subsetting
#ninny: minimum number of years with data to subset
#codes: vector of chosen station codes. (Defaults to NULL, meaning all)
#na.strings: strings marking missing data (NA by default)
#ini:initial date (if not January 1st)
  if(anyis==anyi & anyfs==anyf & is.na(minny) & is.null(codes))
    stop('No subsetting required!\n')
  if(anyis<anyi) stop("Asked initial selected year before first year of data!")
  if(anyfs>anyf) stop("Asked final selected year beyond last year of data!")
  #- read input data
  z <- read.dat(varcli,anyi,anyf,ini=ini,na.strings=na.strings)
  est.c <- z$est.c; dat <- z$dat; na <- z$na; nd <- z$nd; ne <- z$ne; x <- z$x
  nm <- z$nm; rm(z) #free memory
  nas <- anyfs-anyis+1 #no. of years in selected subperiod
  fbas <- sprintf('%s_%d-%d',varcli,anyi,anyf) #base file name
  fbas2 <- sprintf('%s_%d-%d',varcli,anyis,anyfs) #base output file name
  if(fbas==fbas2) { #rename input data to avoid overwriting:
    cat(sprintf('Original files renamed to %s-ori.dat and %s-ori.est\n',fbas,fbas))
  #subset a subperiod of data? :
  if(nas < na) {
    xa <- strftime(x,"%Y") #years of every data
    sel <- xa>=anyis & xa<=anyfs
    dat <- dat[sel,]
  #subset series with at least minny years with data? :
  if(!is.na(minny)) {
    #minny must be an integer equal or greater than 1:
    if(minny!=round(minny)) minny <- round(minny); if(minny<1) minny <- 1
    nad <- apply(!is.na(dat),2,sum) #no. of available data per station
    if(nm>0) nyd <- nad/nm else nyd <- floor(nad/365.25)#no. of years w data
    sel <- nyd >= minny; nes <- sum(sel) #no. of selected stations
    if(nes==0) stop(sprintf('No series has >=%d years of data',minny))
    if(nes < ne) { dat <- dat[,sel]; est.c <- est.c[sel,] }
  #subset series of selected stations? :
  if(!is.null(codes)) {
    ke <- match(codes,est.c[,4]); ke <- ke[!is.na(ke)]
    if(length(ke)==0) stop('Selected codes does not meet the other requirements')
    dat <- dat[,ke]; est.c <- est.c[ke,]
  #write output files:
  if(nm>0) ncl <- nm else ncl <- 10
  cat(sprintf('Subset data written to files %s.dat and %s.est\n',fbas2,fbas2))

#- db2dat.- Get data from a database and build input files *.dat and *.est for
#  the homogen() function. (ODBC must be intalled and properly configured.)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#Example for a database called "climate", with user "USER" and password "PASS":
# R  #start R (version 3 or higher)
# library(RODBC)
# ch <- odbcConnect("climate",uid="USER",pwd="PASS") #connect to database
# db2dat('HRel',1961,2015,10,FALSE,ch,'%Y-%m-%d','monthly_relhum','Station',
# 'Date','Value','stations','Station','Name','Longitude','Latitude','Elevation')
# odbcClose(ch) #close connection to mcheng
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# This example will compile monthly average relative humidity for the period
# 1961-2015 excluding series with less than 10 years of data (120 monthly data)
# in files HRel_1961-2015.dat and HRel_1961-2015.est, which you can
# homogenize later with the Climatol R package with, e.g.:
# library(climatol)
# homogen('HRel',1961,2015,vmin=0,vmax=100)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
db2dat <- function(varcli, anyi, anyf, minny=5, daily=TRUE,ch,
dformat='%Y-%m-%d', vtable, vcode, vdate, vval, stable, scode, sname, sx, sy,
sz) {
  #varcli: Short name of the climatic variable under study
  #anyi:   Fist year of the study period
  #anyf:   Last year of the study period
  #minny:  Minimum number of years with data in the series to study
  #ch:     Name of the ODBC conexion to the database
  #dformat:Format of dates in the database
  #vtable: Name of the table containing our climatic variable
  #vcode:  Name of the variable containing station codes in the database
  #vdate:  Name of the variable containing dates in the database
  #vval:   Name of the climatic variable in the database
  #stable: Name of the table containing station information (metadata)
  #scode:  Name of the variable containing station codes
  #sname:  Name of the variable containing station names
  #sx:     Name of the variable containing longitudes (degrees with decimals!)
  #sy:     Name of the variable containing latitudes (degrees with decimals!)
  #sz:     Name of the variable containing elevations (meters)
  #- initializations
  na <- anyf-anyi+1 #no. of years
  if(na<=0) stop('Last year must be greater than the first year')
  fini <- sprintf('%d-01-01',anyi)
  if(daily) {
    x <- seq(as.Date(sprintf('%d-01-01',anyi)),as.Date(sprintf('%d-12-31',anyf)),by='1 day')
    ndmin <- round(minny*365.25) #min. no. of daily data
    ffin <- sprintf('%d-12-31',anyf)
  } else {
    x <- seq(as.Date(sprintf('%d-01-01',anyi)),as.Date(sprintf('%d-12-01',anyf)),by='1 month')
    ndmin <- minny*12 #min. no. of monthly data
    ffin <- sprintf('%d-12-01',anyf)
  nd <- length(x) #no. of data per station
  #- read station names and coordinates
  cat('Getting station names and coordinates...\n')
  ds <- RODBC::sqlQuery(ch,sprintf("SELECT %s, %s, %s, %s, %s FROM %s", sx,sy,sz,scode,sname,stable,scode))
  ds[,1:2] <- round(ds[,1:2],5) #round coordinates to 5 decimals
  ds[,3] <- round(ds[,3],1) #round elevations to 1 decimal
  ds[,4] <- as.character(ds[,4]) #force codes as character strings
  ds[,5] <- as.character(ds[,5]) #force names as character strings
  ds <- ds[order(ds[,4]),] #order stations by code
  ns <- nrow(ds); ndat <- rep(0,nd)
  #- open data and stations files
  dfile <- sprintf('%s_%d-%d.dat',varcli,anyi,anyf)
  efile <- sprintf('%s_%d-%d.est',varcli,anyi,anyf)
  Fd <- file(dfile,'w')
  Fe <- file(efile,'w')
  #- get data from the ODBC connection, station by station
  cat('Getting data for every station...\n')
  ne <- 0
  for(i in 1:ns) { #for every station
    if(sum(is.na(ds[i,]))>0) {
      cat('Warning: Incomplete metadata (station skipped)\n')
    dd <- RODBC::sqlQuery(ch,sprintf("SELECT %s,%s FROM %s WHERE %s >= '%s' AND %s <= '%s' AND %s = '%s'",vdate,vval,vtable,vdate,fini,vdate,ffin,vcode,ds[i,4]))
    if(is.null(dim(dd))) next #no data for the variable at this station
    if(sum(!is.na(dd[,2])) < ndmin) next #not enough data
    dd[,1] <- as.Date(dd[,1],format=dformat,tz='') #force vdate to class Date
    k <- match(dd[,1],x) #match data time steps
    if(sum(is.na(k))>0) {
      cat('Warning: Station skipped because some or all of its dates do not match the expected values\n')
    dat <- rep(NA,nd) #initialize data vector
    dat[k] <- dd[,2] #assign data
    write(dat,Fd,ncolumns=ifelse(daily,10,12)) #write into data file
    write.table(ds[i,],Fe,row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE) #write metadata
    ne <- ne + 1 #count no. of saved series
    ndat <- ndat + !is.na(dat) #count no. of data at every time step
  #close files:
  close(Fe); close(Fd)
  cat(sprintf('\nFiles %s and %s successfully generated.',dfile,efile))
  #check data availability along time:
  if(min(ndat)==0) {
    ks <- which(ndat==0)
    cat(sprintf(' BUT:\nNo data available in any station for %s',ifelse(daily,'day','month')))
    if(length(ks)>1) cat('s:\n') else cat(' ')
    cat(sprintf('Add stations or shorten the study period to avoid %s without data\n',ifelse(daily,'days','months')))
  } else cat('\n')

#- dd2m.- Calculate monthly values from daily or subdaily data.
dd2m <- function(varcli, anyi, anyf, ndec=1, valm=2, namax=30, x=NULL,
na.strings='NA', tz='utc') {
#varcli: Short name of the climatic variable
#anyi: Initial year
#anyf: Final year
#ndec: No. of decimals requested in the results (1 by default)
#valm: Monthly value (1=sum, 2=mean, 3=maximum, 4=minimum, 5=standart deviation)
#namax: Maximum allowed percentage of missing data in a month
#x: Time vector. Automatically set by default, but needed if data are taken
#  at irregular intervals.
#na.strings: Strings marking missing data (NA by default).
#tz: Time zone (if data are subdaily). ('utc' by default.)
  #- read input data
  z <- read.dat(varcli,anyi,anyf,x,na.strings=na.strings,tz=tz)
  est.c <- z$est.c; dat <- z$dat; na <- z$na; ne <- z$ne; x <- z$x
  me <- strftime(x,"%m")
  anyo <- strftime(x,"%Y")
  fun <- c("sum","mean","max","min","sd")[valm] #function for monthly values
  ndm <- na*12 #no. of monthly values
  dm <- matrix(NA,ndm,ne) #monthly values
  zp <- c(table(me,anyo)) #no. of possible data in every month
  for(ie in 1:ne) { #for every station
    cat(' ',ie)
    z <- aggregate(dat[,ie],list(me,anyo),fun,na.rm=TRUE)[,3] #monthly data
    z2 <- aggregate(is.na(dat[,ie]),list(me,anyo),sum)[,3] #no. of missings
    #with subdaily data some can be in year anyf+1:
    if(length(z)>ndm) { z <- z[1:ndm]; z2 <- z2[1:ndm]; zp <- zp[1:ndm] }
    nas <- z2/zp > namax/100. #months with not enough data
    z[nas] <- NA #set their values to missing
    dm[,ie] <- z #assign monthly data to the main matrix
  dm[is.nan(dm)] <- NA #assign NA for missing data
  #save monthly data:
  fichsal <- sprintf("%s-m_%d-%d.dat",varcli,anyi,anyf)
  fichest <- sprintf("%s-m_%d-%d.est",varcli,anyi,anyf)
  cat("\n\nMonthly",fun,"values saved to file",fichsal,"\n")
  if(namax>0) cat('(Months with more than',namax,
    '% missing data have also been set to missing)\n\n')

#- exampleFiles.- Get the path to some example files.
#(Adapted from readxl::readxl_example)
exampleFiles <- function(file=NULL) {
#file: Name of the needed file. If NULL, all example files will be listed.
  if(is.null(file)) dir(system.file("files",package ="climatol"))
  else system.file("files", file, package = "climatol", mustWork=TRUE)

#- fix.sunshine.- Check homogenized daily sunshine hours and prune any excess.
fix.sunshine <- function(varcli, anyi, anyf) {
#varcli: Short name of the homogenized climatic variable
#anyi: First year of the homogenized series
#anyf: Last year of the homogenized series
  nm <- ndec <- x <- ne <- est.c <- nd <- NULL #(avoid invisible bidings)
  #- leer los datos de entrada
  frda <- sprintf('%s_%d-%d.rda',varcli,anyi,anyf) #file to load/save
  obj2save <- load(frda)
  if(nm!=0) stop('This function only applies to DAILY sunshine series')
  #- auxiliary functions to calculate maximum theoretical sunshine hours
  insolteor <- function(lat,fech) { #maximum theoretical sunshine hours
    nf <- length(fech) #no. of requested dates
    it <- rep(NA,nf) #maximum theoretical sunshine hours vector
    latr <- lat * 0.01745329 #latitude in radianes (0.01745329 = 2 * pi / 360)
    for(k in 1:nf) {
      dj <- as.numeric(strftime(fech[k],'%j'))
      dec <- declin(dj)
      c <- -tan(latr) * tan(dec)
      if(c <= -1.) it[k] = 24.
      else if(c >= 1.) it[k] = 0.
      else {
        b <- 1.570796 - atan(c / sqrt(-c*c+1.))
        r <- b * 24 / pi
        if(r > 12) d <- r else d <- 24-r
        it[k] <- r + 2 * d * 0.004627778 + .05 # 0.004627778 = .833 / 180
  declin <- function(djul) { #sun declination
#Approximation from http://solardat.uoregon.edu/SolarRadiationBasics.html:
# declin = 23.45 * pi / 180 * sin(2 * pi * (284 + n) / 365) =
    return(0.4092797 * sin(4.888834 + 0.01721421 * djul))
  #- prune exceeding values
  cat('Checking sunshine durations of',frda,'and prunning any excess...\n')
  fixed <- FALSE; rmargin <- 1/10^ndec/2 #flag and rounding margin
  for(j in 1:ne) {
    c <- -tan(est.c[1,2]*0.01745329) * tan(dec)
    r <- (1.570796 - atan(c / sqrt(-c*c+1.)))*24/pi
    d <- r; z <- r>12; d[z] <- 24-d[z]
    it <- round(r + 2 * d * 0.004627778 + .05, ndec) #maximum possible value
    for(i in 1:nd) if(dah[i,j]>it[i]) {
      dah[i,j] <- it[i]; fixed <- TRUE
  if(fixed) {
    frda0 <- sprintf('%s.bak',frda)
    cat('\nOriginal file',frda,'renamed to',frda0,'\n')
    cat('Writing the new',frda,'file...\n')
    save(list=obj2save, file=frda)
    cat('List of fixed values saved to fix.sunshine.txt\n')
  } else cat('(No value has been modified)\n')

#- homogen.- automatic homogenization of climate series.
homogen <- function(varcli, anyi, anyf, test='snht', nref=NULL, std=NA,
swa=NA, ndec=1, niqd=3, dz.max=.01, dz.min=-dz.max, cumc=NA, wd=NULL,
inht=25, sts=5, maxdif=NA, maxite=999, force=FALSE, wz=.001, mindat=NA,
onlyQC=FALSE, annual=c('mean','sum','total'), x=NULL, ini=NA, na.strings="NA",
vmin=NA, vmax=NA, hc.method='ward.D2', nclust=300, cutlev=NA, grdcol=grey(.4),
mapcol=grey(.4), expl=FALSE, metad=FALSE, sufbrk='m', tinc=NA, tz='utc',
rlemin=NA, rlemax=NA, cex=1.1, uni=NA, raway=TRUE, graphics=TRUE, verb=TRUE,
logf=TRUE, snht1=NA, snht2=NA, gp=NA) {
#varcli: Short name of the studied climatic variable
#anyi: Initial year
#anyf: Final year
#test: Break detection test to apply. One of 'snht' (the default) or 'cuct'
#nref: Maximum no. of reference stations at each stage
#std: Type of normalization. 1 (remove the mean), 2 (divide by the mean) or
#   3 (remove the mean and divide by the standard deviation).
#swa: Semi-Window Amplitude (no. of data; defaults to 60 months or 365 days).
#ndec: No. of required decimal places in the results (1 by default)
#niqd: No. of interquartilic distances to delete big outliers (3 by default)
#dz.max: If >1, upper tolerance limit for anomalies (if two values are given,
#  only those higher than the upper one will be rejected);
#  If <=1, percentage of anomalous data to reject (in each side of the
#  distribution (0.01 by default).
#dz.min: lower tolerance limit for anomalies (-dz.max by default).
#cumc: code of accumulated missing data.
#wd: Weight distance, in km. Distance at which the weight of a reference data
#  is halved. (If wd=0, all reference stations will have equal weight.)
#inht: Inhomogeneity threshold(s). (0 to skip the stage.)
#sts: Series tail size (defaults to 5).
#maxdif: maximum data difference from previous iteration (ndec/2 by default).
#maxite: maximum number of iterations to compute means (999 by default).
#force: force direct homogenization of (sub)daily series [FALSE].
#wz: Scale factor for elevation Z. The default value (0.001) equals vertical
#  differences in m to the horizontal differences in km. Can be used to
#  give more weight to Z, or to calculate horizontal distances only (wz=0).
#mindat: Minimum no. of data for a split fragment to become a new series
#  [swa/2 for daily series or 12 terms otherwise].
#onlyQC: Set to TRUE if only initial Quality Controls are requested [FALSE]
#annual: Running annual value to graph in the PDF output. One of 'mean' (the
#  default), 'sum' or 'total' (equivalent to 'sum').
#x: Time vector. Only needed if data are taken at irregular intervals.
#ini: Initial date, with format 'AAAA-MM-DD' (for daily data, if series does not begin on January first as recommended).
#na.strings: Strings marking missing data (NA by default).
#vmin, vmax: Range of allowed values for the climatic variable.
#hc.method: hierarchical clustering method ('ward.D2' by default).
#nclust: Maximum number of series for the cluster analysis [300].
#cutlev: Level to cut dendrogram to define clusters (automatic by default).
#grdcol: Color of the graphic background grids [grey(0.04)].
#mapcol: Color of coastlines and borders in the stations map [grey(0.04)].
#expl: Perform an exploratory analysis? [FALSE].
#metad: Use the breakpoints file as metadata? [FALSE].
#sufbrk: Suffix to add to varcli to form the name of the provided metadata file ['m'; set to '' if original data were monthly].
#tinc: Time increment between data. Not set by default. If defined
#  for subdaily data, should be in units 'hours', 'mins' or 'secs'.
#  E.g.: tinc='1 hours'. (Do not forget the last 's' in the units).
#tz: Time zone. Only relevant for subdaily data. ('utc' by default.)
#rlemin: Data run lengths will exclude values <= rlemin in quality control.
#rlemax: Data run lengths will exclude values >= rlemax in quality control.
#cex: Character expansion factor for graphic labels and titles [1.1].
#uni: Units to use in some axis labels. (None by default.)
#raway: Increase internal distances to reanalysis series to give more weight to observed series (TRUE by default).
#graphics: Output graphics in a PDF file [TRUE].
#verb: Verbosity [TRUE].
#logf: Save console messages to a log file?  [TRUE].
#snht1, snht2: Obsolete but kept for backwards compatibility.
#gp: Obsolete but kept for backwards compatibility.
#backwards compatibility:
  if(!is.na(snht1)) inht <- snht1
  if(!is.na(snht2)) inht <- c(inht,snht2)
  if(!is.na(snht1)|!is.na(snht2)) cat('Please, note that parameters snht1 and snht2 are deprecated.\nUse inht in future applications of Climatol.\n')
  if(!is.na(gp)) {
    graphics <- TRUE
      graphics <- FALSE, #gp=0
      onlyQC <- TRUE,    #gp=1
      ,                  #gp=2
      ,                  #gp=3
      annual <- 'sum',   #gp=4
    cat('Please, note that parameter gp is deprecated.\nUse graphics=FALSE for gp=0, onlyQC=TRUE for gp=1 or\nannual="total" for gp=4 in future applications of Climatol.\n')
  if(onlyQC & !graphics) graphics <- TRUE #fix possible inconsistency
  #- initializations
  annual <- match.arg(annual); if(annual=='total') annual <- 'sum'
  verde <- hsv(.33,1,.6) #dark green
  #auxiliary functions:
  datmed.mean <- function(x) mean(datmed[x])
  datmed.sd <- function(x) sd(datmed[x])
  r3 <- function(x) sign(x)*abs(x)^(1/3) #cubic root
  #chosen inhomogeneity test:
  if(test=='cuct') { inhtest <- 'CucT'; test <- 'cuct' } #apply Cucconi
  else { inhtest <- 'SNHT'; test <- 'snht' } #apply SNHT
  #in case of error, close all output files:
  if(!is.na(std)) {
    std <- as.integer(std) #std must be an integer between 1 and 3:
    if(std<1|std>3) cat('Warning:')
    if(std<1) { std <- 1; cat('std lower than 1 has been forced to 1\n') }
    if(std>3) { std <- 3; cat('std greater than 3 has been forced to 3\n') }
  if(is.null(nref)) {
    nref <- c(10,10,4); if(!is.na(cumc)) nref[3] <- 2
  if(is.null(wd)) {
    wd <- c(0,0,100); if(!is.na(cumc)) wd[3] <- 10
  #if unset, set maxdif depending on ndec:
  if(is.na(maxdif)) maxdif=10^(-ndec)/2 #0.05 for one decimal
  #skip detection stages if metad==TRUE or in exploratory mode:
  if(expl | metad) inht <- c(0,0)
  #dz.min must be negative!:
  z=dz.min>0; if(sum(z)>0) dz.min[z] <- -dz.min[z]
  #- open log file and write header
  archlog <- paste(varcli,"_",anyi,"-",anyf,".txt",sep="")
  if(logf) sink(archlog,split=verb)
  cat("\nHOMOGEN() APPLICATION OUTPUT  (From R's contributed package 'climatol' ",climatol.version,")\n",sep='')
  cat("\n=========== Homogenization of ",varcli,", ",anyi,"-",anyf,". (",
  time1 <- Sys.time() #time at the beginning of the process
  arg <- names(formals()) #list the function arguments
  nargs <- length(arg) #no. of arguments
  for(i in 1:nargs) {
    if(arg[i]=='x') next #do not print the time vector!
    cat(" ",arg[i],"=",sep="")
    if(i<nargs) cat(',')
  #complete multivalue parameters:
  k <- length(inht); if(k<2) inht <- c(inht,inht) #same threshold in all stages
  k <- length(wd); if(k<3) wd <- c(rep(0,3-k),wd)
  k <- length(nref); if(k<3) nref <- c(nref,rep(nref[k],3-k))
  if(expl) nref[3] <- nref[1] #keep no. of references in exploratory mode
  #data anomaly tolerance (warning and delete):
  if(sum(dz.max) > 1) {
    dz.maxw <- min(dz.max); dz.maxd <- max(dz.max)
    dz.minw <- max(dz.min); dz.mind <- min(dz.min)
  if(length(dz.max)==1) dz.maxw <- NA
  if(length(dz.min)==1) dz.minw <- NA
  fbas <- sprintf('%s_%d-%d',varcli,anyi,anyf) #file basename 
  #- read input data
  z <- read.dat(varcli,anyi,anyf,x,ini,tinc,na.strings,tz=tz)
  est.c <- z$est.c; dat <- z$dat; na <- z$na; nd <- z$nd; ne <- z$ne; x <- z$x
  nm <- z$nm; ini <- z$ini; tinc <- z$tinc; acomp <- z$acomp
  if(nm<1) {
    if(!onlyQC & !metad & !expl & !force & is.na(cumc)) stop('These series seem to be daily or sub-daily. Their direct homogenization\n  is not recommended. Please, use dd2m() and homogenize the monthly\n  series first or set force=TRUE to avoid this message.')
  } else if(!nm%in%c(1,2,3,4,6,12)) {
    cat(sprintf('Calculated no. of data per year and station: nm=%f\n',nm))
    stop('Complete years of monthly or seasonal data are required to avoid\n  missing data in the results. Please complete your series to have\n  a rounded number of data. (nm can be one of 1,2,3,4,6,12).')
  #- disaggregate data if cumc code is set
  if(!is.na(cumc)) { #manage data coded as accumulated to the next:
    graphics <- FALSE #do not create graphics if using cumc
    cuml <- apply(dat==cumc,2,which) #list of accumulated terms
    if(length(cuml)==0) {
      cat('\nThere are no data coded as cumc =',cumc,'. Nothing done.\n')
      cerrar(graphics); return(invisible())
    cumt <- function(z) { #first (cumA) and last (cumB) accumulated terms
      zdif <- diff(z)>1
      cumA <- z[c(TRUE,zdif)]
      cumB <- z[c(zdif,TRUE)]
    z <- lapply(cuml,cumt)
    cumA <- sapply(z, function(x) x[1]) #first terms of accumulated runs
    cumB <- sapply(z, function(x) x[2]) #last terms of accumulated runs
    dat[dat==cumc] <- NA #delete accumulated data
    cumv <- vector('list',ne) #list of accumulation values:
    for(j in 1:ne) {
      cumv[[j]] <- dat[cumB[[j]]+1,j] #save accumulation values
      dat[cumB[[j]]+1,j] <- NA #delete them
      cumB[[j]] <- cumB[[j]]+1 #include them in the accumulated runs
  nsy <- rep(0,na)   #no. of shifts per year
  if(is.na(swa)) { #swa default values:
    if(nm>0) swa <- 5*nm #5 years for monthly or lower frequency
    else { #1 year for daily or higher frequency
      swa <- as.integer(names(z))
  if(swa>nd/4) swa <- ceiling(nd/4) #avoid too big a window
  #set mindat if unset by the user:
  if(is.na(mindat)) { 
    if(nm<=0) mindat <- nd/na/4 #three months
    else mindat <- max(5,nm)
  if(graphics) { #activate graphic output to a pdf file:
    pdfname <- sprintf('%s_%d-%d.pdf',varcli,anyi,anyf)
    pdf(pdfname,title='homogen() graphics output',bg='white')
    old.par <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
    text(0,0.4,sprintf("CLIMATOL %s",climatol.version),cex=4)
    text(0,-0.45,paste("Homogenization\ngraphic output of\n",varcli,"\n",anyi,"-",anyf,sep=""),cex=3)
    my.par <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
  #----------- Quality control of the series -----------------------
  Fout <- file(sprintf('%s_out.csv',fbas),'w') #open outliers file
  write('"Code","Date","Observed","Suggested","Anomaly (std.devs.)","Deleted"',Fout)
  #set vmin and std if unset by the user:
  mn1 <- apply(dat,2,quantile,prob=.1,na.rm=TRUE) #first deciles
  mn0 <- apply(dat,2,quantile,prob=.01,na.rm=TRUE) #first percentiles
  if(median(mn1)==0 & median(mn0)==0) { #series skewed and limited by zero:
    skewed <- TRUE
    if(is.na(vmin)) vmin <- 0 #minimum value
    if(is.na(rlemin)) rlemin <- 0.1 #minimum value for run lengths
    if(is.na(std) & vmin==0) std <- 2 #normal ratio normalization
  } else {
    skewed <- FALSE
    if(is.na(std)) std <- 3 #standardization
  deld <- 0 #initialize deleted data count
  #check if there are values out of allowed range
  if(!is.na(vmin)) { #values lower than the minimum?
    zout <- dat<vmin; nout <- sum(zout,na.rm=TRUE)
    if(nout>0) {
      sout <- apply(zout,2,sum,na.rm=TRUE)
      for(k in 1:length(sout)) {
        if(sout[k]==0) next
        kz <- which(zout[,k])
        for(j in kz) write(c(est.c[k,4],format(x[j]),dat[j,k],NA,NA,1),
      dat[zout] <- NA #delete erroneous values
      cat('\nWarning: deleted',nout,'data lower than',vmin,'\n')
      deld <- deld + nout
  if(!is.na(vmax)) { #values higher than the maximum?
    zout <- dat>vmax; nout <- sum(zout,na.rm=TRUE)
    if(nout>0) {
      sout <- apply(zout,2,sum,na.rm=TRUE)
      for(k in 1:length(sout)) {
        if(sout[k]==0) next
        kz <- which(zout[,k])
        for(j in kz) write(c(est.c[k,4],format(x[j]),dat[j,k],NA,NA,1),
      dat[zout] <- NA #delete erroneous values
      cat('\nWarning: deleted',nout,'data greater than',vmax,'\n')
      deld <- deld + nout
  #check if there are series without any data:
  ksd <- which(apply(!is.na(dat),2,sum) == 0)
  if(length(ksd)>0) {
    cat("There are series with no data!!!:",'\n')
    stop("Please, remove these series from the input files and run homogen() again")
  #check if there are series with too few data:
  ksd <- which(apply(!is.na(dat),2,sum) < mindat)
  if(length(ksd)>0) {
    cat("There are series with too few data (less than",mindat,'):\n')
    cat("Warning: Break-points cannot be corrected in these series",'\n')
  #- if there are time steps without any data, issue a warning and finish
  numdat <- apply(!is.na(dat),1,sum) #no. of data in each time step
  if(!min(numdat)) {
    plot(x,numdat,type='l',xlab='Time',ylab='Number of data',
      main=sprintf('Number of %s data along time',varcli))
    z <- class(x)
    if(z[1]=='Date' | z[1]=='POSIXct') {
      if(z[1]=='Date') abline(v=axis.Date(1,x),lty=3,col=grey(.4))
      else if(z[1]=='POSIXct') abline(v=axis.POSIXct(1,x),lty=3,col=grey(.4))
    } else grid(col=grey(.4))
    zz <- which(numdat==0); z <- range(zz)
    cat('\n',sum(numdat==0),' time steps between terms ',z[1],' (',format(x[z[1]]),') and ',z[2],' (',format(x[z[2]]),')\n  have missing data in all stations!\n',sep='')
    if(length(zz)<=100) print(format(x[which(numdat==0)]))
    cat(sprintf('(See the figures in %s)',pdfname),'\n')
    stop("Cannot continue.\n(Shorten the study period or add series with data in the void terms.)\n\n")
  if(graphics) {
    #partition stations in groups for the boxplots:
    gs <- 40 #group size
    ge <- 1+((0:(ne-1))%/%gs); nge <- max(ge) #station groups
    #si the last group is very small, append it to the former group:
    if(nge>1 & sum(ge==nge)<=10) {
      ge[ge==nge] <- nge-1
      nge <- nge-1
  #detect too anomalous data (to be deleted to avoid their use as references):
  if(skewed) {
    da3 <- r3(dat); da3[dat==0] <- NA #cubic root of data without zeros
    bp <- boxplot(da3,range=niqd,plot=FALSE) #big outliers of the skewed series
  } else {
    bp <- boxplot(dat,range=niqd,plot=FALSE) #big outliers of the series
    da3 <- dat
  nout <- length(bp$out)
  if(nout>0) {
    kj <- rep(NA,nout)
    for(k in 1:nout) {
      kj[k] <- which(da3[,bp$group[k]]==bp$out[k])
      bp$out[k] <- dat[kj[k],bp$group[k]]
  if(graphics) { #boxplots of the series, marking those too anomalous:
    for(ig in 1:nge) { #for every station group:
      ke <- which(ge==ig)
        xlab='Stations',main=paste(varcli,'data')); grid(col=grdcol)
      keg <- bp$group %in% ke; kex <- bp$group[keg]-(ig-1)*gs
      gsx <- length(ke)
      if(max(ke)>100) axis(1,1:gsx,ke,las=2) else axis(1,1:gsx,ke)
  #delete too anomalous data:
  nout <- length(bp$out)
  if(nout>0) {
    cat('\nWarning:',nout,'big outliers deleted')
    if(!onlyQC) cat(' before homogenization:\n') else cat(':\n')
    grp <- unique(bp$group); ngrp <- length(grp)
    for(i in 1:ngrp) {
      j <- grp[i]; k <- which(bp$group==j); zout <- bp$out[k]
      cat(j,est.c[j,4],': ')
      if(length(zout)<=15) cat(zout,'\n') else cat(zout[1:15],'... etc\n')
      kk <- which(dat[,j]%in%zout); nkk <- length(kk)
      for(k in 1:nkk) write(c(est.c[j,4],format(x[kk[k]]),dat[kk[k],j],NA,NA,1),
    #delete too anomalous data:
    for(k in 1:nout) dat[kk[k],bp$group[k]] <- NA 
    deld <- deld + nout #deleted data count
  if(graphics) { #boxplots of increments between consecutive data:
    daf <- diff(dat); da3 <- r3(daf); da3[daf==0] <- NA
    bp <- boxplot(daf,range=niqd,plot=FALSE) #big outliers of the differences
    b0 <- boxplot(da3,range=niqd,plot=FALSE) #big outliers of their cubic roots
    if(length(b0$out)<length(bp$out)) { #choose the more conservative method
      bp <- b0 #change diff outliers by their cubic roots:
      nout <- length(bp$out); kj <- rep(NA,nout)
      if(nout>0) for(k in 1:nout) {
        kj[k] <- which(da3[,bp$group[k]]==bp$out[k])
        bp$out[k] <- daf[kj[k],bp$group[k]]
      daf[daf==0] <- NA #remove zeros
    ylab <- 'Increments'; if(!is.na(uni)) ylab <- sprintf('%s (%s)',ylab,uni)
    for(ig in 1:nge) { #for every station group:
      ke <- which(ge==ig)
        main=paste(varcli,'data increments')); grid(col=grdcol)
      keg <- bp$group %in% ke; kex <- bp$group[keg]-(ig-1)*gs
      gsx <- length(ke)
      if(max(ke)>100) axis(1,1:gsx,ke,las=2) else axis(1,1:gsx,ke)
    #plot lengths of sequencies of constant values:
    dat.o <- dat; if(!is.na(rlemin)) dat.o[dat<rlemin] <- NA
    if(!is.na(rlemax)) dat.o[dat>rlemax] <- NA
    rlen <- sapply(apply(dat.o,2,rle), function(x) x[1]) #run lengths
    z <- sapply(rlen,unique); zx <- max(unlist(z)) #maximum run length
    ylab='No. of identical consecutive values'
    for(ig in 1:nge) { #for every station group:
      ke <- which(ge==ig)
      if(max(ke)>100) las=2 else las=1
        las=las,main=paste(varcli,'run lengths')); grid(col=grdcol)
      for(k in ke) {
        if(inherits(z,'matrix')) uz <- z[,k] else uz <- z[[k]]; 
        s <- rep(k,length(uz))
  #------------- End of initial quality control -----------------------
  dat.o <- dat #copy of original data
  if(nd<100) lw=3 #width of the bars of anomalies
  else if(nd<300) lw=2
  else lw=1
  nei <- ne  #initial no. of stations
  est.i <- est.c #initial stations metadata
  nsp <- rep(0,nei)  #no. of cuts in every original series
  iest <- 1:ne   #index of original series of every sub-series
  outan <- matrix(NA,nd,ne) #outlier anomalies
  #- if(graphics), go on with the initial graphics
  if(graphics) {
    #data availability in every series:
    z <- class(x)
    if(nm<0) cat("Per station data availability graphic skipped for subdaily data\n   (might be too heavy).\n")
    else { #per station data availability:
      if(sum(is.na(dat))==0) col=4 else col=c('white',4)
        xlab='Time',ylab='Series',main=paste(varcli,'data availability'))
      yy=as.integer(strftime(x,'%Y')); if(length(unique(yy))<3) yy <- 1:nd
      lb=pretty(yy); nt=length(lb)
      if(lb[nt] > max(yy)) { nt=nt-1; lb=lb[1:nt] }
      if(lb[1] < min(yy)) { lb=lb[2:nt]; nt=nt-1 }
      kp=integer(); for(k in 1:nt) kp=c(kp,min(which(yy==lb[k])))
      lb=pretty(1:ne); nt=length(lb)
      if(lb[nt] > ne) { nt=nt-1; lb=lb[1:nt] }
      if(lb[1] < 1) { lb=lb[2:nt]; nt=nt-1 }
    #no. of data in every time step:
    plot(x,numdat,type="l",col=4,ylab="Number of data",xlab='Time',
      ylim=c(0,ne),main=paste("Number of",varcli,"data in all stations"))
    if(z[1]=='Date' | z[1]=='POSIXct') {
      if(z[1]=='Date') abline(v=axis.Date(1,x),lty=3,col=grdcol)
      else if(z[1]=='POSIXct') abline(v=axis.POSIXct(1,x),lty=3,col=grdcol)
    } else grid(col=grdcol)
    #histogram of all data (near-normal distribution?)
    main="Histogram of all data"
    zh <- hist(dat,plot=FALSE)
    zx <- zh$breaks
    zy <- zh$counts; zy[zy==0] <- NA
    #correlogram of fisrt differences of the series (r <-> distance)
    #(if more than nclust series, use only a random sample of nclust series)
    if(ne>nclust) { splc <- sample(1:ne,nclust); nec <- nclust }
    else { splc <- 1:ne; nec <- ne }
    est.d <- matrix(NA,nec,nec) #distance matrix
    for(i in 1:(nec-1)) {
      for(j in (i+1):nec) {
        dx <- est.c[splc[i],1]-est.c[splc[j],1]
        dy <- est.c[splc[i],2]-est.c[splc[j],2]
        #distnaces in km (gross method as flat geometry):
        dx <- dx*111*cos((est.c[splc[i],2]+est.c[splc[j],2])*pi/360)
        dy <- dy*111
        dz <- (est.c[splc[i],3]-est.c[splc[j],3])*wz
        d2 <- dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz #quadratic distance
        est.d[i,j] <- sqrt(d2) #distance
        est.d[j,i] <- est.d[i,j]  #simmetric matrix
    data <- dat[,splc] #copy of the data
    difd <- diff(data) #first differences of the series
    corm <- cor(difd,use="p") #correlation matrix of the differences
    #change |r|==1 (due to cases with only 2 common data, apart from the
    #diagonal) by the mean correlation (to avoid NAs in the matrix):
    corm[abs(corm)==1] <- mean(corm,na.rm=TRUE)
    if(ne>2) {  #correlogram of the stations:
      if(ne>nclust) main <- sprintf('Correlogram of %d sampled %s series\n(First differences)',nclust,varcli)
      else main <- sprintf('Correlogram of first difference %s series',varcli)
      xd <- as.vector(est.d); y <- as.vector(corm)
      xmin <- floor(min(c(0,xd),na.rm=TRUE)); xmax <- ceiling(max(xd,na.rm=TRUE))
      ymin <- floor(min(c(0,y),na.rm=TRUE)); ymax <- ceiling(max(y,na.rm=TRUE))
      xbin <- seq(xmin,xmax,length=100)
      ybin <- seq(ymin,ymax,length=100)
      freq <- as.data.frame(table(findInterval(xd,xbin),findInterval(y,ybin)))
      freq[,1] <- as.integer(as.character(freq[,1]))
      freq[,2] <- as.integer(as.character(freq[,2]))
      freq2D <- matrix(0,100,100)
      freq2D[cbind(freq[,1], freq[,2])] <- freq[,3]
      freq2D[freq2D==0] <- NA
      nz=max(freq2D,na.rm=TRUE); if(nz<16) col=col[1:nz]
      image(xbin,ybin,freq2D,main=main,useRaster=TRUE,xlab="Distance (km)",
        ylab="Correlation coefficient",col=col)
      grid(col=gray(.3)); abline(h=0,col=2)
      #dendrogram of the stations:
      dism <- dist(corm) #dissimilarity matrix
      #if there are NAs in the dissimilarity matrix, set them to 1:
      kna=which(is.na(dism)); if(sum(kna)>0) dism[kna] <- 1
      hc <- hclust(dism,hc.method)
      if(ne>nclust) main <- paste("Dendrogram of",nclust,"sampled stations")
      else main <- "Dendrogram of station clusters"
      #station clusters up to a maximum of 9 groups:
      if(is.na(cutlev)) cutlev <- mean(hc$height)+sd(hc$height)
      repeat {
        ct <- cutree(hc,h=cutlev)
        nc <- length(levels(factor(ct)))
        if(nc<10) break
        cutlev <- cutlev + .1
      if(nc>1) {
        if(ne<=nclust) { #list station clusters
          cat(sprintf('Stations in the %d clusters:\n\n',nc))
      #stations map:
      if(nc==1) { col="blue"; main=paste(varcli,"station locations") }
      else {
        main=sprintf('%s station locations (%d clusters)',varcli,nc)
      #map limits with a 10% margin around station coordinates:
      zxr <- range(est.c[,1]); zyr <- range(est.c[,2])
      zxm <- diff(zxr)*.1; zym <- diff(zyr)*.1
      if(zxm==0 | zym==0) stop('X and/or Y coordinates are all the same!\nAllow some variation in the *.est input file')
      xlim <- zxr+c(-zxm,zxm); ylim <- zyr+c(-zym,zym)
      #now draw the map:
      if(diff(zyr)<5. & requireNamespace('mapdata',quietly=TRUE))
        z <- try(maps::map('worldHires',col=mapcol,xlim=xlim,
      else z <- try(maps::map('world',col=mapcol,xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim,
      if(inherits(z,"try-error")) plot(0,0,xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim,xlab='',
      else { maps::map.axes(); title(main) }
      if(ne>99) { #if more than 99 stations, plot symbols
        #stations not in the sample are plotted first, in black:
        #stations in the sample are plotted in color:
      } else text(est.c[splc,1:2],labels=splc,col=col) #numbers
    par(my.par) #restore graphic parameters
  #- if(onlyQC), finish (saving files if data were deleted)
  if(onlyQC) {
    if(deld>0) {
      fold <- sprintf('%s-old_%d-%d',varcli,anyi,anyf) #old file basename
      cat('New input data files free from the detected big outliers\n')
      cat('have been written, and original files have been renamed to\n')
      cat(sprintf('%s.dat and %s.est\n',fold,fold))
    cat("\nOnly the initial exploratory graphics were demanded.\nSee them in ",varcli,"_",anyi,"-",anyf,".pdf\n\n",sep="")
    if(exists('ct')) return(invisible(list(corm=corm,ct=ct)))
    else return()
  #  Homogenization processs in three stages:
  #  1) splits in stepping windows
  #  2) splits in the whole series
  #  3) missing data filling
  #- open outliers and breaks files
  if(!metad) {
    Fbrk <- file(sprintf('%s_brk.csv',fbas),'w')
  #- compute distance and proximity rank matrices
  cat("Computing inter-station distances ...")
  refhom <- substr(est.c[,4],1,1)=='*' #trusted homogeneous references
  est.d <- matrix(0,ne,ne) #distance matrix
  for(i in 1:(ne-1)) {
    cat(" ",i)
    for(j in (i+1):ne) {
      dx <- est.c[i,1]-est.c[j,1]
      dy <- est.c[i,2]-est.c[j,2]
      #distances in km (gross method, using flat geometry):
      dx <- dx*111*cos((est.c[i,2]+est.c[j,2])*pi/360)
      dy <- dy*111
      dz <- (est.c[i,3]-est.c[j,3])*wz #vertical distance
      d2 <- dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz #3D quadratic distance
      est.d[i,j] <- sqrt(d2) #3D distance
      #prioritize observations by moving away series from reanalysis:
      if(raway & xor(refhom[i],refhom[j])) est.d[i,j] <- est.d[i,j]+1000
      est.d[j,i] <- est.d[i,j]  #simmetric matrix
  est.p <- t(apply(est.d,1,order)) #proximity ranks matrix
  #- Firts estimation of means and standard deviations
  datmed <- apply(dat,1,mean,na.rm=TRUE) #global mean series
  refmed <- mean(datmed) #reference global mean
  dat.m <- apply(dat,2,mean,na.rm=TRUE) #initial (raw) means of the series
  if(std==2 & min(dat.m)==0) { #avoid divisions by zero:
    j0 <- which(dat.m==0) #series with zero mean
    minN0 <- min(dat.m[dat.m>0]) #minimum non zero mean
    dat.m[j0] <- minN0 #assign minimum non zero mean to previous zeros
  if(std==3) {
    refstd <- sd(datmed) #reference global standard deviation
    dat.s <- apply(dat,2,sd,na.rm=TRUE) #initial (raw) standard deviations
    dat.m <- dat.m + refmed - apply(!is.na(dat),2,datmed.mean),
    dat.m <- dat.m * refmed / apply(!is.na(dat),2,datmed.mean),
    {dat.m <- dat.m + refmed - apply(!is.na(dat),2,datmed.mean)
     dat.s <- dat.s + refstd - apply(!is.na(dat),2,datmed.sd)},
    dat.m <- dat.m + refmed - apply(!is.na(dat),2,datmed.mean)
  #- metad==TRUE? Read *_brk.csv and split the series by the break-points
  if(metad) {
    cat('\nSplitting the series following the metadata file...:\n')
    if(sufbrk=='') fichbrk <- sprintf('%s_%d-%d_brk.csv',varcli,anyi,anyf)
    else fichbrk <- sprintf('%s-%s_%d-%d_brk.csv',varcli,sufbrk,anyi,anyf)
    brk <- read.csv(fichbrk,colClasses=c("character","character","character"))
    if(!is.na(tinc)) brk[,2] <- as.POSIXct(brk[,2],tz=tz)
      else brk[,2] <- as.Date(brk[,2])
    nbrk <- nrow(brk); nn <- 0
    if(nbrk<1) cat('No break-points in the metadata file.\n')
    else {
      for(kb in 1:nbrk) { #for every break:
        i <- match(brk[kb,1],est.c[,4]) #series to split
        if(is.na(i)) {
          cat(sprintf('\nCode %s not found in station list; break skipped',brk[kb,1]))
        kp <- match(brk[kb,2],x) #break-point location
        #check dates concordancies:
        if(is.na(kp)) kp <- which.max(x>brk[kb,2])
        if(is.na(tinc)) cat(sprintf('\n%s(%d) breaks at %s',est.c[i,4],i,format(x[kp])))
        else cat(sprintf('\n%s(%d) breaks at %s',est.c[i,4],i,format(x[kp],tz=tz,usetz=TRUE)))
        if(sum(!is.na(dat[1:(kp-1),i])) < mindat) {
          dat[1:(kp-1),i] <- NA
          cat(" Fragment with less than",mindat,"data DELETED\n")
        } else if(sum(!is.na(dat[kp:nd,i])) < mindat) {
          dat[kp:nd,i] <- NA
          cat(" Fragment with less than",mindat,"data DELETED\n")
        } else {
          nn <- nn+1 #increment no. of new series
          iest <- c(iest,iest[i]) #add original series index
          nsp[iest[i]] <- nsp[iest[i]]+1 #and its no. of breaks
          if(nm>0) { #count no. of breaks per year
            z <- 1 + floor((kp-1)/nm) #anual break location
            nsy[z] <- nsy[z] + 1 #no. of breaks per year
          dat <- cbind(dat,rep(NA,nd)) #new data column
          #move pre-cut data to the new series:
          dat[1:(kp-1),ne+nn] <- dat[1:(kp-1),i]
          dat[1:(kp-1),i] <- NA #delete pre-cut data
          #copy coordinates and add a suffix to station code and name:
          z <- data.frame(est.i[iest[i],1:3],paste(est.i[iest[i],4],"-",1+nsp[iest[i]],sep=""),paste(est.i[iest[i],5],"-",1+nsp[iest[i]],sep=""))
          names(z) <- names(est.i)
          est.c <- rbind(est.c,z)
          #asign same means (and std. devs.?) to the new fragment:
            { dat.m[i] <- mean(dat[,i],na.rm=TRUE) + refmed - mean(datmed[!is.na(dat[,i])])
              dat.m <- c(dat.m, mean(dat[,ne+nn],na.rm=TRUE)+refmed-mean(datmed[!is.na(dat[,ne+nn])])) },
            { dat.m[i] <- mean(dat[,i],na.rm=TRUE) * refmed / mean(datmed[!is.na(dat[,i])])
              dat.m <- c(dat.m, mean(dat[,ne+nn],na.rm=TRUE)*refmed/mean(datmed[!is.na(dat[,ne+nn])])) },
            { dat.m[i] <- mean(dat[,i],na.rm=TRUE) + refmed - mean(datmed[!is.na(dat[,i])])
              dat.m <- c(dat.m, mean(dat[,ne+nn],na.rm=TRUE)+refmed-mean(datmed[!is.na(dat[,ne+nn])]))
              dat.s[i] <- sd(dat[,i],na.rm=TRUE) + refstd - sd(datmed[!is.na(dat[,i])])
              dat.s <- c(dat.s, sd(dat[,ne+nn],na.rm=TRUE)+refstd-sd(datmed[!is.na(dat[,ne+nn])])) },
            { dat.m[i] <- mean(dat[,i],na.rm=TRUE) + refmed - mean(datmed[!is.na(dat[,i])])
              dat.m <- c(dat.m, mean(dat[,ne+nn],na.rm=TRUE)+refmed-mean(datmed[!is.na(dat[,ne+nn])])) }
      cat("\n\nUpdate number of series: ",ne,"+",nn,"= ")
      ne <- ne + nn  #update no. of stations
      refhom <- substr(est.c[,4],1,1)=='*' #update homogeneous references
    inht <- c(0,0) #go to missing data filling
  #- for (ks in 1:3) #(test in windows, in whole series and missing d. filling)
  for (ks in 1:3) { #for every stage:
    if(ks<3) {
      inh <- inht[ks] #inht threshold for stage ks
      if(inh==0) next #skip stage if inh==0
    if(is.na(cumc)) { cat("\n\n========== STAGE",ks)
        cat(sprintf(" (%s on overlapping temporal windows) ===========\n\n",inhtest)),
        cat(sprintf(" (%s on the whole series) =======================\n\n",inhtest)),
        cat(" (Final calculation of all missing data) ==========\n\n")
    } else cat(sprintf('\n====== Disaggregating daily accumulated precipitation coded as %d\n',cumc))
    #- compute weight matrix? (depends on the stage)
    if(ks==1) zz <- TRUE else if(wd[ks]!=wd[ks-1]) zz <- TRUE else zz <- FALSE
    if(zz) {
      est.w <- matrix(1,nei,nei) #weight matrix
      if(wd[ks]>0) { #weights different from 1
        cat("Computing inter-station weights...")
        wd2 <- wd[ks]*wd[ks]
        for(i in 1:(nei-1)) {
          for(j in (i+1):nei) {
            est.w[i,j] <- wd2/(wd2+est.d[i,j]*est.d[i,j])
            est.w[j,i] <- est.w[i,j]  #simmetric matrix
        cat(' (done)\n\n')
    #- if(graphics), issue page indicating the stage
    if(graphics) {
      if(ks==1) text(0,-0.3,sprintf("Binary splits on %d term\nstepped windows with\nstd=%d, %s>%d\nand wd=%d km",round(swa),std,inhtest,round(inh),round(wd[ks])),cex=2.2)
      else if(ks==2) text(0,-0.3,sprintf("Binary splits on\nwhole series with\nstd=%d, %s>%d\nand wd=%d km",std,inhtest,round(inh),round(wd[ks])),cex=2.5)
      else text(0,-0.3,sprintf("Final anomalies of the\nhomogenized series with\nwd = %d km and nref = %d",round(wd[ks]),nref[ks]),cex=2)
    #stage dependent values:
    if(ks==3) aref <- TRUE else aref <- FALSE
    nrefk <- nref[ks]
    #- repeat until no series is split
    repeat {
      #---------- Compute anomalies and delete anomalous data:
      #- initialize matrices dat.z|e|c oneref anom sanom mindist nrefs used
      dat.z <- matrix(NA,nd,ne) #observed data (normalized)
      dat.e <- matrix(NA,nd,ne) #estimated data (normalized)
      dat.c <- matrix(NA,nd,ne) #calculated data (estimated)
      oneref <- matrix(FALSE,nd,ne) # 1 reference only?
      anom <- matrix(NA,nd,ne) #anomalies
      sanom <- matrix(NA,nd,ne) #standardized anomalies
      mindist <- matrix(NA,nd,ne) #minimum distances
      nrefs <- matrix(NA,nd,ne) #no. of references
      used <- matrix(FALSE,ne,ne) #flags of used stations
      #working copy of the data:
      dat.d <- dat
      dat.na <- is.na(dat.d) #missing data index
      #- if there are time steps without any data, issue a warnig and finish
      numdat <- apply(!dat.na,1,sum)
      if(nmin==0) {
        cat("\nThere are terms with NO DATA!:\n")
        for(j in which(numdat==0)) cat(format(x[j]),"\n")
        stop("Cannot continue! Shorten the study period, add series with data in the empty terms, or be more tolerant to outliers.")
      #use any existing former means and standard deviations:
      if(exists('dat.m0')) {
        dat.m <- dat.m0
        if(std==3) dat.s <- dat.s0
      #- normalize dat.d (obtain dat.z)
        for(ke in 1:ne) dat.z[,ke] <- dat.d[,ke]-dat.m[ke], #std=1
        for(ke in 1:ne) dat.z[,ke] <- dat.d[,ke]/dat.m[ke], #std=2
        for(ke in 1:ne) dat.z[,ke]<-(dat.d[,ke]-dat.m[ke])/dat.s[ke],#std=3
        dat.z <- dat.d
      #- ite=0 and loop until estimated data converge
      #iterative process for estimating the means of the series:  
      ite <- 0
      if(expl) cat("\nCalculation of missing data\n")
      else if(is.na(cumc)) {
        cat("\nCalculation of missing data with outlier removal\n")
        cat('(Suggested data replacements are provisional)\n')
      if(length(dat)>10000000) cat('This process may take a very long time (many days)\n')
      else if(length(dat)>1000000) cat('This process may take a long time (many hours)\n')
      if(is.na(cumc)) {
        if(ks==3 & !expl) cat("\nThe following lines will have one of these formats:\n")
        cat("  Station(rank) Date: Observed -> Suggested (Anomaly, in std. devs.)\n")
        if(ks==3) cat("  Iteration Max_data_difference (Station_code)\n")
      maxddif0 <- 99999. #initialize the maximum data difference
      repeat {
        ite <- ite+1
        #- ite+=1 and estimate series (dat.e|c) from their neighbors
        #  update used, nrefs and mindist:
        for(i in 1:ne) { #for every station
          if(refhom[i]) next #skip trusted series
          ik <- iest[i] #original station index
          for(j in 1:nd) { #for every data
            se <- 0
            sw <- 0
            nr <- 0
            for(ir in 1:nei) { #for every station (possible reference)
              kr <- est.p[ik,ir]
              krf <- which(iest==kr) #fragments of the reference
              k <- which(!dat.na[j,krf]) #which one has observation?
              if(length(k)!=1) next #no fragment with observation
              k <- krf[k] #index of the fragment with observation
              if(i==k) next #it is the same station
              nr <- nr+1 #no. of references
              used[i,k] <- TRUE #flag used station
              #minimum distance to the nearest data:
              if(nr==1) mindist[j,i] <- max(est.d[ik,kr],1)
              w <- est.w[ik,kr]
              se <- se + w * dat.z[j,k]
              sw <- sw + w
              if(nr>=nrefk) break #if maximum no. of references, finish loop
            if(!nr) { #no reference!
              dat.e[j,i] <- dat.z[j,i] #keep the original data
              nrefs[j,i] <- NA
            } else {
              nrefs[j,i] <- nr
              #with only one reference, flag to avoid series modification:
              if(nr==1 & !is.na(oneref[j,i])) oneref[j,i] <- TRUE
              #avoid negative estimations if std=2 (precipitation, etc):
              if(std==2 & se<0) se <- 0
              dat.e[j,i] <- se / sw #estimated data (normalized)
        #change any NaN to NA. (It may happen with std=2):
        n <- sum(is.nan(dat.e))
        if(n>0) {
          cat(n,"NaN's in dat.e ! (changing them to NA's...)\n")
          dat.e[is.nan(dat.e)] <- NA
        #calculate values unnormalizing dat.e:
          for(ke in 1:ne) dat.c[,ke] <- dat.e[,ke]+dat.m[ke],     #std=1
          for(ke in 1:ne) dat.c[,ke] <- dat.e[,ke]*dat.m[ke],     #std=2
          for(ke in 1:ne) dat.c[,ke]<-dat.e[,ke]*dat.s[ke]+dat.m[ke], #std=3
          dat.c <- dat.e
        #if cumc was set, dissaggregate data, save them in *.dat and finish:
        if(!is.na(cumc)) {
          for(ke in 1:ne) { #for every station
            cumvl <- length(cumv[[ke]]) #no. of accumulations
            if(cumvl==0) next #series without accumulations
            for(j in 1:cumvl) {
              #an embedded missing data? joint the accumulations:
              if(is.na(cumv[[ke]][j])) {
                if(j<cumvl & cumA[[ke]][j+1]==cumB[[ke]][j]+1)
                  cumA[[ke]][j+1] <- cumA[[ke]][j]
              sumc <- sum(dat.c[cumA[[ke]][j]:cumB[[ke]][j],ke])
              #if estimated data sum is 0, assign zeros and keep the
              #accumulated value in the reported day:
              if(sumc==0.0) { 
                dat[cumA[[ke]][j]:cumB[[ke]][j],ke] <- 0
                dat[cumB[[ke]][j],ke] <- cumv[[ke]][j]
                next #go to next accumulation
              prop <- cumv[[ke]][j]/sumc #ratio accumulation/estimation_sum
              zc <- dat.c[cumA[[ke]][j]:cumB[[ke]][j],ke] * prop
              zk <- which.max(zc) #location of the maximum estimation
              zc <- round(zc,ndec)
              zd <- cumv[[ke]][j] - sum(zc) #rounding difference
              #add difference to the highest value:
              if(zd!=0.0) zc[zk] <- zc[zk]+zd
              dat[cumA[[ke]][j]:cumB[[ke]][j],ke] <- zc
          #save new input data and finish:
          fcum <- sprintf('%s-cum_%d-%d',varcli,anyi,anyf) #accum.file basename
          cat('\nAccumulated values have been distributed among the previous days and written\n')
          cat('as new input files. Original input files have been renamed to\n')
          cat(sprintf('%s.dat and %s.est\n\n',fcum,fcum))
          cerrar(graphics); return(invisible()) #finish
        #- anomalies calculation (anom, sanom) and outtlier deletion
        anom <- dat.z-dat.e #anomalies
        anom[dat.na] <- NA  #forget anomalies of estimated data
        #normalize anomalies:
        anomm <- apply(anom,2,mean,na.rm=TRUE) #mean anomalies
        anoms <- apply(anom,2,sd,na.rm=TRUE) #std. dev. of anomalies
        for(i in 1:ne) sanom[,i] <- (anom[,i]-anomm[i])/anoms[i]
        if(!expl) { #delete outliers:
          if(ite==1 & sum(dz.max)<=1) { #set dz.* limits
            z <- c(sanom) #normalize anomalies vector
            dz.maxd <- quantile(z,probs=1-dz.max/100,na.rm=TRUE) #max.delete
            dz.maxw <- quantile(z,probs=1-dz.max/10,na.rm=TRUE) #max.warning
            dz.mind <- quantile(z,probs=dz.max/100,na.rm=TRUE) #min.delete
            dz.minw <- quantile(z,probs=dz.max/10,na.rm=TRUE) #min.warning
            dz.max <- 99 #do not repeat this in every stage
          elim <- sanom < dz.mind | sanom > dz.maxd #anomalies to delete
          elim[is.na(elim)] <- FALSE #remove any NA
          elim[,refhom] <- FALSE #keep trusted series
          nelim <- sum(elim) #no. of data to delete
          if(nelim>0) { #delete the anomalous original data
            #list anomalous data to be deleted:
            for(i in 1:ne) {
              for(j in 1:nd) if(elim[j,i] & !is.na(oneref[j,i])) {
                outan[j,iest[i]] <- sanom[j,i] #save the outlier anomaly
                do <- dat.d[j,i] #original data
                dc <- dat.c[j,i] #calculated data
                cat(sprintf('%s(%d) %s',est.c[i,4],i,format(x[j])))
                cat(": ",do," -> ",round(dc,ndec)," (",round(sanom[j,i],2),
                #do not delete with only one reference!:
                if(oneref[j,i] & nrefk>1) {
                  cat(" Only 1 reference! (Unchanged)")
                  elim[j,i] <- FALSE
                else { #write in Fout with flag 1
            dat[elim] <- NA #delete anomalous data
            dat.na[elim] <- TRUE #update missing data flags
            maxddif0 <- 99999. #reset to avoid fake convergence break
          else if(!aref) cat('(No detected outliers)\n')
        #list suspect values? :
        if(ks==3 & !expl & (!is.na(dz.maxw) | !is.na(dz.minw))) {
          #suspect values but not big outliers:
          susp <- (sanom < dz.minw & sanom >= dz.mind) | 
                  (sanom > dz.maxw & sanom <= dz.maxd)
          susp[is.na(susp)] <- FALSE #remove any NA
          susp[,refhom] <- FALSE #unflag trusted series
          nsusp <- sum(susp) #no. of suspect data
          if(nsusp>0) { #list suspect observations:
            for(i in 1:ne) {
              for(j in 1:nd) if(susp[j,i] & !is.na(oneref[j,i])) {
                do <- dat.d[j,i] #original data
                dc <- dat.c[j,i] #calculated data
                #unflag suspect data with only one available reference!:
                if(oneref[j,i] & nrefk>1) susp[j,i] <- FALSE
                else { #write in Fout with flag 0
        #- missing data filling
        dat.d[dat.na] <- dat.c[dat.na] 
        if(ite>1) {
          ddif <- dat.d-dat.d0 #data differences from previous iteration
          maxddif <- max(abs(ddif),na.rm=TRUE) #max. data difference
          kmaxdif <- which.max(abs(ddif)) #max. dat. dif. location
          kmaxest <- ceiling(kmaxdif/nd) #max. dat. dif. station
        dat.d0 <- dat.d #data copy
        #- update dat.m|s|z
        dat.m <- apply(dat.d,2,mean,na.rm=TRUE)
        if(std==3) dat.s <- apply(dat.d,2,sd,na.rm=TRUE)
          for(ke in 1:ne) dat.z[,ke] <- dat.d[,ke]-dat.m[ke], #std=1
          for(ke in 1:ne) dat.z[,ke] <- dat.d[,ke]/dat.m[ke], #std=2
          for(ke in 1:ne) dat.z[,ke]<-(dat.d[,ke]-dat.m[ke])/dat.s[ke], #std=3
          dat.z <- dat.d
        #- if(!aref) break (no need to refine missing data until the end)
        if(!aref) break
        #- if(ite>1) and convergence reached or broken, break loop
        if(ite>1) {
          cat(ite,' ',round(maxddif,ndec+2)," (",est.c[kmaxest,4],")\n",sep="")
          if(maxddif>maxddif0) {
            cat("Data convergence broken\n\n")
          if(maxddif<=maxdif) {
            cat("Prescribed convergence reached\n\n")
          if(ite==maxite) {
            cat("\nAverage calculation skipped after",ite,"iterations\n")
          maxddif0 <- maxddif #save max. dat. dif. for next iteration
      #- save dat.m|s in dat0.m|s
      dat.m0 <- dat.m #copy of the means
      if(std==3) dat.s0 <- dat.s #copy of std. deviations
      oneref[is.na(oneref)] <- TRUE #reset oneref
      #- if(aref==TRUE) repeat missing data filling with self-correction
      if(aref==TRUE) {
        cat('Last series readjustment (please, be patient...)\n')
        #- obtain estimated series (dat.e, dat.c) from their neighbors
        #- and update used[ne,ne], nrefs[nd,ne] and mindist[ne,ne]:
        for(i in 1:ne) { #for every statin
          ik <- iest[i] #index of original station
          for(j in 1:nd) { #for every data
            se <- 0
            sw <- 0
            nr <- 0
            for(ir in 1:nei) { #for every possible reference
              kr <- est.p[ik,ir]
              krf <- which(iest==kr) #fragments of the reference
              k <- which(!dat.na[j,krf]) #which one has observation?
              if(length(k)!=1) next #no fragment with observation
              k <- krf[k] #index of the fragment with observation con dato
              if(i==k) next #same station
              nr <- nr+1 #no. of references
              used[i,k] <- TRUE #flag used station
              #minimum distance to the nearest data:
              if(nr==1) mindist[j,i] <- max(est.d[ik,kr],1)
              w <- est.w[ik,kr]
              se <- se + w * dat.z[j,k]
              sw <- sw + w
              #if maximum no. of references or self-reference, finish:
              if(nr>=nrefk | (aref & ir==1)) break
            if(!nr) { #no reference!
              dat.e[j,i] <- dat.z[j,i] #keep observation
              nrefs[j,i] <- NA
            } else {
              nrefs[j,i] <- nr
              #if only one reference, flag to avoid any modification:
              if(nr==1 & !is.na(oneref[j,i])) oneref[j,i] <- TRUE
              #avoid negative estimations if std=2 (precipitation, etc):
              if(std==2 & se<0) se <- 0
              dat.e[j,i] <- se / sw #estimated data (normalized)
        #change any NaN to NA. (It may happen with std=2):
        n <- sum(is.nan(dat.e))
        if(n>0) {
          cat(n,"NaN's in dat.e ! (changing them to NA's...)\n")
          dat.e[is.nan(dat.e)] <- NA
        #calculate values unnormalizing dat.e:
          for(ke in 1:ne) dat.c[,ke] <- dat.e[,ke]+dat.m[ke],     #std=1
          for(ke in 1:ne) dat.c[,ke] <- dat.e[,ke]*dat.m[ke],     #std=2
          for(ke in 1:ne) dat.c[,ke]<-dat.e[,ke]*dat.s[ke]+dat.m[ke],#std=3
          dat.c <- dat.e
        #- missing data filling
        dat.d[dat.na] <- dat.c[dat.na]
        if(!is.na(vmax)) dat.d[dat.d > vmax] <- vmax
        if(!is.na(vmin)) dat.d[dat.d < vmin] <- vmin
        #- update dat.m|s|z
        dat.m <- apply(dat.d,2,mean,na.rm=TRUE)
        if(std==3) dat.s <- apply(dat.d,2,sd,na.rm=TRUE)
          for(ke in 1:ne) dat.z[,ke] <- dat.d[,ke]-dat.m[ke], #std=1
          for(ke in 1:ne) dat.z[,ke] <- dat.d[,ke]/dat.m[ke], #std=2
          for(ke in 1:ne) dat.z[,ke]<-(dat.d[,ke]-dat.m[ke])/dat.s[ke], #std=3
          dat.z <- dat.d
      #- calculate final values of the anomalies (anom, sanom)
      anom <- dat.z-dat.e #anomalies
      anom[dat.na] <- NA  #forget anomalies of estimated data
      anomm <- apply(anom,2,mean,na.rm=TRUE) #mean anomalies
      anoms <- apply(anom,2,sd,na.rm=TRUE) #std. dev. of anomalies
      for(i in 1:ne) sanom[,i] <- (anom[,i]-anomm[i])/anoms[i]
      #- ----------- Shift detection/correction (binary split):
      #- if(ks>2) break (only missing data filling in the last stage)
      if(ks>2) break
      #split series when maximum test is higher than inh threshold:
      nn <- 0 #initialize no. of new series
      splt <- rep(0,ne)  #initialize tV of split series
      modif <- FALSE #initialize flag of series modification
      cat("\nPerforming shift analysis on the",ne,"series...\n")
      y <- sanom #normalized anomalies
      y[is.na(nrefs)] <- NA #remove anomalies without reference
      y[,refhom] <- NA #remove anomalies of trusted series
      if(ks==1) tkx <- apply(y,2,wtest,swa,sts,test)
      else tkx <- apply(y,2,test,sts)
      tVx <- tkx[1,]; kpx<- as.integer(tkx[2,])
      #- split series in decreasing order of tVx while not using as references
      #  recently split with tVx similar to the maximum tVx in all series:
      if(sum(!is.na(tVx))==0) tVxx <- 0 else tVxx <- max(tVx,na.rm=TRUE)
      while(tVxx > inh) {
        i <- which.max(tVx) #series with maximum tVx
        #if i used references split with a too high tVx, go to new iteration:
        if(max(splt[used[i,]])>tVxx*(1+.05*min(nr,sum(used[i,])))) break
        kp <- kpx[i] #location of tVx in series i
        if(oneref[kp,i] & nrefk>1) { #avoid split with only one reference
          tVx[i] <- -1 #set this series tVx to -1
          tVxx <- max(tVx,na.rm=TRUE) #maximum tVx of remaining series
        cat(sprintf('\n%s(%d) breaks at %s (%.1f)',est.c[i,4],i,
        #graphic of anomalies with split location:
        if(graphics) {
          y <- sanom[,i] #vector of anomalies of this series
          ylab="Standardized anomalies (observed - computed)"
          tit <- sprintf('%s   %d (%s)\n%s',varcli,i,est.c[i,4],est.c[i,5])
          z <- class(x)
          if(z[1]=='Date' | z[1]=='POSIXct') {
            if(z[1]=='Date') abline(v=axis.Date(1,x),lty=3,col=grdcol)
            else if(z[1]=='POSIXct') abline(v=axis.POSIXct(1,x),lty=3,
          } else grid(col=grdcol)
          abline(-3,0,lty=3,col=grdcol); abline(-5,0,lty=3,col=grdcol)
          mtext(" 1",4,las=1,adj=0,at=-5,col=verde)
          mtext(" 10",4,las=1,adj=0,at=-4,col=verde)
          mtext(" 100",4,las=1,adj=0,at=-3,col=verde)
          mtext(" (km)",4,las=1,adj=0,at=-2,col=verde)
          lines(rep(x[kp],2),c(-5,4.8),col="red",lty=2) #show split location
        #count no. of splits per year
        z <- as.integer(strftime(x[kp],"%Y"))-anyi+1 #year of the split
        nsy[z] <- nsy[z] + 1 #no. of splits per year
        #split series at the break point:
        nd1 <- sum(!is.na(dat[1:(kp-1),i])) #no. of data of fragment 1
        nd2 <- sum(!is.na(dat[kp:nd,i])) #no. of data of fragment 2
        if(nd1 < mindat & nd2 < mindat) stop(sprintf('\nBoth fragments have less than %d data. Please, remove this series\nfrom the input files or increase the mindat parameter.',mindat))
        del <- 0 #flag of deleted fragments
        if(std==2) {
          md1 <- mean(dat[1:(kp-1),i],na.rm=TRUE)
          md2 <- mean(dat[kp:nd,i],na.rm=TRUE)
        } else md1 <- md2 <- NA
        if(nd1 < mindat) {
          dat[1:(kp-1),i] <- NA; del <- del + 1
          cat(" Fragment with less than",mindat,"data DELETED")
        if(nd2 < mindat) {
          dat[kp:nd,i] <- NA; del <- del + 1
          cat(" Fragment with less than",mindat,"data DELETED")
        if(del==0) {
          nn <- nn+1 #update no. of new series
          iest <- c(iest,iest[i]) #add index of original series
          nsp[iest[i]] <- nsp[iest[i]]+1 #update no. of shifts
          dat <- cbind(dat,rep(NA,nd)) #new data column
          #move pre-cut data to the new series:
          dat[1:(kp-1),ne+nn] <- dat[1:(kp-1),i]
          dat[1:(kp-1),i] <- NA #delete pre-cut data
          #copy coordinates and add a suffix to station code and name:
          z <- data.frame(est.i[iest[i],1:3],paste(est.i[iest[i],4],"-",1+nsp[iest[i]],sep=""),paste(est.i[iest[i],5],"-",1+nsp[iest[i]],sep=""))
          names(z) <- names(est.i)
          est.c <- rbind(est.c,z)
            { dat.m0[i] <- mean(dat[,i],na.rm=TRUE) + refmed - mean(datmed[!is.na(dat[,i])])
              dat.m0 <- c(dat.m0, mean(dat[,ne+nn],na.rm=TRUE)+refmed-mean(datmed[!is.na(dat[,ne+nn])])) },
            { dat.m0[i] <- mean(dat[,i],na.rm=TRUE) * refmed / mean(datmed[!is.na(dat[,i])])
              dat.m0 <- c(dat.m0, mean(dat[,ne+nn],na.rm=TRUE)*refmed/mean(datmed[!is.na(dat[,ne+nn])])) },
            { dat.m0[i] <- mean(dat[,i],na.rm=TRUE) + refmed - mean(datmed[!is.na(dat[,i])])
              dat.m0 <- c(dat.m0, mean(dat[,ne+nn],na.rm=TRUE)+refmed-mean(datmed[!is.na(dat[,ne+nn])]))
              dat.s0[i] <- sd(dat[,i],na.rm=TRUE) + refstd - sd(datmed[!is.na(dat[,i])])
              dat.s0 <- c(dat.s0, sd(dat[,ne+nn],na.rm=TRUE)+refstd-sd(datmed[!is.na(dat[,ne+nn])])) },
            { dat.m0[i] <- mean(dat[,i],na.rm=TRUE) + refmed - mean(datmed[!is.na(dat[,i])])
              dat.m0 <- c(dat.m0, mean(dat[,ne+nn],na.rm=TRUE)+refmed-mean(datmed[!is.na(dat[,ne+nn])])) }
        #update tVx and flags for next loop:
        modif <- TRUE #flag of modified series
        splt[i] <- tVx[i] #split tV of series i
        tVx[i] <- 0 #set its tVx to 0
        tVxx <- max(tVx,na.rm=TRUE) #maximum tVx of remaining series
      if(nn) {
        cat("\n\nUpdate number of series: ",ne,"+",nn,"= ")
        ne <- ne+nn  #update no. of series
        refhom <- c(refhom,rep(FALSE,nn)) #update refhom vector
      #- No new splits? histograms of tVx and breaks
      if(!nn & !modif) {
        if(graphics) {
          #histogram of global tVx (without unreallistic zeros):
          z <- tVx[!is.na(tVx) & tVx>0]
          main <- sprintf("Histogram of maximum %s (Stage %d)",inhtest,ks)
          if(sum(!is.na(z))) hist(z,breaks=20,xlab=inhtest,col="purple",main=main)
          if(ks==2 | inh<1) {
            #histogram of no. of splits per station
            #(too small fragments are not counted for, although they will be
            # reported in the final break list):
            hist(nsp,breaks=0:max(9,max(nsp)+1)-.5,col="orange2",xlab="Number of splits",ylab="Number of stations",main="Number of splits per station")
            #no. of splits per year:
            w <- min(5,ceiling(400/na)) #addapt bar width
            plot(anyi:anyf,nsy,type="h",lwd=w,col=2,ylim=c(0,max(10,max(nsy))),xlab="Years",ylab="Number of splits",main="Number of splits per year")
        #list of possible splits with only one referencia:
        z <- which(tVx<0)
        if(length(z)>0) {
          cat('Series that could break but had only one reference:\n')
        break #break loop and go to next stage
  #------------ End of the three homogeneization stages --------------
  #RMSE of estimated data:
  z <- dat.c; zo <- dat.o[,iest]; zo[dat.na] <- NA
  rmse <- apply((z-zo)^2,2,function(x) sqrt(mean(x,na.rm=TRUE)))
  #- graphics of anomalies of the homogenized series
  #  (with maximium tVx, grouped by original series):
  tVx <- rep(NA,ne) #(save final tVx in overlapping windows)
  inhx <- rep(NA,ne) #(save final tVx in complete series)
  for(io in 1:nei) { #for every original series
    wi <- which(iest==io) #series derived from station io
    lwi <- length(wi)
    for(i in wi) { #for every derived series
      y <- sanom[,i] #standardized anomalies of the series
      if(graphics) {
        ylab="Standardized anomalies (observed - computed)"
        tit <- sprintf('%s   %d (%s)\n%s',varcli,i,est.c[i,4],est.c[i,5])
        z <- class(x)
        if(z[1]=='Date' | z[1]=='POSIXct') {
          if(z[1]=='Date') abline(v=axis.Date(1,x),lty=3,col=grdcol)
          else if(z[1]=='POSIXct') abline(v=axis.POSIXct(1,x),lty=3,col=grdcol)
        } else grid(col=grdcol)
        abline(-3,0,lty=3,col=grdcol); abline(-5,0,lty=3,col=grdcol)
        mtext(" 1",4,las=1,adj=0,at=-5,col=verde)
        mtext(" 10",4,las=1,adj=0,at=-4,col=verde)
        mtext(" 100",4,las=1,adj=0,at=-3,col=verde)
        mtext(" (km)",4,las=1,adj=0,at=-2,col=verde)
      #apply wtest and flag its maximum tV (if >=1):
      st <- wtest(y,swa,sts,test); tVx[i] <- st[1]; zz <- floor(st[1])
      if(zz) {
        kp <- as.integer(st[2])
        if(graphics) {
          lines(rep(x[kp],2),c(-5,4.8),col=verde,lty=2) #flag maximum wtest
          text(x[kp],5,zz,col=verde) #value
      #apply test and flag its maximum:
      st <- eval(call(test,y,sts))
      inhx[i] <- round(st[1],1); zz <- floor(st[1])
      if(!is.na(zz) & zz & graphics) {
        kp <- round(st[2])
        lines(rep(x[kp],2),c(-5,4.8),lty=4) #flag tVx (maximum test)
        text(x[kp],-5.2,zz) #value
  #homogenized series:
  dah <- round(dat.d,ndec) #rount to the requested no. of decimals
  #- graphics of homogenized series and their corrections
  if(graphics) {
    text(0,0.4,"Final graphics",cex=3)
    text(0,-0.3,"Adjusted series and\napplied corrections",cex=2.2)
    if(nm>0) xlab <- "Years" else xlab <- "Dates"
    #filters to get annual values:
    ndpy <- round(nd/na) #no. of data per year
    if(nd<=120 | nd<ndpy*3) { fltr=1; ylabd <- "Data" }#few data? avoid filter
    else {
      fltr <- rep(1,ndpy)
      if(annual=='sum') ylabd <- "Running annual totals"
      else {
        ylabd <- "Running annual means"
        fltr <- fltr/ndpy
    if(!is.na(uni)) ylabd <- sprintf('%s (%s)',ylabd,uni)
    for(i in 1:nei) { #for every original station
      wi <- which(iest==i) #derived series of station i
      lwi <- length(wi)
      if(lwi>1) vi <- TRUE else vi <- FALSE
      #filtros para valores anuales 
      tit <- sprintf('%s   %d (%s)\n%s',varcli,i,est.c[i,4],est.c[i,5])
      yo <- as.vector(dat.o[,i]) #original observations
      y <- dah[,wi] #homogenized data
      yf <- stats::filter(y,fltr)
      ylim <- c(floor(min(yf,na.rm=TRUE)),ceiling(max(yf,na.rm=TRUE)))
      #(avoid matplot because of bad managing dates in X axes)
      lines(x,stats::filter(yo,fltr)) #redraw observations line
      z <- class(x)
      if(z[1]=='Date' | z[1]=='POSIXct') {
        if(z[1]=='Date') abline(v=axis.Date(1,x,tick=FALSE,labels=FALSE),
        else if(z[1]=='POSIXct') abline(v=axis.POSIXct(1,x,tick=FALSE,
      } else grid(col=grdcol)
      if(std==2) {
        yo[yo==0] <- NA; y[y==0] <- NA
        yd <- y/yo; ylab <- "Correction factors"
      } else {
        yd <- y-yo; ylab <- "Correction terms"
        if(!is.na(uni)) ylab <- sprintf('%s (%s)',ylab,uni)
      ylim <- c(floor(min(yd,na.rm=TRUE)),ceiling(max(yd,na.rm=TRUE)))
      if(std==2 & ylim[2]<=2) ylim <- c(0,2)
      if(std!=2 & ylim[1]>=-1 & ylim[2]<=1) ylim <- c(-1,1)
      if(vi) plot(x,yd[,1],type="n",ylim=ylim,ylab=ylab,xlab='Time')
      else plot(x,yd,type="n",ylim=ylim,ylab=ylab,xlab='Time')
      z <- class(x)
      if(z[1]=='Date' | z[1]=='POSIXct') {
        if(z[1]=='Date') abline(v=axis.Date(1,x),lty=3,col=grdcol)
        else if(z[1]=='POSIXct') abline(v=axis.POSIXct(1,x),lty=3,col=grdcol)
      } else grid(col=grdcol)
  if(sum(inht)>0) cat("\n======== End of the homogenization process, after ")
  else cat("\n======== End of the missing data infilling process, after ")
  cat("\n----------- Final calculations:\n")
  #inhtest in each series
  if(inhtest=='SNHT') cat("\nSNHT: Standard normal homogeneity test (on anomaly series)\n")
  else cat("\nCucT: Cucconi test (on anomaly series)\n")
  #RMSE of estimated data (unnormalized):
  cat("\nRMSE: Root mean squared error of the estimated data\n")
  zz <- summary(rmse)
  sedec <- max(1,2-ceiling(log10(zz[4]))) #no. of decimals of RMSE
  rmse <- round(rmse,sedec) #round RMSE
  pod <- floor(100*(nd-apply(dat.na,2,sum))/nd) #percentage of original data
  cat("\nPOD: Percentage of original data\n")
  #- print summary of results
  df <- data.frame(SNHT=inhx,RMSE=rmse,POD=pod,Code=est.c[,4],Name=est.c[,5])
  names(df)[1] <- inhtest
  cat(sprintf('\nFrequency distribution tails of residual anomalies and %s:\n\n',inhtest))
  cat("Left tail of standardized anomalies:\n")
  cat("Right tail of standardized anomalies:\n")
  cat(sprintf('Right tail of %s on windows of %d terms with up to %d references:\n',inhtest,2*swa,nref[3]))
  cat(sprintf('Right tail of %s with up to %d references:\n',inhtest,nref[3]))
  #add new columns to the stations table (percentage of original data,
  #  inhx and RMSE):
  est.c <- cbind(est.c,pod,inhx,rmse)
  #round input data for graphics and final results
  dat <- round(dat,ndec)
  #- if(graphics), plot last graphics
  if(graphics) {
    #histogram of the anomalies (those of outliers in red):
    main <- "Histogram of standardized anomalies"
    z <- hist(c(sanom,outan),plot=FALSE)
    zx <- z$breaks
    zy <- z$counts; zy[zy==0] <- NA
    barplot(zy,log='y',space=0,ylim=c(.9,max(zy,na.rm=TRUE)*2),ylab='Frequency',col='green',main=main,xlab='Anomalies (standard deviations)')
    if(sum(!is.na(outan))) { #redraw outliers in red
      zy <- hist(outan,breaks=zx,plot=FALSE)$counts; zy[zy==0] <- NA
    #histogram of tVx by overlapping windows (withoud unrealistic zeros):
    z <- tVx[!is.na(tVx) & tVx>0]
    main <- sprintf("Histogram of maximum windowed %s",inhtest)
    if(sum(!is.na(z))) hist(z,breaks=20,xlab=inhtest,col=verde,main=main)
    #histogram of tVx of the complete series:
    z <- inhx; main <- sprintf("Histogram of maximum global %s",inhtest)
    if(sum(!is.na(z))) hist(z,breaks=20,xlab=inhtest,col="purple",main=main)
    #quality/singularity graphic:
    if(is.na(uni)) xlab <- 'RMSE' else xlab <- sprintf('RMSE (%s)',uni)
    plot(rmse,inhx,type="n",xlim=c(0,max(1,max(rmse,na.rm=TRUE))),ylim=c(0,max(50,max(inhx,na.rm=TRUE))),xlab=xlab,ylab=inhtest,main="Station's quality/singularity")
  if(graphics) { par(old.par); graphics.off() } #close graphic output
  #- save results in a rda file
  dat <- dat.o
  names(est.c) <- c('X','Y','Z','Code','Name','pod',test,'rmse')
  rownames(est.c) <- 1:ne
  if(graphics & exists('ct')) save(dat,dah,nd,ndec,uni,est.c,corm,ct,nei,ne,nm,std,x,ini, file=sprintf('%s.rda',fbas))
  else save(dat,dah,nd,ndec,uni,est.c,nei,ne,nm,std,x,ini, file=sprintf('%s.rda',fbas))
  #sort fies of outliers and breaks:
  if(!metad) { 
    brk <- read.csv(sprintf('%s_brk.csv',fbas),colClasses=c("character","character","numeric"))
    brk <- brk[order(brk[,1],brk[,2]),]
  out <- read.csv(sprintf('%s_out.csv',fbas),colClasses=c("character","character","numeric","numeric","numeric","numeric"),check.names=FALSE)
  #remove duplicates keeping the last rows:
  out <- out[as.integer(row.names(unique(out[,1:2],fromLast=TRUE))),]
  out <- out[order(out[,1],out[,2]),] #sort by stations and dates
  cat("\n----------- Generated output files: -------------------------\n\n")
  if(logf) cat(sprintf('%s.txt :  Text output of the whole process',fbas),'\n')
  cat(sprintf('%s_out.csv :  List of corrected outliers',fbas),'\n')
  cat(sprintf('%s_brk.csv :  List of corrected breaks',fbas),'\n')
  if(graphics) cat(sprintf('%s.pdf :  Diagnostic graphics',fbas),'\n')
  cat(sprintf('%s.rda :  Homogenization results.',fbas))
  cat(' Postprocess with (examples):\n')
  cat(sprintf('   dahstat(\'%s\',%d,%d) #averages',varcli,anyi,anyf,fbas),'\n')
  cat(sprintf('   dahstat(\'%s\',%d,%d,stat=\'tnd\') #OLS trends and p-values',varcli,anyi,anyf),'\n')
  cat(sprintf('   dahgrid(\'%s\',%d,%d,grid=YOURGRID) #homogenized grids',varcli,anyi,anyf),'\n')
  cat('   ... (See other options in the package documentation)\n\n')
  while (sink.number()>0) sink() #close log file(s)

#- outrename.- Append a suffix to the output files, to avoid overwrites.
outrename <- function(varcli, anyi, anyf, suffix, restore=FALSE) {
#varcli: Short name of the studied climatic variable.
#anyi: Initial year of the study period.
#anyf: Final year of the study period.
#suffix: Suffix to be inserted (or removed) in the output file names.
#restore: If TRUE, the suffix will be removed.
  fbn <- sprintf('%s_%d-%d',varcli,anyi,anyf) #original file base name
  #destination file base name:
  fbn2 <- sprintf('%s-%s_%d-%d',varcli,suffix,anyi,anyf)
  for(ext in c(".txt",".pdf")) {
    if(restore) file.rename(paste(fbn2,ext,sep=""),paste(fbn,ext,sep=""))
    else file.rename(paste(fbn,ext,sep=""),paste(fbn2,ext,sep=""))
  if(restore) {
    name <- sprintf('%s.rda',fbn2)
    if(file.exists(name)) file.rename(name,sprintf('%s.rda',fbn))
    name <- sprintf('%s_out.csv',fbn2)
    if(file.exists(name)) file.rename(name,sprintf('%s_out.csv',fbn))
    name <- sprintf('%s_brk.csv',fbn2)
    if(file.exists(name)) file.rename(name,sprintf('%s_brk.csv',fbn))
  } else {
    name <- sprintf('%s.rda',fbn)
    if(file.exists(name)) file.rename(name,sprintf('%s.rda',fbn2))
    name <- sprintf('%s_out.csv',fbn)
    if(file.exists(name)) file.rename(name,sprintf('%s_out.csv',fbn2))
    name <- sprintf('%s_brk.csv',fbn)
    if(file.exists(name)) file.rename(name,sprintf('%s_brk.csv',fbn2))

#- QCthresholds.- Obtain monthly thresholds for Quality Control alerts.
QCthresholds <- function(dat, ndec=1, probs=c(0.,.001,.01,.99,.999,1.),
minval=NA, maxval=NA, homog=TRUE, verb=TRUE) {
#dat: either the name of a *.rda file of Climatol homogenization results or a
#  data.frame of daily (or subdaily) data in columns, dates or date/times (of
#  class Date or POSIXct) in the first column and station codes in the header
#ndec: number of decimals of output values [1] (defaults shown between brackets)
#probs: probabilities of the quantiles to be computed [0.,.001,.01,.99,.999,1.]
#minval: minimum value to compute runs of constant values (e.g., set to .1 with
#  daily precipitation to avoid the calculation of long runs of zeros)
#maxval: maximum value to compute runs of constant values (e.g., set to 97 with relative humidity to avoid reporting long runs of values greater than 97% in episodes of persistent fog).
#homog: use homogenized data if a *.rda file is used as input [TRUE]
#verb: list all calculated values? [TRUE]
  nei <- est.c <- dah <- NULL #(avoid invisible bidings)
  if(is.data.frame(dat)) { #check the data frame:
    nd <- nrow(dat) #no. of data rows
    x <- dat[,1] #time vector
    if(!inherits(x,'Date') & !inherits(x,'POSIXct')) stop('The first column should be of class Date (or POSIXct in the case of subdaily data')
    ne <- ncol(dat) #no. of data columns
    codes <- names(dat[,2:ne]) #station codes
    dat <- as.matrix(dat[,2:ne]); ne <- ne-1 #no. of stations
  } else if(is.character(dat)) { #check the input file:
    n <- nchar(dat)
    if(substr(dat,n-3,n)!='.rda') stop('Files of Climatol homogenization results have extension .rda')
    if(!file.exists(dat)) stop(sprintf('File %s not found',dat))
    ne <- nei; codes <- est.c[1:nei,4]
    if(homog) dat <- dah[,1:nei]
  np <- length(probs) #no. of probability levels
  probs2 <- probs[probs>0.5]; np2 <- length(probs2) #right tail probabilities
  st <- as.factor(t(matrix(rep(codes,nd),ne,nd))) #factor of station codes
  mm <- as.factor(matrix(rep(strftime(x,'%m'),ne),nd,ne)) #factor of months
  #quantiles of the data:
  thr1 <- round(unlist(tapply(dat,list(st,mm),quantile,probs=probs,
  dim(thr1) <- c(np,ne,12); dimnames(thr1) <- list(probs,codes,1:12)
  #quantiles of first differences:
  st <- as.factor(t(matrix(rep(codes,nd-1),ne,nd-1))) #station codes
  thr2 <- round(unlist(tapply(abs(diff(dat)),list(st),quantile,probs=probs2,
  dim(thr2) <- c(np2,ne); thr2 <- t(thr2); dimnames(thr2) <- list(codes,probs2)
  #quantiles of longest runs of constant values
  if(!is.na(minval)) dat[dat<minval] <- NA #delete too low values
  if(!is.na(maxval)) dat[dat>maxval] <- NA #delete too high values
  z <- sapply(apply(dat,2,rle), function(x) x[1]) #run lengths
  thr3 <- t(sapply(z,quantile,probs=probs2,na.rm=TRUE))
  dimnames(thr3) <- list(codes,probs2)
  if(verb) { #list all calculated thresholds:
    cat('\n=========== thr1: Monthly quantiles of the data\n\n')
    for(i in 1:ne) {
      cat('--------- Station',codes[i],'\n')
    cat('\n=========== thr2: Quantiles of the first differences\n\n')
    cat('\n=========== thr3: Quantiles of run lengths of constant values')
    if(!is.na(minval)) cat(' >=',minval)
  #save the results in R binary format:
  save(thr1,thr2,thr3, file='QCthresholds.Rdat')
  cat('\nThresholds thr1,thr2,thr3 saved into QCthresholds.Rdat\n')
  cat('(Rename this file to avoid overwriting it in the next run.)\n')

#- read.dat.- Read input data (for several climatol functions).
read.dat <- function(varcli, anyi, anyf, x=NULL, ini=NA, tinc=NA, tz='utc',
na.strings=NA) {
#varcli: Short name of the studied climatic variable.
#anyi: Initial year of the study period.
#anyf: Final year of the study period.
#x: Time vector. Automatically set by default. 
#ini: Initial date, with format 'AAAA-MM-DD' (for daily data).
#tinc: Time increment between data. Not set by default, but must be defined
#   for subdaily data, with units 'hours', 'mins' or 'secs'.
#tz: Time zone (if data are subdaily). ('utc' by by default)
#na.strings: strings marking missing data (NA by default).
  fbas <- sprintf('%s_%d-%d',varcli,anyi,anyf) #base file name 
  fiche <- sprintf('%s.est',fbas) #stations file name
  #read coordinates, codes and names of the stations:
  est.c <- read.table(fiche,colClasses=c("numeric","numeric","numeric","character","character"))
  names(est.c) <- c('X','Y','Z','Code','Name')
  ne <- nrow(est.c) #no. of stations
  #check for any missing X, Y, Code:
  xnas <- sum(is.na(est.c[,1])); ynas <- sum(is.na(est.c[,2]))
  cnas <- sum(is.na(est.c[,4]))
  if(xnas>0 | ynas>0 | cnas>0) stop('There are missing coordinates and/or station codes!\nPlease, complete the *.est file and run this function again.')
  #set any missing elevation to 99 m:
  knas <- is.na(est.c[,3])
  if(sum(knas>0)) {
    cat('Warning: Missing elevations are replaced by 99\n')
    est.c[knas,3] <- 99
  #change any hyphen in codes to underscores:
  z <- gsub('-','_',est.c[,4])
  zn <- sum(z != est.c[,4])
  if(zn>0) {
    cat('In',zn,'codes containing the "-" character, they have been changed to "_"\n\n')
    est.c[,4] <- z
  #check for duplicate codes:
  z <- duplicated(est.c[,4])
  if(sum(z)>0) {
    zz <- unique(est.c[z,4])
    cat('Duplicated codes detected:\n')
    stop('The station file *.est must contain unique codes.')
  #use station codes for any missing station names:
  knas<- is.na(est.c[,5])
  if(sum(knas>0)) {
    cat('Warning: Missing station names are replaced by their codes\n')
    est.c[knas,5] <- est.c[knas,4]
  #check if coordinates are in degrees:
  if(max(abs(est.c[,1]))>180 | max(abs(est.c[,2]))>90) 
    stop('Station coordinates must be in geographic degrees with decimals:\n-180 to 180 for X (longitude) and -90 to 90 for Y (latitude)')
  fichd <- sprintf('%s.dat',fbas) #data file name
  dat <- scan(fichd,na.strings=na.strings) #read data
  numdat <- length(dat) #no. of read data
  nd <- numdat/ne #no. of data per station
  if(nd-floor(nd)>1e-16) {
    cat(ne,"stations read from",fiche,"\n")
    cat(numdat,"data read from",fichd,"\n")
    stop("The length of data is not a multiple of the number of stations!")
  } else cat(sprintf('Data matrix: %d data x %d stations\n',nd,ne))
  dim(dat) <- c(nd,ne) #convert vector to matrix
  na <- anyf-anyi+1 #no. of years
  if(!is.null(x)) nm <- 0
  else { #calculate nm (no. of data per year and station):
    z <- nd/na
    if(z>=1) nm <- floor(z)
    if(nm > 366) nm <- -1 #flag of subdaily data
    else if(nm > 12) nm <- 0 #flag of daily data
  #check if years are complete:
  ndp <- length(seq(as.Date(sprintf('%s-01-01',anyi)),
    as.Date(sprintf('%s-12-31',anyf)),1)) #no. of days in the period
  if(nm>0 & nd%%nm==0) acomp <- TRUE
  else if(nd%%ndp==0) acomp <- TRUE
  else acomp <- FALSE
  #set tinc?
  if(is.na(tinc) & nd>ndp) {
    nh <- 24*ndp/nd #no. of hours
    if(nh>=1 & 24%%nh==0) tinc <- sprintf('%d hours',nh)
    else if((nh*60)==floor(nh*60)) tinc <- sprintf('%d mins',nh*60)
  #- build time vector x if not supplied by the user:
  if(is.null(x)) {
    if(is.na(ini)) ini <- sprintf('%d-01-01',anyi) #default initial date
    if(nm>0) x <- seq(as.Date(ini),length.out=nd,by=sprintf('%d months',round(12/nm)))
    else if(nm==0) x <- seq(as.Date(ini),length.out=nd,by='1 day')
    else x <- seq(as.POSIXct(ini,tz=tz),length.out=nd,by=tinc)
  } else ini <- x[1]
  if(length(x) != nd) stop(sprintf('The provided vector x has %d dates, but there appear to be %d data per station. Please, fix this inconsistency.',length(x),nd))

#- unsufix.- Remove numeric sufixes from station codes.
unsufix <- function(str) sapply(strsplit(str,'-'), function(x) x[1])

#- snht.- Maximum Standard Normal Homogeneity Test (allowing missing data).
snht <- function(y, mints=3, allT=FALSE) {
#mints: minimum tail size (minimum number of terms in the tails of the series)
#allT: return all T values? (By default, only the maximum and its position)
  yav <- which(!is.na(y)) #available data
  x <- y[yav] #series without missing data
  n <- length(x)
  if(n<mints*2) return(c(0,0)) #insuficientes datos
  if(sd(x)==0) return(c(0,0)) #serie constante
  T <- rep(NA,n)
# z <- scale(x) #a bit slower than:
  z <- (x-mean(x,na.rm=TRUE))/sd(x,na.rm=TRUE)
  for(i in mints:(n-mints)+1) { #(skip tails with less than mints terms)
    if(is.na(x[i])) next
    n1 <- sum(!is.na(x[1:(i-1)])) #no. of terms of sample 1
    n2 <- sum(!is.na(x[i:n])) #no. of terms of sample 2
    if(n1<mints | n2<mints) next #at least one sample is too small
    z1 <- mean(z[1:(i-1)],na.rm=TRUE)
    z2 <- mean(z[i:n],na.rm=TRUE)
    T[i] <- n1*z1*z1 + n2*z2*z2
  if(allT) return(T) else return(c(max(T,na.rm=TRUE),yav[which.max(T)]))

#- wtest.- Inhomogeneity test on overlapping 2*nt term windows.
wtest <- function(x, nt=48, sts=3, test) {
  ntt <- length(x) #no. of total terms of the series
  ntv <- sum(!is.na(x)) #no. of valid (non-missing) data of the series
  if(2*nt>ntv) return(c(0,0)) #not enough valid data for the test
  tV <- 0 #initialization of maximum tV (test value) to return
  pk <- 0 #initialization of the tV location to return
  #initialization of sample limits (a1-b1, a2-b2):
  k <- 1; while(k<ntt & is.na(x[k])) k <- k+1; a1 <- k
  n<-1; while(n<nt & k<ntt) { k <- k+1; if(!is.na(x[k])) n <- n+1; }
  b1 <- k
  k <- k+1; while(k<ntt & is.na(x[k])) k <- k+1; a2 <- k
  n<-1; while(n<nt & k<ntt) { k <- k+1; if(!is.na(x[k])) n <- n+1; }
  b2 <- k
  #apply the test to overlapping windows:
  repeat {
    st <- eval(call(test,x[a1:b2],sts))
    stx <- st[1]
    if(!is.na(tV) & stx>tV) { tV <- stx; pk <- round(st[2])+a1-1 }
    if(b2==ntt) return(c(tV,pk))
    #shift windows forwards:
    a1 <- a2; b1 <- b2
    k <- b2+1; while(k<ntt & is.na(x[k])) k <- k+1
    if(is.na(x[k])) return(c(tV,pk)) else a2 <- k
    n<-1; while(n<nt & k<ntt) { k <- k+1; if(!is.na(x[k])) n <- n+1; }
    b2 <- k

#- cuct.- Maximum Cucconi test in a series (allowing missing data and zeros).
cuct <- function(y, mints=3) {
#mints: minimum tail size ((minimum number of terms in the tails of the series)
  yav <- which(!is.na(y)) #available data
  x <- y[yav] #series without missing data
  n <- length(x) #series length
  if(n<mints*2) return(c(NA,NA)) #not enough data
  Tx <- 0; kx <- 0 #initialize maximum test value and location
  rkx <- rank(x,ties.method="first") #ranks of the series
  rkz <- n+1-rkx #reverse ranks of the series
  #(use as.numeric() to avoid "exceeded integers" in long series:)
  rkx <- as.numeric(rkx)*rkx; rkz <- as.numeric(rkz)*rkz #squared ranks
  nz1 <- n+1; nz2 <- 2*n+1; nz8 <- 8*n+11 #auxiliary variables
  r <- 2*(as.numeric(n)*n-4) / (nz2*nz8) - 1
  #calculate test along the series:
  for(i in mints:(n-mints)+1) { #(skip too short tails)
    n1 <- i-1; n2 <- n-n1 #no. of terms of the samples
    S1 <- sum(rkx[i:n]); S2 <- sum(rkz[i:n]) #summations
    den <- sqrt(n1*n2*nz1*nz2*nz8/5) #denominator
    U <- (6*S1-n2*nz1*nz2)/den
    V <- (6*S2-n2*nz1*nz2)/den
    T <- (U*U+V*V-2*r*U*V) / (2*(1-r*r)) #value of the test
    if(T>Tx) { Tx <- T; kx <- i }

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