
Defines functions adjustWeightsByCellBalancing reduceEdgesInGraphIteratively reduceEdgesInGraph getNeighborMatrix getPcaBasedNeighborMatrix convertDistanceToSimilarity stableTreeClusters greedyModularityCut bestClusterTreeThresholds bestClusterThresholds getLocalEdges getLocalNeighbors getDecoyProjections projectSamplesOnGlobalAxes getOdGenesUniformly factorBreakdown getPercentGlobalClusters getClusterRelationshipConsistency sn papply complete.dend quickCCA quickPlainPCA quickCPCA cpcaFast quickJNMF Rjnmf quickNULL commonOverdispersedGenes scaledMatrices scaledMatricesSeuratV3 scaledMatricesSeurat scaledMatricesP2

Documented in bestClusterThresholds bestClusterTreeThresholds getClusterRelationshipConsistency getNeighborMatrix getOdGenesUniformly getPercentGlobalClusters greedyModularityCut quickCCA quickCPCA quickPlainPCA stableTreeClusters

#' @useDynLib conos
#' @import Matrix
#' @import igraph
#' @import sccore
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom magrittr %<>%
#' @importFrom magrittr %$%
#' @importFrom rlang .data

## for magrittr and dplyr functions below
if (getRversion() >= "2.15.1"){
  utils::globalVariables(c(".", "x", "y"))

#' @keywords internal
scaledMatricesP2 <- function(p2.objs, data.type, od.genes, var.scale) {
  ## Common variance scaling
  if (var.scale) {
    # use geometric means for variance, as we're trying to focus on the common variance components
    cqv <- do.call(cbind, lapply(p2.objs,function(x) x$misc$varinfo[od.genes,]$qv)) %>%  log() %>% rowMeans() %>% exp()
  ## Prepare the matrices
  cproj <- lapply(p2.objs, function(r) {
    if (data.type == 'counts') {
      x <- r$counts[,od.genes]
    } else if (data.type %in% names(r$reductions)){
      if (!all(od.genes %in% colnames(r$reductions[[data.type]]))) {
        stop("Reduction '", data.type, "' should have columns indexed by gene, with all overdispersed genes presented")
      x <- r$reductions[[data.type]][,od.genes]
    } else {
      stop("No reduction named '", data.type, "' in pagoda2")

    if(var.scale) {
      cgsf <- sqrt(cqv/exp(r$misc$varinfo[od.genes,]$v))
      cgsf[is.na(cgsf) | !is.finite(cgsf)] <- 0
      x@x <- x@x*rep(cgsf,diff(x@p))


#' @keywords internal
scaledMatricesSeurat <- function(so.objs, data.type, od.genes, var.scale) {
  if (var.scale) {
    so.objs <- lapply(so.objs, function(so){ Seurat::ScaleData(so, features = rownames(so))})

  if (data.type == 'scaled') {
    x.data <- lapply(so.objs, function(so) t(so@scale.data)[,od.genes])
  } else if (data.type == 'counts') {
    x.data <- lapply(so.objs, function(so) t(so@data)[,od.genes])
  } else {

  res <- mapply(FUN = function(so, x) { return(x) }, so.objs, x.data )


#' @keywords internal
scaledMatricesSeuratV3 <- function(so.objs, data.type, od.genes, var.scale, neighborhood.average) {
  if (var.scale) {
    so.objs <- lapply(so.objs, function(so){ Seurat::ScaleData(so, features = rownames(so))})
  slot <- switch(
    EXPR = data.type,
    'scaled' = 'scale.data',
    'counts' = 'data',
    stop("Unknown Seurat data type: ", data.type)
  x.data <- lapply(
    X = so.objs,
    FUN = function(so) {
      return(t(x = Seurat::GetAssayData(object = so, slot = slot))[, od.genes])
  res <- mapply(FUN = function(so, x) { return(x) }, so.objs, x.data )


#' @keywords internal
scaledMatrices <- function(samples, data.type, od.genes, var.scale) {
  if ("Pagoda2" %in% class(samples[[1]])) {
    return(scaledMatricesP2(samples, data.type = data.type, od.genes, var.scale))
  } else if ("seurat" %in% class(samples[[1]])) {
    return(scaledMatricesSeurat(samples, data.type = data.type, od.genes, var.scale))
  } else if (inherits(x = samples[[1]], what = 'Seurat')) {
      so.objs = samples,
      data.type = data.type,
      od.genes = od.genes,
      var.scale = var.scale
  stop("Unknown class of sample: ", class(samples[[1]]))

#' @keywords internal
commonOverdispersedGenes <- function(samples, n.odgenes, verbose) {
  od.genes <- sort(table(unlist(lapply(samples, getOverdispersedGenes, n.odgenes))),decreasing=TRUE)
  common.genes <- Reduce(intersect, lapply(samples, getGenes))
  if(length(common.genes)==0) { warning(paste("samples",paste(names(samples),collapse=' and '),'do not share any common genes!')) }
  if(length(common.genes)<n.odgenes) { warning(paste("samples",paste(names(samples),collapse=' and '),'do not share enough common genes!')) }
  od.genes <- od.genes[names(od.genes) %in% common.genes]

  if(verbose) message("using ",length(od.genes)," od genes\n")


#' @keywords internal
quickNULL <- function(p2.objs, data.type='counts', n.odgenes = NULL, var.scale = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
  if (length(p2.objs) != 2){
    stop('quickNULL only supports pairwise alignment')

  od.genes <- commonOverdispersedGenes(p2.objs, n.odgenes, verbose=verbose)
  if (length(od.genes)<5){

  cproj <- scaledMatrices(p2.objs, data.type=data.type, od.genes=od.genes, var.scale=var.scale)

  return(list(genespace1=cproj[[1]], genespace2=cproj[[2]]))

## Performs Joint NMF for two matrices
#' @keywords internal
Rjnmf <- function(Xs, Xu, k, alpha, lambda, epsilon, maxiter, verbose, seed = 42) {

  ret <- RjnmfC(Xs, Xu, k, alpha, lambda, epsilon, maxiter, verbose)
  names(ret) <- c('Hs','Hu','W')

## Perform pairwise JNMF
#' @keywords internal
quickJNMF <- function(p2.objs, data.type='counts', n.comps=30, n.odgenes=NULL, var.scale=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, max.iter=1000, rjnmf.seed=12345) {

  ## Stop if more than 2 samples
  if (length(p2.objs) != 2){
    stop('quickJNMF only supports pairwise alignment')

  od.genes <- commonOverdispersedGenes(p2.objs, n.odgenes, verbose=verbose)
  if (length(od.genes)<5){

  cproj <- scaledMatrices(p2.objs, data.type=data.type, od.genes=od.genes, var.scale=var.scale) %>%

  ## Do JNMF
  z <- Rjnmf(Xs=t(cproj[[1]]), Xu=t(cproj[[2]]), k=n.comps, alpha=0.5, lambda = 0.5, epsilon = 0.001, maxiter= max.iter, verbose=FALSE, seed=rjnmf.seed)
  rot1 <- cproj[[1]] %*% z$W
  rot2 <- cproj[[2]] %*% z$W

  res <- list(rot1=rot1, rot2=rot2,z=z)


#' @keywords internal
cpcaFast <- function(covl,ncells,ncomp=10,maxit=1000,tol=1e-6,use.irlba=TRUE,verbose=FALSE) {
  ncomp <- min(c(nrow(covl)-1,ncol(covl)-1,ncomp))
  if(use.irlba) {
    # irlba initialization
    p <- nrow(covl[[1]]);
    S <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = p)
    for(i in 1:length(covl)) {
      S <- S + (ncells[i] / sum(ncells)) * covl[[i]]
    ncomp <- min(c(nrow(S)-1,ncol(S)-1,ncomp));
    ev <- irlba::irlba(S, ncomp, maxit=10000)
    cc <- abind::abind(covl,along=3)
  } else {

#' Perform cpca on two samples
#' @param r.n list of pagoda2 objects
#' @param data.type character Type of data type in the input pagoda2 objects within r.n (default='counts')
#' @param ncomps numeric Number of components to calculate (default=100)
#' @param n.odgenes numeric Number of overdispersed genes to take from each dataset (default=NULL)
#' @param var.scale boolean Whether to scale variance (default=TRUE)
#' @param verbose boolean Whether to be verbose (default=TRUE)
#' @param score.component.variance boolean Whether to score component variance (default=FALSE)
#' @return cpca projection on two samples
#' @keywords internal
quickCPCA <- function(r.n, data.type='counts', ncomps=100, n.odgenes=NULL, var.scale=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, score.component.variance=FALSE) {
  od.genes <- commonOverdispersedGenes(r.n, n.odgenes, verbose=verbose)

  ncomps <- min(ncomps, length(od.genes) - 1)

  if(verbose) message('calculating covariances for ',length(r.n),' datasets ...')

  ## # use internal C++ implementation
  ## sparse.cov <- function(x,cMeans=NULL){
  ##   if(is.null(cMeans)) {  cMeans <- Matrix::colMeans(x) }
  ##   covmat <- spcov(x,cMeans);
  ## }

  sm <- scaledMatrices(r.n, data.type=data.type, od.genes=od.genes, var.scale=var.scale)
  if (packageVersion("Matrix") >= '1.4.2'){
    covl <- lapply(sm,function(x) spcov(as(as(as(x, "dMatrix"), "generalMatrix"), "CsparseMatrix"), Matrix::colMeans(x)))
  } else {
    covl <- lapply(sm,function(x) spcov(as(x, "dgCMatrix"), Matrix::colMeans(x)))
  ## # centering
  ## if(common.centering) {
  ##   ncells <- unlist(lapply(covl,nrow));
  ##   centering <- colSums(do.call(rbind,lapply(covl,colMeans))*ncells)/sum(ncells)
  ## } else {
  ##   centering <- NULL;
  ## }

  ## covl <- lapply(covl,sparse.cov,cMeans=centering)

  if(verbose) message(' done\n')

  #W: get counts
  ncells <- unlist(lapply(sm,nrow))
  if(verbose) message('common PCs ...')
  #xcp <- cpca(covl,ncells,ncomp=ncomps)
  res <- cpcaFast(covl,ncells,ncomp=ncomps,verbose=verbose,maxit=500,tol=1e-5)
  #system.time(res <- cpca:::cpca_stepwise_base(covl,ncells,k=ncomps))
  #res <- cpc(abind(covl,along=3),k=ncomps)
  rownames(res$CPC) <- od.genes
  if (score.component.variance) {
    v0 <- lapply(sm,function(x) sum(apply(x,2,var)))
    v1 <- lapply(1:length(sm),function(i) {
      x <- sm[[i]];
      cm <- Matrix::colMeans(x);
      rot <- as.matrix(t(t(x %*% res$CPC) - t(cm %*% res$CPC)))
    # calculate projection
    res$nv <- v1
  if(verbose) message(' done\n')

#' Use space of combined sample-specific PCAs as a space
#' @param r.n list of pagoda2 objects
#' @param data.type character Type of data type in the input pagoda2 objects within r.n (default='counts')
#' @param ncomps numeric Number of components to calculate (default=30)
#' @param n.odgenes numeric Number of overdispersed genes to take from each dataset (default=NULL)
#' @param var.scale boolean Whether to scale variance (default=TRUE)
#' @param verbose boolean Whether to be verbose (default=TRUE)
#' @param score.component.variance boolean Whether to score component variance (default=FALSE)
#' @param n.cores numeric Number of cores to use (default=1)
#' @return PCA projection, using space of combined sample-specific PCAs
#' @keywords internal
quickPlainPCA <- function(r.n, data.type='counts', ncomps=30, n.odgenes=NULL, var.scale=TRUE,
  verbose=TRUE, score.component.variance=FALSE, n.cores=1) {

  od.genes <- commonOverdispersedGenes(r.n, n.odgenes, verbose=verbose)

  if (length(od.genes)<5){

  if(verbose) message('calculating PCs for ',length(r.n),' datasets ...')

  sm <- scaledMatrices(r.n, data.type=data.type, od.genes=od.genes, var.scale=var.scale)
  pcs <- lapply(sm, function(x) {
    cm <- Matrix::colMeans(x)
    ncomps <- min(c(nrow(cm)-1,ncol(cm)-1,round(ncomps/2)))
    res <- irlba::irlba(x, nv=ncomps, nu =0, center=cm, right_only = FALSE, reorth = TRUE)
    if(score.component.variance) {
      # calculate projection
      rot <- as.matrix(t(t(x %*% res$v) - as.vector(t(cm %*% res$v))))
      # note: this could be calculated a lot faster, but would need to account for the variable matrix format
      v0 <- apply(x,2,var)
      v1 <- apply(rot,2,var)/sum(v0)
      res$nv <- v1

  pcj <- do.call(cbind,lapply(pcs,function(x) x$v))
  # interleave the column order so that selecting top n components balances out the two datasets
  interleave <- function(n1,n2) { order(c((1:n1)-0.5,1:n2)) }
  ncols <- unlist(lapply(pcs,function(x) ncol(x$v)))
  pcj <- pcj[,interleave(ncols[1],ncols[2])]

  rownames(pcj) <- od.genes
  res <- list(CPC=pcj)

  if(score.component.variance) {
    res$nv <- lapply(pcs,function(x) x$nv)
  if(verbose) message(' done\n')


#' Perform CCA (using PMA package or otherwise) on two samples
#' @param r.n list of pagoda2 objects
#' @param data.type character Type of data type in the input pagoda2 objects within r.n (default='counts')
#' @param ncomps numeric Number of components to calculate (default=100)
#' @param n.odgenes numeric Number of overdispersed genes to take from each dataset
#' @param var.scale boolean Whether to scale variance (default=TRUE)
#' @param verbose boolean Whether to be verbose (default=TRUE)
#' @param score.component.variance boolean Whether to score component variance (default=FALSE)
#' @keywords internal
quickCCA <- function(r.n, data.type='counts', ncomps=100, n.odgenes=NULL, var.scale=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, PMA=FALSE, score.component.variance=FALSE) {

  od.genes <- commonOverdispersedGenes(r.n, n.odgenes, verbose=verbose)

  ncomps <- min(ncomps, length(od.genes) - 1)
  sm <- scaledMatrices(r.n, data.type=data.type, od.genes=od.genes, var.scale=var.scale)
  sm <- lapply(sm,function(m) m[rowSums(m)>0,])
  sm <- lapply(sm,scale, scale=FALSE) # center
  if(PMA) {
    if (!requireNamespace("PMA", quietly=TRUE)){
      stop("You need to install package 'PMA' to use the PMA flag.")
    res <- PMA::CCA(t(sm[[1]]),t(sm[[2]]),K=ncomps,trace=FALSE,standardize=FALSE)
  } else {
    res <- irlba::irlba(sm[[1]] %*% t(sm[[2]]),ncomps)
  rownames(res$u) <- rownames(sm[[1]])
  rownames(res$v) <- rownames(sm[[2]])

  res$ul <- t(sm[[1]]) %*% res$u # MASS::ginv(sm[[1]]) %*% res$u
  res$vl <- t(sm[[2]]) %*% res$v

  res$ul <- apply(res$ul,2,function(x) x/sqrt(sum(x*x)))
  res$vl <- apply(res$vl,2,function(x) x/sqrt(sum(x*x)))

  v0 <- lapply(sm,function(x) sum(apply(x,2,var)))
  res$nv <- list(apply(sm[[1]] %*% res$ul,2,var)/v0[[1]], apply(sm[[2]] %*% res$vl,2,var)/v0[[2]])
  names(res$nv) <- names(sm)

  #res$sm <- sm;
  # end DEBUG

  # adjust component weighting
  cw <- sqrt(res$d)
  cw <- cw/max(cw)
  res$u <- res$u %*% diag(cw)
  res$v <- res$v %*% diag(cw)


#### other functions

## complete.dend from igraph:::complete.dend
#' @keywords internal
complete.dend <- function(comm, use.modularity) {
  merges <- comm$merges
  if (nrow(merges) < comm$vcount-1) {
    if (use.modularity) {
      stop(paste("`use.modularity' requires a full dendrogram,",
                 "i.e. a connected graph"))
    miss <- seq_len(comm$vcount + nrow(merges))[-as.vector(merges)]
    miss <- c(miss, seq_len(length(miss)-2) + comm$vcount+nrow(merges))
    miss <- matrix(miss, byrow=TRUE, ncol=2)
    merges <- rbind(merges, miss)
  storage.mode(merges) <- "integer"


# use mclapply if available, fall back on BiocParallel, but use regular
# lapply() when only one core is specified
#' @keywords internal
papply <- function(...,n.cores=parallel::detectCores(), mc.preschedule=FALSE) {
  if(n.cores>1) {
    if(requireNamespace("parallel", quietly = TRUE)) {
      res <- parallel::mclapply(...,mc.cores=n.cores,mc.preschedule=mc.preschedule)
    else if(requireNamespace("BiocParallel", quietly = TRUE)) {
      # It should never happen because parallel is specified in Imports
      res <- BiocParallel::bplapply(... , BPPARAM = BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = n.cores))
  } else {
    # fall back on lapply
    res <- lapply(...)

  is.error <- (sapply(res, class) == "try-error")
  if (any(is.error)) {
    stop(paste("Errors in papply:", res[is.error]))


## Benchmarks

#' @keywords internal
sn <- function(x) { names(x) <- x; x }

#' Evaluate consistency of cluster relationships
#' Using the clustering we are generating per-sample dendrograms
#' and we are examining their similarity between different samples
#' More information about similarity measures
#' <https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/dendextend/versions/1.8.0/topics/cor_cophenetic>
#' <https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/dendextend/versions/1.8.0/topics/cor_bakers_gamma>
#' @param p2list list of pagoda2 object
#' @param pjc a clustering factor
#' @return list of cophenetic and bakers_gama similarities of the dendrograms from each sample
#' @keywords internal
getClusterRelationshipConsistency <- function(p2list, pjc) {
    hcs <- lapply(sn(names(p2list)), function(n) {
        x <- p2list[[n]]
        app.cl <- pjc[names(pjc) %in% getCellNames(x)]
        cpm <- sweep(rowsum(as.matrix(x$misc$rawCounts),
                            app.cl[rownames(x$misc$rawCounts)]),1, table(app.cl), FUN='/') * 1e6
        as.dendrogram(hclust(as.dist( 1 - cor(t(cpm)))))
    ## Compare all dendrograms pairwise
    cis <- combn(names(hcs), 2)
    dend.comp <- lapply(1:ncol(cis), function(i) {
        s1 <- cis[1,i]
        s2 <- cis[2,i]
        dl1 <- dendextend::intersect_trees(hcs[[s1]],hcs[[s2]])
    ## return mean and sd
        mean.cophenetic = mean(unlist(lapply(dend.comp, function(x) {x$cophenetic}))),
        sd.cophenetic = sd(unlist(lapply(dend.comp, function(x) {x$cophenetic}))),
        mean.bakers_gamma = mean(unlist(lapply(dend.comp, function(x) {x$bakers_gamma}))),
        sd.bakers_gamma = sd(unlist(lapply(dend.comp, function(x) {x$bakers_gamma})))

#' Evaluate how many clusters are global
#' @param p2list list of pagoda2 object on which clustering was generated
#' @param pjc the result of joint clustering
#' @param pc.samples.cutoff numeric The percent of the number of the total samples that a cluster has to span to be considered global (default=0.9)
#' @param min.cell.count.per.sample numeric The minimum number of cells of cluster in sample to be considered as represented in that sample (default=10)
#' @return percent of clusters that are global given the above criteria
#' @keywords internal
getPercentGlobalClusters <- function(p2list, pjc, pc.samples.cutoff = 0.9, min.cell.count.per.sample = 10) {
    ## get the cluster factor
    cl <- pjc$cls.mem
    ## get metadata table
    meta <- do.call(rbind, lapply(names(p2list), function(n) {
        x <- p2list[[n]];
            p2name = c(n),
            cellid = getCellNames(x)
    ## get sample / cluster counts
    meta$cl <- cl[meta$cellid]
    cl.sample.counts <- reshape2::acast(meta, p2name ~ cl, fun.aggregate=length,value.var='cl')
    ## which clusters are global
    global.cluster <- apply(cl.sample.counts > min.cell.count.per.sample, 2, sum) >=  ceiling(nrow(cl.sample.counts) * pc.samples.cutoff)
    ## pc global clusters
    sum(global.cluster) / length(global.cluster)

## helper function for breaking down a factor into a list
#' @keywords internal
factorBreakdown <- function(f) {tapply(names(f),f, identity) }

#' Get top overdispersed genes across samples
#' @param samples list of pagoda2 objects
#' @param n.genes number of overdispersed genes to extract
#' @keywords internal
getOdGenesUniformly <- function(samples, n.genes) {
  genes <- lapply(samples, getOverdispersedGenes, Inf) %>%
    lapply(function(gs) data.frame(gene=gs, rank=1:length(gs), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)) %>%
    dplyr::bind_rows() %>% dplyr::group_by(.data$gene) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(rank=min(rank), .groups='drop') %>% dplyr::arrange(rank) %>%

  return(genes[1:min(n.genes, length(genes))])

#' @keywords internal
projectSamplesOnGlobalAxes <- function(samples, cms.clust, data.type, verbose, n.cores) {
  if(verbose) message('calculating global projections ')

  # calculate global eigenvectors

  gns <- Reduce(intersect,lapply(cms.clust,rownames))
  if(verbose) message('.')
  if(length(gns) < length(cms.clust)){
    stop("Insufficient number of common genes")
  tcc <- Reduce('+',lapply(cms.clust,function(x) x[gns,]))
  tcc <- t(tcc)/colSums(tcc)*1e6
  gv <- apply(tcc,2,var)
  gns <- gns[is.finite(gv) & gv>0]
  tcc <- tcc[,gns,drop=FALSE]

  if(verbose) message('.')
  global.pca <- prcomp(log10(tcc+1),center=TRUE,scale=TRUE,retx=FALSE)
  # project samples onto the global axes
  global.proj <- papply(samples,function(s) {
    smat <- as.matrix(scaledMatrices(list(s), data.type=data.type, od.genes=gns, var.scale=FALSE)[[1]])
    if(verbose) message('.')
    #smat <- as.matrix(conos:::getRawCountMatrix(s,transposed=TRUE)[,gns])
    #smat <- log10(smat/rowSums(smat)*1e3+1)
    smat <- scale(smat,scale=TRUE,center=TRUE)
    smat[is.nan(smat)] <- 0
    sproj <- smat %*% global.pca$rotation
  if(verbose) message('. done\n')


#' @keywords internal
getDecoyProjections <- function(samples, samf, data.type, var.scale, cproj, base.groups, decoy.threshold, n.decoys) {
  cproj.decoys <- lapply(cproj, function(d) {
    tg <- tabulate(as.integer(base.groups[rownames(d)]),nbins=length(levels(base.groups)))
    nvi <- which(tg < decoy.threshold)
    if(length(nvi)>0) {
      # sample cells from other datasets
      decoy.cells <- names(base.groups)[unlist(lapply(nvi,function(i) {
        vc <- which(as.integer(base.groups)==i & (!samf[names(base.groups)] %in% names(cproj)))
        if(length(vc) > n.decoys) {
          vc <- sample(vc, n.decoys)
      if(length(decoy.cells)>0) {
        # get the matrices
        do.call(rbind,lapply(samples[unique(samf[decoy.cells])],function(s) {
          gn <- intersect(getGenes(s),colnames(d))
          m <- scaledMatrices(list(s),data.type=data.type, od.genes=gn, var.scale=var.scale)[[1]]
          m <- m[rownames(m) %in% decoy.cells,,drop=FALSE]
          # append missing genes
          gd <- setdiff(colnames(d),gn)
          if(length(gd)>0) {
            m <- cbind(m,Matrix(0,nrow=nrow(m),ncol=length(gd),dimnames=list(rownames(m),gd),sparse=T))
            m <- m[,colnames(d),drop=FALSE] # fix gene order
      } else {
        # empty matrix


#' @keywords internal
getLocalNeighbors <- function(samples, k.self, k.self.weight, metric, l2.sigma, verbose, n.cores) {
  if(verbose) message('local pairs ')
  x <- papply(samples, function(x) {
    pca <- getPca(x)
    if (is.null(pca)) {
      stop("PCA must be estimated for all samples")

    xk <- N2R::Knn(pca, k.self + 1, 1, verbose=FALSE, indexType=metric) # +1 accounts for self-edges that will be removed in the next line
    diag(xk) <- 0 # no self-edges
    if (packageVersion("Matrix") >= '1.4.2'){
      xk <- as(drop0(xk),'TsparseMatrix')
    } else {
      xk <- as(drop0(xk),'dgTMatrix')
    xk@x <- convertDistanceToSimilarity(xk@x, metric=metric, l2.sigma=l2.sigma) * k.self.weight
    rownames(xk) <- colnames(xk) <- rownames(pca)
    if(verbose) message(".")
  }, n.cores=n.cores, mc.preschedule=TRUE)
  if(verbose) message(' done\n')

#' @keywords internal
getLocalEdges <- function(local.neighbors) {
  do.call(rbind,lapply(local.neighbors,function(xk) {
    data.frame(mA.lab=rownames(xk)[xk@i+1], mB.lab=colnames(xk)[xk@j+1],w=xk@x, type=0, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

#' Find threshold of cluster detectability
#' For a given clustering, walks the walktrap result tree to find
#' a subtree with max(min(sens,spec)) for each cluster, where sens is sensitivity, spec is specificity
#' @param res walktrap result object (igraph)
#' @param clusters cluster factor
#' @param clmerges integer matrix of cluster merges (default=NULL). If NULL, the function treeJaccard() performs calculation without it.
#' @return a list of $thresholds - per cluster optimal detectability values, and $node - internal node id (merge row) where the optimum was found
#' @export
bestClusterThresholds <- function(res, clusters, clmerges=NULL) {
  clusters <- as.factor(clusters)
  # prepare cluster vectors
  cl <- as.integer(clusters[res$names])
  clT <- tabulate(cl,nbins=length(levels(clusters)))
  # run
  res$merges <- complete.dend(res,FALSE)
  #x <- conos:::findBestClusterThreshold(res$merges-1L,matrix(cl-1L,nrow=1),clT)
  if(is.null(clmerges)) {
    x <- treeJaccard(res$merges-1L,matrix(cl-1L,nrow=1),clT)
    names(x$threshold) <- levels(clusters)
  } else {
    x <- treeJaccard(res$merges-1L,matrix(cl-1L,nrow=1),clT,clmerges-1L)

#' Find threshold of cluster detectability in trees of clusters
#' For a given clustering, walks the walktrap (of clusters) result tree to find
#' a subtree with max(min(sens,spec)) for each cluster, where sens is sensitivity, spec is specificity
#' @param res walktrap result object (igraph) where the nodes were clusters
#' @param leaf.factor a named factor describing cell assignments to the leaf nodes (in the same order as res$names)
#' @param clusters cluster factor
#' @param clmerges integer matrix of cluster merges (default=NULL). If NULL, the function treeJaccard() performs calculation without it.
#' @return a list of $thresholds - per cluster optimal detectability values, and $node - internal node id (merge row) where the optimum was found
#' @export
bestClusterTreeThresholds <- function(res, leaf.factor, clusters, clmerges=NULL) {
  clusters <- as.factor(clusters)
  # prepare cluster vectors
  cl <- as.integer(clusters[names(leaf.factor)])
  clT <- tabulate(cl,nbins=length(levels(clusters)))
  # prepare clusters matrix: cluster (rows) counts per leaf of the merge tree (column)
  mt <- table(cl,leaf.factor)
  # run
  merges <- complete.dend(res,FALSE)
  #x <- conos:::findBestClusterThreshold(res$merges-1L,as.matrix(mt),clT)
  if(is.null(clmerges)) {
    x <- treeJaccard(res$merges-1L,as.matrix(mt),clT)
    names(x$threshold) <- levels(clusters)
  } else {
    x <- treeJaccard(res$merges-1L,as.matrix(mt),clT,clmerges-1L)


#' Performs a greedy top-down selective cut to optmize modularity
#' @param wt walktrap result
#' @param N numeric Number of top greedy splits to take
#' @param leaf.labels leaf sample label factor, for breadth calculations - must be a named factor containing all wt$names, or if wt$names is null, a factor listing cells in the same order as wt leafs (default=NULL)
#' @param minsize numeric Minimum size of the branch (in number of leafs) (default=0)
#' @param minbreadth numeric Minimum allowed breadth of a branch (measured as normalized entropy) (default=0)
#' @param flat.cut boolean Whether to simply take a flat cut (i.e. follow provided tree; default=TRUE). Does no observe minsize/minbreadth restrictions
#' @return list(hclust - hclust structure of the derived tree, leafContent - binary matrix with rows corresponding to old leaves, columns to new ones, deltaM - modularity increments)
#' @export
greedyModularityCut <- function(wt, N, leaf.labels=NULL, minsize=0, minbreadth=0, flat.cut=TRUE) {
  # prepare labels
  nleafs <- nrow(wt$merges)+1
  if(is.null(leaf.labels)) {
    ll <- integer(nleafs)
  } else {
    if(is.null(wt$names)) {
      # assume that leaf.labels are provided in the correct order
      if(length(leaf.labels)!=nleafs) stop("leaf.labels is of incorrct length and wt$names is NULL")
      ll <- as.integer(as.factor(leaf.labels))-1L
    } else {
      if(!all(wt$names %in% names(leaf.labels))) { stop("leaf.labels do not cover all wt$names")}
      ll <- as.integer(as.factor(leaf.labels[wt$names]))-1L
  x <- greedyModularityCutC(wt$merges-1L,-1*diff(wt$modularity),N,minsize,ll,minbreadth,flat.cut)
  if (length(x$splitsequence)<1) {
    stop("unable to make a single split using specified size/breadth restrictions")
  # transfer cell names for the leaf content
  if (!is.null(wt$names)) {
    rownames(x$leafContent) <- wt$names
  } else {
    rownames(x$leafContent) <- c(1:nrow(x$leafContent))
  m <- x$merges+1
  nleafs <- nrow(m)+1
  m[m<=nleafs] <- -1*m[m<=nleafs]
  m[m>0] <- m[m>0]-nleafs
  hc <- list(merge=m,height=1:nrow(m),labels=c(1:nleafs),order=c(1:nleafs))
  class(hc) <- 'hclust'
  # fix the ordering so that edges don't intersects
  hc$order <- order.dendrogram(as.dendrogram(hc))
  leafContentCollapsed <- apply(x$leafContent,2,function(z)rownames(x$leafContent)[which(z>0)])
  clfac <- as.factor(apply(x$leafContent,1,which.max))

#' Determine number of detectable clusters given a reference walktrap and a bunch of permuted walktraps
#' @param refwt reference walktrap result
#' @param tests a list of permuted walktrap results
#' @param min.threshold numeric Min detectability threshold (default=0.8)
#' @param min.size numeric Minimum cluster size (number of leafs) (default=10)
#' @param n.cores numeric Number of cores (default=30)
#' @param average.thresholds boolean Report a single number of detectable clusters for averaged detected thresholds (default=FALSE) (a list of detected clusters for each element of the tests list is returned by default)
#' @return number of detectable stable clusters
#' @export
stableTreeClusters <- function(refwt, tests, min.threshold=0.8, min.size=10, n.cores=30, average.thresholds=FALSE) {
  # calculate detectability thresholds for each node against entire list of tests
  #i<- 0;
  refwt$merges <- complete.dend(refwt,FALSE)
  for (i in 1:length(tests)){
    tests[[i]]$merges <- complete.dend(tests[[i]],FALSE)
  thrs <- papply(tests,function(testwt) {
    #i<<- i+1; cat("i=",i,'\n');
    idmap <- match(refwt$names,testwt$names)-1L
    idmap[is.na(idmap)] <- -1
    x <- scoreTreeConsistency(testwt$merges-1L,refwt$merges-1L,idmap ,min.size)
  if(length(tests)==1) {
    x <- maxStableClusters(refwt$merges-1L,thrs[[1]],min.threshold,min.size)
  } else {
    if(average.thresholds) {
      # calculate average detection threshold and
      x <- maxStableClusters(refwt$merges-1L,rowMeans(do.call(cbind,thrs)),min.threshold,min.size)
    } else { # reporting the resulting numbers of clusters for each
      xl <- lapply(thrs,function(z) maxStableClusters(refwt$merges-1L,z,min.threshold,min.size))
      return(unlist(lapply(xl,function(x) length(x$terminalnodes))))

#' @keywords internal
convertDistanceToSimilarity <- function(distances, metric, l2.sigma=1e5, cor.base=1) {
  if (metric=='angular') {
    return(pmax(0, cor.base - distances))

  return(exp(-distances / l2.sigma))

#' @keywords internal
getPcaBasedNeighborMatrix <- function(sample.pair, od.genes, rot, k, k1=k, data.type='counts', var.scale=TRUE, common.centering=TRUE,
                                      matching.method='mNN', metric='angular', l2.sigma=1e5, cor.base=1, subset.cells=NULL,
                                      base.groups=NULL, append.decoys=FALSE, samples=NULL, samf=NULL, decoy.threshold=1, n.decoys=k*2,
                                      append.global.axes=TRUE, global.proj=NULL) {
  # create matrices, adjust variance
  cproj <- scaledMatrices(sample.pair, data.type=data.type, od.genes=od.genes, var.scale=var.scale)

  # determine the centering
  if (common.centering) {
    ncells <- unlist(lapply(cproj, nrow));
    centering <- setNames(rep(colSums(do.call(rbind, lapply(cproj, colMeans)) * ncells) / sum(ncells), length(cproj)), names(cproj))
  } else {
    centering <- lapply(cproj,colMeans)

  # append decoy cells if needed
  if(!is.null(base.groups) && append.decoys) {
    cproj.decoys <- getDecoyProjections(samples, samf, data.type, var.scale, cproj, base.groups, decoy.threshold, n.decoys)
    cproj <- lapply(sn(names(cproj)),function(n) rbind(cproj[[n]],cproj.decoys[[n]]))

  cpproj <- lapply(sn(names(cproj)),function(n) {
    x <- cproj[[n]]
    x <- t(as.matrix(t(x))-centering[[n]])
    x %*% rot;

  if(!is.null(base.groups) && append.global.axes) {
    #cpproj <- lapply(sn(names(cpproj)),function(n) cbind(cpproj[[n]],global.proj[[n]])) # case without decoys
    cpproj <- lapply(sn(names(cpproj)),function(n) {
      gm <- global.proj[[n]]
      if (append.decoys) {
        decoy.cells <- rownames(cproj.decoys[[n]])
        if (length(decoy.cells)>0) {
          gm <- rbind(gm, do.call(rbind, lapply(global.proj[unique(samf[decoy.cells])],
                                                function(m) m[rownames(m) %in% decoy.cells,,drop=FALSE])))
      # append global axes

  if (!is.null(subset.cells)) {
    cpproj <- lapply(cpproj, function(proj) proj[intersect(rownames(proj), subset.cells), ])

  mnn <- getNeighborMatrix(cpproj[[names(sample.pair)[1]]], cpproj[[names(sample.pair)[2]]], k, k1=k1, matching=matching.method, metric=metric, l2.sigma=l2.sigma, cor.base=cor.base)

  if (!is.null(base.groups) && append.decoys) {
    # discard edges connecting to decoys
    decoy.cells <- unlist(lapply(cproj.decoys,rownames))
    mnn <- mnn[, !colnames(mnn) %in% decoy.cells, drop=FALSE]
    mnn <- mnn[!rownames(mnn) %in% decoy.cells, , drop=FALSE]


#' Establish rough neighbor matching between samples given their projections in a common space
#' @param p1 projection of sample 1
#' @param p2 projection of sample 2
#' @param k neighborhood radius
#' @param k1 neighborhood radius
#' @param matching string mNN (default) or NN (default='mNN')
#' @param metric string Distance type (default: "angular", can also be 'L2')
#' @param l2.sigma numeric L2 distances get transformed as exp(-d/sigma) using this value (default=1e5)
#' @param cor.base numeric (default=1)
#' @param min.similarity minimal similarity between two cells, required to have an edge
#' @return matrix with the similarity (!) values corresponding to weight (1-d for angular, and exp(-d/l2.sigma) for L2)
#' @keywords internal
getNeighborMatrix <- function(p1, p2, k, k1=k, matching='mNN', metric='angular', l2.sigma=1e5, cor.base=1, min.similarity=1e-5) {
  quiet.knn <- (k1 > k)
  if (is.null(p2)) {
    n12 <- N2R::crossKnn(p1, p1,k1,1, FALSE, metric, quiet=quiet.knn)
    n21 <- n12
  } else {
    n12 <- N2R::crossKnn(p1, p2, k1, 1, FALSE, metric, quiet=quiet.knn)
    n21 <- N2R::crossKnn(p2, p1, k1, 1, FALSE, metric, quiet=quiet.knn)

  n12@x <- convertDistanceToSimilarity(n12@x, metric=metric, l2.sigma=l2.sigma, cor.base=cor.base)
  n21@x <- convertDistanceToSimilarity(n21@x, metric=metric, l2.sigma=l2.sigma, cor.base=cor.base)

  if (matching=='NN') {
    adj.mtx <- drop0(n21+t(n12));
    adj.mtx@x <- adj.mtx@x/2;
  } else if (matching=='mNN') {
    adj.mtx <- drop0(n21*t(n12))
    adj.mtx@x <- sqrt(adj.mtx@x)
  } else {
    stop("Unrecognized type of NN matching:", matching)

  rownames(adj.mtx) <- rownames(p1); colnames(adj.mtx) <- rownames(p2);
  adj.mtx@x[adj.mtx@x < min.similarity] <- 0
  adj.mtx <- drop0(adj.mtx);

  if (k1 > k) { # downsample edges
    adj.mtx <- reduceEdgesInGraphIteratively(adj.mtx,k)

  if (packageVersion("Matrix") >= '1.4.2'){
  } else {


## 1-step edge reduction
#' @keywords internal
reduceEdgesInGraph <- function(adj.mtx,k,klow=k,preserve.order=TRUE) {
  if(preserve.order) { co <- colnames(adj.mtx); ro <- rownames(adj.mtx); }
  adj.mtx <- adj.mtx[,order(diff(adj.mtx@p),decreasing=TRUE)]
  adj.mtx@x <- pareDownHubEdges(adj.mtx,tabulate(adj.mtx@i+1),k,klow)
  adj.mtx <- t(drop0(adj.mtx))
  adj.mtx <- adj.mtx[,order(diff(adj.mtx@p),decreasing=TRUE)]
  adj.mtx@x <- pareDownHubEdges(adj.mtx,tabulate(adj.mtx@i+1),k,klow)
  adj.mtx <- t(drop0(adj.mtx));
  if(preserve.order) { adj.mtx <- adj.mtx[match(ro,rownames(adj.mtx)),match(co,colnames(adj.mtx))]; }


## a simple multi-step strategy to smooth out remaining hubs
## max.kdiff gives approximate difference in the degree of the resulting nodes that is tolerable
#' @keywords internal
reduceEdgesInGraphIteratively <- function(adj.mtx,k,preserve.order=TRUE,max.kdiff=5,n.steps=3) {
  cc <- diff(adj.mtx@p)
  rc <- tabulate(adj.mtx@i+1)
  maxd <- max(max(cc),max(rc))
  if (maxd<=k){
    return(adj.mtx) # nothing to be done - already below k
  klow <- max(min(k,3),k-max.kdiff) # allowable lower limit
  # set up a stepping strategy
  n.steps <- min(n.steps,round(maxd/k))
  if(n.steps>1) {
    ks <- round(exp(seq(log(maxd),log(k),length.out=n.steps+1))[-1])
  } else {
    ks <- c(k);
  for(ki in ks) {
    adj.mtx <- reduceEdgesInGraph(adj.mtx,ki,preserve.order=preserve.order)
  cc <- diff(adj.mtx@p)
  rc <- tabulate(adj.mtx@i+1)
  maxd <- max(max(cc),max(rc))
  if(maxd-k > max.kdiff) {
    # do a cleanup step
    adj.mtx <- reduceEdgesInGraph(adj.mtx,k,klow=klow,preserve.order=preserve.order)


#' @keywords internal
adjustWeightsByCellBalancing <- function(adj.mtx, factor.per.cell, balance.weights, same.factor.downweight=1.0, n.iters=50, verbose=FALSE) {

  if (packageVersion("Matrix") >= '1.4.2'){
    adj.mtx %<>% .[colnames(.), colnames(.)] %>% as("TsparseMatrix")
  } else {
    adj.mtx %<>% .[colnames(.), colnames(.)] %>% as("dgTMatrix")
  factor.per.cell %<>% .[colnames(adj.mtx)] %>% as.factor() %>% droplevels()

  weights.adj <- adj.mtx@x

  if (balance.weights) {
    for (i in 0:(n.iters-1)) {
      factor.frac.per.cell <- getSumWeightMatrix(weights.adj, adj.mtx@i, adj.mtx@j, as.integer(factor.per.cell))
      w.dividers <- factor.frac.per.cell * rowSums(factor.frac.per.cell > 1e-10)
      weights.adj <- adjustWeightsByCellBalancingC(weights.adj, adj.mtx@i, adj.mtx@j, as.integer(factor.per.cell), w.dividers)

      if (verbose && i %% 10 == 0) {
        message("Difference from balanced state: ", sum(abs(w.dividers[w.dividers > 1e-10] - 1)), "\n")

  if (abs(same.factor.downweight - 1) > 1e-5) {
    weights.adj[factor.per.cell[adj.mtx@i + 1] == factor.per.cell[adj.mtx@j + 1]] %<>% `*`(same.factor.downweight)

  mtx.res <- adj.mtx
  mtx.res@x <- weights.adj


## Correct unloading of the library
#' @keywords internal
.onUnload <- function (libpath) {
  library.dynam.unload("conos", libpath)

#' Scan joint graph modularity for a range of k (or k.self) values
#' Builds graph with different values of k (or k.self if scan.k.self=TRUE), evaluating modularity of the resulting multilevel clustering
#' NOTE: will run evaluations in parallel using con$n.cores (temporarily setting con$n.cores to 1 in the process)
#' @param con Conos object to test
#' @param min numeric Minimal value of k to test (default=3)
#' @param max numeric Value of k to test (default=50)
#' @param by numeric Scan step (default=1)
#' @param scan.k.self boolean Whether to test dependency on scan.k.self (default=FALSE)
#' @param omit.internal.edges boolean Whether to omit internal edges of the graph (default=TRUE)
#' @param verbose boolean Whether to provide verbose output (default=TRUE)
#' @param plot boolean Whether to plot the output (default=TRUE)
#' @param ... other parameters will be passed to con$buildGraph()
#' @return a data frame with $k $m columns giving k and the corresponding modularity
#' @export
scanKModularity <- function(con, min=3, max=50, by=1, scan.k.self=FALSE, omit.internal.edges=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, plot=TRUE, ... ) {
  k.seq <- seq(min,max, by=by)
  ncores <- con$n.cores
  con$n.cores <- 1
  if(verbose) message(paste0(ifelse(scan.k.self,'k.self=(','k=('),min,', ',max,') ['))
  xl <- papply(k.seq,function(kv) {
    if(scan.k.self) {
      x <- con$buildGraph(k.self=kv, ..., verbose=FALSE)
    } else {
      x <- con$buildGraph(k=kv, ..., verbose=FALSE)
    if(verbose) message('.')
    if(omit.internal.edges) {
      x <- delete_edges(x,which(E(x)$type==0))
      #adj.mtx <- as_adj(x,attr='weight')
      #adj.mtx <- conos:::reduceEdgesInGraphIteratively(adj.mtx,kv)
      #adj.mtx <- drop0(adj.mtx*t(adj.mtx))
      #adj.mtx@x <- sqrt(adj.mtx@x)
      #x <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adj.mtx,mode = "undirected",weighted=TRUE)
    xc <- multilevel.community(x)
  if(verbose) message(']\n')
  con$n.cores <- ncores

  k.sens <- data.frame(k=k.seq,m=as.numeric(unlist(xl)))
  if(plot) {


## Merge into a common matrix, entering 0s for the missing ones
#' @keywords internal
mergeCountMatrices <- function(cms, transposed=FALSE) {
  extendMatrix <- function(mtx, col.names) {
    new.names <- setdiff(col.names, colnames(mtx))
    ext.mtx <- Matrix::Matrix(0, nrow=nrow(mtx), ncol=length(new.names), sparse=TRUE) %>%
      as(class(mtx)) %>% `colnames<-`(new.names)
    return(cbind(mtx, ext.mtx)[,col.names])

  if (!transposed) {
    cms %<>% lapply(Matrix::t)

  gene.union <- lapply(cms, colnames) %>% Reduce(union, .)
  res <- lapply(cms, extendMatrix, gene.union) %>% Reduce(rbind, .)

  if (!transposed) {
    res %<>% Matrix::t()


#' Retrieve sample names per cell
#' @param samples list of samples
#' @return list of sample names
#' getSampleNamePerCell(small_panel.preprocessed)
#' @export
getSampleNamePerCell=function(samples) {
  cl <- lapply(samples, getCellNames)
  return(rep(names(cl), sapply(cl, length)) %>% stats::setNames(unlist(cl)) %>% as.factor())

#' Estimate labeling distribution for each vertex, based on provided labels using Random Walk
#' @param graph input graph
#' @param labels vector of factor or character labels, named by cell names
#' @param max.iters maximal number of iterations (default=100)
#' @param tol numeric Absolute tolerance as a stopping criteria (default=0.025)
#' @param verbose boolean Verbose mode (default=TRUE)
#' @param fixed.initial.labels boolean Prohibit changes of initial labels during diffusion (default=TRUE)
#' @keywords internal
propagateLabelsDiffusion <- function(graph, labels, max.iters=100, diffusion.fading=10.0, diffusion.fading.const=0.1, tol=0.025, verbose=TRUE, fixed.initial.labels=TRUE) {
  if (is.factor(labels)) {
    labels <- as.character(labels) %>% setNames(names(labels))

  edges <- igraph::as_edgelist(graph)
  edge.weights <- igraph::edge.attributes(graph)$weight
  labels <- labels[intersect(names(labels), igraph::vertex.attributes(graph)$name)]
  label.distribution <- propagate_labels(edges, edge.weights, vert_labels=labels, max_n_iters=max.iters, verbose=verbose,
                                         diffusion_fading=diffusion.fading, diffusion_fading_const=diffusion.fading.const,
                                         tol=tol, fixed_initial_labels=fixed.initial.labels)

## Propagate labels using Zhu, Ghahramani, Lafferty (2003) algorithm
## http://mlg.eng.cam.ac.uk/zoubin/papers/zgl.pdf
## TODO: change solver here for something designed for Laplacians. Need to look Daniel Spielman's research

#' @keywords internal
propagateLabelsSolver <- function(graph, labels, solver="mumps") {
  if (!solver %in% c("mumps", "Matrix")){
    stop("Unknown solver: ", solver, ". Only 'mumps' and 'Matrix' are currently supported")

  if (!requireNamespace("rmumps", quietly=TRUE)) {
    warning("Package 'rmumps' is required to use 'mumps' solver, which is the default option. Falliing back to solver='Matrix'")
    solver <- "Matrix"

  adj.mat <- igraph::as_adjacency_matrix(graph, attr="weight")
  labeled.cbs <- intersect(colnames(adj.mat), names(labels))
  unlabeled.cbs <- setdiff(colnames(adj.mat), names(labels))

  labels <- as.factor(labels[labeled.cbs])

  weight.sum.mat <- Matrix::Diagonal(x=Matrix::colSums(adj.mat)) %>%

  laplasian.uu <- (weight.sum.mat[unlabeled.cbs, unlabeled.cbs] - adj.mat[unlabeled.cbs, unlabeled.cbs])

  type.scores <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i=1:length(labels), j=as.integer(labels), x=1.0) %>%
    `colnames<-`(levels(labels)) %>% `rownames<-`(labeled.cbs)

  right.side <- Matrix::drop0(adj.mat[unlabeled.cbs, labeled.cbs] %*% type.scores)

  if (solver == "Matrix") {
    res <- Matrix::solve(laplasian.uu, right.side)
  } else {
    res <- rmumps::Rmumps$new(laplasian.uu, copy=FALSE)$solve(right.side)

  colnames(res) <- levels(labels)
  rownames(res) <- unlabeled.cbs
  return(rbind(res, type.scores))

## exporting to inherit parameters below, leiden.community
#' @export

#' Increase resolution for a specific set of clusters
#' @param con conos object
#' @param target.clusters clusters for which the resolution should be increased
#' @param clustering name of clustering in the conos object to use. Either 'clustering' or 'groups' must be provided (default=NULL).
#' @param groups set of clusters to use. Ignored if 'clustering' is not NULL (default=NULL).
#' @param method function, used to find communities (default=leiden.community).
#' @param ... additional params passed to the community function
#' @return set of clusters with increased resolution
#' @export
findSubcommunities <- function(con, target.clusters, clustering=NULL, groups=NULL, method=leiden.community, ...) {
  groups <- parseCellGroups(con, clustering, groups)

  groups.raw <- as.character(groups) %>% setNames(names(groups))
  groups <- groups[intersect(names(groups), V(con$graph)$name)]

  if (length(groups) == 0) {
    stop("'groups' not defined for graph object.")

  groups <- droplevels(as.factor(groups)[groups %in% target.clusters])

  if (length(groups) == 0) {
    stop("None of 'target.clusters' can be found in 'groups'.")

  subgroups <- split(names(groups), groups)

  for (n in names(subgroups)) {
    if (length(subgroups[[n]]) < 2){

    new.clusts <- method(induced_subgraph(con$graph, subgroups[[n]]), ...)
    groups.raw[new.clusts$names] <- paste0(n, "_", new.clusts$membership)


#' @keywords internal
parseCellGroups <- function(con, clustering, groups, parse.clusters=TRUE) {

  if (!parse.clusters){

  if (!is.null(groups)) {
    if (!any(names(groups) %in% names(con$getDatasetPerCell()))){
      stop("'groups' aren't defined for any of the cells.")

  if (length(con$clusters) < 1){
    stop("Generate a joint clustering first")
  } else if (!(clustering %in% names(con$clusters)) && !is.null(clustering)) {
    stop(paste("Clustering",clustering,"does not exist, run findCommunity() first"))

  if (is.null(clustering)) {
    if (length(con$clusters) > 0){
    stop("Either 'groups' must be provided or the conos object must have some clustering estimated")


#' Estimate entropy of edge weights per cell according to the specified factor.
#' Can be used to visualize alignment quality according to this factor.
#' @param con conos object
#' @param factor.per.cell some factor, which group cells, such as sample or a specific condition
#' @return entropy of edge weights per cell
#' @export
estimateWeightEntropyPerCell <- function(con, factor.per.cell) {
  if (packageVersion("Matrix") >= '1.4.2'){
    adj.mat <- igraph::as_adjacency_matrix(con$graph, attr="weight") %>% as("TsparseMatrix")
  } else {
    adj.mat <- igraph::as_adjacency_matrix(con$graph, attr="weight") %>% as("dgTMatrix")
  factor.per.cell %<>% as.factor() %>% .[rownames(adj.mat)]
  weight.sum.per.fac.cell <- getSumWeightMatrix(adj.mat@x, adj.mat@i, adj.mat@j, as.integer(factor.per.cell)) %>%
    `colnames<-`(levels(adj.mat)) %>% `rownames<-`(rownames(adj.mat))

  xt <- table(factor.per.cell)

  entropy.per.cell <- apply(weight.sum.per.fac.cell, 1, entropy::KL.empirical, xt, unit=c('log2')) / log2(length(xt))


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conos documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:56 a.m.