#' @useDynLib conos
#' @import Matrix
#' @import igraph
#' @import sccore
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom magrittr %<>%
#' @importFrom magrittr %$%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
## for magrittr and dplyr functions below
if (getRversion() >= "2.15.1"){
utils::globalVariables(c(".", "x", "y"))
#' @keywords internal
scaledMatricesP2 <- function(p2.objs, data.type, od.genes, var.scale) {
## Common variance scaling
if (var.scale) {
# use geometric means for variance, as we're trying to focus on the common variance components
cqv <-, lapply(p2.objs,function(x) x$misc$varinfo[od.genes,]$qv)) %>% log() %>% rowMeans() %>% exp()
## Prepare the matrices
cproj <- lapply(p2.objs, function(r) {
if (data.type == 'counts') {
x <- r$counts[,od.genes]
} else if (data.type %in% names(r$reductions)){
if (!all(od.genes %in% colnames(r$reductions[[data.type]]))) {
stop("Reduction '", data.type, "' should have columns indexed by gene, with all overdispersed genes presented")
x <- r$reductions[[data.type]][,od.genes]
} else {
stop("No reduction named '", data.type, "' in pagoda2")
if(var.scale) {
cgsf <- sqrt(cqv/exp(r$misc$varinfo[od.genes,]$v))
cgsf[ | !is.finite(cgsf)] <- 0
x@x <- x@x*rep(cgsf,diff(x@p))
#' @keywords internal
scaledMatricesSeurat <- function(so.objs, data.type, od.genes, var.scale) {
if (var.scale) {
so.objs <- lapply(so.objs, function(so){ Seurat::ScaleData(so, features = rownames(so))})
if (data.type == 'scaled') { <- lapply(so.objs, function(so) t([,od.genes])
} else if (data.type == 'counts') { <- lapply(so.objs, function(so) t(so@data)[,od.genes])
} else {
res <- mapply(FUN = function(so, x) { return(x) }, so.objs, )
#' @keywords internal
scaledMatricesSeuratV3 <- function(so.objs, data.type, od.genes, var.scale, neighborhood.average) {
if (var.scale) {
so.objs <- lapply(so.objs, function(so){ Seurat::ScaleData(so, features = rownames(so))})
slot <- switch(
EXPR = data.type,
'scaled' = '',
'counts' = 'data',
stop("Unknown Seurat data type: ", data.type)
) <- lapply(
X = so.objs,
FUN = function(so) {
return(t(x = Seurat::GetAssayData(object = so, slot = slot))[, od.genes])
res <- mapply(FUN = function(so, x) { return(x) }, so.objs, )
#' @keywords internal
scaledMatrices <- function(samples, data.type, od.genes, var.scale) {
if ("Pagoda2" %in% class(samples[[1]])) {
return(scaledMatricesP2(samples, data.type = data.type, od.genes, var.scale))
} else if ("seurat" %in% class(samples[[1]])) {
return(scaledMatricesSeurat(samples, data.type = data.type, od.genes, var.scale))
} else if (inherits(x = samples[[1]], what = 'Seurat')) {
so.objs = samples,
data.type = data.type,
od.genes = od.genes,
var.scale = var.scale
stop("Unknown class of sample: ", class(samples[[1]]))
#' @keywords internal
commonOverdispersedGenes <- function(samples, n.odgenes, verbose) {
od.genes <- sort(table(unlist(lapply(samples, getOverdispersedGenes, n.odgenes))),decreasing=TRUE)
common.genes <- Reduce(intersect, lapply(samples, getGenes))
if(length(common.genes)==0) { warning(paste("samples",paste(names(samples),collapse=' and '),'do not share any common genes!')) }
if(length(common.genes)<n.odgenes) { warning(paste("samples",paste(names(samples),collapse=' and '),'do not share enough common genes!')) }
od.genes <- od.genes[names(od.genes) %in% common.genes]
if(verbose) message("using ",length(od.genes)," od genes\n")
#' @keywords internal
quickNULL <- function(p2.objs, data.type='counts', n.odgenes = NULL, var.scale = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
if (length(p2.objs) != 2){
stop('quickNULL only supports pairwise alignment')
od.genes <- commonOverdispersedGenes(p2.objs, n.odgenes, verbose=verbose)
if (length(od.genes)<5){
cproj <- scaledMatrices(p2.objs, data.type=data.type, od.genes=od.genes, var.scale=var.scale)
return(list(genespace1=cproj[[1]], genespace2=cproj[[2]]))
## Performs Joint NMF for two matrices
#' @keywords internal
Rjnmf <- function(Xs, Xu, k, alpha, lambda, epsilon, maxiter, verbose, seed = 42) {
ret <- RjnmfC(Xs, Xu, k, alpha, lambda, epsilon, maxiter, verbose)
names(ret) <- c('Hs','Hu','W')
## Perform pairwise JNMF
#' @keywords internal
quickJNMF <- function(p2.objs, data.type='counts', n.comps=30, n.odgenes=NULL, var.scale=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, max.iter=1000, rjnmf.seed=12345) {
## Stop if more than 2 samples
if (length(p2.objs) != 2){
stop('quickJNMF only supports pairwise alignment')
od.genes <- commonOverdispersedGenes(p2.objs, n.odgenes, verbose=verbose)
if (length(od.genes)<5){
cproj <- scaledMatrices(p2.objs, data.type=data.type, od.genes=od.genes, var.scale=var.scale) %>%
## Do JNMF
z <- Rjnmf(Xs=t(cproj[[1]]), Xu=t(cproj[[2]]), k=n.comps, alpha=0.5, lambda = 0.5, epsilon = 0.001, maxiter= max.iter, verbose=FALSE, seed=rjnmf.seed)
rot1 <- cproj[[1]] %*% z$W
rot2 <- cproj[[2]] %*% z$W
res <- list(rot1=rot1, rot2=rot2,z=z)
#' @keywords internal
cpcaFast <- function(covl,ncells,ncomp=10,maxit=1000,tol=1e-6,use.irlba=TRUE,verbose=FALSE) {
ncomp <- min(c(nrow(covl)-1,ncol(covl)-1,ncomp))
if(use.irlba) {
# irlba initialization
p <- nrow(covl[[1]]);
S <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = p)
for(i in 1:length(covl)) {
S <- S + (ncells[i] / sum(ncells)) * covl[[i]]
ncomp <- min(c(nrow(S)-1,ncol(S)-1,ncomp));
ev <- irlba::irlba(S, ncomp, maxit=10000)
cc <- abind::abind(covl,along=3)
} else {
#' Perform cpca on two samples
#' @param r.n list of pagoda2 objects
#' @param data.type character Type of data type in the input pagoda2 objects within r.n (default='counts')
#' @param ncomps numeric Number of components to calculate (default=100)
#' @param n.odgenes numeric Number of overdispersed genes to take from each dataset (default=NULL)
#' @param var.scale boolean Whether to scale variance (default=TRUE)
#' @param verbose boolean Whether to be verbose (default=TRUE)
#' @param score.component.variance boolean Whether to score component variance (default=FALSE)
#' @return cpca projection on two samples
#' @keywords internal
quickCPCA <- function(r.n, data.type='counts', ncomps=100, n.odgenes=NULL, var.scale=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, score.component.variance=FALSE) {
od.genes <- commonOverdispersedGenes(r.n, n.odgenes, verbose=verbose)
ncomps <- min(ncomps, length(od.genes) - 1)
if(verbose) message('calculating covariances for ',length(r.n),' datasets ...')
## # use internal C++ implementation
## sparse.cov <- function(x,cMeans=NULL){
## if(is.null(cMeans)) { cMeans <- Matrix::colMeans(x) }
## covmat <- spcov(x,cMeans);
## }
sm <- scaledMatrices(r.n, data.type=data.type, od.genes=od.genes, var.scale=var.scale)
if (packageVersion("Matrix") >= '1.4.2'){
covl <- lapply(sm,function(x) spcov(as(as(as(x, "dMatrix"), "generalMatrix"), "CsparseMatrix"), Matrix::colMeans(x)))
} else {
covl <- lapply(sm,function(x) spcov(as(x, "dgCMatrix"), Matrix::colMeans(x)))
## # centering
## if(common.centering) {
## ncells <- unlist(lapply(covl,nrow));
## centering <- colSums(,lapply(covl,colMeans))*ncells)/sum(ncells)
## } else {
## centering <- NULL;
## }
## covl <- lapply(covl,sparse.cov,cMeans=centering)
if(verbose) message(' done\n')
#W: get counts
ncells <- unlist(lapply(sm,nrow))
if(verbose) message('common PCs ...')
#xcp <- cpca(covl,ncells,ncomp=ncomps)
res <- cpcaFast(covl,ncells,ncomp=ncomps,verbose=verbose,maxit=500,tol=1e-5)
#system.time(res <- cpca:::cpca_stepwise_base(covl,ncells,k=ncomps))
#res <- cpc(abind(covl,along=3),k=ncomps)
rownames(res$CPC) <- od.genes
if (score.component.variance) {
v0 <- lapply(sm,function(x) sum(apply(x,2,var)))
v1 <- lapply(1:length(sm),function(i) {
x <- sm[[i]];
cm <- Matrix::colMeans(x);
rot <- as.matrix(t(t(x %*% res$CPC) - t(cm %*% res$CPC)))
# calculate projection
res$nv <- v1
if(verbose) message(' done\n')
#' Use space of combined sample-specific PCAs as a space
#' @param r.n list of pagoda2 objects
#' @param data.type character Type of data type in the input pagoda2 objects within r.n (default='counts')
#' @param ncomps numeric Number of components to calculate (default=30)
#' @param n.odgenes numeric Number of overdispersed genes to take from each dataset (default=NULL)
#' @param var.scale boolean Whether to scale variance (default=TRUE)
#' @param verbose boolean Whether to be verbose (default=TRUE)
#' @param score.component.variance boolean Whether to score component variance (default=FALSE)
#' @param n.cores numeric Number of cores to use (default=1)
#' @return PCA projection, using space of combined sample-specific PCAs
#' @keywords internal
quickPlainPCA <- function(r.n, data.type='counts', ncomps=30, n.odgenes=NULL, var.scale=TRUE,
verbose=TRUE, score.component.variance=FALSE, n.cores=1) {
od.genes <- commonOverdispersedGenes(r.n, n.odgenes, verbose=verbose)
if (length(od.genes)<5){
if(verbose) message('calculating PCs for ',length(r.n),' datasets ...')
sm <- scaledMatrices(r.n, data.type=data.type, od.genes=od.genes, var.scale=var.scale)
pcs <- lapply(sm, function(x) {
cm <- Matrix::colMeans(x)
ncomps <- min(c(nrow(cm)-1,ncol(cm)-1,round(ncomps/2)))
res <- irlba::irlba(x, nv=ncomps, nu =0, center=cm, right_only = FALSE, reorth = TRUE)
if(score.component.variance) {
# calculate projection
rot <- as.matrix(t(t(x %*% res$v) - as.vector(t(cm %*% res$v))))
# note: this could be calculated a lot faster, but would need to account for the variable matrix format
v0 <- apply(x,2,var)
v1 <- apply(rot,2,var)/sum(v0)
res$nv <- v1
pcj <-,lapply(pcs,function(x) x$v))
# interleave the column order so that selecting top n components balances out the two datasets
interleave <- function(n1,n2) { order(c((1:n1)-0.5,1:n2)) }
ncols <- unlist(lapply(pcs,function(x) ncol(x$v)))
pcj <- pcj[,interleave(ncols[1],ncols[2])]
rownames(pcj) <- od.genes
res <- list(CPC=pcj)
if(score.component.variance) {
res$nv <- lapply(pcs,function(x) x$nv)
if(verbose) message(' done\n')
#' Perform CCA (using PMA package or otherwise) on two samples
#' @param r.n list of pagoda2 objects
#' @param data.type character Type of data type in the input pagoda2 objects within r.n (default='counts')
#' @param ncomps numeric Number of components to calculate (default=100)
#' @param n.odgenes numeric Number of overdispersed genes to take from each dataset
#' @param var.scale boolean Whether to scale variance (default=TRUE)
#' @param verbose boolean Whether to be verbose (default=TRUE)
#' @param score.component.variance boolean Whether to score component variance (default=FALSE)
#' @keywords internal
quickCCA <- function(r.n, data.type='counts', ncomps=100, n.odgenes=NULL, var.scale=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, PMA=FALSE, score.component.variance=FALSE) {
od.genes <- commonOverdispersedGenes(r.n, n.odgenes, verbose=verbose)
ncomps <- min(ncomps, length(od.genes) - 1)
sm <- scaledMatrices(r.n, data.type=data.type, od.genes=od.genes, var.scale=var.scale)
sm <- lapply(sm,function(m) m[rowSums(m)>0,])
sm <- lapply(sm,scale, scale=FALSE) # center
if(PMA) {
if (!requireNamespace("PMA", quietly=TRUE)){
stop("You need to install package 'PMA' to use the PMA flag.")
res <- PMA::CCA(t(sm[[1]]),t(sm[[2]]),K=ncomps,trace=FALSE,standardize=FALSE)
} else {
res <- irlba::irlba(sm[[1]] %*% t(sm[[2]]),ncomps)
rownames(res$u) <- rownames(sm[[1]])
rownames(res$v) <- rownames(sm[[2]])
res$ul <- t(sm[[1]]) %*% res$u # MASS::ginv(sm[[1]]) %*% res$u
res$vl <- t(sm[[2]]) %*% res$v
res$ul <- apply(res$ul,2,function(x) x/sqrt(sum(x*x)))
res$vl <- apply(res$vl,2,function(x) x/sqrt(sum(x*x)))
v0 <- lapply(sm,function(x) sum(apply(x,2,var)))
res$nv <- list(apply(sm[[1]] %*% res$ul,2,var)/v0[[1]], apply(sm[[2]] %*% res$vl,2,var)/v0[[2]])
names(res$nv) <- names(sm)
#res$sm <- sm;
# end DEBUG
# adjust component weighting
cw <- sqrt(res$d)
cw <- cw/max(cw)
res$u <- res$u %*% diag(cw)
res$v <- res$v %*% diag(cw)
#### other functions
## complete.dend from igraph:::complete.dend
#' @keywords internal
complete.dend <- function(comm, use.modularity) {
merges <- comm$merges
if (nrow(merges) < comm$vcount-1) {
if (use.modularity) {
stop(paste("`use.modularity' requires a full dendrogram,",
"i.e. a connected graph"))
miss <- seq_len(comm$vcount + nrow(merges))[-as.vector(merges)]
miss <- c(miss, seq_len(length(miss)-2) + comm$vcount+nrow(merges))
miss <- matrix(miss, byrow=TRUE, ncol=2)
merges <- rbind(merges, miss)
storage.mode(merges) <- "integer"
# use mclapply if available, fall back on BiocParallel, but use regular
# lapply() when only one core is specified
#' @keywords internal
papply <- function(...,n.cores=parallel::detectCores(), mc.preschedule=FALSE) {
if(n.cores>1) {
if(requireNamespace("parallel", quietly = TRUE)) {
res <- parallel::mclapply(...,mc.cores=n.cores,mc.preschedule=mc.preschedule)
else if(requireNamespace("BiocParallel", quietly = TRUE)) {
# It should never happen because parallel is specified in Imports
res <- BiocParallel::bplapply(... , BPPARAM = BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = n.cores))
} else {
# fall back on lapply
res <- lapply(...)
is.error <- (sapply(res, class) == "try-error")
if (any(is.error)) {
stop(paste("Errors in papply:", res[is.error]))
## Benchmarks
#' @keywords internal
sn <- function(x) { names(x) <- x; x }
#' Evaluate consistency of cluster relationships
#' Using the clustering we are generating per-sample dendrograms
#' and we are examining their similarity between different samples
#' More information about similarity measures
#' <>
#' <>
#' @param p2list list of pagoda2 object
#' @param pjc a clustering factor
#' @return list of cophenetic and bakers_gama similarities of the dendrograms from each sample
#' @keywords internal
getClusterRelationshipConsistency <- function(p2list, pjc) {
hcs <- lapply(sn(names(p2list)), function(n) {
x <- p2list[[n]] <- pjc[names(pjc) %in% getCellNames(x)]
cpm <- sweep(rowsum(as.matrix(x$misc$rawCounts),[rownames(x$misc$rawCounts)]),1, table(, FUN='/') * 1e6
as.dendrogram(hclust(as.dist( 1 - cor(t(cpm)))))
## Compare all dendrograms pairwise
cis <- combn(names(hcs), 2)
dend.comp <- lapply(1:ncol(cis), function(i) {
s1 <- cis[1,i]
s2 <- cis[2,i]
dl1 <- dendextend::intersect_trees(hcs[[s1]],hcs[[s2]])
## return mean and sd
mean.cophenetic = mean(unlist(lapply(dend.comp, function(x) {x$cophenetic}))),
sd.cophenetic = sd(unlist(lapply(dend.comp, function(x) {x$cophenetic}))),
mean.bakers_gamma = mean(unlist(lapply(dend.comp, function(x) {x$bakers_gamma}))),
sd.bakers_gamma = sd(unlist(lapply(dend.comp, function(x) {x$bakers_gamma})))
#' Evaluate how many clusters are global
#' @param p2list list of pagoda2 object on which clustering was generated
#' @param pjc the result of joint clustering
#' @param pc.samples.cutoff numeric The percent of the number of the total samples that a cluster has to span to be considered global (default=0.9)
#' @param min.cell.count.per.sample numeric The minimum number of cells of cluster in sample to be considered as represented in that sample (default=10)
#' @return percent of clusters that are global given the above criteria
#' @keywords internal
getPercentGlobalClusters <- function(p2list, pjc, pc.samples.cutoff = 0.9, min.cell.count.per.sample = 10) {
## get the cluster factor
cl <- pjc$cls.mem
## get metadata table
meta <-, lapply(names(p2list), function(n) {
x <- p2list[[n]];
p2name = c(n),
cellid = getCellNames(x)
## get sample / cluster counts
meta$cl <- cl[meta$cellid]
cl.sample.counts <- reshape2::acast(meta, p2name ~ cl, fun.aggregate=length,value.var='cl')
## which clusters are global
global.cluster <- apply(cl.sample.counts > min.cell.count.per.sample, 2, sum) >= ceiling(nrow(cl.sample.counts) * pc.samples.cutoff)
## pc global clusters
sum(global.cluster) / length(global.cluster)
## helper function for breaking down a factor into a list
#' @keywords internal
factorBreakdown <- function(f) {tapply(names(f),f, identity) }
#' Get top overdispersed genes across samples
#' @param samples list of pagoda2 objects
#' @param n.genes number of overdispersed genes to extract
#' @keywords internal
getOdGenesUniformly <- function(samples, n.genes) {
genes <- lapply(samples, getOverdispersedGenes, Inf) %>%
lapply(function(gs) data.frame(gene=gs, rank=1:length(gs), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)) %>%
dplyr::bind_rows() %>% dplyr::group_by(.data$gene) %>%
dplyr::summarise(rank=min(rank), .groups='drop') %>% dplyr::arrange(rank) %>%
return(genes[1:min(n.genes, length(genes))])
#' @keywords internal
projectSamplesOnGlobalAxes <- function(samples, cms.clust, data.type, verbose, n.cores) {
if(verbose) message('calculating global projections ')
# calculate global eigenvectors
gns <- Reduce(intersect,lapply(cms.clust,rownames))
if(verbose) message('.')
if(length(gns) < length(cms.clust)){
stop("Insufficient number of common genes")
tcc <- Reduce('+',lapply(cms.clust,function(x) x[gns,]))
tcc <- t(tcc)/colSums(tcc)*1e6
gv <- apply(tcc,2,var)
gns <- gns[is.finite(gv) & gv>0]
tcc <- tcc[,gns,drop=FALSE]
if(verbose) message('.')
global.pca <- prcomp(log10(tcc+1),center=TRUE,scale=TRUE,retx=FALSE)
# project samples onto the global axes
global.proj <- papply(samples,function(s) {
smat <- as.matrix(scaledMatrices(list(s), data.type=data.type, od.genes=gns, var.scale=FALSE)[[1]])
if(verbose) message('.')
#smat <- as.matrix(conos:::getRawCountMatrix(s,transposed=TRUE)[,gns])
#smat <- log10(smat/rowSums(smat)*1e3+1)
smat <- scale(smat,scale=TRUE,center=TRUE)
smat[is.nan(smat)] <- 0
sproj <- smat %*% global.pca$rotation
if(verbose) message('. done\n')
#' @keywords internal
getDecoyProjections <- function(samples, samf, data.type, var.scale, cproj, base.groups, decoy.threshold, n.decoys) {
cproj.decoys <- lapply(cproj, function(d) {
tg <- tabulate(as.integer(base.groups[rownames(d)]),nbins=length(levels(base.groups)))
nvi <- which(tg < decoy.threshold)
if(length(nvi)>0) {
# sample cells from other datasets
decoy.cells <- names(base.groups)[unlist(lapply(nvi,function(i) {
vc <- which(as.integer(base.groups)==i & (!samf[names(base.groups)] %in% names(cproj)))
if(length(vc) > n.decoys) {
vc <- sample(vc, n.decoys)
if(length(decoy.cells)>0) {
# get the matrices,lapply(samples[unique(samf[decoy.cells])],function(s) {
gn <- intersect(getGenes(s),colnames(d))
m <- scaledMatrices(list(s),data.type=data.type, od.genes=gn, var.scale=var.scale)[[1]]
m <- m[rownames(m) %in% decoy.cells,,drop=FALSE]
# append missing genes
gd <- setdiff(colnames(d),gn)
if(length(gd)>0) {
m <- cbind(m,Matrix(0,nrow=nrow(m),ncol=length(gd),dimnames=list(rownames(m),gd),sparse=T))
m <- m[,colnames(d),drop=FALSE] # fix gene order
} else {
# empty matrix
#' @keywords internal
getLocalNeighbors <- function(samples, k.self, k.self.weight, metric, l2.sigma, verbose, n.cores) {
if(verbose) message('local pairs ')
x <- papply(samples, function(x) {
pca <- getPca(x)
if (is.null(pca)) {
stop("PCA must be estimated for all samples")
xk <- N2R::Knn(pca, k.self + 1, 1, verbose=FALSE, indexType=metric) # +1 accounts for self-edges that will be removed in the next line
diag(xk) <- 0 # no self-edges
if (packageVersion("Matrix") >= '1.4.2'){
xk <- as(drop0(xk),'TsparseMatrix')
} else {
xk <- as(drop0(xk),'dgTMatrix')
xk@x <- convertDistanceToSimilarity(xk@x, metric=metric, l2.sigma=l2.sigma) * k.self.weight
rownames(xk) <- colnames(xk) <- rownames(pca)
if(verbose) message(".")
}, n.cores=n.cores, mc.preschedule=TRUE)
if(verbose) message(' done\n')
#' @keywords internal
getLocalEdges <- function(local.neighbors) {,lapply(local.neighbors,function(xk) {
data.frame(mA.lab=rownames(xk)[xk@i+1], mB.lab=colnames(xk)[xk@j+1],w=xk@x, type=0, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#' Find threshold of cluster detectability
#' For a given clustering, walks the walktrap result tree to find
#' a subtree with max(min(sens,spec)) for each cluster, where sens is sensitivity, spec is specificity
#' @param res walktrap result object (igraph)
#' @param clusters cluster factor
#' @param clmerges integer matrix of cluster merges (default=NULL). If NULL, the function treeJaccard() performs calculation without it.
#' @return a list of $thresholds - per cluster optimal detectability values, and $node - internal node id (merge row) where the optimum was found
#' @export
bestClusterThresholds <- function(res, clusters, clmerges=NULL) {
clusters <- as.factor(clusters)
# prepare cluster vectors
cl <- as.integer(clusters[res$names])
clT <- tabulate(cl,nbins=length(levels(clusters)))
# run
res$merges <- complete.dend(res,FALSE)
#x <- conos:::findBestClusterThreshold(res$merges-1L,matrix(cl-1L,nrow=1),clT)
if(is.null(clmerges)) {
x <- treeJaccard(res$merges-1L,matrix(cl-1L,nrow=1),clT)
names(x$threshold) <- levels(clusters)
} else {
x <- treeJaccard(res$merges-1L,matrix(cl-1L,nrow=1),clT,clmerges-1L)
#' Find threshold of cluster detectability in trees of clusters
#' For a given clustering, walks the walktrap (of clusters) result tree to find
#' a subtree with max(min(sens,spec)) for each cluster, where sens is sensitivity, spec is specificity
#' @param res walktrap result object (igraph) where the nodes were clusters
#' @param leaf.factor a named factor describing cell assignments to the leaf nodes (in the same order as res$names)
#' @param clusters cluster factor
#' @param clmerges integer matrix of cluster merges (default=NULL). If NULL, the function treeJaccard() performs calculation without it.
#' @return a list of $thresholds - per cluster optimal detectability values, and $node - internal node id (merge row) where the optimum was found
#' @export
bestClusterTreeThresholds <- function(res, leaf.factor, clusters, clmerges=NULL) {
clusters <- as.factor(clusters)
# prepare cluster vectors
cl <- as.integer(clusters[names(leaf.factor)])
clT <- tabulate(cl,nbins=length(levels(clusters)))
# prepare clusters matrix: cluster (rows) counts per leaf of the merge tree (column)
mt <- table(cl,leaf.factor)
# run
merges <- complete.dend(res,FALSE)
#x <- conos:::findBestClusterThreshold(res$merges-1L,as.matrix(mt),clT)
if(is.null(clmerges)) {
x <- treeJaccard(res$merges-1L,as.matrix(mt),clT)
names(x$threshold) <- levels(clusters)
} else {
x <- treeJaccard(res$merges-1L,as.matrix(mt),clT,clmerges-1L)
#' Performs a greedy top-down selective cut to optmize modularity
#' @param wt walktrap result
#' @param N numeric Number of top greedy splits to take
#' @param leaf.labels leaf sample label factor, for breadth calculations - must be a named factor containing all wt$names, or if wt$names is null, a factor listing cells in the same order as wt leafs (default=NULL)
#' @param minsize numeric Minimum size of the branch (in number of leafs) (default=0)
#' @param minbreadth numeric Minimum allowed breadth of a branch (measured as normalized entropy) (default=0)
#' @param flat.cut boolean Whether to simply take a flat cut (i.e. follow provided tree; default=TRUE). Does no observe minsize/minbreadth restrictions
#' @return list(hclust - hclust structure of the derived tree, leafContent - binary matrix with rows corresponding to old leaves, columns to new ones, deltaM - modularity increments)
#' @export
greedyModularityCut <- function(wt, N, leaf.labels=NULL, minsize=0, minbreadth=0, flat.cut=TRUE) {
# prepare labels
nleafs <- nrow(wt$merges)+1
if(is.null(leaf.labels)) {
ll <- integer(nleafs)
} else {
if(is.null(wt$names)) {
# assume that leaf.labels are provided in the correct order
if(length(leaf.labels)!=nleafs) stop("leaf.labels is of incorrct length and wt$names is NULL")
ll <- as.integer(as.factor(leaf.labels))-1L
} else {
if(!all(wt$names %in% names(leaf.labels))) { stop("leaf.labels do not cover all wt$names")}
ll <- as.integer(as.factor(leaf.labels[wt$names]))-1L
x <- greedyModularityCutC(wt$merges-1L,-1*diff(wt$modularity),N,minsize,ll,minbreadth,flat.cut)
if (length(x$splitsequence)<1) {
stop("unable to make a single split using specified size/breadth restrictions")
# transfer cell names for the leaf content
if (!is.null(wt$names)) {
rownames(x$leafContent) <- wt$names
} else {
rownames(x$leafContent) <- c(1:nrow(x$leafContent))
m <- x$merges+1
nleafs <- nrow(m)+1
m[m<=nleafs] <- -1*m[m<=nleafs]
m[m>0] <- m[m>0]-nleafs
hc <- list(merge=m,height=1:nrow(m),labels=c(1:nleafs),order=c(1:nleafs))
class(hc) <- 'hclust'
# fix the ordering so that edges don't intersects
hc$order <- order.dendrogram(as.dendrogram(hc))
leafContentCollapsed <- apply(x$leafContent,2,function(z)rownames(x$leafContent)[which(z>0)])
clfac <- as.factor(apply(x$leafContent,1,which.max))
#' Determine number of detectable clusters given a reference walktrap and a bunch of permuted walktraps
#' @param refwt reference walktrap result
#' @param tests a list of permuted walktrap results
#' @param min.threshold numeric Min detectability threshold (default=0.8)
#' @param min.size numeric Minimum cluster size (number of leafs) (default=10)
#' @param n.cores numeric Number of cores (default=30)
#' @param average.thresholds boolean Report a single number of detectable clusters for averaged detected thresholds (default=FALSE) (a list of detected clusters for each element of the tests list is returned by default)
#' @return number of detectable stable clusters
#' @export
stableTreeClusters <- function(refwt, tests, min.threshold=0.8, min.size=10, n.cores=30, average.thresholds=FALSE) {
# calculate detectability thresholds for each node against entire list of tests
#i<- 0;
refwt$merges <- complete.dend(refwt,FALSE)
for (i in 1:length(tests)){
tests[[i]]$merges <- complete.dend(tests[[i]],FALSE)
thrs <- papply(tests,function(testwt) {
#i<<- i+1; cat("i=",i,'\n');
idmap <- match(refwt$names,testwt$names)-1L
idmap[] <- -1
x <- scoreTreeConsistency(testwt$merges-1L,refwt$merges-1L,idmap ,min.size)
if(length(tests)==1) {
x <- maxStableClusters(refwt$merges-1L,thrs[[1]],min.threshold,min.size)
} else {
if(average.thresholds) {
# calculate average detection threshold and
x <- maxStableClusters(refwt$merges-1L,rowMeans(,thrs)),min.threshold,min.size)
} else { # reporting the resulting numbers of clusters for each
xl <- lapply(thrs,function(z) maxStableClusters(refwt$merges-1L,z,min.threshold,min.size))
return(unlist(lapply(xl,function(x) length(x$terminalnodes))))
#' @keywords internal
convertDistanceToSimilarity <- function(distances, metric, l2.sigma=1e5, cor.base=1) {
if (metric=='angular') {
return(pmax(0, cor.base - distances))
return(exp(-distances / l2.sigma))
#' @keywords internal
getPcaBasedNeighborMatrix <- function(sample.pair, od.genes, rot, k, k1=k, data.type='counts', var.scale=TRUE, common.centering=TRUE,
matching.method='mNN', metric='angular', l2.sigma=1e5, cor.base=1, subset.cells=NULL,
base.groups=NULL, append.decoys=FALSE, samples=NULL, samf=NULL, decoy.threshold=1, n.decoys=k*2,, global.proj=NULL) {
# create matrices, adjust variance
cproj <- scaledMatrices(sample.pair, data.type=data.type, od.genes=od.genes, var.scale=var.scale)
# determine the centering
if (common.centering) {
ncells <- unlist(lapply(cproj, nrow));
centering <- setNames(rep(colSums(, lapply(cproj, colMeans)) * ncells) / sum(ncells), length(cproj)), names(cproj))
} else {
centering <- lapply(cproj,colMeans)
# append decoy cells if needed
if(!is.null(base.groups) && append.decoys) {
cproj.decoys <- getDecoyProjections(samples, samf, data.type, var.scale, cproj, base.groups, decoy.threshold, n.decoys)
cproj <- lapply(sn(names(cproj)),function(n) rbind(cproj[[n]],cproj.decoys[[n]]))
cpproj <- lapply(sn(names(cproj)),function(n) {
x <- cproj[[n]]
x <- t(as.matrix(t(x))-centering[[n]])
x %*% rot;
if(!is.null(base.groups) && {
#cpproj <- lapply(sn(names(cpproj)),function(n) cbind(cpproj[[n]],global.proj[[n]])) # case without decoys
cpproj <- lapply(sn(names(cpproj)),function(n) {
gm <- global.proj[[n]]
if (append.decoys) {
decoy.cells <- rownames(cproj.decoys[[n]])
if (length(decoy.cells)>0) {
gm <- rbind(gm,, lapply(global.proj[unique(samf[decoy.cells])],
function(m) m[rownames(m) %in% decoy.cells,,drop=FALSE])))
# append global axes
if (!is.null(subset.cells)) {
cpproj <- lapply(cpproj, function(proj) proj[intersect(rownames(proj), subset.cells), ])
mnn <- getNeighborMatrix(cpproj[[names(sample.pair)[1]]], cpproj[[names(sample.pair)[2]]], k, k1=k1, matching=matching.method, metric=metric, l2.sigma=l2.sigma, cor.base=cor.base)
if (!is.null(base.groups) && append.decoys) {
# discard edges connecting to decoys
decoy.cells <- unlist(lapply(cproj.decoys,rownames))
mnn <- mnn[, !colnames(mnn) %in% decoy.cells, drop=FALSE]
mnn <- mnn[!rownames(mnn) %in% decoy.cells, , drop=FALSE]
#' Establish rough neighbor matching between samples given their projections in a common space
#' @param p1 projection of sample 1
#' @param p2 projection of sample 2
#' @param k neighborhood radius
#' @param k1 neighborhood radius
#' @param matching string mNN (default) or NN (default='mNN')
#' @param metric string Distance type (default: "angular", can also be 'L2')
#' @param l2.sigma numeric L2 distances get transformed as exp(-d/sigma) using this value (default=1e5)
#' @param cor.base numeric (default=1)
#' @param min.similarity minimal similarity between two cells, required to have an edge
#' @return matrix with the similarity (!) values corresponding to weight (1-d for angular, and exp(-d/l2.sigma) for L2)
#' @keywords internal
getNeighborMatrix <- function(p1, p2, k, k1=k, matching='mNN', metric='angular', l2.sigma=1e5, cor.base=1, min.similarity=1e-5) {
quiet.knn <- (k1 > k)
if (is.null(p2)) {
n12 <- N2R::crossKnn(p1, p1,k1,1, FALSE, metric, quiet=quiet.knn)
n21 <- n12
} else {
n12 <- N2R::crossKnn(p1, p2, k1, 1, FALSE, metric, quiet=quiet.knn)
n21 <- N2R::crossKnn(p2, p1, k1, 1, FALSE, metric, quiet=quiet.knn)
n12@x <- convertDistanceToSimilarity(n12@x, metric=metric, l2.sigma=l2.sigma, cor.base=cor.base)
n21@x <- convertDistanceToSimilarity(n21@x, metric=metric, l2.sigma=l2.sigma, cor.base=cor.base)
if (matching=='NN') {
adj.mtx <- drop0(n21+t(n12));
adj.mtx@x <- adj.mtx@x/2;
} else if (matching=='mNN') {
adj.mtx <- drop0(n21*t(n12))
adj.mtx@x <- sqrt(adj.mtx@x)
} else {
stop("Unrecognized type of NN matching:", matching)
rownames(adj.mtx) <- rownames(p1); colnames(adj.mtx) <- rownames(p2);
adj.mtx@x[adj.mtx@x < min.similarity] <- 0
adj.mtx <- drop0(adj.mtx);
if (k1 > k) { # downsample edges
adj.mtx <- reduceEdgesInGraphIteratively(adj.mtx,k)
if (packageVersion("Matrix") >= '1.4.2'){
} else {
## 1-step edge reduction
#' @keywords internal
reduceEdgesInGraph <- function(adj.mtx,k,klow=k,preserve.order=TRUE) {
if(preserve.order) { co <- colnames(adj.mtx); ro <- rownames(adj.mtx); }
adj.mtx <- adj.mtx[,order(diff(adj.mtx@p),decreasing=TRUE)]
adj.mtx@x <- pareDownHubEdges(adj.mtx,tabulate(adj.mtx@i+1),k,klow)
adj.mtx <- t(drop0(adj.mtx))
adj.mtx <- adj.mtx[,order(diff(adj.mtx@p),decreasing=TRUE)]
adj.mtx@x <- pareDownHubEdges(adj.mtx,tabulate(adj.mtx@i+1),k,klow)
adj.mtx <- t(drop0(adj.mtx));
if(preserve.order) { adj.mtx <- adj.mtx[match(ro,rownames(adj.mtx)),match(co,colnames(adj.mtx))]; }
## a simple multi-step strategy to smooth out remaining hubs
## max.kdiff gives approximate difference in the degree of the resulting nodes that is tolerable
#' @keywords internal
reduceEdgesInGraphIteratively <- function(adj.mtx,k,preserve.order=TRUE,max.kdiff=5,n.steps=3) {
cc <- diff(adj.mtx@p)
rc <- tabulate(adj.mtx@i+1)
maxd <- max(max(cc),max(rc))
if (maxd<=k){
return(adj.mtx) # nothing to be done - already below k
klow <- max(min(k,3),k-max.kdiff) # allowable lower limit
# set up a stepping strategy
n.steps <- min(n.steps,round(maxd/k))
if(n.steps>1) {
ks <- round(exp(seq(log(maxd),log(k),length.out=n.steps+1))[-1])
} else {
ks <- c(k);
for(ki in ks) {
adj.mtx <- reduceEdgesInGraph(adj.mtx,ki,preserve.order=preserve.order)
cc <- diff(adj.mtx@p)
rc <- tabulate(adj.mtx@i+1)
maxd <- max(max(cc),max(rc))
if(maxd-k > max.kdiff) {
# do a cleanup step
adj.mtx <- reduceEdgesInGraph(adj.mtx,k,klow=klow,preserve.order=preserve.order)
#' @keywords internal
adjustWeightsByCellBalancing <- function(adj.mtx, factor.per.cell, balance.weights, same.factor.downweight=1.0, n.iters=50, verbose=FALSE) {
if (packageVersion("Matrix") >= '1.4.2'){
adj.mtx %<>% .[colnames(.), colnames(.)] %>% as("TsparseMatrix")
} else {
adj.mtx %<>% .[colnames(.), colnames(.)] %>% as("dgTMatrix")
factor.per.cell %<>% .[colnames(adj.mtx)] %>% as.factor() %>% droplevels()
weights.adj <- adj.mtx@x
if (balance.weights) {
for (i in 0:(n.iters-1)) {
factor.frac.per.cell <- getSumWeightMatrix(weights.adj, adj.mtx@i, adj.mtx@j, as.integer(factor.per.cell))
w.dividers <- factor.frac.per.cell * rowSums(factor.frac.per.cell > 1e-10)
weights.adj <- adjustWeightsByCellBalancingC(weights.adj, adj.mtx@i, adj.mtx@j, as.integer(factor.per.cell), w.dividers)
if (verbose && i %% 10 == 0) {
message("Difference from balanced state: ", sum(abs(w.dividers[w.dividers > 1e-10] - 1)), "\n")
if (abs(same.factor.downweight - 1) > 1e-5) {
weights.adj[factor.per.cell[adj.mtx@i + 1] == factor.per.cell[adj.mtx@j + 1]] %<>% `*`(same.factor.downweight)
mtx.res <- adj.mtx
mtx.res@x <- weights.adj
## Correct unloading of the library
#' @keywords internal
.onUnload <- function (libpath) {
library.dynam.unload("conos", libpath)
#' Scan joint graph modularity for a range of k (or k.self) values
#' Builds graph with different values of k (or k.self if scan.k.self=TRUE), evaluating modularity of the resulting multilevel clustering
#' NOTE: will run evaluations in parallel using con$n.cores (temporarily setting con$n.cores to 1 in the process)
#' @param con Conos object to test
#' @param min numeric Minimal value of k to test (default=3)
#' @param max numeric Value of k to test (default=50)
#' @param by numeric Scan step (default=1)
#' @param scan.k.self boolean Whether to test dependency on scan.k.self (default=FALSE)
#' @param omit.internal.edges boolean Whether to omit internal edges of the graph (default=TRUE)
#' @param verbose boolean Whether to provide verbose output (default=TRUE)
#' @param plot boolean Whether to plot the output (default=TRUE)
#' @param ... other parameters will be passed to con$buildGraph()
#' @return a data frame with $k $m columns giving k and the corresponding modularity
#' @export
scanKModularity <- function(con, min=3, max=50, by=1, scan.k.self=FALSE, omit.internal.edges=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, plot=TRUE, ... ) {
k.seq <- seq(min,max, by=by)
ncores <- con$n.cores
con$n.cores <- 1
if(verbose) message(paste0(ifelse(scan.k.self,'k.self=(','k=('),min,', ',max,') ['))
xl <- papply(k.seq,function(kv) {
if(scan.k.self) {
x <- con$buildGraph(k.self=kv, ..., verbose=FALSE)
} else {
x <- con$buildGraph(k=kv, ..., verbose=FALSE)
if(verbose) message('.')
if(omit.internal.edges) {
x <- delete_edges(x,which(E(x)$type==0))
#adj.mtx <- as_adj(x,attr='weight')
#adj.mtx <- conos:::reduceEdgesInGraphIteratively(adj.mtx,kv)
#adj.mtx <- drop0(adj.mtx*t(adj.mtx))
#adj.mtx@x <- sqrt(adj.mtx@x)
#x <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adj.mtx,mode = "undirected",weighted=TRUE)
xc <-
if(verbose) message(']\n')
con$n.cores <- ncores
k.sens <- data.frame(k=k.seq,m=as.numeric(unlist(xl)))
if(plot) {
## Merge into a common matrix, entering 0s for the missing ones
#' @keywords internal
mergeCountMatrices <- function(cms, transposed=FALSE) {
extendMatrix <- function(mtx, col.names) {
new.names <- setdiff(col.names, colnames(mtx))
ext.mtx <- Matrix::Matrix(0, nrow=nrow(mtx), ncol=length(new.names), sparse=TRUE) %>%
as(class(mtx)) %>% `colnames<-`(new.names)
return(cbind(mtx, ext.mtx)[,col.names])
if (!transposed) {
cms %<>% lapply(Matrix::t)
gene.union <- lapply(cms, colnames) %>% Reduce(union, .)
res <- lapply(cms, extendMatrix, gene.union) %>% Reduce(rbind, .)
if (!transposed) {
res %<>% Matrix::t()
#' Retrieve sample names per cell
#' @param samples list of samples
#' @return list of sample names
#' getSampleNamePerCell(small_panel.preprocessed)
#' @export
getSampleNamePerCell=function(samples) {
cl <- lapply(samples, getCellNames)
return(rep(names(cl), sapply(cl, length)) %>% stats::setNames(unlist(cl)) %>% as.factor())
#' Estimate labeling distribution for each vertex, based on provided labels using Random Walk
#' @param graph input graph
#' @param labels vector of factor or character labels, named by cell names
#' @param max.iters maximal number of iterations (default=100)
#' @param tol numeric Absolute tolerance as a stopping criteria (default=0.025)
#' @param verbose boolean Verbose mode (default=TRUE)
#' @param fixed.initial.labels boolean Prohibit changes of initial labels during diffusion (default=TRUE)
#' @keywords internal
propagateLabelsDiffusion <- function(graph, labels, max.iters=100, diffusion.fading=10.0, diffusion.fading.const=0.1, tol=0.025, verbose=TRUE, fixed.initial.labels=TRUE) {
if (is.factor(labels)) {
labels <- as.character(labels) %>% setNames(names(labels))
edges <- igraph::as_edgelist(graph)
edge.weights <- igraph::edge.attributes(graph)$weight
labels <- labels[intersect(names(labels), igraph::vertex.attributes(graph)$name)]
label.distribution <- propagate_labels(edges, edge.weights, vert_labels=labels, max_n_iters=max.iters, verbose=verbose,
diffusion_fading=diffusion.fading, diffusion_fading_const=diffusion.fading.const,
tol=tol, fixed_initial_labels=fixed.initial.labels)
## Propagate labels using Zhu, Ghahramani, Lafferty (2003) algorithm
## TODO: change solver here for something designed for Laplacians. Need to look Daniel Spielman's research
#' @keywords internal
propagateLabelsSolver <- function(graph, labels, solver="mumps") {
if (!solver %in% c("mumps", "Matrix")){
stop("Unknown solver: ", solver, ". Only 'mumps' and 'Matrix' are currently supported")
if (!requireNamespace("rmumps", quietly=TRUE)) {
warning("Package 'rmumps' is required to use 'mumps' solver, which is the default option. Falliing back to solver='Matrix'")
solver <- "Matrix"
adj.mat <- igraph::as_adjacency_matrix(graph, attr="weight") <- intersect(colnames(adj.mat), names(labels)) <- setdiff(colnames(adj.mat), names(labels))
labels <- as.factor(labels[])
weight.sum.mat <- Matrix::Diagonal(x=Matrix::colSums(adj.mat)) %>%
laplasian.uu <- (weight.sum.mat[,] - adj.mat[,])
type.scores <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i=1:length(labels), j=as.integer(labels), x=1.0) %>%
`colnames<-`(levels(labels)) %>% `rownames<-`(
right.side <- Matrix::drop0(adj.mat[,] %*% type.scores)
if (solver == "Matrix") {
res <- Matrix::solve(laplasian.uu, right.side)
} else {
res <- rmumps::Rmumps$new(laplasian.uu, copy=FALSE)$solve(right.side)
colnames(res) <- levels(labels)
rownames(res) <-
return(rbind(res, type.scores))
## exporting to inherit parameters below,
#' @export
#' Increase resolution for a specific set of clusters
#' @param con conos object
#' @param target.clusters clusters for which the resolution should be increased
#' @param clustering name of clustering in the conos object to use. Either 'clustering' or 'groups' must be provided (default=NULL).
#' @param groups set of clusters to use. Ignored if 'clustering' is not NULL (default=NULL).
#' @param method function, used to find communities (
#' @param ... additional params passed to the community function
#' @return set of clusters with increased resolution
#' @export
findSubcommunities <- function(con, target.clusters, clustering=NULL, groups=NULL,, ...) {
groups <- parseCellGroups(con, clustering, groups)
groups.raw <- as.character(groups) %>% setNames(names(groups))
groups <- groups[intersect(names(groups), V(con$graph)$name)]
if (length(groups) == 0) {
stop("'groups' not defined for graph object.")
groups <- droplevels(as.factor(groups)[groups %in% target.clusters])
if (length(groups) == 0) {
stop("None of 'target.clusters' can be found in 'groups'.")
subgroups <- split(names(groups), groups)
for (n in names(subgroups)) {
if (length(subgroups[[n]]) < 2){
new.clusts <- method(induced_subgraph(con$graph, subgroups[[n]]), ...)
groups.raw[new.clusts$names] <- paste0(n, "_", new.clusts$membership)
#' @keywords internal
parseCellGroups <- function(con, clustering, groups, parse.clusters=TRUE) {
if (!parse.clusters){
if (!is.null(groups)) {
if (!any(names(groups) %in% names(con$getDatasetPerCell()))){
stop("'groups' aren't defined for any of the cells.")
if (length(con$clusters) < 1){
stop("Generate a joint clustering first")
} else if (!(clustering %in% names(con$clusters)) && !is.null(clustering)) {
stop(paste("Clustering",clustering,"does not exist, run findCommunity() first"))
if (is.null(clustering)) {
if (length(con$clusters) > 0){
stop("Either 'groups' must be provided or the conos object must have some clustering estimated")
#' Estimate entropy of edge weights per cell according to the specified factor.
#' Can be used to visualize alignment quality according to this factor.
#' @param con conos object
#' @param factor.per.cell some factor, which group cells, such as sample or a specific condition
#' @return entropy of edge weights per cell
#' @export
estimateWeightEntropyPerCell <- function(con, factor.per.cell) {
if (packageVersion("Matrix") >= '1.4.2'){
adj.mat <- igraph::as_adjacency_matrix(con$graph, attr="weight") %>% as("TsparseMatrix")
} else {
adj.mat <- igraph::as_adjacency_matrix(con$graph, attr="weight") %>% as("dgTMatrix")
factor.per.cell %<>% as.factor() %>% .[rownames(adj.mat)]
weight.sum.per.fac.cell <- getSumWeightMatrix(adj.mat@x, adj.mat@i, adj.mat@j, as.integer(factor.per.cell)) %>%
`colnames<-`(levels(adj.mat)) %>% `rownames<-`(rownames(adj.mat))
xt <- table(factor.per.cell)
entropy.per.cell <- apply(weight.sum.per.fac.cell, 1, entropy::KL.empirical, xt, unit=c('log2')) / log2(length(xt))
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