
Defines functions show_subgroup_results gh repl notallNA selmat ordermat collapsemat wcalc twolines tgl tg removeNULL formatcol draw.lines draw.forest draw.ci draw.ci.predict draw.ci.diamond draw.axis add.rob add.xlab add.text add.label

## Definition of auxiliary functions for forest plots

add.label <- function(x, column,
                      xpos, ypos, just, fs.lr, ff.lr, col,
                      ...) {
  pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = column, ...))
  grid.text(x, x = xpos, y = ypos, just = just,
            gp = gpar(fontsize = fs.lr, fontface = ff.lr, col = col,
                      fontfamily = fontfamily))

add.text <- function(x, column, ...) {
  for (i in seq_len(length(x$rows))) {
    if (!is.na(x$rows[i])) {
          layout.pos.row = x$rows[i],
          layout.pos.col = column, ...))

add.xlab <- function(x, column, xlab, xlab.add, newline.xlab,
                     xpos, ypos, fs.xlab, ff.xlab,
                     fontfamily) {
  pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = column, xscale = x$range))
  ## Label on x-axis:
            x = unit(xpos, "native"),
            y = unit(ypos, "lines"),
            just = "center",
            gp = gpar(fontsize = fs.xlab, fontface = ff.xlab,
                      fontfamily = fontfamily))
  if (newline.xlab)
              x = unit(xpos, "native"),
              y = unit(ypos - 1, "lines"),
              just = "center",
              gp = gpar(fontsize = fs.xlab, fontface = ff.xlab,
                        fontfamily = fontfamily))

add.rob <- function(x, column, size, fs, ff, fontfamily,
                    rob, rob.levels, rob.symbols, rob.colour, ...) {
  if (is.null(rob.levels)) {
    if (is.factor(rob))
      rob.levels <- levels(rob)
      rob.levels <- unique(rob)
  n.levs <- length(rob.levels)
  if (is.null(rob.symbols)) {
    if (n.levs == 3)
      rob.symbols <- c("-", "?", "+")
      rob.symbols <- rev(seq_len(n.levs))
  else if (length(rob.symbols) == 1 && is.logical(rob.symbols)) {
    if (rob.symbols) {
      if (n.levs == 3)
        rob.symbols <- c("-", "?", "+")
        rob.symbols <- rev(seq_len(n.levs))
  else if (length(rob.symbols) != n.levs)
    stop("Wrong number of RoB symbols (argument 'rob.symbols').",
         call. = FALSE)
  if (is.null(rob.colour)) {
    if (n.levs == 3)
      rob.colour <- c("red", "yellow", "green")
      rob.colour <- rev(seq_len(n.levs))
  if (!(length(rob.symbols) == 1 && is.logical(rob.symbols) && !rob.symbols))
    txt.rob <-
        factor(rob, levels = rob.levels, labels = rob.symbols))
    txt.rob <- NULL
  col.rob <-
      factor(rob, levels = rob.levels,
             labels = rob.colour))
  j <- 0
  for (i in seq_len(length(x$rows))) {
    if (!is.na(x$rows[i])) {
          layout.pos.row = x$rows[i],
          layout.pos.col = column, ...))
      if (i == 1)
      else {
        j <- j + 1
        grid.circle(x = unit(0.5, "npc"), y = unit(0.5, "npc"),
                    r = unit(size / 2, "snpc"),
                    gp = gpar(fill = col.rob[j], col = col.rob[j]))
        if (!is.null(txt.rob) && !is.na(txt.rob[j]))
                    x = unit(0.5, "npc"),
                    y = unit(if (txt.rob[j] %in% c("-", "+")) 0.58 else 0.5,
                    gp = gpar(fontsize = fs, fontface = ff,
                              fontfamily = fontfamily),
                    just = c("center", "center"))

draw.axis <- function(x, column, yS, log.xaxis, at, label,
                      fs.axis, ff.axis, fontfamily, lwd,
                      xlim, notmiss.xlim,
                      col.line, col.label) {
  ## Function to draw x-axis
      layout.pos.row = max(yS, na.rm = TRUE),
      layout.pos.col = column,
      xscale = x$range))
  ## x-axis:
  if (log.xaxis) {
    if (is.null(at)) {
      x1000 <- c(0.001, 0.1, 1,  10, 1000)
      x100  <- c(0.01 , 0.1, 1,  10, 100)
      x10   <- c(0.1  , 0.5, 1,   2, 10)
      x5    <- c(0.2  , 0.5, 1,   2, 5)
      x2    <- c(0.5  , 1, 2)
      x1.5  <- c(0.75 , 1, 1.5)
      x1.25 <- c(0.8  , 1, 1.25)
      x1    <- c(0.9  , 1, 1.1)
      min.x <- min(exp(x$range[1]), 1)
      max.x <- max(exp(x$range[2]), 1)
      if (all(x1000 >= min.x) &
          all(x1000 <= max.x))
        label <- x1000
      else if (all(x100 >= min.x) &
               all(x100 <= max.x))
        label <- x100
      else if (all(x10 >= min.x) &
               all(x10 <= max.x))
        label <- x10
      else if (all(x5 >= min.x) &
               all(x5 <= max.x))
        label <- x5
      else if (all(x2 >= min.x) &
               all(x2 <= max.x))
        label <- x2
      else if (all(x1.5 >= min.x) &
               all(x1.5 <= max.x))
        label <- x1.5
      else if (all(x1.25 >= min.x) &
               all(x1.25 <= max.x))
        label <- x1.25
      else if (all(x1 >= min.x) &
               all(x1 <= max.x))
        label <- x1
        label <- 1
      if (notmiss.xlim && is.numeric(xlim[1])) {
        if (exp(min(xlim)) < min(label))
          label <- c(exp(min(xlim)), label)
        if (exp(max(xlim)) > max(label))
          label <- c(label, exp(max(xlim)))
      at <- log(label)
    else {
      if (length(label) == 1 && is.logical(label) && label)
        label <- at
      at <- log(at)
    ## Print x-axis labels
    grid.xaxis(name = "xaxis1",
               at = at, label = label,
               gp = gpar(fontsize = fs.axis, fontface = ff.axis,
                         fontfamily = fontfamily, lwd = lwd,
                         col = col.label, tcl = -0.1))
    ## Print xaxis and tick marks (in different colour)
    grid.xaxis(name = "xaxis2",
               at = at, label = FALSE,
               gp = gpar(fontsize = fs.axis, fontface = ff.axis,
                         fontfamily = fontfamily, lwd = lwd,
                         col = col.line, tcl = -0.1))
  else {
    if (is.null(at)) {
      ## Print x-axis labels
      grid.xaxis(name = "xaxis1",
        gp = gpar(fontsize = fs.axis, fontface = ff.axis,
                  fontfamily = fontfamily, lwd = lwd,
                  col = col.label, tcl = -0.1))
      ## Print xaxis and tick marks (in different colour)
      grid.xaxis(name = "xaxis2",
        label = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(fontsize = fs.axis, fontface = ff.axis,
                  fontfamily = fontfamily, lwd = lwd,
                  col = col.line, tcl = -0.1))
    else if ((length(label) == 1 && is.logical(label) && label) |
          (length(label) >= 1 & !is.logical(label))) {
      ## Print x-axis labels
      grid.xaxis(name = "xaxis1",
        at = at, label = label,
        gp = gpar(fontsize = fs.axis, fontface = ff.axis,
                  fontfamily = fontfamily, lwd = lwd,
                  col = col.label, tcl = -0.1))
      ## Print xaxis and tick marks (in different colour)
      grid.xaxis(name = "xaxis2",
        at = at, label = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(fontsize = fs.axis, fontface = ff.axis,
                  fontfamily = fontfamily, lwd = lwd,
                  col = col.line, tcl = -0.1))
    else {
      ## Print x-axis labels
      grid.xaxis(name = "xaxis1",
                 at = at,
                 gp = gpar(fontsize = fs.axis, fontface = ff.axis,
                           fontfamily = fontfamily, lwd = lwd,
                           col = col.label, tcl = -0.1))
      ## Print xaxis and tick marks (in different colour)
      grid.xaxis(name = "xaxis2",
        at = at, label = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(fontsize = fs.axis, fontface = ff.axis,
                  fontfamily = fontfamily, lwd = lwd,
                  col = col.line, tcl = -0.1))

draw.ci.diamond <- function(TE, lower, upper,
                            size, min, max,
                            col.diamond, col.diamond.lines,
                            lwd) {
  if (min > max) {
    tmp <- min
    min <- max
    max <- tmp
  if (!is.na(TE) &&
      ((min <= TE & TE <= max) |
       (min <= lower & lower <= max) |
       (min <= upper & upper <= max))
      ) {
    if (min <= lower & max >= upper) {
      grid.polygon(x = unit(c(lower, TE, upper, TE), "native"),
                   y = unit(0.5 + c(0, 0.4 * size, 0, -0.4 * size), "npc"),
                   gp = gpar(fill = col.diamond, col = col.diamond.lines,
                             lwd = lwd))
    else {
      if (min > lower) {
        x.min <- min
        y.min1 <- 0.5 + -0.4 * size * (lower - min) / (lower - TE)
        y.min2 <- 0.5 +  0.4 * size * (lower - min) / (lower - TE)
      else {
        x.min <- lower
        y.min1 <- y.min2 <- 0.5
      if (max < upper) {
        x.max <- max
        y.max1 <- 0.5 +  0.4 * size * (upper - max) / (upper - TE)
        y.max2 <- 0.5 + -0.4 * size * (upper - max) / (upper - TE)
      else {
        x.max <- upper
        y.max1 <- y.max2 <- 0.5
      grid.polygon(x = unit(c(x.min, x.min, TE, x.max, x.max, TE, x.min),
                   y = unit(c(y.min1, y.min2, 0.5 + 0.4 * size,
                              y.max1, y.max2, 0.5 - 0.4 * size,
                              y.min1), "npc"),
                   gp = gpar(fill = col.diamond, col = col.diamond.lines,
                             lwd = lwd))

draw.ci.predict <- function(lower.predict, upper.predict,
                            size, min, max,
                            col.predict, col.predict.lines) {
  if (min > max) {
    tmp <- min
    min <- max
    max <- tmp
  if (!(is.na(lower.predict) | is.na(upper.predict))) {
    range <- max - min
    ## Plot prediction interval only within plotting range
    if (min > lower.predict)
      x.min <- min + range / 40
      x.min <- lower.predict
    if (max < upper.predict)
      x.max <- max - range / 40
      x.max <- upper.predict
    grid.polygon(x = unit(c(x.min, x.min, x.max, x.max), "native"),
                 y = unit(0.5 + size * c(-1, 1, 1, -1) / 10, "npc"),
                 gp = gpar(fill = col.predict, col = col.predict.lines))
    if (min > lower.predict)
      grid.lines(x = unit(c(min, min + 0.00001), "native"),
                 y = 0.5,
                 gp = gpar(col = col.predict.lines,
                           fill = col.predict),
                 arrow = arrow(ends = "first",
                               length = unit(0.5, "npc"),
                               type = "closed"))
    if (max < upper.predict)
      grid.lines(x = unit(c(max - 0.00001, max), "native"),
                 y = 0.5,
                 gp = gpar(col = col.predict.lines,
                           fill = col.predict),
                 arrow = arrow(ends = "last",
                               length = unit(0.5, "npc"),
                               type = "closed"))

draw.ci <- function(TE, lower, upper,
                    size, min, max,
                    col.square, col.square.lines,
                    col.circle, col.circle.lines,
                    arrow.type, arrow.length) {
  if (min > max) {
    tmp <- min
    min <- max
    max <- tmp
  if (!is.na(TE)) {
    ## Draw lines in colour "col.inside" if totally inside rect
    TElineCol <- col
    if ((!is.na(size) & !is.na(lower) & !is.na(upper)))
      if (size > 0 &&
          (convertX(unit(TE, "native") + unit(0.5 * size, "lines"),
                    "native", valueOnly = TRUE) > upper) &&
          (convertX(unit(TE, "native") - unit(0.5 * size, "lines"),
                    "native", valueOnly = TRUE) < lower))
        TElineCol <- col.inside
  if (!is.na(TE) && (TE >= min & TE <= max)) {
    if (!is.na(size) && size > 0 && !is.na(lower) && !is.na(upper)) {
      if (type == "square") {
        grid.rect(x = unit(TE, "native"),
                  width = unit(size, "snpc"),
                  height = unit(size, "snpc"),
                  gp = gpar(fill = col.square, col = col.square.lines,
                            lwd = lwd.square))
        grid.lines(x = unit(c(TE, TE), "native"),
                   y = unit(c(0.4, 0.6), "npc"),
                   gp = gpar(col = TElineCol, lwd = lwd))
      grid.lines(x = unit(c(TE, TE), "native"),
                 y = unit(c(0.4, 0.6), "npc"),
                 gp = gpar(col = TElineCol, lwd = lwd))
  if (!is.na(TE)) {
    ## Draw lines in colour "col.inside" if totally inside rect
    if (!is.na(size)) {
      lineCol <- col
      if (!is.na(lower) & !is.na(upper))
        if (size > 0 &&
            (convertX(unit(TE, "native") + unit(0.5 * size, "lines"),
                      "native", valueOnly = TRUE) > upper) &&
            (convertX(unit(TE, "native") - unit(0.5 * size, "lines"),
                      "native", valueOnly = TRUE) < lower))
          lineCol <- col.inside
      ## Draw arrow if exceed col range
      ## convertX() used to convert between coordinate systems
      if (!is.na(lower) && !is.na(upper) &&
          (lower >= min & upper <= max))
        grid.lines(x = unit(c(lower, upper), "native"), y = 0.5,
                   gp = gpar(col = lineCol, lwd = lwd))
      if (!is.na(lower) && !is.na(upper) &&
          (lower < min & upper > max))
        grid.lines(x = unit(c(min, max), "native"), y = 0.5,
                   gp = gpar(col = lineCol, lwd = lwd))
      if (!is.na(lower) && !is.na(upper) &&
          (lower < min & (upper <= max & upper > min)))
        grid.lines(x = unit(c(min, upper), "native"), y = 0.5,
                   gp = gpar(col = lineCol, lwd = lwd))
      if (!is.na(lower) && !is.na(upper) &&
          ((lower >= min & lower < max) & upper > max))
        grid.lines(x = unit(c(lower, max), "native"), y = 0.5,
                   gp = gpar(col = lineCol, lwd = lwd))
      if (!is.na(lower) && lower < min)
        grid.lines(x = unit(c(min - 0.00001, min), "native"), y = 0.5,
                   gp = gpar(col = lineCol, lwd = lwd, fill = lineCol),
                   arrow = arrow(ends = "first",
                                 length = unit(arrow.length, "inches"),
                                 type = arrow.type))
      if (!is.na(upper) && upper > max)
        grid.lines(x = unit(c(max, max + 0.00001), "native"), y = 0.5,
                   gp = gpar(col = lineCol, lwd = lwd, fill = lineCol),
                   arrow = arrow(ends = "last",
                                 length = unit(arrow.length, "inches"),
                                 type = arrow.type))
  if (!is.na(TE) && (TE >= min & TE <= max)) {
    if (!is.na(size) && size > 0 && !is.na(lower) && !is.na(upper)) {
      if (type == "circle")
        grid.circle(x = unit(TE, "native"), y = unit(0.5, "npc"),
                    r = unit(size / 2, "snpc"),
                    gp = gpar(fill = col.circle, col = col.circle.lines))
      else if (type == "squarediamond") {
        xmin <- convertX(unit(TE, "native") - unit(0.5 * size, "lines"),
                         "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
        xmax <- convertX(unit(TE, "native") + unit(0.5 * size, "lines"),
                         "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
        grid.polygon(x = unit(c(xmin, TE, xmax, TE), "native"),
                     y = unit(0.5 + c(0, 0.5 * size, 0, -0.5 * size), "npc"),
                     gp = gpar(col = col.square.lines, fill = col.square,
                               lwd = lwd.square))
      grid.lines(x = unit(c(TE, TE), "native"),
                 y = unit(c(0.4, 0.6), "npc"),
                 gp = gpar(col = TElineCol, lwd = lwd))

draw.forest <- function(x, column) {
  ## Function to plot results for individual studies and summaries
  for (i in seq_len(length(x$rows))) {
    if (!is.na(x$rows[i])) {
          layout.pos.row = x$rows[i],
          layout.pos.col = column,
          xscale = x$range))
      if (x$type[i] %in% c("square", "circle", "squarediamond"))
        draw.ci(x$eff[i], x$low[i], x$upp[i],
                x$sizes[i], x$range[1], x$range[2],
                x$col.square[i], x$col.square.lines[i],
                x$col.circle[i], x$col.circle.lines[i],
                type = x$type[i],
                x$arrow.type, x$arrow.length)
      else if (x$type[i] == "diamond")
        draw.ci.diamond(x$eff[i], x$low[i], x$upp[i],
                        x$sizes[i], x$range[1], x$range[2],
                        x$col.diamond[i], x$col.diamond.lines[i],
      else if (x$type[i] == "predict")
        draw.ci.predict(x$low[i], x$upp[i],
                        x$sizes[i], x$range[1], x$range[2],
                        x$col.diamond[i], x$col.diamond.lines[i])

draw.lines <- function(x, column,
                       ref, TE.common, TE.random,
                       overall, common, random, prediction,
                       ymin.common, ymin.random, ymin.ref, ymax,
                       lwd, lty.common, lty.random, col.common, col.random,
                       xmin, xmax,
                       lower.equi, upper.equi,
                       lty.equi, col.equi,
                       fill.lower.equi, fill.upper.equi,
                       col.line) {
  if (xmin > xmax) {
    xmin <- x$range[2]
    xmax <- x$range[1]
  else {
    xmin <- x$range[1]
    xmax <- x$range[2]
  pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = column, xscale = x$range))
  ## Add background colour for confidence interval plot
  if (!is.null(fill))
    grid.polygon(x = unit(c(xmin, xmax, xmax, xmin), "native"),
                 y = unit(c(ymin.ref, ymin.ref, ymax, ymax),
                 gp = gpar(col = fill, fill = fill))
  ## Add equivalence region(s)
  if (is.na(ref) & any(!is.na(lower.equi)) & any(!is.na(upper.equi)))
    ref.equi <- min(lower.equi, na.rm = TRUE) +
      0.5 * (max(upper.equi, na.rm = TRUE) - min(lower.equi, na.rm = TRUE))
    ref.equi <- ref
  if (!is.na(ref.equi) && (xmin <= ref.equi & ref.equi <= xmax) &&
      any(!is.na(lower.equi))) {
    n.lower.equi <- sum(!is.na(lower.equi))
    n.fill.lower.equi <- length(fill.lower.equi)
    if (n.lower.equi < n.fill.lower.equi) {
      firstline <- FALSE
      lower.equi <- c(xmin, lower.equi, ref.equi)
    else {
      firstline <- TRUE
      lower.equi <- c(lower.equi, ref.equi)
    n.lo <- length(lower.equi[-1])
    for (i in seq_len(n.lo)) {
      if (!is.na(lower.equi[i]) && !is.na(lower.equi[i + 1]) &&
          ((xmin <= lower.equi[i] & lower.equi[i] <= lower.equi[i + 1]) &
           (lower.equi[i + 1] <= xmax))) {
        grid.polygon(x = unit(c(lower.equi[i], lower.equi[i + 1],
                                lower.equi[i + 1], lower.equi[i]), "native"),
                     y = unit(c(ymin.ref, ymin.ref, ymax, ymax),
                     gp = gpar(lwd = lwd, col = "transparent",
                               fill = fill.lower.equi[i]))
    for (i in seq_len(n.lo)) {
      if (!(i == 1 & !firstline) &
          !is.na(lower.equi[i]) && !is.na(lower.equi[i + 1]) &&
          ((xmin <= lower.equi[i] & lower.equi[i] <= lower.equi[i + 1]) &
           (lower.equi[i + 1] <= xmax)))
        grid.lines(x = unit(lower.equi[i], "native"),
                   y = unit(c(ymin.ref, ymax), "lines"),
                   gp = gpar(lwd = lwd, col = col.equi, lty = lty.equi))
  if (!is.na(ref.equi) && (xmin <= ref.equi & ref.equi <= xmax) &&
      any(!is.na(upper.equi))) {
    n.upper.equi <- sum(!is.na(upper.equi))
    n.fill.upper.equi <- length(fill.upper.equi)
    if (n.upper.equi < n.fill.upper.equi) {
      lastline <- FALSE
      upper.equi <- c(ref.equi, upper.equi, xmax)
    else {
      lastline <- TRUE
      upper.equi <- c(ref.equi, upper.equi)
    n.up <- length(upper.equi[-1])
    for (i in seq_len(n.up)) {
      if (!is.na(upper.equi[i]) && !is.na(upper.equi[i + 1]) &&
          ((xmin <= upper.equi[i] & upper.equi[i] <= upper.equi[i + 1]) &
           (upper.equi[i + 1] <= xmax))) {
        grid.polygon(x = unit(c(upper.equi[i], upper.equi[i + 1],
                                upper.equi[i + 1], upper.equi[i]), "native"),
                     y = unit(c(ymin.ref, ymin.ref, ymax, ymax),
                     gp = gpar(lwd = lwd, col = "transparent",
                               fill = fill.upper.equi[i]))
    for (i in seq_len(n.up)) {
      if ((i != n.up | (i == n.up & lastline)) &
          !is.na(upper.equi[i + 1]) &&
          (xmin <= upper.equi[i + 1] & upper.equi[i + 1] <= xmax))
          grid.lines(x = unit(upper.equi[i + 1], "native"),
                     y = unit(c(ymin.ref, ymax), "lines"),
                     gp = gpar(lwd = lwd, col = col.equi, lty = lty.equi))
  ## Reference line:
  if (!is.na(ref) && (xmin <= ref & ref <= xmax))
    grid.lines(x = unit(ref, "native"),
               y = unit(c(ymin.ref, ymax), "lines"),
               gp = gpar(lwd = lwd, col = col.line))
  ## Line for common effect estimate(s):
  if (common & overall)
    for (i in seq_along(TE.common))
      if (!is.na(TE.common[i]))
        if (xmin <= TE.common[i] & TE.common[i] <= xmax)
          if (!is.null(lty.common))
            grid.lines(x = unit(TE.common[i], "native"),
                       y = unit(c(ymin.common + length(TE.common) - i, ymax),
                       gp = gpar(lty = lty.common, lwd = lwd, col = col.common))
  ## Line for random effects estimate(s):
  if (random & overall)
    for (i in seq_along(TE.random))
      if (!is.na(TE.random[i]))
        if (xmin <= TE.random[i] & TE.random[i] <= xmax)
          if (!is.null(lty.random) & !is.na(TE.random[i]))
            grid.lines(x = unit(TE.random[i], "native"),
                       y = unit(c(ymin.random + length(TE.random) - i, ymax),
                       gp = gpar(lty = lty.random,
                                 lwd = lwd, col = col.random))

formatcol <- function(x, y, rows, just = "right", settings,
                      n.com, n.ran, n.prd,
                      rob = FALSE) {
  if (just == "left")
    xpos <- 0
  if (just == "center")
    xpos <- 0.5
  if (just == "right")
    xpos <- 1
  res <- list(labels = 
                lapply(c(x, as.list(y)),
                       textGrob, x = xpos, just = just,
                       gp = gpar(
                         fontsize = settings$fs.study,
                         fontface = settings$ff.study,
                         fontfamily = fontfamily)
              rows = rows,
              rob = rob)
  ## Study label:
  res$labels[[1]] <- textGrob(x,
                              x = xpos, just = just,
                              gp = gpar(
                                fontsize = settings$fs.heading,
                                fontface = settings$ff.heading,
                                fontfamily = fontfamily)
  ## Common effect estimate:
  strt <- j <- 1
  for (i in seq_len(n.com)) {
    res$labels[[strt + i]] <- textGrob(y[strt - 1 + i],
                                       x = xpos, just = just,
                                       gp = gpar(
                                         fontsize = settings$fs.common,
                                         fontface = settings$ff.common,
                                         fontfamily = fontfamily)
    j <- j + 1
  ## Random effects estimate:
  strt <- j
  for (i in seq_len(n.ran)) {
    res$labels[[strt + i]] <- textGrob(y[strt - 1 + i],
                                       x = xpos, just = just,
                                       gp = gpar(
                                         fontsize = settings$fs.random,
                                         fontface = settings$ff.random,
                                         fontfamily = fontfamily)
    j <- j + 1
  ## Prediction interval:
  strt <- j
  for (i in seq_len(n.prd)) {
    res$labels[[strt + i]] <- textGrob(y[strt - 1 + i],
                                       x = xpos, just = just,
                                       gp = gpar(
                                         fontsize = settings$fs.predict,
                                         fontface = settings$ff.predict,
                                         fontfamily = fontfamily)
    j <- j + 1
  if (settings$by) {
    n.by <- settings$n.by
    strt <- j
    ## Common effect estimates:
    for (i in seq_len(n.by * n.com)) {
      res$labels[[strt + i]] <-
        textGrob(y[strt - 1 + i],
                 x = xpos, just = just,
                 gp = 
                     fontsize = settings$fs.common,
                     fontface = settings$ff.common,
                     fontfamily = fontfamily,
                     col = settings$col.subgroup)
      j <- j + 1
    ## Random effects estimates:
    strt <- j
    for (i in seq_len(n.by * n.ran)) {
      res$labels[[strt + i]] <-
        textGrob(y[strt - 1 + i],
                 x = xpos, just = just,
                 gp = 
                     fontsize = settings$fs.random,
                     fontface = settings$ff.random,
                     fontfamily = fontfamily,
                     col = settings$col.subgroup)
      j <- j + 1
    ## Prediction interval:
    strt <- j
    for (i in seq_len(n.by * n.prd)) {
      res$labels[[strt + i]] <-
        textGrob(y[strt - 1 + i],
                 x = xpos, just = just,
                 gp = 
                     fontsize = settings$fs.predict,
                     fontface = settings$ff.predict,
                     fontfamily = fontfamily,
                     col = settings$col.subgroup)
      j <- j + 1

removeNULL <- function(x, names, varname) {
  if (is.null(x[[varname]]))
    res <- names[names != varname]
    res <- names

tg <- function(x, xpos, just, fs, ff, fontfamily, col) {
  if (missing(col))
    res <- textGrob(x,
                    x = xpos, just = just,
                    gp = gpar(fontsize = fs, fontface = ff,
                              fontfamily = fontfamily))
    res <- textGrob(x,
                    x = xpos, just = just,
                    gp = gpar(fontsize = fs, fontface = ff,
                              fontfamily = fontfamily,
                              col = col))

tgl <- function(x, xpos, just, fs, ff, fontfamily, rows = 1, col) {
  if (missing(col))
    res <- list(labels = list(tg(x, xpos, just, fs, ff, fontfamily)),
                rows = rows)
    res <- list(labels = list(tg(x, xpos, just, fs, ff, fontfamily, col)),
                rows = rows)

twolines <- function(x, xname = deparse(substitute(x)), arg = FALSE) {
  newline <- FALSE
  bottom <- longer <- x
  top <- NULL
  if (!is.null(bottom)) {
    if (grepl("\n", bottom)) {
      wsplit <- unlist(strsplit(bottom, "\n"))
      if (length(wsplit) == 1) {
        if (substring(bottom, 1, 1) == "\n") {
          top <- ""
          bottom <- wsplit[1]
          longer <- bottom
          newline <- TRUE
        else if (substring(bottom, nchar(bottom), nchar(bottom)) == "\n") {
          top <- wsplit[1]
          bottom <- ""
          longer <- top
          newline <- TRUE
      else if (length(wsplit) != 2) {
        if (arg)
          stop("Maximum of two lines for argument '", xname, "'.",
               call. = FALSE)
          stop("Maximum of two lines for label of column '", xname, "'.",
               call. = FALSE)
      else {
        top <- wsplit[1]
        bottom <- wsplit[2]
        longer <- ifelse(nchar(top) > nchar(bottom), top, bottom)
        newline <- TRUE
  list(newline = newline, bottom = bottom, top = top, longer = longer)

wcalc <- function(x)
  max(unit(rep(1, length(x)), "grobwidth", x))

collapsemat <- function(x) {
  if (is.list(x)) {
    for (i in rev(seq_len(length(x)))) {
      if (is.null(x[[i]]))
        x[[i]] <- NULL
  if (is.list(x) & length(x) == 1)
    x <- x[[1]]
  if (is.matrix(x)) {
    res <- as.vector(t(x))
    names(res) <- rep(rownames(x), rep(ncol(x), nrow(x)))
    res <- x

ordermat <- function(x, levs) {
  o <- order(factor(names(x), levels = levs))

selmat <- function(x, levs) {
  o <- order(factor(names(x), levels = levs))

notallNA <- function(x)

repl <- function(x, n1, n2)
  rep(x, rep(n1, n2))

gh <- function(type.gr, rows.gr,
               lower.common, lower.random, lower.predict,
               subgroup, subgroup.levels,
               lower.common.w, lower.random.w, lower.predict.w,
               common, random, overall,
               prediction, overall.hetstat,
               xlab, xlab.add, label.right, label.left, bottom.lr,
               prediction.subgroup, subgroup.hetstat,
               test.overall.common, test.overall.random,
               test.subgroup.common, test.subgroup.random,
               text.addline1, text.addline2,
               text.details, text.rob,
               addrow, addrow.overall,
               addrow.subgroups, addrows.below.overall,
               cols, labs,
               text.w.common, text.w.random) {
  ## (1) Determine height per row
  if (grepl("bmp$", tolower(type.gr)) ||
      grepl("jpg$", tolower(type.gr)) ||
      grepl("jpeg$", tolower(type.gr)) ||
      grepl("png$", tolower(type.gr)) ||
      grepl("tif$", tolower(type.gr)) ||
      grepl("tiff$", tolower(type.gr)))
    height_per_row <- 480 / 33
    height_per_row <-  7 / 35
  ## (2) Column labels
  labs <- unlist(labs)
  if (any(grepl("col.w.common", cols)))
    labs <- c(labs, text.w.common)
  if (any(grepl("col.w.random", cols)))
    labs <- c(labs, text.w.random)
  rows_column_labels <- 1 + 1L * any(grepl("\n", unlist(labs))) + 1L * addrow
  ## (2) Study results
  rows_studies <-
    if (!study.results)
  ## (3) Meta-analysis results
  if (overall)
    rows_overall <-
      1L * addrow.overall +
      1L * common * length(lower.common) +
      1L * random * length(lower.random) +
      1L * prediction * length(lower.predict)
    rows_overall <- 1L * addrow.overall
  ## (4) Text below meta-analysis results
  n.details <- sum(text.details != "")
  n.rob <- sum(text.rob != "")
  rows_below_overall_labels <- addrows.below.overall + overall.hetstat +
    test.overall.common + test.overall.random +
    test.subgroup.common + test.subgroup.random +
    1L * (text.addline1 != "") +
    1L * (text.addline2 != "") +
    n.details + 1L * (n.details > 0) +
    n.rob + 1L * (n.rob > 0) +
    1L * (n.details > 0 | n.rob > 0) +
    2L * (n.details == 0 & n.rob == 0)
  ## + 0.25
  ## (5) Information below confidence interval plot
  rows_xlab <-
    if (xlab == "")
  rows_xlab.add <-
    if (xlab.add == "")
  rows_xlab <- rows_xlab + rows_xlab.add
  if (!bottom.lr) {
    rows_label.left <- 0
    rows_label.right <- 0
  else {
    rows_label.left <-
      if (is.null(label.left) || label.left == "")
      else if (!grepl("\n", label.left))
    rows_label.right <-
      if (is.null(label.right) || label.right == "")
      else if (!grepl("\n", label.right))
  rows_label <- max(c(rows_label.left, rows_label.right))
  rows_below_forest <- 2 + rows_xlab + rows_label
  ## (6) Subgroup results
  if (is.null(subgroup))
    rows_subgroups <- 0
  else {
    n.subgr <- length(subgroup.levels)
    rows_subgroups_common <- common * n.subgr
    rows_subgroups_random <- random * n.subgr
    rows_subgroups_predict <- 
      if (is.vector(prediction.subgroup))
        prediction.subgroup * n.subgr
    rows_subgroups_hetstat <- 
      if (length(subgroup.hetstat) > 1)
        subgroup.hetstat * n.subgr
    if (is.matrix(lower.common.w))
      rows_subgroups_common <- rows_subgroups_common * nrow(lower.common.w)
    if (is.matrix(lower.random.w))
      rows_subgroups_random <- rows_subgroups_random * nrow(lower.random.w)
    if (is.matrix(lower.predict.w))
      rows_subgroups_predict <- rows_subgroups_predict * nrow(lower.predict.w)
    rows_subgroups <-
      n.subgr + # Labels
      addrow.subgroups * (n.subgr - 1) +
      rows_subgroups_common + rows_subgroups_random + 
      rows_subgroups_predict + rows_subgroups_hetstat
  ## (7) Determine total height of graphics device
  total_rows <-
    rows_column_labels +
    rows_studies +
    rows_overall +
    max(rows_below_overall_labels, rows_below_forest) +
    rows_subgroups +
    rows.gr +
  total_height <- height_per_row * spacing * total_rows
  res <- data.frame(total_height, total_rows, height_per_row, spacing)

show_subgroup_results <- function(x, n, lower, upper) {
  if (length(x) == 1) {
    if (is.matrix(lower))
      return(x &
             apply(lower, 1, notallNA) &
             apply(upper, 1, notallNA))
      return(rep(x & notallNA(lower) & notallNA(upper), n))
  else {
    chklength(x, n,
              text = paste0("Length of argument '",
                            "' must be equal to 1 or number of subgroups."))

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