## Function to fit a rating scale modell, see e.g. Andrich (1978), Andersen (1995)
rsmodel <- function (y, weights = NULL, start = NULL, reltol = 1e-10,
deriv = c("sum", "diff"), hessian = TRUE, maxit = 100L, full = TRUE, ...)
## original function call
mcall <- if(full) else NULL
## argument matching
deriv <- match.arg(deriv)
## process input and data.
diff <- deriv == "diff"
y <- as.matrix(y)
n_org <- nrow(y)
m <- ncol(y)
ident_items <-, m)
## process weights
if (is.null(weights)) weights <-, n_org) else stopifnot(length(weights) == n_org)
y <- y[weights > 0, , drop = FALSE]
weights_org <- weights
weights <- weights[weights > 0]
n <- nrow(y)
## move categories to zero if necessary, get number of categories per item
mincat <- apply(y, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
if(all(mincat > 0)) {
warning("The minimum score is above zero for all items. Items are scaled down to zero.")
y[, mincat > 0] <- scale.default(y[, mincat > 0], center = mincat[mincat > 0], scale = FALSE)
oj <- apply(y, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
## remove unidentified items (only one category used)
unid <- oj == 0
nunid <- sum(unid)
if (nunid) {
y <- y[, !unid, drop = FALSE]
oj <- oj[!unid]
m <- m - nunid
ident_items[unid] <- FALSE
warning("There were unidentified items (only one category used, ", paste(which(unid), collapse = ", "), ").")
## stop if not all oj equal or oj = 1 (dichotomous items).
o <- max(oj)
if (any(oj != o)) warning("Not all items have the same number of categories. Consider using pcmodel() for data with a variable number of categories per item.")
oj <-, m)
if (o == 1) stop("Rating scale model requires polytomous items. Use raschmodel() for dichotomous items.")
## check for 'total' null categories (null for all items), if present, stop, because tau is assessable
cat_freq <- apply(y + 1, 2, tabulate, nbins = o + 1)
if (any(rowSums(cat_freq) == 0)) stop("There are categories which are null for all items. ",
"Please use pcmodel() instead (see argument nullcats in ?pcmodel).")
## check for missing
y_na <-
any_na <- any(y_na)
## set starting values
if (is.null(start)) start <-, m + o - 2)
## small helper function: conversion of a given rating scale parameter vector (and additional information)
## to a pcm parameter vector (item-category-parameters) (expects that beta_0 = 0 and tau_0 = 0.)
rsm2pcm <- function(rsm_par, item_par_pos, cat_par_pos, oj, cat_scores), rsm_par[item_par_pos]), oj) * cat_scores + c(0, rsm_par[cat_par_pos])
## calculate positions and helper variables: ipar/cpar without and mv/ov with restricted parameters
ipar <- 1:(m-1)
cpar <- m:(m + o - 2)
mv <- 1:m
ov <- 1:o
## calculate item, category and person totals
itot <- colSums(y * weights)[-1] # without item 1
cs <- t(apply(y, 1, tabulate, nbins = o))
ctot <- colSums(cs * weights)[-1] # without category 0 and 1
rs <- rowSums(y, na.rm = TRUE)
ptot <- as.vector(tapply(weights, factor(rs, levels = 0:sum(oj)), sum))
ptot[] <- 0
## build log-likelihood
if(!any_na) {
## objective function: conditional log-likelihood
cloglik <- function (par) {
## transform rsm par to pcm par list for esf function
esf_par <- split(rsm2pcm(par, ipar, cpar, oj, ov),, oj))
## finally: the cll
cll <- - sum(itot * par[ipar]) - sum(ctot * par[cpar]) - sum(ptot * log(elementary_symmetric_functions(par = esf_par, order = 0, diff = diff)[[1]]))
## catch degenerated cases (typically caused by non-finite gamma)
if ( | !is.finite(cll)) cll <- -.Machine$double.xmax
## static helper variables for analytical gradient
betaindex <-,, m))
tauindex <-, m)
## analytical gradient
agrad <- function (par) {
## transform RSM parameters to PCM parameters and calculate actual ESF
parx <- rsm2pcm(par, ipar, cpar, oj, ov)
esf <- elementary_symmetric_functions(par = split(parx,, oj)), order = 1, diff = diff)
gamma0 <- esf[[1]][rs + 1]
gamma1_pcm <- esf[[2]]
## calculate transformed derivatives, select relevant derivatives with ptot, drop unindentified parameters.
gamma1 <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(gamma1_pcm), ncol = m + o)
for (j in mv) gamma1[, j] <- gamma1_pcm[, betaindex == j, drop = FALSE] %*% ov
for (k in ov) gamma1[, k + m] <- rowSums(gamma1_pcm[, tauindex == k, drop = FALSE])
gamma1 <- apply(gamma1, 2, "[", rs + 1)
## finally: the gradient
agrad <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = m + o)
agrad[, mv] <- weights * (- y + (gamma1 / gamma0)[, mv, drop = FALSE])
agrad[, m + ov] <- weights * (- cs + (gamma1 / gamma0)[, m + ov, drop = FALSE])
## return aggegrated gradient
return(- colSums(agrad[, -c(1, m + 1), drop = FALSE]))
} else {
## fetch different NA-patterns like Achim does
na_patterns <- factor(apply(y_na, 1, function(z) paste(which(z), collapse = "\r")))
lev_na_patterns <- levels(na_patterns)
par_pos <-, oj) ## calculate positions of pcm parameters (needed for ESF)
## setup na_pattern lists for various elements of loglik
ptot_i <- itot_i <- ctot_i <- ipar_i <- oj_i <- pcm_par_i <- m_i <- mv_i <- vector("list", length(lev_na_patterns))
na_obs_i <- rs_i <- weights_i <- vector("list", length(lev_na_patterns))
## loop over observed NA patterns, calculate fix things once and store in list
for(i in seq_along(lev_na_patterns)) {
## from pattern i: get NA item(s), observations of and weights with this pattern
na_items_i <- as.integer(strsplit(lev_na_patterns[i], "\r")[[1]])
n_na_items_i <- length(na_items_i)
na_obs_i[[i]] <- which(na_patterns == lev_na_patterns[i])
weights_i[[i]] <- weights[na_obs_i[[i]]]
## select subset
if(n_na_items_i < 1) { # no missings
y_i <- y[na_obs_i[[i]], , drop = FALSE]
m_i[[i]] <- m
mv_i[[i]] <- mv
pcm_par_i[[i]] <-, m*o)
ipar_i[[i]] <- ipar
oj_i[[i]] <- oj
} else { # specific NA pattern
y_i <- y[na_obs_i[[i]], -na_items_i, drop = FALSE]
rs_i[[i]] <- rowSums(y_i)
m_i[[i]] <- m - n_na_items_i
mv_i[[i]] <- mv[-na_items_i]
pcm_par_i[[i]] <- !(par_pos%in% na_items_i)
ipar_i[[i]] <- if ((n_na_items_i == 1) && na_items_i == 1) ipar else ipar[-(setdiff(na_items_i, 1) - 1)] # beta_j is in col j-1
oj_i[[i]] <- oj[-na_items_i]
## calculate category and person totals for NA-group i
itot_i[[i]] <- colSums(y_i * weights_i[[i]])
if (!(1 %in% na_items_i)) itot_i[[i]] <- itot_i[[i]][-1] # remove item 1 if not already removed
ctot_i[[i]] <- colSums(t(apply(y_i, 1, tabulate, nbins = o)) * weights_i[[i]])[-1] # without category 0 and 1
rs_i[[i]] <- rowSums(y_i)
ptot_i[[i]] <- as.vector(tapply(weights_i[[i]], factor(rs_i[[i]], levels = 0:sum(oj_i[[i]])), sum))
ptot_i[[i]][[[i]])] <- 0
## fun for mapply (calculates cll contributions per na_group with variable par's)
cll_i <- function (itot_i, item_par_i, ctot_i, ptot_i, esf_par_i, cat_par) {
- sum(itot_i * item_par_i) - sum(ctot_i * cat_par) - sum(ptot_i * log(elementary_symmetric_functions(par = esf_par_i, order = 0, diff = diff)[[1]]))
## objective function: conditional log-likelihood (build incrementally by looping over the NA-patterns
cloglik <- function (par) {
## fetch parameter vectors
esf_par <- rsm2pcm(par, ipar, cpar, oj, ov)
esf_par_i <- lapply(pcm_par_i, function(x) esf_par[x])
esf_par_i <- mapply(split, esf_par_i, mapply(function (x, y), y), m_i, oj_i))
item_par_i <- lapply(ipar_i, function(x) par[x])
cat_par <- par[cpar]
## conditional log-likelihood
cll <- sum(mapply(cll_i, itot_i, item_par_i, ctot_i, ptot_i, esf_par_i,
MoreArgs = list(cat_par = cat_par), SIMPLIFY = TRUE, USE.NAMES = FALSE))
## catch degenerated cases (typically cause by non-finite gamma)
if( | !is.finite(cll)) cll <- -.Machine$double.xmax
## static helper variables for analytical gradient
betaindex_i <- mapply(function (x, y, ...),, y)), mv_i, m_i, MoreArgs = list(o = o), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
tauindex_i <- lapply(m_i, function (x), x))
## analytical gradient
agrad <- function (par) {
## transform RSM parameters to PCM parameters
parx <- rsm2pcm(par, ipar, cpar, oj, ov)
esf_par_i <- lapply(pcm_par_i, function (x) parx[x])
esf_par_i <- mapply(split, esf_par_i, mapply(function (x, y), y), m_i, oj_i))
esf_i <- mapply(elementary_symmetric_functions, par = esf_par_i, MoreArgs = list(order = 1, diff = diff), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
## loop over obseved NA patterns and gradually built up analytical gradient
grad <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = m + o)
for (i in seq_along(lev_na_patterns)) {
## fetch ESF with PCM parametrization
gamma0_i <- esf_i[[i]][[1]][rs_i[[i]] + 1]
gamma1_pcm_i <- esf_i[[i]][[2]]
## transform derivatives via delta rule to RSM parametrization
gamma1_i <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(gamma1_pcm_i), ncol = m_i[[i]] + o)
for (j in 1:m_i[[i]]) gamma1_i[, j] <- gamma1_pcm_i[, betaindex_i[[i]] == mv_i[[i]][j], drop = FALSE] %*% ov
for (k in ov) gamma1_i[, k + m_i[[i]]] <- rowSums(gamma1_pcm_i[, tauindex_i[[i]] == k, drop = FALSE])
gamma1_i<- apply(gamma1_i, 2, "[", rs_i[[i]] + 1)
if (!is.matrix(gamma1_i)) gamma1_i<- matrix(gamma1_i, nrow = 1)
## finally: the gradient for NA group i
grad[na_obs_i[[i]], mv_i[[i]]] <- weights_i[[i]] * (- y[na_obs_i[[i]], mv_i[[i]], drop = FALSE] + (gamma1_i/gamma0_i)[, 1:m_i[[i]], drop = FALSE])
grad[na_obs_i[[i]], m + ov] <- weights_i[[i]] * (- cs[na_obs_i[[i]], , drop = FALSE] + (gamma1_i/gamma0_i)[, m_i[[i]] + ov, drop = FALSE])
return(- colSums(grad[, -c(1, m + 1), drop = FALSE]))
## optimization
opt <- optim(par = start, fn = cloglik, gr = agrad, method = "BFGS",
hessian = hessian, control = list(reltol = reltol, maxit = maxit, ...))
## final estimates ...
est <- opt$par
names(est) <- if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
c(paste("I", setdiff(which(ident_items), 1), sep = ""), paste("C", 2:o, sep = ""))
} else c(colnames(y)[setdiff(which(ident_items), 1)], paste("C", 2:o, sep = ""))
## ... and (if requested) esf of these ...
if (full) {
parx <- rsm2pcm(est, ipar, cpar, oj, ov)
esf <- if (any_na) {
esf_par_i <- lapply(pcm_par_i, function (x) parx[x])
esf_par_i <- mapply(split, esf_par_i, mapply(function (x, y), y), m_i, oj_i))
mapply(elementary_symmetric_functions, par = esf_par_i, MoreArgs = list(order = 1, diff = diff), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
} else {
elementary_symmetric_functions(par = split(parx,, oj)), order = 1, diff = diff)
## ... as well as variance-covariance matrix
if (hessian) {
vc <- opt$hessian
## FIXME: how to invert
## #vc <- qr.solve(vc)
vc <- try(chol2inv(chol(vc)), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(vc, "try-error")) {
hessian <- FALSE
warning("could not invert Hessian, setting variance-covariance matrix to NA")
if (!hessian) {
vc <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(est), ncol = length(est))
rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- names(est)
} else {
esf <- NULL
vc <- NULL
## collect results, set class, and return
res <- list(coefficients = est,
vcov = vc,
data = y,
items = ident_items,
categories = oj,
n = sum(weights_org > 0),
n_org = n_org,
weights = if (identical(as.vector(weights_org),, n_org))) NULL else weights_org,
na = any_na,
esf = esf,
loglik = -opt$value,
df = length(est),
code = opt$convergence,
iterations = tail(na.omit(opt$counts), 1L),
reltol = reltol,
call = mcall)
class(res) <- c("rsmodel")
return(res )
print.rsmodel <- function (x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) {
cat("RSM item and threshold parameters:\n")
print(coef(x), digits = digits)
coef.rsmodel <- function (object, ...) object$coefficients
vcov.rsmodel <- function (object, ...) object$vcov
logLik.rsmodel <- function (object, ...) structure(object$loglik, df = object$df, class = "logLik")
weights.rsmodel <- function (object, ...) if (is.null(object$weights)), object$n_org) else object$weights
summary.rsmodel <- function (object, vcov. = NULL, ...) {
## coefficients
cf <- coef(object)
## covariance matrix
if (is.null(vcov.))
vc <- vcov(object)
else {
if (is.function(vcov.)) vc <- vcov.(object)
else vc <- vcov.
## Wald test of each coefficient
cf <- cbind(cf, sqrt(diag(vc)), cf/sqrt(diag(vc)), 2 * pnorm(-abs(cf/sqrt(diag(vc)))))
colnames(cf) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)")
object$coefficients <- cf
class(object) <- "summary.rsmodel"
print.summary.rsmodel <- function (x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3),
signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"), ...)
show_call <- FALSE
if (is.null(x$call) || !show_call) {
cat("\nRating scale model\n\n")
} else {
cat(paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), "\n\n", sep = "")
if (any(!x$items)) cat("Excluded items:",
paste(names(x$items)[!x$items], collapse = ", "), "\n\n")
cat("Item location and threshold parameters:\n")
printCoefmat(x$coefficients, digits = digits, signif.stars = signif.stars, na.print = "NA", ...)
cat("\nLog-likelihood:", format(signif(x$loglik, digits)),
"(df =", paste(x$df, ")", sep = ""), "\n")
cat("Number of iterations in BFGS optimization:", x$iterations, "\n\n")
plot.rsmodel <- function (x, type = c("regions", "profile", "curves", "information", "piplot"), ...)
## check input
type <- match.arg(type)
## just call requested plotting function and pass arguments on
"curves" = curveplot(x, ...),
"regions" = regionplot(x, ...),
"profile" = profileplot(x, ...),
"information" = infoplot(x, ...),
"piplot" = piplot(x, ...))
predict.rsmodel <- function (object, newdata = NULL, type = c("probability",
"cumprobability", "mode", "median", "mean", "category-information",
"item-information", "test-information"), ref = NULL, ...)
## check type, process newdata, if NULL, use person parameters of given model object
type <- match.arg(type)
if (is.null(newdata)) {
rs <- rowSums(object$data, na.rm = TRUE)
rs <- rs[0 < rs & rs < (max(object$data) * ncol(object$data))]
newdata <- personpar(object, vcov = FALSE)[rs]
names(newdata) <- NULL
nms <- names(newdata)
## itempars and raw probabilities
ip <- itempar(object, ref = ref, vcov = FALSE)
tp <- threshpar(object, type = "mode", ref = ref, relative = TRUE, vcov = FALSE)[[1]]
ilbs <- names(ip)
os <- 0:length(tp)
o <- max(os) + 1
probs <- prsm(theta = newdata, beta = ip, tau = tp)
## if requested: compute test/item/category information (see Muraki, 1993, for details and further references)
if (grepl("information", type)) {
m <- length(ilbs)
if (type == "category-information") {
info <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(newdata), ncol = m * o)
colnames(info) <- as.vector(t(outer(ilbs, os, paste, sep = "-C")))
} else {
info <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(newdata), ncol = m)
colnames(info) <- ilbs
for (j in 1:m) {
ojm <- matrix(rep(os, each = length(newdata)), nrow = length(newdata), ncol = ncol(probs[[j]]))
iteminfo <- rowSums((ojm - rowSums(ojm * probs[[j]]))^2 * probs[[j]])
if (type == "category-information") {
info[, (j - 1) * o + os + 1] <- probs[[j]] * iteminfo
} else {
info[, j] <- iteminfo
## return as requested in type, for RM mode, median, mean is the same
"probability" = {
## construct labels
lbs <- as.vector(t(outer(ilbs, os, paste, sep = "-C")))
## create (named) matrix with probabilities
probs <-"cbind", probs)
dimnames(probs) <- list(nms, lbs)
"cumprobability" = {
## construct labels
lbs <- as.vector(t(outer(ilbs, os, paste, sep = ">=C")))
## create (named) matrix with probabilities
probs <- lapply(probs, function (probsj) t(apply(probsj, 1, function (x) rev(cumsum(rev(x))))))
probs <-"cbind", probs)
dimnames(probs) <- list(nms, lbs)
"mode" = sapply(probs, apply, 1, which.max) - 1,
"median" = sapply(probs, function (probsj) apply(probsj, 1, which.max) - 1),
"mean" = round(sapply(probs, function (probsj) apply(probsj, 1, function (j) sum(j * 0:(length(j) - 1))))),round(probs),
"category-information" = info,
"item-information" = info,
"test-information" = matrix(rowSums(info), ncol = 1))
itempar.rsmodel <- function (object, ref = NULL, alias = TRUE, vcov = TRUE, ...)
## extract cf and labels, include restricted parameters
m <- sum(object$items)
ip <- c(0.00, coef(object)[1:(m - 1)])
ctp <- c(0.00, coef(object)[-(1:(m - 1))])
cf <- c(ip, ctp)
o <- length(ctp)
lbs <- names(ip)
lbs[1] <- if (lbs[2] == "I2") "I1" else colnames(object$data)[1]
## process ref
if (is.null(ref)) {
ref <- 1:m
} else if (is.vector(ref) && is.character(ref)) {
stopifnot(all(ref %in% lbs))
ref <- which(lbs %in% ref)
} else if (is.vector(ref) && is.numeric(ref)) {
ref <- as.integer(ref)
stopifnot(all(ref %in% 1:m))
} else if (is.matrix(ref) && (is.numeric(ref))) {
stopifnot(nrow(ref) == m & ncol(ref) == m)
} else stop("Argument 'ref' is misspecified (see ?itempar for possible values).")
## if not given, specify contrast matrix from ref
if (is.matrix(ref)) {
D <- ref
} else {
D <- diag(m)
D[, ref] <- D[, ref] - 1/length(ref)
## transform estimated item-specific parameters and estimated
## cumulative threshold parameters to mean absolute threshold parameters ...
C <- matrix(0, nrow = m, ncol = m + o)
C[1:m, 1:m] <- diag(m)
C[, m + o] <- 1/o
cf <- as.vector(C %*% cf)
## if requested: create adjusted vcov
if (vcov) {
vc <- matrix(0, nrow = m + o, ncol = m + o)
vc[2:m, 2:m] <- vcov(object)[1:(m-1), 1:(m-1)]
vc[2:m, (m + 2):(m + o)] <- vcov(object)[1:(m - 1), m:(m + o - 2)]
vc[(m + 2):(m + o), 2:m] <- vcov(object)[m:(m + o - 2), 1:(m - 1)]
vc[(m + 2):(m + o), (m + 2):(m + o)] <- vcov(object)[m:(m + o - 2), m:(m + o - 2)]
vc <- C %*% vc %*% t(C)
## finally apply ref
## if vcov requested: adjust existing vcov
cf <- as.vector(D %*% cf)
if (vcov) {
vc <- D %*% vc %*% t(D)
} else { # else return NA matrix
vc <- matrix(NA, nrow = m, ncol = m)
## set labels
names(cf) <- rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- lbs
## process argument alias
if (!alias) {
if (is.matrix(ref)) {
## FIXME: Implement alias when ref is a specific constrast matrices -> detect linear dependent columns?
stop("Processing of argument 'alias' not implemented with a contrast matrix given in argument 'ref'.")
} else {
cf <- cf[-ref[1]]
vc <- vc[-ref[1], -ref[1]]
alias <- paste0("I", ref[1])
names(alias) <- lbs[ref[1]]
## setup and return result object
rv <- structure(cf, class = "itempar", model = "RSM", ref = ref, vcov = vc)
threshpar.rsmodel <- function (object, type = c("mode", "median", "mean"), ref = NULL,
alias = TRUE, relative = FALSE, cumulative = FALSE, vcov = TRUE, ...)
## check input
type <- match.arg(type)
## extract relevant informations
m <- sum(object$items)
ip <- c(0.00, coef(object)[1:(m - 1)]) # item specific parameters
tp <- c(0.00, coef(object)[-c(1:(m - 1))]) # cumulative relative threshold parameters
o <- length(tp)
b <- m * o
ilbs <- names(ip)
ilbs[1] <- if (ilbs[2] == "I2") "I1" else colnames(object$data)[1]
clbs <- paste0("C", 1:o)
lbs <- as.vector(outer(clbs, ilbs, function (i, j) paste(j, i, sep = "-")))
## process argument relative
if (relative) {
if (type == "mode") {
## process ref
if (is.null(ref)) {
ref <- 1:o
} else if (is.vector(ref) && is.character(ref)) {
stopifnot(all(ref %in% clbs))
ref <- which(clbs %in% ref)
} else if (is.vector(ref) && is.numeric(ref)) {
ref <- as.integer(ref)
stopifnot(all(ref %in% 1:o))
} else if (is.matrix(ref) && is.numeric(ref)) {
stopifnot(nrow(ref) == o && ncol(ref) == o)
} else stop("Argument 'ref' is misspecified (see ?threshpar for possible values).")
## transform estimated cumulative relative item threshold parameters to relative item threshold parameters
C <- diag(o)
for (i in 2:o) C[i, i - 1] <- -1
tp <- as.vector(C %*% tp)
## if vcov requested: create adjusted vcov
if (vcov) {
vc0 <- rbind(0, cbind(0, vcov(object)))[-c(1:(m - 1)), -c(1:(m - 1))]
vc0 <- C %*% vc0 %*% t(C)
## if not given, specify contrast matrix
if (is.matrix(ref)) {
D <- ref
} else {
D <- diag(o)
D[, ref] <- D[, ref] - 1/length(ref)
## apply ref
## if vcov requested: adjust vcov too
tp <- as.vector(D %*% tp)
tp <- split(rep(tp, m), rep(1:m, each = o))
if (vcov) {
vc0 <- D %*% vc0 %*% t(D)
vc <- matrix(0, nrow = m * o, ncol = m * o)
for (i in 1:m) vc[1:o + (i - 1) * o, 1:o + (i - 1) * o] <- vc0
} else { # else return NA matrix
vc <- matrix(NA, nrow = m * o, ncol = m * o)
## if cumulative relative threshold parameters are requested: transform relative item
## threshold parameters back to cumulative relative item threshold parameters
if (cumulative) {
tp <- lapply(tp, cumsum)
if (vcov) {
C <- matrix(0, nrow = o, ncol = o)
for (k in 1:o) C[k, 1:k] <- 1
for (i in 1:m) vc[1:o + (i - 1) * o, 1:o + (i - 1) * o] <- C %*% vc[1:o + (i - 1) * o, 1:o + (i - 1) * o] %*% t(C)
} else stop("Relative threshold parameters not implemented for types other than mode.")
} else {
if (type == "mode") {
## process ref
if (is.null(ref)) {
ref <- 1:b
} else if (is.vector(ref) && is.character(ref)) {
stopifnot(all(ref %in% clbs))
ref <- which(lbs %in% ref)
} else if (is.vector(ref) && is.numeric(ref)) {
ref <- as.integer(ref)
stopifnot(all(ref %in% 1:b))
} else if (is.matrix(ref) && is.numeric(ref)) {
stopifnot(ncol(ref) == b && nrow(ref) == b)
} else stop("Argument 'ref' is misspecified (see ?threshpar for possible values).")
## transform estimated item-specific parameters and estimated cumulative
## relative item threshold parameters to absolute item threshold parameters
C <- matrix(0, nrow = b, ncol = m + o)
for (j in 1:m) {
C[(j - 1) * o + 1:o, j] <- 1
C[(j - 1) * o + 1:o, m + 1:o] <- diag(o)
for (k in 2:o) C[(j - 1) * o + k, m + k - 1] <- -1
tp <- C %*% c(ip, tp)
if (vcov) {
vc <- matrix(0, nrow = m + o, ncol = m + o)
vc[2:m, 2:m] <- vcov(object)[1:(m-1), 1:(m-1)]
vc[2:m, (m + 2):(m + o)] <- vcov(object)[1:(m - 1), m:(m + o - 2)]
vc[(m + 2):(m + o), 2:m] <- vcov(object)[m:(m + o - 2), 1:(m - 1)]
vc[(m + 2):(m + o), (m + 2):(m + o)] <- vcov(object)[m:(m + o - 2), m:(m + o - 2)]
vc <- C %*% vc %*% t(C)
## if not given, specify contrast matrix
if (is.matrix(ref)) {
D <- ref
} else {
D <- diag(b)
D[, ref] <- D[, ref] - 1/length(ref)
## apply ref
## if vcov requested: adjust existing vcov
tp <- as.vector(D %*% tp)
tp <- split(tp, rep(1:m, each = o))
if (vcov) {
vc <- D %*% vc %*% t(D)
} else { # else return NA matrix
vc <- matrix(NA, nrow = b, ncol = b)
## if cumulative absolute item threshold parameters are requested:
## cumulate calculated absolute item threshold parameters and adjust vcov if requested ...
if (cumulative) {
tp <- lapply(tp, cumsum)
if (vcov) {
C <- matrix(0, nrow = m * o, ncol = m * o)
for (j in 1:m) {
for (k in 1:o) C[(j - 1) * o + k, (j - 1) * o + 1:k] <- 1
vc <- C %*% vc %*% t(C)
} else {
## process ref and setup NA vcov
if (!is.null(ref)) warning("Argument 'ref' is not processed for types other than mode.")
if (!alias) warning("Argument 'alias' is not processed for types other than mode.")
tp <- lapply(ip, "+", tp)
vc <- matrix(NA, nrow = b, ncol = b)
if (type == "mean") {
## setup threshold parameters, expected scores, function to find locations on theta axis
xpct <- 1:o - 0.5
zexpct <- function (theta = NULL, delta = NULL, expct = NULL) ppcm(theta = theta, delta = delta) %*% 0:length(delta) - expct
## loop though items and find locations by means of zexpct() and uniroot()
for (j in 1:m) tp[[j]] <- sapply(xpct, function (xp) uniroot(f = zexpct, interval = c(-10, 10), delta = tp[[j]], expct = xp)$root)
if (type == "median") {
## setup threshold parameters, expected scores, function to find locations on theta axis
zmedian <- function (theta = NULL, delta = NULL, geq = NULL, ncat = NULL) rowSums(ppcm(theta = theta, delta = delta)[, (geq + 1):ncat, drop = FALSE]) - 0.5
## loop though items and find locations by means of zmedian() and uniroot()
for (j in 1:m) tp[[j]] <- sapply(1:o, function (geq) uniroot(f = zmedian, interval = c(-10, 10), delta = tp[[j]], geq = geq, ncat = o + 1)$root)
## if cumulative absolute item threshold parameters are requsted, just cumulate ...
if (cumulative) tp <- lapply(tp, cumsum)
## set labels
names(tp) <- ilbs
rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- lbs
for (i in 1:m) names(tp[[i]]) <- paste0("C", 1:o)
## process argument alias
if (!alias && type == "mode") {
if (is.matrix(ref)) {
## FIXME: Implement alias when ref is a specific constrast matrices -> detect linear dependent columns?
stop("Processing of argument 'alias' not implemented with a contrast matrix given in argument 'ref'.")
} else {
if (relative) {
tp <- lapply(tp, function (j) j[-ref[1]])
s <- -seq(from = ref[1], by = o, length.out = m)
vc <- vc[-s, -s]
alias <- as.list(rep(ref[1], m))
names(alias) <- ilbs
} else {
ref1 <- ref[1]
i <- split(1:b, rep(1:m, each = o))
item <- which(sapply(i, function (j) ref1 %in% j))
tp[[item]] <- tp[[item]][-which(ref1 == i[[item]])]
vc <- vc[-ref1, -ref1]
alias <- paste0("I", item, "-C", which(ref1 == i[[item]]))
names(alias) <- ilbs[item]
## setup and return result object
rv <- structure(tp, class = "threshpar", model = "RSM", type = type, ref = ref, relative = relative, cumulative = cumulative, alias = alias, vcov = vc)
discrpar.rsmodel <- function (object, ref = NULL, alias = TRUE, vcov = TRUE, ...)
## check input
if (!is.null(ref)) warning("Argument 'ref' is currently not processed.") ## all discrpars are fixed at 1 anyways
## extract labels and number of items
m <- sum(object$items)
lbs <- c("", names(coef(object)[1:(m - 1)]))
lbs[1] <- if (lbs[2] == "I2") "I1" else colnames(object$data)[1]
## process argument alias
if (alias) {
dp <-, m)
vc <- if (vcov) matrix(0, nrow = m, ncol = m, dimnames = list(lbs, lbs)) else matrix(NA, nrow = m, ncol = m, dimnames = list(lbs, lbs))
} else {
dp <- numeric()
vc <- matrix(0, nrow = 0, ncol = 0)
alias <-, m)
names(alias) <- lbs
## setup and return result object
rv <- structure(dp, .Names = if (is.logical(alias)) lbs, class = "discrpar", model = "RSM", ref = ref, alias = alias, vcov = vc)
personpar.rsmodel <- function(object, personwise = FALSE, ref = NULL,
vcov = TRUE, interval = NULL, tol = 1e-8, ...)
# extract item parameters in pcm formulation
tp <- threshpar(object, ref = ref, type = "mode", alias = TRUE, vcov = FALSE)
tp <- lapply(tp, cumsum)
m <- length(tp)
o <- length(tp[[1]])
os <- 1:o
osv <-, m)
rng <- 1:(m * o - 1)
y <- object$data[weights(object) > 0, , drop = FALSE]
rs <- rowSums(y)
# calculate person parameters
# iterate over raw scores (from 1 until rmax - 1), see Fischer & Molenaar, 1995, p. 286, Eq. (15.43)
if(is.null(interval)) interval <- c(-1, 1) * qlogis(1 / m * 1e-3) # FIXME: 1e3 enough?
pp <- sapply(rng, function(rawscore) {
uniroot(function(pp) {
rawscore - sum(osv * exp(osv * pp - unlist(tp)) /
unlist(lapply(tp, function(beta) { + sum(exp(os * pp - beta)), o)
}, interval = interval, tol = tol)$root
# personwise matches each person with their parameter
if(personwise) {
pp <- pp[match(rs, rng)]
vc <- matrix(NA_real_, length(pp), length(pp))
rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- seq_along(rs)
rv <- structure(pp, .Names = seq_along(rs), class = "personpar",
model = "RSM", vcov = vc, type = "personwise")
} else {
if(vcov) {
# relevant data for joint loglik approach
cs <- apply(y, 2, tabulate, nbins = o)
rf <- tabulate(rs, nbins = m * o - 1)
# remove unidentified parameters
rs <- rs[rf != 0]
rng <- rng[rf != 0]
pp <- pp[rf != 0]
rf <- rf[rf != 0]
# transform ip to matrix (o x m)
tp <-"cbind", tp)
# obtain Hessian from objective function: joint log likelihood
cloglik <- function(pp) {
- sum(rng * pp) + sum(cs * tp) +
sum(colSums(log(1 + apply(outer(os, pp), 2, function(x) {
colSums(exp(x - tp))
vc <- solve(optim(pp, fn = cloglik, hessian = TRUE, method = "BFGS",
control = list(reltol = tol, maxit = 0, ...))$hessian)
} else {
vc <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = length(rng), ncol = length(rng))
rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- rng
rv <- structure(pp, .Names = rng, class = "personpar", model = "RSM",
vcov = vc, type = "discrete")
guesspar.rsmodel <- function(object, alias = TRUE, vcov = TRUE, ...)
N <- sum(object$items)
lbs <- colnames(object$data)
if(alias) {
g <- rep(0, N)
vc <-
if(vcov) {
matrix(0, N, N)
} else {
matrix(NA_real_, N, N)
names(g) <- rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- lbs
} else {
g <- numeric()
vc <- matrix(0, 0, 0)
alias <- rep(1, N)
names(alias) <- lbs
rv <- structure(g, class = "guesspar", model = "RSM",
alias = alias, vcov = vc)
upperpar.rsmodel <- function(object, alias = TRUE, vcov = TRUE, ...)
N <- sum(object$items)
lbs <- colnames(object$data)
if(alias) {
u <- rep(1, N)
vc <-
if(vcov) {
matrix(0, N, N)
} else {
matrix(NA_real_, N, N)
names(u) <- rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- lbs
} else {
u <- numeric()
vc <- matrix(0, 0, 0)
alias <- rep(1, N)
names(alias) <- lbs
rv <- structure(u, class = "upperpar", model = "RSM",
alias = alias, vcov = vc)
nobs.rsmodel <- function (object, ...)
bread.rsmodel <- function(x, ...) x$vcov * x$n
estfun.rsmodel <- function(x, ...) {
## get relevant informations
dat <- x$data # completely cleaned (downcoded, null cats treatment, weights) data.
weights_org <- weights(x)
weights <- weights_org[weights_org > 0]
n <- nrow(dat)
m <- ncol(dat)
o <- max(dat, na.rm = TRUE)
npar <- x$df
ptot <- rowSums(dat, na.rm = TRUE) + 1 # +1 because gamma of score 0 is in row 1.
ctot <- t(apply(dat, 1, tabulate, nbins = o))
## helper variables for first derivative calculation
mv <- 1:m
ov <- 1:o
beta_index <-,, m))
tau_index <-, m)
## calculate gradient (matrix with 1:(m-1) cols for beta_j, j = 2, m, and o - 1 cols for tau^*_k, k = 2, ..o)
if (!x$na) {
## select zero and first derivatives of gamma functions
## transform derivatives with item-category parameters to derivatives of RSM-parameters
gamma0 <- x$esf[[1]][ptot]
gamma1_pcm <- x$esf[[2]]
## calculate transformed derivatives, select relevant derivatives with ptot, drop unindentified parameters.
gamma1 <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(gamma1_pcm), ncol = m + o)
for (j in mv) gamma1[, j] <- gamma1_pcm[, beta_index == j, drop = FALSE] %*% ov
for (k in ov) gamma1[, k + m] <- rowSums(gamma1_pcm[, tau_index == k, drop = FALSE])
gamma1 <- apply(gamma1, 2, "[", ptot)
## finally: the gradient
agrad <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = m + o)
agrad[, mv] <- weights * (- dat + (gamma1 / gamma0)[, mv, drop = FALSE])
agrad[, m + ov] <- weights * (- ctot + (gamma1 / gamma0)[, m + ov, drop = FALSE])
} else {
## return value
agrad <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = m + o)
## observed NA patterns
na_patterns <- factor(apply(, 1, function(z) paste(which(z), collapse = "\r")))
## loop through na patterns, select derivatives and calculate gradient
for(i in seq_len(nlevels(na_patterns))) {
## parse NA patterns
lev_i <- levels(na_patterns)[i]
na_i <- which(na_patterns == lev_i)
mv_i <- as.integer(strsplit(lev_i, "\r")[[1]])
mv_i <- if(length(mv_i) < 1) mv else mv[-mv_i]
m_i <- length(mv_i)
mv_i_1 <- 1:m_i
## calculate/fetch necessary stuff for gradient
weights_i <- weights[na_i]
ptot_i <- ptot[na_i]
gamma0 <- x$esf[[i]][[1]][ptot_i]
gamma1_pcm <- x$esf[[i]][[2]]
beta_index_i <-,, m_i))
tau_index_i <-, m_i)
## calculate transformed derivatives, select relevant derivatives with ptot, drop unindentified parameters.
gamma1 <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(gamma1_pcm), ncol = m_i + o)
for (j in mv_i_1) gamma1[, j] <- gamma1_pcm[, beta_index_i == mv_i[j], drop = FALSE] %*% ov
for (k in ov) gamma1[, k + m_i] <- rowSums(gamma1_pcm[, tau_index_i == k, drop = FALSE])
gamma1 <- apply(gamma1, 2, "[", ptot_i)
if (!is.matrix(gamma1)) gamma1 <- matrix(gamma1, nrow = 1)
## finally: the gradient for NA group i
agrad[na_i, mv_i] <- weights_i * (- dat[na_i, mv_i, drop = FALSE] + (gamma1 / gamma0)[, mv_i_1, drop = FALSE])
agrad[na_i, m_i + ov] <- weights_i * (- ctot[na_i, , drop = FALSE] + (gamma1 / gamma0)[, m_i + ov, drop = FALSE])
## collect and return matrix of initial size with gradients plugged in.
grad <- matrix(0, ncol = npar, nrow = length(weights_org))
grad[weights_org > 0, ] <- agrad[, -c(1, m + 1)]
### misc. internal functions
## prsm: calculate response probabilities for given thetas, betas and taus under the RSM.
prsm <- function(theta = NULL, beta = NULL, tau = NULL)
## check input
stopifnot(!is.null(theta) && !is.null(beta) && !is.null(tau))
## if list input, recurse...
if (is.list(theta)) return(lapply(theta, prsm, beta = beta, tau = tau))
if (length(beta) > 1) return(lapply(as.list(beta), prsm, theta = theta, tau = tau))
## calculate probabilities
num <- cbind(0, outer(theta - beta, 1:length(tau), "*")) # k * (theta_i - beta_j ) for all i, j and k = 1:o, add 0 for cat 0
num <- exp(t(apply(num, 1, function (x) x - cumsum(c(0, tau))))) # - sum(tau_k)
denom <- rowSums(num) # denominator: sum over all numerators
## rpcm: calculate response matrices for given thetas, betas and taus under the RSM.
rrsm <- function(theta, beta, tau, nullcats = FALSE, return_setting = TRUE)
if (is.list(beta)) stopifnot(is.list(tau) && (length(beta) == length(tau)))
## if list input, recurse...
if (is.list(theta)) return(lapply(theta, rrsm, beta = beta, tau = tau))
if (is.list(beta)) return(mapply(rrsm, beta, tau, MoreArgs =
list(theta = theta, nullcats = nullcats, return_setting = return_setting), SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
## calculate response probabilities
probs <- prsm(theta = theta, beta = beta, tau = tau)
if(!is.list(probs)) probs <- list(probs)
## calculate response matrices for given set of item
rsp_item_i <- function (probmat_i) { #inline function to calculate responses per item
oj <- ncol(probmat_i) #calculate rsp vector once
rsp <- apply(probmat_i, 1, function (p) = oj, size = 1, prob = p))
if(!nullcats) { #recalculate if null categories not allowed
while (length(unique.default(rsp)) != oj) {
rsp <- apply(probmat_i, 1, function (p) = oj, size = 1, prob = p))
res <- lapply(probs, rsp_item_i)
res <-, res)
if (return_setting)
return(list(beta = beta, tau = tau, theta = theta, data = res))
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