
Defines functions createSingleChromosomeBCFIndex readSingleChromosomeBCFToMatrixByRange createSingleChromosomeVCFIndex readSingleChromosomeVCFToMatrixByRange `[.PlinkFile` openPlink readPlinkToMatrixByIndex readBGENToListByGene readBGENToListByRange readBGENToMatrixByGene readBGENToMatrixByRange download.annotation.resource isDirWritable getCovPair isInRange annotatePlain annotateVcf getRefBase annotateGene makeAnnotationParameter validateAnnotationParameter verifyFilename tabix.createIndex.meta tabix.createIndex.vcf tabix.createIndex rvmeta.readNullModel .onAttach tabix.read.table tabix.read.header tabix.read rvmeta.readSkewByRange rvmeta.readScoreByRange rvmeta.readCovByRange rvmeta.readDataByGene readVCFToListByGene readVCFToListByRange readVCFToMatrixByGene readVCFToMatrixByRange hasIndex isTabixRange local.file.exists isURL

Documented in annotateGene annotatePlain annotateVcf createSingleChromosomeBCFIndex createSingleChromosomeVCFIndex download.annotation.resource getCovPair getRefBase hasIndex isDirWritable isInRange isTabixRange isURL makeAnnotationParameter openPlink readBGENToListByGene readBGENToListByRange readBGENToMatrixByGene readBGENToMatrixByRange readPlinkToMatrixByIndex readSingleChromosomeBCFToMatrixByRange readSingleChromosomeVCFToMatrixByRange readVCFToListByGene readVCFToListByRange readVCFToMatrixByGene readVCFToMatrixByRange rvmeta.readCovByRange rvmeta.readDataByGene rvmeta.readNullModel rvmeta.readScoreByRange rvmeta.readSkewByRange tabix.createIndex tabix.createIndex.meta tabix.createIndex.vcf tabix.read tabix.read.header tabix.read.table validateAnnotationParameter verifyFilename

#' Efficiently Read Sequencing Data (VCF format, METAL format) into R
#' SeqMiner provides functions to easily load Variant Call Format (VCF) or METAL format into R
#' The aim of this package is to save your time parsing large text file.
#' That means data processing time can be saved for other researches.
#' This packages requires Bgzip compressed and Tabix indexed files as input.
#' If input files contaians annotation by TabAnno (),
#' it is possible to extract information at the unit of genes.
#' @name SEQMINER
#' @useDynLib seqminer, .registration = TRUE, .fixes = "C_"
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion

#' Check if the input is url e.g. http:// or ftp://
#' @param fileName character vector
#' @keywords internal
isURL <- function(fileName) {
  if (all(grepl(pattern = "^http://", fileName) |
          grepl(pattern = "^ftp://", fileName) )) {

local.file.exists <- function(fileName) {
  if (isURL(fileName)) {

#' Check if the inputs are valid tabix range such as chr1:2-300
#' @param range characer vector
#' @export
#' @examples
#' valid <- isTabixRange(c("chr1:1-200", "X:1", "1:100-100", "chr1", "1:1-20,1:30-40"))
#' stopifnot(all(valid))
#' invalid <- isTabixRange(c(":1", "chr1::", ":-"))
#' stopifnot(all(!invalid))
isTabixRange <- function(range) {
  isValid <- function(x) {
    ret = strsplit(x = x, split = ":")[[1]]
    if (length(ret) == 1) { # e.g. "chr1"
    if (length(ret) != 2) {
    chrom = ret[1]
    if (nchar(chrom) == 0) {
      return (FALSE)
    ret = strsplit(x = ret[2], split = "-")[[1]]
    if (length(ret) == 2) {
      beg = suppressWarnings(as.integer(ret[1]))
      end = suppressWarnings(as.integer(ret[2]))
      if (is.na(beg) || is.na(end) || beg > end) {
    } else if (length(ret) == 1) {
      beg = suppressWarnings(as.integer(ret[1]))
      if (is.na(beg)) {
    } else {
  ranges <- unlist(strsplit(x = range, split = ","))
  sapply(ranges, isValid)

#' Check input file has tabix index
#' @param fileName character vector, representing file names an input file name
#' @return TRUE if an index file with ".tbi" or "bci" exists, and created later than VCF/BCF file
#' @keywords internal
hasIndex <- function(fileName) {
  if (isURL(fileName)) {
  endsWith <- function(i, pattern = NULL) {
    if (is.null(pattern)) {
    if (length(fileName) != 1) {
      stop("hasIndex() only take vector of length 1.")
      return (FALSE)
    p <- paste(pattern, "$", sep = "")
    if (length(grep(x=i, pattern=p)) != 1) {
      return (FALSE)
    return (TRUE)
  ## handle VCF
  fIndex <- NULL
  if (endsWith(fileName, ".vcf")) {
    stop(gettextf("Input file is not bgzip compressed. Please use: [ bgzip %s ]", fileName))
    return (FALSE)
  if (endsWith(fileName, ".vcf.gz")) {
    fIndex <- paste(fileName, ".tbi", sep = "")
    if (!file.exists(fIndex)) {
      stop(gettextf("Cannot find index file (you can create it using: [ tabix -p vcf %s ])" , fileName))
      return (FALSE)

  ## handle BCF
  if (endsWith(fileName, ".bcf")) {
    stop(gettextf("Input file is not bgzip compressed. Please use: [ bgzip %s ]", fileName))
    return (FALSE)
  if (endsWith(fileName, ".bcf.gz")) {
    fIndex <- paste(fileName, ".bci", sep = "")
    if (!file.exists(fIndex)) {
      stop(gettextf("Cannot find index file (you can create it using: [ bcftools index %s ])" , fileName))
      return (FALSE)

  ## handle BGEN
  if (endsWith(fileName, ".bgen")) {
    fIndex <- paste(fileName, ".bgi", sep = "")
    if (!file.exists(fIndex)) {
      stop(gettextf("Cannot find index file (you can create it using: [ bgenix -g %s -index ])" , fileName))
      return (FALSE)

  ## Check index file
  if (is.null(fIndex)) {
    stop(gettextf("Cannot guess a valid index, did your file have suffix: .vcf, .vcf.gz, .bcf, .bcf.gz or .bgen ?"))
    return (FALSE)
  if (!file.exists(fIndex)) {
    stop(gettextf("The index file [ %s ] does not exists.", fIndex))
    return (FALSE)

  ## Check index file timestamp
  time.data <- file.info(fileName)$mtime
  time.index <- file.info(fIndex)$mtime
  if (time.data > time.index) {
    stop(gettextf("Index file [ %s ] is older than data file [ %s ].", fIndex, fileName))
  return (TRUE)

#' Read a gene from VCF file and return a genotype matrix
#' @param fileName character, represents an input VCF file (Bgzipped, with Tabix index)
#' @param range character, a text indicating which range in the VCF file to extract. e.g. 1:100-200, 1-based index
#' @param annoType character, annotated types you would like to extract, such as "Nonsynonymous", "Synonymous". This can be left empty.
#' @return genotype matrix
#' @export
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/ for online manual and examples
#' @examples
#' fileName = system.file("vcf/all.anno.filtered.extract.vcf.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' cfh <- readVCFToMatrixByRange(fileName, "1:196621007-196716634", "Nonsynonymous")
readVCFToMatrixByRange <- function(fileName, range, annoType) {
  stopifnot(local.file.exists(fileName), length(fileName) == 1)
  fileName <- path.expand(fileName)

  storage.mode(fileName) <- "character"
  storage.mode(range)    <- "character"
  storage.mode(annoType) <- "character"
  .Call("readVCFToMatrixByRange", fileName, range, annoType, PACKAGE="seqminer");

#' Read a gene from VCF file and return a genotype matrix
#' @param fileName character, represents an input VCF file (Bgzipped, with Tabix index)
#' @param geneFile character, a text file listing all genes in refFlat format
#' @param geneName character vector, which gene(s) to be extracted
#' @param annoType character, annotated types you would like to extract, such as "Nonsynonymous", "Synonymous". This can be left empty.
#' @return genotype matrix
#' @export
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/ for online manual and examples
#' @examples
#' fileName = system.file("vcf/all.anno.filtered.extract.vcf.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' geneFile = system.file("vcf/refFlat_hg19_6col.txt.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' cfh <- readVCFToMatrixByGene(fileName, geneFile, "CFH", "Synonymous")
readVCFToMatrixByGene <- function(fileName, geneFile, geneName, annoType) {
  stopifnot(local.file.exists(fileName), length(fileName) == 1)
  stopifnot(local.file.exists(geneFile), length(geneFile) == 1)
  fileName <- path.expand(fileName)

  storage.mode(fileName) <- "character"
  storage.mode(geneFile) <- "character"
  storage.mode(geneName) <- "character"
  storage.mode(annoType) <- "character"
  .Call("readVCFToMatrixByGene", fileName, geneFile, geneName, annoType, PACKAGE="seqminer");

#' Read information from VCF file in a given range and return a list
#' @param fileName character, represents an input VCF file (Bgzipped, with Tabix index)
#' @param range character, a text indicating which range in the VCF file to extract. e.g. 1:100-200, 1-based index
#' @param annoType character, annotated types you would like to extract, such as "Nonsynonymous", "Synonymous". This can be left empty.
#' @param vcfColumn character vector, which vcf columns to extract. It can be chosen from CHROM, POS, ID, REF, ALT, QUAL, FILTER, INFO, FORMAT and etc.
#' @param vcfInfo character vector, which should be tags in the INFO columns to extarct. Common choices include: DP, AC, AF, NS
#' @param vcfIndv character vector, which values to extract at individual level. Common choices are: GT, GQ, GD
#' @return a list of genes, and each elements has specified vcfColumn, vcfinfo, vcfIndv
#' @export
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/ for online manual and examples
#' @examples
#' fileName = system.file("vcf/all.anno.filtered.extract.vcf.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' cfh <- readVCFToListByRange(fileName, "1:196621007-196716634", "Nonsynonymous",
#'                             c("CHROM", "POS"), c("AF", "AC"), c("GT") )
readVCFToListByRange <- function(fileName, range, annoType, vcfColumn, vcfInfo, vcfIndv) {
  stopifnot(local.file.exists(fileName), length(fileName) == 1)
  fileName <- path.expand(fileName)

  storage.mode(fileName) <- "character"
  storage.mode(range)    <- "character"
  storage.mode(annoType) <- "character"
  storage.mode(vcfColumn)<- "character"
  storage.mode(vcfInfo)  <- "character"
  storage.mode(vcfIndv)  <- "character"
  .Call("readVCFToListByRange", fileName, range, annoType, vcfColumn, vcfInfo, vcfIndv, PACKAGE="seqminer");

#' Read information from VCF file in a given range and return a list
#' @param fileName character, represents an input VCF file (Bgzipped, with Tabix index)
#' @param geneFile character, a text file listing all genes in refFlat format
#' @param geneName character vector, which gene(s) to be extracted
#' @param annoType character, annotated types you would like to extract, such as "Nonsynonymous", "Synonymous". This can be left empty.
#' @param vcfColumn character vector, which vcf columns to extract. It can be chosen from CHROM, POS, ID, REF, ALT, QUAL, FILTER, INFO, FORMAT and etc.
#' @param vcfInfo character vector, which should be tags in the INFO columns to extarct. Common choices include: DP, AC, AF, NS
#' @param vcfIndv character vector, which values to extract at individual level. Common choices are: GT, GQ, GD
#' @return a list of genes, and each elements has specified vcfColumn, vcfinfo, vcfIndv
#' @export
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/ for online manual and examples
#' @examples
#' fileName = system.file("vcf/all.anno.filtered.extract.vcf.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' geneFile = system.file("vcf/refFlat_hg19_6col.txt.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' cfh <- readVCFToListByGene(fileName, geneFile, "CFH", "Synonymous",
#'                            c("CHROM", "POS"), c("AF", "AC"), c("GT") )
readVCFToListByGene <- function(fileName, geneFile, geneName, annoType, vcfColumn, vcfInfo, vcfIndv) {
  stopifnot(local.file.exists(fileName), length(fileName) == 1)
  stopifnot(file.exists(geneFile), length(geneFile) == 1)
  fileName <- path.expand(fileName)

  storage.mode(fileName) <- "character"
  storage.mode(geneFile) <- "character"
  storage.mode(geneName) <- "character"
  storage.mode(annoType) <- "character"
  storage.mode(vcfColumn)<- "character"
  storage.mode(vcfInfo)  <- "character"
  storage.mode(vcfIndv)  <- "character"
  .Call("readVCFToListByGene", fileName, geneFile, geneName, annoType, vcfColumn, vcfInfo, vcfIndv, PACKAGE="seqminer");

## Handle RareMETAL formats

#' Read association statistics by gene from METAL-format files. Both score statistics and covariance statistics will be extracted.
#' @param scoreTestFiles character vector, score test output files (rvtests outputs using --meta score)
#' @param covFiles character vector, covaraite files (rvtests outputs using --meta cov)
#' @param geneFile character, a text file listing all genes in refFlat format
#' @param geneName character vector, which gene(s) to be extracted
#' @param multiAllelic boolean, whether to read multi-allelic sites as multiple variants or not
#' @return a list of statistics including chromosome, position, allele frequency, score statistics, covariance and annotation(if input files are annotated).
#' @export
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/ for online manual and examples
#' @examples
#' scoreFileName = system.file("rvtests/rvtest.MetaScore.assoc.anno.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' covFileName = system.file("rvtests/rvtest.MetaCov.assoc.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' geneFile = system.file("vcf/refFlat_hg19_6col.txt.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' cfh <- rvmeta.readDataByGene(scoreFileName, covFileName, geneFile, "CFH")
rvmeta.readDataByGene <- function(scoreTestFiles, covFiles, geneFile, geneName, multiAllelic = FALSE) {
  stopifnot(all(is.null(covFiles)) || (all(local.file.exists(covFiles)) && length(covFiles) == length(scoreTestFiles)))
  stopifnot(file.exists(geneFile), length(geneFile) == 1)

  scoreTestFiles <- path.expand(scoreTestFiles)
  if (!is.null(covFiles)) {
    covFiles <- path.expand(covFiles)
  } else {
    covFiles <- ""
  multiAllelic <- as.integer(multiAllelic)

  storage.mode(scoreTestFiles) <- "character"
  storage.mode(covFiles) <- "character"
  storage.mode(geneFile) <- "character"
  storage.mode(geneName) <- "character"
  storage.mode(multiAllelic) <- "integer"
  .Call("rvMetaReadDataByGene", scoreTestFiles, covFiles, geneFile, geneName, multiAllelic, PACKAGE="seqminer");

#' Read association statistics by range from METAL-format files. Both score statistics and covariance statistics will be extracted.
#' @param scoreTestFiles character vector, score test output files (rvtests outputs using --meta score)
#' @param covFiles character vector, covaraite files (rvtests outputs using --meta cov)
#' @param ranges character, a text indicating which range in the VCF file to extract. e.g. 1:100-200, 1-based index
#' @param multiAllelic boolean, whether to read multi-allelic sites as multiple variants or not
#' @return a list of statistics including chromosome, position, allele frequency, score statistics, covariance and annotation(if input files are annotated).
#' @export
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/ for online manual and examples
#' @examples
#' scoreFileName = system.file("rvtests/rvtest.MetaScore.assoc.anno.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' covFileName = system.file("rvtests/rvtest.MetaCov.assoc.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' geneFile = system.file("vcf/refFlat_hg19_6col.txt.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' cfh <- rvmeta.readDataByRange(scoreFileName, covFileName, "1:196621007-196716634")
rvmeta.readDataByRange <- function (scoreTestFiles, covFiles, ranges, multiAllelic = FALSE) {
    stopifnot(all(is.null(covFiles)) || (all(local.file.exists(covFiles)) && length(covFiles) == length(scoreTestFiles)))

  scoreTestFiles <- path.expand(scoreTestFiles)
  if (!is.null(covFiles)) {
    covFiles <- path.expand(covFiles)
  } else {
    covFiles <- ""
  multiAllelic <- as.integer(multiAllelic)

  storage.mode(scoreTestFiles) <- "character"
  storage.mode(covFiles) <- "character"
  storage.mode(ranges) <- "character"
  storage.mode(multiAllelic) <- "integer"
  .Call("rvMetaReadDataByRange", scoreTestFiles, covFiles, ranges, multiAllelic, PACKAGE = "seqminer")

#' Read covariance by range from METAL-format files.
#' @param covFile character, a covariance file (rvtests outputs using --meta cov)
#' @param tabixRange  character, a text indicating which range in the VCF file to extract. e.g. 1:100-200
#' @return a matrix of covariance within given range
#' @export
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/ for online manual and examples
#' @examples
#' covFileName = system.file("rvtests/rvtest.MetaCov.assoc.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' cfh <- rvmeta.readCovByRange(covFileName, "1:196621007-196716634")
rvmeta.readCovByRange <- function(covFile, tabixRange) {

  covFile <- path.expand(covFile)

  storage.mode(covFile) <- "character"
  storage.mode(tabixRange) <- "character"
  .Call("readCovByRange", covFile, tabixRange, PACKAGE="seqminer");

#' Read score test statistics by range from METAL-format files.
#' @param scoreTestFiles character vector, score test output files (rvtests outputs using --meta score)
#' @param tabixRange  character, a text indicating which range in the VCF file to extract. e.g. 1:100-200
#' @return score test statistics within given range
#' @export
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/ for online manual and examples
#' @examples
#' scoreFileName = system.file("rvtests/rvtest.MetaScore.assoc.anno.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' cfh <- rvmeta.readScoreByRange(scoreFileName, "1:196621007-196716634")
rvmeta.readScoreByRange <- function(scoreTestFiles, tabixRange) {

  scoreTestFiles <- path.expand(scoreTestFiles)

  storage.mode(scoreTestFiles) <- "character"
  storage.mode(tabixRange) <- "character"
  .Call("readScoreByRange", scoreTestFiles, tabixRange, PACKAGE="seqminer");

#' Read skew by range from METAL-format files.
#' @param skewFile character, a skew file (rvtests outputs using --meta skew)
#' @param tabixRange  character, a text indicating which range in the VCF file to extract. e.g. 1:100-200
#' @return an 3-dimensional array of skewness within given range
#' @export
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/ for online manual and examples
#' @examples
#' skewFileName = system.file("rvtests/rvtest.MetaSkew.assoc.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' cfh <- rvmeta.readSkewByRange(skewFileName, "1:196621007-196716634")
rvmeta.readSkewByRange <- function(skewFile, tabixRange) {
  skewFile <- path.expand(skewFile)

  storage.mode(skewFile) <- "character"
  storage.mode(tabixRange) <- "character"
  .Call("readSkewByRange", skewFile, tabixRange, PACKAGE="seqminer");

#' Read tabix file, similar to running tabix in command line.
#' @param tabixFile character, an tabix indexed file
#' @param tabixRange  character, a text indicating which range in the VCF file to extract. e.g. 1:100-200
#' @return character vector, each elements is an individual line
#' @export
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/ for online manual and examples
#' @examples
#' if (.Platform$endian == "little") {
#'   fileName = system.file("vcf/all.anno.filtered.extract.vcf.gz", package = "seqminer")
#'   snp <- tabix.read(fileName, "1:196623337-196632470")
#' } else {
#'   message("Tabix does not work well for big endian for now")
#' }
tabix.read <- function(tabixFile, tabixRange) {
  tabixFile <- path.expand(tabixFile)

  storage.mode(tabixFile) <- "character"
  storage.mode(tabixRange) <- "character"
  .Call("readTabixByRange", tabixFile, tabixRange, PACKAGE="seqminer");

#' Read tabix file, similar to running tabix in command line.
#' @param tabixFile character, an tabix indexed file
#' @param skippedLine  logical, whether to read tabix skipped lines (when used 'tabix -S NUM')
#' @return a list
#' @export
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/ for online manual and examples
#' @examples
#' fileName = system.file("vcf/all.anno.filtered.extract.vcf.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' snp <- tabix.read.header(fileName)
tabix.read.header <- function(tabixFile, skippedLine = FALSE) {
  tabixFile <- path.expand(tabixFile)

  storage.mode(tabixFile) <- "character"
  header <- .Call("readTabixHeader", tabixFile, PACKAGE="seqminer");
  ret <- list(header = header)
  if (skippedLine) {
    skipped <- .Call("readTabixSkippedLine", tabixFile, PACKAGE="seqminer");
    ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- skipped
    names(ret)[2] <- "skippedLine"

#' Read tabix file, similar to running tabix in command line.
#' @param tabixFile character, an tabix indexed file
#' @param tabixRange  character, a text indicating which range in the VCF file to extract. e.g. 1:100-200
#' @param col.names logical, use tabix file header as result headers (default: TRUE)
#' @param stringsAsFactors logical, store loaded data as factors (default: FALSE)
#' @return data frame, each elements is an individual line
#' @export
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/ for online manual and examples
#' @examples
#' fileName = system.file("vcf/all.anno.filtered.extract.vcf.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' snp <- tabix.read.table(fileName, "1:196623337-196632470")
tabix.read.table <- function(tabixFile, tabixRange, col.names = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) {
  tabixFile <- path.expand(tabixFile)

  storage.mode(tabixFile) <- "character"
  storage.mode(tabixRange) <- "character"
  header <- .Call("readTabixHeader", tabixFile, PACKAGE = "seqminer")
  body <- .Call("readTabixByRange", tabixFile, tabixRange, PACKAGE="seqminer");

  ## parse body to a table
  body <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(body, "\t"))
  body <- as.data.frame(body, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  if (ncol(body) > 0) {
    for (i in 1:ncol(body)) {
      body[,i] <- utils::type.convert(body[,i], as.is = !stringsAsFactors)

    num.col <- ncol(body)
    header <- header[nchar(header) > 0]
    if (length(header) == 0 || !col.names) {
      colNames <- paste0("V", 1L:num.col)
    } else {
      hdrLine <- header[length(header)]
      hdrLine <- sub("^#", "", hdrLine)
      colNames <- make.names(strsplit(hdrLine, "\t")[[1]])
      if (length(colNames) > ncol(body)) {
        colNames <- colNames[1:ncol(body)]
      } else if (length(colNames) < ncol(body)) {
        tmpNames <- paste0("V", 1L:num.col)
        tmpNames[1:length(colNames )] <- colNames
        colNames <- tmpNames
    colnames(body) <- colNames


.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname){
  # check new version
  newVersionLink = "http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/version"
  timeout <- options("timeout")$timeout
  warn <- options("warn")$warn
  options(timeout = 3)
  options(warn = -1)
  conn <- url(newVersionLink)
  ret <- tryCatch(readLines(conn, n = 2), error = function(e) {NULL})
  options(warn = warn)
  options(timeout = timeout)

  if (!is.null(ret) && length(ret) == 2) {
    version <- ret[1]
    if (utils::packageVersion("seqminer") < version) {
      if (length(ret) > 1) {
      } else {
        packageStartupMessage("Found new version of seqminer: ", ret)
  ## packageStartupMessage("seqminer loaded ...")

#' Read null model statistics
#' @param scoreTestFiles character vector, score test output files (rvtests outputs using --meta score)
#' @return a list of statistics fitted under the null mode (without genetic effects)
#' @export
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/ for online manual and examples
#' @examples
#' scoreFileName = system.file("rvtests/rvtest.MetaScore.assoc.anno.gz", package = "seqminer")
rvmeta.readNullModel <- function(scoreTestFiles) {
  read.null.model <- function(fn) {
    ## cat("gzFile, fn = ", fn, "\n")
    f <- gzfile(fn, "rb")
    ret = list()
    beginStore = FALSE
    while(TRUE) {
      suppressWarnings(p <- readLines(con = f, n = 1, warn = FALSE))
      if (substr(p, 1, 1) != "#") {
      if (!beginStore) {
        if ( p[1] == "##NullModelEstimates") {
          beginStore = TRUE
      } else {
        ret[length(ret) + 1] <- p
  model.to.matrix <- function(ret) {
    if (is.null(ret) || length(ret) < 1) {
    ## ret <- read.null.model(ret)
    ret <- lapply(ret, function(x) { strsplit(sub("## - ", "", x), "\t")[[1]]})
    cnames <- ret[[1]]
    ret[[1]] <- NULL
    rnames <- lapply(ret, function(x) {x[1]})
    rnames <- do.call(c, rnames)
    data <- lapply(ret, function(x) {x[-1]})
    mat <- do.call(rbind, data)
    colnames(mat) <- cnames[-1]
    rownames(mat) <- rnames
    suppressWarnings(class(mat) <- "numeric")
  ret <- lapply(scoreTestFiles, function(x) { model.to.matrix(read.null.model(x))})

#' Write score-based association statistics files.
#' @param rvmetaData a list vector. It's usually read by rvmeta.readDataByRange or rvmeta.readDataByGene function
#' @param outName character, a text indicating output file prefix
#' @param createIndex boolean, (default FALSE), whether or not to create the index
#' @return TRUE only if succeed
#' @export
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/ for online manual and examples
#' @examples
#' scoreFileName = system.file("rvtests/rvtest.MetaScore.assoc.anno.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' covFileName = system.file("rvtests/rvtest.MetaCov.assoc.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' geneFile = system.file("vcf/refFlat_hg19_6col.txt.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' cfh <- rvmeta.readDataByRange(scoreFileName, covFileName, "1:196621007-196716634")
#' outFile <- file.path(tempdir(), "cfh.MetaScore.assoc")
#' rvmeta.writeScoreData(cfh, outFile)
#' cat('Outputted MetaScore file are in the temp directory:', outFile, '\n')
rvmeta.writeScoreData <- function (rvmetaData, outName, createIndex = FALSE) {
  outName <- path.expand(outName)
  storage.mode(outName) <- "character"
  .Call("rvMetaWriteScoreData", rvmetaData, outName, PACKAGE="seqminer");
  if (createIndex) {

#' Write covariance association statistics files.
#' @param rvmetaData a list vector. It's usually read by rvmeta.readDataByRange or rvmeta.readDataByGene function
#' @param outName character, a text indicating output file prefix
#' @return TRUE only if succeed
#' @export
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/ for online manual and examples
#' @examples
#' scoreFileName = system.file("rvtests/rvtest.MetaScore.assoc.anno.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' covFileName = system.file("rvtests/rvtest.MetaCov.assoc.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' geneFile = system.file("vcf/refFlat_hg19_6col.txt.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' cfh <- rvmeta.readDataByRange(scoreFileName, covFileName, "1:196621007-196716634")
#' outFile <- file.path(tempdir(), "cfh.MetaCov.assoc.gz")
#' rvmeta.writeCovData(cfh, outFile)
#' cat('Outputted MetaCov file are in the temp directory:', outFile, '\n')
rvmeta.writeCovData <- function (rvmetaData, outName) {
  outName <- path.expand(outName)
  storage.mode(outName) <- "character"
  .Call("rvMetaWriteCovData", rvmetaData, outName, PACKAGE="seqminer");

#' Create tabix index file, similar to running tabix in command line.
#' @param bgzipFile character, an tabix indexed file
#' @param sequenceColumn  integer, sequence name column
#' @param startColumn  integer, start column
#' @param endColumn  integer, end column
#' @param metaChar  character, symbol for comment/meta lines
#' @param skipLines  integer, first this number of lines will be skipped
#' @return NULL
#' @export
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/ for online manual and examples
#' @examples
#' fileName = system.file("vcf/all.anno.filtered.extract.vcf.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' tabix.createIndex(fileName, 1, 2, 0, '#', 0)
tabix.createIndex <- function(bgzipFile, sequenceColumn = 1, startColumn = 4, endColumn = 5, metaChar = "#", skipLines = 0) {
  bgzipFile <- path.expand(bgzipFile)
  storage.mode(bgzipFile) <- "character"
  storage.mode(sequenceColumn) <- "integer"
  storage.mode(startColumn) <- "integer"
  storage.mode(endColumn) <- "integer"
  storage.mode(metaChar) <- "character"
  storage.mode(skipLines) <- "integer"
  .Call("createTabixIndex", bgzipFile, sequenceColumn, startColumn, endColumn, metaChar, skipLines, PACKAGE="seqminer");

#' Create tabix index for bgzipped VCF file
#' @param bgzipVcfFile character, input vcf file
#' @return NULL
#' @export
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/ for online manual and examples
#' @examples
#' fileName = system.file("vcf/all.anno.filtered.extract.vcf.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' tabix.createIndex.vcf(fileName)
tabix.createIndex.vcf <- function(bgzipVcfFile) {
  tabix.createIndex(bgzipVcfFile, 1, 2, 0, '#', 0)

#' Create tabix index for bgzipped MetaScore/MetaCov file
#  MetaScore/MetaCov files can be generated by rvtests.
#' @param bgzipFile character, input vcf file
#' @return NULL
#' @export
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/ for online manual and examples
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.github.io/rvtests/ for rvtests
#' @examples
#' fileName = system.file("rvtests/rvtest.MetaScore.assoc.anno.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' tabix.createIndex.meta(fileName)
tabix.createIndex.meta <- function(bgzipFile) {
  tabix.createIndex(bgzipFile, 1, 2, 2, '#', 0)

## Annotations --------------------

#' validate the inVcf can be created, and outVcf can be write to.
#' will stop if any error occurs
#' @param inVcf input file
#' @param outVcf output file
#' @return NULL
verifyFilename <- function(inVcf, outVcf) {
  if (!file.exists(inVcf)) {
    stop("Cannot open input file")
  tryCatch(file.create(outVcf), warning = function(w) {stop(gettextf("Cannot create output file: %s", outVcf))})

#' Validate annotate parameter is valid
#' @param param a list of annotation elements
#' @param debug show extra debug information or not
#' @return list, first element is TRUE/FALSE if parameter is valid/invalid;
#                second element is a message string
#' @export
validateAnnotationParameter <- function(param, debug = FALSE) {
  status <- TRUE
  msg <- vector("character")
  if (debug) {
  if (is.null(param$reference) || !file.exists(param$reference)) {
    msg <- c(msg, "Reference file does not exist")
  if (is.null(param$geneFile) || !file.exists(param$geneFile)) {
    status <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "Gene file does not exist")
  if (! param$geneFileFormat %in% c("refFlat", "knownGene", "refGene")) {
    status <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "Gene file format does not exist")
  if (is.null(param$codonFile) || !file.exists(param$codonFile)) {
    status <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "Codon file does not exist")
  if (is.null(param$priorityFile) || !file.exists(param$priorityFile)) {
    status <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "Priority file does not exist")
  if (param$upstreamRange <= 0) {
    status <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "Upstream range is less than zero")
  if (param$downstreamRange <= 0) {
    status <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "Downstream range is less than zero")
  if (param$spliceIntoExon <= 0) {
    status <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "SpliceIntoExon range is less than zero")
  if (param$spliceIntoIntron <= 0) {
    status <- FALSE
    msg <- c(msg, "SpliceIntoIntron range is less than zero")
  if (!is.null(param$bed)) {
    opt <- strsplit(param$bed, ",")
    n <- length(opt)
    parsed <- lapply(opt, function(x){unlist(strsplit(x, "="))})
    for (i in seq_along(n)) {
      if (length(parsed[[i]]) != 2) {
        status <- FALSE
        msg <- c(msg, paste("Cannot understand bed option: ", parsed[[i]]))
      if (!file.exists(parsed[[i]][2])) {
        status <- FALSE
        msg <- c(msg, paste("BED resource file not exists: ", parsed[[i]][2]))
  if (!is.null(param$genomeScore)) {
    opt <- strsplit(param$genomeScore, ",")
    n <- length(opt)
    parsed <- lapply(opt, function(x){unlist(strsplit(x, "="))})
    for (i in seq_along(n)) {
      if (length(parsed[[i]]) != 2) {
        status <- FALSE
        msg <- c(msg, paste("Cannot understand genomeScore option: ", parsed[[i]]))
      if (!file.exists(parsed[[i]][2])) {
        status <- FALSE
        msg <- c(msg, paste("Genomescore resource file not exists: ", parsed[[i]][2]))
  if (!is.null(param$tabix)) {
    opt <- strsplit(param$tabix, "),")
    n <- length(opt)
    parsed <- lapply(opt, function(x){unlist(strsplit(x, "\\("))})
    for (i in seq_along(n)) {
      if (length(parsed[[i]]) != 2) {
        status <- FALSE
        msg <- c(msg, paste("Cannot understand tabix option: ", parsed[[i]]))
      if (!file.exists(parsed[[i]][1])) {
        status <- FALSE
        msg <- c(msg, paste("Tabix resource file not exists: ", parsed[[i]][1]))

  res <- list(status, paste(msg, sep = " \n"))

#' Construct a usable set of annotation parameters
#' @param param a list of annotation elements
#' @return list, a complete list of supported parameters
#' @export
makeAnnotationParameter <- function(param = NULL) {
  ## default parameters
  defaultParam <- list(reference = NULL,
                       geneFile = NULL,
                       geneFileFormat = "refFlat",
                       codonFile = system.file("tabanno/codon.txt", package = "seqminer"),
                       priorityFile = system.file("tabanno/priority.txt", package = "seqminer"),
                       upstreamRange = 50,
                       downstreamRange = 50,
                       spliceIntoExon = 3,
                       spliceIntoIntron = 8,
                       bed = NULL,
                       genomeScore = NULL,
                       tabix = NULL,
                       indexOutput = FALSE,
                       inputFormat = "vcf",
                       checkReference = TRUE)
  ret <- defaultParam
  for (i in seq_along(param)) {
    if (names(param)[i] %in% names(ret)) {
      ret[[names(param)[i]]] <- param[[i]]
  ## expand tilde
  if(!is.null(ret$reference)) {
    ret$reference <- path.expand(ret$reference)
  if(!is.null(ret$geneFile)) {
    ret$geneFile <- path.expand(ret$geneFile)
  if(!is.null(ret$codonFile)) {
    ret$codonFile <- path.expand(ret$codonFile)
  if(!is.null(ret$priorityFile)) {
    ret$priorityFile <- path.expand(ret$priorityFile)
  if(!is.null(ret$bed)) {
    ret$bed <- gsub(pattern = "~", replacement = path.expand("~"), x = ret$bed)
  if(!is.null(ret$tabix)) {
    ret$tabix <- gsub(pattern = "~", replacement = path.expand("~"), x = ret$tabix)

  ## print(ret)

#' Annotate a test variant
#' @param param a list of annotation configuaration (e.g. reference file, gene definition)
#' @param chrom a vector of chromosome names
#' @param position a vector of chromosome positions
#' @param ref a vector of reference alleles
#' @param alt a vector of alternative alleles
#' @return annotated results in a data frame structure
#' @export
#' @seealso makeAnnotationParameter
#' @examples
#' if (.Platform$endian == "little") {
#'   param <- list(reference = system.file("tabanno/test.fa", package = "seqminer"),
#'                 geneFile = system.file("tabanno/test.gene.txt", package = "seqminer"))
#'   param <- makeAnnotationParameter(param)
#'   print(param)
#'   annotateGene(param, c("1", "1"), c(3, 5) , c("A", "C"), c("G", "C"))
#' } else {
#'   message("Tabix does not work well for big endian for now")
#' }
annotateGene <- function(param, chrom, position, ref, alt) {
  param <- makeAnnotationParameter(param)
  res <- validateAnnotationParameter(param)
  if (!res[[1]])  {
    cat(paste(res[[2]], collapse = "\n"))
    stop("Stop due to critical error")
  stopifnot(length(chrom) > 0)
  stopifnot(length(chrom) == length(position))
  stopifnot(length(chrom) == length(ref))
  stopifnot(length(chrom) == length(alt))

  storage.mode(chrom) <- "character"
  storage.mode(position) <- "integer"
  storage.mode(ref) <- "character"
  storage.mode(alt) <- "character"

  .Call("annotateGene", param, chrom, position, ref, alt, PACKAGE="seqminer")

#' Annotate a test variant
#' @param reference path to the reference genome file (.fa file)
#' @param chrom a vector of chromosome names
#' @param position a vector of chromosome positions
#' @param len a vector of length
#' @return based extracted from the reference genome
#' @export
getRefBase <- function(reference, chrom, position, len = NULL) {
  if (!file.exists(reference)) {
    stop("Reference file does not exists")
  if (is.null(len)) {
    len <- rep(1, length(position))
  reference <- path.expand(reference)

  storage.mode(reference) <- "character"
  storage.mode(chrom) <- "character"
  storage.mode(position) <- "integer"
  storage.mode(len) <- "integer"
  .Call("getRefBase", reference, chrom, position, len, PACKAGE="seqminer")

#' Annotate a VCF file
#' @param inVcf input VCF file name
#' @param outVcf output VCF file name
#' @param params parameters
#' @return 0 if succeed
#' @export
#' @examples
#' param <- list(reference = system.file("tabanno/test.fa", package = "seqminer"),
#'               geneFile = system.file("tabanno/test.gene.txt", package = "seqminer"))
#' param <- makeAnnotationParameter(param)
#' inVcf <- system.file("tabanno/input.test.vcf", package = "seqminer")
#' outVcf <- file.path(tempdir(), "/", "out.vcf")
#' annotateVcf (inVcf, outVcf, param)
#' cat('Annotated VCF files are in the temp directory:', outVcf, '\n')
annotateVcf <- function(inVcf, outVcf, params) {
  params$inputFormat = "vcf"
  params <- makeAnnotationParameter(params)
  res <- validateAnnotationParameter(params)
  if (!res[[1]])  {
    cat(paste(res[[2]], collapse = "\n"))
    stop("Stop due to critical error")

  verifyFilename(inVcf, outVcf)

  storage.mode(inVcf) <- "character"
  storage.mode(outVcf) <- "character"
  .Call("anno", inVcf, outVcf, params)

#' Annotate a plain text file
#' @param inFile input file name
#' @param outFile output file name
#' @param params parameters
#' @return 0 if succeed
#' @export
#' @examples
#' param <- list(reference = system.file("tabanno/test.fa", package = "seqminer"),
#'               geneFile = system.file("tabanno/test.gene.txt", package = "seqminer"),
#'               inputFormat = "plain")
#' param <- makeAnnotationParameter(param)
#' inFile <- system.file("tabanno/input.test.plain.txt", package = "seqminer")
#' outFile <- file.path(tempdir(), "out.annotated.txt")
#' annotatePlain(inFile, outFile, param)
#' cat('Outputted annotation results are in the temp directory:', outFile, '\n')
annotatePlain <- function(inFile, outFile, params) {
  params$inputFormat = "plain"
  params <- makeAnnotationParameter(params)
  res <- validateAnnotationParameter(params)
  if (!res[[1]])  {
    stop("Stop due to critical error")
  verifyFilename(inFile, outFile)
  inFile <- path.expand(inFile)
  outFile <- path.expand(outFile)

  storage.mode(inFile) <- "character"
  storage.mode(outFile) <- "character"
  .Call("anno", inFile, outFile, params)

#' Test whether a vector of positions are inside given ranges
#' @param positions characters, positions. e.g. c("1:2-3", "1:4")
#' @param rangeList character, ranges, e.g. "1:1-3,1:2-4", 1-based index
#' @return logical vector, TRUE/FALSE/NA
#' @export
#' @examples
#' positions <- c("1:2-3", "1:4", "XX")
#' ranges <- "1:1-3,1:2-4,1:5-10"
#' isInRange(positions, ranges)
isInRange <- function(positions, rangeList) {
  storage.mode(positions) <- "character"
  storage.mode(rangeList) <- "character"
  .Call("isInRange", positions, rangeList)

#' Extract pair of positions by ranges
#' @param covData a covariance matrix with positions as dimnames
#' @param rangeList1 character specify a range, 1-based index
#' @param rangeList2 character specify a range, 1-based index
#' @return a covariance matrix
#' covFileName = system.file("rvtests/rvtest.MetaCov.assoc.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' cfh <- rvmeta.readCovByRange(covFileName, "1:196621007-196716634")
#' rangeList1 <- "1:196621007-196700000"
#' rangeList2 <- "1:196700000-196716634"
#' getCovPair(cfh, rangeList1, rangeList2)
getCovPair <- function(covData, rangeList1, rangeList2) {
  pos <- dimnames(covData)[1][[1]]
  idx1 <- isInRange(pos, rangeList1)
  idx2 <- isInRange(pos, rangeList2)
  ret <- covData[idx1, idx2]
  dimnames(ret) <- list(pos[idx1], pos[idx2])

#' Test whether directory is writable
#' @param outDir the name of the directory
#' @return TRUE if the file is writable
#' isDirWritable("~")
isDirWritable <- function(outDir) {
  name <- tempfile(tmpdir = outDir, fileext = "tmp")
  ret <- file.create(name, showWarnings = FALSE)
  if (ret) {
  return (ret)

#' Download annotation resources to a directory
#' @param outputDirectory the directory to store annotation resources
#' @return will not return anything
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' download.annotation.resource("/tmp")
#' }
download.annotation.resource <- function(outputDirectory) {
  outDir = outputDirectory
  ## prepare a writable dir
  if (!dir.exists(outDir)) {
    message(gettextf("Create output directory: %s", outDir))
    dir.create(outDir, recursive = TRUE)
  if (!isDirWritable(outDir)) {
    stop(gettextf("Unable to write to directory: %s", outDir))

  ## download function
  download <- function(url) {
    fn <- basename(url)
    destfile <- file.path(outDir, fn)
    if (file.exists(destfile)) {
      warning(gettextf("Overwriting %s", fn))
    utils::download.file(url, destfile)
  ## download resources
  message("Begin download TabAnno resource files (human hg19)...")

  message("Download reference file and its index:")

  message("Download gene definition:")

  message("Download TabAnno codon definition and annotation priority files:")

  message("Download completed")
  message(gettextf("You can begin to use it:"))
  message(gettextf(" param <- makeAnnotationParameter(list(reference = \"%s\", geneFile = \"%s\", codonFile = \"%s\", priorityFile = \"%s\" ))",
                   file.path(outDir, "hs37d5.fa"),
                   file.path(outDir, "refFlat_hg19.txt.gz"),
                   file.path(outDir, "codon.txt"),
                   file.path(outDir, "priority.txt")))

## BGEN file formats

#' Read a gene from BGEN file and return a genotype matrix
#' @param fileName character, represents an input BGEN file (Bgzipped, with Tabix index)
#' @param range character, a text indicating which range in the BGEN file to extract. e.g. 1:100-200, 1-based index
#' @return genotype matrix
#' @export
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/ for online manual and examples
#' @examples
#' fileName = system.file("bgen/all.anno.filtered.extract.bgen", package = "seqminer")
#' cfh <- readBGENToMatrixByRange(fileName, "1:196621007-196716634")
readBGENToMatrixByRange <- function(fileName, range) {
  stopifnot(local.file.exists(fileName), length(fileName) == 1)
  fileName <- path.expand(fileName)

  storage.mode(fileName) <- "character"
  storage.mode(range)    <- "character"
  .Call("readBGENToMatrixByRange", fileName, range, PACKAGE="seqminer");

#' Read a gene from BGEN file and return a genotype matrix
#' @param fileName character, represents an input BGEN file (Bgzipped, with Tabix index)
#' @param geneFile character, a text file listing all genes in refFlat format
#' @param geneName character vector, which gene(s) to be extracted
#' @return genotype matrix
#' @export
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/ for online manual and examples
#' @examples
#' fileName = system.file("bgen/all.anno.filtered.extract.bgen", package = "seqminer")
#' geneFile = system.file("vcf/refFlat_hg19_6col.txt.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' cfh <- readBGENToMatrixByGene(fileName, geneFile, "CFH")
readBGENToMatrixByGene <- function(fileName, geneFile, geneName) {
  stopifnot(local.file.exists(fileName), length(fileName) == 1)
  stopifnot(local.file.exists(geneFile), length(geneFile) == 1)
  fileName <- path.expand(fileName)

  storage.mode(fileName) <- "character"
  storage.mode(geneFile) <- "character"
  storage.mode(geneName) <- "character"
  .Call("readBGENToMatrixByGene", fileName, geneFile, geneName, PACKAGE="seqminer");

#' Read information from BGEN file in a given range and return a list
#' @param fileName character, represents an input BGEN file (Bgzipped, with Tabix index)
#' @param range character, a text indicating which range in the BGEN file to extract. e.g. 1:100-200, 1-based index
#' @return a list of chrom, pos, varid, rsid, alleles, isPhased, probability, sampleId
#' @export
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/ for online manual and examples
#' @examples
#' fileName = system.file("bgen/all.anno.filtered.extract.bgen", package = "seqminer")
#' cfh <- readBGENToListByRange(fileName, "1:196621007-196716634")
readBGENToListByRange <- function(fileName, range) {
  stopifnot(local.file.exists(fileName), length(fileName) == 1)
  fileName <- path.expand(fileName)

  storage.mode(fileName) <- "character"
  storage.mode(range)    <- "character"
  .Call("readBGENToListByRange", fileName, range, PACKAGE="seqminer");

#' Read information from BGEN file in a given range and return a list
#' @param fileName character, represents an input BGEN file (Bgzipped, with Tabix index)
#' @param geneFile character, a text file listing all genes in refFlat format
#' @param geneName character vector, which gene(s) to be extracted
#' @return a list of chrom, pos, varid, rsid, alleles, isPhased, probability, sampleId
#' @export
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/ for online manual and examples
#' @examples
#' fileName = system.file("bgen/all.anno.filtered.extract.bgen", package = "seqminer")
#' geneFile = system.file("vcf/refFlat_hg19_6col.txt.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' cfh <- readBGENToListByGene(fileName, geneFile, "CFH")
readBGENToListByGene <- function(fileName, geneFile, geneName) {
  stopifnot(local.file.exists(fileName), length(fileName) == 1)
  stopifnot(file.exists(geneFile), length(geneFile) == 1)
  fileName <- path.expand(fileName)

  storage.mode(fileName) <- "character"
  storage.mode(geneFile) <- "character"
  storage.mode(geneName) <- "character"
  .Call("readBGENToListByGene", fileName, geneFile, geneName, PACKAGE="seqminer");

## PLINK file formats
#' Read from binary PLINK file and return a genotype matrix
#' @param plinkFilePrefix a PlinkFileObject obtained by openPlink()
#' @param sampleIndex integer, 1-basd, index of samples to be extracted
#' @param markerIndex integer, 1-basd, index of markers to be extracted
#' @return genotype matrix, marker by sample
#' @export
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/ for online manual and examples
#' @examples
#' ## these indice are nonsynonymous markers for 1:196621007-196716634",
#' ## refer to the readVCFToMatrixByRange()
#' fileName = system.file("plink/all.anno.filtered.extract.bed", package = "seqminer")
#' fileName = sub(fileName, pattern = ".bed", replacement = "")
#' sampleIndex = seq(3)
#' markerIndex =c(14, 36)
#' cfh <- readPlinkToMatrixByIndex(fileName, sampleIndex, markerIndex)
readPlinkToMatrixByIndex <- function(plinkFilePrefix, sampleIndex, markerIndex) {
  stopifnot(local.file.exists(sprintf("%s.bed", plinkFilePrefix)), length(plinkFilePrefix) == 1)
  plinkFilePrefix <- path.expand(plinkFilePrefix)

  # pass 0-index to c codes
  sampleIndex <- as.integer(sampleIndex - 1)
  markerIndex <- as.integer(markerIndex - 1)

  storage.mode(plinkFilePrefix) <- "character"
  storage.mode(sampleIndex) <- "integer"
  storage.mode(markerIndex) <- "integer"

  .Call("readPlinkToMatrixByIndex", plinkFilePrefix, sampleIndex , markerIndex, PACKAGE="seqminer");

#' Open binary PLINK files
#' @param fileName character, represents the prefix of PLINK input file
#' @return an PLINK file object with class name ("PlinkFile")
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fileName = system.file("plink/all.anno.filtered.extract.bed", package = "seqminer")
#' fileName = sub(fileName, pattern = ".bed", replacement = "")
#' plinkObj <- openPlink(fileName)
#' str(plinkObj)
openPlink <- function(fileName) {
  ## check .bed, .fam, .bim exists
  stopifnot(length(fileName) == 1)
  stopifnot(local.file.exists(sprintf("%s.bed", fileName)))
  stopifnot(local.file.exists(sprintf("%s.fam", fileName)))
  stopifnot(local.file.exists(sprintf("%s.bim", fileName)))

  ## clean file names
  fileName <- path.expand(fileName)
  famFile <- sprintf("%s.fam", fileName)
  bimFile <- sprintf("%s.bim", fileName)
  bedFile <- sprintf("%s.bed", fileName)

  ## read and store fam, bim files
  has.data.table <- nchar(system.file(".", package = "data.table")) > 0
  if (has.data.table) {
    fam <- eval(parse(text = sprintf('as.data.frame(data.table::fread("%s", header = FALSE))', famFile)))
  } else {
    fam <- utils::read.table(famFile, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = FALSE)
  if (has.data.table) {
    bim <- eval(parse(text = sprintf('as.data.frame(data.table::fread("%s", header = FALSE))', bimFile)))
  } else {
    bim <- utils::read.table(bimFile, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = FALSE)

  ret <- list(prefix = fileName, fam = fam, bim = bim)

  ## check file size
  bedFile <- sprintf("%s.bed", fileName)
  magic1 = 0x6c;
  magic2 = 0x1b;
  snpMajor = 1
  indvMajor = 0
  bedFileHandle = file(bedFile, "rb")
  header = readBin(bedFileHandle, raw(),  n = 3)
  stopifnot(file.size(bedFile) == ceiling(nrow(fam) / 4) * nrow(bim) + 3)
  stopifnot(header[1] == magic1)
  stopifnot(header[2] == magic2)
  if (header[3] == indvMajor) {
    warning("PLINK file individual major is not supported yet")
  stopifnot(header[3] == snpMajor)

  # return results
  class(ret) <- "PlinkFile"

#' Read from binary PLINK file and return a genotype matrix
#' @param plinkFileObject a PlinkFileObject obtained by openPlink()
#' @param sampleIndex integer, 1-basd, index of samples to be extracted
#' @param markerIndex integer, 1-basd, index of markers to be extracted
#' @return genotype matrix, marker by sample
#' @export
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/ for online manual and examples
#' @examples
#' ## these indice are nonsynonymous markers for 1:196621007-196716634",
#' ## refer to the readVCFToMatrixByRange()
#' fileName = system.file("plink/all.anno.filtered.extract.bed", package = "seqminer")
#' filePrefix = sub(fileName, pattern = ".bed", replacement = "")
#' plinkObj = openPlink(filePrefix)
#' sampleIndex = seq(3)
#' markerIndex =c(14, 36)
#' cfh <- plinkObj[sampleIndex, markerIndex]
`[.PlinkFile` <- function(plinkFileObject, sampleIndex, markerIndex) {
  stopifnot(class(plinkFileObject) == "PlinkFile")

  numSample <- nrow(plinkFileObject$fam)
  numMarker <- nrow(plinkFileObject$bim)
  stopifnot( all(sampleIndex >= 1 & sampleIndex <= numSample))
  stopifnot( all(markerIndex >= 1 & markerIndex <= numMarker))

  rname <- plinkFileObject$fam[,2][sampleIndex]
  cname <- plinkFileObject$bim[,2][markerIndex]

  # pass 0-index to c codes
  sampleIndex <- as.integer(sampleIndex - 1)
  markerIndex <- as.integer(markerIndex - 1)

  fileName <- sprintf("%s.bed", path.expand(plinkFileObject$prefix))
  storage.mode(fileName) <- "character"
  storage.mode(numSample)  <- "integer"
  storage.mode(numMarker) <- "integer"
  storage.mode(sampleIndex) <- "integer"
  storage.mode(markerIndex) <- "integer"

  ret <- .Call("readBedToMatrixByIndex",
        numSample, numMarker,
        sampleIndex , markerIndex,
  rownames(ret) <- rname
  colnames(ret) <- cname

#' Read a range from VCF file and return a genotype matrix
#' @param fileName character, represents an input VCF file (Bgzipped, with Tabix index)
#' @param range character, a text indicating which range in the VCF file to extract. e.g. 1:100-200, 1-based index
#' @param indexFileName character, index file, by default, it s `fileName`.scIdx
#' @return genotype matrix
#' @export
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/ for online manual and examples
#' @examples
#' fileName = system.file("vcf/all.anno.filtered.extract.vcf.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' cfh <- readSingleChromosomeVCFToMatrixByRange(fileName, "1:196621007-196716634")
readSingleChromosomeVCFToMatrixByRange <- function(fileName, range, indexFileName = NULL) {
  stopifnot(file.exists(fileName), length(fileName) == 1)
  fileName <- path.expand(fileName)

  if (is.null(indexFileName)) {
    indexFileName = sprintf("%s.scIdx", fileName)

  storage.mode(fileName) <- "character"
  storage.mode(indexFileName) <- "character"
  storage.mode(range)    <- "character"
  .Call("readSingleChromosomeVCFToMatrixByRange", fileName, indexFileName, range, PACKAGE="seqminer");

#' Create a single chromosome index
#' @param fileName character, represents an input VCF file (Bgzipped, with Tabix index)
#' @param indexFileName character, by default, create `fileName`.scIdx
#' @return indexFileName if success, or NULL is failed
#' @export
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/ for online manual and examples
#' @examples
#' fileName = system.file("vcf/all.anno.filtered.extract.vcf.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' cfh <- createSingleChromosomeVCFIndex(fileName)
createSingleChromosomeVCFIndex <- function(fileName, indexFileName = NULL) {
  stopifnot(local.file.exists(fileName), length(fileName) == 1)

  if (is.null(indexFileName)) {
    indexFileName = sprintf("%s.scIdx", fileName)
  if (file.exists(indexFileName)) {
    warning("index file exists, please remove it before re-creating one")

  storage.mode(fileName) <- "character"
  storage.mode(indexFileName) <- "character"
  .Call("createSingleChromosomeVCFIndex", fileName, indexFileName, PACKAGE="seqminer");

#' Read a range from BCF file and return a genotype matrix
#' @param fileName character, represents an input BCF file (Bgzipped, with Tabix index)
#' @param range character, a text indicating which range in the BCF file to extract. e.g. 1:100-200, 1-based index
#' @param indexFileName character, index file, by default, it s `fileName`.scIdx
#' @return genotype matrix
#' @export
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/ for online manual and examples
#' @examples
#' fileName = system.file("vcf/all.anno.filtered.extract.headerFixed.bcf.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' cfh <- readSingleChromosomeBCFToMatrixByRange(fileName, "1:196621007-196716634")
readSingleChromosomeBCFToMatrixByRange <- function(fileName, range, indexFileName = NULL) {
  stopifnot(file.exists(fileName), length(fileName) == 1)
  fileName <- path.expand(fileName)

  if (is.null(indexFileName)) {
    indexFileName = sprintf("%s.scIdx", fileName)

  storage.mode(fileName) <- "character"
  storage.mode(indexFileName) <- "character"
  storage.mode(range)    <- "character"
  .Call("readSingleChromosomeBCFToMatrixByRange", fileName, indexFileName, range, PACKAGE="seqminer");

#' Create a single chromosome index
#' @param fileName character, represents an input BCF file (Bgzipped, with Tabix index)
#' @param indexFileName character, by default, create `fileName`.scIdx
#' @return indexFileName if success, or NULL is failed
#' @export
#' @seealso http://zhanxw.com/seqminer/ for online manual and examples
#' @examples
#' fileName = system.file("vcf/all.anno.filtered.extract.headerFixed.bcf.gz", package = "seqminer")
#' cfh <- createSingleChromosomeBCFIndex(fileName)
createSingleChromosomeBCFIndex <- function(fileName, indexFileName = NULL) {
  stopifnot(local.file.exists(fileName), length(fileName) == 1)

  if (is.null(indexFileName)) {
    indexFileName = sprintf("%s.scIdx", fileName)
  if (file.exists(indexFileName)) {
    warning("index file exists, please remove it before re-creating one")

  storage.mode(fileName) <- "character"
  storage.mode(indexFileName) <- "character"
  .Call("createSingleChromosomeBCFIndex", fileName, indexFileName, PACKAGE="seqminer");

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seqminer documentation built on Sept. 2, 2023, 9:08 a.m.