
Defines functions check_viewpoly check_viewqtl check_viewmap ph_list_to_matrix get_LOD imf_h prepare_map import_phased_maplist_from_polymapR segreg_poly dist_prob_to_class mrk_chisq_test mf_h is.prob.data ph_matrix_to_list filter_non_conforming_classes import_data_from_polymapR

Documented in check_viewmap check_viewpoly check_viewqtl dist_prob_to_class filter_non_conforming_classes get_LOD imf_h import_data_from_polymapR import_phased_maplist_from_polymapR is.prob.data mf_h mrk_chisq_test ph_list_to_matrix ph_matrix_to_list prepare_map segreg_poly

#' Import data from polymapR
#' Function to import datasets from polymapR. Function from MAPpoly.
#' See examples at \url{https://rpubs.com/mmollin/tetra_mappoly_vignette}.
#' @param input.data  a \code{polymapR} dataset
#' @param ploidy the ploidy level     
#' @param parent1 a character string containing the name (or pattern of genotype IDs) of parent 1
#' @param parent2 a character string containing the name (or pattern of genotype IDs) of parent 2
#' @param input.type Indicates whether the input is discrete ("disc") or probabilistic ("prob") 
#' @param prob.thres threshold probability to assign a dosage to offspring. If the probability 
#'        is smaller than \code{thresh.parent.geno}, the data point is converted to 'NA'.
#' @param pardose matrix of dimensions (n.mrk x 3) containing the name of the markers in the first column, and the 
#'        dosage of parents 1 and 2 in columns 2 and 3. (see polymapR vignette)      
#' @param offspring a character string containing the name (or pattern of genotype IDs) of the offspring 
#'                  individuals. If \code{NULL} (default) it considers all individuals as offsprings, except 
#'                  \code{parent1} and \code{parent2}.  
#' @param filter.non.conforming if \code{TRUE} exclude samples with non 
#'     expected genotypes under no double reduction. Since markers were already filtered in polymapR, the default is 
#'     \code{FALSE}.
#' @param verbose if \code{TRUE} (default), the current progress is shown; if
#'     \code{FALSE}, no output is produced
#' @return object of class \code{mappoly.data}
#' @author Marcelo Mollinari \email{mmollin@ncsu.edu}
#' @references
#'     Bourke PM et al: (2019) PolymapR — linkage analysis and genetic map 
#'     construction from F1 populations of outcrossing polyploids. 
#'     _Bioinformatics_ 34:3496–3502.
#'     \doi{10.1093/bioinformatics/bty1002}
#'     Mollinari, M., and Garcia, A.  A. F. (2019) Linkage
#'     analysis and haplotype phasing in experimental autopolyploid
#'     populations with high ploidy level using hidden Markov
#'     models, _G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics_. 
#'     \doi{10.1534/g3.119.400378}
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom reshape2 acast
#' @importFrom dplyr filter arrange
import_data_from_polymapR <- function(input.data, 
                                      parent1 = "P1", 
                                      parent2 = "P2",
                                      input.type = c("discrete", "probabilistic"),
                                      prob.thres = 0.95,
                                      pardose = NULL, 
                                      offspring = NULL,
                                      filter.non.conforming = TRUE,
                                      verbose = TRUE){
  input.type <- match.arg(input.type)
  if(input.type  ==  "discrete"){
    geno.dose <- input.data[,-match(c(parent1, parent2), colnames(input.data)), drop = FALSE]
    dosage.p1 <- input.data[,parent1]
    dosage.p2 <- input.data[,parent2]
    names(dosage.p1) <- names(dosage.p2) <- rownames(input.data)
    mappoly.data <- structure(list(ploidy = ploidy,
                                   n.ind = ncol(geno.dose),
                                   n.mrk = nrow(geno.dose),
                                   ind.names = colnames(geno.dose),
                                   mrk.names = rownames(geno.dose),
                                   dosage.p1 = dosage.p1,
                                   dosage.p2 = dosage.p2,
                                   chrom = NA,
                                   genome.pos = NA,
                                   seq.ref = NULL,
                                   seq.alt = NULL,
                                   all.mrk.depth = NULL,
                                   prob.thres = NULL,
                                   geno.dose = geno.dose,
                                   nphen = 0,
                                   phen = NULL,
                                   kept = NULL,
                                   elim.correspondence = NULL),
                              class = "mappoly.data")
  else {
      stop(safeError("provide parental dosage."))
    rownames(pardose) <- pardose$MarkerName
    dat <- input.data[,c("MarkerName", "SampleName",paste0("P", 0:ploidy))]
    p1 <- unique(sapply(parent1, function(x) unique(grep(pattern = x, dat[,"SampleName"], value = TRUE))))
    p2 <- unique(sapply(parent2, function(x) unique(grep(pattern = x, dat[,"SampleName"], value = TRUE))))
      offspring <- setdiff(as.character(unique(dat[,"SampleName"])), c(p1, p2))    
    } else {
      offspring <- unique(grep(pattern = offspring, dat[,"SampleName"], value = TRUE))
    d1 <- input.data[,c("MarkerName", "SampleName", "geno")]
    geno.dose <- acast(d1, MarkerName ~ SampleName, value.var = "geno")
    ## get marker names ----------------------
    mrk.names <- rownames(geno.dose)
    ## get number of individuals -------------
    n.ind <- length(offspring)
    ## get number of markers -----------------
    n.mrk <- length(mrk.names)
    ## get individual names ------------------
    ind.names <- offspring
    ## get dosage in parent P ----------------
    dosage.p1 <- as.integer(pardose[mrk.names,"parent1"])
    names(dosage.p1) <- mrk.names
    ## get dosage in parent Q ----------------
    dosage.p2 <- as.integer(pardose[mrk.names,"parent2"])
    names(dosage.p2) <- mrk.names
    ## monomorphic markers
    d.p1 <- abs(abs(dosage.p1-(ploidy/2))-(ploidy/2))
    d.p2 <- abs(abs(dosage.p2-(ploidy/2))-(ploidy/2))
    mrk.names <- names(which(d.p1+d.p2 != 0))
    dosage.p1 <- dosage.p1[mrk.names]
    dosage.p2 <- dosage.p2[mrk.names]
    nphen <- 0
    phen <- NULL
    if (verbose){
      cat("Importing the following data:")
      cat("\n    Ploidy level:", ploidy)
      cat("\n    No. individuals: ", n.ind)
      cat("\n    No. markers: ", n.mrk) 
      cat("\n    No. informative markers:  ", length(mrk.names), " (", round(100*length(mrk.names)/n.mrk,1), "%)", sep = "")
      cat("\n    ...")
    ## get genotypic info --------------------
    MarkerName <- SampleName <- NULL
    geno <- dat %>%
      filter(SampleName %in% offspring)  %>%
      filter(MarkerName %in% mrk.names) %>%
      arrange(SampleName, MarkerName)
    colnames(geno) <- c("mrk", "ind", as.character(0:ploidy))
    ind.names <- unique(geno$ind)
    mrk.names <- unique(geno$mrk)
    dosage.p1 <- dosage.p1[mrk.names]
    dosage.p2 <- dosage.p2[mrk.names]
    ## transforming na's in expected genotypes using Mendelian segregation
    i.na <- which(apply(geno, 1, function(x) any(is.na(x))))
    if (length(i.na) > 0) {
      m.na <- match(geno[i.na, 1], mrk.names)
      d.p1.na <- dosage.p1[m.na]
      d.p2.na <- dosage.p2[m.na]
      for (i in 1:length(m.na)) geno[i.na[i], -c(1, 2)] <- segreg_poly(ploidy, d.p1.na[i], d.p2.na[i])
    ## dosage info
      geno.dose <- geno.dose[mrk.names,offspring]  
    } else {
      geno.dose <- dist_prob_to_class(geno = geno, prob.thres = prob.thres)
        geno <- geno.dose$geno
        geno.dose <- geno.dose$geno.dose
        n.ind <- ncol(geno.dose)
        ind.names <- colnames(geno.dose)
      } else {
        geno.dose <- geno.dose$geno.dose
      geno.dose[is.na(geno.dose)] <- ploidy + 1
    ## returning the 'mappoly.data' object
    if (verbose) cat("\n    Done with reading.\n")
    mappoly.data <- structure(list(ploidy = ploidy,
                                   n.ind = n.ind,
                                   n.mrk = length(mrk.names),
                                   ind.names = ind.names,
                                   mrk.names = mrk.names,
                                   dosage.p1 = dosage.p1,
                                   dosage.p2 = dosage.p2,
                                   chrom = rep(NA, length(mrk.names)),
                                   genome.pos = rep(NA, length(mrk.names)),
                                   seq.ref = NULL,
                                   seq.alt = NULL,
                                   all.mrk.depth = NULL,
                                   prob.thres = prob.thres,
                                   geno = geno,
                                   geno.dose = geno.dose,
                                   nphen = nphen,
                                   phen = phen,
                                   chisq.pval = NULL,
                                   kept = NULL,
                                   elim.correspondence = NULL),
                              class = "mappoly.data")
    mappoly.data <- filter_non_conforming_classes(mappoly.data)
    Ds <- array(NA, dim = c(ploidy+1, ploidy+1, ploidy+1))
    for(i in 0:ploidy)
      for(j in 0:ploidy)
        Ds[i+1,j+1,] <- segreg_poly(ploidy = ploidy, d.p1 = i, d.p2 = j)
    d.p1op <- cbind(mappoly.data$dosage.p1, mappoly.data$dosage.p2)
    M <- t(apply(d.p1op, 1, function(x) Ds[x[1]+1, x[2]+1,]))
    dimnames(M) <- list(mappoly.data$mrk.names, c(0:ploidy))
    M <- cbind(M, mappoly.data$geno.dose)
    mappoly.data$chisq.pval <- apply(M, 1, mrk_chisq_test, ploidy = ploidy)

#' Filter non-conforming classes in F1, non double reduced population.
#' Function from MAPpoly.
#' @param input.data object of class mappoly
#' @param prob.thres threshold for filtering genotypes by genotype probability values. If NULL, the filter is not applied.
#' @return filtered \code{mappoly.data} object
#' @keywords internal
filter_non_conforming_classes <- function(input.data, prob.thres = NULL)
  if (!inherits(input.data, "mappoly.data")) {
    stop(deparse(substitute(input.data)), " is not an object of class 'mappoly.data'")
  ploidy <- input.data$ploidy
  dp <- input.data$dosage.p1
  dq <- input.data$dosage.p2
  Ds <- array(NA, dim = c(ploidy+1, ploidy+1, ploidy+1))
  for(i in 0:ploidy)
    for(j in 0:ploidy)
      Ds[i+1,j+1,] <- segreg_poly(ploidy = ploidy, d.p1 = i, d.p2 = j)
  Dpop <- cbind(dp,dq)
  #Gathering segregation probabilities given parental dosages
  M <- t(apply(Dpop, 1, function(x) Ds[x[1]+1, x[2]+1,]))
  M[M != 0] <- 1
  dimnames(M) <- list(input.data$mrk.names, 0:ploidy)
  ##if no prior probabilities
    for(i in 1:nrow(M)){
      id0 <- !as.numeric(input.data$geno.dose[i,])%in%(which(M[i,] == 1)-1)
        input.data$geno.dose[i,id0] <- (ploidy+1)     
  ## 1 represents conforming classes/ 0 represents non-conforming classes
  dp <- rep(dp, input.data$n.ind)
  dq <- rep(dq, input.data$n.ind)
  M <- M[rep(seq_len(nrow(M)), input.data$n.ind),]
  R <- input.data$geno[,-c(1:2)] - input.data$geno[,-c(1:2)]*M
  id1 <- apply(R, 1, function(x) abs(sum(x))) > 0.3 # if the sum of the excluded classes is greater than 0.3, use segreg_poly
  N <- matrix(NA, sum(id1), input.data$ploidy+1)
  ct <- 1
  for(i in which(id1)){
    N[ct,] <- Ds[dp[i]+1, dq[i]+1, ]
    ct <- ct+1
  input.data$geno[id1,-c(1:2)] <- N
  # if the sum of the excluded classes is greater than zero
  # and smaller than 0.3, assign zero to those classes and normalize the vector
  input.data$geno[,-c(1:2)][R > 0] <- 0
  input.data$geno[,-c(1:2)] <- sweep(input.data$geno[,-c(1:2)], 1, rowSums(input.data$geno[,-c(1:2)]), FUN = "/")
    prob.thres <- input.data$prob.thres
  geno.dose <- dist_prob_to_class(geno = input.data$geno, prob.thres = prob.thres)
    input.data$geno <- geno.dose$geno
    input.data$geno.dose <- geno.dose$geno.dose
  } else {
    input.data$geno.dose <- geno.dose$geno.dose
  input.data$geno.dose[is.na(input.data$geno.dose)] <- ploidy + 1
  input.data$n.ind <- ncol(input.data$geno.dose)
  input.data$ind.names <- colnames(input.data$geno.dose)

#' Linkage phase format conversion: matrix to list. Function from MAPpoly.
#' This function converts linkage phase configurations from matrix
#' form to list
#' @param M matrix whose columns represent homologous chromosomes and
#'     the rows represent markers
#' @return a list of linkage phase configurations
#' @keywords internal
ph_matrix_to_list <- function(M) {
  w <- lapply(split(M, seq(NROW(M))), function(x, M) which(x  ==  1))
  w[sapply(w, function(x) length(x)  ==  0)] <- 0

#' Is it a probability dataset? Function from MAPpoly.
#' @param x object of class \code{mappoly.data}
#' @return TRUE/FALSE indicating if genotype probability information is present
#' @keywords internal
is.prob.data <- function(x){
  exists('geno', where = x)

#' Haldane map function. From MAPpoly
#' @param d vector containing recombination fraction values
#' @return vector with genetic distances estimated with Haldane function
#' @keywords internal
mf_h <- function(d) 0.5 * (1 - exp(-d/50))

#' Chi-square test. Function from MAPpoly.
#' @param x data.frame containing dosage information
#' @param ploidy integer defining the specie ploidy
#' @return vector with p-values for each marker
#' @importFrom stats chisq.test
#' @keywords internal
mrk_chisq_test <- function(x, ploidy){
  y <- x[-c(1:(ploidy+1))]
  y[y == ploidy+1] <- NA
  y <- table(y, useNA = "always")
  names(y) <- c(names(y)[-length(y)], "NA") 
  seg.exp <- x[0:(ploidy+1)]
  seg.exp <- seg.exp[seg.exp != 0]
  seg.obs <- seg.exp
  seg.obs[names(y)[-length(y)]] <- y[-length(y)]
  pval <- suppressWarnings(chisq.test(x = seg.obs, p = seg.exp[names(seg.obs)])$p.value)

#' Returns the class with the highest probability in 
#' a genotype probability distribution. Function from MAPpoly.
#' @param geno the probabilistic genotypes contained in the object
#'     \code{'mappoly.data'}
#' @param prob.thres probability threshold to select the genotype. 
#'     Values below this genotype are assumed as missing data
#' @return a matrix containing the doses of each genotype and
#'     marker. Markers are disposed in rows and individuals are 
#'     disposed in columns. Missing data are represented by NAs
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt dcast
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by filter arrange `%>%`
#' @keywords internal
dist_prob_to_class <- function(geno, prob.thres = 0.9) {
  a <- melt(geno, id.vars = c("mrk", "ind"))
  mrk <- ind <- value <- variable <- NULL # Setting the variables to NULL first
  a$variable <- as.numeric(levels(a$variable))[a$variable]
  b <- a %>%
    group_by(mrk, ind) %>%
    filter(value > prob.thres) %>%
    arrange(mrk, ind, variable)
  z <- dcast(data = b[,1:3], formula = mrk ~ ind, value.var = "variable")
  rownames(z) <- z[,"mrk"]
  z <- data.matrix(frame = z[,-1])
  n <- setdiff(unique(geno$mrk), rownames(z))
  if(length(n) > 0)
    ploidy <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(n), ncol = ncol(z), dimnames = list(n, colnames(z)))
    z <- rbind(z,ploidy)
  rm.ind <- setdiff(unique(geno$ind), colnames(z))
  flag <- FALSE
  if(length(rm.ind) > 0){
    flag <- TRUE
    warning("Inividual(s) ", paste(rm.ind, collapse = " "), 
            "\n  did not meet the 'prob.thres' criteria for any of\n  the markers and was (were) removed.")
    geno <- geno %>% filter(ind %in% colnames(z))
  z <- z[as.character(unique(geno$mrk)), as.character(unique(geno$ind))]
  list(geno.dose = z, geno = geno, flag = flag)

#' Polysomic segregation frequency - Function from MAPpoly
#' Computes the polysomic segregation frequency given a ploidy level
#' and the dosage of the locus in both parents. It does not consider
#' double reduction.
#' @param ploidy the ploidy level
#' @param d.p1 the dosage in parent P
#' @param d.p2 the dosage in parent Q
#' @return a vector containing the expected segregation frequency for
#'     all possible genotypic classes.
#' @author Marcelo Mollinari, \email{mmollin@ncsu.edu}
#' @references
#'     Mollinari, M., and Garcia, A.  A. F. (2019) Linkage
#'     analysis and haplotype phasing in experimental autopolyploid
#'     populations with high ploidy level using hidden Markov
#'     models, _G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics_. 
#'     \doi{10.1534/g3.119.400378}
#'     Serang O, Mollinari M, Garcia AAF (2012) Efficient Exact 
#'     Maximum a Posteriori Computation for Bayesian SNP 
#'     Genotyping in Polyploids. _PLoS ONE_ 7(2): 
#'     e30906.
#' @importFrom stats dhyper
#' @keywords internal
segreg_poly <- function(ploidy, d.p1, d.p2) {
  if (ploidy%%2 != 0)
    stop(safeError("m must be an even number"))
  p.dose <- numeric((ploidy + 1))
  p.names <- character((ploidy + 1))
  seg.p1 <- dhyper(x = c(0:(ploidy + 1)), m = d.p1, n = (ploidy - d.p1), k = ploidy/2)
  seg.p2 <- dhyper(x = c(0:(ploidy + 1)), m = d.p2, n = (ploidy - d.p2), k = ploidy/2)
  M <- tcrossprod(seg.p1, seg.p2)
  for (i in 1:nrow(M)) {
    for (j in 1:ncol(M)) {
      p.dose[i + j - 1] <- p.dose[i + j - 1] + M[i, j]
  p.dose <- p.dose[!is.na(p.dose)]
  for (i in 0:ploidy) p.names[i + 1] <- paste(paste(rep("A", i), collapse = ""), paste(rep("a", (ploidy - i)), collapse = ""), sep = "")
  names(p.dose) <- p.names

#' Import phased map list from polymapR
#' Function to import phased map lists from polymapR. Function from MAPpoly.
#' See examples at \url{https://rpubs.com/mmollin/tetra_mappoly_vignette}.
#' @param maplist a list of phased maps obtained using function 
#' \code{create_phased_maplist} from package \code{polymapR} 
#' @param mappoly.data a dataset used to obtain \code{maplist}, 
#' converted into class \code{mappoly.data}
#' @param ploidy the ploidy level     
#' @return object of class \code{mappoly.map}
#' @author Marcelo Mollinari \email{mmollin@ncsu.edu}
#' @references
#'     Bourke PM et al: (2019) PolymapR — linkage analysis and genetic map 
#'     construction from F1 populations of outcrossing polyploids. 
#'     _Bioinformatics_ 34:3496–3502.
#'     \doi{10.1093/bioinformatics/bty1002}
#'     Mollinari, M., and Garcia, A.  A. F. (2019) Linkage
#'     analysis and haplotype phasing in experimental autopolyploid
#'     populations with high ploidy level using hidden Markov
#'     models, _G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics_. 
#'     \doi{10.1534/g3.119.400378}
#' @keywords internal
import_phased_maplist_from_polymapR <- function(maplist, 
                                                ploidy = NULL){
  input_classes <- c("list")
  if (!inherits(maplist, input_classes)) {
    stop(deparse(substitute(maplist)), " is not a list of phased maps.")
  X <- maplist[[1]]
    ploidy <- (ncol(X)-2)/2
  MAPs <- vector("list", length(maplist))
  for(i in 1:length(MAPs)){
    X <- maplist[[i]]
    seq.num <- match(X$marker, mappoly.data$mrk.names)
    seq.rf <- mf_h(diff(X$position)) ## Using haldane
    seq.rf[seq.rf <= 1e-05] <- 1e-4
    P = ph_matrix_to_list(X[,3:(ploidy+2)])
    Q = ph_matrix_to_list(X[,3:(ploidy+2) + ploidy])
    names(P) <- names(Q) <- seq.num
    seq.ph <- list(P = P, Q = Q)
    maps <- vector("list", 1)
    maps[[1]] <- list(seq.num = seq.num, seq.rf = seq.rf, seq.ph = seq.ph, loglike = 0)
    MAPs[[i]] <- structure(list(info = list(ploidy = (ncol(X)-2)/2,
                                            n.mrk = nrow(X),
                                            seq.num = seq.num,
                                            mrk.names = as.character(X$marker),
                                            seq.dose.p1 = mappoly.data$dosage.p1[as.character(X$marker)],
                                            seq.dose.p2 = mappoly.data$dosage.p2[as.character(X$marker)],
                                            chrom = rep(i, nrow(X)),
                                            genome.pos = NULL,
                                            seq.ref = NULL,
                                            seq.alt = NULL,
                                            chisq.pval = mappoly.data$chisq.pval[as.character(X$marker)],
                                            data.name = as.character(sys.call())[3], 
                                            ph.thresh = NULL),
                                maps = maps),
                           class = "mappoly.map")
    #MAPs[[i]] <- loglike_hmm(MAPs[[i]], mappoly.data)

#' prepare maps for plot - from MAPpoly
#' @param input.map object of class \code{mappoly.map}
#' @param config choose between 'best', 'all' or provide vector with defined configuration. 
#' 'best' provide just the best estimated configuration. 'all' provides all possibles.
#' @return list containing phase and dosage information
#' @keywords internal
prepare_map <- function(input.map, config = "best"){
  if (!inherits(input.map, "mappoly.map")) {
    stop(deparse(substitute(input.map)), " is not an object of class 'mappoly.map'")
  ## Choosing the linkage phase configuration
  LOD.conf <- get_LOD(input.map, sorted = FALSE)
  if(config  ==  "best") {
    i.lpc <- which.min(LOD.conf)
  } else if(config  ==  "all"){
    i.lpc <- seq_along(LOD.conf) } else if (config > length(LOD.conf)) {
      stop(safeError("invalid linkage phase configuration"))
    } else i.lpc <- config
  ## Gathering marker positions
  map <- data.frame(mk.names = input.map$info$mrk.names,
                    l.dist = cumsum(imf_h(c(0, input.map$maps[[i.lpc]]$seq.rf))),
                    g.chr = input.map$info$chrom,
                    g.dist = if(!is.null(input.map$info$genome.pos)) input.map$info$genome.pos else NA ,
                    alt = if(!is.null(input.map$info$seq.alt)) input.map$info$seq.alt else NA , # get this info from VCF if it is inputted
                    ref = if(!is.null(input.map$info$seq.ref)) input.map$info$seq.ref else NA)
  ph.p1 <- ph_list_to_matrix(input.map$maps[[i.lpc]]$seq.ph$P, input.map$info$ploidy)
  ph.p2 <- ph_list_to_matrix(input.map$maps[[i.lpc]]$seq.ph$Q, input.map$info$ploidy)
  dimnames(ph.p1) <- list(map$mk.names, letters[1:input.map$info$ploidy])
  dimnames(ph.p2) <- list(map$mk.names, letters[(1+input.map$info$ploidy):(2*input.map$info$ploidy)])
    ph.p1[ph.p1 == 1] <- ph.p2[ph.p2 == 1] <- "A"
    ph.p1[ph.p1 == 0] <- ph.p2[ph.p2 == 0] <- "B"  
  } else {
    for(i in input.map$info$mrk.names){
      ph.p1[i, ph.p1[i,] == 1] <- input.map$info$seq.alt[i]
      ph.p1[i, ph.p1[i,] == 0] <- input.map$info$seq.ref[i]
      ph.p2[i, ph.p2[i,] == 1] <- input.map$info$seq.alt[i]
      ph.p2[i, ph.p2[i,] == 0] <- input.map$info$seq.ref[i]
  d.p1 <- input.map$info$seq.dose.p1
  d.p2 <- input.map$info$seq.dose.p2
  list(ploidy = input.map$info$ploidy, map = map, ph.p1 = ph.p1, ph.p2 = ph.p2, d.p1 = d.p1, d.p2 = d.p2)

#' Map functions - from MAPpoly
#' @param r vector with recombination fraction values
#' @keywords internal
#' @return vector with genetic distances
#' @keywords internal
imf_h <- function(r) {
  r[r >= 0.5] <- 0.5 - 1e-14
  -50 * log(1 - 2 * r)

#' Extract the LOD Scores in a \code{'mappoly.map'} object
#' Function from MAPpoly.
#' @param x an object of class \code{mappoly.map}
#' @param sorted logical. if \code{TRUE}, the LOD Scores are displayed
#'     in a decreasing order
#' @return a numeric vector containing the LOD Scores
#' @keywords internal
#' @keywords internal
get_LOD <- function(x, sorted = TRUE) {
  w <- sapply(x$maps, function(x) x$loglike)
  LOD <- w - max(w)
  if (sorted)
    LOD <- sort(LOD, decreasing = TRUE)

#' Linkage phase format conversion: list to matrix.
#' Function from MAPpoly.
#' This function converts linkage phase configurations from list
#' to matrix form
#' @param L a list of configuration phases
#' @param ploidy ploidy level
#' @return a matrix whose columns represent homologous chromosomes and
#'     the rows represent markers
#' @keywords internal
ph_list_to_matrix <- function(L, ploidy) {
  M <- matrix(0, nrow = length(L), ncol = ploidy)
  for (i in 1:nrow(M)) if (all(L[[i]] != 0))
    M[i, L[[i]]] <- 1

#' Viewmap object sanity check 
#' @param viewmap_obj an object of class \code{viewmap}
#' @return if consistent, returns 0. If not consistent, returns a 
#'         vector with a number of tests, where \code{TRUE} indicates
#'         a failed test.
#' @author Cristiane Taniguti, \email{chtaniguti@tamu.edu}
#' @keywords internal
check_viewmap <- function(viewmap_obj){
  test <- logical(7L)
  names(test) <- 1:7
  test[1] <- length(viewmap_obj) != 6
  test[2] <- any(names(viewmap_obj) != c("d.p1", "d.p2", "ph.p1", "ph.p2", "maps", "software"))
  test[3] <- is.null(names(viewmap_obj$d.p1[[1]]))
  test[4] <- is.null(rownames(viewmap_obj$ph.p1[[1]]))
  test[5] <- any(sapply(viewmap_obj$maps, length) != 6)
  test[6] <- is.null(viewmap_obj$software)
  test[7] <- !inherits(viewmap_obj, "viewmap")
  else return(0)

#' viewqtl object sanity check 
#' @param viewqtl_obj an object of class \code{viewqtl}
#' @return if consistent, returns 0. If not consistent, returns a 
#'         vector with a number of tests, where \code{TRUE} indicates
#'         a failed test.
#' @author Cristiane Taniguti, \email{chtaniguti@tamu.edu}
#' @keywords internal
check_viewqtl <- function(viewqtl_obj){
  test <- logical(10L)
  names(test) <- 1:10
  test[3] <- any(names(viewqtl_obj$selected_mks) != c("LG", "mk", "pos"))
  if(viewqtl_obj$software == "QTLpoly") {
    test[1] <- length(viewqtl_obj) != 8
    test[2] <- any(names(viewqtl_obj) != c("selected_mks", "qtl_info", "blups", "beta.hat", "profile", "effects", "probs", "software"))
    test[4] <- any(names(viewqtl_obj$qtl_info) != c("LG", "Pos", "pheno", "Pos_lower", "Pos_upper", "Pval", "h2"))
    test[5] <- any(names(viewqtl_obj$blups) != c("haplo", "pheno", "qtl", "u.hat")) 
    test[6] <- any(names(viewqtl_obj$beta.hat) != c("pheno", "beta.hat"))
    test[7] <- any(names(viewqtl_obj$profile) != c("pheno", "LOP"))
    test[8] <- any(names(viewqtl_obj$effects) != c("pheno", "qtl.id", "haplo", "effect"))
    test[9] <- length(dim(viewqtl_obj$probs)) != 3
  } else if(viewqtl_obj$software == "diaQTL") {
    test[1] <- length(viewqtl_obj) != 5
    test[2] <- any(names(viewqtl_obj) != c("selected_mks", "qtl_info", "profile", "effects", "software"))
    test[4] <- any(names(viewqtl_obj$qtl_info) != c("LG", "Pos", "pheno", "Pos_lower", "Pos_upper", "LL"))   
    test[7] <- any(names(viewqtl_obj$profile) != c("pheno", "deltaDIC"))
    test[8] <- any(names(viewqtl_obj$effects) != c("pheno", "haplo", "qtl.id", "effect", "type", "CI.lower", "CI.upper"))
    test[5] <- test[6] <- test[9] <- FALSE
  } else if(viewqtl_obj$software == "polyqtlR"){
    test[1] <- length(viewqtl_obj) != 5
    test[2] <- any(names(viewqtl_obj) != c("selected_mks", "qtl_info", "profile", "effects", "software"))
    test[4] <- any(names(viewqtl_obj$qtl_info) != c("LG", "Pos", "pheno", "Pos_lower", "Pos_upper", "thresh"))   
    test[7] <- any(names(viewqtl_obj$profile) != c("pheno", "LOD"))
    test[8] <- any(names(viewqtl_obj$effects)[1:3] != c("pos", "pheno", "LG"))
    test[5] <- test[6] <- test[9] <- FALSE
  test[10] <- !inherits(viewqtl_obj, "viewqtl")
  else return(0)

#' Viewpoly object sanity check 
#' @param viewpoly_obj an object of class \code{viewpoly}
#' @return if consistent, returns 0. If not consistent, returns a 
#'         vector with a number of tests, where \code{TRUE} indicates
#'         a failed test.
#' @author Cristiane Taniguti, \email{chtaniguti@tamu.edu}
#' @keywords internal
check_viewpoly <- function(viewpoly_obj){
  test <- logical(19L)
  names(test) <- 1:19
  test[1] <- length(viewpoly_obj) != 8    
  test[2] <- any(names(viewpoly_obj) != c("map", "qtl", "fasta", "gff3", "vcf", "align", "wig", "version"))
  test[3] <- !inherits(viewpoly_obj, "viewpoly")
  test[4] <- is.null(viewpoly_obj$version)
  if(is.null(viewpoly_obj$map)) test[5:10] <- FALSE else test[5:10] <- check_viewmap(viewpoly_obj$map)
  if(is.null(viewpoly_obj$qtl)) test[11:19] <- FALSE  else test[11:19] <- check_viewqtl(viewpoly_obj$qtl)
  else return(0)

# Collapse box
jscode <- "
shinyjs.collapse = function(boxid) {
$('#' + boxid).closest('.box').find('[data-widget=collapse]').click();

# Global variables to avoid NOTE

Try the viewpoly package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

viewpoly documentation built on Nov. 2, 2022, 1:05 a.m.