
Defines functions getGenotypes

Documented in getGenotypes

#' Import genotypes from GDS
#' @description Imports genotypes across a locus into matrix
#' @details Authours: Chris Ward & Alastair Ludington
#' Uses a GRanges locus to import genotypes, either nucleotide or RAW, from a GDS file
#' @param GDS \code{GDS} object with variant data to import genotypes from
#' @param locus \code{GRanges} Locus to import genotypes for
#' @param minSites \code{numeric} minimum number of sites as a proportion of loci length
#' @param nucleotide \code{logical} Import RAW genotypes or nucleotides
#' @param ploidy \code{numeric} ploidy of sample
#' @param pops \code{tibble} populaiton dataFrame
#' @param removeIndels removes indels
#' @return A \code{matrix} of genotypes
#' @import SeqArray
#' @import tidyr
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges end
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges seqnames
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges start
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges width
#' @examples
#' @export
#' @rdname getGenotypes

getGenotypes <- function(GDS, locus = NULL, minSites = 0.5, raw = FALSE, ploidy = 2, pops = NULL, removeIndels = TRUE){

  stopifnot(minSites < 1 & minSites > 0)
  minSites <- sum(minSites * width(locus))

    samples <- pops$Sample
    seqSetFilter(object = GDS, sample.id = samples)


  samples <- seqGetData(gdsfile = GDS, var.name = "sample.id")

    seqSetFilter(object = GDS, variant.sel = locus)


  # read in genotypes and alleles
  genoArr <- seqGetData(gdsfile = GDS, var.name = "genotype")

  ## Number of variants in window
  varNumber <- dim(genoArr)[3]

  ## Filtering empty arrays/arrays with too few variants
  if(varNumber < minSites || is.null(genoArr)) {

    print("Incompatible window - not enough information")

  } else {

    ## Building window identifier
    chr <- as.vector(seqnames(locus)@values) ## Getting the current scaffold
    # chr <- paste0("chr",chr)
    start <- start(locus)
    end <- end(locus)
    winID <- paste0(chr, ":", start, "..", end)
    position <- seqGetData(gdsfile = GDS, var.name = "position")

    #Do I want to have a matrix of leave as an array?
    # get ploidy
    # ploidy <- dim(genoArr)[1]
    # ## Duplicating row-names (duce for splitting into haplotypes)
    #samples <- paste(rep(samples, each = ploidy), c(1:ploidy), sep = "/")

    if(raw) return(list(genoArr, varNumber, samples))

    # if(nucleotide){
    #   # convert to nuceotides
    #   alleleArr <- seqGetData(gdsfile = GDS, var.name = "allele")
    #   genoList <- lapply(1:varNumber, function(x){
    #     # get position and replace NA with N
    #     mat <- genoArr[,,x]
    #     mat[is.na(mat)] <- "N"
    #     # split allele string into vector
    #     alleles <- strsplit(alleleArr[x], ",")[[1]]
    #     # get genotype coding
    #     geno <- 1:length(alleles) -1
    #     # change RAW genotypes to nucleotide genotypes
    #     res <- matrix(alleles[match(mat, geno)], 2)
    #     mat <- ifelse(is.na(res), mat, res)
    #     # vectorize to order alleles and name
    #     mat <- c(mat)
    #     ## remove alleles of unequal lengths ie insertions or deleletions
    #     if(removeIndels & !length(unique(nchar(mat))) == 1) return(NULL)
    #     mat <- matrix(mat, nrow = 1)
    #     rownames(mat) <- position[x]
    #     colnames(mat) <- paste(rep(samples, each = ploidy), c(1:ploidy), sep = "/")
    #     return(mat)
    #   })
    #   # bind all elements in list into matrix
    #   genoMat <- do.call(rbind, genoList)
    # }
    else {

      # concatenate array across 3d (Variant) margin, set colnames then replace NA with N
      # replacing with N will convert all ints to chars
      genoMat <- t(apply(genoArr, MARGIN = 3, function(z){c(z)}))
      rownames(genoMat) <- position
      colnames(genoMat) <- paste(rep(samples, each = ploidy), c(1:ploidy), sep = "/")
      genoMat[is.na(genoMat)] <- "N"


CMWbio/geaR documentation built on April 22, 2023, 6:23 a.m.