
Defines functions topXRank postWidth doPlotBayes plotBayesPDFs plotXRank XRank bestGuess mcri plotPost postRank adjustBG DEposterior getWBreaks getDeviation getPriorNullDeviation interpolate interpolates generateNullFit posteriors getPosterior findGLFCandPV findGLFC plotShrunk plotVolcano GR getFlatPrior getPriors GLFC

Documented in mcri

# The main function GLFC(fit, pval=0.1, mode='t', priors='empirical'
#                        coefs=0, plot=T)
# takes the output from eBayes, and outputs a matrix of guaranteed log
# fold changes, at the confidence of the p-value, for the coefficients
# specified. The log fold change can have (mode) 't' or 'normal' distributed
# likelyhoods, and the priors can be determined 'empirical', 'flat', or
# supplied diectly, for example from output from 'getPriors'.
# Plot determines whether a volcano plot for the first
# given coefficient is shown or not.
# plotVolcano(glfc, fit, coef, main = 'volcano plot', print = 0)
# takes a list of guaranteed log fold changes (so a column of the output
# from GLFC), and the corresponding fit and coefficient, and shows
# how the log fold changes are modified.
# 'print' says how many of the top (and bottom) glfc are to be labeled
# in the plot with the gene names in the fit object.
# Last changed 3 July 2013

#The main function, to be called with a fit object
#created through the limma pipeline
GLFC = function(fit, pval = 0.1, mode='t', priors='empirical', FDR = F,
                plot=T, quiet = F, bestGuess='default') {
  coefs = colnames(fit$coefficients)

  if ( pval ==1 && bestGuess == 'default' ) {
    bestGuess = T
    if ( !quiet ) cat('Defaulting bestGuess to True, as pval is 1.\n')
  else if ( bestGuess == 'default' ) bestGuess = F
  else if ( pval != 1 && bestGuess == T )
    cat('\nWARNING: bestGuess only recommended for pval = 1. Interpret with caution!\n\n')
  #get the priors
  if ( is.character(priors) && priors == 'empirical' ) {
    #call the emprical prior function.
    if ( !quiet ) cat('Preparing empirical priors...')
    priors = getPriors(fit, coefs = coefs, plot=plot)
    if ( !quiet ) cat('done.\n')
  else if ( is.character(priors) && priors == 'flat' ) {
    #call the flat prior function.
    max = sapply(1:length(coefs), function(i) 1.1*max(abs(fit$coefficients[,i])))
    priors = lapply( 1:length(coefs), function(i) getFlatPrior(max = max[i], plot=plot))
  else if ( is.list(priors) ) {
    #if user supplied prior, do a sanity check.
    if ( length(priors) != length(coefs) ) {
      cat(length(priors),' priors, and ', length(coefs),
          ' coefficients. Need matching numbers.\n',sep='')
    else if ( !quiet ) cat('Using provided priors.\n')
  else {
    cat('Could not make sense of prior input. Please use \'empirical\', \'flat\' or provide a list of prepared priors.\n')
  if ( !quiet ) cat('Calculating GLFC...')

  #calculate binsizes once for all
  getBinsize = function(prior) {
    nbins = length(prior$mids)
    prior$breaks[2:(nbins+1)] - prior$breaks[1:nbins]
  binsize = lapply(priors, getBinsize)
  names(binsize) = names(priors)

  #loop through the genes and coefficients, calculating the safe
  #ratio for each by calling the GR function.
  #The uncertainty in LFC is taken from the t-statistics or the
  #s2.post and stdev.unscaled of the fit object, depending on the input option.
  getGLFC = function(coef, gene) {
    GR(2^fit$coefficients[gene,coef], p=pval, prior = priors[[coef]],
           mode=mode, df = fit$df.total[gene], t=abs(fit$t[gene,coef]),
           d = sqrt(fit$s2.post[gene])*fit$stdev.unscaled[gene, coef],
           bestGuess=bestGuess, binsize = binsize[[coef]])
  getColumn = function(coef) {
    if ( !quiet ) cat(coef, '..', sep='')
              lapply(1:length(rownames(fit)), function(gene)
                     getGLFC(coef, gene)))

  data = do.call(cbind,

  GLFCs = data[,(1:length(coefs))*2-1]
  ps = data[,(1:length(coefs))*2]
  if ( !quiet ) cat('done.\n')

  #name the columns, for prettier output.
  if ( length(coefs) > 1 ) colnames(GLFCs) = coefs

  #plot the volcano plot
  if ( plot ) {
    if ( length(coefs) > 1 )
      plotVolcano(GLFCs[,2], fit, coefs[2], print = 5,
                  main = coefs[2])
      plotVolcano(GLFCs, fit, coefs, print = 5,
                  main = colnames(fit$coefficients)[coefs[1]])

  #Change from FC to LFC
  GLFCs = log2(GLFCs)
  #name the rows.
  if (  length(coefs) == 1  )
    names(GLFCs) = rownames(fit)
    rownames(GLFCs) = rownames(fit)

  return(list(glfc=GLFCs, p=ps))

#This function calculates the prior from the data supplied in the fit object.
#The bins are denser around LFC = 0, so default number of bins should be enough.
getPriors = function(fit, coefs = 0, nbins = 50, plot=T, mode='empirical') {
  #if no coefficients specified, get priors for all.
  if ( length(coefs) == 1 && coefs == 0 ) coefs = colnames(fit$coefficients)
  N = length(coefs)

  #find maximum LFC, to know the range to take data over.
  range = lapply(coefs, function(coef) 1.1*max(abs(fit$coefficients[,coef])))
  names(range) = coefs

  #Set the breaks for the bins in the histogram.
  #Smaller bins close to 0, where accuracy is more important,
  #and density is higher
  breaks = lapply(coefs, function(coef)
    (((-nbins):(nbins))/nbins)^2*sign((-nbins):(nbins))*range[[coef]] )
  names(breaks) = coefs

  #Now get the histograms, which will be the priors
  priors = lapply(coefs, function(coef) {
    if ( mode == 'posterior' & 'best.guess' %in% names(fit) ) hist(fit$best.guess[,coef], breaks = breaks[[coef]], plot=plot)
    else hist(fit$coefficients[,coef], breaks = breaks[[coef]], plot=plot)
  names(priors) = coefs

  #Return the priors

#A function generating some data evenly distributed in LFC up to
#the supplied maximum LFC, and then transforms it into a flat prior.
getFlatPrior = function(max = 15, nbins = 100, plot=T) {
  #Set the breaks for the bins in the histogram.
  #Smaller bins close to 0, where accuracy is more important,
  #and density is higher
  breaks = (((-nbins):(nbins))/nbins)^2*

  #fake a flat dataset
  flat = runif(100000, -max, max)

  #Now get the histogram, which will be the prior
  prior = hist(flat, breaks = breaks, plot=plot)

  #Return the priors

#This is the heart of the algorithm, calculating the guaranteed ratio
#for a given p-value, measured ratio, a given prior,
#and a given uncertainty in the LFC. The last may be normally or t distributed.
#Further there are options to plot the prior, prior probability distribution
#and posterior probability distribution, with shaded area representing the
#requested p-value. This plot is very helpful in understanding the algorithm
#when a single gene is studied, but cumbersome when large sets of genes are analysed.
GR = function(r, d=0.1, p=0.1, prior = 'flat', mode='normal',
  df=4, t=1, verbose=F, zoom = F, bestGuess = F, binsize = 0) {
  #just a shorthand notation.
  v = verbose

  #get the flat prior if needed.
  if ( is.character(prior) &&  prior == 'flat' ) {
    max = 2*(abs(log2(r))+d+0.5)
    prior = getFlatPrior(max = max, plot=F)
  #set the grid for the prior.
  x = prior$mids
  #The density, not depending on binwidth.
  priorD = prior$density

  #calcualte binsize on the grid
  if ( !is.list(binsize) ) {
    nbins = length(x)
    binsize = prior$breaks[2:(nbins+1)] - prior$breaks[1:nbins]

  #set the prior probability distribution of the LFC on the grid.
  #Both the density (useful for multiplying probabilities) and
  #"counts" (useful for integrating) are kept track of.
  if ( mode == 'normal' ) {
    flatD = dnorm(x, log2(r), d)
  else if ( mode == 't' ) {
    flatD = dt((x-log2(r))*t/abs(log2(r)), df, 0)

  #find the normalised (over all bins) posterior prob dist
  #Multiply the densities to get the posterior probability density.
  postD = flatD*priorD
  #Transformt o counts for easier integration.
  postC = postD*binsize
  #Normalise to give probabilities.
  postCNorm = postC/sum(postC)

  #Find the LFC where the integrated probability of the posterior is p/2.
  if ( r > 1 ) x0 = findGLFCandPV(postCNorm, prior$breaks, p/2)
  else x0 = findGLFCandPV(postCNorm, prior$breaks, 1 - p/2)

  #split apart the 'p-value'
  p = x0[2]
  x0 = x0[1]

  if (v) plotShrunk(r, d=d, shade=2^x0, zoom = zoom, prior = prior,
                    mode=mode, df=df, t=t, side='left', reversed = F)

  if ( sign(x0*log(r)) == -1 && !bestGuess ) return(c(1, p))

#  if ( reversed ) x0 = -x0
  return(c(2^x0, p))

#This function plots the p-values (x) against the LFCs (y).
#The largest 'print' positive and negative GLFCs can be marked by their gene
#names in the fit object if desired.
plotVolcano = function(fit, coef=1, print = 20, main = NA, shrink=T, line='nGenes',
  xlab='corrected LFC', ylab='-log10(p-value)', specialGenes=c(), col='red', ...) {
  #get the name of the column if only index provided
  if ( is.numeric(coef) ) coef = colnames(fit)[coef]
  print=min(print, nrow(fit))
  #get the FCs and p values
  bgs = fit$best.guess[,coef]
  cos = fit$coefficients[,coef]
  ps = fit$p.value[, coef]

  #decide for a range on the x-axis
  xmax = max(1, 1.5*max(abs(bgs)))
  xlim = c(-xmax, xmax)

  if ( is.na(main) ) main = coef

  ps = pmax(ps, pmin(min(ps[ps > 0], 1e-10)))
  #plot the points and segments
  plot(1, type='n', xlim = xlim, ylim=c(0, max(-log10(ps))), xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main = main, ...)
  if ( line == 'nGenes' ) segments( 2*xlim[1], log10(nrow(fit)), 2*xlim[2], log10(nrow(fit)), cex=1, col='orange', lty=2)
  if ( line == 'fdr' ) {
    fdr = p.adjust(ps, method='fdr')
    cut = -log10(max(ps[fdr <= 0.05]))
    segments(2*xlim[1], cut, 2*xlim[2], cut, cex=1, col='orange', lty=2)
  segments(bgs, -log10(ps), cos, -log10(ps), cex=0.4, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.15))
  points(cos, -log10(ps), pch=16, cex=0.5)
  points(bgs, -log10(ps), pch=16, cex=0.7, col=col)

  legend('bottomright', c('measured', 'best guess'), pch=16, pt.cex=c(0.5, 0.8), col=c('black', 'red'))

  #add labels for top DE tags.
  if ( print > 0 ) {
    names = rownames(fit)
    tops = which(cos > 0)[order(fit$XRank[cos > 0,coef])[1:print]]
    bots = which(cos < 0)[order(fit$XRank[cos < 0,coef])[1:print]]

    ymax = -log10(min(ps))
    if ( shrink ) cex = 0.6 + 0.4*(print:1)/print
    else cex = 0.8
    shift = (0.5+1.5*cex)*ymax/100
    text(bgs[tops], -log10(ps[tops])+shift, names[tops], col='red', cex=cex)
    text(bgs[bots], -log10(ps[bots])+shift, names[bots], col='red', cex=cex)
    special = which(rownames(fit) %in% specialGenes)
    if ( length(special) > 0 ) {
      points(bgs[special], -log10(ps[special]), col=rgb(0, 0.8, 1), cex=1, pch=16)
      text(bgs[special], -log10(ps[special])+ymax/50, names[special], col=rgb(0, 0.8, 1), cex=1)

#The plot function for the probability distributions.
#Usually better to call GR(..., plot = TRUE) than calling this directly.
plotShrunk = function(r, d=0.1, prior = 'empirical', coef=1, shade=0, mode='normal',
  df=4, t=1, side='left', zoom = F, reversed = F) {

  if ( reversed ) {
    r = 1/r
    shade = 1/shade
    if ( side == 'left' ) side = 'right'
    else side = 'left'    
  #get the priors
  if ( is.character(prior) && prior == 'empirical' ) {
    cat('Preparing empirical priors... ')
    prior = getPriors(fit, coefs = coef, plot=F)
  else if ( is.character(prior) && prior == 'flat' ) {
    max = 2*(abs(log2(r))+d+0.5)
    prior = getFlatPrior(max = max, plot=F)
  else cat('Using provided prior.\n')

  #set the grid on lFC
  x = prior$mids

  #define the prior distribution and counts per bin.
  priorD = prior$density

  #normalise the density to 1.

  #calculate P(true lFC | observed lFC) on a flat prior
  #using the provided observed lFC and variance, and normal or t dist.
  if ( mode == 'normal' ) {
    flatD = dnorm(x, log2(r), d)
    w = d
  else if ( mode == 't' ) {
    flatD = dt((x-log2(r))*t/abs(log2(r)), df, 0)
    w = abs(log2(r))/t
  else {
    cat('Set mode to \'normal\' or \'t\'\n.')

  #Normalise and find the posterior P(true lFC | observed lFC)
  #on the given prior.
  flatDNorm = flatD/sum(flatD)
  postD = flatD*priorD
  postDNorm = postD/sum(postD)

  #zoom in on the lower part of the plot if so desired
  if ( zoom ) {
    limit = max(priorDNorm, flatDNorm, postDNorm)/20
    zoomfnc = function(x) ifelse(x<limit, x*10, x+limit*9)
    priorDNorm = zoomfnc(priorDNorm)
    flatDNorm = zoomfnc(flatDNorm)
    postDNorm = zoomfnc(postDNorm)

  #plot the prior, flat P(true|obs) and posterior P(true, obs)
  plot(2^x, priorDNorm, type='l', log='x', xlim=c(min(0.8, (r*2^(-w))/1.4), max(1.2,(r*2^(w))*1.4)),
       ylim=c(0.001, max(priorDNorm, flatDNorm, postDNorm)))
  lines(2^(x), flatDNorm, col='blue')
  lines(2^(x), postDNorm, col='red')

  #shade the zoomed in area
  if ( zoom ) polygon(c(0.00001, 2^(x), 100), c(0, x/x*limit*10, 0), col = rgb(0, 0.8, 0, 0.1))

  #shade part of the area under the posterior.
  if ( shade != 0 & side == 'left')
    polygon(2^(x), postDNorm*as.integer(2^(x) < shade), col = rgb(0.7, 0, 0, 0.5))
  if ( shade != 0 & side == 'right')
    polygon(2^(x), postDNorm*as.integer(2^(x) > shade), col = rgb(0.7, 0, 0, 0.5))

findGLFC = function(dist, x, p) {
  sums = cumsum(dist)
  i = max(which(sums < p))

  x0 = x[i] + (p - sums[i])*(x[i+1] - x[i])/dist[i+1]


findGLFCandPV = function(dist, breaks, p) {
  dist = as.numeric(dist)
  breaks = as.numeric(breaks)
  #integrated probability distribution
  sums = cumsum(as.numeric(dist))

  #the break that bring the integral over p
  i = max(which(sums < p))

  #interpolate to find the x between the bins best fitting the limit.
  x0 = breaks[i+1] + (p - sums[i])*(breaks[i+2] - breaks[i+1])/dist[i+1]

  #integrated probability to be below 0
  p0 = interpolate(c(-Inf, breaks), sums, 0)
  #find smallest side (above or below 0).
  #multiply by 2 for double side test.
  p0 = 2*min(p0, 1-p0)

  return(c(x0, p0))

# Posterior analysis

getPosterior = function(r, d=0.1, prior = 'flat', mode='normal',
  df=4, t=1, verbose=F, zoom = F, binsize = 0) {
  #just a shorthand notation.
  v = verbose

  #get the flat prior if needed.
  if ( is.character(prior) &&  prior == 'flat' ) {
    max = 2*(abs(log2(r))+d+0.5)
    prior = getFlatPrior(max = max, plot=F)
  #set the grid for the prior.
  x = prior$mids
  #The density, not depending on binwidth.
  priorD = prior$density

  #calcualte binsize on the grid
  if ( !is.list(binsize) ) {
    nbins = length(x)
    binsize = prior$breaks[2:(nbins+1)] - prior$breaks[1:nbins]

  #set the prior probability distribution of the LFC on the grid.
  #Both the density (useful for multiplying probabilities) and
  #"counts" (useful for integrating) are kept track of.
  if ( mode == 'normal' ) {
    flatD = dnorm(x, log2(r), d)
  else if ( mode == 't' ) {
    flatD = dt((x-log2(r))*t/abs(log2(r)), df, 0)
    #in extreme cases, t is so large that all flatD are zero.
    #For those cases, find the most likely bin and set that to 1 manually.
    if ( all(flatD == 0) )
    	flatD[which.max(dt((x-log2(r))*t/abs(log2(r)), df, 0, log=TRUE))] = 1

  #find the normalised (over all bins) posterior prob dist
  #Multiply the densities to get the posterior probability density.
  postD = flatD*priorD
  #Transformt to counts for easier integration.
  postC = postD*binsize
  #Normalise to give probabilities.
  postCNorm = postC/sum(postC)


posteriors = function(fit, mode='t', priors='empirical', FDR = F,
                     coefs = 0, plot=T, quiet = F, cpus=1) {
  if ( coefs[1] == 0 ) coefs = 1:ncol(fit)
  if ( is.numeric(coefs) ) coefs = colnames(fit)[coefs]

  #get the priors
  if ( is.character(priors) && priors == 'empirical' ) {
    #call the emprical prior function.
    if ( !quiet ) cat('Preparing empirical priors... ')
    priors = getPriors(fit, coefs = coefs, plot=plot, mode='empirical')
    if ( !quiet ) cat('done.\n')
  else if ( is.character(priors) && priors == 'posterior' ) {
    #call the emprical prior function.
    if ( !quiet ) cat('Preparing empirical priors... ')
    priors = getPriors(fit, coefs = coefs, plot=plot, mode='posterior')
    if ( !quiet ) cat('done.\n')
  else if ( is.character(priors) && priors == 'flat' ) {
    #call the flat prior function.
    max = sapply(1:length(coefs), function(i) 1.1*max(abs(fit$coefficients[,i])))
    priors = lapply( 1:length(coefs), function(i) getFlatPrior(max = max[i], plot=plot))
  else if ( is.list(priors) ) {
    #if user supplied prior, do a sanity check.
    if ( length(priors) != length(coefs) ) {
      cat(length(priors),' priors, and ', length(coefs),
          ' coefficients. Need matching numbers.\n',sep='')
    else if ( !quiet ) cat('Using provided priors.\n')
  else {
    cat('Could not make sense of prior input. Please use \'empirical\', \'flat\' or provide a list of prepared priors.\n')
  if ( !quiet ) cat('Calculating posteriors:\n')

  #calculate binsizes once for all
  getBinsize = function(prior) {
    nbins = length(prior$mids)
    prior$breaks[2:(nbins+1)] - prior$breaks[1:nbins]
  binsize = lapply(priors, getBinsize) 

  #loop through the genes and coefficients, calculating the safe
  #ratio for each by calling the GR function.
  #The uncertainty in LFC is taken from the t-statistics or the
  #s2.post and stdev.unscaled of the fit object, depending on the input option.
  getPosteriors = function(rep, gene) {
    superFreq:::getPosterior(2^fit$coefficients[gene, rep], prior = priors[[rep]],
                 mode=mode, df = fit$df.total[gene], t=abs(fit$t[gene,rep]),
                 d = sqrt(fit$s2.post[gene])*fit$stdev.unscaled[gene, rep],
                 binsize = binsize[[rep]])
  getMatrix = function(rep) {
    if ( !quiet ) cat(rep, '...', sep='')
            mclapply(1:length(rownames(fit)), function(gene) getPosteriors(rep, gene), mc.cores=cpus))

  data = lapply(coefs, getMatrix)
  if ( !quiet ) cat('done.\n')

  #name the columns, for prettier output.
  names(data) = coefs
  for ( coef in coefs ) {
    rownames(data[[coef]]) = rownames(fit)
    colnames(data[[coef]]) = priors[[coef]]$mids

  return(list(data = data, prior=priors, fit = fit))

generateNullFit = function(fit) {
  ret = fit
  ret$coefficients = fit$coefficients/fit$t*rt(length(fit$coefficients), fit$df.total, 0)

interpolates = function(x, y, x0s) {
  y0s = sapply(x0s, function(x0) interpolate(x, y, x0))

interpolate = function(x, y, x0) {
  if ( x0 < min(x) ) return(y[1])
  if ( x0 > max(x) ) return(y[length(y)])
  if (x0 %in% x) return(y[which(x == x0)])
  lowI = max(which(x < x0))
  highI = min(which(x > x0))
  lowX = x[lowI]
  highX = x[highI]
  lowY = y[lowI]
  highY = y[highI]
  ret = lowY + (x0-lowX)/(highX-lowX)*(highY-lowY)

#finds and returns the difference from the prior distribution expected, given the
#t-distribution, variances in fit, and all null hypothesis true.
getPriorNullDeviation = function(fit, xbreaks, wbreaks=10) {

    lapply(1:ncol(fit$coefficients), function(coef)
           getDeviation(fit, xbreaks, coef, wbreaks=wbreaks)

getDeviation = function(fit, xbreaks, coef, wbreaks=10) {
  nbins = length(xbreaks)-1
  xs = (xbreaks[1:nbins] + xbreaks[2:(nbins+1)])/2
  binsize = xbreaks[2:(nbins+1)] - xbreaks[1:nbins]
  ws = fit$coefficients[,coef]/fit$t[,coef]
  #breaks = unique(quantile(ws, seq(0, 1, 1/wbreaks)))
  breaks = getWBreaks(ws, wbreaks)
  wHist = hist(ws, breaks=breaks)
  wBin = sapply(ws, function(w)
    max(which(wHist$breaks <= w))
  wList = lapply(1:length(wHist$mids), function(i)
    which(wBin == i)
  expectedMx =
            lapply(wList, function(is)
                   binsize*sapply(xs, function(x)
                                  sum(dt(x/ws[is], fit$df.total[1], 0)/ws[is])
  rownames(expectedMx) = wHist$mids
  colnames(expectedMx) = xs

getWBreaks = function(ws, breaks=10) {
  return(unique(quantile(ws, sort(c(seq(0, 1, 1/breaks), 1 - 1/breaks/2, 1 - 1/breaks/4)))))

DEposterior = function(fit, coef, wbreaks=10, FDRcut = 0.5) {
  priors = getPriors(fit, plot=F)
  xbreaks = priors[[coef]]$breaks
  minC = min(fit$coefficients[,coef])
  maxC = max(fit$coefficients[,coef])
  nx = 100
  x = (xbreaks[1:(length(xbreaks)-1)] + xbreaks[2:length(xbreaks)])/2
  null = getPriorNullDeviation(fit, xbreaks, wbreaks=wbreaks)[[coef]]

  ws = fit$coefficients[,coef]/fit$t[,coef]
  wbreaks = getWBreaks(ws, wbreaks)
  wHist = hist(ws, breaks=wbreaks)
  wBin = sapply(ws, function(w)
    max(which(wHist$breaks <= w))
  wList = lapply(1:length(wHist$mids), function(i)
    which(wBin == i)

  DEpost = nullRatio = meas = correction = matrix(0, ncol=ncol(null), nrow=nrow(null))
  for ( i in 1:length(wList) ) {
    if ( length(wList[[i]]) == 0 ) next
    meas[i,] = hist(fit$coefficients[wList[[i]],coef], plot=F,

    #ratio of true null hypothesis
    Nn = scalarNorm(multiBlur(meas[i,], range=2, repeats=5),
      multiBlur(null[i,], range=2, repeats=5))
    DEpost[i,] = noneg(multiBlur(meas[i,], range=1, repeats=3) - Nn*(multiBlur(null[i,]+0*sqrt(null[i,]), range=1, repeats=3)))

    TDR = function(i, j) sum(DEpost[i,abs(x) >= abs(x[j])])/
      sum(DEpost[i,abs(x) >= abs(x[j])] + null[i,abs(x) >= abs(x[j])])

    correction[i,] = sapply(1:length(x), function(j) TDR(i, j))
    DEpost[i,] = DEpost[i,]*ifelse(correction[i,] < 1 - FDRcut, 0, 1)

    cat('Ratio of DE genes at width around ',signif(wHist$mids[i], digits=2), ' is ',
        round(100*sum(DEpost[i,])/sum(meas[i,])), '%\n', sep='')
    nullRatio[i,] = Nn*null[i,]/meas[i,]

  cat('total number of DE genes is estimated to ',round(sum(DEpost)),
      ', which is ', round(100*sum(DEpost)/length(wBin)), '% of all genes.\n', sep='')

  colnames(DEpost) = colnames(null) = colnames(correction) = colnames(meas) = x
  rownames(DEpost) = rownames(null) = rownames(correction) = rownames(meas) = wHist$mids

  plot(x, colSums(null), type='l', xlim=c(-1.5,1.5),
       col=mcri('blue'), lwd=2)
  lines(x, colSums(meas), col=mcri('red'), lwd=2)
  lines(x, colSums(DEpost), col=mcri('green'), lwd=2)
  legend('topleft', c('null hypothesis', 'measured', 'DE'),
         col=c(mcri('blue'), mcri('red'), mcri('green')), lwd=3)
  return(list(DE = DEpost, null = null, measured = meas, TDR = correction))

adjustBG = function(BG, fit, dep, coef=2) {
  wBin = function(w) max(c(1, which(as.numeric(rownames(dep$DE)) <= w)))
  xBin = function(x) max(c(1, which(as.numeric(colnames(dep$DE)) <= x)))

  correction = sapply(1:length(BG), function(i) {
    w = wBin(fit$coefficients[i,coef]/fit$t[i,coef])
    x = xBin(fit$coefficients[i,coef])
    return(1/(dep$null[w, x]/dep$DE[w,x] + 1))


postRank = function(posts, quiet=F, cpus=1) {
  if ( !quiet ) cat('Calculating expected ranks...')

  #set up return matrix
  retRank = matrix(0, ncol=length(posts$data), nrow=nrow(posts$data[[1]]))
  retMeanRank = matrix(0, ncol=length(posts$data), nrow=nrow(posts$data[[1]]))
  colnames(retRank) = colnames(retMeanRank) = names(posts$data)
  rownames(retRank) = rownames(retMeanRank) = rownames(posts$data[[1]])

  for ( coef in names(posts$data) ) {
    if ( !quiet ) cat(coef, '..', sep='')
    mx = posts$data[[coef]]
    mx = mx[,1:50] + mx[,100:51]
    xs = posts$prior[[coef]]$mids
    xs = xs[1:50]
    F = colSums(mx)

    ranks = cumsum(F) - F/2 #TODO check that this added -F/2 works in practice!!
    binsize = F
    cumPost = do.call(rbind, mclapply(1:nrow(mx), function(gene) cumsum(mx[gene,]), mc.cores=cpus))
    currentRank = 1
    ranking = rep(1, nrow(mx))
    for (i in 1:length(ranks)) {
      if ( floor(ranks[i]) < currentRank ) next
      n = floor(ranks[i]) - currentRank + 1
      tops = order(-cumPost[,i])[1:n]
      ranking[currentRank:(currentRank+n-1)] = tops
      cumPost[tops,] = cumPost[tops,]*0
      currentRank = currentRank + n
    meanRank = sapply(1:nrow(mx), function(gene) sum(ranks*mx[gene,]))
    if ( T | coef == names(posts$data)[1] ) {
      retRank[,coef] = ranking
      retMeanRank[,coef] = meanRank
      #retRank = ranking
      #retMeanRank = meanRank
    else {
      retRank = cbind(retRank, ranking)
      retMeanRank = cbind(retMeanRank, meanRank)

#  if ( length(posts$data) > 1 ) {
#    colnames(retRank) = colnames(retMeanRank) = names(posts$data)
#    rownames(retRank) = rownames(retMeanRank) = rownames(posts$data[[1]])
#  }
#  else {
#    names(retRank) = names(retMeanRank) = rownames(posts$data[[1]])
#  }

  if ( !quiet ) cat('done.\n')
  return(list(ranking = retRank, XRank = retMeanRank))

plotPost = function(posts, i, truth=F, BG=F) {
  p = posts$data[[1]][,i]
  xs = posts$prior[[1]]$mids

  plot(xs, multiBlur(p, 1, 2), type='l', xlim=c(-1.5, 1.5))
  if ( length(truth) > 1 ) {
    segments( truth[i], 0, truth[i], 1, col=mcri('red'), lwd=2)
    cat('true ranking is ', rank(-abs(truth))[i], '.\n', sep='')
  segments(fit$coefficients[i, 2], 0, fit$coefficients[i, 2], 1, mcri('blue'), lwd=2)
  if ( length(BG) > 1 )
  segments(BG$glfc[i], 0, BG$glfc[i], 1, col=mcri('green'), lwd=2)

  legend('topleft', c('meas', 'truth', 'BG'), col=c(mcri('blue'), mcri('red'), mcri('green')), lwd=2)

#' Turns colours into similar colours from the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute palette.
#' @details The function return a colour from the MCRI palette if match found, otherwise the input is returned unchanged. call mcri() to see the available colours.
#' @param col character or numeric. Most common colours such as "green" or 'blue' are converted to MCRI. Numbers return the colour matching that number.
#' @param al The alpha parameter: the opaqueness. Numeric between 0 and 1.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' plot(1:9, rep(1,9), pch=16, cex=10, col=mcri(0:8))
#' text(1:9, rep(1.1,9), c('blue', 'orange', 'green', 'magenta',
#'                         'cyan', 'red', 'violet', 'darkblue', 'darkred'),
#'      col=mcri(0:8), cex=1.5, font=2)
mcri = function(col='deafult', al=1) {
  if ( length(col) == 0 | length(al) == 0 ) return(character(0))
  if ( length(col) == 1 && col[1] == 'deafult' ) {
    cat('Use: mcri(\'colour\'), returning an official MCRI colour.\nAvailable MCRI colours are:\n\ndarkblue\nblue\nlightblue\nazure\ngreen\norange\nviolet\ncyan\nred\ndarkred\nmagenta (aka rose).\n\nReturning default blue.\n')
  if ( length(col) > 1 & length(al) == 1 ) return(sapply(col, function(c) mcri(c, al)))
  else if ( length(col) > 1 & length(al) == length(col) ) return(sapply(1:length(col), function(i) mcri(col[i], al[i])))
  else if ( length(col) > 1 ) {
    warning('length of col and al mismatch in mcri()')
    return(sapply(col, function(c) mcri(c, al[1])))

  if ( length(col) == 1 & length(al) > 1 ) return(sapply(al, function(alpha) mcri(col, alpha)))
  if ( is.numeric(col) ) {
    col = (col %% 9) + 1
    if ( col == 1 ) col = 'blue'
    else if ( col == 2 ) col = 'red'
    else if ( col == 3 ) col = 'green'
    else if ( col == 4 ) col = 'magenta'
    else if ( col == 5 ) col = 'cyan'
    else if ( col == 6 ) col = 'orange'
    else if ( col == 7 ) col = 'violet'
    else if ( col == 8 ) col = 'darkblue'
    else if ( col == 9 ) col = 'darkred'
    else col = 'black'
  ret = 0
  if ( col == 'darkblue') ret = rgb(9/255, 47/255, 94/255, al)
  if ( col == 'blue') ret = rgb(0, 83/255, 161/255, al)
  if ( col == 'lightblue') ret = rgb(0, 165/255, 210/255, al)
  if ( col == 'azure') ret = rgb(0, 173/255, 239/255, al)
  if ( col == 'green') ret = rgb(141/255, 198/255, 63/255, al)
  if ( col == 'orange') ret = rgb(244/255, 121/255, 32/255, al)  
  if ( col == 'violet') ret = rgb(122/255, 82/255, 199/255, al)  
  if ( col == 'cyan') ret = rgb(0/255, 183/255, 198/255, al)  
  if ( col == 'red') ret = rgb(192/255, 80/255, 77/255, al)  
  if ( col == 'darkred') ret = rgb(96/255, 40/255, 38/255, al)  
  if ( col == 'magenta' | col == 'rose') ret = rgb(236/255, 0/255, 140/255, al)
  if (ret == 0 ) ret = do.call(rgb, as.list(c(col2rgb(col)/255, al)))

bestGuess = function(fit, coefs = 0, quiet=F, cpus=1) {
  if ( !quiet ) cat('Calculating best guess...')
  fit$best.guess = do.call(cbind,
    lapply(coefs, function(coef) {
      if ( !quiet ) cat(coef, '..', sep='')
      unlist(mclapply(1:nrow(fit), function(gene)
                                    fit$prior[[coef]]$breaks, 0.5)[1], mc.cores=cpus))
  colnames(fit$best.guess) = names(fit$posterior)
  rownames(fit$best.guess) = rownames(fit)
  if ( !quiet ) cat('done.\n')

XRank = function(fit, coefs = 0, keepPosterior = T, verbose=F, plot=F, cpus=5) {
  if ( coefs == 0 ) coefs = colnames(fit)
  if ( is.numeric(coefs) ) coefs = colnames(fit)[coefs]
  posts = superFreq:::posteriors(fit, coefs = coefs, quiet= !verbose, plot=plot, cpus=cpus, prior='empirical')
  ranks = superFreq:::postRank(posts, quiet = !verbose, cpus=cpus)

  if ( !keepPosterior ) fitSmall = fit
  fit$posterior = posts$data
  fit$prior = posts$prior
  fit$XRank = as.matrix(ranks$XRank)
  fit = bestGuess(fit, coefs = coefs, quiet = !verbose, cpus=cpus)
  if ( plot )  {
    n = length(fit$prior)
    m = round(sqrt(n))
    nr = floor(n/m)
    nc = ceiling(n/nr)
    layout(matrix(1:(nc*nr), nrow=nr, byrow=T))
    for ( i in 1:n )
      plotXRank(fit, coef=i, legend.cex=1)

  if ( !keepPosterior ) {
    fitSmall$prior = fit$prior
    fitSmall$XRank = fit$XRank
    fitSmall$best.guess = fit$best.guess
    fit = fitSmall

plotXRank = function(fit, top = 5, coef=0, verbose=F, legend.cex=1, ...) {
  if ( !('posterior' %in% names(fit)) )
    warning('Could not find posterior. Run XRank(fit).')
  if ( !('XRank' %in% names(fit)) )
    warning('Could not find XRank. Run XRank(fit).')
  if ( coef == 0 ) {
    if ( sum(fit$design[,1]) == length(fit$design[,1]) )
      coef = colnames(fit$coefficients)[2]
      coef = colnames(fit$coefficients)[1]
  if ( is.numeric(coef) )
    coef = names(fit$posterior)[coef]
  if ( verbose ) cat('Using contrast', coef, '\n')

  x = as.numeric(colnames(fit$posterior[[coef]]))
  binsize = fit$prior[[coef]]$breaks[2:(length(x)+1)] -
  topGenes = order(fit$XRank[,coef])[1:top]
  topPosteriors = fit$posterior[[coef]][topGenes,]

  cols = c('red', 'orange', 'green', 'cyan', 'blue', 'violet', 'darkblue')
  if ( top > length(cols) ) cols = c(cols, rep('black', top-length(cols)))
  cols = mcri(cols)

  smooth = list()
  meanX = list()
  ymax = 0
  for ( i in 1:top ) {
    smooth[[i]] = spline(x, topPosteriors[i,]/binsize)
    meanX[[i]] = sum(smooth[[i]]$x*smooth[[i]]$y)/sum(smooth[[i]]$y)
    ymax = max(ymax, max(smooth[[i]]$y))
  xmin = min(-0.5, 1.3*min(unlist(meanX)))
  xmax = max(0.5, 1.3*max(unlist(meanX)))

  plot(1,1, type='n', xlim=c(xmin, xmax), ylim=c(0, ymax),
       xlab = 'LFC', ylab = 'probability density',
       main = paste('top differential genes for', coef), ...)
  for ( i in 1:top ) {
    lines(smooth[[i]]$x, noneg(smooth[[i]]$y), col = cols[i], lwd=3)
    bg = fit$best.guess[topGenes[i],coef]
    ybg = interpolate(smooth[[i]]$x, smooth[[i]]$y, bg)
    segments(bg, -ymax/10, bg, ybg+ymax/10, col=cols[i], lwd=1)

  if ( (xmax > abs(xmin) && xmin != -0.5) || xmax == 0.5 ) side = 'topright'
  else side = 'topleft'
  legend(side, paste(rownames(fit)[topGenes], ' (FDR ', signif(p.adjust(fit$p.value[,coef], method='fdr')[topGenes]),')', sep=''),
         col = cols[1:top], lwd=5, cex=legend.cex)

plotBayesPDFs = function(fit, coef = 0, ranks = 1) {
  if ( coef == 0 ) coef = ncol(fit$XRank)
  genes = rank(fit$XRank[,coef])[ranks]

  prior = fit$prior[[coef]]
  beta = fit$coefficients[,coef]
  w = fit$coefficients[,coef]/fit$t[,coef]
  df = fit$df.total[,]
  posterior = fit$posterior[[coef]]
  bg = fit$best.guess[,coef]
  doPlotBayes(prior=prior, beta=beta[genes[1]], w=w[genes[1]], df=df[genes[1]],
              posterior = posterior[genes[1]], bg=bg[genes[1]], add=F)
  if ( length(genes) > 1 ) {
    for ( gene in genes[-1] ) {
      doPlotBayes(prior=prior, beta=beta[gene], w=w[gene], df=df[gene],
                  posterior = posterior[gene], bg=bg[gene], add=T)

doPlotBayes = function(prior, beta, w, df, posterior, bg=NA, add=F) {

postWidth = function(fit) {
  postWidth = function(col) sapply(1:nrow(fit), function(gene)
    sqrt(sum(fit$prior[[col]]$mids^2*fit$posterior[[col]][gene,]) -
  postWidths = do.call(cbind, lapply(1:ncol(fit), postWidth))
  colnames(postWidths) = colnames(fit)
  rownames(postWidths) = rownames(fit)
  fit$postWidth = postWidths

topXRank = function(fit, coef=1, number=10) {
  fit = subsetFit(fit, rows=order(fit$XRank)[1:number], cols=coef)
  out = data.frame('gene' = rownames(fit), 'LFC'=as.numeric(fit$coefficient),
    'best.guess' = as.numeric(fit$best.guess), 'p.value' = as.numeric(fit$p.value),
    'FDR'=p.adjust(fit$p.value, method='fdr') ,'XRank' = as.numeric(fit$XRank), stringsAsFactors=F)
ChristofferFlensburg/superFreq documentation built on July 8, 2024, 7:51 a.m.