
Defines functions identifyTooLowHetRatio blurN multiBlur plotHR extractqBAF getHetRatio selectedProtectedHets regionalGCcorrect checkForMissedLOH shortenCalls callToColMaypole callsToColMaypole callCloneTofM plotMAFLFC boostCRwidthRNA getCorrectedCR boostCRwidth sameClone stoufferTest CNVregionsPerBP sameCNV getSystematicVariance subsetFit findSubclones isCNV callTofM callPrior allCalls isAB addCall normaliseCoverageToHets meanDistribution whichDistribution redoHetCalculations getMaxCov correctedFrequency forceMerge sameCallAsNeighbour fixFalseSNPcall postProcess fragmentLength calledFromSingleSNP mergeRegions mergeChromosomes alternativeFrequency unifyCaptureRegions selectGermlineHetsFromCancer selectGermlineHets callCancerNormalCNVs callCNVs

#This function takes the cancer and normal variants, and the coverage analysis as input
#It tries to find the germline het variants for each sample.
#It then clusters regions of the genome that have similar het frequencies and coverage.
#It then calls the CN of each clustered region, as well as clonality, uncertainty estimate and p-value
#for normal CN.
#returns a list of data frames with each region of the genome on a row.
callCNVs = function(variants, fitS, SNPs, samples, individuals, normals, Rdirectory, plotDirectory, genome='hg19', cpus=1, forceRedoCNV=F, correctReferenceBias=T, mode='exome', ploidyPriors=NULL) {
  clustersSaveFile = paste0(Rdirectory, '/clusters.Rdata')
  if ( file.exists(clustersSaveFile) & !forceRedoCNV ) {
    catLog('Loading saved CNV results.\n')

  #some capture regions can name regions very far apart the same name, such as '-', which will be treated as a
  #single gene, messing up resolution. So remove any gene-regions larger than 5Mbp.
  #If this causes problems, rename the capture regions to avoid equal names at long distance.
  fitS = subsetFit(fitS, rows = abs(fitS$x2 - fitS$x1) < 5e6)

  #identify cancer-normal pairs, check which cancers have normals from the same individual
  correspondingNormal = findCorrespondingNormal(samples, individuals, normals)

  #run cnv on the samples, using cancer-normal where available
  clusters = lapply(samples, function(sample) {
    catLog('\nCalling CNVs for ', sample, '.\n', sep='')
    ploidyPrior = NULL
    if ( inherits(ploidyPriors, 'numeric') & sample %in% names(ploidyPriors) ) {
      ploidyPrior = ploidyPriors[sample]
      catLog('Using prior bias towards ploidy of ', ploidyPrior, '.\n', sep='')
    if ( !is.na(correspondingNormal[sample]) ) {
      catLog('Using', correspondingNormal[sample], 'as matched normal.\n')
                                  fit = subsetFit(fitS, cols=paste0(sample, '-normal')),
                                  plotDirectory, sample, individuals, SNPs,
                                  genome=genome, cpus=cpus,
                                  mode=mode, ploidyPrior=ploidyPrior))
                                  fit = subsetFit(fitS, cols=paste0(sample, '-normal')),
                                  plotDirectory, sample, individuals, SNPs,
                                  genome=genome, cpus=cpus,
                                  mode=mode, ploidyPrior=ploidyPrior))

  names(clusters) = samples
  save(clusters, file=clustersSaveFile)

#the high level function that controls the steps of the CNV calling for given sample and normal variant objects.
callCancerNormalCNVs = function(cancerVariants, normalVariants, fit, plotDirectory, name, individuals, SNPs, genome='hg19', cpus=1, correctReferenceBias=T, mode='exome', ploidyPrior=NULL) {

  #select good germline het variants from normals:
  if ( inherits(normalVariants, 'logical') )
    use = selectGermlineHetsFromCancer(cancerVariants, fit$sex, SNPs, genome, cpus=cpus)
    use = selectGermlineHets(normalVariants, fit$sex, SNPs, genome, cpus=cpus)
  is = rownames(cancerVariants) %in% use
  cancerVariants = cancerVariants[is,]
  #summarise by capture region
  catLog('Summarising capture regions..')
  mC = getMaxCov()
  catLog('using effective coverage capped at ', mC, '..', sep='')
  d = cancerVariants$cov
  effectiveCov = round(d*(1 + d/mC)/(1 + d/mC + d^2/mC^2))
  effectiveVar = round(cancerVariants$var/cancerVariants$cov*effectiveCov)
  effectiveFreqs = data.frame(var=mirrorDown(effectiveVar, cov=effectiveCov),
    cov=effectiveCov, x=cancerVariants$x)
  effectiveFreqs = effectiveFreqs[effectiveFreqs$cov > 0,]
  cancerCR = unifyCaptureRegions(effectiveFreqs, fit, cpus=cpus)

  #correct width if variance is underestimated
  diagnosticPlotsDirectory = paste0(plotDirectory, '/diagnostics')
  if ( !file.exists(diagnosticPlotsDirectory) ) dir.create(diagnosticPlotsDirectory)
  boostDirectory = paste0(diagnosticPlotsDirectory, '/varianceBoost')
  if ( !file.exists(boostDirectory) ) dir.create(boostDirectory)
  boostFile = paste0(boostDirectory, '/', name, '.pdf')
  catLog('Plotting boost to ', boostFile, '.\n')
  pdf(boostFile, width=14, height=7)
  if ( mode == 'RNA' ) cancerCR = getCorrectedCR(cancerCR, fit, plot=T)
  else cancerCR = boostCRwidth(cancerCR, plot=T)

  #run clustering algorithm
  cancerCluster = mergeChromosomes(cancerCR, effectiveFreqs, genome=genome, cpus=cpus)

  #run post processing, such as correcting normalisation from AB regions, calling CNVs and clonalities.
  diagnosticPlotsDirectory = paste0(plotDirectory, '/diagnostics')
  ploidyDirectory = paste0(diagnosticPlotsDirectory, '/ploidy')
  if ( !file.exists(ploidyDirectory) ) dir.create(ploidyDirectory)
  plotFile = paste0(ploidyDirectory, '/', name, '.png')
  catLog('Plotting to ', plotFile, '.\n')
  png(plotFile, width=10, height=7, res=150, units='in')
  post = superFreq:::postProcess(cancerCluster, cancerCR, effectiveFreqs, plotDirectory, name, genome, cpus=cpus, ploidyPrior=ploidyPrior)
  cancerCluster = post$clusters
  catLog('found total of', sum(cancerCluster$call != 'AB' & !grepl('\\?', cancerCluster$call)), 'CNVs..')
  cancerCR$M = cancerCR$M + post$shift
  #plot diagnostics for the calls
  diagnosticPlotsDirectory = paste0(plotDirectory, '/diagnostics')
  CNVcallDirectory = paste0(diagnosticPlotsDirectory, '/CNVcall')
  if ( !file.exists(CNVcallDirectory) ) dir.create(CNVcallDirectory)
  plotFile = paste0(CNVcallDirectory, '/', name, '.pdf')
  pdf(plotFile, width=20, height=10)

  #return clustered regions with calls, as well as the raw capture region data.
  effectiveFreqs = data.frame(var=effectiveVar, cov=effectiveCov, x=cancerVariants$x)
  return(list(clusters=cancerCluster, CR=cancerCR,

#helper function that selects germline het SNPs in the presence of a normal sample from the same individual.
selectGermlineHets = function(normalVariants, sex, SNPs, genome, minCoverage = 10, cpus=1) {
  #only bother with variants that have enough coverage so that we can actually see a change in frequency
  catLog('Taking variants with minimum coverage of', minCoverage, '...')
  decentCoverage = normalVariants$cov >= minCoverage
  use = rownames(normalVariants)[decentCoverage]
  normalVariants = normalVariants[use,]
  catLog('done! Got', sum(decentCoverage), 'variants.\n')
  if ( length(use) == 0 ) return(use)

  #only use dbSNPs
  catLog('Taking variants in valideted dbSNP or unfiltered exac positions...')
  isDB = normalVariants$db & normalVariants$dbValidated
  isExac = rep(FALSE, length(isDB))
  if ( 'exac' %in% names(normalVariants) )
    isExac = normalVariants$exac & normalVariants$exacFilter == 'PASS'
  use = use[isDB | isExac]
  normalVariants = normalVariants[use,]
  catLog('done! Got', sum(isDB), 'variants.\n')
  if ( length(use) == 0 ) return(use)

  #dont use insertions or deletions, too error-prone.
  catLog('Removing indels..')
  indel = grepl('[+-]', normalVariants$variant)
  use = use[!indel]
  normalVariants = normalVariants[use,]
  catLog('done! Got', sum(!indel), 'variants.\n')

  #pick het in matching normal sample
  catLog('Taking variants that are het in the normal sample..')
  normalF = normalVariants$var/normalVariants$cov
  normalHet = pBinom(normalVariants$cov, normalVariants$var, refBias(0.5)) > 0.1 & abs(normalF-0.5) < 0.15 & normalVariants$flag == ''
  use = use[normalHet]
  normalVariants = normalVariants[use,]
  catLog('done! Got', sum(normalHet), 'variants.\n')
  if ( length(use) == 0 ) return(use)
  #again to filter out noisy variants, filter on the RIB statistic in the cancer sample
  catLog('Taking variants that have low expected rate of incorrect basecalls in the normal sample..')
  highNormalRIB = normalVariants$RIB > 0.1
  use = use[!highNormalRIB]
  normalVariants = normalVariants[use,]
  catLog('done! Got', sum(!highNormalRIB), 'variants.\n')

  #be extra picky with the mapping and base quality
  catLog('Taking variants that have good mapping and base quality in the normal sample..')
  highQ = normalVariants$pbq > 0.001 & normalVariants$pmq > 0.001
  use = use[highQ]
  normalVariants = normalVariants[use,]
  catLog('done! Got', sum(highQ), 'variants.\n')

  #Restrict to validated dbSNPs with population frequency > 1%
  catLog('Restrict to SNPs with population frequency > 1%...')
  isFrequentDb = normalVariants$db & normalVariants$dbValidated & !is.na(normalVariants$dbValidated) &
                normalVariants$dbMAF > 0.01 & !is.na(normalVariants$dbMAF)
  isFrequentExac = rep(FALSE, length(isFrequentDb))
  if ( 'exac' %in% names(normalVariants) )
    isFrequentExac = normalVariants$exac & normalVariants$exacFilter == 'PASS' & !is.na(normalVariants$exacFilter) &
                     normalVariants$exacAF > 0.01 & !is.na(normalVariants$exacAF)
  use = use[isFrequentDb | isFrequentExac]
  normalVariants = normalVariants[use,]
  catLog('done! Got', sum(isFrequentDb | isFrequentExac), 'variants.\n')

  #remove variants from male X and Y, and female Y-chromsomes
  if ( sex == 'male' )
    catLog('Removing variants in male X and Y...')
    catLog('Removing variants in female Y...')
  notHet = xToChr(normalVariants$x, genome) %in% ifelse(sex=='male', c('X','Y'), 'Y')
  use = rownames(normalVariants)[!notHet]
  normalVariants = normalVariants[use,]
  extrapolatedFalse = round(sum(chrLengths(genome))/sum(chrLengths(genome)[ifelse(sex=='male', c('X','Y'), 'Y')])*sum(notHet))
  catLog('done! Discarded', sum(notHet), 'variants. This naively extrapolates to', extrapolatedFalse, 'false SNPs genomewide.\n')
  if ( length(use) == 0 ) return(use)


#helper function that selects germline het SNPs in the absence of a normal sample from the same individual.
selectGermlineHetsFromCancer = function(cancerVariants, sex, SNPs, genome, minCoverage = 10, cpus=1) {
  #only bother with variants that have enough coverage so that we can actually see a change in frequency
  catLog('Taking variants with minimum coverage of', minCoverage, '...')
  decentCoverage = cancerVariants$cov >= minCoverage
  use = rownames(cancerVariants)[decentCoverage]
  cancerVariants = cancerVariants[use,]
  catLog('done! Got', sum(decentCoverage), 'variants.\n')
  #only use dbSNPs
  catLog('Taking variants in valideted dbSNP or unfiltered exac positions...')
  isDB = cancerVariants$db & cancerVariants$dbValidated
  isExac = rep(FALSE, length(isDB))
  if ( 'exac' %in% names(cancerVariants) )
    isExac = cancerVariants$exac & cancerVariants$exacFilter == 'PASS'
  use = use[isDB | isExac]
  cancerVariants = cancerVariants[use,]
  catLog('done! Got', sum(isDB), 'variants.\n')
  #dont use insertions or deletions, too error-prone.
  catLog('Removing indels..')
  indel = grepl('[+-]', cancerVariants$variant)
  use = use[!indel]
  cancerVariants = cancerVariants[use,]
  catLog('done! Got', sum(!indel), 'variants.\n')
  #again to filter out noisy variants, filter on the RIB statistic in the cancer sample
  catLog('Taking variants that have low expected rate of incorrect basecalls in the sample..')
  highCancerRIB = cancerVariants$RIB > 0.01
  use = use[!highCancerRIB]
  cancerVariants = cancerVariants[use,]
  catLog('done! Got', sum(!highCancerRIB), 'variants.\n')

  #be extra picky with the mapping and base quality
  catLog('Taking variants that have good mapping and base quality..')
  highQ = cancerVariants$pbq > 0.001 & cancerVariants$pmq > 0.001
  use = use[highQ]
  cancerVariants = cancerVariants[use,]
  catLog('done! Got', sum(highQ), 'variants.\n')

  #Restrict to validated dbSNPs with population frequency > 1% in dbSNP and ExAC
  catLog('Restrict to SNPs with population frequency > 1%...')
  isFrequentDb = cancerVariants$db & cancerVariants$dbValidated & !is.na(cancerVariants$dbValidated) &
                cancerVariants$dbMAF > 0.01 & !is.na(cancerVariants$dbMAF)
  isFrequentExac = rep(FALSE, length(isFrequentDb))
  if ( 'exac' %in% names(cancerVariants) )
    isFrequentExac = cancerVariants$exac & cancerVariants$exacFilter == 'PASS' & !is.na(cancerVariants$exacFilter) &
                     cancerVariants$exacAF > 0.01 & !is.na(cancerVariants$exacAF)
  use = use[isFrequentDb | isFrequentExac]
  cancerVariants = cancerVariants[use,]
  catLog('done! Got', sum(isFrequentDb | isFrequentExac), 'variants.\n')
  #before filtering homozygous, look for stretches of no het, which indicates clonal LOH.
  catLog('Checking for regions with depletion of heterozygous SNPs...')
  LOHhets = checkForMissedLOH(cancerVariants, genome) 
  catLog('done: Protecting ', length(LOHhets), ' variants above 95% VAF as germline heterozygous.\n', sep='')

  #require support from at least 2 reads for both alleles
  catLog('Taking cancer variants that have support from at least 2 reads on both alleles..')
  cancerF = cancerVariants$var/cancerVariants$cov
  supported = cancerVariants$var > 1 & cancerVariants$var < cancerVariants$cov-1
  use = use[supported | rownames(cancerVariants) %in% LOHhets]
  cancerVariants = cancerVariants[use,]
  catLog('done! Retaining', sum(supported), 'variants.\n')

  #take variants between 5% and 95%
  catLog('Taking unflagged cancer variants that have frequency above 5% and below 95%..')
  cancerF = cancerVariants$var/cancerVariants$cov
  normalHet = abs(cancerF-0.5) < 0.45 & cancerVariants$flag == ''
  use = use[normalHet | rownames(cancerVariants) %in% LOHhets]
  cancerVariants = cancerVariants[use,]
  catLog('done! Retaining', sum(normalHet), 'variants.\n')

  #remove variants from male X and Y, and female Y-chromsomes
  if ( sex == 'male' )
    catLog('Removing variants in male X and Y...')
    catLog('Removing variants in female Y...')
  notHet = xToChr(cancerVariants$x, genome) %in% ifelse(sex=='male', c('X','Y'), 'Y')
  use = rownames(cancerVariants)[!notHet]
  cancerVariants = cancerVariants[use,]
  extrapolatedFalse = round(sum(chrLengths(genome))/sum(chrLengths(genome)[ifelse(sex=='male', c('X','Y'), 'Y')])*sum(notHet))
  catLog('done! Discarded', sum(notHet), 'variants. This naively extrapolates to', extrapolatedFalse, 'false SNPs genomewide.\n')
  if ( length(use) == 0 ) return(use)


unifyCaptureRegions = function(eFreqs, fit, cpus=1) {
  #group SNPs by capture region
  x = eFreqs$x
  snps = lapply(1:nrow(fit), function(row) which(x < fit$x2[row] & x > fit$x1[row]))

  uniFreq = do.call(rbind, lapply(snps, function(is) c(sum(eFreqs$var[is]), sum(eFreqs$cov[is]))))
  colnames(uniFreq) = c('var', 'cov')
  pHet = rep(0.5, length(snps))
  pHet[uniFreq[,'cov'] > 0] = unlist(mclapply(snps[uniFreq[,'cov'] > 0], function(is) fisherTest(pBinom(eFreqs$cov[is], eFreqs$var[is], refBias(0.5)))[2], mc.cores=cpus))

  pAlt = rep(0.5, length(snps))
  pAlt[uniFreq[,'cov'] > 0] = unlist(lapply(snps[uniFreq[,'cov'] > 0], function(is)
        fisherTest(pTwoBinom(eFreqs$cov[is], eFreqs$var[is], sum(eFreqs$var[is])/sum(eFreqs$cov[is])))[2]))

  odsHet = rep(0.5, length(snps))
  odsHet[uniFreq[,'cov'] > 0] = unlist(lapply(snps[uniFreq[,'cov'] > 0], function(is) {
    fAlt = refBias(alternativeFrequency(eFreqs[is,])['f'])
    dpHet = dbinom(eFreqs$var[is], eFreqs$cov[is], refBias(0.5))
    dpAlt = twoBinom(eFreqs$var[is], eFreqs$cov[is], fAlt, refBiasMirror(fAlt))
    odsHet = dpHet/(dpHet+dpAlt)
  Nsnps = sapply(snps, length)

  #relWidth = sqrt(fit$df.total[1]/(fit$df.total[1]-2))

  width = fit$coefficients[,1]/fit$t[,1]
  #handle division by zero by giving it a very large width
  #this will give a very low weight downstream and will effectively remove it from analysis
  width[fit$t == 0] = 10
  cR = data.frame(x1=fit$x1, x2=fit$x2, M=fit$coefficients[,1], width=width, df=fit$df.total,
    uniFreq[,1:2], Nsnps=Nsnps, pHet=pHet, pAlt=pAlt, odsHet=odsHet)

#this function calculates the alternative frequency by maximising the likelihood.
#efs should be a data.frame with two entries "cov" and "var" giving the coverage
#and variance of the SNP. The SNPs should be mirrored down to below 50% frequency.
alternativeFrequency = function(efs, plot=F) {
  f = (0:200)/200
  rbf = refBias(f)
  fps = sapply(1:nrow(efs), function(row) {
    p=pBinom(rep(efs$cov[row], 201), rep(efs$var[row], 201), rbf)
  MAFchi2 = apply(fps + fps[201:1,], 1, fisherTest)[1,]
  minChi2 = which(MAFchi2 == min(MAFchi2))[1]
  within1pc = which(MAFchi2 < min(MAFchi2)*1.01 & f <= 0.5)
  error = max(1/200, max(abs(f[within1pc]-f[minChi2])), 1/sqrt(sum(efs$cov)))
  if ( plot ) plot(f[1:101], MAFchi2[1:101], ylim=c(min(MAFchi2), min(MAFchi2)*2), pch=16, col=ifelse(1:101 %in% within1pc, 'red', 'black'))
  return(c('f'=f[minChi2], 'ferr'=error))

#merges regions in each chromosome.
mergeChromosomes = function(cR, eFreqs, genome='hg19', cpus=1, ...) {
  chrs = xToChr(cR$x1, genome=genome)
  breakpoints = pmax(nrow(cR) - length(unique(chrs)), 1)
  MHTcut = 1/breakpoints
  catLog('Merging capture regions with same coverage and MAF: ')
  clusters = mclapply(unique(chrs), function(chr) {
    catLog(chr, '..', sep='')
    ret = mergeRegions(cR[chrs == chr,], minScore=MHTcut, ...)
    singleSNP = calledFromSingleSNP(ret, eFreqs)
    if ( any(singleSNP) ) ret = mergeRegions(ret, force=singleSNP, minScore=MHTcut, ...)
    ret$altStatErr = ret$nullStatErr = ret$altStat = ret$nullStat = ret$stat = ret$f = rep(NA, nrow(ret))
    ret$postHet = rep(1, nrow(ret))
    if ( any(ret$cov > 0) ) {
      ret$f[ret$cov > 0] = refUnbias(ret$var[ret$cov>0]/ret$cov[ret$cov>0])
      ret[ret$cov>0,] = redoHetCalculations(ret[ret$cov>0,], eFreqs, cpus=1)
      ret = mergeRegions(ret, ...)
  }, mc.cores=cpus, mc.preschedule=F)
  #catch one of the more common places for out-of-memory spots.
  if ( !all(sapply(clusters, class) == 'data.frame') ) {
      catLog('\nERROR: Seems like some of the chromosome forks failed segmentation. This may (or may not) be caused by out-of-memory. Out-of-memory can be mitigated by decreasing cpus and rerunning.\n\n')
      stop('Seems like some of the chromosome forks failed segmentation. This may (or may not) be caused by out-of-memory. Out-of-memory can be mitigated by decreasing cpus and rerunning.')
  clusters = do.call(rbind, clusters)
mergeRegions = function(cR, minScore = 0.05, plot=F, debug=F, force=NA) {
  merged = c()
  scores = c()
  if ( debug ) Nloop = 0
  cR = cR[order(cR$x1+cR$x2),]
  pairScore = sameCNV(cR)
  if ( !is.na(force[1]) & length(force) == length(pairScore) ) pairScore[force] = 1
  while(dim(cR)[1] > 1) {
    #find the pair of regions with the largest pairing probability
    best = which(pairScore == max(pairScore))[1]
    if ( debug && Nloop < 1 ) {
      print (cR)
      catLog('DEBUG: Merging pair at ', cR$x2[best], ' with score ', pairScore[best], ', ', nrow(cR), ' regions.\n', sep='')
      points(cR$x1[-1], pairScore, pch=4)
      segments((cR$x1[best+1]+cR$x2[best])/2, 0, (cR$x1[best+1]+cR$x2[best])/2, 1)
      a = scan()
      if ( length(a) > 0 ) Nloop = a
      else Nloop = 1
      catLog('DEBUG: looping another ', Nloop, ' times.\n', sep='')
    if ( debug ) Nloop = Nloop - 1

    if ( plot & length(scores) == 0 ) {

    #break loop if no clusters that are sufficiently similar
    if ( pairScore[best] < minScore ) break
    #otherwise save the merged regions
    merged = c(merged, best)
    scores = c(scores, pairScore[best])
    #merge the regions, using the provided weight
    cR$x1[best] = min(cR$x1[best],cR$x1[best+1])
    cR$x2[best] = max(cR$x2[best],cR$x2[best+1])
    cR$var[best] = cR$var[best] + cR$var[best+1]
    cR$cov[best] = cR$cov[best] + cR$cov[best+1]
    cR$Nsnps[best] = cR$Nsnps[best] + cR$Nsnps[best+1]
    cR$M[best] = (cR$M[best]/cR$width[best]^2 + cR$M[best+1]/cR$width[best+1]^2)/(1/cR$width[best]^2+1/cR$width[best+1]^2)
    cR$width[best] = 1/sqrt(1/cR$width[best]^2 + 1/cR$width[best+1]^2)
    cR$pHet[best] = if ( cR$cov[best] > 0 ) stoufferTest(c(cR$pHet[best], cR$pHet[best+1]), c(cR$cov[best], cR$cov[best+1]))[2] else 0.5
    cR = cR[-(best+1),]
    pairScore = pairScore[-best]
    if ( best > 1 ) pairScore[best-1] = sameCNV(cR[(best-1):best,])
    if ( best <= length(pairScore) )  pairScore[best] = sameCNV(cR[best:(best+1),])
  if ( plot ) {

calledFromSingleSNP = function(cR, eFreqs) {
  first = 1:(nrow(cR)-1)
  second = 2:nrow(cR)
  x = eFreqs$x
  snps = lapply(first, function(row) which(x < cR$x2[row] & x > cR$x1[row]))
  singleSNP = sapply(snps, length) == 1 | sapply(snps, function(is)
                      max(c(-Inf, eFreqs$x[is])) - min(c(Inf, eFreqs$x[is])) < fragmentLength())

  width = cR$width + 0*getSystematicVariance()
  meanM = (cR$M[first]/width[first]^2 + cR$M[second]/width[second]^2)/(1/width[first]^2 + 1/width[second]^2)
  MP1 = pt(-abs(cR$M[first] - meanM)/width[first], df = cR$df[first])
  MP2 = pt(-abs(cR$M[second] - meanM)/width[second], df = cR$df[second])
  pM = sapply(first, function(i) min(c(Inf, p.adjust(c(MP1[i], MP2[i]), method='fdr'))))

  return(pM > 0.05 & singleSNP)

fragmentLength = function() {return(300)}

#takes clustered regions and post processes them by calling copy numbers and clonality.
postProcess = function(clusters, cRs, eFreqs, plotDirectory, name, genome='hg19', cpus=1, ploidyPrior=NULL, hasMatchedNormal=T) {
  catLog('corrected frequencies..')
  cf = correctedFrequency(clusters, eFreqs, cpus=cpus)
  clusters$f = cf[,'f']
  clusters$ferr = cf[,'ferr']
  catLog('frequency probability..')
  diagnosticPlotsDirectory = paste0(plotDirectory, '/diagnostics')
  if ( !file.exists(diagnosticPlotsDirectory) ) dir.create(diagnosticPlotsDirectory)
  diagnosticMAFDirectory = paste0(diagnosticPlotsDirectory, '/MAFstat/')
  if ( !file.exists(diagnosticMAFDirectory) ) dir.create(diagnosticMAFDirectory)
  plotFile = paste0(diagnosticMAFDirectory, name, '.pdf')
  pdf(plotFile, width=15, height=7)
  clusters = redoHetCalculations(clusters, eFreqs, cpus=cpus, plot=T)
  if ( exists('.doSuperFreqPloidyManually', envir= .GlobalEnv) && get('.doSuperFreqPloidyManually', envir= .GlobalEnv) )
    renorm =  findShiftManually(clusters, cpus=cpus, plot=F, plotPloidy=T)
    renorm =  findShift(clusters, cpus=cpus, plot=F, plotPloidy=T, ploidyPrior=ploidyPrior)
  shift = renorm$M[1] - clusters$M[1]
  clusters = renorm
  catLog('call CNVs..')
  clusters = addCall(clusters, eFreqs)
  clusters = fixFalseSNPcall(clusters, eFreqs)
  sCAN = sameCallAsNeighbour(clusters, genome)
  if ( any(sCAN) ) {
    catLog('found', sum(sCAN),'neighbouring regions with same call: merge and redo postprocessing!\n')
    clusters = forceMerge(clusters, sCAN, genome)
    ret = postProcess(clusters, cRs, eFreqs, plotDirectory, name, genome=genome, cpus=cpus, ploidyPrior=ploidyPrior)
    ret$shift = ret$shift + shift
  catLog('find subclones..')
  clusters = findSubclones(clusters)
  rownames(clusters) = make.names(paste0('chr', xToChr(clusters$x1, genome=genome)), unique=T)
  clusters = clusters[order(clusters$x1),]
  return(list(clusters=clusters, shift=shift))

fixFalseSNPcall = function(clusters, eFreqs) {
  #isAA = gsub('\\?', '', clusters$call) == 'AA'
  lfcDist = abs(clusters$M[2:nrow(clusters)] - clusters$M[1:(nrow(clusters)-1)])/
            sqrt(clusters$width[2:nrow(clusters)]^2 + clusters$width[1:(nrow(clusters)-1)]^2)
  basedOnSNPs = c(F, lfcDist < 1) | c(lfcDist < 1, F)
  if ( nrow(clusters) == 1 ) basedOnSNPs = F
  smallRegion = clusters$x2 - clusters$x1 < 1e7
  x = eFreqs$x
  snps = lapply(1:nrow(clusters), function(row) which(x < clusters$x2[row] & x > clusters$x1[row]))
  basedOnFewSNPs = sapply(snps, length) < 5
  basedOnSmallRegion = sapply(snps, function(is) length(is) > 0 && max(eFreqs$x[is]) - min(eFreqs$x[is]) < 1e5)
  inconsistentEvidence = clusters$sigma > 2
  falseCall = basedOnSNPs & smallRegion & (basedOnFewSNPs | basedOnSmallRegion | inconsistentEvidence)
  if ( any(falseCall) ) {
    catLog('found', sum(falseCall), 'AA calls from false SNPs..')
    isab = sapply(which(falseCall), function(i) unlist(isAB(clusters[i,], eFreqs[snps[[i]],])))
    clusters[falseCall,]$sigma = isab[2,]
    clusters[falseCall,]$pCall = clusters[falseCall,]$pHet
    clusters[falseCall,]$clonality = 1
    clusters[falseCall,]$clonalityError = 0
    if ( 'subclonality' %in% names(clusters) ) clusters[falseCall,]$subclonality = 1
    if ( 'subclonalityError' %in% names(clusters) ) clusters[falseCall,]$subclonalityError = 0
    clusters[falseCall,]$call = ifelse(isab[2,] > 10, 'AB??', ifelse(isab[2,] > 5, 'AB?', 'AB'))

sameCallAsNeighbour = function(clusters, genome) {
  if ( nrow(clusters) == 1 ) return(F)
  chr = xToChr(clusters$x1, genome)
  first = 1:(nrow(clusters)-1)
  second = 2:nrow(clusters)
  sameCall = chr[first] == chr[second] &
  gsub('\\?','',clusters$call[first]) == gsub('\\?','',clusters$call[second]) &
  abs(clusters$clonality[first] - clusters$clonality[second]) <=
    sqrt(clusters$clonalityError[first]^2 + clusters$clonalityError[second]^2)*2

forceMerge = function(clusters, toMerge, genome) {
  chrs = xToChr(clusters$x1, genome)
  redoChrs = unique(chrs[which(toMerge)])
  newClusters = list()
  for ( chr in redoChrs ) {
    is = which(chrs == chr)
    newClusters[[chr]] = mergeRegions(clusters[is,], force=toMerge[is][-length(is)])
  clusters = clusters[!(chrs %in% redoChrs),]
  for ( chr in redoChrs ) {
    clusters = rbind(clusters, newClusters[[chr]])
  clusters = clusters[order(clusters$x1),]

correctedFrequency = function(clusters, eFreqs, maxCov = getMaxCov(), cpus=1) {
  ret = do.call(rbind, mclapply(1:nrow(clusters), function(row) {
    efs = eFreqs[eFreqs$x > clusters$x1[row] & eFreqs$x < clusters$x2[row],]
    if ( nrow(efs) == 0 ) return(c('f'=NA, 'ferr'=NA))
  }, mc.cores=cpus))

getMaxCov = function() {
  if ( !exists('.maxCov', envir = .GlobalEnv) ) {
    assign('.maxCov', value=0.02, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    warnings('setting maxCov to default 150')
  return(max(1, get('.maxCov', envir = .GlobalEnv)))

#helper function that calculates the probability that a region has 50% frequency.
redoHetCalculations = function(clusters, eFreqs, plot=F, cpus=1) {
  x = eFreqs$x
  snps = lapply(1:nrow(clusters), function(row) which(x < clusters$x2[row] & x > clusters$x1[row]))

  Z = matrix(rep(0, length(snps)*5), nrow=5)
  Zfreq = mclapply(snps[clusters$cov > 0], function(is) {
    efs = eFreqs[is,]

    fAlt = max(0.001, refBias(alternativeFrequency(efs)['f']))
    #z score for each SNP
    z = sapply(1:length(efs$cov), function(i)
      whichDistribution(y1 = twoBinom(0:floor(efs$cov[i]*refBias(0.5)), efs$cov[i], refBias(0.5), refBias(0.5)),
                        y2 = twoBinom(0:floor(efs$cov[i]*refBias(0.5)), efs$cov[i], fAlt, refBiasMirror(fAlt)),
                        x = min(floor(efs$cov[i]*refBias(0.5)), efs$var[i])+1))
    ret = sum(z[2,])/sum(z[1,])
    meanRetNull = sum(z[3,])/sum(z[5,])
    errorRetNull = sqrt(sum(z[7,]-z[3,]^2))/sum(z[5,])
    meanRetAlt = sum(z[4,])/sum(z[6,])
    errorRetAlt = sqrt(sum(z[8,]) - sum(z[4,]^2))/sum(z[6,])
    if ( sum(z[1,]) == 0 ) return(rep(0,5)) 
    return(c(ret, meanRetNull, meanRetAlt, errorRetNull, errorRetAlt))
  }, mc.cores=cpus)
  Zfreq = do.call(cbind, Zfreq) 
  Z[,clusters$cov > 0] = Zfreq

  if ( plot ) {
    plot(Z[1,], ylim=c(-0.3,0.3), type='n', xlab='region', ylab='mean log likelihood ratio')
    x = 1:ncol(Z)
    points(x-0.05, Z[2,], pch=16, col='blue')
    segments(x-0.05, Z[2,]-Z[4,], x-0.05, Z[2,]+Z[4,], pch=16, col='blue')
    points(x+0.05, Z[3,], pch=16, col='red')
    segments(x+0.05, Z[3,]-Z[5,], x+0.05, Z[3,]+Z[5,], pch=16, col='red')
    points(Z[1,], pch=4, cex=1.5, lwd=2)
    legend('topright', c('expected from null', 'expected from CNA', 'measured'), col=c('blue', 'red', 'black'),
           lwd = c(1,1,0.001), pt.lwd=c(1,1,2), pt.cex=c(1,1,1.5), pch=c(16,16,4), bg='white')
    plot(Z[1,], ylim=c(min(-0.3, Z[1:3,], na.rm=T), max(0.3, Z[1:3,], na.rm=T)), type='n', xlab='region', ylab='mean log likelihood ratio')
    x = 1:ncol(Z)
    points(x-0.05, Z[2,], pch=16, col='blue')
    segments(x-0.05, Z[2,]-Z[4,], x-0.05, Z[2,]+Z[4,], pch=16, col='blue')
    points(x+0.05, Z[3,], pch=16, col='red')
    segments(x+0.05, Z[3,]-Z[5,], x+0.05, Z[3,]+Z[5,], pch=16, col='red')
    points(Z[1,], pch=4, cex=1.5, lwd=2)
    legend('topright', c('expected from null', 'expected from CNA', 'measured'), col=c('blue', 'red', 'black'),
           lwd = c(1,1,0.001), pt.lwd=c(1,1,2), pt.cex=c(1,1,1.5), pch=c(16,16,4), bg='white')
  pAlt = pnorm(-Z[1,], -Z[3,], Z[5,])
  pAlt[is.nan(pAlt)] = 0.5
  pHet = pnorm(Z[1,], Z[2,], Z[4,])
  pHet = pmax(pHet, 10^(pmin(0,Z[1,])*10))  #if the stat signal is small, het is always likely
  pHet[is.nan(pHet)] = 0.5
  pHet[pAlt == 0 & pHet == 0] = 1e-10
  clusters$pHet = pHet
  clusters$pAlt = pAlt
  clusters$postHet = 0.5*pHet/(0.5*pHet+(1-0.5)*pAlt)  #prior belief that 50% of the regions are normal
  clusters$stat = Z[1,]
  clusters$nullStat = Z[2,]
  clusters$altStat = Z[3,]
  clusters$nullStatErr = Z[4,]
  clusters$altStatErr = Z[5,]


#between two input function y1 and y2 on some common set (y1 and y2 must be same length)
#if you pick x, what is the likleyhood ratio that it came from y1, not y2? Also returns weight, indicating how
#different the functions are, ie how much power x has to differentiate the two functions.
whichDistribution = function(y1, y2, x) {
  y1 = y1/sum(y1)
  y2 = y2/sum(y2)
  ord1 = order(y1)
  y1 = y1[ord1]
  y2 = y2[ord1]
  x = which(ord1==x)
  p1 = cumsum(y1)
  ord2 = order(y2)
  y1 = y1[ord2]
  y2 = y2[ord2]
  p1 = p1[ord2]
  x = which(ord2==x)
  p2 = cumsum(y2)
  lods = log(y1/y2)
  weight = ifelse(pmax(p1, p2) > 0.05, 1, 0)
  retStat = weight*lods
  meanStatNull = sum(y1*retStat)
  meanWeightNull = sum(y1*weight)
  meanStatAlt = sum(y2*retStat)
  meanWeightAlt = sum(y2*weight)
  meanStat2Null = sum(y1*retStat^2)
  meanStat2Alt = sum(y2*retStat^2)
  return(c('weight'=weight[x], 'stat'=retStat[x], 'meanStatNull'=meanStatNull, 'meanStatAlt'=meanStatAlt,
           'meanWeightNull'=meanWeightNull, 'meanWeightAlt'=meanWeightAlt,
           'meanStat2Null'=meanStat2Null, 'meanStat2Alt'=meanStat2Alt))

#this functions estimates the variance of total statistic due to the addition of this observation.
#to be combined into a single variance later on.
meanDistribution = function(y1, y2, Wnull, Walt, totNull, totAlt) {
  y1 = y1/sum(y1)
  y2 = y2/sum(y2)
  ord1 = order(y1)
  y1 = y1[ord1]
  y2 = y2[ord1]
  p1 = cumsum(y1)
  ord2 = order(y2)
  y1 = y1[ord2]
  y2 = y2[ord2]
  p1 = p1[ord2]
  p2 = cumsum(y2)
  weight = pmax(p1, p2)
  stat = log(y1/y2)
  meanStatNull = sum(y1*weight*log(y1/y2))
  meanStatAlt = sum(y2*weight*log(y1/y2))
  totStatNull = (y1*weight*log(y1/y2) + tot)/(y1*weight + W)
  varTotNull = mean(totStatNull^2) - mean(totStatNull)^2

    mean(y1^2*weight*log(y1/y2)^2) - mean(y1*weight*log(y1/y2))^2
  varRetAlt = mean(y2^2*weight*log(y1/y2)^2) - mean(y2*weight*log(y1/y2))^2
  return(c('weight'=weight, 'stat'=retStat, 'meanStatNull'=meanRetNull, 'meanStatAlt'=meanRetAlt,
           'varStatNull'=varRetNull, 'varStatAlt'=varRetAlt))

#remormalise the coverage so that the AB calls are average of 0.
normaliseCoverageToHets = function(clusters) {
  is = which(clusters$call == 'AB' & abs(clusters$M) < 0.3)
  if ( length(is) > 0 )
    meanM = sum((clusters$M/clusters$width^2)[is])/sum(1/clusters$width[is]^2)
  else meanM = 0
  catLog('Shifting overall normalisation to correct for a mean LFC of', meanM, 'in AB calls.\n')
  clusters$M = clusters$M - meanM
  return(list(clusters=clusters, meanM=meanM))

#calls the allelic copy number and clonality of the region.
addCall = function(clusters, eFreqs) {
  catLog('Calling CNVs in clustered regions..')
  for ( row in 1:nrow(clusters) ) {
    efs = eFreqs[eFreqs$x > clusters$x1[row] & eFreqs$x < clusters$x2[row],]
    isab = isAB(clusters[row,], efs, sigmaCut=2)
    clusters$call[row] = 'AB'
    clusters$clonality[row] = 1
    clusters$clonalityError[row] = 0
    clusters$sigma[row] = isab$sigma
    clusters$pCall[row] = clusters$postHet[row]
    if ( !(isab$call) ) {
      for ( tryCall in allCalls() ) {
        iscnv = superFreq:::isCNV(clusters[row,], efs, superFreq:::callTofM(tryCall)['M'], superFreq:::callTofM(tryCall)['f'],
          superFreq:::callPrior(tryCall), sigmaCut=max(2, clusters$sigma[row]))
        if ( (iscnv$call & clusters$sigma[row] > 2) |
            (iscnv$call & (iscnv$clonality > clusters$clonality[row] | (iscnv$clonality == clusters$clonality[row] & iscnv$sigma < clusters$sigma[row]))) ) {
          clusters$clonality[row] = iscnv$clonality
          clusters$clonalityError[row] = iscnv$clonalityError
          clusters$sigma[row] = iscnv$sigma
          clusters$call[row] = tryCall
          clusters$pCall[row] = iscnv$pCall
  aBitWeird = clusters$sigma > 4 | clusters$clonalityError > clusters$clonality/2 | clusters$pCall < 1e-4
  veryWeird = clusters$sigma > 8 | clusters$clonalityError > clusters$clonality | clusters$pCall < 1e-8
  clusters$call[aBitWeird] = paste0(clusters$call[aBitWeird], '?')
  clusters$call[veryWeird] = paste0(clusters$call[veryWeird], '?')

#probability that a region is AB.
isAB = function(cluster, efs, sigmaCut=3) {
  if ( sum(efs$cov) == 0 ) pF = 0.5
  else if ( cluster$stat >= 0 ) pF = 1
  else {
    pF = cluster$postHet
  pM = 2*pt(-abs(cluster$M)/(cluster$width+getSystematicVariance()), df=cluster$df)  #allow systematic effects
  pBoth = sapply(1:length(pF), function(row) fisherTest(c(pF[row], pM[row]))[2])
  sigma = abs(qnorm(pBoth/2, 0, 1))
  return(list(call=sigma < sigmaCut, sigma = sigma, clonalityError=0))

#the considered calls in the algorithm. (CL is complete loss, ie loss of both alleles.)
allCalls = function() {
  return(c('AB', 'A', 'AA', 'AAA', 'AAAA', 'AAAAA', 'AAB', 'AAAB', 'AAAAB', 'AAAAAB', 'AAAAAAB',
           'AABB', 'AAABB', 'AAAABB', 'AAAAABB',

#returns the prior of a call.
callPrior = function(call) {
  priors = c('AB'=10, 'A'=1, 'AA'=1/2, 'AAA'=1/3, 'AAAA'=1/4, 'AAAAA'=1/5, 'AAB'=1, 'AAAB'=1/2, 'AAAAB'=1/3, 'AAAAAB'=1/4, 'AAAAAAB'=1/5,
    'AABB'=1/2, 'AAABB'=1/4, 'AAAABB'=1/5, 'AAAAABB'=1/6,
  names(priors) = allCalls()
  priors = priors/max(priors)
  if ( call %in% names(priors) ) return(priors[call])
  else return(0.1)

#helper function that returns the expected coverage and frequency of a CNV call.
callTofM = function(call) {
  nA = nchar(call) - nchar(gsub('A', '', call))
  nB = nchar(call) - nchar(gsub('B', '', call))
  f = min(nA, nB)/(nA+nB)
  if ( call %in%  c('CL', '') ) f = 0.5  #if complete loss, assume not completely clonal and a normal AB background.
  return(c(f=f, M=log2((nA+nB)/2)))

#estimates how likely a certain call is for a given region.
isCNV = function(cluster, efs, M, f, prior, sigmaCut=3) {
  if ( cluster$cov > 0 & nrow(efs) == 0 ) {
    catLog("WARNING, non 0 coverage, but no SNPs in cluster.\n")
    catLog(unlist(cluster), '\n')
    warning("non 0 coverage, but no SNPs in cluster.")
  #set an estimate of the error on the measured MAF in the cluster
  ferr = if ( cluster$cov == 0 ) Inf else cluster$ferr

  #add the systematic variance to the setting, to not overestimate confidence in coverage
  mWidth = sqrt(cluster$width^2 + getSystematicVariance()^2)

  #The MAF of the cluster
  if ( cluster$cov == 0 ) cf = 0 else cf = pmax(0.001, cluster$f)

  #If no basis to determine clonality, the no point in continuing
  if ( (f == 0.5 | cluster$cov == 0) & M == 0 )
    return(list(call=F, clonality=0, sigma = Inf, clonalityError=Inf, pCall=1))

  #estimate clonality from frequency and propagate uncertainty
  freqClonality = (0.5-cf)/(0.5-cf+2^M*(cf-f))
  clonalityErrorF = ferr*(freqClonality*(2^M-1)+1)/(0.5-cf+2^M*(cf-f))
  #clonality as function of BAF can be non-linear at the scale of BAF error.
  #do empirical error check by going ferr in either direction and take max.
  cfp = cf+ferr
  cfm = cf-ferr
  empClonalityErrorF =
  if ( !is.na(empClonalityErrorF) )
    clonalityErrorF = max(clonalityErrorF, empClonalityErrorF)
    clonalityErrorF = Inf
  if ( f == 0.5 | cluster$cov == 0 ) {
    freqClonality = 1
    clonalityErrorF = Inf
  #set the weight associated with the MAF
  if ( f == 0.5 | cluster$cov == 0 ) fweight = 0
  else fweight = 1/clonalityErrorF^2

  #estimate clonality from coverage and propagate uncertainty
  covClonality = (2^cluster$M - 1)/(2^M - 1)
  clonalityErrorM = 2^cluster$M*log(2)*mWidth/abs(2^M-1)
  if ( M == 0 ) {
    covClonality = 1
    clonalityErrorM = Inf
  if ( !is.na(clonalityErrorM) ) Mweight = 1/clonalityErrorM^2
  else Mweight = 0

  #common estimate of cloanlity based on MAF and coverage, propagate uncertainty
  clonality = (freqClonality*fweight + covClonality*Mweight)/(fweight+Mweight)
  clonality = max(0, min(1, clonality))
  clonalityError = 1/sqrt(1/clonalityErrorF^2 + 1/clonalityErrorM^2)

  #if the MAF and coverage estimates are not within errors, increase the uncertainty
  #to cover both estimates.
  clonalityDifference =
    if ( fweight > 0 & Mweight > 0 ) noneg(abs(freqClonality-covClonality) - sqrt(clonalityErrorF^2 + clonalityErrorM^2))
    else 0
  if ( fweight == 0 ) {     #if information from only one source, add some extra uncertainty to the clonality
    clonalityErrorF = 0.3
    fweight = Mweight/10
  if ( Mweight == 0 ) {
    clonalityErrorM = 0.3
    Mweight = fweight/10
  clonalityError = sqrt(clonalityError^2 + clonalityDifference^2)
  #the expected MAF and LFC for the estimated clonality
  fClone = (clonality*(2*f*2^M-1) + 1)/(clonality*(2*2^M - 2) + 2)
  MClone = log2(1 + (2^M-1)*clonality)
  #calculate likelihood for these f and M
  if ( cluster$cov == 0 ) pCall = exp(-1)
  else pCall = min(p.adjust(superFreq:::pBinom(efs$cov, efs$var, superFreq:::refBias(fClone)), method='fdr'))
  pM = 2*pt(-noneg(abs(cluster$M - MClone))/(cluster$width+superFreq:::getSystematicVariance()), df=cluster$df)  #allow systematic error

  #likelihood for both MAF and LFC fitting the called clonality
  pBoth = superFreq:::fisherTest(c(pCall + 1e-10, pM))[2]
  if ( cluster$cov == 0 ) pBoth = pM
  #add prior for this call to get posterior
  pBoth = prior*pBoth/(prior*pBoth + (1-prior)*(1-pBoth))
  #convert posterior to a sigma statistic
  sigma = abs(qnorm(pBoth/2, 0, 1))

  #decide whether the data fit well enough to make a call
  call = sigma < sigmaCut & clonality > 3*clonalityError
  if ( is.na(call) ) call = F
  if ( is.na(sigma) ) warning("NA sigma from cluster: ", cluster, ' tested for call with M=', M, ", f=", f)
  return(list(call=call, clonality=clonality, sigma = sigma, clonalityError=clonalityError, pCall=pCall))

#groups up CNV regions with similar clonalities to estimate the subclonal structure of the sample
findSubclones = function(cR) {
  catLog('Finding subclones..')  
  clones = order(-cR$clonality)
  clones = clones[cR$clonality[clones] < 1]
  regions = as.list(clones)
  clonality = cR$clonality[clones]
  error = cR$clonalityError[clones]
  while( length(clonality) > 1 ) {
    pairScore = sameClone(clonality, error)
    best = which(pairScore == max(pairScore))[1]

    if ( pairScore[best] < 0.05 ) break
    clonality[best] = sum((clonality/error^2)[best:(best+1)])/sum(1/error[best:(best+1)]^2)
    error[best] = 1/sqrt(sum(1/error[best:(best+1)]^2))
    regions[[best]] = unlist(c(regions[best], regions[best+1]))
    regions = regions[-(best+1)]
    clonality = clonality[-(best+1)]
    error = error[-(best+1)]
  subclonality = rep(1, nrow(cR))
  subclonalityError = rep(0, nrow(cR))
  if ( length(regions) > 0 ) {
    for ( i in 1:length(regions) ) {
      subclonality[regions[[i]]] = clonality[i]
      subclonalityError[regions[[i]]] = error[i]
  cR = cbind(cR, subclonality, subclonalityError)

#helper function that subsets fit objects properly, with all the extra columns.
subsetFit = function(fit, rows=NA, cols=NA) {
  if ( is.na(cols)[1] ) cols = 1:ncol(fit)
  if ( is.na(rows)[1] ) rows = 1:nrow(fit)
  fit = fit[rows,cols]
  if ('best.guess' %in% names(fit) ) fit$best.guess = fit$best.guess[rows,cols, drop=F]
  if ('posterior' %in% names(fit) ) fit$posterior = lapply(fit$posterior[cols], function(post) post[rows,,drop=F])
  if ('prior' %in% names(fit) ) fit$prior[cols]
  if ('XRank' %in% names(fit) )   fit$XRank = fit$XRank[rows, cols, drop=F]
  if ('postWidth' %in% names(fit) ) fit$postWidth = fit$postWidth[rows, cols, drop=F]
  if ('x' %in% names(fit) ) fit$x = fit$x[rows]
  if ('x1' %in% names(fit) ) fit$x1 = fit$x1[rows]
  if ('x2' %in% names(fit) ) fit$x2 = fit$x2[rows]
  if ('chr' %in% names(fit) ) fit$chr = fit$chr[rows]
  if ('longNames' %in% names(fit) ) fit$longNames = fit$longNames[rows]
  if ('sex' %in% names(fit) ) fit$sex = fit$sex[cols]


getSystematicVariance = function() {
  if ( !exists('.systematicVariance') ) {
    assign('.systematicVariance', 0, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    warning('.systematicVariance not previouly defined. Setting to 0.\n')
  return(get('.systematicVariance', envir = .GlobalEnv))

#the posterior probability that two capture regions belong the same CNVinterval
sameCNV = function(cR) {
  if ( nrow(cR)[1] < 2 ) return(1)

  #find the prior from the gap lengths
  first = 1:(nrow(cR)-1)
  second = 2:nrow(cR)
  #this is prior from distance between segments. Overly conservative for large segments.
  #dx = noneg(cR$x1[second] - cR$x2[first]) + 10000
  #this is distance between center of segments. Might be too liberal for small-to-large segments
  #also wont have as much power to favour large gaps in genes like centromeres.
  #dx = noneg((cR$x1[second]+cR$x2[second])/2 - (cR$x1[first]+cR$x2[first])/2) + 10000
  #this is a measure of the resolution of the breakpoint.
  #smallest distance of the edge of one segment to the center of the other.
  #should give a low prior to a small segment on either side, large prior to two large segments
  #and should (somewhat) favour centromeres as breakpoints
  dx = pmin(cR$x1[second] - (cR$x1[first]+cR$x2[first])/2,
            (cR$x1[second]+cR$x2[second])/2 - cR$x2[first]) + 10000
  prior = exp(-dx*CNVregionsPerBP())

  #find the probabilities of getting measure values if the SNP frequencies are equal
  #a fisher test would be more appropriate, but can be computationally slow. These two binomals give very similar results.
  f = (cR$var[first] + cR$var[second])/(cR$cov[first] + cR$cov[second])
  p1 = pBinom(cR$cov[first], cR$var[first], f)
  p2 = pBinom(cR$cov[second], cR$var[second], f)
  simesFP = sapply(first, function(i) min(p.adjust(c(p1[i], p2[i]), method='fdr')))
  #get posterior using the dx-based prior above. alternative hypothesis is a flat distribution on the frequency.
  #include the possibility of both being 50% hets, in which case a different variance (coverage) between the regions
  #can cause different mean MAF. We catch that case by grouping regions that are consistent with 50%, independently of MAF.
  if ( 'postHet' %in% names(cR) ) pBoth50 = sapply(first, function(i) min(p.adjust(c(cR$postHet[i], cR$postHet[i+1]), method='fdr')))
  else pBoth50 = sapply(first, function(i) min(p.adjust(c(cR$pHet[i], cR$pHet[i+1]), method='fdr')))
  Nsnps = pmin(cR$Nsnps[first], cR$Nsnps[second])
  pF = pmax(simesFP, pBoth50, 0.01^Nsnps)

  #find the probability densities (P*dM) of getting measure values if the regions have the same fold change
  width = cR$width
  #meanM = (cR$M[first]/width[first]^2 + cR$M[second]/width[second]^2)/(1/width[first]^2 + 1/width[second]^2)
  #MP1 = pt(-abs(cR$M[first] - meanM)/width[first], df = cR$df[first])
  #MP2 = pt(-abs(cR$M[second] - meanM)/width[second], df = cR$df[second])
  #pM = sapply(first, function(i) min(p.adjust(c(MP1[i], MP2[i]), method='fdr')))
  pM = pt(-abs(cR$M[first] - cR$M[second])/sqrt(width[first]^2 + width[second]^2), df = cR$df[first])

  #pMandF = sapply(first, function(i) min(p.adjust(c(pF[i], pM[i]), method='fdr')))
  pMandF = sapply(first, function(i) fisherTest(c(pF[i], pM[i]))['pVal'])

  #get posteriors, and take average
  post = prior*pMandF/(prior*pMandF + (1-prior))
  names(post) = cR$x1[first]


#prior of density of CNV region breakpoints. This corresponds to around 30 breakpoints in a sample.
CNVregionsPerBP = function() {return(1/1e8)}

#helper function doing the stouffer Test
stoufferTest = function(p, w) {
  p = pmin(0.99999, pmax(1e-20, p))
  if (missing(w)) {
    w = rep(1, length(p))/length(p)
  } else {
    if (length(w) != length(p))
      stop("Length of p and w must equal!")
  Zi = ifelse(p > 0.5, qnorm(1-p), -qnorm(p)) 
  Z  = sum(w*Zi)/sqrt(sum(w^2))
  p.val = 1-pnorm(Z)
  return(c(Z = Z, p.value = p.val))

#helper function calculating the posterior of clonalities being the same
sameClone = function(clonality, error, prior = 0.99) {
  first = 1:(length(clonality)-1)
  second = 2:length(clonality)
  totalError = sqrt(error[first]^2 + error[second]^2)
  sigma = abs(clonality[first]-clonality[second])/totalError
  pval = 2*pnorm(-sigma, mean=0, sd=1)
  #alternative hypothesis is a flat distribution on difference in clonality from -0.5 to 0.5.
  post = pval*prior/(pval*prior + totalError*(1-prior))


#helper function that use neighbours to study the variance estimate
#will add a constant to width to correct for underrestimated variance
boostCRwidth = function(CR, plot=F) {
  CR = CR[order(CR$x1),]
  x = (CR$x1+CR$x2)/2
  x = (-1000:1000)/100
  y1 = rt(100000, CR$df[1])
  y2 = rt(100000, CR$df[1])
  the = median(abs(y1-y2))

  last = nrow(CR)
  changeBoost = function(boost) median(abs((CR$M[-1]-CR$M[-last])/sqrt((CR$width[-1]+boost)^2+(CR$width[-last]+boost)^2)))
  testRange = (0:1000)/1000
  changes = sapply(testRange, changeBoost)
  widthBoost = testRange[max(c(1, which(changes > the)))]

  if ( widthBoost > 0 ) catLog('Boosted biological variance of LFC by ', widthBoost, '.\n', sep='')
  else catLog('No boost needed for biological variance.\n')

  if ( plot ) {
    maxDev = max(abs(y1-y2), abs((CR$M[-1]-CR$M[-last])/sqrt((CR$width[-1])^2+(CR$width[-last])^2)),
    breaks = (0:500)/500*maxDev
    xmax = quantile(abs((CR$M[-1]-CR$M[-last])/sqrt((CR$width[-1])^2+(CR$width[-last])^2)), probs=0.99)
    h0 = hist(abs(y1-y2), plot=T, breaks=breaks, col='grey', xlab='difference/sqrt(width1^2 + width2^2)',
      ylab='#regions', main='LFC difference of neighbouring regions', freq=F, xlim=c(0, xmax))
    h1 = hist(abs((CR$M[-1]-CR$M[-last])/sqrt((CR$width[-1])^2+(CR$width[-last])^2)), plot=F, breaks=breaks)
    h2 = hist(abs((CR$M[-1]-CR$M[-last])/sqrt((CR$width[-1]+widthBoost)^2+(CR$width[-last]+widthBoost)^2)), plot=F, breaks=breaks)
    lines(h1$mids, h1$density, col=mcri('blue'), lwd=5)
    lines(h2$mids, h2$density, col=mcri('red'), lwd=3)
    legend('topright', c('expected', 'no boost', 'boosted variance'), lwd=c(10, 5, 3),
           col=mcri(c('grey', 'blue', 'red')))

    ymax = max(changes, the)
    plot(testRange, changes, type='l', lwd=3, col=mcri('blue'), xlab='width boost', ylab='median difference',
         main='boost optimisation curve', ylim=c(0, ymax), xlim=c(0, max(min(1, 1.5*widthBoost), 0.2)))
    segments(widthBoost, 0, widthBoost, 2*xmax, lwd=3, col=mcri('red'))
    segments(-1, the, 1, the, lwd=3, col=mcri('grey'))
    legend('topright', c('median difference', 'expected median', 'selected boost'), lwd=c(3,3,3),
           col=mcri(c('blue', 'grey', 'red')), bg='white')
  CR$width = CR$width + widthBoost

#helper function that corrects variance in RNA-Seq mode.
#identifies housekeeping genes with high (but not too high) expression
#and nto too high variance in reference normals. Increases variance of other genes.
#then runs the same variance boost alrogithm based on neighbours, but using 90% quantile instead of median to tune.
getCorrectedCR = function(CR, fit, plot=F) {
  houseExpression = quantile(fit$Amean, probs=c(0.65, 0.98)) #housekeeping = 65%-98% expression quantile
  maxPenalty = 1
  distance = pmax(noneg(fit$Amean-houseExpression[2]), noneg(houseExpression[1]-fit$Amean))
  expressionPenalty = pmin(maxPenalty,2*distance/(houseExpression[2]-houseExpression[1]))
  correctedWidth = CR$width + expressionPenalty
  houseVariance = quantile(correctedWidth[expressionPenalty==0], probs=c(0.5, 0.95)) #penalty for top 50% most variable housekeeping genes.
  maxPenalty = 1
  distance = noneg((correctedWidth-houseVariance[1]))
  variancePenalty = pmin(maxPenalty,maxPenalty*distance/(houseVariance[2]-houseVariance[1]))
  correctedWidth = correctedWidth + variancePenalty

  housekeeping = expressionPenalty + variancePenalty == 0
  boost = boostCRwidthRNA(CR[housekeeping,], plot=plot, quant=0.9)
  ret = CR
  ret$width = correctedWidth + boost

boostCRwidthRNA = function(CR, plot=F, quant=0.5) {
  CR = CR[order(CR$x1),]
  x = (CR$x1+CR$x2)/2
  x = (-1000:1000)/100
  y1 = rt(100000, CR$df[1])
  y2 = rt(100000, CR$df[1])
  the = quantile(abs(y1-y2), probs=quant)

  last = nrow(CR)
  changeBoost = function(boost) quantile(abs((CR$M[-1]-CR$M[-last])/sqrt((CR$width[-1]+boost)^2+(CR$width[-last]+boost)^2)), probs=quant)
  testRange = (0:1000)/1000
  changes = sapply(testRange, changeBoost)
  widthBoost = testRange[max(c(1, which(changes > the)))]

  if ( widthBoost > 0 ) catLog('Boosted biological variance of LFC by ', widthBoost, '.\n', sep='')
  else catLog('No boost needed for biological variance.\n')

  if ( plot ) {
    maxDev = max(abs(y1-y2), abs((CR$M[-1]-CR$M[-last])/sqrt((CR$width[-1])^2+(CR$width[-last])^2)),
    breaks = (0:500)/500*maxDev
    xmax = quantile(abs((CR$M[-1]-CR$M[-last])/sqrt((CR$width[-1])^2+(CR$width[-last])^2)), probs=0.99)
    h0 = hist(abs(y1-y2), plot=T, breaks=breaks, col='grey', xlab='difference/sqrt(width1^2 + width2^2)',
      ylab='#regions', main='LFC difference of neighbouring regions', freq=F, xlim=c(0, xmax))
    h1 = hist(abs((CR$M[-1]-CR$M[-last])/sqrt((CR$width[-1])^2+(CR$width[-last])^2)), plot=F, breaks=breaks)
    h2 = hist(abs((CR$M[-1]-CR$M[-last])/sqrt((CR$width[-1]+widthBoost)^2+(CR$width[-last]+widthBoost)^2)), plot=F, breaks=breaks)
    lines(h1$mids, h1$density, col=mcri('blue'), lwd=5)
    lines(h2$mids, h2$density, col=mcri('red'), lwd=3)
    legend('topright', c('expected', 'no boost', 'boosted variance'), lwd=c(10, 5, 3),
           col=mcri(c('grey', 'blue', 'red')))

    ymax = max(changes, the)
    plot(testRange, changes, type='l', lwd=3, col=mcri('blue'), xlab='width boost', ylab='median difference',
         main='boost optimisation curve', ylim=c(0, ymax), xlim=c(0, max(min(1, 1.5*widthBoost), 0.2)))
    segments(widthBoost, 0, widthBoost, 2*xmax, lwd=3, col=mcri('red'))
    segments(-1, the, 1, the, lwd=3, col=mcri('grey'))
    legend('topright', c('median difference', 'expected median', 'selected boost'), lwd=c(3,3,3),
           col=mcri(c('blue', 'grey', 'red')), bg='white')
  #CR$width = CR$width + widthBoost

#plotting function for diagnostic plot of calls. Good for spotting failed average CNV, or dubious calls in general.
plotMAFLFC = function(clusters, xlim=c(-1.2, 1.2)) {
  plot(0, type='n', xlim=xlim, ylim=c(0, 0.5), xlab='LFC', ylab='MAF')
  clonalities = (0:500)/500
  markClonalities = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75)
  for ( call in c('AB', 'CL', 'A', 'AA', 'AAA', 'AAAA', 'AAAAA', 'AAB', 'AAAB', 'AAAAB', 'AABB', 'AAABB') ) {
    fMs = callCloneTofM(call, clonalities)
    points(fMs[,2], fMs[,1], pch=16, cex=2*clonalities, col=callsToColMaypole(call))
    markFMs = callCloneTofM(call, markClonalities)
    if ( call != 'AB' ) points(markFMs[,2], markFMs[,1], pch=4, cex=4*markClonalities,, lwd=2, col=callsToColMaypole(call))
    text(fMs[round(length(clonalities)*0.6),2]+0.05, fMs[round(length(clonalities)*0.6),1]+0.01, call, col=callsToColMaypole(call))
  w = sqrt(clusters$width^2 + getSystematicVariance()^2)
  f = clusters$f
  ferr = ifelse(clusters$cov == 0, 0.25, clusters$ferr)
  f = ifelse(clusters$cov == 0, 0.25, f)
  if ( !('call' %in% names(clusters)) ) clusters$call = rep('', nrow(clusters))
  points(clusters$M, f, pch=16, cex = pmin(1.5,pmax(0.2, sqrt((0.1/(w/2))^2 + (0.1/(ferr/0.5))^2))), col=callsToColMaypole(clusters$call))
  segments(clusters$M+w, f, clusters$M-w, f,
           lwd = pmin(1.5,pmax(0.2, 0.1/(w/2))), col=callsToColMaypole(clusters$call))
  segments(clusters$M, f+ferr, clusters$M, f-ferr,
           lwd = pmin(1.5,pmax(0.2, 0.1/(ferr/0.5))), col=callsToColMaypole(clusters$call))
  legend('topright', paste0('clonality=',markClonalities), pch=4, pt.cex=4*markClonalities, pt.lwd=2)
#helper function
callCloneTofM = function(call, clonality) {
  fM = callTofM(call)
  M = log2(2^fM['M']*clonality + 1 - clonality)
  f = (fM['f']*2^fM['M']*clonality + (1-clonality)/2)/(2^fM['M']*clonality + 1 - clonality)
  return(cbind(f, M))
#helper function
callsToColMaypole = function(calls) {
  return(sapply(calls, callToColMaypole))
callToColMaypole = function(call) {
  alpha = if ( grepl('\\?', call) ) 0.3 else 1
  call = gsub('\\?', '', call)
  if ( call == 'AB' ) return(mcri('black', alpha))
  if ( call == 'A' ) return(mcri('red', alpha))
  if ( call == 'AAB' ) return(mcri('cyan', alpha))
  if ( call == 'AAAB' ) return(mcri('orange', alpha))
  if ( call == 'AAAAB' ) return(mcri('green', alpha))
  if ( call == 'AAAAAB' ) return(mcri('darkred', alpha))
  if ( call == 'AAAAAAB' ) return(mcri('darkred', alpha))
  if ( call == 'AA' ) return(mcri('green', alpha))
  if ( call == 'CL' ) return(mcri('orange', alpha))
  if ( call == 'AABB' ) return(mcri('purple', alpha))
  if ( call == 'AAA' ) return(mcri('blue', alpha))
  if ( call == 'AAAA' ) return(mcri('grey', alpha))
  if ( call == 'AAAAA' ) return(mcri('darkred', alpha))
  if ( call == 'AAABB' ) return(mcri('darkred', alpha))
  if ( nchar(call) > 5 ) return(mcri('darkred', alpha))
  return(mcri('black', alpha))

shortenCalls = function(calls) {
  calls = gsub(' AAAAB', ' 4AB', calls)
  calls = gsub(' AAAAAB', ' 5AB', calls)
  calls = gsub(' AAAAAAB', ' 6AB', calls)
  calls = gsub(' AAAAAAAAAB', ' 9AB', calls)
  calls = gsub(' AAAAAAAAAAAAAB', ' 13AB', calls)
  calls = gsub(' AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB', ' 19AB', calls)
  calls = gsub(' AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB', ' 27AB', calls)
  calls = gsub(' AAAAAAAABB', ' 8ABB', calls)
  calls = gsub(' AAAAAAAAAAAABB', ' 12ABB', calls)
  calls = gsub(' AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABB', ' 18ABB', calls)
  calls = gsub(' AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABBB', ' 25ABBB', calls)

#function that checks for large regions with fewer than expected het SNPs
#This can be a sign of clonal LOH that is hard to find without matched normals
checkForMissedLOH = function(cancerVariants, genome, binsize=3e6, cpus=1) {
  #count number of het and hom variants, binned across the genome
  hr = getHetRatio(cancerVariants, genome=genome, binsize=binsize, plot=F)
  hr = identifyTooLowHetRatio(hr, genome=genome, binsize=binsize)
  protectedHets = selectedProtectedHets(cancerVariants, hr, genome)

  #check global rate of het vs hom SNPs, if not enough, don't even bother trying
  #cluster by chromosome

  #check for large enough regions, larger than 10MBs seems reasonable
  #also require enough covered area in the region (sum x2-x1)

  #test if the fraction of het/hom SNPs is way below expected
  #also want the total number of hets to be below expected

  #for those regions, switch some of the hom variants to het status to closer match expected fraction.

#this function take a fit object across genes, and corrects fit$coefficients for regional GC content.
#correction is done with a loess, and the function returns the fit object with corrected coefficients.
regionalGCcorrect = function(fit, captureRegions, genome, plotDirectory, regionRange=1e6, plot=T) {
	catLog('Calculating regional binding strength...')
	chrs = as.character(seqnames(captureRegions))
	mids = (start(captureRegions)+end(captureRegions))/2
	ws = end(captureRegions)-start(captureRegions)
	dns = captureRegions$dn
	#-1 dns are regions with lots on N bases. set weight to essentially zero and token dn.
	ws[dns < 0] =  1
	dns[dns < 0] = mean(dns)
	regionalGC = lapply(unique(fit$chr), function(chr) {
		capturePos = mids[chrs==chr]
		captureWs = ws[chrs==chr]
		captureDns = dns[chrs==chr]
		ret = sapply(xToPos(fit$x[fit$chr==chr], genome=genome), function(mid) {
			hits = abs(capturePos-mid) < regionRange
	regionalGC = unlist(regionalGC)
	fit$regionalGC = regionalGC
	#plot regional GC
	regionalPlotDir = paste0(plotDirectory, '/diagnostics/regionalBS')
	plotFile = paste0(regionalPlotDir, '/regionalBS.pdf')
	pdf(plotFile, width=20, height=10)
	ylim = c(min(fit$regionalGC),max(fit$regionalGC))
	plotColourScatter(fit$x, fit$regionalGC, ylim=ylim,
	                  xlab='genomic position', ylab='regional binding strength', main='genomewide')
	superFreq:::addChromosomeLines(ylim=ylim, col=mcri('green'), genome=genome)
	for ( chr in names(chrLengths(genome)) ) {
		use = fit$chr == chr
		if ( !any(use) ) next
		plotColourScatter(xToPos(fit$x[use], genome), fit$regionalGC[use], ylim=ylim, cex=1.5,
	                      xlab='genomic position', ylab='regional binding strength', main=paste0('chr', chr))

	catLog('done.\nNow correct LFC based on regional binding strength by sample: ', sep='')
	plotFile = paste0(regionalPlotDir, '/regionalBScorrection.pdf')
	pdf(plotFile, width=20, height=10)
	for ( sampleName in colnames(fit$coefficients) ) {
		w = fit$coefficients[,sampleName]/fit$t[,sampleName]
		plotColourScatter(fit$regionalGC, fit$coefficients[,sampleName], cex=pmin(2,0.3/w), ylim=c(-5,5), xlab='regional binding strength', ylab='LFC', main=sampleName)
		lo = loess(cov~dn, data=data.frame(cov=fit$coefficients[,sampleName], dn=fit$regionalGC),weights=1/w^2, span=0.3, degrees=1, trace.hat='approximate', family='symmetric')
		lines((500:1500)/100, predict(lo, (500:1500)/100), lwd=5, col=mcri('orange'))
		corrections = predict(lo, fit$regionalGC)
		fit$coefficients[,sampleName] = fit$coefficients[,sampleName] - corrections
		fit$t[,sampleName] = fit$coefficients[,sampleName]/w
		catLog(sampleName, ' (max correction ', signif(max(abs(corrections-mean(corrections))), 2), '), ', sep='')

selectedProtectedHets = function(q, hr, genome, binsize=3e6) {
	hr$addHets = round(hr$addHets)
	if ( sum(hr$addHets) == 0 ) return(c())
	qBAF = extractqBAF(q)
	isHom = qBAF$var > 0.95*qBAF$cov
	breaks = unique(sort(c(0:ceiling(sum(chrLengths(genome))/binsize), cumsum(chrLengths(genome))/binsize)))
	changeToHetList = lapply(which(hr$addHets > 0), function(bin) {
		xmin = breaks[bin]*binsize
		xmax = breaks[bin+1]*binsize
		homs = qBAF$x > xmin & qBAF$x < xmax & isHom
		qHom = qBAF[homs,]
		#from the available homozygous variants, pick lowest VAF, and close to median coverage
		changeToHet = rownames(qHom)[order(qHom$var/qHom$cov,
	protectedHets = unlist(changeToHetList)

getHetRatio = function(q, genome, binsize=3e6, plot=F) {
	qBAF = extractqBAF(q)
	isHom = qBAF$var > 0.95*qBAF$cov
	breaks = unique(sort(c(0:ceiling(sum(chrLengths(genome))/binsize), cumsum(chrLengths(genome))/binsize)))
	homs = hist(qBAF$x[isHom]/binsize, breaks=breaks,plot=F)
	hets = hist(qBAF$x[!isHom]/binsize, breaks=breaks,plot=F)
	ret = data.frame('hom'=homs$counts, 'het'=hets$counts, 'mid'=homs$mids*binsize)
	if ( plot ) plotHR(ret, genome=genome)
extractqBAF = function(q) {
	return(q[q$flag %in% c('', 'Svr') & q$exac & q$exacFilter == 'PASS' & q$exacAF > 0.01 & q$cov > 20 & q$var > 0.05*q$cov,])

plotHR = function(hr, genome, trend=F, add=F, col='black', drawMean=T, binBlur=5) {
	meanHR = sum(hr$het)/sum(hr$hom+hr$het)
	xmax = sum(chrLengths(genome))
	if ( !add ) {
		plot(0, type='n', ylim=c(0,1), xlim=c(0, xmax), xlab='genomic position', ylab='fraction SNPs het')
		superFreq:::addChromosomeLines(genome=genome, col=mcri('green'))
	if ( drawMean ) segments(0, meanHR, xmax, meanHR, lwd=3, col='grey')

	chrL = chrLengths(genome)
	if ( trend ) {
		for ( chr in names(chrL) ) {
			use = hr$mid < cumsum(chrL)[chr] & hr$mid > cumsum(chrL)[chr] - chrL[chr]
			if ( sum(use) < 5 ) next
			hom = superFreq:::multiBlur(hr$hom[use], 1, binBlur)
			het = superFreq:::multiBlur(hr$het[use], 1, binBlur)
			lines(hr$mid[use], het/(het+hom), lwd=1, col=mcri('orange'))		
	points(hr$mid, hr$het/(hr$het+hr$hom), pch=16, cex=sqrt(hr$hom/10), col=col)

multiBlur = function(x, range, repeats) {
  if ( repeats == 0 ) return(x)
  for ( i in 1:repeats )
    x = blurN(x, range)

blurN = function(vec, M) {
  N = length(vec)
  vec = c(rev(vec), vec, rev(vec))
  ret = 1:N
    for(i in 1:N) {
    ret[i] = sum(vec[N + (i-M):(i+M)])/(2*M+1)

identifyTooLowHetRatio = function(hr, genome, binsize=3e6, binBlur=5) {
	#genomwide rates
	autosomal = !(xToChr(hr$mid, genome) %in% c('X', 'Y', 'M'))
	meanHetsPerBin = binsize*sum(hr$het[autosomal])/max(hr$mid[autosomal])
	meanHetFrac = sum(hr$het[autosomal])/sum((hr$hom+hr$het)[autosomal])
	#if het rates to low genomewide, then we dont have power to detect regions
	#where it's too low. Then just return without adjustments.
	hr$addHets = 0
	if ( meanHetsPerBin < 1 ) {
	#find bins that are suspiciously low on hets, both in absolute rate and wrt homs.
	#also needs enough homs to provide power
	chrL = chrLengths(genome)
	chrL = chrL[!(names(chrL) %in% c('X', 'Y', 'M'))]
	for ( chr in names(chrL) ) {
		use = hr$mid < cumsum(chrL)[chr] & hr$mid > cumsum(chrL)[chr] - chrL[chr]
		if ( sum(use) < 5 ) next
		hom = multiBlur(hr$hom[use], 1, binBlur)
		het = multiBlur(hr$het[use], 1, binBlur)
		correctRatioP = pbinom(round(het), round(het+hom), meanHetFrac)
		correctHetCountP = ppois(het, meanHetsPerBin)
		#significantly few hets
		tooFewHets = correctRatioP < 0.01 & correctHetCountP < 0.01 & het < 0.3*meanHetFrac*(het+hom)
		#few hets, but maybe not significantly
		fewHets = het < 0.5*meanHetFrac*(het+hom) & het < meanHetsPerBin*0.5
		#bins with fewHets with neighbouring bins with tooFewhets are also tooFew. Recur.
		N = length(hom)
		while( TRUE ) {
			spread = fewHets & !tooFewHets & (tooFewHets[c(2:N,N)] | tooFewHets[c(1,1:(N-1))])
			if ( !any(spread) ) break
			tooFewHets[spread] = T
		#if too few hets, request relabelling some of the homs into hets.
		#relabel enough to bring it to half the global mean rate.
		#should be enough power to call LOH downstream, but will limit damage of FPs.
		hr$addHets[use] = tooFewHets*((hr$het+hr$hom)[use]*meanHetFrac/2 - hr$het[use])
ChristofferFlensburg/superFreq documentation built on July 8, 2024, 7:51 a.m.