
Defines functions bootstrap_enrichment_test

Documented in bootstrap_enrichment_test

#' Bootstrap cell type enrichment test
#' \code{bootstrap_enrichment_test} takes a genelist and a single cell type
#' transcriptome dataset and determines the probability of enrichment and fold
#' changes for each cell type.
#' @param sct_data List generated using \link[EWCE]{generate_celltype_data}.
#' @param hits List of gene symbols containing the target gene list.
#' Will automatically be converted to human gene symbols
#' if \code{geneSizeControl=TRUE}.
#' @param bg List of gene symbols containing the background gene list
#' (including hit genes). If \code{bg=NULL},
#'  an appropriate gene background will be created automatically.
#' @param genelistSpecies Species that \code{hits} genes came from
#' (no longer limited to just "mouse" and "human").
#' See \link[EWCE]{list_species} for all available species.
#' @param sctSpecies Species that \code{sct_data} is currently formatted as
#' (no longer limited to just "mouse" and "human").
#' See \link[EWCE]{list_species} for all available species.
#' @param sctSpecies_origin Species that the \code{sct_data} 
#' originally came from, regardless of its current gene format 
#' (e.g. it was previously converted from mouse to human gene orthologs).
#'  This is used for computing an appropriate backgrund.
#' @param output_species Species to convert \code{sct_data} and \code{hits} to
#' (Default: "human").
#' See \link[EWCE]{list_species} for all available species.
#' @param reps Number of random gene lists to generate (\emph{Default: 100},
#'  but should be >=10,000 for publication-quality results).
#' @param no_cores Number of cores to parallelise
#' bootstrapping \code{reps} over.
#' @param annotLevel An integer indicating which level of \code{sct_data} to
#' analyse (\emph{Default: 1}).
#' @param geneSizeControl Whether you want to control for
#' GC content and transcript length. Recommended if the gene list originates
#' from genetic studies (\emph{Default: FALSE}).
#' If set to \code{TRUE}, then \code{hits} must be from humans.
#' @param controlledCT [Optional] If not NULL, and instead is the name of a
#' cell type, then the bootstrapping controls for expression within that
#' cell type.
#' @param sort_results Sort enrichment results from
#'  smallest to largest p-values.
#' @param mtc_method Multiple-testing correction method
#' (passed to \link[stats]{p.adjust}).
#' @param verbose Print messages.
#' @param localHub If working offline, add argument localHub=TRUE to work 
#' with a local, non-updated hub; It will only have resources available that
#' have previously been downloaded. If offline, Please also see BiocManager
#' vignette section on offline use to ensure proper functionality. 
#' @param standardise_hits Should \code{hits} be standardised? 
#' If \code{TRUE}:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{When \code{genelistSpecies!=output_species}, 
#'  the genes will be converted to the orthologs of the \code{output_species}
#'  with \link[orthogene]{convert_orthologs}.
#'  }
#' \item{When \code{genelistSpecies==output_species}, 
#'  the genes will be standardised with \link[orthogene]{map_genes}.
#'  }
#' } 
#' If \code{FALSE}, \code{hits} will be passed on to subsequent steps as-is.
#' @param standardise_sct_data Should \code{sct_data} be standardised? 
#' if \code{TRUE}:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{When \code{sctSpecies!=output_species}
#'  the \code{sct_data} will be checked for object formatting and 
#'  the genes will be converted to the orthologs of the \code{output_species} 
#'  with \link[EWCE]{standardise_ctd}
#'   (which calls \link[orthogene]{map_genes} internally).
#' }
#' \item{When \code{sctSpecies==output_species},
#'  the \code{sct_data} will be checked for object formatting 
#'  with  \link[EWCE]{standardise_ctd}, but the gene names 
#'  will remain untouched.
#'  }
#' }
#' @param store_gene_data Store sampled gene data for every bootstrap iteration.
#' When the number of bootstrap \code{reps} is very high (>=100k) and/or
#'  the number of genes in \code{hits} is very high, you may want
#'  to set \code{store_gene_data=FALSE} to avoid using excessive amounts of 
#'  CPU memory.
#' @inheritParams orthogene::convert_orthologs
#' @returns A list containing three elements:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{hit.cells}: vector containing the summed proportion of
#'   expression in each cell type for the target list.
#'   \item \code{gene_data: } data.table showing the number of time each gene 
#'    appeared in the bootstrap sample.
#'   \item \code{bootstrap_data}: matrix in which each row represents the
#'   summed proportion of expression in each cell type for one of the
#'   random lists
#'   \item \code{controlledCT}: the controlled cell type (if applicable)
#' }
#' @examples
#' # Load the single cell data
#' sct_data <- ewceData::ctd()
#' # Set the parameters for the analysis
#' # Use 3 bootstrap lists for speed, for publishable analysis use >=10,000
#' reps <- 3
#' # Load gene list from Alzheimer's disease GWAS
#' hits <- ewceData::example_genelist()
#' # Bootstrap significance test, no control for transcript length or GC content
#' full_results <- EWCE::bootstrap_enrichment_test(
#'     sct_data = sct_data,
#'     hits = hits,
#'     reps = reps,
#'     annotLevel = 1,
#'     sctSpecies = "mouse",
#'     genelistSpecies = "human")
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange desc
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust sd
#' @importFrom orthogene create_background
bootstrap_enrichment_test <- function(sct_data = NULL,
                                      hits = NULL,
                                      bg = NULL,
                                      genelistSpecies = NULL,
                                      sctSpecies = NULL, 
                                      sctSpecies_origin = sctSpecies,
                                      output_species = "human",
                                      method = "homologene",
                                      reps = 100,
                                      no_cores = 1,
                                      annotLevel = 1,
                                      geneSizeControl = FALSE,
                                      controlledCT = NULL,
                                      mtc_method = "BH",
                                      sort_results = TRUE,
                                      standardise_sct_data = TRUE,
                                      standardise_hits = FALSE,
                                      # min_genes = 4,
                                      verbose = TRUE,
                                      localHub = FALSE,
                                      store_gene_data = TRUE) {
    # devoptera::args2vars(bootstrap_enrichment_test)
    # #' @param min_genes The minimum number of genes in \code{hits} that are 
    # #' also in the single cell dataset & background gene set.
    #### Set min_genes ####
    min_genes <- Sys.getenv("min_genes")
    min_genes <- if(min_genes=="") 4 else as.numeric(min_genes) 
    #### Set cores ####
    core_allocation <- assign_cores(
        worker_cores = no_cores,
        verbose = verbose
    #### Check controlledCT ####
    controlledCT <- fix_celltype_names(celltypes = controlledCT)
    #### Check species ####
    species <- check_species(
        genelistSpecies = genelistSpecies,
        sctSpecies = sctSpecies,
        sctSpecies_origin = sctSpecies_origin
    genelistSpecies <- species$genelistSpecies
    sctSpecies <- species$sctSpecies
    sctSpecies_origin <- species$sctSpecies_origin
    #### Check bootstrap args ####
        sct_data = sct_data,
        hits = hits,
        annotLevel = annotLevel,
        reps = reps,
        controlledCT = controlledCT
    #### Create background if none provided ####
    #if statement added down to issue with orthogene:
    if(is.null(bg) | 
      bg <- orthogene::create_background(
        species1 = sctSpecies_origin,
        species2 = genelistSpecies,
        output_species = output_species,
        method = method,
        bg = bg,
        verbose = verbose
      bg <- unique(bg)
    #### Convert CTD to standardized human genes ####
    messager("Standardising CellTypeDataset", v = verbose) 
      sct_data <- standardise_ctd(
        ctd = sct_data,
        input_species = sctSpecies,
        output_species = output_species,
        dataset = "sct_data",
        method = method,
        verbose = FALSE
      sctSpecies <- output_species
      standardise_sct_data <- FALSE ## Make sure not to standardise twice
    #### Convert gene list inputs to standardized human genes ####
    checkedLists <- check_ewce_genelist_inputs(
        sct_data = sct_data,
        hits = hits,
        bg = bg,
        genelistSpecies = genelistSpecies,
        sctSpecies = sctSpecies,
        sctSpecies_origin = sctSpecies_origin,
        geneSizeControl = geneSizeControl,
        output_species = output_species,
        min_genes = min_genes,
        standardise_sct_data = standardise_sct_data,
        standardise_hits = standardise_hits,
        verbose = verbose
    #### check_ewce_genelist_inputs converts hits to "human" by default ####
    genelistSpecies <- checkedLists$output_species
    hits <- checkedLists$hits
    bg <- checkedLists$bg
    #### Correct for genesize and gc-content matching ####
    # If using genesize and GC-content matching, generate the sample lists
    if (isTRUE(geneSizeControl)) {
        messager("Running with gene size control.", v = verbose)
        control_related <- prepare_genesize_control_network(
            hits = hits,
            bg = bg,
            reps = reps,
            sctSpecies = sctSpecies,
            genelistSpecies = genelistSpecies,
            localHub = localHub
        control_network <- control_related[["list_network"]]
        hits <- control_related[["hits"]]
        nonHits <- unique(control_related[["list_network"]]) # mouse.bg
        combinedGenes <- c(hits, nonHits) # c(mouse.hits,mouse.bg)
        if (length(hits) != dim(control_network)[2]) {
            err_msg2 <- paste0(
                " WITH LENGTH + GC CONTROLS, size of list_network",
                " is not same length as hits"
    } else {
        messager("Running without gene size control.", v = verbose) 
        nonHits <- bg # mouse.bg
        combinedGenes <- c(hits, nonHits) # c(mouse.hits,mouse.bg)

    lvls <- get_ctd_levels(ctd = sct_data)
    numLevels <- length(lvls)
    for (lv in seq_len(numLevels)) {
        gN <- rownames(sct_data[[lv]]$mean_exp)
        sct_data[[lv]]$mean_exp <-
            sct_data[[lv]]$mean_exp[gN %in% combinedGenes, ]
        sct_data[[lv]]$specificity <-
            sct_data[[lv]]$specificity[gN %in% combinedGenes, ]

    cells <- unique(colnames(sct_data[[annotLevel]]$specificity))
    # GENERATE hit.cells and bootstrap_data IN ONE GO
    messager(formatC(length(unique(hits)), big.mark = ","),
        "hit gene(s) remain after filtering.",
        v = verbose
    if (isFALSE(geneSizeControl)) control_network <- NULL
    #### Get summed proportions ####
    sumProp <- get_summed_proportions(
        hits = hits,
        sct_data = sct_data,
        annotLevel = annotLevel,
        reps = reps,
        no_cores = no_cores,
        geneSizeControl = geneSizeControl,
        controlledCT = controlledCT,
        control_network = control_network,
        store_gene_data = store_gene_data,
        verbose = verbose
    hit.cells <- sumProp$hit.cells
    bootstrap_data <- sumProp$bootstrap_data
    gene_data <- sumProp$gene_data

    messager("Testing for enrichment in", length(cells), "cell types...",
        v = verbose
    count <- 0
    for (ct in cells) {
        count <- count + 1
        # For cell type 'ct' get the bootstrap and target list values
        ct_boot_dist <-
            bootstrap_data[, colnames(sct_data[[annotLevel]]$specificity) == ct]
        hit_sum <- hit.cells[colnames(sct_data[[annotLevel]]$specificity) == ct]
        # Get probability and fold change of enrichment
        p <- sum(ct_boot_dist >= hit_sum) / reps
        # messager(p,v=verbose)
        fold_change <- hit_sum / mean(ct_boot_dist)
        sd_from_mean <- (hit_sum - mean(ct_boot_dist)) /
        ct_root <- ct
        if (count == 1) {
            results <- data.frame(
                CellType = ct,
                annotLevel = annotLevel,
                p = p,
                fold_change = fold_change,
                sd_from_mean = sd_from_mean
        } else {
            results <- rbind(
                    CellType = ct,
                    annotLevel = annotLevel,
                    p = p,
                    fold_change = fold_change,
                    sd_from_mean = sd_from_mean
    } ## End for loop

    #### Sort results ####
    if (isTRUE(sort_results)) {
        messager("Sorting results by p-value.", v = verbose)
        results <- dplyr::arrange(results, p, dplyr::desc(sd_from_mean))
    #### Apply multiple testing correction ####
    if (!is.null(mtc_method)) {
        messager("Computing", paste0(mtc_method, "-corrected"), "q-values.",
            v = verbose
        results$q <- stats::p.adjust(
            p = results$p,
            method = mtc_method
    #### Report results ####
        results = results,
        verbose = verbose
    #### Return results list ####
    full_results <- list(
        results = results,
        hit.cells = hit.cells,
        gene_data = gene_data,
        bootstrap_data = bootstrap_data
NathanSkene/EWCE documentation built on July 11, 2024, 4:19 a.m.