
#' Create multi-assay experiment object.
#' @param study_name study identifier.
#' @param verb print output as MAE is being created
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @return An MAE object containing clinical and multi-'omics data
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
create_mae <- function(
    # Valid study_name-parameters: <list latest valid study names>
    # Level of verbosity
    verb = TRUE,
    ...) {
  # Separate loading of RaggedExperiment required to be able to create MultiAssayExperiment::ExperimentList containing RaggedExperiment-objects
  # NOTE: Normally loading of packages should not be required
  # A better fix is probably possible, although extensive testing didn't provide one that would've helped
  # with the 'Error values must be length 1 but FUN(X[[1]]) result is length 0 ...' error
  # when casting to MultiAssayExperiment::ExperimentList with the list containing both matrices and RaggedExperiment

  if (verb) print(paste("Starting to process:", study_name))
  data_sets <- list.files("data-raw/", pattern = tolower(study_name))
  if (length(data_sets) == 0) {
    stop(paste0("Data for study name ", study_name, " not found; please check spelling"))

  ## Omit any files that do not contain file type '.RData'
  if (verb) print(paste("Found data prior to filtering:", paste(data_sets, collapse = ", ")))
  data_sets <- data_sets[intersect(1:length(data_sets), grep(".RData", data_sets))]
  if (verb) print(paste("Found data post filtering:", paste(data_sets, collapse = ", ")))

  ## 'omics vary from study to study, read in as many as possible
  omics_sets <- strsplit(data_sets, "_")
  # Omit clinical information or custom mapping character string split from the 'omics portion
  omics_sets <- omics_sets[-which(unlist(lapply(omics_sets, FUN = function(z) {
    any(c("clinical", "map") %in% z)
  # 'omics names is concatenated from all strsplit prior to last element (which is presumably "_STUDYNAME.{rda,RData}")
  omics_names <- unlist(lapply(omics_sets, FUN = function(z) {
    paste(z[-length(z)], collapse = "_")
  # Reconstruct paths to omics sets
  omics_sets <- paste0("data-raw/", unlist(lapply(omics_sets, FUN = function(z) {
    paste(z, collapse = "_")
  # Construct a list of 'get' objects for the various omics, load them into environment then construct a list
  omics <- list()
  for (f in omics_sets) {
    omic <- load(f)
    omics[[length(omics) + 1]] <- get(omic)
  # Give correct name for each omics list member
  names(omics) <- omics_names
  if (verb) print(paste0("Omics: ", paste(omics_names, collapse = ", ")))
  # rm(f, omic, omics_names, omics_sets)

  ## Construct whole path to data sets
  data_sets <- paste0("data-raw/", data_sets)

  pheno_name <- load(grep("data-raw/clinical_.*.RData", data_sets, value = TRUE))
  pheno_object <- get(pheno_name)

  map <- data.frame(assay = character(0), primary = character(0), colname = character(0))
  for (i in 1:length(omics)) {
    # GEX/CNA stored as matrices; their sample names are column names
    if (any(class(omics[[i]]) %in% c("matrix", "array"))) {
      map <- rbind(map, data.frame(
        assay = names(omics)[[i]],
        colname = colnames(omics[[i]])
      # RaggedExperiments (for 'mut') store their sample names for mapping differently than ordinary matrices (for 'gex' and 'cna)
    } else {
      map <- rbind(map, data.frame(
        assay = names(omics)[[i]],
        colname = names(omics[[i]]@assays)

  sample_num <- stringr::str_count(pheno_object$sample_name[[1]], "\\|") + 1
  sample_num_names <- paste0("X", 1:sample_num)

  # Format .data as NULL for visibility as it is an internal dplyr structure; will not pass R CMD check otherwise
  .data <- NULL

  map <- map |>
      pheno_object |>
        # dplyr::select(primary = patient_id, sample_name) |>
        # Making replicates the primary unit, so e.g. separate Gleasons, T stage etc can be conserved
        dplyr::select(primary = sample_name, sample_name = sample_name) |>
        tidyr::separate(sample_name, sample_num_names, sep = "\\|") |>
        dplyr::mutate_at(sample_num_names, ~ gsub(".*: ", "", .)) |>
        dplyr::mutate_at(sample_num_names, ~ dplyr::na_if(., "NA")) |>
        tidyr::pivot_longer(!primary, names_to = "omic", values_to = "sample_name") |>
      by = c("colname" = "sample_name")
  ## Changing to using sample names are the primary rather than patient ids

  clinical_object <- pheno_object
  #  clinical_object <- pheno_object |>
  #    dplyr::distinct(.data$patient_id, .keep_all = TRUE)

  clinical_object <- clinical_object |>
    #    dplyr::filter(.data$patient_id %in% map$primary)
    dplyr::filter(sample_name %in% map$primary)

  #  row.names(clinical_object) <- clinical_object$patient_id
  row.names(clinical_object) <- clinical_object$sample_name

  # Generate a MAE-object, generalization to various data compositions done above
  if (verb) print("Final reformatting")
  mae_object <- MultiAssayExperiment::MultiAssayExperiment(
    experiments = MultiAssayExperiment::ExperimentList(omics),
    colData =,
    sampleMap =

  if (verb) print(paste("Checking in attr-fields 'mae_date':", Sys.time()))
  attr(mae_object, "mae_date") <- Sys.time()
  # attr(,"class") gets attached to some columns preventing casting DFrame to data.frame, clear these attr-fields just in case
  for (colname in names(colData(mae_object))) {
    attr(colData(mae_object)[, colname], "class") <- NULL

  if (verb) print(paste("MAE-object successfully created for", study_name))

Syksy/curatedPCaData documentation built on June 3, 2024, 3:10 a.m.